OK, Downton Lovers, time to cuddle in for the finale. MUSICA Sob. Sob at the beginning, sob at the end. Sob in the middle.
We are ready! We are hunkered down in front of the TV for the finale of Downton Abbey, Season Five (Take this as fair warning,
if you haven’t seen it, run away from here now!).
I would like to take this moment to thank all of our darling British Girlfriends for being so careful and not giving anything away. I love you for that! It must have been hard! I have to tell you, it was worth waiting for!
Off we go for Grouse Hunting Season (love this scene) . . . something I for one, would never miss. How ’bout you? Who doesn’t love a big plate of Grouse and plenty of catsup? But if you go, fair warning, bring along your own butler, because the one that comes with the house is a real problem child.
Stowell comes across immediately as worse than Dickie’s boys — mean to everyone and arrogant. You would think he was an Earl instead of a Butler. He immediately demotes Barrow to footman of all things, and he has the nerve to call Tom a chauffeur ~ he has NO IDEA who he’s messing with. I pity him.
Perfectly lovely party in the most GORGEOUS green room . . . which Stowell ruins . . . my grandmother used to have this saying, “there’s always a creep in the crowd.” And around the folk of Downton Abbey, that seems to be true. Can’t have a dinner without somebody doing something!
Because Stowell refuses to serve Tom. Look at Mary’s face. He doesn’t realize the Crawleys have a huge code of ethics when it comes to Tom: Hurt Tom, hurt us, hurt you. Right Mary? Go get him Barrow. Here is an opportunity for you to use your immense powers for good.
El Jefe is not pleased, calls Barrow a stupid fool in FRONT OF EVERYONE! Big Mistake. Triple jeopardy.
Hello? Are we on time for the party? Lord Sinderby’s mistress and out-of-wedlock child have arrived, courtesy of Barrow, via Stowell’s big mouth. Stowell is his own worse enemy, “Loose Lips Sink Ships.” What makes this scene really unfortunate is that everyone knows what high moral standards Lord Sinderby has.
Closing your eyes won’t help, we know you’re in there. Everyone has watched how nasty you’ve been to Rose and her parents because they are getting a divorce. Mary even tried to talk you out of it. But Nooooo. You weren’t having it. Happy now?
Don’t cry, just tell me her name and I’ll save you. No need to look like a deer in the headlights, just tell me her name.
Oh Diana, I’m so glad you could make it . . . Let me introduce you, . . . Lady Sinderby? I’d like to introduce my friend . . .
MARY: What’s going on?
ROSE: Help me.
(This is that same wonderful dress Rose was wearing last week when her mother tried to sabotage her marriage. No wonder she’s moving to New York.)
What’s your name little boy. Daniel? Fancy that. That’s my husband’s name.
Lord Sinderby tells Rose he’s sorry, thanks her for her quick thinking, makes her day with gramophone in the Library! She loves gramophones! Robert says to the hypocrite: “She’ll love you forever if you let her.” Lord Sinderby does not deserve Rose, or his wife. Or the mistress either, for that matter.
But say goodbye to Rose . . . she is taking her good influence, her steel-trap of a mind, and her lovely husband and moving to New York to be Cinderella . . . from now on Lord Sinderby, you will have to fend for yourself, no Rose to save you. Yes, but how about US, how will we live without the picture of open-minded, flapper-girl youth that is Rose? Not to mention her adorable outfits? I don’t like thinking about it.
She’s been such a fun fashion plate to have around. Look at the trim on these two dresses! The trim, the pleats, the collar on Mary, the fabric, the colors!
But we still have Mary and she never lets us down . . . this coat is too wonderful for words . . . what a scene it made when she walked into the prison to see Anna. Poor Anna.
The front is as pretty as the back. Anna on the other hand . ..
is a mess. Though she did get out of prison due to her husband’s lying confession. These two! Now he’s gone, she doesn’t know where, he’s alone and wanted for murder. She’s officially more morose than Edith on her worst day ~ too pitiful to even use the front door even when Lady Mary says it’s OK. She’d rather sit around by herself staring at her wedding pictures.
Then the big surprise…Bates comes in and sneaks up on her . . .
For a big Christmas surprise, the best present she could ever get.
Hopefully all charges against both of them will be dropped by next fall and when we see them next January, they will have twins and their murdering days will be over. Do it for them. Do it for us.
Other happy news, Robert forgave his daughter with all the aplomb and warmth a good daddy would have for his little daughter and her lot in life, including the added bonus of respect for Gregson, the absent father . . . he even asked her to forgive him! (The bedtime hair-do and garb is wonderful, she should find somewhere to GO in this outfit.)
Edith is the happiest I’ve ever seen her. Tom let her know he knows about Marigold by telling her that where he came from there were many Marigolds, so now the only person that doesn’t know is Mary. Let’s save that for next year shall we? Dee-licious!
Edith’s looking fabulous! She should be, she’s had years of problems, and lately, most of them have gone away.
Look at this hat in the Beautiful English Countryside. I don’t have a single complaint for any of the hats in this episode, love them all!
Isobel looks wonderful
and this one, I really like this one . . . want to see the back?
It looks cozy for foggy grouse hunting. And who is that guy they paired Edith off with . . . isn’t he sort of a farm manager or something? I didn’t get that part. He must be OK, or they wouldn’t give him a gun and let him take up precious space in the Grouse Season Wagon. Look at all the trouble they made for Tom. Just making sure this man has social standing enough for a Crawley? And isn’t it interesting how none of the women get to shoot? They were, what? Like dinner partners? The entertainment? I don’t know, but I’d rather be in front of the fireplace with a good book.
Wasn’t the ride on the train fun?
Mary looks about ten years old here. Nice hat.
Cora’s nightgown! Gorgeous.
Then this. The Drama of the “Restorative Broth.” Denker goes to the experts for help, which is where they all find out Denker is a terrible cook!
And Daisy’s secret fix, a bottle of her own homemade broth, goes awry . . . when Spratt finds it and pours it down the drain. Spratt rhymes with Brat. Is it possible he and Denker are attracted to each other? Noooooo, too icky to contemplate.
No worries, Denker takes it quite well . . .
And the sweetheart that saves the day is our darling Violet. Who was just the cat’s meow through this whole episode . . .
She dresses up the Princess Eleana in her own clothes and says, go ahead and keep them. The Princess is bitter. Hasn’t got any luggage, hasn’t got the will to LIVE even ~ and the faces Isobel makes while listening to her are priceless.
Seems to blame it all on Prince Igor who looks very nice in the borrowed Theater Royale Tuxedo . . . maybe the hair isn’t dirty? Maybe it’s product? He’s off to Paris now with Mrs. Happiness, I guess we’ll never know.
So, honorable Violet breaks up forever with the love of her life. “Never complain, never explain.” (Think I’ll use that 🙂 ) Luckily she has her BFF Isobel to hash it all over with . . .
we’re reminded of Royal Wedding Balls and midnight ice skating in St. Petersburg all those years ago. When Isobel asked, Violet wouldn’t say definitively if she ever strayed again after Igor, “Remember, WE were the Edwardians.” Not many people can say that.
“I will never again receive an immoral proposition from a man,” she says to Isobel, “was I wrong to savor it?” NO Violet, you did it all perfectly! Thank you for allowing us to be there for the savoring.
And then this! Two perfectly well-suited people, yearning for each other, kept apart by selfish children who should have a life of their own and get away from England. But Oh well. wah. Very sad, this one. I say, disinherit!
But these two make the best couple of all . . . Best Friends Forever.
And so much more,
Tom, our bridge, and his prayer to Sybil, that brings the two sisters together . . . these three, the ones that “should have grown old with her” . . . beautiful.
And this pretty picture of the future Lords and Ladies of Downton Abbey, Marigold, George and Sybbie. I wonder how much trouble THEY’LL get into when it’s their turn? How CAN Tom take Sybbie away. I mean, poor Robert. I’ll believe he’s going when I see he’s gone.
Well, what do we think about Mr. Henry Talbot, the “uninvited guest” that “fixed everything so that Atticus couldn’t join the shooting party?” I thought he was nice. He seemed sensitive, said, “Young widow.” Was self-effacing. But Mary? Oh nooo. Not that easy.
But then she thought better of the whole thing. Maybe she liked the way he danced. She came out and apologized just as he was leaving . . .
In his very fast car. (I can’t help but think she would worry to see anyone zooming off in a fast car.) I would rather have Tom, but this guy looks OK. He seems to be of her ilk. Can give as good as he gets. If that’s the way they want to live.
Through the whole show these two kept having private little wine tastings.
Then he bought a house and put both their names on it . . .
Then he shocked everyone by saying the magic words “I DO want to be stuck with you. Will you marry me?”
And despite the very obvious missing kisses (my whole self was saying KISS KISS KISS but it didn’t happen), we all cried, even our darling booby sweetheart Carson cried. Did you know? It’s Elsie and Charles. ♥
Please, please, please, can we PLEASE go to the wedding? I would also like a tour of the new house and maybe just one little cup of tea and a biscuit with the newlyweds.
There is so much more that I didn’t even get to, but I think WordPress is going to kick me out if I make this much longer! What a show, what a wonderful show.
And there they go! Off away from us for another year. My new
prayer? Downton Abbey, the movie. In Juilan Fellowes’ spare time please.
And just so you know, when I’m not with you, I’m not dilly-dallying-doing-nothing, I am writing a romantic kind of book that I think might be just your cup of tea, a little history, a little creativity, a little love story. And, it has come to my attention, that in order to fit everything I want into my new book ~ all the photos and watercolors and other fun things, and not have it be the size of War and Peace, I will have to make it two books! What a relief to finally figure that out! Which means, I am sending the first book off to the editor in about a week. We are getting closer.
The other thing, I have a special give-away for you, something I KNOW you will like . . . but it’ll have to go in the next post because this one is too crazy long. Love you Girls and Boys . . . Downton Abbey Forever! XOXO
Wasn’t it a wonderful finale? I loved everything about it, laughed and cried the whole way through it. I, for one, did not mind that there were no “cliff-hangers or unnecessary subplots, I’ve got enough drama in my life for now. I relished each and every moment. Thanks for your column.
Not creepy cliff hangers, but we do have to wonder what Mary will say when she finds out about Marigold!
My husband & I just live for Downton! I just love how Cora handles conflict with Robert. In fact have imulated her calm and precise verbage in recent marital conflicts. The result was a quicker and happier resolution.
I loved reading your Dowton recap and especially loved seeing the amazing photos and finding someone who notices everything everybody wears!!! Thank you, Susan!!!
Glad you enjoyed it Sharon — it’s very fun to hash it all over with everyone!
Dear Susan,
In the last few weeks have found your blog…just love it! Have had your books for years! I always feel happy when I look at your books and now your blog! Thank you for being such a positive person…we need more of that! God bless you and your family…kitties, too!
The gardening book is so beautiful…..I loooooooove it! May it rest on my bedside table!
Happy sunshine
I LOVE Tasha Tutor…I have never seem this book before. I would love it!
Hi Susan…
Finally a blog without Downton Abbey information …I am laughing. My hubby and I just started watching it…on Season 2, so definitely skipped the blogs, but missed your writings so much. Such a joy to sit down this morning and enjoy your walk with Joe through the mud, ice, slush and most of all beauty that brought you to the shore. What a wonderful day you had, and I am so glad neither of you fell ~ not a fun thing to do.
I love gardening as much as you do and understand the joy it brings to the heart. It is indeed my heaven on earth. What a lovely book you are giving away….hope I get lucky!!!
Have wonderful days and Happy St. Patrick’s day to you too…coming soon. xo
For those of you who love Downton, did you see?! Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, just visited the set and took pictures with the cast! One of the twins who plays little George presented her with a wooden train, and the other with a bouquet of flowers. How perfect. 🙂
I just found your website, it was during the Downton Abby series, I liked it so much that I check it each day, can’t wait for your new book, your 2016 calender looks fun with that darling cat.Ruth
Welcome to the neighborhood Ruth!
Beautiful as always!
Yes, it is so good to have nice days and sunshine again!
Love the calendar.
I just bought a little house from the 1840’s on the coast of Maine and would love to have this book to inspire me to create a garden.
Love your beautiful blog – hope I am lucky enough to get the book, too!
I enjoyed your posts about Downton Abbey, and nice to have those photos to remember the scenes by! Also I loved your Spring walk out in the snow and mud and all the freshness of nature! Thank you for sharing!
Loved my walk with you and Joe today. Here in California, took a lovely walk/hike in our Whittier hills. Birds were chirping, wild flowers out along the trail. Enjoying the beautiful weather before our heat wave weekend!!
I am always charmed by your blog~ I’ve been a Vineyard visitor since I was a young child, I always thought of the island as my “Magic Place”. In 2012 my childhood dream came true, my husband, Charlie Brown and I bought a home in Oak Bluffs!!! it has been a BIG project, but I see the Magic at the end of the tunnel! Have always loved your work, I send your calendar to my mom every year! Back in the day my favorite spot to visit at Bunch of Grapes was the nook in front with all of your stickers and cards, etc. <3 Tasha Tudor and have all of her books, but not the Garden book- (going to look now on amazon/Barnes and Noble) I also remember sitting on Pearl S Buck's lap in Weston after she showed me her "fancy fan" collection… Memories… Beatrix Potter is in those memories too! Cheers to your wonderfully Happy Life! … and your kitty is Adoraboblay!!! We have a cow cat like that… with a poem about him to boot! I will share it sometime with you!… Cheers! Here's to Spring and snowdrops!!! ~ Regards, Meredith
Started following you with Downton and loved seeing it again through your very observant eyes! The lovely clothes, and your wonderful speculations about who might be with whom! Guess we’ll just have to live for a while without this distraction. glad you’re continuing to write and show us your neck of the woods–with snow. We’re at a mile high and this year no snow at all to speak of. I’m missing my cross country skiing. thanks for your lovely blog. Appreciate it so much, Love, Janice
I loved being on your walk to the sea…so beautiful! Keeping my fingers crossed that I win the little garden book.
Please, please can I win this book. Tasha Tudor is my favorite illustrator. I love your house and I love your blog.
Welcome Spring!
Can’t wait to start my New Hampshire garden..at this rate, will probably be in June…would love an inspirational book to get me going..
I loved your Downton Abbey blog.
I would love to win the book with pictures by Tasha Tudor.
I want to be her!
I love your blog.
Look forward to your pictures/tales of life in NEW England.
The count down is on !!!! SPRING 😀
Love your blog. Wish we had gotten some snow this winter. It came close but only a few snow flakes. Love living in the south, grew up in the north and miss the snow. I am sure many others feel differently after this winter of so much snow. Next year, just blow some our way!
I so enjoy your charming blog! We seem to have so much in common! Your gift of the garden book would provide me with some needed inspiration to tackle my mess of a yard! Thank you.
Susan, I need to tell you how much I loved reading”A Fine Romance”! My husband and I are about to embark on a trans-Atlantic cruise taking us to Portugal and then sailing on through European ports and into St. Petersburg, Russia. I will be thinking of you and recalling your lovely QE2 dream sailing. I have loaned my copy of AFR to my friends, have gifted it to others, and many, in turn, have done the same. Can’t wait for your new books to be available. Love the blogs as well, and hope that I may be a lucky recipient of the garden book. Thank you for all the pleasurable reading you have gifted to me (and my friends!).
What a dream trip! Enjoy Bobbie, it sounds wonderful!
Think “Green”!!! The birds are chirping, the grass is starting to green up AND my tulips and hyacinths are peeking through the ground. Come on Spring!
Have greatly enjoyed the Downton recap. Thanks for sharing the October calendar cat page. I can hardly wait!
I loved the deep blue beach glass you found on your walk…..
Candy in California
I love going on your walks with you! Thanks!
Isn’t Downton Abbey just the best gift to us all! It’s so much fun to look forward to it during the season, and you double the delight with your recap…..which gives me another thing to look forward to!
Susan- I love your Downton recaps almost as much as I love the show. My sister introduced me to the series and now I own all five seasons on DVD so I can watch them again and again! I was recently ill with a hideous stomach bug that knocked me out for three awful days. Downton Abbey got me through it! Thank goodness for my DVD player. If your going to have to stay in bed with illness, Downton can keep your mind occupied and feeling less miserable. I love the characters and the clothes – everything about the wonderful Crawley’s! Thanks for your wonderful blog. I’m glad spring has arrived on the island. It’s made an appearance here in VA too! Yippee!
I’m happy you’re better Melissa!
I use to live in New England and it was one of these winters my father
moved us south, but Spring appears to be coming! Would love to win the
garden book……….
Love your blog!
“Clapping hands”
How amazing to capture the mating tryst. Loved all the views! Have just found you and look forward to each post. Thank you.
Would love this book !!
Garden book please
I get your posts on your blog. I look forward to them always. They brighten my day. If I do not win the Kitchen Gardens book, I will try to get from my library. Hope they can get it for me. Thank you for being who you are. Since I live in Iowa, I love seeing your pictures of the water.
I’m really glad you both didn’t slip on the ice and what a beautiful walk it was! Especially down to the water! Thank you for your blogs and Happy Spring to you and yours too!…
Same to you Ellie!
You are a continual delight to my soul. Spring is sitting on the verge just waiting to spring into action. My daffodils are about 3 inches tall. I can’t wait to see their sunny yellow blooms. Can forsythia be far behind?!?!?!?!?
To get outside and feel the sunshine on your face and a “milder wind” at your back is something we have all been waiting for and the ocean at the end of the walk, what could be better! Better days are coming and I enjoy sharing the view with you. Maureen
Awesome blog. You help me with the Abbey. Love Tasha Tudor drawings and would love this book.
Tasha Tudor a favorite as is your blog
Tasha Tudor and a Downton review…ahhhhhh. Thank you for loving the stuff we love too!
Thank you for your lovely posts and blogs. I break into a big smile when I see I have a post from you on my email. They are like a special gift. No, they ARE a special gift. Loved your posts about spring finally arriving on your island. I live just 20 minutes from Arroyo Grande and have been to your (former, sigh) store and your cute cottage for a special sale. Today, Friday the 13th, it is 84 degrees on the Central Coast. Just like summer. Very big smile.
Thank you, Maggy’s Girl
PS You cat is sooooooooooooo handsome!
My favorite thing about living there (well, one of them) is how well sweet peas grew in our little valley — from March to August, bunches of them all over the fence. And artichokes.
Just discovered your blog and I love it!! I’m wondering if you would consider designing another daily journal type book? I wrote in mine EVERY day last year an truly enjoyed it, but cannot find another:( Thanks for the beauty and optimism you inspire.
I think we still have that book in our web store . . . take a look!
How nice to share your first walk along your favorite lane, springtime’s arrival is such a surprise that warms our hearts. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for bringing us along on your walk.
I have been reading your blog for some time and I do enjoy it,, especially when jack is in it. also all of the downton abbey comments. I live in w.va and we have had snow, but nothing like you have. I enjoy your snow pictures. have a blessed day!
The gardening book is so awesome!
I love Tasha Tudor, too.
Please pick me
Hi Susan, I just started watching Downton Abbey yesterday through this ” thing” attached to our TV. I’m on episode 3, season 1, just after the Titanic sank and the cousins drowned. They’re trying to marry Mary off to save the inheritance… I will watch a few episodes each day…I will work my way through five fun filled season’s, and be disappointed once the marathon is over and can only watch once a week whe.n season 6 starts :). I love everything about this show, homes, furniture, food, gardens, clothes, accents…just everything!!Thanks, Susan, for helping to get me hooked, Your friend, Susie
So much fun! I need to start over and see it again!
You are the warm friend from the snowy east, who notices all the same details from Downton. Why is it that everything you love, is just what I love, including Tasha Tudor. I’m so glad you’re a part of my day!
Thank You, Susan Branch, for sharing Your life with us!
Garden dreaming ….happy spring. Truly love your blog!
Visiting the vineyard in April….can’t wait to see all the things you write about. Would love to use inspirations from the book you used to improve our kitchen garden!!!
I love reading your re-caps of Downton Abbey! My husband says shooting every frame of the show is like a painting!! Now we have to wait for January 2016, ugh! I am not much of a gardener but LOVE Tasha Tudor. Would love to make this my coffee table book. XOXO
You’d be inspired Kathy!
Love Kitchen Gardens
Loved your pictures of you and Joe walking to the ocean. What a beautiful area!
Hello and Joe and Kitties too,
Bless you for transporting me to your beautiful world, it’s always so magical. Winter is about over and thank God Spring is on it’s way! The Daffodils and Tulips are all in bloom in my area in California. Yesterday, for the first time I heard the Yellow Daffodil song. This was the sweetest Song I’d heard in a long time and I hope you either know it or have heard it somewhere along the way! I found it on Google and can’t wait to sing it to my great grandchildren!
Thank you for being such an inspiration with your lovely words; photos & thoughts. The garden book looks inspiring as well. Tasha Tudor’s drawings just make me smile.
Hello again Susan! Maybe this time I will win that awesome Garden book!
I’m a beginner gardener on my newly purchased, retirement farm.
I have been a big fan of yours for many years!
Tasha Tudor’s drawings always take me to far away time and place – a fairyland in my imagination – my two grandmothers are there – one sewing and doing other handwork – the other in her kitchen cooking something delicious!
Love your blog! Always look forward to it!
I LOVE your positive attitude about everything in this life, Susan! As a lover of cats, I must share a smile creator with you. I LOVE your new larger size wall hanging or desktop calendar. Funny thing is that my kitty Myelin LOVES it too! He loves to lay on it whenever I’m in my home office, especially when I have my office tools spread over it. Yes, he sees it as an invitation to lay down over everything that I need to use! Only when he sees a bird on our deck rail does he “move” into my Longaberger (Dresden, OH) serving basket for a closer look!
Jack must be related to Myelin!
Love the pics of all the birds! What is it about them that is so charming? I’m also a fan of Downton Abbey. Too bad it’s so long between seasons.
happy St Patrick’s Day eve!
Dear Susan,
I read your blog all the time and couldn’t think of a lovelier gift than your gardening book! We are all anticipating Spring and playing in the gardens! How wonderful you share your talent with us!
Big hugs!
I sit on my new screened porch and dream of the kitchen garden out back. would love to have that garden book.
Being from Florida, I thoroughly enjoyed your walk to the shore! Especially the broken chunks of ice!
Any day is brighter when it’s starts with your positive outlook and the lovely pics you post.
Thank you!
I so love your recaps of Downton. Sunday just wasn’t the same this week without it on.
Happy Spring to you!
Moved to northern Michigan fall 2014. Your beautiful area looks alot like here. I live on Grand Traverse Bay..frozen over and trying so hard to melt into Spring! Signs are here though. Happy Spring!!
i love reading your blog. Would love reading your garden inspiration book! REALLY enjoyed your book A Fine Romance. Looking forward to your next book.
I would love to get this book! You inspire me!
Such a kaleido
scope of wonderful info and sharing! Always such a treat to read your pages. Thank you
Love downton; donk would be a great name for a rooster:) and I would love a copy of kitchen garden book:)!
I love coming over and visiting. So enjoyable!
Your walk was so pleasing I felt as though I was there with you. I love nature as well. The gardening book would be so helpful as I have a new yard that is essentially a blank canvas.
Enjoyed a nice cuppa whilst reading your lovely blog today! But, of course, I always do! The kitchen garden book looks very interesting indeed!
Missing Downton Abbey?? Be sure to check this out: vimeo.com/115023404
It is so funny and I am sure they had such fun doing this parody. You simply have to check it out.
HAPPY SPRING!! I am having a luncheon for ST. Pats Day tomorrow…shepherds pie, green geliten / icecream salad and truffles dessert. You are invited!!
YUM! I especially like the sound of ice cream salad! 🙂
What a lovely book! Love your website and books!
Love Tasha Tudor. (almost as much as this blog…a new one and my day takes a back seat until I’ve read it!)
I was just sharing at dinner my interest in having my hubby design a cold frame to elongate the growing season here in CT. I am eager to develop my kitchen garden into an organic, Victory garden. Tasha Tudor is wonderful inspiration!
– Heather Lagace
I want to win a book for me and mom to share!
Your favorite cookbook would be a wonderful addition to my collection. 🙂 Your blog is always so full of beauty and wonder, such a delight!
Love, love, love. All of it!!!
As always, your posts make me so very happy! We have had an early spring in Washington. I’m hoping your spring is on the way!
That gardening book looks lovely! I love Tasha Tudor and her artwork! Also am enjoying your lovely artwork and photos. Out here in Oregon, we have had no snow and Spring has been springing for about a month now. Would have loved some snow!! 🙂
Best Downton yet! I love the character that has stepped into Mary’s life at the end (actor Matthew Goode–see him in the movie Leap Year if you haven’t and you will adore him too!) And what isn’t to love about Tasha Tudor! I have collected her books for years and was lucky enough to see an exhibit of her work at the Shelburne Museum a few years back. Though I get your blog emailed to me, I saw the post about your blog on a facebook group that I am a part of for Tasha Tudor enthusiasts and it said something about two favorites in one, Susan Branch and Tasha Tudor! I felt the same way 🙂
So nice, thank you Noelle!
Thank you! What a great sharing of your walk and your favorite book. I’ve never seen it before. I still have my Tasha Tudor story book from childhood!
Love you Susan!
Love Tasha Tudor and gardening…so this book would be a dream come true!
I know how much of a home body you are, except for your morning walks of course, but I thought of you this past weekend when my daughter & I were traveling in NC. I was able to check off my bucket list the Biltmore Estate, and they have a display of the clothing worn from the Downton Abbey series. It added a depth to the home in explaining culture and time period events and was displayed so well. The dresses were beautiful. For me it is a great way to see history. I was blessed to share this with my daughter. In the meantime ENJOY the coming of Spring.
I’d love to get down there, but it would be a true tearing away, I get up every morning just running to write the new book, I’m SO excited, it would be hard to leave right now. I’m hoping they keep it there for a while!
Reading your Downton Abby series finale summary was well worth staying up past my bedtime. Bravo!