May 4, 2012, Five years ago today . . . we, including lots of you, were here . . . sailing out of New York Harbor on the Queen Mary 2, beyond giddy (and not just because of the champagne!) . . . for our dream-come-true two-month ramble through the English Countryside. MUSICA!

So many of you came along with us, remember? That’s why we had to bring all this luggage.  Okay, I know, you were virtual, and we have no excuse. Darn! Lots of art supplies in those bags, cameras, batteries, chargers, wires, and converters, not to mention Musica! . . . we were ready for desert-island living, just in cases!

And so the love affair began, over hill and dale we went, along narrow lanes, on the wrong side of the road, on the wrong side of the car, through hedgerows overhung with bowers of hawthorn and cow parsley, popping in and out of three-hundred-year-old pubs, listening to the birds sing, winding through stone villages festooned with bunting, wandering through gardens in sun and in rain, everything the slow way ~ and all just perfect for a house-crazy person like me . . .

Visiting the tea rooms the National Trust so kindly provides at each of the lovely properties they own, and writing everything down.

We learned about and could feel the history . . . they took such good care of their country, in most places, you can feel yourself in 1756 or 1835 or even 1250! It’s amazing for the imagination.

From Kent (The “Garden of England”) and Sussex, up to the Peak District and the Lakes, through the amazing Dales to York, back to the Cotswolds, Wiltshire and Hampshire. And it all basically looked like this.

This is where I first saw bunting in it’s natural habitat! Festooning doors and windows, and criss-crossing streets . . .

Gardens and gardens and gardens. Remember? And it was never boring. How could anyone get tired of seeing this?  This one, considered a “small garden” was designed by the famous garden designer Rosemary Verey. We were so happy to be there. Lunch waited on the other side of those windows on the right, and cold Pear Cider.

Visiting kindred spirit William Morris’s house (where I bought that scarf . . .) learning about the guy I’d been quoting for years . . . and finding out just what an amazing person he was 💞but this quote had already told me . . .

Everyday was a discovery.

They mow paths through wildflower fields . . .

Then of course…to Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top Farm, a place I’d dreamed of seeing for a very long time.  I was beside myself. 

Alone her garden, with her darling Bee Bole . . .

Sketching the whole way because they didn’t allow cameras in the house . . . then turning the sketches into pages for the book I knew by that time I was definitely writing!

Honored to be there . . . Grateful for all that Beatrix Potter left behind . . .

I kept a diary of everything, took lots of pictures, and when we got home, I spent the following fall and winter watercoloring and writing everything down in my “good” handwriting . . . I had to tell the whole story . . . because if you fall madly in love with something you want everyone to feel it! You want to share that feeling!

It turned out to be part love story, part travel guide, with recipes too . . . not really knowing if I was succeeding as was doing it, but trying very hard to include every bit of the magic we found in our travels . . .

Day by day I wrote, page after page piled up, and then one day . . .

Still another dream came true. I hadn’t written a new book since 2004 and I really wanted to try something different with this diary, and here it was, bedecked with ribbon, hanging out with Petey who saw the whole thing first hand. And off it went, out to the world, introducing itself and saying Howdy Neighbor while I quaked in my slippers, waiting to see what people would think!  Then the reviews started coming in . . .

This was sent to me by one of our Girlfriends, you might remember it . . . her daughter had her own review system, I cried when I saw this! All of my books have been, for the most part, just like this, word of mouth.

And reviews started coming through on Amazon, and more crying ensued. And still does. Probably all authors think of their books as their babies, and I’m no different.  Course, then Paul McCartney had to get involved!

Or kind of. Not so sure he actually knew about it! But I love this anyway. And that’s it Girlfriends, just a little go-back-in-time celebration of a luvlee memory. Hope you enjoyed it!

So what else have I been up to? Same ole, same ole, actually . . .

Making new things. Thought we might like a Martha’s Vineyard cup!  What do you think? Selfishly, I admit, this will look wonderful in my new blue kitchen! Want to see the back?

. . . just a little something to celebrate the magic . . .

And then I thought, how about a cookie plate, tea cup and sandwich plate, wall hanging plate . . . combo? Like this . . . good for almost everything … with lots of good old-fashioned white space!

And I thought they look cute together. Mix and match. You can fit a sandwich on there, or a cookie!

Off I go! Just wanted to say hello. Off to the garden I go. Hope all is well with you. By the way, my computer person, says everything should be working with the ‘comments’ correctly now. Thank you for letting me know the troubles, and if it happens again, feel free to say something. Love you Girls! You Boys too! XOXO

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665 Responses to ANNIVERSARY TODAY!

  1. Shelley S says:

    I just love it when I find a new Susan blog post. Makes my day. (Don’t you feel loved?)
    I finally read all 3 of the diary books. Loved them…but what do I do now? I guess I start over! We need a tea book.

    Have you ever watched BBC’s “Lark Rise to Candleford”? So charming! Oxfordshire. I found the book by Flora Thompson. I guess I’ll go read it! PBS ran the series in 2009.
    Try YouTube.

    **Have any of you girlfriends watched that series?**

    Enjoy your beautiful garden! We got snow on April 30th!


    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I feel very loved.🤗 xoxo And yes, loved Lark Rise, and I have the book too, but I haven’t managed to read it yet! Snow! Crazy! Happy spring Shelley!

    • Yes, it features our beloved “Mr. Bates” before Downton! Loved him (Brendan Coyle) in Lark Rise to Candleford. I purchased the book nearly 10 years ago, and it has sat upon my shelf unopened in all that time. I have had eye issues… but finally surgery has helped me tio see better, and I am enjoying reading again (ahhhh…. actually holding a book in my hand instead of blowing everything up to size 80 font on a digital device!) So many great characters in that series!

  2. Joan Hagy says:

    Oooooooh I neeeeeeeed the Isle of Dreams mug! Love it so much.

    The summer is coming for this teacher, and last summer was spent under my cottonwood trees reading you trilogy and it was wonderful. I plan to start summer in the same way – with Isle of Dreams.

  3. Terri from Idaho who wishes she was in England says:

    Thanks for the journey down memory lane, Susan. I loved reading your blog while you were on your adventures five years ago, and loved it again today! I also must re-read A Fine Romance–I think I’ll start tonight! 💖

  4. Gretchen says:

    Your beautiful photographs and commentary intensifies my longing for a country cottage in merry ole England. Have you seen the series on Netflix Escape to the Country Collection? The realtors take perspective clients to the British countryside to find their dream, country cottage. I love your idea for the lovely cookie/sandwich plate with the Hans Christian Anderson quote on it. Since the budget does not allow me to purchase my British vacation cottage, I can dream while drinking my tea and eating my cookies on your beautiful plate. Thanks for butterflies, beauty, peace, and the dreams that you provide through your words, kindness, and art.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, Joe and I watch that show ~ our favorite is getting to see parts of the country we haven’t been to yet! Thank you Gretchen, very sweet of you! xoxo

  5. Gretchen says:

    Can the cookie plate with the Hans Christian Anderson quote be purchased from your online store? Initially, I thought it was an item you were thinking about creating until I realized it is a finished product. It would be perfect for my kitchen.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s really just in the beginning stages ~ that was a mock up I showed on the blog, but we are working to get it made, and when it is, yes, it’ll be in our online store! I’m glad you like it!

  6. sunny says:

    I guess that I am quite late to the party, but I have just purchased “A Fine Romance”. I related so deeply to your two books that preceded it. Such beautiful books. I am so glad that you continue to write, share and dream. I am so glad that you continue your journey with contentment, wonder, and curiosity. Blessings be.

  7. Amy from Salem says:

    I quite enjoyed the trip down memory lane with you today. That’s the thing about England you want to go back again and again and then start all over again. Thank goodness for your delightful book “A Fine Romance” because any time I need feel like I’m in England I certainly just make a cup of tea and turn to page one. I will definitely need a blue bird mug. Wishing you some sunny days.

    • sbranch says:

      And this one . . . are these the missing comments? It’s so hard to see from my side.

  8. Amy from Salem says:

    I quite enjoyed the trip down memory lane with you today. That’s the thing about England you want to go back again and again and then start all over again. Thank goodness for your delightful book “A Fine Romance” because any time I need feel like I’m in England I just make a cup of tea sit down and turn to page one. I will definitely need a blue bird mug. Wishing you some sunny days. And thanks again for the smile upon my face which lit up when I got to the photo of Sir Paul holding your book. I really love your blog.💟

  9. Girl says:

    Hi Susan, twice I have tried to comment on this blog and the text totally disappears and someone else’s name and email comes up. This is coming from Amy in Salem

  10. Stephanie C says:

    Dear Susan,

    Happy 5th anniversary! I want to read it again. I am in love with The Vineyard much like you are with England and LOVE the IOD cup!!! Must have it. I love the white space story and feel that way too, especially when I am making a quilt, I love the colors on a white background. Clean, comfy and old fashioned. I’m not sure if I mentioned before that I framed the picture of Girl and Jack from the 2016 calendar (October I think) for my granddaughter. She always wanted to see that page and referred to them as ” meow-meow” in her 18 month baby talk voice. Someone mentioned a child’s book, I think that’s a grand idea!
    I love you and your work, being a fan/follower for a very long time ( recipe page in Country Living magazine, your first book and snail mail-saved them all!) I have most everything! Happy Spring to you and Joe.

    Much love and hugs,

  11. Stephanie C says:

    Oh I forgot , the cookie plate too!

  12. Jeanette in Illinois says:

    What a wonderful revisit and recollection!! It was such a wonderful trip!! We all enjoyed immensely!!! How could you not?!?! Beauty, awe-inspiring at every turn!!

    The Martha’s Vineyard cup 😍😍😍😍!!! Yes, please and thank you!!! And, that darling plate!!! I see my collection growing…😉😉👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉

    Hope you have a stupendously wonderful weekend!!
    Much love and squishy hugs,

  13. Caroline says:

    I went on the website today to read an old May post of yours to share my breakfast with your wonderful outlook on Life and received your lovely surprise!

    I absolutely loved A Fine Romance and dream, with my best friend, of taking that trip with our beloved husbands someday!! Already, because of YOU, I have tiny things that bring the greatest joy: a tiny Peter Rabbit book on my kitchen windowsill next to a vase of flowers. Last Fall, You inspired me to plant a wisteria on our pond house. The brackets are in place for it to grow up and it is already climbing them and has so many buds!!!! Your books are on my dining room side board and my girls LOVE their home cooking recipe binders. The light you have cast into the world is really something beautiful to behold!!!

    My husband and I were sent to Sintra, Portugal 25 years ago on our honeymoon and then 4 years ago GIVEN the house, CASA JOANA, named for his beloved Aunt! It is a fairy tale in a fairy tale kingdom. We just returned from there… blessed, blessed, blessed and thought of you and Joe and how much you would LOVE it IF the train ride from England is lovely enough!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I love that tiny book. Mine is on the shoulders of my three-bunny Beatrix Potter figurine! They are carrying it! Oh boy, and wisteria too! You are making a wonderful life for yourself! The house sounds amazing, what a perfect gift, your honeymoon is now forever!

  14. Susan Morgon ( Ohio gal from SoCal ) says:

    I see my own name and email here, so maybe the glitch is fixed. If not, I will just join the party and be confused with everyone else!
    I love this walk down memory lane. I remember how excited I was about A Fine Romance – I could hardly wait for it to come! And when it did? Wow! I was delighted, and I felt the same way about the two books that followed. I am hoping for another travel diary sometime in the future. A special memory for me is that I made it back to Ohio just in time to meet you in Hudson last May 5.
    Meanwhile, I love the cups you had and your new ideas too. I didn’t get one yet, but it looks like there will be more coming along to take their place. I read your explanation about deciding how many to order, and it makes perfect sense. I used to be the yearbook advisor where I taught, and the situation was basically the same. You certainly don’t want a lot of extra unsold inventory that you already had to pay for.
    Hugs from Ohio! Three more sleeps and we board the Southwest Chief to head back to SoCal to visit the kids and grandkids!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m thinking it might be fixed. The most recent posts seem to be okay, but I’m watching! Have a wonderful trip Susan and thank you for the kind words!

    • Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W Tx says:

      Have a wonderful trip and don’t forget to send pictures of those Grandkids! They will have grown by leaps and bounds. Safe travels.

  15. Jane says:

    My dear – Do you want to know how MUCH you are loved, even to the ends of the earth on Whidbey Island, off the coast of Washington state, kitty corner from beloved Martha’s Vineyard. Just this morning, I went to the Farmer’s Market with dogs (and people) and lovely music and lovelier sunshine. I ran into an old friend who knew my story about taking the train to see you for the Fairy Girl Tour. Her daughter was with her and the FIRST thing my friend said was, “This is my friend who got to go meet Susan Branch.!” Squeals of delight and I felt like a celebrity myself. You are SOOO loved! And we talked about the recent posts where you were feeling sad — we’d all read them — and my friend said, “You know, I’m exactly Susan’s age!?” She thinks that makes her famous too. Oh, how we wish you would just once get to our corner of the world. You would receive a rockstar reception and we would all host teas and book signings and outdoor Maypole dancing, even if it weren’t May. Oh, how we love you!!!!! Just wanted you to know . . . Xoxo Jane

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, that is so nice, Jane! Amazing, really! we’ll get up there someday I know we will . . . we’ll plan our next trip around the North West! Thank you for making me smile this morning! Just so sweet and you make me feel so lucky!

      • Jane says:

        I’ll hold ou to that next trip statement! I’m going to start with campaign buttons straightaway! (I’m an Anglophile wannabe as well!). Oh, what a dream that would be. Nothing new on the movie deal?

      • Regina Carretta says:

        good mornin’ Susan, from Seattle…..yes, put the Pacific Northwest on your travel map….places like Whidby Island, Port Townsend, Edmonds…..and as our beloved city of Seattle grows by leaps and bounds, our neighborhoods start to look like box-homes, and bungalows get torn down, so many of our citizens cherish their gardens, their historical homes with porches and neighborhood watch meetings, pot lucks, caring for each other….come on over!
        I just house sat for friends in Port Townsend (actually their cat, Gracie, person-sat me!!!) and we had quite a thunder storm….I re-read “A Fine Romance” during the storm, having just returned from London – next trip will see me branching out (oh is that a play on words? now when we travel through England, we shall be “Branch-ing out!!!) to the countryside…..thanks again for that book….
        enjoy spring…..see you in a bookstore, soon?

    • Debbie Boerger says:

      Oh, Jane! We have camped on Whidbey Island twice. We go to the military base, as Tom is retired CG, and camp Right on the cliff. Wonderful walks with colorful starfish. Gorgeous views in both clear and foggy days. In fact, we love every part of Washington State!!
      Yes, Susan, you should make that trip if you get up to the PNW. Maybe take the Canadian Pacific Railway across Canada to Vancouver, I think it is. Easy drive down to Whidbey.
      We live planning trip for you and Joe!!

      Debbie in Tampa

      • Jane says:

        Hi Debbie! Yes, isn’t Whidbey so lovely. We live on the South Island, having moved here recently from Seattle. It’s my Martha’s Vineyard/Nantucket West and I truly a living a retirement dream. You need to come from Florida WHEN Susan visits!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        hey don’t forget us in Oregon, Grants Pass always has something going on and this year we finally got the schedule for more quilt shows, a big plus for us quilters and quilt lovers. we have garden fairs, farmer’s markets, displays all over town for summer and for the holidays that delight visitors.. in the summer we have our Bear Fest and on each corner in the historic downtown you will find bear statues created by, painted and decorated by local artists, and Eagle displays of majestic eagles flying or perching all over town, we have our caveman who greets all visitors who come into town and for the holidays we have our giant musical cards playing carols for all the holiday shoppers and visitors, and our nutcrackers located all over town on just about every corner. the point we have a lot to show folks and it would be so sad if you passed us by, Cave Junction may be small but we have a cute little town, or maybe if you go coastal you could stop in at Bandon to see the cranberry bogs and go sample some of the local sweets or drop in at Coos Bay for some warm and delicious clam chowder, yep we have that our here and its really good in most of the place I have eaten. go a little farther up the coast and stop in at Newport and see the sea lion caves, Coos Bay is where the fishing and crabbing fleet come from and our Dungeness crabs are the sweetest, and the best. there is a lot to see up here in the Pacific Northwest, and you might just might be surprised at it all!!! see you around I hope in the Northwest territory. and I found a cure for the news blahs….. I watch a good movie that makes me smile and laugh like tomorrow on TCM I plan to watch “Meet me in St. Louis”, on at 3 pm. then on Thursday I plan to enjoy ” The Wacky World of Mother Goose” sounds silly but it also sounds like fun and before I see the news I need a few chuckles!!! hugs….. 🙂

  16. Stephanie C says:

    Dear Susan,

    Happy Anniversary! I’m going to read it again. I love the Vineyard and you as much as you do England and Beatrix Potter, so I have to have that MVIOD cup!!!
    I love the white space story and agree with you, especially when I am making quilts, so clean, cozy and old fashioned. I love the idea one girlfriend suggested about doing children’s book. Grand idea! I’m not sure if I mentioned that I framed the 2016 October page of Jack and Girl for my granddaughter. She always called them “meow-meow” in her 18 month baby talk.
    I love you and everything you do Susan, having been a fan/follower for many years, from your recipe page in Country Living magazine, first book and snail mail-i saved them all! I have and treasure most everything you’ve done. Happy Spring to you and Joe and Jack.

    Much love and hugs,

  17. Stephanie C says:

    And the cookie plate too!

  18. sylvia in seattle says:

    Testing! Can’t find my most recent comment, BUT that could just be me HOWEVER, the last two comments I had to reenter the Name* and Email* lines below this message. There was a RED line around each of those. I haven’t seen anyone else mentioning this. So now I’ll see if this one goes.
    Love the new MV cup. Want one for sure.

  19. sylvia in seattle says:

    So this time no red lines and didn’t have to reenter the info. This seems like a good sign.

  20. Paula says:


    I enjoyed the trip down memory lane, and I loved reading all your books !! The Nantucket tea cup is adorable it is definitely a must have 🙂 . Visiting Nantucket is truly on my dream list, I wish I could find a guide book thur the eyes of a local resident, the best way to get there, the must see places, where to eat, where to shop, where to stay ,where to get dessert hehe, the locals secrets of the island!
    It has been rainy here in northern Indiana , to wet to garden yet . My friend the other day was so sad because no sunshine, I told her lets think our small town is a quaint island and we are just inland far away from the sandy shores , that made her laugh!! And since our small town is mostly Amish, it surely is not to quaint !! hehe.
    Have a lovely weekend dear friend ,hugs

    • sbranch says:

      The lucky thing about Martha’s Vineyard (and Nantucket too) is that they are small places. Our newspaper prints every single thing there is to do on the Island every week. There are also ads and often menus of all the restaurants. You can’t get lost because of the moat! So it’s not really difficult to enjoy yourself here. This Island is meant for beach walks, woods walks, hammock swinging, wandering, ice cream licking . . . things like that. Every town is interesting. You just can’t lose! Raining here right now too, but in a couple of weeks, the roses will begin to bloom!

  21. allison,austin texas says:

    my oh my-it’s the left side-remember the roads were there long before this
    country was even thought of. Please keep up the happy work, it lifts my spirits.

    • sbranch says:

      I wonder if they did the left side in the horse and buggy days! Kind of surprising the English folk didn’t bring their custom to America when they came! I wish they would have, then it would all seem normal no matter where we were! Happy to have you here Allison!

  22. Sharon says:

    I loved seeing the photograph of your working on the index page for your book – first pencilled, then inked, and the large capital letters left to be painted in. Fascinating to see the artist at work, and how much trouble you went to to give us this treasured, truly handwritten book.
    And I love both of your new mug designs, both the MV mug, and the sweet bird on the blossoming branch. Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Sharon! It’s a slow process, but very satisfying!

      • Sharon says:

        Hi Susan – My Susan Branch Little Things mug arrived today!!! So darn cute! I love it. I immediately washed it, filled it with chocolate milk, and took it out into the warm San Diego sunshine to sit and read. Works great for cold chocolate milk; it will be gangbusters for a hot cup of tea! Thanks so much!

        • sbranch says:

          I think it keeps the cold things cold and the hot things hot! Love the chocolate milk! Yum! xoxo

  23. Martha says:

    Just wanted you to know I have a touch of Susan Branch in almost every room of my house. Livingroom has all your books, kitchen has cookbooks, Heart of the Home address book & birthday book. Wall calendar in the kitchen too. On my desk in the bedroom is the desk calendar. I’ve also purchased some of the banners! Love your writings and products! As usual, love your blog too!

  24. Ann Woleben says:


    Since it is near, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day for you are the BEST “kitty mom!”


  25. Darlene Westmoreland says:

    Susan, would please show us the back of the bluebird mug?

  26. Susan says:

    I love how much you love the UK! – I live right in the middle, in Nottinghamshire, just on the edge of Sherwood Forest – we do have some gorgeous countyside all around here and several historic grand houses within an hours drive – Newstead Abbey, Chatsworth House and Hardwick Hall. You just don’t appreciate where you live until you see it through someone else’s eyes I suppose!

    I hope you come back again soon xxx

    • sbranch says:

      Sherwood Forest. You probably don’t know but when I was quite young, Robin Hood was a TV series ~ on every week! Sherwood Forest has the imagination, I would venture to say, of every Baby Boomer (and Perennial) in America! We’ve been to Chatsworth … and yes, you live in an amazingly magical place! Nice to hear from you Susan! We will be back!

  27. Nancy Roth says:

    Oh, Susan! You have made my day! Such a fun post on the anniversary of your English adventure! You are such an inspiration and as I said on Twitter-a tease! I can’t wait for all of the new goodies-mugs, plates,etc! Have a great day! Thank you!

  28. Barbara says:

    Reading “A Fine Romance” at this moment. Oh, you just get better and better, and really know some of us so well, it never ceases to amaze me how often you touch on a sweet soft (and sometimes sore one) and make all feel fine.

  29. Barbara says:

    P.S. What are your favorite kind of pots/pans, and knives?

    • sbranch says:

      I bought my pans and knives back in the 70s and I still have them! The pans are Cuisinart with wood on the handles that are still in wonderful condition. The knives are a block set of Henckels…there has been one addition, a relatively small serrated knife with a 5½ blade by Wusthof ~ I have two of them and love them!

  30. Barbara says:

    I meant sweet “spot” not soft.

  31. Joyce Roberts says:

    Puts me in the mood to revisit A Fine Romance. Love the Martha’s Vineyard cup and cookie plate! When will they be available?

  32. Deborah in Odessa says:

    5 yrs. Wow..that zipped by. I discovered you then, read Fine Romance and became addicted. Can hardly wait for my mugs and I really must have that plate and bluebird cup. I am wishing you much success on the dish endeavor.

  33. Anne Miller says:

    Susan, I will always be grateful for this beautiful book…It was the motivation for my transatlantic crossing with my daughter, Lizzy. She was a 23 year old Main-Stage performer on a disney cruise ship and this was the repositioning cruise. I watched her performances and we spent whole days together. It was the end of her contract and celebration of my retirement from teaching. On the other side we traveled in Spain, France, Belgium and Ireland. The trip of a lifetime for us! “A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep” Or when you are reading Susan Branch. XO
    Ann Miller

  34. Suzanne says:

    Love this post! It was a wonderful book. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It helped me remember my journey there in 1999. I could smell the lilacs when I saw them here.
    I love your table of watercolors!!!!!!! So many beautiful colors. What kind do you use? I’ve been upgrading mine.

    • sbranch says:

      All kinds, whenever I see something I don’t have, I usually get it . . . both tubes and paintbox sets, I like it all!

      • Beverly Levine says:

        🤔☺️😊 I think this gives me permission to continue too! 😊😉🙋🏼

  35. Sosae says:

    How coincidental! Just reading ‘A Fine Romance’ for the first time – I’m on p.148, mouth-watering over the Sticky Toffee Pudding recipe! I already read ‘Fairytale Girl’ & ‘MV Isle of Dreams’ TWICE each. Going for a third reading right after this. Call me mad, but I LOVE your beautiful books, Susan! They inspire, they motivate, they induce happy dream-while-awake states of mind. 🙂 Well you know you’re gonna have to write us a few more books, right? You just have to! (I will plead if necessary.) I don’t even care what subject you write about: Susan Branch’s ‘How to Run a Successful Cattle Drive in Four Easy Lessons’ – seriously, it would be a wonderful book like all the others!! I will do my part and buy a copy for everyone I love. Okay, I have to get back to my book: you and Joe are almost at Hill Top, and I really need to see what happens!
    PS: You two are the coolest cats ever.

    • sbranch says:

      Everyone is funny to me this morning. I would be great at a cattle drive, I’m sure. No whining at all! Love you Sosae, that was so sweet. xoxoxo

  36. Dawn Grisham says:

    Oh Susan! I have been resisting your mugs – not easy, I assure you- but this new Martha’s Vineyard mug I may have to have! Just love it! And if I get the mug, I will need to go there. That’s okay because Martha’s Vineyard has been on my bucket list forever.
    I also loved every minute of “A Fine Romance”. My husband surprised me with it for Christmas and I saved it and saved it for just the right time to read. On a lazy winters afternoon when I had time to cozy up in my chair with a cup of tea. Thanks so much!

  37. Rhonda D. says:

    A lovely walk down memory lane with this post Susan. The photo of you in the purple cardigan, standing in front of Hill Top Farm is one of the nicest ones of you, in my opinion. When I look back over my life so far, I have to admit that reading your trilogy of books and being able to connect with you here on this blog definitely stands out as one of the highlights. The MV mug is perfect. I’ll have to add it to my perpetual shopping list of SB dishes. No matter what you design for dishes, the “set” would not be complete without MV designs. I still think back to the days so many years ago when I stood starry eyed in the craft shops admiring your stickers and wondering what lovely person had designed them. Look at us now!

    • sbranch says:

      Look at us now Rhonda! wonderful!

      • Rhonda D. says:

        I forgot to tell you that I went to see a movie this week. The name of it was “Maudie.” It is based on the life of the artist Maud Lewis and it is fantastic. What an awesome movie…so funny in places and a tear jerker too – rattles the old heart strings. It is selling out night after night here in the Maritimes. They’ve had to play the movie in more than one movie theatre. Whole classes of students around here are going and making it their class project. I read an article in our paper that said it would be released later this year in the US and some other parts of the world. Do yourself a favor and make sure you go see it when it comes. You won’t be disappointed. I didn’t do this, but my girlfriend said to Google the life of Maud Lewis before you go see it. This is definitely one movie I will buy on DVD when it comes out. I also saw another article in the paper where people were hooking rugs using the art of Maud Lewis. I was driving into Halifax last evening and saw her name written on a large rock alongside the highway. Amazing to see this happening. It has taken everyone by surprise, they weren’t expecting this.

        • sbranch says:

          Fantastic information, I’ll look for that movie, Rhonda. I was just checking out Maud Lewis the other day, so this is very timely! xoxo

  38. Nicoline says:

    Hello again Susan,
    I was reading some of the many comments and your replies, and I think I saw that someone asked you when your next trip to England will be, and your answer was “next March”…..Maybe it was about something else…..?? Please could you let us know? And if you are coming back, are you thinking of having another fun BYO picknick?? Maybe in gorgeous Cornwall??

    Love from Nicoline (hoping and keeping fingers crossed you’ll sail over the great pond again!)

    • sbranch says:

      Yes to everything! It’s a little far in advance to know for sure, but it’s what we WANT to happen! xoxo

  39. Carol Wakefield says:

    Good morning, dear master of the white spaces.
    How lovely to revisit your trip across the pond. I think I’ll reread A Fine Romance this week! (For the umpteenth time:-) Thank you for this wonderful gift. I love the new china! And was wondering if you might make a spoon rest or tea bag holder that would have one of your adorable cottages on it with one of your darling sayings like “Things taste better in small houses” or “Home, where even the tea kettle sings for joy”. How cozy would that be!
    Just a thought. Have a wonderful day in the garden.

  40. Pamela C. Betz says:

    Hi Susan–Yes, I love the Marth’s Vineyard mug. I have been there just once, but loved it. Pam

  41. Jacqui Davey says:

    Dear Susan….I’m writing from East Sussex and enjoying all the photos of where I am so lucky to live…..your book made me see it all through fresh eyes and appreciate my surroundings. However I have also visited your ‘back yard’ and found Martha’s Vineyard just as beautiful and inspiring. I LOVE the Martha’s mug and hope you decide to put it into production…I can also see it in one of the lovely shops on the island….where I saw and then bought your first book.
    Jacqui X

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Jacqui, well from one beautiful place to another, it’s wonderful to hear from you! xoxo

  42. Debbie Boerger says:

    Happy Monday Morning, Susan. Even though it is going to be hot, hot, hot from now on in Tampa, I can read about your current adventures inside and out in the cool New England days.
    My first time in Maine, 31 years ago, I was so taken by those fabulous beach roses, rugosas, growing right out of the cracks in the granite…standing up to the pounding of storms, salt spray and hurricane force winds, I planted what I was told were the same at our place when we built there. They have given Tom one of his favorite quiet activities, knocking the Japanese beetles into the soapy water, and chuckling as they die. (He is a good person, otherwise!) You can’t spray, because of all the insects that use the pollen. They seem to be a magnet for the beetles, who destroy the flowers and the leaves. We’ve been using an organic product on the “grass” (lovely weeds) to kill the grubs. So far, no luck. Those beetles also gobble up the raspberries.
    I have saved some rose hips from Grindstone Neck and planted them in some gravel near the drive. They are growing, so we’ll see what happens when they bloom.

    Oh, I’m so hoping we make it up before the apple trees bloom out. We need to spray for the little worms before the bees are on them. You waste a lot of apple cutting out the worms, and it takes major time. The old common lilac should be blooming just about the time we arrive, then I have 2 more French lilacs that keep it going, and the fabulous crab apple. Just praying like mad that this year I will be able to do some gardening. Got a new back brace, TENS unit, things to help me get up and down……and the black fly oil to drench myself in. I’m ready to get dirty. Having said that, Tom now has to do the heavy work….breaking up the veggie garden for planting. He’s ready willing and able now that he has that new little cow valve ticking away in his strong heart!!

    Much love and thanks,
    Debbie in Tampa….to Maine just a bit later than planned

  43. Mary Shearer says:

    Susan! Why did you block me again on Twitter? Is it because I sent you that link about health care? The only reason I did that is because I didn’t want you to worry about people being without Health Care! I thought it would make you feel better. I wasn’t trying to be political! That’s the only reason I could think why you would block me again. I’m really sorry if it offended you. Love from Mary S. In Fresno, California

    • sbranch says:

      No no, Mary, I didn’t block you! I just went and looked, you have locked your account. Maybe that’s what happened! I don’t think I saw a link about health care either! Twitter gremlins!

  44. Suzanne says:

    I love when dreams
    come true!!!!

    xo Suzanne

  45. Jody A says:

    Love the Martha’s Vineyard mug and the new plate.
    Been to MV the past 2 summers and it really is a favorite destination of mine.
    Recently, I was searching for some of your “vintage” work – frames, photo books, etc. and I’m so happy that you’ve decided to make some new things – can’t wait until they’re available. Hopefully it won’t be too long of a wait!

  46. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We are all so thankful that you took a trip on that ocean liner, took paints and paper with you, and wove such beautiful tales with images for us along the way. What a gift you gave to us in that by sharing your stories. Some of us may never actually get to go to England, but you have taken us there with you ~ allowing us to feel that we were walking beside you as you toured ~ through your journals and photos and artwork… and for that we are ever so grateful.

    The Martha’s Vineyard mug design is my favorite one! And, I am so happy to see that you are on Instagram. You will probably reach a whole new generation of fans through that medium. Although, I will admit that I personally prefer the myriad photos and narrative you share here on this cozy blog! But, when I am scrolling Instagram, I do enjoy seeing your photos (and video!) pop into my feed. <3 Happy Fine Romance Anniversary!! 🙂

  47. Dearies,

    How luv-lee is that stroll down memory lane?! I love where this path has led you and that you’ve brought us all along for the ride. Sweet times…
    I really like where you are going with the “beakers” and the cookie plate idea too- keep going in that direction. 🙂
    Loving seeing you on Instagram these days too.
    It’s so nice to have the windows open today, a plane droning in the sky complements the breeze riffling the leaves of the trees and a kit or two curled up and snoring next to me as I work makes it all the sweeter.
    Wishing you a day of peaceful moments.

  48. Beth Doherty says:

    Oh it is so niceto see A Fine Romance again. I gave my copy to a neighbor, who has been to
    England, to enjoy and she has had it for nine months while I’ve been in Florida. I am looking
    Forward to getting it back. I ‘m glad I get your blogs.❤️

  49. charissa says:

    Happy Anniversary! It seems like yesterday and forever ago all at the same time. Thank you taking us with you on the trip of a lifetime. You story has inspired millions. Of that, I am sure. Both directly and indirectly and has meant the world to little old me. I needed something. I didn’t know what it was, but there you were with a dash of inspiration, a sprinkle of happiness, a heaping table spoonful of cozy, a smidge of England and tea, and a reminder to just be myself. What a magic recipe. Luv u 🙂 xoxo

  50. Kathie says:

    Oh lovely! I thought just by chance there might be a new post. Yay. Now we all need to re-read “A Fine Romance”. Anniversaries are the best time for that. And new dishes! It doesn’t get much better than that. Happy early Mom’s Day from Jack, you know he’s thinking it.

  51. Sandra says:

    so hard to believe it’s been 5 years…tempus fugit!

  52. WA Judy says:

    How about a peony mug…with a little white space…would be so nice…..:)))

  53. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Thank you again for your blog, Susan. I want everything you design! Oh, the Martha’s Vinyard mug! I have been to Martha’s Vinyard and Nantucket a number of times since I was a little girl. I even have pictures of me at 12 on the Ferry. So the mug will be a so special.
    I have to tell you how I have showed my 11 year old granddaughter how you write your books in your own handwriting. She hadn’t seen you work before this weekend. I found her Saturday working on a “One Pager” for a class project. She had to write/create a one page report on Colombia. She is quite a little artist and she was lettering the words on the page in pencil in her best, fancy lettering and then going over it with a thin marker. The page was also filled with hand drawn animals native to that country. I was excited to see her finished product with her own very special hand lettering. She then realized you are the same artist that drew and illustrated the Reasons To Go On Living that hangs in my home.
    I cannot wait for your new mugs and plates to be available. I will start saving my pennies now. I also need a place to display them. Hmmm I will have to have my woodworking husband make me something.
    I am adding my name and email to the bottom because someone else’s name and email keep appearing below.
    I am Peggy Willoughby – [email protected]

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Peggy! Eleven is such a wonderful age for creativity! Love hearing about your granddaughter! xoxo

  54. Kim R says:

    Dear Susan,

    This message will be short and sweet….Love it all….ie. art, books, mugs, & You 🙂 Would you consider doing a mug with –Blue– and Lavendar color Hydrangeas…..I absoloutely love your
    art work…and Hydrangeas are my absolute favorite flower!!!! Happy Spring!!!
    Hope you have a lovely day. Take care, Kim R. in Cary, Nc.

    • sbranch says:

      I will keep that in mind for next spring Kim! Too many wonderful ideas, love the hydrangeas!

  55. Regina Carretta says:

    …..also, Susan…..feeling proud of our brothers and sisters in France….wishing them peace… is a link to your favorite, Edith Piaf, and the France National Anthem…..

  56. Wanda Susanne says:

    Hello hello my dear Susan:
    I look forward to each new post from you! I think I am going to re-read all three of your books. I love them! Come visit me on my farm in Northwest Iowa.
    I would love it and we would have FUN!
    Love you bunches,
    Wanda Susanne

  57. Wanda Susanne says:

    Hello dear Susan:
    Love your books; love your blog. Makes me love my house, inside kitty, outside kitties (all 7 of them) even more! You’re the best.
    Hugs and Kisses,

  58. Ann Woleben says:


    My comment is still waiting moderation from May 7 at 9:15 a.m. Not sure what this means~Thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      It just means I’ve been busy, all is well . . . we’re going off-island today for an event, so I wanted to see if I could read and “moderate” before we have to go! Sorry Ann!

  59. Jenn Barker says:

    Happy Anniversary! You give me hope!
    “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow!” – Les Christopher

  60. Donna Patton says:

    Hi Susan! Just discovered you last year via Gladys Taber. I have just finished reading The Fairy Tale Girl and the Martha’s Vineyard diary. Am eagerly waiting for a Fine Romance to arrive! Please tell me you will be writing more of these journal books.As a teen I kept books of quotes too although they had no artwork. You have inspired me in my own writing.

  61. Caroline Aicard says:

    Oh my goodness yes! The mug and plate and more more more! Wouldn’t a little sugar bowl and creamer set just be dreeeamy?!
    I plucked A Fine Romance from my bookshelf this weekend and it warms my heart and transports me to England straight off! Plus my daughter (4 years old…you met her in Georgia) adores it when I leave it out for her I thumb through. It’s her favorite book of mine (a pocket size copy of Jane Austen quotes is a distant second).
    Hope you’re having a fabulous May!

  62. I love your musica, Susan! And I remember every single moment of your wonderful trip to England. And was in Heaven when I received your book! Now it’s time to write another one for all of us to enjoy!!!!! OK?????

    • sbranch says:

      OK! Once I dig out of 4 years of paying no attention to my house, the piles of papers, etc, and get it clean and empty again, so my mind will work, I can’t WAIT to write another book! xoxo

  63. Michelle says:

    Hi Susan! A wonderful program called Beatrix Potter with Patricia Routledge aired on my local PBS station last night (will air again on Mother’s Day!) I learned so much and thought of you! You walked where she walked! How exciting! You will love this if you have not seen already! Here is a preview link I found online!
    Thank you for sharing your memories and photos! I love seeing them as I save my pennies and plot my own special trip to England someday! 🙂

  64. Stephanie says:

    (I originally emailed this to your “feedback” email yesterday, then found this comment section on here! 😊)
    Good afternoon, Susan!
    I know you don’t know me from Adam, but I just have to share my story with you and how you are a part of it!! 🙂

    To make a very long and dreadful story short, about a year ago I started having terrible neck pain. My second son was graduating high school and I was very busy with that, so I just pressed through the pain as best I could. Well, we got through the graduation, but things just continued to get worse. I ended up bed ridden over the summer which was horrendous because I have four kids (then ages 9, 15, 17, and 20) and “ain’t nobody got time for THAT!” I ultimately ended up having cervical spine surgery on August 1, 2016

    I know you are wondering “what in the world does all of this have to do with ME??” Haha! During this entire ordeal, all I wanted to do was read. In the midst of it all, I got a message on Facebook from my kindergarten teacher (I’m 47 years old!!) telling me to read your books! She said I NEEDED to read them and recommended your trilogy. I started with Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams and I was hooked!! I now have several of your books and just ordered Fairy Tale Girl last week. I could not get enough! I am a photographer by trade (had a business for 12 years as a professional photographer) and my mother was an art teacher, so I completely appreciate your form and talent! I also love to travel so the second book I read was “A Fine Romance.” I loved it just as much as Isle Of Dreams! Since reading both of these, I have driven my husband crazy talking about wanting to go to Martha’s Vineyard and England (on the Queen Mary II, of course!!). I have never been to Massachusetts, but I did backpack around Great Britain and Europe when I was 21!
    I currently live in a quaint little town called Signal Mountain, TN…….we are like a little “Mayberry” on top of a mountain 15 minutes from downtown Chattanooga. We have lived here 14 years and I love it, but it is always nice to get away and travel when we can! 🙂

    My 24th wedding anniversary was last Monday, May 1st, and my precious husband has surprised me with a trip to Boston and Cape Cod, with a day in Martha’s Vineyard! We are actually leaving this afternoon and will be spending the day on the Island this Friday! I am beyond excited!!! I have pulled out your book to bring with me so I can see some of the many landmarks you wrote about! I also ordered Fairy Tale Girl to bring with me to read while we are traveling!

    I just want to say THANK YOU for helping get me through that awful time of my life. It’s been a rough year, but I am finally back on track. And because I am still that “mindful, rule following kindergartner” that I once was, I obeyed my kindergarten teacher and ordered your books! What a smart decision that was! 🙂


    • sbranch says:

      I am so happy to hear you’re back on track! What an ordeal! You sound happy, and off for an adventure, and you deserve it! I know you’ll love your trip, so much to see in this neck of the woods! We are going to be passing ships, Joe and I are leaving the Island today for a book signing and tea this afternoon in Kingston MA … up the MA coast a bit. I’m SO glad you enjoyed the books ~ makes my day to hear it! Have a great time! xoxo

  65. Jamie says:

    Oh thank you Susan for taking us on the England trip once again. Such a lovely place and you discribe it so well. I so needed to visit this fairyland via your post and think the world is a beautiful again.

  66. Judy Clark says:

    Already waiting impatiently for the Martha’s Vineyard cup to be offered for presale. I love, love it!! Have been to MV onc and have longed to return. Your blog somewhat satisfies my longing. Thank you for always making me smile and warming my heart.
    Love you and Joe and your little kitties too.

  67. Ruth B. says:

    Your creativity is never ending! I love the multipurpose plate and it will be a new home for my short-lived homemade treats!
    I have never been to Martha’s Vineyard and would love to visit this isle in the future!
    Happy anniversary, to you and Joe! Hugs!
    Ruth (The Inklings in Ohio)

  68. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    Happy Friday Susan, Girlfriends!! just popping in to wish all the moms here a Happy Mother’s Day weekend. here is wishing you all a very Happy Mother’s Day. enjoy the brunches.. we a really good one here, eggs benedict, crab benedict. scrambled eggs, melon slices, fresh fruit, salads, a spinach, mushroom and asparagus quiche, blueberry pancakes, and strawberries and cream cheese filled crepes. delicious!!! definitely plan to try the crabs benedict and of course the mimosas. Happy Mother’s Day everyone…. hugs…. 🙂

  69. Nicoline says:

    Dear Susan,
    Well, Yeay!! Happy happy happy! I’ve told my husband about your plans, so we can “save” some of his holidays for next year.
    I’ll also let my UK friends know, they are 2 lovely “girls” we met at the Stourhead picknick, and we’re keeping in touch.
    Just in case you need a place to hold the picnic (Joe suggested you could maybe hire a venue) there is a lovely place just a few miles from St Ives, Cornwall. Its called Godrevy Beach Cafe, on NT land, right near the beach, has a cute restaurant, plenty of parking spaces, picnic tables, and if girlfriends wanted to stay overnight, there are of course plenty of places in the area….We were there last september, and I saw a sign saying they are available for private hire.
    Okay, enough now, I’m going to have a slice of cake, because it’s my birthday!!, VERY HAPPY AND EXCITED!!!!
    Lots of love
    Nicoline XOXO

    • sbranch says:

      Hi sweetheart! Happy Birthday!!! How great to hear you’re keeping in touch with some of our Picnic Girlfriends. That was still one of the most amazing days of my life. To be in a whole other country, and suddenly surrounded with kindred spirits on a perfect day in the perfect place. Wow. Can’t even imagine that happening in real life!😍 I wrote down your suggestion, need to google it and see what it is! We’ll figure something out! Have a wonderful Birthday Month! xoxoxo 💐

  70. Hello 💕Lovely post. We just visited Hill Top and Beatrix Potter world and loved it❤️ Our youngest daughter live in England so we visit at least once a year. Hugs from Christel and The Minimice in Norway

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Christel, love hearing from you! Glad you went to Hill Top, it’s perfect for YOU! xoxo

  71. Carolyn says:

    The new Fall mug designs are Luv Lee, the Martha’s Vineyard will be mine as soon as you have it ready for pre-order. Luv all you do.

  72. Paula Johnson says:

    Surely one can never hear enough how much they are loved, admired, and appreciated? I hope not, because I am going to agree with all the comments so far regarding your blessing and adding joy and beauty to our lives, Susan! Thank you so much. Please remember that Bend, Oregon is in the Northwest and we would love to have you grace our town! 🙂 You could even enjoy a free B & B stay in our home (we are not really a B & B, but sometimes it seems that way)! Hugs and lots of love and many blessings, Paula

    • sbranch says:

      Oh, you are too sweet Paula . . . thank you. 😍 Both Joe and I would love to explore your part of the world . . . we tried last time while on our book tour, but couldn’t arrange a book signing in that neck of the woods. We will try again, and thank you for the B & B suggestion! 🤗 You’re a doll to offer!

  73. Lorraine from White Plains, NY says:

    Hi Susan! Just returned from my trip to Ireland – with a day trip over on the ferry to Stoke-on-Trent potteries! – and found my/YOUR mugs waiting on the (rain-soaked) kitchen porch! I haven’t seen any other comments about others receiving theirs yet, but maybe they are “awaiting moderation.” Anyway, my first cup of tea since coming home was in one of your mugs — I can’t believe how long it stayed piping hot! Bliss! I think I’ll have to put away some of my Emma Bridgewater mugs to make room for my Susan Branch mugs! (Or put up more shelves in the kitchen…) BTW — I had a ball decorating my own mugs/plates/creamers at the Bridgewater Pottery decorating studio! I was at a table all by myself, at the back of the studio, concentrating on the design I was making a mess of, when there was a tap on the window above me. (The windows, if you remember, are at shoulder-level out on the sidewalk.) A young man was walking by and peeked in and saw me struggling and decided to give me an encouraging “thumbs up”! It made my day! (Kindergarteners with finger paints are better artists than I will ever be!) I can’t wait to get the finished products back home. In the meantime, I will enjoy my tea in YOUR mugs! (Especially love the ones with the sheep on them. Wonder how the white sheep will come out on the “white” mug I decorated. I might only see the black face and legs, but I’ll know what it is!) Can’t wait for your tea-pot-shaped plate and MV mug! Happy Kitty-Mother’s Day!

    • sbranch says:

      “Bliss!” ⬅️ Love it! I remember when our mugs came from the EB factory, that was a red letter day! I hardly use them now, I love them too much ~ for the memories ~ and some of my other EB cups have gotten little cracks in them, so I’m saving the ones Joe and I made for posterity, whatever that is! Loved your thumbs up 👍. . . you must have been doing something right! 😘

  74. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    I’m madly in love with the cookie/tea plate and the bluebird mug! Hope we can pre-order when they’re ’bout ready. Hugs to you!

  75. Gert~Iowa says:

    Happy late anniversary! Thank you for the memories of “our” trio to England…virtual or not, it was amazing 😉 I love the plate…that would be perfect for lots of things!

    Blessings to you and Joe!

  76. nellie says:

    Hi, Susan! Still wanting to take a trip like that! Saving my pennies! That will take longer as long as you keep designing those lovelies to which I find it impossible to say, “No!” 🙂 So very grateful for your creativity which continues to flow! Planting beauty wherever you are!


  77. Elinor says:

    This was a fun walk down memory lane, especially since it did feel like we went with you on that trip. The more recent England trip felt more like getting postcards. Maybe because there is no book with pages and pages of itinerary and details of that trip. There were posts and tweets, but I feel like we’re still waiting for the full ‘let’s sit down and I’ll tell you all about it……’ Oh well, you should have SOME private life. 😊

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, you are so right. I kept a diary of our last trip, but we were on the go for the last, really four years, and then last year we were barely home at all. Now, we are like dogs in the wet grass with this spring, rolling in it, joyful to be watching the season change. And I am lightening this house, cleaning, organizing, throwing out ~ you should see my file cabinet right now, each book project all neatly bound in a file folder, and when it’s all done, I’ll be ready to GO.🤗 I can’t wait!

      • Beth L. says:

        Ohh PLEASE do a Post on how you are “lightening” your home!
        With pictures…”before and after”…creative ideas!
        I’m not just Spring Cleaning but trying to purge a lifetime of STUFF from our childhoods, inheritance,and own accumulation.
        I need HELP!
        Especially with the purging part!

        • sbranch says:

          Really nothing too creative about it right now. I am just going shelf to shelf to cupboard to shelf, clearing everything off, washing the shelf, going through what I cleared, figuring out if I really need to keep all 20 times I wrote a story about spring, throwing away stuff, and SAVING the dear old things, old recipes from my Great Grandma, letters from my mom. I did take pictures, I’ll show you soon, it’s a BIG MESS!! But every day, I feel closer to my goal, and so much lighter! Wishing you good luck! xoxo

  78. Brenda Gail says:


    Received my beautiful china “Love” mug yesterday! (which just happened to be my birthday…Happy Birthday to me!) I drank my morning green tea in it today. LOVE, LOVE,LOVE IT!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Perfect! Happy Birthday Brenda! Timing is everything.👍 I’m so glad you like it! xoxo

  79. Sue S. says:

    Oh My, the wonderful new mug arrived yesterday!! It is so cute, Little Things,
    the size is generous and the handle fits my hand perfectly! I just love it and my morning coffee tasted even better. I will have my tea this afternoon.
    Another wonderful product! Thank you so much and I’m looking forward to the next addition to my Susan Branch collection. I am thrilled with the mug!

    • sbranch says:

      Makes my day to hear it! I so hoped everyone to LOVE them as much as I do! Thank you for letting me know Sue! 😘

  80. Dixie says:

    Thanks for the memories & reminder of what I want to visit when my husband & I return to the UK for my 9th time?! I still have a bucket list of Highclere (& all things Downton), Sissinghurst, Great Dixter, Chartwell, Dover,etc. We are leaving in early July when I hope the White Garden at Sissinghurst will still be blooming. My mantra is always: “Oh, to be in England…” Hope you & Joe have a wonderful Vineyard summer.

    • sbranch says:

      I think July will be heaven at Sissinghurst! Thank you Dixie! Have you gone to Hidcote…because if not, try to put that on your itinerary…or, you can save it for next time! 😄 Happy Summer!

  81. Mamey says:

    It’s always soooo nice to see a new post from you!! I LOVE all of your books Susan and can’t wait to for the new plate and mugs! You are a true inspiration! I visited Martha’s Vineyard for the first time last October with some “girlfriends” and stayed in a house around the corner. It was a house that you had mentioned in a post a couple of years ago. I met some people that knew you, and I left a card that they had promised to deliver to you once you returned from Scotland. I am wondering if you ever received it……(no worries, if you haven’t. I was just thinking about it reading this post). Thanks for all you do.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I did get your card👏 . . . yes, that was Elizabeth’s house you stayed in. I’ve shown photos of her on the blog, especially when we met her in Scotland and spent a week together . . . You must have had a wonderful time! We’re excited because we’ll be home this fall, instead of on the road! Fall on the Island is pretty spectacular!

      • Mamey says:

        Oh, it REALLY was spectacular! I house was amazing too! I can’t wait to return again someday!

  82. Karen in Wisconsin says:

    Dearest Susan,
    Received the bone china mug I ordered from you. It is exquisite! The quality of the china is wonderful. As always, your artwork warms my heart❤️! I plan to order them all. They are worth every penny.


    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Karen! So happy to hear that. First reviews are coming in, makes me proud that you like it! xoxo

  83. Patti H says:

    I will be visiting Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard in the Fall; I would love to purchase one of your mugs, if they are ready by then. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  84. Faith Rose says:

    Hi Susan! I just recently visited Martha’s Vineyard with my sister, mom and aunt as a part of my graduating high school trip! It was on my bucket list to go there and it was everything I had dreamed it to be! I carried your book Martha’s Vineyard isle of dreams with me the whole day and I read the corresponding parts to wherever I was at! I must admit it was a little heavy to carry but so worth it! We went to the black dog tavern and had lobster for my first time! Of course I kept my eyes pealed just in case I might see you ( after all it is on my bucket list to meet you😊) but I guess I’ll have to wait for another day! And to remember it all I bought a light house charm to put on my bracelet. Martha’s Vineyard has me by the heartstrings now, it’s just as gorgeous and magical as you wrote about! Thank you for fostering that dream to see your island by writing your books! I am ever so grateful!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh-oh, it has you by the heartstrings. Then I know you’ll be back. I’m so happy you enjoyed it! I was probably either in the garden, or cleaning! xoxo

  85. D'Anne says:

    Hope you had a fun Mother’s Day

    Still have not seen your Cat Book, however, thought you would enjoy reading this unexpected find – found in an old Bookstore in Cooperstown NY – a must visit when in town

    AUTHOR: Julie Salamon
    A city savvy stray cat named Pretty Boy has always managed to make it on his own. He’s as vain as they come, and he won’t admit to being dependent on anyone. But as he discovers the pleasures of friendship, he learns that home really is where the heart is. Or, at the very least, home is where his friends are. And with friends all around New York City, Pretty Boy will always have a place to call home.
    Have a Blessed Day!

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t written a cat book . . . Yet! ☺️ But thank you for the info on this one!

  86. April says:

    Dear Susan,
    I have composed many notes to you in my head over the years but here goes the first I will actually send. As an avid quilter, and lover of fabric (yes I have a stash of your fabrics), I wondered if you were aware of the collaboration between the Victoria & Albert Museum and Moda Fabrics. They have created a William Morris collection that is being revealed this weekend at Quilt Market in St. Louis. I know how much you admired his work and thought you would love to see what Moda has created. If you check out Moda’s blog for May 16th you will get a preview and a bit of history too! I grew up in Van Nuys, a few miles away from you. We were probably at Reseda Park admiring the ducks in the pond at the same time in the past. I love all your work and have recommended your books to my friends who love them too.

    • sbranch says:

      I wasn’t aware, and thank you so much for telling me. That’s a match made in heaven! Funny, the two of us admiring the ducks together.💞 Thank you April!

  87. Rebecca W. says:

    Just catching up on reading your blog and I loved the picture of all of the luggage. Have you ever seen the movie, Joe and the Volcanoe with Tom Hanks? Your luggage reminded me of his ‘survival luggage’. Bon Voyage on your next adventure.

  88. Charlene Jennings says:

    Susan, thank you for being there with all your inspiration, memories, and desire to create new things for us! I am dying to order one of the cookie/sandwich plates (please let us know when!!) to go along with my new SB “love of nature” mug I just received. It is so unique and full of all your fun sayings and illustrations. I will treasure it always. Everything you love is exactly what I love – from old quilts, to cats, to your love of nature, to tea and antique tea towels and linens, etc. and white and blue, of course! ~~Char

    • sbranch says:

      Makes my day Charlene . . . you girls are all in my heart every time I make anything, from a book to a cup! It’s just the way it feels when you give someone a birthday present and you can tell they really like it! You’re all brass buttons proud of yourself! Thank you!

  89. Bee Stevens says:

    I just want to tell girlfriends about a “Peter Rabbit” jack in the box in the It is so cute but I don’t have any baby gifts
    needed at this time. I am rereading “A Fine Romance”.

  90. Laura B says:

    Went home for lunch and the package was on my porch…Just received my three luvlee Fine Bone China mugs! In Love With Nature, Love and my personal favorite, Little Things. They are all so beautiful, delicate, light and strong (dishwasher and microwave safe)! In Love With Nature is on my desk. I look at the words “wisteria in bloom, life is good, oh happy day” with the birds and flowers and am overwhelmed with joy! Already looking forward to the mugs you are creating with Martha’s Vineyard and more luvlee birds. These mugs arrived just in time on Mother’s Day Week (every holiday should be at least one week of celebration!). Sooo happy!!! 0:)

    • Laura B says:

      The handles and underneath the handles are as cute as the rest of the mugs detailing. Love the thinner lip and how it holds the temperature of my beverages. Climb every mountain (Laura sings!)! Wonder why I’m singing? Buy the mugs!!

      • sbranch says:

        LOL, thank you Laura! If they inspire singing, then my work is done!!!! xoxoxo

        • Laura B says:

          Yes and excellent work it is! You have so many girlfriends and do a wonderful job of staying in touch with us. Did wonder if the Peter Rabbit plate (purchased in Mt. Vernon) arrived safely. Hope the packing allowed it to arrive in one piece!

          • sbranch says:

            It did! Have to apologize. My mother taught me to send thank you notes. It’s in my heart to do it, but just not enough hours these days… please forgive me . . . and thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Couldn’t agree more Laura! Happy Mother’s Day Week! 👍

  91. Teresa Goodfellow says:

    Just so we’re very clear, your cups make everything taste better!! I couldn’t love them more!!😘😘❤️

  92. Hi Susan! I just wanted to let you know that I received my mugs/cups yesterday in the mail. WOW! I just LOVE everything about them so much. All of the details and just the feel of the bone china – you ROCK, Susan. Thank you!! And yes, my coffee did taste much better this morning. I know why!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so proud of them. It’s not easy finding really wonderful quality somethings to make for my Girlfriends … I mean there’s cashmere, but it’s almost $200 for a sweater, and I don’t think I could ever get my art on cashmere ~ I think the new cups are almost as good, and much less expensive!

  93. Christine Morgan says:

    I have read all your books, stood in line to meet you at a book signing, I have followed you for years and always order your calendars. Yesterday I received my set of 3 mugs. I am over the top pleased with the artwork, the quality, the size—they are wonderful. I am having tea from one of them this morning and will cherish them forever. Wonderful!
    PS—-still waiting for the beads to be posted again on the site. I have a few of them–the ones that are available but would like to have them all. I was wearing them on a bracelet over the weekend and even my daughter who doesn’t usually get into things like this loved them. Have a great day!
    Chris from St. Louis

    • sbranch says:

      We’re getting some of the beads remade, Christine, you read my mind … hopefully they are ones you don’t have yet. I just wrote about them in the new post. Have a great day in St. Louis!

  94. Cyndee in Kalamazoo says:

    Thank you for sharing your trips to England with us and introducing us to people and places we would other wise never know. Next month we are off to spend a week with Carrie and Stuart in Oxford. We’ve never been to England and still can’t believe it is happening.

  95. Yvonne says:

    I feel a real connection to you as we have just returned from a week in the Lake District. What a magical place with the vivid green grass dotted with baby lambs, the slate cottages and beautiful lakes. We stayed in Ambleside and easily found the Bridge House. Our week was perfect with sunshine every day and warm enough to shed the jackets. I am sorry that it wasn’t as good for you to take the lake steamers every day. We managed to visit Beatrix Potter’s house by boat and bus as we had decided to have a ‘car free’ holiday. After staying in London for a couple of days we took the Transatlantic crossing on the newly refitted Queen Mary 2. Still lovely and we enjoyed some of the new areas and missed some of the older lounges. Now back at Cape Cod so our next ‘sailing’ will be over to Martha’s Vineyard. Love your books and hope to be at a book signing some time.

    • sbranch says:

      I think you can walk from Ambleside to Hill Top. Maybe a long walk, but next time, I hope we get the weather to do it! Yes, magical, I’m so happy you got to see it!

  96. chris consentino says:

    wow!! just went thru blog & comments for the first time in many days. computer problems have plagued us!! and…now…I see someone else’s name here @ my comment space. it says: Cam [email protected]. WHEN will this be truly cleaned up?? maybe you should try “geek squad” @ best-buy??!! bottom line….your computer fellow has not fixed this totally….yet. hope all else is well with you. would LOVE to do “house-lightening”….no time like today, maybe. wish you made house-calls!!!!!!! ooooh!! that would be MORE than SUPER!!!!! xoxoxoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t know Chris. Until this very second I thought we had it cleaned up. Oh dear! Will keep working on it!

  97. Deb Gage says:

    My mugs came today! I can hardly stand it! I have inspected every little word and painting on them, lifted and hefted them, admired them, filled them, admired them some more, squealed a little (several times!), and I lovelovelove them!! Thank you, Susan, for creating the most lovely things – always!
    One of the first things that I wanted to do was share them! So, I’ve chosen which one to share – Little Things – and I’m about to wrap it up and take it with me when I go visit my daughter this evening! Can’t wait!

    Have I told you lately how much I appreciate every little thing you share with us about yourself? Well, I appreciate you bigly and with great surety!!

    Have a most wonderful day – you have just made mine!

    Love to you always!
    Post script – This is a completely marvelous post but mostly, I love the photo of our darling Girl Kitty. She’ll always be a treasure in my memory. Thank you for sharing her with us for so many years.

    • sbranch says:

      Ohhhh, thank YOU Deb. I love hearing that! Hope your daughter liked it too! Thank you for the “bigly” appreciation! 💝 And right back to you! xoxo Girl was a treasure, I’m happy you liked seeing her again, I did too!

  98. Robyn Genau says:

    Susan, I am using my new mug as we speak. Love the lambs on the handle. Such a nice touch. I am a fox lover. Have to say it. cannot find any of the older mugs you did several years ago with red foxes.

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t think that was me, because I am very new in the mug business! This was my first “collection!” I’ll think about foxes for the future!

  99. Lauri Hyde says:

    Hi Susan,

    As one of you loyal Girlfriends, I was hoping to ask you a question about what kind of smartphone you use? Your blog is gorgeous, of course! Five years have just shot by!
    Egad. But back to technology….urg. Not a geek. That’s my hubby’s domain. He wants to move our cell phone service to a more affordable (?) provider. God knows he needs one, he has done without one for years and it’s rather embarrassing for a software engineer to walk around with only a flip phone. Anyway…..I find smartphones to be more than intimidating, but so much of our world is geared for that and nearly everyone out there assumes you have one. I am asking you because I think I have seen you in your photos holding one? My guess is you are probably using an iPhone? But as a seasoned smartphone user who is, ahem…..not twenty (I’m 12 going on 59 this August), I wonder if you could give me some pointers and what features make life easier, not harder, with these fancy things? My eyesight isn’t what it used to be and I hate complicated learning curves. And to be honest, I doubt that an iPhone is in our budget. Any suggestion, tools, apps that are useful for we young ladies would be most welcome!

    • sbranch says:

      Well, I am no expert . . . I do have an iPhone because everyone told me to get one. I probably use about one-sixteenth of what it can really do. One thing I like, is when I Google something on my phone, I don’t have to type it in, I can press the microphone button and just ask it. There are apps for everything, like if you are in England, you can get a Pub App that will tell you how far you are from a pub, gives ratings for the ones closest to you, and gives you directions!!! Completely off-the-wall terrifying! And the camera in those phones is amazing. The best thing to do is ask Google (on your computer, with your phone in your hand) whatever it is you want to know about your phone. They have videos and tutorials, and pointers, and very easy to follow instructions on how to do anything you want. So you can ask any simple question, like, where on my iPhone6 (or whichever one you get) is the volume control? And Google will tell you! The reason the 12 past 12’s do it so easily is that they hang out in clusters and ask and show each other . . . so if you have a cluster you can get into, that helps a lot! Hope this helps a little! Good luck!

  100. Diane Froebel says:

    Susan, Always look forward to reading your blogs. I learn something new with each one.
    Thank you for sharing your creativity and inspirations with us. You are a breath of
    fresh air!

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