Love, Groundhogs, and Memory

Good Morning . . . We have it all today! Love, Groundhogs, and Memories, on this first day of February. But first off I need to tell you about our new favorite TV series, the Detectorists. Have you seen it? It’s a comedy about the little things in life and the extremely eccentric members of the Danebury Metal Detecting Club as they search for ancient treasure in the English countryside. What’s not to love? You can see it on Amazon or Acorn. So funny! Rachel told me about it, and she was right. It’s adorable. I’ve fallen in love with the theme MUSICA. The lead players remind me of the guys in the Full Monty, only they keep their clothes on. Watch if you can! Let me know what you think!

Okay, get something hot to drink, grab a Kleenex (just in case you cry) and come back. I’m about to jump around, subject-wise!

Hello! ‘Tis Moi! Rabbit Rabbit! Happy February! So much to tell you! Starting with Groundhog Day because it’s happening TOMORROW! 

Treat yourself to a cozy evening and this delicious comfort-food winter dinner . . .  If you click on the link, you’ll see I wrote that the recipe for Onion “Punxsutawney” Pudding “wasn’t in a cookbook yet” ~ at that time it wasn’t, but it is now! If you have the 30th Anniversary of Heart of the Home, it’s on page 76. The Pineapple Spareribs are on p. 105.❤️ (Ooops, just noticed I left the 2 cups of pineapple juice out of the recipe above!😜 It’s in the book though!) This dinner does double duty ~ it’s perfect for Groundhog Day; light a few candles and it’s a romantic Valentine Dinner. I am hoping Punxsutawney Phil doesn’t see his shadow tomorrow! Although, I’m enjoying this lovely quiet winter now that I’m finally over that flu or whatever it was that attacked us in January!

I’ve been painting like crazy. Back to my normal ways of up early, dialing up the heat, filling my water dish, getting my tea, feeding Jack, turning on lamps as I walk through the house to the studio, quiet, just me and my kitty. Joe’s asleep and wants nothing to do with us! I’ve been painting for the 2021 calendars. I laugh because I signed the contract to do the 2021 calendars in 2019, they will arrive at our studio in 2020. This is why I never know what year it is! 

I don’t know what I’m going to do with this, maybe put him in a calendar, but I decided I couldn’t live any longer without a Jack finger puppet, so I painted him. That was a few hours of joy! 

He ignores me. Although he just walked across my lap to curl up here . . . 

. . . in my open desk drawer. Next life I’m coming back as one of my cats.

Hope you’re enjoying your calendars this year! For all of you with the English Countryside Calendar on your wall, I thought you might like to see February in the 12 x 12 wall calendar ⬆️! 

And for you with the Wall Calendar, here’s February in the English Countryside! Don’t want you to miss anything!  Hooray for February!

No matter which calendar, time-wise, they have everything in common! At the end of the month, we’re getting something we’re always wishing for, MORE TIME …it’s Leap Year! Make a plan for the 29th because you won’t see it again until 2024! If you haven’t seen the the movie, Leap Year , this would be an excellent time to do so. Such a fun movie, filmed all over Ireland, Amy Adams and Mathew Goode (Mary’s husband), put it on your calendar, you’ll love it. Mas MUSICA? . . . Speaking of putting things on your calendar . . . I promised to tell you about 
the Mother’s Day Tea/Twine booksigning events in Duxbury, Massachussets as soon as the dates were firm ~ And they are! It’s going to be amazing. Picture a room filled with spring flowers, teapots and garden clippings, with grandmothers, mothers, daughters and sisters (Husbands, grandfathers, dads, and brothers are welcome too!), a room filled with friendship, community, connection, books, hats, England, joy, kindred spirits, and a catered meal (they’re making recipes from my books!) that has both a Julia Child, AND a Prince Harry and Meghan connection ~ all in celebration of Mother’s Day!!! YES! YES! YES! We want everyone who would like to come, to join us … so we decided to do not one, but two events to make sure everyone gets a ticket. The first event will be a catered “Light Supper with Wine” (Twine!) on Wednesday, May 6, from 4 to 7 pm. The next day, on Thursday, May 7, from 1 to 3 pm, we’re having “An English Lunch with Tea.” For both events, I’ll be doing a presentation ~ I’m thrilled to be doing a show and tell with my favorite photos of the English Countryside, a little bit about history, maybe a dab of ancestry, and every wonderful thing I can think of about Beatrix Potter, including our Picnic at Castle Cottage. On top of that, each guest will receive their very own copy of the first chapter of ENCHANTED, my new book-in-progress! Andrea, the person in charge of this event, has many other little surprises, but they’re a secret . . . she’s as excited as I am. So, what’s on your calendar for May??? Registration begins 8 am, March 24th … online at ~ they’ve put nothing on their website yet, it’s too early. Put “Tickets!” on your calendar for March 24th so you don’t forget! Bring your mom, your sister, your best friend, and come! New England is beautiful in May!This is where we’ll meet, at 10 Mayflower Street in the charming New England seaside town of Duxbury (settled in 1632), just up the coast from historic Plymouth (where the Mayflower landed), and about 45 minutes south of Boston.

So how about a few more reasons to love February ~ the month that celebrates LOVE! …  But, first some flowers, and then a story, and then a surprise.

Joe stopped at the florist on his way home yesterday and brought us this big breath of fresh air. Aren’t they the cheeriest?You know I’ve always said that Valentine’s Day is for women, because it’s US who’re crazy about it, the idea of it, the romance of it, the hearts, lace, chocolates, musica. But there’s all kinds of Valentine love isn’t there? And for so many of us, best friends, moms and sisters are the best Valentine’s we could ever hope for. We should make sure all of our beloveds gets a Valentine. A card is enough, via snail mail, in a real envelope with a real stamp!💖We’re lucky, we found so many kindred spirits when we found each other! From EVERYWHERE: the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, England, Wales, Canada, France, and Spain, to Texas, Georgia, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Washington, Tennessee, Ohio, California, Minnesota, Florida, Alabama, Indiana, Arizona, Illinois, North Carolina, Virginia, and Kansas ~ from sea to shining sea and across this beautiful world that gets smaller every day. And we found everything in common, kindness, tolerance, acceptance, home, family, petty-pets, cooking, sewing, beauty, England, tea, memories, china dishes, little vases, creativity, table settings, books, yard sales, movies, quilts, the moon, sunrises, and sunsets, to name a few.

We’ve been through all seasons, we’ve fed chickens, celebrated first snows, first daffodils, 4th of July, and fireflies. We’ve gone back to school, and sent our thanks and encouragement to our teacher and nurse girlfriends. We’ve branched out to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram ~ to bookstores, picnics, and even ocean liners … where we’ve connected with even more kindred spirits. We’ve shared our laughter, our parents, our children, our holidays, and our travels, our joys, our silliness, and yes, our losses. Every so often our hearts break when we lose someone; we do it together, say goodbye to a pet, a husband, a dad, a sister, a child, a best friend. But that’s what life is, it’s sunshine and shadow, it’s connection, it’s EVERYTHING, and that’s what we are, Everything. Which brings me to a sweet memory and a kind of miracle. Three years ago, just yesterday, we lost our Girlfriend Karen Peterson. Many of you remember her, those of us that met her saw the lovelight in her eyes. She is gone, but her sweetness is remembered, and she left a legacy of love. Read on, you’ll see.

Got your Kleenex? This is me with Karen. Yesterday our Girlfriend Doreen left a letter in the comment section of the blog. I knew this story would resonate and asked if I could share it with you and she said yes ~ so here we go, to you and me, from Doreen: 

Hi Susan, I have a little story I think might bring a smile to your face and a warmness within your heart.
Many years ago….I came to your blog and met some of the nicest women. One of the was Karen Peterson. I’m not sure if you remember her but Rosie had you autograph a napkin for her and so did Joe during one of your book signings. Well anyway… Karen and I became good friends after meeting here on your blog. We’d chat on the phone, send messages by snail mail, buy little gifts for each other and became such good friends.
If you remember me, you will remember my husband was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor back five years ago.( I shared that on your blog). Karen would get up in the middle of the night and check on me online. (Richard was unable to sleep because of the steroids he was on) . She’d bake cookies and mail them to him. (which he loved) Then when he passed, Karen was always just a phone call away. She’d cry with me and provided me with such loving emotional support.
Well, about eight months later, Karen herself was diagnosed with the exact same thing. She passed three years ago today. Karen would share with her husband Gregory that if he need any emotional support or had questions, to call me. Gregory knew who I was because of Karen telling him what was going on. I’d call and talk to Karen while she was on her cancer journey. Gregory would call every so often just to talk, share his grief and we’d cry and share memories together.💔 We did this for several years until around 8 months ago when we started talking more often to each other. Then one day he said something and it caught me by surprise. I said, “Greg…are you flirting with me?” He responded with “Yes…I think I am!” and that is when it all started happening. We are now currently engaged to be married. He proposed to me on Jan. 21st. of this year. We are looking forward to marrying in the near future.
So…needless to say…we have both found happiness again. Something both of us thought we’d never find. Especially because I live in Florida
and he lives in Wisconsin!!!! This, my friend, is all because of your blog! If I hadn’t met Karen here…Greg and I wouldn’t have ever met each other. It goes to prove…becoming friends and maintaining that friendship has really nothing to do with physically meeting… it has to do with the connections of hearts… the hearts of kindred spirits. I look forward to continuing my loving friendships with the others I’ve met here like Rosie, Georgie, and Cynthia to name a few. Our ability to share in the joy of finding happiness because of this blog has not gone unnoticed. We’ve formed friendships that will last as long as our earthly journeys do. I would share with you the picture of the napkin you and Joe signed for Karen, but I don’t think this page will allow me to upload it. It’s in a frame hanging in the bedroom. It’s a reminder to me how so many different women found and share a wonderful friendship….all because our kindred spirits met here…beginning with you! You tie to altogether for us. One beautiful sisterhood! EMC!  ~ Doreen ~

Wasn’t that beautiful? It’s all of us together, really. I’m so happy for them, for Doreen and Greg, and for the memories of Karen and Richard. Somehow I think Karen pulled this whole thing together. Unbelievable, Florida and Wisconsin! You just never know what life has in store for you.💞 

And so, before I go, before the surprise, I have a few little Valentines I thought you might like . . . little things to help make someone’s day.💖

This is Joe’s Valentine breakfast ~ waffles! Kids love them too! We have heart-shaped waffle makers that use no electricity, cook on a burner, and work like a charm ~ they come complete with my waffle recipe and make you look like magic!

For you, a Valentine bookmark to keep or tuck in with your Valentine cards… click HERE, print on card stock, and laminate if you like.

And back, by popular demand, Secret Notes!!! A little box of 32 love notes to put into pockets, backpacks, purses, and gift bags!

And Banners!!! Janie made us lots of darling banners . . .  And, here’s the SURPRISE . . .  my Valentine’s Gift to you . . . a giveaway . . . 

. . . two of my favorite cups, good for Valentines, but good for year round! Just leave a message in the comment section and you’ll be entered . . . in a few days we’ll have a drawing and off they will go to the lucky winner!❤️ You will be happy no matter if you’re left-handed or . . .

. . . right-handed . . . big, 16 oz, thin-lipped, fine bone china, limited-edition cups made in luv-lee England.And this reminder, from me to you with love. Take a deep breath and remember, if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. We need you. xoxox

Heigh-ho heigh-ho, it’s back to work I go . . .  don’t forget to leave a word or two if you’d like a chance to win those cups! Look right there ⬇️ for a tiny number and the word “comments” … click there and leave a message. Have fun Girlfriends, Happy February! ❌⭕️

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2,411 Responses to Love, Groundhogs, and Memory

  1. Deborah Smith says:

    I love having my tea in one of your original nature cup. I just adore all of your products. I buy your wall calendar every year and pocket calendar every two. I have every cookbook when they were originally sold. I wishyou would do more written stuff.❤️

  2. Janice Burzlaff says:

    What a delight your newsletter is! I look forward to each issue. I’ve read a good bit of it and have the rest to enjoy later. Thank you!!

  3. Nancy Petray says:

    Grabbed a cup of hot peppermint tea and read your post. The British shows are the best! I will have to have a look-see at the ‘Detectorists’. Looking forward to checking out ‘Mum’ too.

  4. Amy B. says:

    Your blog is so beautiful and refreshing. I love that I come away feeling hugged and optimistic. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. 💗

  5. Barb says: your post! So moving and uplifting. It’s excatly what we need to hear and be Thankful for… does make the world go round!! Happy ❤day to you and Joe!

  6. Nancy Horn says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day and a gorgeous Valentine’s Day too!!!

    I love your work and especially loved your Isle of Dreams!! I’m planning a move to the Cape this year in semi-retirement!

    My beautiful Cape Cod lifelong summer girlfriend bought me your calendar for Christmas and I ADORE it! I can’t wait to share a special tea party with my dear friend and I’d love to be the keeper of these lovely loving mugs! Sending hugs and cups of cheer to you Susan! Thank you for being such a bright spot in this world! ♥️♥️♥️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

  7. Lynn B says:

    This put a little happy in an unexpected day in the hospital ❤ Love those lovely cups! Let’s spread love everywhere! 😍

  8. Luanne Simon says:

    I love your mugs!❤️ I have thoroughly enjoyed Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams and Fairytale Girl. I have been a longtime fan since you did a book signing at The Secret Garden many years ago. My kitchen is not complete without your calendar!

  9. Barbara Bushnell says:

    A dear friend recently sent me the quote below from Elizabeth Berg’s FB page reminding me that my posts were examples of living life like this. You have been the inspiration for me to make sure every possible moment brings me joy. Thank you!
    “I guess I mean to say that everything you do, counts. That the little choices you make in a day add up to the life you give yourself, and, by extension, to others.
    I long for more attention to be paid, even it’s only to have the lovely little lift that comes from seeing cream get poured from a flowered pitcher.” -E Berg

  10. Janet Hundley says:

    I am a true believer in serendipity. After all, it’s how I stumbled on my first Susan Branch book so many years ago. All the other books, stationery, teapots, note cards, calendars, stickers, etc. were searched for in earnest after that. I can’t wait to check out the Detectorists. Happy Valentine’s Day to all.

  11. Kathie Goodwin says:

    This is the best newsletter.❤️ There’s so much quirky, lovely, funny, memorable and interesting stuff in here! I will read and re-read this. I just live all the pictures. Many of them take me back! Thanks for writing! Oh, and I have my 2020 wall calendar, among other SB items. I have had Susan Branch calendars for many years. Flipping over to a new month is a present for me each month. Thanks so much.🌻⭐️☕️

  12. Amy Murrell-Haunold says:

    You have a long time fan in Alaska too! Your quotes never fail to make me think. Thank you for sharing your art and so much of your life! Chilly Alaska hugs!

  13. Bonnie Crawford says:

    I loved that Love Story of Greg and Doreen!! 🥰♥️😘😍. It’s extra special for me because I was one of Karen Peterson‘s penpals, and we met right here, through the Friends of Susan Branch on Facebook! I loved her so much, and we became very close through letters, and lots of phone calls! We also exchanged gifts, and she was such a sweetheart… Every time I come across one of the gifts she sent me, I am filled with sadness, but happy that her love legacy has carried on to so many girlfriends here…♥️♥️♥️
    I’ll never forget one day when I called her, and she told me she was in the hospital, and just diagnosed with a brain tumor. I just felt sick, and couldn’t believe it! That was in September, and she passed away at the end of January. Through our letters and phone calls, I could see her failing, and it really broke my heart… 💔. I am now so happy for Greg, that he and Doreen have found each other! 💕💞❣️ I know that Karen is watching down on him, and is very happy about this union to come!❤️❤️ Thank you Sue, for sharing their story with us! 🥰♥️😘😍. xoxo 😘

  14. April O'Toole says:

    Always full of hope and love Susan! Thank you!

  15. Patty Volner says:

    Love Stays, thank you Susan!

  16. Kelle Perreault says:

    Thanks you for bringing joy into my life and some very delicious recipes!

  17. Laurie Walt says:

    What a beautiful story about 2 friends and a upcoming wedding!❤️ Best friends are a treasure and I love hearing about people who get second chances. You and Joe are fine examples of love and friendship Susan! I had an Aunt Gloria who was married to Uncle Leo for 65 years. Precious people. They passed away within 6 months of each other. My husband and I hope to pass on the same day…it can happen. As always your post is an inspiration to many. Love.

  18. Suzanne Conlon says:

    Beautiful story, and as always I come away from reading this blog feeling calmer, about life! THANK YOU!!

  19. Linda Hanson says:

    Hi Susan!
    I was also at the tea and book-signing event where you and Karen were photographed. I sat next to Karen and so enjoyed chatting with her! That day was so joyful and fun! My good friend (met through your earlier Goshen, IN book signing) Lynn Marie just posted about this. Thanks for sharing Karen’s story. Wishing much happiness to her husband and friend. They have a bond due to their shared experiences.
    I am looking forward to trying your Punxsutawney Pudding! And so looking forward to your next book!
    Thanks for the Valentine bookmark. I would absolutely love winning the beautiful mugs!
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Joe!

    • sbranch says:

      Lovely Linda! I always think everyone is having such fun while they are waiting in line at booksignings, I can hear all the talk and laughter and it’s all I can do not to jump out of my chair and be part of it! It’s the kindred spirit syndrome!

  20. Joyce Ryan. says:

    The store about Karen was so touching. We don’t always know the plans for our life but we know who is in control. This was a lovely blog and I can’t wait for your new book to transport me again to enjoying your travels. Thank you for all you do to brighten our days.

  21. Susan Raney says:

    Very touching post! Thanks for sharing this beautiful story!

  22. Anne Norquist Hegg says:

    Thank you for always brightening my day!

  23. CHRISTY ETTER says:

    Hi Susan,

    It has been a while since I’ve commented on one of your posts…but this one just hit me in all of the feels. What a joyful end to two beautiful and sad love stories. I wish Doreen and Greg the very best.

    I just reread your trilogy (for the 3rd time!) again. I just have to say that you are a beacon of sunshine, love and warmth when all seems bleak and dark and stormy in the world. I just find that your books (and your blog) are my escape places. The ugliness that is right outside the windows (or on our computer and TV screens) just gets to be overwhelming these days. I just have to disconnect from it all. So at home I curl up with a warm cuppa in one of my two beautiful SB mugs given to me by the best Bestie any girl ever had, and love on my kitties and read or do crochet.

    I have my SB calendar on my wall at the office and it brings me so much joy and an all-over feeling of the warm fuzzies when I look at it. It is my escape-to when I’m at work.

    Thank you for all of the joy your bring to me and all of the girlfriends. Please don’t ever stop!

    Christy in SoTex

    • sbranch says:

      You remind me, I could write a book about what it means to be human. We REQUIRE beauty and peace, as we do air and water. I’m so glad to see you finding it for yourself. It’s more difficult all the time, we just have to close the door, heat the kettle, it’s the little things, and as I can see you already know, we’re in charge of those.

      • Debbie Boerger says:

        Very much agree. So did Epicurus. A Few Days in Athens, by Frances Wright says this beautifully. Jefferson said he loved the little book. All about Home, Hearth, Beauty, Good Friends, and Love……not debauchery. Maybe just a little, second helping of apple crisp? Happy Day, Dear Lady.

  24. Francine Ramsey says:

    Hello Susan and “Happy Heart Day” to you & Joe!

    My heart is filled with”happy”, having just read your blog. What a poignant story about Doreen and Greg! Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Franny R

  25. Peggy Cooper says:

    Wonderful post! Makes me think I need to get several valentines to send to friends who are far away. I’ve been guilty of just keeping in touch through Facebook and Christmas cards, and that’s not nearly enough for the wonderful people who have been in my life over the ages. And kudos to Joe for such beautiful flowers!

  26. Mary Z in NYC says:

    Hi Susan.
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Please put Jack in the calendar! He always puts a smile on my face!

  27. Julie Camell says:

    Loved the story about Karen, very sweet and a miracle!♥ Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours. May your hearts overflow with love and grace for all.

  28. Sara Langley De Costa Graffam says:

    Thank you Susan !! Love is in the air ! xx Sara

  29. Christina Edwards says:

    Hi Susan! My last post went to “comment heaven” so I thought I’d try again. It might be just as well. I was focussed on politics and while patriotism is important, love of people and life is even more valuable. You’ve taught me that. The entire time I was reading Love, Groundhogs , and Memory, the song “This One’s For The Girls” kept rattling around in my brain. I don’t know if your familiar with the lyrics..but the chorus starts “This one’s for the girls who’ve ever had a broken heart, Who’ve wished upon a shooting star, You’re beautiful the way you are ” Then “This one’s for the girls who love without holding back, Who dream with everything they have, All around the world, This one’s for the girls.” You really dedicate each blog to us.I think we all feel your kindness with every love story, picture of a heart waffle maker and generous give away. I just wanted you to know that. ALL My Best ~ NINA

    • sbranch says:

      Waaaah! 😘 It truly is a two-way street! I get what I give. It’s the connection and your words mean the world to me!

    • ~Del gato gordo y descarado~ says:

      This One’s for the Girls
      Martina McBride
      This is for all you girls about thirteen,
      High school can be so rough can be so mean,
      Hold on to on to your innocence,
      Stand your ground when everybody’s givin’ in.
      This one’s for the girls
      This is for all you girls about twenty five,
      In little apartments just tryin’ to get by,
      Livin’ on on dreams and spaghetti-o’s,
      Wonderin’ where your life is gonna go.
      This one’s for the girls,
      Who’ve ever had a broken heart,
      Who’ve wished upon a shooting star,
      You’re beautiful the way you are,
      This one’s for the girls,
      Who love without holdin’ back,
      Who dream with everything they have,
      All around the world,
      This one’s for the girls.
      This is for all you girls about forty two,
      Tossin’ pennies into the fountain of youth,
      Every laugh line on your face,
      Made you who you are today.
      This one’s for the girls,
      Who’ve ever had a broken heart,
      Who’ve wished upon a shooting star,
      You’re beautiful the way you are,
      This one’s for the girls,
      Who love without holdin’ back,
      Who dream with everything they have,
      All around the world,
      This one’s for the girls.
      Yeah we’re all the same inside,
      From one to ninety nine
      This one’s for the girls,
      Who’ve ever had a broken heart,
      Who’ve wished upon a shooting star,
      You’re beautiful the way you are,
      This one’s for the girls,
      Who love without holdin’ back,
      Who dream with everything they have,
      All around the world,
      This one’s for the girls.
      Source: LyricFind
      Songwriters: Hillary Lindsey / Chris Lindsey / Aimee Mayo

      • sbranch says:

        Truest of the true: we do not change as we age, what a surprise! Thank you!!!

        “This one’s for the girls.
        Yeah we’re all the same inside,
        From one to ninety nine . . .”

  30. Katherine says:

    Such a heartwarming story! Thanks so much for sharing.

  31. Joni says:

    Lovely! Just a lovely blog post on a dreary day:)

  32. Renee ODell says:

    I feel like I’ve missed out. I wish I had found you years ago. What peace and beauty you share! Two things I am desperate to incorporate into my new life (starting over after 30 years of marriage). Looking forward to catching up and, fingers crossed, making new friends.

    • sbranch says:

      Welcome, now is a very good time for us to meet! I have a book about starting over that you might like, called Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams … wishing you all the very best! xoxo

  33. Gale Eley says:

    Always love your posts and drawings and this time especially loved the story of Doreen and Greg.

  34. judy young says:

    Wonderful blog Susan, as always! So nice to hear from Rachel! Lovely Valentine story of Doreen and Greg, congratulations to them both on their upcoming wedding. My oldest son is getting married on February 29, Leap Year Day! We are very much looking forward to that, it promises to be a fairytale wedding. Mild winter here in North Texas so far, tomorrow may change that. They are predicting cold rain, freezing rain, snow and thunder sleet!! I made a big pot of pinto beans with a ham hock and some Mexican Cornbread with lots of cheese and jalopenos, so we can stay in and be warm. I had to retire in December to stay home and take care of my husband, David. He is diagnosed with Parkinson’s and Alzheimers Disease at 73. Getting so frail and weak, I have no idea what the future holds for us. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Joe and to all the girlfriends here. I could use a penpal, sounds fun!

  35. Jennifer L Espinoza says:

    Inspiring post. Lovely story. Making connections and spreading the love – it’s what we need now more than ever.

  36. Audrianne Hill says:

    I think it is so sweet and wonderful that a friendship began due to your blog and after comforting each other’s souls, Doreen and Greg found love with each other.

  37. Carla says:

    I am always so excited when you have a new blog! They are always full of sweetness and light. Thank you for brightening my day!

  38. Jacquelyn ROWBERRY says:

    Thank you for sharing your talents and joy with us. I have been a follower of yours for years. I love your calendars and cut out your artwork to make cards for my friends later on. You are a ray of sunshine. And yes, I’d love to win your beautiful mugs. Thanks. Xoxo

  39. Shirley B Wells says:

    I’ve never met anyone else who watches The Detectorists! Such a fun and quirky little show.

  40. Dianne Vanderwende says:

    Dear Susan, Just hoping I will be fortunate enough to win this drawing for the beautiful mugs. Thank you for the chance.

  41. Kathy Roberts says:

    Thanks for sharing the lovely love story!

  42. Carolyn mason says:

    Love ❤️ those cups!

  43. Gail Bird says:

    So great to have another post hot on the trail of the previous post! We are enjoying a bit more sunniness each day here in Northern Minnesota. The sunsets are glowing pink across the still snow covered fields and the willow tips have a golden tint. Now for some warmth to creep across the days, and we will be all set!
    Love your blog. Would love a Valentine mug.
    Best to you

  44. Cindy Maulin says:

    Hi Susan…
    Lovely February blog… the month we love to celebrate L♥️VE! I, too, have made everlasting friendships because of your blog and our mutual love for all things Susan Branch. Tonight, in just a few minutes, I have my book club meeting. Happy Readers Book Club is a Twitter book club that was formed after a few of us realized that we enjoyed each other’s company so much after meeting through SB blog, we’d extend the talking to reading and talking!! We are from all over the place…. California, Georgia, Texas, Minnesota, Florida, Ohio, Tennessee, Illinois, Wales, with a few guests here and there. Some of us have met and some of us are planning to meet in the near future. We check in with each other almost everyday but we meet for a book gab fest on the first Tuesday of the month!!! Thank you Susan… for spreading the L♥️ are an elf!!! I gotta go… girlfriends calling!!!♥️♥️♥️Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

  45. Glenda Carlson says:

    A joy to get the news letter!

  46. Jan Davidson says:

    Things that start with “V” I am thankful for…..

    Voices singing love songs
    Victories through Jesus our Lord
    Visits to family and friends
    Vast American countryside
    Violins playing sweet music
    Veins out blood runs through
    Valentines sending love our way!
    Violets so sweet sent to me by a young boys crush.
    Villages in the countryside
    Veterans oh how we thank you
    Vianet my special friend
    Views so majestic
    Vegetables yum
    Vacation to England etc.
    Vase for lovely flowers
    Veil on wedding day

    Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  47. Christine Auwae says:

    Thank you for bringing all the coziness into our homes with your products! And thank you for this giveaway!

  48. Catherine Carpenter says:

    Thanks for another enchanting blog post, Kindred Spirit!

  49. Sally says:

    Love your blogs and all, Susan. THANKS

  50. Susanne Daly says:

    I always love reading your blog.. so much love to be shared this Valentine season…❤️

  51. Christine Auwae says:

    Thank you for all the coziness into our homes with your lovely products! And thank you for this giveaway!

  52. Richele says:

    Thankful for you sharing your day, your home and your ❤️! Wish you and Your hubby Joe a very special Valetines Day!

  53. phyllis davidson says:

    love this blog… will watch the detectivists… have been celebrating and cooking with you for years….my valentines read… the love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay
    “……………………………………….love isn’t love ’til you give ut away….
    i soooo appreciate you… thank you,,,,!!!



  54. Susie Milligan says:

    Wonderful letter this month. So enjoy hearing all comments.

  55. Ann Pieta says:

    Dear Susan,
    This past year, I introduced my mom to your website. But back in 1996, she had purchased one of your little books, Christmas Joy, and given it to me. My mom has been enjoying your website so much, and do you know that she bought me three of your books for me this Christmas!! It was so thoughtful of her!! Thank you for all the loveliness you inspire!!

    • sbranch says:

      My very favorite is the connections I sometimes get to have between moms and daughters ~ reminds me of my own mom and the things we loved together. Thank you Ann… say hello to her for me!

  56. Deborah Cox says:

    So nice to see your painting in the works. Another great newsletter with a perfect love story for this month of love. Love and hugs to you.

  57. Sheri Bodi says:

    What a lovely story-especially for Valentine’s Day! Your blog is always a highlight to my day! I love the Pledge for a Best Friend-so true and so truly special are our best friends. Happy Valentines Day!

  58. Barbara says:

    I loved Doreen’s story! Thank you so much for sharing it.

  59. Ellen Eastman says:

    What a lovely story about Doreen and Greg!

  60. Tracey Renfro says:

    Have loved your books for long time. Use the square calendar each year for pet sitting schedule.

  61. Ann Edwards says:

    I love my Bella Luna cup! Gorgeous!

  62. Diane Froebel says:

    Loved seeing the can of brown bread! My mom was from Maine. Although we lived in Texas, every Saturday our dinner was hot brown bread and homemade baked beans in her Yankee bean pot (still have the pot).

  63. Nancy from Annapolis says:

    “Keep on the Sunny Side” by The Whites ( on You Tube) is one of my favorite tunes.

  64. Laura says:

    Just binge watched the first season of the Detectorists. It is a brilliant little show! Thanks for the recommendation, I knew I could trust one from you. lol!

  65. Wendy Conger says:

    Karen. I got to meet her at your Illinois book signing. I loved her right away. Absolutely loved her. What a sweet story from Doreen. God is good. 💕💕

  66. Dana Wild says:

    I love your writing. But I also love seeing Jack. Whether it be a picture or a painting, he’s a special kitty. Thank you for a chance to win these mugs. (((hugs))) Dana Wild

  67. Diana Carthel says:

    Susan I have been a big fan of yours for so long. I enjoy your blog but haven’t stopped to tell you until now. Thank you for sharing so much of your talents!

  68. Teri Churchill says:

    Love the old-fashioned valentines in this blog!

  69. Caroline Rogers says:

    What an incredible story! You never know what lies around the bend. Thank you.

  70. Angela says:

    I loved The Detectorists! My husband metal detects so it was his idea to watch it but I ended up totally hooked on the series.

  71. susan Piddington says:

    Dear Sue and Joe
    So glad that you and Joe are now feeling better. Am enjoying my Calendar full of pictures of England. Can’t wait for your new book, and your child’s Christmas book. Can’t wait to see what direction you took with it. Will it be a fictional story, or a story based on a Stewart Christmas, or a child’s Christmas on the Isle of Martha’s Vineyard.
    Have a great day,
    Love , Sue

  72. Diane says:

    I never read your blog when it first arrives. It gives me a lovely cosy feeling knowing I have something lovely waiting to be read. Then when the time is right I snuggle down and lose myself in your words.x

  73. Thank you for another beautiful blog post, Susan! The story Doreen shared is heartbreaking, but also very beautiful. Life is certainly fleeting, which is why we should plant nothing but love! Nat xx

  74. Laura says:

    I already have the valentines for the kiddos in my life. Now I need to get some chocolates for my folks and I’m good.

  75. Kris says:

    It is a Joy to read your blog… Thank you for the sunshine!!:)

  76. Julie Allen says:

    I’m six months into being a widow after 41 years of a fine romance❤️ My love story ended abruptly and with no warning. I’m walking this journey with such dear girl friends. There is no distance or clocks that can keep us apart, On this Valentine’s Day each will receive one of your little dishes that has the quote, “Take courage, dear heart” by
    CS Lewis. I love the Chronicles of Narnia series and have been rereading them durning this time of unbearable sorrow. Aslan telling Lucy to Take Courage! Thank you for posting this sweet romance chapter Two for Doreen and Greg. What would life be without friends and courage ❤️
    Happy Valentines Day!

    • sbranch says:

      Unspeakable sorrow. Sending my very best girlfriend hugs and love to you Julie. Blessings on you and your wonderful friends. xoxoxo

      • Julie says:

        Happy first date anniversary! Our’s was April 16, 1976. Funny how those awkward first few hours turning into a life time of love and commitment. Cheers to awkward first dates that never end❤️

    • Maureen Graham says:

      Have you read Becoming Mrs Lewis by Patti Callahan? I’m so sorry for your loss.

      • Julie says:

        No, not yet. But I have been reading some of CS Lewis excerpts on his grief journey after the lost of his wife. Thank you for telling me❤️🌸

  77. Teresa O says:

    Each time I read your blog I am inspired & reminded to embrace the simple things in life. Thank you for creating a corner filled with beauty in a sometimes ugly world.

    Have a wonderful day, Susan!

  78. Laura says:

    I would love to “virtually toast” with you using one of your beautiful cups! Happy V Day!

  79. Debbie says:

    What a perfectly lovely way to start a snowy day! Happy Heart Month!

  80. Kathy H. says:

    It’s so pleasant to read your cheery comments on a gray morning. Thank you! Best wishes for a Happy Valentine’s Day.

  81. Melinda D. says:

    Your blog is always so uplifting and always seem to catch me on just the day when I need some positive thoughts. Thank you for just being you!

  82. Nancy Gardner says:

    Thank you for sharing your life and your adorable kitty. When you wrote grab a Kleenex, I thought, I hope you won’t say your retiring. I would miss you so much. Thank you for sharing the beautiful story full of pain turned to joy and friendship turned to romance. Thank you for getting up every and continuing to paint and make the world a kinder and more lovely place.

  83. Rachel W. says:

    I have been making my Valentines for a long time, and oddly enough, my brothers are the happiest recipients of those cards. When my younger brother moved to Colorado several years ago, he took very few possessions with him until he had found an apartment. One of the items he did take was a shoe box full of the Valentines I had made for him. When I started that tradition, I never knew how important it would become to other people.

  84. Barbara Sheets says:

    On a dreary day with lots of worries, your blog lifted my spirits!

  85. Donna Hardin says:

    Ahh, another wonderful post. Thank you…Your talent continues to amaze and inspire! Have a great February!! Spring is on the way!.

  86. Judy says:

    I was so happy to see your latest blog-wonderful as usual. This crazy world needs more people like you-people with heart
    It’s like getting a letter from a best friend which you’ve become.

  87. Patti says:

    Thanks for sharing your recipes and stories with us. I’m always excited when I see a new post from you. I usually read them at the end of the day when it’s time to relax and I can take my time and enjoy your shared thoughts.

  88. Debbie Boerger says:

    Thank you, Dear Susan, for being here for all of us. I’m working my way through the comments. They remind me of how resilient women are, and how we love and care for each other during the best and worst of times.
    Mucho Love,
    Debbie in Tampa

  89. Christie Levin says:

    The hymn you are painting at the start of this blog is so beautiful, and I really look forward to seeing it in your 2021 (or will it be 2022?) calendar! It is just right for this place and time ~ a reminder of the great wonderfulnesses of life and God’s blessings when reminders are needed so much and so often. I had to look up the author of course and found Folliott S. Pierpoint, a teacher at Somersetshire College who was born in Bath, England in 1835, and composed it in the spring of 1863 as he sat on a hilltop outside Bath overlooking the Avon River. His lyrics resonate with me, calling to mind hours spent outdoors in the countryside trying to soak up every second of my surroundings. One line celebrates friends like the girlfriends here and those in heaven like Karen: “For the joy of human love…..friends on earth, and friends above” I had to share the entire hymn here:

    For the beauty of the earth,
    for the glory of the skies,
    for the love which from our birth
    over and around us lies.

    Christ, our Lord, to You we raise
    this, our hymn of grateful praise.

    For the wonder of each hour
    of the day and of the night,
    hill and vale and tree and flower,
    sun and moon and stars of light, [Refrain ]

    For the joy of human love,
    brother, sister, parent, child,
    friends on earth, and friends above,
    for all gentle thoughts and mild, [Refrain]

    For Yourself, best gift divine,
    to the world so freely given,
    agent of God’s grand design:
    peace on earth and joy in heaven. [Refrain]

    • sbranch says:

      My grandma used to sing it when I was little. She turned the first paragraph, plus of course, the refrain, into our grace at table, she always said it during the holidays. I think it’s perfection! Beautiful words. Thanks Christie! Love that you looked up the history and gave us the entire wonderful thing! ❤️

      • Christie Levin says:

        Oh, I love that your grandmother used it for daily.grace! I’m sure she would be happy to know that she has inspired me to do the same! Your grandmother and mine shared similar sensibilities, I think. I found the following poem in my grandmother’s recipe box:
        For the beauty of the earth
        For the glory of the skies
        For the love which from our birth
        Over and around us lies~
        For the wonder of each hour
        Of the day and of the night
        Hill and vale and tree and flower
        Sun and moon and stars of light~
        For the joy of human love
        Brother, sister, parent, child;
        Friends on earth and friends above
        For all gentle thoughts and mild~
        For thy church that evermore
        Lifteth holy hands above
        Offering up on every shore
        Her pure sacrifice of love.


        • sbranch says:

          Our wonderful grandmas… and I know you are passing on that exact same beauty to your own! The beat goes on dear Christie, despite the terrible news reports, goodness is everywhere. xoxoxo

  90. Jackie in Colorado says:

    What a beautiful post. I think this is now one of my favorites because it touches on so many things, so many lives, all with a beautiful theme of friendship, love, family, everything! It always amazes me that you can write this blog, think of so many things to say, write books, produce calendars and cups and such, include all of us into your life, and have been doing it forever. Thank you. Hi to Joe. Ear rub to Jack. Hug to you.

  91. Cindy Maulin says:

    Hi Susan!!
    Lovely blog for this very special month in which we love to celebrate L♥️VE! So happy that you included Doreen’s story in this piece. Karen Peterson was a remarkable, joyful, forever friend with truly loving arms that she wrapped around many. She was a charter member of our Lollipop Girlfriend Twitter group which celebrates friendship and all things Susan Branch. We have become very close friends over the years lead by our kindred spirit. We miss our “Care Bear” and are all the better from knowing her. We are blessed with the presence of her wonderful daughter Heidi who carries her mother’s legacy with grace, humor and love. From the Lollipop group, the Happy Readers Book Club was formed. We realized that as much as we like to talk, we also like to read and talk. This is a Twitter book club and we are from all over…… Ohio, Texas, California, Tennessee, Florida, Wales, Georgia, Minnesota, Illinois, …. and then some. Some of us have met and some are planning to meet in the near future. We’ve helped each other through tough times, celebrated life’s joys, and read some good books along the way. The Girlfriend arm reaches long and strong …. much of it due to you. We are grateful.
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you both !!!

    • sbranch says:

      Lots of time I just wish the Internet would go away! But the beautiful thing you girls have done with it is a joy to behold. So nice to hear from you Cindy . . . looks like you girls will be doing some traveling in the fall! I hope I find you along the road somewhere. ❤️xoxoxoxo

  92. Donna Squires says:

    Hi, Susan.
    A post FULL of love!
    Just what the world needs more of.
    Thank you for making my day lovely!!

  93. Debbie McCleery says:

    Love everything about your blog.

  94. Evelyn says:

    What a lovely letter!! Doreen and Greg’s story was so touching, and such a testimony of the countless ways you have touched all our lives!❤️ I can’t wait to hold your new book in my hands!!🤗 It’s a gray, sleety day here in Missouri…a perfect day to enjoy a cuppa in my Winter mug! Such a treasure! Your tea parties in May sound divine; MAY sounds divine!😂 Wishing you and Joe Valentine blessings!!

  95. Sherry Reis says:

    Give me the simple life …love Steve Tyrell and getting this wonderful blog. So nice to come back from an “unplugged” few days of vacation and find your blog waiting in my email. The sweet valentines on your window sill remind me of the 50’s and bringing similar valentines to school to put into a huge Valentine box decorated with hearts. I can almost smell those lovely flowers from Joe …how sweet. Doreen’s heartfelt story just filled my heart to overflowing. The love created and shared in your blog just envelopes everyone. Thank you for such a beautiful giveaway, your cups are so adorable. Now to try some of your recipes. Love and hugs from Oregon……Sherry

  96. Sue reynolds says:

    In this crazy world of misinformation, viruses, politics, divisions…
    You are the white space that gives us a gentle breath.
    Please write more blogs, more often.It is important to have gentle text, beautiful photos and watercolors. It is what allows the blood pressure to drop and the ease to come back into our bodies. No pressure, but know that your blogs matter.

  97. Nancy says:

    Thanks for another beautiful post, Susan!

  98. Janet Brunnemer says:

    Love your blog – it’s a ray of sunshine in a sometimes dark world. You always make me smile with your artwork, your quotes, and your positivity! Thank you, Susan!

  99. JoLynnH says:

    I so enjoy your art, both the paintings and writing, Susan <3 My own mommie passed away to Heaven in July. She lived with us (my husband and me and our two children – 10 yr daughter and 6 yr old son). She was ill – pulmonary fibrosis – and very young (63 yrs). Her name was Vicki and she was my kindred spirit. It's been so strange learning to live without her. Sometimes I feel as if I am in a snow globe, unable to reach her and all the while knowing she can see us all the time. It hurts right now to look at her picture because I hate that that is all I can do to see her. Other times I am filled with such a sweetness in my heart and it is easy for while. Kiddies are missing their Nanny terribly too and that is always heart-wrenching but, I am so glad we had the last two years with her every day. I wouldn't change it for anything, except to have her back AND well. She was my first Valentine<3 Always my biggest warrior, advocate, cheerleader, confidante and friend. I miss her very much. Thank you for reminding me that good memories will stay with us in our hearts and that the future is still filled with goodness & hope, even when we don't see it. Happy Valentine's Day to you & Joe! You are blessed to have each other.

    • sbranch says:

      What a beautiful story of your mom. I know just what you mean about the snow globe, I feel the same about my dad, he’s there, but I’m unable to reach him. It’s a little hole in the heart where they used to live. Sending love, for the memories, xoxoxoxo ❤️😘

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