Welcome! How about some nice cool MUSICA? Oui! I imagine lots of you are just coming over from your 

It just started going out today (Wednesday), and it now takes about five days for it all to go … if you don’t already get it, sign up now and maybe you’ll be in time to find a letter in your box. It’s a fun one! It has announcements!  I thought today, in celebration of the coming change of season ~ I’d make us Zucchini Bread for tea! But before I do that, a reminder about the new Fall Giveaway I mentioned in Willard! When you get to the bottom of this post, look for the tiny word “comments” ~ click there, leave a few words so you’ll automatically be entered in our drawing . . . for this . . .

Not one, not two, but three books ~ all of them signed to the winner (or if you’ll be giving them as a gift, to whomever you like!), Autumn, Heart of the Home, and Gratitude ~ in addition, for complete celebration, I’m including one of our new Autumn cups along with a bag of Gingerbread Cake Black Tea.👏 Just leave a comment, and keep your fingers crossed! It could be YOU! It really could! Much better odds than the lottery. And we ship, so no matter where you are, if you win, you win!

Speaking of fall … this is one of my favorite things, a harbinger of the changing season, the way the light dances on my kitchen walls as the wind blows through the leaves outside ~ it’s mesmerizing!

It actually shimmers all over the house . . .  there is something very cozy about it . . .

I’ve been taking pictures of it for a long time. This was the porch of my first Island house, called Holly Oak, during my first fall on the Island (my first “real” fall, period). For those of you who don’t know ….I had moved to the Island from California and had only lived there for a few months, but I could feel the season changing, and I knew then I was falling in mad love with this place. It’s been the same every year since, watching the light and the way the colors change is magical. 🍂

Joe and I walk down this dirt road each morning, through the dappled woods, trees and thickets are still green, but we’re  starting to see tiny pops of color (you can see some at top, over the road).

I even take pictures of other people’s shadows!

The solar eclipse was only partial up here in New England, but it made the shadows even more fun … you could see the moon in them. Making me realize for the first time, that when you see a splotch of sunlight through the trees, you are seeing the entire sun in that one bit of light. Because here, the moon is blocking part of it … and so you get these little scalloped moons dappled under all the trees. Isn’t that wild?

So much moon and sun, they almost made tulips!

This little one … the moon in the sun … quite an amazing bit of sweetness.

They even made it into the house… sparkled down the kitchen counters and across the floor. I wonder how many times this has happened in this house, and what the other people we’ve shared these old rooms with must have thought about it.

There’s Joe, my hero, outside washing the specks of spaghetti sauce and bacon grease off the windows and filling the bird feeders for me . . .

We visit through the windows while I set the oven temperature for 325° and find my recipe for Zucchini Bread. Ah yes . . .

 I’ll show you how to make this delicious seasonal yumminess  . . . and don’t worry, I’ll put the recipe at the bottom so you can print it out. First we need a couple of  bowls and a loaf pan.

This recipe is as fast and easy as any packaged mix ~ I make it at least once a year. You get two big loaves from it, one for you and one to give away or freeze. In one of the bowls, whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, salt and baking powder. Set aside.

In the other bowl, whisk eggs, then add sugar and vegetable oil and whisk well.

whisking well.

The you grate zucchini . . .

and stir it into the egg mixture . . .

The birds keep me company while I work, always a good thing!

Stir well.

Add the dry ingredients,

along with the chopped walnuts,

and the vanilla . . .

And voila! Mix well and pour into buttered loaf pans. Bake 60 minutes until a knife in the center comes out clean.

While the cake was baking, I took Jack and we went into the wood room to put up our feet and watch a good old movie.

See? His feet are up.

Our movie starts out all nice and sweet … with Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine ~ Perfect! In this movie, she’s wealthy and shy and he’s a charming playboy without a penny to his name, but she doesn’t know that yet. She’s falling, hook, line, and sinker.

Boy meets Girl, it must be love . . . and I’m settled in, happy as a clam ….

“Have you ever been kissed in a car?” he asks her, and she says, “no” and he says, “would you like to be?”  . . . and then they go on an amazing honeymoon and waltz all over Europe to this MUSICA  … so delightful ~ they come home to their new house that I would like to own and he immediately puts on “their song” and they dance around their new living room from happiness!

And she is now Mrs. John Aysgarth … sooo happy. But, I forgot to mention, this is an Alfred Hitchcock movie, so it comes with a twist. ⚡️

 . . . Which I’ll show you in a moment (not giving anything away, even though I’m pretty sure you’ve seen this movie ~ it came out in 1941, but just in cases) ~ this film has everything I love . . . it’s set in Sussex, England, so there’s already plenty of unspoken history and gravitas, there are darling cottages, and cute cars ~ they have tea, there are quirky characters, and a wonderful scene on a train…

. . . plus it’s mostly British actors, Dames and Sirs, and there are things like riding to the hounds . . . (… just about now, that cake in the oven was starting to smell so good, all cinnamon and sugar!)

. . . and little village churches. Alfred Hitchcock was English so he knew about these things.

The hair, the clothes, the architecture, are all perfection. Everything I love. Love the little bow ~ a bit of 1941 Diane Keaton.

Wonderful romantic curtains, and look, leafy shadows on her windows!

The buzzer just went off, my zucchini bread is done! YUM! Out it comes to cool . . . back I go to the movie . . .

SO, yes, Alfred Hitchcock, which means that besides the charm in every scene and especially the charm of the wonderful actors, there was another character in this “romantic psychological thriller” that got no billing at all . . . Bwaaaaaah! It’s the shadows! Look at them! They aren’t mentioned in the credits, but they are a definite presence in this movie and tell you everything you need to know. I don’t think the shadows in my house are sinister at all, but here, they definitely are! First thing I would do if I was her is get a dog. She actually has a dog but I would get another one with bigger teeth.

Because this movie is called Suspicion, and you don’t have to say it twice, it’s in every scene.  Look at those shadows . . . I feel suspicious right now.

For example, what fresh hell is HE up to, lurking around the bar .  . . we don’t know, but we know it’s something!

Oh, Alfred, you are so good! Slashed with a shadow! They don’t make ’em like they used to!

Even here, she goes into this office (in the adorable little English town that’s actually probably some place in Hollywood) and look what he’s done with the light ~ I have no doubt that he controlled every corner of this movie.

Cake’s cool, time for tea! No problem, I can watch TV while I make tea! My biggest problem? Which cup shall I use? I take turns.

My shadow’s right with me … lotta shadows in this blog! But this one is the best. Back to our chair we go . . .

Uh-oh — Cary and Joanie play Scrabble with Beaky (Nigel Bruce, naive friend), and we get another rather huge clue . . .

And as time goes by, it becomes more obvious that this lighthearted movie isn’t as lighthearted as we thought (or is it?). Here comes Cary with the poison milk! We know it’s poison milk because it’s all lit up! And we are very suspicious, because of the sinister shadows from the moonlight through the conservatory roof. We can see that milk coming up the stairs a mile away! Bang with the shadows! 💥

OMG, he’s in the bedroom, don’t drink it Joanie!!!  (Love the satin pillow on the left. And whatever is behind it. Love everything in this house.) I better stop. I’m going to give the whole thing away. You are just going to have to watch it yourself! Make a loaf of Zucchini Bread first, it’s moist and nutty, and all chewy on the edges ~ it adds  a lot to the ambience.XOXO

Joe’s feeders are emptying fast but the windows look so much better! The birds outside our kitchen windows are constant entertainment ~ they bring their babies, fight for footholds, and sing their hearts out. We keep a bird book nearby, to identify possible strangers.

In my next blog post, besides announcing the winner of the drawing, I’m going to write: “How to Travel: the Tricks of the Trade.”  We are getting to be experts. Only thing we haven’t figured out yet, how to take only one suitcase!  Getting us ready for our virtual and real trip to the other side of the pond. So excited … love all these months in front of us for planning and “looking forward!”One more shadow . . . we were downtown over the weekend, walking home after dinner, and looked up to see one of my favorite sights, a kitty in the window!Today I get to plan the menu for the winners of the Possible Dreams Auction that was held here on the Island a couple of weeks ago ~ they’re coming on Friday! You might remember, I mentioned the auction in one of my recent posts, and just in case anyone is interested, here’s the update: I’ll be making lunch and spending the afternoon with the highest bidder and three of her friends (I heard it went for $4,000, which all goes to our local Community Services so it was a wonderful thing for someone to do 💗). What shall I make, what SHALL I make . . . going to get out the books. I’m thinking we should eat outside under the arbor … I want this to be GOOD.

We went to the nursery yesterday, where everything is on sale, it’s end of season! We wanted to freshen the garden, get some fall color . . . and look how pretty, that’s our cart!

It’s a good time of year to get plants. They’re less expensive, you can see how big they are and know for sure what color the flowers will be. And then next year? Oooh, la wee!

Love you Girls, I’m still singing Dancing Queen from the Willard, 🎶 You can dance, you can jive, havin’ the time of your life … 🎵 See that girl, watch that scene, digging’ the Dancing’ Queen . . .🎶 … Have a wonderful day! Don’t forget to leave a comment to win our Giveaway! XOXO

Z U C C H I N I    B R E A D

Preheat oven to 325° Makes two 8″ x 4″ loaves

  • 2 c. flour (unsifted, lighten by stirring with fork, then measure)
  • 2 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 2 c. sugar
  • 1 c. vegetable oil
  • 2 c. grated, raw, unpeeled zucchini
  • 1 c. chopped walnuts
  • 2 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 325°. In a lg. bowl, whisk together first five ingredients and set aside.  In another lg. bowl, beat eggs, add sugar and oil and beat well. Stir in zucchini; then add the dry ingredients along with the walnuts and the vanilla and mix well. Pour into two buttered loaf pans. Bake one hour until knife in center comes out clean. Cool completely before turning onto serving dish. 💖

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3,432 Responses to THE LIGHT IS CHANGING

  1. Rhonda Cooper says:

    Lovely post, can’t wait to hear about winner’s dinner.


  2. Susan Scott says:

    Great movie and I’ll be making the zucchini bread for sure! Love the autumn and your blog is a highlight. You are writing about your Scotland trip right? Just like the English countryside? And Isle of Dreams…..and Fairy Tale Girl? I have them all and can’t wait for Scotland! 💕😍

  3. Lois Rehm says:


    Loved your blog post! I never get tired of watching the “Suspicion” movie. Cary Grant is so excellent in all his roles, besides being dashing.

    Martha’s Vineyard feels cozy because you and Joe are there. You are the leaven that is leavening the whole lump. The birds, the shadows, the sunlight–all

    Lois of Westchester

  4. Rachel Anna says:

    Your blog is such a bright spot of sunshine, Susan! Your little corner of the internet always inspires me so much. I think I’ll make your zucchini bread recipe this weekend, and try to watch Suspicion while I do. Thank you for the wonderful ideas!

  5. Judith says:

    I think I’ll make that zucchini bread today too! I also took eclipse photos like yours. I always enjoy your cheery blog.

  6. Julie V. says:


    No one has giveaways as generous as you, thank you so much!

    Julie V.

  7. Linda Levar says:

    Thanks Susan,
    Love receiving your emails, am enjoying the girlfriends book I picked up Powell’s two days ago…love reading your stories (I have the trilogy and shared with my 91 year old Mom who happens to have a 96 year old boyfriend in England…)! But today I was especially surprised to read about your meeting the Beatles…we grew up around the same time…so much fun!

  8. debbie says:

    My mother’s zucchini bread recipe includes a bit of shredded coconut- adds another interesting texture and wonderful taste. Love your shadow pictures!

  9. Julie V. says:


    No one has giveaways as generous as yours, thank you!

  10. Sandra Collins says:

    Ahh your posts always make me feel cozy. Remember the Lassie movie where Lassie is trying to get home to her boy, and she stays for a time with an old couple (Dame May Whitty and her real life husband playing her movie husband), and they have those two plump chairs on either side of their fireplace. I just love that little cottage. That’s how your posts make me feel. Safe and happy and cozy. Or the house in Enchanted Cottage. I love those English houses!

    • sbranch says:

      I love that cottage too! I remember it, but it is SO hard for me to watch the original Lassie anymore. I love the actors but I feel so bad for Lassie when she’s crawling through the war (was that it), little paw over little paw, I can’t watch! Have you ever seen Love Letters with Joseph Cotton and Jennifer Jones. Good cottages there!

  11. Sandi Skeels says:

    Awesome Willard …could almost smell the zucchini bread…one thing besides a goofy smile on my face after I read your Willards (and Blogs) makes me WANT to grab one of your books and fan it open and stop and consider making the recipe in front of me …and sometimes I actually follow thru !!!

  12. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    Love when I see a blog post from you. I just made a zucchini bread last week. How yummy. Have fun with the winner* they sure are lucky
    have a great day Susan

  13. Jenny says:

    Cary Grant. Two of my favorite words! 😉

  14. Nicole Pignatelli says:

    The cake looks so good and better with a cup of tea! Now thanks to you I enjoy it with lots of milk and honey!! My mom and I just love you and your life! You are a true inspiration!

    • sbranch says:

      Learning about the milk and honey was one of the highlights of my life! It’s a good one Nicole!

  15. Sonya Hewes says:

    Susan ~
    I’ve had such a rough and stressful month that coming to read your blog is my “happy place” and makes me feel so much better and takes away everything from the outside and gives me back the warm and fuzzy. And then besides that, the books and new cup giveaway are just icing on the cake!
    Thank you so much for taking me to my “happy place”! ♥

  16. Kathy says:

    Thank you, Susan, for the recipe! You always inspire me. Not only do I want to bake the bread, but I also want to see the movie. Love your posts!

  17. Shelly Wright says:

    Ah, the good ol’ days!

  18. Jan Mercer says:

    Ahh; another Susan Branch blog-another lovely day of sunshine.
    Thanks for putting a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

  19. Dawn Gutro says:

    I love Autumn!!

  20. Nancy says:

    Autumn is my favorite season. Back to school is like a new year for me since I was little. Now it is fun to help my granddaughters get ready for high school and Bard College. Love your eclipse pictures.

  21. Melina says:

    Great blog! Great bread! Now, if I can just find that movie, I’ll be a happy girl. Oh, and I surely want to be in the drawing.

  22. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    good afternoon Susan, Girlfriends. loved the post, especially the lovely eclipse shadows, best way to watch an eclipse. the zucchini bread recipe is very similar to one I got from my grandma, also got a delicious nut bread recipe, and a pumpkin bread recipe. we can see some changes here ( or is it the smoke??) and we know Fall is not too far away, the days are getting shorter and cooler, the nights a bit longer and cooling down more. I like that, beats triple digits any day. well I have to move the front water over to a new section, so you all have a great day today, stay cool and comfy. Hugs… 🙂

    • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

      oops guess I had better explain the smoke comment. in case you haven’t heard the news, we have several large wildfires burning in this state, the biggest one is the Chetco fire near Brookings, about 5 miles way. we are also getting tons of smoke from that fire and from several others, the Miller complex fire, the Orleans complex fire, the Eclipse fire burning near the Applegate. the Chetco fire is over 100,000 acres and growing daily, the firefighters are saying it may be October before that fire is completely out. but we are getting most of the smoke from these fires, so its hard to see anything to be sure if its the seasonal changes or light from the smoky sun. we have a few others, but these are the worst. not too worry we are not close to the Chetco fire and the others are not close to us to be of concern. I figured I had better explain that. 🙂

  23. Sheri Kuhn says:

    I’m new to following you, but I’m already a big fan! Your writing, photography,recipes and artwork are like taking a mini vacation. Life can be so stressful and it’s nice to steal a few minutes away from it all!
    Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Happy to have you here Sheri . . . it’s a wonderful world of kindred spirits … read the lovely comments and you’ll see what I mean. I’m overwhelmed. There are over 400 comments waiting for me to read right now, so I can’t write back to every one, but I’m reading them and totally touched, amused, and grateful for all the GOODNESS I’m finding here. You girls are the BEST!!! 💞

  24. Cheri Richards says:

    I love your Martha’s Vineyard mug. I bought one for myself as we went there for our honeymoon , our 25th ( and planning to spend our 50th which is only 7 years away) and I found my birth sister in the Island after I turned 45. We had been speedster wince her birth..

  25. Carrie williams says:

    I love your shadows. You are living the life !!!

  26. Meg Schweitzer says:

    Loved your post- so important to pay attention to changes in light and leaves as seasons change. We get so caught up in the boldest displays which are lovely too but the little gifts nature gives us bless us also. Thanks for the reminder!

  27. Love to hear what you are up to. I missed that movie but had The birds” on while I worked.
    We are headed for our 45th high school reunion. Extra great whe you marry your high school sweetie!
    Can’t wait for the Willard!

    Sent from my iPhone

  28. Jessica Tron says:

    I loved this post and your Willard! I, too, look forward to fall– the anticipation of the new season and upcoming holidays. And I also LOVE old movies–Alfred Hitchcock ones in particular, and dreamy Cary Grant❤️ Suspicion is a good afternoon movie with a cup of tea. I feel a Kindred Spirit with you– close in age– and a romantic sentimentalist at heart. I met you at your book signing in Memphis– was it last year or the year before? But anyway, it was a delightful evening. (I’m the nurse who was on call and begged someone to cover for me so I could drive up there!). I love everything you write, draw, paint– create! And while I have the books, but not the mug, I would love to win them as a gift to one of my daughters! Thank you, Susan!!
    (BTW– sadly, that book store closed after many years. I suppose that large mail order place is doing those wonderful establishments in. So sad!)

  29. YvonneJ says:

    Susan, I love reading your blog posts and Willard, and the photos you share are wonderful! I loved the eclipse through the leaves photos! We were in the 90% zone, but it was still fascinating to see. All the birds hunkered down in the bushes and were quiet for about 10 minutes. Then they popped back out and bird feeding was back to the usual frenzy! mind how you go…

  30. Bev L says:

    OH my just in time I was looking for a zucchini recipe as my daughter just brought me two big ones from her garden. Love the pictures and hope to win the prizes as autumn is my favourite time of the year. Thx again.l

  31. Diana @gardenthymewithdiana says:

    Thanks for the Z. Recipe! I must watch this movie again, been years. Can’t remember the ending, love the birds 🐦

  32. Pamela Burkham says:

    A perfect time for your blog as I am in South Texas and there is concern for a hurricane so would love to win but am already winning because I have your blog👍🙂💗

  33. Gretchen says:

    Cary Grant, homemade bread in a beautiful loaf pan, tea, and the birds seeing; it’s the description of a wonderful day. Cary Grant is my favorite actor. I watched Suspicion about a year or two ago. Now, I want to watch it again. I love your beautiful loaf pan. Beautiful dishes make cooking and eating even, more enjoyable. Do you remember recipes you prepared during times of sadness and joy? I do. I remember the first and only time I made chocolate eclairs. I went into labor with our first the night after I made the eclairs. I didn’t get to eat many, but my husband’s family enjoyed them while I was in the hospital. Cooking for others brings me so much joy. I think about the love and memories I have of the people I am cooking for, while I’m working away in the kitchen. I love the Autumn Tea cup and my favorite Gingerbread flavored tea! Thanks for another wonderful visit with our lovely Susan.

  34. Candace Feathers says:

    The bird video was wonderful! I really feel the sisterhood. We both seem to share the “collection ” fever and the desire to also let go of some of some of that “stuff”… lighten up! I collect polish pottery so loved seeing the bread pan.

  35. Josephine Gadaleta says:

    Another wonderful blog Susan! That zucchini bread looks scrumptious! I ‘m going to make it! Yay!

  36. Ann says:

    Fall is my favorite season of the year and, although I usually try to resist how the seasons and holidays seem to be pressed on us sooner and sooner each year, I haven’t minded seeing Fall decorations begin to creep on to the store shelves that are currently filled with school supplies.

    Thanks for sharing your zucchini bread recipe – we made fried zucchini for lunch today!

  37. Beckie says:

    We are seeing some fall colors already here in Maine. I love fall! Since moving here from New Mexico, it is my favorite season. I would love to be the winner of your Autumn cup and the gingerbread mix and the books. I love tea and your books and the cup and of course, gingerbread! But I really love your blog and your artwork and your stories and how your personality comes out so perfectly in your writing!!!! Thank you for taking us into fall.

  38. Kathleen Trepp says:

    Greetings Susan…..

    What a beautiful day and so much to enjoy while sitting outside and while walking around the large gurgling fountain. I now live in an assisted living facility and feel more than ever it is up to each of us to make fabulous memories here… last night there was a pocket of friends enjoying the courtyard so I put together a small wine tasting with some odds and ends in my fridge and carted out the wonderful wine and sparkling glasses,,,,,,real, not plastic cups…….So we all had a wonderful time and yes, we also did the eclipse thing the night before……..though we are in a partial eclipse only, but great sidewalk shadows and conversations……..Thank you so much for all the joy and inspiration you are to me everyday………God bless you!!! Kathleen

  39. Joan Kohler says:

    Always a joy to read your posts and feel inspired! I have been “following” you for over 20 years.

  40. Freda says:

    Dear Susan. I loved this post today. Everything from shadows to zucchini bread ,chirping birds and a cat named Jack who knows how to put his feet up. You made me smile and my heart happy. Thanks for being your sweet self.

  41. Carol Coleman says:

    Love your blogs. I just made some zucchini bread the other day with almost the same recipe. Oh so yummy.

  42. Joan says:

    Sounds like a lovely, lazy afternoon with tea bread baking and a a suspenseful Hitchcock movie with a favorite guy. Looking forward to what you serve those lucky winners. Always a joy to get your blog and Willard.

  43. Barbara S. says:

    Love the old black and white movies, too! Looking forward to Fall! Thank you for the bread recipes. They look so good!

  44. judi says:

    I too love the changing light patterns on the walls, floors, reflected in mirrors, glass. Daydreamy if you blur your focus. Bokeh effect. Your bread looks delish😋.

  45. Cindy Buss says:

    Appreciate looking at life through the grateful lense.

  46. Sheri says:

    Perfect timing with your post! I have to make a treat for a sick friend and saw your recipe for your zucchini bread, so I’m going to make her that!! Thank you for the idea! Have a blessed day!🌸

  47. Janice Collett says:

    Lovely note today, Susan. Here’s my comment; I’d love to have anything you make. Love it all.

  48. Beth Recio says:

    Love, love love the Willard. Hope this is the right posting to win the darling cup and books!!

  49. Betsy Cronin says:

    This prize would be a dream come true as I seem to have misplaced my Autumn book- or perhaps lent it to someone in which case it has a happy new home. But I am missing my fall “go to” guide ❤️

  50. Elizabeth Winterbone says:

    Ooh, fingers crossed and zucchini bread!

  51. Judy Jennings says:

    I have to laugh…I hate cooking, but whenever I watch you baking something or when I read one of your cookbooks, then I want to. But I don’t. Mother, grandmother, aunts all wonderful cooks, but I just want to READ. Sad, huh? Your art is the best, too! 💕

  52. Charlene says:

    Just love your posts. They are always so fun and relaxing and romantic. Thanks for your hard and good work.

  53. Mary Markert says:

    Made my first Zucchini bread of the fall too. Love the Chang of season, and looking so forward to Fall! My favorite time of year. Great comfort foods to make, and lots of quilts to sew. Thank you for your wonderful blog.

  54. Gail Brown says:

    Visited Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard in June. What lovely places. Planning on coming back.

  55. Stephanie C says:

    Hi Susan! Love the post as always. I just watched “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock-again. But that movie looks good too. Will have to search for it. I’ve made several loaves of zucchini bread/muffins in the last few weeks. Love the eclipse shadows! I just have to brag about my beautiful new grandson, Luke! He has stolen my heart. I am so blessed. Enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer. I am so ready for Fall!!! I LOVE it!

  56. Jacqueline M says:

    Hi Susan 🙂 I always look forward to the notification that you’ve posted! I love your generous heart and these sweet give-a-ways you do! My fingers..and toes are crossed!!

    Jacqueline in Oregon 🌲

  57. Claudia Ehlers says:

    I made a zucchini cake a week ago that was really good! Wish I had thought to look at shadows. Crossing my fingers that I win!

  58. Linda says:

    Hello Susan! Absolutely love your blogs and can’t wait to get “Willard”! I savor reading them…take my time and thoughly enjoy them! We are just about the same age and it’s amazing how much we have in common…truly love and enjoy so much of the same things! I was so happy meeting you and Joe while you were in St. Charles, Mo. last year and I think everyone that meets you feels a kinship to you….what a special gift that is! I am also enjoying my second mug…they are awesome…this time I got the Martha’s Vineyard one and it is so me…love it!! Thank you!!

  59. Pam says:

    Shadows, old movies, kitty’s, and cuddles with poodles are the best! Plus now drinking coffee and tea from your wonderful cups make life just about perfect. It’s hard to decide which one to chose each day. And almost finished with my breast cancer reconstruction. What a lucky girl am I!🙋

  60. Susan S. says:

    Ah, Susan! This just made my day!

  61. LilyAnn Kranking says:

    Your zucchini recipe sounds delicious and with zucchini abounding this time of year must make this recipe soon. Birds chipping and feeding are fun to watch and listen to their songs. My parents had a birdhouse outside their kitchen window and they would sit by the table and watch the activities. One day they saw a parakeet and knew someone must be missing their pet bird. Mom looked in the paper and saw an ad for one missing. She called the lady and when I visited we tried to catch it with a big net. After several days we finally caught it and called the lady. She took a while to come ,Mom wondered why it took her so long, but when she and her young son arrived and claimed the bird she gave Mom a gift. She had stopped in a store and brought my Mom a Lennox candy dish for helping get her lost bird back. People can be so nice. I would love to be the recipient of those books,mug and cake mix. Have a great day Susan. LilyAnn in NC

  62. Pam Burkham says:

    Well dear Susan,
    I thought I posted a reply but did not see it, so here we go again.
    Your blog came at a time I needed cheering. I have faith but living in South Texas we are facing a possible hurricane and so I needed a beautiful diversion – voila your blog! It would be a great treat to win your gifts. But we are all winners because we have your blog! Blessings to you and your Joe!

  63. Annette says:

    Your words touch me in so many ways. Today’s were in the joy and contement side of life’s ledger As usual many thanks. ❤️

  64. DanaCG says:

    Love the cup and books! I’m definitely ready for autumn, especially since it’s going to be 100+ degrees this week! Getting the flowerbeds raked and bushes trimmed, ready to snooze until spring.
    Can’t wait to read your adventures on your upcoming trip to the U.K. Planning is half the fun!

  65. Lori says:

    So funny, I watched the movie and made banana bread! Great minds and all… 🙂 Such a good movie.

  66. Donna Marie Fry says:

    Hints of Autumn are here in Northern California, but we have a heat wave coming our way (again)!!!! The zucchini is ready, but without air conditioning will wait until early morning to set the 1930’s Wedgewood oven going. Instead, I am simmering all those tomatoes we have received into tomato sauce. Cannot wait to try the zucchini break recipe . . . . thanks for posting!!

  67. Janie Scholes says:

    The light is starting to change here in Flagstaff, too. Love to sit outdoors and see the long shadows. There are a few orange leaves at the top of my maple tree. Nights are a bit cooler. Can’t wait for Fall!

  68. Colleen Wilson says:

    Oh my goodness! Fall is my absolute favourite time of the year! And for the past couple of mornings here (Southwestern Ontario) it certainly has felt like it! Hubby and I could see our breath this morning on our 6:30 am walk. A few of the maples are already getting tinges of red and the shag bark hickory trees are loaded with hickory nuts. I’m hoping to be able to gather some up and put them into hermit cookies. They’d be good in your zucchini bread too, Susan. I would be thrilled to win a Fall mug. I will keep my fingers crossed!

  69. Barbara Stewart says:

    You blog is always a bright spot in my day.

  70. Dearest Susan Branch❤️ You are such a wonderful and inspirational woman. Lots of love from me and the 🐭🐭🐭

  71. Lisa Berger says:

    Your darling kitty in the window is the coziest picture of all! 🍂 🐱 🍁

  72. Patty Page says:

    mmmm-yum! I’m going to have to make some of that bread! I’ve never heard of “Suspicion”—I can’t wait to see if the library has it! I like Cary Grant movies. One of my favorites with him we watch every fall is “Arsenic and Old Lace.”

  73. Holly says:

    My big suspense is waiting for Willard!!!!

  74. Shawn says:

    Thanks for another fun blog. I was at work and missed the eclipse so nice to see your photos. Thanks for a chance to win. I have been a fan since your first book. Love it all

  75. Ragene Moore says:

    I am ready for Fall–my favorite time of year!!! Oh to listen to the crickets, enjoy the color change of the trees, plant mums, walk and crunch the dry fallen leaves, sleep with the windows and doors open, no sweat (ha!). Life is beautiful!!! I am starting to decorate the interior for fall—placed your Autumn book on my coffee table last weekend!!!

  76. Gail Golden says:

    I can almost smell that zucchini bread. Looks so good. I made one this week, with alternative flours, chocolate, and stevia. First time recipe, but it was really yummy.

    We saw the same eclipse shadow effect with the leaves down here in central Florida. It was so pretty, and I took pictures of it, too. I love your picture of the single shadow on the grass.

    Hubby and I’ve been watching a show on Acorn called Hamesh McBeth. There’s a character in the show named TV John, and he reminds me so much of Joe…even wears the same beret! Thanks for turning us on to Acorn. It’s almost all we watch on TV now because we love their detective shows. Have you tried Brit Box? We haven’t tried it yet because we’ve so much to see on Acorn.

    I love the idea of your next post. I would also love to know a bit about how you plan your trips. Do you use a travel agent? Certain websites? We’re planning a trip to Great Britian, too, within the next couple of years. All of those PBS dramas, plus your divine blog posts have really inspired me to do that bucket list item.

    I dearly love that Autumn cup, so yes, please enter me in the giveaway.

  77. Pam Strother says:

    Hi, Susan. Loved this post! I too have been thinking about fall here in upstate New York, even though it’s still August. Small potted mums are on sale downtown, a sure sign the season is changing.

  78. Leslie Woods says:

    Love zucchini bread – I just made chocolate zucchini bread which is also yummy. I so enjoy seeing your home in all the different seasons. Fall is a wonderful time of year here in N.H. would be so thrilled to win the mug and signed books. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

  79. Cathy K says:

    Hmm, I’ll skip the movie and enjoy the bread :-). I need only happiness streaming in this week. I love your photos of the light and the lengthening shadows. Thanks for the beauty!!

  80. Barbara from Northern California says:

    Oh, my. This makes me miss your play-by-play of Downton Abbey.
    Please do this for more movies. We all need cozy movies and cozy treats and cozy tea in our cozy cups this fall and winter! And sharing with you and Jack is unbeatable.
    With any luck, I’ll soon be moving to a little cottage and there promises to be a shady walk or two quite nearby.
    Autumn – she is queen and always will be.

  81. Peigi says:

    Lovely, as usual!
    Can I add a wee travel trick? Instead of buying packing cubes, just use very large zip-loc storage bags. lighter and less bulky; just sit on them to squish out the air! Plus, keeps your stuff very organized, and one can be used for dirty clothes as the trip progresses.

    Another thing- Recently, I’ve had 2 friends get tripped up when their rolling carry-on bag clipped their heels – Boom – down they went, landing flat on their faces!! They carried on with their trips, though painfully. Don’t DO that !!! Keep them at your side, not behind you!

  82. Yolie says:

    When the light changes and becomes more golden and dappled – something in me starts singing. It almost hurts, like having been lovelorn but knowing all that is about to change…Autumn is coming back to me!

  83. Ragene Moore says:

    I have quite a collection of your books–I always give your wall calendar to my sister as one of her Christmas gifts–she would fire me as a sister if she didn’t receive it!!! (of course, I also gift myself too!!!)

  84. njean says:

    I love the shadows too. This time of year is wonderful and is leading to Fall! Yay! The movie looks good, haven’t seen it yet. I am looking forward to making the zucchini bread recipe. Anxiously waiting for Willard! Thank you for all you do to cheer us up and keep us grounded.

  85. Alfred Hitchcock movies were the BEST at shadows. Although I think the reason Casablanca is my all time favorite movie is the starring role of the shadows in it. Don’t get me started on when they tried to colorize the black and white movies!

  86. Tricia B. says:

    Hello Dearest Susan,
    I have to say I am still laughing at your description of the movie “Suspicion”. Oh my goodness, I was laughing so hard, tears appeared in my eyes! Thank you! I also loved your comment “what fresh hell” … tee hee! I haven’t ever heard that expression before! I am so going to use it…hope you don’t mind!!What a Wednesday, a new Willard in my email and a new blog post from you! Goodness gracious gravy I am living the dream today! 🙂
    It is a glorious day here in good ole’ Brazil, IN. Weather is so delightful, I opened all of my windows to let some fresh air in! I love it!! I do think your pictures of the changing sun light are so beautiful, thanks for sharing. I am glad you enjoyed the Eclipse. Some friends of mine didn’t think it was a big deal!! Really? I thought it was amazing…though in their defense, just before totality of the Eclipse a rain storm blew in…ugh. Anyway…I thought it was just dandy! I am excited for the winner (highest bidder) of the luncheon with you. I must admit I am a bit jelly as I wish it were me! 🙂 Whatever you serve to your new friends will be divine! Thanks for making me laugh and making my day!!! Would just love to win the generous prize! I so hope Vanna picks my name! Have a lovely evening!! Hello to Joe and Jack! Love, Hugs and Prayers!! Tricia B. XOXOXO

    • sbranch says:

      Fresh hell is a phrase used by Dorothy Parker, and who knows who before her . . . FYI. I can’t take credit, but it’s a good one!

  87. Kathy Chapko says:

    Reading your blog always brightens my day and despite the crazy world, after reading your posts,I feel comforted. My Siamese kitty, Orchid, who has “guarding the temple” in her DNA, sits on a pile of your books nightly!🐺

  88. njean says:

    I love the shadows too. This time of year is wonderful and is leading to Fall! Yay! The movie looks good, haven’t seen it yet. I am looking forward to making the zucchini bread recipe. Anxiously waiting for Willard! Thank you for all you do to cheer us up and keep us grounded.

  89. Barbara says:

    I a almost smell your zucchini bread up here in New Hampshire! After being away from New England for years, it is so good to be back! We made our first visit to Martha’s Vineyard this spring. Loved it! We will be back!!! I so enjoy your writings!!!

  90. Cathie Mullins says:


  91. Kim Cook says:

    Love zucchini bread, I think I have the same recipe as you. Is that a polish pottery loaf pan? Love polish pottery and I have many pieces! Hope I win this prize.

  92. Hi Susan,
    I just escaped with you for a while, and it was wonderful. Listening to the music and feeling like just you and I were having a chat. You are absolutely delightful in your thinking and doing! Thank you for sharing your day! Have fun at your charity luncheon and I look forward to hearing what you serve.

  93. Cozette B says:

    I will be trying that zucchini bread soon. I am so ready for fall and baking and all things pumpkin. But not to be quite yet in Idaho, we will be having some warm days yet.

  94. Kelly Morrissey says:

    Autumn is my favorite season, and my copy of your Autumn book is well-worn.

  95. Cathie Mullins says:

    I just found the movie, it is free on TCM!
    Can’t wait to watch it!
    Thanks for the recommendation, and the recipe!

  96. Susan says:

    I love reading about your life and home! I especially like the fact that you celebrate every season. I never want to retire to Florida (nothing against that lovely state); I rejoice in each time of year!

  97. Patricia White says:

    Susan, you’re so much fun. Love all the shadowy pics! Waiting on my Williard.

  98. Terry O'Leary says:

    Fall is my favorite season. My birthday is in October – love the beautiful colors, rustling leaves, crisp air. I’m ready! Love reading your thoughts. So creative and descriptive. Your giveaway is very generous.

  99. Chris K in Wisconsin says:

    Just finished grating up a boat-load of zucchini from our garden. Some zuke bread and coffee sounds like a great treat for the end of the week and into the weekend!! Love the shadow pictures. I was just noticing how different the light looks here as we turn the corner on August. Where does the time go when it flies by so quickly??

  100. Linda Pintarell says:

    LOVE Zucchini bread and my nice neighbor just brought me two of them from her garden…so guess what I’m doing! FYI to you and our girlfriends…I’m in the midst of reading a Julian Fellowes (creator of Downton Abby) novel called PAST IMPERFECT. Needless to say, written in a very English way. Interesting storyline. Am I the only one who didn’t know that he had written novels?

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