Hello!!! Yes, it’s getting frosty around here, icy mornings, but no snow for us yet! That’s okay, we make our own here on Christmas Island! MUSICA
Making magic with shiny glass things, snowy things, lacy things, and glitter things ~ sparkly star bobeche candles, paper-cut scherenschnitte trees, snowflakes and angel chimes. And my favorite pure white Swedish candles. And Christmas musica!
Before the tree, before anything, my favorite place to decorate is the sideboard in our dining room. This wonderful old thing was in the house when we bought it. I think it’s been here forever . . . too heavy to move!
I tied the snowflakes to the lace on the runner.
And voila, I’m singing Snow, Snow Snow 🎵 with Bing . . . Holiday Inn was on TV and I was in my wee winter wonderland!
More decorating, out with the regular stuff, in with the red!
Little Christmas chocolate bars . . .
And wrapping presents no matter how small!
I don’t have linoleum, I scuff across the wood floor in my lambie slippers waiting for the kettle to boil. It’s almost the same thing.
Yup, time to oil the table again. Here it is, soaking in mineral oil I slathered on with a pastry brush. I kept waiting for Jack to jump up, but somehow he senses the danger! Note the letters J O Y in the window? Note the E? Yup, Joe’s handiwork! He cut it out of cardboard and added it. I love it so much it stays forever.
I’ve been cleaning and organizing . . . it’s about as good as it gets, clean as a whistle ~ only job now is to stand and stare lovingly.
My love in action! Time to get the tree and some roping!
Went to the farmstand down the street called Eden . . . look how cute the wreaths are. Love the one shaped like a tree, especially the base, like a trunk! Cute!
But this is what Joe makes! He finds all the holly and boxwood and pine in our backyard and makes my very favorite wreaths . . . I get to add the birds and pears.
Here’s his little workshop!
Our tree is up and decorated!
We usually have a table where the tree goes, which we love because it means we can eat in front of the fire . . . usually we take it out, but this time we decided to keep it for present wrapping! (And eating in front of the fire!)
XOXAs we put the tree up we traced back all the old ornaments . . . such memories!
This doesn’t go on the tree, it hangs in the “wood room” (handily named because it’s a completely paneled room that my girlfriend Lowely calls “the snug”), it’s Joe’s red-felt stocking, the one his family used for their pets’ Christmas presents, which is why there are many cross-outs . . . I recognize all the names from Joe’s “God Bless Mommy and Daddy . . .” prayer ~ they’re all included on this stocking: “Susie, Nosey, Inky, Puddikins, Sammy, Georgia, and Trisket.” Mas MUSICA?
The ornaments have all the memories attached . . . ornaments that were at Holly Oak too!
And this is our house, way back when . . . It was built in 1849. There was some sort of Victorian tower added on at one time, you can just barely see it there. Rather an interesting mix of architectural styles . . . it’s long gone, and no diary has been found to tell me what they must have been thinking! That doesn’t stop me from imagining. Look there’s our barn too . . . And the people who lived here grouped on the front porch. I’ve always wondered about their Christmases, if they put their tree in the bay window like we do. My studio is in a room off the living room ~ it used to be called the Music Room . . . maybe they put it there. 🎄
This is a souvenir of Christmas 2005 at our house in California . . . I guess we were short on paper because anyone who wanted to say anything, as we were all running in and out, left their message here! Notes are from my brother Chuck and his wife Judy, my niece Heidi, Joe, me, my mom, my sister Shelly, my brother Brad. Not easy to get serendipitous interaction of family members on a piece of paper . . . snatched up and kept forever. We remind me of The Waltons! 💞
Here are the first four of us . . . Me, in the back, my brother Jim on the left, then Stephen, and the baby is Chuck. Who we called “Butterball” … who soon would be trained by moi to answer a knock on the wall by climbing out of his crib and toddling in to sleep with me! Wouldn’t you? Such a doll!
Me, and my four brothers, Jim, Chuck, Brad (looking at camera), Steve, and on the right, my girlfriend (because I needed one and always had one from the beginning of time) Janie Nielson who lived in the house across the street, and who’s mother was a piano teacher and played the Skaters Waltz while Janie and I “skated” across her polished wood floors in our socks.
This is my mom, with her brothers Bob and Dick. Look how my mom holds that doll. She loves it. She was getting ready for US!
Here’s us again, Stephen, Jim, and me (I look like my mom!) . . . And I think that might be my Ginny doll! It’s the day after Christmas and we are decked out in our Christmas finery. Look at Jim’s Bowie knife, and his boots!!! Fancy! My Grandma took me shopping for those red shoes, and afterwards we had a chocolate eclair in a doily-studded bakery with red booths.
See what a Christmas tree can do to you if you are listening?
I like it when it’s not in focus!
My Christmas gift to myself is meditation. I worry that the world is NOT so in love as I’d like it to be. In my meditation, it IS ~ because I “think on these things.” I dream of a better tomorrow and see it happening, all my childhood dreams come true. A little like Teletubby Land. Or like the English Countryside. (Same thing.) The quiet morning when no one is up is my time to count my blessings. Nothing is ever perfect ~ as you know, real life has troubles and worries for all of us, but when I count my blessings, it’s easy to know that many people in this crazy world would be ecstatic to have what we have. And another someone would be thrilled to have what they have. And when you realize this, the only thing you can say is, Thank you. Meditation, walks to the water, my boyfriend for life, Jack, family, friends, luv-lee memories, home, cooking something, books, a hot bubble bath with an ice-cold bottle of water to drink, keeping my diary, watching The Bishop’s Wife, my paint brush, the little things that make a red letter day.
Whatever is true . . .
(I needed to find flannel jammies for my mom WITH pockets and I did and I’m so happy, it had to go into the diary!) On the right is a place card saved from a dinner party we went to the other night. Book of memories.
Whatever is praiseworthy . . .
Whatever is admirable . . .
Whatever is right . . .
Whatever is excellent . . .
Whatever is pure (love) . . . 💞Oh, the power, to make home sweet home just the way you like it. Four walls, with heat! And clean sheets! So lucky.
Tomorrow night my girlfriends are coming over for a Secret Santa party in front of the fire . . . I mixed our names and drew one for each of us . . . we are gifting either something that we own that we’d like to give to our person, OR, we can spend up to $20. 👏
Now, some things to share . . . For our UK Girlfriends, I’ve been informed that there are a few cups left of several designs, including the two above (which we are totally sold out of at the studio) ~ check HERE to see the designs. So sorry, they only ship within the UK. And these will be the last they will be carrying. But here are two bookmarks for all of you ~ you can print them out on heavy paper, laminate them if you like ~ they make cute stocking stuffers! For Prayer for the Little Home, click HERE. For the 2019 Full Moon bookmark (lists all the full moons for 2019), click HERE.
from me. 💞🎄 xoxo
And guess what else?
Yes! while I was writing this post, a big package was delivered to my kitchen porch.
The samples are here! Of course I had to stop and take a quick look.
I’m thrilled at the way they turned out. The photos above were taken of my mockups, but the ones below . . .
. . . are the real thing! Look how cute! I’ll never get this posted if I stop and take pictures of all of them right now. But I will, first thing in the morning, and I’ll send them to Kellee and she’ll put everything up for presale tomorrow. The ones that arrived today are just for approval, the real things will arrive at our Studio early January … a January/Valentine surprise!
These two looked so cute together I had to take a picture of them! The ornament is surprisingly lightweight! I’ll put it on our Christmas tree, but in real life it will hang in my kitchen! Or, MAYBE, it should be my Secret Santa Gift!? The little vases you wanted, “Courage” and the others, are just adorable. I’m so excited!
Well, anyway, too much wonderfulness ~ it’s that time of year, and here ⬆️, never forget, the gifts that truly matter . . . time for the little things in life.
This is our lovely view from our dining room windows. The other day, in a major feat of engineering, they closed off our street, brought in a huge crane, and removed the spire and the “bell box” from this lovely old building for repairs. It was a huge operation, we bundled up and ran out there with our cameras . . . I’ll show you next time. We’re going to miss the bell that rings on Sundays, but when they put it back, probably in a year, it’s going to be even better and start playing the hymns and the songs, like Que Sera Sera, that it used to play.
Wishing you the most peaceful of holidays! Happy Christmas dear Girlfriends, Merry Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Cheery Boxing Day, Joyeux Noël, Jolly Winter Solstice, Festive Kwanzaa, and Vrolijk Kerstfeest. And More! Big world out there! Blessings to you and yours from us and ours!
Thank you for inviting us to share your Christmas magic, Susan.
It always does my heart good to visit with you. I am loving my Christmas caroles this year!
When I sit and get quiet, the third and fourth verses from
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
seem to be a current running underneath my mental chatter.
Yet with the woes of sin and strife
The world has suffered long
Beneath the angel strain have rolled
Two thousand years of wrong;
And man, at war with man, hears not
The love song which they bring;
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
And hear the angels sing!
For lo! the days are hast’ning on
By prophet-bards fortold,
When with the ever-circling years
Comes round the age of gold;
When peace shall over all the Earth
Its ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world send back the song
which now the angels sing.
(gives me goosebumps every time I dwell on it.)
Comfort and Joy, Peace and Good Will and a very Merry Christmas to you, Joe and Jack.
That is the most GORGEOUS thing. How beautifully written! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to those verses before and they are so beautiful. Thank you Therese!
Dear Susan, Thank you so very much for your beautiful blog, and for blessing us with Christmas magic and color. We are so blessed that you share your gifts with us! Susan, for some, (and believe me, I have no idea WHY!) I was BLOCKED from your Twitter site! Could it be that I asked that we all refrain from politics on such a gentle, loving, place? I cannot believe that could be the reason! Would you please ask that I be readmitted? I can’t seem to get enough of your beautiful thoughts, paintings, and encouragement. I really DO need to be a Twitter follower again!
How awful, Sandy! I’m not a blocker . . . I don’t THINK I blocked anyone. I just went to Twitter and put your name in, found three Sandy Monnin’s, but I don’t think any of them are you. None of them were blocked. What’s your Twitter handle? I’m so sorry. Give me your address and I’ll fix it if I can. Come here to the Blog, this is where I try to keep things politics-free. Unless of course, there is a national danger emergency. Then out of love for my dearest, I might have to say something (if I see something). But I will try my hardest not to and anyone who wants to hear about that can come to Twitter ~ where it’s a mixture of home sweet home, and oldest-of-eight-sisterly-advice on the ways of this wicked world we live in and how to fix it!😘
hmm. Did my comment go through?
Not sure, so I’m going to re-send the last couple verses of
“It Came Upon A Midnight Clear” (My Christmas caroles are keeping me going these days.) ok, Here goes…hopefully with no typo’s
Yet with the woes of sin and strife
The world has suffered long;
Beneath the angel strain have rolled
Two thousand years of wrong;
And man, at war with man hears not
The love song which theyu bring:
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
And hear the angels sing!
For lo! the days are hast’ning on
by prophet-bards fortold
When, with the ever-circling years,
Comes round the age of gold;
When peace shall over all the earth
Its ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world send back the song
Which now the angels sing.
Comfort and Joy, Peace and Good Will to you, Susan and Joe and Jack.
Love, love, love to all the girlfriends!
Yes it did go through Therese . . . I wrote how beautiful this is, but that’s okay, I LOVE reading it again. What lovely words!
Happy Holidays Susan, Joe and Jack,
When you talked about your grandmother taking you out to buy your red shoes and then for an eclair brought back the memory of my great aunt Winnie serving me cocoa in a beautiful teacup when I was around 8 and how very special that made me feel. She also had a jewelry box that I remember as being very big to a little girl who thought it looked like a pirates treasure box and she let me play with all of the jewelry inside. She was a lovely woman, a career woman my father told me (at a time when career women were rare) and she was tall, slender, well-dressed and wore her white hair in a bun with jeweled hair pins. She never had any children but she loved my father and me. What a grand woman she was and how lucky I was to have her in my life.
I am late but have almost finished decorating for Christmas. I am pondering the idea of a Christmas tree (fake though it is) this year because of little Olivia (Livvie) my new little kitten. She is in the very exploratory stage of the young (as well you know) and if I catch her in time and tell her “no” in my teacher’s voice a few times she will usually leave things alone, but with the shiny allure of an entire tree, I’m not so sure. I really am missing my sweet, sweet Sam this holiday but he brought Livvie to me so he IS here.
I wanted to let you know that the eagles are definitely back in Decorah and getting their nest ready, I am so happy that she came back and has formed a new bond after papa disappeared last year. My heart still aches when I think of him.
One last thing. I work at the food pantry here in town every Thursday and really love greeting and talking with the people. Two of my friends (a husband and wife) came in yesterday and brought ten dollar gift certificates to hand out to the people that came in. I was so touched by their love and thoughtfulness. They are such kind people to begin with what a wonderful thing to do for people who don’t have much. It was a heart filling moment to watch the people who had opened the envelopes quietly come up to thank them and give them a hug. Yes Virginia, people are still good. May God bless each and everyone of us and our struggling United States of America too.
Much love,
Patricia, Sam (from heaven) and Livvie
I can totally imagine how much fun she had showing you her jewelry and letting you play in it! You as a child, she relating to your childishness, wanting to show you magic. Yes, we told Jack no when he was a kitten, and he is totally uninterested in the tree! Or the baubles. He would only actually like to eat the plants, which he is not allowed to do. Yes, Virginia, they are. Merry Merry dear Patricia! xoxoxo
Thank you so much for your wonderful blog..the words and pictures are so precious. I agree meditation can only bring peace and calm to us all
Have a wonderful Christmas and many best wishes for all that the new year will bring. I have mailed you a little gift from the uk…
Blessing abound on you both and all your celebrations
With much love
Sandra from Birmingham xxx
Thank you for thinking of me Sandra . . . Happy Christmas, I wish I could be in two places!
Christmas seemed like a VERY good time to reach out to “old” (not really) friends. Greetings my dear and wonderful friend! It has been a long, long time since I sent you a message. Please know that I carry you in my heart always and you surface at the best of times. I have re-read your books and drink coffee out of your cup. I have not lost the memories of “the best of times.” Pat from Paso Robles is doing fine. I am older now and know it! I guess that is alright. I find myself running outside to enjoy the sunset, cloud formations and special sights all around in the evening. I think this is a sign of old age. But who cares……..they are my sights and I enjoy them. I send you the very best during another festive holiday season. And, yes, get ready for another year of discovery. I missed going to my little cabin in the woods this year, but will return next year. I often think of you, the times you spent in your little cabin in the woods. There is something special about this experience. Not very many people have the joy of smallness and forests to saver. Once again…… you have made my life complete in so many ways. Thank you and God bless…….
I know, the beauty we find in aging is quite a gift. All our senses are so accepting and recognizing and even CREATING, the magic of this world, birds, clouds, sunsets, laughter, snowfall. The silence is a wonderful thing. Remember when we couldn’t stand it? Every moment had to be filled! Lovely to hear from you Pat. All blessings to you and yours.
It all looks so pretty. I love it all. I am like you Susan, hey we even have the same name. Your love of pretty things, all the lovely dishes and decoration. It is so very hard for me. This summer my little country home and my sweet sweet animal family all perished in one of the awful California fires. I was at work, an hour away, and knew nothing about it and came home to the most horrible thing that does not leave my mind. I always loved decorating with all my Christmas treasures from Christmas past. Well, sorry to be a downer but love seeing your things here and Merry Christmas
My heart breaks for you Susan, and for all your neighbors that have suffered so much … for all of California. You should know our prayers are with you. Even one wreath, one sprig of holly, one Christmas Carol will remind you that everything Christmas is still alive and inside you. 💞
Dear Susan S.—I pray that you are surrounded and embraced and comforted by family and friends during this ordeal and my heart breaks for you, too.
Thank you Bev for your kind words.
Thank you for your kind words.
Merry Christmas Susan and Joe!!! 🎄🌲🎄🌲🍥🍪🍥🍪💕💕💕
You too Carolyn!
Hi Susan
I love your Snowflakes on your sideboard and how you add a special touch all over. Your post came at such a good time for me – I don’t know why, but I was a bit blue until I read your words. I’m an early riser as well and enjoy the quiet time that I have to myself. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for all that I have. It’s nothing fancy, but it is safe, warm, and cozy and I do love being home! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!
Love counting blessings, it always makes me feel good!
Lovely post Susan! I’m going to be an elf today by hosting a gingerbread house and cookie decorating get-together for my grandchildren today. There will be lots of hot chocolate, popcorn and messes 🥰. Merry Christmas!
Sounds delightful!
I can’t believe that Joe had a pet named Inky! When I was a little girl the first family pet we had, a black cat, we named Inky. Ever since that first cat I have always owned at least one cat.
It is always calming to read your blog in the morning with my cup of coffee in hand. Have a merry Christmas.
Can’t live without our kitties! You too Lynn, thank you!
we have a beautiful black cat named Inky, we lost her 5 years ago, but we still think of her.
Dear Susan – Happy Christmas….enjoy all the sweetness, the stuff of life that really means something (critters, loved ones, music, old movies, candles, helping others)…..friends have passed away, friends are caring for parents who are ill, this festive time doesn’t stop these things from happening, just makes us all the more aware of each day we have with loved ones and how each day is an opportunity to help others, to be part of our communitys, to care for our country…..
I sent you an e-card on your email – they are designed by Jacquie Lawson from the UK….are you familiar with her work? It all reminds me of your beautiful spirit and love of life….have a happy, happy season….feet up, sox on, fire in the fireplace, spread the love….
Regina, Seattle
Will do my best! Yes, very familiar with Jacquie Lawson . . . adorable cards and I loved my White Christmas! Just how I try to make our home! Thank you Regina!
I sent an email to you about the 15 year old Swedish student who spoke about climate change to the UN Conference in Poland…..but I think you may already know about her *I noticed a re-tweet on your twitter.
Isn’t she remarkable? She has a spark of intelligence, of caring for her planet, and fellow humans, a spark of doing something active about something she is passionate about…
what a lovely thing for us all, to have a young person speak for our future, at this time of year….
Did I write you back on the email Regina? Because I’m not sure I got it! Yes, that “child” with all her wisdom. I loved every word. Blessings on her, and you and yours and all of us for a hopeful 2019. xoxo
Hum? I think my post vanished like a snowflake in a gale–swish! Seems to be gone–Yes, we do go back to see if you responded 😉 Here was the gist… (sorry if it is a repeat and somehow you saw it).
Wanted to wish you and Joe the merriest of Christmases and thank you from my whole heart for both your gifts to all of us–gifts that are praiseworthy, true, right, kind and all the others “worthies” we desire in our lives. I love your reminder to stop and focus on these things every day–you help us do that. I love that Joe actually enjoys making wreaths! I love your buffet with the added snow flakes and garlands of little snow balls, the books, the old photos and mainly that you are willing to open your home to us and let us enjoy your decor and the ambience. Felt like we had all gotten together.
May the best holiday blessings be yours!
Ginny Evans, now in Texas
I’ve had a couple of days of mad cooking to do … so I haven’t gotten back to read my wonderful comments. But here I am, you’ll see your other post go up soon! Sorry! And thank you for the good words! xoxo
Lovely Christmas greetings! I was delighted to see the “Little drops of water, little grains of sand…” I know this (but differently) from singing in a choir during my college years. It was adjusted as a madrigal. Fun, irreverent, and a definitely different painting of the beach scene. I copied yours off into my little notebook, for you have a name with it! Now I’m curious to go looking to see if there are additional verses that match the silly mardrigal! (Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the summer cottage more than I can stand…). Merry Wonderful Christmas!
LOL! Merry Christmas, Angie!
Dear Susan,
May you have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas ~ our younger son (army), his wife and our grandbaby are coming in this week from Kansas and we can hardly wait! We’ll have our whole family together.
I pray our nation and world will focus on “what is lovely” and pure and noble and there will be peace on earth for at least one night!
I look forward to a 2019 filled with your blogs/books/calendars/movie…….however much you can churn out!
Have a wonderful time with your family! I add my prayers to yours! xoxoxo
Thank you for YOUR gift to the world, Susan.
Awww, thank you back Cathy!
Merry Christmas Susan and Joe! Your posts are like a dose of happiness and remind me to enjoy every moment of life! You always inspire and make me feel creative and festive! Love. Hug Jack for me…and each other!
Will do! xoxo Hugs back to you!
Always Wonderful to read yr Xmas blog, My husband and I r spending Xmas at Barnsley House in the Cotswolds, thanks to u! We had a wonderful trip on the QM2 this week to come across the pond from NYC! A trip of a lifetime! “A Fine Romance” is a great travel guide.
Happy Christmas!
Are you there now? How wonderful for you Cheryl, such a historic, beautiful place. How was the water at sea in December? Have a wonderful time and Happy Christmas to you both!
Thank u for yr reply! We r visiting my husband’s sister in Margate, Kent at the moment…but will be at Barnsley House from 12/24 thru Boxing Day. We r so looking forward to it! On our trip over, we did have a couple days of rough weather but the QM just plowed easily through it….no see a sickness at all. TG! Happy Xmas!
Did you fly home or go by ship! Hope you had a wonderful time! Happy 2019!
Merry Christmas from the beautiful Pacific Northwest! From our home to yours, best wishes for a magical holiday celebration.
Jenn Barker & Family
Thank you Jean, and all my best to you and your family! xoxo
Hi Susan, I am new to your web site. I love it. I read your 3 books and loved them too. When did you sell your little home and get your big home? Did I miss that in the books? Any way, I love your writing and style and everything. I want to say Merry Christmas to you and Joe and the kitties. I have 5 kitties. They bring me wonderful comfort since my husband passed away. So glad I found your site. I visit it often. Merry Christmas!! Charlene
So happy to meet you Charlene! There are lots of kindred spirits here, you’ll fit right in! I haven’t written that book yet . . . but after Joe and I met we realized he was too big for my tiny house ~ and then this old house I love so much came up for sale ~ we moved here in 1989. Kiss the kitties for me! xoxo
Merry Christmas! Your home looks lovely, as usual! Got your blog at a perfect time to make me feel better. I spent a lovely week with my sisters on Cabo Mexico and my return flight was delayed long enough that I missed my flight from San Francisco to San Luis Obispo. Lucky the airline put me up in a hotel so this was a perfect thing to read while waiting in the airport to go home. Now it is raining! So…have a great holiday and I am looking forward to getting the cute little vase!
There’s no place like home for the holidays! xoxo
Hello Dears,
What joyful coziness you have there! It is the little things that make the world a better place. Health, happiness, twinkling lights and small bites!
Well, my own dreamboat has just brought me a cup of PG tips and toast with butter and jam so all is well with me and I’ll wish you a MerryHappyJingle time and sign off to enjoy!
Love, Love, Love! (tunefully sent from Love Actually)
MerryHappyJingle time to you Gabi! xoxo
Hello Susan, Hello Girlfriends, whooo it is cold out here today..brr!!! we are expecting more rain by later this afternoon, and colder temps and dropping snow levels….. LET IT SNOW!!!! I love those snowflakes you hanging on the mantel, I like them so much I hung some in the front windows, went one better on the snowflakes, I sprayed glue on them and dipped them into glitter, they look so pretty, lacy and snowy. we had a little holiday surprise last week, someone dumped kittens in our yard, cute little gray tuxedo kittens and we have been feeding them for a week and trying to find a home for them. well no luck finding them a home, and it got so cold last night I could not stand the thought of them sleeping in a box on the front porch..( hubby did want to adopt any more kitties so he agreed we could feed them and let them sleep on the front porch out of the weather and cold. well I got to feeling so bad about them being out in the cold, I brought them in and put them in a little bed, they went right to sleep all curled up, by the time I got done with the dishes and cleaning up for the night they were sound asleep and purring away. and they were good as gold, slept right through the night and never woke up or wandered about. when I got up this morning, they woke up, had a bite to eat, went outside to do so business and came back and curled up again for a nap. they are so cute, and yes we have adopted them.. we have 2 male kittens, about 8 weeks old and they have their names already, Socks and Mittens. they are adorable and we love them. now we have 6 cats in the family, 3 boys and 3 girls and boy does Midnight ever know he now has allies, for awhile it was 1 boy against 3 girls.. not any more… LOL!!! I have a funny feeling Tabby and Inky guided them here for us to care for. well off to get the chickens fed and fresh water in the tubs, plus find another tarp to put inside the henhouse and keep them dry… we sprung a leak I think in there. have a great day everyone, and Happy Holidays. holiday hugs…. 😀
I do NOT understand why that doesn’t happen to me … why a cat doesn’t just show up, but nooooo. And you get a BASKET OF KITTENS!!!! Lucky girl! You must have that special something, they read you a mile away. Have fun Pat. Kitty mama. xoxo
Happy New Year everyone, hope its a prosperous, peaceful and perfect new year for all. we only got 2 kittens, socks and mittens. they are both boys and handfuls of mischief, think Jack would like them??? right now they are rolling around and wrestling with each other and getting into the toys they got for Christmas and scattering those all over the house, ever find a toy mouse in your bed??? scared the dickens out of me when I found it, thought it was real. now they are squabbling over the basket bed and kicking each other out and chasing each other all over the house, they are having fun to say the least. the best part is there are 2 of them and they can play and roughhouse with each other all the time. the older cats are sort of getting in on the fun and pouncing and chasing them about and getting into the toys with the kittens…. I have a house load of kittens now…. 😀 !!! have a great day today and Happy New Year
Susan, I was waiting until I got your newsletter before I started to decorate for Christmas. I knew it would get me in the Christmas spirit & it did! You make every corner of your home so beautiful & cozy; I try to do the same. I love decorating for Christmas while listening to old carols sung by Andy Williams, Bing Crosby, & Frank Sinatra…all listened to when I was a child. The video you made , zooming into the ornaments on your tree…when I put ours on, every one of them brought back a good memory, like yours did.
The old photos of your family? I put those up too. I have 1 where my 2 older brothers & I (we are 3, 8& 9) are sitting in front of the fireplace with the stockings hanging behind us. Only 1 of us is smiling; the other 2 look like they just want to get up & open presents- now!
My husband also hangs his childhood funky felt stocking, like Joe’s! Your cooking inspired me to make tiny pecan pies for my neighbors & friends. I just bought a muffin-like tin that has 6 pie shaped spaces in it to make tiny 4” pies. Yum & fun!
What an absolutely darling photo of you & Joe outside next to the snowman. That is definitely 1 you must copy & put on your mantel!
Your quote….” I don’t want realism! I want magic!” Tennessee Williams
My sentiments exactly @ this time of year. I guess teaching 1st grade for so long had an effect on me. I was horrified ( silently to myself) the other day when 1 of my girlfriends told me she & her husband “aren’t going to hassle with decorating or putting up a tree this year.”What??
It’s not a hassle; it’s fun! Sorry this is so long- your newsletter evokes so many memories!
So… 1 last story that was told to our congregation last Sunday. Maybe you know the narrator- Greg Wilhelm,our parish deacon, who is from SLO. Or maybe 1 of the characters in the story, Ray, a barber who cut hair for 40 years in SLO? One day, a homeless man parked his bike in front of Ray’s barbershop. He left 2 small dogs in the child carrier seat on the back of his bike. As soon as he left, both dogs started annoyingly barking non-stop. All the men in the barbershop started to grumble, swear & complain but didn’t try to do anything to stop the barking. Moments later a friend of Greg’s ( Tim or Tom-can’t remember), gave the dogs a bowl of water. They eagerly lapped it up , then layed down & went to sleep.
“ You will get much better results with kindness than anger. Be kind this Christmas.”
I so look forward to your blog, I feel like I am home with a dear friend, having a cup of tea by the fire. I so enjoy your sharing of love and home. I have been so sick for several weeks and am so far behind. I usually have my tree up and everything decorated by now, I am so grateful to have my trees up, all my memories about me, beautiful music,my little kitty Smokey snuggled by me wherever I am, busy trying to make cookies, send cards, yet still take time to share with those I love and dear friends who fill my life. You are an inspiration to so many of us, thank you, and God Bless you and your Joe, and Jack and thank you for all your share and give. Be well my literary friend, be happy, and let God fill your heart with joy and grace. God Bless and Thank You!!!!!
I’ve been busy moving, so I just read this post. My favorite image is the one of you and Joe with the snowman. It seems so intimate, and I was almost embarrassed to be sharing that moment with the two of you. What a treasure! We’ve been waiting for snow here in the Denver area, too. It will probably come when it’s time to take the Christmas decorations down! Meanwhile, my house, like yours, is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. May you have a lovely Christmas and a glorious 2019!
Merry Christmas to you Susan, and Joe too! Thanks to you both for all the hard work that goes into making a delightful, magical Christmas season on the internet. We all enjoy it. A special thanks for your Moons bookmarks. I can’t afford to buy the lovely things you put online. Sometimes I’m lucky enough to snag a pocket calendar or even a large one for my kitchen. I especially enjoy your bookmarks. Each year I try to print some out and hand deliver them to people we love in our community. This year I may tuck a few into Christmas cards; I haven’t been out much as I’m caring for my 96- yr old Mother and our 1 year old granddaughter too. My days are full but not much time for trips out; even going to the grocery store must be planned ahead of time. Little time as I start my day when our GD arrives around 7:30 am and Mom goes to bed around 10:30pm. I enjoy reading your blog for a few minutes and printing out some lovely bookmarks. Please don’t ever stop them! People really do love receiving one. A bonus is knowing about the moon! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
You are an angel Susan . . . xoxoxo
Susan, such an awe-inspiring post, thank you! Wishing you and your Joe a beautiful, blessed Christmas and wonderful surprises in the New Year!
You too Merci! xoxo Thank you!
Just getting to read your blog,… I’ve been so busy decking the halls and all, but wanted to let you know how much I love your Christmas decor, especially the photo of old Santa Clause, he looks like an old sea captain! Thank you for a much needed dose of “happy” inspiration.
Merry Christmas!
Sea Captain Santa is perfect for this old house built originally by a sea captain! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year Tammie!
Dear Susan,
Thank you SO MUCH for a lovely, sweet post! As always, you manage to make me and I’m sure, many other feel so happy, and grateful….Your house looks so pretty, LOVE the big tree, all full of twinkly lights, Jack, being held by you, oh that sideboard, decorated with stars…..
I am starting to get things ready here, and have marked the space for your delicious Christmas cake, which I will bake at the weekend, and maybe some cookies as well…
So sorry, not to have said hello sooner, but our internet wasn’t working last week, and then we were in London for the weekend……Came home Monday night, so only read this post yesterday, after we got our the computer back on line….
Gabri and I went to see Paul McCartney at the O2 Arena, oh boy, that was such a great night! He was on stage for about 2 and a half hours, playing new songs and lovely oldies too! ( Obladi Oblada one of my favorites…!!)
The boys didn’t want to see Sir Paul, but when we suggested they come to London, as their Christmas gift this year, they were very happy to do so! It was lovely, we all enjoyed ourselves, so lots of good memories. There were lots of pretty lights and decorations everywhere, and we even managed to have a cup of tea in Harrod’s!
Dear Sue and Joe, from Gabri and me, we wish you and darling Jack a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!! ( LOVED that you put it up….!!)
Nicoline XXXXX
PS I hope you’re not getting this several times….It seems to vanish into thin air….
Vanishing into thin air seems to be the way WordPress wants it to look! But it doesn’t really, thank goodness! Your Christmas sounds just lovely! Cup of tea in Harrods! We loved that! Glad you’re back on line Nicoline! XOXOXO Happy Happy New Year to you, Gabri and the boys! With all my love!
I certainly relate to your comment under the photo of your spotlessly clean and organized shelves…..”only job now is to stare lovingly.” When I actually get a bit of cleaning and organizing DONE, I stare lovingly too! Christmas JOY and BLESSINGS to you and Joe.
It’s universal I think. Sometimes I pretend I don’t know me and come in and say, Oh how wonderful!
Love, Love, Love! Merry Christmas Sue and Joe!
Beautiful post! Love the photo of you and Joe, with you in your lovely blue skirt. So romantic <3 Merry Christmas and blessings in the new year to you and all the ones you love!!
Thank you Amylisa!
Thank you as always for your wonderful, evocative writing. Merry Christmas to you and yours from myself, my new hubby, and the “furbaby quintet”-Dandylion, Laddie, Salter, Benji, and Jacksun. I think we’re going to have a wet Christmas here in upstate NY rather than a white one!
Happy new hubby, New Year, petty pets, and here’s to a white 2019 (at least once or twice!)
Thank you as always for your wonderful, evocative writing. Merry Christmas to you and yours from myself, my new hubby, and the “furbaby quintet”-Dandylion, Laddie, Salter, Benji, and Jacksun. I think we’re going to have a wet Christmas here in upstate NY rather than a white one!
Us too, except for a luv-lee dusting of snow Christmas morning!
Hi Sue
I just had to write to you in this exact moment. It’s Saturday. I’ve been watching the Julia Child marathon on PBS and immediately thought of you, your efficient and lovely kitchen, and your cooking instruction. I thought I was a hardy New Englander but boy did I learn a lot about lobster! During the lobster show she pointed out to her audience with the tip of a very sharp knife the difference between a male and a female lobster in great ‘de-tail’! On the turkey show she proclaimed (can you hear her voice?): “You have to truss your turkey. You can’t have things flapping about!” and then “…give a quick tie to the rear end…”. I’ll leave you in the middle of the souffle program with Julia saying, “Anything that has egg whites terrifies me!” “Copper bowls are very pretty but are they really necessary? Some say they create static electricity that affects the cooking but I don’t really know, do you?” “Break up the coagulated mass.” “Time your souffle so that neither one of you collapses!” God Bless Julia Child.
Take it away with a Happy Souffle and a Happy Christmas Susie!
Butter Love, Carol from CT … with a tra la la and a Julia ha ha!
P.S. Oh dear … her souffle is still “shimmying a bit!”.
I’m falling off my chair giggling with delight. I really learn from her choreography. She’s a pillar of pleasantry!
She’s heaven! LOL! xoxo
We are having our Christmas dinner Sunday and GUESS WHAT. I have 3 baking sheets of cheap bread drying because I AM MAKING YOUR GRANDMOTHER’S STUFFING. Hoping it comes out! Love from me and the bunnies…..
I hope so too! How’d it go? Kisses to you and the bunnies!
Merry Christmas, Susan and Joe. Thank you for reminding us about the beauty of this very special season.
My pleasure, it’s an easy thing to do. xoxoxo Stay warm up there!
Dear Susan
Trusting you had a wonderful Christmas.
Thought I would share with you my cranberry tea cake experience. I’ve made it before and it is so delicious. I do recommend that you make this not just for yourself, because it is so good that you’ll want to eat the whole thing.
I woke up early on Christmas morning (after staying up late the night before) with plans to make several things. I started melting the butter in my cake pan, took it out of the oven, put the pecans neatly in, got out the brown sugar sprinkled it all over, Looked at recipes again, oops suppose to put brown sugar then pecans. Pulled up nuts, pushed sugar under them and replaced nuts, sprinkled cranberries all over, made the batter, hmm, it’s a bit thick, oh well, (I know this cake is a bit dense, but moist, don’t really need a fork, can pick it up with fingers to eat it.) Poured batter over cranberries, put it in the oven and started to clean up. Hmm, why is this orange on the counter, reread recipe, oh no, forgot to put in Orange juice, zest and vanilla. Measured juice, zested the orange and added vanilla in the same cup, stirred it well, took out the cake, poured the juice all over the batter and stirred it in as best as I could. (I was taking this to my mom’s and this was our first Christmas back to the state where we grew up. We were gone over 30 years and moved back in the spring and I wanted to bring something wonderful for the Christmas dinner). Yay! It was still wonderful! (note to myself – don’t think about want all needs to be done while trying to make something wonderful). Wishing you a wonderful New Year! ~ valerie ~
LOL (I think!). Poor thing! I hate when I do that! 😘
Do you have a copy of the book, A TREASURY OF THE FAMILIAR? Seems like you would enjoy it very much. We’ve had a copy in our home, always. Has all the old favorites poems, excerpts and treatises……
I do! Wonderful book!
MERRY CHRISTMAS (a little late) and a HAPPY, HEALTHY & BLESSED NEW YEAR…to Susan & Joe. You have made this past year so much more enjoyable with all of your posts & encouraging words & lovely photos/drawings/gifts. You are one of a kind & appreciated so much by myself & countless others.
Thank you dear Pat, very wonderful to have you here!
Such beautiful decorations,love the sideboard. It looks like you and Joe have a large slice of heaven. ❤️🎄 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🎈🎊
Same to you Gail!
Dear Susan, Joe, Rachel, Paul, Diana and Jack,
MERRY, HAPPY, BLESSED CHRISTMAS…..AND A HAPPY, HEALTHY 2019!!!! Only 8 more days left of Christmas and then sadly, all of the decorations will be packed away to rest until next year! I have read and re-read your beautiful Christmas Blog and enjoyed it very much, and also all of your twitters and tweets ❤️ I can see that all of you had a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS indeed!! I especially love the video with all of you singing Jingle Bells accompanied by that awesome ukulele playing!!😊 I am so glad that Rachel, Paul & Diana are with you for the Holiday!! What a perfect end to 2018!!! In a recent Twitter picture, Jack is laying beside you reading a book…what book are you reading? It looks like a WWII book. I am currently finishing a book by Susan Albert Wittig, called EISENHOWER’S WOMEN. I recently finished reading Kay Sommersby’s book, PAST FORGETTING, both are very good books that inspired me to buy Eisenhower’s book CRUSADE IN EUROPE, which I will read next. I ( of course ) HATE war, but have a deep interest in reading about the history that surrounded WWII. A few words on the page in the picture caught my eye and made me curious about the title. I wish you all Love, Good Health and Happiness in the coming New Year!! Safe traveling to Rachel, Paul & Diana!! XO
It’s the BEST Book! I love it so much. Ray’s mom picked it up, read a few pages, and went “WOW! Gotta have it.” It’s so well written. Called Troublesome Young Men … and just what you like, history surrounding the war. Everything we thought is turned around, so enlightening, so many commonalities with today’s news. Thank you for all your wonderful suggestions too! Happy 2019! xoxo
I checked out the book that you are reading and it sounds very good! I will be checking Amazon! The book that I am reading is THE GENERAL’S WOMEN….. ( NOT Eisenhower’s Women! ha! ….that title sounds a bit tacky I thought when I re-read my comment!!! )And it is by Susan Wittig Albert. I must have been in another zone when I commented awhile ago…I will attribute it to holiday fatigue! If you are interested in these books, read Kay Summersby’s book, PAST FORGETTING first…then when reading THE GENERAL’S WOMEN, everything will make a lot more sense. I am at the very end of the book and my heart is very heavy. THE GENERAL’S WOMEN is well documented and very well written, and in good taste. PAST FORGETTING was written at the very end of Kay Summersby’s life, and also well written and in good taste. Sadly she didn’t live to see it published. Good nite 🛌💤
Dear Susan,
Soooo sorry, to not being able to wish you and Joe a Happy Christmas….I tried last week, and before that too, but my messages seem to have vanished into thin air, grrrrrr So trying again!!
Oh your house looks so pretty, and I love Jack in your arms!!
We enjoyed your delicious Christmas cake, and we had a yummy apple crisp too..
We’ll start to take walks pretty soon, to work off some calories , haha!
I saw your beautiful sideboard, so nicely decorated and decided to copy your idea, ( with our piano) with some lovely paper snowflakes that sweet Rachel had sent to me….!
We were without internet a couple of days, and after that we were in London….That was the weekend before Christmas, and we took the boys to see the lights and decorations…..That was their Christmas present, and we all had such a lovely time, enjoying the lights, and we even managed to enjoy a nice “Cuppa” in Harrods and Fortnum and Mason too!
Gabri and I were there to see Sir Paul McCartney!!!! What a great concert, which lasted for more than 2 hours!! So many songs, new and oldies (obladi oblada….!!) and then Ron Wood and Ringo Starr came on stage to play along too….Lots of wonderful memories!!
Well, wish me luck, I’m going to send this again……
Well, wish me luck, I’m going to send this again……So I will wish you and Joe and all your loved ones a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!
And lots of love from
Obla-dee, obla-da . . . xoxo
Dear Susan,
Soooo sorry, to not being able to wish you and Joe a Happy Christmas….I tried last week, and before that too, but my messages seem to have vanished into thin air, grrrrrr So trying again!!
Oh your house looks so pretty, and I love Jack in your arms!!
We enjoyed your delicious Christmas cake, and we had a yummy apple crisp too..
We’ll start to take walks pretty soon, to work off some calories , haha!
I saw your beautiful sideboard, so nicely decorated and decided to copy your idea, ( with our piano) with some lovely paper snowflakes that sweet Rachel had sent to me….!
We were without internet a couple of days, and after that we were in London….That was the weekend before Christmas, and we took the boys to see the lights and decorations…..That was their Christmas present, and we all had such a lovely time, enjoying the lights, and we even managed to enjoy a nice “Cuppa” in Harrods and Fortnum and Mason too!
Gabri and I were there to see Sir Paul McCartney!!!! What a great concert, which lasted for more than 2 hours!! So many songs, new and oldies (obladi oblada….!!) and then Ron Wood and Ringo Starr came on stage to play along too….Lots of wonderful memories!!
Well, wish me luck, I’m going to send this again……So I will wish you and Joe and all your loved ones a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!
And lots of love from
I’m going to approve all of them, so you can see what I have . . . if you don’t get these, I’ll email you!
Hello Susan,
Oh my, you got ALL my replies……My boys looked and they couldn’t find out either, why the messages seem to vanish….
Anyway, just had a lovely hour, watching a wonderful BBC documentary called “the Lake District-a Wild year”, simply wonderful, making us feel very homesick….All those lambies in green fields, ahhhhh
So, i will send this off, in the hope you get it, and BTW, you can email me anytime:)
Happy sunday
It’s the people that host this site. They changed the format . . . it no longer says “waiting for moderation” the way it used to … just takes your comment and whisks it away … confusing everyone, not just you! Thank you for your patience! Makes me homesick to look at the photos of us in May . . . and I know I’ll cry at that BBC Doc, but I can’t wait to see it! Thank you! xoxo Happy New Year!
Dear Susan,
Soooo sorry, to not being able to wish you and Joe a Happy Christmas….I tried last week, and before that too, but my messages seem to have vanished into thin air, grrrrrr So trying again!!
Oh your house looks so pretty, and I love Jack in your arms!!
We enjoyed your delicious Christmas cake, and we had a yummy apple crisp too..
We’ll start to take walks pretty soon, to work off some calories , haha!
I saw your beautiful sideboard, so nicely decorated and decided to copy your idea, ( with our piano) with some lovely paper snowflakes that sweet Rachel had sent to me….!
We were without internet a couple of days, and after that we were in London….That was the weekend before Christmas, and we took the boys to see the lights and decorations…..That was their Christmas present, and we all had such a lovely time, enjoying the lights, and we even managed to enjoy a nice “Cuppa” in Harrods and Fortnum and Mason too!
Gabri and I were there to see Sir Paul McCartney!!!! What a great concert, which lasted for more than 2 hours!! So many songs, new and oldies (obladi oblada….!!) and then Ron Wood and Ringo Starr came on stage to play along too….Lots of wonderful memories!!
Well, wish me luck, I’m going to send this again……So I will wish you and Joe and all your loved ones a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!
And lots of love from
I wrote you back . . . and saw several others, but didn’t put them up because they were the same, are you getting this Nicoline? I hope so!!
test test
i feel very blessed. im happy to have a warm house bed and food
when i served with my sisters group feeding the homeless
i come home and thank god for everything . i jsve. do blessed.
Know just how you feel Cathleen, Thank you! xoxo
What a beautiful post and I love your use of white and snowflakes on the doily as that was such a cute idea. Hallmark’s “A Godwink Christmas” with Kathilee Gifford has made us want to visit Martha’s Vineyard. (The story of the owners of The Charlotte Inn) Your story would make a wonderful Hallmark movie!
You need a train ornament!
Your home is completely charming!!! This is my first visit but it surely won’t be my last! Happy New Year from the mountains of upstate NY!
Hi Susan, We were alone this holiday season. I felt sad so I reread all three of your wonderful books. I love them and they made me feel better. I know you don’t know me but I feel like your my friend. Happy New Year and may God shine on you this new year.
Love, Lucy
Dear Susan, I know I am late , but I am so glad I waited to open this because already by 8:35am I have had a bad morning and a funk had set in… Enjoying your posts have rejuvenated my spirit and and I smiling with happy tears.. I know everyone has already said the many joyous tidings to you that needed to be said, I just wanted to share that throughout 2018 I was most delighted to read your trilogy of books, Fairy Tale Girl, A Fine Romance and Isle of Dreams. You transported me around the world, but I especially loved Isle of Dreams.. Life on the island sounds so amazing… Anyway, I am so taken by my whole collection of your books that I used them in a place of honor in my Christmas decor this year.. Right there stacked on the dining room hutch.. just to let all my friends and family know just how much they mean to me…May your new year ring true with delightful gifts from on earth and from heaven and your home exude joy!
You sweetheart! Yes, this Island opened the world to me. I will be forever grateful! Blessings on you and yours for a wonderful healthy, happy, and productive 2019. xoxo
“Happiest of New Years” to you Susan, Joe & Jack too!
I love this post the most because it reminds me of a lovely quote by *Jane Austin*: “There is nothing like staying at HOME for real comfort”
Much Peace & God’s Blessing to you dear heart & thank you for all you do 🙂