Welcome! How about some nice cool MUSICA? Oui! I imagine lots of you are just coming over from your 

It just started going out today (Wednesday), and it now takes about five days for it all to go … if you don’t already get it, sign up now and maybe you’ll be in time to find a letter in your box. It’s a fun one! It has announcements!  I thought today, in celebration of the coming change of season ~ I’d make us Zucchini Bread for tea! But before I do that, a reminder about the new Fall Giveaway I mentioned in Willard! When you get to the bottom of this post, look for the tiny word “comments” ~ click there, leave a few words so you’ll automatically be entered in our drawing . . . for this . . .

Not one, not two, but three books ~ all of them signed to the winner (or if you’ll be giving them as a gift, to whomever you like!), Autumn, Heart of the Home, and Gratitude ~ in addition, for complete celebration, I’m including one of our new Autumn cups along with a bag of Gingerbread Cake Black Tea.👏 Just leave a comment, and keep your fingers crossed! It could be YOU! It really could! Much better odds than the lottery. And we ship, so no matter where you are, if you win, you win!

Speaking of fall … this is one of my favorite things, a harbinger of the changing season, the way the light dances on my kitchen walls as the wind blows through the leaves outside ~ it’s mesmerizing!

It actually shimmers all over the house . . .  there is something very cozy about it . . .

I’ve been taking pictures of it for a long time. This was the porch of my first Island house, called Holly Oak, during my first fall on the Island (my first “real” fall, period). For those of you who don’t know ….I had moved to the Island from California and had only lived there for a few months, but I could feel the season changing, and I knew then I was falling in mad love with this place. It’s been the same every year since, watching the light and the way the colors change is magical. 🍂

Joe and I walk down this dirt road each morning, through the dappled woods, trees and thickets are still green, but we’re  starting to see tiny pops of color (you can see some at top, over the road).

I even take pictures of other people’s shadows!

The solar eclipse was only partial up here in New England, but it made the shadows even more fun … you could see the moon in them. Making me realize for the first time, that when you see a splotch of sunlight through the trees, you are seeing the entire sun in that one bit of light. Because here, the moon is blocking part of it … and so you get these little scalloped moons dappled under all the trees. Isn’t that wild?

So much moon and sun, they almost made tulips!

This little one … the moon in the sun … quite an amazing bit of sweetness.

They even made it into the house… sparkled down the kitchen counters and across the floor. I wonder how many times this has happened in this house, and what the other people we’ve shared these old rooms with must have thought about it.

There’s Joe, my hero, outside washing the specks of spaghetti sauce and bacon grease off the windows and filling the bird feeders for me . . .

We visit through the windows while I set the oven temperature for 325° and find my recipe for Zucchini Bread. Ah yes . . .

 I’ll show you how to make this delicious seasonal yumminess  . . . and don’t worry, I’ll put the recipe at the bottom so you can print it out. First we need a couple of  bowls and a loaf pan.

This recipe is as fast and easy as any packaged mix ~ I make it at least once a year. You get two big loaves from it, one for you and one to give away or freeze. In one of the bowls, whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, salt and baking powder. Set aside.

In the other bowl, whisk eggs, then add sugar and vegetable oil and whisk well.

whisking well.

The you grate zucchini . . .

and stir it into the egg mixture . . .

The birds keep me company while I work, always a good thing!

Stir well.

Add the dry ingredients,

along with the chopped walnuts,

and the vanilla . . .

And voila! Mix well and pour into buttered loaf pans. Bake 60 minutes until a knife in the center comes out clean.

While the cake was baking, I took Jack and we went into the wood room to put up our feet and watch a good old movie.

See? His feet are up.

Our movie starts out all nice and sweet … with Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine ~ Perfect! In this movie, she’s wealthy and shy and he’s a charming playboy without a penny to his name, but she doesn’t know that yet. She’s falling, hook, line, and sinker.

Boy meets Girl, it must be love . . . and I’m settled in, happy as a clam ….

“Have you ever been kissed in a car?” he asks her, and she says, “no” and he says, “would you like to be?”  . . . and then they go on an amazing honeymoon and waltz all over Europe to this MUSICA  … so delightful ~ they come home to their new house that I would like to own and he immediately puts on “their song” and they dance around their new living room from happiness!

And she is now Mrs. John Aysgarth … sooo happy. But, I forgot to mention, this is an Alfred Hitchcock movie, so it comes with a twist. ⚡️

 . . . Which I’ll show you in a moment (not giving anything away, even though I’m pretty sure you’ve seen this movie ~ it came out in 1941, but just in cases) ~ this film has everything I love . . . it’s set in Sussex, England, so there’s already plenty of unspoken history and gravitas, there are darling cottages, and cute cars ~ they have tea, there are quirky characters, and a wonderful scene on a train…

. . . plus it’s mostly British actors, Dames and Sirs, and there are things like riding to the hounds . . . (… just about now, that cake in the oven was starting to smell so good, all cinnamon and sugar!)

. . . and little village churches. Alfred Hitchcock was English so he knew about these things.

The hair, the clothes, the architecture, are all perfection. Everything I love. Love the little bow ~ a bit of 1941 Diane Keaton.

Wonderful romantic curtains, and look, leafy shadows on her windows!

The buzzer just went off, my zucchini bread is done! YUM! Out it comes to cool . . . back I go to the movie . . .

SO, yes, Alfred Hitchcock, which means that besides the charm in every scene and especially the charm of the wonderful actors, there was another character in this “romantic psychological thriller” that got no billing at all . . . Bwaaaaaah! It’s the shadows! Look at them! They aren’t mentioned in the credits, but they are a definite presence in this movie and tell you everything you need to know. I don’t think the shadows in my house are sinister at all, but here, they definitely are! First thing I would do if I was her is get a dog. She actually has a dog but I would get another one with bigger teeth.

Because this movie is called Suspicion, and you don’t have to say it twice, it’s in every scene.  Look at those shadows . . . I feel suspicious right now.

For example, what fresh hell is HE up to, lurking around the bar .  . . we don’t know, but we know it’s something!

Oh, Alfred, you are so good! Slashed with a shadow! They don’t make ’em like they used to!

Even here, she goes into this office (in the adorable little English town that’s actually probably some place in Hollywood) and look what he’s done with the light ~ I have no doubt that he controlled every corner of this movie.

Cake’s cool, time for tea! No problem, I can watch TV while I make tea! My biggest problem? Which cup shall I use? I take turns.

My shadow’s right with me … lotta shadows in this blog! But this one is the best. Back to our chair we go . . .

Uh-oh — Cary and Joanie play Scrabble with Beaky (Nigel Bruce, naive friend), and we get another rather huge clue . . .

And as time goes by, it becomes more obvious that this lighthearted movie isn’t as lighthearted as we thought (or is it?). Here comes Cary with the poison milk! We know it’s poison milk because it’s all lit up! And we are very suspicious, because of the sinister shadows from the moonlight through the conservatory roof. We can see that milk coming up the stairs a mile away! Bang with the shadows! 💥

OMG, he’s in the bedroom, don’t drink it Joanie!!!  (Love the satin pillow on the left. And whatever is behind it. Love everything in this house.) I better stop. I’m going to give the whole thing away. You are just going to have to watch it yourself! Make a loaf of Zucchini Bread first, it’s moist and nutty, and all chewy on the edges ~ it adds  a lot to the ambience.XOXO

Joe’s feeders are emptying fast but the windows look so much better! The birds outside our kitchen windows are constant entertainment ~ they bring their babies, fight for footholds, and sing their hearts out. We keep a bird book nearby, to identify possible strangers.

In my next blog post, besides announcing the winner of the drawing, I’m going to write: “How to Travel: the Tricks of the Trade.”  We are getting to be experts. Only thing we haven’t figured out yet, how to take only one suitcase!  Getting us ready for our virtual and real trip to the other side of the pond. So excited … love all these months in front of us for planning and “looking forward!”One more shadow . . . we were downtown over the weekend, walking home after dinner, and looked up to see one of my favorite sights, a kitty in the window!Today I get to plan the menu for the winners of the Possible Dreams Auction that was held here on the Island a couple of weeks ago ~ they’re coming on Friday! You might remember, I mentioned the auction in one of my recent posts, and just in case anyone is interested, here’s the update: I’ll be making lunch and spending the afternoon with the highest bidder and three of her friends (I heard it went for $4,000, which all goes to our local Community Services so it was a wonderful thing for someone to do 💗). What shall I make, what SHALL I make . . . going to get out the books. I’m thinking we should eat outside under the arbor … I want this to be GOOD.

We went to the nursery yesterday, where everything is on sale, it’s end of season! We wanted to freshen the garden, get some fall color . . . and look how pretty, that’s our cart!

It’s a good time of year to get plants. They’re less expensive, you can see how big they are and know for sure what color the flowers will be. And then next year? Oooh, la wee!

Love you Girls, I’m still singing Dancing Queen from the Willard, 🎶 You can dance, you can jive, havin’ the time of your life … 🎵 See that girl, watch that scene, digging’ the Dancing’ Queen . . .🎶 … Have a wonderful day! Don’t forget to leave a comment to win our Giveaway! XOXO

Z U C C H I N I    B R E A D

Preheat oven to 325° Makes two 8″ x 4″ loaves

  • 2 c. flour (unsifted, lighten by stirring with fork, then measure)
  • 2 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 2 c. sugar
  • 1 c. vegetable oil
  • 2 c. grated, raw, unpeeled zucchini
  • 1 c. chopped walnuts
  • 2 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 325°. In a lg. bowl, whisk together first five ingredients and set aside.  In another lg. bowl, beat eggs, add sugar and oil and beat well. Stir in zucchini; then add the dry ingredients along with the walnuts and the vanilla and mix well. Pour into two buttered loaf pans. Bake one hour until knife in center comes out clean. Cool completely before turning onto serving dish. 💖

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3,432 Responses to THE LIGHT IS CHANGING

  1. Kim says:

    Looking forward to making the zucchini bread. Since it is still well over 100 degrees here in Southern California, I will need to wait a little bit longer for our Autumn!!!

  2. Karen McShea says:

    Thanks for reminding us of the many simple pleasures in daily life, helping us to remain grounded and positive. It truly does have a ripple effect.

  3. Jana says:

    Autumn is my favorite season and here in the southeast I’ve been noticing how the trees are almost standing still. One huge maple three houses down has already turned orange! Autumn is one my biggest boards on Pinterest and I collect quotations about Autumn (and I spell it with a captial “A” because it deserves to be a proper noun). Thank you for the lovely afternoon with you, Joe, Jack, Alfred, and the lovely baking smells coming from your adorable kitchen! We love you a million-billion, Susan!

  4. Kathleen says:

    I love love love that movie! Right up there with Rebecca!

  5. I can’t wait to hear about the charity luncheon you are preparing for the winners!!! I bet it will be fantastic!!! We travelled to Kentucky to see the total eclipse and guess what I made to take? Zucchini whoopee pies — since I couldn’t have the chocolate version. They were SO good!!!

  6. Charlotte Greathouse says:

    Loved all the shadows and Jack🤗

  7. Barbara Page says:

    I’ve been away for a while and am so glad to be back and enjoying your blog! I love your pictures and seeing Jack…I’m still nissing Girl kitty.

  8. Judy Tracy says:

    Know what you mean about seeing good movies. Saw Hallmark’s At Home in Mitford from the Jan Karon books this last weekend, and loved it so much I went back and reread A Common Life. It restores your faith in th egoodness and realness of people…just like you do:>)
    Thanks for the pictures from the eclipse too.

  9. Debbie Wynn says:

    The description of the shadows of the leaves took me back to my childhood in the Tennessee mountains! How I loved the fall and the changing of the leaves and the shadows and light. Now I live in an urban area which has its’ charms but not like those memories of childhood!

  10. nancy rock says:

    Thanks so much for the wonderful blogs! I look forward to them and you always inspire me to try something creative. Nancy

  11. Bethie says:

    Autumn and your zucchini bread. Both sound wonderful.

  12. Sarah says:

    “Charming playboy without a penny to his name.” That was pretty much Cary Grant’s on screen MO, right? He did it better than anyone. 🙂

  13. Beth Hutchens says:

    Just home after a long eclipse weekend and enjoying catching up with you!

  14. Donna MacDonald says:

    Hi Susan,
    As always loved your pictures & sweet stories. I just love my ” SB- Martha’s Vineyard mug.”
    Was nice to see it how you displayed yours with the ” Zucchini Bread.”
    Thanks for taking time, to send out your blog.
    Think I’ll pour a glass of ” Sun Tea, ” & reread your blog, again.
    You, Joe & Jack, have a nice rest of a Summer Day!
    A faithful reader & customer,

  15. On my way to the Farmer’s Market for zucchini to make the season’s first Zucchini Bread. My recipe has a crumbled coffee cake topping, which really makes it sweet for tea time. Thank you for the inspiration!

  16. CindyK says:

    Can’t wait to make some zucchini bread!:)
    Loved all the shadows! Especially the shadow of the eclipse. How cool was that!
    Your posts are always exciting to read, it’s “My time”, and it’s always looked forward to! Fall is my favorite season, so it was a treat to hear you are anticipating it!

  17. Sharon says:

    The next thing I am going to do is find the movie Suspicion. I love old movies.

  18. Nancy says:

    This is my favorite blog of all time? Thanks! I love your travels, your art, and writings.

  19. Joan of Cape Cod says:

    Susan, I just finished a huge project I’d been procrastinating on, sent it off as an attachment, sat back with relief that it was done, checked my mail and…REWARD! Susan’s blog! Perfect timing and a treat as always. (Note to self:make zucchini bread.) I agree with the person who said you’d be a great movie reviewer. Thanks!

  20. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    I need to get some zucchini for ratatouille. I found a new kitty at the humane society.
    I was an Autumn 🍂 baby.
    Getting colder here.

    • Margot in Sister Bay says:

      I went to fill out the application for the kitty and they adopted him out. I had been talking to them about him since Monday. I last spoke with them at 2:30 and around 6:00 they gave him to someone else! Yesterday they were closed. They are only open every other day, which they never told me. They also never said that they would hold a cat if you put it’s name on the online application, which was a mile long!☹️

  21. Judi Weinkauf says:

    Ohhhhh….I would so love to win!!!! Thank you for this wonderful post. I love reading all of them!!! ❤️

  22. Sharon Maier says:

    Hitchcock is just the best — and worth seeing again and again. Thank you for adding another “must see” to my ever-growing list. I am discovering all sorts of things through Netflix that I didn’t know existed. If you like light-hearted British mysteries that you NEVER can figure out, try Midsomer Murders. It’s a good choice if you want an escape without a lot of stress.
    Fingers crossed once again for the win — this is just in addition to the Powerball I’m counting on, of course…
    Hugs to Jack………

  23. paige turnipseed says:

    Enjoyed your blog as usual. I am looking forward to fall – just hope it lasts about 3 full months. There are four of us “girls” going on a trip at the end of Sept. to your neck of the woods (from Reno-Lake Tahoe area of Nevada). It has always been on my bucket list and for this BIG birthday, I will get to enjoy Boston, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Berkshires, etc. with good friends. Is there any one thing we should be sure not to miss while on MV? Wish we were also doing the Possible Dreams lunch but I guess we can’t have EVERY little thing our hearts desire! Happy pre-Fall!

  24. Joyce says:

    Oh I love everything about this post! So full of life and romance and mystery and the shadow of lurking evil! – and I forgot the cute little face of Jack! I actually own two of the three books in your lovely give away – but they are worn and bedraggled – ready to pass on to my daughters “if” I win a new set for my shelf!

  25. Gerri.keating says:

    Alright, Susan, you have made the movie so tempting and so, I will order it from my library
    Today! And,of course, make your zucchini bread. Love your bowls and mixing bowls too
    Love your music sic and Willards. Such a bright spot to see in my emails. ❤️😊

  26. R Van D says:

    School has started even though it still feels like summer. Good to know autumn is peeking out somewhere kind of like it’s five o’clock somewhere. 😘R

  27. Jackie says:

    I would not have known about the crescent shaped shadows that occur during a solar eclipse except for your blog. I find that amazing. If I’m around for the next one in 2024 I’ll be looking at the shadows. Love your writing…it’s so happy.

  28. Delaney Ann Prins says:

    Never thought about shadows in Alfred Hitchcock’s movies, but you are right they are sinister. I noticed the light changing in Michigan two weeks ago plus an orange, yellow tinge to the leaves in our backyard. Today we have Canadian clouds in our skies with a fall feel! The zucchini bread is making me hungry – time for fall baking and getting ready for pumpkin pie and gingerbread!!!

  29. Margaret WB says:

    I love the changing of the light as August winds down and September (my favourite month) arrives. I can hardly wait for Autumn and all the lovely colours that come with the season. Thanks for another beautiful giveaway.

  30. Debbie Toth says:

    Love that movie “SUSPICION” have watched it many times!! Love you & your giveaways….have been a fan since the beginning! Have most of your books and love them all. Debbie

  31. Nance St John says:

    Everything and everyone looks better by candlelight!

  32. Karen says:

    Now I want to sit and watch this movie and eat some of that wonderful bread. I have three of your books but not these three, so I really hope to have my name drawn! Oh yes, love the cup too!

  33. Mary Anne S says:

    I was right in the path of totality Monday and it was spectacular! I highly recommend it to anyone who has not done this before. Susan, you would LOVE it. We were lucky enough to be in the path in our yard with no travel whatsoever this time. I sat in the side yard with my 3 year-old grandson in my lap and we put on and removed our eclipse glasses over and over again as we watched the shadow of the moon eat the sun like a giant cookie. I hope he will remember it forever. I feel Fall coming too and welcome the cooler weather and hopefully the rain back to the Pacific NW.

  34. Suzanne Miller says:

    What a fun blog, thank you!
    Yummy bread, a cliff hanger story, you are such a tease. Crossing my fingers for Vanna to pick my name for this wonderful prize package.
    Enjoy the late summer shadows, Fall is on it’s way

  35. Angie B from Kentucky says:

    Thank you so much for making my day a little brighter. I am lucky to live right near Eclipseville, KY (the longest point of totality), so my family got to experience over 2 minutes of the eclipse. We had lovely weather and a truly magical experience in viewing this once in a lifetime event.

  36. Coraleen says:

    Your blog, what can I say, it is always a joy to read and re-read. Besides the wonderful watercolors, it is how you utilize your words to make all seem….fairy tale ish and peaceful.

    Here’s to you Susan Branch, carry on and continue to bless us with all of your fantastic talents.

    As always, Coraleen

  37. alison says:

    Love your books – have them from long ago

  38. Lisa Mac says:

    I am in northern Michigan and yesterday it smelled like Fall! There was a distinct aroma that speaks Fall to me! Love the pictures of your shadows and those of your island!

  39. Judy Mapston says:

    I keep reading your books over and over and telling people about them who do not know you. How can they not know who your are? I am amazed. Love it!!


    I especially loved all the kitty photos and the video of the birds eating and chirping. I love autumn!

  41. Molly says:


    I loved reading your latest “Willard”. It always puts a smile on my face. The Eclipse photos were wonderful. Thank you for sharing your life!


  42. Nancy Williamson says:

    This is a perfect day in Indiana. It was a cool morning and a sunny afternoon and a reminder that Fall is coming, my favorite season and I have been privileged to be on the Island twice in October, a magnificent place to be. Love your blog

  43. Barbara Weaver says:

    Enjoyed today’s new blog post. The eclipse “dapples” were so pretty! Happy pre-Fall to you.

  44. Gerri.keating says:

    I guess ny comment didn’t go? So, I will try again movie on my list❤️
    Love the zucchini bread, perfect accompaniment to the tea and movie. Love the cups and your mixing bowls and baking pan are adorable.
    I love to see your Willards in my mail box, such a pick me up. 😊

  45. Darylene from South Dakota says:

    What a fun post that was, even though I haven’t received my Willard yet. I could look at your drawings of those flowers for hours. You have an amazing talent for details – well, obviously, you have much more talent than that. I am a great admirer.

  46. Irene says:

    As I stand here with three zucchini-how handy to have this delicious-looking sample.YUM Will try it tonight! Enjoy the last of our beautiful shadowy summer.
    Best to you, Irene

  47. Robin in New Jersey says:

    I love your posts! Your neck of the woods is so lovely. Someday I will get there. Thanks for the movie recommendation. I don’t have cable so I have to borrow movies from the library. Have a great day!

  48. Maddy ND says:

    Cary Grant just makes me sigh…..

  49. Julie says:

    Oh, I love your review of Suspicion – one of my favorite Cary Grant movies because he didn’t often play the sinister type… Shadows are one of my favorite parts of Hitchcock movies, too. I love “Shadow of a Doubt” with a very young Teresa Wright. The shadows in that one are all filled with meaning… Some day, when I’m very rich, I’ll be able to decorate my home like one of those movie sets… I just have to keep believing that, hahaha. Can’t wait to read my Willard! Thank you for all you do to make life beautiful – it’s a lot, and I appreciate it all.

  50. JoyceG says:

    I am so looking forward to your “how to travel” post as we are taking our first overseas trip in April, heading to Ireland (via ship from the US) and then planning to go on to England. I’ve dreamed of London since I saw Mary Poppins in the 60’s! I am sorry to not be able to hear Big Ben, but that just means I have to go back!

  51. Heidi says:

    You brightened my day as you have for many many years. Thank you

  52. Nina says:

    As usual I love love your posts.I would love to win your giveaway especially the Autumn cup.Hoping you come to California next year planning on getting more girlfriends to come see you.

  53. Maria Bonifield says:

    Hi Susan,
    Enjoyed your post today. They are always so wonderful to read. The bird video was great! Don’t you just love those little guys. I’ve have bird feeders all over the back yard. Feeding stations for my pals the chipmunks and the squirrels too. Yes, I too notice the changing light, glad to hear other people notice and enjoy it too. It’s kinda like the passing of time feeling. Almost like when you first hear the geese flying over. Thanks for the recipe it looks really good!

  54. Lesley Hobday says:

    I love the way you notice the “little things” in life, like light sparkling on a wall. It helps me remember to notice the beauty around me. Thanks, Susan.

  55. Anne Lovell says:

    It was wonderful getting the Willard today! I can almost smell the zucchini bread, and guess what I just got 2 from my boss! guess what I’ll be making tonight!! Thanks Susan! and thanks for a chance to win.. and I think I have to get the movie out and watch it again.

  56. Maryann Czolgosz says:

    I so enjoy your posts, and always wish we were next-door neighbors!
    I love the fall sun, too. There is more gold in the light! My mum used to say the sun dappled the ground beneath!

  57. Meg Cooper says:

    I have always admired your kitchen curtains. I can’t quite tell if they are navy blue or black buffalo check? Also, can you refresh me with the name of your new kitchen paint color? We just bought a house built in 1850 and I am looking for light paint color ideas to brighten up some rooms.
    Love this give away!

    • sbranch says:

      The kitchen curtains are navy blue check, and the paint is Woodlawn Blue Benjamin Moore! Have fun Meg!

      • Meg Cooper says:

        I have a paint sample of Woodlawn Blue BenMoore! My best friend painted her porch ceiling with that color and I loved it. If I love it in two places it sounds like my kind of color! Thanks!

  58. Samantha Brakefield says:

    In Boise, we were 99.6% in the “path of totality” (I’m going miss saying that, haha) during the eclipse. Wow. We had the same “snake shadows” through the trees. I thought they looked like oriental paintings–some of them gray and some totally black! It dropped 15 degrees in the course of 15 minutes while the sun disappeared, the stars came out, crickets chirped, and the birds quieted–poor things were so confused for a minute or two. Although summer is officially over in 4 weeks, we in southwest Idaho will still be experiencing hot, dry, high desert temps until the first part of October. I pick tomatoes, cucumbers, and herbs clear through October and often into November. Our southern Idaho climate has changed greatly over the last 30 years and we were “upgraded” to planting zone 6b/7a several years ago. Alas, the trees continue to change colors at the correct time. They instinctively know when. And our annual “fish boil” at my mother-in-law’s in early October has moved outside over the last several years–the eating part, that is–because it’s still so lovely and warm at dusk. We bring the old oak table out, use every table leaf, surround it with a mish-mash of chairs, put down brown paper–and lots of napkins–and dump the contents of our boil in the middle. We eat with our hands, watch Boise State football, drink wine, and laugh <3 Enjoy your changing season and all its glory!

  59. Becky Marsten says:

    I’ll be leaving mid-September for Scotland–I’ve made notes upon notes of all the places you recommended. I don’t think I’ll get your next blog in time for the travel tips–guess I’ll just have to go again! You bring me joy!

  60. Martha Lytle says:

    Ooh! I’m ready for a good old movie now! Thanks for the giveaway!

  61. Valerie Johnson in Weatherford, Texas :) says:

    Hahahaha! How do you get spaghetti sauce and bacon grease on the OUTSIDE of your windows???

  62. Fran Vella says:

    The shadows on MV are so beautiful especially the ones with the eclipsed sun. Thank you for sharing. Your mugs arrived a couple of weeks ago and I love all of them. I hope to give one to my mom as a housewarming gift when she moves to a lovely new independent living facility and out of her home of 52 years. Lastly, love the look of that zucchini bread…can almost taste it.

  63. Lyn Hope says:

    Love your blog! I read it while enjoying my tea in your bluebird cup I just received!

  64. Marla says:

    Hi Susan! I’m so ready for fall and love your autumn giveaway.
    You mentioned your next blog post “How to Travel: the Tricks of the Trade”…however, I need a bit of advice before your next post! We are leaving for Canada soon & will be on a 3 day Via Rail train ride from Toronto to Jasper. We upgraded to a prestige room with a few more comforts & larger window. I’ve been on many train rides but never over night on the train & I’m a light sleeper. Any words of advice for over night travel – sleeping, etc? I follow your blog and love your train adventures!

  65. Julie Rorie says:

    I loved the post. The book upon which they based the “Suspicion” movie is very good; the movie and the book have significant plot differences.

  66. I love your blog–it’s a reminder to me to appreciate the simple things in life. Keep them coming! I have my fingers crossed to win.

    Ps. That movie is one of my favorite Hitchcock movies. Rear Window is another of my favorites.

  67. Milanya says:

    Your Musica could have also been, “The Shadow of Your Smile,” because that’s what I thought of while reading your post. I love to see children enthralled with their shadows. When one comment writer said she’d have to put zucchini on her grocery list, I had to laugh. Around here, everyone has enough to share with people who leave their car doors unlocked.

  68. Janelle says:

    Thanks for a beautiful blog. Fall is hinting in Minnesota, with 55 degree mornings, some trees are starting to change. The air is crisp, and apple scented. I bought yellow and bronze mums to start my decorating for fall, Indian corn for the door, and drying hydrangea mops when they turn a pale rosy pink….the best season of all.

  69. Michele Taylor says:

    The moon shaped dancing shadows were amazing! I wish I’d thought to look for them. So looking forward to fall…I always have a burst of cooking when the weather turns cooler, which makes my husband happy after a summer of salads! I haven’t received Willard yet….something to look forward to. Willard and your blog make me happy!!

  70. Connie says:

    Love this time of year also! The best for nesting and making everything cozy!

  71. Sue McCandless says:

    Thank you! Thank you for writing Martha’s Vineyard: Iske of Dreans. It has been my anchor as like you, I took a bold step and at the age of 71 married my high school sweetheart and moved from Oregon to Connecticut. Knowing that you had made this journey before me was a tremendous comfort and inspiration. There were so many parts of that book with touched my heart. I am so grateful that you wrote it and shared your story and that I had the good fortune to read it. Thank you, Susan, thank you so much.
    If I were still in Oregon, I would notice a golden cast to the light about now and that would be my signal that the seasons were in transition. Now that I’m
    In Connecticut and will soon experience my first autumn here, I am excited to watch as summer slips away and fall quietly takes its place.

  72. Oh my gosh, that bread tin, soooo cute! Just perfect for baking zucchini bread! And Joe, what a Prince with that lovely smile of his. You two are so,perfect for each other. We didn’t get the eclipse over here but I have enjoyed it vicariously through you and others. Every time there is an eclipse I think back to 1968/69 when I was a teen growing up in .Nova Scotia and the eclipse (yes the one from the Carly Simon song). My mother let us use the negatives from old photos to watch it through. No fancy glasses back then! I am off to watch this movie now. I adore old films! Happy week! Xoxo

  73. Debra says:

    OMG that picture of Jack in the window needs to be a background for the computer ! Love all the giveaways

  74. Sue says:

    Here in northern WI, it’s starting to feel like fall – cooler in the morning and the days are growing noticeably shorter! My favorite time of year! I always enjoy your posts, Sue! Here’s to a fabulous fall (or an awesome autumn :0)!

  75. Nancy says:

    Soft shimmering late summer light! It’s lovely! And now, I must find that movie! We love Hitchcock, but it’s been a while! Thanks for another great post, Susan! It’s like sitting down for a visit with you! ❤️

  76. Mary Pat says:

    Thanks, your blog always makes me smile! I can almost smell your zucchini bread.

  77. Mary Ann says:

    There really is something special in the changing light! I’m on the Cape and have noticed it’s a little less crowded with families heading home to get ready for school.

  78. Brooke says:

    No Willard yet, but it’s something wonderful to look forward to!! I can never read your posts at work – I always have to wait until I get home and can hide away from everyone for a little while with a cup of tea, my feet up, and musica!

  79. Barb says:

    Oh Susan! I am enthralled with EVERYTHING that you do! I feel like you are my very best friend in the whole wide world! I don’t know how much talent can be in one human body! And the fact that you have your head on straight, your feet planted on the ground but your heart bursting out all over is amazing! I love, love, love your writings, your cats, your sharing snippets of your home…who can ask for anything more???? I’m curious…what is the font that you use for your books? And how will the winner of this contest be chosen? Names in a hat????? THANK YOU for all you do…have and will do. You have truly ‘changed the world with your smile’ as Mary Richards sings!

  80. Beth Backus says:

    I would love to win your books, the cup, and the tea. Thanks for offering these contests so often.

  81. Carol Hallenbeck says:

    Dear Susan,
    I enjoy your blogs so much and look forward to them. I love zucchini bread and yours sound delicious, just the way I like it with the crispy edges. Jack is so cute. I lost my two (sister and brother) 2 years ago and am now thinking of another two to keep me company. I miss the companionship.
    Thanks for all you do, I get a special lift for the good old days and the country atmosphere.

  82. Teresa Castle says:

    It’s still warm and a bit humid here in southern California. We have nothing on the mid-west or south, but for us it’s sticky! It’s getting darker, though, in the mornings, so Autumn isn’t that far away. It was a lovely summer – married off a daughter in Seattle and gained a wonderful son-in-law. The school year kicks off next week for the youngest bird in the nest. Love reading about Sue’s shadows – the seasons just keep coming around. Aren’t we lucky!

  83. Alice says:

    Thank you Susan for another lovely post! Can’t wait for fall and cooler weather!! I must make the zucchini bread and soon! Thanks for sharing and making this a beautiful afternoon.

  84. Karen J. says:

    I’m always happy to see an email from you in my inbox. I vicariously take a trip to New England with you!

  85. Florida Fall days are so appreciated and loved after our steaming hot summers but they are still weeks away. Thanks for your lovely blog and letting me live vicariously.

  86. Debra Ann says:

    I’m babysitting my son’s little dog, Helo. He barks at shadows, he also thinks the printer is the devil. I can understand the printer, it just starts spitting out paper all by itself. Poor little guy was a rescue. Are you related to George and Martha?

  87. Alice Fornuto says:

    Are those Polish Pottery baking pans you’re using?!?

    Just a hint for another time: I put a little orange (or lemon) extract and a little orange (or lemon) peel in my zucchini bread. Dee-licious!!! Got that recipe from a friend I’ve known since Kindergarten. We used to say we were each other’s oldest friends (except for our sisters, of course) but now that we’re seniors we say we’ve know each other the longest!!!

  88. Eileen Hart says:

    Another wonderful message reminding us to notice the little things that signal the changing seasons. We need to slow down so we can see and emotionally feel these amazing changes. Thank you, Susan 💕

  89. Joanne says:

    Anxiously awaiting my Willard. Thanks for sharing part of your day with all of us! A nice excuse to take a few minutes to savor good things and enjoy our virtual friendship. 🙂
    I love your photos of light play — never noticed the scalloped moons before, now I will be paying more attention.
    Happy Wednesday Susan! Thanks for always bringing a smile to my day!

  90. Kris from Maine says:

    Loved your Willard post 😘 The bird video was so very
    sweet …. tweet tweet !!! Thanks for an enjoyable read 🤓

  91. Marlyn says:

    I have loved your books since they were first published. Mine are well used and well loved. Thank you for continuing to publish and bring a smile to my day.

    My 3 year-old granddaughter loves the “moon” shadow on our back steps. Fortunately it is always there for her because the light on the steps does not rely on the sun. She loves shadows, so I know she will figure this out soon.

  92. Gina Bianchi says:

    Reading your blog always makes me so happy (and hungry)!! Now I need to go bake zucchini bread!! Yum!! 😉❤️

  93. SANDRA says:


  94. Anne Nicosia says:

    Does my heart good to read your posts and so agree with the shadows and how lucky it makes you feel.

  95. Karen "Nana Noodleman" McBride says:

    The crescent moon dapples were the best part of the eclipse — we were watching our four-year-old granddaughter at the time and she noticed them first: “Look, Nana, they’re singing notes!” Your pix of shadows are lovely and yes, we could certainly enjoy the heck out of more of your books AND a big mug, which guests are always looking for! Thanks for sweet post.

  96. Deb in Wales says:

    Oh, the changing of the light, it’s what makes Autumn such a delight! The air smells different too, fresher, as the muggy days of summer finally give way to that most glorious season of Fall. I’m so happy that so many of us are so aware of it all and share the love of Autumn.

    I haven’t made a zucchini cake in years. I’m sure I put chocolate in mine! Now I want to make one ~ two ~ too! Do you ever spread butter on your slices? Extra yummy treats!

    Apparently, I let the side down when travelling. You see, I can pack for a whole week away in a small carry on size case/bag. My Aunt’s husband wants me to give lessons on travelling light! But you are going for weeks, and with the Cocoon to furnish, you need extra luggage for mugs, tea and other accoutrements, and important stuff!

    Oh, lucky, lucky ladies who won the auction with such a generous bid for good causes! Taking a leaf out of your Gratitude book, “it’s not what’s on the plates that matters ~ it’s what’s on the chairs” I’m sure they’ll be delighted with whatever delicious food you serve them, in such good company they’ll be.

    And lucky garden too, with some pretty new planting. Something to look forward to seeing next spring and summer ~~~

    ~~~on that note ~~~
    ~~~Waving~~~from Across the Pond~~~ it’s Deb in Wales xoxo

  97. ~Del Gato gordo y descarado~ says:

    The cat
    Ain’t got no fat
    There he sat
    Debonair in silkily lean
    Mustached, whiskers tips prismed with cream,
    Livin’ the life, an island kitty dream…

  98. Margee Elliott says:

    Loved your post. I’m really looking forward to the cooler days. Now I need to make some zucchini bread – it always smells so nice when its baking. Love it. We really enjoyed the eclipse shadows through the trees here in Missouri. It was an awesome sight.

  99. Cheryle says:

    Saw that movie on TCM this past weekend – a Cary Grant marathon. Great movie and great giveaway you’re having!

  100. Sheila says:

    I think I sensed Autumn in the air this morning, it’s definitely on the way here in Scotland, my favourite season.

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