♥ H A P P Y   S U N D A Y   D E A R   H E A R T S ! ♥

tea cup flowers

MUSICA and flowers for you!  I’m just wondering if you’ve been reading your comments?  Are you not the most dried flowerswonderful gathering of people you have ever seen?  I have enjoyed them so much, all 1,400 of them . . . each comment individually, but when you put them all together, it’s Spring! ♣ It’s family, it’s memories, beauty, lve and creativity and charm and trying hard and making a difference ~ all the things I have always loved about the readers of my books ~ which I learned about from the letters I received from so many of you over the years, but now, here we are, together at last and it’s just so lovely to read!

budsme and lambThank you so much for taking the time to write!  I thought I would wish you all a Happy Sunday — and let the drawing go a couple more days so everyone has a chance to sign up.  If you’re not sure what “drawing” I’m talking about, scroll down to the next post ~ we’re in the middle of a Give-Away!  ← That’s a hint.

 You can leave your comment either here or there (at the bottom of either post where you see the tiny gray letters “comments” just click and there you go) and as many times as you like because Vanna is brilliant and knows to choose only one from each name/address.  Until then, from my Girlfriends Forever book, the perfect title for US, this, for all you beautiful girls . . .

self respectThank you for being here! Keep the home fires burning!  Downton Abbey tonight!  Ooooo-La-Wee!  xoxo


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719 Responses to HAPPY SUNDAY ♥

  1. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Wow! Happy Sunday to you, too, Susan. Beautiful advice to follow at any age. Your little lambkin needs a name, I think. Happy Downton watching.

    • sbranch says:

      We’ve had some wonderful lamb names here in the comments — we should pick one of those!

      • debra sewell says:

        I luv the lamb cake. I think snowflake is sweet name. Years ago when my children were little we had Hampshire sheep. I had a sheep named Snowflake. I toom him to my daughters class for a spring visit. You brought back thst memory. And Downto Abbey was grand.

      • Miss Marion says:

        Susan, you’ve already chosen her name…Cassandra (from your Jane Austen post). Well, it gets my vote anyway. 🙂
        And it IS a Happy Sunday for me because I just found your “Heart of the Home Cookbook” online and snapped it right up!!

  2. Lee Rose says:

    Happy Sunday Susan. Thank you for getting my day off to a flowery start.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Happy Sunday to you! Hope you have a stupendous day, and thank you for your wonderful blogs….they make a heart SING!

  4. Mary Jean Price says:

    Good beautiful Sunday morning Susan!

    Love your blog! Love starting my day with a beautiful friend! Enjoy the day!

  5. erin says:

    I really like your answer to what is self respect, especially the part about regular medical check ups. It is not something that comes to mind when one thinks of self respect, but after my family member had a heart attack, I’ve realised how important it is to love our body and to go for regular medical check ups. So glad you included it! I love reading your blog and your lovely ilustrations, thanks for sharing!

    • sbranch says:

      I was reminded because I just went for my first colonoscopy this week. Highly frightened to do it, I put it off for many years, living off the good health of my parents! But finally I forced myself. I can report that it is, as all my friends and Joe told me, really easy and nothing as I expected. No naked hineys in the air. No cold metal tables. Positively no pain or embarrassment at ALL. Seriously, I made it into much more than it needed to be. I feel proud to have done it, and say to everyone, go if you haven’t. xoxo With love from the Heart of the Home and me…♥

      • Janie Osborne says:

        Thank you for the report I was just wondering how difficult is the prep the day before? I used to work in a hospital pharmacy and I know what comes in the prep kit…I think that would be the most challanging part for me….was it terribly uncomfortable a) drinking the stuff that helps clean you out, b) did you feel yucky during or after the prep part was working? I know these are delicate questions, but you were so good to share your experience of the scope procedure.

        • sbranch says:

          Not that bad, really. The same as maybe a little food poisoning, LOL … nothing you really haven’t experienced before. Eight 8-oz glasses of liquid over 3 hours — one about every 20 min., not great tasting, but I’ve had worse, and it’s cold from the fridge. Drink it down, have a cup of hot tea with it to keep yourself warm inside. I didn’t feel yukky. The best thing, that day was Joe’s homemade chicken broth…

          • Judi Jacobs says:

            I, too, had a colonoscomy this week. Time, as I am 65. Not pleasant but something we need to do for ourselves. As a BFF told me once, “I can’t go around it, can’t go over it or under it, I just have to go through it to get to the other side.” So glad I did and everyone was so helpful to me about taking the yucky stuff and at the hospital. Do it for yourself!!! One lady said sip a little light colored soda(only about a cup) while taking the “cleansing” and that helped tremendously!

          • Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

            Jim and I have always had our colonoscopies at the same time. So the night before we are both fasting and drinking “the stuff”. You need 2 bathrooms though, if you do it as a couple! :). Jim’s daughter always drives us. Jim is always ready to go eat afterwards….I just want to sleep. It is great for a quick 4-5 pound weight loss! I find I have a lot of energy after the fast and the procedure.
            My mother is a colon cancer survivor, she will be 91 this April! Go get it done girls! No matter how awful you think it is……it’s much better than surgery and chemo and follow-ups for 5 years!

          • sbranch says:

            And, it’s really not that awful! I’ve had waaaay worse and more icky tests than this!

      • Carol Maurer~~~~ Kennewick, Wa says:

        I’ve heard that the prepping is what is terrible. Drinking all that yucky stuff.

        • sbranch says:

          They do say that’s the worse part and I guess it is, but it’s really not that bad, and for what it gives you, it’s a miracle. Now you’re allowed to have tea or clear soup while you’re doing it, or jello, or suck lemon drops. It’s just truly not that bad.

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            ~ Hi ~ I’ve had 2 and I was allowed to do it taking laxatives and drinking Gatorade~ No problem! ~ With my family history~ mom and her sister both had colon cancer ~ I went before I was 50~ if they find anything they snip it right away ~ such an easy thing and it’s so curable if they find it early!~

          • Tisa @ Seattle Retro says:

            Yep, we over 50s should all join the Colonoscopy Club so we can have peace of mind (or deal with the whatever). They gave me ‘flavor packets’ to mix with a gallon of water….”just keep drinking…just keep drinking…” I told myself. Didn’t feel like having the flu to me, no cramps 🙂
            The test itself was easy, the drugs they give you send you to la-la land immediately & afterwards it hardly seems like I even did it. No pain, no nothing! (I do remember listening to the ‘after counseling’ of the patient next to me….”don’t sign any contracts–or buy anything on eBay”. I sell ads on eBay, can I still do that? LOL) But afterwards, shouldn’t we get a lollipop or something? Go, girlfriends, go, just one more Self Care items to check off our lists. Come back & tell us you did it, we’ll give you all a “Woo-Hoo!”, won’t we Susan?

          • carmel says:

            I’m so glad they’re allowing clear soups and tea. I had one a few years ago and what made me sick was the liquid in the bottle (whatever that was) and not the pills. I’ve met people who didn’t have to drink the stuff in the bottle. Anyway, it’s only for one day and other than feeling queasy from the liquid in the bottles, it was was okay and worth the trouble to have peace of mind. Let’s be all brave and take good care of ourselves.

          • Carol Maurer~~~~ Kennewick, Wa says:

            I didn’t know that. Now, that wouldn’t be too bad. Hummmm. I’ll have to think on it for a bit 🙂

        • BookGirlIL says:

          Use a straw, Carol. That really helped me. Then it kind of bypasses a lot of your tongue. Good luck! It’s not so bad. Good, relaxing drugs afterwards! 🙂

          • sbranch says:

            LOL, bypassing the tongue!

          • Donna Klein says:

            The thing that got me thru the whole prep thing was popsicles. Just don’t have red ones 🙂

          • sbranch says:

            I loved the little containers of green jello!

          • Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, MN says:

            The ishy lemon/lime stuff you mix with water to drink the 8 glasses of wasn’t bad, not great, but not bad. But the small bottle of stuff I had to drink the morning of–that was bad. Tasted like pure salt with a tiny bit of water in it. It was very hard to get down–gaggy. Yes, I’ve heard from some friends who didn’t have to drink that small bottle of icky stuff the morning of–just the 8 glasses of lemon/lime the day before. Depends on the gastro doc, I guess…The best thing I can say about the whole experience is that it is nice to have it behind you, instead of in front of you. And no pun was intended! 🙂

          • sbranch says:

            The procedure has changed . . . no longer have that second thing, plus they used to make you drink twice as much of the other stuff than they do now. We are lucky to be going now!

      • Nancy says:

        So glad you did that! My Dad died from colon cancer so in January I had my third colonoscopy….and was told that the gene probably skipped me!!! Good news….but “come back in five years!” 🙂

      • Catie Cook says:

        The prep is FAR worse than the procedure!! The procedure is a walk in the park! But drinking all of that gunk beforehand? Dreadful. Seriously dreadful. But totally worth it!

        • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

          I never mind a bit of saltwater. Afterall I spend my entire summer swimming in the ocean! LOL
          Last summer I spent more time in one day than the usual, as I was helping a friend with autistic kids, so… at the end of the day my lips felt like I had way too many salty snacks!! LOL

  6. Vicki Panzarino says:

    You inspire us to new heights! I think we all have a duty to encourage each other to be our better selves….you do this for all of us and make it look effortless! Thank you for all the inspiration….enjoy this beautiful day!

  7. Linda Fleming says:

    What a wonderful surprise to wake up this morning to your beautiful Sunday greeting. Plus, I can actually see a patch of ground here at our house in Connecticut. And, there were a pair of bluebirds on the bluebird box yesterday.

  8. Martine says:

    What a nice Sunday treat and inspiration! Thank you for all of the time you put into your blogs; I (along with all the other girlfriends), enjoy your postings tremendously. I have followed you for years (from the Country Living days, and have all but a few of your recipes/art work from those magazines), not to mention the calendars, books, paper, fabrics . . . you get the picture! 🙂 You are extraordinarily gifted, and so generous to share with all of us!

  9. Pat Stansel says:

    My oh my , what a lovely surprise—a sweet little hello from you—love the heart mug full of flowers, looks like new artwork .

  10. Nancy E Brennan says:

    Thank you for your lovely page once again. Yes, pride in one’s self is so important and the rest should automatically come natural. Sun is shining hear and now snow is visible(well just little bits) of brown. This just started my day off as I am sipping coffee. Thank you.

  11. Darlene says:

    Good morning Susan! Thank you for the beautiful flowers and thank you for always thinking of us! I’m so happy to be a part of it all! xoxo

  12. Denise from Maryland says:

    Along with you Susan, the girlfriends truly amaze and inspire me!
    Happy Sunday to all!

  13. Marie Welch says:

    Thanks for always being such a wonderful inspiration! You always bring a smile to my day and music to my heart!!

  14. Lorie Hartsig says:

    Tonight’s the night! The last Downton for a while…. 🙁
    Love your pictures of springtime, reminding us of what is ahead.
    Happy Sunday!

  15. Marie Welch says:

    Thanks for your wonderful inspiration! You always bring a smile to my face and music to my heart!!

  16. Debbie Anderson says:

    I love lambs and the cake sounds and looks wonderful. What a great combo!

  17. Lorie Hartsig says:

    SPECIAL cudos to you for your very reassuring post about your colonoscopy. What an important and speedy, easy test. The worst part is fearing it……as FDR told us.
    And it feels so good to have it behind you (haha)…..right?

  18. Belinda Riffenburg says:

    “Treating yourself like YOU matter, with esteem” LOVE it! Such pretty flowers and so early in the morning! They are beautiful!!! I was dreading being at work at 7:30 am this morning …knowing that I was working a double and would not get off until midnight. Thank you for this lovely start to my day! HAPPY SUNDAY Susan!!! Be blessed!

  19. Mary in Phoenix says:

    Love love love the teacup overflowing with hearts and flowers … so colorful & happy 🙂 Something more to add to your Tea Book “pile” … YES!!! Happy Sunday and happy painting ♥

  20. Georganne says:

    Happy Sunday Susan! It’s a beautiful morning here in the Smoky Mountains. The woods will soon be covered with violets (white, violet, & yellow), lady slippers, wild iris, & trillium to name a few – such beauty for us to enjoy. I’m looking forward to it, but I don’t mind if we have another pretty snow or two before spring arrives. I love all the seasons!

  21. Kelly Wenhold says:

    Happy Sunday…it is a lesson that should be taught to the children of today.

  22. Cynthia Pfledderer says:

    So beautifully said, one of my favorite posts! 🙂

  23. Rosanna says:

    Oh how I love to come to your site and return to what I consider the REAL world. It is like coming home, closing the doors (and some days feeling you need to double lock them!) just to keep out the ‘other world’ out.

    It is so nice to know that so many other people feel the same way – what you have created is simply a beautiful, quiet place where one can ‘go’ to be with people who feel the same……… and now that I think of it – isn’t that one of the things that therapists tell you – go to your happy place? Well, this is definitely a happy place! 🙂

  24. Pam says:

    What a lovely post! Just wanted to say I was thrilled to find a copy of your Heart of the Home book at the tattered cover in Denver. I was curious if I need to make altitude adjustments for the baking (?)
    Loving the lambie posts. I have always adored lamb since I was a little girl. I had a stuffed one when I was little ” pammy’s lammy” they called it:)

    • sbranch says:

      I am pretty much at sea-level here give or take a few feet so I’m not as familiar as you probably are with the subject of high altitude baking. I’ve looked at information such as THIS before, but they say it can even vary depending on where in the mountains you live. There are basic guidelines, but then it seems to depend on experimentation to find what works for you. Hope this helps!

      • Pam says:

        Thank you!!!
        That’s very helpful! Looking forward to some experimentation:)

      • Rebecca Walsh says:

        P.S. As a long time Denver resident, I have not had to do any altitude adjustment for Susan’s recipes, but the book Pie in the Sky is a good reference for altitude adjustments.

    • maryb says:

      i’ve been to the tattered cover several years ago when two of my sons lived there (both have since married and live in new york and new jersey!) it was a wonderful place to sit and read or browse and i still have a mug from there mb

    • Terrie from Atlanta, GA says:

      Hi, Pam! My mother and sister live in Denver ~ both use the King Arthur Flour guide that Susan recommended to you. Best to start off by adding a bit more liquid and then staying close by your oven, as baking times seem to lessen with altitude. And Denver is at 5k feet! Good luck to you, dear. Xo Terrie

  25. Jean Shaffer says:

    Love your comments on self respect-well said. I’ve been trying to put that into words for my 12 yr. old grand daughter. Thanks for the help!

    • sbranch says:

      Now, in retrospect, when I look at my Girlfriend’s Book it looks like it was written for 12 year olds! Which is what I think my age-for-life is, so it makes sense!

      • Terrie from Atlanta, GA says:

        SB, I’m 52 this year, and if I had to choose an age to permanently remain an All-Time Girlfriend, 12 might be just about PERFECT, don’t you think? Looking in the mirror used to give me the shivers … All of the wonder, the changes, the beauty and private thoughts and deep friendships; secrets we were beginning to realize were out there just for US … and all the time in the world to learn them. God bless the 12-year old girl in every Girlfriend ~ long may she reign!

  26. Gail E. says:

    As always, thanks for the posts, always so pretty and fun to read.

  27. Rosinda says:

    Good morning and happy Sunday, sweetie! xoxo

  28. Isabel says:

    Happy Sunday to you Susan, and all the girlfriends. You never fail to be an inspiration with your so appropriate words. For me, it almost always comes just when I need it. How do you do that?

    It’s so hard here in Florida because there is no spring. So I always get my inspiration from your beautiful pictures.

    Always enjoy reading all the comments. So many beautiful girlfriends from all over. Always gives me a lift if I am down. Looking forward to your next post.

    • sbranch says:

      I am we and we are me and always the twain does meet. 🙂

      • Jack says:

        A veritable we-we…like twine on the twain……love it when you make your “mark!”
        Also , one wonders why you keep your Lamb in the dark , with no eyes , is it just too sheepish , to face the world ?
        How do you like “Chops” for a name ……?

        • sbranch says:

          He has eyes, but very thick long brown eyelashes. 🙂 Lamb chops is taken by that little lamb puppet.

          • Jack says:

            Oh yes , Shari Lewis, sock puppet ….cute …however “Chops” is different, like at the butcher shop ….no infringement intentionally intended …. In this incidental Identity indicator …..

          • sbranch says:

            You start off on one subject, suddenly the words take over, and “I” wins . . . 🙂

  29. Janie Osborne says:

    Good morning Sweet Susan and girlfriends!

    Loved your darling lamby pie cake, I will bet he was just as yummy as he was adoreable! Your view into Spring, especially through cherry blossom branches hust cheered me up so much! I have more to share but I will have to come back in a little while..gotta go make coffe for the hubby.

    :- ) Janie in East Tennessee

  30. Gail H. O. says:

    Your words on self respect are so valuable! I shall save this and pass it on to my 21 year old daughter who will be moving away from home in the fall. That is good advice for us all to savor. I know someone who lives their life exactly like this and been a role model for me, my 91 year old aunt.

  31. mary spring says:

    …such an endearing post !!..we are all a bunch of “dear hearts”, aren’t we?!?..with love.. as always..

  32. Becky from Lockport, Illinois says:

    Happy Sunday! My mother-in-law was a person that I admired and respected very much. She was a tiny woman who always wore khakis, keds, and pretty little sweatshirts. Loved her dearly! She was always so much fun! She loved her dice game at the Senior Center. We would tease her and ask if she was shooting “craps” with her friends?

  33. Dolores says:

    Happiest of days to you also Susan! The comment stating that your blog provides an escape and a “happy place” was perfectly said. This seemingly small thing you do, makes a difference in the day for many people! Thank you!!!

  34. Connie Walts says:

    I’m reading A Fine Romance and every page is a beautiful gift! I have always enjoyed your books but this one takes the cake. Thank you for your inspiration.

  35. Tessa~ says:

    Susan, you are so warm and cute and loving… Plus, your blog is always a feast for the eyes. No wonder you get “oodles and oooodles” of comments. :-)))
    And on top of all this, you read each one! Marvelous.
    Of course we regular bloggers, read all our comments. But the fact that you do, yours….. Well, it just makes you all the more sweet and loving and … Mmmm, kinda’ like a *regular person.* -grin-
    Gentle hugs,

  36. Kathy George says:

    Soon we are going for a Sunday snowshoe in the woods and I am of the mind set it will be the last of this winter season. All the snow is melting around us today, water dripping down off the roofs. Spring is in the air, lets hope, just like Downton!

  37. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Thank you dear sweet Sue, for such a lovely blog! And, Happy Sunday to you and this “wonderful gathering of people”! Love your new painting! We’re still quite hearty here, what with Valentine’s Day & today’s our 50th Anniversary, so February is Love Month! And, if I remember right, which is not often these days, your Anniversary is this month too Sue & Joe – happy Love Month to you too! ♥ & xo

    • Dawn (in Illinois) says:

      Happy 50th Anniversary, Joan! Wishing you both a golden celebration of LOVE and happiness!! Sending so much love! ♡♡

      • Joan Lesmeister says:

        Thank you Dawn, so sweet of you! The time really whooshes by, hard to believe! As everybody knows in a relationship, “some days are diamonds & some days are stones”, but love, prayer, respect, and then some more prayer & love sure do give us our daily diamonds!! ♥

        • Dawn (in Illinois) says:

          Joan, such wonderful words of wisdom! We are still ‘newlyweds’ of five years. We met later in life and I was a first-time bride in my early fifties. We are so happy that we found one another! ♡♡ Many blessings to both of you!

  38. Leah brooks says:

    I was born in the Chinese year of the sheep, and never felt sheepish about it! I am planning a trip to England, inspired by you and Joe.

  39. Susan, I was happy to see you posted again . Hope you have had some sunshine this week. We have and I have enjoyed every day of it. Love that Dorothy Parker quote. Blessings to you , Joe and the pets. xoxo,Susie

  40. Susan P. says:

    Susan…What a great way to wake up on Sunday with you and all the girlfriends…I read all the comments….they all inspire me…(it is also my way of not getting any house work done) oh that is right, I am PROCESSING. As I read your mother’s fashion comments I literally LOL “wear clean underwear you never know when you will be in an accident” My mother’s exact words to all seven of us. I am off to Church now and I know when that sermons comes today it better be glorious..or I will be off in BRANCH Land dreaming and stifling a laugh.. (and I am sure I will get the elbow from my husband to pay attention) hahahaha they can not enter my mind… nor invade my world of dreams…. and YES, FAIRIES and all my wondrous delights and adventurers . But really, I am off to Church. ..? Thanks again for a great start to a great Sunday. Love, Susan P.

  41. Denise D'Angel says:

    And good morning to you as well! Happy Sunday and believe it or…we out here in Sunny California are having too much of spring…a little secret? I’m almost okay with it! 😉

    Denise in Sacramento, CA!

  42. Julia says:

    This is a REAL happy Sunday for me. Your “keep the home fires
    burning” was way too close for me. Yesterday I woke up suddenly
    from my “serious” nap and smelled smoke and looked out the window
    to see my neighbors huge fire pit had gotten out of control and was
    already in my back yard. I called 911 and I really didn’t think
    the fire trucks would get here in time. I screamed “my animals
    are inside.” My grass burned all the way up to my house foundation
    on two sides. Needless to say I was hysterical. I had taken Dolly
    (beagle) out with me but I couldn’t find the cats. I certainly went
    to church to give thanks and I’m loving my cats. Just remember
    everybody what we learned in Girl Scouts “never leave a fire
    unattended.” Just have to say that the bouquet in the heart cup
    is just plain lovely!

    • sbranch says:

      Yikes Julia! How frightening. Thank goodness for the brave people in the fire department!

      • Elaine in Toronto says:

        Julia, how very lucky you woke up in time and called the fire department so quickly. Glad you and your little pets are safe and no damage to your home. Very scary experience for you.

        • sondra fox says:

          I was napping in our motorhome, with a small burner on under a concoction, when I woke up to a hand mitt on fire. I did a stupid thing. I threw water on it. The entire motorhome cooktop was made of tempered glass. It cracked all over, into little tiny pieces. This could have been a real disaster if I hadn’t woken up. Lesson learned: Never have a fire on the stove when you’re sleepy. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

          • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

            oh my Julia, how terrifying. I can remember when my neighbor was burning one of her piles of leaves a few years ago ( she sets several piles on fire at one time and then she wanders off) wel the winds came up and she was nowhere in sight and her whole front lawn was in flames and my fence. I called the fire station right across the road from us and had the sprinkler on full blast to keep that fire from spreading any further, and told the firefighters that when it started she was nowhere in sight, as a matter of fact she had gone to the grocery store. YIPES!!!!!

      • Julia says:

        Yes, yes. I will be baking a cake next week for both
        fire stations that came. I am so grateful for them,
        thank you for saying that. No, I think I’ll make your
        carrot cupcakes!

    • Terrie from Atlanta, GA says:

      Oh, Julia! How absolutely terrifying for you & your animal family. You truly kept your wits about you, calling 911 and getting out of the house. Kitty-cats can be such good “hiders,” can’t they? A Rescue group I work with advises people to grab and tuck each cat into a sleeping pillow ~ they’ll have plenty of room to breathe, a soft cushion in case of jostling, and you can hold the tops of 2 or 3 pillowcases without getting scratched or bitten when moving them to safety. I’ve done it twice, and my cat actually calmed down once she couldn’t see what was happening. But let’s hope you NEVER have to go through that again! Blessings ~ xoxo

  43. Jenny G says:

    Thank you so much for sending us some spring cheer on this Sunday morning! I love reading your blog:)

  44. Janie Osborne says:

    Hello again Girlfriends!

    Sue, since you are such an old movie buff and you love Downton Abby as much as I do I thought I would share with you and the girlfriends a show I fell in love with on Netflix. It is called Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. It is filmed in Australia and based on the books by Kerry Greenwood. They only have the first season available on Netflix…13 episodes. The second and last season was just viewed in Australia at the end of 2013 so hopefully it will be on Netflix soon. The story takes place in the 1920’s and the costumes are DEVINE! I read somewhere that it may come to PBS. I hope it does so we can all watch it together and chat about it like we do Downton.

    Susan have you ever heard of Miss Phryne Fisher before? Happy painting girlfriend!

    Janie in East Tennessee

    • sbranch says:

      I will keep my eyes open for it … sounds wonderful. If you hear it’s coming, be sure to let us know!

      • Carolyn Stanley says:

        OMG! Happy Sunday, Susan and Janie,
        I can’t believe Janie wrote about Miss Fidcher’s Murder Mysteries. My hubby and I watched the whole first season on Netflix and were wild to find where we could view season 2 that ended in December 2013. I finally signed up for a free month of Acorn tv. They have 7 episodes of the 13 available for viewing and are adding another every Monday. I will definitely have to pay for a month or two, but at $4.99 a month, it’s a bargain. They also have seasons 4-6 of Detective Murdock Mysteries set in Toronto at the turn of the century. We had loved watching the first three seasons on Netflix, as well.
        So, as you await another episode of Downton Abby this evening, hubby and I are looking forward to more wonderful adventures of Miss Friney Fisher on Monday. As for her wardrobe, if I were thinner, I might “kill” for her wardrobe. It’s quite a romp.
        As for Downton Abby, I’ve missed so many, I thought I should get the DVD’s from the library – but should I take the plunge and dive in mid stream?
        Thanks again, Susan, for your wonderful blessings.
        I saw red-winged blackbirds on the feeder this morning. My husband thinks they might be a sign that spring is on its way! I’m looking forward to it. 🙂

      • Kathie Ferko says:

        Hi Janie,
        There is a mystery I have been watching on the Ovation Channel…called the Artful Detective…it is very good…set in maybe the early 1900s. It also is from Toronto. Is this the same show?. If not …watch it if you get Ovation Channel. It is a different type of detective story.

    • Marge says:


      Thank you for telling us about this series. I’ll be looking to get it from Netflix as soon as I send this. Oh, it sounds like my cup if tea.

      Marge in PA

  45. D'Anne Paratore says:


  46. Grace says:

    Thank you for the lovely post. I want to share a story with you and the girlfriends. As you may recall, I donated a signed “A Fine Romance” to my town library last September. Before Valentine’s Day, a librarian told me about husband and wife who are travelling to Great Britain this year. Although “A Fine Romance” was signed out, she recommended the book. Both husband and wife separately called her later. They both told her that they had bought “A Fine Romance” to give their spouse on Valentine’s Day. She did not tell either one of each other’s Valentine surprise gift. I don’t know what happened on Valentine’s Day but I’m sure they both loved their surprise.

  47. Lorraine says:

    Happy Sunday! The lamb cake mold is marvelous. I can almost taste that lovely cake. The book with its illustrations looks wonderful too. Thank you for sharing with everyone!

  48. Maryellen says:

    Thanks for starting my Sunday with a new post. Always look forward to them. You have no idea how much they inspire….Happy Sunday to you too Susan.

  49. Liz says:

    Wonderful way to start the day…..reading your blog! Thank you and happy Downton watching tonight! : )

  50. Susan Joy says:

    That lamb mold is adorable! You are so very generous and we all appreciate it. Thank you for sharing with us.

  51. Becky says:

    Teaching at a university for 35 years, I am about to “retire” to another phase of my life! A little boy, that was in a school in which I was visiting the other day said, “But who will you BE then?” Indeed that is the million dollar question! Without pulling out my list of what I want to do when I retire, I replied, “How about a Gammy to five grandkids?” I am sure, however, I will be reminded to read about self- respect, when I miss school teaching! Lovely post as always, Susan, from a Rebecca Susan!!!

    • sondra fox says:

      Hi Becky, I’m an ex college teacher as well. When I retired, I missed it, yes, but mainly I missed “people.” When I got involved in other things like exercise classes & things where there were lots of people to involve myself with, I grew to love retirement. Now, it’s “my” schedule, not someone else’s that I have to follow. Congratulations on your retirement. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

  52. Christine D says:

    Love the primrose in the mug they are my favorite .my grandma always dressed with style pepole still comment on the way she dresses simple but with s

    tyle! When ever I went shopping I was off to grandmas to show her my wonder buys what great memories

    vorite! I’m growing some in my bathroom lol desperate times for northern Gardner’s lol .good advice my grandma always was a fashion plate and people still talk about how well she dressed. Simple but with style we still see thing sand say tha

  53. Pam in Natick, MA says:

    Happy Sunday Susan and girlfriends!
    Such a nice post – love that word “esteem” – so important and very Jane Austen! You are, as always, an inspiration – I’m going to try the lamb cake once I get my pan. 🙂 He looks just perfect and such a wonderful way to welcome Spring! We’re supposed to be getting more snow this week but maybe our lamb cake will turn the tide! Thanks so much!

  54. Elizabeth says:

    I find it much less daunting to comment when there aren’t thousands ahead of me. That being said, thank you for the teacup full of flowers. Winter seems to be slipping away in Salt Lake and all my thoughts are focused on spring . I loved the story about the woman with the ribbon in her hair. A friend of my mother used to put curling gift wrapping ribbon in her hair to hold it back. I always thought it lovely as it comes in so many beautiful colors.
    I can’t wait to see what fabulous gowns are being worn at Downton Abbey tonight!
    Happy Sunday to you!

  55. Jan Nicholson says:

    Happy Sunday to you as well Susan! How I love your website, blog and Oh— A Fine Romance. I have shared it with all of my friends and bought a couple extra copies because I just feel lost without it at my bedside. Yay Downton Abbey tonight. I have a love for lambs too. I have them all about in my home. Don’t have lamie pie cake mold but do have an old candy mold. Will have to put a ribbon around her neck. Everything you share just makes my heart sing. Blessings, Jan from Ct.

  56. Dear Susan,
    Happy February 23rd 2014 Sunday to you dear girl! I did post a comment on Friday the 21st but when I went back to see it later it wasn’t there…….so I decided to comment again.
    The little “lambie pie” brought back so many memories………of our sweet daughter Carrie when she was little (2-3 years old) carrying her little stuffed lambie around, up and down the stairs…….her true companion!
    I’ve only been a reader of your blog for a month or so……but have gone through the archives and have almost completed all the past blogs……….just didn’t realize you had one until then although I’ve collected your books for years. In fact a couple of years ago when 5 other friends and I got together for a long weekend retreat we each purchased your “Girlfriends” book and went through it together. This group of friends started out as a Bible Study group 40 years ago and we’ve grown to be true sisters of the heart now over these 4 decades. We are planning a trip to Whidby Island here in Washington state the early part of May and we’ll probably be sharing from your book again when we meet. As I mentioned in my earlier comment, your blog is like a Calgon Bath Retreat for me. Remember the TV commericals for that product? Thank you for all the effort you make to create in our hearts wonder and grace each day……….you truly are a kindred spirit.
    Blessings on your Sunday dear girl,

    • sbranch says:

      I do remember Carolyn, thank you! I’m sorry about the lost comment — drives me crazy when that happens, but since there is no rhyme nor reason to it, I’m kind of stuck with it. I just pray it doesn’t happen very often!

    • Annette McD says:

      I love the Calgon bath retreat comment, I agree, like they say in those old commercials, “Susan Branch. take me away….!” It is so nice to step out of our hectic, chaotic lives and step into the pages of your blog, see your beautiful artwork, poetry, prose and quotes. You create a quiet little resting place for us and I can’t thank you enough for that, Susan. Thanks.

  57. chris consentino says:

    well, sweeeet, happppy sunday to you, Susan, and everyone else as well !!!! what a true treat to be greeted with such wonderful-ness this morning!!! as usual…I MUST say: thank you. oh! thank you…..for being you! I know it may sound cliché…but I faithfully mean it each time!!!! have a wonderful, cozy, fun and anticipation filled sunday! and, tho dowton leaves us tonite…in a 2 hr episode…there’s another bunch of brits coming up sooooon…..it’s “call-the-midwife”!!!! don’t know if you’re familiar, but it is a real treat to me!!!!!!!!!! this is probably season 3 for this show. mmmm. quite wonderful. shows a much more gritty side of life, but in a most fabulous way! watch for it. prepare snacks, and let me know……take care, everyone, and be well. wonderful advice from Susan about “early-detection”…it does work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Chris!!!

      • Gloria L. Nugent says:

        Thanks to Chris for mentioning the WONDERFUL series, “Call the Midwife”!! It is so GOOD!! I have been waiting for it to return as well & hope more ppl discover it!! Don’t think it’s only for medical persons..the stories are really well done. Just a really nice human interest touch. So glad I found it!!

  58. Cindy Maulin says:

    good morning susan…such a beautiful heartfelt thought-provoking post this morning. Dealing with young women, as I do in my teaching and coaching, I plan to read them your self-respect post….we, as educators, are trying very hard to instill these beliefs in our children at a young age…. sometimes we are met with some resistance…your writing will help..thank you so much for putting into words actions that we all should address in our lives…. I know my students will be inspired…as we are!! Have had a lovely morning with my three-year-old granddaughter…..we have already made pancakes and homemade blueberry muffins….she is a delight to have in the kitchen…she absolutely loves to bake,,,,,especially “ka-kakes”….can’t wait to bake the lamb cake with her!!! love to you on this beautiful Sunday morning…love, cindy (Granny 🙂 )

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Cindy — have a wonderful day with that little doll of yours. xoxo

    • Dawn (in Illinois) says:

      Hi Cindy,
      What a wonderful idea to share Susan’s thoughts on Self-Esteem with your students. It will really make a difference in their young lives! Have you seen the posts from The Brave Girls’ Club? So many inspiring thoughts to empower young ladies! I have shared some of their daily letters and some videos with young friends and former students. So much goodness! ♡♡
      Have a happy Sunday and a great school week ahead!
      Warm hugs,
      Dawn (from Elmhurst)

  59. Such beautiful Primroses in that Emma Bridgewater cup Susan! Thanks to you I now have five Emma cups in my collection. I’ve loved them for years and always thought them to be too expensive but how can you put a price on the joy they bring while enjoying coffee or tea from them? I love them like no other. Bill gave me a special one for Valentines Day with our kitten Lucy’s name on it (another wonderful part of my life I have you to thank for). I gave each of my wonderful girls at the store an Emma mug filled with chocolates for Valentines Day. I guess great minds think alike. =)

    Next week I go for a check up I’ve been putting off for waay too long. Thanks for the reminder that we must respect ourselves enough to take care of what God has given us. I’m so glad your test went well. I know how you felt – I was scared ****less when I had mine done. =) Fortunately we only need them every five years!

    • sbranch says:

      I was just admiring my own Emma shelf this morning 🙂 ~ Can’t be helped. Yes, too expensive, but they perk up the kitchen in the perfect way. Those medical checkups really are a part of our self esteem package! You’re a good girl Suzanne — in way more ways than one. xoxo

      • Jack says:

        Suzanne , just remember , bad girls can be very good also …..From
        Scarlet O’Hara to Cleopatra , Marilyn Monroe to Mae West …..Shakespeare had it down in the Taming of the Shrew …. Always
        Room for everyone ! …..

        • sbranch says:

          Suzanne has a pink tu-tu and a gleam in her eye. You would love her dad, she lives in Bakersfield.

          • Jack says:

            Please, don’t get me started … you know how coqueteries challenge the whimsical behavior standards of mankind. A fun game with no harm as long as everybody knows the rules. Do you think a Tutu wearer, with a gleam, wrote the rule book?

          • sbranch says:

            Quite possibly!!!

        • Carolyn Stanley says:

          Hi, Susan’s dad!
          If you saw the earlier comments on the Australian TV show, Miss Fischer’s Murder Mysteries, some might label Phriney Fisher as a “bad girl” in that she was quite ahead of her time, but she is, as well, “ooh so good.”
          Have a happy Sunday. Thank you so much was blessing all of our lives with your lovely daughter.

  60. Linda in Montana says:

    Susan-I have never commented on anything before but today I just had to tell you that your blog is very special to me. I check daily to see if there is something new. Your drawings brighten my day and your writings make me stop and think about simpler things AND appreciate them. I guess I am just trying to say “Thank You”.

  61. Debbie from Texas says:

    Thanks for such a lovely post! Wonderful way to start my day! Wish you a wonderful Sunday.

  62. DebraAnn Grimes says:

    Wow! Loved seeing the Betty Crocker book. In 1972, my homec teacher presented me the Betty Crocker award for my school–I still have the official certificate and the lovely heart-shaped silver charm.

    I fell in love with all things Tasha Tudor and in the early 1980’s met her at a lecture and book-signing in Nashville, TN (my husband even sat through the lecture with me!).

    I never knew this little Betty Crocker book existed or that Tasha Tudor was involved with it. Just loved seeing it.

    Thank you for sharing this,


  63. chris consentino says:

    just had to echo what Janie Osborne said about “miss fisher’s murder mysteries”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we watched every episode on pbs here in va. and we were captivated after the first 2 min. of the first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! absolutely gorgeous in every way. great, complex but truly fun-filled plots. grim in the last episode, but miss fisher won the day! and, the fellow as well !!!! you all will love this series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the very least….the accents, costumes, sets and actors are mesmerizing! the “butler’s name…..Mr. Butler….wow!!!!! also….another brit-mystery-series…..”midsomer murders”….set and filmed in the 90s, can be rather complex, but cannot be missed once you’re “hooked”…or, as we like to call it : captivated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  64. Kim Campbell says:

    I love the today’s post! Beautiful, beautiful! I agree Little Lambkins’ needs a name. Oh, and for those of you with upcoming colonoscopy, when I had mine, my mom said that having vegetarian vegetable broth helps. Heat it up and it feels like you are actually eating something. It helped with me. Have a great day everyone!

  65. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Hi Susan, I like that you said each of us matter. In this great big wonderful world it is often too easy to believe that we are tiny and insignificent but that is so not true. Each of us matter especially to those who love us.

    • sbranch says:

      We have so much power to make things better through the smallest things, that cost nothing — a word, smile, compliment to the foreverly-unthanked person checking out our groceries. It all matters.

  66. Donna says:

    Thanks for encouraging and inspiring us, Susan.

  67. Gail Osgood says:

    As always, thank you, Susan, for the inspiration! I’m so happy I’ve discovered this community of girlfriends who speak my language! The last Downton of 2014 tonight! But Mr. Selfridge starts a new season in a few weeks, so that’s something to look forward to!

  68. Lisa R (northern Az) says:

    Happy Sunday to you too Susan!! It’s been a “flowery” weekend around here. My mother and I went to Michael’s yesterday, and we bought 5 hanging geranium plants. (the artificial ones are so much more realistic than they used to be) Mom hangs them all along the eves of her patio. So pretty….. and this morning, your sweet cup of flowers, and inspiring words. Thank you… Spring is certainly on it’s way!

  69. Barbara S. says:

    Thank you for your inspiring words today. Have a blessed Sunday!
    Barbara S. from Cumming, GA

  70. Mary of pa. says:

    Good morning to you Susan, you look so spring like, with the little lamb, purple scarf, and flowers to brighten even a cold winter day! Love, the Emma cup at the beginning, now that we have our own precious Emma Jo, were do I fine the Emma collection for her and grammie (me) ?

    Have a warm day, and keep on thinking spring…

    • sbranch says:

      We carry Emma in our web store . . .Click HERE to see it . . .

      • Congratulations on your little Emma, Mary. Do treat yourself to a Emma Bridgewater mug or two. I swear they have magical powers that bring joy just by looking at them. Someday you will pass them on to your precious Emma. They really are family heirlooms! I might suggest the heart tea pot and mugs for the wonderful tea parties you surely will someday have.

        PS: They make child sized mugs too!

        • Jack says:

          You nailed it Suzanne, it’s the magical tie that binds ….inspired by “Emma Jo,” the Bridgewater Emma cups slip right into the fulfillment locker for Mary and her daughter! With a really cozy Tea in the offing, a delightful, magical, mom/daughter bonding will happen! It was so nice of you to illustrate that on the blog …..

  71. Anne Miller says:

    Susan, each post is a gift. Thank you for the cheer and the encouragement.

  72. sondra fox says:

    Hi Susan, the funniest thing has happened to your latest blog. There’s this large, gray block on your blog, without any letters, pictures, or anything. It’s just a big blank. What the heck?
    Downton Abbey was on last night on my PBS. It wasn’t an episode I’d seen before. I wonder if the same episode will be on PBS tonight. It was a wonderful episode. Oh, how I will miss DA. I won’t divulge any info to spoil it for anyone, no, you can’t make me, no, I won’t do it, no, don’t twist my arm, I won’t do it. Just one thing, I just adore the clothes. So gorgeous. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

  73. maryb says:

    a lovely sunday morning to you susan! we still have some ice on our gravel road here in northern illinois but the sun is trying it’s hardest to melt it! the lamb cake reminded me of my childhood and MOM of course! she made the cake for the first day of spring and of course easter but the mystery was she never let us see the mold so we couldn’t figure out how she did it! we only added that to the list of things she did that made our life special, sometimes with very little money! love mb

  74. Judith Johnson says:




  75. Merry King from Alabama says:

    Happy Sunday to you,too, Susan! 🙂 I love this post, like always, and the self-respect picture is actually something I needed to read! Thank-you for sharing it. 😀


  76. sondra fox says:

    I don’t know how Californians are going to conserve water, but we’ve got to try. I’m even shutting water off when I brush my teeth, when I wash my hands & rub soap on them, the water is off. Thinking of little things that my save some water. Farmers are in bad trouble. One thing we forget here in So. CA is that we really do live in a desert. Deserts don’t get lots of rain. We’ve just been fortunate, in past years, to get rain. My flowers will have to live on less rain. I’ll have to be more vigilante in determining what plants need a bit more water this summer. I’m thinking of turning all water off in our backyard, which is quite large, letting it all die, then in the fall cultivating grass seed. Any suggestions GF’S & Susan???(Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

    • sbranch says:

      There are plants that are born to live in desert areas, that can go long periods of time without water — it’s called Xeriscape planting and lots of people in California do it using native plants that just normally LIKE it there and don’t require so much attention. Then you can grow tomatoes or things such as that in pots.

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        what they should have done years ago is encourage folks to have rain barrels, they collect the rainwater and use that for water the gardens and plants, just cuts down on the water usage. my dad used to keep 2 or 3 rain barrels around our house and we used the water for the front gardens and and the backyard veggie patch. it cut our water usage during the summer, and come the fall and winter the barrels would fill up again and be ready for next summer. we have rain barrels here, we have 4 of them and use them for the gardens and the front porch plants and front garden, it just helps conserve water.

  77. Carol Maurer~~~~ Kennewick, Wa says:

    Happy Sunday to you too, Susan ~~~ Oh, yes, I do read most all the comments left from the girlfriends. They are full of wisdom, humour, happy and sad, encouraging, etc etc. I think we all feel fairly close to each other. We rally each other when one is down and sad. We clap and are joyful when something wonderful happens to one of us or our family members. We are just plain THERE for each other. Most important, we PRAY for each other when the need arises…. good or bad. I see pictures in my mind of the goings on, the cute little animals that we take pride in and talk about because they are family memebers as well. I would love to see pictures of the girlfriends, their homes, animals, etc.

    My other also told me to be sure to always wear clean underwear just in case I was in an accident. I think most mothers told their kids that, lol. Well, thank you so very much to making my Sunday a happy happy day.

    I’ve been enjoying last week….. tomorrow is my birthay ( 2years older than you) and I’ve been getting birthday cards from dear friends in Eureka, where we used to live and also a present from one of them. I just love celebrating birthdays more than a day. You can do that when you get older, right?

    Off to church we go…..
    Carol M

  78. Sylvia in Seattle says:

    The successful completion of your first colonoscopy gives a whole new level of meaning to this morning’s charming pep talk :-). Went through this myself not too long ago and it really is a FOND memory . . . I mean the medical staff were so very tender in their concern and care, which is what I remember most thanks to the SEDATION 🙂 — my favorite part.
    All joking aside, so glad you did this and to all the girlfriends who may be hesitating — don’t be afraid. The purge is a bit icky, but there is a reward — anyway in my case, as I lost a couple pounds. Always a plus.

  79. Janet Reilly says:

    You are such a day brightener! We are blessed with enviable weather on the central coast of CA (although we are suffering from a serious lack of rain) but I remember with great clarity how the New England winters seem to drag on forever. You’re constant reminders that Spring is surely just around the corner are a Godsend.

  80. judy from connecticut says:

    SO proud of you for doing something you were afraid of and getting that colonoscopy ! It really is just a good nap and when you wake up it is over !! When a friend of mine needed to go (of course I would have put it off) we talked about it and decided we would go together as girlfriends. It really made it easier to share our fears and help each other through. It ended up being so funny because all of the nurses and even the Doctor had never heard of girlfriends coming together for their colonoscopy, we all laughed so much about it !!!! It is just amazing what we can accomplish when girlfriends are together !!! xoxo Judy

  81. Ann from NY says:

    Good Morning! I have been thinking of Spring today. I guess yearning for it would be a better word! Your lovely Sunday morning greeting combined with a sunny day has bolstered my confidence that it will not be long. Going along with my Springtime thoughts, I think Zephyr, a breezy hint of the season, would be a lovely name for that little lamb.
    Have a great day!

  82. Rosemary says:

    Hi Susan, I’d love to have that Lamb Cake mold for Easter. It would be a perfect addition to the festive table.


  83. Melissa Connolly says:

    Thank you for this beautiful blog. I am coming off a week of school vacation with a teen daughter and almost teen son who I have chauffeured around while trying to work; and break up the inevitable squabbles and fights between kids together with too much time on their hands. I always find hope and comfort in your books, drawings and blog. Happy Sunday!

  84. LynnMarie says:

    What a wonderful Sunday treat to find you here today. Spring is right around the corner and it couldn’t be more welcome than this year! I know we are all ready. I bought a few violets at the store to put in my kitchen window to remind me that it is almost here—they lift my spirits every time I look at them.

  85. Sharon in So. Calif. says:

    Happy Sunday to you too, Susan. I always get excited when a new post comes up, I almost do the chicken happy dance! Your painting of the primroses in the Emma cup is just so pretty. I loved the picture of you holding the lamby cake, it looks like you are offering it to us!! I would like to suggest “Just Lamby” as his name, kinda like your Just Joey rose. Have a lovely day and I can’t wait for tonight either!!

  86. Dorothy says:

    It is a beautiful Spring Sunday here in Clovis California with trees in blossom and sunshine. The Lamb cake mold and garden book would fit right in…and would make a lovely April birthday gift for my daughter! Thanks for the cheerful blog today, Susan.

  87. Sharon from AB, Canada says:

    What a wonderful community of kindred spirits. Love coming to this blog.

    Have a warm, peaceful day, Sue and all the girlfriends!!! Happy Downton Day (although it is a little bittersweet knowing that it is the season finale tonight)

  88. Rebecca Walsh says:

    What a marvelous surprise this morning, I normally look for postings on Tuesday, so to find one on a snowy Sunday made it an extra special posting. I loved the cup with primroses so English-like and springy. Glad to here all is well with your ‘scopy’, the anticipation is almost always scarier than the procedure.
    I did comment on one Denver reader’s posting on altitude adjustments and hope that is OK?
    Be Well.

  89. Lorraine says:

    Primroses and violets! My two most favorite spring flowers. The primroses remind me of my maternal grandmother, and the violets remind me of my mom… Lovely flowers, and lovely women in my life. Thank you…

    My grandmother was one of those ladies who always looked adorable. She was ~5 ft tall and cute as a button. I have the most wonderful photo of her and my grandfather when they were young – it looked like originally they were posing for a photo, then they looked at each other and started laughing. It’s amazing – especially in a time when so many people wouldn’t smile in photos. Also, I was just reading about how silly it is to have your beauty defined by age and “age appropriate clothes.” We have a good friend who is in her 70s and wears her hiking boots with shorts. Every time my husband sees her, he comments about how nice her legs looks – and he’s right!!!

    I am looking forward to Downton Abbey tonight. I enjoyed reading the other comments about some other mystery series on Netflix. I’d heard about the Miss Fisher series but haven’t had time to watch them yet. I found an older BBC sitcom with a very young Mrs. Crawley (forgot her real name – Penelope Whitby?) – she played Richard Briers wife. I can’t remember the name of it – but his character is 180 degrees different than his character in Good Neighbors. You can watch it on YouTube. Anyway, fingers crossed for all good things for our friends at Downton. And, of course, a really good cliff hanger.

    Thanks again for the lovely spring flowers. Much needed after hearing the forecast of sub-zero temps again this week. Heavy sigh… The good thing is you can “feel” winter is loosening its grip and the birds are singing like crazy. I saw someone else saw a red-wing blackbird. We’ve had several and they’ve been singing their “conk a reeeee” – so they MUST know spring is around the corner.

  90. Susan in SC says:

    I remember being a nervous wreck when going for my first colonoscopy. Just as it was time to go into the procedure room, my doctor popped his head through the door and asked if I was ready to go? My somewhat embarrassing but honest reply was, “Not without a hug first!”

  91. Katherine says:

    Happy Sunday-everything you say is so true! I just got back from Scotland yesterday (have you been?-if not you must go!) and we saw so many little lambs in the fields. It was just turning spring over there (crazy since it’s the same latitude as Moscow and Alaska-that’s what warm ocean currents will do!) and snowdrops were out as buds were forming on the trees. While over there-in Edinburgh, St. Andrews and cruising the Loch Ness, I thought-Susan Branch would sure love this!
    All the best!

    • sbranch says:

      We have reservations for next fall . . . we are looking at a small castle or country house in Scotland to rent for maybe 7 couples and friends. But we are not set for sure to go, it’s still a maybe.

  92. Catherine Reed says:

    I have an old copy of Joy of Cooking that features a white-cake recipe which they say is perfectly suited to molding, and the drawing is for a lamb cake. I’ve wondered where I could get a lamb mold like that for as long as I’ve had that recipe book. I’m oh, so hopeing to win your giveaway, because baking and gardening are my favorites! 😀

  93. Catherine Reed says:

    Oh, please pick me to win! 😉

  94. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    good afternoon girlfriends, hello Susan. just a busy Sunday here, settling in our new arrivals, and freshening the bed linens. I wash my bed linens every week, and in between washings I found out a way to keep the freshness going until the next washing. I simply spray Lysol or Febreze on the sheets and pillows and the quilt and it removes any odors and smells as fresh as when they were washed. a helpful hint to all. love the new pictures, very pretty, off to go check on the peeps and tom turkey, he still has the hiccups. have a great day today. hugs…… 🙂

  95. Donna says:

    Flowers to take my breath away on a Sunday. Thank you Susan. Among my SB books I find there isn’t a Good Friends book on the shelf…I will shop for a copy. How are Jack and Girl this winter?

  96. Gail says:

    First I would like to respond to your advice to go get a colonoscopy. I cannot emphasis how very important this test is. I am a 3 time cancer survivor. I am able to read your magical blog and share this message because I was tested. Thank you for giving everyone such wonderful inspiration.
    So, come on girls and be brave! Do it, and put it all “behind”you. No pun intended. Don’t be afraid. It really is a “cake walk”. Make “Wellness” a number one priority in your life. you will be so proud of yourself.

  97. Bernie says:

    Way near the top, people were talking about drinking the “yucky stuff” for a colonoscopy prep. I had one two weeks ago, and instead of the yucky stuff, I took the pills. If you can swallow pills this is the way to go, but there are A LOT of them…..32 in all. Four every 15 minutes with 8oz. of water, then two hours later the last 12 (also 4 every 15 minutes). I MUCH prefer the pills to the “drink”!

  98. Susan Martin says:

    Happy Sunday to you, too! I love the picture you painted of the flowers for Happy Sunday – so cheery and springy! Love having your calendar on my wall – I get some new Susan Branch art work each month!
    Have a lovely day!

  99. peg says:

    Winter is still MIA here….the birds are confused, the trees are blooming way too early and we are *still* waiting for that elusive rain. That being said, we hold on desperately to the calendar page as it is five days until we flip to March! I need a seat belt! I’m not ready yet! lol! Love your darling cake. Many, many years ago, I had dozens of Wilton cake pans. I would bake and decorate the birthday cakes, the holiday treats…yep! The biggest challenge was to get the icing to stay on the cake during those hot summer months! I can still see those decorative dollops looking lovely for about 30 seconds, before they began to slide off of the cake!!!

    Happy Sunday to you, too, Girlfriend. xo peg

  100. Nancy says:

    Your post has helped my achy head this afternoon and for that I thank you! Cannot believe this us our last Downton. 🙁

Comments are closed.