Little Things or Pequeñas Cosas

Lots of little things for you today, starting with happy  MUSICA and a shot of



March 4, yesterday, was Pancake Day and we celebrated!


makin' cancakes

When we were kids they were “Cancakes” and mostly they came out of a Bisquick Box.  Which is not the end of the world.  Look how good we turned out.


mmmm blueberries

But for these I used my recipe for Cottage Cheese Pancakes (P. 148 of Heart of the Home), which I hope you’ve tried because they are SO good.  I added blueberries for extra health, realizing at the last moment there was way too much health here, diluted it by serving them in a puddle of hot maple syrup.  Winter is almost over, have you had your pancake allotment yet this year?  Next year Pancake Day will be on the calendar for reminder!


glasses on a string

And now this:  Home sweet home in the Heart of the Home just got a little sweeter:  Joe and I have an ongoing discussion (almost lifelong, years of it) about whether it’s better to have your eye glasses on a string around your neck or not.  I don’t like it because I get them caught in the car door or in the steering wheel and I’m afraid I will strangle myself.  He disagrees and wears his glasses around his neck all the time and lectures me on how great it is when I mention that I have misplaced my glasses (again).  I stick to my guns, he sticks to his, the twain does not meet.


JoeSo you can just imagine my face when he walked into my studio a couple of days ago like this!  I almost fell out of my chair laughing!  I’m still not over it. You can probably hear me from here. I will laugh at this for the rest of my life.  I told him he was stealing my act!  I’m the one that does this kind of thing, he’s the neat one.  But it’s true, I prefer to do it in really nice restaurants.

JoeThat teabag was there for a long time before he saw it.  Just swinging back and forth while he’s typing on his computer.  La de dah, la de dah, all things are normal, life is good.  I would have loved to see his expression when he looked down, the flickering of facial intelligence as the truth was revealed, the moment when the laughter began.  We decided he must have lifted his cup to take a sip and the string and tab from the bag caught in the glasses hanging around his neck.  When he put the cup back down, the bag popped out of the cup and he didn’t notice. There it hung, caught, dripping wet and swinging.  At least that’s how we think it happened.  We know he couldn’t have been wearing his glasses because if he was, the tea bag would have been hanging down his nose.  We’re pretty sure he would have noticed it.

fun is good

He said it was OK for me to show you.  You can’t make these things up.  We can never deny the opportunity to share hysterical laughter.  From now on every time he advises me to put my glasses on a string, I can show him this.  My case is made, thank you Joey Hall. 

Pursuit of Happiness

towel on a chair

I’ve been meaning to share a tip with you that I put into action this winter.  It’s really made a difference for us and I think would help anyone who doesn’t have humidity piped in through their furnace ducts or a wood stove with a steaming kettle on top (like us, we don’t have either).  It’s not important for all you warm-weather Girlfriends, but for us in the frozen tundra, it’s a huge help.  Our heat is so drying we’re easily dehydrated, our firehair is fly-away, we shock ourselves on our cat’s noses which terrorizes them and makes us feel bad and chase them all over the house trying to apologize.  Sometimes our cuticles even crack from the dryness and that hurts!  You have to wear vaseline on your fingers to bed.  It’s terrible on your skin too.   Makes you old before your time.   Bubble baths are good because they steam up the house, but the water also adds to the problem, hot water is drying, and worst of all, so is tea drinking, which is ridiculous.   Fires in the fireplace are another thing train travelthat dries everything out. Besides drinking more fresh water (which tastes so good at this time of year coming out of the faucet so cold), here is something I first started doing when riding across country on the train.   Our train room-with-a-view is always dry, no matter what time of year.  In the winter the heat is on all night and we wake up feeling like shriveled raisins. So I tried hanging wet towels in the room with us and guess what?   It made all the difference!  Normal breathing returned.  Our eyes no longer burned.  We always do it when we travel now.  This year I thought I’d try it at home and I’m happy to report it worked here too.


in the wood room

That first photo was a towel hanging on a kitchen chair, and this beach towel draped over a chair is behind the door in our “wood room” where we watch TV.  Under that pile of jackets there is a vent that positively pours hot air into the room . . . but now margot momit has to go through the dampness of the towel to get to the rest of the room.  I think with all the freezing temperatures we’ve had, without that towel draped there all winter, our jackets would have cracked and turned to dust by now (not to mention us. Last year was so bad, I was really inspired to try it this year).  Our skin has been fine, no colds or allergy problems this year either.  I use the sprayer at the kitchen sink to dampen them; just hold up the towel, point it and spray.  We have another wet towel hanging over the handles of my exercise bike in the room where we sleep.  It’s a bit of a pain in the neck, but not as much for me as humidifiers which require constant cleaning. I just pop the towels in the washer once a week, and then let them dry as usual, on the chairs.  OK?  That’s my hint for today.  OH!  I have one more winter tip.  Along the same lines . . . have you tried this?


My mom gave it to me when I was in California last fall, Curél Ultra Healing skin lotion.  She thought I would love it and she’s right, it’s like miracle cream.  My skin feels so much better and smoother.  You can get it at the drug store.  So there you go, hope my tips help make life a bit more livable.  Spring is coming!


Beautiful Girl Kitty

Girl is now unafraid to put her little pink nose in the air for a fingertip sniff.  She knows I won’t make sparks!  Just this moment, as I was typing, she crawled up on my shoulder for huggie wuggies.  time out . . . 

Love it when she does that.


Jack appreciates my towel tips too. He no longer gets electrocuted when I attack him for kisses.


Sleepy pie poo.  Remember this quilt?  I thought I’d show you what I did with it . . .

2015 blotter

It’s a preview of the new Blotter I designed for 2015, coming in July.  I used the quilt to make the border!  Have never done that before, but I like it!  Now you can all have a little piece of that quilt!  Just so you blotter aficionados know, this one is quite a bit bigger than the ones I used to do . . . it’s 17″ x 22″, a traditional office size.  I think it would make a very nice placemat!  More Abba?  Oui!

Ratings for A FINE ROMANCE

Next “Little thing” :  The Academy Awards was great this year, the clothes, the make-up, the hair, the jewelry, the music, as usual, were the most fun and actually the entire reason I watch.  Yesterday I received what I consider to be an even better award.  It came via Twitter Girlfriend Lynn Dunk @Lynn_Dunk ~ she wanted to show me what was taped in her 21-year-old daughter’s planner.  That’s it above; her name is Grace and she’s rating books she reads.  A FINE ROMANCE is there along with Emma and Sherlock Holmes!  Is this not an Sheri and Mattie made this!Academy Award, Girlfriends?  I definitely think so.  Endearing.   That is why I love this book more every day because I get endearingness to go with it.

♥ ♥ ♥

If you have a moment pop over to our FOSB Facebook Page and look at the Lamb Cake Sheri and Mattie made with our lamb cake mold (more just came in btw, in case you missed them) ~  they did such a cute job!  You can read how they did it.  Everyone seems to be having good luck making their lamb cakes, heads are all staying on!  We would love to see your lamb cake photos on FOSB. 

And, oh yes, I started the new book.  I’ve been at it for two days, I have so far to go and no idea how long it will take to sweep this giant floor into one concise little pile, but in case you want to know, I chose this one:


I knew you’d want a hint 🙂 . . .  And by the way, here are two great movies you’d love that feature Abba music in them . . . Mama Mia is one, I loved it ~  and  the other is Muriel’s Wedding, which is really fun too although much less well known.  One last thing to remember . . . for you and for me too . . .

just remember this

 Keep dreaming, Girlfriends.  Have a wonderful day!  XOXO

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520 Responses to Little Things or Pequeñas Cosas

  1. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Oh, you’re going to write about your first house there! How fun will that be! Beautiful pictures of simple times, perhaps a recipe or two that you made while living there….can’t wait.
    Now, as for the glasses…I wear mine on top of my head but that doesn’t mean I don’t lose them! Lol. Joe and the tea bag decoration is so funny and can never be unseen again. Ha! Thanks to him for letting us in on the joke! We have snow on the ground but some of my pansies are blooming anyway. :-). I’m almost out of my giant Jergan’s lotion and will try your brand soon.

  2. Fran says:

    Thanks for another great blog. Loved the kitty pictures and the tips to up the humidity. Even here in California, its been so dry (up until recently) that a little humidity would be nice. Thank Joe for all of us for being such a good sport and sharing his tea bag shirt! He’s a dear and obviously has a great sense of humor. Can’t wait for the new book! If its half as good as A Fine Romance, then its bound to be a best seller!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you for the good thoughts, and yes, I just showed Joe the finished post and even he is laughing again.

  3. denni from MN says:

    Seeing the teabag “tease” I started to giggle, then the full photo shot of the
    teabag incident, I gave out a hearty belly-laugh! I stopped using my eyeglass
    strap for just that reason, all those items that would catch on my glasses while
    they were hanging! Thank you, Susan and Joe for starting my day with a hillarious reminder of Life’s little moments! Have a great day!

    • sbranch says:

      Sometimes he finds his glasses act as a catchall, dust for sure, but there is the occasional carrot shred or bean too! 🙂

  4. Cindy Whitney says:

    Today’s blog was absolutely priceless! Haven’t laughed that much all winter. The tea bag photo and comments of your ongoing discussion about strings for glasses really hit the spot. I have these discussions with myself really don’t like the strings and this adds to the not using them in such a humorous way. Thank you both so much for brightening my day as it snows lightly now here in Maine. Cindy

  5. Elaine in Toronto says:

    The teabag incident! You’ll be laughing about this for a long time. Makes me laugh as I type this. Thanks for sharing. Today is a red letter day for me, too. 16 years ago I quit smoking. Best decision I ever made. For any girlfriends out there trying to quit, you can do it!

    • sbranch says:

      I smoked too. Quitting was the hardest thing I ever did. I have great respect for addiction. It’s a beast. Congratulations to everyone who has beat it. Or is even trying. xoxo Here’s to you Elaine!

      • melissa quarles from montgomery ny says:

        I agree, the hardest thing i have ever done also….stay strong….it is worth it!!!!

    • Jack says:

      I quit too a loong time ago – I think the key lies in your prefacing comment ,
      ” best DECISION I ever made ! , ! ” — first you must WANT ! To stop — then when
      You really – decide – to quit it’s not so hard to Stick with your decision ! You just do it !

      • sbranch says:

        I stuck with my decision about ten times before it decided to stick back! Thank goodness … and it took actual sticking for me, acupuncture is what saved me.

  6. martha says:

    Hi Susan!

    Do you feel spring today? I do! The birds are singing and I refuse to believe that there will be five inches of snow tomorrow. Not. Happening.

    Can’t wait for the new book!

    And for your Mister…

    Dear Joe,

    Just so you know you are not alone…. I wear my glasses All The Time and have done this. I also taught an entire day with my dress on wrong side out and shoulder pads flapping. No one said a thing. They all failed that day! LOL


    • sbranch says:

      You win, you absolutely win. OMG. That is hilarious. I’ll go tell him, he will feel so much better!

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        that beats me, I went a whole day with my shirt inside out and on backwards and no one said a thing… very embarrassing. 🙂

    • That’s ridiculous that no one said anything! Did you say anything about it the next day? I don’t know if I’d prefer a whole day of inside out clothing or what I did once…..came out of the public rest room with the bottom edge of the back of my skirt/slip tucked in the waistband of my underwear! :-0 I discovered it fairly soon at least…not sure how many people noticed and don’t want to know! Have had the interfacing of a top hanging down my back and not had anyone tell me. Then there was the time I went out shopping with a curler in my bangs…..I think I better stop now.

    • Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Oh Martha! That is the BEST!

      • Janet in Rochester says:

        OMG, all alone in the house and LITERALLY LOL-ing right now. I’ve seen people wearing 2 different color socks, occasionally someone with 2 different earrings, or shoes maybe. But this is just THE BEST EVER. Martha, you have bopped my mom to First Runner-Up status. She once spent time temping at the MAIN reception desk of Bausch & Lomb in Rochester NY with a wire hair roller wound smack in the front of her hair, just above the forehead. No one said a single word to her. She didn’t realize it herself until a mid-morning visit to the laies room. Thanks for a Total Chuckle!

    • Holly says:

      In my previous life as a nurse, I once went to work in my slippers and had to wear foot covers all day and another day wore two different white shoes, one on each foot. Thank goodness for foot covers! Both times, I was not the first one to notice. I wasn’t even close to being old yet either!

      • sbranch says:

        It happens no matter how old we are! As Roseanna Roseanna Dana said, “It’s always something.”

    • Wendy Louise says:

      HAHAHAHAHAHA , I wore two different shoes to school one day and never notice until last period and my Spanish teacher pointed it out to me ! The funniest part is one was a heel and the other a flat and I still didn’t notice ! I was such a serious student, everyone got the biggest kick and this my friends lightened me up for the rest of my school days !

    • JoAnn from SoCal says:

      OMG, Martha… have me laughing up a storm here….Thanks SO much for sharing!!

    • sondra fox says:

      Martha, You must have taught in an area where parents taught their children good manners. Hilarious. I was wondering the ages of the children you taught? The young adults (college) I taught wouldn’t let me get away with flapping shoulder pads. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

      • martha says:

        Oh, Ladies! you are all so funny! I teach college students and the class was all adults! They were so shy because they were returning students having lost their jobs at a textile plant that closed. And, yes, they did think it would be rude!

        Imagine my face when I turned to write on the board and caught a glimpse of my shoulder pad flapping Right There! LOL

        Isn’t it fun to have girlfriends who can laugh with us?? Thanks for all the giggles, gals!

        • sbranch says:

          Did you leave immediately for the bathroom, doing exit tap dance for continuing entertainment out the door? A little levity is a very good thing!

          • martha says:

            I stopped writing on the board, turned and looked at the class and said, “Really? You let me look like this all day? Are you WANTING to fail??” And we all laughed and laughed. I finished class with the dress wrong side out and then changed afterwards. After that, the ladies were not so nervous in class! Only I was…. LOL

          • sbranch says:

            LOL PERFECT!!! “REALLY?” That’s too funny! I bet they loved you, how could they not!

      • Carrie says:

        Years ago, during the winter, I hopped into the car to leave for work and noticed it was particularly nippy that morning. I looked down and I only had my half slip on without the skirt – and my Gladys Kravitz neighbor saw the whole thing 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          Oh that is so funny, I had my own Gladys Kravitz a few years back, in California — and that’s just what I called her!

      • judi says:

        My husband came home from golf one day when it had turned chilly – his golf jacket was on backward – the V was in the back, he played the whole game that way! 🙂

    • Chris H says:

      Hi Martha, probably twice in my life I’ve discretely told women that they have their dress on inside out (thankfully both were in public restrooms where they could actually do something about it) but I truly think two of my daughters take the cake with embarrassing moment that not even wearing glasses helped. In totally separate incidents and a couple of years apart, they have each walked out of a public restroom with toilet paper trailing out of the back of their clothing! One was in a shopping mall and one was at L.A. airport when we were travelling

  7. Mary Brehm says:

    Oh Susan….Thank you for making me laugh so hard I had grapefruit juice coming out of my nose. I felt so silly laughing all alone here in the house…if felt good! This is the little everyday stuff that happens that makes life so fun. The look on Joe’s face is priceless and he is a good sport for letting you share it with us. I was once making a cake and went to scrape the bowl while the mixer was running. Well, the rubber spatula got caught and flung out of the bowl at me. It landed splat right dead center in the middle of my chest and just stuck there. My daughters and husband were laughing so hard at me and took a picture as well. They still pull out that picture once in a while to remind us all of the silliness. Like I said…these are the moments that stack on top of each other and build a happy life. You should include that picture and the story along with it in your treasure box. Thanks again for the fun….love you. Mary

  8. San says:

    Ohhh my poor Joe! Too funny though. Love, LOVE the quilt on the new calendar. The kitties are way too cute too. However, if you ever need a puppy model, I know the perfect face! Thanks for sharing a bit of your day.

  9. Jocelyn says:

    My hubby used to wear his eyeglasses on a string. But being a moderator for conferences, he found that more times then not, when guys give a hug of appreciation, they hug pretty hard, and he had to replace two pair of glasses because of being bent out of shape. Has he lost glasses since then. YES! Even had to buy a new pair because he could not find them. Low and behold, after about a week, they did show up…………. in the bed of his truck of all places. But I guess you have to make the best of it sometimes 🙂 And we both did laugh after he made his discovery ;-D It is good to laugh at ourselves. Sure better then crying.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, the hugs, that’s another place. Getting my glasses stuck on Joe’s shirt buttons always caused me problems.

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        Ed never lost his glasses in the bed of his truck or on the trailers but hauling some wood home on a trailer we did discover a ground squirrel hiding in the logs, how it managed to hang on during the ride home was beyond me, but once we lifted that log off out he jumped and ran for back part of the property, we have seen him a few times since. LOL!!!

  10. Bobbie P says:

    I can’t wait for the new book!! I think of, one of my favorites, Gladys Taber and the love I have for her books. Your books are my favorites too!!! Thank you!!!
    Spring is coming!!!

  11. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    Oh my you/joe had me laughing so hard. I laughed and laughed and just stopped now to type this. I am like you, I like my glasses off of me. I am going to laugh again later when I show my husband that post. So hysterical!!! He just looked priceless standing there with the tea bag hanging off of him.
    Love the towel tip, I will try it We are in Ct adn have similiar weather to you, and have a fire just about every day so the wet towels will sure help
    happy day Susan

  12. Country Gal says:

    Lovely post and photos ! Pancakes look YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing . Have a wonderful day !

  13. Susan P says:

    Susan and especially JOE I thought for sure it was going to be a picture of Susan with the tea bag……I LAUGHED OUT LOUD….. my grandson came over and asked “What’s you laughing at?” (His exact words) Thanks for bring allot of joy and laughs to this morning. Also love that lamb cake…….at first I thought they made another statue…boy they both have “talents”. Enjoy your day…..oh yes no glasses I wear contacts and love them…never lose them ….my husband has glasses in every room and both of our cars…and the funny thing….he can never find them or never has them on when he needs to see something important…like your blog hahahaha Love, Susan P.

    • sbranch says:

      Looks like the glasses discussion goes on in a lot more places than just here! 🙂

    • Susan P says:

      P.S. Happy to see you that you are starting the new book. But as you know, the most important thing is the journey. So as you write and create and “sweep” that floor…ENJOY ENJOY AND AGAIN ENJOY. We all will wait with great anticipation and dreams!!! Thank you, Susan P.

  14. christine says:

    What a great post, full of joy and good news! The tea bag picture is priceless…your Joe has such kind and merry eyes. I loved the cozy kitty pictures:) and the is-winter-never-going-to-end? survival hints. My very favorite thing was the picture of the new blotter calendar! I used a poor substitute this year because I had to, but I can’t wait for 2015! Yay! Thanks, as always, for sharing. Now I am hungry for blueberry pancakes….

  15. Cindy says:

    Love your blueberry paintings! Good idea with the wet towels. When we lived in a cold climate, I would put containers of water near some of the heat vents (floor vents), which worked well too, but sometimes we were awakened at night by the sound of a kitty lapping up the water. Your husband is a really good guy to let you share the giggles with everyone.

    • Krb says:

      I love the wet towel solution, but don’t they discolor your chairs? I hope not, because even in Myrtle Beach we have had snow,ice,cold rain…and lots of dry air from heat that runs all day and night!

  16. Just visiting here makes my day brighter!

    I wear my glasses on top of my head and yes… I don’t want to tell you how many times I’ve “lost” them only to remember they were on top of my head.

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve lost them and they’ve been on my face, on my nose, in front of my eyes. But Hey, I’m busy!

      • Rhonda D. says:

        LOL…too funny. I’ve done the same thing, but after you do this so many times you get smart. Now I feel my face first to see if they’re up there if I think I can’t find my glasses. That’s just plain bad. I guess that tells you just about how many times a day I lose them. All these stories are cracking me up, great to have a good laugh. If you’re a tea-a-holic, Joe has created a great way to have emergency tea any time you need it. Hilarious!

  17. Becky in the mountains of West Virginia says:

    Thank Joe for the belly laughs this morning. Love that lotion too!

  18. Martha Maxwell says:

    Funny about the tea bag – hope the tea stain comes out!
    I am so excited – you chose my FAVORITE PILE!!!!!

  19. Susan, are you debunking my belief that you should never put wet towels on wood furniture?!

    As for the glasses I solved the problem by finally getting glasses full-time. I didn’t need them to drive, just reading, but when I got my new graduated prescriptions I could read road signs so much sooner! Plus, I could quit wearing mascara because you can’t see my eyes as well AND they cover the dark circles and sagging skin under my eyes. Glasses are a blessing!

    • sbranch says:

      LOL. There’s always something good about everything. If the wood hasn’t been treated and waterproofed then you shouldn’t put anything wet on them, but ours have.

  20. I have found my new kindred spirit! It’s like we are twins separated at birth! I am older than you by a few We have so much in common, Tasha Tudor, England, Beatrix Potter, china, old towels, quilts.etc. I love your blog and now in the process of reading all of your past books. My husband says oh no , as I check out all the things I need to find to catch up. I love you new book and have read it twice and will read it again I’am sure. Have a lovely day. Mary Elizabeth{aka MiMi}

  21. Chick Voice says:

    Here in Colorado, it’s always dry. (Which makes the summer’s nice). Starting about 4 years ago, we discovered the Cool Mist Humidifier. We run one in the bedroom every night, and I bought one last year for my office. Fewer colds and we sleep better. These are very easy to clean because it doesn’t heat the water and cause the issues that go with that. Wanted to pass this along.

    • Lynda Hovan says:

      I have one of those cool humidifiers and love it. I use distilled water in mine so I don’t have to dump leftover water, like the instructions outline. Ha! I’m lucky to get the water in the machine and with distilled H20 I don’t worry about cooties either.

  22. chris consentino says:

    wow!!!!! well, that pic of dear Joe surely takes the cake!!!! ever sooooo fun!!! to laugh together is such a gift, and you two seem to have been blessed with that gift!!!! bravo, bravissimo!!! thanks, to both of you, for being you. I would add one point to the “wet-towel” advice….having found this out the hard way: I would say to find impervious surfaces on which to drape the towels…..I’ve had the dampness actually harm the wood finish on chairs, etc. and that is a true misery. I hate to throw a “wet-blanket” (pun intended!) on the advice, but once this happens to you…esp. if it’s a very special chair….it’s just yuck-y. the moisture is a very big help, tho, so just find something that can’t be harmed. I can’t explain why the moisture does NOT harm those wooden “dryer”, expandable things many of you may be familiar with….but it doesn’t. but, do take care with your furniture. much hugs to all…esp Susan & Joe. i’ll never have tea again without seeing that precious face!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe and mmmm.

  23. Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, MN says:

    Oh, the photo of Joe is priceless! Well, I’m like you, I do things like this in nice restaurants instead of in the privacy of our home. Like, for instance, I have more than once been in a restaurant and picked up the bottle of steak sauce, shaken it without checking the lid, and ended up shooting steak sauce all over the person sitting to my right!!! I love your hint about adding some humidity although putting a damp towel on a wooden chair isn’t good for the finish on the chair, is it? How about hanging it over a plastic hanger and putting that over the back of the chair? I’m really glad you suggested the wet towel, though, because it is extremely dry here and if we put a pan of water on the stove, I’m paranoid it is going to boil dry… 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, lots of different places you can put them, whatever works for you. Our chairs have a finish on them, so it’s not a problem. I guess I should have mentioned that. If I see you in a restaurant, I’ll grab the steak sauce off the table!

      • Janet in Rochester says:

        PS – I’ve read that you can also use bowls of water to help humidify a room. They don’t necessarily have to be on a heat source and making steam – evaporation alone will really help. Though I must admit a simmering pan of water with cut lemon slices or orange peels is SO very cozy and pleasant.

        • sbranch says:

          I have them around, water for cats, and for watercolors too. Toidies. And plants. But not enough.

          • Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, MN says:

            And unless you leave the seat up on the toidie all of the time, it wouldn’t do much good…LOL! (Gulp–I hope that is what you meant by “toidie”…that is what we call it–better than the “pot” or the “throne”. Now I’m sure there will be someone out there wondering why it can’t be called by its REAL name…) 🙂

          • pat addison ( cave junction,OR) says:

            we call it the potty. but we never leave the lid, one of the cats may just go swimming in there. and that has happened, my FIL left the seat up and Midnight being the nosiest cat went in to look, and somehow fell in and went swimming. we leave bowls of water out winter or summer, to freshen the air and get rid of odors. usually with either lemon in it or a touch of vinegar. and before you ask, the vinegar does not leave a smell, but it really cuts the odors out of a room and leaves a fresh smell behind.

  24. Pat Stansel says:

    Pancakes look yummy, Joe looks funny, love the paint color in your studio, but most of all wanted to let you know how much I LOVE that pic of Girl, she’s absolutely beautiful !!

    • June McLaren says:

      Yes!!! LOVED the humor today … and the beautiful cats … and the pancakes (now to find a copy of your book, so I can find the recipe)!

  25. Deborah T. Norling says:

    I Laughed out loud at the t e a b a g incident ! ! ! I have been spotted more than once by my co workers…with 2 or 3 pair of reading glasses on my fore head and asking loud where my glasses are…(sigh ! )…I keep several pair with me and it’s almost a detriment because I tend to be carefree about where I set them, thinking…Oh..I have spares ! The Cat Children couldn’t be cuter in the photos…and those pancakes…wish I were digging into them right now !

  26. Sharleen from Placerville, CA says:

    Your post today was just what I needed to start my day- funny and thought provoking. Your mention of the favorite book list has me wondering if you know about or have read one of my favorite love stories “Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand” by Helen Simonson? It takes place in England, an added bonus. Keep doing what you do so very well, you are loved and appreciated by so many.

    • sbranch says:

      I started it and then something happened and I didn’t finish. It’s still in my book pile — I’ll try again!

  27. Vivian from TN says:

    So funny, LOL. Everyone must have a discussion about where they wear their glasses. My friend says they should be worn where they were meant to be worn, but I wear mine on top of my head half the time. Of course, mine are reading glasses, and his are bifocals. My recommendation is to push them up on your head when not using, best place, can’t lose them, unless you forget they are there. Haha

    Looking forward to your next book!

  28. sandy says:

    Hi Susan,,,,,yes! I heard you laughing all the was across the USA! I’m sure you heard my hysterical laughing, too. (I was facing east when I read about Joe and the hanging glasses cum tea bag!) toooo funny! One piece of marital advice I see here is, there is a great divide between men and women and in some areas it will never be connected, so just live with it. But, you did manage to cross this one! Good for you! And good for Joe to be so humble.

    The daughter’s book list is top shelf by my rating, too!

    thanks for all the little things, that do make life so enjoyable, xox 🙂

  29. Susie says:

    Susan, Joe looks so funny with his teabag glasses. At least he has a sense of humor. When we were growing up, mom some times hung laundry on a line in the kitchen, I am sure that helped us. We have a humidifier, it helps us here. The lamb cake is adorable. Would be so cute to have at Easter. Your pancakes did look very tasty. Hope you will be seeing some spring weather soon. xoxo,Susie

  30. Margot in WI says:

    I have always loved the girl reaching for the star drawing! I have a really neat drying rack that I found at Bed, Bath and Beyond, which I can use for the towels. Good idea!!

  31. Sweet Sue says:

    Just read today’s blog and I am still laughing at the tea bag being caught on Joe’s glasses…. 🙂 🙂 Then of course the picture showing the pile of papers with statement that that was the new book you had started working on… I went back to your blog that showed the different piles of papers and figured out which book you are working on yet I will keep your secret and not tell. 🙂
    I don’t have your book that shows cottage cheese pancake recipe ….can you share it with us? Sounds delicious especially with blueberries. Blueberries on anything is great…had some on my oat flakes with almond milk this morning in fact.
    Thanks for both of your helpful tips about combating “dryness” ….. I will try the wet towel one and of course get the Curel Ultra Healing Skin Lotion which will be helpful as I combat skin rashes and dryness due to chemotherapy.
    Just love the picture of Girl Kitty….those big beautiful green eyes looking up at you….how do you get her to sit so still while you take her picture? She is such a good girl! And of course there is Jack all curled up on the beautiful quilt fast asleep…what a darling! We are not able to have pets where we live so really enjoy you sharing yours with us! 🙂 You have a most blessed day and tell Joe that he made me remember that laughter is indeed the best medicine for whatever ails you! 🙂

  32. Vickie in Cleveland says:

    Oh, Susan, thank you for the good laugh to start my day! Joe is such a good sport.
    The pancakes look so yummy. Oh, what a sweet picture of Girl Kitty, and sleepy boy Jack! Can’t wait to read about your little house and your move to MV. I can’t imagine moving there all the way from California.
    Have a great day!
    Vickie in still cold Cleveland

  33. Dawn (in Illinois) says:

    Such a cute post!! Thanks to Joe for letting us laugh along with him! I will try all of your tips, Susan. They will help add some coziness to another snowy day here in Chicagoland. We are so thrilled to hear that our new book is just getting started. Enjoy every moment of the process. You made the PERFECT choice!
    Warm hugs,

  34. Lori C. says:

    Haven’t burst out laughing like that in a LONG time! Thanks for sharing the photos!!! And BTW – Where did you find the adorable yellow batter bowl? What brand is it? New? Old? (I want one!!!)

    • sbranch says:

      It’s newish, I got it at Miner’s Hardware store in Arroyo Grande a couple of years ago.

  35. Sheri says:

    Ha ha – thanks for sharing the great laugh with Joe! I can so see myself doing something like that. 🙂 And what a beautiful picture of Girl Kitty. She has the most gorgeous eyes.

  36. Anne in Maine says:

    The teabag incident was hysterical. I’m pretty sure we heard you laughing up here in Maine. I’m so glad you are starting your new book. Can’t wait! And thanks so much for the anti-shock tip. I’m definitely going to try it. I can take the cold, the ice and the snow but the shocks nearly send me over the edge! I’ve been chasing my poor kitty around to apologize. I’m sure he will be thankful as well for your tips. We have a pellet stove, which keeps the house nice and toasty, but it is very drying. I am absolutely pruny and have tried just about everything. We’ll also try Curel. Have a great shock-free day. Anne

    • sbranch says:

      Hope it helps Anne!

    • Tasha says:

      Have you tried leaving a bowl of water in the room? It acts as a humidifier!


      • pat addison ( cave junction,OR) says:

        so do we, its great for the humidity and also the water absorbs the bad odors in the house and makes them disappear, so we leave out bowls with lemon slices in them, or sticks of cinnamon, or even vinegar and the vinegar does not leave an odor behind, just a nice fresh scent. go figure!!

  37. Dee says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Joe’s “necklace!!!!!!!” I have to admit I did a LOL when I saw his photo………it was priceless!!!!!!! Water must not have been scalding or he would have felt that through his shirt(s)…..we recently had a friend with a scalding cup of tea spill in her lap and she ended up with third degree burns….OUCH!!!!!! Still going to wound center and is getting better. Be careful with those filled teacups!

    Looking at your book list……….if you like author Fannie Flagg, I do believe you’d like to read her latest book “The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion.” An excellent read!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stay warm and keep it up with the humidity level!!!!!! 🙂

  38. Joann says:

    OH, I shall live vicariously in your pancake puddle of deliciousness….since being GF, pancakes just aren’t the same. They just aren’t. But, that’s OK…..there are other things to eat, like roasted chicken with rosemary and butter…..

    I LOVE the quilt idea on the blotter!!! I miss my blotter. It was wonderful. I can’t wait for the next one!!!

    OK, I KNOW you’re going to get a lot of comments on this one, but Joe is precious. I LOVE the picture and I LOVE that he wants you to wear your glasses around your neck and then this happens. Women truly like it when this happens because men LOVE to be right. Well, we do, too, but then we ARE most of the time, right???? YES!

    But, this was darling. I war mine on my head and they get stuck in my hair and then sometimes, I must admit, I forget where I put them, but there they are, like a robin, on top of my head.

    Well, you could invent something very SB like for glasses………….I would WEAR your glasses honey. Think about it!!!! AND, I want a piece of the action!! ha-ha-ha!!!!! Love you so much!!!!!!!!

    The sun is shining and I know, deep inside the earth of Colorado…………there is Spring somewhere down there….it won’t be until May (middle to late) but I’ll wait. I’ve got a lot of work to do in the meantime.

    Oh my goodness……………tell Joe he made my day!! And YOU help to make my life!
    Joann in CO

    • sbranch says:

      I’ll tell em — I pretty much tell him that every day anyway!

      • Jack says:

        Also tell him to b e very proud of his accomplishment— to have a sandwich named for him — as you know , mom used to make them when we went camping at Refugio …..they were called Sloppy Joe’s.

  39. Ann says:

    Thanks for the laugh, Joe. I think more men use those eyeglass holders than women. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing one, that’s why I have a pair of glasses in every room. I love, love, love the quilt on the calendar! My desk is so bare now without your happy calendar on it. (Even though your wall calendar is hanging nearby.) And Abba, too. What a day.

  40. Rae Ann R...back in Michigan...forever... says:

    PRICELESS!!!…that is all I can say about Joe, his glasses AND his teabag!!!…I keep my glasses propped on my head, but they have gotten knocked off when I bend over or try to get in the car and knock them off on the top of the car’s door frame…your wet towels on chairs intrigues me…our new house has been having a humidity problem…we have been told our humidity should be 50 percent, but + we get condensation on the inside of some of our windows…we have lots of wood/beadboard and since the furnace/fireplace has been on constantly, some of the wood has separated…our builder says we have to live in the house four seasons before painting should be done again…which makes sense, but is frustrating…do the wet towels harm your wood chairs???…just wondering…hmm…I think you are writing a book on p-a-n-c-a-k-e-s…xoxo…

  41. Marion Powell says:

    Thank you for your joy-filled blogs, I love your writings, they sparkle with fun and laughter! And, Joe is a very good sport!

  42. Sharon C. says:

    Hi Susan–thank you for the tips–I live in New Hampshire and my hands look so dry as I type this(I call them lobster claws)! We have two kitties–Patrick and Nancy. When we pet them we can feel little crackles of static. I am sure they are going to appreciate your tips also!!!

  43. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    good morning Susan, hello girlfriends. now I have to laugh at that picture of Joe, and the teabag. definitely hilarious. since Ed has to wear his glasses constantly just to see I don’t think that will ever happen to him. but we did have a funny surprise on Sunday morning. opened up the curtains in the living room window, like always and surprise, surprise we had a visitor peeking in the window to see what was going on, a deer. a young doe was in the yard and decided to peek in the window and just as she peeked in one of the cats jumped on the windowsill, bristled up, and hiss spit was gone running for its life. it was a hilarious sight. scared the poor deer and we had to go hunt down bristle tail to calm her down. so that was our funny incident at home. tell Joe not to feel too bad, I have had some strange tangle up in my necklace and end up on the front of my shirt, it can get embarrassing at times. we have our peeps in the nursery now, and they are doing fine, they eat drink and peep and I swear I have no idea where they are putting all that food but they sure eat enough of it, and drink down the water. handy for those who want to raise baby chicks ( or any baby chicks of any fowls) never ever give them cold water for the first 2-3 weeks of life, it could chill their stomachs and kill them. give them lukewarm water to drink, and after the 2-3 weeks you can gradually get them used to the cooler water. right now my hens hear that peeping going on in the nursery and look to see what is in there, and I hope this gives them ideas for little broods of their own, they are starting to call to the roosters, so keep your fingers crossed . off to go check on the peeps. have a great day today, stay warm. spring is 2 weeks away. hugs…. 🙂

    • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

      we use an old tea kettle on a trivet filled with water to keep the humidity level in our house, and we use a woodstove all the time for our heat. and since Ed takes long hot showers everyday, the humidity from that helps as does boiling a pot of pasta or potatoes.

  44. Sharon Penney-Morrison says:

    Since I am a quilter it will be great to have this on my desk. Thank you!!!
    Joe takes the award for unawareness!! I laughed out loud on that one too.

    I am going to try your towel thing. In Kansas, it is dry and so cold. Sometimes I put a wet wash cloth over my face and just breath in for a minute. This will be better.
    Have a great day.

  45. Mary in Phoenix says:

    Thanks for the great LAUGH … OMG! So funny!!! So, with the mental picture of Joe typing away I’m wondering if he might consider writing another cookbook??? While you’re busy “sweeping the floor” (so happy with your book choice btw!) Joe could be compiling the breakfast book … and you could benefit from being fed breakfasts for dinners 🙂 Just a thought. You two make a GREAT team ♥

  46. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    Excellent choice on the new book! I predict this one will be even bigger than the wonderful “A Fine Romance”, so I hope all the Girlfriends will be able to pre-order. Joe and the teabag are too funny! Don’t we all have one (or more) of those moments….I once went to work in shoes from two different pairs…..I have no idea how that happened.
    Sheri’s and Mattie’s lamb cake was absolutely adorable!!! Good thing photography was invented, or we’d have had to have been there to see it, but then, we could have eaten some, too!

  47. Julie Marie says:

    Yay, you are writing about your first house first!… I can hardly wait!!!… I have often wondered, and don’t think I have read anywhere about it… did you make the journey to MV all alone, or did you have a girlfriend with you?… did you know ANYONE when you arrived?… please don’t make me wait for your book to let me know!!!… I would have been sort of frightened all alone I think, until I got settled in… can’t wait to hear how you did it!… those pancakes look delish!… and I love seeing Girl Kitty up close and personal… and of course, Jack… and the photo of Joe!… hee hee hee… I LOVE that!… and what a good sport he is to let you show it, although somehow I think you would have posted it anyway!… just curious, what kind of tea was that?… didn’t he feel his shirt getting wet?… maybe he was really just saving the bag to use for a second cup and his glasses holder was a good place to hang it?… okay, I am getting downright silly now… we all love Joe!… you always make me smile and make my days even brighter!… love you, xoxo Julie Marie

  48. Julie Marie says:

    PS I so remember my dear grandpa always saying “where are my glasses” and they would be on top of his head where he put them… we would wait a bit to tell him where they were and then we would all laugh… I wonder now if he did that intentionally… he had such a wonderful sense of humor, and loved to make his grandchildren laugh… I miss him… xoxo

  49. Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

    I thought there might be a new post, so slipped my IPad in my purse to bring to work with me. I am sitting at lunch and I couldn’t figure out what was hanging from joe’s glasses? Then I burst out laughing! That is the best…..however Martha’s inside out dress may be the grand prize winner!
    How interesting that yesterday was pancake day. I spent the day telling everyone at work about the blueberry corn pancakes. One of our customers brought us 6 cases of frozen blueberries from the food bank and we distributed them among our employees. We are very blueberry rich at the moment. I agreed to bring my electric griddle on Monday and will be making blueberry corn pancakes for the employees. Not sure WHAT I got myself into!

    Thank you for the preview of the desk blotter. Susan that is just beautiful. I am not one of those who bought the blotters you had in the past….but I will have to have one next year.
    Thanks for the great belly laugh, or should I say, Thank you Joe for sharing!
    Chris. PS that’s the book I was hoping for! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      They will now ADORE you forevermore. That’s all. It will be a done deal. Who does not love the maker of crisp hot little corn cakes? Get ready to be adored. 🙂

  50. Jean says:

    I’m going to try your towel trick. I live in the Denver area which is well known for it’s dry air – year round! I always say I’m going to flake away to nothing!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s how I felt last year. I hope this helps!

      • pat addison ( cave junction,OR) says:

        I would suggest a towel drying rack, or a rack used for drying clothes on indoors to hang that damp towel on, that way no damage to the good furniture.

        • pat addison ( cave junction,OR) says:

          if you don’t have a drying rack or can’t find one, go to the Vermont country store online and look there they have one for 24 inches for $44.95 and one for 27 inches at 59.95

          • pat addison ( cave junction,OR) says:

            oops forgot to give the addy to the Vermont country store, go to: and ask for their catalog, I love looking through it. that how I found my water bottle for my ironing!!!

  51. My Robert and I had quite a chuckle at Joes expense as we ourselves were sitting here with our tea bag strings dangling from our cups. Please thank Joe for being such a good sport and letting you share the laughs! Back to the subject of spring dear Susan, I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll ever see grass again here in the Chicago area where it’s snowing as I type this. Three more inches today and everything is frozen solid here. We aren’t very far from the Kankakee river, where all the local and national news crews have been reporting on the huge ice blocks that are threatening houses and bridges if we ever get a thaw! It’s custom here in Chicago to dye the Chicago river green for St. Patricks Day festivities but the river is frozen solid. I think this could possibly be the first year without a green river which, by the way, you have to see in person! Imagine the most vivid, bright Kelly green and that’s the Chicago River! Seeing it on TV doesn’t do it justice. So while I’m watching the huge snowflakes fall, I’m still dreaming of tulips and daffodils and a St. Pats river! Stay warm and think spring!!!

  52. Lorraine says:

    Please thank Joe for sharing his swinging teabag. Too funny. I love it that it was probably hanging there for a while, just oozing tea all over his shirt. That’s hysterical. Thank you both for sharing.

    I’m sooooo glad you’re going to write about your first little house (that was the one I voted for – well, that one and the tea book). I hope you have fun writing it – because I know I’ll have fun reading it.

    Thanks for the towel/humidity tip too. I have had quite a few jolts lately and will definitely try it.

    Oh – one more thing that is totally off the subject. I was talking with a couple friends about Downton Abbey and one of them had the most interesting theory. She thinks Edith could be Rosalind’s daughter that she had out of wedlock – but “gave” her to Lord and Lady Grantham to raise as their own. Both the other girls have (had) dark hair and Rosalind was so concerned about Edith and said things like, “what if she looks like you?”… What do you think about that? Once you start thinking about it, more things come to mind… If Julian Fellowes isn’t checking out your blog for ideas, he’s missing the boat. Anyway, I thought I would share my friend’s theory for you and all the other DA fans to think about.

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve heard that theory before. Could definitely be. Waiting is such sweet sorrow!

    • Jane F. says:

      I think Edith is really stepping into it. I suspect Michael Gregson is going to suddenly show up next season (or sometime!) and the baby will be right under their noses, and everyone’s life will be turned upside down because you know Edith! She can’t keep things to herself!! It’s going to be very interesting!!

  53. Susan on Bainbridge Island in Wa. state says:

    Hi Susan! Of all the stories you have told over the years..I think that the one about Joe and his tea bag is the funniest story you ever told…I laughed so hard and OUT LOUD at home, all by myself..It is the the Greatest..AND I will laugh about this, giggle about this, forever!!! Joe you are a good guy for letting her post this today! This is the absolute BEST!!!! Thanks for sharing Susan and thank you for one of the best laughs this year!!!!

  54. Patty in Redlands says:

    You never slow down, Susan! I can’t believe that you have the physical and mental energy to start another book, but the world is so grateful that you are! Can’t wait! Loved the pancakes, the kitties, the wet towel tips, and most especially, loved laughing with you and Joe. It is so so reassuring that others do goofy things and are willing to use those times to laugh laugh laugh! All GFs will call that dangling tea bag to mind at random times forever more and start giggling. That inside humor is one of the things that make a relationship strong (marriage, family, workplace, friendship) and so you and Joe have bonded us all together in yet another way. Thank you!

  55. Jackie Bienemann says:

    Thank you Susan for making me laugh out loud at lunch, even as the snow is swirling again! Thank Joe for being such a good sport. I am totally convinced not to wear my glasses on a string:) Thank you for the tips also, we shock our poor dog all of the time. Will try the wet towel. The pancakes looked very yummy.
    Spring is coming and until it does thank you so much for keeping me in good spirits!

  56. Jackie Bienemann says:

    PS I cannot wait for the new book!

  57. Paula says:

    Loved this post! Poor Joe, I must say, that made me laugh out loud! He is such a good sport! The birds here in California think it is spring already, they are outside my window joyfully chirping!

  58. Nellie says:

    Oh, yes! We enjoyed pancakes last night – a four-grain variety! Delicious with some honeyed ricotta cheese.:-)

    For a number of years, I wore my reading glasses around my neck, but I have no story of anything becoming caught in them! What a funny sight to see that tea bag hanging there! I’m laughing again!

    Girl Kitty is as beautiful as ever! Jack knows what to do during a cold winter, doesn’t he?

    We have sunshine and blue skies here today. All signs of Tuesday’s iciness are gone. Surely spring is coming soon!

    I love that list of favorite books, especially the one at the top. That is its rightful position, after all.

    Sending you the best as you continue allowing that creativity to emerge from those piles!

    xo Nellie

  59. Sweet Sue says:

    Happy 32nd Anniversary of Move from California to Martha’s Vineyard Susan! I know today is the day when you stood by the “Holly Oak” sign in front of your first home there and the adventure of living on the east coast began. May you and your Joe be blessed with many more years of happy bliss there in your cozy and beautiful home! I am sipping a cup of blueberry tea in your honor as I type this to you. Enjoy!

    • sbranch says:

      YOU are so right! I was almost afraid to mention it after my last fiasco, but today is definitely the day. I just hollered it to Joe and he said, Break out the pear cider! Thank you Sweet Sue!

  60. Pat says:

    Oh my I laughed so hard when I saw Joe that my cat came over to see what was going on! Kudos to Joe for being a good sport and making my day. Love the blotter.

  61. Diana from Ancaster says:

    Love the picture of the “errant” tea bag ! I hook my glasses on the collar of whatever top I happen to be wearing- have caught some interesting bits myself .

    Made pancakes for supper last night for me and my papa to enjoy. Have used your recipe but have substituted ricotta cheese. My Italian genes crop up everywhere!

    Can’t wait for the new book!!!!!!

  62. Georgeann from Texas says:

    Goodness. I have always fussed anytime anyone hung a wet or damp towel or wash
    Cloth on one of our wood chairs or other pieces of wood furniture. Have you not had
    any damage to your chairs? Do I owe everyone an apology!? : )

    • sbranch says:

      Joe told me which chairs to use — these have been treated with a waterproof finish, otherwise you’re right, they would leave a stain. I put the damp towels over the corners of closet doors upstairs too. There’s always some good place you can find.

  63. Normal Sharon in Fresno says:

    Hello Susan, laughed so hard when I saw the picture of Joe with the wet tea bag hanging on his glasses – priceless!!! Last week I received my copy of your book “A Fine Romance” and began reading it. Previously, I found one of your older posts and printed out the bookmark you made for us, so I could be prepared for it’s arrival. I was so thrilled reading each page. I decided not to sit and read it rapidly to the end, but to read a few pages each day and savor them. I went into my Peter Rabbit (PR) room and sat in my wicker chair to set the mood. I kept my iPad close and searched the Internet for the places and things you wrote about. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the book and I didn’t want it to end. I wanted it to go on forever. But it did, so I placed the book on top of my old antique trunk in my PR room and found a little lamb and bunny to rest on top to guard it. My husband and I traveled to England in 2006 and spent a week in the Lake District and we also stayed in Ambleside. We also spent a week in Cornwall and Bath and visited the Cotswolds. We both have English ancestors and got to visit their home villages. What I love most about your book was that I really felt like I was back there again. Ahhhhh the memories.

  64. Buzz n Bea says:

    Pancakes ummm. Delightful post as usual. So ready for spring here in MI. We still have over foot of snow on ground. However, spring is on its way. The question is, when?

    I wear my glasses on top of my head. I need one strength for reading and another for the computer. I have been know to leave the house with one on my nose and the other on top of my head. People must not notice because no one has ever commented. You think?

    • Jane F. says:

      Buzz n Bea, that’s hilarious!! Almost as good as Joe!! You think people don’t comment because they don’t notice???!!!! 🙂 🙂 I’m still laughing!!! :-0

  65. Barb says:

    Please let Joe know that he made my day. I had to find a tissue…my eyes were leaking so much! Thank you for sharing. I am with you Susan on the glasses on the thanks. Where I worked I wore a laynard around my neck…it was always getting in my way. Snowing again here in the northern part of Indiana. Spring is just around the corner…at least that is what I am hoping for.

  66. LindaH (northern IN) says:

    Hi Susan,

    First of all, thanks to you and Joe for the laugh! That was a great one! I also love your tip about hanging the wet towels around the house for humidity–I’ve never liked most humidifiers either. And I know that its important for us to have the humidity in the cold, dry winters. I really enjoyed turning my calendar pages this month–your March illustrations are so gorgeous and cheerful! I think that spring green and yellow are the happening colors soon!

  67. Joanne says:

    Hello Susan,
    The tea bag hanging off of Joe’s glasses was a riot! Tell him thanks for sharing, that is something that I would do!! So excited about your new book!! And the blotter with the quilt for a border is beautiful. Will try the Curel, I usually use Gold Bond or Working Hands, my hands are a mess, so thanks for the tip!!

  68. stephanie says:

    Joe is such a good sport! Thanks for a big laugh today – and boy with this winter … every laugh helps! Too funny!

    Great tip in the towels – I’m going to try it. I’m as wrinkled as a prune and no amount of moisturizer seems to help. I’m thinking I’m just going to hang them on a drying rack in the middle of the room.

    So excited to be there at the beginning of your next book! 🙂 When I read AFR (which I call “Pear Cider”) I kept thinking of how you kindly shared your “process” with us and felt the 5 am cold office, tea with honey, etc. vibe through the pages…

  69. Ginger says:

    Egyptian Magic for the skin is incredible–heavy duty! Made of mostly olive oil and beeswax–you can get it at Costco. The best thing in the winter!

  70. Karen P (Wisconsin) says:

    First, what a good sport dear Joe is to let us share in the fun of his teabag blunder! Too, too funny! I can’t stop smiling about that picture! Cuteness! Did I miss somewhere along the line which of the books you are starting? Several on the burners but which one is this? This one will be your primary focus? The little house on Martha’s Vineyard? (Love that!) The one about tips and such? Tea parties? So excited to be on this bookwriting journey with you again! Yay! and YAY again! xo

    • sbranch says:

      Did you see a couple of posts back the “choices” of books ? It was one of those. 🙂

  71. Denise of Coffeeberry Cottage says:

    I’ve been having more and more fun reading Your blog .You just keep getting more amusing with time.Maybe We all do 🙂 Just a tidbit-I tried not losing and breaking My glasses with those strings around My neck(on continued request of My husband too).Many many years ago when My “GIRLS” were in their prime.I smashed them by leaning over stuffing the washer with laundry. I’ve never told this story to anyone before-I don’t no why but it feels so good to do so -Hugs and blessings Denise

  72. Candice OHIO says:

    Hello Susan!
    Happy Hump Day at least for me…finally feeling better, over the hump from having a case of Cellulitis in my pierced ear. Mind you I have had my ears pierced for over 30 years, this is the 4th time this has happened to me, first time was 13 years ago and I ended up in the hospital for 3 days but that time they thought I had been bit by a spider! These last 3 times have not been quite as serious, but still very painful. I was able to avoid being hospitalized this time, our NP Alisha was a true medical blessing! She was “on the fence” about admitting me to hospital but with her treatment I seem to be turning the corner. I see her again tomorrow to hopefully be told all is good. So reading your blog today really lifted my spirits with your story about Joe and his Teabag! Hysterical!! All of your winter-time tips for dryness, I went about and hung wet towels in places that our air ducts blow out the heat to add some moisture to our dry air also. I will definitely try the Curel, I work PT at a Michaels store as a replenishment associate and after opening boxes and packaging and handling all the cardboard and paper, my hands are white with dryness when I leave work, and I do put vaseline on my fingers at night and hand cream and cuticle cream and sometimes put on my cotton gloves, but to no avail, nothing really seems to work. What is really painful is several of us suffer from cracked fingertips! OUCH! They get so sore sometimes I use Carmex on them or even chap stick.
    I always enjoy the lovely photos of Girl Kitty and Jack! Such sweethearts!
    I must tell you that I came across a lamb cake pan at a charity shop that I frequent so I am going to have a go at making one for Easter.
    Just wanted to leave a comment to let you know how much your blog has brightened my day!!! Another dose of the vitamin “I” (inspiration from Susan) to get me going again!!
    Love ya’

  73. Karen Saunders says:

    I’ve got one for ya….my husband used to run a big company and was of course very important! One day he had a poppy seed muffin and when he got home I told him he had a poppy seed between each and everyone of his top teeth. Course I didn’t laugh……….

  74. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi must have known how desperately I needed a new blog post and even more…a good belly laugh today….and boy oh boy…did I get both!!! I have the scene clear in my mind and can imagine the hysterical response through my own laughter…..what a riot!! and I have to hand it to Joe…most people wouldn’t even admit something like this let alone condone showing hundreds of others…what a sport!!! and….. ABBA…an all-time favorite..thank goodness for Mamma Mia or else these youngsters wouldn’t know their music. I play it all the time in my aerobic classes and they just love it. Great dancing, walking and singing music for sure. I think their favorite is Dancing Queen. It’s so heart-warming to watch these high school girls just be themselves and have fun. And….are ya kiddin’ me??….A NEW BOOK!!! such exciting news!! love the blotter too. I am awaiting the arrival of my lamb cake mold…I did see that cute lamb cake on FOSB…adorable..and I like that idea of people showing us their creations! So, thank you for the uplifting fun post….came in the knick of time!!! xo love, cindy p.s. still grinning… 🙂

  75. Nifty, Nifty…Joe’s so Thrifty;
    Tea Bag Holders on His Shoulders!

    A Cup for Now, a Cup for After,
    Once You’re Over All the Laughter!

    Love the photos!!!
    Tee hee hee!
    Bunny XO

  76. Janet in Rochester says:

    Poor Joe. He wins a “Really-Nice-Guy” award just for letting you publish the photo of him standing there with “the evidence.” Some enterprising entrepreneur out there needs to come up with a way for us to carry/wear them somewhere else. Top of the head perhaps, like sunglasses? Only without getting smudged and stretched out of shape. Lots of hilarious comments from the Girlfriends too. We’ve all been in Joe’s shoes in one way or another! My day of infamy came on my part-time bridal registry job, when I spent the better part of a full day walking around with one of those nylon knee-highs clinging to the back of my pants leg! No one said anything to me either. LOL!

  77. Barbara Thonas says:

    You must thank Joe for sharing. I had a wonderful belly laugh reading about HHS tea bag escapade!

    I love the color on your office walls! So warm and girly! Do you remember what the paint was called?
    Thanks again for a wonderful blog today! Barbara

  78. Marianne says:

    A decision on a new book! Awesome. I’m doing my happy dance. Can’t wait.

  79. Ricki says:

    A true story for Susan. Yesterday my seven yr old Naomi was with me due to ear ac hes. She told me she thought she wanted to be an artist with watercolors like my sister Robin who now has MS and is in a nursing home. I showed her your books and she sat very still and went through the England book and then Heart of the HOme and then I showed her your painting materials and she was very pensive. We pulled out all the colors, paints and things I have at my house.. I’m grandma…and she said it looks like her brushes need to be thinner. Her tiny finger traced the little Corgi. She esp was taken with you and your camera. Later that night her mommy called and asked me why she needed to go buy Naomi and camera to hang around her neck. I was thrilled. My sister cried and I wanted you to know. She’s very young…very tiny and totally serioius.

    • sbranch says:

      You can only imagine how happy that makes me to hear. Thank you for that. Many people inserted dreams into me when I was a child, and without those, who knows where I would be today. Give her a hug for me, OK?

      • Ricki says:

        Thank you Susan. She said a strange thing about colors and I wonder if you can enlighten me. She said the paints need to have black that she think black is very important. How would she know these things. We will go to Michaels after school today. She has a list….boy does she have a list. She asked how you learned….I said, “practice practice practice.” She grinned and said, “I’m Liking that Susan Branch.” Me too

        • sbranch says:

          Born to it. That’s the only explanation. I wrote “How to Draw” in my Summer Book, the most rudimentary of one-page explanations, if you have the book, you might show her. Two different paint boxes rather than tubes would be best for her. So she gets lots of colors … but it sounds like she already has the idea of mixing her colors. There is the dry brush technique and there’s wet on wet . . . I do dry brush. There is so much information on the Internet including wonderful video demonstrations. But she’s just little. She should play for a while. Paint her house, her kitty, some flowers, you, a pie, a cup.

          • Ricki says:

            Thank you,Susan. I don’t have that book but will look for it and to the internet I go so I can at least try to catch up with her.

          • sbranch says:

            She’s at the age where you don’t stand a chance! 🙂 Have fun!

  80. Jane F. says:

    That’s priceless, Susan, what a hoot! I’m in your camp . . . no glasses around the neck for me, either!! And now you have been vindicated!! How cool is that!! I must say, though, Joe looks great, even with the tea bag dangling!! 🙂 It just doesn’t seem fair does it!!! 🙂 🙂 Thanks for the humor break, Joe!! And keep an eye on that teabag tag!! 🙂

  81. Nicki says:

    I have such dry skin and really appreciate your tips. I am getting up right now and give them a try. Thanks so very much

  82. Marianne in Mo. says:

    Thank Joe for giving us a laugh! I have bronchitis right now, and laughed so hard it brought on a coughing fit, but it was worth it! 🙂 I have a bad time too with the dry air. My daughter turned me on to Olay In-shower Body Lotion. You put it on while you are still in the shower, then rinse it off. You come out silky smooth. Just can’t get it on my shoulders, where I itch all year! I’ll have to try the damp towel!
    Pancakes look yummy, and from scratch are the best!
    Great post today, thanks!

  83. Susan Hammersley Simon (in Illinois) says:

    Hello, Susan and everyone from a snowy Chicagoland drenched in another 4+ inches of snow… that makes 8 inches this week. We haven’t seen the grass in our yard since the beginning of December. I am going to go drape some wet towels over our chairs in the kitchen as soon as I finish this… we have had sparks flying for a few days now; they seem to fly when our temps fall into the single digits or below zero, and even though it’s 24 out right now, they take a little while to stop flying. It’s good that Jack and Girl Kitty are no longer being shocked! (and of course, good that you and Joe no longer are either.)

    Love, love, love that Curel lotion. Keeps me from itching and feeling miserable all winter. It works phenomenally well. Have been using it for years.

    Oh, my. Joe’s teabag stained shirt, and the vision of that tea bag swinging back and forth made me LAUGH out loud. It’s great that Joe said you could share this with us. Thank you for a welcome laugh and chuckle!

    Hooray… another new book on the horizon! I will really look forward to your updates as you bring that book to life… can’t wait to see and hear more about it. That will be just wonderful!

    Off to shovel the front sidewalk again… although our next door neighbor, a wonderful guy, did the driveway and walks this morning before he left for work as he knows that my DH is recuperating from open heart surgery and when I thanked him for it the first time, he replied… “But that’s what neighbors are for!” So, I am baking him some cookies (Outrageous Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies) he had here at Christmas and really enjoyed. What a great thing for him to do that… such a blessing to have such considerate, thoughtful neighbors.

    Those lamb cake pictures were great… such a lot of work, but they are darling. I had a student for a few years who always brought me a lamb cake his mom had baked around Easter… it was always delicious. I may have to order one of those molds.

    Thanks again for a wonderful break in the day, Susan, and for your news, and ideas and thoughts. Take care!

  84. Heartsdesire says:

    I can’t believe Joe did that and didn’t notice. I laughed so hard. Men! They think they know everything. Ha, ha, the joke’s on them. Love your choice for the new book. That little house in the woods is so cute. Hope it doesn’t take too long to get that floor swept up.

  85. Kathy says:

    Susan I hope you read this. I have the ultimate answer for you and Joe for your glasses. Have you ever watched The Shark Tank? There was a guy who invented Readerrest for your glasses. It’s a powerful magnet that holds them on your shirt.

    Please have a look! Bye the way Love Love Girl and Jack! They make me happy! Thanks for sharing.

  86. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~ Good Afternoon ~ I know how to avoid another ” tea bag incident ” use loose tea!~ I think we have all had an “incident” or two ~ I love crispy potato pancakes ~ we always had them with our homemade fish fries ~ not very healthy but we had them every Friday during Lent~bluegills and perch that my dad caught ice fishing~ now we have to go out to get a fish fry~ not the same ~ Coconut oil is a good moisturizer too! ~ thanks for the fun post!~ And the sun is out!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Haven’t been able to wean Joe from his Lipton’s!

      • Sylvia in Seattle says:

        Aha! That was my first response to the picture. Joe uses tea BAGS!?? Okay I get it now. He’s a Lipton man. 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          I was a Lipton girl from maybe 18 to 35, but finally I ventured out. But it makes me understand, when you love it, you love it, no rhyme nor reason to it.

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            ~ Please don’t think me a “tea snob”~ I still drink Lipton Celestial Seasonings and other tea that comes in bags but when I get the chance to make my own blend I prefer that~I l go to Teavana when I get the chance~ Doesn’t matter as long as you love what you are drinking~ I do prefer to drink my tea “straight up” except for at least one cup with my “remedy” in it!~ yummy!

          • sbranch says:

            Oh, I don’t. It’s like my cats. For months and sometimes years they will sleep in the same spot every day. One day, all of a sudden, they abandon that spot and never go back and make a new spot. I think that’s how it is with tea.

      • Karen P (Wisconsin) says:

        Since I’ve tried your Special Blend tea I’m having a hard time enjoying much else! (Maybe the cute tin helps!) Lipton, sorry Joe, definitely not! I used to be a coffee snob….now I’ve become a tea snob! LOL!

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      ~I forgot to add that I got an email from Fancy Flours and they have a cookie-cutter in the shape of the Queen Elizabeth’s facial profile~ it’s too cute!~

  87. Lee Rose says:

    Thank Joe for the laugh. It is nice to know other people do things like that too.

    I love Muriel’s Wedding. I saw it when it came out in theaters 20 (? !) years ago. I still tell myself (when I’m being terrible) “You’re terrible Muriel”

    Love the towel trick, will give it a try!

  88. Karencg says:

    Thanks Joe, I am a string glasses person too. Getting caught on things previously was an issue. I learned that if you tuck your glasses inside your sweater/shirt no one gets hurt, and you need to change your sweater and shirt less times in a day. Today I was making banana blueberry muffins and my sweater picked up some batter. Non glasses issue, but still need to change sweater.
    We grew up with a ben franklin stove in our house, dad would put a small cast iron pot of water on top of the stove to moisten up the house air.
    We in CA are wishing for more rain, not in large amounts, but continued wet for a few more months.

  89. Holly says:

    OMG!! This California girl is also a victim of the drying winter heat, or lack of anything resembling humidity. Also, handling fabric 10 hours a day (most days) while sewing adds to the dry finger syndrome as I’ve named this problem. One day last week I had 10 out of 20 deep cuts into my fingers on one side of a fingernail or the other, some with 2 on the same finger. Nothing was working, and the pain was horrible. Also, I couldn’t get any work done. So, I got my nurses hat out, and gave it some thought. I know there is stuff called “new skin” or something like that which is supposed to help this problem, but it was midnight, and I was almost in tears. Then it came to me….. Superglue! In the hospitals doctors now use a type of glue sometimes. So I tried it. Very careful not to glue my fingers together and just make the whole mess worse. I put one tiny drop in the first gash, then pressed lightly together, then X10. A few spots stung for just a second, but all held tight. The best part is the pain stopped. Three days later my fingers looked normal, and are now totally healed. It probably isn’t FDA approved by a long shot, so I won’t urge you all to do this, just telling you, it works.

    • sbranch says:

      You are so right. Fabric will do it to you too. This is the mark of a creative mind!

    • Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      I get those cracks at the corner of my thumbnail. They are so painful and hard to heal. I am definitely trying the super glue.

  90. Sarah Nunnelly says:

    Another wonderful hand cream is “AVEENO SKIN RELIEF OVERNIGHT CREAM”. Even though it says NIGHT cream I use it all day.
    I keep a big tube in every room and whenever I’m at Target or a drug store I buy all they have because I’m afraid they will quit making it! I confess I’m a lotion hoarder. But it’s that good!

  91. Martha Ellen of VA says:

    Thanks so much for the laughter, Susan. I had to bring my husband over to read this post! Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room…xoxo ♥

  92. Sue in Fl says:

    I was surprised to hear yesterday was pancake day. I missed work yesterday for the first time in about two years with a stomach bug. I couldn’t decided what I wanted for dinner but finally thought pancakes sounded good. It’s been a very long time since I had pancakes for dinner, but they hit the spot. So it was funny to see it was pancake day! I loved the picture of Joe with his wet shirt. He’s a special guy to let you share that with your girlfriends. It’s those little things take make marriage fun. My husband and I have lots of laughs over the some of the silly things we do. The older we get, the more silly things we seem to do. Hate to rub it in but it was in the mid 70s here today. I ate lunch on a bench down by the river near work. It was wonderful. I really hope you and all the girlfriends will be enjoying warm weather soon.
    Sue in Fl.

  93. Annie in IA says:

    Your pancake post is delicious. Love the towel idea, and especially the suggestion for tea-staining denim shirts. The little yellow rooster bowl with the pancake batter is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Please note the source or have several hundred made, and I will be the first customer! Your lovely messages and photos are a constant joy.

    • sbranch says:

      You know how some hardware stores carry odd little bits and pieces sometimes? That’s where I got that bowl, at Miner’s in Arroyo Grande, California some years back. I love it because it pours.

  94. Cathy McCann says:

    What a hilarious story and Joe is such a good sport to allow the posting. I am still laughing — that truly puts Joe into the Lucy and Ethel category!!!
    You gave us great tips again — I am one suffering from the cracked cuticles and fingers, so will definitely try some Curel. (Yes, I’ve done the Vaseline with gloves on my hands overnight – I remember doing that the night before my wedding so my hands would look smooth for “the ring picture”. And I’ve even heard folks recommend Vicks on the feet overnight to help cure a cold!)
    Love your idea of the quilt border for your blotter. And seeing it today made me THINK SPRING — something we all seem to be needing about now. Seeing the lambie cakes is a great boost, too. Take care, everyone! Ethel

  95. Ginger says:

    You always make me laugh. Thanks for the peek into your fun and silly life. The problems with dreamy people like me is dreams are always changing. I have accomplished amazing things in my imagination though.

    Dry, winter air is unpleasant. I used to hate the rain of the Pacific NW. With age and the appearance of lines, I’m so glad to be back in the land of humidity. It plumps out my wrinkles. I look like your hubby every time I do dishes. I’m so short my belly gets all wet.

    When I switched from reading glasses to trifocals, it was the best day of my middle age. I never loose my glasses now, because I wear them from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. Speaking of seeing, I’m reading my first Gladys Taber, Stillmeadow. Thank you so much for the recommendation. Our library has a few of her titles. Thanks again for you fun posts.

  96. Pat Stansel says:

    OK, I have to ask, is the border on the desk blotter a photograph or your artwork ? It’s so extraordinarily detailed !!! I Have to have one !

  97. Liz says:

    Love Joe and his tea bag!! He is a good sport to let you share that with us – what a man!! I gave the glasses on a string thing a good long chance, but agree with you. I kept catching them on everything and it drove me crazy – so now I just have glasses everywhere. Like the towel idea – my skin is dry as toast this winter. Thanks for sharing!

  98. Theresa Libby says:

    On the floor LOL!! I do the same thing with my cats! Chase them around to apologize for zapping them! What must they think!!?? Poor babes!

  99. Dinahsoar says:

    Joe is a good sport– he told on himself –we all got a great laugh at his expense. Very funny!! Love the border on the ink blotter–and love your kitties. The wet towel tip is a good one. We don’t get the cold you do, but it might come in handy some day. I’ve been craving pancakes all week–now I know why. Even bought the cottage cheese to make them, then I got sick, too sick to bother. Maybe next week?! Love you and yours SB!

  100. Carol Ahlgren says:

    Susan you need to be cloned so you can be passed out as a friend to all. You truly are a treat with this long cold and snowy winter.

    • sbranch says:

      Since birth, I’m a girlfriend’s girlfriend. This is working out great! I love girl parties and here I’m at one every day! We are just so interesting!

      • Mary in Phoenix says:

        A girlfriend’s girlfriend since birth … love that concept 🙂 Thanks for hosting the daily party and connecting us all ♥

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