Crazy with Joy . . .

What kind of a crazy person would EVER update her blog if she knew that the previous post would work itself down and become part of internet never-never land?  I really don’t know.  But she would probably like MUSICA when she did it . . .

 As you may have been able to tell, I’ve had a hard time forcing myself to post something new.  I never want to let go of that pool of light called “comments” from that last post!   Before last week I never knew for sure what you might think of A FINE ROMANCE.  Of course I did my best, but self-criticism is one of my middle names (I have other nicer middle names, like cake-baker and cat-feeder).  I’ve been on cloud nine ever since the very first one of you got our book.  Thank you Girlfriends, for your thoughts, lovely words and sentiments.  You, who bought the book even when I was still writing it, sight unseen, because you had faith in me.  I don’t know what to say, I’m so touched.

And today I found out we already have NINE reviews for our book on Amazon, and I KNOW that has to be you girls, because no one has the book so far, but you!  I’m so happy you like it, hap-hap-happy!  It’s like giving your niece a sweater at Christmas and finding out SHE LIKES IT.  You know how good that feels?  Well, times that by a million, and you almost know how happy I am.  Doing this book with you has been a pure treat!  Better than I ever imagined.  So much more fun for me.  I wasn’t alone.  Everything felt good.  Thank you Thank you!  Pretty soon we hit the road, driving across country state to state, where I hope to meet as many of you as possible.  We leave the island at the end of August.  And the clock is ticking!

Our book seems to have started without us . . . this is a photo from Kathy, one of our girlfriends, who took her book up to the gorgeous Mt. Washington Hotel ~ a place I went one time and found some of my dreams. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see the book out on vacation!  She told me she read it while sitting in a rocking chair on that gorgeous porch with the fragrance of the New Hampshire mountains all around!  Lucky book and lucky Kathy!

So here it is, in case you haven’t seen it, here’s our Fine Romance van, all decorated for the trip.  We put a photo of the English Countryside on it!  I think it’s cute, but Joe is still in eye-roll mode.  It’s good we are balanced. 

Please keep your eye on “EVENTS” (in the right-hand column of this blog) to see where it will be stopping and come see us!  Be sure to print out your Girlfriend Name Tags . . . we also have them for the boys now ♥.  They’re on the Events page too.  And we’re still adding bookstores; we have a long way to go, so keep the faith that we will be somewhere relatively (compared to here anyway) near you. ♥  Our first booksigning is on Martha’s Vineyard, next week, the 15th of August at the Bunch of Grapes Bookstore ~ where I had my first book signing ever, all those years ago . . . 

So what else?  Well, I designed the covers for our 2015 Calendars so they could be ready for insert into the manufacturer’s catalog while we’re away.  Yes, 2015!  I thought you might like a preview of the wall calendar ( up there )  Pink!  (And yes, I designed a new Blotter for 2015 too!)  This is why I never know what year it is!  I hope you all got your 2014 calendars, cuz it’s 2013 and time to do that!

Besides that, I’ve been getting things ready for us to go. Cleaning the house, getting it ready for winter actually, because that’s what it will be when we get back home, and we will want it cozy.  We even ordered firewood!  I’m spending extra time hugging the kitties and shooting the rubber band for Jack.  I also updated the I LOVE ENGLAND part of the blog and added our visit to the wonderful house in Chawton where Jane Austen lived and wrote.  I wanted to make sure she got some of the prime real estate of love.   And look what else I found . . .

Joe’s Hat!  They just came in . . . the perfect stocking stuffer!  Isn’t my model adorable?  We got them in a couple of colors . . . I wear berets too, they are cozy and warm and do the job for our winters, but I have to admit, they look cutest on Joe!

And something else new arrived the other day (I do believe in continuous small treats!) ~ something I think you will love too . . .

 Here’s the mock up I made of it with glue and paper . . .

And now, the real thing!  In my time I have very rarely had something manufactured!  Being as small as we are, all the paperwork and time involved makes it prohibitive, plus they have “minimums” which means you have to order a gazillion of anything, and like I said, we are small.  But I started thinking about my favorite tea, and thinking, I need a cute tea tin, and thinking, I’m going to get one made!   And here it is, the very first one, hot off the press.

Here’s the top.

and here’s the side . . .

. . . and here it is on top of my stove.   Then I thought, even though this Tea Tin would work great for cookies, crackers, coffee, marshmallows or just about anything, we probably need some actual TEA for it.  And because I’m partial to my Lavender and Roses Dessert Tea . . .

. . . because, for one thing, it looks like it comes right out of the garden!  So Joe looked around and he found a tea company that would allow me develop my own blend and soon, very soon, bags of this delicious loose tea I took with me to England and described in our book, will be coming into the studio.  I drink my Lavender and Roses “Fine Romance” Earl Grey tea in one of my favorite cups almost every day at 4 pm.  It is the perfect afternoon tea, because with a little honey and some half and half, it’s just like dessert.

“The heart-opening, wink-tippling” tea tradition I love. 

And this is another one . . . my “every-day” tea which we will also be carrying in the web store.  This is the tea I drink every morning.  I like my every-day tea be organic, which is more expensive, but I get it anyway, because as much as I drink of this tea, I think it’s better for my health.  It’s a delicious Earl Grey, with organically grown cornflowers.

We’ll have two kinds of tea in six ounce bags, tucked into the tin ~ OR, if someone just wants one or the other, the teas and the tin will be sold separately.  I’m not really planning to go into the tea business, just these two kinds because they’re my favorites, and for a true lover of tea, I think they would make the perfect gift, either for a friend or for YOU.  (I may not be in the tea business, but I’m definitely in the gift business! 🙂 )

The tins and the tea should be in by the end of September … or is it August?  I forget, we’ll let you know for sure.  My sample Tin is all packed up and ready for the trip! I know I got carried away taking pictures!  It’s actually worse if you’re here, because I take that tin to every room I’m in!  Not used to it yet!  It looks good with the book. 🙂

But to change the subject for a moment, and get us out of the house . . . let’s go up island to the famous old Aquinnah Shop where Joe and I went the other night to watch the sun set . . . past the wonderful rock walls that line the roads . . .

And the beautiful farms overlooking the sea.  It’s been gorgeous these first weeks of August, cool and clear, good sleeping weather, really almost like fall . . .

We left home without a plan, just meandering, and stopped at the Chilmark Church near Beetlebung Corner when we saw the sign out front for their church-made lobster rolls.  We ate them in the car while we drove along.

Lots of people don’t realize how much of the island is just open space . . .

This is the view from our parking space in Aquinnah!

And here’s the view from Joe’s car window…

See where we are?  All the way to the very left side of this map.

We needed to grab hold of as much summer as possible, and this certainly was the night to get some!

A gorgeous sunset.

And now, Girlfriends, we’re almost all caught up … just one more little thing to show you . . .

I told you I’d joined the Beatrix Potter Society, right?  I got an envelope from England the other day . . . You can scroll down in POTTERING ABOUT, and you’ll see they wrote about our book.

We’re now proud card-carrying members and expecting our first Journal and Newsletter in October.  Just one more something to look forward to when we get home.

OK, must go Girlfriends, errands to do today!  Hope you have a terrific day.  I’ve loved every moment of our book writing adventure.  Thank you so much for everything.  Speaking of making dreams come true . . .   XOXO

Ooops, P.S! Rachel, OUR Rachel, sometimes known as Ray, sent this photo of our book actually IN England!!  She also Tweeted this to me today, “Anyone who has lost faith in humanity should RUN to your blog & read the comments.  Amazing women!  Brilliant stuff…xo”

I tweeted back: xo I have known this forever, because of letters I’ve gotten and always had faith because of it. This is the REAL world.

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879 Responses to Crazy with Joy . . .

  1. Ann Y. Adamstown, PA says:

    Love the van….I am hoping you will be somewhere near ! Have fun getting ready for the trip – and getting your home snug and safe for the coming winter. I LOVE summer and being home from school and all that…but I am feeling the call of the Fall….cozy time. Because I am reading books to share with my students now I am saving your book for Fall, in front of the fire, with tea. Seems “Englandy” to me !

  2. Karen P - Wisconsin says:

    Oh, you dear sweet girl! I understand your not wanting to leave the last blog post but I have a feeling that the wonderful comments have only just begun about “our” book! The wave is building….can you feel it?! I can’t tell you how excited I am about the cute new tin and the special Earl Grey Lavender tea! So cute and clever of you to design that cute tin to keep our tea in rather than some ugly old generic bag! 🙂 Love you for it all! Look forward to the booksigning! Stay on Cloud 9….you deserve it! xoxo…KarenP.

  3. Julie Marie says:

    Hi Susan!… yay!… all four of my books arrived in time for my nieces birthday party on Saturday!!!… I had ordered them as Christmas gifts originally, but when they came, I couldn’t resist giving them all theirs… my sister, my nieces and me!… they were the hit of the party!!!… they all loved them, and we are all reading them together (at our own homes) but together, and comparing our favorites, quotes, photos, etc… we are having sooo much fun!… I think my niece loves her book more than the purse which was her actual birthday present from me… love seeing Summer in Martha’s Vineyard… and your new tea tin is fabulous, I can’t wait to order one!… hope your tour is wonderful, I know it will be… I am keeping my fingers cross that you make it to Utah!… Joe looks darling in his beret!… Hi Joe!… and I love your van all painted and ready to go… sending kitty kisses to Jack and Girl Kitty… and much love to you… your new book and me?… yep, it’s a Fine Romance!… xoxo Julie Marie

    • sbranch says:

      I love it Julie Marie! Please say hello to your sister and your nieces! Love picturing that birthday party!

  4. Melina Bush says:

    Finding a new blog post from you is like a letter from an old friend. I always enjoy the whole thing, despite my computer taking forever to load all the pictures! I especially have enjoyed the music you pick to accompany the posts. It reminds me of my parents as I grew up, as the war and post-war years were very special to them, and to me as a young girl. Thank you, thank you, Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      It reminds me of my parents too. Funny, I like it now better than music of my own youth, which I wonder if that’s true these days, if kids like their parents music better than their own.

  5. Kristen says:

    Susan, your book arrived last Friday right before we left for a LONG car trip and it is AMAZING…Thank you so much for writing it. I just love it and had to make myself stop reading it so I could enjoy a little of our trip! You did it perfectly and it is SO fun to go on your walks with you and see what I know I will never in this lifetime be able to. I love it, and I so hope you will have a book signing close to here. Your newest book is a TREASURE! Please do more like it!!!

  6. I just received an e-mail that my Amazon order of the book is shipping a week early. Yeah!

    Good thing I pre-ordered for it was sold out on Amazon as of this morning. I can’t wait for it to arrive.

    Will definitely be ordering the tea and the cute container. My daughter would love it. Come to think of it, so would I. 🙂

  7. Ruthanne says:

    Susan….your book brings me such happiness! I am treasuring it and rereading and rereading bits and pieces as I savor every page. Such a delight. Thank you….life is about special moments and your book provides many! Enjoy the rest of the season…and safe travels…hope to see you along the way!

  8. Rachel Lucas says:

    Just three words from me…Wonderful, Marvellous, Fabulous! Oh… Two more…Love YOU!! Xo

  9. Anne Branco says:

    Susan, I just LOVE the tea tin! Being an herbalist, making tea blends is one of the most fun things that I do. So, I just HAVE TO HAVE one of the tins! Can’t wait. It would also be great for me to give my home made tea blends in as a gift. Thank you, thank you, thank you! AND ANYTHING with tea cups/tea pots on it is a must have for me. It’s all a win, win. Woo hoo! (Can you tell I’m excited yet?) Also love the pictures of the Vineyard. I haven’t been in years. I think it’s time for a field trip! Thank you for all the wonderful little pleasures you keep on giving us. It REALLY is what makes life so wonderful! Anne

  10. julie borg says:

    Dear Susan- Love love love the tea tin! Can’t wait to order it! Having lunch with my girlfriends today to discuss how much we all loved the book! Wish you were here with us!

  11. Carolyn says:

    Susan, Just wanted to let you know I finished your book and absolutely loved it! Each stop was something special. Loved hearing about the food, the pubs, the bunting….everything! I hope my husband and I can travel there some day. I work in a library and just checked out “Portrait of a Marriage”. Now I’m looking for some Pear Cider to enjoy while I read it. Hope your book tour can come close to the Kansas City area. Would love to see you!

  12. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    good morning Susan, good morning girlfriends. I love the tea tin and since I collect them, i’ll looking for this one. the weather there may be gorgeous, its a bit smoky here still, the fires are still burning, well all but one as they have the Brimstone fire contained and under mop up phase now. but the fire closest to us is still burning, 0% contained and for now the resources are being concentrated on the Douglas and Big Windy fire complexes. the fire is still a threat but since it is slow and not growing right now its been put on the back burner so to speak. love the views of Aquinnah, how far is that from your home??? did you mention lobster rolls??? drool drool!!! I love seafood and especially crab and lobster. when it is crab season here we both go nutty. can’t get our fill of it. now that Fall is almost here i’m in my fall nutty mode. I love the Fall, and I can’t wait for it to get here. I was out roaming around yesterday, and noticed that our local historical society found a creative way to mow down the tall grasses and weeds around the local and historical cemetery here, and the local museum, and historical houses, instead of hiring crew to do the work and wasting thousands of dollars in the process, they hire out goats to eat the grasses and weeds down. around 60 goats for the local cemetery and at 25 cents a goat its a bargain and who doesn’t shop for a bargain. plus you get other benefits, as the goats munch they also fertilize the ground, and at the end of the day you milk the goats and have fresh milk to drink or to make cheese from. and goats can clear 1.6 acres a day of grasses and weeds. I just may go myself some goats to munch down the grass and weeds on the lawns and way in the back of the property. since hubby complains so much about mowing and I don’t see why he complains as he uses a riding mower to do the job, goats may just solve that problem as well. off to feed and water the barnyard crowd. have a great day girlfriends. hugs…. 🙂

    • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

      oops forgot to say have a happy trip across the country, drive safe and I do think the beret looks absolutely dashing on Joe!!!

  13. Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

    This was the first time I’ve written a review for Amazon, and I felt rather important knowing that only a select few (The Official SB Girlfriends) had a copy.;) I would have given it 10 stars if I could. That tea caddy is too cute!! Can’t wait to see it in my kitchen and parlor for tea time. Think I’ll start wearing my SB name tag around the house, just because. All the glowing comments on this blog have been fun to read, and I know it’s nothing compared to the love that will shower down on you at all the book signings. That van screams HAPPY and will inspire smiles wherever you roam across America! This morning I am planting a sweet little pink rose bush in honor of your book and our travels through the English countryside. It also inspires smiles.

    • sbranch says:

      Not only do I love it that you reviewed the book, thank you so much, but I especially love your review of the Van! Happy! Yay! Pink roses, like Beatrix Potter. Perfect!

  14. Rhonda D. says:

    Oh my goodness! Susan, your van is something else…awesome! I was wondering if you would be travelling incognito across the country, but I guess the van says it all. And to think we were all a part of that great adventure is so exciting. I had an email yesterday saying that my book has been sent. I’m beyond excited…like Christmas is coming early. Your pictures of the island are so beautiful. So many of them remind me of England…stone walls, narrow roads, trees. You must think you’re back there by times. I adore your new tea tin, especially because I’m a tea lover and a tin collector. It’s perfect…great gift idea for me. I do so love your continuous small treats. Btw, you have the best beret model ever.

    I had a cat scan on July 31st, and an appointment with Dr. on Aug. 1st. She was very pleased with the results. I still have several appointments, tests for the next few months. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. They keep me strong.

    • Rhonda D. says:

      I just read what Rachel had to say about your blog. Somehow I missed it the first time. Beautiful…she is so right. All the “little lights” have come together in one place and are splashing blessings around the world…and all because of what you do Susan. This is the REAL world and I’m so thankful and happy to have found it. God bless you!

      • sbranch says:

        Little lights coming together, making a nice big light, where we can all live and be happy. xoxo

        • Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

          Love, love this “little lights” comment…thank you, Rachel, and thank you too, Rhonda, for bringing it to our attention. I think that should be our official FOSB motto! I’m going to copy it into my “Counting Our Blessings” Day Book. By the way Susan, I treasure that book…have been writing in it since June. I use it as a gratitude journal. Hugs, girlfriends…and Rhonda, an extra one for you!! Hope you’re feeling wonderful.

    • sbranch says:

      Not incognito. But really, I do run a bit under the radar. I’m expecting to BE incognito, despite the blaring van! 🙂 SO happy ~ “pleased with the results” that is just great news!!! Keep it up Rhonda! xoxo praying for you right this very moment.

    • Linda from Lancaster Co. PA says:

      Yea for you, Rhonda! I am glad your test results are so good! God is good…..all the time. We will talk more about Nova Scotia–later!
      Love you!

  15. Pat Stansel says:

    No wonder you love England so much —-or Martha’s Vineyard they really do
    seem very familiar. The drive to Aqinnah looked so much like the English
    Countryside. I feel the elation of all wonderful things happening in your life now!
    It’s all so enchanting!! Glad your drinking it all in.

    • Pat Stansel says:

      Do you ever have an idle moment?

      • sbranch says:

        I’m not good very good with idle. I play Words with Friends if I have to wait even a tiny moment. I play it while we watch TV too. I am only idle on purpose, like when I want to be. Then I can be pretty good at it. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Sometimes I think the island broke off from England and floated away! They do look alike.

  16. Nola Wilson says:

    Love the tea tin. Can’t wait until I can buy one. I have my copy of A Fine Romance and I love every page! So much work and detail. Thank you for sharing your trip with us!

  17. Becky Bruner says:

    Oh, Girl! I got my book on Friday and picked it up at every spare moment, finishing by Wednesday night. Pure magic. Confession: I got misty eyed at the end. (that’s embarrassing) Not sure if I was sad for it to end, or if I was just moved by, well, the whole experience. Anyway, it was a pleasure … and one I plan to share with many. So excited about the tea tin … and the calendars in my future. I find it wonderful that someone whom I have never met brings me this much joy. Thank you, Susan!

  18. Laurie Walt says:

    Hi Susan:-) Never have I Looked so forward to putting my jammies on, crawling into bed, and reading a book! ”The Book”. I have such a hard time-I want to read on, but I never want to finish:-) It has occurred to me that with the support, admiration, and inspiration of friends we can do anything! I know your tea time will be successful because I already love and want one. Love.

    • Laurie Walt says:

      Please moderate me:-)

      • sbranch says:

        You are so moderated. At least this one, I will hunt for the other!

        • Jack says:

          Oh yeah, you have so much time left over you can spend searching for one lost comment out there, somewhere in the ionosphere mixed with trillions of other lost messages and Spam and rejects and cancellations. . .
          ” The Internet is wonderful , but it’s not Perfect!

    • sbranch says:

      Loved your comment … yes, we can! 🙂

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      I agree with you Laura. With supportive people in our life, we can do so much more!!! I will sip to that! 🙂

  19. Silvia Niomi says:

    Hi Susan,

    I finished the book and love, love, loved it. I actually had a lump in my throat when you and Joe finally had to leave England. But, the ending was fun and charming and actually made me feel like coming home to a home you love is just as exciting as going away on a great vacation. The warmth and love that is in your home definitely comes through throughout the pages of your book.

    I, certainly gained a greater appreciation for the context that these wonderful authors lived in and why they produced magical works of literature. England is a place I would love to see some day… It is sooo beautiful and enchanted – if the pictures feel that way, I can only imagine what it must be like for real. As for your wonderful book, it definitely feels like one of my ‘warm and fuzzy’ friends that I will go to often when I need to feel the magic of life.

    Thank you Susan and Joe (and kitties) for sharing with us your lovely ‘take’ on life and thanks for sharing your vacation with us. I think the spirit of Beatrix Potter lives on…. years ago I bumped into her work first, then I found your work and that is how I continue to find others as well. They all have been sources of inspiration to me in one way or another. xoxoxo

    • Silvia Niomi says:

      Uh oh, I think my comment got lost in the puddle…. I just hope you received my comment because I wanted to make sure that you knew I loved your book and to say “Thank You.”

      • sbranch says:

        I am sure it’s here and I will come to it soon, but thank you Silvia!

      • KarenP (Wisconsin) says:

        The computer gremlins seem to have gotten my “love fest” comments, too, Sylvia, from early yesterday. Good thing Susan knows how much we love her!!!! And our book!! Oh! And that adorable tea tin! So thoughtful of you, Susan to think that maybe we’d like your treasured Lavender Earl Grey!! xoxo….Karen P.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, feeling the air and smelling the wildflowers and seeing the expanse, that’s hard to get into a book! But your word “enchanted” really fit as far as I’m concerned. And the connection, between all of us, you can feel that too.

  20. Laurie Walt says:

    I meant tea tin:-) but that means it will be tea time:-) . byyee:-) !!!

  21. Lorraine From White Plains, NY says:

    Sweet! Can we pre-order them?? Put me down for two!

  22. Vicki in Cincy says:

    Hi! I just finished the book last night. It was sad to be at the end, I loved it SO much! It makes me really want to explore England. Thank you again dear Susan. Please think of Cincinnati for your tour!! Have an awesome day!

    • Vicki in Cincy says:

      Just wanted to add that I LOVE the van.:) What a thrill it would be to see that on the highway!! I’d probably have to follow you and then all of us would form a LARGE caravan behind you LOL!!!! (no worries, I am not a stalker 😉 ) How wonderful creative you are…the tea canister…how DO you come up with all these cute ideas? Anyway….I don’t drink hot tea often, but I will find a place for that darling canister in my home. Love ya!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Vicki!

  23. Elaine says:

    Congrats on all of it ! I do love that tea tin very cute ! I hope all goes well with your travel, books and all the wonderful things you do ! Thanks for sharing this adventure with us ! Have a great day !

  24. Pam says:

    So much excitement. The book, the tea tin (with tea), the berets (with lovely Joe) and the Fine Romance car is great. I got my book two days ago and absolutely love it. The tale about your trip to Boston gave me a good old giggle 🙂 I’m half way through it already but have to slow down as I don’t want to finish it!! We’re off to Kent this month, (cousin’s 60th birthday party) but we plan to spend a few days down there and will be visiting some National Trust properties. Good luck with all the book signings hope you have a wonderful time.

  25. Ruth from Pennsylvania says:

    The new SB tea tins have solved my Christmas shopping. Hope when they are available, there are LOTS of them in the online store. Just the very perfect thing to set anywhere in the kitchen. And the new book, Susan, is beyond words. I am thrilled to have it, and will be ordering more for Christmas gifts, to go, of course, with the tea tins. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work and your world with so many of us.

  26. mari1017 says:

    What a fantastic post! I can see why you didn’t want to change your last one – I even printed it out, and it’s on my coffee/reading table next to your “Summer” book (lol and now “Autumn”), but this post is just so wonderful, too. Having been on MV and having been at just about all those photo sites, it brought back some wonderful memories and started some future dreams of returning, hopefully sooner than later 🙂
    I’m still patiently waiting for your new book to arrive in my mail. I can be patient because I will read it in small doses to savor the experience! I still have the NYC Harbor Cam bookmarked from where I watched you and Joe leave and head to the open Atlantic!
    And a blotter calendar coming in 2015 – yeah!!! All set for 2014 🙂
    Happy packing – hope you come near coastal Virginia – I know someone mentioned Norfolk – that would be grand! Thanks, Susan!!! ♥♥♥

  27. Barbara in Napa says:

    Add me to the list, the book is terrific. I have a girl-crush on you! I’ve read all of those books and many at the same age you did…and more. Congratulations on a HUGE success. May it bring you fortune as well as fame. Sounds like Love is taken care of.

  28. Karen S Sassano from PA says:

    Susan, I received my ” A Fine Romance” Last Friday and have been savoring it ever since. Love, love ,love it!!!!! All week I have been making tea, getting comfy and reading real slow trying to make it last as long as possible. Just read the section about James Herriot. I have read everyone of his books many times over and just loved the dear man and his positive and touching take on life. Thank you for your beautiful descriptions and pictures of Yorkshire. Love your wonderful sense of humor, especially your Joe stories:) You have an amazing gift, thank you for sharing. I know I will read “our” book many times over. Best wishes on your book signing tour. Karen

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you. Isn’t it fun how you can feel so very connected to James Herriot when reading his books. You do feel as if you know him, and love him.

  29. Barbara says:

    What a wonderful post Susan. I will be meeting you in Meridith, NH at your book signing and I can’t wait. Its the start of our vacation week and hubby and I are heading up. Glad you included a man name badge however, not sure The Mister will actually wear it.

    • sbranch says:

      No I was afraid of that. Badges in general, badges with lambs on them, and cartoon badges, probably all fail as man fashion. My heart was in the right place. See you in Meredith … it’s OK if He doesn’t wear a badge! 🙂

  30. Nellie says:

    Oh, my! I absolutely LOVE that tin! We are tea drinkers here, each drinking our own little teapot each morning. Not nearly as early as you drink yours, though.:-) Then again in the afternoon the day just seems to call for another.

    Yes, I am enjoying reading my new book! I actually think it is a masterpiece! So beautifully and painstakingly done! How I wish to take the same journey!

    Your trip to Aquinnah is one I would love to repeat. Such a beautiful beach! Also, those lobster rolls from Chillmark sound wonderful! A return trip to Martha’s Vineyard is definitely in order!

    Our recent temperatures have had that “hint” of fall, much earlier than usual. I am certainly not complaining about this season’s more moderate weather.

    Wishing the best as you prepare for leaving to cross the country. What a nice job you have done with the van!

    xo Nellie

    • Nellie says:

      Good to see your book in England in Rachel’s hands!:-)

      • Nellie says:

        It is so exciting to hear your excitement about all the great book reviews! I am reading the book to my husband – at his request – but then I’m reading ahead at other times.:-)

        Is there any chance that you might choose a southern route when you return to MV from CA?

        xo Nellie

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Nellie! Us too, the cicadas are buzzing like crazy, and August has had no dog days so far.

      • Nellie says:

        Nashville would be great! I would head there in a heartbeat! Our oldest daughter lives there.:-) Books-a-Million and Barnes & Noble are our choices here in Knoxville. Right off I-40, too.:-) I’m determined to have a chance to be at a book-signing!:-)

        xo Nellie

  31. Peggy Cooper says:

    I’m only half way through “our book” because I’ve wanted to savor it. I went on the Cunard website this morning and ordered a pamphlet for 2014 crossings. A girl can dream can’t she? My husband has never liked the idea of cruising, but when I mentioned The Queen Mary 2, he said “now that’s a real ship – I might not mind that”. So who knows, maybe it will come to fruition. I’ve been to London several times, but I’ve always wanted to see the Cotswolds and other places, so I’m going to start writing down this dream, and maybe it will come true. Bob has already driven in Ireland (and with a stick shift no less), so I think he could do it in England too. Thanks for all your inspiration. Oh, and today I think I’ll make those lemon cookies that are in the book too :o)

    • sbranch says:

      He can do it, people do all the time (just one of them should not be spatially-challenged, lost-at-all-times, me). Yes, you will love the countryside Peggy! A whole different world, because for one thing, not much of it got bombed during the war as was suffered in London, so less of it is new.

  32. Kellie Badger says:

    Safe travels to you and Joe! Hope you’ll have time to let us know how this road trip is going. Looking forward to getting my copy of “A Fine Romance”.

  33. Toni says:

    Wow, it looks like I’m leaving the first comment today. As always, I enjoy your blog and all the treasures you include. Have a wonderful and safe cross country book signing tour. I hope you get down to the southern California area so I can see you too. And last but not least, thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful book. It was a joy to read.

    • sbranch says:

      My pleasure Toni, thank you so much. I’ll be at Vroman’s in Pasadena for one thing. Maybe I’ll see you there?

  34. Bethany says:

    I just started to read my copy of your book two days ago and already am telling my husband more than he ever wanted to know about you and Joe, and traveling to England. I am soaking in every wonderful word!!! I love that you are a member of the Beatrix Potter Society (must look into that too!). I think your book is now one of my all time favorites… best love story ever, best travel diary and most inspirational! I’m sure you’ll receive lots of love as you go out in your cute van to visit readers! I wish you a great trip and thank you again for sharing your stories with us!!!

  35. Jeanette says:

    Oh, Susan!!!!
    Another perfectly delightful, fabulous, wonderful post!!!! I’ve been checking constantly for an update! What a treat for this Friday eve!

    I received my books! Yes, plural – I got one for a friend! this past weekend, when I was away I might add. How did I find out it came?!? My sweetie pie, husband who knew I was anxiously awaiting it, send me a text with a photo of the outside of the box and said, “guess what arrived today???”!!!! I nearly busted at the seams!!! As soon as I got home the next day, I carefully opened the box and caressed my fabulous book and I’ve had my nose it in ever since!!!
    I adore it and YOU!!! Thanks for capturing our trip so beautifully! I can’t wait to take a trip across the pond myself, sometime in the next few years!
    Hugs and love as you get prepared for your next sojourn! I can’t wait to see you, I’m keeping an eyeball on the “Events” tab to see where you’ll be closest to me here in central IL!
    I saw you last for your “Autumn” book signing in Florida (when I lived there) and you’d just gotten off the Scrapbooking cruise. I still have our photos in my studio!!!
    Oh, yes I’ll be ordering tea in tins too!
    Pip, Pip and Cherrio to you!
    Much love,

  36. Karen S Sassano from PA says:

    P.S. Susan, Don’t worry I don’t believe your “pool of light” will be ending any time soon. Karen:)

  37. Minette says:

    Sue–Please enjoy all of this as you deserve all of the praise and accolades coming your way with the publication of A Fine Romance. There are now 11 comments on Amazon as I added mine this morning!!! I just cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed re-reading the book! It popped up as a book that I might enjoy when I was ordering another book! Well-they got that recommendation right!! Just wanted to share with everyone that in the August issue of the UK Period Living magazine, there is an article on Vanessa Bell’s Charleston House in which the curator is interviewed. She provides additional insight into the Bloomsbury group and the artistic endeavors originating from Charleston but also to the different design and artistic features that Vanessa and her friends incorporated into the interior of the house. Also, I love the new tea tin! It is really charming and bright! Where do you find the time to do all of the creative things you do? The tea sounds lovely as well with roses and lavender. I can just imagine what it must smell like when you open the tin. Another thing to look forward to!

    • sbranch says:

      You just have to bury your nose it it, it’s so wonderful! Thanks for the heads-up on the article about Charleston. And also, thank you for the review on Amazon!!!

  38. Linda P. Bak, CA says:

    Another great post. I am enjoying your book so much. I read the first 60 pages right away and then I had to put it down and finish North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell for book club (great book). Last night I read about your first experience driving in England – I can just picture my husband and me in that situation – it would not have been good at all! The tea sounds delicious – I have enjoyed the Gardening tea you recommended from the Tea Cozy in Cambria so I will be looking forward to trying your concoction. You need to bring some to Remnants of the Past.
    See you in a few months, Linda.

    • sbranch says:

      Mmmm, if you like that, you’ll love my new tea. It’s a bit more mellow with less ground up tea, more larger leaves. See you in SLO Linda!

  39. Marie (Long Beach, California) says:

    Hi Susan! I want you to know, I’m enjoying each and every page of A Fine Romance! I’ve actually been reading each page twice so I don’t miss a thing. Your writing feels like your talking directly to me and it makes me so good. Thank you for taking so much of your time creating this fantastic book. Your printing, the pictures, the art work, everything is PERFECT!!! It’s one I will read again and again. It just makes me happy. With love and happiness to you and Joe for a safe and memorable book signing tour. ♥ Oh, and I can’t wait to order a tea tin, it’s beautiful! 🙂

    • Marie (Long Beach, California) says:

      Well, I guess my comment above was lost in “moderation land” I just wanted to let you know Susan, I loved every single thing about Y(our) book! Thank you, thank you, thank you again! 🙂 ♥

  40. shirley burt says:

    It’s here !!! I waited patiently, received notice yesterday, and here it is. Oh JOY !!! More delightful than imagined and that was pretty delightful. Taking it to the surgeon’s office, where hopefully, my poor husband will have the pins removed and a hard cast applied to his broken wrist. It will ease the pain of waiting. I have read two books while waiting in offices these two weeks.
    Thank you, Thank you for the memories. Next must order tea and can. Beautiful, you have done it again. You never cease to amaze your girlfriends.
    Love and bunny hugs,

  41. Ruth E. Rupp says:

    Dear Susan – – What an exciting post! I’m waiting VERY impatiently for my book to arrive!!!!! I signed up for it INSTANTLY way back when!! And thank you so much for solving some of my major Christmas gifts. Your absolutely Fabulous Susan Branch A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E tins and tea. How fun to have setting on the table or kitchen counter. Remember last Christmas – – I gave all the daughters and daughter-in-laws the mixing bowls, spoons, apple crisp recipes, etc.?? This year I’ll give the tin and tea and each an individual tea cup and saucer, the spoon that holds the loose tea, etc. Now you have my brain going a hundred miles an hour!! 🙂 Wishing you safe travels and tons of fun at your book signings. I am so excited for you. Will also follow you along on your travels! 🙂 Lots of love and many hugs from Minnesota, Ruthie

  42. Judy F. Orange County, CA says:

    Susan, I cannot tell you how much I’m enjoying your book, “Finding Romance”. I keep trying to slow down through it because it such a treat for me to travel along with you & Joe and I don’t want it to end. My husband is having surgery tomorrow morning and I was going to bring along the book to keep me busy but I only have a few pages and I know I can’t hang on. I’ll probably read it many more times and pretend I’m in England too! Thank you so much for all your talents but most of all for sharing them with the rest of us!! Enjoy the book tour, safe travels….BTW, love the van! 🙂

  43. Anna Camano Island,WA says:

    I received my beautiful book (I knew it would be), I browsed through bits and pieces of it and I had to read your romance story with Joe, (very sweet), but I am making myself save it for a pefect fall day, (silly?), I just envisioned reading it that way. Its sitting on my coffee table and I can take a peak if I want to, but the actual pleasure of really reading through is still waiting for me to savor. Its kind of a special treat I’m looking forward to this fall. And now….I see you have made a darling canister I definately Need to have along with some of your special tea, so I think I will enjoy them all together! It sounds so cozy.– I love your story about your fine romance with Joe and I know of course the rest of the book is going to be just as special! I love old and (cute new) kitchen canisters, what a good idea.–You really are so good at reminding people how easy it really is to have a good life and a good time, thanks for sharing your heart with us all. Hope you and Joe have a wonderful road trip together.

    • Anna Camano Island,WA says:

      this isn’t really a reply, I just found something sweet online, the national trust . org uk shop has Royal baby commemorative tea towels, I thought you might like to know that. bye

    • sbranch says:

      Not silly, I really thought the book wouldn’t be here until Fall — that’s why there’s a fire on the first page, so everyone could get cozy! Maybe if you read it now, you’ll forget and can do it all over again in the fall! Thank you Anna!

  44. Carol Maurer ~~ Eureka, CA says:

    Good morning to you Susan and to all the girlfriends out there ~~~ Such a happy day to see a new blog! We sure need our fix. I love the look of the new tea tin that will be coming out. Hope you will be ordering quite a few as I’m sure most of us will want it. Too bad we can’t “pre-order” one 🙂 The country side of your Island is just beautiful! I did not realize that the Island is so large. For some reason, I’ve always thought of it as being small.

    I’m going to wait until we move before having the bookstore see about having you there for a book-signing. I’ve tried finding a contact number that really works on the internet, but to no avail. I’m thinking it will be much easier to just go into the bookstore it’s self. Hopefully, there will still be time. I’ve been keeping track on the ‘event’ page and so far nothing for WA.

    Until later
    Carol M

  45. Susan Martin says:

    Such fun and goings on! I can’t wait to check out the Events page and see if you will be anywhere near me in Pennsylvania. I hope you and Joe have a lovely & safe trip, and just wait until you see how many people honk when they see your A Fine Romance van!
    I loved the mention in Pottering – how fun!
    Take care, dear Susan, and thank you again for our book!

  46. Chris Wells in Knickerbocker W.TX says:

    I wasn’t ready to let go of the other post either! I was so enjoying all the girlfriends’ comments about the book. But I am also excited about the tin and tea.
    And I love the van, even if Joe is still eye rolling. We are sweltering down here, so it’s nice to know SOMEONE somewhere has great sleeping weather. I go to sleep every night listening to the hum of the air conditioner. I don’t think it has shut off for days! but!…….the good news….I leave for Ohio in 21 days and it will be cooler….it just has to be.
    See you in Hudson!
    PS You should be basking in the glow of all the accolades about AFR. Love the idea of pictures of the book on vacation! I will be sure to take it to Stan Hywet Hall in Akron. The hugh estate built by the Seiberling family, founder of Goodyear. The name comes from the old english phrase “stone hewn” and is the closest you will get to England in Akron Ohio! If you have time you should go see it. They have tours.
    see ya soon

  47. Karen K. says:

    Dear Susan,
    I’m SO happy to write and tell you that last Thursday, my youngest son and I were loading up the car to head to the airport to fly out to San Francisco to visit my oldest son, and about an hour before we left, my book arrived in the mail!!Just in time to take on the trip! I read 2/3’s of it on the way out there and finished it on the way home! I loved every word, photo, recipe, tip–just everything about it and can’t wait to buy it for my girlfriends to share it. Thank you so much-I can’t even explain how much I loved it & am wanting to read it again and again. You are indeed the kindred spirit sister I never had!!

  48. Bettina says:

    Love your tea tin (I am a black-Darjeeling-person) and love your painted map as well.

    Thanks for the nice post.
    Best regards from Berlin and take care

    • sbranch says:

      The organic tea I’ve blended is actually Darjeeling based black tea with bergamot and cornflowers. I Darjeeling too, deep dark and delicious!

  49. Angela W in Oklahoma says:

    Hi Susan…Last Saturday I had a day all to myself and curled up with “A Fine Romance”. It’s a good thing I didn’t have anywhere to go all day because I couldn’t put it down. I friend called (she loves you too!!) and asked what I was doing…I said I’m in England with Susan and Joe…she was so excited and wants to read the book when I’m done (actually she is getting one for her birthday soon!!). I throughly enjoyed the trip over on the ship…I want to take that voyage someday…I can’t stop thinking about it…I have an idea!!!…You did a small travel log on Martha’s Vineyard in this post but I’ve been wishing for a tour of the entire island…those of us who live so far away would enjoy it so much!! Thanks for all you do for us girlfriends!!!

  50. Joy Woodman says:

    my husband and I loved visiting Martha’s Vineyard just this past
    June. We were on our final 3 days of a 2 1/2 week trip to New England. It was magical. But I have to say, Martha’s Vineyard was our highlight. In fact, we had booked 2 nights to stay, and added the 3rd night once we got there. Thank you for all the information on your website, it was very helpful. We brought home 3/4 of a grocery bag of shells we picked up every day from the beach. It was a trip we will never forget.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy to hear that Joy. It’s a dangerous place to come in a way, because then it whispers your name forever wanting you to come back.

  51. Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

    What a perfectly lovely August post! It seems that everyone is, like you & Joe, savoring each and every day of beauty and relaxation that we can before the start of school and the fall season! I can’t wait to try the tea – been wanting a new flavor for some time! 🙂
    Here’s hoping for a lot of independent book stores signing you for a stop on your cross country tour! The book is so incredibly wonderful that I’m sipping it like a glass of sherry. . .savoring it each day!
    Cheers to you! 😉

  52. Karen P - Wisconsin says:

    Oh! And I forgot to thank you for designing the tea tin to match my kitchen! So kind of you! 😉

  53. Merry says:

    I was on vacation when I read about the arrival of the books. I was sooo happy to receive the two copies I had ordered. Of course I polished my copy off that very weekend. I loved the the story of how Joe and you met and fell in love ( especially the Boston bouquet of flowers – sigh). The second copy I will present to my mom tomorrow for my birthday. She has been an anglophile for as long as I can remember, taking numerous trips to England, navigating by rail and foot as she had never learned to drive. I cannot wait!

  54. Andrea T. , Ashburn, VA says:

    Are you doing any booksignings in the Washington D.C. area?
    Maybe Barnes and Nobles at Tyson’s Corner?
    I hope so:)

  55. Elaine in Toronto says:

    I’m on the front porch. I see the mail truck stop. The mailman gets out and goes next door with a package. Darn! He gets in the truck. He drives off. He stops. He gets out again and walks up our walk. He has a package in his hand. Your books have arrived! Can’t believe they came so quickly. Haven’t opened them yet. Must get that Pear Cider first. So much for me haunting the mail box, lol. Love your new post. Love your van. And I know I will love your book. Red letter day!

    • Elaine in Toronto says:

      Oh, I do love your book. It’s perfect! Can’t wait to start reading it. I looked for your signature and read page 9 out loud to my husband and I had to stop. So beautiful. Thank you Susan and all the wonderful people you dedicated your book to. It does take a village, doesn’t it?

    • sbranch says:

      Good Job Mr. Mailman!!!

  56. Cynthia Avalos says:

    Love the tin! Thanks again for the book and for taking me along on your trip!

  57. Melissa Olson says:

    Hi Susan ~ I just finished reading your book on my lunch break today and was excited to come back to an email from you too! I received the book last week and read it every day on my lunch break, folding down a lot of interesting pages as I went. I felt like I was on vacation just reading your book and it definitely put a bigger smile on my face. Thank you for sharing your adventure, your insights into enjoying life, and what really matters. I hope this starts a series of Susan Branch travel books…’re like the antithesis of the Accidental Tourist travel series, and I love it! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Oh good … I haven’t read that but I’m glad you enjoyed our book! It was a lot of fun to write, thinking about you all the whole time!

  58. Sara D NW Georgia says:

    Ahhhhh! This is all so exciting! I was already so deeply enthralled by “A Fine Romance”, I have a hard time putting it down. I am enjoying every little corner of it! Now you have thrown us into the excitement of not only a book signing tour, but YOUR OWN TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so pretty and sounds divine!!! As if that is not enough, we can get Joe hats too! You have made my week! 🙂 We love you! XOXOXO 🙂

  59. Shanna says:

    I received my copy of A Fine Romance last Friday, and am in love with it. Your writing truly provides the reader with a sense of being there with you. You have a gift and I appreciate that you share it with us.

  60. phyllis says:

    I love love the tea tin it is soo soo darlin, now don’t get me wrong, when you showed the first picture of the top of the tea tin….I was so excited because I am a tablescaper and I thought, oh my gosh she has these little dessert plates in a box of four…so perfect for a tea party, with all your wonderful painting on them…lol…I then realized it was a tea tin which I love, but you then understand I am still waiting for the wonderful tea plates and perhaps a pot to go with that are of your design, you know you will love that like the ones from Emma…I am sure this will make you laugh, it does me…you work too hard already, I’m just puttin it out there…your friend,,,Phyllis

  61. Carol Deiber says:

    Hope I get to meet you while you’re traveling through!
    On the farm in Iowa,

  62. Verla says:

    Oh Susan! Those name tags are adorable! How I wish my sweet husband was still here, he would be so game to hit the road for the bookstore, (when you get in the Kansas area) wearing OUR name tags, ready to meet you again. We met you in Kansas City when the Autumn Book came out, and while I visited with you, he ate Molasses Cookies with Joe! That is such a lovely memory now. (Tearing up)
    I adore that Tea Tin….gotta get one of those! Sept. is my birthday month, so that will be my “pamper gift” for the month. Thank you for designing it and making it so so cute!

  63. Jackie Bienemann says:

    Thank you so much again for your book. I am savoring every minute of it and don’t want it to end! I love your tea tin and can’t wait to try your favorite tea. So thank you for giving me something else to look forward to. I do hope that you will be in Iowa City, which will be the closest to me that you will probably get on your tour. I am looking forward to seeing you and would gladly drive the 2 hours. Have a great book signing tour! and a safe trip!


  64. Verla says:

    Oh Susan! Those name tags are adorable! How I wish my sweet husband was still here, he would be so game to hit the road for the bookstore, (when you get in the Kansas area) wearing OUR name tags, ready to meet you again. We met you in Kansas City when the Autumn Book came out, and while I visited with you, he ate Molasses Cookies with Joe! That is such a lovely memory now. (Tearing up)
    I adore that Tea Tin….gotta get one of those! Sept. is my birthday month, so that will be my “pamper gift” for the month. Thank you for designing it and making it so so cute! Verla

  65. Georgie Bonsanto says:

    Susan, Now I have tears in my eyes reading your blog post… embracing the end of the journey and finding there’s more! What a true blessing you are to all of us. Now that blessing has come back around to YOU… through the cold mornings, bundled up in sweaters. YOU DID IT! Ok! Kleenex time for me 🙂

    The road to Aquinnah looks like England! I thought you were sharing more of your trip with us! The stone walls are wonderful. Now I see why they suggest in the travel guides, do not ride a bicycle here for safety reasons. Oh My. I will have so little time to explore your dear island. We will use the busses (the ferry was full so we can’t take our car) and hopefully get out to Menemsha to see the sunset and some fresh seafood. Yum!

    The tin looks darling… I will keep watch for it’s arrival… along with your dear beads!

    Are you overwhelmed… can you believe it’s REALLY happening… your trip across country. Your circle of girlfriends has EXPLODED off the map. I know I’m overwhelmed just thinking of our trip to MV next week! I will be packing many girlfriends in my suitcase so they can come along too.

    I’m so looking forward to looking into your eyes and saying… You Did It!

    P.S. I called the church to make sure there would be lobster rolls on Friday! I could hear them smiling when they sensed my excitement 🙂

  66. Jude Jackson says:

    Susan, I am so happy your book is doing well. I haven’t got one yet, but I will! I love everything you write and draw and paint and think about. You are such a positive force and goodness knows we need that. I visited Martha’s Vineyard 24 years ago and I remember driving along the stone lined roads and I thought the country side looked very beautiful. I was so enchanted, so I was delighted when you included those pictures in your post today. It’s a nice memory. Thanks Susan. Love Jude

  67. Susan on Bainbridge Island in Wa. state says:

    Oh Susan! Jo Stafford just started this newsy note from you perfectly!!!! I love the tour around the island…and yes there are more open spaces than I imagined. It is so lovely…with the rock walls and such….we don’t have that on my island….The Van looks GREAT…you will have so many folks across the country making comments, honking their horns and searching you out as you travel West…It will be like a overly decorated “Just Married” car on a honeymoon! You will have the time of your life in the USA also! Be sure and journal!!!! I LOVE the tea and the tin…I definitely will order some of the RoseyLavender tea!!!! Looks soooooo good and the tin is absolutely, positively darling!!!! I will also order a beret for myself! I adore the one on Joe…You are such a lucky woman to have such a wonderful guy in your life…a life time keeper!!!! for sure!…………………………
    Well Dolly, have a great weekend….loved every morsel of your book, but I already said that! and will again go bury my nose in it one MORE time!!!! It is the BEST EVAH! loves to you, Joe and the kiddys….Hope your Dad have a perfect birthday!
    Bye for now, from my Island to Yours….susan

    • Susan on Bainbridge Island in Wa. state says:

      I also see now, that the President and his family will be spending 8 days on MV…..I am sure that that will change a lot of dynamics on your island during their stay. And the traffic, plus all the tourists….my goodness! Enjoy your peace and quiet at your house while you won’t be long and you will be on the road and gone for a few months! Kitty smooches!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      We actually thought about tying shoes to the back of the van. 🙂

  68. nanette from alabama says:

    Susan, I am about to DIE. LITERALLY DIE! My best friend and I made a pact to open our books together, thinking they would not come until we had our annual Autumnal retreat together but they’ve shown up earlier than we’d expected and now we have got to wait until we are together to open them, which will be another month from now! Both books are at my house and I’ve had to put them under lock and key in a back bedroom so I won’t be “overcome” and sneak any peeks! It’s pure torture to see the blog, see the comments and not be able to indulge! Waiting for “Christmas” is really, really hard to do when you are a sixty year old CHILD! Thank you for the lovely world you make for us! We love you!

  69. Sarah Maldonado says:

    My book arrived last week and it is even more than I expected. The artifact photos make me feel like it is my own scrapbook! I’m savoring it a little at a time…sort of like having a new blog from you very day. And now, we get to order tea and a tin, too! I can’t wait. Plus, I’m so enamored with the book that I’m going to order another one for my friend who is from England. I just know she’ll love it! Thank you for taking us on this journey from its inception. I feel like I really am a girlfriend! I’ll be in line to see you when you come this way! XOXOX 🙂

  70. Beth Keser says:

    I am half way through your book -I just love it. I would be done with it, except my family keeps interrupting me. Can’t they make their own dinner and wash their own clothes??? I love the van. I am sure Joe will get used to it soon enough 😉 Thank you for sharing the beautiful sunset! And the new tin -I think they will make great Christmas gifts. I already give your calendars for gifts, so now I will add the tins. My obsession with all things Susan Branch continues….

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, reminds me of that quote by Joan Rivers, “A child of one can be taught not to do certain things such as touch a hot stove, turn on the gas, pull lamps off their tables by their cords, or wake mommy before noon.” You are busy! Thank you Beth!

  71. I have been doing a happy dance since I discovered you are stopping in my neighborhood!!!!!! I’m printing my nametag and can’t wait to see you and the girlfriends (and Joe?) on September 3rd! YAY!!!!!!! 🙂

  72. Andi M says:

    Another coincidence, after reading in your book about the Earl Grey lavender rose petal tea, I went looking for it. I was on the internet searching for a short time when I was interrupted and now look what you have done. Life is funny, can’t wait to order some directly from you. Yeah and yeah again!

  73. Sarah says:

    Oh, Susan, I moved last week and was so scared I wouldn’t get my book before I left. I checked the mailbox one last time and it was there! I squirreled it away in my suitcase so it wouldn’t get lost among all the boxes. My husband laughed at my protective instinct over that book, but I didn’t care. 🙂 I’m still up to my eyeballs in boxes, but last night I decided to get it out and start in. It is wonderful! It felt “familiar” to me to read, as I feel like we were “with” you when you took your trip. I’ve been a fan of yours since I bought your very first book way back when. So I am loving the trip down memory lane of your life since your decided to share it with all of us.

    Thank you for a civilized treat waiting for me each time I can’t unpack another box. I’m just going to pull out your little book and escape! 🙂


  74. Ann says:

    I think we should all stop what we are doing at 4 pm every day and have a cup of tea together! Love that tin. I’m thinking Christmas presents. I joined the Beatrix Potter society, too. I figured I should because I have almost all her books and a lot of Peter Rabbit dishes. Hope you and Joe have a wonderful book tour. You must be coming to the DC/Baltimore area, right? I’d love to meet you.

  75. Lezlee says:

    I bet you feel like the luckiest girl alive just to see the sunset in such a beautiful corner of the world with your guy! All the other stuff is just extra (fantastic extra though:) LOVE the pics!

    • sbranch says:

      Just to put my feet on the dashboard, ride along listening to music, pointing at cows and things, to go see the sunset, is pretty much the best it could be!

  76. Giovanna says:

    Clearly we are not doing our jobs as Blog Girlfriends if you thought, for a moment, we were not ALL totally excited about receiving our pre-ordered copy of “A FINE ROMANCE”….You could print out every copy of your blog and that could be another book! I will confess, your’s in the only blog I follow. I have learned not to wait for the email announcing a new post, if often comes hours later. I keep the blog open in a tab and just refresh it every so often. I’ve been doing this for the last few days and was tickled pink when the birdie sang and I saw a new title!!!

    Please don’t ever stop writing. You have no idea who much you brighten my day and I’m thinking I’m not the only one 😉

    I am looking forward to hearing about all your adventures on the book tour. I’m not sure you’ll make it to “lil Rhody” but if you come to CT or MA look for me proudly wearing my SB name tag 🙂

    The sun is shining on you!

  77. Charlene H. from So. Calif. (S.F.Valley) says:

    WOW…just WOW. How in the world do you do ALL THIS!? Book writing, tea tin designing, calendar creating, date time with Joe, prepping for cross-country trip, etc., AND responding to our comments! You must have 48 hour days in MV! You are amazing.
    I am still in process of reading because I do not want AFR to end. But in a way it won’t. I will always have this blog to return to for inspiration, creativity, kindness, and just plain goodness. Thank you so much, Susan!

  78. Patricia says:

    Oh Susan…I could just kick myself. I kept putting off pre-ordering the book thinking I have all the time in the world. Spending time w/ my grandson tends to make me forget there is a big beautilful world out there. I hope it is not too late to order. I love England and I have enjoyed reading your blog about writing the book. Now I want to get my hands on A Fine Romance so I can read all about your English adventure; while sipping tea, of course!

    • sbranch says:

      Not too late Patricia, and all my books that come from my studio do come with my signature in them. Grandsons definitely come first!

  79. Jerri says:

    I can’t wait for the Tea Tin to be in stock in your web-store!!!!! I love the tin I currently use, but this tin, you designed, is sooo much cuter!!!! I MUST have it!!! I think these make lovely gifts for tea loving friends and family!!!

    My husband’s family is from England. He loves your new book!!!!! Brings back wonderful memories!!! He loves your new Tea Tin and his favorite tea is Earl Grey……me, I drink PG Tips Tea.

    Congratulations on all your success!!!! You deserve it!!!!


  80. Terry says:

    Hi, Susan!

    I am on page 202 in your wonderful book. I love it! When I finish I am going to read it all over again with my iPad next to me. That way I can stop and look up everything you starred as I am going along. I also plan to have a packet of post-its so I can mark my favorite quotes and recipes. I love the Bette Midler quote on page 136!

    I am sure I told you before that my oldest sister lives in England. Yesterday we were chatting about your book, and she was on your website reading further. My husband will not fly so I have not been to England in many years. I am going to pray that I can convince him to go on the ship. My sister moved to England by ship. She has been living there for 45 years.

    I will be buying your book as gifts for my girlfriends. I know they will love it.

    I will be looking forward to hearing when the tea tin is available. Another perfect gift and, of course, I will have to have one for myself too.

    I will be checking for a NY or NJ book signing and I will be there!

    You are such an inspiration to me.
    Thank you!

  81. Erin Parker says:

    I love, love, love the book. Hope it never ends. Cannot wait for the tea tin.

  82. Jacqui G (South FL) says:

    Well! I’m getting right in line for that beautiful tea tin!!!!! You’ve given us such nice things to look forward to…loved that book to pieces and love you too.

  83. That is quite the van! No flying under the radar with that! I know I would be very excited to see it going down the highway next to me. 🙂 Joe will have to be extra careful driving it in case someone else who sees it gets too excited or distracted. LOL! Just saying… it could happen!

    • sbranch says:

      If it feels funny to us, at least we know we can take it off out there. But it will probably be like trying to get a sticker off an apple without taking the skin!

  84. Laura Croyle says:

    I recieved your book in the mail just last week and have been savoring it little by little every day. I don’t want to finish it too soon! Needless to say, I absolutely Love it!! It’s like reading your personal diary with your artwork and photos. I’ve been proudly showing it to everybody I can, and everyone is So surprised when they see how you printed it in your own “handwriting”! It really is a Treasure! My husband was really impressed, too, and said he’d really like to meet you if you come to our neck of the woods for a book signing! I don’t know if I could get him to wear one of those name tags, however! (he’s like that!) But I’ll wear one! And introduce you! (as if I actually know you!) 🙂 I sure hope to see your cute van somewhere in the Seattle area! Have a wonderful trip tootling across the country meeting all our fellow girlfriends!
    Laura from WA

    • Laura Croyle says:

      I love your new tea tin, BTW! What a Great idea!

    • sbranch says:

      We really want to make it up there Laura, it will all depend on time, but we thought we might take the train — it’s a gorgeous ride up the coast.

  85. Lisa Cleveland says:

    Love, Love, Love the book! It is delightful! Love the way is is written in hand with details about the trip, wonderful watercolors and photos of the trip. I almost feel like I am there too.

  86. Kathy says:

    Oh my, you definitely got me to post my first comment ever!!!! Yes I am truly the lucky Kathy that enjoyed Susan’s book at the same spot our author found her dreams. Loved every minute of it. Hmmm posting a comment is fun. Thanks so much for your talent and inspiration. BTW I will be seeing you at your book signing.

    • sbranch says:

      Good Kathy! That will be fun … and thank you for commenting! So nice to meet up with you again after all these years!

  87. I do so hope that a book signing somewhere in Indiana is in the works. Just in case, I am pulling out the atlas to see how far the 2 towns in Ohio are. Enjoy yourself as you once again set off on another romantic journey.

  88. Robin - New Mexico says:

    The comments on your blog about your book are almost as wonderful as your book itself – both are so much fun to read! Thank you for both and for brightening people’s days!

  89. nonnie says:

    Susan . .last Wednesday I was on the island . . .my husband and friends and I made a day trip over . . we live south of Boston so it’s not a big deal to go down to Woods Hole and get the boat for the day. We had the most perfect day . .saw so many beautiful sights . .including your house (?) . .think I recognized your long back driveway . .it was thrilling! But, even more exciting was when we got home after a long day . . in the mailbox was your book!!! Thank you for such a treasure .. I love it!!

  90. Peggy Cooper says:

    Forgot to mention – LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the new tea caddy :o)

  91. Jean Shaffer says:

    Received my book and am SO anxious to read it from cover to cover. Also found out you will be signing books in Wilmington Ohio-can’t wait to meet you there!

  92. sandy says:

    wow, do you know what the most striking thing is to me? a full frontal looking-in-my-eyes picture of Joe!! no mystery man pose. you know, I give your book a rave review–shout that all over the universe! for those who love the story and just read thru, I want to encourage you to go back and LOOK at all the amazing artwork. the page at the beginning, left side with the plaid background, the birdy, flowers. Look at that! each detail is so charming! Look at those sheep on the next page, the lovely style of printing. All those things are as much a part of this amazing book as the story. I am so enjoying it! I read a little every night, and spend as much or more time on the artwork. savoring it like little bites of chocolate melting on my tongue I don’t want to hurry thru. love you! xox sandy 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      No mystery man pose, just wide open-faced sweetness. I love that photo too! Thank you Sandy!!!!!

  93. Wendy Louise says:

    Oh Dear Susan, I received my books last week and what a treat! I am savoring it though, I want to have a sweet surprise everyday for a while. Then I will sit down one day when I am not chasing puppies and read it all at once, when it is cold outside and there is a fire in the fire place. I have a copy in my office, one in the formal living room and one on the 3 season porch ! I just love glancing at them as I walk by. Think I am crazy ? Well, I love this kind of crazy! A Fine Romance is the best book in the whole wide world ! It gives so much, it’s like you are sitting right there telling me a story that is ohhhh so true ! I love romance and I have a Fine Romance too. What a wonderful world with you and Joe in it ! I can’t wait to meet you and I will have a huge smile on my face when we do. Don’t know when or where but we will meet one fine day! At a book signing of course!!!!!!!!!!! Love you lots !!!!!!!!!! Wendy-Louise
    P.S. I thought your favorite tea was Earl Gray with lavender ?

  94. Willa says:

    Oh Susan….you sound deliriously happy and I am right there with you! I was away taking care of Grands in Texas when your book arrived in Mt Vernon VA. I said NOOOOO when Brownie told me about it (nooooo because I was there and it was here). I told him to get his hands off that book and put it on the pillow on my side of the bed. Two nights ago I arrived home and couldn’t wait to get in bed. Well, there was greeting the kitties first, then dinner and maybe a little unpacking but I wouldn’t even let myself look at the book. Finally it was time and to echo the girlfriends who have read the book – I LOVE IT; IT IS EXCELLENT in so many categories! I read half of it the very first night and finished it last night. Besides propping my eyes open with toothpicks yesterday and today I just walk around hap, hap, H*A*P*P*Y!! Thank you for sharing you passions with all of us and as I told Brownie….”I feel like she wrote this wonderful book just to me!” It will zoom to the top of the best seller list partly because I have lots to buy for my sweet daughter, girlGrands, cute cousins, adorable friends and maybe a few more so I can stand on the street corner as the town cryer proclaiming its mood lifting, smile inducing, kick up your feet powers! AND….I take the book from room to room because I just can’t put it on a shelf! Oh dear….what will I read tonight?!? Congratulations on a job WELL DONE!

  95. Pom Pom says:

    I reviewed your book on Goodreads, but I’ll go over and review it on Amazon, too. I love it so much and everyone wants it! So many people say, “That’s what I want for Christmas!” So cute! I put it on the top of my Susan Branch shelf. I’ll take a picture of that soon. Oh, I read it ALL the first night and I love it so much!
    My daughter saw my diary post and ordered DAYS. She’s going to start recording her “little girls running around a happy house” days now, too!
    I emailed The Tattered Cover. I hope they schedule a book signing (Denver) so I can bring some friends and meet you, Susan!
    Why can’t Jack and Girl Kitty come on the road trip? You are going to miss them so much!

  96. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! The tea tin looks sooooo cute!!!!! The pretty colors will go perfect in my cozy kitchen!!! The lavendar and rose tea seems like a delicate combination of tastes….can’t wait to order it and share it when my sister-in-law comes tor tea! What a treat!!!

  97. Linda Pintarell says:

    I’m slowly savoring my book; I’m LOVING it! I find special times and places to read on…I’m in no rush – I know it ends well. THANK YOU! And Joe’s beret – how cute it is. I must have it in several colors. Ordering right away. AND can’t way for tea tins WITH tea. It will make such a love present. Hurry…get them on line as soon as possible. Can’t wait. You are the best, Susan. I have to believe in my heart that you will be coming to a bookstore somewhere in Southern California…preferably San Diego…but I will have to wait and see where you land. Save travels. P.S. Just made a TRAVEL DREAMS – NEAR FUTURE LIST – both Martha’s Vineyard and a trip to England made the list!

  98. martha says:

    There are places to visit that makes dream feel possible. I always feel that way when I visit with you!

    Tea? Yes! Tin? Yes!

    Book! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

    Sigh. Purr. Joy.

  99. Kathy says:

    Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous photos, Susan! Of the sunsets, beautiful land , the tea tin and Joe, of course! And I do love the paint job on the van. Safe travels!

  100. Rae Ann R. from western Minnesota...soon to be back in Michigan... says:

    15 days til my hubby retires and right up there at the top of our long term to-do list is to visit Martha’s Vineyard…that is after we head back to Minnesota from our forever home in northern Michigan, have a retirement party for my husband~a week from today!!!~deal with~that means “empty”~ the three storage garages we have~I hope it will be a bit like Christmas…finding treasures we haven’t seen in a long time, help the movers get us all packed up and then head back to Michigan and do it all “backwards”…that is un-pack!!!…thank you for the summertime tour of your island…xoxo…

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