Our Last Day … with Love, from me to you . . .

I’m supposed to be packing because tomorrow our ship sails home to America! But I could not even think about going without first mulling things over with you ~ the beauty and the wonderfulness of everything we have seen and learned . . . it is very hard to say goodbye as I know you know. I want to thank you all for coming along . . . it has been wonderful, but you made even more wonderful because we weren’t in it alone! I hope we can do it again someday . . .   🎶 MUSICA 🎵

Last night Joe and I climbed a hill near our house . . . and had a little moment of high five between us, thinking, wow, we did it. But oh, what we will miss . . . this place has has taken our hearts.

We’ve been teary-eyed for a couple of days . . . especially when we happen upon trees so old they’ve borne witness to it all ~ many of them were alive when our ancestors walked this land. Sort of makes us them, and them us.

They’ve seen it all ~ watching over village life and everything we hold dear . . .

. . . including this sweet mama sitting in the cool grass . . .

Hill and dale we have gone, on the narrowest of the narrow roads, through tunnels of old trees that open out into the widest of blue skies and views to forever . . .

We’ve traveled by ferry  . . .

. . . between hegerows . . .

across this green and pleasant land . . .

with little time-outs for keeping the windshield clean.

We’ve opened as many gates as we could find, and traveled in and around all the secret gardens . . .

Gates with a Public Footpath marker that says, “Come in, you are welcome here, don’t leave trash, and close the gate behind you” . . . and so we do!

Off we go to find out what is around the next corner . . .

Up the path and through the gate, to see what’s next . . .

And when the path narrows we are almost hushed from the thought of the secrets…

. . . because you just never know what you will find around the bend ~ a crumbling ruin, a river with a stone bridge, a field of sheep, an ancient church, or even a castle . . .

But no matter what you find, the views make you want to get up and do it again the next day …

Because, you never know when, in May, you might happen upon a bluebell wood . . . there are miles and miles of these ancient wildflower displays all over England in May.

There is never a question that at all times … from May until at least now, you will always find cow parsley (what we call Queen Anne’s Lace) blowing along the path, crowding the side of the road.

Poppies have just begun to bloom and there are fields that are completely red.

Everywhere there are dreamy romantic cottages that instantly make you look at them and wonder, who? What? Where? When? Why?  These are the questions. And mother may I?

People actually live in these works of art.

Words fail me.

We came to this cottage just as the fading light of day sent one last friendly ray through the poppies ~ “Pull over Honeyman!” I said. He was already there.

This cottage came with a car in the drive, so I knew real people, not fairies or something otherworld, actually lived here. Right up the street from us where we are now. So of course you get out the paper and say to yourself, where are the real estate pages? Excellent pastime for pub lunch.

Again, fresh out of words. My job is to grab the camera. Mas Musica? My new favorite song.

Hello. Hope you are happy over there. Behind your little gate with your perfect door and that thing, is it wisteria, growing all over your cotswold stone cottage? Because you are very beautiful, and I just say, yay and wonderful that you are there and loving it so much. Thank you.

Just like in the old books, it’s all still here. And I want to remind you, it’s here for you too. An amazing place, it’s not a museum, not a theme park, it’s real, and just sitting over here waiting for you …

This is where we a doing our packing-up right now, I’m inside that luv-lee cottage writing to you!

There are castle cake-toppers towering over every village … some with flags, some with roosters . . .

We wandered through many formal gardens too, lots of them owned, and cared for by the National Trust. Whose lovely motto is “For Ever, for Everyone.”  Doesn’t that just make you cry? There are some very good things in this crazy world of ours. Nothing done by humans is ever perfect, but there is such a thing as trying, and these people have that covered to the nth degree.  We belong to the Royal Oak Foundation which is an alliance of Americans who support the mission of the National Trust of England. 💞 Which means we get into all the gazillion wonderful National Trust places for free, just like the members of the National Trust. And we all support something amazing. 😊

And all of it to the tune of My-toe-huts-Bet-tee 🎵 . . . these luv-lee wood-pigeons provide the background music to the English Countryside . . . and although sometimes at 5 am you would like to kill any wood pigeon you can find because there is a chorus of toe-hurting Bet-tee-telling going on outside your window. But, our pigeons in America don’t sing this song, so we are going to miss it very much. If you watch The Crown, you can always hear it in the background.

In some gardens I had to be two-fisted in order to get everything that was happening … I was making a video when the doves flew over, landing so close, what’s a girl to do but keep filming and grab the other camera!

Birdsong, bees buzzing, flower fragrance, fresh air, wonderment . . . all at your beck and call …

Every house we visited had a story . . . and a garden.

We had three of the four seasons during this trip . . . it was snowing in Cornwall when we got there, there were cozy fires in the pubs in Wales . . . there was a brisk wind off the Atlantic in Ireland … The Lake District couldn’t make up its mind between dark clouds and cold, or sunshine and cool picnic weather, we got both . . . and so it went, and now, here in Wiltshire, the roses are in bloom.

There was a beautiful foxglove garden in the ancestral home of our very own George Washington.

Clematis in the Peak District was to die for . . . loved the misty countryside in the morning . . .


It’s a country that worries for its birds . . .

and bees, knowing what a benefit they are to the world. BBC Two has a program on every day called Spring Watch, where you can get up-close and personal with the woodland critters . . .

Beatrix Potter’s Bee Bole . . . with bee house. Beatrix Potter helped start the National Trust. Of course she did! Everything is connected . . . and we are too, you know, so far away.

We wandered the quiet streets of the most adorable villages, visiting churches and graveyards and taking pictures of everything that wasn’t nailed down. Or even if it was.

Including the famously historic village of Lacock . . . which was entirely owned by a woman by the name of Matilda Gilchrist-Clark (it was passed down thru the ages and landed unexpectedly on her in 1916) until 1944, when she gave  all of it, lock stock and barrel, including the gorgeous 13th century Lacock Abbey, to the National Trust. She continued to live in the Abbey until she died in 1958.  So everyone who lives in Lacock, or has a business here, now rents from the National Trust. And that’s who makes the decisions about what happens here. And they keep it like this, For Ever, for Everyone.

There are actually too many choices of where to go and what to do next. I can say right now, in a person’s lifetime they could NEVER see everything there is to see here. Can’t be done. We have tried so that’s how we know.

I’m not a person who’s wild about cars and crowds of people . . . but I was happy to see small villages thriving. (Note wires are buried, such a wonderful thing in beautiful old villages like this one.) I keep hearing that post offices are going away and pubs are closing . . . they are trying hard to keep their small communities alive, but it’s as difficult for them as it is for us in America. Large, famous stores that have been in these villages for a hundred years and more are beginning to close up shop because they can’t compete with the Internet or the big box stores. So we were HAP-HAP-HAPPY to do our part and get INTO those little stores and BUY stuff!

They do have so much to celebrate. Diversity for one thing . . . we heard every language spoken as we walked the streets. Course, they’re lucky to have Europe on their back door. Did you know that Walt Disney used Europe (and probably the world) as his model when he designed Disneyland? Yes, France, Italy, England, Germany, distinct lands with interesting everything became Fantasy Land, Tomorrow Land,  Adventure Land and rides like Small World and the Matterhorn. Inspiration is a wonderful thing!

So they celebrate . . . all the time. Last night at the top of the mountain we met three luv-lee English people with a tiny barbecue and a thermos . . . they’d walked up there for no reason, just for the beauty.

This is not rare. Picnicking is everywhere. And to go one step further, into full wishing-to-come-back-in-August mode . . . look what is happening at Highclere Castle August 4. Wonderful!

It just makes you happy to see it.

You can be walking out in the middle of absolute nowhere, and suddenly, there in front of your disbelieving eyes, is a pub, and oddly (you think, because where did everyone come from?), it’s full! And if the sun is shining, they are all outside in the pub garden (because most country pubs have gardens) soaking up the light.

This one is not in the middle of nowhere, it’s just across the street from where Jane Austen wrote most of her books. In fact, this pub was her view!

Pub food is generally outstanding. This is fish stew with English peas (which pop in your mouth) and cheese and whatever else is in there and it was delicious! We’re coming home with some amazing recipes! You are going to love them!

Pubs serve all kinds of bright and sparkly ciders . . . but they do not yet understand the concept of iced tea, so you can’t find it anywhere. I think bottled iced tea ruined it for them. But they should know, we don’t drink that bottled stuff either! We make “sun tea” by putting tea bags in cold water in a pitcher, covering it with cling film, and setting it in the sun until it’s the right colour. Then we pour it over ice, yes damn the torpedoes, ice! Then fill your glass 3/4 full of tea, and top off with cloudy lemonade. Not the sparkling kind, the flat “normal” kind. You can get it at Waitrose. Some people like sugar, but it’s not necessary  because of the splash of lemonade. I have to say, pub people, with all the true love there is on this planet, there is a missing link in your drink offerings, especially the very low-calorie refreshing non-alcoholic sort. You will sell gallons of this. You are welcome. 😘 (*good w/herb tea too)

So anyway, pubs, not only cute, but also historic . . . Since 965 AD everybody who’s anybody in history, and everyone else too, has frequented pubs. That’s when good King Edgar decreed that there should be “one ale house per village.” Find the town of your ancestor, go to the pub, and know that your ancestor was there too . . . pretty much for sure.

They often have stone floors and doorways too short to get through without bending, low hand-hewn beamed ceilings and fireplaces, filled with quirky atmosphere, no two alike. Their mottos, generally speaking are, “Dogs and muddy boots welcome.” Walkers, you know.

It’s a BYOD country. We should have this in America. It makes a restaurant WONDERFUL. All that love lolling about on the floor.

This is the little village we’re staying in now, and that’s “our pub” just down the street. Going there for dinner tonight for “last meal.” 😩

English, Irish, Welsh and Scots, I must say, are good at signs. I could easily do an entire post on just signs, that’s how good they are . . .

Like this one, just in case someone doesn’t get the message with the “Private” . . . there’s more! 😳 Works for me. I hate sheer drops! First thing you’d want to know if you decided to breech privacy despite warning is, glancing down at your feet, where does the sheer drop begin??????

Very picturesque and leaves no doubts as to what might happen if you aren’t careful. ⚡They have so many signs like this, stabs of lightening to the heart, etc.

Another thing to love about pubs is the tradition of Sunday Roast which is just like Christmas dinner, but it’s every Sunday in almost every pub! Roast beef, Roast Chicken, Lamb Roast, Pork Roast, with all the trimmings ~ Salmon, mashed potatoes, roasted veggies … Bring the Sunday Times and spend as long as you like . . .

I always bring my diary . . . my journal has been written in two main places: at all the kitchen tables wherever we’ve lived these last 13 weeks, and in tea rooms, tea gardens and pubs . . . It is now my most important possession and being guarded with my life (Beware, sheer drop!). It’s stuffed full of newspaper clippings, garden ideas, souvenirs, dried flowers, and most importantly, memories.

And when I was out and about and my diary wasn’t with me and I’d learned something new, it went in the tiny book Carrie gave me so I wouldn’t forget. That book is full now, it has only two blank pages left! And at night I transfer the days booty of info into my diary. It’s been very wonderful . . . perhaps we should have tea to celebrate?

Would you like a cake? Or perhaps you would rather have a coffee? They say a cake, and a coffee ~ all cute, all delicious, all the time.

The worst part is choosing. I need a sampler!

And the view from the pub can be as nice as the few of the pub!

Another thing I will miss is how much the British people love their Queen. And for good reason too! Queen Elizabeth is always on the front page, and lately she’s looking more festive than ever, lovely in lime at the wedding, and here, the very picture of flowery spring Queen-dom for Derby Day.

Yes, history is everywhere in this lovely country . . . not just our own, but history of, and for, the world.

This is a lock of Charlotte Bronte’s hair . . . she was only 39 when she died. The color is still there. Interestingly, it wasn’t at the wonderful Bronte museum in Haworth . . . it was at Chawton House, a museum dedicated to the earliest women writers (it’s just down the street from the Jane Austen House). Visiting these wonderful places makes everything we’ve read or heard about come alive.

And believe it or not, the lovely quiet churchyards come alive too, with their wildflowers and their stories . . .

When you want to find the oldest part of any village, all you have to do is find the church.

And older than the churchyards, before recorded time, almost 3,000 years before Christ, are the stone circles at Avebury. If you ever thought history was boring, you would leave that far far behind if you were here with the stone circles, man-made ditches, earthworks, hills, roman ruins, chalk horses, holy wells . . . on and on.

Avebury is even older than Stonehenge. Some of these stones were brought from Wales, which is over 150 miles away. How? This is the question. Yes, humans have always been amazing. What shall we do with our power? Let’s think about it for a while. I think we could feed the whole world in about a minute and a half if we put our minds to it!

Avebury is a wonderful place of whispering breezes. We found this young woman trying to get through the stones (look close to see her) to the other side. . . Not sure if she made it or not, but we never saw her again!

I look like I’m leaning in, and I am, but I’m not touching. Taking no chances, I wouldn’t mind a back-in-time visit ~ I’d love to pop in on an interesting dinner party in history or have tea with Beatrix Potter some winter afternoon, but I much prefer to continue hanging out with Joe💞 (and, let’s face it, I love washing machines).

Well, I just had a sudden epiphany. I thought I could do a decent recap of this trip, but it’s come to my attention that I can’t. This thing is already a mile long. I can’t choose the photos, I choose one, then go back for another, see three more wonderful pictures I HAVE to include, put them all in ~ look what’s here so far and in my heart I’m not even half done . . . but you know, Girlfriends,  I gotta GO ~ and you have things to do too! Life goes on doesn’t it? Apparently so! There’s so much more, which I will save for later, this is a good start, you can read it in pieces and make it last for a while! The book I am writing about this trip is going to be wonderful. There is SO MUCH to tell you. xoxo

Nothing has changed in England and the glory part is, nothing ever will. But despite the personal loss of this ancient beauty in our everyday lives, the hardest thing of all is saying goodbye to our darling British friends ~ pulling away from St. Mary’s Square, seeing Ray and Paul in our rear view mirror, and waving forever as we slowly rolled down Siobhan’s long driveway ~ was not easy!  The ocean is too big, too wide, and we are all too far from each other.

But then there is this to come home to . . .

and this . . .

We will arrive in the nick of time to put our flag up . . .

I’ll get to play in my garden! Because my house has magic too . . . because, just like yours, and those of our British kindred spirits, it is well and truly loved . . .

I can’t wait for a summer night and dinner under the stars  . . . that’s what dreams are for!

And what else ~ perhaps you would like a little something from real life? Well, my new calendars will be in soon . . . maybe by the time I get home! This is the cover of the wall calendar, but we’ll have all the usual characters . . . watch our web store for updates.

And your luv-lee cups shipped yesterday! Hooray! They should fly right over us on their way to Kellee and Sheri at the Studio and beat us home, (with a short stop at customs, the shorter the better, but we never know). All you prepaid girls will get yours first, in order of date of order . . . We still have a few left, if you’re interested, click HERE.

What else does home hold for us besides very deep kitty fur  and some of the greatest people I know . . . Six days on the ship and then a whole lotta hugging going on! Martha’s Vineyard, here we come!

The future is looking very fun . . .  I get to write a new book for one thing ~ the writing is almost done because of the diary, but I need to do the layout, the photo arrangements,  watercolors and borders; I want to put the diary in my “good” handwriting, and do more research to make it informative, so that will take a little while, because it needs be a good little travel guide of everything we’ve loved about England . I hope it will be printed, shipped and in your hands by this time next year! I still haven’t decided what to call it! I was thinking it would be nice to have the word Enchantment in the title since that’s what it’s been, but maybe not ~ any ideas?  Now that we’re almost home, we have the Fourth of July to look forward to ~ then there’s summer and our morning walks to the beach. 👏 And for the first time in months, we are going to know where everything is! It won’t be in the car, or hiding at the bottom of a bag, or in the back of a strange refrigerator, or in the next town as is the case with the hardware store. At the end of August, the September issue of Victoria Magazine, with our Castle Cottage picnic in it, comes out! I will be haunting the post office waiting for it! Then in September Joe and I will take a train ride to California (Yup! Twitter-from-the-Twain will once again commence) to see my family and most especially my MOM ~ plus, I’ll be giving a talk and signing books at the Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo. Then, suddenly, before we know it, it will be fall and time for Cranberry Apple Crisp and my Grandma’s Stuffing! 🤗 And in November I’ll be signing books and speaking at Falmouth Library, in case you’ll be around Cape Cod then. No exact dates for the book signings yet, I’ll let you know when they are set, probably after we get home. Maybe by then we’ll know more about what is happening with #SBBooktoScreen! I hear good things so far, and will let you know what I know when I know it (if they let me!). Right now I seriously know nothing! And the frosting on this cake-year is that in December we have a wonderful Christmas to look forward to because Rachel and Paul are coming to the Island and bringing Ray’s mom, Diana, for her first visit. And after that, when we will be missing them again, more than ever, and it will be winter and snowing and I will be hunkered down with our new book, guess what? Life will STILL be good, because the third season of The Crown will be back on TV! Yay! (If you haven’t seen The Crown, you are in for a huge treat, it’s on Netflix, and if you don’t have Netflix, The Crown is definitely worth getting it for! Season one and two are there now.)And that is all for today sweet friends . . . As we part,, I give you a rose, my heart, and this funny to-make-you-cry luv-lee thing with Paul McCartney . . . Our next full moon will be on the 28th and we’ll be on the ship. My fingers are crossed for a bright moon and clear skies (and flat seas while I’m at it). We’ll know soon! Take care my friends, you know I’ll be in touch as soon as I can . . . not ever sure what we get for internet from the ship! But I found a couple of fun giveaways in England, things I think you will like, so I will catch you on the other side.🚢💞


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658 Responses to Our Last Day … with Love, from me to you . . .

  1. Paulette says:

    Such a beautiful post. Now hurry up get home and write that book! Lol xoxoxo

  2. Bridget Bandy says:

    Susan, I don’t know which pictures I like the best!! The beautiful flowers rate right up there. And I agree BYOD is a great idea here in America. I am shocked that there was no iced tea on your trip. Here in the South, we must have our Sweet Tea. I prefer mine with half lemonade like you suggest. Can’t beat it!

    Jack will be thrilled to see you. Have a nice trip home. Thank-you for the pretty blog. Loved the picture of the summery table set with your dishes. 💜 BB

  3. Debbie says:

    Thank you for sharing all your discoveries and pictures and beauty. Tears are in my eyes. Bon Voyage!

  4. Mrs, Mary Elizabeth Lawrence aka MiMi says:

    Oh my goodness! To be a fly on the wall. I know you have had a wonderful experience in Merry Olde England, Ireland and Wales. God speed home to Jack and Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of your dreams. Enchanting England and other lands would be a good name for your new book, but alas it may have been taken.lol Whatever you do title your book I know it will be a winner. Farewell and smooth sailing.Mary Elizabeth

  5. Brenda says:

    Thank you for the delightful photos and the commentary to go with them. Godspeed as you travel home.

  6. mary spring says:

    ..so much to’comment on’yet, like so often, words fail me.. I have been a silent traveler all along with you..and so completely in awe of the whole entire journey !!..thank you,dear Susan and Joe from the bottom of my heart for all that you do and share with us all !! ..I wish you a wonderful crossing !..this full moon brings quite journey for me as well.. from the Pacific Northwest I will be traveling back east to visit with my youngest daughter and then on to the east coast where my older daughter is getting ready to deliver her first born and I will be there !!..’so happy !!!..with all my love, as always….

    • mary spring says:

      ..p.s..that video of Paul McCartney and James Corden was priceless !!..a friend shared it with me yesterday and it moved me to tears !! a must see !!..thanks,once again !!!

  7. Mary Hobart says:

    I loved following you and Joe every step of the way. You left out nothing and that was wonderful! Will never understand how you found the time to explore, take pictures, eat in adorable pubs AND keep up with your diary. Looking forward to the next book. Thank you for taking us along.

  8. Pom Pom says:

    Oh goodie! I can’t wait until you guys are home sweet home and I’m dying for the book, but no rush. LOL!
    Thanks, dear Susan (and your Joe, too!)

  9. Christine says:

    Thank you for your long wonderful write ups on your trip to the UK. I will certainly check out the Royal Oak Society as I am spending two months in England this year with my family. Have a wonderful sail home.
    Warm Regards,

  10. Lana Bressler says:

    Oh Susan, reading your blog in tears. The music is wonderful. Time for deep breathing. Enjoy your days sailing home. Thanks for being there for us. We love you xo

  11. Alice in Wisconsin Land says:

    “Smooth Sailing!” I hope you’ll go into great detail about Jack’s reaction when you and he first see each other!

  12. mari1017 says:

    What a simply beautiful post…such beauty in words and pictures and music always makes me teary and yearning to visit England. My beautiful mom never got her wish to go, but I still dream. ♥ I could read this again and again! Thank you, Susan…such joy to vicariously travel with you and Joe! Safe journey home where a whistling kettle and amazing Jack await on your beautiful island of Martha’s Vineyard! XOXO mari

  13. Popped in for a quick peek at your latest post. Oh my, heavenly! Will be back for a more leisurely visit and browse through all your pics.

    While you’re sailing across the ocean blue, I’ll be enjoying this gorgeous post, Sue! (I am a poet and I did not know it 🙂 )

    My heart just wells up for all the joyful and wondrous things you’ve experienced and shared with us right here and on Twitter.

    That Paul video was just the best!

    Safe voyage… see you soon!
    Love, Bren xox

  14. I know how exciting it was for you to write your post today because that’s what I was doing all day long–writing about our first “ramble” in the English countryside. Reliving it through the photos and researching more links to include and consulting my diary is the clotted cream on the scone! I loved seeing your photos and am so looking forward to the book–another chance to relive our experience PLUS yours–and get ideas for when we go back because I’m pretty sure we will. But I’m also looking forward to your posts about HOME because Martha’s Vineyard is just as enchanting for those of us who do not live on an island. Enjoy your week on the ship (are you headed for New York?) and rest those painting and drawing fingers because they’re about to get a workout!

  15. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Wow, this has been an amazing ride! Thank you so much for bringing us along. For us anglophiles, this might be as close as we get, so a huge, heartfelt thank you❤! Cannot WAIT for the book!!

    • Peggy Willoughby says:

      More from me…Question: Since you have been on the QE II before, do you book the same stateroom or do you request a different one?

      • sbranch says:

        They’re always different. Sometimes the ones we request are already taken, and Joe likes to be on the Port side (the Statue of Liberty side) of the ship . . . I don’t think we’ve ever been in the same one twice. And this one’s REALLY different, because we were upgraded to a Queen room, which is about a third more space than our normal way of going! Wonderful!

        • Peggy Willoughby says:

          Sorry, the Queen Mary, not QE2.
          Thank you for answering my question. How wonderful to be given a better room! More room for all your stuff. Lol. Just relax and enjoy the trip. I look forward to your pictures on Twitter. Thank you in advance. I hope the weather is good for you while on board.
          Love you tons, Susan.

  16. Lorraine Morris says:

    So wonderful to hear from you and happy as can be about your luv-lee time. Thanks for taking time for one last post from fabulous England. I thoroughly enjoyed everything. Wishing you smooth seas for your travel back to US. I’m really looking forward to the new book.

  17. Sherry Coleman says:

    It was absolutely wonderful, Susan! I’ll miss England! Cannot wait for your new book!😍💕

  18. Linda Terry says:

    How I have loved this trip with you and Joe!
    It created a longing to know more because I believe my ancestors were from that area and I also tell everyone I am probably related to the Middleton’s. It is my maiden name and as I search on Ancestry.com it is leading me to Ireland. It may only be a wish but do enjoy saying it.
    Prayers for your safe return and look forward to the new book to add to the collection. Thank you so much for being our inspiration to look for all things luv-lee right here at home. There are many, you know! I just returned today from a trip to Colorado with part of my family and the wonder of it all takes my breath away!

    Love and many thanks to you and Joe for sharing with all of us!
    Linda Terry
    Leander Texas

  19. Marigold says:

    Like one of your photo captions said, “I have no words.” Just…my heart is full of happiness. Thank you for sharing, Susan.

    Book titles? Perhaps borrow some words from your own post content:

    “A Green and Pleasant Land”
    “Up the Path and Through the Gate”
    “Around the Bend”
    “Dogs and Muddy Boots Welcome”
    “Kindred Spirits”

    I’m sure you’ll discover exactly what you want it to be, and it will be lovely.

  20. Nicole Dube says:

    Oh Susan!! You are so generous with your time, thinking of us when you should be packing and soaking up every last bit of the Essence of English Countryside. I thank you sincerely for the wonderful journey and look forward to your homecoming. Perhaps you need a research assistant as you write? I am very good at drinking tea and taste testing all the recipes! Safe travels and Godspeed ❤️

  21. LaVonne Megee says:

    Thanks for taking us with you, again. Must admit with all the beauty and history, will feel best when you are snug at home. Girls, if you have Netflix, check out Escape to the Country. Visits the beautiful English countryside and lovely old homes. Also get to “meet” people who love it too.

  22. Carmel says:

    Thank you for sharing all the charming, beautiful, interesting, cheerful, full of goodness parts of your visit. How gracious of you and Joe. I will never be able to duplicate all the wonderous places you visited so it’s been lovely of you to take us along. I’m truly looking forward to your book next year. You will include Ireland, won’t you? Have a great time on the ship. Welcome home.

  23. Lynn Lilley says:

    I lived in England for 24 years and you have seen way more than I ever did, what a great vacation or as you were in Britain perhaps I should say holiday. Beautiful pictures thank you so much for sharing. My son is in England showing off his lovely Canadian bride to family who still live there!!

  24. Janet in NC says:

    Thank you for sharing this magnificent journey, your treasures, friends and heart. Reading this and tracking your posts has been a beacon of joy, and much appreciated escape, and for the reminder that joy is for the making, as it has been through the ages. Godspeed.

  25. Marie says:

    Oh, Susan, this has been a wonderful trip and I’ve enjoyed sharing your adventures via Twitter. The Ocean is too wide and I’ve spent too much time on the wrong side of it. You’ve shared so much of your journey with us and I feel incredibly homesick now, but lucky to have followed your adventures. Thank you for taking me along. Marie x

  26. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Oh my…what a special treat to read this post! I know all the girlfriends cannot wait until the newest book is published. What is the date you will be at the Apple Farm? I want to try and make it this time. Besides, I love strolling through the gift shop there also! Have a wonderful ride home on a calm sea.

  27. Connie Castle says:

    Oh my gosh! Fantastic blog, Susan. I have tears in my eyes reading it.
    You have made England and all the places you saw and wrote about so real
    and ‘in the moment’ for me. Thank you, thank you so much for sharing
    all your adventures. I feel like I have been right there with you too.
    I, too, will miss England and the green hills, and the sheep, and the beautiful
    homes and villages and the flowers. Can hardly wait for the new book! And
    all your beautiful art and descriptions. Safe journey home on the Queen Mary 2.
    What a blessing you are to all of us armchair travelers! Connie Castle, Michigan

  28. Susan, I am expecting 3 or 4 more books from you…after all you have seen and done on your fabulous trip. A lifetime of memories. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  29. kathiellen says:

    Dear Sweet Susan,
    What a blog post this was! Tears are streaming down my cheeks and my heart is so heavy!! Yes, I imagine that these last few days for You and Joe have been a bit “misty”…how could they NOT be?! WOW!! What a trip this was!! For once I am speechless…except THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and hospitality…for making me feel as if I have been there with you. You are just Amazing…a very rare and precious gem and I thank God for you ❤️ I agree with you about the washing machines!! I have told my friends that if I were Amish I would be a “closet laundry-mat-woman”…as soon as the husband would go out to work in the fields I would throw all of the dirty clothes and such into the buggy and head to the nearest laundry mat!! No doing laundry in rocky streams, No wash tubs, wash boards and lye soap for this gal!! Nope. I could handle all of the rest of the hardships of the Amish and Jane Austin and Beatrix Potter days except that teeny tiny little detail!🙄 I hope that one of the recipes that you are bringing back with you is for that mouth watering looking Courgette Cake! It looks so darn good!! You know that this coming year is going to be full of wild anticipation!!! I am very excited about ALL of it!!! Your new book…new calanders, September Issue of Victoria, Hearing about your visit to California ( this time I won’t be traveling with you…You and Joe need some “alone” time….don’t wanna wear out my welcome! ) the #SBBooktoScreen project!, Your December visit with Rachel, Paul & Diana!! and just having you back home again!! …..guess I wasn’t speechless after all! ha! Again…..Thank You!! Enjoy your voyage back home and get a lot of needed rest….fluffy pillows, jammies, elevated legs and just plain rest!!! xoxoxo

    • Rachel Lucas says:

      kathiellen, hi! I had to reply to your comment – I agree about the washing machines too (way too much work!) but also when I think about living in different times, a couple of things always bring me back down to earth. Modern medicine & modern dentistry!! I would NOT want to think about life without those…ouch! x

      • sbranch says:

        Yes, “just cut it off, pull it out,” really doesn’t work for us these days!

      • kathiellen says:

        Hello Rachel!
        You are so right about modern medicine and dentistry!! I didn’t think about that! I would gladly wash my laundry in a rocky stream than have to drink a pint of whiskey then have surgery or a tooth pulled!! Isn’t it wonderful to be living NOW…and being able to visit and read about the way it was back then?! We are SO Blessed!! P.S. I am absolutely in LOVE with Alice!! She is TRUELY an Angel wearing a while coat!! xo

        • Candice says:

          Hi Kathiellen, You have put into words exactly how I felt reading this blog. Thank You!
          A courgette is what in the States is called zucchini. I have always noticed that there is a quite a bit of French words in British recipe names. Like Spaghetti Bolognese, is just Spaghetti to us. Mince is ground beef or hamburger. Lettuce is head lettuce. One thing about the UK everything is “proper”! The proper names make the recipes sound very posh and exotic! LOL!

          • kathiellen says:

            Thank You Candice!! I am happy to know that courgette and zucchini are one in the same!! We have a six zucchini plants growing in our garden which are doing extremely well…..it looks like Courgette Cake will be THE desert of summer!!! I like the French word (Courgette) much better than the Italian word (Zucchini)…it does sound more elegant! Thanks!

  30. Have been anxiously awaiting your next post. Love all yous pictures and comments. So looking forward to your next book. I thought maybe when you referred to searching the real estate column you might be thinking of buying a second home. Are most places in the National Trust and not available?

    • sbranch says:

      Not at all, real estate is just like at home. You CAN rent places from the NT though. We fantasize about a house in England, but we already have a house and place we love. It’s just hard, loving two places! Look at me, I’m answering and I just promised myself I wouldn’t! I can’t help it!

      • Phyllis says:

        My brother bought a National Trust home in Topsham. The Shell House. Did some updating. HOWEVER, National Trust is extremely concerned and on top of any of any changes or adaptations to these properties. It was a tad unnerving but at the same time totally understandable. The property is in the village on the river Ex I believe. Looking forward to visiting.

  31. Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

    Dear Sue and Joe,

    I have loved every minute of “our” trip to England/Ireland/Wales … well, except for the two weeks I had no electricity/computer after the Big Storms that hit here in mid-May … and I am sad the trip is ending. But, I know you are looking forward to seeing Jack and the Vineyard because that is home and so many friends to see. I am looking forward to your book about your trip, and will cherish all the memories, to be read and looked at over and over.

    Safe travels home, and check in when you can from the ship. Jack is waiting!

  32. Candice says:

    Ahhh Jerusalem! No other words for this blog! Thank you Susan and Joe, safe sea voyage and Welcome Back Home! xoxo

  33. Chris Wells. Knickerbocker, W TX says:

    Loved this trip! Every minute of it! But I will be so glad when you are home. And another book….I would preorder this minute if I could!!❤️

  34. DeLynn says:

    Beautiful blog Susan. Once again, I must tell you, thank you for taking all of us along. It has been a real treat waking up each morning and checking in with you to see your latest comings and goings. I shall truly miss it. Happy sailing back across the pond. Thanks too for the update on our mugs.

  35. Linda Pintarell says:

    Whoa…what a beautiful blog. I drool at the colors…especially the many colors of green. You’ve had a lovely trip and thanks for taking us along. Home awaits…and your precious little kitty. I loved your time in Wales since that is in my heritage. Such a lovely place. Been there once; hope to go back. BTW, watched a several hour show this morning on ASCOT. What fun! How entertaining! Would love to go one day. They sure no how to celebrate! Travel safe.

  36. Maryellen says:

    Oh Precious Sue, this trip has exceeded all my expectations! Thank you so much AGAIN for taking me along in your suitcase and I am so grateful that you are making another scrapbook of all our adventures.

  37. Kathleen from Philly says:

    Bon Voyage Susan & Joe,
    Am I the first to comment? This post was just lovely, no, enchanting is the word.
    It sounds like it has been a wonderful trip but all good things come to an end and you are coming to your beautiful island HOME. Lucky you, Fairy Tale Girl. Safe journey and welcome home!

  38. SallyD says:

    I feel your pain in leaving that GORGEOUS Land of Enchantment! I’m Sally (the beret sister at the picnic with the Big Boy shirt). It was SO wonderful to meet you and Joe, and I have LOVED following your Twitter page every day to see what you’re seeing in that magic fairy world. My sister and I had never been to England before, and YOU were the reason we got to go. Bless you, my friend! Tell Joe THANK YOU for the pear cider! We LOVED it! Magners is the BEST! (I still have the bottle, to keep those picnic memories alive.) Bon Voyage! Farewell, Fair England ~ forever in our hearts! (Can’t WAIT for the book!)

    • Elaine in Toronto says:

      Sally, I think “Forever in Our Hearts” would make a lovely title for Susan’s new book.
      Hugs, Elaine

  39. Marilyn S says:

    What a luvlee trip. A dream come true for all of the girlfriends. Have you read the book 84 Charing Cross Road (and I love the movie with Anne Bancroft) When she finally gets to England she is told that what ever she is looking for in England she will find. For her it is English literature. You have helped us find the England of Beatrice Potter and hills and dales and lambs and pubs and stone cottages and flowers. A series of books I love is the Flavia DeLuce mysteries written by Alan Bradley. Flavia is an 11 year old sleuth in post WWII England in the 50’s. Lots of lovely period details. I must get Netflix and watch the Crown for my British fix! Wishing you safe, smooth travels home.

  40. Nancy says:

    Another breathtaking blog! Thank you for sharing your many talents with us. May you have calm seas and smooth sailing as you return home!

  41. Patty McDonald says:

    You’ve had a glimmer of heaven! Love those kind of days…..for you weeks. Today , as I sat by my flower garden, I watched hawks fly in our eucalyptus grove and the humming birds at the feeder. Our weather is breezy and cool (not common for So. Ca. this time of year). Saw a big king snake and received the sweetest looking quilt from a good friend. This is a glimmer of heaven day. Aren’t they magnificent?

  42. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Safe crossing, my friends. Jack and home is waiting for you.
    Hugs, Elaine

  43. FayE in CA! says:

    Bon Voyage on smooth seas with full moon above.

    BeaUtiful blog…BeaUtiful YOU!

    Hugs across the USA will be welcoming your first steps on our soil. Your MV home will hug you with warmth (hot, humid warmth soon!) and Jack will be SO ready for your early morning writings while he purrs next to your cup of hot tea.



  44. Melina says:

    OMG, I’m first? So good to hear from you! I’ve been waiting for the newest installment, anxiously looking forward to all the pictures, and all the news. I’m envious, up to my eyeballs, because you are completing the journey I’ve always wanted. Safe travels home, and happy homecoming!

  45. Jane says:

    Susan, this is your best blog, EVER!! I mean that!! I cannot begin to tell you how soulful, inspiring and truly wonder-filled this journey has been for me. Your daily twitter updates and video”road trips” have nourished my soul, during some steep climbs we’ve made — especially in June. We have refinanced our home, so that we can spend more time doing creative work, and free me up not to have to spend my brain power on paying bills for at least 2 years! Mountains of paperwork and myriads of hard decisions have been interspersed with these glorious views and ramblings in the “green and pleasant land”. And this post has captured the essence of it all. Jerusalem is the perfect anthem; England is grand and good because of it’s godly roots; it was on the forefront of bringing Christianity to the West; and for that God has greatly blessed it. I am so grateful to the lovely English people for valuing all that they have been given; preserving it, and sharing it with the world. And at this time in history, how amazing that it is still protected and pristine. May it ever be so; a beacon to the world of what true beauty and goodness can be. Thank you so, so, much for sharing. I know you sacrificed much of your time looking through a camera and talking to us; when every moment of absorbing it yourself was precious. Your next book is going to absolutely knock it out of the park, I know! And you have made a wonderful transition to getting back home, and honoring what is best about us, too. I look forward to seeing the 4th of July on MV through your eyes. By the way, my sister & husband and best friends will be on the Island in July! Their friends lived there and will be staying in a second home owned by friends of theirs on the Island. I would love to be crawling into their suitcase, but we will enjoy following from afar. God bless you for all of this, and we will be sailing with you across the Atlantic. Safe journeys. Love, Gene & Jane xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Good morning Jane . . . thank you for your lovely words. It’s been amazing. Teary-eyed this morning, but happy too, we feel very blessed. Good for you for getting things in order . . . it’s never easy, but you did it! See you on the other side!

  46. Sandra says:

    What a fabulous time you’re had! I so enjoyed all the pictures and your dancing words! It all makes me homesick for England. I come from The Cotswolds area.
    Have a lovely trip home! You will be happy to see someone I know who is preparing his best purr for your return!

  47. Evie Tong says:

    Dear Susan … am I the first to write (?) … your posting was a sweet surprise just now!
    First, wishing you a safe and calming voyage home … I have been following your trip all along but have not written you .. staying under wraps for a long while as my dearest sweet Mom passed away on April 13 (her 95th birthday was February 13) .. and my younger brother Danny passed just 15 months prior .. you have responded then and given me much encouragement … I have loved your journey through the English countryside even this second time and now look forward to our trip to England next Spring (my Mom lived with us for the past 10 years and lately she was home bound; therefore our traveling has been limited)…
    Thank you for all your inspirations and heart💝… I truly love who you are to many of us…
    With Alo-ha-ha (is that the way your Dad said it?) Evie in San Diego
    PS: so very very glad to hear you’ll be seeing your Mom in September💞💖💕

    • sbranch says:

      Alo-ha-ha is exactly right, thank you Evie. I’m beginning to realize our losses don’t go away, they become part of the whole amazing picture of life. Love you dear!

  48. Debby says:

    I am so sad we are going home🙁 thank you for taking me with you, I was there with you everyday. Loved it so much. Why does it only take 6 days to get home? And what are chalk horses. safe travels, Debby .

  49. Trish says:

    Dear Susan, I am in love with every path, garden, gate, tree, stone wall, green field, quaint cottage, and everything else you photographed. I agree, they need iced tea. Something else they need, bubbling, splashing fountains in the gardens! The birds would love it! Looking forward to your next book, and wishing you and Joe safe travels home. Thank you for sharing your wonderful journey with us.

  50. Barbara Seibert says:

    So glad you will be home soon. I always fear we will lose you to Merry Ole England someday. Wales is where my Mother was from. A war bride she was. I do love Wales but as my Mother said America is my HOME. But there is truly no way one could deny the beauty of that country and why would one try. Always in my heart. And as my dear Aunt Ada said “remember you have family in this country too.” What a fine thought. See you soon. Happy 4th of July to you and Joe.

    • sbranch says:

      I have a thing about Martha’s Vineyard, like an apron string. Can’t seem to cut it. xoxo

      • Margot in Sister Bay says:

        Friends (Susan) or cousins (Barb) will always welcome you back, but home is in the good old US of A.

  51. Oh how wonderful it is to have someplace, someone, something to make it so hard to say goodbye to and such a blessing to say hello to. Like you, I have a foot in both worlds, and torn allegiances. Jerusalem is one of my favourite songs too. Oh, I have so enjoyed your visit over in this green and peaceful land and look forward to reading your next book with great anticipation! And of course if there is a film, I will be first in the queue. All that you love about here, is all that I love about here. But oh it is so sweet seeing it all over again through the eyes of another one who loves it as much as I do! Bon Voyage, pleasant journey, safe landings. xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I agree, love to show our friends around the Island, makes me see it all new again! Thank you Marie. Take care of things until we get back!

  52. a hyde says:

    Come back again soon, you have so much more to see.

  53. Holly says:

    Hello! Your trip sounds amazing. You are probably one of a few people who understand my need to spend a year in the UK. I am mostly Scottish with a bit of English & Welsh plus one Cherokee princess from the Wolf Clan. Having been ill for several years, I’ve had time to do genealogy of my family and now want to see where all the history I’ve learned happened.. it’s more than wanting a vacation…… It’s areal NEED to see where my people came from. I’m still documenting locations and trying to get locations of homes through old deeds, etc… Oh, and getting my new walking shoes broken in. So much to do! Thanks for sharing the details with us. Can’t wait for the book! I knew you would write great travel books.

    • sbranch says:

      I do understand that need, and I have no doubt that you will feel everything you are thinking you would feel when you get here. And you’re ready! xoxo Thank you Holly!

  54. Ann Parsons says:

    Hello dear Susan,
    So tearful and sad to see you and Joe go now that it is time for you to head for home but be assured it has been a real joy to have you both on our side of the pond. Thank you for coming and thank you again for our wonderful experience at the Castle Cottage Picnic. Please come back soon and maybe do some house hunting next time! Safe travels.
    With love from Ann in Chester xxxx

  55. Karen Holly says:

    Oh Susan, your marvelous trip to England has reached its end. Thank you for bringing us along with you and Joe. We girlfriends have enjoyed every post, picture and story of your magical trip. Have a safe journey back home where a little kitty awaits your hugs. Thank you again!

  56. Carolyn Collins-Hunt says:

    Thank you Susan for taking us along on this trip!! Safe travels home. 💕💕

  57. Carrie says:

    Seems like only an hour ago we were welcoming you to our little hilltop in Wales & now we’re waving you off with love & an au revoir. Till we meet again . . . we’ll keep it all green & pleasant for you. xxxooo C., S. & Jack 🙋🏼‍♀️🐶💁🏻‍♂️

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you darling, I know you will. Teary eyed all day now. It’s getting to be a thing. xoxoxoxo

    • Peggy Willoughby says:

      Hello, Carrie! Miss you on Twitter. Hope you all are well. Stay happy. Love you.
      Peggy Willoughby

  58. Each time we have left the UK on our trips it was with a lump in my throat. It would be wonderful to have a home there so we could go over and stay for as long as possible. There is no place on Earth like that fair and pleasant land…

  59. Grand Pam says:

    Loved, loved, this post. Thanks to you and Joe for taking me along. It was a wonderful trip. Look out home, here they come.

  60. Andi Geary says:

    Bye, thanks for the great memories Susan still can’t believe I met you ..Wow. I’m wishing you a safe trip home to Martha’s Vineyard and too Jack! Sorry to see to leave the UK but so happy to have spoken to you I will never forget. I’m glad you’ve had a wonderful time with so many memories. See you back on the.blog and happy sailing relax and unwind 😎 Andi Geary

  61. Dee Fox says:

    Your pictures are always inspired, but the pictures in this blog are so lush and evocative I truly felt transported. Thank you for sharing them with us!
    I eagerly await your new book to thoroughly delve in. Blogs are wonderful but books are gateways, the way they open up and have us experience new vistas. So looking forward to it. 😊

  62. Barbara Kuzdzal says:

    Dear Susan,
    Oh happy day! What a great way to start my day. I woke up to pouring rain and decided to take time out to see if you had written. I was able to get lost in your beautiful adventure till the sun peeked out. The icing on the cake was the Paul McCartney film. Such a joy to see him enjoy life, and make the day for all those folks, myself as well. Safe travels to you and thank you for being you.
    Luv, Barb Kuzdzal

  63. Jean Burns says:

    Susan, I loved following along on your trip. Thank you for introducing us to your BFF from England, Rachel Lucas. I have been enjoying her blog,and recipes, Twitter, and writings. She is interesting, charming, and fun. I can understand how you both became great friends. Wishing you and Joe a safe journey home. Jean🌻🌹😎

  64. What a wonderful read while I eat my “Apple Crisp” for breakfast.. yes, it’s over 80 degrees here at 8am, but my kitchen smells fantastic all because of your glorious recipe! Truth be told, I make it at least once a month… love it hot or cold, with a little cream or just itself! I have been following your trip and this post was so fantastic… I got teary eyed for you, for England and for me (not being there!)… can’t wait for the book! safe travels home xo

    • sbranch says:

      Isn’t it heaven? Might be the perfect dessert! xoxo I want some now, must hurry home!

    • Margot in Sister Bay says:

      I love apple crisp anytime of the year too Theresa. I am glad I am not the only one. I almost made it today. 😊

  65. Marigold says:

    You are such a breath of fresh air every time I read the blog or follow on twitter. You make my life sweeter and I follow every thing you do! 🙂 Thanks for this trip and look forward to you being “back in the USA”.

    • Marigold says:

      I am Marigold, and I did not write this comment. Will the real poster please step up? Just so you’re aware, Susan. 🙂

      • sbranch says:

        Just fyi to anyone this is happening to, it’s not that someone is using your name, it’s that the irritating little gremlin that lives inside my blog is mixing things up in the comment section. If you see someone else’s name in your post, please delete it and write in your own. Thank you!

  66. Rose says:

    You are such a breath of fresh air every time I read the blog or follow on twitter. You make my life sweeter and I follow every thing you do! 🙂 Thanks for this trip and look forward to you being “back in the USA”.

  67. Hillaire Gallagher says:

    So wonderful…thank you for bringing us along….I am looking forward to your new book (no pressure) …will get to enjoy all over again.
    Safe Journey home!
    Love to you and Joe

  68. Kathy says:

    By the time I got to the end of your post, I was speechless. Thank you, thank you, so much for sharing this breathtaking trip with us! Looking forward to many more posts, and of course, your book. xo

  69. Terry Jansen says:

    Oh you’ve covered everything we all love in this post Susan..I hope you can use the word ‘enchantment’..it’s one of my favourites..just for fun..’Enchanting places, the Queen and green spaces’..I know you’ll come up with the a worthy title..have a lovely trip home, there really is no place like home xx

  70. Dear Susan,
    Lovely post and thank you for taking us along. I wish you and Joe a safe and pleasant trip home. Looking forward to more news from you and of course your new book. Happy Summer….Nor.

  71. Regina Carretta says:

    Imagine – last month, I woke up at Scoonie Hill Farmhouse B and B in St. Andrews, Scotland….and what did I hear …. “my toe huts, bet-tee”!!! I could not believe it…..when I would read your description of that coo, I would say to myself….”nooo – a bird says my toe huts?? is Susan Branch ok???”
    I chuckled to myself, and so enjoyed that coo each morning, in Scotland and in Ireland, and thought of you…..such lovely, luvly, loverly people, dogs, life over there. We were in Ireland for the women’s health care vote…..we were in pubs where the music was traditional, and the people danced, all ages, all together…..I wish everyone the gift of travel……as another poster said, when you arrive home, jammies, feet up, re-connect with it all….I want you to rest up, but I also want that book you are writing!!! My next trip? Spring in the Lake District and a bit of London…..I’ll take you with me.

    • sbranch says:

      Ha! See? And now that you’ve heard it, you can never un-hear it! But then you miss it when you go away. Thank you darling girl. xoxo

  72. Roslyn says:

    I enjoyed traveling with you. The town on the English and Wales border called the book town, I have been wanting to go to for a long time. At your book signing in Charleston my husband got to talk with joe about driving over there and he thanks now we will try it in the next year or so. Thank you so much and enjoy y’all trip home. Roslyn

  73. charlotte m. says:

    What a beautiful post Susan. I loved all the pictures. I don’t know if you could ever cover it all, the beauty is just so huge over there. I look forward to the book, which will be able to capture more of this loveliness. I wish you a safe and peaceful journey home. And I know Jack will be ever so happy to see you.

  74. cris arias says:

    You are so right dear friend, time is so short to do all one wants to do. Taking us, your girlfriends, on this trip allowed me to dream and have a time to pause and smile through out the days. Thank you for being the authentic, loving person that you are. Safe journey!

  75. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    Thank you, Susan, for another beautiful and inspiring post! So. book title suggestions. How ’bout “Enchanted Wanderings: Under the Spell of England, Ireland and Wales”. Or, conversely, “Under the Spell: Enchanted Wanderings through England, Ireland and Wales”. It’s fun to think of suggestions, but I know you’ll come up with the perfect title. Happy sailing home to your very own enchanted isle!

  76. Kathie Ferko says:

    Dearest Susan,
    Thank-you so much for taking me on your fantastic journey … to gardens, houses and on footpaths through the gorgeous landscapes of Britain! It was an amazing journey… Cant wait to see it through the new book! Have a safe voyage home ! So waiting to hear of Joe and
    Susan’s adventures home!
    As always… So glad to follow you on your daily travels through life! Waiting for any new info…
    As ever
    Kathie from Limerick

  77. Susan Morgon ( Ohio gal from SoCal ) says:

    Susan, just as you said, words fail me. This has been the best trip yet, ( But has it? Each one has been so wonderful! ) , and what a joy it’s been to have you share it with all of us. It’s been so much fun, and I found myself wanting to step into every picture you shared. You will hold all of that beauty in your heart forever, and we will too in the pages of the new book. Enjoy the rest of your time sailing back home; relax and enjoy the rest of the trip.
    And, oh! The cups are coming! I’m so looking forward to receiving mine. 💚 Something you said in a previous blog about letting them all just sell out made me wonder if you aren’t planning to do any more cups; you know, in the future, after the book (squeal!), the calendars, etc. and so on. Just curious.
    Happy sails ! 🚢

  78. Debbie Boerger says:

    That you took the time to write and post this beautiful blog….just another example of your caring for every one of us!
    Every time I return to the USA after another month or so in the UK, a huge question pops into my mind….What is it about the Green and Pleasant Land we like so much that it tears our hearts just a little to leave? I can’t answer for you or anyone else, but I will feel bereft of living among beautiful, quaint, very old, lived in for centuries, carefully preserved…yet vital. Here, if a 400 year old oak sits too close to the roadside, or interferes with the Overhead Wires 🙁 , down it comes. There, the road is routed Around old trees and buildings.
    Is it a matter of what’s important to the people of the UK, and they fight tooth and nail to preserve it? Is is that all that is contained on those islands is more than just ‘charming’? Could it be that living there is a constant reminder of what’s important, an ancient past worth fighting for and preserving? Not just NT buildings, but miles and miles of ‘trails’, beloved ‘views’. It’s the preservation of Customs, afternoon tea, a ‘cuppa’ at ten, or the Sunday Roasts. They seem to go into the future keeping an anchor in the past… Could it be that our past is very, very short, by comparison? I just don’t know. It’s painful to watch a beautiful old Victorian home torn down so another turn lane can be built….

    Convenience, shiny steel and glass seem to trump (pun intended) lovely, lichen covered stone. Hmmmmmm?
    OK, that contemplative moment has passed………I’m suiting up to put a few annuals into pots and refill the bird feeders. We still have a few black flies.
    We’re saving all the best of America for you and Joe when you come home for the 4th!!!
    Tata, Dearest and Most Appreciated Susan!!
    Debbie in Maine

    • sbranch says:

      We have gotten away from doing what is best for the people, for our history, for our traditions, our communities and children, and only do what is best for greasing the palms of our politicians and the blackmailing corporations that tell them what to do. Who therefore throw a Walmart in every little town and put a hundred ma and pa stores out of business without even asking. Oh, don’t get me started. But the thing is, out in America, there are SO many good people, teachers, nurses, moms, dads, people in the south, east, north and west, and even in Hollywood, and even environmentalists trying their best to keep our old traditions and VALUES alive. They just don’t get heard like the glorified money-makers do. That’s what we have to change. If it’s not for the people, since we are the ones paying for it, then forget it. There are more of us than there are of them, we can win it back, that’s what I say. I’m getting more anti-lobby every day. kisses Debbie. One day at a time.

  79. Pam says:

    Beautiful…just beautiful.

  80. Paula Clark says:

    Oh Susan you are truly such an excellent writer, I got so emotional reading about your leaving that beautiful country it felt as if it were me! Sound crazy but that is how powerful your words and story telling are! I also love how you put in the perfect quotes at the perfect spot. Also much appreciated is the time that you take to do the quotes and pictures! So glad you and your sweet Joe had a wonderful trip, but also glad you are on your way home. Have a lovely sail across the Atlantic and then a wonderful homecoming to your baby Jack. xoxo

  81. Debbie Noyola says:

    Six days on that lovely ship. That is a vacation in & of itself! Lovely post. Looking forward to future ones from marvelous Martha’s Vineyard. The book too, can’t wait. 📚😊

  82. Sharon in So. Calif. says:

    First, Thank you so much for the gorgeous blog, just amazing pictures and such good commentary :).. I just know your forth coming book will be a treasure to keep forever. Can’t wait. Can’t wait for movie either, lol!! I have a few names for your book, to add to your list: Forever Enchanting, Take my Breath Away, and Heart Beats. Safe travels homeward, Jack and your home can’t wait ♥♥

  83. Diane from New Hampshire says:

    Thank you, thank you for taking us along on your journey. So many wonderful memories. It was wonderful! I am looking forward to your book. Hoping to visit Great Britain in the fall of 2019. For now, safe journey home.

  84. Deborah in Texas says:

    I loved it!! I loved that it was all country side and beautiful cottages. What a cultural history. You mentioned diversity…..that is a good thing, but also has a few teenie tiny drawbacks…..but change can be good….but remember why you really do love the British Isles. Look forward to the new book..the new calendar and more luv-lee posts from you. Happy sailing.

  85. Joyce Roberts says:

    Love your post and looking forward to the new book. Leaving magic behind is so hard but you will be coming home to a different kind of magic. You have shared so many wonderful quotes that I will leave you with my favorite: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened!”

  86. Heartsdesire (Judith Hogan) says:

    Beautiful photos today, made me feel as if I was actually there. So looking forward to your book. I know it will be wonderful. Full of all kinds of interesting facts and photos. Best wishes for your safe return home. I know Jack will be wondering what is going on when you arrive. He is such a sweetheart.

  87. Penny Harrison from Oceanside, CA says:

    Wonderful post, beautiful pictures – thank you for taking the time! This one is definitely a keeper for me – and how wonderful that you were able to spend so many weeks in those special places – makes me want to go back!!!
    LOOKING FORWARD TO MY CUPS COMING SOON – and your new book next year!

  88. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    Hello Susan, have a safe trip home and give Jack a big hug from me. thank you for the hug over the loss of our dear cat, Tabby. we miss him so, but life goes on and the barnyard is busy as always. we have 2 new baby ducklings in the house for now… to keep them safe from the male ducks. we are putting up their play pen with a shaded area to escape the sun when needed and a of course a small pool to splash in, are we spoiling them or what??? we are now in addition to the mouse invasion from our rude and obnoxious neighbor in the middle of a flea invasion… they have tons of mutts over there and not one of them has a flea collar, or been given a bath let alone a flea bath, and flea treatments… so we suffer with the fleas here, our poor cats are scratching and itching as are we, and we have given them flea treatments each week , flea powder and new flea collars. we look after our pets. not like these bums do. I can never figure out why these people moan and groan over getting fined for not having their dogs vaccinated for rabies or the required tags, we have to get our cats booster shots each year and they get regular treatments for fleas, but these people do manage to afford cell phones, liquor and drugs…. go figure. I guess those things are more important than the health and welfare of their so-called beloved pet. and I know there are free services around to help care for their pets, but do they go to them….. nope!!! oh well such is life around transients I guess. off my soapbox for now. have a safe trip home, fair winds and calm seas. and hug Jack extra tight when you get home, he has no doubt missed you very much. hugs…. 🙂

    • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

      good morning dear Susan, and dear Girlfriends. a nice cool morning with some wind blowing through, stirring up the grasses way in the back area and making lovely patterns on the lawns and walls with the shadows. the deer are out this morning and enjoying a quiet munch of good green grass for breakfast, we also have 3 female turkeys and one tom turkey and about 15-20 babies running around so we leave feed out for them all these days. the cats are watching from the windows, I have my coffee and I miss my Tabby, he would be right up in the window watching the turkeys or the deer or enjoying them both and making his chattering noise. the turkeys would have him fascinated as well as the blue jays in the front windows on the feeders, plus he would be in my coffee for sure, demanding his fair share of the milk. loved your trip to England, and Ireland… pity you never got down to Donegal where most of my grandparents’ family came from.. on Mom’s side of the family. think you would have liked it there. well out to hang up the laundry on the line, the first load and the second one is in the washer. I have my clothesline back up and I am enjoying fresh linens and sheets again, they smell so good and fresh. give Jack a good belly rub for me, poor little guy I bet he missed you. calm seas and fair winds for your voyage home. have a safe crossing. hugs….. 🙂

  89. Jill Erickson says:

    How did I NOT know you will be at MY library in November?? To be fair, my program librarian DID give me her current list of programs & it has been so summer busy (already) I haven’t had a moment to LOOK at it! Can’t wait!! I have so enjoyed your U.K. travels and so look forward to the newest book. WCAI book radio on Wednesday, which you will probably miss, but all Cape & Island titles this week.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s only just a whisper without a date right now, but we’ve both want to, and we both like November . . . when I get home we’ll figure out which day! Love you on the radio Jill, always a highlight of warmth and good information to hear you!

  90. Susie (Rocky Point, NY) says:

    Oh my oh my oh my what a lovely post! Bon voyage dear friends. I’m happily tuckered out being with you on this trip but I would not have missed it for the world. So much to look forward to. Sad to find out I missed out on getting the Summer mug (my absolutely favorite season). Drats. I was traveling after all. Yes, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. LOL Cannot wait to hear of your reunion with your sweet handsome Jack. It will be his best 4th of July yet. xo

  91. Ann K Nelson says:

    What beautiful memories you and Joe have made and shared with us. How lucky we are. You have been missed on your beloved Island. It will be good to have you both home.

  92. Hi Susan ! LOVED this blog post ( and all of the other ones ! ) . Since I’m a bigger chicken than you are re: flying …. and have been on 2 cruises ( to Bermuda) that by cruise #2 with some rough seas crossed ships off of my list of travel options …… I’ll have to live vicariously through you 🙂 But …. RATS …. I would love love love to go to Italy to meet my distant cousins and see where my grandparents were born …… maybe if I drink enough wine ahead of time I’ll be sedated for the flight ! Anyway …. wanted to tell you I just finished book #2 Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams and LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED it !!!! I can’t tell you what an inspiration you are to me …… even to start hauling my rear end out of bed earlier in an attempt to go from being a night owl ( where I tell myself I’m getting lots done in the late quiet hours of night …. which used to be true when my kids were little …. but now they’re both grown up young married men and now I just end up falling asleep sitting in front of my computer late at night drooling all over the paperwork I’m supposed to get finished now that I’m a burned out middle aged mother of two ….. not a young mom anymore …..). Also …. you’ve inspired me to just be who I really am !!! Lover of sewing and quilting ( as they say …. I was sewing and quilting when it wasn’t cool ! Thank you Miss Richard’s my jr high home ec teacher !) , lover of old movies and the songs that go with them ( my husband ….. a singer /rock band guy during the late 1970’s -> 1980’s ) tells me I was born in the wrong decade. Definately not cool in his book …… too bad !!!!! Anyway ….. safe travels home and can’t wait for the next book ( I’m just starting #3 “A Fine Romance”.) ….. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Here’s one for you. So I was fine with not flying, always fine, glad, happy, and never want to change it. But then I got into a scary car accident on Martha’s Vineyard, a little boy on a bicycle turned right in front of the car I was riding in, he was fine, but it was SO scary and frightening, I really didn’t want to drive anymore. After about three days of that nonsense, I said, OH NO YOU DON’T, you already got flying, and I’m okay with that, but you’re NOT getting driving. And that was that on that. We have to have our limits. Right now we’re here at sea, it’s smooth as glass, and when was the last time you heard of a giant ship going down. Ain’t gonna happen. So that’s my pep talk for today. I love to be inspired more than anything else, thank you so much, I couldn’t hear more lovely words than what you wrote, Mary Anne! Doing what you LOVE, never loses it’s coolness. xoxoxo

  93. Maggie K. says:

    I have ancestors as founding families in nearby Nantucket. Maybe one day you can do some musings from there? In any windswept wild places that might still be there?

    • sbranch says:

      One of my favorite musings is that the mother of Ben Franklin was born on Nantucket. And, HER father, his grandfather, was a teacher on Martha’s Vineyard who taught the Wampanoag tribe, including the first two Native Americans to graduate from Harvard. See how we’re all related?

      • Kathie Ferko says:

        Amazing fact…somehow we are all connected!

      • Re: Ben Franklin…he lived a couple blocks from my ancestor in Philadelphia in the 1740s. My ancestor (a shipping merchant) advertised in his newspaper so I like to think they knew each other!

        • sbranch says:

          I’m sure he did! I adore that man, there was a true human being, perfections and faults all rolled into one very non-boring, extremely smart person!

  94. Lynne Pickens says:

    “Jerusalem” is one of my very favorites too, in fact it’s on the list to be sung at my funeral!

    I just watched the Paul McCartney piece with James Corden and it is SD SO good!

    Fantastic pictures – I can’t wait for the book. Come to Atlanta some time, I’d love to meet you. I’m a Royal Oak member too and fellow Anglophile. Also a member of the BPS. I’ll be in England in Sept. for less time, but still wonderful.

  95. Gill Smith says:

    Bon voyage Susan and Joe!
    Thank you for visiting our beautiful little island. Hope it won’t be long before you return, missing you already!!!
    Safe travels….Gill Devon U.K. Xx

  96. “Enchantment Beguiles on The Isles”…just a thought. ##SBBooktoScreen

  97. Sandra says:

    I am so thrilled that you have enjoyed your visit so much..your record is inspiring and makes me so thankful that I live here..and can enjoy so many wonderful things on my doorstep. I felt the sAme about Cape cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket..they were so beautiful..
    I know you long now to get back but what memories you have, what treasures collected and yes I think the word enchanted …should be in the title..one of my favourite films..enchanted April…could be The enchanted land…or you have often mentioned..the green and pleasant land.
    So safe ,relaxing journeys..thinking, talking,resting,
    God bless you and be with you both..and thank you for so much..
    The book is a best seller before it’s even out ..I know.
    Sandra in Birmingham xxx

  98. McGUIRE Hollis H says:

    Will you sail on QM2? My great friends Steven Worbey and Kevin FARRELL will be performing on her – 4 hands, one piano. Don’t miss their show: they are just simply terrific.

  99. Kathy says:

    OMG…no words for this beautiful “goodbye to England!” I was out of breathing reading & reading & rushing to the next picture, quote, etc! How can we ever wait for your next book to come out?!! Can’t wait! Bon voyage & safe travels as you cross the Atlantic!! Thank you, thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts & pictures!

  100. Nancy Newsom says:

    I love 💕 this blog,it’s maybe the best yet! I especially loved the Dickens quote about crying for joy. Yes, I shed a few happy tears from reading this post! Thank you for taking precious time out of your day to post updates and photos on twitter and Instagram! I looked forward to seeing what each day would bring, you said you were taking us with you, and you did! Thank you so much for “just” being you. Enjoy that slow boat home with your man!☺️ Xoxo

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