I can’t believe it, here we are, at the end of August already and all I can say is, tick-tock, how did we get here so soon, and OH GOODIE!MUSICA! I have been suffering from this hot and sticky August that seemingly will not end . . . I’m ready to move on! Love the quote, “There are only two seasons, Autumn, and waiting for Autumn!” Fits me to a T, especially right this moment. And then, a couple of days ago, at the top of my suffering, I accidentally did a happy thing . . . I opened up my Autumn Book, just to take a look. As I turned the pages a thrill went through my heart, and I realized, it’s almost here! My favorite time of year!

So I went and got some sunflowers . . . and cut marigolds from the garden for little vases . . . because 

It perked me right up! Changed everything! Sweaters are coming! Leaves! Crisp air! Corn Pudding! Makes me almost want to go on a diet. That’s how perky I feel! (“Almost” being the operative word, I am not done with toast and peanut butter yet!)
I know, not everyone looks forward to cold weather, but I love having a reason to heat up the oven and bake something! And in my glee, I planned the rest of the year: first a long breezy, colorful autumn (and can we have a normal Halloween? Why not? Everyone wears masks anyway!👺 That will cheer everyone up! The kids will be thrilled!), leaves blowing through the woods on our walk, crisp salt air off the water, quilts airing in the breeze, more cozy covers on the bed, church bells ringing and boat whistles blowing, and then a short, cozy, snow-white winter around the fireplace, with a new Christmas book and a new puzzle to do during the winter, which will be SO short I’ll have to hurry! And then, an early burst of the most flowery spring ever ~ in a brand new world filled with fresh beginnings! Covid gone, children going to school, everyone back to work, Easter egg hunts! Kitchen table Tea with girlfriends, with new remembrance, respect, and deep gratitude …

While all these nice thoughts were brewing in my head … My cups arrived on the kitchen porch!!! I’ve been waiting! I hope you got yours too … if not, you should soon. We had a little slow-down at the PO, so if you ordered one, and don’t have it yet, it’s definitely on the way!❤️

And then there’s this happy thing. Joe is outside building us a 12′ picnic table, in two pieces, one 8′ and one 4′ … so we can have a party of six for dinner, a couple at each end, and one in the middle for starry September evenings! Just planned our first one for this Friday Night!👏 I’m cooking! Joe’s grilling! Keeping our sunny-sides up.💖

Now what’s this you may be asking. It’s a surprise! Another unexpected book! It will be called Distilled Genius, Wisdom of the World, Words to Live By, (or something like that) and contain my forty-year collection of brilliant quotes from the ages, gathered into categories as I have them here in my Studio, such as Courage, Tea, Gratitude, Gardens, Happiness, all onto pages like these . . .. . . whole genius sections about Love, Dreams, Time, Girlfriends, Cooking, Creativity, Earth, Fairy Tales, Beauty . . . so on and so on… Look how cute it’s going to be! I have about 40 pages done so far. I’ve been asked to do this for years, and I do think it needs to be here for the future! Everything that has ever mattered has been beautifully said by someone whose attestment has teeth,from Marcus Aurelius, to Mark Twain, Black Elk, Rumi, Langston Hughes, C.S. Eliot, Churchill, and the Bible, to Louisa May Alcott, Toni Morrison, Shakespeare, Dickens, Anne Frank, Lincoln, and so many more … plus, plenty from that prolific genius, Anon… and lots from people with less familiar names, whose smart, funny, wise, and touching words inspire curiosity, and open whole new worlds that lie beyond them. I’ve always read quote books like novels! I hope this book will be finished for that wonderful spring I’ve been thinking about. More hope in a time of need. May have to be two books, might even be three, still waiting to see! I know, I have next year’s calendars to do, and my wonderful book, Enchanted to work on, and lots of blog posts and Zoom events and dinners to cook, and Joe and Jack, and the House of Creativity, and all those other ideas, but here I am, Girls, 73, and there is still so very much I want to do!Some of you will remember that I did my very first Zoom Webinar last week. First I had to learn how to do a Power Point slide show. That about killed me. But at the last moment, it sunk in, and I found out just how easy it is to do. All about pushing the right buttons. Then I had to write about the photos, ⬆️ that’s me reading over old diaries to make sure I had the details right ~ it was a Calgon Zoom Party, took us far, far away, back to the English Countryside!And THEN, there was a week of daily Zoom practice with the encouragement of Andrea, the wonderful person who had extended the invitation for me to speak. We got to know each other pretty well! She was very patient!

We ended up doing the same program two days in a row, because the Zoom Room had gotten so full. I knew lots of you were there, because I got pictures! This one above is from our Girlfriend Mary Brehm! She has sweet peas!

This one came from Karen England and her Kitty . . . so fun to be in everyone’s houses!

This one is from Trahlyta! I got so many wonderful photos from you guys! Thank you! The program lasted about an hour and 15 minutes. I know some of you wanted to join in, but could not ~ so, as promised, here’s a link so you can see it yourself on Youtube. In the beginning, it’s just me staring at the screen, watching the names of attendees scrolling by really fast … such a fun thing to see, so many I recognized. I wish that part showed so you could read them too … but instead you just have to watch me staring at them and saying them out loud. Might want to skip that part!IN THE MEANTIME. Guess what? There are going to be more Zoom parties. In the column on the right of this Blog
you’ll see EVENTS. Here is the Link for it, but you can get there yourself when you need to check back for new event dates. I’m about to add more, so watch for them so you can register and receive an invitation to join. 

The next one will be a Sunday Afternoon Christmas Tea Party presented by the wonderful people at Titcombs Bookshop, just over the water on the Cape, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm EST on September 20 ~ BYO Tea because you’re all invited to my first virtual book event for my new Home for Christmas book! Here’s where you can sign up! If you don’t know how to do Zoom, you can Google “Youtube how to use Zoom” and they will show you. It’s just a matter of which buttons to push ~ it’s easy. When you sign up, they will send you an invitation to our zoom party … which will have a link for you to click on the day of the event. Put it on your calendar!One flower stands out on Martha’s Vineyard, it’s the hydrangea… they are everywhere! Drive up and down the streets and that’s what you see. We moved these from another part of the garden last year, and I’m so glad we did. Aren’t they romantic? They’re just starting to turn pale pink, something they do in the fall . . . and now we can see them from the kitchen windows from this dear old house I have loved for so long.💞

We’re still going on our walk everyday … joy of life. 

It’s been very warm . . . sometimes we have to cut our way through the air, it’s so thick . . . but it’s nothing like what our California Girlfriends are suffering. We pray for them every day. You too, Girlfriends in Iowa, we know about that crazy storm that shot through your state. And now, 11′ storm surges in Louisiana.😢 🙏 2020 is some kind of year!⚡️ We were spared the other night, we were told to hunker down and expect one-inch hail ~ it got very dark out there, but it never came! Thank God. Deep breath, ahhhhhh. Remembering how much we have to be grateful for. 

The woods are still green as Sherwood Forest, but every so often there are tell-tale signs that change is on the way with bright spots like this one!

And now, look, I had to show you this sweet letter I got from someone writing about our DamPanic, Go. Be. Love. postcards! Made my day!

Dear Susan, Several weeks ago I purchased a package of your “Go. Be. Love” postcards and sent them to a number of friends. Oh, my gosh! I send lots of cards and notes and have never received so many oohs and ahhs over a card I sent. My dear friends loved the postcard and just showered me with compliments and thanks. You deserve all of the credit. You created the perfect greeting to send during this pandemic and I am so grateful to be a longtime fan and follower and saw them in your online shop. Stay safe and well. Sincerely, Marge

 Just in cases YOU might need to be “showered with compliments and thanks” I thought I would share this!And the New Pumpkin Go. Be. Love. postcards came in too …


I had this pumpkin postcard printed in honor of what our Great Grandmothers did for us only a hundred years ago this August 18th!💖 Joe carved that Halloween pumpkin a few years back for our front window  ~ I thought it would be a good way to celebrate those brave and determined women, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and best friends (and men too), who put themselves out there in a very big way for US! We should never take it for granted … they went through some very difficult and dangerous years, to make it happen!👏 Yes, Jack . . . And one more thing . . .In case YOU too need something sweet and homey to inspire you with my wind-in-the-trees formula for cozy, Kellee just put my Autumn book up at 25% off until midnight on Labor Day! You probably already have it, but maybe not, and maybe you need a gift for a friend!🍂 

And for you?

Time for a good Giveaway, don’t you agree? I think this is the perfect place to thank all of you for sticking with us through thick and thin and dampanic too, for me and for Kellee and Sheri, your kindness has meant the world to us over the years, going to work is a gift because of you, but especially these last months, you have no idea what a positive force you are. All you have to do is read the comments to know what lovely kindred spirits visit here. No matter where in the world you are, we have so much in common, I’m very proud of us.💖 Thank you.

So we’ll start here . . . 3 cups, 3 winners! As you know, these cups are mostly sold out now, but we saved these to surprise someone(s) ~ I hope one of them is YOU! Just leave a comment right at the bottom of this post, click on the teeny grey letters that say “comments,” leave a few words, and you will be automatically entered for the drawing . . . I’ll let you know who won in the next post, then I’ll send an email to the winners, who can write back with their mailing address, and voila, your cups will be on the way, either for you to keep, or perhaps to give away as a Christmas gift! And more . . .

Shipping from the printer is still on schedule for August 26th, which means we will probably have to wait until the day after Labor Day, September 8 to get HOME FOR CHRISTMAS delivered to the Studio! So, 3 more winners in this next drawing ~ and for each, a signed copy of my new book, hot off the press! If you’ve already ordered it, then Boom! You’ll have another one to giveaway! A little bit of “pay it forward.”💞
Leave a comment as suggested above … and now we will have six winners! Makes my day!
Okay dear ones, that’s all she wrote for today! I hope you’re giving yourself those hugs I talked about at the Zoom Party. They do help, and you do deserve them.❤️ Petty-pet hugs are good too! XOXOXO

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2,670 Responses to TICK-TOCK . . .

  1. Lynn D Schupmann says:

    Susan, I have been a follower of yours for too many years to count. I love your work, and I love the way you make us fall in love with the beauty of nature, our homes, and all the little things that make life so special, that we often take for granted. When I read your blog each month, I feel that I am glimpsing a fairy tale life because of your words. It transcends me to such a happy place in my mind and helps me to daydream about all of the little things that make this life so special, even during the DamPanic. Thank you for sharing your gifts so eloquently and creatively with all of us. I feel so blessed.

  2. Carol S says:

    Thank you Susan, as always, for your optimism and generosity. I LOVE that you’re doing a quote book!

  3. Nanette Hill says:

    Noooooo, I’m not ready for fall to winter, still enjoying my summer. All my flowers have just taken off. The hummingbirds have eaten me out of house and home. I have 4 feeders and it is such fun to watch them guard and chase the other hummingbirds away. Love your posts and pictures. Looking forward to the new books.

  4. Cassandra says:

    This blog was sooo needed! Thank you for sharing in embracing and soaking in all that is to be thankful for. Loved, loved, loved the Zoom get together! Why have we not always been doing this!? One of the happy byproducts of this dam-panic ~ realizing opportunities. Love you always, my kindred spirit <3 ~ Cassandra

  5. Shirley says:

    I love Fall too! 🎃🍂🍄🍁🧡

  6. Debbie Hodgson says:

    Always enjoy your beautiful and fun art, along with your musings! Can’t wait for my 2021 calendar!

  7. Deborah Sebring says:

    Hello there Susan, I can’t wait for the book of quotes!
    I love your work and look forward to your every post.
    Thank you so much for sharing your sweet spirit will all of us

  8. Karen McNamara says:

    Susan…I threw a little fit when I couldn’t get into the zoom meeting. Sometimes the links on your site don’t work for me. All your girlfriends wanted in and I can’t say that I blame them. After the green eyed monster finished stomping her feet, I did watch it on Instagram and enjoyed every minute of it. I’m sure you brightened a lot of days. Thank your for your beautiful blog and for keeping such a positive attitude during all this craziness! The world needs you. XO. ~karen mac

  9. Paula says:

    Looking forward to the book of quotes and thoroughly impressed that you are embracing technology to make these days more enjoyable for your fans! 👍🏼😷

  10. Karen Rice says:

    So glad to read your blog whenever you have time to share with us. Blessings to you and yours for all you give to everyone.

  11. Shelli Star says:

    You’re the best! I’m your age & have been following you since the beginning – years & years ago and I still get the warm fuzzies when I see an email from you! Love you – keep on spreading your magic!

  12. Charlotte Bates says:

    So grateful you are still creating! I am so looking forward to the book(s) of quotations! I always end up with a smile on my face after reading your blog!

  13. Nancy Chamberlain says:

    I have house banners I made years ago when I had a staircase wall to decorate. Favorites: “I love fall most of all” and “fall in love with fall.”
    Fall & winter have always been my dearest seasons–I’m a knitter! My daughter worries that with quarantine this winter may be challenging. We do love being in nature now!

  14. Eleanor K Hunzinger says:

    Wonderful, powerful, uplifting sentiments! Kay H

  15. Nancy Goodell says:

    Susan, Another uplifting, joyous post! It’s like a low calorie energy bar for me. I completely connected with your comment about 2 seasons. Everyone who knows me knows fall is my very favorite season. Living in NH is such an extra treat with the amazing colors. I hate whining, but this has been one hot/humid summer without enough rain so excited for crisp days, sweaters and baking your apple cranberry crisp. I missed your Zoom as my laptop decided to go on strike, but looking forward to the next one. Thank you as always for your kindness, wonderful quotes and, of course, your gorgeous artwork. Be well.

  16. Shellie L. says:

    It’s almost time for “the most wonderful time of the year”! Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Have a wonderful week Susan and Joe!

  17. Cheryl King says:

    Wow, so many comments- I believe ALL of us are so ready for a little “bubble of happy” and the anticipation of normal. I love to lose myself in your posts, books, and artwork. Thanks for putting the positive out there for us all to grab! Happy fall!

  18. Margaret W. says:

    My favorite quote, “This too shall pass” let’s hope the pandemic listens!

  19. Beth Bruno says:

    Thank you Susan for all you do to make the world a great deal brighter. I am excited about new books, especially the quote one! Yay! To begin, begin is my mantra thanks to you! ❤️

  20. Sandra walton says:

    How wonderful to your your news..I love Autumn too…born in September I just love it all.. the colours ..the flowers and fruits..wonderful.
    Have ordered the Christmas book from Amazon so we are able to get it in the UK?.but how exciting your little book of wisdom and words will be….how about another Book that takes each month..with favourite things..recipes..flowers.sayings etc….I would love that one too…??
    A possibility????
    So pleased that you are all ok …and just sending love ..blessings and thanks…
    Sandra In Birmingham xx

  21. Janet Grausam says:

    Hi Susan! It’s sooooo hot here in southern Cali! Dreaming of autumn! Nonetheless…I MIGHT have put up a few things around the house with autumn colors….Inspires me just like YOU DO!

  22. Coco says:

    Thanks for the great lift as always. Commiserations on your hot sticky weather, yuck. But I feel scared of wishing time away, it is too precious. Maybe that’s not what you meant by your anxiousness for Autumn. I wish for you some coolishness, as my father called dry air, as you enjoy the only day we all have, today. xoxox Coco

  23. Lynda Halligan says:

    I so look forward to your Blogs. Thank you so much for your kind words. Makes us readers feel some peace and comfort during these difficult days.

  24. Judy Romanowski says:

    A charming blog and another smile that will stay with me all day! I love everything you love: like quotes, art, photography, and kitties – especially Jack, and everything else. Thank you for presenting your life to all of us readers in the most delightful way.
    Judy Romanowski

  25. Chrissy Williams says:

    Oh Ms. Susan, you have my tummy all a flutter with your dreams of Autumn, a short Winter and a glorious Spring where and nature will emerge from this darkness! Let’s wish this dream into existence. I think I will make a nice cuppa, bake my Granny Smith’s banana cookies, and curl up with your Autumn book and think of happy little things to get me through these difficult times.

  26. Donna Reneau says:

    I am another who has been a fan of yours for many years! So long that, when I pull out one of your books (I think I have them all, and even two copies of Heart of the Home!), it reminds me of days past when my boys were small and what we were up to during those days! But the most memorable is when I was reading “A Fine Romance” during a hot Texas August – only way to cool off was to sit still and read and dream of being in a cooler place!! You encourage me to take walks, keep a garden, pull out the pots and pans, and celebrate! Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with the rest of us!

  27. Merci says:

    Wow Susan, just catching up on all your news, have been in the process of moving (again). Good to see you stay as chipper as always. We definitely need your uplifting spirit .

  28. Kathie says:

    Thank you for nurturing positivity with your touching blogs during the dampanic and always! Happy Autumn!

  29. Bethany Fagundes says:

    Oh thank you Susan for some lightness today. I have had a week and this is my first chance to sit quietly and read your sweet words of comfort! I had oral surgery early in the week and then took a tumble down the stairs and sprained my ankle. So the ice pack went from one end of me to the other this week. Thanks for brightening my spirits as I sit in bed with my foot elevated and dream of what fall is like on Martha’s Vineyard. Dreamy, I know from all your years of pictures.

  30. Genie from NC says:

    I love your idea of a collection of quotations. I am 72, and my mother had a favorite quote that I painted onto a rock when I was a young lady, “Contentment consists not in getting what we want, but in enjoying what we have.”

  31. Pat says:

    My internet was out and I was unable to join the Zoom event. I had been looking forward to it for so long! Now I have a second chance! Yay!! Looking forward to your new books! I also am I great lover of quotes. Sent my Grandson off to college with a hand written book full of all my favorites and a few of my own! Ready for a new season and to get out my Autumn book as well. Looking forward to your new Christmas addition!! Thanks for warming our hearts and making us smile!

  32. Cheryl Jasina says:

    You continue to inspire and “grow” my garden of creativity, coziness, and the love of the English countryside! God has given you such a gift 🎁 I am so very grateful you listened to that still small voice! ❤️ Loved the ZOOM call!!!

  33. Rebecca Werner says:

    I’m looking forward to receiving your Christmas book!! My best friend accidentally broke her favorite teacup of 20 years. She was heartbroken! I ordered her your Little Things cup as a replacement. Wish I could see her face as she opens it. I think she will LOVE it!

  34. Jackie Bienemann says:

    I love your blog posts, your pictures are great. I am so looking forward to your Christmas book. I have the one you did years ago. I also have my Autumn book which you signed in Iowa at a book signing for your England book.
    Please take care and thank you for making this dampanic brighter!

  35. Diane says:

    Dear Susan, you always bring us such joy and a smile to my face!!!! Thank you for bringing sunshine to my day!!!!

    Love, Diane

  36. Mary Hughes says:

    I so enjoyed your zoom presentation on A Fine Romance! I just finished your lovely gift of chapter one of Enchanted.

    My daughter, Meg’s story on MV reminds me of your own. 16 years ago, she moved to MV after graduating from college. She has created a wonderful life for herself there. She was married on January 4th at the MV Agricultural Hall! My family shares your love of the “Isle of Dreams”.

    Thank you for your positivity during these very trying times.

  37. Michele L Bottorff says:

    Hi Susan,
    Your letters are always such a bright spot during this dam-panic! Keep them coming! A collection of them would be a great book – as if you need more ideas! I would be thrilled to win a mug or book from you! They’re lovely. Thanks for being a friend to do many of us.
    Michele ☺

  38. Mary Hughes says:

    I so enjoyed your Zoom presentation on A Fine Romance. Just finished your lovely gift of the first chapter of Enchanted.

    My daughter, Meg’s story about MV reminds me of your own. She moved there right out of college sixteen years ago. She has created a lovely life for herself during that time. January 4 she was married at the MV Agricultural Hall! Our family shares your love of the “Isle of Dreams”.

  39. Ann Keehner says:

    Happy Autumn, dear Susan🍁🍎🎃

  40. Marigold says:

    Autumn is my favorite season, too, followed closely by Christmas (that’s a season, right?). I could celebrate both all year long. I’m very excited about your quotations book — it looks so beautiful. I’ve been quite preoccupied of late with my 92 yo mother and now my hubby, both dealing with serious medical issues, so I haven’t been as visible. However, I always love your posts here — they are like a spoonful of sugar that helps to make the medicine of life go down. Blessings to you, Joe, and Jack.

  41. Diana says:

    I love the idea for your new book, I’ve always enjoyed all the quotes you use and it will be nice to have them rounded up in one book!

  42. Joanna Elisabeth says:

    As a quote collector also, I LOVE the new book(s) you’re working on! Thank you for this beautiful post. I saved it for afternoon coffee and cookie time. My sister sent me black walnut shortbread cookies, and they are delicious! Bring on Autumn! 🍂🍁

  43. Donna Crouch says:

    Thank you for another encouraging post. Would love to be a winner. 😉

  44. CAROLE PLUMMER says:


  45. Always a sweet spot in my day, when you share your creativity, life and love with all of us girlfriends! Thank you so much for your blog and all the LOVE!

  46. Kathy says:

    I, too, look forward to autumn, my favorite season of all! Humidity is not a friend of mine. I’ll look forward to when your words of wisdom book is published. I, too, enjoy snipits of wisdom. I post them around the house. Be well.

  47. Anne DS says:

    It’s a day-maker to see your latest blog post! Fall is my favorite season, too. Funny how we crave the warm colors, warm sweaters, and warm fires after a hot summer! But we do! And they are welcome on crisp days! Keep safe and stay happy!

  48. Christine Norris says:

    I love reading quotes; they are a great source of inspiration!

  49. Sherrie Collins says:

    Just got to sit down and read the blog this afternoon. So excited for the tea party! Got my ticket. I’ve been wanting to get out my Autumn Book, but I’m forcing myself to wait for September – not much longer now. I truly hope that all of your plans for the year will come true! We need all of that, and more, after 2020. Be safe, and have a great day!

  50. Wendy Olson says:

    Happy Dance – Happy Dance! I’ve been checking every day for a new blog and here it is……I wait, patiently, for each and every one!

    Like you, I love Autumn……most wonderful time from September through December. Of course I have your Autumn book – love everything Susan Branch! My friends always get something from your “shop” each year at Christmas.

    I am so looking forward to receiving your Christmas book…..and can hardly wait for your quotation book(s)……

    Another delightful blog…………..thank you 🙂

  51. Comfort and Joy…that’s what you bring to so many all year long, Dear Susan!
    Thank you for the wonderful, huggable blog post.
    Joe’s picnic tables look terrific and your newest Quotables Book is a dream come true!
    Sending so much love to you!

  52. Judy H says:

    It is always a pleasure to go to your website and see a new post! I am so looking forward to fall. Our summers here in Florida are soooo long and hot it does no good to complain too early. I made a rule years ago to wait until after Labor Day and then I’m allowed to wish the heat away. Take care and stay healthy.

  53. Hi Susan!
    I love your blog and this post is delightful! I have your Autumn boom, which is one of my FAVS!!! It always makes me a little sad when I put my Summer book away every year. I love to read “Fare Thee Well” at the end of the book and “kiss summer goodbye” as I anticipate the wonders of fall! Then I get my Autumn book out.
    And I am sooooo looking forward to your Zoom Christmas Tea party!!! See you on September 20th!!! Hugs, Sharon

  54. Karen Woods says:

    I love your mugs!

  55. Carol Nicholls says:

    Did you say give away? I’m here, I’m here!!! I love your posts. I wait until I can sit down with a drink and no distractions to ooh and aah over your art, your pictures, and your writing! I’m from Missouri and you know what that means – SHOW ME!

  56. Karen B. says:

    I start counting the days until autumn about now as well. I love autumn through spring and then the early part of summer. I’ve preordered your Christmas book and can hardly wait. I’m going to prepare your ham and sweet potato soup. I may have to wait until mid-September but I know my family will enjoy it.

  57. Irene from Valley City says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you for all the fun and inspiration throughout the summer, especially with the webinar and newbie blog. My 7 year old grandaughter, Elizabeth (the artist of the family), has been putting masks on all her illustrated people. We have been having mask drills to prepare her for school–not to worry–school will be virtual and she will be able to breathe easy! Can’t wait for Autumn as well!
    Best wishes xo
    Irene and Elizabeth

  58. Samantha Price-Doherty says:

    I absolutely love your work and everything you do! I lost my mom around august a few years ago and your words and art always makes me feel better! I know I’m 22, but I would love to have your work!! Thank you for everything you do! 🥰💕❤️

  59. Stephanie Dempsey says:

    I am very excited for Autumn. Today was the first day of shopping fall/Halloween at the store I work at. It was busy! Your books are on my wish list as it would be the perfect thing to read this winter. I drink tea or coffee daily so the Little Things mug is on my list of things to get. Thank you for inspiring everyone with some happy thoughts. I just have to think of fall and I am so happy. I had my first lavender latte today before work. Hot coffee even though it was ninety out. I have been drinking iced coffees this summer. I am ready for cozy nights snuggled in throw blankets sipping tea. I am sure everyone else is too. Enjoy every moment and every accomplishment.

  60. Heidi Busa says:

    I am excited about the possibility of connecting with you on Zoom!!! This would be the BEST use of Zoom — so much better than crazy meetings or teaching by Zoom ( I am a teacher!!)
    I am so looking forward to this!!!!

  61. Laura DeGraw says:

    September has always been magical! It’s our birthday month, fresh new school year, home football games, crisp air, apples, and beautiful days. Although some things will be different
    this year much will also be the same. Grateful, Thankful and Blessed😊

  62. Florence Stewart says:

    Hello Susan…really love your blog as always and so enjoyed watching your Zoom (especially loved seeing you and hearing your voice🥰)…I treasure being able to escape with all the much needed positivity…thank you Susan from the bottom of my ❤…hugs to you and all the girlfriends…

  63. Jill Johnson says:

    Love the cups!

  64. Nancy Richards says:

    You are a real joy! Thank you so much!

  65. Betty Routhieaux says:

    I can’t wait to get my puzzle and I would love to win a cup!

  66. Kaila St. Louis says:

    I am all about Autumn too, Susan! It is such a cozy time of the year! Crisp apples to munch, baking lovely foods to warm the house, harvest the last of the garden, get out the warmer quilts from storage, etc. etc. So much to be excited about. Maybe a copy of your Autumn book as a gift to myself!! Thanks for enriching our lives!

  67. Christine Schiesswohl says:

    Just got my first shipment of wonderful things from you…little notepads and recipe book and more…just love it all. A mug could hold my teas while I organize my new recipe book!!

  68. Margaret Hurley says:

    Happiness is a new blog from you. Can I speak for all… we all look forward to your positive postings with great musica and pictures, a total sensory delight. Can’t wait until your inspirational sayings book is done.

  69. Bethany M. says:

    Oh, Susan. How your blog posts are warm sunshine to our souls during these times. I was delighted to attend your Duxbury Senior Center talk about your adventures in the English countryside as it helped me to relive some of my own favorite moments from our trips to the U.K. All the best to you, Joe, and sweet Jack.

  70. Candace Tufo says:

    Autumn is definitely my favorite season also! I look forward to the sharp air and crackly leaves underfoot!

  71. Teah Barrow says:

    Please enter me in your generous and inspiring give away. Thank you.
    It was so nice to finally hear from you. I thought maybe you decided to cancel the year as your previous post suggested. Love the idea of a series of quote books. Such a rich idea!

  72. Barb Middleton says:

    Susan: Am looking forward to your Christmas and quote books! Have also been collecting quote books and also poetry books since I was young. Great for when you don’t have a lot of time but are in the mood for a little wisdom! Autumn is also my fav time of year, reason being my late September birthday—76 this time. Not sure how got here so fast but it’s been an interesting ride. Thanks for being there for all of us! Love, Barb from Charlotte

  73. Linda Hull says:

    Hi Susan!
    I love your blog, in fact I check it to see when some new thought and idea has popped up! There is something about noticing the small things in life that bring so much joy. You always seem to point the way to all that most of us miss in our hurry up world. Thank you for bringing life into focus.

  74. Karen Madruga says:

    Susan, You are a breath of fresh air! I so love reading your blog, books, calendars, cups, etc…Thank you for working so hard to bring us new material so often! God bless you and yours!

  75. Jane Ulrich says:

    So grateful for you and the inspiration you give me and so many others again and again. Blessings on your head, Susan Branch. You’re a gift to us all.

  76. Joanne says:

    Loved your most recent blog. I have been slicing through heat and humidity too. Your cheerful photo of sassafras leaves inspired me to march right out and look for my usual signs of the coming of fall!! I’m happy to read of your plans to do a book of your collected quotes. I have been intrigued since I must have read on your blog that you collect books of quotes. My mother used to love to grab books of quotes during her years as a book seller. My favorite one from your post about your plans is: “The most successful people are those who are good at plan B!” You say you are 73!? I say, enjoy your 70s!! I keep on hoping that 81 could may become the new 71!!

  77. Denise Reese says:

    Dear Susan,

    As always you have brightened my day. Thank you. Can’t wait to read your book of quotes!

    Take care,
    Denise Reese

  78. Rochelle says:

    I enjoyed my Birthday mug this month! It is only right to use it every day of my birthday month of August.

  79. Ethel J Craig says:

    Dear, Susan,
    As always you inspire us. Your new book on quotes sounds wonderful Double and Triple Wonderful if you expand to 2 and even 3 books. Thank you for all you do for us!

  80. Peggy Ott says:

    Love, Love, Love my morning read of your blog post. Warms my heart with just sitting back with morning coffee and reading about what life has been where you are and pics of gardens/flowers. And those artsy projects!!! My life too is full of all those things, blessed I am. Currently cleaning out that sewing/artsy studio and moving a few items along. Been trying to finish painting on a mailbox and it has been a way long project between sewing mask. And by the way….LOVE that postcard. Can’t wait to get my “Home for Christmas” book. My living room shelf is full of Susan Branch books…it’s like stepping back in my own time zone when I read them. Thanks for always sharing and coloring our world with happiness!!!!

  81. Joanne says:

    So happy to hear about the zoom option!
    Cannot wait to join one!

  82. Julie O H says:

    How happy the end of each month is because of your blog.
    Time is evaporating like a teapot turned off….. but when the
    teapot is off we are able to enjoy the tea, ahhhhh. Definitely
    worth it.

  83. Julie O H says:

    The end of each month is a happy time because of your blog.
    Time is evaporating like a tea kettle that has been turned off.
    However the good of this is we get to enjoy the tea, ahhhh.
    Thank you Susan for your continual inspiration.

  84. Melanie K says:

    I’m SO ready for fall, too! Always! Very humid here in IL. Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. Sue Lamke says:

    Another interesting read. Stay well!

  86. Carolyn Welch says:

    Now I am so looking forward to fall and Christmas!! Your words inspire so much hope and love. Thank you for your lovely blog.

  87. Cara M from PA says:

    Susan!! Loved your blog post!! You are full of inspiration! I also love and look forward to the change of seasons! I’m savoring summer at my beach house this week. Soaking up sun and salt air! I would love to win a beautiful mug or your new Christmas book!! I’m so excited about it! Thank you for being you!

  88. Barbara Weaver says:

    Oh, my! Over 2,000 comments as of this morning ! Your give-aways are always popular because the “stuff” is so good! I enjoyed this blog entry, but that’s nothing new. Thanks for the good news….it’s very welcome these days. So sign me up for the drawing with fingers crossed that I might win this time. 😉

  89. Barbara Weaver says:

    P.S. Fall is my favorite, too. I’m dying to pull out the fall decorations!

  90. Peggy Mossing says:

    Thank you Susan for another newsletter without politics. My stomach is tied in knots dreading that topic and you let me forget and relax!!! I do have a book and puzzle back ordered and I’ve been sending my masked postcards which I love. Looking forward to winning another book to give away at Christmas.

    • sbranch says:

      I know, we’re all sick of it. I leave this space the way it used to be. With the only things mattering is what we all have in common, which is almost everything.💖

  91. Caroline says:

    Thanks for writing these! I always look forward to reading your blog 🙂 Best wishes from Caroline in Virginia 🙂

  92. Tzella Mitropanou says:

    Greetings from the island of Paros in Greece. Thank you for always being so positive and really celebrating life. Times are difficult but this too shall pass.
    Best wishes,

  93. Gerri Knego says:

    Hi Susan,
    I just finished reading “Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams”. My first read of yours, recommended by a friend. I loved it! In these times of “unrest”, it gave me a sense of peace. I could identify with your story on so many levels. I’ve ordered your previous book “The Fairy Tale Girl”. Looking forward to reading that and delving into your other books as well. Thank you!!

  94. Paulette Clayton says:

    The beautiful picture of your hydrangeas took me back to my childhood in Oregon, a seemingly gentler time. As always, your posts fill us all with much-needed optimism.

  95. Carol Johnson says:

    Queen of Happiness! That’s you! Thanks ❤️

  96. Janet Freeman says:

    Dear Susan,
    Can’t wait for the Quote book, and for Christmas!
    Your friend,
    Janet Freeman

  97. Sherry Hall says:

    I can’t wait for the quote book! Your Autumn book has been my favorite way to cozy into fall. I’ve checked it out from our local library every September for years, but our library burned down this last year in a horrible tragic fire where two fire fighter’s lives were lost. I’m so happy to see it’s on sale- it’s time to buy my own dear copy ❤️ Thank you for the inspiration and joy you’ve given me!

  98. Lisa Strause says:

    Hello! I love everything you do. I’ve read all your books and look forward to more. I agree with you, Autumn is the best. Cheers!

  99. Karin Zenk says:

    Susan, Thank you for your cheerful, inspiring posts!

  100. Tawni Urrutia says:

    Dear Sweet Susan,
    So many blessings on you and all you love, breathing and non breathing alike! Three cheers for Autumn and all the magic it brings.
    Tawni Urrutia, in Lodi, Ca

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