Welcome! How about some nice cool MUSICA? Oui! I imagine lots of you are just coming over from your 

It just started going out today (Wednesday), and it now takes about five days for it all to go … if you don’t already get it, sign up now and maybe you’ll be in time to find a letter in your box. It’s a fun one! It has announcements!  I thought today, in celebration of the coming change of season ~ I’d make us Zucchini Bread for tea! But before I do that, a reminder about the new Fall Giveaway I mentioned in Willard! When you get to the bottom of this post, look for the tiny word “comments” ~ click there, leave a few words so you’ll automatically be entered in our drawing . . . for this . . .

Not one, not two, but three books ~ all of them signed to the winner (or if you’ll be giving them as a gift, to whomever you like!), Autumn, Heart of the Home, and Gratitude ~ in addition, for complete celebration, I’m including one of our new Autumn cups along with a bag of Gingerbread Cake Black Tea.👏 Just leave a comment, and keep your fingers crossed! It could be YOU! It really could! Much better odds than the lottery. And we ship, so no matter where you are, if you win, you win!

Speaking of fall … this is one of my favorite things, a harbinger of the changing season, the way the light dances on my kitchen walls as the wind blows through the leaves outside ~ it’s mesmerizing!

It actually shimmers all over the house . . .  there is something very cozy about it . . .

I’ve been taking pictures of it for a long time. This was the porch of my first Island house, called Holly Oak, during my first fall on the Island (my first “real” fall, period). For those of you who don’t know ….I had moved to the Island from California and had only lived there for a few months, but I could feel the season changing, and I knew then I was falling in mad love with this place. It’s been the same every year since, watching the light and the way the colors change is magical. 🍂

Joe and I walk down this dirt road each morning, through the dappled woods, trees and thickets are still green, but we’re  starting to see tiny pops of color (you can see some at top, over the road).

I even take pictures of other people’s shadows!

The solar eclipse was only partial up here in New England, but it made the shadows even more fun … you could see the moon in them. Making me realize for the first time, that when you see a splotch of sunlight through the trees, you are seeing the entire sun in that one bit of light. Because here, the moon is blocking part of it … and so you get these little scalloped moons dappled under all the trees. Isn’t that wild?

So much moon and sun, they almost made tulips!

This little one … the moon in the sun … quite an amazing bit of sweetness.

They even made it into the house… sparkled down the kitchen counters and across the floor. I wonder how many times this has happened in this house, and what the other people we’ve shared these old rooms with must have thought about it.

There’s Joe, my hero, outside washing the specks of spaghetti sauce and bacon grease off the windows and filling the bird feeders for me . . .

We visit through the windows while I set the oven temperature for 325° and find my recipe for Zucchini Bread. Ah yes . . .

 I’ll show you how to make this delicious seasonal yumminess  . . . and don’t worry, I’ll put the recipe at the bottom so you can print it out. First we need a couple of  bowls and a loaf pan.

This recipe is as fast and easy as any packaged mix ~ I make it at least once a year. You get two big loaves from it, one for you and one to give away or freeze. In one of the bowls, whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, salt and baking powder. Set aside.

In the other bowl, whisk eggs, then add sugar and vegetable oil and whisk well.

whisking well.

The you grate zucchini . . .

and stir it into the egg mixture . . .

The birds keep me company while I work, always a good thing!

Stir well.

Add the dry ingredients,

along with the chopped walnuts,

and the vanilla . . .

And voila! Mix well and pour into buttered loaf pans. Bake 60 minutes until a knife in the center comes out clean.

While the cake was baking, I took Jack and we went into the wood room to put up our feet and watch a good old movie.

See? His feet are up.

Our movie starts out all nice and sweet … with Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine ~ Perfect! In this movie, she’s wealthy and shy and he’s a charming playboy without a penny to his name, but she doesn’t know that yet. She’s falling, hook, line, and sinker.

Boy meets Girl, it must be love . . . and I’m settled in, happy as a clam ….

“Have you ever been kissed in a car?” he asks her, and she says, “no” and he says, “would you like to be?”  . . . and then they go on an amazing honeymoon and waltz all over Europe to this MUSICA  … so delightful ~ they come home to their new house that I would like to own and he immediately puts on “their song” and they dance around their new living room from happiness!

And she is now Mrs. John Aysgarth … sooo happy. But, I forgot to mention, this is an Alfred Hitchcock movie, so it comes with a twist. ⚡️

 . . . Which I’ll show you in a moment (not giving anything away, even though I’m pretty sure you’ve seen this movie ~ it came out in 1941, but just in cases) ~ this film has everything I love . . . it’s set in Sussex, England, so there’s already plenty of unspoken history and gravitas, there are darling cottages, and cute cars ~ they have tea, there are quirky characters, and a wonderful scene on a train…

. . . plus it’s mostly British actors, Dames and Sirs, and there are things like riding to the hounds . . . (… just about now, that cake in the oven was starting to smell so good, all cinnamon and sugar!)

. . . and little village churches. Alfred Hitchcock was English so he knew about these things.

The hair, the clothes, the architecture, are all perfection. Everything I love. Love the little bow ~ a bit of 1941 Diane Keaton.

Wonderful romantic curtains, and look, leafy shadows on her windows!

The buzzer just went off, my zucchini bread is done! YUM! Out it comes to cool . . . back I go to the movie . . .

SO, yes, Alfred Hitchcock, which means that besides the charm in every scene and especially the charm of the wonderful actors, there was another character in this “romantic psychological thriller” that got no billing at all . . . Bwaaaaaah! It’s the shadows! Look at them! They aren’t mentioned in the credits, but they are a definite presence in this movie and tell you everything you need to know. I don’t think the shadows in my house are sinister at all, but here, they definitely are! First thing I would do if I was her is get a dog. She actually has a dog but I would get another one with bigger teeth.

Because this movie is called Suspicion, and you don’t have to say it twice, it’s in every scene.  Look at those shadows . . . I feel suspicious right now.

For example, what fresh hell is HE up to, lurking around the bar .  . . we don’t know, but we know it’s something!

Oh, Alfred, you are so good! Slashed with a shadow! They don’t make ’em like they used to!

Even here, she goes into this office (in the adorable little English town that’s actually probably some place in Hollywood) and look what he’s done with the light ~ I have no doubt that he controlled every corner of this movie.

Cake’s cool, time for tea! No problem, I can watch TV while I make tea! My biggest problem? Which cup shall I use? I take turns.

My shadow’s right with me … lotta shadows in this blog! But this one is the best. Back to our chair we go . . .

Uh-oh — Cary and Joanie play Scrabble with Beaky (Nigel Bruce, naive friend), and we get another rather huge clue . . .

And as time goes by, it becomes more obvious that this lighthearted movie isn’t as lighthearted as we thought (or is it?). Here comes Cary with the poison milk! We know it’s poison milk because it’s all lit up! And we are very suspicious, because of the sinister shadows from the moonlight through the conservatory roof. We can see that milk coming up the stairs a mile away! Bang with the shadows! 💥

OMG, he’s in the bedroom, don’t drink it Joanie!!!  (Love the satin pillow on the left. And whatever is behind it. Love everything in this house.) I better stop. I’m going to give the whole thing away. You are just going to have to watch it yourself! Make a loaf of Zucchini Bread first, it’s moist and nutty, and all chewy on the edges ~ it adds  a lot to the ambience.XOXO

Joe’s feeders are emptying fast but the windows look so much better! The birds outside our kitchen windows are constant entertainment ~ they bring their babies, fight for footholds, and sing their hearts out. We keep a bird book nearby, to identify possible strangers.

In my next blog post, besides announcing the winner of the drawing, I’m going to write: “How to Travel: the Tricks of the Trade.”  We are getting to be experts. Only thing we haven’t figured out yet, how to take only one suitcase!  Getting us ready for our virtual and real trip to the other side of the pond. So excited … love all these months in front of us for planning and “looking forward!”One more shadow . . . we were downtown over the weekend, walking home after dinner, and looked up to see one of my favorite sights, a kitty in the window!Today I get to plan the menu for the winners of the Possible Dreams Auction that was held here on the Island a couple of weeks ago ~ they’re coming on Friday! You might remember, I mentioned the auction in one of my recent posts, and just in case anyone is interested, here’s the update: I’ll be making lunch and spending the afternoon with the highest bidder and three of her friends (I heard it went for $4,000, which all goes to our local Community Services so it was a wonderful thing for someone to do 💗). What shall I make, what SHALL I make . . . going to get out the books. I’m thinking we should eat outside under the arbor … I want this to be GOOD.

We went to the nursery yesterday, where everything is on sale, it’s end of season! We wanted to freshen the garden, get some fall color . . . and look how pretty, that’s our cart!

It’s a good time of year to get plants. They’re less expensive, you can see how big they are and know for sure what color the flowers will be. And then next year? Oooh, la wee!

Love you Girls, I’m still singing Dancing Queen from the Willard, 🎶 You can dance, you can jive, havin’ the time of your life … 🎵 See that girl, watch that scene, digging’ the Dancing’ Queen . . .🎶 … Have a wonderful day! Don’t forget to leave a comment to win our Giveaway! XOXO

Z U C C H I N I    B R E A D

Preheat oven to 325° Makes two 8″ x 4″ loaves

  • 2 c. flour (unsifted, lighten by stirring with fork, then measure)
  • 2 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 2 c. sugar
  • 1 c. vegetable oil
  • 2 c. grated, raw, unpeeled zucchini
  • 1 c. chopped walnuts
  • 2 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 325°. In a lg. bowl, whisk together first five ingredients and set aside.  In another lg. bowl, beat eggs, add sugar and oil and beat well. Stir in zucchini; then add the dry ingredients along with the walnuts and the vanilla and mix well. Pour into two buttered loaf pans. Bake one hour until knife in center comes out clean. Cool completely before turning onto serving dish. 💖

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3,432 Responses to THE LIGHT IS CHANGING

  1. Judy says:

    Love your photos – I have a Beatrix Potter figurine collection also. Would love to have a kitchen window like yours to display them in and be able to watch and listen to birds sing. How lucky you are! It would make me happy every day. My kitchen is in the middle of the house and when we screened in our 2nd story porch we lost our bird feeders 🙁 Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful eclipse shadow photos and tying it in with the shadows of the movie. Now I need to watch it!

  2. Elyse H. says:

    I need to watch the rest of that movie now to see how it ends! Also, I’ve started taking photos of the light playing on the walls in our house too…thank you for reminding me to stop and enjoy the sweet little moments in life!

  3. Sherri D says:

    Love all the shadows. I shall have to be more observant on my walks through the neighborhood. You are such an inspiration to me. Mucho hugs!

  4. Kathy Pink says:

    Hi Susan!

    Thanks for letting us enjoy your movie, zucchini bread and tea! I’m drinking my tea as I enjoy your Willard; always so relaxing to read your writing, whether it’s a blog, a Willard, or any of your books. Looking forward to Fall, my favorite season, and noticing and enjoying all it has to offer.

  5. Patricia Konecny says:

    A great newsletter!! My daughter Melissa and I have been your fans forever! I always bought her your beautiful calendars for Christmas. She purchased all your books for me..the Autumn one is one of my favorites…sadly, She passed away 3 years ago from pancreatic cancer-she was only 42…miss her so. But we both so enjoyed all of your books, calendars and fabulous art work. I too am looking forward to favorite season!

    • sbranch says:

      So wrong on every level, I’m sorry Patricia, what a terrible loss. 😢 As much as a total outsider can be, my heart is right there with you. Thank God for the memories and that they don’t go when our beloveds do. Yours sound lovely. xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

      • Pat Johnson says:

        Patricia, I could not help but wrap my arms around you and sending you love. Losing a daughter is so hard. I wish you many happy and fun memories of your life together and things that will put smiles on your face with thankfulness that you have those memories within your heart. Wishing you strength and memories……..

  6. Deb Blackmore says:

    Hi Susan….thanks again for this giveaway opportunity. Just the possibility of having my name picked is exciting. Enjoy your hydrangea…looks like a Pinky Winky. I added a whole bunch of hydrangeas to my garden this year in preparation for our daughter’s wedding here at the house, and even though they weren’t as big as they will get, the colour was lovely. Always a good choice!
    Cheers, deb

  7. Cindy Penzler says:

    Finding your blog in my inbox just lifts my heart! I’ve figured out how to listen to your musica as I read and now you have both my heart and toes dancing! Now that our weather is cooling, my hubby and I set up our old slide screen and project movies in the screened in porch at night. Suspicion looks to be a perfect choice! I have all of your cookbooks but wowza, would I love to give your books to a birthday girlfriend and share the love! I’ve made your zucchini bread….I always add a handful (or two!) of mini chocolate chips! Thank you, Susan, for brightening all of our lives!

    • Joan says:

      I have no clue how to listen to music while reading blog. Help trying to find out how to listen to the music along with the blog have no clue please help me somebody out there. I click on musica and it takes me you tube and then iam lost.

      • sbranch says:

        I’m not sure you can have two screens open on something like an iMac … Try asking Google. Because if you can have two screens open at once, you can have youtube playing the music to you, while looking at the blog… I know you can do it on a laptop or a desk computer, not sure about the rest ~ someone else will know more than me!

  8. Pam Gorman says:

    I love your description of the shadows, I also watch them dance in my home, along with the rainbows that the prisms create💖

  9. Janice says:

    I so look forward to your your blogs. Oh, to have a husband like Joe. You are blessed in so many ways. Thank you for sharing with us.

  10. Cindy Chaplin says:


    I think I would faint if I happen to be the lucky winner that Vanna chooses! I’ll be sure to be sitting down when I read the blog:) Love all the new mugs…just received the 3 Christmas ones I purchased for my daughters. They are going to love them! (oh, and one for me too:). Made zuchinni bread this week too, and ate way too much of it!
    Happy almost fall,

  11. Mary Hart says:

    Susan, I enjoy your blog posts so much! It is wonderful to hear that you love old movies, baking and cooking as I do! Just love that movie too!

  12. Susan Butler says:

    I appreciate your love of simpleness and your zest for life please pick me please pick me .please pick me as autumn is my soul sister

  13. Janet Duff says:

    Fall is my favorite time of year also. I hope that you have an extra special one this year. Thank your for the opportunity to possibly win such a great package of fall especiality.

  14. Cindy Johnson says:

    Here in Georgia the eclipse allowed shadows. I noticed that more than anything that day. Then, there’s your post about shadows !

  15. Jan Hutchison says:

    I’m so looking forward to autumn after a hot Kansas summer! A new blogpost from you is always a great way to start the day.

  16. Rita V. says:

    I love when Willard hits my inbox. Willard and your blog provide some respite from a world that gets crazy at times. Thanks for the quiet corner. I can’t wait for autumn – my fav time, because it’s not too hot to put the oven Rita.

  17. Brad D says:

    You are up early! My wife would love this package! Have a wonderful Fall.

  18. I woke up with a bit of a heavy heart (several family worries on our hearts at the moment) but your post made my smile, then laugh out loud, and now I’m dancing into the kitchen for my first cup of coffee. Thank you, Susan, for always reminding us how rich and lovely and beautiful life is – how all the simple little things of every day are gifts.

  19. Annette Crown says:

    Thanks for the recipe and movie preview!
    All the doors and windows open here, Welcome Fall!

  20. Janet Duff says:

    Good morning! Fall is my favorite season too for so many reasons! Have a beautiful day!

  21. Rebecca says:

    What a sweet, lovely post, with so many of my favorite things. Now, I know to look forward to Willard coming. Thank you for the chance to win such a nice fall collection of goodies.
    Your friend,

  22. Belinda from Tampa says:

    Oh my goodness Susan!! I love, love, love your windows and how they open!! Oh how I wish I had something similar. I must move North….miss the changing seasons so much. Have you ever had a bird fly in? I have not seen this movie. I must …..just for the shadows alone! Shame on them for leaving them out of the credits…lol. Thank you for the recipe….love zucchini bread!

  23. Carla Ludwig says:

    OK, now I can’t wait to watch Suspicion!!!! I think while I am watching I will make a cup of your Gingerbread Tea, which I already have…..YUM. Have a beautiful weekend Susan!!

  24. Amy says:

    Ha! Had to Google the end of the movie! Had to know:-) After Hitchcock’ s The Birds….cannot watch his movies. Those psychological thrillers get to me but I Had to know how this one ended! Love zucchini bread…I have a chocolate chocolate zucchini cake recipe you cook in an iron skillet that is to die for..Anxiously awaiting my Willard. Have a happy extraordinarily lovely shadow filled day…xo!

  25. Sandra Garber says:

    Is you bread pan Polish Pottery? I love it.

  26. Edwina H. says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thanks for sharing the recipe! I can’t wait to make it for my quilter friends. Whenever I see an e-mail from you, it always brings a smile! XOXO

  27. Beverlee Aylmer says:

    big fan, keep on keeping on! Thanks for beautiful views of the vineyard, old and new mother

  28. Donna Fitzpatrick says:

    “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 
    ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

    With a love for all things autumnal….be still my….apple cinnamon and pumpkin spiced heart. I cannot believe what a generous gift you offer…thank you so very much Susan.

  29. Susan Hooper Kelleher says:

    Good Morning Susan, Just enjoyed your blog with my morning coffee. Loved it. I couldn’t wait for your next shadow photo. Have a question ???The bird video …is that a wisteria to the right of the feeders? If so …WOW ! It must be beautiful when it flowers. Have a wonderful day.

  30. Martha says:

    Where did you get that adorable baking dish for the zucchini bread? Does Jack know how lucky he is to live in such a cozy home?

    • sbranch says:

      He knows he’s big-time responsible for making it so cozy! Always polishing his fingernails on his coat! So proud! Thank you Martha, and the loaf pan came from the Christmas Tree shop in Falmouth!

      • Martha says:

        Thanks so much! Just need to mention that since Fall is in the air, I look forward to making your “Spicy Pecans”! I’ve given jars of them to neighbors during Christmas and they love them!

  31. Linda Tuskey says:

    The name of my sister’s cat is Shadow! But I call him Wodash (shadow backwards).

  32. Jennifer C. says:

    Adding Suspicion to my list of must sees! Love a good old movie. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Leslie S. says:

    Just getting to “know” you and your books…wonderful! Thank you so much. Beautiful and inspirational!

  34. Carol Burch says:

    Susan, when I start my day with your blog, I feel like sunshine and roses! Even though it is a very rainy day here! Here in SC the sunlight is changing too. Come hither,fall!

  35. Joy says:

    I love autumn and I love Willard. Thank”s for sharing with us.

  36. Kathy Lorenzini says:

    I am so very much looking forward to Fall. Trees are just barely starting to turn in Colorado and the air feels different especially early in the morning.
    I’m making banana bread today, my first time with gluten free flour!
    Have a great day today!
    Kathy Lorenzini

  37. Lynette Morley says:

    We are definite kindred spirits. It’s so amazing to me that you love everything I love. I love shadows and I love your pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us and thank you for letting your light shine.

  38. Treah Pichette says:

    I love this time of year with its cooler days & slanting light. Yet we still keep on gardening! Do you know about the GREAT BBC gardening show “Gardeners World”? Catch it on Youtube & you’ll be hooked!

  39. Ruth Hoffman says:

    Hi Susan! Loved watching the video of the birds from your kitchen window! Sitting on our lovely deck with coffee watching our Ohio birds. Fall is definitely on its way…afghan over my legs cause it is actually chilly! Thank you for reminding us again that there is joy in the simple things of life every day❤️

  40. Dana says:

    This would be super to win!! 🙂

  41. Fiona Goodyear says:

    Susan –
    I love your blogs, newsletters, books, calendars, etc. They all rekindle a childlike joy in me that often gets lost in the drudgery of daily life! Inspires me to live for the little things of beauty that surround us if we only open our eyes and hearts! Thank you for returning my joy to me whenever I step into your world and open mine!

  42. Anne Erickson says:

    I love God, my country, my family & friends, Susan Branch, and AUTUMN !!!

  43. Mary Younker says:

    A friend just recently exposed me to your writing by sharing your “A Fine Romance” book. I bought it, read it with delight and signed up for your blogs. Then today I opened your blog only to be charmed all over again. I can see why you have a devoted following. I feel like I’m falling down a Wonderland rabbit hole in the whimsical world of Susan Branch! I may even give up coffee and try tea again. Enjoy Fall’s gifts.

  44. Mary from PA. says:

    Good Morning Susan, have a nice day.
    Love your blog.

  45. Barbara says:

    Just sitting down with a cup of tea reading your post……
    Just love the way you look at things Susan Branch!

  46. Donnie says:

    Oh, I am so looking for Suspicion and making zucchini bread! When we were watching the eclipse here is Tallahassee, the sun was never fully covered so we got the delightful tulip shadows as well, and the birds got quieter and it got a little cooler. Awesome.

  47. Debbie Rockholm says:

    Oh my goodness, I definitely have to watch this movie. And I loved all your shadow pics. So magical. Off I go to make that zucchini bread. Thanks for your beautiful post and recipe. Love love that song…Dancing Queen….that’s my ring tone on my phone….😎. It just makes you smile.

    Have a beautiful day!

    Debbie R from Valencia, CA

  48. Paula DePalma says:

    What a fabulous giveaway! I’ll be making that zucchini bread soon! Thanks for everything!

  49. Jackie R says:

    With Zucchini Bread comes the fall. The days are getting shorter. So hard to give up the summer.

  50. Kisha says:

    Good morning from Delaware!!! I love the fall season and we can tell from the crisp mornings that we’ve been experiencing lately, that it won’t be long before it’s here.

  51. Natalie says:

    Mmmmm, Zucchini Bread. Can’t wait until the weekend to bake this. I just love the Fall book. While I mourn the loss of summer’s warmth and abundant light, your Fall book helps me ease into the changing season and not miss summer so much.

  52. Tammy Eckerson says:

    We didn’t see the shadows as you did on the day of the eclipse. Fun, celebratory day of the Lord’s creation for sure.

  53. Krista Rose says:

    I love the little porch you had at Holly Oak! Do you remember coming to Hudson, OH a couple of years ago for a book signing at The Learned Owl? Well there’s another darling town just east of us, Peninsula, that has classic movie nights at the library every month. Upcoming is “Rear Window”! I can’t wait! XO

  54. Sandy Jackson says:

    How lovely that you take the time to listen to the birds. So often we forget to stop and appreciate the little things we take for granted. I have lived in Florida for two years and tried to have a bird feeder, but all that came were huge black birds. I guess they were hungry too! We don’t get the pretty song birds I’m used to having lived in the midwest. We do have beautiful water birds though! Every area is unique!

  55. Pellow Jackie says:

    Hi Susan,
    What fun it is to read your books and blogs! Each one is so full of love and creativity….just what our world needs more of!!!
    Thank you,
    Jackie Pellow
    Leawood, KS

  56. carolyn eagles says:

    Did you say there is a giveaway? Then, I am in! carolyn eagles

  57. Suzie Wullschlager says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thanks so much for sharing a preview of Fall. Our Falls seem to be starting later and later each year here in Pasadena. Last year it was the end of October before we felt a hint of crispness in the air. I loved your pictures of the eclispe- a beautiful personalizing of this once in a lifetime event. I’m so grateful for your blog to remind me of life with true seasons. Have a wonderful party under the arbor! Best, Suzie

  58. Sue says:

    Love your books! I pass them around at work and just love to talk and share what we feel after reading them. Spreading your name around, hope you don’t mind!!!

  59. Deborah says:

    Thank you for the inspiration and respite you provide! Totally agree that Jack is the best shadow of all. Looking forward to fall, my favorite season.

  60. Cheryl Oliphant says:

    Oh Susan, my heart almost skips a beat when I see an email from you. Your words of inspiration always lift my spirits and remind me of the important things in life. Love, love this “shadows” story from end to end. The kitty in the window lets me know that he is just waiting for his “people” to come home. Unconditional love. Love it!

  61. Liz Hand says:

    Loved the pics of the shadows. It was cloudy here during the eclipse so we didnt see any shadows but I’m saving our glasses for the next one. Gotta love Hitchcock!

  62. Barbara Sanford says:

    Susan, I first want to thank you for opening your home to all of us, it is so heart felt! I would also like to thank you for your beautiful artwork, Beatrix Potter, and everything England! I feel like I’m there!! I cannot tell you how much it touches my soul! Cannot wait for your next adventure 🐈

  63. Sue Lamke says:

    Susan, saw a new movie on my birthday (23rd) called Maudie. About an artist Maudie Lewis who lived on Newfoundland. You would love it.

  64. Renee says:

    It’s a brisk morning here in Michigan. Definitely sweater weather! My favorite season is certainly on the way. Thanks for all your descriptive words which make it very easy to see all that you see. I feel like I am right there in your pocket with you! Thanks so much for the ride!

  65. Kerry S. from Nolensville, TN says:

    It’s getting cool and less humid here in middle TN – touches of fall in the air! The fall mugs arrived in the mail last week! Can’t wait to give one to my MT girl friend when she visits us next month!
    Happy late summer to all the girl friends!!

  66. Margie Terry says:

    OMG Susan – the name on your oven temperature knob is the company I worked for for over 34 years in CA!! And now I’m living in PA loving the four seasons and you’re right, Fall is coming early this year and I’m LOVING it!! We have a lot of zucchini this year and I’m going to bake some bread today – thank goodness the days are cooler – in the low seventies – and we’ve had a lot of rain to where the grass is growing so fast I can’t keep up with the mowing. Besides that the grass is always damp!! Fall is definitely here in PA!!

  67. Sheila says:

    There is no better way to spend an afternoon than with tea and a good old movie, especially if the dreamy Cary Grant is in it! ‘Suspicion’ is one of my favorites. Next time I will make the zucchini bread too. Thank you Susan for the lovely post which reminds us to slow down, look around and enjoy the beauty in the small things…

  68. Dena says:

    Saw that movie on tv just the other day, I think you should make your lavender cake, great pictures of the eclipse! I forgot about it , but look at everyone’s pictures on Facebook 😆

  69. Linda Tondola says:

    How funny that you mentioned zucchini bread because I had planned to make some today even before I read your post! I loved the photos of the moons in the shadows of the eclipse. We watched the eclipse (partial here as well) but I never noticed the moon in the shadows. Wish I had! However it got rather cloudy as it went, so we were just happy to be able to view it at all with the special glasses our neighbors were gracious enough to share with us. I’m glad you didn’t give away the ending of the movie as I have never seen it (shocking, I know) and will maybe tune in today or tomorrow. Lovely post, as usual !

    • Linda Tondola says:

      Why does my comment still say it’s awaiting moderation? This happened the last time I tried to post a comment and I’m not sure if it was received or not. Should I repost it?

  70. Diane Scharf says:

    Great morning to you! I have a giant zucchini given to me from a friend’s garden sitting in my kitchen. I’ve been wondering what to do with it! Now I know. Thanks Susan

  71. Nancy Hussey says:

    Loved that blog, Susan ! I’m so looking forward to Fall too, and love the in between time when it’s still summer but little bits and pieces of Fall show up here and there ! I bought your Autumn mug at The Cookshop in Brewster and love it ! Just the right size. I also treated myself to a new kettle, of which they have many ! Love, love, love the phto of Jack watching TV on your blog ! 💖

  72. Frieda says:

    Fall is such a wonderful season! Thanks for sharing a glimpse from your part of the world!!

  73. Valerie Jones says:

    I got out my copy of Autumn just this morning because the air in Maine has a crisp, cool feel today! Autumn is my favorite season!

  74. Ann (from Cincinnati) says:

    Oh Susan, this is such a “juicy” post! Everything I could want – beautiful dappled light, cool eclipse shadows, a delicious recipe (I can smell the cake cooking now!), a great old movie – and even a chance to win your tower of goodies!

  75. Judi says:

    Yay…a new give-away…leaving this “comment” & crossing my fingers!

  76. Candra A Fisher says:

    Awwwww—-Fall…my favorite time of the year with another favorite…Susan Branch! How amazing! So much to be thankful for…💕

  77. The latest Willard is probably my favorite one so far! And I do appreciate your sharing your lovely recipe for zucchini bread, YUM!

  78. Rosie Luis says:

    It’s getting to be autumn here in San Jose, too. I see it coming every year when I look down the street – the air is different, it has a texture to it. Nights are a bit cooler, good sleeping. Love it, love the anticipation. Fall is full of anticipation, holding it’s breath.
    Love you, love your books, love your new mugs. One of these days I’ll make it to Martha’s Vineyard in the fall. Can’t imagine a more perfect place to be.

  79. Rachel says:

    I loved this post today, so perfect, so eerie with the movie, yet so cheery because well… you 😉

  80. Shirley Burt says:

    Dappled sunlight and shadows of the eclipse, zucchini bread and tea, lovely old classic movies, plants on sale with a delightful husband to help, moving slowly in the heat and always having a furry face to greet you when you arrive home. Absolutely a lovely way to live a life.
    Thank you Susan Branch for the glimpses into your days.
    Love and bunny hugs
    Shirley Burt from the heat of Texas

  81. Kathy O'Neill says:

    Oh dear Vanna…..pick me please….Pretty, Pretty, Please❣️

  82. Pamela Jewett says:

    Hi Susan,
    Your interactive map sounds so mesmerizing. I would love to watch it also. How wonderful to have so many friends! “Suspicion” sounds so familiar…..I must have seen it ages ago. I will definitely have to watch it again. I have to wait to bake anything. It has been so hot this summer and the thought of turning on the oven makes me….well, you know. I will make the delicious Zucchini Bread when the weather cools off. Looking forward to more info on your upcoming trip the the lovely British Isles.
    xoxo Pam

  83. Carol N. says:

    Thank you. I needed that. I needed every last bit of what you shared.

  84. Krista Rose says:

    Oops! Peninsula is west of us! Silly me 🙂

  85. Linda Sterrett says:

    Thanks for sharing your day with us

  86. April Glodowski says:

    Love the pictures of light and shadows! Autumn is my favorite season and I’m so looking forward to it. And now I will have to track down that movie so I can see how it ends!

  87. Robin Medley says:

    Here in Leavenworth Washington the eclipse left many moons shadows on our patio and the sides of our house. How amazing. Thanks for sharing yours and Alfreds!

  88. Betsy says:

    I just showed my grand-daughter the zucchini bread picture……so guess what we are getting ready to do : ) . I have a questions about your bird feeders.Every time I put one out the squirrels hang from the roof (we live in a small bungalow ) and they eat it all up before the birds have a change to partake. I’ve tried singing out the window so they get frightened and scamper away, bang pots etc. Nothing works. Whats your secret?

  89. I so enjoy your posts Susan…you are so delightful and I wish I could have bid $5,000 at the auction so we could meet! PS…I think you should be a film critic…your analysis of “Suspicion” was superb! 😀

  90. Sherry Peacher says:

    A great post! Looking forward to receiving a new Willard! Hope you have a great weekend!

  91. Katherine Larkin says:

    Just received the new Willard in my inbox this morning. Thoroughly enjoyed it. When I got to the end, I caught by breath. The quote (something to do, something to love……) was the quote I used under my high school yearbook picture a gazillion years ago!

  92. Pamela Jewett says:

    Hi Susan,
    My finger slipped and I hit post comment twice and then the whole thing disappeared. You would think I never posted anything before! Hope it doesn’t show up twice. Love your shadows and am so glad you took photos. Little moons repeating would make great wrapping paper. I will make the zucchini bread as soon as the weather cools off here. It has been an extremely hot summer. I am looking forward to future posts about your upcoming trip. Love all the past photos and look at them occasionally.

  93. Carmen Stephens says:

    Thanks for this walk down Memory Lane. I’ve long enjoyed shadows, especially where we used to live in Webster,N.Y. Some were on our front door of lace valances, cast by the light of late afternoon. In my mind I see them still. Now I live in the West and enjoy not only shadows, but the clarity of light is wonderful. I hung prisms in my Windows and now live with rainbows! Warm regards, Carmen Stephens

  94. Sam says:

    Oh the eclipse shadows. Aren’t they amazing? What an adventure shared throughout the country and bringing everyone together for a day. Praise God.

  95. Candice says:

    We are having lovely cool days only in the 70’s and even cooler nights, down in the 40’s, here in NW Ohio! I love this subtle change and knowing Fall is on its way! You have made my mouth water with your Zucchinni bread recipe, so with it being cooler, I don’t feel so bad putting the oven on to bake! I have a home grown Zucchinni resting on my counter at the moment all ready to go! I have the exact same recipe that you use! It is in a little booklet that was offered by a newspaper, you could order them for a 25 cents back in 1980 and this one is all breads. I have one of each for apples, cookies and turkey. Good old-fashioned tried and true recipes that I have used repeatedly.
    Looking forward to receiving “Willard” in my inbox! Thank you for the lovely blog and all the “shadows” it has made me more aware of how pretty they can be! Enjoy your day!!

  96. Auntie Nettie says:

    In this turbulent time, we give thanks, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day we see a lovely blog-post, Willard, and/or other social media post from your corner of beauty and calm.

    Thank YOU!

  97. Linda says:

    Your eclipse shadows are amazing. I wish we could have “do overs” so I could look for them here. Your zucchini bread sounds so good. Tomorrow, I’m trying out a recipe for fresh fig bread. Our tomatoes did not do well in our record breaking heat this summer, but we have a bumper crop of figs. Ok, going now to look for Willard.

  98. Maggie Bresz says:

    I so enjoy your blog and Willard. I have been collecting your books but don’t have the Gratitude book or any cups and would love to win them. Your trip to England reminded me of mine and I plan to go back soon. I have used your recipes and read your books over and over.

  99. Marie says:

    Hi Susan,
    Greetings from Prince Edward Island! I love your Willards – they put a smile on my face and a spring in my step. Your new Autumn mug is beautiful – thank you for the opportunity to be included in your draw.

  100. Mercedes Gonzalez says:

    Oh! How I wish I won!! You should be shipping to Spain!
    I love love love your post!
    Greetings from northen Spain!

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