Almost Turkey time!  MUSICA ~ you have to watch the little dance that goes with this one! So sweet! Then play it again and come read . . . xoxo

Hello Everyone

Free range turkeyTurkey dinner anyone? Yummy! Our “free range” turkeys are very calm, considering the date and all, milling around our backyard.  All white turkeysThat’s because they know they’re safe, culinarily unattractive with nothing to worry about. Not like these crazy babies that came running to see us a couple of years back when we pulled over to take pictures of them.


Maybe you remember them? So cute! Our wild Island turkeys are not grain fed like these cuties (except of course at our house, where they get bird food), they are mosquito and fly fed, and look pretty much inedible to me. Whenever I see these guys up there  I always think maybe we will have salmon for Thanksgiving! You can’t imagine how sweet they were, and curious about us.


I just finished writing a brand new Willard (this photo is from the last one) . . . I have so many fun surprises for you! A  preview of how the new book is coming along and MUCH more! It should start going out next Tuesday, so watch your mail box ~ it usually takes about four days for them all to go. Hope you love it!

best gifts

drying sheets on the line

We have been sleeping so well. And this is why ~ the sheets! They are so cozy and crisp because we’ve gotten into the habit of drying them on the line.’Course that home-sweet-homewill stop when it starts freezing out there, but it’s been HEAVEN, a noticeable difference, they way they feel and smell, even inspires conversation between Joe and I when we’re on our walk, saying how delicious they are. If you can do it, if it’s not already snowing on you, and there are no rules against clothes drying on your line, try it!

little birds little things


And while I was out there I had to take a picture of the ground. So pretty under the maple tree ~ SO gorgeous despite dastardly worm-bites from killer worms we’ve managed to attract here on the Island. But we are going to get rough with them this year and put some oil on our tree trunks where they lay their eggs to keep them from ever hatching. Still pretty, if a bit gnawed.


Kitty in the window

leaf border

I gathered the sheets and took them in, and this was waiting in the window at the back kitchen door.So lucky! ♥♥

a picture

cozy fire

I had to get the sheets in before it started raining . . . rainy daywhich it did, all day yesterday. It was perfect Willard-writing weather, tires slapping the street outside my window, raindrops pattering on the glass, while I thought about what would be the perfect new Giveaway to celebrate this Willard (a surprise!) ~ it was a delightful rainstorm which inspired us to light the first fire of the season last night.


leaf border

Thanksgiving table

We’re having people to dinner tonight (which is why this is going to be a short post ~ I have to go cook!) I’ve been looking at some of my dinner-party table settings . . . and starting to think about Thanksgiving, which always makes me think about my grandma.

Thanksgiving with Grandmagrandmathanksgiving

My grandma taught me how to set the table when I was little.


Forks on the left, knife and spoons on the right . . . Handy information I’ve used all my life.

my recipe box

Think I’ll go check my recipe box and see what good old recipes inspire me today. It’s raining again, a perfect day for

homecookingOff I go dear ones, out to brave the drizzle and cut the last of the marigolds for the kitchen window . . . what are you up to this weekend? I will be painting! And getting Vanna in shape for the big drawing next week. Yay! Love you, XOXO

flower border

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776 Responses to ALMOST TURKEY TIME

  1. jane townsend says:

    Loved the choice of musica and the accompanying dance! I also like drying washing on the line in the garden, its a ritual that is very satisfying from beginning to end. There are no rules here in England just stick it on the line if the weather is good enough. Enjoy your dinner party.

    • sbranch says:

      Some of our Girlfriends live in places where it’s not allowed! You are so right Jane! Anything to get out of the laundry room and under the trees!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        still drying things on the line here on occasion, but lately not as its been raining on laundry day!!!

  2. Good morning! Wow, I’d love to see a picture of those “killer worms!” We have slugs… and you probably do, too. They wreak havoc with the hosta plants. We’ve been advised to spread egg shells around the base of the plants, but we haven’t tried it yet. Maybe next year! The weather is also windy and rainy here in southern Illinois, but not too cold…. yet…. Enjoy your day of cooking–I’m sure the cats will be soooo helpful! I must dash off to the office. Love starting the day with your blog 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      HERE you go, a picture, Georgia. The one thing the article doesn’t quite convey is just how much damage these guys do … they will eat off every single blossom from a weeping cherry just for starters. Slugs are not our big problem, at least not mine . . . nothing like the snails in California which travel in herds. Have a wonderful day Georgia!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        when we lived in California I would swear the snails had radar and homed in on my geraniums all the time. I can believe they travel in herds.

  3. Donna H. in Arkansas says:

    Oooh, I love drying laundry on a clothesline. I live in the country and don’t have to worry about rules of hanging wash on the line. Nothing feels better or smells better than cotton that has been line-dried. We have had rain here in Arkansas too and we needed it so very badly. Can’t wait to receive Willard.
    Happy Fall, Ya’ll! -Donna

  4. Kathleen from Philly says:

    Am I the first to post?! Exciting! It’s funny you mention Grandma. I’ve been thinking of mine this week. She was from Poland and didn’t speak a word of English. My name came out as “Catlin” but we understood each other perfectly.
    She’d come to our house to visit and help by cooking her wonderful food. She was the model for the “Gammy” I hope I am to our little 3 year old, Lucas. Last week the 2 of us made applesauce together. We also just found out he will have a sibling next June! Double the joy!

  5. Lisa Hay says:

    I love the picture of Jack – so cute! I had been feeling rather dreary about Thanksgiving coming up for some reason and all the work that goes into it but then I see your post and the beautiful place setting and recipe cards. It reminded me how much I love to cook and to just get off my duff and get motivated! I’m thankful for you, Susan! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Make it really simple for yourself this year Lisa, just do what you need to to do that so you can enjoy it! xoxo

  6. Vivian in Tennessee says:

    No turkey for me this year….think I will have vegetables and pie. I’ve been trying for years to go vegetarian, starting with beef which I haven’t eaten in 10 years. Next was pork. Still eat chicken and fish….but will try to eat less of these during 2016. It’s not easy when you grew up on a farm where meat was served at every meal.

    Hope you and Joe have a fabulous Thanksgiving…love to you both.


    • sbranch says:

      Yes and having a varied diet is always more fun, but some things are really easy to give up, and some just aren’t!

  7. Mary in Phoenix says:

    OMG … you know how to put a girl in the mood for Thanksgiving! It is my VERY favorite holiday of all but I won’t be hosting this year as we just had a WEDDING last Saturday!!! ♥♥♥ Beautiful sunny day, beautiful blushing bride, beautiful family and friends coming together to celebrate … a whole weekend of memorable events … and joining two awesome families … doesn’t get any better than that! My almost 98 year old mom even walked up the aisle saying “I’m the grandma” … so cute 🙂 We set tables, we made family recipes, we had cozy gatherings, we celebrated 3 grandmas, and we gave thanks. Didn’t realize until now how a wedding is similar to Thanksgiving! 🙂 And now we are having fires too as it is chilly in Arizona this week! Hope your dad is staying warm. Thought of Blogdaddy on Veteran’s Day… xoxo ♥

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, only one gigantic celebration is allowed per month! Your wedding sounds just wonderful . . . I know it was. Joe and I were just talking about you, thinking about a possible tea in Prescott next spring? Coming to see Blogdaddy.

      • Mary in Phoenix says:

        Haha … only one gigantic celebration allowed per month 🙂 🙂 We LOVE celebrations around here … and would LOVE to celebrate next spring … something I have had on MY mind a lot lately! I guess great minds think alike 🙂 So keep that WONDERFUL thought close at heart … and keep me posted! Yes, the wedding was more than magical … all I could have dreamed of for my darling daughter and more. Feeling very blessed … and thankful ♥

  8. Christie says:

    Happy three weeks before Thanksgiving, Susan! Love the visit to your house to start my day off beautifully. Love the fragrance of sheets and clothes fresh from the line! And how adorable is the look Jack is giving you on your return to the house? I am daily reminded of so many things my grandma shared and taught us. Thanksgivings were always at her house when I was little ~ Grandpa was in charge of the turkey (his gravy was the best) and Grandma made the day magical from morning (when we had to scatter a large bag of bread crumbs in the backyard no later than 8:00 a.m. or the bird population of Portland, Oregon would wake the neighbors with their loud! complaints) through the day’s dinner preparations, and into the evening when the dishes were done and she took us children to her craft room in the basement (next to Grandpa’s mysterious carpentry workshop) where she would help us (teach us how) to work on special Christmas gifts for our parents. Thank you, Susan, for this morning’s gift. xxoo

  9. Beth L. says:

    Mmmm….I can smell those cool, fresh-aired sheets even now!
    My brother and I would play “chase” through the backyard clothesline full of them…splitting them open and running madly down the line, flapping the sides with our wild arms! It was a ready-made fort of fun! UNTIL…our mother would shoo us away.!
    Always LOVE your tablescapes!!! Let us know what you decided to serve!

  10. Becky says:

    There is nothing as good as a rainy day for puttering and cooking in the kitchen! Last week we had quite a good storm here in central CA, and after my initial spastic, noisy, freak out (due to the rain) I went into the kitchen and made a cake my mother and grandmother would always make in the Fall…Prune Cake with a buttermilk glaze. It is so moist and loaded with delicious spices. Hmmmm! Your table looks divine, and I covet your embossed clear coffee mugs. Is there a chance you sell those in your on-line store? I would love to purchase a set of those. BTW, your Jack looks so healthy and is getting even bigger. My favorite feline is my Charlie Cat. He is a large lovey boy and sits on the ledge outside my kitchen window and waves to me while I cook and bake. We do enjoy our critters, and good news; they are life extending! Wishing you a wonderful day! You know, this might be your best day ever!

    • sbranch says:

      I think it is! That cake sounds wonderful by the way, would you like to share the recipe? You don’t have to! The mugs came from a Dansk outlet store in Pismo Beach back in the 90s. I loved them so I bought 20 of them, they were really inexpensive, but I thought I might always need them at Thanksgiving!

      • Carilyn Wolski says:

        Hello Susan & Becky! Oh my goodness, every October I bake a Spicy Prune Cake for our Wedding Anniversary, from the Betty Crocker Cookbook, with an Orange Glaze! It is so yummy, and the prunes are chopped very tiny, so they just melt in your mouth with every bite!!!!! Very moist and chuck full of spices!!! (I’ve had this cookbook since 1981, for my bridal shower, but did not discover the recipe until our 25th, ten years ago.)

      • Becky says:

        I used to shop at the Dansk store in Carmel. Ahhhh, those were the days. I’m not giving up on locating those. I’ll try for a start. Yes, I’ll happily share the Prune Cake recipe. How would I get it to you? Post it here. As always, thanks for the inspiration.

        • sbranch says:

          I shopped there too! You could just post the recipe here in the comments if you like . . .

          • Becky says:

            As per Susan’s request, the moist, the delicious…

            Old Timey Prune Cake with Hot Buttermilk Glaze
            2 c.flour
            1 t. baking soda
            1 t. salt
            1 t. ground cinnamon
            1 t. ground nutmeg
            1/2 t. ground allspice
            2 c. sugar
            1 c.vegetable oil
            1 c. buttermilk
            1 t. vanilla extract
            3 eggs
            2 c. seeded chopped prunes
            1 c. chopped walnuts
            Topping…(Hot Buttermilk Glaze)
            1/3 c. sugar
            1/3 c. buttermilk
            2 T. butter
            1/4 t. baking soda
            juice of 1/2 lemon
            Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9×13 baking pan. Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Use an electric mixer to add the oil, buttermilk, and vanilla on a low speed until blended. Mix in the eggs, one at a time, and slowly beat for about 1 min. Stir in the prunes and nuts by hand. Pour batter into a prepared pan and bake for 35 mins or until set and toothpick comes out clean.

            Meanwhile combine the hot buttermilk glaze ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer, stirring for 3 mins. Pierce the slightly cooled cake all over with a wooden skewer (or a fork) and pour the glaze evenly over the cake. Wait about 15 mins and cut into squares. May also be served room temp. Cover with foil and store at room temp for 4 or 5 days. This cake can also be made in a bundt pan and freezes really well. Enjoy!

          • sbranch says:

            YUM!!!! Thank you so much Becky!

  11. Gill says:

    We have been out on a little picnic in the woods today, enjoying the golden sunshine peeping through the trees and have been gathering moss, fir ones and lichen covered twigs. I thought of you when we drove by a garden with two apple trees laden with red apples and a scattering of autumn leaves still… The sunshine made them luminous! You would have loved them, and I could just imagine you painting them with the white gingerbread house behind.
    Back home I have finally gotten around to ordering my next years calendar ( I shall laugh if you have painted apple trees in it!) and now must pop outside to chase the chickens back into their coop and the kittens back indoors…funny how they seem to get so muddled up!
    Looking forwards to Willard next week, and “Part Two” next year 🙂

  12. Dee Ann says:

    Susan…I hope you realize how much we all look forward to each of your blog postings, twitter entries, books, and Willard….truly thankful for you…love from Texas!

  13. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    I don’t have a “traditional” clothesline like I grew up with in the Midwest. We dried everything on it – never had a dryer in our house! In the winter, we hung things on an indoor rack in front of the furnace! I now have a short 6 foot long line that attaches from my house to the neighbors block wall. It’s just long enough that I can place hangers on with my clothes that I don’t like to leave in the dryer very long! I still get that outdoor fresh smell on my night clothes too:) Happy turkey Day!!

    • sbranch says:

      In Louisa May Alcott’s Orchard House there is the most interesting contraption for drying clothes in the kitchen. Big, but out of the way when necessary.

  14. Julie Marie says:

    Hello dear Susan… I have been away for a bit… we lost our precious Tessy girl furbaby in August to cancer and I have been sooo sad… you featured her on your blog when A Fine Romance first came out and she was wearing a beret like Joe’s and “reading” your book… I know only time will heal, but it is so darn hard!… love seeing your beautiful photos of Autumn… wish it could last alot longer… it is snowy and cold here in Utah already… have been going through my “Autumn” book each day, deciding on recipes for Thanksgiving… and wearing my “autumn” charm of course!… a new little furbaby was sent to us, a gift from God… her name is Carly and she was rescued off the interstate in Socorro, New Mexico and brought to a shelter here in Utah where we adopted her… she is a little doll and helping us heal… and like you always say, we need a “petty pet” in our lives… much love, xoxo… Julie Marie

    • sbranch says:

      Oh I remember Julie Marie, I’m so SORRY!!!! Loves and hugs to you and Carly, the luckiest furbaby in the world. xoxo

    • Chris Wells From Knickerbocker, W. TX says:

      Hugs to you Julie Marie! I am so sorry To hear about Tessie. What a sweetheart! I remember that picture!
      We lost our precious Golden this past spring and it was so sad at our house you could feel it in the air. I think the house itself was sad. God sent us a rescue also….glad to know you are on the way to healing!

      • Julie Marie says:

        Thank you dear Chris… and I am so sorry to hear you lost your baby in the Spring, but happy to hear God sent another little precious soul to you too… xoxo… Julie Marie

    • Charissa says:

      My heart goes out to you and your family. I used to give out a poem called the “Rainbow Bridge” I posted it a few times on this blog for others, but it is rather long and people might be tired of reading the same thing over again. Do a Google search on it though. It is very touching and might help in some small way. So glad you have Carly… sounds like you rescued each other:)

      • Julie Marie says:

        Thank you dear Charissa… I do have a copy of Rainbow Bridge that we received when another of our precious babies passed away a number of years ago… and you are right, we (Carly and us) did rescue each other, xoxo… Julie Marie

  15. Deb from Dixie says:

    Loved seeing the beautiful Fall leaves and the turkeys! I miss Autumn….but have the faux leaves around Moms table and the Pilgrims and pumpkins out to be festive. I’m caregiving at her home in Florida…..and it is hot here….everyday!!
    Mom is going to be 95, three days after Thanksgiving …. And she is a “girlfriend” through and through. I have read her the Blog since you first launched it, and show her the photos. Over the years, I’ve posted several of her comments on the blog. She feels a part of the community, which is so important, as all but one of her closest friends are no longer with us. The blog and all the girlfriends comments bring her smiles and are an adventure for her. Transports us from the daily challenges, and reminds her of wonderful memories and stories from her life. We are looking forward to Willard next week!
    Just another affirmation of how the light that shines from you, touches so many hearts in ways you can’t imagine. A Blessing……to be sure.

    • sbranch says:

      Please give her a big hug for all of us Deb. We love knowing we’re sharing things with her, and vice versa! A blessing, to be sure xoxo

  16. Charissa says:

    I sat down at the computer this morning and as I was waiting for Yahoo to refresh, I said, “No Whammies” hoping for a new post to come up. Yay for all of us girlfriends:) And it came tied up in heartstrings:))) You made my day!!!

    I am so excited for Turkey Day!!! I have been dieting–low carbing it–unfortunately a necessary evil to return to being healthy. I have a cheat meal once a week and Thanksgiving will be that meal. So it’s on my mind a lot, as well as getting to spend time with my family, BUT I forgot about those darling turkeys and now I feel like we should have tofurkey. Unfortunately for the turkeys, I bought my turkey earlier this week. I am very conflicted about this sometimes. :/

    That song and dance were so sweet. Aaahh…. the good old days. Your line drying reminds me of my childhood. It’s the best, but I also loved when my mom would dump all the warm laundry from the dryer on me. In a cold house in VA… that felt so good.

    Grandmothers, dinner parties, rainstorms, fires in the fireplace, kitties watching from behind the window. You sure know how to push my cozy button. Ha . I just said a little hello to my grandmother last night. She has been gone for some time now, but she was the most wonderful person I ever met and I thanked her and apologized for not recognizing it as much as I should have. I was only 16 when she passed and thought the world revolved around me. Not that I didn’t love her and show it, but I would do it a lot more and what I wouldn’t give to spend time with her now. Tears.

    So excited for a Willard. You always make everything so special. Thank you for all the heart you pour into your work. I am going to go and review your book on a few other places to thank you. I already did Amazon. I don’t put my name on it because the old boyfriends come out of the woodwork, but you can be sure I do it;) xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I think everyone’s conflicted. I go completely vegetarian for long periods of time, but then get bored, but then go back. So I think even a little of it is better than nothing. I hope all grandmothers understand their power and influence on their grandchildren as ours did. They were just such wonderful people who taught us so much. I always call my grandma the heart of our home. I so appreciate your time doing reviews Charissa . . . it’s really that word of mouth that means more than anything. xoxo

  17. Gala says:

    Another sign we are kindred spirits–the number of pillow cases on that line.

  18. Nancy says:

    Hi Susan,
    I love to hang my sheets out on the line and I do all year even though I live in Maine. Sometimes they start to freeze before I get them all hung, but they always dry. I only stop if we get so much snow that they would be dragging on the snow pile. Sometimes, we have just enough snow that I don’t have to reach to high – I’m a bit short at 5′ even. (I’m afraid I may dip below 5′ as the years go by……sigh…..). I love the smell of fresh dried linens.
    Have a super day and can’t wait to get Willard! Blessings to you.

  19. Linda in Pennsylvania says:

    Good morning Susan – thInk you for the new blog. I think of my grandmom often at this time of year, too. She had sixteen grandchildren and a limited income but always managed to give each one of us kids a small gift at Christmas. The one I remember most, and I must have been 6 (I’ll be 66 tomorrow!) was a set of 3 tiny bottles of “toilet water”, 1 rose, 1 lilac, and (my favorite) 1 carnation. (I smelled really good that year!) My grandmom made each of us feel so special. She had diabetes and kept a large clear jar full I’m M&Ms in her cupboard, in case she needed to pop a few in her mouth. She would always let us take a handful – of course, I’ve had M&Ms since then but they’ve never tasted as good as Grandmom’s.

    • sbranch says:

      Happy Birthday Linda! My grandma made me a coke once, after a hot sandy, sunburned day at the beach when I was around 14, I was taking a shower at her house, getting out all steamy and hot, and she handed me the coke. There will never BE a frostier glass, a more perfect crushing of the ice, a fizzier, crisper, icier flavor as that perfection of a coke she made for me.

  20. PineappleGirl53 says:

    Our favorite night of the week is crawling into our bed with freshly clean sheets!

  21. Ann Jane Koerber says:

    You just warm my heart!

  22. KarenP (Wisconsin) says:

    So nice to see an update! I love hanging sheets on the clothesline, too! Makes it just wonderful to crawl into bed at night!! Happy entertaining! You always make everything so lovely! Will be watching for Willard!! xo….Karen P.

  23. Reading your lovely post, I just realised something……you don’t have advertising at all on your blog. Which I love! It seems like more and more blogs are filled with advertising these days. I understand people like to make money that way, but for the reader it is not nice at all. At least… that is what I find. Hope you keep it this way Susan!
    groetjes from Petra from Holland

    • sbranch says:

      I get why people do it — lots of time goes into blogs and people have to figure out a way to support themselves so they can do it. I really would LIKE to take advertising, but there is something in me that refuses. It’s the good part of me. I hate advertising. xoxo It will stay this way. 🙂

  24. Shelia Wotring says:

    Hi Susan and Joe and sweet kitties! Glad to get another post so soon! Thanksgiving is on its way and I have decided to make a practice run and try your Grandma’s stuffing! I’ve had bread drying since Wednesday and making the stuffing on Saturday. We are not stuffing a bird though and I need to know the temp to put the oven on and how long to bake it? I don’t have the Autumn Book. Wished I did. Maybe for my birthday in December. Thanks in advance for an answer! Blessings to you and yours! Enjoy your dinner party!

    • sbranch says:

      Well, it’s really all cooked, so it’s just a matter of heating it up . . . I’d say 350 for maybe a half hour or 45 min, just taste it to know if it’s ready. It’s delicious in a chicken too, btw.

  25. Pom Pom says:

    Yay! Paint! Paint! Paint! I gave my The Fairy Tale Girl to my sister and ordered another one from Amazon. I hated to part with my signed copy but she noticed the signage and was thrilled. Yay!
    Yes, to line dried sheets!
    Oh, Jack. Why are you so darned adorable?
    Still no kitty for Pom Pom. Sigh.

  26. Laura says:

    Good Morning from Illinois!!!

    So wonderful to see a new post today!

    It’s rainy here too. I so love to stay in and do cozy things in this weather but yesterday we were up and out as my son was marching with his high school marching band in our town’s Veteran’s Day Parade. It was even featured on last night’s NBC nightly news with Lester Holt. The kids were so excited!!! We even go a quick glimpse of our son since he’s a trumpeter in the front row.

    I am off in a little bit to teach a preschool class this afternoon at the library. Have you ever considered writing a children’s book? I would love it if you would!! Maybe about your kitties!!!!


    • sbranch says:

      FUN!!! I write childrens’ books for big people! But I would have so much fun drawing Jack’s green eyes for page after page! He’s a very witty boy too.

  27. Angie B from Kentucky says:

    Thanks for making my day a little brighter. I am to have some dental surgery tomorrow morning and have been a nervous Nelly all day. Your cozy words and fall photos were just the thing to perk my spirits up!

  28. Elaine Depo says:

    Helloooo Susan! Whenever I’ve read of your dear Grandma, I think of my sweet Aunt Irene. She was a fabulous cook, and while not wealthy always set a pretty table with individual salt and pepper shakers, nice china,
    a crystal knife rest for Uncle George’s carving knife, flowers ~ beautiful! It made quite an impression on me as a child so I longed to do everything the way she did it as an adult. She smelled of “Wind Song,” Jergen’s almond hand lotion, and whatever yummy meat she’d prepared (usually ham or lamb) Aren’t these fabulous memories of our dear family gone before us? I hope your dinner is wonderful, I know a good time will be had by all! Looking forward to the new Willard ~ hugs!!

    • sbranch says:

      You don’t have to be wealthy as long as there are thrift shops and antique stores in the world! Love hearing about your Aunt! She sounds wonderful!

      • Elaine Depo says:

        Oh yes, it’s alllll about thrift shops! The vast majority of my wonderful things came from there ~ or happy little garage sales! Back in the day those places didn’t exist for our Mom’s, Grandma’s and Aunties ~ I can’t imagine life without those terrific opportunities to buy our beloved glass, china, silver ~ everything under the sun! Happy day Susan!

  29. Elizabeth Winterbone says:

    Hello dear Susan! I love drying laundry on the line-but can be a bit tricky with our Kansas winds. Yesterday the wind blew so hard it was blowing the leaves out of my yard (and I think up to Nebraska). Sorry Husky fans. Brilliant blue sunshine today since most of the leaves are down. I’m making a shopping list to make homemade mincemeat this weekend. I can’t wait because it makes the house smell heavenly. Thank you for your lovely post!
    -Elizabeth in Wichita Kansas

    • sbranch says:

      I understand the wind there. We were on a two lane road going across farmlands, with a giant truck in front of us, with a decent distance, and suddenly the wind came up and started blowing the dirt from the fields across the road! Yikes, could not see that truck, couldn’t see anything, just kept going and prayed the truck did too! xoxo My little adventure!

  30. Karen says:

    I and my son are heading to the Northeast this coming weekend for his high school senior class trip. Your autumn pictures helped provide that extra bit of excitement to get my packing into an intensive mode. Any special souvenir suggestions for a fairy tale girl who will be in Boston, Newport and NYC?

    • sbranch says:

      Eat a lobster and try Indian Pudding. Try to go to a historical house . . . all those wonderful places you’ll be visiting are loaded with them, v. nice graveyards in Boston. I always like mugs and magnets for the memories! Sounds like a wonderful trip!

  31. Nancy Roth says:

    Thanks for the wonderful post, Susan! I just hung my sheets (and jammies) the other day. That is the best and it is free! It is a rainy day here in northern Minnesota-a perfect day to continue reading “A Fine Romance” for the 4th time. I love it as well as a “Fairy Tale Girl”. I can’t wait for the sequel! Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      I can’t wait either! I’ve been saying how hard it is for me to keep secrets and this BOOK is requiring me to keep secrets for FAR TOO LONG!!! xoxo Thank you Nancy!

  32. Pat Mofjeld says:

    We are building and moving to the country from our townhouse so HURRAH, we can then hang out sheets to dry! Vermont Country Store has sheets that “feel like Grandma’s sheets”, crisp and a little coarse as they are a lot lower thread count. We’ve ordered several sets and absolutely LOVE them! House won’t be done until the end of Feb. so we won’t be moving until then. Know anyone interested in a townhouse here? LOL! 🙂

  33. Jill says:

    I decided long ago that feeding birds and drying laundry don’t work together.
    Meanwhile,here in Mashpee, where I am staying while my kids go to Paris, it rained 3″–3 times what the islands got. Indoors with two little people. Inventing fun.

    • sbranch says:

      We haven’t had the bird problem ~ I guess it’s because our feeders are on the opposite side of the house. I’m sure it WILL happen someday, only a matter of time!

  34. Marilyn H says:

    Another lovely fall blog. Thank you for them all. The smell and feel of line dried sheets and towels too are heavenly. I grew up in the country and know it well and now that life has brought to town and it’s not a place where it is done, it is missed greatly. I guess I could string a line in backyard but Hubby would frown on that I’m sure. He’s a city boy.
    And how fortunate you can see the wild birds in your yard ! They are wonderful to see in nature. Hate to see the hunting season for them come along. Of course I hate to see any wild animal killed these days. I’m a softy. Even if they are your food. Of course I love cows and chickens as well. I think I’ll become a vegetarian. Ha probably won’t happen.
    Have a blessed weekend painting. Stay warm and dry and enjoy your Fall walks amongst God’s beautiful country. Blessings Susan.

  35. Gail M. says:

    Happy Thursday, Susan! My grandma is hugely responsible for my love of cooking and baking, as was my mom, who was grandma to my kids! Gotta love ’em!!! Enjoy the rain and your day of cooking! I’m off to bake cookies! My daughter is coming tonite to make candles…a little treat for us! Have a great dinner party!!

  36. Beth Keser says:

    I absolutely love line dried sheets!! I live in Ct and still line dry them whenever I can in the winter. So comforting 🙂 My 3 kitties love them too. If I dont hurry up and put them back on the bed, they will all curl up in the laundry basket!
    Looking forward to Willard next week.

  37. Marilyn says:

    I picked my last bouquet just yesterday. Wishing I had some marigolds still in the garden to pick. Sweet turkeys! Now must also run and look at recipes, then make my shopping list soon. Yummmm!

  38. Glenda says:


    Your blog is such a joy to read! I so miss the lifestyle that you have, that I onc did have, so for me I feel like when i read your blog, ( I am not an artist though) I am there again. We had wild turkeys in our yard come through our town. So neat to watch them too. Solove how you capture the beautiful things n life.

    If you have finished the 66 episodes of The Grand Hotel 😀, would like to recommend you watch The Time In Between. If course, it is slso in Spanish with Englsh subtitles. Romantic, spy thriller with beautiful people, scenery, cliff hangers. Sira is a designer, dressmaker. The sales of sewing machines soared in Spain after this series came out ( or so I read). I really think you will like it.

    Snow in CO but so beautiful and cozy!😊

    • sbranch says:

      I am dying to watch those programs, but my problem is that I usually do things while I “watch” — so it’s hard for me to sit there and read subtitles . . . I love someone to “tell me a story” while I paint.

  39. Hillaire says:

    I think grandmas know how to love kids the best…they have had time and experience to know…and that is what they love to do

    • sbranch says:

      I always think it would have been a better design if we would not have been able to have children until after we were fifty. 🙂

  40. Kathy Fletcher says:

    Hi- just wanted to say thank you for the new blog- i love rainy days when i can stay in the house and cook- clean and maybe sneak a nap!! I work-so those days are rare for me….but i need one today after looking at the cozy fireplace and the wet beautiful world outside your windows. take care and enjoy!
    can’t wait for the new book in the spring!!!! I am excited to get my Willard next week.

  41. Nellie says:

    Happy Thursday, Susan! How wonderful to have those sheets dried outside! Reminds me of all the times I helped my mother with laundry when I was growing up! I have the pie safe she used to store those clean linens, and the memory is strong of how fresh it smelled when I would open the doors. These days, it holds some of the dishes that I have managed to collect.:-)

    Those turkeys! They’ve no idea about their fate. Such curious creatures!

    Going through recipes here. There will be guests for dinner on the 20th, preceding the arrival of family on the 25th for the Thanksgiving holidays! I think I will revisit the menu I followed for the very first Thanksgiving dinner I prepared.

    My paternal grandmother was known for her work in the kitchen! Perhaps she influenced me without being aware of it.

    The sun is peeking through here today, though there were some showers earlier. Colder temperatures are coming for the week-end!

    So excited to read about the surprises in Willard! I may have an idea!:-)

    xo Nellie

  42. Susan P. says:

    Another great Blog…..Here in California it has been trying to rain…only some rain here or there…but not enough to do anything. A week ago went out to clean the roses up..I will lose about 6 of them…that is okay…because I can buy more later…but later that night with all the family over for dinner, they kept saying are you okay??? Yes..??? well I finally saw what they saw…under my eyes I was all swollen!!!!! So we still are praying for a good rain just to clean all the pollen and dust of all of fruit trees and roses. Now it has been COLD for California…on Tues we built the first fire of the season…it was so warm and cozy. When my Grandma Emma would come to visit..she always made bread and rolls for all 9 of us…YUM. When ever I bake I truly feel her and my mom around me….sometimes I can hear them laugh at me for all my mistakes and worries….I can hear them say…”All is okay…everything always turns out great”
    So as I bake and cook these next weeks I will have the Christmas music on and I’ll be thinking of you and all the other girlfriends getting their Thanksgiving Tables ready. And YES I will be listening for the guidance and love and laughs of my MOM and GRANDMA. ENJOY THE JOURNEY OF MAKING THANKSGIVING GREAT FOR ALL YOUR FAMILIES. Love, Susan P.

  43. Andrea says:

    That’s where all my turkeys went!! We used to have flocks of them, but they’ve vanished the last few years. Come to think of it, the last few years my hostas haven’t been munched to the ground. Hmm… 😉

    You and me both when it comes to line drying clothes. It’s November and I’m still putting mine out.

    Enjoy your day of cooking–your kitchen must smell wonderful! Nothing like home cooking…

  44. Evelyn Pirolo says:

    Shhhh! I have an illegal clothesline in my backyard. It isn’t big enough for sheets, like the “legal” one I had at another place. There’s nothing like sheets dried outdoors! And in the California sunshine!

  45. Simone says:

    I am the oldest of 6 children and therefore many cloth diapers were hung on the clothesline. We didn’t have a dryer then. It was my job to bring them in when dried. I remember how wonderful they smelled, but I also recall their stiffness when freezing temperatures arrived.
    Thanks for sharing Susan and bringing these long ago memories back.

  46. Annie B says:

    Love your blog, book, fabric, everything. Thanks so much!! You are right having a grandma in the house is special, mine was the best go course. Snow White hair, never wore pants, had an starched apron on all the time!!! Now I’m the grandma, a lot to live up to😀

  47. Judy in CA says:

    When we first moved to the country, we didn’t have a clothes dryer, so I had to hang the laundry outside. But everything always seemed so stiff. I’d love to try again if I could figure out why… maybe our hard well water, that has so many minerals, etc.

  48. Chris from Carpinteria says:

    Every time I see your floral dishes, I wonder if they are the same pattern as my mom’s – Garden Bouquet, Windsor Ware, made by Johnson Bros in England? Even if not, seeing them brings back happy memories for me! Love your blog….

  49. njean says:

    This is a heartwarming post today. It is raining and the winds are howling outside here in Indiana. Most of our leaves are fallen now. If I had a fireplace I would light it as soon as I got home, but alas, no fireplace. So, I will put my fireplace CD in the TV and enjoy! Have a lovely day.

  50. Marian Yeckinevich says:

    I so love opening your blog to find a new post. You are so wonderful to all your girlfriends to share your life with us. Have fun cooking for your dinner party and let us know what you served. Love the music. Will be watching for Willard next week. The forecast is for a wet and cold week-end so I think I will cook and plan Thanksgiving.

  51. Kiki Nakita says:

    Good afternoon dear Susan,

    I wanted to write and let you know I finished reading The Fairytale Girl. Yay!

    Growing up my mum would dry our Laura Ashley sheets over the lavender bushes, they always had a fragrant scent. However, if I hung sheets in my garden my 3 dogs would leave muddy paws all over them. Ha ha!

    Have a delightful dinner party ~ take some pictures to share.

    All the best,

  52. Christine from CA says:

    Lovely and Fall like! This weekend we are celebrating our first and only, so far, Great grandchild’s first birthday! It is on the 16th officially! She is a little cutie and full os smiles! Happy Birthday Leanna!

  53. Denise Schlesinger says:

    A lovely post. I love the colors and smells of fall. The last of our leaves fell yesterday–our beautiful sugar maple. I always enjoy pictures of table settings, being a dish and glass collector. This one was really special with so much variety for the eye to linger over. I also loved the turkey video!! Perhaps it is too, too crass for this blog but there are hilarious videos on youtube of turkeys such as these who respond with a mass gobble if YOU gobble at them. Sorry, you can edit if need be. Happy Autumn Day!

    • sbranch says:

      They do that. You can even hear them in my video, I made some sort of noise and they all gobbled at me. SO cute.

  54. Marsha MacLean says:

    Dear Susan,
    What a wonderful post this gorgeous fall morning! I am not currently drying clothes on the line, but enjoying every minute of our crisp mornings while sitting on the porch with my dog, Grumpy. He and I listen to the birds in the fountain and watch each leaf fall from the trees. My case of shingles is diminishing and I am more in the mood to get out in the garden and rearrange pots so they look just right from our spot up on the hill. 🙂 There is always work to do, but it is a blessing, from start to finish.
    I must tell you, Facebook reminded me of my post from two years ago, when we met at Remnants of the Past. We are so cute in the photo, you are signing away with roses on the table in front of you and I am looking on wearing a darling hat. I treasure the memory, Susan!
    So pleased Willard will soon be on the way, and am looking forward to book #2!
    Have a fun day!

  55. matty says:

    Hooray for the sunshine! I have been drying our laundry upstairs in my studio because we have had so much rain! After running errands this morning, I dashed in, stripped my bed, and tossed my sheets in the wash for the “quick wash” cycle just so I can get them on the line to dry! Wind is blowing; sun is shining; goats are calling… isn’t life wonderful?

    Scary worms! Blech! Where do they come from? What are they attracted to? And, who decided all that was okay??

    Enjoy these wonderful November days!

  56. Susan Webb says:

    Today would be an excellent day for drying sheets on our clothesline, were it not for the 50 mph wind gusts. Its a blustery day. Our maple leaves are getting pushed up the hill instead. Tomorrow- rain & snow mix so it’s the dryer for us. Are you having fresh applesauce with your dinner? Our apple trees had a bumper crop and we worked up on them until last week; apple cider first, then apple butter, apple pie filling (canned) and cases of apple sauce for the winter months were canned too. Can’t wait to read a new Willard. The rain & wind chasing me indoors at times today and a newWillard will just fit the bill. Thanks Susan

    • sbranch says:

      Coming soon Susan . . . we have apple crisp for Thanksgiving … that’s our only apple thing that day, but I love homemade apple sauce.

  57. Mary from PA says:

    Thanks for a great post! I love your take on Thanksgiving. And the black and white photo is darling. And so is Jack the cat! Happy Turkey Time!
    Mary from PA- the one from The Fairy Tale book signing in NH –you helped me celebrate my 60th!

  58. Judy from So.Cal says:

    You make it look so cozy,,finally are having beautiful fall weather here in S.Cal
    Love the 40’s at night,,,makes for great sleeping weather,,Judy

  59. Wendy Louise says:

    Dear Susan,
    Oh what a lovely day! My grand baby is up stairs taking her nap and I am down stairs in
    my little creative room snuggled down on this drizzly day to read. I thought to myself
    let me check what Sweet Susan Branch is up to and well here I found it. Now this is pure
    coziness ! Thank-you darling you help complete my happy blissful world. OX
    PS. Hug Joe and the kitties for me!

  60. Sarah says:

    I might be the only weird one on here, but I really don’t like line dried sheets. They are too crunchy and smell weird. 🙂 Maybe it’s just our air here. I much prefer fresh out of the drier, soft, smelling like Downy. 🙂 But you do make your line dried sheets sound wonderful. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t like the taste of beer. Millions think it’s delicious, but I just don’t get it. We all have our things. I always say I have the bitter gene when it comes to beer.

    • Wende Taylor says:

      hah, Sarah and Sue, I thot’ I was the ONLY one that didn’t like it either, so glad to know I’m not alone. BUT, in Europe I did like the feel of the scratchy sheets and towels. Must be the air in my area too lol. And… I don’t like beer either. Blech. Good thing there’s wine! 😃

  61. Susan says:

    I just put the clothesline away for the winter (we had snow in Colorado this week!), but before I did, I washed all of the under bedding (pillow covers, mattress pad, etc.) to hang outside one last time before winter – love how sun dried sheets scent my linen closet better than any manufactured product!

    • sbranch says:

      Know just what you mean ~ now I know why they use lavender in linen closets, besides the fact that it helps with moths, it does have that kind of out doors smell to it. Stronger, but I feel like I can smell it.

  62. April says:

    This all looks so delightful, Susan. 🙂 Here in the deep, deep south, we have to enjoy Autumn vicariously. Thanks for sharing so much pretty!

  63. Well THAT’s not musica I hear on my Pandora stations 🙂 Loved the concentrated looks (& looking down at feet) from some of the male dancers….sigh…when men & women knew how to dance. Do you remember in P.E. in high school when we had to learn some dancing steps? Not like the waltz, more like schottische! (with some square dancing & ‘free’ dance thrown in–a memorable few Credence songs) My mom had a friend that taught dance, so when I was about 11 my dad took some dance lessons in our living room. Natch, being an only child, I hung out & learned to waltz, fox trot and, my fave, swing dance. Swing dancing knowledge came in handy when my shy sensitive 15 year old son wanted to learn and was a real limber loose natural who let loose on the dance floor a la Fred Astaire, who knew?! (Now he denies it EVER happened!)
    Ahh, blustery wet day in Seattle….calls for French Onion Soup in my book. Betty Crocker, don’t fail me now! I’ll be thinking of you slaving away at your cute vintage range, now that the table is perfectly set (just the part I’m at in re-reading The Fairy Tale Girl, so apt). White tablecloth–polished silver–crystal goblets–floral centerpiece–cute little pottery vase–and is that Johnson Bros. vintage dinnerware? Love it!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s Mayflower by Vernon Kilns. And yes, we had that in PE too, learned the Polka — what better dance for 7th graders? Wow, they would never get away with teaching that today!

  64. Marla says:

    Hello Susan!
    Wow – that is quite a flock of wild turkeys in your yard! I was just reading through your Autumn book this morning. I’m going to try your cranberry sauce recipe. I’m trying to make some things ahead of time this year. How far in advance do you think this sauce could be made and have you ever frozen it afterwards?

  65. peg says:

    Our weather is cooling, Susan…finally. Skies are deep blue with the mountains below…clear and crisp! We have two blankets on the bed now…more to come when the rain comes.

    The leaves are beautiful. We have a Sycamore a block away that drops leaves the size of dinner plates and often times have holes made from wear (not worms). The intricate lacing that is left in the hole is incredible. Always new specimens to collect….love it!

    We are gearing up for Thanksgiving and as I make my lists…I find myself missing my mom, Charlie’s mom and the grandmothers. They brought the loving energy that kept everyone centered and happy…especially during the holidays!
    Charlie will cook a 24# bird and we’ll have the traditional fixings. I think Thanksgiving is my favorite time to entertain.

    Keep us posted and I’ll be watching for Willard! xoxox peg

    Looking forward to your next Willard. Always a treat!!! I still have the first ones you ‘hand mailed out’ those many years ago. Treasured and re-read often.

    • sbranch says:

      Love hearing from you dear Peg. Give Charlie a big hug and happy Thanksgiving. Lots of fun excitement in the Willard!!! Truly. Trying to keep my mouth zipped!

  66. melissalucy says:

    Oh Susan, you always make me want to cook, or paint, or go for a walk….thanks so much for bring your life into ours! Wish I could be at that dinner table….girlfriends always have so much to say to each other!!!

  67. Marian says:

    Oh yes, yes! You can dry your clothes on the line in winter! It’s a bit more work but so worth it to me for my sheets alone! Here is a good website that gives you the full info We wouldn’t want you to live without that yummy crisp feel and fresh smell for one minute, although there is something to be said about slipping between sheets that have just been pulled from the nice hot dryer on a cold winter night 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      We do dry them outside in winter, but not as much, that’s for sure. Love a pile of dryer warmed laundry.

  68. Nicki Anderson says:

    It is the job of mine and my granddaughter to set the table for each important gathering of the family. It is such a wonderful bonding time. It lets us get creative as we thing, discuss, and create our tables. I cannot tell you how I value and appreciate this time. It has been 14 years now and it is the very BEST part of the holidays. I just loved reading what you said about it.

  69. Hilda C. White says:

    A Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving to you!
    I am thankful for your presence and the gifts you share.
    Hilda : )

  70. Nancy says:

    Loved the music and dance….happy dinner party!

  71. Jeanette in Illinois says:

    Sounds divine, the pitter patter of rain drops along with a cozy fire…

    Here in central IL we’ve had to batton down the hatches as it’s been ridiculously windy – 70 mph last night – first time ever it literally pulled the mums right out of their pots on my front porch! Good grief! So, calm rain sounds perfect about now as I’m over the wind…guess a sleepless night doesn’t help as the house was battered incessantly!

    I’m sure your dinner will be scrumptious! Enjoy! Thanks for the turkey smiles and sending squishy, cozy hugs and oodles of love,

  72. Louise says:


    I always hang out my sheets to dry outside, weather permitting. I wish I could bottle the smell of the sunshine and wind that lingers on them. Love hanging clothes outside as well, maybe it’s my age (66), it’s what I have been doing all my married life. I just love it and it’s relaxing to me.


    • sbranch says:

      I was just out because it’s a gorgeous windy day here so I decided to air some quilts and I completely relate to your words, so relaxing. I could stare at those blowing quilts for hours!

  73. Sharon in So. Calif. says:

    Oh it seems so cozy at your house with the rain and gorgeous carpet of leaves. We are still waiting for some rain here, your fire was wonderful too, I think they make the house “extra” cozy. Have a wonderful dinner party and (maybe) you can let us know what you cooked in a future blog hint, hint…..♥♥♥ as always

  74. Brenda Caldwell says:

    Your sheets look so good hanging on the line…I always dry mine on the line when the weather is fitting too. Nothing like the smell of the fresh air and the sun when you crawl into bed at night, it’s the perfect “nightcap” “)

  75. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    What fun pictures of those turkeys* Its been raining here too the past 2 days and I am loving it. Rainy weather is the best to snuggle up with a fire. Enjoy your dinner party tonight

  76. Virginia says:

    Oh, that Musica and that dance….I missed my era somehow. What is that dance?–I have never seen it before–so graceful. If I had any smelling salts, I would need them to revive me from the sheer delight of watching and listening to that clip.

    Love the rain. We desperately need it in New England. It has been so dry since last spring and our poor trees and shrubs need it to fight off enemies like those worms.

    Have a delightful dinner party–the table is so pretty–and thanks for another wonderful post. Can’t wait for Willard. ‘Au revoir…but not good-bye!’

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve never seen it either . . . almost a combination of Jane Austen type dances, the waltz, and a square dance. Just heaven.

  77. audrey Bell, LaBarque Creek, Missouri says:

    Imagine our surprise when we read the “rule book” in Switzerland and found out one is not allowed to hang the laundry out on a Sunday! After a week of travel we rinsed out a few things after arrival and hung them to dry. We had to pull it in quick!
    Fresh sheets from the line, a fire in the hearth, a dinner with friends… Life is GOOD!

  78. Lynn says:

    Speaking of painting ( I know you mean your book!), I have been working on our guest room since MAY! Finally, new carpet is in, and the fun of decorating can begin. Plus, I loved this latest blog, since I am a first time grandma this year, and will have everyone over for Christmas! SO super excited!! I love reading your posts, and love your books.

  79. Susan from Bainbridge Island says:

    Hi Susan!
    Oh how I love this time of year…Everything about it….it is raining here today and quite windy…My glass windchimes are ringing like crazy on my little porch…I love the sound (especially in the summer, when they just tinkle!)..You choice for MUSICA was especially wonderful..I adore looking all of the ladies in their gowns and the men in their tuxes, with or without tails! My how the times have changed!…On another note, I too LOVE the smell of line dried linens….and using the clothesline…I have one that has been here all my life. ( I live in our family home my grandfather built in 1903) . I can remember as a little girl, with mom helping me, washing all my doll clothes and hanging them to dry on the clothes line…I thought I was soooo grown up! I was about 6. Such good memories. Being in Washington state, most all the flowers are now gone and the leaves are mostly on the ground. I have one old old horse chestnut tree that is about to drop it’s leaves and it is a lot of work to clean up after they are down…especially if it has been raining…..and seeing as how I am 70 and live alone with my cat Dinah, I have come to hire a gardener. Best money spent!!!! I can putter all I want, but the gardener now comes every two weeks to keep everything in place. I have so much to be thankful for. I am really looking forward to WILLARD…such a joy to receive and always a surprise when he arrives!!!! Thank you for your post and your music…love it all… with love from my island to yours…Happy November!

  80. Patti Fitzgerald from southeast PA says:

    I’ve been away from your blogs for a month or so because of travel, work and family issues, and it was like a breath of fresh air to come back and read your comforting words and see your lovely photos. Thank you, Susan, for bringing a glimmer of hope, inspiration and gentleness to my life, especially when it is so sorely needed! I do believe we may be kindred spirits . . . 🙂

  81. Martha says:

    Such a cozy posting Susan! Rainy day up here on the North Shore of MA, and like you, I have the fire, tea, my sweet little Westie girl curled up, and your enjoyable email ~ thank you!
    You inquired what we readers are doing this weekend…This weekend my 5 bestest girlfriends and I are heading up to North Conway to our ’60’s ski chalet in the mountains for our annual girlfriend weekend. I’m sure all of your readers can relate to the kinds of things we love to do together: endless visiting, many pots of tea, walks and fresh air, taking pictures, shopping, and of course, there will be some wine involved and meals in and out. Can hardly wait! ❤️

  82. Margie says:

    Love the lovely Fall photos — but those worms!! Hopefully the oil will help to keep them away. Like the above comment by Kathleen, my Grandma didn’t speak too much English, and I didn’t speak much Spanish, but we communicated by speaking a combo of both! Her specialty was her home-made flour tortillas — made with real LARD of course! I have had home-made tortillas since, but never any like hers, made on the griddle section of her O’Keefe and Merritt stove. The aroma was heavenly… thank you for your lovely post and have fun at your dinner party. BTW, REALLY looking forward to the next book!

    Margie From the Central Coast

  83. Carol D. in Sierra Madre, CA says:

    Hi Susan, So nice to hear what you’re up to! You’re right about grandmas. I so loved spending time with mine. They were superb bakers and taught my mom and her siblings (and my dad’s sisters) so many things that they’ve handed down to our generation. I hope to have a luncheon with my 2 sisters and my sister-in-law this weekend, and drop off some of my Thanksgiving decorations at my sister Sally’s (in Seal Beach). She’s going to have both our family and her husband Charles’ families for the holiday. I call her crazy for having both families at once, but I think she’s trying to kill two birds with one stone! But she’ll get lots of help from everyone, so it’ll go very well, I’m sure. The more the merrier! We all know each other very well since Charles grew up on our block and we played with his sisters as children! I think we told you, Sally married my brother’s best childhood friend, whom she always had a crush on. Sweet story! Anyway, Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, whatever you do this year. You were in Seal Beach last year at this time!! You are welcome back ANY time you’re in our area! xoxo, Carol

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Carol . . . oh yes, I remember, it IS such a sweet story! It sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving . . . Tell Sally I said hello! And thank you for that invitation! Maybe in the spring? We’re coming! Only for a week I think. Never long enough. xoxo

      • Carol D. in Sierra Madre, CA says:

        We would be honored to have you and Joe stay in the spring! I have to tell you, that photo of Jack is precious! Yes, you ARE lucky to have such a sweetheart! My tuxedo, Seymour, has been having some problems in the past couple of months. He’s twelve now and I’m worried that he won’t get better. Say a prayer for him if you pray for kitties (and I’m sure you do). Also, say Hi to Joe for us. Sending you both holiday hugs! xxoo

        • sbranch says:

          My Girl Kitty sounds about like Seymour . . . she is 14. Worries me too. Vet says she’s okay, but she is thin and her fur sometimes looks like a rooster. Kitty prayers go up daily including now for Seymour. xoxo Thank you again Carol . . and I’ll keep in touch when we get a little closer and know dates and such. 💛

  84. Esther says:

    What a treat, a new post to have with my very late lunch. Could you have ever believed, back in the day, that the time would come when there would be rules against drying laundry outdoors ? Craziness! This weekend while you are painting, I will be at a show hopefully selling my painting. Love doing shows no matter what I sell, always lovely people to chat with. I must ‘scold’ you a bit 😃….I had to zip through my Twitter account Sunday evening when I realized you were going to give away the winner of The GBBS….I dvr it and watch it with the Mister on Monday evening. We laughed about me closing my eyes and scrolling, hoping I passed the winner😉. Love that show, they are so nice to each other, unlike some of our cut throat kitchen shows. Thanks for another lovely post.

  85. Cyndi in NC says:

    I have the same sight outside my window often. About 14 turkeys come to visit us. We several years ago we started out with 7 turkeys. Last year it had doubled. It was fun to watch them fly into the trees. I am so excited about Thanksgiving. My family has a lot to be thankful for. It could have gone so wrong for my husband and his health scare this year. I thank God for him everyday anyway but doubt or triple now. Every morning when we wake up and I see he’s ok I breath a sigh of relief. I know there are a lot of the girlfriends out there that have had a rough year also. I pray for all of you!! Also big hugs. *S* Gobble, gobble!!

  86. Julie says:

    You sure know how to build anticipation of the next Willard! I’m excited for it. I thoroughly enjoyed “The Fairytale Girl”, being a SLO girl myself. It was fabulous reading about the years of my teenage-ness and the local places you mentioned.

    I passed my copy to my dad. He “introduced” me to your brand. Before we knew of your connection to A.G. and SLO, he said, “Cliff….she mentions a Cliff….could it be our SLO Cliff Branch?”

    We had fun digging around but didn’t find a real clue….until the book, and the proof, was in my hands. It was fun to confirm with him that yes, it was “our” Cliff Branch.

    • sbranch says:

      LOL! Your dad is a super sleuth!

      • Julie says:

        He really is and we are quite a team together. Our first excitement after discovering your books was when he showed me your Autumn book where it says people can write to you….at a SLO post office box….we just about died when we realized how close you were to us.

        Then he found the old location of your studio and said, “but, alas, that location is a realty office”. I took it from there and discovered the studio was in A.G. and is where the website is managed.

        It rolled on from there and kept us very happy, all the way to obtaining a copy of “The Fairytale Girl”. You sure know how to entertain and create happiness for your fans.

        Thank you!

  87. Linda Tondola says:

    Hi Susan! We had the rain on Tuesday–an all-day-long drizzle. Today’s weather is blustery, windy and grey. The sun gave up trying to peek out. Piles of leaves are gathered on the porch. The birdfeeders are spinning and swaying so wildly that no bird dares attempt to land! My husband I and were bored and went out to tour a local old-house-turned museum that we’d never been to. We loved the history and architecture of it. Once home, I enjoyed your latest post with a cup of coffee and a sweet treat. It’s always good to be snug at home when the weather’s wild!

  88. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Hi Susan, just got the alert from my girlfriend that you have posted a new blog. We have wild turkeys, too. I just put a chicken pot pie in the oven for dinner and your apple crisp recipe with cranberries using our own apples. My husband prepares the appes and I make the topping. For a little change of pace I added some sugared ginger to the topping. It smells so good. Enjoy your dinner party. Lucky guests! Hugs.

  89. Karen Carpenter says:

    Hi Susan

    Sorry I have been absent for so long! Life sometimes gets in the way of things. I wanted to tell you how much I love your new book, a walk down memory lane in so many ways. Being that we are almost birthday twins it is just like reliving some of my life over. Thank you, thank you!! I am right at the point where your on the plane to Martha’s Vinyard and I am forcing myself to make the book last a bit. I would imagine you had some painful times writing it but it is worth it for sure. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and don’t eat too much turkey or pie!

    Blessings, Karen

    • sbranch says:

      I always knew while I was writing it that there were lots of others who went through much the same thing as I did, so that made it easy to do, just to say how we are kindred spirits. xoxo thank you Karen!

  90. kay walker says:

    Will you share the menu you plan for Thanksgivings? What is your favorite dish for the holiday?

    • sbranch says:

      We are very predictable and keep the same basic Thanksgiving menu every year, but sometimes our guests bring something and I always ask them to bring their favorite family thing from home. For us it’s turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, hot biscuits, either peas or green beans, spinach salad with pomegranate seeds, and rainbow Jell-O. Cranberry Apple Crisp and Pumpkin Pie. My favorite is probably the next day, scraping the Apple Crisp dish for all the last crunchy bits for breakfast, eating biscuits with gravy in between naps all day. 🙂

  91. Rae Ann R. says:

    Hi Susan-We have rain and windy seas today in northern Michigan…the powers that be say that that “s” stuff might appear tomorrow…can’t wait for Willard…doing Thanksgiving planning this weekend and starting Christmas shopping at our local ladies night out Saturday…enjoy every minute of your weekend…xoxo…

  92. Barbara Weaver says:

    The little dance was so sweet. They were exactly in time with each other. Can’t Imagine how they did it! How ever did you find it? Loved the ones wearing gloves. Getting excited for turkey time here in Virginia, too.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m a fan of Al Bowlly and the dance just came along with the song. I just wonder how they knew to take all those steps. They must have practiced it. Just wonderful!

  93. Tina Lemke says:

    There is nothing like line dried sheets! Sweet dreams for days!!! This habit comes from my “country” Grandma. Her name was Birdie Mae. She hated the name but I love it and always will. She had a wringer washer which I wish I had today. Great way to grow up!

  94. Bonnie says:

    I would love to hang clothes out if I could put fabric softener in my machine. I don’t like stiff towels or sheets. Plus I must deal with a terribly bad back, no bending and some days hard to walk so into the dryer they go.

    Enjoyed your wild turkey photo. I remember those from my sister in law’s house in PA. We don’t have them here in the city of course.

  95. Hi, it was so so nice to see your blog post in my email this evening….today has been rainy and dreary and reading your books and blogs and Willards always copies me up. You have inspired me to pick up some water colors – hoping to dabble a bit this winter. Enjoy your dinner party, what’s on the menu?

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, “copies me up” . . . I saw you wrote Cozies, but I kind of love this. Menu was gigantic steaks a la Joe because he is a meat man and was feeling very festive wanting to have MEAT night with his friends, and crusted salmon for me because I’m not such a big meat person . . . so the guys tackled the beef and the girls had the salmon, and a little beef.

  96. COZIES!!!…..not copies!! Sorry ’bout that! 😜

  97. Chris Miller says:

    Hi Susan! My mom was always so excited to hang wash on the line. It gave her much happiness and satisfaction as she would weave in and out of the long shirts and sheets, clothespins in her mouth! My 3 brothers and I got such a kick out of her exuberant energy and we certainly enjoyed the fresh smell on everything.
    My mom is now in a senior-living apartment and our family home is sold and hopefully being treasured by another family.
    Thank you for bringing this memory back to me. Precious moments are meant to be remembered!
    Much love to you!

  98. kat says:

    I’m wondering if I need to sign up for Willard again? I’ve missed getting the last few. If I do need to do that, where is it I go? I really did enjoy them, and don’t want to miss any more.

  99. Nancy B. says:

    The music is nice and the dancing fun, square dancing fancy style looks like to me 🙂 Charm, just oozing charm. As for the turkeys, I am looking out my back window seeing some turkey girls looking in at me right now! They are very curious. We have turkeys that visit our church! The males fan their tails when they hear the music, they are so beautiful. They peek in the windows to see whats going on! Very sweet. We have a pet goose that wanders around during the day, she sleeps in at night. The turkeys visiting in back are a new thing, they’ve always visited in front. Guess they are making friends with goose Tootsie! As for the turkey farm and all those lovies rushing to see you .. maybe they were hoping for a rescue! I think all life has more intelligence and understanding than we give credit. It is always my pleasure to find mail from you Susan! Thank you for all you share. All the best for happy holidays.

  100. mari1017 says:

    Hi, Susan! Happy November…such a sweet, chillier season heading into Thanksgiving. Love it! Our leaves here in Virginia are past peak; all is mellow now, but in the sun flashes of red and yellow can still be found – brilliant! We just did our big food shopping for Thanksgiving, the sun is shining and yet here it’s still quite mild, and now I get to do something for dinner with the leftovers that seem to have accumulated in my fridge haha! Happy cooking, Happy painting, Happy enjoying this season of beauty, gratefulness, and true thanksgiving of hearts. ♥

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