The month for
And guess what? YES! They’re here!Blessing #1: The new cups started shipping out to you guys last week! If you haven’t gotten yours yet, they are on the way!!! They crossed the pond using every form of transport, plane, ship, train, truck, and slow boat to China … we don’t know how because no one would tell us, but the miracle is, all the way from the luv-lee potteries in Staffordshire, England, to Arroyo Grande, California, they have arrived! And for the most part, in one piece! Thank you for your never-ending patience! Reward? MUSICA!
The color turned out great! Here’s what the backs look like. As you can probably guess by the slow pace of the all-of-a-sudden infamous “supply chain” … unfortunately we will not be getting more of them before Christmas!! I THOUGHT we’d get these by September!!! If you were waiting until you saw the whites of their eyes, your time has come. They are here! And if this is the first time you’re seeing them, you can read more about them and see other designs we still have in stock HERE.
Blessing #2: Fall has come on very slowly this year.👏 A long fall is what I hoped for, and a long fall is what we’re getting! Usually, by this time, the leaves have turned and fallen and we’re raking them up . . . but right now the colors are at their best, and when you look out the window you see them, orange and yellow sparks twirling past in the wind. This was our walk in the middle of October! Green as green can be. Note the smooth and leafless road…
Then came a wild nor’easter! Worst winds I’ve experienced since I moved here! Wind gust was clocked at 96 MPH in Edgartown on the other side of the Island! This was our walk the day after … lot’s of visible wildness!
Tattered and torn leaves, branches, and pine needles carpet the dirt road to the sea ….
And a lot of missing sand, carved out and taken away . . .
I noticed this leaf on the ground, stepped right over it, but after a few more steps I felt I HAD to turn back and get a better look. WHAT was that? And take this picture. Right? The perfect cut-out “eyes” in the leaf were enough, but it wasn’t until I enlarged it that I saw the eyes had EYEBALLS!!! I’ve been saving it to show you. A wee note from nature!🍁
Storm was raging when I woke up and came downstairs in the dark, flashlight flickering around the kitchen like a lighthouse beam … the wildest of winds knocked out electricity for a lot of the island, including us … but our good old gas stove saved the day! The kitchen was warm and smelled like last night’s pot roast.
I lit myself a path through the wood room, flickering flames into the living room to my studio beyond … time to paint. It was a storm, but it was cozy and like a step back in time. No TV, no computer, a moment to just BE. Just like Gladys Taber said it should be!
Threw on a jacket and went outside to check on things the next day … at first I thought the wind had chipped the paint off the arbor! But those marks are tattered leaves plastered to almost everything, the arbor, the house, the car. The storm prematurely blew lots of leaves right off the trees! But our house stayed strong, as she has done since 1849. Knock on wood. These new type of storms we’re getting pack a wallop!
Lost one big tree behind the arbor … which was kind of good ~ it didn’t hurt anything, not even the picket fence, and it had shaded-out the roses on the arbor for years, so now, I get to grow roses again! A win-win! Blessing #4.
This is over our back fence behind the barn to the neighbor’s yard. They lost a tree too. This one is actually schmooshed right up against the windows of the house, but still no damage. Lots of huge old trees down all over the island…but we were lucky, no injuries that I’ve heard of, and all is back to normal. Blessing #5. Blessings galore.
And now? Thank goodness the storm didn’t take ALL the leaves! And they’ve finally turned color . . .
I took this picture of the back garden from an upstairs window… when the sun comes up and goes through the trees, we get warm gold light inside the house… Blessings just too many to number…but I think you can see them!
And here we are out walking in the woods …
Which are now ablaze . . .
Even the beach grass is on fire!
Lots of wild bittersweet . . . Mother Nature decorating earth. Just for us! How blessed are we?! I’m losing track!
This was today . . . the crows are having a field day!
Leaves coat the bottom of this puddle on the road, and trees reflect in the water. Isn’t it gorgeous?
This is the reward at the end of our walk . . . this little sandy salty windy beach…
We are listening to the book The Overstory right now, one ear-pod in Joe’s ear, one in mine, so we can listen together … it’s a Pulitzer-Prize winning novel and love story to Nature. Could NOT be in a better place to hear it . . . had to stop and smell a tree at one point, put my nose right ON it . . . so inspiring! Did anyone read A Gentleman in Moscow? That was our last read. I’m still not over it! My sister is reading it now; she calls me and we become the tiniest bookclub in the world hashing everything over!
When we got back to the car this was waiting. I PROMISE with all my heart we did not put that leaf there. It came on it’s own, just like you see it. Another blessing. Madly in love with nature . . .
Today it’s only about 48 degrees! Cold. Joe (Blessing extraordinaire) made us a fire, and now he’s outside putting on the storm windows . . .
While Jack investigates the mantle. All is well!
For those of you who read Fairy Tale Girl or Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams, you might remember Elaine? She had the dog called Boxcar, was my boss at the record store, and fired me too? (Not her fault, she had to, I had become useless which you know was NOT MY FAULT!) She’s been my dear darling friend since 1971. She lived here on the island for 10 years, moved back to California 20 years ago but kept her house here ~ and now she has retired from working at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo and moved back here two weeks ago!!! I couldn’t be happier. She was born in Boston, so New England is really her happy place.
Elaine drove across country with her darling Westie, Ripper! He’s standing on his back legs in order to get a better look at Jack. Isn’t he adorable?
So, we now have Jack and the Ripper. But I have to say Jack is not that fond of the Ripper. Ripper would just like to lick Jack all over. But Jack is saying,
“Don’t even think about it.”
I’m just happy to have a cat that goes so well with the decor! Would hate it if he clashed!
But how could you go wrong. This is the secret to decorating. It’s like a movie set. Plain and unadorned. That way when the season changes . . .
I take the summer decorations upstairs and put then away until next year. . .
Then all I have to do is stick in different pillows, some fall flowers, quilts, and voila! It’s fall! Same thing and suddenly it’s Christmas! Joe, Elaine, Ripper and I went off-island a few days ago. The first time any of us had seriously gone into stores for three years. We went to Pottery Barn. OMG.
Every Christmas thing was out, sparkly, red and white, candles, and fluffy throws, perfect pillows, glass chandeliers … everything to set your heart on fire. The whole thing went to the happy zippy part of the brain. I was as excited as Ripper when he goes after Jack! We threw money at the cash register, bought tiny end tables, white felt and red sequin Christmas trees, napkins, candles, and star shaped pillows came home with us.
And this appliqué tablecloth! Needs to be ironed, but I wanted to see it on the table the minute I got home. I am going to LOVE Christmas this year, and I think I’ll just start now and have Thanksgiving and Christmas be a dynamic duo! Lights Camera Action!
We got our greeting cards back in!!
William Morris would be proud, recipes make them useful!
All about love . . .
Feeling the blessings! Especially when you think that this year we are going to be together. Fingers crossed it stays this way!
What else? I’ve been painting! Heading for my studio with Jack and my tea in the morning. . . listening to old movies while I do my watercolors …
Practicing people ~ I love painting people, but I’m still so nervous, I do the drawing, but putting on the first bit of paint is scary! The cup, you ask? I have that cup in real life only the shoes are blue. Isn’t it funny? Had to paint it.
This is my newest one… I love her … she hasn’t been scanned yet which is why the picture is so dark, it’s only a photograph. The book? My 8-year-old niece was reading it; she was OVER THE MOON about this series of books ~ so I thought, in her honor, I should include it in the new calendar.🧡 Normally I don’t have to turn in calendars until the first of March, but due to “supply chain” issues, the fact that everything is taking so much longer, they need them this year by January 1. So that’s what I’ve been doing. 2023! Eeek.
Something lovely happened. Erin, bottom left, called me out of the blue … she said her book club was reading my book Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams and said they loved it so much would I would come to one of their meetings so they could talk about it … I’d never met any of these girls, and yet they all live here on the island! So of course I said yes… And here we are!
Look at Erin’s table! Isn’t it gorgeous? I wanted you to see it for possible Thanksgiving inspiration! That blue and orange together was spectacular! I didn’t even know it was going to be dinner! They all brought recipes from my cookbooks! I was so honored I was almost (stressing on that word) speechless! I got to hear about how they met! You know I have this closeness too with my girlfriends, but it was wonderful to be in the bosom of that same thing with a whole different group!
I love seeing other people’s houses! Erin’s house was wonderful. I loved how they put their library of great books all in colors!! Cute! And yes, Joe was there too, along with Erin’s husband, they ate in the kitchen and only came out to pour wine and wait on us! Men can be so adorable!💞
Yes! Second printing of Home for Christmas has arrived!!! In the Saint-Nick of time … considering the “supply chain” ~ we got lucky! Big help that we had it printed in the good old US of A!
If you need to be taken back in time to a 1956 Christmas, this true story will do it for you … in detail! I had a wonderful time writing this book. It was especially good during the time I was losing my mother, my first and forever best girlfriend, to be immersed in the warmth of her love every day as I wrote and painted this memory. Definitely a blessing. Like a dream. ♥️
And speaking of home and the generosity of girlfriends . . . I got the best thing in the mail the other day… and it wasn’t even for me, it’s for you!!! Yes!
You’ve seen my autumn decorating for years now . . . and something almost everyone comments on that you can see in this picture is…
my Pilgrim candlesticks! They come out every year . . . I found them in an antique store about a thousand years ago and have never seen another set.
They are just perfect this time of year!
Aren’t they wonderful? The black is the best! But guess what? These aren’t mine! These are going to one of you!!! Yes, our girlfriend Bunny Perkins from Ohio spotted them on Ebay and sent them to me to give to you! Wasn’t that just the sweetest thing?! You know Joe hates having to stand in line to pick up packages at the Post Office, but this one, he forgave me for! Leave a comment at the bottom of this post (you’ll see a whole bunch of tiny words and near the end, click on “comments.” Just a word or two is all you need to leave in order to be entered for this giveaway!) Thank you Bunny! You’re a blessing, so very kind and thoughtful of you!
Have you guys seen the pictures of families reuniting at the airport now that they can come into America from other countries again?😥 It’s just like Love Actually (best movie ever made). After all these months, people are throwing themselves into each others arms and sobbing with joy. Sisters hugging sisters, couples hugging grandchildren. Makes you cry … makes your heart soar.
We get to have Thanksgiving at our house this year! I’m so excited! I was just reminded by one of our girlfriends that it’s the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving!!!!🍁 The chicken stuffed with my grandma’s dressing was delicious last year because of course it was just us. But this year we get to have the real thing, with good old friends, light the candles, bake a pumpkin cheesecake. I already ordered the turkey! Yay yay yay yay!💃🏼
Here’s the guaranteed-to-please recipe from my Autumn Book . . .if you need it to be gluten free, all you have to change is the gingersnaps … get the gluten-free ones and voila! If you haven’t made this recipe I highly recommend it. Easier to make and more delicious than pumpkin pie, in keeping with the season!🍁Well, the clock keeps ticking and the hands move closer all the time to when we’ll be heading off on our trip to England on board the Queen Mary 2. I think about it all the time! May 1. Here we come! I got my booster, yesterday we got our flu shots! Staying healthy! First requirement for getting on that ship! Where are we now … oh yes, must be around blessing #757. ♥️
Bye for now girlfriends. Going out on our walk with our book! I hope you are doing well and feeling festive. Both the quote above, and this one below, are very nice to read at our 400th Thanksgiving dinner! With all my love . . . .🎃 And don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway!🧡
Your posts are always so uplifting, I often come back to reread old blogs when I’m feeling down 🙂 I especially loved the leaf in the door handle
I haven’t ever commented before, but I saw this book and thought of you (I love your books!) Remarkable Diaries: The World’s Greatest Diaries, Journals, Notebooks, & Letters (it’s a book published by DK about diaries from all around the world across time!) – have you read it?
Wishing many blessings for you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving 🙂
I haven’t but I will look for it. I have a small collection of old diaries — besides mine. Lives led, histories made. xoxo
I’m drying fresh sage from the garden in preparation for Grandma’s dressing/stuffing! Can’t wait!
Oh, my heart ~ those Pilgrim candlesticks! Thank you, Bunny! Thank you, Susan!
Beautiful post. Thank you!
I feel blessed just reading this message! It’s so true blessings are all around us we just need to open our eyes to see them. A friend loaned me her (14-disc) audiobook of “A Gentleman in Moscow” and I couldn’t stop listening. Mesmerized for days was I. Incredible. Made all the more fun as I was once able to walk into the Metropol in Moscow. We, too, have had a long lovely fall, once it began, here in Virginia. A spot of summer yesterday and today but now it will remember what season it is and the leaves can continue their turning. So glad you weathered the bad weather that hit your area so hard. And so glad there were trees left to let leaves turn into fall. And so glad you’ll be able to host TG in all its glory!
Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve Been writing my annual Thanksgiving letters to people who have touched my life this year. Started this tradition years ago when my children were growing up. So many people were part of our lives…our village. Always helps to celebrate the people we love. Thanks for all sharing.
Thank you for today’s Willard!! A true gift to read this sunny (after the rain) Wednesday afternoon in lovely autumn-colored Northern California!
Dear Susan,
You are a Blessing.
Susan, I just love seeing these uplifting posts. I need them right now. Recently widowed, and major plumbing problems will have me moving out of my house for 30-40 days, so not even sure where I’ll be for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But life goes on, and I will survive. Love Actually – may have to watch it more than once this year. I’ve signed up for the May 1 QE2, and have until December 31st to change my mind. I just don’t know yet if I can do it without my Beloved. But all in good time, the right answer will come to me. Late fall here in VA also, but it’s finally here. Motivating me to get out of my doldrums and take action in the garden. Keep writing these wonderful posts my dear. We need you.
Something to look forward to … a future …. something happy …. 🧡🧡🧡. Yes, you will know. I’m sorry to hear of your trials Peggy … be sure to give yourself a gift of something something something as often as you can. XOXOXOXO
Dearest Peggy, We are all praying for you, keeping your heart wrapped while it heals a little. I read this quote yesterday, I hope it gives you the peace that passes all understanding…
Grief is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.
~tiny buddha official
I am sure as time passes you will find where and to whom to let your love flow. Until then, take good and loving care of yourself.
Thank you for such a wonderful post today, very uplifting and joyous!
Be blessed!
Hello Susan!
A “Willard” was just the medicine I needed today. Always a joy & a delight to read & view. Thank you!
Glad the storm was kind to you. We were lucky as well. No power for a few days, always a good way to clean out the refrigerator!
If I don’t “talk” to you before Thanksgiving, have a wonderful Holiday! Hugs to you, Joe & Jack.
XO Best wishes,
Charl (Cape)
Just love your posts! Always get inspired. Thank you❤️
What a wonderful blessing this blog post was—thank you!
Since I am a Halloween baby-of course autumn is my happy time of the year. Loving all the beautiful pictures being posted here,
Treese/Colorado Cowgirl
Love those special candle holders!!!?!!!!
Thanks for the beauty!
Hi, Susan—I enjoyed The Overstory and A Gentleman In Moscow also. Recently, I read Cloud Cuckoo Land and can’t stop thinking about it. Did you read the recent non-fiction book by Carly Simon about Jackie Kennedy, partially set in Martha’s Vineyard?
No I haven’t read it, have you? Did you like it?
Susan, I’ve followed you for years and you never disappoint! Love all your “stuff” and especially the candlesticks!
My favorite time of year and you make it so special Love to see what you’re doing! Thank you.
If I get lucky and win the give away I will send the candle sticks to my friend. She has had a terrible year and loves silhouettes. 🤞
Dear Susan. This will be my ninety third Thanksgiving on this earth. So much to be thankful for Wonderful memories of past holidays, with just a little sadness to remind us of our blessings. The time you spend with us is truly appreciated. Wishing you happiness and contentment.
Happy Thanksgiving dear Mary!🍁🎃🍁
Received my Blessed cup this week. Enjoyed reading Willard, so many interesting topics.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Joe and Jack. So glad this year we will be able to celebrate together with family and friends.
My wonderful Blessed cup arrived !!
It was so worth the wait. ❤️
Oh that makes me so happy to hear! I feel the same way! xoxo
Lovely long post. Thank you
Your letter is like a warm blanket and cup of tea. I really enjoy them. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Happy Holidays.
Linda S. Wilkinson
The pilgrim candlesticks are divine! Your book group hostess’s blue and orange dishes are a beautiful color pairing! So glad your Nor’easter wasn’t destructive, just bossy. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Finding Willard in my email warmed my day! Brewed some tea, sat in my favorite chair and thoroughly enjoyed the “news from home” (is where the heart is)”.
Blessings always.
Perfect “Willard” for this beautiful time called “Fall”. I have searched high and low for similar candlesticks but have not been successful – yet! 🙂
Hi Susan, Thanks for the Willard. I live in Florida so I am SOOOO jealous of your wonderful change of seasons. I grew up in Western New York so I miss the fall leaves and the smell of burning leaves (I guess that doesn’t happen much anymore). Someday I hope to make it up to New England to see the glorious Fall for myself. I love seeing all of your pictures but mostly the pictures of Jack. My Darcy and Dora Jane say Hi to Jack.
Wow! Book clubs, storms, escaping the storms; all sorts of goodies! Thank you for sharing it all, and glad you and. your house were safe with all those trees falling left & right!
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you Bunny for finding the candlesticks.
Happy Thanksgiving!
It’s always a blessing when I see that you’ve posted! Happy Thanksgiving, Susan.
Oh, I loved this post! Laughed out loud when I saw Jack standing on that dictionary. And Ripper, just so adorable……happy you have your friend back, Susan. You are just the best!
Dear Susan,
I wish to thank you for your pastoral voice that you have blessed all of us with over the years, and especially the last two years. You have shared your gift and even though we will all never meet, we have all benefited knowing we are a group of likeminded friends who value what you bring to our lives.
You help us refocus our mind’s eye to what is beautiful, true and blessed. When we open your letters, we are often seeing our life through a clouded lens ~ drearily consumed and caught in a net of emotions that seem to overwhelm and encompass a sad palate of the pallor. We feel scattered, a bit empty and sometimes are bound full of woeful thoughts and musings that we simply know shouldn’t dominate our mind, because we all know we have many blessings.
And then we read your thoughts and our hearts refill with sunshine, our mind sees rays of splendor and our hearts are warmed. You do indeed reflect true refracted light, and I am so grateful.
*And YES! I would love Pilgrim candlesticks!
What a sweet Willard! I hadn’t seen one in while! The candlesticks would look perfect on my table, even way out here in California! Feeling blessed. ❣️
I don’t know if it’s just because I’m a native New Englander, but I feel like we’re related! Cozy is in the blood!
So many people close to us and farther away are experiencing tough times that your sharing your blessings with us and highlighting small but important parts of life came at the perfect time. There are so many things for which to be grateful. Thank you!
All the BEST to you and Joe and Jack!
Susan …
Reading your words left me feeling full of so many BLESSINGS!! Feeling beyond BLESSED … thank you so much for the JOY you bring to my life!!
Wishing You & Joe … Much Love & Blessed Thanksgiving!!
So nice to see you post! How lovely was that book club! new friends how wonderful. I just had an overnight with 3 other friends at a cozy cottage on a Maine lake ringed with fall trees sigh. WE have not been together for almost 2 years but when we gathered we hugged and took up right where we left of. Friends are just the best.
I love the candle sticks what a lovely gesture.
Happy Thanksgiving
Always enjoy your Willard and the time and effort it must take to put it all together ..It’s a beautiful, colorful, interesting newsletter filled with ideas and inspiration,,Thank you!
Thank you for the beautiful post! I waited for this rainy day & turned on the fireplace to read it!
What soothing, warm words for an evening in front of the fire! Thank you for your art, your words, your recipes. They are welcome in the world we are experiencing today!
Lovely newsletter!
Your place always looks so homey and inviting. It’s like a reassuring hug!
Thank you — and bless you!!
Candlesticks!? Love!
Hi Susan, I noticed the picture of Jack investigating the mantle, as he is standing on a big fat book. Is it a dictionary? If it is, I also have one just like it. My mom would put it on a chair and thats what my brothers and I sat on to reach the dining table to eat. Then when I had grandkids, I also used it for that.
But for now it sits on my coffee table, it’s place of honor!
Yes, it’s a dictionary! Words! 🧡🧡🧡
Hi Susan,
Enjoyed reading Willard today. Love your posts.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Joe & Jack.
Charlotte Moseley
So good to hear from you again, Susan! And thank you, Bunny, for thinking of all us girlfriends! Maybe I should offer 1 or 2 of the mugs I bought when visiting the Emma Bridgewatet Pottery shop in Stoke-on-Trent as a prize for you to give away! We can start a tradition of sharing among ourselves to get us all in the Christmas spirit! And we can thumb our noses at the “supply train” dilemma! What do you think?
I think if everyone started sending me their things, Joe would leave me!🤣 It’s a wonderful idea, but we are only two, the PO, the boxes and paper, he is not a happy camper when he has to deal with all of that! 😘That kiss is for the sweet thought! ❌⭕️
What a delightful post -you are abundantly blessed for certain ! Love the small & big Book club you are a part of -wow that table was BEAUTIFUL ! I did read A GENTLEMAN FROM MOSCOW -some time ago -& yes it stayed with me for quite sometime .
I LOVE your Pilgrims -each gal I’ve enjoyed them as part of your backdrop -hope they make it into my humble home .
Happy Fall!!
This was so peaceful and soothing to read. I loved it! 🙂
Today was an off day for me, highly unusual. It wasn’t until the sun went down, that I made time to take a quick look at emails. So thankful I did. A much needed reminder and delightful Willard to boost my spirits and remind me of all the little things I daily give thanks for~ particularly trees and leaves🥰
I love, love, love the pilgrim candlesticks. I’ve never seen anything like them. Thanks for sharing.
Always enjoy your blog and your movie and reading recommendations. I read A Gentleman in Moscow and thoroughly enjoyed it. Just finished reading his latest book, The Lincoln Highway, another great read. Enjoy your Thanksgiving celebration!
Hi Susan! I LOVE your fall decorating! Your house looks so warm and cozy. 🙂
And now I want to go shop at Pottery Barn! 🙂
Love reading your posts! Thank you!
Hi Susan. I’m so excited when a née Willard arrives❤️. You know you have the sweetest friends? So generous and lovely.
I know how you feel about girlfriends. This last October I got to go to Salem with two gals we met on a trip to Scotland. I hadn’t seen one of them in six years. We had a grand time at an Airbnb in Beverly, MA, just wandering around the small town of New England. Many new memories.
I just love reading your blog posts. They are a real treat! Those candlesticks are totally cool and so unique!! Fall is my favorite time of year and your blog was a special fall treat. Thank you for sharing.
What a happy joyful letter today! Thank you for brightening up the dark, gloomy and rainy skies!
The pilgrim candle holders are wonderful. They would be fun to sit next to my wax candles of little girl and boy pilgrims that I have had forever.
Have a heartwarming Thanksgiving!
I AM SO THANKFUL I got to see my Dad yesterday and hold his hands and squeeze them. He had a stroke on Monday and made great progress yesterday… He cracked me up when the nurse asked him, when is your bday, for his bday is one of his favorite things. He could barely say yes or no but said, loud and clear, 6/16/34… I think he would have said,”and don’t you forget it:)”, if he hadn’t been so tired. The hard part is, we have a big old loving family (BLESSING!) and the hospital only lets one of us in a day. I just finished Amor Towles newest novel called The Lincoln Highway and it is LUMINOUS!!! I loved it. Happiest Thanksgiving. So many blessings!!! xoxo
LUMINOUS. oh my … I can’t wait. You are luminous too Care, in your love for your dad. xoxoxoxo 🙏
Giving THANKS to you! Your blog feeds my mind, my tummy and always my heart! I wish you and your family all the good things that the season has to offer.
Always the best surprise to see Susan Branch in my e-mail. I’ve shared this with you many times, but again my Mom started my SB cookbook collection years ago❣️ It all came about because she read you had a sister Shelly, tho I spell my name with an extra e-Shelley, as my friends say “ the e is for excellence “. It has been a wonderful Fall here at the Jersey Shore, & hoping for a snowy winter! Happy Thanksgiving
I really like your walk, it is beautiful, only to return to your lovely home, you do have a blessed life. The coming holidays can be a joy and I send my wishes to all for a healthy and happy holiday season.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I have vintage two inch tall Pilgrim candles I guard with my life each Thanksgiving, assuming no one will light them by mistake. These cherished items add to the wonderful memories of the day.
Love your posts but I have to admit that seeing Jack always brings the biggest reaction and smile.
Happy Fall to you from Cornwall! On a girlfriends trip in this most magical of places! My heart is so full and happy, happy, happy!!
I have always loved seeing your pilgrim candle holders when fall time comes around. I always hoped you might have some made and sell them like you do the mugs. But maybe there are more to be found on ebay!?! Willard was a wonderful surprise today. Fall has been colorful and beautiful here in Georgia. Enjoy the blessings of friends and fellowship this year as you celebrate the holidays.
Susan thank you for the wonderful post. It makes my day every time.
Love! LOVE! LOVE! all your things. You have such a great talent. Thank you for sharing all your goodies.
Loved Ripper and Jack. So cute.
I was just thinking… I wonder if Susan has posted a new blog post and there it was… making my day! Thank you for the update and can’t wait to use the new cups!!! Sending blessings and love- Mitzie
I love the painting of your niece – the Warriors book was what caught my eye. I’m addicted to the series & I’m over 70! : ^ ) May StarClan watch over you – & your niece – & Jack.
You should have seen her… ON FIRE about those books!!! I should read them!🍁🍁
So happy to be sitting here in my new home in Nevada, very different than California. Lots of beautiful colored leaves like yours, a fallen tree, high winds and cold nights, and our first brief snow! Blessings and Thankfulness galore! Since you are cooking this year, I hope you are making your dressing using the ironing board to dry out the bread! You first posted that years ago, but for some reason that “homey” image has stuck with me thru the years. I wish I had copied your photo. It just says tradition and family memories. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful Joe! Hugs.Kathleen Hansen
I was so happy to see your post that I didn’t even look at anything else in my inbox. I just opened it up and started feeling loved!! Thank you, you are a Blessing!! That is #758!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love 💕 your newsletter… always enjoy reading about your life on the
Island 😃
Would Love to win those adorable candlesticks .. I would gift 🎁 them to
My Momma .. she would love them !
DEAR Susan,
Being an OCTOBER BABY & my Mom (no longer with me) a November one as you can imagine FALL is my most FAVORITE time of year. Willard was a great surprise so thank you. Many of my husband’s ancestors came over on the Mayflower so having a chance to win the Pilgrim candle holders would truly be a wonderful Christmas 🎄 surprise 🎁.
Thanks for always making my ❤️
Thanksgiving blessings to you and Joe
Be well, safe, healthy and warm
Hugs, Andrea J.
LOVED your blessings!
Love the idea of cranberry marmalade
Wonderful to see your Willard again and read so many positive blessings,,, we have so much to be thankful for… one of which is you!
I so loved this!! I’m hoping one day that you’ll tell us that your new book is finished! Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you, Joe and Jack!
What a great surprise to receive Willard after a long and hectic day! Enjoy your posts and all your spectacular pictures! The pilgrim candlesticks are adorable and would love to add them to my Thanksgiving decor!
Love your blog and those candlesticks!
A wonderful post – full of inspiration and food for thought as usual.
One of my favorite books – Gentlemen in Moscow. I hear they are making a movie of it. Loved all your fall pictures. Needless to say to you, but we don’t get much of a fall in Southern California. Soooo, thank you. Have a wonderful holiday season.
So enjoy your walks, pictures of nature, and your inspiration to us all. Thanks for being you and sharing your experiences.
I love your positivity to find the blessings in the storm. Isn’t that the best way to get through life?!
Happy Autumn Susan and Joe! I always enjoy seeing your photos from your walk, appreciating the changing seasons. So much damage from this last storm here in East. Lots of shifted sands and loose boats here on Sebago Lake. Hoping you loved your stay here, a different kind of beautiful, right? Thank you for the uplift in spirit and mood , your blogs are always a welcome treat. Love your decorations and sharing the set of pilgrims. Thank you Bunny, thank you Susan!!
Oh thank you Bunny for thinking of us all! What a sweet gift.
Always fun to read your wonderful comments and follow along w your nature walks. It looks as if you and your neighbors dodged some bullets (trees). I’m always sorry to think about your mom passing away. But happy you now have Elaine in your area. We have survived all the fires in the area and had a little rain to put a little dent in our drought. I think I would like to be included in the drawing on the candle holders. Hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving.
Your post made my day, have been missing them…..thank you❤️. Wishing you and Joe a lovely holiday season together.
Loved the photographs and so glad you are doing well. I’m ready for Thanksgiving now! Just need those pilgrim candlesticks to make it perfect.
Loved playing catch up with you.
Happy Fall to you, Joe and Jack.
Hugs, Joanne
So loved reading your post today Susan! It was a lovely surprise today!!!
I love the blog, am going to make the pumpkin cheesecake and LOVe the candleholders.
A wonderful read. Best picture of Jack on that big book.
It is just so heartwarming to be a part of the vineyard in heart. Love Erin’s table and all the warm friends!