Hello Everyone, yes, we’re still in England, but not for much longer! On our way home soon. 🏡 But ever since our election, I’ve had a hard time sleeping, I can’t turn off my brain, I wake up thinking about it, and go to sleep worrying about it. Finally I turn to the cure, I’m going to work it over in my mind by writing about it. It’s not that I have any secrets from you. I usually see my blog as a happy place, even as an escape from the negativity these days, where kindred spirits gather to talk about the little things that make life wonderful, things we all have in common. And, until recently, I always thoughtrealityimg_0381And I have done it, risen above reality, quite easily throughout most of my life. When bad things happen, I go to the garden and pick a few flowers, make a cup of tea, get under my nap blanket with an old movie, and I feel better.  I put away the disappointment I feel for the direction of the world and go knit my 89th scarf instead. I invite friends to dinner, light candles, pour wine, play beautiful MUSICA that fits my mood and forget. Even during 9-11, the worst, most intrusive example of man’s inhumanity to man, followed Shirley Templeby all the other ones since, I could turn on Shirley Temple or Fred Astaire and slowly but surely, be healed. Maybe this made me a shallow person, but I didn’t see it that way. I saw it as a “take charge” of my life gesture, and it has always worked (except once, Sandy Hook 😥). But what has just happened to our country, I fear, is a 9-11 in very slow motion…no Shirley Temple movie is going to help. Where this election will take us, as a people, is still to be seen. And I have to talk about it. Please try to read this, because it comes from my heart. It’s not so much about the election, but more about us, and this angry world we live in.


flower borderSee this photo, this room full of anything-but-angry Girlfriends? This and the photos below are the wonderful faces of some of the people that Joe and I had the privilege of meeting while crossing the country in the Fine Romance img_1810Van this last spring. I have no idea what political party they affiliate with, and I honestly don’t care. Because that’s only one small part of who a person is, and these people were so giving, kind, and filled with light . . .  and we have so much in common! I would much rather concentrate on that . . . I could write a book about our commonalities! Oh yes, I forgot, I have! I’ve always known it from the wonderful letters I’ve received over the years, my whole life is based img_0082on it. We love our families and our best friends, we love nurturing them. We love to decorate our houses, make curtains and pillows, pick wildflowers for vases, because we all agree, home is where the heart is. We fold clothes, warm from the dryer, on the kitchen table (sometimes we wrap our kids or husbands up in them), we call each other to catch up, bake cookies and birthday cakes, feed our beloved pets, make Thanksgiving dinner, welcome family home with open arms, work hard, get the kids to school, put their drawings on the fridge, give to charity, mourn our lost loves, count our many blessings and are so grateful we have this amazing opportunity and gift to be able to do these little things that make life so very sweet.💞 We know how quickly everything can change and we are grateful for a normal day.elusive poppy

These days though, another thing we have in common, we worry. Mostly for our children and grandchildren in this changing world ~ we want them to hold on to the look in this little girl’s eyes for as long as possible, to grow up free as the wind, quirkso tenderly careful never to touch butterfly wings, never experiencing war, sure that all things in our world are right and good. We want them to read books, embrace honesty, integrity, and ethics, have the very best education possible so the stars are the limit, honor family traditions, lay under trees, watch the leaves fall, dream, and baby boyfeel perfectly free to reach for the moon and make this world a better place because I’ve never met a child who didn’t wish to do that. Every one of us wants our families to receive the best health care, and none of us want to see our parents grow old, destitute and alone. I don’t care which political party we’re from. Or even which country. Right? Isn’t that who we are as human beings, all of us? It’s what I believe.

elusive poppySome of us are Catholic, some of us are Methodist, Jewish, or Muslim, and some of us have no religion at all, but that’s okay, because we respect freedom of religion as our forefathers, those we honor on Veterans Day, have fought so hard to preserve. We aren’t afraid of people that are different from us. We know their children will be bullied in school if we adults do not stand up for the rights of their parents. No child should ever be bullied because of some crazy adult thing.  And common sense tells us, you can’t hold a person down without staying down there with him. And it’s our intention to rise and rise together. Right? One world, one people? Our grandmothers taught us that we’re going to disagree with people, but to be respectful, don’t throw our trash in other people’s yards, and remember that religion and politics are taboo subjects in mixed company and good manners means that sometimes we just keep our mouths shut.


If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut.  💛Albert Einstein

superman-truth-justice-american-wayWe might be Republicans or Democrats, but until the last few years, we’ve always believed we were on the same American team, trying to make a better country. We agree that we’d like to use our tax money to have safe bridges, clean water, good schools. Despite what we are told by a divisive media, we do want the same things, Yes we do, and are mostly just exactly alike. And that is true for peace-loving, garden-planting, women and men of all backgrounds, in all countries. Imagine waking up each morning not knowing if your child will make it home from school img_0679alive. Not knowing if men with machine guns will pop in the door of your little house with the one flower in the vase. Really imagine it, because it’s like that for some women in the world, women just exactly like the ones in these photos, people like us, who never stop dreaming of a better world. We are so lucky to live the way we do. To knit Christmas presents, make soup, take the kids to a movie. To go to tea parties wearing a new hat. All the joyful little things that make life so wonderful.

But our peace is under threat. We are being torn apart from within. I can tell you for 100% sure, no one in any of these photos hates America, whether she’s from Iowa, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, Oklahoma, New York, or Wisconsin or all of the lovely places in-between. You know it, and I know it. Believing they do hurts our country. The people who tell us one part of the country is BETTER or WORSE than another, is a traitor to his country. His purpose is to rip us apart when he does that.  It’s cruel and wrong, it has not a single American value in it, and if I was queen I would put these people in rehab (on a desert island). They do it for money. Look closely at those faces, we all love our country. We are good people, all of us. Anyone who tells you different is lying. That’s the first thing I wanted to clear up.

“Reporting is expensive, and making stuff up costs nothing.” 😜 BBC


But something has clearly changed when we elect a President of the United States who girlartadmits grabbing women by their private parts. I don’t care about one political thing, but that statement was a knife in my heart. That was the moment I said to myself, “Done.” Because it tells our young men that we condone this, it tells our daughters they are nothing. There is not one honorable thing in it, it is against everything I want the world to be. I would be very surprised if we didn’t all agree on this too no matter who we voted for. When I think of women in other countries who are buried in the dirt up to their necks and stoned to death for not following the local rules, and remember how hard we’ve fought for respect in this country, my heart bleeds and I cry very sad tears.


So what changed and when? Our country didn’t always suffer from so much divisiveness. Our media didn’t always take us to the lowest common denominator. I know, because I’ve been around a long time. When I was in high school, whether you were a Republican or a Democrat did not matter a bit. Most of us didn’t even know what we were. When did half of us become “the other” and the other half become “reviled?” How did this knife get driven into the heart of our country, dividing us like we are today? How did we all get so hurt, because both sides are very hurt by this. And, with all this glorifying of negativity, this shamelessness, how do we raise our children? How do we teach them? How do we take care of the sick and dying? How do we live and work together in peace?music-of-my-natureHow’d it happen?  I think I know because I watched it unfold. Age is very good for this type of thing. It began for real in 1988. . . when radio and TV talk shows (on stations owned by huge political corporations) starting using fear, img_7912telling people that half of us were trying to undermine America by doing things like getting rid of Christmas (which is the MOST ridiculous thing I ever heard, no one ever wanted to do that, breaks my heart to think anyone would believe it), that our leaders, our media, were “not to be trusted” — that only THEY could be trusted. And guess what, fear worked! And radio talk proliferated, and moved to television. This kind of media, with their 24/7 brainwashing, was allowed because of a change in the law called the Fairness Doctrine in 1987.  Turns out the people doing the talking were cheating on their wives, having affairs in bathroom stalls in airports, were addicted to img_7456drugs, yet the very things they would blame on “others.” They told us Obama wasn’t born in this country. They said he is a muslim (as a fear tactic). These days they are starting to call this Fake News. They’ve lied to us a thousand times, and yet, for some reason (due to a myriad of personal experiences) many of us believe them, and, slowly, over the years, we have allowed them to tear us in two. Because there wasn’t anything we could say. We couldn’t stop them, they gained strength and filled the airwaves with this stuff. Now it’s all over social media. Families are being torn apart, friendships are ending, violence is occurring. It’s not getting better, and no one knows what to think. Or, we think we do.todayifyourenotthinkingquoteI used to imagine it didn’t matter who became president, because if I turned off the news, I couldn’t see how it made an actual difference to my life. Sun still came up, trash was picked up in same big trucks, street lights still worked. Then two things occurred. First, jammiesgood paying jobs began going to other countries where people could work for a lot less. Our little towns were robbed of our small businesses, some look like ghost towns now, because they could not compete with large corporations such as Walmart who bought everything cheaply-made from foreign countries. (And, to be fair, we forgot to notice that we supported them by flocking to their stores.) In my art licensing business, in the years just after 2000, so many manufacturers closed, I was no longer able to license my products, the jammies, or the washing dishesdishes, the way I used to…there was no one to make them anymore.  All the money that used to go into the hands of small bookstores, publishers, editors, printers, authors, PR people, and agents, and most importantly, their families (who spent that money supporting other small businesses), now goes into the hands of just one person, Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon. Yes, a billionaire is born every minute, to the exclusion of the rest of us. Everyone was affected by this mass abandonment by our government and big business who had gotten their successes on our backs. Our middle class was having the rug pulled out from under it. It was going away. ALL of us felt it! Then they had the nerve (and greed) to invent Black Friday and open stores on Thanksgiving  (no, young ones, Black Friday is NOT an “American Tradition” despite that they tell us it is).  There was a time when corporations felt  a duty toward the country and the people that supported them. But no more. We’re losing our American way of life. We’re all in the same boat, together, the people on the coasts, the mid-west, the south, the coal miners, the manufacturing towns. And we put up with it. But we are mad. And media and the powers that be used our anger to divide us even further. It’s not US, it’s THEM.cullen fix this, it's biggerThen in 2008, the banks walked away with all our money, they foreclosed on us and our neighbors who had done nothing more but applied for and were granted a loan from a bank, and walked away with retirements and pensions. Zip, too bad, gone. They were bailed out with OUR TAX MONEY (but not any for the foreclosed-upon), and the powers that be did absolutely NOTHING about it, news media did nothing, talk news ignored it. I have never img_8839been so upset with government in my life. Someone should have gone to jail. Someone should still go to jail. None of my friends got through it unscathed. It’s become much harder for everyone to make ends meet. It’s not just you. It’s not just your imagination. We are all worried sick about what will happen to us when we get too old to work, or if we get really sick. Most of us, including me, now work for nothing most of the time, and img_8243steal money from the retirement funds we’ve managed to put by, to make ends meet, still trying our best, adapting, the only way we know how. New graduates from colleges and universities are hurting, young people saddled with massive debt that the government gets interest on (btw, university in France and other countries is free, we could most definitely have that too, if it wasn’t for the large faction of our legislators that are trying to convince us now that we don’t need a Department of Education in this country) and these kid’s lives have a hopelessness to them that we never felt. These are our children, and words such as “Liberal” or “Conservative,” used as poison darts have NOTHING to do with it. Some things should not be politicized. They have undermined our beautiful American middle class.  There is plenty of money in this country, it’s OUR money, and our government officials, corporations and media are using it to enrich themselves, through changes in laws, tax codes, and sadly, war. It’s our money, it should be used to make America better.fairieslookdathimI hope I haven’t lost any of you. I want more than anything to figure a way to bring us together. I speak right out of a broken heart. There is common ground in every single subject and we are so sensible, and so like minded, kindred spirits can always, always find a way. 💙 But not unless we can see the truth that we are being used, divided, and conquered. girlfriendsWho’s in charge, who are the powers that be, who are the ruling class in this country? It’s not just the President, or congress, it’s the guys behind the scene, it’s the CEO of Walmart img_0931and every large corporation in America, the heads of CNN, CBS, FOX, oil companies and insurance companies, drug companies, chemical companies, bankers, and all their lobbyists that work behind the scenes making sure the laws are written to make them richer and happier. It’s the media and talk radio that have realized that they become richer and more powerful by separating us. And they are willing to say img_1258anything to do it. They tell us they are the “true news,” the only believable ones, and they use fear, the cruelest of all, that Isis (or whatever the fear is because they make up tons of them) is coming into YOUR town to GET YOU, and that they are the only ones that can save us. They tell us that people (the other, who just might be your family member or your next door neighbor) who disagree with them are Godless, or hicks, or racist, violent, or anything they want and tell stories to back it up. Problem is, it’s legal to say img_0115anything in this country. You can go in, make a fake newspaper, put a fake article in it, put it on your website, all fake and newspapery-like and say it’s true. And it’s really hard to tell the difference between fake and real these days. And some websites are so inflammatory, using despicable language, frightening everyone into fearful action, when what is needed is slow, thoughtful contemplation based on truth and fact. We don’t trust anything anymore. Friends and families are being torn apart by these lies, and our country is being torn asunder from within. Our beautiful country. I know this is strong, but I don’t care, I call this treason.

img_1003Imagine a town meeting: I’m sure many of you have attended them, so you recognize the process: the town identifies a need, a water system or stop sign at the corner of Park and Main, something. So they hash it over in the most boring way possible, what’s the best way to get what they need, how do they find the money for it, etc…and then, the town votes, and they SOLVE the problem between them, and the water system gets updated, the stop sign gets put in, and the town is better.👏chinese girlfriendYour national government should work exactly the same. But if half the people refuse to deal with the other half, nothing gets done, your air turns dirty, your water becomes poisoned, your health care is taken away, your education system gets dismantled, your bridges fall down, regulation goes away so big business doesn’t have to tell you what additives they put in your food or how much lead is in your water. And who benefits from all that? Because definitely someone does, and it isn’t us.youhavetobelievewearemagic

img_1784We have to work together. Because there is a way to bring America back together, but not with all this name calling and fake news. And saying it’s okay because the other guy did it first, doesn’t help. The buck must stop with each of us. Turn off the radio. OneWorldJust say no. Don’t believe everything you hear. If there is an issue, follow it through to see who is benefiting from the divisions it causes. A very good place for that is C-Span, it’s a little boring because it sticks to facts, but it lets you see all sides of issues and decide for yourself. It doesn’t lie. Your presence in your government doesn’t end with your vote for president. Watch your congress. Watch them like hawks. Don’t let anyone TELL you what they do, see it for yourself. Many of them (not all!!!) are selling us out. Doing NOTHING for the people, giving all our tax dollars to the lobbyists for the large corps. We are alike, we are Americans, we sink or swim together, and what we provide for our fellow citizens through laws we all work to make together, in jobs, healthcare, affordable housing, clean water, the best education, internet and hospitals for small towns not only brings up our country, it brings up our children, and it brings up the world.hope for the worldWe are being kept apart by an evil force that we need to join together to fight. Please, poppybelieve in each other, please don’t believe in these voices using us for, when it comes right down to it, money. They take our tax money and give it to each other, while we are fighting about stupid things, they manage not to spend it on the things we want, those schools, those roads, a VA that works for our lost and suffering veterans . . . they ignore us completely, pay lip service, and all the money, OUR money, goes to wars that we don’t want or ask for, to make up for the taxes that corporations don’t pay. And at this point in time the poppyruling class, media, government and corporations are in cahoots against we the people.

Not to throw out the baby with the bath water, because there are several wonderful politicians/people who are in it for all the right reasons. Of course these good ones are first to be demonized by the media. A politician that they can’t control is a bad one as far as they are concerned and has to go. If one of them chooses to vote for gun control, the NRA does everything in its considerable power to unseat that person no matter what his or her other achievements img_0906have been. The NRA, therefore, runs our country, not us. (And don’t go crazy here, nobody and I mean nobody, wants to take away everyone’s guns, that’s another lie, but who needs machine guns in the hands of crazy people or children? Lovely to be in England where people don’t have guns, and go to the movies, and be perfectly sure that no one will begin to mow everyone down.) And yes, politicians with that kind of bravery, who put their jobs on the line for doing the right thing, are few and far between. We should find the good ones, check backgrounds, find out what they’ve stood for, and bring them forward. It’s not what they SAY, it’s what they DO. But if our elected officials divide us, refuse to work on behalf of the country we love, we should vote them out of office.


Americans are WONDERFUL friendly, hard working, generous, creative people. Don’t believe ANYONE who tells you differently. Our country does not have to be made great again, it is already the greatest country on earth. This bit about some of our United States being filled with “hicks” and some filled with “elites” makes me sick, they are doing this to separate us and we are letting them.sensible-womanWe have to outsmart them. If the media outlet you’re listening to tells you your neighbor thinks you are stupid, laugh in their face and say, “You must think I’m stupid if you think I believe that malarky.” Martha's Vineyard Isle of Dreams If they tell you, “They don’t think like you,” “or those people are baby killers,” or “Christianity is under attack,” be aware that these are total and complete lies, they make it all up because our laws say they can and no one can stop them. If they blame Mexicans, Jews, African Americans, Iranians, Muslims, whoever, it’s because they want to separate us. Remember, Timothy McVeigh who blew up the Murrah building in Oklahoma City was a white Christian American. Terrorists come in all colors and from all countries. You and your neighbor are in the exact same boat, and the powers that be want to OWN the boat and will SINK it if they have to. Government has limits. It’s not supposed to be in charge of religion (they honestly don’t care about it, they use it to divide), it’s supposed to be in charge of roads.

img_1490Trump was appealing because he sounds like change, and at least he spoke to our total national frustration with the ruling class that shipped our jobs off-shore (even though he manufactures all his products in China), and let the banks walk away with our national treasure, foreclosing on people (hardworking citizens of this country) to whom they had approved loans because they thought they could get away with it (then blaming it on them), and the truth is WE ALL FEEL THAT WAY, no matter WHO we voted for. We all feel the need for change. But, unfortunately, electing this divisive man, a billionaire who told us that if he lost, the election would have been rigged, thereby inviting violence between the American People, for whom he was purporting to work, was not the answer. It is the saddest day America has ever seen. It’s the loss of  presidential nobility, honor, honesty, integrity, truth, justice and the American way I lament. 😥 I know some of you disagree with me, and you have every right to do that, and write about it on your own blogs. But you can’t disagree with some of the things he has said and done. I see the election of Trump as the culmination of massive amounts of misinformation coupled with total frustration at the system.  Everyone has a right to vote they way they see fit. Remember, I’m still here in England. I JUST basically woke up to this, and I’m torn apart. What has happened to us? There has to be more to this than meets the eye, this wall building that Mexico’s going to pay for, this “Lock Her Up” rhetoric, I don’t believe he will do these things. It will unfold. If Trump puts people in his cabinet that are on the side of We the people, I will be thrilled and happy. But if it ends up as all deal-maker conmen billionaires, heads of corporations that have been running this country for years anyway, I will be heartbroken even further than I am now. get-attachment-aspxYes, we desperately needed change and Hillary should have said, “I will jail the people that stole our national treasure, I will stop us from subsidizing corporations for taking our jobs overseas (that money will go to rebuild our infrastructure and fix health care), and I will raise taxes on corporations. I will work for the people.” Obama, instead of trying to “make nice” when he got into office, should coloringhave had opened a huge investigation into the banks. Banks should have been broken up. Drug makers should go to jail for overcharging us. Insurance companies should be prosecuted for not being there when we need them. But he wanted to soften the rhetoric between the parties, so instead he went to work saving the auto industry … he tried to be a healer, but the congress had vowed not to work with him, and in the end, he missed the boat. Hillary is also more of a hawk than I would personally like. She voted for that ruinous war we were lied into. But at least I know her as an honorable person. Despite the fake stories, she is not a murderer, she has worked hard all her life to make a better world. At least she tried to talk about roads and schools and children’s health. And, sadly, the powers that be (which even includes foreign governments like Putin) would rather see a man in office, no matter how inappropriate he might be, than any woman. Tons of manipulation went into that. (And now Melania Trump is in the crosshairs. She’s not evil either, and neither is Michelle Obama.)


But our country was so upset, we needed change so badly, we’ve been lied to and manipulated so much in this post-truth world, we forgot our core values as defender poppyagainst tyranny, champion of the little guy, equality and justice for all. If you see an article beginning with, “Sources have told us . . . that so and so is sick, dying, meeting with the KKK, in a rage, falling apart . . . whatever . . . be suspicious. What sources? Never forget, they can say anything. The unvarnished truth is the only way we can make a better world. We need to know. There was a huge discussion on BBC here yesterday about false information coming from Facebook. We can’t let the forces of evil take over the world. We need new foot soldiers to join in the fight against the misinformation they are using to control us. If you think it’s all one side or the other, you are wrong.partnersimg_8769friends

get-attachment-57-aspx   americandream72We grew up in our lovely middle class world believing in the American Dream, and this includes Hillary Clinton, who is my age and remembers it the way it was, is a good mom and a hard worker, and since I’ve been around long enough to watch it unfold, I have to tell you, she is the most investigated person in the history of this country. It’s been almost constant since I first heard her name. Looking back, ever since Rush Limbaugh began calling her a femi-nazi in the early 90s (because she wanted to help fix health care and the powers that be didn’t want that, because it would change the status quo, i.e. their pocketbooks, follow the money Insurance and drug companies), she has been demonized. I don’t know how she’s stood it. She’s a brave person, and in my opinion, she stood it for us. Despite our congress spending millions of dollars of OUR tax money on the best and the brightest lawyers hired to prove something against her (should have spent it on reopening the mental health facilities in this country that were closed in 1982), she has never been charged … not with the murder they said she committed, nor any of the “crimes” they say she did. Because accusing someone of something is perfectly legal ~ totally reprehensible, without integrity or honor, but legal, and lucrative. And if you put them through hell and find out they did nothing, too bad for them. If she was guilty of something, she would be in jail. Obviously the system, despite Trump’s lie, is not “fixed” — or, for example, Donald Trump would not be president. He was willing to say that, to shout LOCK HER UP, to incite violence (because he never had any intention of locking her up, he knew she’d never been charged with anything), even to bring this country to civil war, in order to win. Donald Trump, supposed outsider, was not the answer. He is the ruling class (and so is Hillary, btw). Before he img_7450ran for president, he was a pro-choice, bonafide card-carrying Democrat who invited Hillary to his wedding in order to court her for whatever he wanted voted for, now he says he’s a Republican and he’s vowed to lower corporation taxes from 35% to 15%. But we have no idea, none of us really know what he will do; he will say anything because what he really is is an opportunist. He’s the art of the deal. He would have done anything to win, and he did. Now we are going to have a government run by his children. Please God. Common sense tells us this is not good. Yes, we needed a shake up. But the damage that can be done in four years can actually never be undone. We can never take back the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the costs associated that we paid for, we can never bring all those soldiers back to life, we can never take back what the banks were allowed to do to us. And if it’s bad for us, you can only imagine how hard it is on people of color.

img_1734loveOne thing I know for sure, the enemy is not your neighbor. Look at the faces in these photos and ask yourself, who benefits from reduction of corporate taxes, reduction of img_1839death taxes, and who profits from war? Because people do, and those people aren’t us. Who benefits when there is no regulation or weak regulations on car safety or safety of our food or water so they can make it cheaper, faster, using slave labor? Who profits when they advertise disgusting drugs on TV that none of us ever heard of? Who benefits if the legislative process is stymied? Do you think that oil companies want us to believe in global warming? Heck, no. Standard Oil started calling it a hoax 40 years ago. Kids gun down their classmates with AK47’s and we’re scared when we’re told that “libs” want to take away our first amendment rights, who benefits from that img_7646lie? Us, our kids, or gun manufacturers? Who benefits when we fight each other over gun control or Obama Care? Everything is fixed to benefit them, not us, and in this, Trump was right: the system IS rigged against us, but not the way he says it is. When we fight, they get away with it. It’s our NOT ALLOWING them to divide us that can save us. Can we do it? I don’t know. We’re in img_9676so deep. The yelling on Twitter breaks my heart, moms screaming at other moms. And the powers that be are loving every moment of it. I mean, how better to sell a newspaper than the screaming headline VIOLENCE ENSUES OVER ELECTION. And some media outlets say the violence is coming from the right, and some say it’s coming from the left, and the only thing we know for sure, when they do this, they win and we lose. We’re being used. They would rather we don’t vote at all actually, they make it harder and harder for us to do so, and when media made both candidates seem so unpalatable, when they decided issues didn’t matter, many people stayed home and didn’t vote at all!!!!  Perfect. Just the way they like it.


We're the normal ones!

See this photo? This is a room full of Girlfriends who have EVERYTHING in common. We can be mad, but not at each other, let’s be img_8798mad at them! Some of you may like what I’ve written here, some of you may see it as political, some of you may wonder why I didn’t write it before the election. Now I wish I had. If my dad was still alive he would have made me, but, sadly, I no longer have his sage advice. I’m on my own. Although I’ve paid close attention to politics over the years, I’ve never been a political person, I’ve believed that goodness would always just automatically win. I have a vision of a strong, inclusive America. Some of you might agree with me that our divisions are not real, but are caused by influences from within, from the powers that be who have everything to gain by keeping us separate and off message, if you do, pass this blog around, because we need all the help we can get. Some of you might decide I’m the enemy and never come to my blog again. So be it. Let the chips fall where they may. Many tears have been shed over the choice of best words here, maybe I didn’t do it perfectly, but please, never doubt one thing, my sincerity for the outcome:  Us. Together. Forever. One country, one world.🌎sb border

Tea Party

He drew a circle that kept me out, heretic rebel a thing to flout, but love and I had the wit to win, we drew a circle that took him in. 💖

I’ve said my piece. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.cruis-boat-art

We’re on our way home! We leave England on Saturday, via the Queen Mary 2, back to America across the deep blue sea. It’s been wonderful beyond words and I wrote it all down in my diary.✍🏼 And don’t worry, my blog will come back in its same old homemaking celebratory way because that’s my heart and it’s almost Christmas🎄, and despite everything, I was born with the happy gene and I know I’ll come out of this. I could probably go on all day, but I believe I have entertained you long enough.💞go. be. love.sb border

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1,843 Responses to WE HAVE TO BELIEVE WE ARE MAGIC . . .

  1. Laurie Walt says:

    I love you Susan! Girlfriends please be kind to one another!

    • Laurie Walt says:

      Looking at some of these comments break my heart! Be kind to Susan! She has a right to her opinion and I can t stand the disrespect thrown at her! Unacceptable! Susan I m so sorry and I know you must be so heartbroken. You are the best girlfriend we could ever ask for and I mean that with all my heart!

  2. Arjo says:

    Dear Susan; hello from the netherlands!😃🌷💐 ( so excuse my english) First I wish you a good and save journey back home… a home that maybe feels a bit different as when you left it some months ago.
    You took time to find your words about your country and its good you spoke with your heart.
    Sometimes it is time to write things not everone like, but there are times when people must stand up for what they believe in! It made me sad to read some mean comments and tweets …but they are only a few I think!
    Also here in Europe we are afraid what might can happen with such a president… let us hope
    He will be a bit more friendly and human now he has the power.
    Thank you for taking us to England with all your nice stories and pictures!
    I am looking forward to new pictures of your house and kitties too!
    Dear Susan; if only YOU could be president of your country; how nice the world would be !
    So I say; SUSAN for president!
    Greetings from Arjo 😃🌷😘🐈

  3. Sharon Silva says:

    Dear Susan, I read your post and have thought about what I might say in response. The beauty of America is that you have a right to say what you want in your own blog! We may agree or disagree but it is your right to say them. I thought your words were very well spoken and thought out. I didn’t care for either candidate, but I voted my conscience; that’s what we should all do. We have been fed a pack of lies for a long time, from both “sides”. It needs to stop! My husband works in the corporate world and can tell you stories that would sicken you, the lies and corruption that goes on amongst these groups needs to stop. I have been the victim of sexual abuse and cannot abide casual and intentional talk/actions against women; it needs to stop! Hateful rhetoric and destruction of others property in the name of protests needs to stop! I could go on and on. Where is civil discourse? My best friend of 25 years and I hardly agree on anything political but I can’t imagine my life without her-she’s funny, kind, loving and brave. Long before I heard of you, I have kept a journal of sorts with quotes and little day to day things that made me smile or think-they used to call these journals ‘Commonplace Books”. The English poet Thomas Gray kept one as did John Milton! One of my favorite quotes is as follows: “I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them, 1. To vote without fee or reward for the person they judged most worthy. 2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against, and 3. To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.” John Wesley, Oct 6, 1774.
    My husband says I have the happy gene, too. I CHOOSE to live my life this way, I will not let the world get me down. God is my rock and my refuge, in Him will I hide. Thank you for ALL your words, Susan, you are a blessing to many, many girlfriends! I love seeing your posts and tweets; they brighten my day and inspire me! Ive made new social media friends because of you! John and Iwill be staying with Carrie and Stuart for 3 days June 2017, BECAUSE OF YOU! God bless you and Joe and safe travels home to MV andJack!
    Kind Regards,
    Sharon Silva

  4. Kathy says:

    Oh my gosh! I’ve already commented once, but as I read some of these replies, I’m astounded! Do some actually believe that Susan really exists to make life pleasant for you? She is a real person, with real feelings, just like all of us. If she was really your girlfriend, as so many claim she is, you would allow her to speak those feelings, and not be angry and turn your backs just because she has expressed them.

  5. Wendy Conger says:

    This is a very controversial post, to be sure. And with that naturally come emotionally loaded and harsh comments. Susan, we love you to PIECES. You have a right to talk about what’s heavy on your mind.
    My little two cents: I voted for what I saw as the lesser of two evils. Neither candidate was a good one. We really had no good choice. In the same way that the grabbing of womens’ parts was a deal breaker in your heart (which I totally understand), the other side’s nonchalance of the murdering of a 39-week fetus made me beyond heartsick. No. Just NO. No no no! How, in ANY way, is that okay??????????
    But in the end, I know you’ll be just fine. We all will. And I look forward to your Christmas-y blogs and tweets and love you as much as ever.

  6. Linda in NJ says:

    Hugs to you Susan, and a sincere Thank You for writing your heart!

  7. Nora says:

    Just………..thank you. xoxo

  8. JoAnn Hibbs says:


  9. Liz says:

    It seems as if you wrote this post because you are upset about Division – and now you have introduced it into your own lovely blog.

  10. Linda in Michigan says:

    Dear Susan,

    Thank you for putting your heart on the line in a very important discussion. And for the thoughtful replies to almost everyone who has commented. I agree with your viewpoints. It amazes me that there are people who are willing to downplay or ignore the burgeoning corporate culture that has crept in almost like the fog I woke up to this morning. Our society has always had divides. I think what’s happening now is more insidious and more frightening, because we can’t easily see the sources. We have to fight back somehow. It’s easy, but ultimately hurtful and unproductive, to lash out at others because they look or think differently. Regardless of color, religion, or any other personal characteristic, we are more alike than different.

    You are so right that it’s up to all of us to do the right thing for each other. We need to put aside politics, embrace our basic humanity, and practice loving kindness every minute of every day. The day after the election, my daughter-in-law’s mother posted a photo of the women in her large family and captioned it. “Strong women make strong families.” We all have a strong woman inside. We have to put forth whatever effort it takes to let her lead our actions.

    I think it’s necessary for each of us to do what we can to make the world a better place. There is no point in casting stones at those with different viewpoints. We have to embrace our common humanity. Whether we have a large audience for a blog like yours, or are limited to comforting phone calls to friends, we can do something. Big gestures are certainly important, but if we all practice kindness, if we make it a habit, our collective goodness will make a positive difference. I’m certain that most of your girlfriends are good women who already do this. Thank you for going out on a limb. For every person who is unhappy with this post, there are certainly many others who applaud your thoughtful words. Change is coming. If we do not speak out and act when we can, we cede control and disaster will certainly follow. I love your blog, and you, and I’m glad to see another side of you. It’s as beautiful as all of your drawings and lovely books.

    Wishing you and Joe a joyful last couple of days in England, a safe journey home and a wonderful homecoming. And of course, a happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!

    Linda in Michigan

  11. Julie Fellows says:

    Thank you for talking about your feelings , Susan. I think that it’s therapeutic to process these events and I enjoyed reading others’ comments as well. I might not have agreed with everyone who shared their thoughts but I kept on reading to honor and respect their thoughts-perhaps someone will honor and respect me enough to read this.

    Throughout the interminable months of the Presidential campaign, I kept hearing about how horrible things were and how angry folks are-and I could not identify with these feelings. I still don’t –not because I have millions (far from it!) or because I have a huge home (1500 square feet, built in 1965) but BECAUSE I AM SO BLESSED!!! I might not like some things about our modern society (social media-who needs it?!) but I am educated, healthy, married for 25 years, have a healthy child, work, can read/say/worship( or not) any way that I want, travel freely, share my opinions — the list is endless. Am I the only one who remembers to count their blessings daily? Some days this is a list with one item on it and then I remember that I am alive and healthy and live in the most blessed country on the planet. I am ashamed that others have forgotten how blessed they are too and want to create the ugliest “us vs. them” divide I have ever seen.

    Breathe. Be. Stay in your lane. If you cannot say something nice, say nothing at all. Count your blessings. Sometimes that’s all we can do in order to gain strength for getting through difficult times. This blog and your work are blessings to us all Susan. Again, thank you!

  12. Laura Ann in Vermont says:

    Susan, I love you for writing this. I agree with everything you said. Income inequality in the U.S. reached its lowest point in the 50’s and 60’s. By the 70’s, the disparity started to increase and the rich started getting richer. When people long for the past, I believe they long for the days when wealth was more equally distributed. I believe Trump will move us away from income equality, not towards it, as he will promote policy that helps Wall Street and the wealthy. I personally don’t believe his promises to bring back jobs. I hope that he will prove me wrong, but I’m not holding my breath. Our country will not heal until all Americans feel respected and also that they, too, have a piece of the pie.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, thank you for the historical perspective, and for talking about how we are being dealt out of the game where they are still using our money to keep playing!!!

  13. Laura S. says:

    Well, you lost me on that one. I read most of the way thru. We’ll just have to disagree on this one.

  14. Paige Marchus-Stewart says:

    You nailed it Aunt Sue!

  15. Pat Salada says:

    I’m afraid I must be one of the ones who are saying good-bye. You seem to have
    lived in that fairy tale world a bit too long. And I think you better take a closer
    look at the real condition of England; it is not one big sheep pasture.

  16. Bonnie Parfitt says:

    You say you are not political. Anytime someone says that they immediately become political. This is a highly political piece. You say it is not about Hillary or Trump. Yet your replies to pro Hillary comments are gracious and generous while your replies to Trump supporters are snarky. Yes, I said snarky.
    You are a knitter. You know that sometimes you have to unravel to make the piece work. I suggest you unravel this post AND your comments because they are certainly not working to bring anyone together.

  17. Becky says:

    I just need to know if I am to expect more this type blog posts.

  18. Debby says:

    Have gone thru names several times looking for a reply, and this isn’t the first time my post has been deleted. Have tried hard to become one of the group, but have had my feelings hurt more than once. I wonder what I said that again you don’t like. Guess I should get the hint.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so sorry Debby, I certainly don’t want your feelings to be hurt. Your comments are not deleted. I have 700 of them waiting here, to be read and moderated, I’ll get there, but I don’t know when. We’re packing, we leave to go home tomorrow morning. I didn’t realize this would take on a life of its own. I don’t delete people’s comments, but sometimes they do go missing, and so do mine!

      • Vicki says:

        OMG, Susan; your post is being discussed a lot of places right now. But so far, from where I go, all the discussion is positive.

        • sbranch says:

          Oh that’s so good! We are so much better than the thing that divides us! Thank you for letting me know Vicki. Maybe we can begin to talk to each other!

      • Debby says:

        Forgive me Susan, I am not myself these days. 😔 I have loved everyday of your trip, it was so much fun to watch during this awful time. I adore you. Safe trip for you and your Joe. Jack is waiting for you! Sent with love.

  19. Paula King says:

    Dearest Susan, Can I just say that I went through the same emotions that you’re experiencing when Britain was voting in the referendum. I hardly slept for a whole week following Brexit and worried myself sick all my waking hours about what it would mean for our future. It was scary and although it didn’t change anything, at least it showed I cared. What I’m trying to say is that we have to be true to our hearts, especially when it’s something we care about so passionately. You speak from the heart, as always Susan and we love you for that so, thank you. I will be praying very hard over the coming months for Britain and America and trust The Lord will help mend our broken World – cos, some of us, sure are making a right mess of it ourselves. Sorry you’re leaving us soon (wahh) but I’m sure you can’t wait to get your hands on darling Jack to give him a big smooshing. All my love to you and Joe and safe journey home, Paula X X

  20. Ardi Butler says:

    Thank you, Susan, for saying up front and in your usual loving, caring manner what lies in all of our hearts. I think most of us are stunned at the situation and events that are happening. Hopefully, we will learn our lessons and everyone will get out to vote the next time there’s an opportunity. For by making our voices heard, all of our voices, we can help right this wrong. Your blog post gave me comfort. Thank you for that.

  21. Laurie says:

    Lord protect us from the Limousine Liberals. “Girlfriend” I’m sure you’re not raiding your retirement account to make ends meet in the middle of a luxury cruise and vacation that cost most people’s yearly salary because you’re too much of a special snowflake to take a plane.

    You’re not exactly digging coal. You have no understanding nor sympathy for the men and women of the Rust Belt who have lost their jobs and way of life. Can you not understand the frustration of the men who got up in all kinds of weather to work shift work at the mills (like my dad), never complaining or missing a day? Can you not understand the impotent anger of these men who cannot provide for their families? Of course their biggest concern is not going to be the “P” word. And to add insult to injury – being called a deplorable?

    I recently moved from the east coast back to my native midwest and I am SO GLAD to not listen to clueless east coast liberals pontificate about matters over which they have no knowledge. It’s so much easier to throw around Trump’s “P” word and wring your hands.

    Grow up and try to have some compassion from your ocean-view suite on the QE2.

    • sbranch says:

      Really? You have no idea. And it’s not your business. And it’s not what we’re talking about. And it’s mean. Please don’t call names. But when you do, it shows the deep divide we are all feeling, and that’s what makes me sad. Because when we do this, we allow our best interests to drown in waves of vitriol that I really can’t understand. Did I do something to you?

      • Rob says:

        Stand tall. I’ve heard this argument and justification used over and over by his supporters. What they fail to acknowledge is that the entire country has taken a hit and the Democratic Party was part of the solution when this all hit the fan after the Bush years. Democrats support the middle/working class historically and in this election. They tried to fight against a mean spirited Republican controlled Congress and work with President Obama to make life better for the Rust Belt and the rest of the country. It is easy to forget how our country got into economic despair, but one need not look any further than the end of 2008 to understand who inflicted the pain. The Democrats desperately worked to turn us around and help those people out against unprecedented oppositions. They fought for the same thing in this election, but did it with dignity and without the crass, disgusting rhetoric of the Republican Party candidate. You have nothing to apologize for. You are decent, poised and well mannered.

        • sbranch says:

          And so, may I say, are you. Thank you.

        • chris consentino says:

          bravo, bravissimo…and, bless you, Rob. and, what you have said is THE ultimate truth!!!! opposition was THE name of their “game”….only, the game was played ON the American people….how cruel.

      • Susan Cohen says:

        Wow…just wow. Deep divide aside, there is no reason for such an ugly post.

        • sbranch says:

          “Clueless east coast liberals?” “Limousine Liberals?” I don’t know. That doesn’t sound good to me.

      • Patricia Edde says:

        Just to point out, Laurie’s opinion does not represent all of the people in the Midwest. There are people everywhere in America who are struggling – as for deplorable, there are people on all sides of the political spectrum who could be defined by this word. They are the people who shout “execute her” at a rally, who resort to violence as a solution ( and this does include the people picketing Trump) and those who seem to support the notion of an all white nation ( does that sound at all familiar?). If you feel you are not being heard, do the work – call, write, email your elected leaders, organize peaceful marches and research who you are voting for. You don’t have to be a victim. I will add also that in the Midwest, people usually help out their neighbors who are down on there luck.

        • sbranch says:

          I know. I have good deep midwest blood. My mom and my grandma’s whole family are Iowa born and bred. I always say my Iowa is the best part of me. I love the Midwest, and I love the people there. Thank you Patricia!

          • Lindsey says:

            I’m Iowan born and bred and still living in the Midwest and I value everything you had to say! Please do not feel badly about the responses you are getting, it shows their character not yours. You are wonderful 🙂

          • sbranch says:

            Thank you Lindsey, I didn’t expect that everyone would agree with me, I just hoped I could open some hearts to see the division that’s tearing us apart.

          • Patricia Edde says:

            What part of Iowa? I was born in Decorah, Iowa, left when I was 5 and came back 8 years ago after 53 years in California. Both places have played a big part in making me who I am (now if I only knew who that was – sorry, I couldn’t resist).

          • sbranch says:

            LOL! Sioux City, my mom always said I’m Sioux City Sue! I’ve watched the eagles nesting in Decorah on the Internet!

      • Bonnie says:

        Sorry, Susan. It seems you’ve opened a can of worms despite your noble reasons. This election year was one that not many of us had seen before. There are those who are responding as if someone died. There are those, like Laurie, who sounds personally aware of the problems many of us face. We had two flawed candidates…one who made some disturbing statements during the campaign & another that is still under federal investigation. For some it was the lesser of two evils (so to speak) in their minds…some opted for Trump, some for HRC. We, as a country, have faced many obstacles…people gave their lives to allow our election process to continue, among many things. It has nothing to do with magic!

        Your blogs & Willard newsletters have always brought a bit of joy to some lacking in joy; to others, a vicarious life through you. Personally, if I want to read/hear/see politics being discussed, I go to the sources that provide me that opportunity. I would never have thought about checking your blog.

    • SC says:

      The supreme irony here is that you’re a Trump supporter, Laurie. Tell us all, how exactly does a supposed billionaire trust-fund baby understand you and your plight? What rubbish. The man’s had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth. He’s avoided the military at every opportunity, and is filled with vitriol (much like you.) And you have the gall to say such things to another average American? If Ms. Branch has carved out some success for herself, it wasn’t without a lifetime of sweat and tears. Shoveling coal isn’t the only form of hard work, lady. That “compassion” you speak of in your last line? Perhaps you should have a dose of it instead of judging others.

    • ST says:

      How has Susan not shown deep compassion in this beautifully written post? You need to look to yourself as part of the problem……

      • sbranch says:

        And also look to us all as part of the solution! We can do this when we recognize we are being divided, being used, and make them stop. I will LOVE That day. It will mean the American people are taking back their country.

    • Laura Parson says:

      My sentiments too Laurie! I voted for Donald Trump and against all odds, he won fair and square. What he said 11 years ago meant nothing to me ~ if we are to be ashamed, let us be ashamed of what Bill Clinton did in “our” White House while President. Donald Trump won my vote when he took a stand for the littlest guy of all – the unborn – in front of millions of people around the world during his debate with Clinton referencing the ability to take that child’s life violently days before it’s birth. I saw him as a man of guts that night. Sorry Susan but you are only contributing to the nonsense that is going on since election night. Whether you like it or not, Donald Trump is your President – now for the good of the country, pray for him and his amazing family. We are Americans and we need to unite behind our President!

      • sbranch says:

        Eleven years ago Trump was 59 years old, a grown up, not a kid, who was by the time we heard his words, running for the highest office in the land (and in the world) ~ and a person has been on record as pro-choice, until now. It just makes it hard for me to believe him. But that’s me, you have every right. I almost think people are angry with me because I voted for Hillary. But aren’t we all allowed to choose for ourselves? And by the way, Bill Clinton wasn’t running. I don’t feel that it’s nonsense that half of us hate the other half because of what is being pushed on us by shock jock radio guys and corporations that back them. They have us believing that we are the enemy, and we are NOT, they want us to believe that one or the other of those candidates would change things, and they won’t. Because they love taking our money and using it against us.

    • Lynn Cunningham says:

      Apparently you didn’t read the blog, because Susan said in more ways than one that she completely understood the plight of working people who have had their livelihoods ripped away, to be shipped overseas while their homes and retirement investments were stolen by ruthless banks during the Great Recession.

      On this blog, we strive to be kind to each other ~ and no one exemplifies that more than Susan.

      • sbranch says:

        Not just the plight, but the total highway robbery of it!!! Our tax money should go to US, there should be a culture of what is good for ALL the people in this country. Not just the rich, and the connected. Oh it makes me so mad.

    • Melissa says:

      Your comment was mean spirited and hateful. Did your Midwest upbringing not include being courteous and respectful. Go away and don’t come back to this blog anymore. People here are kind, generous, courteous and understanding . There is no place for you here.

    • Laurie,
      Unless you have walked in someone else’s shoes, (including Susans) you don’t know everything about them so be careful not to judge too harshly! It only hurts the best part of you!

    • Cee Austin says:

      I agree. Far different opinion for someone who lives far beyond having their basic human needs being met ( vacationing whimsically through Europe- coming home to the privileged beautiful ocean shores of Martha’s Vineyard) than from someone who is starving, probably trying to exist on donated food, in a town worn out rundown , even ….Walmart has left. No vacations, no savings, older, the world has changed .. your job is forever-gone. What does one do when the unemployment runs out?

  22. Sheron Fitch says:

    So very well said Susan! I wish the news media would pick this up and interview you and then believe in what you said! Thank you for your expressions of how we all feel! Love you! Safe travels home!

    • sbranch says:

      I think the news media would HATE my message, because it is against them. Luckily they will pay no attention and if they do see this, they will make me the enemy next. Thank you Sheron!!

  23. Fran says:

    Susan Branch for president! I totally agree with you.

    • sbranch says:

      Well I can tell you one thing, I would be the kind of president surrounded with smart people to help me figure out what to do. No bubble for this girl!

  24. Laura Carver says:

    So, how about that Super Moon………?

    • sbranch says:

      So how about that moon!!! LOL! xoxo There are, right now, Seven HUNDRED and twenty seven comments waiting for me to read and “moderate” — what shall I do? Packing now, leaving in morning… should I just read slowly while on boat? May not have Internet! Eeek. This was unfortunate timing. I never imagined!

  25. Laura Carver says:

    Blessing in disguise if you don’t have Internet. Enjoy the ride and read the comments later at home! xo

  26. Laura G. says:

    Wow. Just wow. I would have understood if you had ignored the election results and just not gone “there.” But you did. And I cannot tell you how absolutely heartened I am that you did. And you took the time to do it right. I am thinking that some people did not actually read all that you wrote. I am sure this is a difficult time for you on top of the difficult time we are already having, for you are diligently and honestly writing answers to confrontational comments. I have always loved you for the joys you bring to so many and I have always admired you for your honesty even when it pained you. But after reading your current installment, I admire you and trust you to the end of time. Thank you, Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m afraid they came to the thing about Trump and just turned off the rest. I’m sorry if that’s what happened, because that was such a small part. Oh Laura, you are so dear. Yes, I’m trying to be honest, and trying not to get off track, but you know, I’m only human and I screw up sometimes. Thank you!!!!

  27. Camden H. says:

    I like to write decorative quotes on my big chalkboard wall in the kitchen, and would like to share my current quote from Gladys Taber (p. 26, The Book of Stillmeadow) as I find it timely:
    “But now, on Thanksgiving, we still have the November sun, and the clear deep blue of the sky, and the white glory of the stars, and the loving-kindness of friends, just as our forefathers had. If only we can preserve the real things – the love of man and woman, the peace of an evening by the fire, the sweetness of music, and the gay sounds of children’s voices – we shall not have to hear the sound of the world disintegrating into chaos.” May we all be thankful, kind, and “preserve the real things”. Love, Camden

    • sbranch says:

      I know and love that quote. Thank you for sharing it, ahhhhh, love it.

    • Limner says:

      “We shall not have to hear the sound of the world disintegrating into chaos.” How sad to stuff my ears with cotton and awaken to a world of destruction, to have missed the warning calls, the calls to action . . . all because I did not wish to hear the sounds of the world disintegrating.

      • Camden says:

        Im my opinion the quote, written many years ago, does not mean to completely turn a blind eye, but rather to not focus every waking moment on the roar of politics. In my home, with my children, I do choose to “stuff my ears with cotton”, but I’m certainly still aware of the world’S doings.

  28. Karen Saunders says:

    Dearest Susan…..oh my friend here we go….now it begins with all the defending back and forth of ‘our’ stance. I made a comment on a certain artists blog who does warm and fuzzy pictures but I can say she is definitely not warm and fuzzy on the inside!! She attacked me viciously for my opinion at another persons comment and she was very vicious and I was very disappointed because my comment was not mean, but she did not like what side I was on. I remember thinking so glad you are not like that!! Because I believe there is not a mean bone in your body. It doesn’t really make any difference to me now who voted for who and there is so much truth in what you say…I fear for America as well. It’s so scary the hate that everyone has..

    I have to say long before I knew Trump I saw an interview on his kids and above all else I thought, how great these kids are…they are respectful, productive, wonderful children and they absolutely adore their dad. I thought he was a great person just by how great his kids were because so many rich guys turn out kids that are druggies, messed up and do nothing with their lives. And then I saw Chelsea talk about her mother who would come home and immediately sit down and say how was your day? I think she is wonderful too. I voted for Trump…..but I do think Hillary loves this country as well and I refuse to defend any one of them because all it has done is further divide people. I think he won because people are desperate for change. (Whether he brings it or not is to be seen) I hate that this election is brought down to race, feminism, what color your skin is…..what a mess. You are so right…’United we stand, divided we fall.’ It all comes down to doing the right thing…every day when faced with something….do the right thing. Love your neighbor more than yourself. It starts with us… love is the greatest commandment of all and I don’t see a lot of that in our country. Think we need to shut off our tvs and air conditioners and get back on the front porch and see and talk to our neighbors…..and put down that thing growing out of your head…(cell phone). Thank you for your passion and your wonderful ideals and your courage to say it.

  29. shirley says:

    Not sure what “your comment is awaiting moderation” means?

    • sbranch says:

      It means that at this moment, I have 717 comments waiting for “moderation” ~ waiting for me to read them… I’m sorry I’m so slow! We’re packing, leaving tomorrow, for one thing . . . I’ve already “moderated” 6 or 7 hundred so far, but they’re still coming in! Never imagined!

  30. Merci says:

    Dear Susan,
    A totally amazing blog! You spoke from your heart and the hearts of many. One of your readers felt there would be fallout, I doubt it, but if so, so be it as you said. ! You are an amazing woman with so much to offer. Your major concern is the welfare of our country and I sincerely believe you delivered a much needed message. It doesn’t surprise me that some out there misread what you are trying to convey, their problem not yours or mine. I have always said agree to disagree. Prayers and continued success, my heart goes out to you, such a brave individual!
    Love and Kisses to you and Joe. Safe and peaceful travels home.

  31. Molly says:

    Susan, I read your post and then I read some comments. Thinking I had missed something, I went back and read your post. Your post was not about which presidential candidate was “better” or “worse” or even the best choice between the lesser of two not-so-great choices. It was about recognizing we are all in the same life boat together and if we continue to be hateful about who should row and who should steer, we will all end up in the shark-infested water. Together. The sharks won’t care who was right but they will care about who the closest victim will be.
    This election seems to be the event which allows adults to engage in shockingly bad behavior – behavior that no parent would allow their child to engage in but which is modeled everyday for those kids. Screaming at complete strangers because you disagree with their view? Acting violently and destroying other people’s property because you didn’t get what you wanted? When my kids did that, it was called a temper tantrum and they were disciplined accordingly.
    I know people reflect that “the good old days” are gone. While nostalgia may give those days a rosy glow, for minorities and women, those days were not so good, as racism was legal and sexism rampant. What has long made this country great and was so crucially important as to be embodied in our constitutional amendments was our freedom to make certain choices and have those choices protected. For good or ill, we will have a new president. For good or ill, he is “our” president. Regardless of how one feels about him, for the sake of the country we must respect and ensure the peaceful transfer of power. That does not mean one must remain silent if one disagrees with policies or has ideas for change. But it does mean we must listen thoughtfully, debate kindly and disagree respectfully; behaviors which I am afraid seem to be set aside in the haste to belittle, boast or disparage. And then proudly tweet or post about what disagreeable thing one has done.
    Please, everyone, be kind and thoughtful, especially to the people you think are undeserving of kindness or thoughtfulness. For it may be that person that pulls you out of the water and back into the safety of the lifeboat.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you so much for your clarification. I so appreciate it, I wish I could have written it so it would have been understood this way, because that’s what I was trying to say. The sharks have already torn out a piece of our heart. xoxo

      • njean says:

        A little piece of the sharks heart is missing too.

        • sbranch says:

          LOL, do you know who the shark is? The shark are the entities that have been tearing us apart, and believe me he has no heart. He is greedy corporations, divisive media, those that lobby against the things that make America strong, and cold-hearted money grubbing government officials, and this shark wants to eat all of us up.

    • Candice Black says:

      Molly, I think you have nit the nail on the head! Perfectly!

      Hugs, Candice

    • Carol On the farm in Iowa says:

      Well said Molly!

    • Christie says:

      Molly, Thank you for this. Your comment echoes what I heard Susan say, too:

      “We are all in the same life boat together…. if we continue to be hateful about who should row and who should steer, we will all end up in the shark-infested water. Together.”

      “Listen Thoughtfully. Debate Kindly. (Agree &) Disagree Respectfully.”

      Sending love to and praying for all of us. xo Christie

  32. Heidi says:

    You are a special lady!! Thank you for posting this. I needed it. There will be those who do not agree, but as others have said, “It’s your post”!!! I just pray that it won’t be as bad as we fear.

    • sbranch says:

      It won’t matter I’m afraid because as long as we are at odds with each other, no matter who is president, they will continue to ignore the needs of our country. Same xo to you Heidi!

  33. Candice Black says:

    Dearest Susan, I found these little verses in our free local small country paper yesterday and I thought it was appropriate to share at this time:
    “The unthankful heart….discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!”
    “Thanksgiving comes to us out of the prehistoric dimness, universal to all ages and all faiths. At whatever straws we must grasp, there is always a time for gratitude and new beginnings.”

  34. Candice Black says:

    Dearest Susan and Joe,
    I forgot to wish you safe and happy travels with my post above. I know that you have had an absolutely lovely holiday! It is always hard to say “good-bye” but there is always a “next time”!

  35. Carol On the farm in Iowa says:

    I agree with you about the media! For me the bottom line is abortion, yes, I have heard Hillary say she is for all forms of it. Whether or not Trump does anything about it remains to be seen. But at least he says he is pro life. All of that said, Susan, I love You and will continue to enjoy your blog and your products. Difference of opinion, in my opinion (LOL!) does not make me stop loving friends! In my own family some decided not to vote. But we go on loving one another, it will tear us apart only IF we let it. Have a safe trip, I am looking forward to hearing more about it! God bless you!

  36. Molly says:

    And if Susan won’t be president, I vote for Miss Manners. It makes me chuckle to think how she would handle debates, posts, tweets and tense meetings with bullying world leaders. Quelling bad behavior with a look, reducing rudeness to rubbish, and solving important problems with tact and dignity. Ah, to dream.

  37. Neame says:

    Dear Susan, I am a recent convert to your blog, which I love love love. I even went back and read through most of your old postings.
    This post is surely a departure from your norm. But I do not fault it. The subject is powerful and the need is great. So I hope you don’t mind if I interject one thought and a quote: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” Each of us needs to look to our own hearts and to our own behavior. Are we our best selves? If not, what corrective action can we take. Are we expecting some “other” to fix things? Why relinquish the control? Together with our neighbors we can fix things ourselves, just as we always have.
    Currently, I’m looking for ways I can make a positive change, something that may ripple out into the world for the better.
    Sweet regards, Neame

  38. Rhonda in Wyoming says:

    Dear, dear Susan~
    Oh my goodness… what an intelligent, insightful, positive, loving woman you continue to be! My eyes are moist with emotion as I think of your wise words. I’m one of those who hasn’t voted for years because I cannot bear the madness that has apparently swept those in power – politically as well as in the media. I stopped watching the news years ago and became a hermit of sorts, protecting my sanity by allowing only positive things (and people) into my life, such as your wonderful blog. I know, this path is not for everyone, but it is a necessity for me. I so admire your courage for doing what I could never do: speaking out in a world that has gone mad with division. Instead, I retreat to my aspen grove and my lovely flowers and birds and seek for that “peace that passeth all understanding.” May beautiful you and your beautiful readers find it too, in their own unique ways. As Tiny Tim so aptly said, “God bless us everyone.” I love you, Susan. You are a Light in the world.

  39. Jody says:

    Have safe travels home…Bravo for stating how you feel. I think we can all agree that Thank Goodness this election is over. Look forward to hearing from you again!!!!

  40. Patricia Ayala says:

    Dear Susan
    I came to this country when I was 14, ~41 years ago ~ and for the first time I’m scare and worry to whats to happen to this wonderful country of ours, it breaks my heart to see the hate and division all around us, been blessed with the happy gene,but I’m digging deep not to lose it!
    I’m making sure I’m doing my part,how ever small or humble and tell those I love how much they mean to me,nesting,loving,cooking and just being grateful everyday. ~So very grateful of you!! Love you! your home,your family and of course Jack!! Thank you Susan for been a strong woman, talented, inspiring, beautiful inside and out.
    You go girlfriend!!!! XOXOXO

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so sorry sweetie, I think for our newest immigrants this must be the most scary of times. But we forget sometimes, unless we are a full blooded Native American, all families in this country were immigrants at one time. It’s our history, and the thing that makes us the last great hope for the world. There is so much tribal fighting in other countries. Every act of kindness is a work of love, Mother Teresa said that and you embody it. xoxo

      • Limner says:

        Dear Susan, please stop saying that. You offend me and my ancestors when you say such foolish, untrue things. It means we are overlooked in your version of American history. I applaud you for thinking of Native Americans though.

        My ancestors were brought over on slave ships. They did not immigrate.

  41. Patti says:

    My husband was “forced” (golden handshake) out of his job at age 52. When the golden handshake money ran out, we were forced to dip quite heavily into our dwindling retirement savings suffering penalties for withdrawing our OWN money. He now works as a contractor for an agency that puts him into big corporations doing the same job he has always done. The difference is he gets a paycheck and that is it. NO paid days off, NO health benefits, absolutely no job security. The trend in his field is that companies are using contractors, or temp to hire but no one ever gets hired. This is frightening, as frightening as American jobs going oversees. We have all been affected by the decline that you speak of.
    I read your post and all of the comments that followed and it left me feeling a bit sad and hopeless. Thank you for taking the high road in all of your responses, I would have expected nothing less but appreciate it anyway.
    Your blog has always been a safe place for me and I assume many. You have and I believe will continue to make your little corner of the world a better place. You have done it on a much larger scale than most of us, but isn’t that what we all hope to accomplish.
    Wondering if you would have written this post had Mrs. Clinton won? Not being sarcastic, just curious. I don’t think things would have changed for the better if she had become our new President.
    So, on we go…into our kitchens next week to make our homes a warm and cozy place to be for our friends and families. Making our little corner a better place. Safe travels!

    • sbranch says:

      I think I would have, but something about this Trump election has set off a firestorm, not just in America but all over the world. And this separation between the American people, so much hate talk (I am not blaming Trump, it’s been around for a long time), I’ve thought about it and thought about it, and suddenly, I saw it for what it was, and realized that no matter WHO was President, nothing ever seems to change, and nothing is going to change … because as we become more divided, more of our middle class is taken away, and it came to me, “Who is profiting from our divide?” And I “saw” it. Not us!!! That’s for sure. But there are a LOT of billionaires in the world. So someone is profiting. I’m so sorry for your hopelessness, but I know about that a bit myself. Happy Thanksgiving Patti. Despite everything, we have much to be grateful for. xoxoxo

  42. Melissa says:

    Couldn’t help but think of this when reading the comments. I think of it as a love letter to all of us – to America. I think pretty much everything you do is a love letter to America. Hope you’re feeling the love we’re sending back!

    “I remember crossing the country on the train one Christmas. From our room with a view, all of America went speeding past our window. Up until then, I always thought (if I thought at all) that Christmas was a local thing, my house, my neighborhood, my downtown; maybe it got a little broader when we got in the car in our jammies to go see the lights on special streets called Candy Cane Lane and Frosty the Snowman Avenue; but still, I never got the full view of Christmas in America until that train trip.

    hose nights on the train introduced me to a whole new reality…even tiny houses, out in the middle of nowhere, are decorated right now; houses deep in snow with just one string of lights outlining the porch; pretty brick houses in the Midwest with a single candle burning in each window, wreaths on door after door. When the train came into a town, we had long looks down small-town main streets, with lights and streamers decorating the lamps and festooning over the street; trucks pulled up to crossing stops with wreaths on their bumpers …and sky scrapers reflected twinkling lights into the Chicago River. Sometimes, chugging along, we could look right into cozy living room windows and see the trees all lit up inside. It gives me great comfort to know we are all in this boat together.”

    Melissa (A reader in Mobile, Alabama)

    • sbranch says:

      I feel it, especially when you send me things like that Melissa. I remember writing it, and wasn’t that a wonderful thing to look at, those lights, I felt so much love for our country! Because it’s all true.😥

  43. Martha says:

    Beautifully spoken! Susan for President!! Seriously, we need to find a great candidate for next election – and FAST.
    Martha from CT

  44. Natalie says:

    Bless you for such a kind but firm and much needed post. So hard to believe the grand England/Scotland trip is coming to a close. Thank you for taking us along with you and Joe. I have loved every minute of it and if you and the other girlfriends don’t mind I will stay behind in England 🙂 Best wishes for a safe and fun crossing.

  45. Shannon Phelps says:


    I really really love everything about you and followed you for years, but,
    why isn’t Bill Clinton part of this comment?
    He is a scourge on women, as much as Trump.
    And,no, I don’t like Trump.

    Can’t wait for happier times, and you are very much a part of that.

  46. Patricia Edde says:

    What does “awaiting moderation” mean? This has been attached to a response that I just posted to someone else’s post and was also attached to a reply that I wrote to your original post and now that reply has disappeared. I put a great deal of thought into my reply and I have to say that it is hurtful that it seems to have gone into that great wastebasket in the computer sky.
    Anyway, I applaud you and everyone else who has the strength to offer up their opinions to others. It doesn’t look as if this new administration to be is off to a great start (Bannon comes to mind, as well as a data base for Muslims, a great wall for Hispanics and late night tantrummy tweets) but we all need to stand strong together to preserve our rights and our freedom. I can only hope that we do. One more thing – I just want to thank Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for fighting for all of us and for conceding with such grace and dignity. It breaks my heart that women, especially, were so willing to think so poorly of her. She is a class act!

    • sbranch says:

      There are over 700 comments waiting to be “moderated” i.e. : read, by me. So I’m trying, but we’re leaving and it’s difficult to get to them all…. read through the comments for more of an explanation. So sorry! I’m trying! And thank you for your comment!

      • Patricia Edde says:

        Thanks for the explanation – I am sure you are overloaded with this topic but it must make for interesting reading. Stay strong and stay true to your beliefs.

  47. Jennifer says:

    Also Susan, don’t you think that reality TV shows, and already mentioned cable news have changed us? Along with social media – people think they can say anything and be MEAN on these platforms. And a lot of people say these things and are hiding under fake names or even if not fake names and they are anonymous. So when they are anonymous they just say whatever they feel. And bad things. I finally had to get myself off twitter and facebook because of all the trolls and people hiding behind these accounts – it was taking a toll on my mental health. If does feel so freeing now. I won’t go back.

    I do hope that because reality TV and social media is relatively new to our society that somehow, someway we will learn to use it better and behave better and again be more polite to people like it used to be 🙂 Fingers crossed 🙂

    I love love love you Susan. Again, what a joy you are to me and others! Jennifer

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, good point. Not much reality actually involved, at least we don’t live like these people seem to. Love you back Jennifer, here’s to us.

  48. Willa Brown says:

    Wow, just wow! And the divide continues of this sweet blog that I have followed for years. So sad. I can go back to any number of your blog posts from the past and receive joy from what you wrote and from every response, except this one. I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m glad you voiced your opinion and I can certainly tell how carefully you weighed each word, and you do have a beautiful way with words. I think the anger you are seeing is coming from both “sides” of the issue, but why anger?

    I believe if you had just talked about the great divide in our beloved country you would have received agreement from all the girlfriends. We are divided and we are struggling for understanding and I agree with you; the media is to blame, among other factors. The media is in our faces and it is slanted to the left. That’s why everyone was so shocked at Trump’s victory. That’s not the way it was supposed to go. But here we are, and like you said, no matter who won we are still divided! I think what hurt the grilfriends in your post was the fact that you did bring politics into it by talking about Trump and painting him as a really disgusting person. That shocked us, because many of us have been praying for him and for a landslide victory like he pulled off in spite of the biased media. So now instead of just acknowledging how divided we are by bringing in the names of Clinton and Trump, the girlfriends are forced to choose sides even though we are all on the side of a great country. We have differences of opinions about how to get there but we all want unity. It starts by upholding our democratic process and get behind our president-elect, our Congress, and the Supreme Court members, including those that will be added in the months to come. How do I get behind them….I pray because my belief is in a God of mercy and that no matter who is in the office as our president, God is still on His throne and He is still in charge. That gives me great comfort. I realize not everyone believes in the God I do but my prayer is that you will still be able to feel peace about this by adopting a positive attitude. Our country of checks and balances, of people much smarter than I, the people Trump will surround himself with, the people of America who will vote yay or nay on his policies in upcoming elections, the not-so-silent majority that spoke up big time in this election, and good people all across the country…. with all that plus the fact that we were founded on Judeo-Christian values, we will find a way to “mostly” get along. There won’t be peace on this earth until Christ returns, but until then we can each do our part to love our neighbors more than ourselves and be the best person we can and not fall into the trap of constantly complaining and wringing our hands in despair! Be part of the solution, not add to the problem. Find joy in living a love-filled life. I’m not a pollyanna, but I am a person that will chose love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, gentleness and self-control!

    I love you Susan and look forward to many, many more lovely posts on this blog! Safe travels home! Willa

    • sbranch says:

      I will get behind our Congress the minute I see them get behind us. They owe us and they are falling down miserably. Love you Willa, thank you.

    • cecelia says:

      OMG! I love this post and you are spot on!

    • chris consentino says:

      um…..the people he is surrounding himself (and, US, by default) are full of hate & discrimination (steve bannon to name just 1)….and, MANY who have deep and dangerous conflicts of interest….and, then, of course….the fact that this country was actually, factually founded on NO IMPOSITION of ANY religion at all. the founders were fleeing religiosity and persecution for religious views. history is only worthwhile if we study it and learn from it.

      • sbranch says:

        and believe it, and teach it to our children. Freedom is a treasure that not everyone enjoys. Unfortunately many wars are begun in the name of God. And every common sense bone in my body says God is love.

    • Lori says:

      Thank you, Willa. I wrote of this “division among the girlfriends” two days ago but it is still in the “waiting for moderation” phase. My point exactly was that I love and support all SB ideals/products but suddenly, shockingly, when I’m in her safe, lovely blog zone, I am included in the OTHER side based upon my vote for Trump (agonized vote that it was). I wondered to SB if this “firestorm” that she says is now “all over the world” has had a bit of her match-strike help this divide among her readers. We all are the smiling faces in her bookstore crowds… ALL of us her “fans” and have helped her success along the way — and she didn’t know how political choices as she looked out on all the ladies faces. She loved us back and welcomed our purchases. But, had half of the ladies in those pictures up above in this post told her they would vote for Trump, would she suddenly see us as a basket of deplorables in the room with her? That is why I agree with your view that we come to her blog revering her for her artwork, blog-posts, Willard, etc. but did not expect for our own selves to be put in a divided room of “girlfriends.” Perhaps she can see by some of the other comments that very loyal and intelligent readers and followers of her for so many, many years, may just think differently from her and wish to not be sort of shamed for thinking the way we do.
      I’ve noticed her more recent comments are a bit back-pedaling in that she is saying it is totally the THEY that are dividing us, the money-makers against the rest of “us” — but clearly she is plain about her opinion that with Trump we are sunk and had her candidate “won” there would be a bright future ahead of us.
      Not sure how long this comment will be “waiting for moderation.” I realize SB is on the boat coming home…

      • sondra fox says:

        Yes, yes, yes, I totally agree with Willa & Lori. What used to be an uplifting blog by Susan, has turned into a blog that DIVIDES & tries to use her (Susan’s) platform to formulate her own ideas. Shame on you Susan. Thanks for the past uplifting memories, but you’re Liberal ideas are full of hate, division, & mis-information. You talk about bringing us all together, but your words show me you only want your own ideas in the forefront of our country. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

        • sbranch says:

          As I see it, it’s all in the mind of the beholder. Most people have not left the blog just because I said something they disagreed with, very few, and that is heartening to me, because we can agree to disagree and still have tons of other things in common. When I talk about bringing us together, I mean it, and there is no hate in it.

      • sbranch says:

        And I STILL love you. I don’t care if you think differently than me. That’s not my point at all. I care that we are being divided with untruths and emotional touch points. I have never been ashamed of my opinion and no one could ever “make” me feel that way, and I would assume that would be the same for everyone. I’m not backpedaling. I said in my original post that no matter who won, we would be in the same boat. But Trump was the only candidate who used race and religion to divide us. That hurt. That was worse than I’ve ever seen.

        True things include: He would not disavow the KKK support, In my life I have never heard any national candidate do that. He said an American citizen judge was biased because of his Mexican heritage, in other words, he can’t do his job because of his race. He questions whether Obama was born in the US, and that he “might be a Muslim.” He wants to ban all Muslims from legally coming into the country. Where is freedom of religion? He condoned the beatings that took place at his rallies. It really goes on and on. He questioned our election system before he won, saying if he lost, that meant the vote was rigged. That undermines our democracy, the last best hope for the world. It’s not a little thing. And now that he did win, it’s not enough, he says it was rigged because he didn’t win the popular vote. I think of the kinds of qualities I would like to see in the leader of this country, and these aren’t them.

  49. Joan says:

    Dear, dear Susan.
    I admire and respect your instinct to speak up. I suspect your gut was telling you it was the right thing to do. I have never been an activist in any way, but I am now prepared to act because the times are perilous. Edmund Burke wrote “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
    I believe with all my heart that in these times we cannot do nothing. But the key question is what should we do? I’ve been wrestling with this. What I’ve come up with so far are these guidelines for myself.
    1. SPEAK OUT against hatred, bigotry, misogyny, bullying, and all other forms of unkindness.
    2. LISTEN to the other side carefully. Try to understand the point of view of people who don’t agree with me.
    3. SEEK areas of common agreement for the general welfare of ALL.
    4. ACT on behalf of what I believe in when necessary, even if it takes me out of my comfort zone.
    Susan, thank you for your courage. At a time in life when I am feeling heartsick, I truly appreciate your kind and loving heart.

    • sbranch says:

      All perfect, and REACH OUT too, and let your neighbor know you are there. I too am heartsick. Not because of the election but more because of us. I love us, and it breaks my heart to see so much anger and distrust, and I just don’t believe for one moment that it’s our fault. We’re being used to do this, and I for one am not going to let them win with me.

  50. Doris Petersen says:

    Thank you Susan Branch! 👏❤️️👏 Safe travels home to you and Joe. 🙏

  51. mary spring says:

    …once again, dear Susan, thank you for all that you do !.. you always remind me of how I really do believe in magic and I always and forever have great faith, hope, and love !!..I also hope you and Joe have a wonderful and enchanting crossing !! I know you both will be so happy to get back home !!..and thank you for taking time in taking us all on your journey !!..forever greatful, as always..

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so excited to see the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor and know I’m home. Magic…. how we need it. xoxo Love you Mary.

      • mary spring says:

        Love you too Susan !..’can’t wait to have you back !! .. I remember last time, watching you all coming in to the harbor, all aglow in the dark… xoxoxo

  52. Jenny Foster says:


    My mom began collecting your books year ago, and now I have them all. I especially loved your trio of memoirs! They spoke to me on such a personal level, as I also ended a relationship and rebuilt my life in a new place. You also introduced me to the practice of meditation, for which I will be forever grateful. I have found more helpful now than ever! I think it was brave to post this most recent entry, I’m sure you knew that some would be offended. For me, you so accurately mirrored my thoughts, I found the post to be comforting and hopeful. Have you seen the Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year? It’s “post-truth”. That accurately sums up the issue with the media, I believe! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us all, I believe so many of us are truly kindred spirits! Have a lovely, cozy Thanksgiving.

  53. Joyce Durkin says:

    Thank you, Susan. I can only imagine what it took for you to write this post. Thank you for your bravery and your warm heart.
    Blessings to all!

  54. Antonia says:

    Dear Susan this is just what I needed I have been feeling broken hearted since Bernie stepped aside I wasn’t a supporter of Hillary but I cast my vote her way because I felt she was the better candidate I heard a lot of the chatter about emails and murder and stealing money etc etc but I thought if this were true there would have been more proof outside of news networks reporting. I take this administration as my chance to stand up for what Direction I want my country to go so I will vote with my dollars. I vow to help those in need I vow to raise my children to be kind and tolerant of others I will seek the high road instead of hatred in my heart .thank you for helping me see that I am not alone in this vast world and there are people who think like me who are afraid but won’t hide under the covers. I will sip my tea and know the sun will rise and as long as we come together anything is possible ❤️️

  55. Beth Foraker says:

    Hundreds and hundreds of comments…you know what that means, right?? A whole lot of people are considering your words and that’s a very good thing. I am grateful for all of the love, light and joy you bring to our world. SO grateful. But, I am also always super grateful when I see someone step out of their comfort zone and truly speak their truth. You were brave with this post. Good on you. We need way way more personal bravery. Way more speaking truth. Way more light. You are providing all of those things and more. My picture is on this blog post. Guess that means I’m one degree separated from your bravery and light. 🙂 When I went to your book signing and was in your orbit with all of the other beautiful people, I was astonished. That is the good stuff. Good people. Good life. Working toward more family, more friendship, more beauty and more heart of the home…truly beautiful. This past August, I made my way to Martha’s Vineyard with a friend (the same friend who went to your book signing with me) because of your book. It was everything we needed and more, so much more. Thank you!! Thank you for the inspiration, for the true love of our sweet little lives and for your special spice that only you can add to our world.

    • Lori says:

      Beth, what if perhaps half to almost-half of the good people — full of love, light and joy in the audiences at SB book-signings were going to vote for Trump? That was the shock to everyone on election night…
      We can be girlfriends full of bravery and light and beauty and still cast our votes two different directions. We can all be ladies that love our cozy kitchens, our kitties, our gardens, and husbands but still have cast our votes two different directions and for each our own diverse intelligent reasoning.
      Half of us shouldn’t have to be made to feel “less than” because we did so.

  56. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    wishing you and Joe a safe, happy and peaceful voyage home. bon voyage, safe journey and Happy Thanksgiving to you both. hugs…. 🙂

  57. ST says:

    You have done a fantastic post and don’t let anyone else tell you differently!

    Please, everyone, we are all in this wonderful country together. We are one humongous family and we have our differences, as any family does. BUT, do not let those differences split us apart. “United we stand, Divided we fall.”

  58. pat north says:

    Love you Susan! Your blog was spot on! My sentiments exactly! Safe travels home!

  59. Paula says:

    Let’s just hope the Republicans and the Democrats will start dating again!

  60. Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

    Dear Susan,

    Wishing you and Joe a wonderful and safe journey home on the Big Boat. I’ll be looking at the Tweets as you travel along, and have enjoyed all the Tweets from the Twip so far. I’m not sure where all those places are that you visited, so I for one will need a book about this journey … no pressure, LOL!

    You will love being home after this long trip … Jack is waiting!

    Best regards,

  61. Sharie says:

    This is the last time I read your blog or buy anything with your name on it. As far as I am concerned along with a few other people I know, you are a dimwit.

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, I’m sorry, but you are right, I am a dimwit! Not that that changes the fact that we are being manipulated out of our country.

      • Lori says:

        Susan, I love you and absolutely have never thought of you as a dimwit, but as a lovely light in this world.
        However, my comments still remain that it hasn’t been a lovely feeling that you brought “to light” that we readers who felt previously accepted here in mixed company now have it in the back of our minds that perhaps we are looked at with less xoxo and respect because from our POINT OF VIEW we think differently on this matter than you do.
        That’s all I’ve been wanting you to hear ME say after hearing what YOU have said.
        Each day I take out my little purse SB calendar… I see your books on my shelves (Autumn book is in a special display rack at this moment)… I tuck my tuxedo kitty into a little quilt made with your fabrics…. BUT today, I look at these dear possesions with a little bit of bruising because I feel like now you think I’m deplorable because I voted Trump…
        I won’t write any more because I know you have several of my tries in your moderation basket now as it is.
        Take care, Susan, and may you hold up as so many voices are wanting to respond to your voice, LC

        • sbranch says:

          I’m really trying to step over all the political stuff, truly I am, to show how the false information we’ve been getting from corporate media is tearing apart our country. You can see it just in my blog, but there’s way worse than this out there. Just follow the money, who is profiting from us fighting? Not us. So sorry, Lori, I seriously do not mean offense and you are perfectly welcome here as you have always been, it’s not you, the only fingers I’m pointing are at THEM. They laugh all the way to the bank when we fight.

        • Marianna says:

          The feeling Lori speaks of, of maybe not being welcome here on Susan’s blog because of a difference of opinion; use it to help understand how every person Trump labeled “other”, with words far stronger than Susan used, throughout his campaign is feeling in their country, their beloved American home. Everyday for the next four years I will feel bruised every time I hear the name of our president-elect. Bruised for my husband and children who fall into his terrorist category. That isn’t about a mere difference of opinion…

          Susan, thank you for speaking out.

          • sbranch says:

            Yes, we are hurt on all sides, Republicans, Democrats, religious or not religious, all colors, legal immigrants, and non, men, women and children, old and young, no stone was left unturned with the divide-and-conquer tactics used during this election. THEY ARE DOING THIS TO US.

      • Diedra Lanphear says:

        Susan! I will write more later — but, you ABSOLUTELY ARE NOT a dimwit! Thank you for your message — it did my heart good. Sending you much peace, hope Joy and love.

  62. Jean says:

    Proud of you for taking a stand…I know you aren’t political…the election results make me afraid for all of us.

  63. Katie says:

    Hi, Susan! I have loved your blog ever since I first discovered it and your books take me to a place of contentment that I can’t seem to get anywhere else. That being said, I am disappointed, although it was certainly your right, to see talk of politics here. Having been born in the fifties and growing up in the sixties and seventies, I have a theory. We got our news from radio and tv. Who can forget Walter Cronkite? And even if the world was a scary place then, too, we could depend on journalists to report the news and not try to sensationalize it. Today everything is about ratings and revenues and who gets the story out first. Long trusted news outlets are being tainted by people (I don’t call them journalists anymore) and corporations who only want to report their side of the news and who have no problem with being unethical and downright nasty. I believe Facebook, and blogs to a certain extent, are also part of the problem. Where people used to interact with their friends and family either in person or on the telephone or by mail, they are now able to say whatever they want, all the while hiding behind their computers. We interact with people we would never have known much less communicated with. The only solution I see is to turn off the tv, turn off talk radio, get off of Facebook and go back to actually living our lives. That’s exactly what I plan to do. If this sounds like I’m sticking my head in the sand, well so be it. I will continue to follow you, Susan, because I love you and your books and your blog. I just hope we’re done with the politics.

  64. Carole Woolery says:

    Hmm, oh, I see, uh huh….bye.

    • sbranch says:

      So sorry to see you go. Please tell me it was more than just my blog. Maybe, let’s see, what? Well, really, I can’t think of anything I did that was bad enough.

      • Jennifer says:

        People like Carole -saying mean things and can hide on the internet. Most of these “friends” are saying mean things because you don’t know them, really. They aren’t standing in front of you or having a cup of coffee with you. They are sitting behind the computer pretty much anonymous and saying mean spiteful things. Its really sad. It causes even more division. The only thing I say to help myself with these kind of people – KARMA! LOL 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          I know, if we were eyeball to eyeball, having a cup of tea, we would be finding common ground and hugging. It’s the culture right now, the culture of division. We are the ones that feed it, and we are the ones who can starve it right out of existence, and take this country back, and make it a homeland of our dreams, where our tax money is spent on US, and people compromise and get things done for the good of all.

  65. Susan Joy says:

    Anyway, on a happy “non-political” note, I made Gingerbread Cake (a recipe from your Autumn book) for dessert last night. My family really enjoyed it. Thank you. Get home safely!

    • sbranch says:

      Susan, you are aptly named, Joy. Thank you and thank you. We’ll be home for Christmas, you can count on me . . .

  66. Patti says:

    Hope. Love. Smile. Repeat!
    Thanks for expressing much that I have been feeling. As a mother and Nana of girls, I have to be concerned.

  67. Lani nelson says:

    Susan, I agree and appreciate everything you have been so kind to have had the courage to share. Each and EVERY one of us needs to do a better job of speaking AND listening with kindness and empathy. As a retired public school teacher, I regret that I and my fellow educators did not teach our students to be critical thinkers. Several of my retired peers have shared the same sentiment. (From kindergarten to high school) The fact that we only want to listen and watch those on “our team” and believe fake news troubles me deeply. My husband and I unknowing followed Garrison’s Keillor’s prediction and puttered and cleaned the garden shed and garage. Though I am deeply sadden and worried, I want to take a positive step forward as I continue my volunteer work working with struggling readers at our neighborhood school. We also joined Van Jone’s website realizing we need to expand our knowledge and outreach. You are a blessing dear Susan. Thank you again.
    oxoxox. Lani

    • sbranch says:

      Critical thinking, I didn’t get that in school either. But we didn’t know then. It’s so important. Now we just have to teach ourselves. Lank you Lani, for your service and for your good words.

  68. Nancy T. says:

    Trust in God! He will see us through this mess we’re in! Never give up on PRAYER!!! So glad we also have you to boost our spirits!

    Nancy 🙂

  69. Jules says:

    Dear Susan
    You and I would certainly agree on some things and disagree on others, but that is one great thing about being American. One of the best people I’ve ever known was at the very opposite end of the spectrum from me on politics, religion and everything else. Nothing was off limits for discussion between the two of us. But she taught me a lot about respect for others with differing values. She had a kind heart. Ultimately, our problems our rooted in the human heart and no politician can fix that. Both the Democrat party and the Republican party are dysfunctional, therefore we get Trump. But my hope is not in him or any other politician. My hope is in God. Loving our neighbors as ourselves would go along way. We can still love our neighbors even when we disagree. I’m thankful to be an American and I do love American made! God Bless America!

  70. Susan P. says:

    I was not going to reply at all….but there are some of you that are just getting down right nasty. Name calling, never going to read the blog, saying good bye to Susan Branch. HEY YOU HAVE MISSED THE MESSAGE….. WE AS AMERICANS HAVE THE FREEDOM AND THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE, ALSO TO AGREE OR DISAGREE. BUT WHAT YOU MISSED IS WE SHOULD COME TOGETHER…WE SHOULD BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER AND RESPECT OTHERS AND THEIR BELIEFS AND THEIR CHOICES. To be honest I am more shocked on what is being said on this blog, then what is happening on the streets. You call your self a friend….well a friend …..a true friend….stands by her friend…her beliefs. her politics, sometimes her actions. IF YOU CHOOSE…to end the friendship then you do it with dignity. Above all girlfriends…WE ARE WOMEN

    I am a simple person…(now wait) I am a women, a FRIEND, a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a baker, a decorator, a glass collector, a sunriser and sunsetter and moon watcher, a singer and a dancer. I love this world and I LOVE AMERICA….BECAUSE I CAN BE ALL OF THESE AND ENJOY MY FREEDOMS BECAUSE OF SO MNAY WHO HAVE SACRIFICED FOR US. I BELIEVE IN GOD ABOVE ALL….again girlfriends…be kind…you can voice your opinions and still be nice about it. I will step off the soap box now.

    Bless you Susan Branch and all the magic, love, happiness, laughs, motivation, ideas, recipes, books and TIME that you have given to all of us…you have made my little world happier. We all make choices in OUR lives…you choose to be an artist, author etc etc….and ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK HAS PAID OFF…SO ENJOY YOUR REWARDS FOR A JOB WELL DONE. Safe journey home to THE BEST COUNTRY IN THIS WORLD …..AMERICA. Love, Susan P
    Allot of my words are in capitals…I am not yelling…(well not much)hahaha
    I am just trying to get some of the others to see what they are doing is not nice.

    • Lori says:

      I haven’t actually read any name-calling except perhaps the “dimwit” comment which wasn’t cool…
      But Susan P., I just hope that after reading the original post by SB that SHE will RESPECT (using your caps method *-) the CHOICES that we other (could-be) almost half of her fans and readers. I hope she will do a follow-up post after the dust settles to UN-divide and UNITE all of us who for many years follow and support her but truly felt put on the other side of the book-signing room because we feel this way about Trump/Clinton or say, pro-life/pro-abortion (as one example).
      Yes, we can all still love Susan Branch — but we are kinda hoping she has the same xoxo for those of us who voted differently than her… I just don’t want to feel like I am viewed as a deplorable on this website. Perhaps that is why some ladies are bowing out… it never feels good to be divided up ESPECIALLY among girlfriends!

  71. Sonja C says:


    I thought about this since I read it last night, I don’t usually comment on blogs but I felt I really wanted to this time. First of all, let me say that we might be twins separated at birth, I love England, Emma Bridgewater, Beatrix Potter, the National Trust and I have had that Rose Chintz china for ages!!!! My husband and I were in Derbyshire evidently at the same time as you last month as well. England is our favorite place to visit and we go usually once or twice a year.

    I also enjoy your blog and your art, the whole package. I felt your pain in writing the post and I have to say that I am a little irritated at all the people who have given you grief. First of all you are right in everything you said and you said it in a very diplomatic way. I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been so nice. I share in your sorrow at the election, I really am afraid that my grandchildren will be reaping this harvest for years to come. I have two granddaughters, 10 and 14 who have listened and heard what has been said by Mr. Trump and they feel betrayed by a country who would vote to put such a man in such a high office. I feel the same.

    Thank you for standing up for what it right and for making known that we will go down without a fight. I have many friends who have exactly the opposite view and I am finding it hard to even speak with them about this, they are good people but very misguided.

    Thanks again for your courage and for following your good instincts and for having your heart in the right place.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy you commented here. I have a quote that I adore, I put it on the blog, but I am happy to say it again:
      He drew a circle that kept me out, heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
      But love and I had the wit to win, we drew a circle that took him in!”
      I want us all to draw circles of love and take each other in.

  72. Susan wenegar says:

    I no longer care to read your blog..it used to be a pleasant read until you brought politics into it.. please remove my name from your list

    • sbranch says:

      I can’t remove you in the same way I wasn’t able to put you on, this is something you have to do yourself. But please know, we will miss you.

    • Kim says:

      I agree with Susan Wenegar. I’ve unsubscribed. Don’t forget the way we choose to spend our money is another way of voting.

      • sbranch says:

        Oh please don’t threaten. It’s not nice. We need each other, you may not need me, but I need you, and not just to buy things from me, but to be a sister, and to try to understand.

      • Jennifer says:

        wow, Kim – I guarantee Kim – that you have friends and family that have different of opinions and do you “unsubscribe” from them? And also, when you are buying something from a person/business etc. do you check to see what their political opinions are? Because this is just what you did here. You better start taking roll call on who does NOT think like you and wipe them off your list and your places to spend money. Give me a break!!!!

  73. Kathleen Schlenz says:

    Please consider running for president!!!

  74. Muriel Diguette says:

    Dearest Susan,
    We all know that you are the best cook in America, the most talented artist and author, the sweetest, kindest soul, and NOW we also know that you are a master in explaining the situation of our soul-sick country. I have been struggling to make sense of what happened on November 8th … how a man so filled with hate and vitriol could win half of our country’s hearts. I’ve been reading editorials in newspapers, talking to people “on both sides of the aisle”, listening to C-Span and the BBC, and I just couldn’t understand. But then along came you! You have given us the back story of what our country has been suffering for decades, and explained in such an eloquent way how we got here … all the greed and fear and divisiveness. Thank you for speaking the truth and in such a beautifully non-partisan fashion. You are my hero now for a totally NEW reason! I would welcome more posts of such as a salve for hard times.

  75. Starr Miller says:

    Hey Susan
    Thank you! You have true grit !!!!! Amen to all your thoughts. You have given me lots to think about.
    Enjoy your trip home. Sweet America is suffering but we always bounce back.
    You put your heart into this blog and it shows. Thank you. I know that you spend hours and hours on all your projects- it’s the same hard work as a miner in my book.
    Looking forward to more photos and stories from your trip.
    Big virtual hug sent.

  76. Ann says:

    Thank you so VERY much for this post. I am grateful that you found the words and desire to put mind and heart to “paper.” You spoke to my thoughts and feelings and put voice to the sadness, worry and frustration I have felt since well before the election. I admit that the outcome felt like a heavy iron door closing! However, I must continue to focus on making connections and building relationships; giving kindness and looking for the goodness in my fellow man (and woman!). Please keep inspiring us! XO

  77. WA Judy says:

    Wow…… I’ll only make one response. Your comment saying, ” ‘Christianity is under attack’ is a total and complete lie”, just amazes me. (Trying to take Christ out of Christmas is just one example.) I’m speechless…

    • sbranch says:

      It’s not happening. We all LOVE Christmas. If anyone tells you different, they are trying to drive a wedge between us. Maybe some nut somewhere doesn’t like it, but he is definitely not one of the normal ones, which we are.

      • Jennifer says:

        LOL = I must be a nut because I do not like Christmas. I do not like the commercial part to it and so it spoils it for me. But that doesn’t mean (WA JuDY I’m talking to you) that I’m attacking Christmas. Or that writing xmas with an X is doing something wrong. I believe in ALL religions. I believe in people that don’t believe in God. I believe in all spiritual practices!!!!!! And what helps me too is thinking about my Japenese friend – she’s buddist. She grew up not knowing a thing about God. So I am going to think her way is wrong? Her culture is wrong and mine is better? I also could say something about people voting for Trump because he is a Christian but I won’t. But on second thought maybe I will. LOL It makes me laugh! Hilarious!

        • sbranch says:

          I hate the commercialism of Christmas too, and honestly, I think many of us do. Forced march of spending money for more stuff we don’t need, seems a bit much. But I love everything else about it!

  78. Joan S says:

    You sure have a lot of responses to moderate. I do enjoy your blog, a regular reader who delights in your postings. I am sorry to see that you turned to political speech which has
    created a real storm. It’s your blog to write what you wish. Just sorry it took on this life.

    • sbranch says:

      The storm was here long before I mentioned it, I’m sorry to say, it’s been growing and is now to what I would consider, a breaking point. I have a problem with anyone who would turn the American people against each other. I ask, why. I follow the money, and I see what the problem is. I want us to all see it, know it, and fight against it. We are one people.

  79. Jeannette says:

    Hi Susan. I just want to say one thing. He was wrong to say that word and she was wrong to keep putting it on her political ads. I hope and pray for America that we can become a better country in spite of our leaders. Have a safe and great trip back home. Jeannette.

  80. Frances Drukten says:

    Dear Susan,
    I don’t usually respond to internet “things” but I must here. Your comments are wonderfully sage and welcomed by me. I will forward this to many kindred spirits and some friends who are not so kindred right now! I agree with everything you’ve said and also wish I had been more vocal before the election. I too had faith in the goodness of people and was sure that we would all “do the right thing.” I am sad and my husband is angry. Hopefully someone wise will prevail in our government. We must be positive and hope.
    Thanks for writing what you did.

  81. Jeannette says:

    Hi Susan. I just wanted to say one thing. It was wrong for him to use that word and it was wrong for her to keep using it in her political ads. I hope and pray that this country becomes better in spite of our leaders. Have a safe and great trip home. Jeannette.

  82. Joan Lesmeister says:

    I give you permission dear Sue to continue to make your blog your own, and to make your comments about subjects and your beliefs that you’re passionate about. I don’t understand why some folks got offended, why is it all right for them to say what they believed, but not for you, on your own blog? I’m thinking everybody has a right to their opinion, even though I may disagree. So keep on keeping on dear Sue, enjoy your trip back home & we’ll see you on this side of the pond. Hugs to you and Joe! xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Joan dear, we feel those hugs💖

    • charissa says:

      Well said, Joan:) xoxo

    • Meg Cooper says:

      I totally agree with Joan. I am on the other end of the political spectrum from Susan. But to get all offended and even go so far as to make rude comments to Susan is not only immature, but it is anti-American. It didn’t take a genus to figure out Susan’s political leanings long before this post (sorry to stereotype… born in CA, moved to MA, speaks well of Obama. Not that everyone from CA and MA votes blue, but kinda). So why get so offended by this post? Like any American she has the freedom to voice her opinion and we can RESPECTFULLY listen and if we want, we can disagree kindly.

      To my fellow Republicans and Libertarians who are tempted to comment here: please try to NOT make us look like pigheaded ninnies.

      Let’s remember there are four forms of government: 1. Self government 2. Family government 3. Church government 4. Civil government
      If we can’t get the first one down, we won’t improve the last one very much.
      Susan, I am sorry people are being so rude to you. Anchors Away!

      • sbranch says:

        LOL, Meg, you are too funny. No one is a Ninny, but this control exerted over ALL OF US, has gone very deep. Lovely Republican girl you are. xoxo

  83. Lynn D says:

    I think I would like to add some more of what we need to do. 1. Seek God, a whole lot. 2. stop our complaining and be Thankful 3. Be kind to everyone 4. Get a heavy dose of good manners, the Golden rule comes to mind. 5. We need to FORGIVE, even when we are offended. Just FORGIVE. and don’t bring it up anymore. One doesn’t necessarily have to trust, but we are required to forgive. 6, We need to stop being offended at everything that someone does/says that we don’t like. Okay… end of my sermon. 😉

  84. Bambi Miller says:

    Wow! thank you from the bottom of my heart! reading this has made my whole day and then some! You nailed it, you nailed it perfectly! What is happening in our wonderful, beautiful country, the place we call home, is more than disheartening. It has really been bothering me, watching the separation become wider and wider. People you thought you knew, who you thought were your friends; instead, showed their true nature by their actions and their words; not caring how ugly or hurtful they were if you weren’t on “their side”. Social media is no longer “social” but, more of a contest who has the best “rant” and followers that think exactly like them. Lord help anyone who dares question their comments. I try to steer clear of them and their negative energy. I am a positive person, and will always remain as such. I am an organic farmer. I work hard, my days are long, and I am far from a wealthy person if you look at my checking account. My wealth comes in different forms, from watching my new lambs run and jump in their fields, to seeing the joy on a young childs face as they help collect a chicken egg or bottle feed on of our young goat kids. I take joy in what I do everyday, thankful that God has blessed me with the ability to have what it takes, physically and mentally, to do what I do everyday.
    You, Susan are an inspiration to me and thousands of your faithful “girlfriends” and followers. I can see in your work and your words, that you too, take joy in what you do everyday. This is America, yours and mine, Forever, no one can take that from us.

  85. Mindy Beveridge says:

    Thank you, Susan, for that well written post. Have a safe trip home. Looking forward to hearing about the trip. Your posts always makes me smile and laugh! Hugs, Mindy

  86. Jan says:

    Thank you for your tenacity, Susan. I appreciate your thoughts. It seems to me that MANY Americans didn’t like either choice on our 2016 POTUS ballot. I believe The United States of America should be run like a business. Our 3 legs of the government should balance out and make a positive impact. If any citizen of the USA doesn’t like the way things are going, they should not hesitate to get involved in determining the solution. Town hall meetings serve a crucial purpose. Every legal citizen of the United States of America is responsible to help our nation thrive.

  87. Mary Jane says:

    You know Susan, I have read and reread your post many times. I do not see where you are being political. You are stating facts . The people in this country have been used and their trust abused terribly. More than just the powers that be are at fault here too. I think a lot of people have abandoned the principles of living a good life. It seems to many of us that anything goes now. All of a sudden people can be disrespectful, say whatever pops into their head without a second thought. Be mean and nasty whenever they feel like. Not a thought to what saying or doing whatever they want. Shooting each other on the street like that’s the norm now. So many good principals and living kindly and caring are gone. It seems everyone for themselves now. No thoughts for the greater good for everyone. It makes me very sad. A lot families are broken, so many kids raising themselves.
    Family is not revered as it once was. Women have struggled for hundreds of years to be equal and treated with respect. We will not quit now. We deserve the respect and the right to have the same advantages as men. All the posts on your beautiful blog represent everything that is kind and good and it brings respect to families, you tell us, it is ok to love your home and cherish your family and still be a very successful woman. I love that you feel so strongly about your home and friends and your wonderful Joe and sweet Jack, your family. Yes you are successful and you earned every single bit of it. Please keep being the wonderful inspiration you have always been to us. Right now we need you more than ever.

    Love and Prayers to you, Mary Jane

  88. Kate says:

    I don’t like to get all political on anyone’s blog, but I must say this. I’d rather have someone who has used crude language, rather than one who acts rudely to people. I am very happy about the results of the election and no Debbie Downers(and I am not calling you that) will take away my joy. I have seen what one candidate has done so I wanted to give an unknown the chance to change what this country has become and seeing from the news, I made the right choice as the other candidate’s followers have gone berserk. So many women were offended by words, but have not been offended by deeds and that worries me. We are supposed to look at things logically and make the right choices. You probably won’t want me to comment here any longer, but I am using my free speech as I think people believe all the bad things about one person and none about the other.

    • sbranch says:

      Okay, here’s another thought, something else to chew on… People in many countries are being put in prison for disagreeing with their government. Do we want that? I can’t imagine that we do. It’s okay to disagree, but calling names, the anger, is just one step away from incarceration for intolerable views. It’s definitely how it starts, and plain and simple, and it’s unAmerican. To say people go berserk is a way of belittling them. Some of us are happy and some of us aren’t but all of us are good people. YOU are a good person, I am not against you personally in any way, I’m just trying to talk about this thing we are all experiencing no matter what side we’re on, and what we the people could do to make it better.

      • Cee Austin says:

        Susan , they have gone “bezerk.” Protesting all over my state, and beating each other up. I haven’t really liked a President since President Carter, some of them- I have really disliked. But, I would have never taken to the streets over it. There are mass protest planned for inauguration day. I find this very upsetting . The people have voted. Mr Trump will be our next President, that’s the way it works.

    • Debby says:

      Kate, don’t you think Trump was rude to people? He bullied everyone. Isn’t that rude?

  89. Betsy Stevenson says:

    Dearest Susan, I want to also thank you for all you have done to make the world a kinder, happier place. I totally valued your words and was comforted by your post. I always feel like some people are meant to find each other… You are a kindred spirit and yet we will probably never meet. I am in the Beatrix Potter society in Ca and I share many interests with you. You are so special with a gift for joy and I will always appreciate that! You have now taught me alot about bravery and strength as I read your replies to everyone. I hope your Thanksgiving will be full of love!

  90. Janice says:

    Wow what a piece Susan, I’m im agreement with you for the most part. American bad choice. You just don’t know it yet but you will in due time… But because I believe in the bible.. It might just have had to be.. We the America are in a bad state case anyone didn’t see it.. The government is for itself not the America, the people. If it was for the people, dearest People we the America would not be in the state we are in.. We have more homeless then ever.. I can go anywhere and it is all o er the place. Before it was rare and as a kid you might see that so called bum… There are homeless under the freeways on the streets even at our own City Hall all over it. And drug addicts like crazy, caught a bus and as the bus was passing down the street and YOUNG man was shooting up right on the side walk one block away from our City Hall… While Young other people amongst adults were protesting outside in front Of City Hall.. No one care but I was Sicked.. The bus was full of stinky people pee drugs users etc. the next block I got off to walk back towards the city hall and the street was full of people on drugs brain twisted from using drugs. People taking to themsleves another drunk trying to fight a man eating his lunch.. I walked in amazement and fear.. No one cared.. Our world is in a very bad way. And trump is not going to fix it to say the least.. 2 Timothy 3:2 says For men shall be lovers of their ownselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents unthankful unholy, they will be lovers of money.. Our government.. It has nothing to do with our colors of our skins, we are all the same inside it is people mental states of mines In my opinion, which everyone is allowed to have.. Great post with love Janice.. Cant wait to see more about your trip…

    • sbranch says:

      Trump won’t do it, they all leave it for the next guy, but we can, if we start believing in ourselves again, we can FORCE our representatives to stop listening to lobbyists and start paying attention to the people who voted them in. We can solve anything.

  91. Audrianne says:

    Thank you for your post. We all need to be the change we want to see in the world. I think after a few more mornings some may be ready to take that step. Me, I began moving in that direction the minute I heard the news.

    A safe return home. A scratch to each kitty behind their ears and may you have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  92. Beth Recio says:

    Dear Susan
    I made it all the way through with tears in my eyes. I hate the division in our country – which I believe we have been manipulated in to. Friends turning away from life long friends. I am 66 years old and have never in my life time seen anything like this. It is hard to see what is happening and only time will tell if we can recover. Here is the hard part – how an individual voted a week ago will not make a hill of beans 20 years from now – but friendships forsaken will break hearts and make bitter old people. We need to teach our children and grandchildren that the behavior they witnessed on TV during the election is not acceptable in a civilized country. Praying for healing.

  93. Caroline says:

    Dearest Sue, Your blog helped me to see that political party, just like race, religion, age and color are just our outsides: Inside we are all the same. It was beautifully written and from the heart. I applaude your courage. You reminded me of Martin Luther King saying ” I have been to the mountain top and I am no longer afraid.” God bless you.
    Safe passage home. When you are unpacked, rested, and ready for your next project…maybe you could record some meditation tapes for all of us and lead us through breath to the Source where we are all the same at the core..divinely made of starry stuff.
    Sending lots of love and the happiest Thanksgiving to you and Joe! Caroline

    • sbranch says:

      I was thinking I wanted to do that, something sweet and peaceful! Happy Thanksgiving to you too Caroline and thank you!

  94. Pam says:

    Oh, Sue. My heart is bleeding right along with yours. You put everything down on paper that I have been feeling since last week. Grieving and torn. Looking for hope–and not trusting that we will find it. Uncertain of the future.

    • sbranch says:

      If we the people can heal our wounds and stop letting ourselves be divided, it will get better. Otherwise, I’m with you, worried, because it’s a true thing, divided we fall.

  95. charissa says:




    • charissa says:

      PS Susan, I forgot to say… don’t let the turkeys get you down:) I know you meant this to be uniting and not turn into this. At least there are A LOT of positive comments too. Xoxo

      • sbranch says:

        Lots and lots of positivity from both sides, a beautiful thing. xoxo The others, I think, are just maybe hearing something they’ve never heard before, because it took me a long time to notice it too.

    • sbranch says:

      We never have to agree on everything, but I love that we agree on this, Love your neighbor, find commonality. xoxo Thank you Charissa!

    • Janet O'Connor says:

      Charissa, Thank you for saying this! You put your thoughts down so well. I applaud you for your support of all of us who love and appreciate Susan. She is deeply perceptive and I appreciate her honesty.

      • Charissa says:

        Thanks for your comment, Janet! Susan is the best and easy to defend;) and should have never been subjected to what some people wrote. I bet there were things she didn’t even publish. I just couldn’t stand by and read the ridiculousness. She is right. we need to be loving toward each other and understanding of our differences. xoxo

  96. Sara S says:

    Yes! Thank you. You said what doesn’t get said very often. That would be a balanced, nuanced assessment of the state of things. I feel as you do…frustrated from ALL points and frustrated at the disconnect of our society. I don’t agree with every point you made, but that’s GOOD. It’s good to hear an opposing point and practice the art of not feeling attacked or offended. It’s good to imagine the viewpoint of another person. It’s good to offer the gift of listening. To lighten someone’s load. To learn something you never realized. We have been purposely separated by our media and government…for THEIR gain, and we’re falling for it. I fell for it. Dreaded the election. I was sick with a cold and had the thought that my vote didn’t count for THAT much. But I snapped out of it. Spent the morning researching. Searched my heart. And dragged my 6 year old (wearing goggles…he’s going through an aquatic phase) down the street, coughing the whole way, because I’m an American woman (born after other women worked their butts off to ensure I could have the life I CHOOSE)…which is like winning the lottery. I have much more to be thankful for than complain about. My person didn’t win. Them’s the breaks. Now more than ever, I think we need balanced dialogue like the one you just shared. So thank you for sharing your heart. You are not alone. Remember…we’re the normal ones!

    • sbranch says:

      The art of not feeling attacked, that’s a good one. So many of us have been conditioned to think that a different opinion is somehow an attack! It’s just not. And shame on the dividers that have done this to us. We deserve better. Tired of being used. LOL, aquatic phase, that is so cute. xoxoxo

  97. Kay B. says:

    Over this past year with all the rioting and the back biting of the political ads screaming their rhetoric at us, I came to a place where I have a new mantra. “If you want to be heard you must learn to speak up with GRACE.” You accomplished this! While I can’t agree with everything you said, so many things you said rang true for all of us that voted and even for those who were too disgusted with both parties! We CAN agree to agree on points that are true for all of us! Thank you for getting this down to a place we can see our points of commonality and understand our points of differences!

    • sbranch says:

      You don’t have to agree and I don’t expect it, and thank you for civility, because that’s all I’m trying to shine a light on, that we don’t have to be so mean to each other. And that we are being used. Because that is a very important component, letting these people tear us apart is just fun for them. And it takes our eye off the ball. Find the touch points they use against us, recognize them, then recognize the PEOPLE who do it, and stop letting them into our brains. We are not the enemy, they are.

  98. Maureen Whitman says:

    (Resubmitting this because my when I posted it yesterday it did not go through for some reason.)

    Wow, I am impressed. You took a big risk posting this and had to know that some of your readers would not agree with you.

    Everyone has a voice and deserves to be heard. The people voted and spoke their voice (which is the most amazing thing about our country even if the ‘voice’ you agree with does not win the election!). I am taking great pains to see and understand the rationale and reasons that people may have voted, whether that be Republican, Democrat or other.

    And, now that the vote is decided, the folks that are pleased or not bothered with the result will still run across the thoughts, opinions and ideas of those who voted for a different result. Had Hillary won, those who felt strongly that she was not a good choice would have every right to lament and speak out and share why they may have negative, confused or disheartened feelings about it all.

    As a woman, I have found it an extremely difficult and long road getting to a place in my life where I can state my opinion regardless of knowing that others might disagree or GASP even dislike me. THANK YOU for setting an example of what that looks like. You were passionate and articulate in your post and explained your viewpoint, all the while knowing it might cause waves (and I know this could not have been easy for you as you are a very gracious person).

    It is not helpful or productive to understanding one another and what we hold dear to say “la la la please don’t say that?’ and that goes for all sides of the political landscape in this country right now. As someone who was not supportive of Trump being elected, I still feel it is my duty to truly look and try to understand the reasons why people (fair and square) voted him in and look for ways to address their hurts and problems just like I desire others to consider my perspective. Otherwise I am living in a bubble and missing important things. Hearing and truly listening to others can sometimes be uncomfortable but I challenge everyone to give it a try. That seems to be the biggest challenge right now doesn’t it?

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I fear, a whole lotta gasping going on. Me too, look, learn, and understand, all perspectives. Otherwise, it’s a bubble. And yes, it’s a challenge. Especially when half the people are being demonized by a greedy corporate media. We are in it together. I can’t say it enough.

  99. Julie Ratcliffe says:

    Dear Susan

    I’ve just driven my poor husband mad reading this post. He was dozing in front of the TV and I kept waking him up reading bits out to him. ‘Listen to this bit!’ – Listen, listen….
    I agree with every bit of this. I think the world has gone bonkers, first Brexit (I’m British) and now the presidential election. Both elections fought with such vitriolic nastiness from both sides. I don’t know how we make our national leaders actually listen to us and just be better at what they are supposed to be doing which is working for us….the people who elected them. Sitting opposite each other, on their green leather benches, shouting abuse at each other certainly doesn’t get the job done.
    All we can do is love each other regardless of race, creed or colour and get on with our lives in the best way we can. It’s fine to disagree as long as we do it with grace.
    I hope you and Joe have a safe and pleasant journey home and I very much look forward to reading your ‘business as usual’ blog posts.

    Much love
    Julie Ratcliffe

  100. Delores Henel says:


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