Hi Everyone! How are you?  We are home safe and sound, and happy, so happy to be here. Here are just a few photos of our family reunion at Vallecito Lake, “a beautiful spot, surrounded in tall pines, sheltered in a secluded mountain valley” at 8,000 feet,  just outside of Durango, Colorado, and more proof that . . .heaven


This was the moon-set at 5 am across the lake the morning we drove away, all packed up and heading back for the train and home.  Stopped in the dark, tires in gravel, in the cool mountain air, with lake lapping on shore, for this photo of paradise.


Here’s just one of the jillions of group photos we took . . . My fandamly, not all, but lots. The kind of fandamly that likes to stand in freezing water. Note who’s not in picture.


My nephew Ben, arriving with the “equipment.”


In this very lovely, spiritual place which has been a gathering place for us for years . . . ever since my brother Jim moved here years ago . . . the lake is  surrounded in wildflowers . . .


Where we did what we always do, we ate, we told stories, we sang . . . this is my brother Chuck dancing with my niece Heidi, daughter of my other brother Brad, at the campground.  Chuck sang too, songs he wrote ~ one of my favorites that I requested so I could record it for you ~ is a sad song called “To Be a Man” (not about my dad) . . . want to hear it? Listen close to the words . . .


And lucky me . . . these are the three “kids” that Joe and I took to England and Paris on the Queen Elizabeth 2 in 2001, when, from left, Heidi was 11, Holly was 12, and Matty was 18. That’s Auntie Mame in the middle there, basking.


More wonderful moments than I can tell . . . Shelly’s twins, Paden and Mason, and my great nephews, Ben’s boys, Wyler and Beckett.

Mas Musica? Something old, something wonderful . . .


This was our cabin with the screened in porch … at Croll Cabins, right next to 5 Branches campsites … perfect for a family reunion ~ you could have a cabin, or set up a tent, or bring your camper, park next to the lake, and walk to each other’s places. It was heaven.


More wildflowers in the campground.

And now, before we talk about an important birthday celebration, and have a new giveaway ~ I just want to say thank you . . . your 900 comments in the last post were so beautiful!💛 When I was sad and missing my dear Dad, Jack to some, Blog Daddy to many, but John Patrick Stewart, Jr. in real life, all I had to do was read your words, filled with comforting, loving, life affirmations and I felt so much better! My dad would have loved them too. 💕 He so enjoyed reading your comments.Girl saying thank youT H A N K    Y O U


IMG_4073And now, here’s Joe . . . bringing in the cake . . . because we want to extend heartfelt
Birthday wishesT O

RibbonIMG_6306roses. . . who would be 150 years old on July 28 . . . wouldn’t she love to know how many wonderful events are taking place this year in her memory!  (Actually, I think she would feel humbled by it.) But I want to add my own respects and admiration to the many voices (you can read some of them at the Beatrix Potter Society, and become a member like me! They send the most wonderful newsletters, both online and in the mail, and there’s more information about the celebrations HERE  and HERE and good shopping for BP stuff, HERE), and it all keeps coming. Because she was truly something else.


As most of you know . . . I took a trip to see Beatrix’s famous Hilltop Farm a while back, something I’d wanted to do for many years. And it was everything I’d hoped it would be, filled with the little bits of her life that she saved just for us, so that someday we could go there and be in the presence of magic.3318082

leaf borderMost everyone knows about her “little bunny books” and that they are the best selling children’s books of all time . . . and that they started with her illustrated letters like this one below that she wrote to the children of her former governess . . .

Beatrix potter

Many words have been written, both by her and even more, ABOUT her including a wonderful movie I know you would love, Miss Potter (if you haven’t already seen it). 👏 But her charming books are only the beginning of what made Beatrix so very special.

Beatrix Potter

Peter RabbitBefore she ever wrote a book, Beatrix was a serious scientist whose discoveries were summarily dismissed by the scientific community, simply because she was a woman ~ this was Victorian England where women were not supposed to be scientists (or much of anything else).  Her scientific discoveries were a fascinating part of her story ~ she discovered something which is still viable today, but the loss to the scientific world was nothing compared to what she was able to offer through her creative love of nature to the imaginations of children the world over, when she picked herself up, dusted herself off, and self-published her first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. And the rest is history herstory.Nature!get-attachment.aspx

Because the story didn’t end at that misogynistic defeat, nor even at the glorious success of her books, she was just beginning to find her true place where she would leave her real legacy. When she lost her first love, she was inspired to buy a small farm in the Lake District of northern England, a place she’d been drawn to since she was a child. And, not long after, she left book writing behind her and found a new passion in farming and raising sheep, preserving a breed that was almost extinct. She loved the old ways and bought her potter-quotefurniture for Hilltop at barn sales and auctions. She hand-embroidered her own bed coverings and never put electricity in her house, so you can just imagine the quiet sounds of birdsong and wind and snow fall and teacup-in-saucer noises that she spent her life enjoying. And she took her bunny-book money and bought 14 farms and over 4,000 acres of the Lake District to keep them from the greedy hands of developers. 👏 And she helped to start the National Trust. She married late and was happy with her husband for 30 years. If you’d like to read more about Beatrix Potter, try the wonderful biography by Linda Lear, Beatrix Potter, the Extraordinary Life of a Victorian Genius. stripofflowersget-attachment.aspx

Beatrix saved this land for forever enjoyment because she was far-thinking, not just thinking about today, but thinking about forever. She was ahead of her time, and  Inlovewithnature

Village of Near Sawrey

This is her little town of Far Sawrey in the Lake District where she made her home with her husband in that house on the far right of this photo. When you walk there, you walk where she walked, and really, nothing much has changed. I can’t wait to go back. Just to breathe that rarified air.

On the way to Near Sawrey

We’re going in the fall and I can’t wait to see the colors. . . we’ve only been in the springtime ….


Some of us discover Beatrix through her books, some learn about her through the National Trust, but I came to her through her little figurines, my “Beatrix Potter people,” which I found in my early 20s and have been in every place I’ve lived since then ~ I fell in love with the colors and the charm of her little critters, beautifully made in Beswick, England in the 40s and 50s.


Her life, once I learned about the things she did, as been an inspiration for me. I would love to do what she did.   And all those wonderful animal figurines but, surprisingly, no lambs! So I painted this one in her honor.


And these are my People . . .  some of them, there are more in other parts of the house, (and more in our webstore that I gathered as we drove across country) this is a gathering of the minds.  They are coming together to have a little tea party to celebrate Beatrix.  They made a cake . . .

cake YouHaveToBelieveWeAreMagic stripofflowersbirthdayparty

tea time teacups

for a Tea Party in honor of Beatrix Potter . . .


Try one of my favorite Tea Cakes EVER!  Invite someone to tea, and make a little toast to Beatrix.HOTHCranberryTeaCake HOTHVanillaSauce I’ve promised you this recipe for a long time, and now you have it, here and I also put it in my new, revised and expanded, 30th Anniversary edition of Heart of the Home, just out and available only here on my website and in some (actually any) independent bookstores (who contact us) until September.heart of the home


It’s even more delicious than it looks!my cup of tea


Yum, Happy Birthday dear Beatrix!  And also, in her honor, and in yours, a little giveaway … this wonderful little book . . .


Filled with descriptions of the woodland walks through the place Beatrix loved so much . . .


This useful book is filled with Beatrix’s charming color prints . . .


And lots of photos . . . it’s a great help for making plans for the next time you go . . . like a little dream book . . . I had one when we went and we followed the directions and the walks were wonderful…


 I signed the book and will personalize it to whoever wins this drawing . . . all you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post and you will be entered, and in a few days we’ll get “Vanna” to draw the winning name, and I hope it’s YOURS 💖. . . but that’s not all …


Oh, yeah, Jemima Puddleduck wants to come too . . . .


This lovely old 1948 edition, the very first Beatrix Potter Person I ever bought, way back in  the 1970s.


She stands tall and proud and perfectly dressed. We’ll do the drawing after I get back from Cape Cod where I’m going on Thursday, on Beatrix Potter’s actual birthday, to celebrate her life at the Brewster Ladies Library with the Beatrix Potter Society and 400 like-minded Girlfriends where I will be reading the story of my first trip to Hilltop from my book and signing A Fine Romance Falling in Love with the English Countryside. So excited! And humbled. and thrilled. And will probably cry.

HeartThrobsThat makes sense to me. Thank goodness there are so many.💛

tell him

Hello you adorable thing.  . . if anyone will be on the Island on the 25th of August, I’ll be doing my last talk and signing in the USA (for this year) for Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams, for the Aquinnah Library at the Old Town Hall in Aquinnah at 5 pm. 📚 It’s free, so you would just show up and voila!

THANK YOU GIRLFRIENDS.  For everything.  Have the most wonderful day! XOXO 💚 Love you!home


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2,128 Responses to HOME AT LAST

  1. Karen Carpenter says:

    So very sorry to hear about your Dad! Always so difficult to lose a parent. I love your little figurine! Your vacation with family sure looks like it was a grand time. Now to prepare for your trip to England and Scotland. Have a grand time.

    We’ve only just begun!
    Karen Carpenter

  2. Sharon says:

    Love it!

  3. Martha N. says:

    Prayers and hugs to you and your family. Thanks for the beauty you bring into this world. We all need more positivity! I’m so glad I can get a bit from your beautiful posts.

  4. Cathy Babbitt says:

    Dear Susan,

    I recently bought two of your books. The Fairy Tale Girl and Isle of Dreams. The Fairy Tale Girl was a gift to my sister for her birthday and the Isle of Dreams is for me. I was given A Fine Romance by my son several Christmases ago. They are beautiful books. I don’t really want to finish them, but savor each one. Maybe next birthday I will give my sister Isle of Dreams and I will give myself a gift of The Fairy Tale Girl. I just started reading Isle of Dreams in between a book from the library that I need to return on time. I just couldn’t wait any longer. So I have the two of them going at the same time. I love reading about your house discovery and fixing it up to turn it into a cosy new home.
    I am interested in reading Linda Lear’s biography about Beatrix Potter, thanks for the information.

  5. Ann says:

    Oh my goodness!! What an amazing giveaway to celebrate Beatrix Potter’s birthday!! Yay! Love her and LOVE her ‘people’….. 🙂

  6. Julie Jenkins says:

    Dear friend,

    The best part of darling Jemima is the connection to you. ❤️❤️

    I didn’t comment on the passing of your father earlier, for some inexplicable reason I was so very saddened by the news (perhaps because I was still flying high on the gift of meeting you and your beloved Joe in Austin and I couldn’t imagine how you handled the tour with such grace at such a devastating time in your life). One thing I know for certain, no amount of time on earth is enough to spend with one you love, or to prepare your heart to say goodbye. I pray you always feel him close by as he will live on in your heart forever❤️❤️❤️

    Julie Jenkins

  7. Rose Ann Bacher-Giallombardo says:

    Welcome Home Susan. . . there is no place like home : > )
    I’m a new bee on your blog, not sure why I waited so long!
    Your book: “Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams” is an absolute JOY to read.
    I’ve just finished chapter 5 & I can’t wait to start chapter 6. I too am the oldest in my family & I’m also 68 years old. My husband’s name was Joe & he died in 2000 at only 54 years old. I was just 52 years old when he died. My heart was broken after almost 32 years of marriage to the love of my life.
    Their is more to my story which has always had Hope, Peace, Joy & Love.

    • sbranch says:

      SUCH a loss, and so young, I’m sorry Rose Ann. I’m happy you’re enjoying the book . . . it’s a pleasure to have you here.

      • Rose Ann Bacher-Giallombardo says:

        Thank you Susan, the pleasure is all mine.
        There is so much to learn as I read all of the wonderful posts on your blog. I feel that it is a “RED LETTER DAY”
        for sure!
        I also want you to know that you touched my heart w/ your feelings of sympathy for me in my loss. Your Dad will always be proud as punch for his girl. Peace to you & your beautiful family during this time of sadness.

  8. Kathleen Hardy says:

    Would love to live in your world for a few days! Seems so beautiful and interesting!

  9. Florence Kawamura says:

    What ever happened to Holly Oak?

  10. Linda Sherman says:

    I love your blog. I love your three books. I love Beatrice Potter. I have read most of her books of her life. I love the video’s of her and the stories of Peter Rabbit & friends. (Puddleduck is my favorite). Thank you for sharing your gift and talents for writing & drawing.

  11. Sandra Mailey says:

    It’s wonderful that you and Joe were able to have such an enjoyable visit with your family. It was sure to be great therapy for everyone there. XOXO!

    And – Thank you for encouraging all of us to celebrate the life of Beatrix Potter. There is so very much about her life to celebrate. In honor of her sesquicentennial I have begun rereading Susan Wittig Albert’s Beatrix Potter mysteries. They are all such fun!

    Wishing you and Joe a blessed August. It’s sure to be a busy time since your trip to Scotland is coming up so soon. All the best!!

  12. Bernie Gardiner says:

    Hi, Susan – welcome back. I, too, am just back from holiday where I had a big birthday and celebrated with my family in the Lake District. Visited Hill Top Farm (my second visit there) and loved it even more because my two young grandsons were with me. They love Peter Rabbit and won’t let me read any other nighttime story to them when they come for sleep overs! Isn’t it a wonderful place – love the fact that it’s lit by oil lamps to give it that genuine Victorian feel. Beatrix was an absolute hero – the sort who made a difference in this world, and she was so ahead of her time! I loved wandering around the garden, too, and could just imagine her tending the plants. Like you, I’m looking forward to a return trip – the county is glorious and, yes, we can thank her for protecting it.

    What a woman!

    With love and best wishes – I’m glad you had a good time with your family. I’m sure you were all able to help comfort and support each other at your sad loss. Take care. Bernie x

    • sbranch says:

      Nice to hear from you Bernie! That sounded like the perfect birthday celebration for you! Happy Birthday!

  13. Cynthia McFadden says:

    Susan it was such a pleasure to see you in Pasadena. There were so many girlfriends there, your poor hand must have been sore for days after that book signing. But, my friend Linda and I had so much fun everyone there were so friendly it was like a big party. I know you need a rest after writing 3 books in a row but I looking so forward to your next book. please enter me into the drawing for the book and Jemima Puddleduck I’ll keep my fingers crossed that Vanna picks me!!! Susan I’m so sorry to here about the loss of your wonderful dad my deepest condolences to you and your family. God bless you and bring you and your family peace and comfort. Thank you for all your wonderful books, this blog it’s a kind and caring place we can all come to, to get away from the crazy world we live in.

  14. Heidi says:

    Your family reunion looks so fun! The photos are great, Colorado is so beautiful.
    The cake is a ‘must make’ for our supper tonight….yum! So glad you’re home for awhile. Missed you.

  15. Virginia says:

    Your family memorial gathering for your Dad looked very special. Something to remember always. He would have been so pleased.

    With this loss and your amazing cross-country visit with so many girlfriends at book-signings, I don’t know how you found the strength and energy to come to the wonderful celebration of Beatrix Potter’s 150th birthday on the Cape. But so glad you did. I was there–came down from up north and was amazed at so many people. I even saw an old friend who had moved away from our town and now lives on the Cape. The line for book-signing was so much fun and I met so many interesting people–you do have the best girlfriends. We could have formed a club right then and there. But I guess, thanks to you, we already have. Thanks again for everything, Susan.

  16. Gay Hughes says:

    Beatrix Potter and Susan Branch – kindred spirits! So enjoyed the event sponsored be the Brewster Ladies Library. Loved learning more about Beatrix, and so wonderful hearing Susan’s words spoken by the lovely, charming, strong Susan herself. And to top it off, meeting her and having her sign her books was just the icing on the cake. A day’s memories to pull out and be savored when needed. Many thanks Susan!

  17. I love reading your blog ~ love the pictures, stories, music… just everything.

  18. KBJ says:

    Ohhh I need to add Jemima Puddleduck to my collection! 💖

  19. Elizabeth O'Keeffe (Trish) says:

    Oh Susan,
    I have just found your website, and I am thrilled and feel like a little girls again,
    I always loved Beatrix Potter stories, and so wanted my own copy, but that wasnt possible, so I would covet my books from the library, and so hate to return them.

    I would love to have your signed copy. And because and I am so glad I found the website, I think the little girl in me, wants to read all Beatrix’s book again.

    It may be silly at my age, but I know it will bring a smile to my face and heart.

    Thank you for creating such a precious world for us.

    I so hope to win, but know your website and I will become very good friends.

    Trish O’Keeffe

  20. Merry Wylie says:

    Loved your books and your tales and pics about your cross country book tour! I bet you are glad to be home, thanks for keeping us in the loop with newsletter and blog

  21. Lindsey Fusillo says:

    Susan, I loved meeting you in Ohio! Glad you are home safe and sound. I devoured Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams! I love Beatrix Potter and hope to visit her home in England one day. Enjoy the rest of Summer!


  22. Oh my goodness! How lovely a giveaway. I have always been drawn to Beatrix Potter and her work and decorated my daughter’s nursery with her things 23 years ago. My daughter, incidentally, was due on July 28th but born on the 21st. I find that disappointing now! 😉

    It looks like you had a wonderful family getaway. So important to take time for things like that. Those kids all look to adore you!

  23. Mary says:

    As always, another heart warming, delightful blog post, Susan! Always makes me smile…. God’s blessings and peace to you and your family as you fondly and lovingly remember your dad.

  24. Carol Leatherman says:

    Big hugs for your dad! I lost mine 32 years ago – girlfriends help, for sure – sending Aloha from Maui!

  25. Susan Taylor says:

    Your dad certainly had a great love for his firstborn. It shows in his face from all the pictures you have shared in your blog. He will always be with you. So wanted to see you in Austin, but was not to be this time. Thank you for sharing your book signing tour with all of us who didn’t get to be there in person. Looking forward to following you through Scotland in September.

  26. Kathleen says:

    Love you Susan! You inspire us all and believe me the world needs it!

  27. Patti Fitzgerald, Skippack, PA says:

    Susan, my Kindred Spirit, please know that my heart hurts for you in the loss of your Dad. You were so blessed to be able to have had him in your life for so long. My Dad would have been 80 years old yesterday, but we lost him suddenly, 4 1/2 years ago. You and I are both better women for having had such loving and caring fathers in our lives.
    Your blogs are like glimpses of heaven when they arrive in my inbox . . . such a ray of sunshine in my day! You never fail to lift my spirits, and give me cause to hope and believe that goodness and beauty and loving-kindness still exist in this often dark and confusing world of ours. Because of you, I’m now reading a Gladys Taber book, “The Book of Stillmeadow”, which I stumbled upon by accident at my local library. I see why you love her and her writings . . . thank you for introducing me to her world!
    So . . . a very Happy Birthday to Beatrix Potter! My birthday is coming up this Friday, so we are both “Summer Babies”! Maybe that’s why I’ve always loved her books and her illustrations, but most of all . . . her BUNNIES!! My two grown daughters have “known” Peter Rabbit and Friends since they were little babies – – they’ve even grown up eating and drinking out of Wedgwood’s Peter Rabbit bowls and cups! I just adore your little collection of the Beatrix Potter figurines, and I’m inspired now to start looking for some on my own! Ahhh . . . . a new collection is about to be born (if I’m lucky!)!
    Thank you for all you do for me and all the Girlfriends out there!
    P.S. – I think my girls have taken the “hint” and will be giving me a copy of your Martha’s Vineyard book, to complete my trilogy collection! Hooray!!!

  28. Dear Susan,

    My hubby and I have just spent the most wonderful month in England and Scotland. A journey of a lifetime. Now we know from experience our own “fine romance” with this wonderful spot on God’s green earth. I was drinking peah cida and thinking of you and even heard the weatherman talk about sharp showers, though we had glorious weather the whole way.

    So enjoyed staying tuned to your own tour through the US and loved all the photos you shared of your wonderful experiences. Thank you so much for telling us about your dad’s passing. We felt a great stab of the heart and send our own belated sympathies on your loss. I could totally relate to your not being able to share your sad news until some time had passed. (((xox)))

    And now you look forward to so many new ventures. I would love to be included in your giveaway in celebration of beloved Beatrix Potter. We saw many spots anticipating the big day as we wound our way through England.

    Sending many heart wishes for a wonderful week ahead.

    With love,
    Bren 💐🌸💐

  29. Carole Mingus says:

    Oh my, you just brought back such memories. The year when I was 4, I had the 3 day measles, the ‘hard’ measles, and chicken pox! My wonderful young mother would sit next to me on my counterpane bed quilt and read Peter Rabbit until I could recite it myself. Thank you Beatrix and thank you for sharing! I’m sure that your wonderful father also read to you, as most likely did your Mom. Remember as you sit down to read to the children of your special family, that your father is sitting right next to you, too.

  30. Lisa Underwood says:

    Thank you for your work that uplifts the spirit!

  31. Katherine in Lemon Grove (San Diego) says:

    I’m still here on this beautiful ride with you and the Girlfriends. So glad we get to stow away with you on your next trip! Sweet homecomings are one of the best parts of travel.
    To return to the place you long to nest into up to your chin. The familiar sounds & smells of home. When you get home you simply must bake to let the house know “I’m back!” It’s a rite, a way to settle in and claim your space again. Feel your connection and balance return like the old friend it is. This is my wish for you💕

  32. Kelli D says:

    I love Beatrix Potter stories!! I read them to my 1st grade students every spring. I am glad you were able to be with your family! Family time is a treasure especially when there are miles between. Sorry to hear about the passing of your dad. I enjoyed following your travels. It appeared to be a wonderful trip!! ❤️Kelli

  33. Susie says:

    It always makes me so happy to see your blog in my inbox. Welcome home! My favorite part of every trip is coming HOME. Have a wonderful island summer in your own lovely spot on earth.

    With love,

  34. Ruthanne says:

    Beatrix Potter was a remarkable soul….. I just love her!

  35. Would love the book. And Jemima. Have just the spot for both.

  36. Wende says:

    Hi Sue – thanks for sharing such great family reunion photos… I’m sure you could feel your Dad’s spirit among you all. Enjoy the rest of summer in your lovely home, rejuvenate, relax, grow flowers, cook and bake, lay in the grass, hug your kitties and just bask in the warmth and pleasure of “home”. Thinking of you n’ yours… xo

  37. Another Susan says:

    We visited Hilltop Farm three weeks ago and what a delight it was! We also had tea and cake next to Castle Cottage. I can see now why Beatrix Potter devoted herself to land preservation in the Lake District. Thanks for using your platform to draw attention to this beautiful spot on the globe!

  38. Joanie says:

    Dear Susan, What a wonderful blog post with your lovely family pictures and stories! It seemed like a wonderful time for all. Also loved hearing more about Beatrix Potter. I have always been a fan and would love to win the book and figurine! I have many of her books and several figurines and she would be a nice addition. Joanie from Portland

  39. J Bove says:

    It just feels right, everything is in place, and the world is turning in the right direction when we are back home. Sure that the kitties thought that was one long trip to the grocery store! For us, getting our “Branch” fix back on schedule feels right too:-) Miss Potter would agree, one hundred and fifty years later, the heart of the home is still the best place to be.

  40. Cindy D. from Charleston, SC says:

    Rabbit! Rabbit! Happy August!
    It was so wonderful to meet you in Woodstock, Georgia. We have been traveling and spending time with family this summer as well. It is always so much fun but wonderful to get back home. Please accept my deepest sympathy on the passing of your dad.

  41. Sharon Elaine says:

    Enjoyed meeting you in Hudson, OH and glad you and Joe are safely home. Home again. Home. My favorite quote from Northern Farm and Henry was only gone for a month. You had such a special bond with your dad and always will. Thank you for sharing your most intimate life experiences with us. That’s what girlfriends do.

  42. Barb from Cape Ann says:

    Dear Susan: Lovely to catch up on your trip and read about Beatrix’s birthday party. I haven’t checked in for a while, when you were away. So sorry to hear about your dad — sounds like he was a very special man and dad. What a blessing that is to you and your siblings. I am impressed that you are including your little Jemima Puddleduck with the prize and offering her up for one of us to enjoy as you have enjoyed her. She will be a treasure!! God bless!

  43. Judy says:

    Loved” A FINE Romance”….once I started, I could not put it down till I finished it. EXQUISITELY BEAUTIFUL!!! THANK YOU SUSAN!!!

  44. Love anything Susan Branch.
    She cheers me up when I see something from her.

  45. Jennie Ambrosio says:

    Susan, you are a gem! You have made me fall in love with Beatrix Potter all over again. And that is truly a gift. I would love the book and Jemima. My Beatrix Potter people collection is at a stand still for want of funds. I have started with Benjamin Bunny, and am always on the lookout 🙂 I too love the colors and I love the jaunty way he wears Mr Macgregor’s hat! Also, thank you for hooking me up with Emma Bridgewater. I recently bought her Robin mug and it is the perfect mug. The size and shape are just right and I love the artwork. And, it was lovingly made in England, so extra points there. Thanks for sharing your travels and your lovely blog.

  46. My husband and I stumbled upon Hilltop in 1998 while driving on a winding road in the Lake District. Cows decided they had the right of way and we didn’t hesitate to turn the car off and watch the crossing. They were so lazy and sweet and set the mood for the rest of the day. After the last one crossed the roadway we started the engine and slowly began winding our way along, when I saw a little sign posted that Hilltop was ahead. “Hey, I think that is the home of Beatrix Potter?” “Let’s go investigate.” My husband loves to investigate just like me. Having read her lovely stories to my daughters years before, I was a little familiar with the author. We got right in and began touring her home. The moment I crossed the threshold I had an overwhelming feeling that this was a special place. I loved examining the furnishings and nic nacs. It was wonderfully cozy. I too hope to return some day to this beautiful part of the world now that I am more familiar with Beatrix. It is truly a gift and legacy she has left us to enjoy. Thank you Beatrix and Happy Birthday! D.

  47. Janice Allen says:

    Hi, Susan:
    It was wonderful meeting you on your book tour in Austin, Texas! I’m sorry it was SO blazing hot during your visit – Texas is not the best place in the summer. I’m not much of a baker but you’ve inspired me to attempt your cranberry tea cake. It sounds like a treat that would definitely be worth the calories! I have admired Beatrix Potter since the late 70s and will bake the cake in her honor!

  48. Willemien says:

    Dear Susan,
    We’re home again too, from a little vacation, kids were staying at grandma’s and me and my husband( yes just the 2 of us,smile!) stayed at a very cosy b and b,very romantic in a bedstee/old fashioned bed in an old little farmhouse in Staphorst ( very nice staphorster stipwerk/ artwork ) and we saw a few lady’s in the local tradional wear of Staphorst, I can’t believe that it’s very comfortable, it looks very warm. I bought some fabrics in a local store, to make a pillow from.
    Lots of love from Holland
    Willemien (and a little hug from our youngest babyboy, who’s beginning to stand, and has his first tooth).

  49. Teresa G., Lafayette, CA. says:

    I’ve been away and internet was iffy so I’ve been catching up like mad! Happy Birthday, dear Beatrix! I thought of her while away, but now I’m home and joining the party, better late than never. I kind of got chills when it hit me more than ever while reading this post, that you are in the same category as Beatrix! Your art, your stories, your joie de vivre, is so reminiscent of her and the legacy she leaves for all that adore her and new adoring fans join in the awe every day – like you! That’s amazing. Go pinch yourself!! The only thing to do with a dizzying moment like this is to go bake the cranberry nut bread. Tea cakes always set a girl straight again. Love you, Susan! XXO

  50. Judy from So.Cal says:

    What a beautiful lake in Colorado,,looks so green and peaceful to these dry Calif eyes,,,and how beautiful is Jemima Puddleduck,,how can you part with her,,

    she would sit onto of some of Peter Rabbit stories I’ve kept since the children have grown up,,,Judy

  51. Dear Susan,
    Thanks for the lovely tribute to Beatrix Potter, she changed our world in such positive ways. You have encouraged me many times through your postings; some which break my heart and some which set my heart soaring.

    Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us!
    May you feel God’s presence today and be uplifted by His love.

    Marjorie in PA

  52. Joy Breedlove says:

    Welcome home, Susan! It looks as if you had a lovely time with your precious family, but I’m sure it is good to be home. I’ve enjoyed reading about Beatrix Potter’s 150th birthday celebrations, I’ve long been a fan but am finding out more about her all the time. And I’d certainly love to win the book and Mrs. Puddleduck, so please Vanna, draw my name!

  53. SallyD says:

    Put me in with the other 1700 friends for the book drawing! Someday perhaps I’ll be able to REALLY walk where Beatrix walked! What a dream! Meanwhile, we have her books – and YOURS! (LOVE your posts!)

  54. Nan Helton says:

    I love Beatrix Potter and her lovely stories and remarkable characters! I would so like living in a world like hers.

  55. Jayne Parsons says:

    Hi Susan
    Words cannot express the loss of your father. I am so sorry. What a wonderful was to memorialize him with the camping trip. Be so thankful you had so many years together. My father died when I was a child. What a blessing you had to know your father as an adult. Jayne

  56. Cindy Bellamy says:

    Peter Rabbit was the first stuffed animal that I bought when I was pregnant. I wanted my little person to know him and the others that Beatrix Potter wrote about. I love all things related to B.P.
    Thank you for the give-a-way.

  57. Tammy B. says:

    I so enjoy your blog. And your giveaways are such a nice little perk. ~Tammy B.

  58. Chris Graham says:

    Dear Susan,
    Welcome home! I was sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad. It’s wonderful that you have such a large family to be able to support each other and share wonderful memories. It is amazing how much one life can effect so many. I pray that you will find comfort and peace. Know that he is always right there with you.
    I hope that you enjoy the rest of this summer. I would love to be apart of your next drawing. Thanks for always being there for everyone, I so appreciate you.

  59. Linda Gammon says:

    Would love the book. Looked like a wonderful family vacation/reunion.

  60. Susan Norbut says:

    Isn’t it wonderful that her books and stories have kept her a living entity.

  61. Carolyn Winslow says:

    I love your illustrations! We missed the Lake Country when we visited Scotland and England. I would love to go there, especially to see where Beatrix Potter lived and worked. We went to visit good friends who lived in Lexington, Virginia. Their friend and co-worker moved to that part of VA from England. He said that when his friends in England asked where he lived in the USA, he told them “The Lake District.” So, when you and Joe start hankering for the Lake Country in the UK, consider coming south to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and drive all the way down through NC on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It’s LOVELY country and a feast for the eyes year round, but especially pretty from early spring until the leaves fall. (blueridgeparkway.org check for sections closed in winter).

    • sbranch says:

      We drove part of the Blue Ridge Parkway on our way home from our book tour. It was our second time, and it is JUST as lovely as you say it is.

  62. Carol says:

    Your family get-together looks so lovely. I do believe your family knows how to do one in the best way possible: full of silliness and fun, rustic, peaceful (except when you are singing loudly), and within beautiful nature. OK – here’s my comment for the drawing. I hope I’m not too late.

  63. Jamie Hopkins says:

    Oh my! I can’t believe your parting with your figurine. I know just how you feel when you talk about her I feel like I know her. You are an amazing writer. When I read your posts I feel like I’m right beside you. it also makes me want to go home and bake and nestle in my house. Thanks for all you do.

  64. So, so happy that you and your love,Joe, are home safely. I thought of you and your family as you celebrated the wonderful life of your darling dad. Just seeing all your kinfolk and their children filled you with happiness and you could give special thanks for your dad. He will rest in greater peace now after seeing all the joy you all had . Wish I had known more about Beatrix Potter when we visited her town. I will learn more from your books and the one you recommended. Thank you for all the beautiful blogs. I really love them.

  65. Catherine B. says:

    Susan, I’ve been reading your blog and your books for a few weeks now. What a breath of fresh air! You are an inspiration to me as to the kind of homemaker I’ve always pictured myself. Thank you for giving me the motivation I need. When we bought our house two years ago, the previous owner had left a basket of heart shaped rocks on the front porch. And that is where they’ve been until a week ago. I brought them in, cleaned them up and they are now on display on two of my windowsills. Thank you again for all the inspiration you have given me and others.

  66. Suzanne Maven says:

    Dear Susan,
    I’m so happy to know you and Joe are home safe and sound after your many weeks away from your beloved, wonderful and lovely home…with your precious kitties, too….your “heartbeats at yor feet” 🐱 I’m so sorry for your loss of your wonderful Dad…he sounded like such a great man. I saw you at Bookpeople in Austin..I was so happy to finally meet you after so many years of being a huge fan and follower. Thank you for just being the amazing, beautiful inside and out, incredibly talented and GOOD woman you are.
    Take care and enjoy being back home in your “nest”.
    Much love, Suzanne Maven

  67. Suzette Shoulders says:

    I am so glad you have healing times with your extended family! I did think of Beatrix Potter on the 150th anniversary of her birth, as I drove from Portland to Bend in 95 degree heat, with my side A/C not working! Wished I were IN the Lake District!! I would take Jemima Puddleduck for a walk in the wet, and enjoy it, after that hot day. Happy rest of summer to you, and hugs, Suzette

  68. Linda Hickman says:

    The Beatrix Potter “world” is a lovely one, indeed! It does make one feel like a little girl again. My five year old grand daughter enjoys being read to, especially when it is a Beatrix Potter book 🐿🐇

  69. Connie Martin says:

    Hi Susan,
    So sorry about your Dad. You have lots of wonderful memories and blog notes from him. Such a great give-away. I love Jemima Puddleduck. The Tea Cake looks yummy. Can’t wait to make it. I would love to walk in Potter country someday. Have a fun train trip home. The kitties are waiting for you.

    Connie Martin

  70. Joan Piercy says:

    Thank you, Susan, for all the information about Beatrix Potter that you share with us. She was such an interesting person. I have enjoyed every tidbit you have shared. I have had her “little” books for years and try to add to my collection of her figurines every chance I get.

  71. Lauri in Virginia says:

    I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to travel to England, but it’s almost as good living vicariously through you! I can’t wait to hear about your next adventure!

  72. Troy Louise says:

    So glad you had such a wonderful time with your family. Sounds like a beautiful place to gather. I can hardly wait to receive my copy of The Heart of the Home. (Just ordered it!). Some day I’m determined to get over to England and visit Miss Potter’s home and beautiful countryside. Until then, I have your blog and books to keep me dreaming. Big Hugs!

  73. Brenda Stokes says:

    Your books are magical and life changing! To see the world through your eyes is a delight.

  74. Wanda Susanne says:

    What can I say? I love your blog and books and all the sweet little Beatrix Potter figures. Thank you for considering me for the give away. How sweet!
    I look forward to each new post. You help make my life better!
    Thank you and bless you every day! Wanda.

  75. Tamara Thompson says:

    Glad to finally know you are finally home safe and sound, and that you could enjoy your family reunion in such a beautiful place. Sadly ( and only my family who had to hear it know how sad,…) I wasn’t able to venture to a book signing this year, but know several independent bookstores in our small town that would have loved to have you… So am hoping that someday, you will make it up to our State (Wahington) which is also very beautiful, and over the coastal mountains to Yakima , an orchard town full of all kinds of summer fruit and apples. We also have 4 distinct seasons too! I have decided to make your cranberry pear pecan tea cake to celebrate Beatrix setting my figures all around it so they can sing happy birthday to Beatrix too, albeit a few days late..Fortunately I received my signed 30 th anniversary edition cookbook right in the nick of time!
    Thank you for spreading joy even when you didn’t feel up to it. It meant a lot to all of us on the virtual journey with you.
    Rest up, there are more adventures to come!
    Fondly and with heartfelt wishes from the Pacific Northwest!

  76. kp says:

    Dreaming of a lovely trip to England one day, it’s on the bucket list!

  77. Cam O'Brien says:

    I enjoyed your latest blog and all the celebrations for Beatrix Potter. I’ve been to the Lake District but never got to her house. Maybe some day…
    I love your artwork and recipes and have used several this summer. Your cookbooks are my favorite.

  78. Loretta Evans says:

    I am so thankful that my friend Isabel started me on your blogs a few years ago. As I so enjoy reading them, learning a bit about your life, and looking at all the pretty things you have that can be ordered.
    Again, I am forwarding this Susan Branch Blog on to another friend that I think will enjoy you as much as I do.
    Thank you for the joy you give to so many many people.
    L Evans

  79. Janice says:

    Glad your home you’ve been on the go… It’s August and I can barely believe it. Here in San Francisco it hasn’t been much of a summer. Sure wish one day you would come here to visit for a book signing.. My dream to meet you in person. A girl can drwam can’t she… I love Beaxtrix Potter… Recent recieved cousin Ribby. So now I have two.. Need that mis jemima puddle duck… I have two in the garden and Peter’s poor ear is broken the top part I found them on my dads truck years ago everyone asked why I took them if they were broke just couldn’t see them going to the dump… Happy August, with love Janice

    • sbranch says:

      We were in Danville, but I’m afraid that’s as close as we could get this time. Maybe next time. I have broken BP People too, but they fit right in with lots of other things around here!

  80. Tina says:

    One of the nice things about travel is returning home to all its comforts. That cake looks irresistible!

  81. Daralyn says:

    Overwhelming the amount of comments I bet. Just sending love from California. It was a thrill to get to meet you and Joe. Thank you for coming our way 🙂 .
    So sorry for your loss. I lost my daddy in November, the numbness is beginning to wear off and I miss him so. We are so blessed to have had such wonderful men in our lives to call daddy.
    Take care of yourself, don’t let all of us overwhelm you when what you really need is simple moments.

    • sbranch says:

      A little bit overwhelming and a whole lot wonderful. And I so understand “numbness” — the very strangest feeling I’ve ever had, and from what I hear from our Girlfriends, parts of it will always stay ~ and I’m already glad about that. My best to you Daralyn.

  82. Sharrie says:

    What a sweet giveaway! I have a few Beatrix Potter figurines, but no Jemima…yet!😊

  83. LBailey says:

    Loved introducing my children to Beatrix Potter and her books many years ago. Hoping to one day visit the lovely Lake District in person (along with hubby of course). I am currently reading your book “A Fine Romance: Falling in love with the English Countryside” and loving every minute of it. This is my first Susan Branch book, but it certainly won’t be my last. Thank you for sharing your experience with the rest of us.

  84. MaryLynn Morris says:

    Dearest Susan, I just finished (for the third time), “A Fine Romance…” and I too, am an Anglophile, though I’ve only been to Scotland and South Africa, never to England, hopefully some day. By the way, you should design a line of “blinged-out” SeaBands. I suffer from motion sickness too, would love some of your black rhinstone numbers–inspired! Also, just watched “Miss Potter” again, for the umpteenth time, and loved every second, every scene. Isn’t Rene Zellwegger the most “perfect Potter”? She was fabulous! I love our eastern seaboard too. How can someone feel so connected to a place when they’ve only visited there?
    I met you at the book signing of, “Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams” at “The King’s English” bookstore in Salt Lake City—so fun to meet you and Joe (he signed my books too). And you were so sweet to sign a book for my twin sister, MaryLee, who lives in Paradise, CA, near Chico.
    I feel like I identify with you in so many ways, truly a “girlfriend” in the best ways Thanks for helping us remember what things are important—Beatrix, anything and everything vintage, and although I’m not a tea drinker, “tea time”. And most important of all—family. Please accept my sincere sympathy on the loss of your dear father. All of your readers can feel the sweet and tender love you have for your beautiful family.
    Again, thanks for sharing yourself, your family, your talents and gifts with all of us.
    Love you!💗

    • sbranch says:

      You got it . . . teatime is as much a frame of mind as it is a drink, maybe even more! A little celebration in the day. Thank you so much MaryLynn for your kind words, we so enjoyed ourselves at the King’s English! Gotta work on those seabands!

  85. Mary says:

    Dear Susan, Sending heartfelt sympathy to you as I just read of the loss of your dad. It is the hardest thing to lose your parent no matter what age you are. As a very good friend told me, it is like losing your protector. I lost my dad 9 years ago on August 9th. He was 87. We were away on a vacation and I can never forgive myself for not being there for many reasons. The pain still lingers. I pray you will find peace in knowing so many care about you and share in the sadness you are going through. Love and Prayers, Mary

    • sbranch says:

      That’s it for me too, my protector. He always had the answers, which I always needed. I do find peace, in his love, and in the hearts and kindness of my friends and family, in Joe and in all my Girlfriends who’ve been so supportive.

  86. Jennifer Aguirre says:

    Once again I am swept up in the gentle humor and beauty of your words. I just spent some time with a Beatrix fan, Joyce, who was among those 400 folks who attended the birthday party. I helped her make a cute Beatrix Potter hand puppet to honor Beatrix and her story. Joyce is also in the process of making a felt story apron of Hilltop Farm. Fun to be drawn into the birthday celebrations through Joyce and you and puppetry. Thank you!

  87. Gabriele says:

    I always feel comforted by your posts. It makes me happy that you are comforted by our responses. I acquired a “Beatrix Potter, A Journal” pop up book some years ago. My granddaughter just loves it.

  88. Maureen says:

    Dear Susan,
    So sorry for your loss, your Dad was a wonderful man and you were so blessed to have him.

  89. Mary Beth Fields says:

    We love your writing. Thank you for sharing with us!

  90. Happy birthday, Beatrix Potter – The Tailor of Gloucester is one of my all-time favorite books. Susan, you follow in her footsteps yet walk on your very own path, at the same time. Thinking of you as you settle in to the cat days of summer. Please go easy on yourself during this time of transition. xxoo…

  91. Stephen says:

    Last night, for no particular reason other than it was lying on the table, I picked up Martha’s Vineyard: Isle of Dreams. I found myself unable, or unwilling I should say, to put it down until finishing every word. I hadn’t realised how much I needed the tonic which poured forth from each page. It’s similar to being ravenous, but not knowing what you are hungry for. You order something with indifference and after finishing smile inwardly – pleased it was exactly what was craved and required. I am not one to articulate things terribly well, so I shall defer to music to do it for me, always so much better than anything I could say anyhow.
    Thank you very very very much…for sharing your story.



    • sbranch says:

      Well, THAT just put the biggest smile on my face! I had to go get Joe and show him too ~ he laughed too, very sweet of you . . . so thank you very much right back, Stephen, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

  92. Mary D. says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for sharing your positive outlook on life. It’s an inspiration.
    I have had a few Beatrix Potter figurines for many years and put them on the kitchen windowsill, on a bed of moss, at Easter. So pretty.

  93. Linda Tondola says:

    Not sure why it’s so, but reading your posts always makes me slow down, smile, relax. I come away feeling a bit nostalgic and centered again. Thanks Susan for all you do.

  94. Heather L. says:

    So exciting about Beatrix Potter’s birthday. I was at a conference with no opportunity for fancy celebrations (like I usually LOVE) so had to content myself with my own cup of tea in my dorm room with some blackberry and sage chocolate and a look-through of the latest British Country Living, and of course going on Instagram to see how all my friends were celebrating. 🙂 Finished my second read through of a Fine Romance last month so everything is fresh in my mind. Hoping to return to the Lake District with a dear friend sometime in the next two years to celebrate my 40th 🙂 and experience again the magic. When I was there with my husband and children three years ago we used that walking book and took one of the most scenic and memorable hikes of our family life.

  95. Deborah T says:

    Dear Susan, My deepest condolences in the loss of your dad. I can only guess at how deep a wound in your heart your are dealing with and yet still offer us a give away. I am glad for you that you have such fond memories with him, and that you were blessed a lengthy time with him also.

    I have had a long time love affair with all things Beatrix Potter, ever since my chubby little paws grabbed a tiny book at our local library. She is everywhere I look, bookmarks, figurines, tiny books, and of course, the movie. I just love all things Beatrix, she was a rebel before her time, (but in a nice way). Your cranberry tea cake looks just wonderful, and I have to justify baking it as cranberries are so good for health!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you so much Deborah. I had so many wonderful years with my dad, just plain lucky!!! xoxo

  96. Ginny Gaines says:

    I just finished reading Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams, and I’m totally charmed by the entire book. Your drawings are wonderful, as the photos, and of course the writing. I want to go and see your little house! What a fun place to live and gather oneself together!
    How blessed that you’ve had your Dad all these wonderful years! Sounds like a grand person, and good Dad. I lost my Dad at 35. And that’s been a long time back. There will always be days that you just really wish they could pull up a chair and talk with you. Thanks for sharing your family with all your readers!

  97. Genie in NC says:

    Susan, you really breathe life into your Beatrix Potter collection. Not many of us can remember the feelings we shared with our childhood dolls, stuffed animals and figurines. I remember (I am 68 now) going into Woolworth’s as a child with my mother and grandmother, and looking at the knickknacks (Grandma loved looking at knickknacks and purses at Woolworth’s). There was a very small dog figurine that I fell in love with. It was a little boxer. When no one was looking, I put the little dog in the very back of the figurine display — hoping that no one else would buy it. Then Grandma, mom and I went to the soda fountain counter and enjoyed a hot fudge sundae. When we finished, I asked mom if she would come and look at something. I led her over to the figurines and pulled the little dog out from the back of the display and showed it to her. I guess she read my expression, because she asked if I would like to take the little dog home with us. I was so excited!
    I still have that small dog figurine on the bookshelf in my craft room. Both Grandma and mom have passed on. And, as years have passed, other family members and close friends have gone on also. But in my house, the treasures of childhood continue to live on.

  98. Mari Elizabeth Webb says:

    Your family reunion looked like a ton of family fun. What great memories. Some of my favorite family memories are of camping trips…the sound of the campfire crackling, ghost stories, cooking over a fire….wonderful memories for sure.

    I can’t wait to try the Cranberry tea cake. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  99. Sheri Bodi says:

    You are always so generous with your giveaways! I love your blog-it is always a bright spot in my day when I see your latest blog in my email. Such wonderful family memories you hav with your reunions:)

  100. Teri V says:

    As a huge collector of frogs, (and toads) I think I’ll be on the lookout for a Mr. Jeremy Fisher. Not sure why he has not been on my radar before. I noticed yours in your little group of people and he’s so cute! Jemima is a cutie, too!Thanks for introducing me to stuff that’s been around, but not around me.

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