Hello, it’s our first post from the other side, 2014, the beginning of a new year!  And we did it up right, with a huge snowstorm!  It’s a B L I Z Z A R D out there, so white it hurts your eyes, and big flakes still coming down, every tree branch is covered in snow, every leaf, the pickets on the fence, the bushes, everything.  MUSICA MUSICA (This is double whammy, first click on one, then the other, then come back to blog for ambience perfection.)


This storm makes the January page of my 2014 calendar a premonition!  In case any of you missed it, we still have calendars left if you need them.  We finally ordered enough of something!  We’re all sold out of Janie’s “winter” banners, but she’s making us some different ones for Valentine’s Day and they should be here soon.  We also have my Valentine cards ~ someone asked the other day, and yes, we do have them.  But I digress!  It’s a . . .

snow day


Or, our ancient white house would look like a ship in a still, white sea, if we could see it.  Like a ship in a storm is more like it.

January snow

It was still dark this morning when I started this post.  And look at the windows over the kitchen sink!  We’ve been frosted!

Later on we'll conspire as we dream by the fire

I tried so hard to peek out to see what was going on but the wind had coated everything in ice and snow.  Squeals of delightenment.  We love it!

Merry In The Winter



Luckily we have no place to go, and no desire to go there.  I’m all wrapped up, tee-shirt, two old cashmere sweaters, scarf, thick delicious handmade shawl that I adore, like being a child and having a bankie at all times, and flannel lined pants too.  We have heat, but we augment.


Jack and I have a fire, the heater is humming, the house creaks a bit in the wind . . . I’m eating leftover Mushroom Soup that Lowely made for New Year’s Eve . . .

candles are lit I lit some candles, just in case the lights suddenly go out . . .

 This is our first real snow . . . the last couple of days have been FREEZING cold ~ 28° when we go on our walk.

At the pond

But look how beautiful it is out there.  The way the sun sends rays through the breaks in the clouds.memory

dredging the pond

They are dredging the opening to the pond, something they do here every few years.  See that boat, that’s the dredge.  They are pulling sand out of the channel so that boats can get in and out of the pond without hitting the bottom.  The sand goes out through that pipe to the beach, the opposite of the way a vacuum cleaner works. Erosion steals the sand from the beach daily, exposing the little fishing shacks to storms. So dredging is a redistribution of sand, from one place where it’s a hinderance to another where it’s a blessing.  Ah men.  How smart thou art .


Joe and I have walked this walk almost every day (unless we’re away) since we bought our house in 1989.   We shall haunt it someday, but right now, we just try and go there as often as possible.  It’s my favorite part of the day.

dredge pipe

All this dredging is big excitement at the normally quiet-in-January shore.  Here’s the pipe running along the opening toward the sound.  That’s Cape Cod over there.

to the fishing shacks

Then the pipe makes a right turn to run along the beach — they put it wherever they want the sand to land … they already did this part of the beach, now they have taken it down toward the fishing shacks.

sense of beauty; susan branch art

following the pipe

Can you see how far that pipe goes?  Into the water and back out again.  Here, here’s a better look at it!

See how exciting?  It’s mesmerizing . . . listening to the water roar, watching the seagulls.  But COLD, my fingers are freezing so much I can’t turn the camera off.  Not such a professional ending, but the water is worth it.

sb border

lovely day in neighborhood

Prettiest place in the world.  One of the things I want to remember to do every day of this new year is write down what I did, the basics, not to be Jane Austen, but so I know what I did.  It’s going too fast, a blur.  I want these days remembered.  I want the double enjoyment that memory can bring, even if the memory part has to be helped along a bit.  I want to know I went to see the dredging and I’d like to know what I ate in front of the fire on New Year’s Eve, and now I do.  (Freezing cold iceberg wedge salad, with creamy blue cheese dressing, sprinkled with pomegranate seeds and fried pancetta bits, and homemade Mushroom soup with rye toast star croutons. )



I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it yet.  But I did a new version of my now out-of-print Book of Days!  It’s very much like the old one . . .


A wire-bound book that will lie flat, space enough to write each day, with additional room for notes, just a little bit bigger than the old one. . .


You can use it for any year, and keep them year after year until you have the story of your life.  This scribble below is something I wrote in one of my diaries back in the 90’s, when I was still trying to figure things out (not that I have it figured out, because I don’t.  Yet.  But I’m not giving up).

diary entry

I know the answer to that one now.  They begin in two places.  They read, and they write.  Teach your children well.

first light

It’s getting light outside.  The camera focused on the ice, while I was trying to get it to see the birds at the feeders.

birds in the snow

Outside my kitchen windows, let the magic begin . . .

Some people have fish tanks, I have bird feeders.


I just peeked out the living room window, there is Joe, shoveling the driveway . . . he LOVES it out there.

joe shoveling

I knocked on the window . . .

He sees me

He saw me . . .

He throws snow at me!

A threw a shovel of snow at me! 


Jack said, “What’s going on?  Pick me up!  Showmeshowmeshowme!”  Which I did; we stood at the window watching Joe do all the work.

This is my chosen entertainment for today.  Howard’s End.  I’m just going to slip it into the video machine. Perfect for diary, snow, fire, kitties and popcorn because really, what else can we do.  Nuttin Honey. (If you’re looking for something new to read, I highly recommend the book too.)

old movies

Hope you have a lovely day wherever you are!  “Thank you” doesn’t seem quite enough to express all I feel when reading your wonderful comments.  It’s such a pleasure to know you!  Here comes another year!  I wonder what will happen next?  Let’s make it good!  xoxo

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502 Responses to BLIZZARD!

  1. Julie ( Omaha ) says:

    Thanks for sharing, your blog Susan is always a bright spot in my day.
    Your reminder to write down a little bit about each day too – looking at somethings that are going on in my life right now as source of suffering, hoping over long haul will end up being a blessing. Going to put it down on paper so will remember to be grateful. One can always hope right?

  2. Doreen Strain (Florida) says:

    Happy New Year Sue and all of our girlfriends too, I enjoyed the pictures, the video and the lovely sound of the fireplace burning. It’s cold down here in Florida today and I finally got a chance to put on a sweatshirt to stay warm. I loved experiencing the snow via your blog. Thanks again! I so miss it since we moved down here to Florida 8 years ago but look forward to seeing it when we become snowbirds after we retire in five years. Enjoy and stay cozy! FOSB 4~Ever! ~ Doreen ~

  3. Star from Cypress, CA says:

    I love Jack. He is so typical, noisy kitty. My kitty is the same way. They just can’t miss a trick.
    Enjoy your wonderful snowy winter. We are in t-shirt weather here and wish we could just get some RAIN.
    Happy New Year!

  4. anne-marie vogt says:

    We are frozen in CT too but not as much as you I think. I’m battling the laundry monster right now but I think I’ll try and see your recommended movie. It looks good. I hadn’t heard of it! Thanks for sharing♡

  5. Lori Conk says:

    Your blogs inspire me, as do your books. I sat in a beach chair on a cold (58degrees) cloudy day in Oceanside yesterday, listening to the sound of the waves and reading “A Fine Romance.” I was transported away! Thank you!!

    • sbranch says:

      My pleasure Lori!

    • judy young says:

      I read “A Fine Romance” as soon as it arrived in the mail last year, but not too quickly, so as to savor each page. I didn’t reread it immediately as so many did, but I have gone back and looked through it many times. I began reading it again a few days ago, and have enjoyed it even more the second time around! I feel as if I am right there with you. Susan, your descriptions are perfect. It really IS the BEST book ever!

  6. Carole says:

    Hello Susan, thank you for sharing your cozy snow day pictures. I enjoyed seeing the snow and the beach and the birds as I thoroughly enjoy all your posts. We got only a “sprinkling” of snow in Kentucky. We are awaiting the arrival of our first grandaughter and expect that Elizabeth Caroline will probably make her appearance in a January snowstorm as her daddy did 38 years ago. Can’t wait!!

  7. Suzanne says:

    I just sat down at the computer to enjoy lunch – a hot bowl of five grain oatmeal with organic raisins and a good generous sprinkle of cinnamon with just a splash of cold milk to cool it enough to eat. A great lunch on a cold January day…NOT! It’s sixty something degrees here in California so while most of the country shovels snow, we’ll have to just pretend it’s winter.

    I’m glad you and yours are warm and safe, hunkered down for the long haul.

  8. Penny Harrison from Oceanside says:

    I too am in So CA. and agree with Linda – your blizzard looks wonderful! It was 36 degrees when I got up this am, so I enjoyed the chill in the air – they are forecasting rain next week – can hardly wait!!! Thanks for sharing the beauty of your morning walk! One of my resolutions is to write a blessing experienced every day in my Susan Branch “Book of Days”!

  9. Lorrie says:

    Snow! How I long for it. But I will say that I’m glad the sun is shining today after weeks of grey skies punctuated with half-hearted drizzle.

    The first photo of your window with the snow falling outside in the darkness looks almost like a painting. How gorgeous. Stay cozy and warm.

  10. Ro'se at the Cottage in New Jersey says:

    Happy Start of a New Year, Susan and Joe!
    Joe looks so adorable with rosy red cheeks. You are so lucky to have him!
    I started my day with oatmeal. Then putting on layers, ready to start the snow blower to clear my sidewalks. I do my neighbors also ( the dear man ‘passed’ this past fall) The sky cleared to bright blue, it was wonderful to be outside.
    Then started my bigger snow blower to clear my driveway, well the charm went out of it the second and third time the wind changed and the snow blew back into my face! But it was still nice to be outside. Frozen but nice.
    The birds were making such a racket until I filled the feeders, clearing the snow under the feeders for the doves. They are better than a fish tank!
    Thank you Susan for taking me along on your adventures this past year, I’m looking forward to what is in store for the coming year!
    God Bless you and Joe and the kitties!

  11. Diana - Highland, IL says:

    Hello Susan and all Girlfriends!! Here I am about ready to head to the store for “rations”, so that we don’t starve (HA!)… it is bitterly cold here in the Midwest, but we are supposed to get a great deal of snow this weekend, on top of what we already have….soooooooo, unlike most of the people I know, I am SO looking forward to it!… the not having to do anything, go anywhere, just BE… and there is a perfectly logical excuse!! :-)… I love the cold and winter and know that I am in a minority but really, trying not to let the grouches spoil it for me! :-)… Stay warm and counting my blessings of a warm home and a beautiful fireplace with plenty of wood and soon to be stocked fridge! Loved your post .. inspiring me to get some bird feeders!!!

  12. Gloria L. Nugent says:

    I need to go throw some peeled carrots along side the roast. Had hubby drive me around our snowy roads here in Pennsylvania. Picked up more birdseed. Love taking bird pics! Thanks for sharing your view!!

  13. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    Happy to see you’ve battened down the hatches at Branch Hall…. in contrast to the East coast, I just returned from trip up to the bay area and stopped at the Spyglass in Pismo Beach for lunch. The weather was a beautiful, clear 72 degrees so I had fish and chips on the deck and enjoyed the ocean view. I do miss the snow days we had in Denver, though — in Tasha Tudor’s words describing new-fallen snow “everything is transformed!”. We’re praying for rain here in Calif. Stay warm and cozy!

  14. Paulie says:

    Happy New Year !
    We didn’t get your huge amount of snow, however, we got the deep freeze – yesterday a:m it was a -22 below zero here and the high all day was -15 below. Today we have a heat wave of a minus ten below … so things are improving. Poor Joe looks absolutely frozen or frost bitten in his face. Hope he is okay. Sorry to hear you have a cold and sure hope it is not the flu……stay comfy in your nice flannels and layers and drinking lemon tea…..Just know there are many of us sitting in the same place . Sure wished I had wings so I could spend a few weeks in the tropics. No airports are open so that wish is for naught! About now I think everyone feels that way. Stay warm Susan! Get well soon ! As always thanks for your cheerful outlook on life including blizzards too!

    • sbranch says:

      He thrives out there, his cheeks get pink and he has to be called in, lured, with a grilled cheese when necessary. I just got a cold, but it’s going away, it’s not the flu and gives me a good excuse for napping.

  15. Peggy Davis says:

    Third time charm!! I’ve been checking because I knew you would give us a glimpse of the storm ~ snow envy here!! It looks beautiful, Joe too (handsome)! It’s 50 here and you would think it’s 10 the way everyone is complaining!! Thanks for the pictures ~ stay warm!

  16. Pom Pom says:

    Wow! That’s a good snow day! I started my “Days” in August so I don’t need a new one yet. I love it. Thank you for reissuing it!❤️

  17. Susan I love all your tea strainers, espially the red one, like my Grandma in Santa Barbara used. Maybe not for tea, but for other pertinent cooking duties.
    I’ve got a move it recommend if you haven’t seen it.
    ‘Persuasion’ with Ciaran Hinds and Amanda Root. The best set décor, acting and music I’ve seen. You will like it I promise.
    Have fun making angels in the snow!

    • Deb W says:

      I second that recommendation! That version of ‘Persuasion’ is definitely the best! (I also like the Kate Beckinsale version of ‘Emma’ better) We’re hunkered down here in Kentucky with not much snow, but it’s cooooooold. Note: kitties make wonderful lap and foot warmers. Better than a hot water bottle!

  18. Elaine McCallum says:

    Susan , I treasure your ability to describe the simple pleasures of life in such descriptive ways. I want to slip right into the book or post and walk with you. Since I can’t do that I just pretend and go with you in my imagination. Thank you for all the lovely adventures. Elaine Mc Callum

  19. Sandra Mailey says:

    Snow Days are pure joy! Thank you for sharing your wonderful blizzard with all of us. I am able to look out my window at snow, but not as dramatic a snow as the one you are enjoying. I must scout around the house to find Gladys Taber – she is in a very safe place, but I’m not quite sure where that safe place is. You and Gladys Taber. No better companions on a snowy afternoon!


  20. Missi says:

    Hi Susan- It’s cold here today in FL. It’s 55 degrees, windy, and gray. Love it! I’d love the addition of your snow. My mom is enjoying your book of England I got her for Christmas. I can’t wait till she finishes so I can read it. Happy New Year to you and Joe and kitties.

  21. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! Happy New Year to you and Joe, Jack and Girl Kitty!!!! Happy Snow Blizzard!!! Glad to see you cozy and warm enjoying the snow! Here in Dearborn, Michigan, our snow storm came on my birthday, New Year’s Day! I was sooooooooooooo excited to shovel the snow not once, but twice!! I love to shovel snow!! When I was a young girl, my family loved to snowmobile and cross country ski up in our Northern Michigan cottage, so I am used to the winter weather. But, before I came in to the warm house, I looked left, I looked right, didn’t see any neighbors in sight…….then I turned around……and plop, layed down in the snow to make a snow angel!!!! Yep, it was my gift to myself, as I turned 55 years old on the 1st, and I didn’t care it I looked silly or not!!!!! I then promised myself I would make a snow angel every year from now on (of course if there is snow on the ground) until I can’t any more!! Life is too short, and I have to keep feeling like I’m young, even if I’m not! “Young at heart” is my new motto to live by for 2014……so on those days I feel old, I’m going to flip the switch, and think I’m young!!!!!! Anyways, I wanted to thank you again, for signing my 2014 Susan Branch Calendar, on my birth date square (Jan. 1st) …… I just love looking at it hanging proudly on my kitchen wall, and there it is……..your signature below your “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CARILYN” words….for EVERYONE to see when visiting my cozy little kitchen! A gift I’ll always treasure! You truly made me feel so special by signing it so sweetly!!!!! God Bless You Susan, you’re forever an angel on this earth, bringing happiness and cheer in all you do!!!!! Your talent of artistry and the written word is a blessing to all!!!!! (Never stop sharing it!)

    • sbranch says:

      You ARE young snow angel xoxo

    • Rae Ann R...back in Michigan...forever... says:

      My husband and I just retired to our 113 year old northern Michigan cottage~in a winterized addition next door since our cottage isn’t winterized~where in northern Michigan was/is your cottage???…my husband and I started our married life in Dearborn MI…I worked for Dr. George Miller on Michigan Ave…I feel we are kindred spirits…

    • Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Hi Carilyn,
      Wish I could have joined you making snow angels! At least it would give the neighbors something to talk about. Who knows…..they may have joined us!
      Keep on keepin on! Good for you!

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      Happy Birthday Carilyn!!! WE are NOT old. LOL I am right behind you, and I DO make snow angels and get out my x-country skiis if we get snow here. AND I don’t care if anyone sees me. There were children on my block that never saw snow before. I could hear one ask his dad what I was doing as I was skiing down to our neighborhood park. They don’t plow, so I headed down the middle of the street! I do miss the mid-west, but not shoveling out the driveway at 0600 to get to work.

  22. Mary Jane Hardy says:

    What a beautiful post. I was at home all day yesterday too, happy as could be! I love the idea of your new journal. I was thinking what a lovely way to remember all the simple good things in our lives. All the things that really matter. Happy and joyous, just plain old living a life of gratitude and celebrating all the small and cozy, feel good things that happen to each of us every single day. That is what real happiness is made of. I am getting your new journal and putting all those thoughts and special things that make my life so beautiful in it. Talk about the perfect way to remember, it is all the small precious moments that real make up a good life. I too want to remember. Thank you so much Susan ! I wonder if you know how much your positive, always finding joy in life attitude really inspires all of us.

    Mary Jane

  23. marisa grindstaff says:

    Dear Susan ,
    The pleasure is all ours in knowing you! Thank-you for for this
    wonderful blog. Love the snow ,very cozy. Just a mild dusting here in nc mountains but the birds still empty out our feeder in one day, the woodpeckers eat the suet fast too. … stay warm and when you have all the snow you need send our way!

  24. Violet says:

    Would love for you to create a book about Marthas Vineyard,after all, it is the best place in the world,after Nova Scotia, that is.

  25. Martha Ellen of VA says:

    Hi Susan, We had our 2 inch blizzard last evening. It’s so cold here–But cozy by the fire and cups of hot tea with warm laptop. I just love the birds at your feeders! We have to refill ours daily–such a little to pay for such enjoyment! Stay cozy and warm in the house of creativity. xoxo ♥

  26. Helen says:

    Happy New Year, Susan !
    We’ve been enjoying our first snow storm of the new year as well….we’re here in New England also ! 🙂
    WHERE ? WHERE ? Did you get that cozy looking “house candle” ?!? I want one !
    Stay warm and cozy.
    Take care,

    • sbranch says:

      I got it a few years back, but I forget where. If I ever see them again I’ll post it…but I really haven’t so far.

      • Lydia says:

        I was going to ask the same thing! I love the cozy house candle. It would make a wonderful addition to the “Heart of the Home” shop. 🙂

        Thank you for such a lovely post. We’re crossing our fingers for some snow tomorrow night here in Georgia!!

  27. Anne says:

    We got lots of snow too!! I love it! I was thinking the same as you when I looked at your calendar this morning. Always on top of the seasons you are Susan 🙂 I promptly made steel cut oats, with brown sugar and walnuts 🙂 It was sooo delicious! Thanks for such a cozy post – stay warm xxoo

  28. Angela Nona says:

    Good Day Susan. Your day sounded wonderful. My day began with coffee and toast ( my bread I baked). The loaf look small so I started another loaf and it was finished before lunch. I went upstairs to my sewing studio and made some headway sewing blocks together on the New Year Mystery I created online just 2 days ago. I dressed up for the frigid temps here in Michigan and went outside to feed the birds and shovel out my driveway ( yet again ). Lunch on my fresh bread and I started my sauce for dinner. The sun was shining bright here but the forecast this weekend is another snow storm. Staying in now. bye for now.

  29. My daughter who lives near Boston said her hubby’s office closed for the day so everyone I love in Mass. are inside all warm and cozy.

    I’m somewhat near Chicago where a big, big, big snowstorm is expected to roll in tomorrow evening. The grocery store was absolutely packed when we were there this afternoon! They are saying this could be a humdinger and everyone is taking the weatherman at his word!

    So many of us would love to be there with you chatting in front of the fire. So we will do the next best thing and warm up the chicken soup made yesterday, brew a pot of tea, reach for our latest book (I am currently enamored with a book called Adventures in Yarn Farming: Four Seasons on a New England Fiber Farm)… and hope a certain Maine Coon decides to curl up on my lap and not my husband’s! 🙂

  30. Mary Pat says:

    Dear Susan! I’m in western Massachusetts, near Springfield. Bwe surely did not get the pounding that you did, but enough to give us some good exercise this morning. When you told about being bundled up in sweaters and such, it reminds me of a book I read to my grandson: On Christmas Eve by Margaret Wise Brown. The children all get sweaters and socks on to run downstairs to touch thge tree before hopefully falling asleep. It’s a sweet little book that I think you would like! Glad you are safe and warm! Give hugs all around your house.

    • Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Hi Mary Pat,
      One of my favorite children’s author. I am not familiar with On Christmas Eve, but she also wrote Mister Dog, the Dog Who Belonged To Himself and The Seven Little Postmen and many others, but those were my favorites.

      • Mary says:

        Hi, back, Chris! We have the traditional Margaret Wise Brown books for our grandson: Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny. He’s loved Goodnight Moon since he was an infant 3 1/2 years ago, and I started the Runaway Bunny after we rescued a clutch (?) of bunnies from our back yard that were too close to the dog pen my son (his Daddy) had built! When I got out the Christmas Eve book and told him it was her book, he jumped off my lap and grabbed the other two books, and smiled and said, “All Margaret Wise Brown!” It is such a sweet book for Christmas; try your library!

      • Janet in Rochester says:

        And “Goodnight Moon” and “The Runaway Bunny” and “Wait Til the Moon is Full.”

  31. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi susan… in anticipation of our own predicted “snow event” ( doesn’t that phrase just kill you?!?!)… I just got back from an overly-panicked- stricken-grocery store event….mob scene…grocery cart demolition-derby….run on the bread and milk…..and the deli…well…you can just fuhgeddaboudit!!! so..i stuck with the basics…chili and chicken noodle soup stuff….iceberg lettuce, big fat oranges and the most delicious Ambrosia apples we have ever tasted…. a little wine and bread and viola…we are good to be snowed in!!! Here is St. Louis..3 inches usually shuts us down so with this 6-10 inch prediction, people are going bananas!! Just spoke to my son in Wellesley, MA and he said they’ve had about 20 inches and he is out running errands and loving it…playing out in it with their dogs and enjoying some cross-country skiing… Your pictures are the birds feeding and Joe on snow removal duty…take care..stay cozy…and love it!!! love, cindy

    • Gloria L. Nugent says:

      Hi there. Just had to share that had to cringe when I read the word demolition describing the carts! Last week I had a buggy get away from me & the woman is charging us $400 for a quarter size ding!!!! Woe is me!

  32. Kathleen Morearty says:

    Hi Susan,

    Greetings from San Carlos, CA (20 miles south of SF) where we are having day after day of sunshine and no rain. Oh how I miss the rain! We are coming off the driest year so far. Hope you are surviving the blizzard. Sounds so cosy!!!

    Is there any way that Janie could make a banner for each month of the year so I can hang one each month on my Susan Branch Calendar? How cute would that be! She could make one for St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, 4th of July, etc.etc. Just a thought. You could sell them in a set of 12. I would definitely buy a set.

    Happy New Year to you and Joe.

    -Kathleen Morearty

  33. Mary in Phoenix says:

    If you get too shivery just close your eyes and imagine you’re back in AZ … where its a loverly 75 degrees today in the desert!!! So happy to open the new Tea Time magazine and see your ad again ♥ among ideas for a Downton Abbey Tea! Recipes for Victoria Sponge Cake, Chocolate Biscuit Cake and Lemon Madeleines look so yummy. And for those Phoenicians reading this blog, your favorite English Rose Tea Room in Carefree is hosting a Downton Abbey event next Thursday 🙂 Such fun for the new season. Hope you have lots of firewood to keep you warm. Looks like Joe is taking care of things … xo

  34. Can it be true that I’m commenter #5? I’ve probably slipped back a few places while reading. Heard Ella sing TWICE. Your snow is lovely. I miss Mass., but I’m happy in my warmer South 🙂 I like your idea of remembering the little doings of each day. That’s where the deep joy and deeper contentment is, yes? We both live near the water — I love it so. Enjoy your fire!!

  35. Donna Hardin says:

    Oh, I heard the snow was going your direction…I worried for you friends! Was happy to see you are toasty warm! It’s cold in Iowa too, but sunny and no blizzards. Thinking your mushroom soup is posted somewhere? I feel like I have seen it? I have all your books, so will check there, it sounds wonderful! We are have a chicken tortellini soup tonight…has diced tomatoes, chicken broth and fresh spinach in it, along with a block of cream cheese…smells wonderful…wish you were here. Stay warm!

  36. Sherry says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the video of the birds on the feeders. Such lovely creatures.

  37. judi says:

    Great pictures and videos. The birdies need lots of fuel when the weather turns cold and stormy. Stay cozy:)

  38. Heather L. says:

    We have six inches here in Indianapolis and the promise of 8 tomorrow! How wonderful! We rarely get this much snow and I miss the East Coast for that. Hoping to be holed up at home with good food, good books, and happy kids. Just showing your mini calendar to a friend today and oohing and aahing over it with her. 🙂 Hung mine up in my special reading nook.

  39. Peggy says:

    Sunny and warm here in southern Colorado today, but I guess we’re going to get the cold and snow tomorrow. Yep, grilled cheese and tomato soup will be on the menu. But tonight I’m glad the roads will be dry because we’ll be going to our once a month couples game night with 3 other couples. Good food and lots of laughs.

  40. Reneelynn says:

    Here in Michigan today it’s around 12 degrees and the wind chill is in the negative.
    Had 2 little ones here with me today and we also had grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. Also a nice fire in the fireplace and a little knitting during nap time! It is so often the little things that make us the most happy!! Stay warm!!

  41. Anne in NH says:

    We are enjoying staying in the house watching the snow covered everything. MY hubby, like yours. ..did the shoveling and snow blowing. the cats and I greeted him warmly each time he came in to warm up! I made a yummy brunch to get him going. ..thick ham slices, braised fresh pineapple , scrambled eggs and toast with raspberry jam! Roads are icy and the wind chills are up there. We usually go out for dinner on Friday night but are staying in instead. Happy New Year to you and Joe and the kitties!

  42. Vicki in Cincy says:

    Wow! You definitely got snow! Thanks for posting, I was worried about you guys out there. I’m glad to see you’re warm, cozy and happy. It’s bitter cold here and I’m wearing my ‘big’ coat when I go out. LOL, it’s an awesome down duster type coat, (not especially stylish 😉 )when I wear it somebody at work always says are you cold? and I say no I’m not LOL. Have a sweet, warm weekend, luv ya!

  43. Vicki W. says:

    We also started the New year with a blizzard and lots of fluffy snow to shovel! We just moved in our new place 2 months ago and had Christmas and winter right off, and oh what fun! I enjoy this mashmallow creme covering more this year than ever. It helps to not have to go out in it too! Comfort food, my kitty, tea and books. Winter Bliss!

  44. Janet Conn says:

    Thanks for such a wonderful post. I also adore the first page of my new calendar. I think you are right about that page being prophetic for this winter. I love the snow. It makes the world seem so much smaller. It is really cold here in Southwestern PA. Next Tuesday morning minus 11 degrees is forecasted. Brrrr. Haven’t seen temps like that in years. I have to get out my “Cuddle Dudds”. I can always judge the harshness of the winter by whether or not I have to bring them out. Enjoy the snow. There is little more comforting that a snowstorm with nowhere to go. It is so enjoyable! Thanks again for such an enjoyable post.

  45. Candice OHIO says:

    Hello Susan,
    I really enjoyed your newest blog also my new SB 2014 calendar which you signed for me in Wilmington OH! (It’s me…remember the tea party with china that I prepared for my friends that we had on our way back home that day, actually in the dark out of the back of my van once we stopped at a roadside rest!).
    We had the snow storm yesterday that you are getting today, temps are extremely cold here today, a balmy 4 degrees and minus numbers with the wind! Batten down the hatches….a blizzard is forecast for Sunday, up to a foot of snow possible?! We will have to get the necessary food stuffs, bread, milk etc and hope that the power stays on. You folks may be in for that one too… at a time please!! My nephew and niece are both home visiting from FL and he is in “hog heaven” getting to plow his parents driveway!!
    The dredging is very interesting and good to know how it all works. Love the fishing shanties. If I lived near a natural body of water close enough to walk to I would do the same as you and Joe. Love to watch the waves, nature and smell the air!
    Keep warm and cozy, enjoy your crackling fire, movies, popcorn, drink plenty of hot chocolate or tea, maybe a glass of wine, cuddle with the kitties, they are wonderful lap warmers and be Safe.
    Thank you for wonderful memories!
    Warmest regards,

  46. Marysol says:

    Coming from a tropical island, and having lived in MI. for a huge part of my life, I’m still mesmerized by the sparkling ice crystals that grace my windows this time of year. Pure magic, I agree.

    That said, I will admit, this has been a rough winter. But brrrutally-cold temperatures, and one power outage later have not affected me in the least.

    PS. How did you get the cardinal to pose for you like that?
    Kidding, of course. Delirium hasn’t set in, yet.

  47. Sheila says:

    The snow is so pretty! Here in Minnesota, we have had tiny flurries all afternoon and this morning, our Governor cancelled school for Monday because it’s going to be brrrrry cold, -24 in the morning and windchill around -50. Going to get beans and broth tomorrow to make a thick ham bean soup and I might even have to attempt some bread making. Why is it that when I hear we’re going to be stuck inside because of the weather, I have to plan all kinds of nummy things to eat??? I get more excited about planning for a snow day than for having company for dinner! Maybe because I can’t entertain in my PJs? Stay warm and safe and get lots of kitty-cuddles!

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      My mom taught me how to make bread on a SNOW DAY. I grew up in WI.

    • Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, MN says:

      Sheila, it must be a “Minnesota Thing”. I get in “storm mode”, my husband tells me, and want to make soup and home-baked bread… 🙂

  48. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    We shall…make this year 2014 a good one!!!

  49. Pam says:

    Ooh, lovely photos. All we have is rain, wind, rain, wind and more rain!! Glad you are all snuggled up in the warm.

  50. Kathleen says:

    It’s a snowy day here as well. This post was so lovely – the birds at the bird feeders especially. Jack wanting to see out is cute, too. And my husband would do the same thing – pitch snow at me as I looked out the window. I love the cozy fire in the fireplace – so refreshing to come here and share your day. Btw, “Howard’s End” can be seen on youtube for anyone who’d like to see it and doesn’t have the DVD handy – I watched it a few weeks ago.

  51. Pat Beckman says:

    Susan, glad you are enjoying the snow.we didn’t get as much as you have .love seeing your home and kitties.Our cat “pansy” would not go out , she gets to the back door, looks around and backs up.
    Happy New Year
    Pat in ohio

  52. Thanks for the post about the Blizzard. Even though I live in Salem, Oregon (and we barely see any snow) I grew up in Delaware. My family has also been enjoying this snow storm and I wish I could be there to enjoy it too.
    I envy Joe with the snow shoveling. It’s one of favorite things to do when it snows.
    Enjoy, and stay warm.

  53. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    What a wonderful day it is here too in CT. Lots of snow, just like you. I love it. My husband not so much since he works for the city and has had to be plowing for 2 days. Not me, I am inside all warm and cozy like you
    love the videos and I will be getting your new book journal, I just love that
    Enjoy this snow Susan

  54. Jane says:

    Here in Ft. Thomas… I am hosting a cabin fever party, waiting for my girlfriends and their hubbies to arrive and browsing your blog….
    I like it very much…
    we are expecting more snow and severe cold temps here near Cincinnati, Ohio. the high Monday will be 4 degrees, get out your snuggies girls, they are so handy when it’s cold. Bye for now, pizza and popcorn on the snack list tonight with good friends !!

  55. Carol Maurer~~~~ Kennewick, Wa says:

    Susan~~~ Thank you for letting us see your lovely Island with all that fresh snow! Very pretty!! The past several days, we have had only fog and an inversion layer do to no wind. Last night the wind came up and blew everything away. Woke up this morning to blue skies and warm temps. Don’t know how long it will last, but sure is helping the people that still have to put away their Christmas ornaments from outside. Also put a lift of happiness in us with the sun shining into the house. I’m waiting for that first morning of waking up and finding it snowy white outside.

    The video that you showed us of them dredging the pond was very interesting. They had a dredger like that in the bay in Eureka a couple times that we lived there. They were wanting to make the channel deeper so that the tour ships could come in and be safe.

    I must be going for now. Have a great weekend ahead and stay safe in that storm.

    Carol M

  56. Val says:

    Ah, cozy winter days! I love ’em. I love the frosted windows with-snow-piled-up too. I was just thinking the other day that none of the windows my past three apartments have had have let the snow beautify them like that. Maybe they’ve all been the wrong angle, or maybe these newfangled windows they’ve put in don’t let snow stick. Who knows. IU always loved the frost patterns and piled-up snow on windoes as a kid, so it’s a treat to see it here, especially so soon after I was thinking about it.

    Vegetable soup-making, Christmas thank you note-writing, and (now-traditional) Susan-Branch-wall-calendar-filling-out-and-hanging this evening for me here. I’ll be thinking of you guys a few states north of me. ‘Glad you have all you need and are ♥HOME♥ to enjoy it! 🙂

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      I like that vegetable soup making and thank you note writing!

      • Val says:

        Hi, Margot! ♥ Me too–Cozy winter activities. 🙂 It ended up being minestrone, and it was the right choice for tonight. Next, dishes and the notes. Have a good night. 🙂

        • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

          I love minestrone!!! I don’t have a recipe for that. 🙁

          • Val says:

            Hi, Margot-

            Since I don’t see an email address for you, I’ll just answer here. 🙂 I don’t use a recipe, but as sooon as kidney beans and Parmesan are added to the following ingredients, the soup tastes like minestrone to me: Chicken broth and beef broth, olive oil, crushed tomatoes, zucchini, tiny seashell pasta, onion, garlic, carrots, basil, oregano, sometimes spinach–just about any vegetable is great in it–and the kidney beans (and/or whatever other type of bean, but I use kidney beans and Northern beans sometimes too, and my goodness, at least half a cup of Parmesan? I don’t measure. It’s quite forgiving, have fun! 🙂

      • Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, MN says:

        We make a soup that sounds a lot like this only starts with browned sweet Italian sausage, onion, then add 3 cans beef broth, carrots, celery, a can of light and dark kidney beans, a can of Great Northern beans, and 2 cans of diced tomatoes with basil, oregano, and garlic, and then after cooking that until the vegs are almost cooked, you add 2 C. of dilantini pasta. This isn’t minestrone but is really good!!!

  57. Jane says:

    Susan…we have had snow almost every day since even before Christmas (here in the upper Midwest), and now we have below zero temps. Brrrrrr! I have the cupboards and fridge stocked, plenty of firewood and all is well in our world.

    I feel the same way as you do about capturing the moment, keeping journals to remind ourselves of all the little things. And that’s why I love blogging so much. But I wanted to ask you if you have ever heard of or used Heyday, which is a free IPhone app. I just found it a month ago. Everywhere you go, your whereabouts are tracked by satellite…for example the page will say “1:00 p.m. Near Central Park, NYC”, and then there is a little pencil icon and you can record what you are doing, how you are feeling, etc. And~all the pictures you take with your phone are saved on Heyday by date, so your pictures of “Central Park” will be saved to the very date you took them. It’s hard to explain. It has become a portable virtual diary for me. With pictures!! And if you need a reminder to record your moments, you will get little prompts from Heyday on your Home Screen like “What are you doing now? Any thoughts on that?” It is so cool!!!! I know it sounds techy, but once you start doing it, it’s addicting, especially for we creative types!! 🙂

    Stay warm and cozy and safe. Keep that fire burning, too!

    Jane From Chicago

  58. Kate says:

    I don’t know how many times I have watched Howard’s End, but I never tire of it. We have eight inches of snow here in Hoosierland and are expecting more Sunday. I love it because I don’t have to get out in it except to take care of the chickens. They haven’t stepped out of the coop since it snowed, silly girls.

  59. Cathy McCann says:

    What a perfect post for this cold, wintry day! I don’t know what I enjoyed more — the crackling fire or sweet Ella! Special thanks for the bird videos. They must love you. I wonder how much more shoveling Joe will have to do this weekend. (I’m sure you tell him to cover his ears! What’s up with those men of ours?) We will have severe cold here in South Bend, with up to a foot of snow predicted. I’m doubting that the schools will reopen on Monday — I’m guessing Wednesday. When Lucy and I were both teaching, we LOVED snow days, as I’d usually trek through the woods to her house and we’d sit and play SkipBo by the hours! Now that we are both retired, they are just another day to us. And fortunately, we have tomorrow to get out to the store and check on neighbors before both cold and snow hit.
    It was really interesting to see the dredging process in action. Thanks for sharing that. And I’m guessing that process is repeated regularly. Incredible — the forces of nature.
    Stay cozy warm and take care of each other! Happy New Year — Ethel

  60. Gina Derksen says:

    Susan, the Hub & I are planning plain English scones with tea, of course, for our Downton evening Sunday. What will you make? Pretty exciting!

  61. Jo in Western Springs, IL says:

    Just got home before night started falling, eating roasted corn chowder with ham and cheddar cheese in front of a cozy fire, about to settle in for a marathon of Sherlock Holmes movies. We had a foot of snow fall yesterday and are expecting a whopper tomorrow pm. Not sure I’m looking forward to -18 on Monday but we’re ready for it. Thank you, Susan, for all the warm and wonderful wishes you send our way in your blog. You mean the world to us!

  62. Joy says:

    Susan, your videos are wonderful! Of course the pictures and drawings are, too. I am glad you can stay snug and warm inside unless you (or Joe) just WANT to go out in the snow. We actually had a little of the white stuff here in north Georgia overnight! and more is forecast for Sunday and Monday. The nice thing is, it goes away in a few days, usually. Pretty, then gone before we get tired of it!

  63. Kimberly Allen says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you so very much, loved your lovely blog, makes me smile. I was wondering how do you keep the squirels form taking over the bird feeder?
    Have a wonderful night and may all your New Year dreams come true!!

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t know! I hear all the horror stories about squirrels, but ours seem to eat some, but not all. Plus they look cute while doing it.

  64. pat c says:

    Hi Susan,
    Your blog made me feel warmer as I hunkered down in CT with these freezing temperatures! I love the “house” candle you showed. Do you sell it?
    And that is a brave little red bird at your bird feeder. Looks like he/she is all dressed in a red snowsuit.
    The world does look lovely though outfitted in white ermine.

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t sell those candles, I wish I could find them for everyone, but I got mine long ago and don’t even remember where.

      • Sharon in South Carolina says:

        I just purchased one of these on Ebay and the page said they were sold by Pottery Barn several years ago. One person even mentioned that they had found the one they purchased in a Goodwill store.

        • sbranch says:

          I think it was Pottery Barn where I found it. It burns so well, I’m able to do a little each year, and when it gets too low, I’ll just fill it with a votive.

  65. Jennie says:

    Hi Susan- You had me with the frost on the kitchen window! Your post today really made me smile, though it is a struggle not to be jealous of your snow 😉 But I have the next best thing today as in sunshine and blue skies when our winters are typically 90% clouds and gloom. My birds are out too, but the are not nearly as hungry as your poor little guys!

    Funny enough I just started your ‘Days’ book on Wed. though it’s the older version. This particular one was unearthed from a box of long-packed-away-things last summer and I have been saving it for this month. In fact, I’ve had it sitting on top of my desk for several weeks so I wouldn’t forget. I’ve found myself absentmindedly petting it’s smooth cover- it’s very pettable, did you know? I plan on using it as a memory tool as well and the very first thing written in it is, “The doves were cooing today.” I hadn’t thought about it until now, but that’s not a bad way to start the new year is it.

    Have a happy, cozy day! All the best . . .

  66. Bonny ~* says:

    My BFF sent an email to my hubs and told him that “A Fine Romance” would be a great Christmas present for me…why didn’t I think to tell him that? All I told him was that I wanted a waffle iron…silly me! Well, I got both and just finished your book last night. I dragged it out as long as I could…didn’t want it to end!!! We have so much in common! I escaped heartbreak and fled to the mountains of NC (Blowing Rock) and lived in a tiny house (smaller than yours) for several years. I married a man 7 years younger than me when I was 36. Didn’t start my career as a cross-stitch designer (The Nebby Needle) until I was 60…3 1/2 years ago! I’m a late bloomer too! I too LOVE England (been there twice when we lived in Europe…Slovakia and Serbia…for 3 years). Would LOVE to do your exact tour one of these days…complete with the ship! Can I borrow Petey? ~*

  67. Carolyn says:

    Happy new year! Thanks for the cozy blast of winter and especially for the birds at the feeders! Enjoy being snuggled at home.

  68. Jan says:

    Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Home after celebrating our family Christmas. Wonderful time! Prior to going, we were without phone, computer, and electricity due to ice and snow. Did get some beautiful pictures of the ice and snow. Am catching up on all of the posts. Very cold here in Michigan too – negative ten early this morning. More snow on the way maybe Saturday. Enjoyed your snow and bird pictures. Made your cranberry apple crisp for Christmas day and family Christmas dinner – everybody liked it. Thanks! Something about being able to stay inside warm and cozy, and looking out at all of the beautiful white cold wonder outside, makes one happy and content. Enjoy! So glad to be home.

  69. Rae Ann R...back in Michigan...forever... says:

    “delightenment”=perfect word for feelings after/during a blizzard…xoxo…

  70. Barbara (WA) says:

    Oh I hope, I hope, I hope we have one good snowstorm this winter – I love it! And birds at the feeder are on of my favorite things. A hummingbird was scolding me today while I was pruning the hydrangea next to the feeder. The dredging is so interesting! Of course, nothing beats the sound of sea and surf. I am wishing we’d planned a grand adventure to a beach somewhere for our 40th Wedding Anniversary which is coming up on January 5. The weather is supposed to be cold and sunny so maybe we can go on a hike before having dinner at my favorite water front restaurant. So thankful for all these years with my hubby!!

    • Diana - Highland, IL says:

      Congrats Barbara to you and your hubs! Me and mine will celebrate 40 years on Sept. 20th! Kinda hard to believe, but wouldn’t trade him for the world.. He takes very good care of me. You should definitely treat yourself. My husband and I are taking a trip to Seattle and then to Victoria as our gift to ourselves! Can’t wait. Never been that far west!!

  71. Marilyn says:

    Fascinating to watch the movement of the sand.
    Then I could just sit for hours watching birds at
    the bird feeder. I have hummingbirds at my feeder
    each day and sit with my morning tea and breakfast
    and watch them out my window. If I could I would send
    you a picture taken at Christmas time.

  72. Barbara (WA) says:

    PS: I gave my two sisters each A Fine Romance, pre-ordered way back, signed by you, for Christmas. I included the bookmark, too. They loved it!

  73. Becky from Lockport, Illinois says:

    I love your idea of writing snipets from each day…I ran out to school today to pick up assessments for report cards which go out our first week back…word has it we may be closed Monday due to windchills of 50 below…as I drove home the sun was setting in a cold wintery sky and it was Beautiful!! God’s handiwork it was! Keep warm and cozy!

  74. Connie Sue says:

    SNOW!!!!!! love it!! The view out your kitchen window is soooooo magical!! We may get 2 inches Sunday! Snow is rare here in West Tennessee! I loved all your pictures and so interesting about the dredging! That Jack is a rascal! I gave our birdies a extra treat of “too old to be in the cabinet Bread crumbs!” Stay Warm!! I was thinking about Bing singing “Snow” with Rosemary Clooney!”

    I’m soooooooooo excited about the Valentines and Valentine Banner!!

  75. Karen Schnutenhaus says:

    We definitely don’t have the snow here in CA but I’m in tune with your! I’m transferring all the significant family dates (birthdays, etc.) to the 2014 calendar. I’m not – yet – in my jammies but will be watching Downton Abbey on PBS before the new season begins on Sunday. I’m not copying you – truly! – but I’m going to write in a journal each day to try and remember what I did. As you say, not Jane Austen, but just informational.
    Really like the picture of Joe with the sea grass in front. Such a nice photo.

  76. Karen Schnutenhaus says:

    you not your! 🙂

  77. Lee Rose says:

    Have you ever taken a picture at the same time, from the same spot, every day for a year? I haven’t done it yet, but I have seen one. Amazing how the tiny differences day by day make huge differences month by month. So some day, when I have a pretty view, I am going to do it. Your beach would be perfect.

    • Diana - Highland, IL says:

      Lee Rose… I have heard of that… only I heard of someone who took a picture of their house/property once a month for a year and then had all the pictures put into an album.. thought that was a pretty cool idea!!!

  78. Chrissy says:

    Happy New Year Ms. Susan and Girlfriends! I love it when it snows and you have no where to go. You can sit in the silence the snow brings. It’s so peaceful. I enjoyed your little birdies. I have decided this year to keep a gratitude journal. I usually thank God for three things every night while saying my prayers, but I decided to write them down to keep a record of my many blessings. I’ll have to get your Days book to record them.

  79. Susan Taylor says:

    Hi Susan, When I read your wonderful insights it makes me realize how beautiful God’s creation truly is. It’s fun to live your memories, current and past with you. We all have them, you just truly know how to bring them to life. I love the fact you make me feel like I’m still living in my “Little Girl World” and I’m 59 years young..bless you for bringing so much happiness! P.S. Stay warm…it’s even extremely cold here in Texas…brrrr…where are my flip flops..

  80. Rhonda D. says:

    Such a cozy post Susan. You do cozy so well. We got the tail end of your blizzard here in the maritimes, just enough to cozy up by the fire. You said that you didn’t have any snow there, just freezing cold. So I took it upon myself to say a prayer for you to have some snow (I know how much you love it). I’ve also been going around here singing the Burl Ives tune “please send some snow, some snow for Susan”…looks like it worked! Enjoy! I bought your Book of Days and couldn’t wait for Jan. 1st to come to start using it, then I had so much to do, I forgot. Glad you reminded me. My days are very special to me now and I too want to remember. Have fun on your snow day, hope you are feeling better.

  81. Lisa V. from Flower Mound, TX says:

    How wonderful to have a snow day! We hardly ever get those here in Texas. I still keep hot chocolate, popcorn, tomato soup, and grilled cheese fixins’ on hand, just in case! A perfect time to read Beatrix Potter’ s Gardening Life and dream about spring. Or plan your garden for spring…Or remember your trip to Hilltop…such a lovely book. Stay warm!

  82. Linda T. in Maine. says:

    Happy New Year you Susan and Joe, Love your pics of the birds. The dredging pics were interesting. Here in Maine they dredge in the summer time. Never seen them do it in the winter. You must of got snow just after the dredging pics. I didn’t see much snow by the beach . Your windows look somewhat like ours, but we have lots of ice and snow. 20 inches or more now. Snowed 2 days straight. It was -4 degrees all day today. It is going to be -14 degrees tonight. Staying close to the wood stove tonight. We moved our queen size bed New Years Eve into the Living room when the storm outside was bad an the temps took a nose dive. Really cold for the past 3 days and nights. Tonight is going to be the worst. Sipping on a good cup of hot tea and hoping it does get a little warmer. They say it is the worst ,the weather man has seen in years up here. Very Icy here on the coast in Phippsburg, Maine and ” Baby it’s COLD out there! “. Stay warm and warm up those rosy cheeks that Joe has. He looks as cold as I feel right now. ” Think Spring “. Just a note toThank you for all you do to make life such a pleasure. Keep up the great work. Can’t wait for the next book.. Any hints on what it will be? Love and have them all. Take care and stay warm. I feed lots of birdies also. They need all our help this time of year. I have gray squirels and one red squirel also. Guess they need to eat to. Thanks Again Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      There are several things on the burners now, a book about breakfast, a book about the first house I had here on the island, a book about tea . . . but first I have to do the 2015 calendar!

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        All GREAT ideas for books!

      • Sharon in South Carolina says:

        Oh yes please, do a book about breakfast and one about your first house on the island and . . . one about your current home – I love it the most! Months ago in a reply to one of your blogs about the possibility of your doing a magazine I said that it might keep you too busy to keep up with these wonderful blogs. But, after being a bit disappointed with the Yankee Magazine article and then SOOOO excited when you did your own version in a blog . . . I have changed my mind completely. Please do a magazine too. Years ago I fell in love with the New England Cedar Shake style when I purchased the Winter 2010 of Renovation Style, turned to page 108/109 and found the article about Seaworthy, Andrea Kerrison’s home on the shores of Lake Minnetonka (you can view it here: . Now I have two homes that I long to have duplicates of . . . only I want them to be in my normally warmer, home state of South Carolina.

      • Linda T. in Maine. says:

        Thanks Keep up the great work. Looking forward to all of the books and the 2115 calendar. Take Care.

  83. Paula B. says:

    I feel just like I’m with you and Joe and the kitties, enjoying the warmth of the toasty fire as the snowstorm barrels down on the island, brrr. The temps are just ridiculously cold today, here, on a little cove of Narragansett Bay. It’s nice to stay indoors, glad the tree and all its lights are still up. I like that snippet of wisdom you included about writing: how I long to begin somewhere and unfurl all those ideas I long to share. I figure it’s now, at age sixty or never…. you are always an inspiration and just maybe I’ll start to put down my own thoughts. Who knows where that might lead!

  84. Julie Marie says:

    Hello Susan… love all of your snow photos… glad you are safe and warm inside… “snug as a bug in a rug” my mama always used to say!… (I still say that!)… loved your comment about “luring Joe inside with a grilled cheese sandwich”!… I think I could be lured just about anywhere with a grilled cheese sandwich!… we have been having them alot (with tomato soup for dinner!)… I know how much you love your quiet time when your island is at rest… Autumn and Winter would be my favorite time there too I do believe… maybe one day I will get there, but for now I wear my “Martha’s Vineyard” dream bead from your shop around my neck… and dream… xoxo Julie Marie

    • sbranch says:

      My three beads are around my neck too, I just love to click them together, they feel like something a bit magic.

  85. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    My Arnie left yesterday, and he e-mailed me that there were 14 ft. waves last night. He said today they are just securing everything. Half the crew is sea sick, and they are eating on paper plates! He said at lunch he was the only one in line. That’s my sailor!
    I just thought I should add a different storm story…LOL

    • sbranch says:

      Oooo, I would not want to be on the water! I’m not sure my sea-bands could withstand 14′ waves!

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        It sounds scary to me too, and I LOVE the ocean. I have been in a storm on the Albemarle Sound, and some folks find that scary.

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        He just wrote he had on shorts and a t-shirt as it was so hot, but when he looked at the thermostat it read 62. He said he guessed all that trying to stand up makes one hot. LOL…

  86. Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

    Oh my Susan! I knew you were going to get slammed! Love Joe’s rosy cheeks!
    The snow storm reminded me of Cornmeal Mush! When I was a kid, the first snow or any big snow storm found my mother making a huge pot of Cornmeal Mush late at night after dinner. Before we went to bed we all got a bowl of mush. I liked mine with butter and brown sugar. Dad had his with milk. (Mine was better!). To this day the sight of a big snow storm makes me hungry for mush. Maybe some of the Pennsylvania girlfriends will remember mush. What ever was left over, Mom put in a loaf pan and then fried it the next morning. But I loved it best the night she made it. I hardly ever get mush now, living in Texas! Snow storms are rare. But the next time we have snow, I’m going out side and make a snow angel. Thanks Carilyn for the idea…and the I’m making a pot of Cornmeal Mush!
    Stay warm, hope your cold is better. Love the picture of Jack pleading to see out the window!
    Chris….where the weather is not too bad!

  87. Blizzard photos, beach video, birds, movie trailer, fireplace, music — what a delight to read this post, Susan! Here on the farm in NC we have cold temperatures; I’ve had to refill the chickens’ water stations a few times because they kept freezing, and I find myself longing for milder temperatures. But this post reminds me that there’s such coziness inside on days like this. Have a continually cozy evening.

  88. donna says:

    We had our snow visit yesterday. My boys at home {15 and 16} did the digging out WITH the hubby as he is off on Fridays…something I truly LOVE about his work :0). I LOVED the photos you shared. Makes me long for smell of the ocean. Moving from NYC to PA was great…but we do miss the ocean! Thank you for your beautiful place on the web. I have yet to leave here without a smile! Keep warm!

  89. Jean says:

    I love your blog. I got A Fine Romance for Christmas and am half way through it, enjoying each of your adventures as if I was there with you and Joe. Loving the book!

  90. Happy New Year ~ Yay, for 2014! ~ I love how you said “Let’s make it a good one!”
    We will!!
    And I love your BLIZZARD!
    Enjoy your snow. 🙂

  91. Mary says:

    Please moderate me.

  92. Gail Marie says:

    Your posts are always filled with so much… Fun! Love the video of the dredging.. Def. mesmerizing. Fish tank = bird feeder = good comparison. The Hamptons didn’t get hit as hard as you guys, but we are snuggled in front of the fire listening to the Musica on Pandora radio. Thanks for the very you of You! XO GG

  93. Pat Stansel says:

    Seeing the storm reminded me of the wonderful times we spent at our second home at Lake Arrowhead. There were some really big storms, sometimes several feet . But we had the luxury of leaving after the weekend. When your home is stocked with the necessities there’s nothing cozier than sitting in front of a roaring fire with a glass of wine & looking out at the falling snow!

  94. Diane says:

    Hi Susan,
    When I read your ideas for your “Counting Our Blessings: Days From The Heart of the Home” I just wanted to share something we did for a dear friend whose husband’s long, grueling fight against cancer is slowly coming to an end.
    Our friend was spending day after day at the hospital with her beloved husband last fall, leaving very early in the morning and getting home very late at night. She is so amazing at being positive, and was able to say that she liked the new hospital room with the windows that let her see the Tulsa skyline and the beautiful leaves changing color – that she thought it was going to be such a pretty fall. Amazed that she was still able to see the beauty, I told another friend what she said, and that friend commented, “She’s so positive! She should write a book called ‘What Cancer Couldn’t Take From Me’.” I had recently ordered your book, and knew right away what I had to do, leaving it with a note on her front porch with some other little goodies. She called the next day with tears choking her voice and said she was so glad to get the book. Then she said, “Do you know why I’m so glad to get it? It’s because I wish I had it a couple months ago to write down the simple things that happened when he was still at home. I know there were some good times then, but it’s so hard to remember them now with all that’s going on. I’m going to write all those small simple things down now, so that when this is all over, I’ll remember that it wasn’t all bad.”
    I hadn’t looked at it like that before, and thought that hearing about my friend’s words and insights may be a way for some of the other girlfriends to encourage and lift up someone they care about. You and your books are leaving ripples of love.

  95. Victoria Miller says:

    Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but your blog is so delightful! Visiting my daughter near Cleveland. Last night we had six deer in the back yard, and so many birds at the feeder, like you, my daughter has to fill it often! And squirrels at the squirrel feeder. Even though they have their own feeder, with peanuts, even, they still try to figure out how to get in the bird feeder. They’ve destroyed two, even the last one which was supposed to be squirrel proof! We think we have them fooled this time though! I’ve seen a family of doves, a cardinal couple, a bluejay, and little nuthatches on the tree (at first I thought they were tiny woodpeckers!) Very exciting, since we don’t have these wonderful creatures were I live in California, at least, not like this. Or amazing snowstorms. I may have to stay longer than I’d planned! Thank you
    for your warm and fuzzy post! (Even the parts that were chill and snowy!) A great time of the year for snuggling in!

  96. Stacey says:

    Well, we moved back to Wisconsin from Florida last October and are here in time for one of the coldest winters expected in decades! We live along the Mississippi River, which is frozen over right now. We have had light snows several times, but the big thing has been the temps. Sunday it is expected to start plummeting with a high of 1, Monday -11 for the high! The lows will be -24 or so and they expect the wind chills to be -40/-50! I am loving it, and most thankful for a warm roof over my head. I loved all your pictures in this post and was reminded by your comment of the sun streaming through the clouds of what my mother would say whenever she noticed a shaft of light through the clouds….’someone is getting their miracle’. May we all be aware in 2014 of all the miracles constantly happening around us. Have a most blessed year!

  97. Jack says:

    Quite cold here in cottonwood Az. Coming up on 60 Ya know we are pretty high altitude here ,so I’m taking this slow time to study some DNA work …..have a small supply of DNA from both an Owl and a Goat — If I can find the right mix I think I can make you a Hootnanny ! Outstanding Companion for the cats..

    • sbranch says:

      Oh my goodness, I am going to have to come over there and settle you down! 🙂

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      I love it! Hootnanny! LOL……

    • Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, MN says:

      Jack, here in St. Paul, MN, we have a HIGH predicted Monday of -19 F.!!!! Every day the weatherman has lowered it. This record-setting temperature prediction has everyone in “storm mode”. Costco was a major traffic jam at every checkout. Everyone had the same thought–stock up on good food and stay home Sunday and Monday and maybe Tuesday, too! The schools have been closed for Monday and a lot of businesses are, too, just for safety’s sake. Frostbite and black ice!

  98. Cheryl says:

    Happy New Year to you Susan and all you SB fans out there!
    Loved your blog (as always!). It was very interesting to see what the dredging process is like on your beach back there so, I took my computer over to our 18 yr old son sitting in a chair and showed him your video. I’m telling him everything you said about the dredging process and making comments like, “Look! There’s the Atlantic Ocean!!!! Look at the rocks on the beach (we’re originally from Oregon where we have soft, sandy beaches. No large rocks).” It was a fun moment for me. Maybe some day we’ll get back that way.
    I love how your beach has large rocks as well as sand.
    I love seeing the beachy style houses in the background. And, enjoyed the seagulls waiting for whatever portion of food would come there way.
    Also wanted to say how much I loved seeing your hubby’s RED cheeks in the picture! All red and cold from the weather. It was cute and made me smile 🙂
    Enjoy your snow/down time back there. Thanks for all you do! You make our world a prettier place!

  99. Cindy says:

    Thank you for sharing all your snow! I just moved to Santa Barbara from the Pacific Northwest and I almost miss the cold weather. Almost. 🙂

  100. Terry says:

    Happy New Year, Susan!

    I am using your new Book of Days to record my days. This is the 14th year that I am using your Book of Days. I love love love it!


    • sbranch says:

      Fourteen years Terry!!!

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      WOW! I wish I would have found one 14 years ago. I used to go from store to store looking for SB things, but I never realized there were cookbooks or other books back then until my co-worker told me. I was too busy looking at all the little details of all the little drawings on the calendars to notice there were some recipes.

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