
Hi Girls & Boys . . . Just a couple more days . . .  I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to sign up for our giveaway!  Isn’t anticipation fun!?  Sometimes better than the real thing ~ right now, everyone’s a winner!  I thought you’d enjoy some of my “Glory of the Snow” flowers while you are waiting . . .

Home sweet home

If you haven’t already  . . . scroll down and make sure to leave a comment!  Listen to that delicious MUSICA one more time, and have a wonderful weekend! (Close eyes, deep breath, count blessings, ahhhhh) Love you, your comments are beyond anything ever . . . XOXO


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571 Responses to ANTICIPATION

  1. Luci from Virginia says:

    Dearest Susan,
    What a lovely Spring day we had today. It is so beautiful in the neighborhood with the Dogwood , Bradford Pear , Redbud and Tulip Trees all in bloom. Went to Brunch with my Zipcode Group girlfriends of our Officers Wives Club . We had fun laughing and sharing. Today was also for mulching the flower beds. The real fun will be going to the nursery to decide what wonderland we want to create in our flowerbeds this year. I decided to check your blog before I called it a night to be greeted by your Anticipation post with the lovely picture of the delicate blue flowers in the adorable little duck vase with the pears. What a beautiful picture. There is a definite yellow theme going in your April posts. Thank you for the Williard, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It makes me want to order some of your flavored teas because Earl Grey is my favorite flavor and your blends sound so good. Looking forward to Vannas skillful name drawing of the winners so I can cheer for them.
    Blessings to you and Joe and your furry babies.

  2. Pam says:

    They are so pretty, and I love the colour contrast with the pears. The little ducky vase is really sweet <3

    • Vickie says:

      In Seattle we’ve been having the rainiest 3 months on recording. I’m sure that had something to do with the horrible mudslide in the little town of Osso. But now the sun is showing itself a lot more and we have the most beautiful who of pink flowers on our climatis montana which covers the arbor on our decks. Thank you so much for the contagious joy of life that you share in all your writing. It inspires me to just enjoy all the little joys of home and to want to try new creative things!

  3. Mary S. says:

    I FINALLY had time to stop and read Willard! I was struck anew with how absolutely beautiful your paintings are!!!! Every little one!! And I so enjoyed Willard!
    Thank you!!!
    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA xoxo

  4. Dawn from Minnesota says:

    Awwww Susan … Reading through your post and all the lovely comments it is lovely how we stand together…supporting and cheering each other…laughing and wiping tears together…and for those of us with open hearts; we believe, that together we can turn the moon pink, travel to England in a suitcase, and smell the ocean breezes! You have created a wonderful world! My daughter Larissa has been sick and they don’t know what it is …the doctors say she is the “talk of the town.” When I grabbed a bag to bring to the hospital, I threw in my Simple Abundance book, A Fine Romance, some tampons and my salt and vinegar almonds…thinking about it now, I guess I packed YoU! The night nurse just left and in the sweetest French accent said, “good luck tomorrow!” She may mean in regards to a possible surgery…but, I think it means we are going home! You made me laugh this afternoon….as you were stuck in the old fashioned clothesline bobbing about…A Fine Romance indeed! :). Hope you have a happy Sunday and “thank you” for just being YoU….and that means SPECIAL! xoxo Dawn. :}

  5. charlotte says:

    A lovely picture to wake up to this morning. I love the pictures on your blog, Susan. They are always so homey and cozy. I read the comment above by a reader who wanted Jack. I have wanted to tell you how beautiful he is. He reminds me of our dear Tucker, a beautiful tuxedo cat who was with us for many years. He was a great boy too. He didn’t have Jacks sweet mustache, but a black and whit cat is just the bees knees. Have a lovely rest of the weekend.

  6. I save all of your wonderful posts until I can sit with a cup of tea and listen to the MUSICA and read away. Thank you for those wonderful, relaxing moments! -Loretta

  7. Martha says:

    Hi Susan,
    Just catching up on Willard and your Anticipation post. As always after reading your posts, I feel like I had a visit from a friend! Also, what really stood out were all of the colors!!! The cake, the bird, the flowers!!!!! Even on a rainy day up here on the North Shore I feel hope and Spring.
    I am wondering if you have a suggestion for a camera for traveling – your pics are fantastic! Thanks for caring about us, your friends from afar ❤️

  8. Peggy Gilbertsen says:

    Good morning, this is my first post! Susan thank you for the positive energy you send out into our world. Your kindness and joy fill your pages and make my day!

  9. Hope DeMarco says:

    The shells remind me of ones I collected from Southhampton when I was little. Thank You for such a wonderful Blog. When going through tough times, it always brings a smile to my face.

  10. Dawn Burrows says:

    I really enjoy your blog, it’s always a cheery sight! I love the yellow and blue color together. We have daffodils blooming in Ohio and I have them all over the house – little spots of spring cheer to make me smile. Happy Spring!

  11. Susan Cobb says:

    Happy Spring! I love to wake up and check for your latest note to all your friends. I introduced my son’s girlfriend to you and your writings when they were here for Easter. I think you have a new fan! My spring flowers are popping up all over and even in unexpected places so it is fun to go outside everyday. Have a great day!

  12. Jean Burns says:

    Susan, Loved “A Fine Romance”. Gave a copy to a friend for Christmas and she also loved it. She has been to England a few times and is looking forward to seeing places she has missed and following your journey. We are eagerly awaiting your new book. Jean 🙂

  13. Lisa Miller says:


    Always look forward to your posts ! Those pears look like the moon !
    Moon pears ! It will rain here today as well in Saint Louis .. But we need it !
    Or the hydrangeas will never bloom .


  14. Gwen Barath says:

    Good morning Susan,
    I must be doing something wrong as every comment I have ever made says “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” Is this a normal situation?
    Thank you and have a great Sunday.

    • sbranch says:

      I just opened the computer and there are 364 comments awaiting moderation! It isn’t you, it’s me! They come in faster than I can get to them. I have to moderate because this blog also gets a lot of spam . . . But anyway, here’s one of yours going up and soon I hope I come to the others!

  15. Deanna neiger says:

    Love love love your blog! Always something to look forward to

  16. Luann France says:

    Susan, Will the ducky vase be available to buy on the website? Love it!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s an oldie — I got it a couple of years ago at a yard sale! Sorry, wish we did have them! I’ll keep my eyes open for another one when I’m out in the world.

  17. Mary Lou Glynn says:

    Love everything that you put out there.

  18. Helga Nuzzo says:

    Hi Susan,

    many times I want to write most importantly to thank you for sharing your lovely writings with us , you are an absolute gem . Always cheerful and inspiring a dose of feel-good every time.

    All the very Best to you,

  19. Beth Gagnon says:

    Thanks for making my day a little bit sweeter and more fun!!

  20. Kim says:

    Hi Susan,
    I am enjoying my second cup of tea with my Willard. Thank you for all the news and updates. I wait with ANTICIPATION for the drawing and while I wait I’m filling in my summer calendar with lots of me time. First stop will be Best of British in Newburyport! Thank you for mentioning it. I think a girlfriend field trip is in order. Thank you for always making sure we take time out for what is important in life. So often ‘stuff’ gets in the
    way and there is Susan making sure we wade through it with smiles on our faces to get to what is really important, doing the things that we love and that which makes us feel good. Oh, there is no therapy like that of spending time with the girlfriends. Life is good!

  21. Judy says:

    Love your posts and look forward to them each day. A ray of sunshine in my day when I can take a moment to read your words of inspiration. Thank you for your gift to create verse and pictures

  22. Jeannie Schlitt says:

    I’m not sure where we are supposed to comment for the giveaway so I’m just guessing it’s here. Yellow and blue go so well together. I have a quilted kitty on my dresser with those colors…reminds me of you and your pretty quilts and kitties. Have a blessed day!

  23. Diane Cassano says:

    I just ordered some of your older books on Amazon yesterday – trying to complete my collection – I have them displayed in my kitchen bakers rack and I just LOVE them all. They are happily sitting in a basket with vintage dish towels and vintage crochet potholders. Ahhh – sooo pretty. Have an inspired day !

  24. Mary Whiting says:

    Good Morning, Susan,
    I couldn’t sleep so I brought my laptop back to bed and looked for your blog….while my husband sleeps I will wish you a Happy Spring. This is a quiet day today for us with a nice dinner planned out with friends. A little reading….couldn’t be better.
    Happy Sunday!

  25. Pam says:

    Hi Susan! I love your giveaway! You always have the nicest little packages! Your lemon roll recipe sounds sooo good! I think I will try it for Mothers Day for my mother! She is 97 and getting a little slower but still strong willed!! 🙂 I made a lamb cake with your recipe for Easter and it was delicious! I had the cake tin for years! I love your recipe so next time I will try a layer cake! My little lambie cake was a big hit especially with Miss Madison, my 2 year old grand daughter!
    Well, have a wonderful rest of the weekend! Today, I am going to plant more flowers (begonias and impatiens) since we have 4 days of rain coming!

  26. Janet says:

    Hi Susan, I hope I still have a chance to be chosen for your give-away. I have been away from my computer busy with stuff and painting. I didn’t realize that you were having a drawing.
    I love, love, love reading your blog posts!
    Thank you <3

  27. Tamara Davis says:

    Thanks Susan for all the inspiration! Flowers, birds, cakes, books, England, humor, creative energy, home…wonderful. Thank you.

  28. shelley from Home says:

    Love the blue flowers with the pears, beautiful! Have a wonderful week.

  29. Linda-Murrieta CA says:

    Susan, loved the pretty flowers. A cold wind has brought a chill to Southern California. We love our sunshine. Thanks for the inspiring posts. Linda

  30. Bernadette says:

    I Love your work. I’ve been gifted 2 copies of “A Fine Romance”!
    My sweetie and I + our dog will make “the crossing” next year on the QM2.
    So I’m re-reading and list making when I’m not in the studio.
    Cheers from Asheville North Carolina~

  31. Evie Tong says:

    Good morning Susan …and happy Sunday!
    We had one day of rain in San Diego and now we’re back to sunshine ..
    your white Cosmos inspired me so I put some in my lemon tree which is
    growing in a wine barrel (San Diego has clay soil 🙁
    Do you cut the dead heads off? Or let them be and more flowers will come?
    I loved your Fine Romance which will be our travel guide when we can take
    a trip to the English countryside! Your book is the perfect birthday gift to
    my girlfriends! Thank you again … for being you!
    Aloha, Evie

  32. Michelle Free says:

    Love all your musings! I look forward to your blog every week.

  33. Carrie Casebeer says:

    Reading Willard, your blog or just looking at the website are one of the most relaxing things I can do. Your quotes and artwork never fail to inspire me to keep the dream alive of living a happy, warm and meaningful life! Thank You.

  34. Texas-Gran says:

    I love opening your email — brightens any day – even windy, dirt blowing days. The blue and yellow on the shelf are wonderful reminders of the Spring days ahead !

  35. Pat Prohl says:

    The sun has finally come out again and I am sitting at my laptop with tea in my pansy (my favorite flower) Emma mug, and just now enjoyed finding my first Susan Branch blog post in my email! The snow flowers are perfect and the pears will be delicious. As a matter of fact I think I will go and cut one up right now for a morning snack. Thank you for sharing so generously of your time and talent!

  36. anne says:

    Hi Susan…. I’ve been wanting to write you to express how excited I was with the speed of your delivery of A Fine Romance. Your shipping girls are good! I ordered on a Friday and it arrived in Monday’s mail. I’m having a hard time reading. I pick up the book and forget the daily chores…Oh well… First things first…… Little blue flowers are lovely….Happy Spring!! Anne

  37. Judy buzby says:

    Thank you Susan… your blog and Willard, always make me SMILE!!!! I am enjoying a beautiful sunshiny, Spring day with daffy down dillys blooming in prolific profusion!!!! Hope you are enjoying your beautiful spring day as much as I.. J.

  38. PatKinon says:

    Dreary morning, but you popped some sunshine into it with your latest newsletter! Enjoy the rest of your day!

  39. Harriett says:

    Thanks for all your wonderful posts, pictures, recipes and literary references ~ love them all ~ almost as much as Carly Simon’s “Anticipation.” Count me in for this drawing. If I win, I shall try to dress like Vanna but add some flowers (whatever is blooming) between my teeth. Have a wonderful spring, looks as if you have a great start!

  40. Susan, Woke up, as always visit your blog with my hot orange juice. I am a widow for 16 years now and I strive to enjoy each day. Your blog is a major heart mender,I read your books and I, too have cats (and dogs) one cat is a rag doll and the other is a Tuxedo, like Jack. All my roommates bring me happiness. As always, I will await the drawing and feel the warmth of your friendship. Blessings, Brook

  41. Julie says:

    I’m sitting on my deck watching the birdies and listening to their music! It’s a little slice if heaven!

  42. Maria says:

    Hi Susan! Just finishing my coffee and getting my day started…looks like a good quilting day here in CA! Please enter me in the giveaway…always worth a try to get one of your special gifts!

  43. Rosemary says:

    Susan, whenever I see that you entered a new post I SMILE.
    You make my day !!

    Thanks so much for the wonderful you.

  44. Gail Rose says:

    Oh I hope ….I can always hope….

    Love all your books. Have them all BUT the “Pancake book.” Coming soon????
    Have a great day…

    Gail in Yuma

  45. Loved A Fine Romance. I’m a total nut about England and as soon as I saw the book on a trip to Cape Cod I snapped it right up. It was so wonderful. Really helped transport me there. Thanks!

  46. Victoria Robertson says:

    Spring is in full force in these Tennessee hills! It is beautiful, but also ripe for the dreaded tornadoes!

  47. Schotzy says:

    What a cheerful post….I barely have time to be online today, but when I saw your update I popped right over…. we are packing for a wee trip, and I just packed my copy of A Fine Romance. Have a blessed weekend!

  48. L says:

    I left a comment, posted it, but it didn’t stick. Will try again!

  49. Fran Noyes says:

    Just returned from a lovely quilt show with my best friends! You always brighten my day with your words! thanks

    Fran in MD

  50. Sarah says:

    Love your MUSICA…..It is always fun to hear. Thanks for including it in your blog.
    I really enjoy reading your news. It always perks me UP!

  51. Amy says:

    Dear Susan,
    As I read through some of the comments, I thought what a blessing to be a blessing! And you are to so many. Your book is ready at my library for me to pick up. Can’t wait!
    xoxo Amy

  52. Gail Helgeson says:

    Hello. Rain rain go away! Well…maybe not! I love hearing the sound of rain drops dripping on our sun light in the bathroom…right by my den. I am hearing it right now as I read over your delightful blog. I look every day. I am actually going back and looking over all of your blogs from months and years ago. Just like Downton Abbey. I can’t get enough! Blessings to you.

  53. Margaret Fitzsimons says:

    Hi Susan,
    I was given your book as a birthday present from a dear friend. I just love it! Now I have tried pear cider (delish) and also have already purchased a book to give to my sister-in-law. I was with her when she opened it for her birthday. I just have to say thank you for the lovely hand-written card that was included with my message. It was so lovely! I can’t wait to try the lemon roll. Thank you for your wonderful work. Please come back to Pasadena soon so I hear you in person : ).

  54. Susan,

    Greetings from a rainy day in Oregon! Like others who love you, finding your latest post brings an instant smile and wave of happiness.

    Thanks for being you!


  55. janine champlin says:

    I just love how you welcome Spring, Susan! Here in Texas, we’re well into it – toads in love are singing away in our backyard pond each night 🙂

  56. Amy says:

    I’m reading your Summer book–a beloved annual tradition in anticipation of the upcoming season!!

  57. Diane says:

    I have bought your calendars regularly, but never dreamed you wrote a blog til a friend told me about it. Now I’m a regular reader. Celebrated April in Paris yesterday with good friends at a tea. Now if the rain will stop for more than 15 minutes I’ll be outside, cleaning, planting, mowing, trimming, listening to Spring. Ahhhhhhhhhh..

  58. dolores says:

    Help !!!!! not receiving any of your updates for a month now. Not sure what the problem is……………….wrote you an e mail … response yet. Know you are busy, but I miss you in my in box. Tried re subscribing by checking the pencil drawing but just subscribe to feed comes up……………… your blog…………..hope you can help me……………..blessings………dolores

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t really know how it works either Dolores, but I forwarded your comment to Kellee and I think she’ll figure it out for you.

      • dolores says:

        Dearest Susan………..thanks for responding so promptly. You are a treasure …………….to all of us. looking forward to seeing you in my inbox soon……………………Blessings……Dolores @

  59. Nola Wilson says:

    It is always a treat to read your blog and Willard! Thank you for all the joy that you bring to others! Happy Spring!!

  60. Sara says:

    Hey, Susan, Just wanted to tell you how thrilled my girlfriend (since 1st grade), Mariann, was when she opened the bird teacup I purchased for her birthday on your website. I have the fox one, and every afternoon around 4, I fix a cup, sometimes two, of your private blend (Be still my heart!). Mariann takes care of her mother, who has Alzheimer’s, and needs that afternoon break a lot more than I do. I’m ordering her your tea, because she needs the best break there is! xoxo


  61. Kathy says:

    Love your blog especially this time of year. Get excited when I see your beautiful flowers and decorations. You make it look so simple.

  62. Lisa says:

    I am always encouraged and inspired by you. Thank you for sharing your world!

  63. Courtney says:

    Hi Susan-
    You have been an inspiration for many years! I can’t wait to read A Fine Romance and add it to the rest of my collection of the treasures you write.
    Have a great day!

  64. carol muchler says:

    So many things I LOVE about your artistic style & postings. Small detail, color, & sharing your sweet enjoyment of all the SEASONS! Thank-you for the joy and celebration of everyday life through your eyes. Carol

  65. debra sewell says:

    Susan branch is a kindred spirit. Cooking, sewing walks kitties appreaction of home, family, love and being a true neighbor to all she meets. She in spires me to be a better person and take time for all the blessings we have every day.
    Thank you

  66. Joanne says:

    Thanks for your wonderful blog and the giveaways! Always hopeful it will be me one of these days!

  67. Julie Marie says:


    I love your cherry, yellow pears in the window! We just painted our living room a shade of yellow called Denver omelet and it looks so “spring-y! & welcoming!” I thought we would never say good-bye to the white walls but choosing yellow has made me so happy!

    I am looking forward to seeing my sunbeam coreopsis bloom as always in the late Spring and maybe the yellow happy returns lilies I just put out last Summer will return too. My husband surprised me with yellow tulips and yellow/red tinged tulips for Easter. They look divine on the dining room table on either side of the Easter lily. Tulips are almost my favorite…… next to sunflowers and little daisies 🙂 😉

    Thank you for inspiring us to use real flowers in our homes. You are blessed to have so many perennials surrounding your grounds. 🙂 Happy Day, and I
    hope it is very “flowery” for you!!

    “Julie~Marie so cheery in MO”

  68. Becky says:

    Willard was just the best!!! Happy Spring! Becky

  69. Linda H says:

    My youngest sister is an artist (whom I greatly admire). Her water color medium (in my HUMBLE opinion … NOT) is her best though she dabbles in many types of art. Your watercolors soothe me and transport me to places I like to be and stay. Thank you for that …. plus letting us all have a “peek” into your world. So much fun!

  70. Susan says:

    You have brought such joy into my life over the past years since I received your Heart of the Home cookbook when it first came out, but especially now as we travel the country in our
    Airstream home. The “domestic arts” can be practiced in a RV, albeit with
    a bit more difficulty. I have exchanged my gardens for nature in the National Parks, but
    I do miss them. Your blog refreshes my spirit and jogs my memory. Thank you!

  71. Candice OHIO says:

    Love the colors of blue and yellow and the cheerful little vase!! Sweet as can be!
    Thank you for sharing!!

  72. Tara says:

    Love the bright yellow and blue!! Spring is finally here!!!

  73. Cindy says:

    Spring has arrived here in Kentucky! So have the tornado watches! Beautiful sunny weather one day, then heavy rain and wind, and black shelf clouds the next. But my herbs are all coming in nicely, and my Boston ferns are have been hung on the porch. When the wind blows and we’re expecting severe weather, like we are tomorrow, I will take the ferns down and tuck them back on the porch away from harms way. The next sunny day we get, back up they’ll go. Soon, the season of tornados will pass, and all my hanging baskets of flowers will be safe for the rest of summer! Thank you for your website, Susan. Such a haven of sweetness!

  74. Nancie Lewis says:

    The song I’m singing is: “I love you, a bushel and a peck, you bet your pretty neck I do…. Doodle oodle oodle, Doodle oodle oodle, Doodle oodle doo doot doo”!

  75. Beth says:

    SUSAN!!! True, authentic, transparent, wonderfully creative Susan!
    Soooo….. I KNOW how much I love and consume everything “Susan Branch”…and with every post, even this tiniest update, I read the zillions of responses that just exude ADMIRATION, FASCINATION, and GRATITUDE for YOU and your life….Girlfriends waiting, waiting, always WAITING for the “next” post, Willard, calendar, or book! Always what’s next???
    I’m wondering if this feels like PRESSURE to you?
    Hoping you feel freedom to unwind and check out without the world watching…
    ….once in a PINK MOON! In a sweet cocoon!
    We do love you!

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t feel pressured because I know everyone understands the need for gardening and grocery shopping! I do live rather a private life in the real world, me and Joe and the kitties and our friends, it’s pretty quiet. Then I get to come here and say hello to everyone and feel so grateful to have you all.

  76. Kathy O says:

    Wow. Glory of the snow is one I have never seen or heard of. Are they bulbs? How do I get some in my yard? They are beautiful!

  77. carolyn weaver says:

    Love love love your blog! Always something to look forward to…watching Fred Astair and Jane Powell in ROYAL WEDDING…Set in, guess where, JOLLY OLE ENGLAND,;)…..!!!

  78. Allison says:

    Dreaming of spring here in Ontario. Surely it will arrive someday, right?

    Love the bright pears – so cheerful. Happy Sunday!

  79. gloria jean says:

    Susan, You are like a breath of SPRING air!!!!

  80. Linda says:

    My mother was a huge Gladys Taber fan. Now I am a huge Susan Branch fan. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us.

  81. Janey says:

    Finally – I’ve found you again! Love reading Willard . So happy to have you and your beauty back in my life.

  82. Jan says:

    Your lemon roll sounds sooo good! Will have to try. Yes, this Spring weather is such a long awaited wonder. The greening of the grass and the smell of Spring in the air. Wonderful! The giveaway sounds wonderful too – NEW, and OLD books! We have rose breasted grosbeaks here in Michigan – a beautiful bird. Am looking forward to the Willard. Hope you had a great weekend!

  83. Susan says:

    I love your beautiful photos and stories about your writing and illustrating life. It feels like talking to a friend. We have a rainy, cool day here and just finished planting 300 little baby white pine trees on our land north.

  84. Nancy Beardsley says:

    Your posts always bring a smile with them. I have a small vase very much like your ducky one that has a swan with cattails as the major part of the vase. These are such tiny treasures. You bring so much joy to many. Thank you, thank you.

  85. DonnaRay Evans says:

    Whew, made it just in time for Vanna’s polished and jeweled fingers to search for me in the pile of names. Good luck everyone! Happy sniffing all the lovely Spring blossoms….ahhh, lilac time here where we are “downhome” in Southeast Missouri! As always, DonnaRay

  86. donna z says:

    I happy gorgeous spring day in NJ! Pretty sky and temps to enjoy our pretty Bradford pear tree and pink dogwood outside!

  87. Linda says:

    I was so happy to hear about your new book – can’t wait to see it! Thanks for the updates – and the ‘musica’! Spring is slowly on it’s way, and before you know it summer will be here!

  88. Cam O'Brien says:

    Happy Spring and thanks for all the seasonal inspiration! The beautiful flowers, recipes, decorations and inspiration. Our first mini daffodil just bloomed so I know real spring won’t be far off up here in northern Vermont. I look forward to your next blog entry. Cam

  89. Hi Susan – Thank you so much for including the picture of my mom (the lady hiding behind the book in front of the lighthouse on the Cape) in the new Willard! You made her day! She has celebrity status among her girlfriends 🙂

  90. Hope says:

    A spot of tea and the Willard! Life doesn’t get any better!

  91. Marion Rose says:

    Hi Susan,
    Loved your little vase with the duck. The little blue flowers are lovely, a nice
    sign of Spring. I have some flowers that look like yours. Do you know their
    name? These little flowers make me so happy. Marion

    • sbranch says:

      I wrote the name in the post, they are called Glory of the Snow. You can Google them if you want their longer Latin name and to see if they will grow in your area.

  92. Diane from Poulsbo says:

    I just re-read your marvelous Girlfriends book…..which is on a coffee table in my front room…and each time I read it I discover something new. This time it hit me as I was reading about you being the oldest with all of those brothers born after you, and how you were waiting forever for a girl…any girl. I laughed out loud at the pics of you and the brothers, and then later, you and all of your many girlfriends poolside . Your mother is a total genius to divide the girl time from the boy time at your pool! It was so fun to study the pics and read your story. I totally understand what has turned you into a girl’s girlfriend! As much as we all love our brothers….I have only three!….you deserve all of the many girlfriends that you now have! I am so glad that you are one of my best Internet friends! Xoxo

  93. Maree Wagner says:

    Thank you, Susan, for helping us remember all the sweet, simple things God gives us everyday. What gifts HE gives! This Winter it was snowflakes of various shapes and sizes, birds at our feeders, & plenty of deep snow to play in. Now it is Spring! Our Heavenly Father sends us light purple hepaticas in the woods, white anemones, & sunny daffodils! Geese gather at our river bottom to create their families, the chickadees & tufted tit mice sing their spring songs, & strong breezes carry spring scents to our door. Blessings like watching our sons play soccer with their team, or basketball with dad, are enjoyed as much as half mile walks down the driveway & relaxing in the sunshine that has returned to our region. Thank you, Susan, for reminding us to look for blessings everyday…and for sharing the gifts God gave you.

  94. Diane S says:

    Stormy night here, love all your spring inspiration

  95. Nancy P says:

    A wonderful spring to Susan and Joe and the Super Kittens! What a pleasure to read the many posts, making our world smaller and closer as we share the good thoughts and things about our lives and the places we all live. Welcome Spring!
    Susan, you do spread the message of the heart of the home! A very important guiding spirit ,giving us the past and the present as we look to the future! Thank you for the wonderful insight and gift of sharing. Happy Spring Everyone!

  96. Christi Bunn says:

    Awesome! Awesome! And I love the yellow and blue in the photo… such a great color combo.

    Happy Spring!! 🙂


  97. Elaine Osborne says:

    Hi, Susan: Love your blog, books, recipes, artwork, and your positive outlook on life that you so joyfully share with all of us! I am checking in here to let you know that I did not receive the most recent copy of Willard, and wondered if you could have someone try to resend it to me? I just signed up again, and hope that it will appear in my inbox soon. Thanks again for sharing everything wonderful with your readers/girlfriends. Happy Spring! Elaine O.

  98. Kathryn Oliberos says:

    My grandson loves to sit down with me as I log on to your blog. He waits to watch and listen to the bird fly across the screen!! Isn’t that sweet!

  99. Diane says:

    Very rainy day here in the Great NW but our Spring is on the way………….love your blog and your cheery drawings and musica!

  100. Dear Ms. Branch, Your writings and art work are so lovely! They reflect a gentleness and an awareness of what is good in life. There is a warmth and connection that is extended to anyone reading and viewing your pages. Enjoy with all your heart these magical days of spring. Diane D.

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