So, what’s new? Well, my newest news is that a couple of days ago I was wandering around the Internet, looking at house plans and ideas for decorating, and that’s when I discovered a fabulous new trend they are calling GrannyChic” or “Cottagecore” ~ and so, being of the granny age and curious, I thought, “What is THAT?” … and I discovered . . . you should hold on to something . . . this . . .
Look familiar? Believe it or not, this is Granny Chic. It’s a thing!! “Like your grandma, but hip,” one blogger wrote.
This is it too, looks like my girlfriend’s (who actually IS a granny) kitchen! It’s described as “a back to nature philosophy of simple old-house-living with pre-worn furniture, vintage books, delicate china, wallpaper, toile, flower gardens
, baked cakes, cups of tea you drink curled up in front of a fire with a kitty, learning to knit and embroider, feeding birds, arranging flowers, and listening to old music. “It’s a world like your grandma’s house where life is more whimsical and magical in an imagined past full of good things.” How about that my friends? Everything we LOVE!
“It’s baking fresh bread, listening to the radio, wearing a floral apron, and “simple closed-toe clogs.” One blogger said it could “dethrone Hygge!!!” Don’t you LOVE it?!! They even mention Laura Ashley! I am so HAPPY. We are IN again! I thought we were going to spend eternity in heartless minimalist-ville, but apparently, it’s OVER! Think of all those beautiful old “dated” kitchens HGTV ripped out! They’re going to have to put them all back! And the fireplaces they painted over!!! Eeeek!
Hygge, Cottagecore, GrannyChic, GrandmaCore Aesthetic, Grandmillinnial Style, whatever you choose to call it (they even have FarmCore and FaerieCore), antique stores are going to LOVE it! And now maybe they will want all that great stuff we’ve collected! And think of
all the lovely hours spent wandering through antique stores ahead for the people who never heard of this before! They’re going to have so much FUN! Just no better way to have an original house than finding fanciful one-of-a-kind things at yard sales and second-hand stores. What’s next? CraftCore? Handwritten letters? Dinner parties? Anything can happen! It’s just an all-time win-win-win for the creative heart because HOME brings inner joy ~ it’s an especially big win for the Doily Mentality!
There are books and magazines for the “new” style and there’s fashion too, elegant simple things like this they are calling the “new Modesty.”
And also, they are wearing 1970s granny dresses, cotton, long to the floor, with puffed sleeves. Even in Paris!
And when they put up pics of CottageCore houses, they look like this!!!
And this … someone must have taken a trip to the English Countryside. So basically, you can count me in. Hippest of the hip … pure granny chic ~ should never go away again! Old is history, family, beauty.
I can’t tell you how much I love being hip and happenin’ again!
What do you think. . . too granny? I’m sure SOME understand about the smell of freshly ironed clothes, don’t you think?
The chic-est of the chic!