YOU YOU YOU, are too much! Do you guys ever read your comments? You should!😍 They are so sweet, so full of heart, hope, creativity, and love,
they’re kind, inspiring, and informative! They totally make my day! I laugh out loud sometimes, and you make me cry ~ I share your joys and feel your sadnesses, I laugh at your kitty names, feel honored that you share your family, kids, grandkids, classes, life excursions, bucket-list-successes with me, love it that we’re young and old and everything in between and I love it when you talk to each other! I think of the comment section as a giant girl party, an auditorium filled with the nicest, most inspirational people in the world! I couldn’t answer everyone this time ~ we had an extra lot of
comments because of the giveaway, but I was in the middle of reading them and HAD to stop and tell you they are the best! I feel blessed to share the planet with you!💞 And FYI, I don’t think I ever mentioned it before ~ it just occurred to me I should tell you, because if you signed up to receive Willards in your email, you should know I would NEVER share that list with anyone … this is just between us 💌 … it will only be used for Willards! No stuffing your box with inane messages from me or anyone else! And now, are you ready? Then let’s go! MUSICA
Time is passing, some days I feel like it’s going too fast, and other days I wish it would hurry up! We made reservations to take the train home … we leave March 18 ~ we’re finally getting close to putting the house on the market ~ we interviewed realtors all last week, this is the week we have to choose one. Problem is, we like all of them, they were all nice, all professional. And other problem is going to be saying goodbye, seeing so many old friends has been amazing! Look, me and Diane ⬇️ 💖 … from Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams fame … oh, the stories we could tell (but only to each other yes, and people who read the book😂!)💓💃🏼🥳
And we’re not done, playing, packing, OR visiting … there are more moments of sitting by the sea to be done, MORE decisions to
be made, like, how to get my car home (it’s a 2005 Toyota Highlander with only 60,000 miles on it, but the coup de grace is that it starts with a KEY, and has a CD player!!! Gotta have it!👏), how to get the art home (all the original art for all of my books is HERE! It’s in a giant old bank safe that weighs at least 3 tons, out in the barn ~ no, not taking the safe!) ~ deciding what to pack, what stays, what goes into the trash ~ and along the way, we’ve had a wonderful time, it’s beautiful here, the sun’s been shining white on the top of the picket fence every morning🌷, our days have been filled with happy memories ~ and we have made more!👏
Elaine came out from Martha’s Vineyard! My eyes say, oh BOY, can you believe this?! It’s us! Friends since 1971! . . . and Terri, she was taking this photo . . . lives up near San Francisco. The four amigas.
The boys came too! For a delicious dinner in a fun restaurant called Nate’s in downtown San Luis Obispo!
We can’t help it . . . we’re happy . . . we had such a good time!Yup, we’re
Sheri, who lots of you know because she worked here at my California Studio for years (which was in this house), lives right behind us, so of course we had to go get some of her farm stand goodies! If you’re ever in the neighborhood, her farm stand is just a couple of miles outside of Arroyo Grande . . . check her out on Instagram @honeycuttfamilyfarm ~ and go for a little drive in the country for some fresh eggs from her chickens, her homemade tea breads, cakes, and cookies, her jams made from fresh local berries and fruit. So worth it! AND, If you’re in the area, visiting
Pismo Beach or the charming village of Arroyo Grande, you MUST stop at tiny Mule Bakery for the-best-I’ve-ever-tasted puff-pastry cinnamon rolls! (OMG, I can never go there again.) The whole town is fun, it’s small, filled with antique stores, restaurants, and independent shops . . . little historical houses to visit, and the same river that’s in my backyard runs right through the town on its way to the sea. And before you go home, for some creative inspiration, take a run into San Luis Obispo and visit Art Central ~ they have EVERYTHING!⬇️ I get in there and it’s hard to get out!
Yes, of course they’re on Instagram too! As you can see in the lower left of their window . . . EVERYONE is on Instagram now! I’m on it, and I love it. Really so much better than Twitter, I’m so sorry Twitter (X) has gotten so bad. I met lots of good friends there . . . But there’s so much good information on Instagram! I saw a new thing on there to do with my closet that I’m going to do when we get home ~ so easy, why didn’t I think of it? So, you get a long towel bar and some S-hooks, some with clips. Hang the bar in your closet or wherever it fits, and then hook, or clip your pants and jeans by their belt loops over the hooks. Takes up no room, you can slide your the hooks on the bar, and it looks so easy to do! I like it! I haven’t ever had the perfect pants thing, it has to be fast for me or things accidentally end up on the floor, and I think this may just be it! Tip O’ The Day thanks to Instagram!💘
So, we are having GREAT Studio meetings… Judy, Kellee, and me … tossing around ideas for how we can work best together from so far away . . . we decided that what we really need is more meetings!! We love them! 👏👏👏👏 And it looks like we’re gonna make you some new STUFF!🎈🎈🎈
After the meeting, Sheri had us all to the most delicious lunch at the house she and her husband built ~ where they raised their three children, and are now entertaining two new grandchildren!🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
She made us a beautiful healthy salad and the Butternut Squash soup from p.33 of my Autumn Book, with star croutons and sour cream. For desert, her famous butter cookies. It was a delicious gift from her to us. 💝 Want that soup recipe?⬇️ (You’ll have to ask HER for the cookie recipe!)
PS This soup is just as good served in BOWLS!!! (HA! Had to laugh! Those two shot glasses I painted at the top are here in the cupboard! I just saw them!😱.) Here they are!
In the meantime, Lowely (who lives two doors over from us on Martha’s Vineyard) sent this picture of her backyard!!! Eeek! She made me homesick, but this picture did NOT! I love snow. I love seasons, but it’s SO GOOD HERE this year🪴🪴🪴, snow is coming in waaaay second place. Good to take a year off, next year I’ll go out and roll in it!⛄️
We keep cleaning and making piles, all my best garden books are here! Hard to not stop and read them . . . when I’m not doing that, I’m scratching heads and bellies and opening cat food! Simon, one of the cats Alfredo left for us to enjoy while we’re here, is a little bit of heaven.🥰
Like all cats, he wants to be in the center of things . . . I go through old files, and the minute a box is empty into it he goes! If he keeps it up I might have to close the lid, slap a mailing sticker on the box, and send him HOME!💝
Love this picture with the sun shining between the blinds. Simon relegates himself to the box on top of the file cabinet, but only after being shooed off my art and spoken to sternly!❤️
He gets away with it because he has wrapped me around his little toe.☺️
And he’s not alone. . . there are TWO!
Sammy and Simon, they’re both great cats!
Sammy ⬆️ is older, smaller, louder, and even though Simon is way bigger, Sammy is the alpha boy of the two … probably because of the freckle! And of course he reminds me of Jack!
Oh yes, I feel him . . . missing Jack so much,🥲 I know this will be the first thing I see when I come through the kitchen door the night we get home! He will be rolling around on the rug saying I love you, come on, pet me … but do not be deceived, he will rip your arm off if you try to touch that furry tummy! I have to pick him up from behind, trap his arms, and then I can rub to my heart’s content! And he even likes it!💖 (Ignore that face.)
We sent flowers home to Sherrie to thank her for taking such good care of Jack … and she sent this picture back. Look at my boy! Doesn’t he look good? Now THIS made me homesick! I can’t wait to see him!!!! And take note: no snow out those windows!
Next, some of you know about the puzzle I designed, it’s a big one … 1000 pieces! But we ran out of them so fast, we barely had them for a minute. But Yay! They’re back!🧩
Kellee just wrote to tell me we got more in!! For you who’ve been asking!👏
We replenished our tea stash too … I have a selection of private blend loose leaf teas that are SO real and leafy they look like they were born in a fairy’s house in the woods … The delicious camomile tea on the left is called Fairy Tale Tea … look at it … what else could you call it? A Fine Romance (my forever favorite) is in the middle, and on the end is my Green Spring Tea … a lovely blend of wildflowers and fruit in a green “rooibos” based loose leaf tea, with a heartening dollop of cinnamon spice, perfect for the cosy cool mornings we’ve been having.
We also have Genius Tea … with a chuchotement (whisper) of blueberries, food for the brain, perfect for waking the muse.💝
I brought A Fine Romance with me on the train because I bring it everywhere I go, even to England. I have to. It’s the one that got me started with blending my own, I loved this tea so much I kept trying to make other good and different teas. This one is a blend of Earl Grey tea leaves, with rose petals and lavender buds, and pure yum. I just pop it into my tea ball, stir it into hot water, and add honey and cream and voila, afternoon delight! So good you have to sit down to drink it! 💝 An every day gift!
Also girlfriends, our new recipe cards are here!
And this, I had to tell you, Tip of the day #2 . . . was perfect with my cup of Fine Romance tea today . . . delicious Kozy Shack Rice Pudding … most supermarkets have it (and for us rice pudding connoisseurs, it’s good!) . . . but the cream de la cream . . . is my new discovery . . . get ready . . .
Is this! Coconut whipped topping which I found at Trader Joe’s. I will never use whipped cream again. It’s light, delicious, barely any calories or any other bad thing! If you are a coconut person, put it on your list! 👏 I’m going to miss Trader Joe’s! There is one on Cape Cod, but you have to take a ferry with your car to get there!
And yes, back due to popular demand, and because it makes so much sense these days, we have Vintage again! Almost all of it was pre-owned by me! Rather than put the cute stuff in an estate sale, I decided to put it here … I probably already have much of the same stuff on Martha’s Vineyard. Don’t need two! I used these pitchers as vases for years. Just love them! But off they go to a new home! If you don’t see these exact items on our website yet, don’t worry, they’re coming! I’m feeling very cut-throat these days! Letting things go! Never thought I could do it. But I feel lighter already! Love that I can recycle them this way!💖 Plus I know what waits for me at home! I will not be bereft for very long!🌺
And this gorgeous mixing bowl! Waving bye-bye.😙 Hope you find a treasure there!💖
Here comes March!!! We’ll be home in the Spring, before Easter, in time to “do my part” to make my neighborhood cheerful! Also, we planted a ton of bulbs last fall, I can’t wait to see them come up! Home… 💘
Also, make a plan, because here comes Saint Patrick’s Day! Get some gold coins! Make magic! So much to look forward to! Even an extra day ~ the 29th! Leap year!☘️
And it’s almost Rabbit Rabbit time again! March 1! Be ready! Our world can use all the luck we can eke out of the universe and it’s our job to make it for each other! It’s a fun job, I know you know!🪄💫
Look at this funny thing! I had to show you …😂 I was taking the picture of the bunnies with the cup, and noticed these long morning shadows on the kitchen counter … now this is my new favorite rabbit-rabbit picture! The white rabbits at the bottom look like bunny tails on the shadows, and the shadows look like cats!!! It’s EVERYTHING!😁
And now, last but not least, it’s time to announce the winner of the lost-and-found original watercolor that celebrates everything we like … home, spring, kitchens, kitties, and love!💘 I’m much more excited than you are! Ready? Ms.Vanna popped in last night from her round-the-world jet-setter life. Of course I felt sorry for her (’cause she’s NEVER home) so I made her my Potato Heaven so she would be cozy and warm while she donned her swimming costume and dove in, whirling and swirling, sending all your names flying in the air and found one, just one, THE one, the ♦️WINNER♦️ . . . so here we go . . .
The winner is MARTHA RUSH 👏👏👏 (who may be a NURSE ~ that’s a hint in case there’s more than one MARTHA RUSH!) AND, Martha (you know who you are), I will be sending you an email so you can give me your address, and you can tell me how to sign the watercolor, “To Martha, with love, Susan Branch” (and the date) was what I had in mind… but you tell me!💝AND, if you aren’t that Martha, and if that makes you sad, this will make you feel better ⬇️. I promise, it’s famous for making people feel better!💘
And guess what, you aren’t seeing double … another way to feel better, Kellee just reminded me we did lithographs very much like that painting, because I liked it so much, I painted it more than once, only this one is without the kitty and there are flowers in the border ~ but they are individually signed by me, and they’re in our webstore. 🥰 Soooo, what else . . .
Oh! Where’s Joe you may be asking…
There he is, waaaaaay out there, riding his tractor. I took this from the kitchen window. If he ever comes into the house again I’ll be sure to take his picture for you!💋 He LOVES that tractor. (What therefore God hath joined together, let not (wo)man put asunder.🚜)
Until then, Adios from a world of blue and green, trees and clouds, gratitude and love.💋💋💋💋
What a perfect day for Stardust!! I’ve been out in the garden and came in for a little rest… then there was Willard and Hoagie! Thanks, Susan for your wonderful words and darling photos, you always cheer me up with Willard; and I agree, everyone’s comments make it feel like a party of like minds!
Congratulations to the winner, Martha! So so happy for you! ❤️
This is the best Willard!! Old friends, art, nature, kitties and tea ❤️ . Enjoy the rest of your time in California!
Love your shadow photo!
Potato Heaven….my mom would make those..we called them potato cakes. Thanks for this new Willard. Happy Spring!
We called them potato cakes too, fried them in bacon fat. A favorite of mine.
Going to try these, they sound delicious. My Mum in England (she just turned 100 in February!) used to make fish cakes. She used cooked cod and mashed potatoes and made little cakes, dipped them in flour and then fried them in a little butter. They were the absolute best! She also made a fresh parsley sauce to go with them. Heaven!
Yum … I’ve done that with a tiny bit of smoked bluefish, mashed very roughly with the potatoes and fried in butter. Also delicious!!
Another delightful Willard issue, thanks Susan! Good luck on the sorting, it’s getting to be crunch time.
What an extraordinary time in one’s life … the sorting through and packing up of one lifetime and letting it go … some to keep, but most released. A big shift in energy that will be felt throughout all that’s left … and all that’s left will be kissed with a touch of newness, freshness, and a view out to the horizon of what’s to come. I’m inspired. Such deep appreciation for you, your work, the Willards, the words on calendars and in books … you are cherished. And I LOVE reading through the comments. Wonderful human beings abound.
Hugs and more hugs. Beautifully said.!
Hello Susan! Love seeing your world in CA. and all of the photos. It is so beautiful and green. Your time there is passing quickly. You are definitely making headway to a “lighter life” which is all good. Still a bit brown here in NW Ohio, but tulips and daffodils have started to poke out of the winter earth. My Helebore (called Mother of the Bride), is blooming lovely pink blossoms and the crocuses are blooming, tiny yellow ones and lavender ones. So good to see them. Also the Pussy Willow trees are budding with their soft furry buds. Temperature with sunshine reached high 60’s today! But storms forecast for tonight with rain and high winds and then it is dropping back to Winter again!!
I can relate to the photo of Joe on his tractor, my hubby is the same, “Boys and their Toys”, he loves his old International Harvester Cub Cadet lawn tractor and his 1947 International Harvester FARMALL H tractor, both definitely have many years of work in them, they still run and get the tough jobs done!
Enjoy the rest of your time in sunny California. I always look forward to your Willards! Hugs! Candice in Ohio.
I bought my parents the 250th anniversary cup for Valentine’s Day. They went to the New England states for their honeymoon in 1965. They were over the moon! They loved the quotes and pictures painted on it, the size – big enough for a good mug of tea- and they loved looking at the blog post you did about being at the reenactment. We had such a nice time talking about their visit there and enjoying your photos. What fun! Just wanted you to know that they loved it and wanted to say thanks for creating!
Love that Julie! Thank you for telling me!😘
Beautiful property! Thank you for sharing. Makes me feel like spring is on the way 🌷 Such a happy post 🩷
Please bring Simon and Sammy back to Martha’s Vineyard. They are just too cute to leave behind! The “rabbit rabbit” photo is perfect. Safe travels home.
I would, but Jack would curl up and die, he is so spoiled he would not get over it. So I can’t do it. It’s okay. My kitty glass is full. 😻
So glad you mentioned A Fine Romance, I’ll just put in my 2 cents again wondering if
Enchanted will still be coming. I still hold on to my teaser that I bought a few summers ago.
Your fans would be ecstatic!🙏🙏🙏
I’m going to try, we’ve been working on giving me some time to get it done!💖
Oh please do, Susan! I so look forward to another book!❤️
This is how every new chapter is life should be. You are selling your property yet on your terms and taking the time to process. It is wonderful that you and Joe have been able to enjoy all your California friends and family. Best of luck and safe travels back to MV!!!!
Kathy! Always love the memories when I see your name! Thank you!
So excited to see another Willard! We need you back on the East coast Dear Susan and Joe! (I’m sure Jack does to, but those darling Kitties in Cali are so cute!) If ever you need me to bring you a Trader Joe’s delivery, I’m up for the challenge! We are no longer on the Cape but only 15 minutes to the bridge. I still travel there 2X a week. Signing off now to visit the website! Welcome Home soon! xoxoxoxoxxo
Are you in Plymouth, because I just LOVE Plymouth!💘
As ever, Susan, you leave us a sweet Willard to enjoy! Blessings on you and Joe and ALL your endeavors. Hugs, Memarge:)
Loved the Willard !! It is hard to revisit one’s past life and belongings and remember that you have moved on. When I go back to my old home it’s like a part of me never left and is waiting there for me ! LOL
Will your train be stopping in Albuquerque again on your way home? It has been deLIGHTful to visit California vicariously with you. Your Willards are always full of such JOY and LOVE. Mary from Albuquerque
Yes, it always stops for about an hour in Albuquerque! We should be there late in the day on the 17th, but I don’t know the exact time.💖
OH SUSAN!!! St Patty’s Day!!!! It would be fun to do a quick meet and greet. I do have a little something for you! I sent you a DM on Instagram a while ago. We could chat there if you like. Even if we can’t meet, I could mail you the treats. However it seems a little coincidental that it will be on a Sunday…no substitute teaching on that day or evening…. Hugs to you, Joe and the kitties. Mary
If you’re there, I always get off the train there for a little walk!
I can be there! Do you have a time yet that you will be here. I could occupy myself until your arrival at the station/platform. Trains are on time aren’t they. If I knew your departure place and time, I could look it up. Enjoy your remaining time in California.
Hello Susan, Since you moderate…. here is my cell # if you want to text me. (505)331-2689 if you have a ball park time frame. This may make it simpler for YOU! I know you are busy prepping for your return home. Or if you have your departure city, I could look it up on Amtrak site.
I promise you I am not a stalker just a FAN and I have learned how to keep my fan girl under control. I learned I could when I met Ali McGraw 2 years ago at an art show. hahaha
Oh, Susan! What a big change you are making! Happy landings back at Martha’s Vineyard, girlfriend! I hope all will go smoothly for you and Joe in this big life transition !! Hugs from central Oregon, where it was 25 this morning, brrr! Suzette
Hi Susan, I live in Falmouth MA and have met you at several book signings at Titcombs! Your books are favorites of mine! I just read your recent Willard and
Your discovery of the coconut cream topping and that you would have to travel via ferry from MV to Trader Joes with your car in order to get it! That’s a real hardship and expense……I think I can help solve that for you. My husband and I can puck up your toppings and any other trader Joe items you need, and we can take a ferry ride out of Hyannis and meet you on the other side! Maybe an signed copy of one of your cookbooks would be a far exchange😃 if this sounds like something you might like to try, just keep my email address handy. Happy to help, Marie Lydon
You sweetheart! What we do for Trader Joe’s!👏👏👏👏👏
Love your photos – especially the one of your lawn with the beautiful poofy clouds over the mountains! Absolutely breathtaking! The green grass is so enticing to this New Englander – just saw my first of the season snowdrops and winter aconite on my evening walk with my husband. Next week, the projected temps are in the 50s and I am so excited! Don’t get me wrong – I love the different seasons. But, I am so ready for spring! 🙂 Have a safe trip home!
My husband and I visited SLO this past fall and got to go to the Thursday night Farmers Market. It was a beautiful clear night and we thoroughly enjoyed it. From the music to the foods both healthy and otherwise, the arts and crafts that were displayed. Some many families having a fun evening together. It’s a great city to visit.
Thank you Susan for another wonderful post! Especially this:
I didn’t know Charles Dickens said anything so emotional and I love it!
Isn’t he surprising? 💘
I wish you didn’t have to leave your house in California because I have enjoyed hearing about your younger days in California. I know you must have had a blast. My younger days were not nearly so exciting! But I know you miss your Martha’s Vineyard home. What an interesting life you made for yourself when you moved acrosss the country! Thanks for sharing your stories with us.
What fun to get two springs! The greens are never greener than in the spring and oh how the bulbs cheer us so.
Just go with your 💚💚 for your Realtor choice, especially when they’re all good. They will all be wanting to sell your beautiful home and property. Bitter sweet, isn’t it? Plus a good time to release some treasures. I need to do that too.
Have fun making new memories with old friends, continue to take lots of photos and when leave your home there, don’t look back, just forward.
Oh, darling happy full-of-life-and-love Sue….. you are a breath of spring and good things. One of my wishes is that I could send YOU a picture (or two or three) of my funny tuxedo kitty. He is really the boss of the house but so golly gosh darn cute. He has a freckle on his nose too and a big heart on the white part of his back hind leg. Thanks for another great Willard.
What can I say, dear Susan? Your posts make me feel good when this world and our country make me feel sad.
I cling to the hope that all the good people who follow you on this blog and who read your books and who love your paintings and your attitude and your outlook on life, will be the difference-makers….that they will be the people who help make the future bright. Keep writing and drawing and blogging and painting!
We need all the good we can get!
Hi Davi,
Your words really resonate with me. I feel the same, and I truly believe that the majority of people are generous spirited, kind-hearted, compassionate & open-minded. And, our dear girlfriend, Susan, does much to inspire us and bring us together!!!
Keep hope in your heart 💙, Davi, and keep making a positive difference! I promise to as well!
Barbara Vlcek-Vinikow
I just know, have always known, there are more of us than there are of them. We’re just quieter and mostly mind our own business! Sending love! xoxo
I love this post! Seems like each one is better than the last. You have a magical life and I am so thankful that you share it with the rest of us. We had some work done in our house this last week, and we had to do some sorting and throwing away of things we once thought we would always keep. I love the cats who are there to keep you company while you are away from home. I love the vintage things you are going to sell on your website! I guess that is where I need to look next. Enjoy these days with your friends there in California. Thank you for sharing your heart with us again. I so look forward to each new Willard.
Great Willard! Looks like you’re getting a lot done as far as the packing up, but also incorporating some fun time with family and friends! I LOVE Kozy Shack pudding cups! They also make their rice pudding in a larger size with raisins. Really delicious! I also squirt a dollop of whipped cream on top! Yum! Never thought about coconut whipped cream! I don’t think my area carries that particular brand, but I’ll search the dairy aisle for another brand, as I’m a coconut lover! Enjoy your last few weeks in CA and have a safe and relaxing trip back home!
Thank you for the larger size with raisins information.👏 I can’t wait!!!💖
Loved the surprise Willard today! I’m enjoying the beautiful weather we are having between rain storms. It really has been a lovely winter this year! It’s a very good thing you didn’t plan this trip last year when we were flooded with rain. Although, seeing the snow on our mountains (even in Santa Barbara & Morro Bay areas) was a real treat then for us coastal Californians! I know you are probably feeling a lot of nostalgia as you pack up to leave the West Coast. Thankfully, Willard will live on through you wherever you are planted! Love & hugs!
Moon was going down over my picket-fence garden this morning when I got up … everything was emerald green, and moon-lit white pickets. It was so beautiful. What can I say but “thank you.” Going back home to Martha’s Vineyard will make it all okay . . . xoxoxo
Wishing you well as your bid your California property farewell. Not easy, but you’ve said it’s time to do that. You’ll still be connected coast to coast and more importantly, heart to heart.
Who will drive the tractor from CA to Martha’s Vineyard? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge … say no more!
Just yesterday I started reading “Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams” and it’s as lovely as the first, second, third, etc time I read it.
Wishing y’all well!
Ha ha! I can just imagine that tractor in our back yard on the island. He could sell rides!😂
Dear Susan, This is just what I needed!! I am so terribly homesick for California and all those vibes coming through here — the sun glasses especially! I can hear the Beach Boys now!! I’ve subscribed to the online LA Times. That helps, but sometimes makes it worse! Love your property there. If I was a millionaire, I’d bid on it!! I have friends in Arroyo Grande who moved there from Anaheim a couple of years ago. If I every go out to see them, I’ll be sure to look up Sheri’s farm.I’m so glad you have Joe. Losing the love of your life is so hard; you never get over it, and some days are so bad you can’t get through it. I’m having some good days and some challenges, but not giving up. I can’t!! Hopefully this Spring I’ll have more to share. You are ALWAYS an inspiration. Thank you so much for continuing to send us Willard. A true labor of love each month. Blessings!! Jane xoxo
I’m sure Jane, my guess is it might be the most difficult thing we ever have to go through. Your attitude is so good, I hope time will soften the blow, but I know a little about the hole in your heart, and the wistfulness that lives there. Sending love as always, and prayers for every day.❌⭕️❌⭕️
Progress!! Tell Sherry I love 💕 her and her country ways. I would like to be her pen pal. Great job on the recipe cards! I can never get enough of them. The badge I never got 😔, because my mom wouldn’t sign out my book. Now I can see it often! I wanted the pen pal patch too, but did not start writing until 12. Then I had switched to 4H 🍀
Give up whipped cream? NEVER!! 🐄🧁. I do like TJs too and I will try the other. 😋
Have one of the nephews drive the car to Mass. with art 🖼 in the trunk, and take her over on the ferry ⛴. Just a thought…
Margot B.!
XOXOXO Good idea Margot!
Oh Susan, this was a delight to read! So happy to know you are having such a good time with your family and friends and kitties on the west coast. I always feel hugged when I get a Willard. Is Jack going to see any stowaways coming home with you? Time will tell, or should I say Willard will tell. I have a crocus in a teeny cup on my kitchen table. Spring is about to make her arrival here on the eastern shores. Enjoy your trip back. See you on the twain. xo
LOL, yes, Willard will tell! See you on the Twain Susie!
Enjoy your California time and have a safe trip home.
Susan, Is there something you are not telling us? Please tell me that all is ok w/both you and Joe healthwise? Are you downsizing to slowdown?I did not get that from what you mentioned planning. I treasure you words and art and books. I also love to read the comments people leave AND your responses to them. (And your responses to my comments as well.) Thank you for all you do. You have helped me thru the lockdowns and pandemic sooo much!! Sending love and hugs,Gail
We’re FINE Gail … no worries! We just wanted to move the Studio a little bit north so Kellee wouldn’t have to drive so far each day, so we did that in the fall. Now we can sell this house and pay off some mortgages and make our lives a little more secure. It’s all good . . . it’s what you do later on in your life, and a gift if you get to do it! Thank you for your concern, but don’t worry.😘 Love and Hugs right back to YOU!!
It’s always such a treat to get Willard in my mailbox <3 I can't wait to get home after work and after evening routines – dinner for the family, cleanup, etc – to settle in with a cup of tea or coffee, put on my headphones to fully absorb Musica and savor the latest. 🙂 The teas sound wonderful, btw. I may have to try the Genius blend in particular – blueberry tea sounds delicious!
Thank you for sharing your adventures, friends and finds. May you continue to enjoy the West Coast and have safe travels when it's time to go home. 🙂
Hi Susan! I’ve just read this from a bank in Port Vila, Vanuatu—a long way from my home and even further from yours. I’ve moved to Vanuatu for the year for volunteer work and while I’m excited about all the newness, it also makes home feel all the more sweeter. Everything you do and write also feels like home to me!! Thank you so much for writing these beautiful blogs ❤️ —Morgan
Hi Susan!
I’m so glad that you are enjoying your time in California! It’s wonderful that you are sharing time with your friends! And I love all of your kitty cat pix…Sammie & Simon are just adorable! Isn’t it just too funny how kitties always seem to know just exactly where to put themselves when they want your attention?!
I loved the picture of Jack sitting next to the bouquet of flowers. Such a handsome boy! However,to me, it looks like he is missing you. I know that he will be so happy to see you when you return home. I’m like you with regard to the snowfall. We had so much last year, that I just don’t feel as excited about the snowfalls this year.
It looks like we are in for at least one more winter storm here in Reno/Tahoe, coming at the end of the week, Th-Fri-Sat. I wouldn’t mind so much, but my husband, the violinist, has a wedding gig up at Tahoe on Saturday. His trio, The String Beings, will have to drive up the mountain, and back, in the storm. 🤞
Your recipe cards are so charming! I definitely want to place an order for a couple of packages. I can’t remember if I already mentioned to you that I gave a copy of your Autumn Cookbook to a new friend of mine and she just luuuvvved it!!! And, here’s the thing: Roberta is quite the collector of cookbooks!!! I’m not kidding you…she has 2 rooms full of cookbooks!!! I’ve never seen that many outside of Barnes & Noble!!! In all the years, Roberta had never run across one of yours…crazy, right?!! Anyway, I’m going to give her a copy of your Summer Cookbook, too. I found one in a used book store…still in great condition.
Oh, and guess what…just a few days ago I was at the Michael’s Craft store and I bought some yellow & white silk jonquils with the idea of adding them onto a wreath of greenery that I already have! So, come March 1st (Rabbit, Rabbit!) I will have a Spring wreath for our front door! Just in time for the last snowstorm❄🌨…Already, the tulip🌷 & daffodil🏵 shoots are poking themselves up out of the ground, so I know Spring is just around the corner!
My husband’s birthday is next Monday and we are bizzy, bizzy planning & preparing for a party on Sunday with about 2 dozen of our best friends. Nothing better than celebrating with friends!!!🎉🥳
Thank you for your lovely Willard, Susan! It is always such a pleasure to hear from you and see all the wonderful pix!!! Sending lots of love & hugs to you & Joe! 💕🤗💕
With friendship,
Have a wonderful party! Good excuse to clean the house!!! 👏🥳🎈🥳🎉🎈
Thank you, Susan! And, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing!!!😆 Early Spring cleaning…It is amazing how the longer afternoons, with the sun slanting in the windows, highlights all the dust that’s been collecting over the dark winter months!!! I started on Sunday, and I’ve been deep cleaning one room per day…very grateful for a small house! 🏠
I bought orange & yellow tulips for the dining room table. 💐 So pretty & cheerful on a blue & white tablecloth.
Love your happy home-making …💋
Oh l feel your pain, 11 years ago we moved from our family home of 39 years to our vacation retirement home in Upper Michigan. almost 40 years of stuff to go through. Luckily our youngest son had just bought his first home so we gave him lots of furniture and kitchen stuff. One thing we did wrong is save to much stuff! A lot of it did not work in our new home, so we had a huge garage sale. Good luck in your move and prayers for safe travels.
Thank you for the day brightening post and the inspiration! You may be the most ambitiously optimistic writer in my orbit, Susan. Safe travels home.
We visit Pismo Beach about twice a year, and love all the places you have mentioned. Shopping in Arroyo Grande is always a treat! Did you find the big antique barn off the main street? Enjoy the rest of your California visit.
Yes, it’s been here for as long as we have and we love it! Have spent hours in there! Probably furnished half this house from there!😂
I just love your California kitty’s freckle! I always call it a beauty spot even though he’s a boy! Has he ever met Jack whisker to whisker?
That purging phenomenon is a real thing. I’ve been doing that for the past couple of years; I’m almost 70. Yikes, did I just say that?—still feel 30 or less and think it’s someone else in the mirror!
I read somewhere that we buy/collect stuff for our first 30 years, use it the next 30, and then get rid of it during the following years—something like that. A teacher friend was purging during a classroom move a couple of years ago and said, “Why did I buy all this stuff and dined all that money?” Well, you were in the first two stages and now it’s time to move on. You wouldn’t have done things differently because you were in “that stage” then. No regrets, just toss it! And do she did!
Yup, it’s all stages, each one interesting ~ no regrets, feels kinds good . . . I probably say every day to Joe, “aren’t we lucky?”
Can’t sleep 😳
I used to get up at 6:00 am sometimes 5:00 am. Lately though 4:00 am to make Arnie’s breakfast. However today he is still sleeping 😴. Lol
It is good to pay off the mortgage! 😌
Have a super de duper day!
Pay off the mortgage, what a happy thought!🥳
Congratulations to Martha Rush!🎉🌹
What a lot to do when you are selling a house and have to put away so much stuff!
We did it that way about 3 years ago, it was very difficult some times.
But what a beautiful weather you had out there! It was rainig here in the Netherlands for a long time with floodings everywhere and they still are …
I can understand that you are missing Jack after not seeing him for a long time. We had one of our cats send to haven,because Winnie was 18 years old and very sick….I miss her so much. She came with us from the Isle of Man and she was a stumpy ( with just a little hairy tail)
Sending lots of love to you
I am running around my house squealing like a little piglet after reading that I won the New England print!! I never win anything (well I guess I can’t say that anymore)! I am truly humbled that I was chosen and will cherish it forever. Now, to find the perfect place for it in my little house 🤩
HERE YOU ARE!!! THE Martha Rush!🥇 So happy, can almost hear your squealing!!! Congratulations! 🥳 I’ll go send that email right this minute!
Congratulations Martha!!!👏
Susan…I’m Susan, too…mostly called Sue! I have adored your everything’s for quite some time…inspiring and fun for me to delight in all stuff Susan Branch. Saw you in person in Plainville,MA at that adorable book shop so cunning. Bought another book that you delighted me with your wispy signature and note full of love! I have delighted in your books to wrap my
Heart in all the charm on all pages illustrated Susan Style! I have many likes and loves so much like yours it’s laughsble! Topping my list of favs is knitting knitting knitting as you meditate nicely while yarn makes stitches on needles to make something pretty for someone! Other loves I share …music, great quotes, great food recipes, song lyrics, singing, travel
Through England and many world places, writing notes to friends, decorating,home coziness,
Ah so many similarities of fulfillment. Maybe we are kissing cousins!
I’m now a wee bit past the 70s in age and feel like this is my happiest chapter in my life!
Active in my Town’s Sr. Ctr. knitting for Ctr. Charities to give of myself to those in need. Most of all…I get the same kicks out of life’s simple things as I do
my Louis Vuitton handbag…uh huh! My wish is to keep enjoying your life of inspirational books and your talents as I do my own, knowing how much you cherish them all …determined to keep your intrigue and imagination of life a part of my whimsy and creative every day! It’s my joy to tell folks of Susan Branch and her array of sheer talents! May nice keep lasting for Susan Branch ! Yours in Yarns…Sue Finn
Thank you Sue! No doubt, kissing cousins! YES! Attitude is everything! Age makes me more grateful and aware every day. How lucky we are!💖
Your pictures of Arryo Grande make me homesick for Atascadero. I love this time of the year on the Central Coast. It always made me think of Ireland with all the green in the surrounding hills that come after the winter rains. Have a safe trip home. Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Easter.
Good morning! Thank you for the information on places to stop at during our next visit to California 💕
Hi Susan, I have been a longtime fan of yours since the early 90’s when I received “The Summer Book.” I have collected quite a few of your books since then, and absolutely loved them all. I feel like we have so much in common, especially your tractor riding husband. My husband has 2 tractors and loves riding around the yard to clean up, gardening…whatever the yard needs and my little 4 year old grandson loves riding as well!!! Anyway, Besides men and their tractors, I love tea, cats, the change of seasons, (here in NJ we get them all and they are glorious) the ocean, books and love watercolor painting. I have been taking classes for watercolor for about 4 years and I really enjoy it. Best of all, I enjoy your monthly blog. Safe travels !!!
Kindred spirits Eileen!💘
Yea!! Another great SB Blog. I know I just wrote, but I “have to” tell you I loved your stack of gardening books. I, too, have the ones on Sissinghurst, and several Christopher Lloyd ones. Actually, I have 2 whole shelves of gardening books. Those will all go to our wonderful, tiny Library in Beautiful Downtown, Franklin, Maine. They can use them in a fundraiser. Our gardening days are behind us. We are enjoying the things that bloom every year, rhodies and peonies. I’m ordering seeds from Johnnie’s for growing cut flowers, herbs, and that’s it. Will get some tomato plants from a favorite nursery.
I’m looking forward to all the posts from the Girlfriends on this new Blog. There will be many!
Ta,Ta, Dear Lady. I know you will keep us all in the know on selling that gawjus place in Cali as well as the train trip back East.
Debbie in sunny Florida
Lovely cozy chitchat, flowers, art, friends, food … there isn’t a single thing I don’t like in a Susan Branch way! 💜
Hi Susan. It’s so nice to read your blog. Happy Women’s Day. I love you. Your fan
I always LOVE your blogs! And I just have to tell you because I’m soooo excited – one of my bestest girlfriends and I have had a trip to Martha’s Vineyard on our bucket list for years! She’s still in Alaska and I’m in Delaware now – she has a business trip mid-October to Boston – guess what! We’re going to spend the weekend before on Martha’s Vineyard! Can’t wait and so excited for her and I to chill, drink wine and catch up! ♥
And the leaves!🍁🍂🍁
Fall is really my favorite time of year – bringing the Canon to get some awesome pictures as well! ♥
Susan, Thank you again for another “Happy Willard”. Our family celebrated my Dad’s 80th birthday in Arroyo Grande and had such a fun time. Loved the photos of your home and gardens there. I want to go back and visit Sheri’s Farm Stand. Loved seeing Sammy and Simon. Thanks for the tips on Kozy Shack rice pudding and TJ’s Coconut Whipped Topping. Hoping I can get it at TJ’s here.
Hi Susan, That was such a fun Williard!!!! So glad you have been enjoying the sunshine in California.. Your blog makes me want to come up that way again like I did for your fun talk at the Apple Inn. Still have that little red apple they put in our room. Arroyo Grande sounds like a fun little town.
Can’t believe your two months will be up on Mar 18! Time sure does fly! Jack will be rolling all over the place when he sees you and Joe. I’ll be looking for Twitter from the Twain.. I go on just to check your posts and hopefully connect with some of the girlfriends. You were the reason I joined in the first place. Safe Travels and a pre Rabbit Rabbit to you!!! ❤️ Beverlee
Oh Susan! How nice to have another “Willard” so soon! And it’s lovely to see the sunshine and blue skies in CA. Even though it’s not been so cold this winter in NC I think I’m ready for spring.
I’m very blessed to have my dad still living at 93 and he and my hubby plant a garden every spring. They love getting out there on the tractor and being “farmers”.
Congratulations to Martha!
I’m enjoying my Queen Elizabeth cup…..what an amazing lady she was.
Safe travels home!
Lori, I got a Queen Elizabeth II mug, also, and each morning when I get up early, I make my one allowed cup of black tea, and sit and sip it with the Queen! I just love doing this as I sit and write letters to my friends and family. Then I wash my mug and put it away on the shelf for the next early morning, and think of travels in England , and smile all day with the love I feel for the Queen and England! Hugs from Oregon, Suzette
Popping in here before I finish reading the nice long Willard, to say, there needs to be a Susan Branch Art Museum with all those original art pieces that are in your safe. Just like there’s a Norman Rockwell museum. You are an American treasure! Ok…back to reading and savoring your writing.
Your Willard and blog posts always bring cheer, charm and inspiration. Thanks!
Lovely Willard! We are leaving California for 10 days to meet our new greatgrandson, Caylum, in Auburn, Washington. It will be cold but my heart will be warm holding this precious package!
Congratulations, Martha Rush. I can hear your little joyful piggy squeals from here. Loved the Musica: Stardust, Mom/Dad’s favorite…and what a treat to hear it sung by Hoagy Carmichael. I have always thought music from the 30-40’s was the best EVER.
It really was! So romantic. Complicated lyrics. Every kind of instrument. Big band … ahhhhhh.
I love Stardust! I have my grandma’s music box which also held her hairpins not Bobby pins😊 Before my mom passed she and my dad sang all the words to Stardust from her bed. Believe it or not it is a happy memory for me.
Music puts you into the soul of the person you share it with … I can just imagine the beauty of that sad moment. 💖
When you said you took A FINE ROMANCE with you,
I thought at first you meant your book (!) rather than your tea.
But I had been wondering if you ever DO read your books (???)
1) they are so delightful and 2) they’re your diaries of memories.
Thank you for sharing your gifts of coziness with us. Best wishes for your new transition.
Love, Pam
I do read them every so often! I’ll be looking for something, like a quote or something, and open the books and suddenly find myself immersed in memories and then an hour has passed! Thank you so much Pam! xoxo
Your potato heaven recipe can be even better if you add a fried egg on top! A local restaurant served this and it became a favorite of mine. The restaurant’s owner said her husband’s grandmother would make it for him when he was growing up. Unfortunately, the restaurant went out of business during the pandemic 🙁 so now I make it at home.
I’m sure, how wonderful! Such wonderful restaurant food … I’ve never seen it, but who wouldn’t love it?
Oh Susan,
Your entering a new season and honestly, it’s so inspiring as many of us are doing the same. Not with sadness, although that is one of the threads in life’s tapestry, but with appreciation and remembrance. So happy your taking your time,have help and the joy of old friends as you get sorted.
About 10 years ago my husband and I landed at LAX and met a great guy who rented us a 76 VW Westy. First stop was Trader Joes! I’d never seen one before, and didn’t want to leave, lol We then drove the coast, camped, and just enjoyed CA. We loved San Luis Obispo! What a farmers market!! Started in the evening and had EVERYTHING! Beautiful flowers ,amazing food,art and live music. What a great memory.
Safe journey on the choo choo. Daffodils are blooming here in NC so just a few more weeks for you and your new tulips!
Kim from NC
It’s such a beautiful coastline … the first time I brought Joe to California we did it ALL … Yosemite, the Wine Country, Big Sur … and the central coast down to LA. He was awestruck … so different from the east. Happy Spring Kim, here’s to making more memories!💖
Thank you! Love it all…your entire, every word & picture wonderful blog or Willard or whatever you do! Just Thank You! You make me happy, we’re still doing camellias (Sacramento’s 100th, 3/2 & 3/3), so we can’t drive down to get some fresh eggs from Sheri. Wish you the best in getting your house sold and all your loose ends tied up! Thank you for sharing your goodies! Thank you for celebrating my 80th birthday on your ride back home..I’ll check in on Istagram! Love & prayers, Joan
Always so fun to read a new Willard and share our lives with other girlfriend Susan Branch fans. I’m trying to clean out “my room of good intentions” and that in itself is a project gradually will go thorough my house but not today. Just one more shelf oh but what will I do with my collected treasures? A bittersweet project T this time I. Our lives but still oh so much to look forward to. Enjoy your Cali friends and come home to the east coast so you’re closer to my friend Debbie and me😘
Coming home . . . .💛
Oh my goodness so happy you found Nate’s! We love it. Nate is just lovely – he is a friend and we love what he has done with that space. Our family has a long history with that restaurant before it became his place.
Looking forward to exploring Vintage! Blessings and safe travels home after the long work in AG!
I went there many years ago when it was just a little old house … it’s been transformed! We really had a memorable time that night! Good thing they put us at a table in the bar where we didn’t compete TOO much with the noise level!😂 Tell Nate, well done!
Hi Susan,
You mentioned to ask Sheri who works for you in Arroyo Grande for her butter cookie recipe. I don’t do Instagram so how can I get in touch with her?
Kathy Kuhl
Love,love,love Willard❣️Thank you, dear Susan❣️💐🎈
I truly hope that whoever buys your place will treasure it as you do/did and will not raise the place and put up some ugly apartments or something else like that. I hope it stays pretty much the same. Glad you’re ok with getting rid of it. I know it must be hard but you’ve also had fun going through things and decided what to keep and what to let go of. Best of luck in selling it to someone who will love and keep it.
Zoning will prevent that terrible thing from happening… it’s a piece of unpaved paradise and I hope it stays that way!💖
Rabbit, Rabbit to you! Thank you for another wonderful Willard! Also, for sharing pix of your surrogate kitties, they do make a house a home.
Safe and joyful travels,
Linda Z.
I was so happy to see a new Willard, it made me stop, grab a cup of tea, and catch my breath after a few difficult weeks. Thank you for bringing joy to all of us.
I know it must be hard to go through, clean out, get rid of treasures, and say goodbye to your California home. But, it does make one feel a bit lighter and it makes life just a bit more simple. Enjoy your last few weeks in California and safe travels home to you and Joe.
Lovely Willard❣️
Packing up a house is exhausting! I have moved cross-country twice and found that the editing process caused me decision fatigue. It is good that you are combining the work with a good dose of fun with friends. I hope to follow your example and take the train from NY to California to see family someday soon. Enjoy your journey home please.
You can also ship the car, a good option that won’t put the wear and tear on it. Search online for cross-country auto shipping, and you’ll find companies who will bid on adding your vehicle to their trailer. It’s quite doable and they’ll deliver the car wherever!
I love the thought…Entering a new season (of Life) that Girlfriend Kimberly Young used describing what you are doing right now. Also love her saying that sadness is part of the tapestry of life. Coincidentally, I spent the last 2 days sorting through a very full accordion file of my “stuff” from life BT, before Tom and even life before my first husband. I laughed, I cried, I cringed with horror, all those threads of life. As I have no children of my own, I have no excuse to keep boxes of pictures of long dead people, notes on brittle newsprint, and such. I had to get over the feeling that putting those things in the trash was like murder. It’s a kindness to my wonderful stepdaughter and The Lovely, in case I “shuffle off to Buffalo” first.
Oh, we were so Young, weren’t we, and so hopeful? Some of us hit the Jackpot of Life, didn’t we?
My first trip to California was in an ancient VW bug with my roommate in college…1966! Florida to California. I had very long hair that I actually ironed in the morning, so it was board straight. We hit the Ocean in San Diego, took a right and followed the coastline to Manhattan Beach…because we were terrified of the Freeways, having never driven on one. Our friends assumed we were dead in a ditch; no cell phones and we were afraid to stop. We did the Big Sur coast, on to San Fran and back to Manhattan Beach where we stayed with friends. All in all, a month in LaLa land, and we loved it. I still have the poster of Morro Bay Rock with the Robinson Jeffers poem, framed and hanging in my guest room here in Tampa. I didn’t toss those pictures made with my Kodak Brownie. They are going to my roomie’s daughter, one of my God Daughters. She will enjoy teasing her mom. I can imagine her saying OMG, Mom!!
Just another reason to read each and every Comment on this Wonderful, Safe Place.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
Debbie in Tampa…it was 90 degrees today. Yikes!
Beyond lovely. Sometimes I don’t open things right away, for whatever reason. In this case, life was beyond stressful — too many things on the plate, most of them very problematic, nothing with a firm end date for completion, deep disappointment at having to postpone our trip to England. Not a pity party but just unable to handle/read/think about one more thing. So I saved this until I REALLY needed it. And I did today. And I feel a lot better. I smiled, nodded, caught the energy of joy here. I wish you safe travels home. I know it will be hard to leave but the good thing is that you can always go for a visit and have many lovely friends who will take care of you when you do.
I received the beautiful April in New England painting. I will treasure it forever ❤️ Thank you so much❣️ I also got my puzzle and recipes cards that I ordered. They are perfect and the puzzle will be the first item of business for our Florida vacation that is upcoming. Can’t wait for the next Willard!
Are you staying in your area when you make the move? You might of wrote it and I missed it. My husband and I talk about moving different times but it makes me tired to think of even packing up a drawer. Hope you have a easy time with it all.
Susan, I know how much you enjoyed “Gentleman in Moscow,” so I wanted to be sure you knew that it has been made into a miniseries, with Ewan McGregor as the lead. It will begin airing on March 29th on Paramount+. That does require a subscription, but it is reasonable. Another one of their series I would highly recommend is 1923.
Happy Spring,
Denise Hyde
And that rabbit/cat photo is the best!!!!!!! To those who see 🙂
Having moved 10 times in our 55 years together I feel your pain. For our last 2 moves we used one of those roll off dumpsters. Our three grown children left all their stuff with us and moved away! And my husband is a pack rat even keeping his parents old stuff. I keep getting rid of “my Stuff” because my kids will just get rid of it when we go. Trying to keep just special items.
Lifted you up in prayer for the transition and the emotional roller coaster of pain and joy your going through now. I understand this as we just bought a house to downsize with no storage. Parting ways with precious things is next to impossible for passionate people. At our season of life we know there are far worse things! Best of life.
I feel your pain and excitement as you pack up one life to start another. We recently left Delaware after 30+ years and moved to Wisconsin. It was quite a task to go through a lifetime of memories and memorabilia and choose what to keep and what to let go. I only miss a couple things that I purged and realize that I still kept more than I need. Best of luck to you. Life is an adventure!
Years ago you mentioned that you cry about something almost every day. Well, my dear, I am putting on my rain coat here on the south coast of CA because it will be a thunderstorm of SB tears when you take that last drive away from your drop-dead gorgeous CA property!!!
The lucky new owners will reap the planning and labor that the two of you put in to embellishing the property with the gardens, trees and hedges…plus your everlasting love will be a part of the property forever. The essence of your time spent there will be with you forever in your hearts. 💚💚
I giggled at the beginning of this Willard. The urgency of the clock ticking down…the stress notes coming through…then elation pouring out at the same time…all of your emotions came through loud and clear!
Joe will need to clean and organize your MV barn so the transference of SB Heart of the Home memorabilia will have solid shelving and cupboards for the barn-to-barn move because the historical stash will definitely not fit in your MV home!!
My thought returns to the first cottage on MV…a re-sale back to you and the transformation, then a grand opening celebration of the Home of the Heart museum. Now there is the perfect “storage” place on MV!!!
Love to you and Joe as you replant yourself and routine at your forever home with your sadly, temporarily abandoned Jack. I have a sad time leaving our furry love, Grayson, for two weeks! 😿. I know you left him in good care while you have been away, but being cared-for and daily Susan love are two different ways of living. I am sure that I will hear thunder coming in from a distance, but it won’t be a storm coming, it will be Jack’s ecstatic, rumbling purrs.
My wishes for you and Joe are for MANY more years to live your blissful and creative lives together.
Happy spring, happy petting time with Jack, happy early- morning tea and creative time in your studio. (Especially the time spent creating your soon-to-be-available Mrs. Susan Claus cup!!!! SO exciting for me. 🙀🙃)
We went through this last April through June of 2023 after 30 years in our house on 5 acres in WA state. It was time due to our ages to give it up and move to AZ to finally retire full time. Wish you all the best in the selling process. It all works out to the best. We still are not fully settled in at the AZ house but can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Oh Susan, I certainly can understand your dilemma. I am born and raised in Ca. and spent so much time in the Central Coast, being my most favorite place. We had visited your shop in Arroyo Grande many times before it closed. However my daughter lived on the Vineyard, her husband was born and raised there and it is next to heaven. So the two must lovely places, East and West Coasts, I know how hard it is to choose. We moved to SC in 2017 to be closer to the grand kids and had been in our home for 32 years, sorting, packing moving was a tremendous task. I am sure when the time comes you will make the decision best for you and Joe. Good luck and God Bless. BTW, I love all things SB, especially my calendars. Every day is a gift and I love the gratitude book! Thanks for everything
So happy for you and Joe! We love the East Coast and live by the water too!
Good luck with all the packing. It is so hard to get rid of all the sentimental stuff. My oldest son is 42 and I still have his pre-school papers! Haha, crazy I know. It’s time for me to clean out too.
Much Love to you and Joe. Safe travels!