Today you are you, that’s truer than true, there’s no one alive that’s youer than you. ♥ Dr. Seuss
I have to tell you about a moment of homemaking exhilaration I experienced the other morning. I was nurking around the kitchen (definition of nurking: more is being accomplished than when simply lurking), munching left-over Orange Cake from the dinner party we’d had the night before (luscious pineapple filling; delicious fruit for breakfast); I was emptying the dishwasher, putting a mixing bowl back on the high shelf, getting things back in order; my mind was wandering around like a butterfly with no particular place to go. Both kitchen
doors were open, a soft breeze up from the harbor was drifting through the screens, sun was splashed around the room; I washed my yellow depression glasses in warm soapy water while humming Polka Dots and Moonbeams with the stereo (you can hum it too, click on and come back!), and listened to the birds singing outside the window. I set the glasses to dry on a dishtowel in front of the open window; then I got the scissors and went out to the garden in the morning sunshine . . .
. . . skirting around the chicadees and wrens splashing in the bird bath, to cut a few flowers, small pink daisy-like blooms I mixed with wildflowers; brought them back to the kitchen, trimmed their bottoms, and put them in an old sea-green tinted bottle that Joe found when he was digging around in the backyard (and brought to me like a trophy ♥). I walked around the kitchen holding the bottle of flowers out in front of me to see where it would look best. Here? Here? There! I tucked it among the China dishes on the top of my stove . . . and suddenly, right there, pure joyous, on the verge of hysterical, happiness flooded into my heart.
If you’ve read my book Girlfriends Forever, where I wrote about “the Art of the Home,” you know I’ve been doing this since I was a little girl; whatever this need is inside me, I was born with it. So of course I keep doing it. I tucked clean dishtowels over the oven-door handles, picked up all the Beatrix Potter People and wiped the shelf under them, pulled the wet laundry out of the washer into a basket, balanced it on my hip and took it to the back garden and hung the sheets on the line . . . so they’ll dry a little stiff from the salt air and smell good when I put them back on the bed. (Isn’t this music just dreamy? xoxo)
When I came in, the sunlight through the window was sparkling from the drops of water on the glasses; it was so pretty, I went and got the camera. ♥
It occurred to me while I was doing this, that I could make pancakes, sew on buttons, paint my watercolors, make new little scenes on my stove shelf, pet the kitty, set the table with candles and flowers, arrange stacks of antique garden books and tea cups, iron dresser scarves, frost cakes, oil my old wooden spoons, do embroidery on a pin cushion, knit in front of the fire with my girlfriends, and photograph the whole thing all day long and never get tired of it. I don’t even mind housework, because it’s what makes everything polished and sparkling like a fresh piece of watercolor paper, ready to be “painted” on, ready for the bouquets of flowers, the lighting of the candles, favorite books on the table, Frank Sinatra singing; us and our friends surrounded in my kind of homemade beauty. Just like playing house. Is it decorating? Maybe. Is it home making? Definitely. Creativity at its most important highest best. Bottom line is I love it so much, I’m pretty sure I will do almost anything, ANYTHING, for beauty. Of course I have to work, yes, but this is what I really like to do. Make beauty, nurk, decorate, and eat cake. ♥
She was overcome by an attack of pathological enthusiasm. ♥ Robert Lowell
So here, and in the next pages of this section, is my enthusiastic version of Decorating 101; easy ideas and tips for making home sweet home. Everything I know about decorating, and housekeeping, and less. Because as the Dr. Seuss quote above says, it’s all about you, and no one is youer than you. For instance, this basket is me-er than me. I could find a new one, but I love this one because it’s crooked and old and is hooked to history. And, at least in my imagination, it knows more about Thanksgiving than I do. But there’s no right way, no “best basket” — it’s all individual, youer than you. ♥
So whether you’re attracted to old-fashioned cottage style, clean and spare modern, whimsical and eclectic, charming country, Victorian vintage, comfy English, simple Swedish, elegant French, polished traditional, rosey romantic, cat-lady-cozy, or the ever-popular no-name decorating, we all have one important thing in common, we love our homes. ♥ We love a comfortable, nurturing environment, love seeing ourselves reflected in the things around us. Making a home for ourselves and our families does more for our general well-being and happiness than the everydayness of it might suggest; it’s second nature for most of us, because H♥ME is the place where L♥VE grows.
♥ ♥ ♥
Here’s part of what I wrote in my diary about my first little house on the island. In a true example of pathological enthusiasm, this goes on for six pages, and it was only a one-bedroom house! I guess I never wanted to forget it! I wrote my first book in this house and still have dreams about it.
♥ ♥ ♥
I love your enthusiasm.
Made me smile.
Oh, I love your style Lady Susan! You’re making me want to get up and run through my little cottage cleaning, and here I am laid up after the Dermatologist removed some skin from the back of my leg just above the ankle.Its driving me crazy! Its been a week now and I am still in pain. Probably because it’s the same leg a hurt two days before the surgery, when I fell trying to prevent falling over me sweet Grandson! But, this too will pass and I’ll be able to clean to my hearts content, and pack away summer decor, and bring out the fall! Yeah! You make all things exciting! xoxo
Sure hope you feel better soon! Now you can relax and read a good book and see what Susan is up to!
Hope you are feeling better now Carolyn Ann, back to your own self!
Thanks for affirming all of us that love to be “Homemakers”. I sometimes think the “baby got thrown out with the bathwater” with the Women’s Movement…
I so agree.
I so agree Pat. “they” told us we could have it all; well, we couldn’t – not enough of us to go around. Well, that’s all behind me now – in retirement I can play house to my heart’s desire.
I agree. Three cheers for everyone who makes a house a home!
Homemaking didn’t get thrown out with the bathwater. It’s just instilled in some of us. Like in me…..It’s so amazing to me how some women are kindred spirits. Definitely, Susan Branch and I and the wonderful women who visit this website have so much of the same dreams, thoughts and likenesses. We’re are sisters at heart! Simply incredible, I never knew.
From my first book, I knew. The letters I received were from people just like these wonderful girlfriends leaving these wonderful comments. That’s why I’m so in love with blogging . . . I always wished the writers of these letters could meet each other! My wish came true!
Thank you Susan! We are all playing house- trying to turn them into homes. Especially at times like this, when the economy isn’t great and bad news abounds all around us, it is wonderful to have a cozy retreat. Fluff the pillows. Light the candles. Pick the flowers. Use the good china. No better time than now …
That is so true! No better time than now…refuge from the storm.
And all God’s people said AMEN! Boy, did I need this today! I’m trying so hard to get motivated to do some deep cleaning & put out fall decorations & I do believe this just did the trick! Thanks for the inspiration & new attitude towards ‘cleaning’ that I’ve been looking for!
Me too!
Thank you for affirming how I feel. Happy home making~
After a really difficult year, I have done just as you say here. It’s the perfect way to heal a family that has gone through the hurt. We have all scrubbed every inch of this house, and cooked exactlly what we have wanted to eat, and used the good china so often I have not even bothered to put it away
Nothing can fix a hurt like home!
Or make a family more solid . . . love this story Dedra!
I want to click “like” on so many of these comments…:)
Wish we could click “Like” on here, but we would be clicking just about every comment!
Domesticity City … I believe our hearts are neighbors there
I love this expression, Janie!
One of the reasons I love your blog, is I feel the exact same way as you do about my home I love it !!! there are not to many people that love homemaking the way I do I pretty much keep it to myself because I know they would think I am crazy. I love decorating as you do, when I was a little girl I always played with my doll house always changing the rooms just as I do now. I am a avid knitter love to sew and I must say your blog has inspired me to try painting with watercolors, many thanks for all the wonderful posts I enjoy them all very much.
ah we love to make homey touch to our homes. rearranging, dusting, ironing, hanging out clothes and so much more. My friends and i call it puttering. people putter and butterflies flutter. silly i know lol. just thought i would share that. heres to puttering.
Oh my gosh, that is what I call it too. I could putter around the house all day. When I tell someone that, I get the “crazy” look :/ But it is what makes me happy. However, since my divorce, I have to work away most of my day. But I do look forward to the weekends (especially in the winter) when I can putter to my heart’s content!
It’s bliss.
Puttering is the best. It’s what my beloved grandfather called it when he played in the garden, shelled walnuts, tinkered at his workbench. It’s a lovely word!
Just love this Home Sweet Home section. Its done so beautifully. I completely agree that you have to decorate with the things you love and not worry what others think. Also, the Dr. Seuss quote is so cute. I sent it to my kids. I’ve always told my kids that “you are the best you there is.” I remember that quote from somewhere, maybe it was Dr. Seuss, too. Your “me-er than me” phrase is also funny and cute. Next time I see something I really want I will say, “I need this because it is me-er than me.” Stay happy Susan!
Susan, You are the “Best” !!! I just love murking around my house on a day off. Sometimes you just get more done that way. The song is Great, you Always make me smile. Have a wonderful day !!!
Oh Susan, it’s such a joy to read these pages! I’ve thought for years that I was the only one who loved the simple joys of homemaking — my friends think I’m crazy when they hear I iron dish towels! — and now I find that I’m not alone after all.
Your pages bring a smile to my face and make my heart sing. Thanks for taking the time to share.
thank goodness! no one understands my dish towel obession
Some of my friends think I’m crazy too – because I iron no-iron pillowcases every week. But how else can you get those nice sharp creases when you put the case on a pillow and prop it upright on the bed? A freshly-made bed just wouldn’t look like right to me if the pillowcases didn’t have nice rectangular creases – and the nice smooth finish only pressing can give them… So I will keep on doing that and be crazy I guess… but I am the normal one [as you often say, Sue]. I just love that – “remember WE are the normal ones…” Cute.
Makes me want to go downstairs and re-decorate….summer ends today…so, up goes the photograph of Autumn in Contoocook, NH…beach things tucked away unitl next year…summer banners down (now, to find the fall ones!). Love the Polka Dots and Moonbeams! I grew up with big band and swing music. My grandparents had one of those all-in-one stand-up radio/record players on their patio in Redlands and we would listen to the 78’s all afternoon. Then, many years later, I was reintroduced to this fabulous music by Charlie and my inlaws. Charlie and I have a huge collection of 78’s and a late model turntable that plays them (and 45’s and LPs, too! Thanks for always adding a pinch of new inspiration to your blog and your Home Sweet Home! It keeps me centered and my imagination a-whirl! xo♥
I love coming here Susan to your blog. It shores me up, and reinvigorates my love of home-making.
I met you when you toured with your first book, way back, in Sonoma California. Have followed you ever since. Miss your store in central CA. But, looove hearing of your adventures everywhere, especially, from Martha’s Vineyard. I have never been there , but have always dreamed of going.
You inspire me in so many ways~ thank you. :heart and hugs:
Susan…I think we all have done something right when, to quote a line from my favorite movie “The Wizard of Oz”, we look around our houses big or small, and say to ourselves, “There’s no place like home! There’s no place like home!”
Reading your words while listening to Sinatra….HEAVEN!
And being a lover of polka dots and PUGS, the song made me really smile
How special is this glimpse into the heart of your home, Susan! To find joy in the little things in life is a gift to treasure. Love the Polka Dots and Moonbeams, too. I have found a new radio station that I listen to online that is all old-time music….soft jazz….big band?….whatever you call it….Polka Dots and Moonbeams music. I love to crank it up loud and it just mellows out the day! I love that you add accompaniment music to your blogs! You’re so thoughtful of what we all would love! xoxo…kp
What’s the station…I love that kind of music too…soothing when I’m stressed.
I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post something like that, Evelyn, on this blog but I’ll go ahead and do it and I’m sure if it’s not allowed it will be edited from posting (which I totally understand). But, I LOVE this station so much….I crank it up…goregous music. It’s called Martini in the Morning. Apparently the station is broadcast in southern CA someplace….you can log onto it on your computer and listen through your computer speakers (that’s what I do). I’m sure there are other ways (it’s not on the radio, though). (Hope this is okay, Susan….if not I understand)
This blog does remove some of the links put it…but for some reason this one went through…good! Loved it, bookmarked it! Thank you Karen.
Oh good! I know that the purpose of your blog is NOT to promote other businesses so I didn’t initially include it in my first post for that reason. But I DO love having it to listen to.
Susan, you make me feel reaffirmed in my belief that we are all connected! I feel as though you are a close friend and we have never met! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with all of us and oh how I envy your talents! Anything Susan Branch makes me smile!
So tomorrow is September….time to pretend it’s Fall even if here in SoCal we still are having warm days! I love making our house a home for my family too.
Kindred Spirits of the home and hearth! Love to know about your first little house on M.V. where you wrote your first book. You are a constant source of inspiration! xoxox
I had kind of a downer-day until I read your blog. Thank you, Susan, for your enthusiasm and contagious love-of-life. You are terrific. My day is now sunny….hmmm…I think it may be time for some kitchen nurking of my own.
So inspiring…just wish my aching legs would let me clean like I used to…but I love the whole concept of homemaking and creating a lovely place for all to enjoy…Thanks, Susan, for inspiring us…
my only advice to you is to ‘keep your day job’ lol have a wonderful day! t
I love to play house, too! When I need a lift or I’m feeling sad about something I wash my fiesta ware and then my green depression glass dishes (Georgian Lovebirds). Always makes me feel better, if only because they remind me that I have it so much better than the folks who originally used those dishes.
warm soapy water did it for me… I’m getting my dish clothes ready!
You’re such a refreshing comfort in my life. Thanks for being you.
Thank you, thank you,thank you for putting in to words exactly how I feel about Home and the pleasure of puttering!Having spent hours arranging my teapots in just the right way or moving a vase of flowers around to 10 different spots( as if life itself depends on it) before finding the right are so right.I would rather do that on my day off than just about anything else.My favorite word in the English language has always been Home!Thank you for putting watercolor to my favorite word.
Me again…I’m having trouble purging & tossing out things. Please, do any of you have any ideas/tips/attitude adjusters to help me do this? To help me get motivated and Let Go? I’m trying to clean out my home, but recently moved my Mom to assisted living because of Alzheimers (nasty old disease..grrr) & now I’m emptying her home of 50 yrs also. I keep filling up my home w/things I just can’t throw away of hers (how do you let go of those little things that remind you of the good times of your mom’s when things w/her just aren’t the same anymore & never will be again) How do you just toss out someone’s life? (when you’re trying so hard to hold on to the bit of life left?)
You don’t. Not now. Save every little bit of it. Worry about it later. xoxo Judy. wishing you the best.
Oh my, thanks…I needed that! You have been a blessing in my life for years now (I’ve journaled in your Days Bk since the 80’s…. & wrote way back in snail mail days about my 4wheeler mishap) You brighten my day!
I went through that exact thing 3 years ago with my mom’s belongings. Sadly, she too had Alzheimer’s and needed to move to assisted living.
Susan is right. Don’t get rid of anything unless you are positive you don’t want it. You will no when the time is right. At the time I was going through it, I was a bit overwhelmed by the clutter. My mom passed away 2 years ago and I’ve had a lot of time to go through everything. Now that she is gone, I treasure everything that belonged to her.
My thoughts are with you as you go through this journey.
Thanks, Kim. Yes, the clutter is overwhelming me, but you’re right…I’ll just take it a pile at a time & take my time with it. I already treasure so much of her things..I know I’ll have regrets if I start tossing too much. She’s always been such a great Mom. Thanks again
Awesome advice to Judy Ree, Susan!! My mother too went to the nursing home a couple years ago for the very same nasty thing….I miss my mother even though she is still living. We, too, had to find homes for her belongings among family quickly to get her house on the market…you get tired and your own house gets cluttered…then you start throwing things out! Oh, oh, how I regret that. Now having more time, I would have loved to make sure nothing was thrown out in such haste…without analyzing it MORE thoroughly! Should have set up one room in my house as Mom’s overflow of things…and then gone back through it slowly…giving myself plenty of time. You can’t bring back your mother through things…but it is amazing now when I see a little bitty something that I kept of my mother’s that all of the sudden a flood of memories come rushing back! God was so good to give us memories!!
Thanks Carolyn. I’m going to make it my goal then to not have any regrets (well as much as I’m able)…life is just too short! And you’re right…our God is so good!
Yes Yes Judy. Susan is right don’t purge the things you love now. My mom, too, suffered from Alzheimers. She passed away nearly two years ago but her bedroom in our home is nearly the same. Yes, I gave clothes away but I kept the most precious things and still haven’t cleared her closet because I can’t bear to part with her favorite coats and sweaters. Here are some of the things I did and the one thing I wish I had done. Take lots of photos of your mom and of her things make scrapbooks. Keep a diary. If your mom can still write even if it is just her signature add it to your scrapbook. Our family makes cement stepping stones and I wish I had made one of my mother’s hand. If this is not possible, trace your mom’s hand and embroider. I promise these will give you comfort later. Even though right now feels like a long time in years to come it will feel like a moment. Be kind and loving to yourself. Eugenia
Wonderful ideas. Next time I go to my mom’s, I photograph her whole house! Other than the sofa and those kinds of things, she has nothing in her house that isn’t about her family.
Oh wow, Eugenia…what great ideas! Ive made the stepping stones of my grandkids but now I’ve got to make one of Mom’s hands. Thanks for your kindness in sharing!
I agree w/Susan. Don’t worry about it now. I had/have the same problem after losing my mom at Christmas a year ago. I brought so much home with me that my guest room is overflowing. I will take my time and make sense of it as I’m able. I understand how sad it is to see a whole lifetime of memories and be expected to do something with it all in too short of a time. I wish I had the magic words that could help you. Some of the things that I couldn’t keep are in photos from the past or I took new photos of. But I know keeping the things that make you smile helps to weed through it all and make those difficult decisions. Take care. My thoughts are with you even though we don’t know one another.
‘keep the things that make you smile’… what wonderful, dear advice…I will keep this in my heart. Thanks so much
Susan, I just wondered if you were still keeping that special “box” of paper ephemera that you talked about once. You probably have several boxes filled by now!
Yes, I still do, whenever I come across some wonderful little thing, I tuck it into one of my boxes, there are four now.
Just saw this comment. The one way that I have heard is the best to preserve “memories” of beloved possessions, rooms, houses, etc, (especially when a person goes to Assisted Living or Long Term Care) is to take photographs of everything and paste them in a scrapbook for the person to keep with them! I work in the senior industry and have heard this idea a couple of times from lovely families.
Also, videos, of neighbors or walks or relatives . . . these days memories can talk and even blow out candles!
I especially love one part of the well known Serenity Prayer….and that is “enjoying one moment at a time”. This is something you Susan are helping others do as you talk about loving even doing your housework. When I began to look at my moments…..I find I can enjoy the simplest things. I wash my flatware/sterling silver by hand, and lay it on a pretty towel, nice and neatly. I’ve noticed I enjoy it so much, looking at the silver that stays silver when I keep it out of the dishwasher!
Proud to be a homemaker! Your blog makes my day brighter.
Don’t forget the table cloths and linen napkins, Happy Fall
I love the Autumn book. I always get it out and read it and keep it in sight during the fall season. I love the colors of fall. My favorite time of year. But today it was 100 degrees here in Mississippi. This has been our second hottest summer on record! Autumn can’t get here fast enough for me! Thanksgiving is headed closely behind then the Christmas season. We started choir rehearsal on our Christmas cantata tonight! Had the a/c cranking so it kinda felt like winter! Fall is usually a long time coming in the south, but I am praying for it to come early this year! Our fields behind the house will fill with yellows. The goldenrods are already blooming, the fall daisies won’t be far behind. Always so beautiful! (But not looking forward to the ragweed blooming because of terrible allergies!)
Loving the blog, Susan!
All the way from the Netherlands: a big thank you Susan! You’ve touched my heart with this post… and you’ve made the start of my day just perfect! XX Audrey
Just the right stuff to get headed into fall in a few days. Today is my birthday, and we’re celebrating our 31st anniversary in our house. Susan, your domesticity city has me heading into the livingroom to fluff the pillows, turn on some music, celebrate mine and my home’s b’days, and enjoy home sweet home.
Happy Anniversary!
Reminds me of when I was divorced with four small children, and poor. I would often walk around the neighborhood looking for rummages, even if I only had fifty cents. I’d find a treasure, bring it home and delight in cleaning my entire house just to have a clean sparkling spot for my new found treasure! I still have many of those treasures and delight in the thoughts of the days they were found.
I just love reading about what you’re doing and can always easily picture your words in my mind’s eye….and then you provide me the pictures so I can compare the real with the imagined. I, too, enjoy those simple joys of homekeeping. I have the old kerosene stove my grandmother used and my mom turned into a kitchen island by adding a butcher block top. I turned it into a desk that I rearrange w/photos, books, my Susan Branch calendar/blotter. That old stove is the one thing that makes me smile when tears of losing my mom are close at hand. It is a tie that binds my heart to her and my grandmother….imagine a stove doing so much more than cook!
How lucky you are to have that stove!
Oh thank you so much for your kind, comforting words, Susan, Eugenia & Sarah! I slept better last night because you gave me the ‘permission’ to relax & take my time to find the joy again in time w/Mom instead of fretting over my responsibilities of getting everything ‘in order’. What’s really in order in life anyway? You’ve helped me more than you could ever know. Susan, thanks for this website that just DELIGHTS me! (Bet ya never thought it would turn into a counseling couch!) May God shower His blessings down upon each & every one of you!
Dear Susan, Just want you to know how very much I enjoy your blog (and all of your other creative endeavors). I wrote a little ode to you on my blog…I just know we’d be friends if our paths crossed
Anyway, if you don’t know the website you might want to check it out. Fantastic!!! It has a quote of the day that you can receive and a few days ago I got this one and thought of you:
“To us, our house was not unsentient matter — it had a heart, and a soul, and eyes to see us with; and approvals and solicitudes and deep sympathies; it was of us, and we were in its confidence, and lived in its grace and in the peace of its benediction.” — Mark Twain
So true and such a beautiful way to think of your home. I just knew you would love it. I’m a quote collector too.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your passion(s) and your creative mojo. I’m thinking of checking out watercolors — all because of you. ~Beth
PS A few years ago a wall got freed up in my house (I got rid of a big desk!) and I had a huge blank canvas…guess what I did with it? Painted your “Tree Talk” tree from your Autumn book — wall size!!! I still love it and if I could figure out how to post a picture of it, I would. Everyone who comes into my house asks me about it and loves it. Little leaves are blowing throughout the room. Always makes me happy.
Thank you for being “youer than you”!
Awwww – you’ve made my heart glad and my soul understands . . . Thank you.
dear susan, i’ m scheduled to have a core biopsy of my breast on sept. 12. your blog and, now this home sweet home section, are such a comfort and inspiration in our times of trouble (as well as regular times).. first thing in the morning, i check your blog–such an inspiring way to start the day. i do wonder how you are after the hurricane. love, janet
Hope everything turns out well Janet! We’re fine here on the island; so very lucky, almost no damage at all…the hurricane wen’t west — some kind of miracle for us, but not for them.
You have no idea how your website touches me.I am going through a most painful divorce after 38 years of marriage.I am trying to make my home my own and you inspire me to find the creativity that was once inside of me to come out again.Thank you.
38 years! That must be hard. I hope you’re OK; I love you reaching for inspiration . . . sending love, best wishes. xoxo
Just to let you know how your blog inspires me. Today, I started putting out my fall items (kind of cool & drizzly here – seemed like a good idea). I enjoyed putting each piece into place, rearranging them (a few times!), washed some glass items. I lit a scented candle & enjoyed the peace & calm of the morning. There is something soul-satisfying about fussing over one’s home.
I think someone’s comment before mine said something about being “neighbors of the heart” – I like that!
I keep saying, Susan….we are soul sisters! Thank you for sharing your Domestic Bliss with us. Your inspiration–shared–is such a friendly thing to do. We all benefit from your sisterly charms!
Hugs from West Virginia!
Susan, thank you so much for sharing your journal pages. It was such fun to take a glimpse into your life and I enjoying seeing your handwriting! It does not matter if a home has only one bedroom, it is evident that this place holds a special place in your heart. That’s what homes should be about … love.
Exactly right!
Your writing always lifts me up by affirming all the feelings we share but I’m not so good at expressing. Thanks for doing that for me. It’s so good for me to say to myself “Yeah! That’s it…….that exactly how I feel!” I didn’t think I was so domestic but I realize that this is just who I am. I am inspired quite easily…. all I ever really wanted in life was family, and maybe a little home where I can be loving and creative. Of course modern women professionals often frown upon this view of life…….I’m a grandma and still want to be Cinderella!
I love this post! Ever since I read it, I am making an effort to buy flowers for our apartment every week, and enjoy our home and the things we do to make it special to the max, despite how busy our lives are. We live in Sao Paulo, a city of 11 million people in Brazil, and we spend a good chunk of our day in traffic. I work as a secretary at the school my boys study at, and I love that I get to see them several times during the day. However, we spend about 2 1/2 hours per day in traffic, just trying to get to and from school. In the evenings, I work on translations, help the boys with homework, make dinner, do laundry, etc… After i started reading your blog, I realized I was so busy I wasn’t really enjoying the little things in life, and these are the things that matter! God blesses us so much, and we need to pay attention to the little (and big) gifts He puts in our paths! I’ve been actually noticing the birds that peck our jaboticaba tree on the veranda, the beautiful butterflies in the garden, the squirrel that runs around our school, heart shaped stones… These things bring me such joy now. It feels like Christmas all the time. I have flowers on the dinner table and in little glass bottles in our bathrooms, so we get a chance to see beauty when we wake up, before we go to bed, and whenever we are enjoying a meal together. They look and smell great. My boys love it! Thank you for inspiring me and opening my eyes to the wonders of life! Love,
LOVE THIS! You are so good! That was great! Thank you for sharing. xoxo
I just love how you make everything so cozy. I shared this with my daughter who is also a wonderful homemaker. Thanks so much!
Diana Jenks
I was reading the comments and was truly touched by the woman who wished another woman well, the joint putterers, and women who can rub two nickels (quarters) together to make a home. What kindred spirits the girlfriends are! If love makes a house a home, I say putter on while homemaking with love!!!
Isn’t that the best!
Everytime I read your blogs I feel as if we grew up together in the same house!
You are by far one of the most Wonderful women in the world! You give so much Joy to so many people and continue to do so!
God Bless you and Thanks!
I love the term “nurk”. In my case I call it “putzing” around as in doing a little of this and a little of that. Didn’t know there was anyone else left on the planet that loved ironing and moving around this and that and polishing silver-putzing around. (pronounced putt)!! You are indeed a kindred soul!! Loved the Frank Sinatra tune–he looked just like my Father right down to the suits and hat!!
Oh yes, there are many of us kindred souls out here!
Hi, Linda and Susan,
I cannot believe how many Kindred spirits I’ve met on Susan’s blog. First, it was Susan, but I see it’s also so many of the soulmates who comment here.
I was particularly struck by your comment, Linda, because, when I read Susan’s “nurking,” I immediately translated that to “putzing,” as well.
So many time when I’ve been putzing around in my kitchen, so happy to be creating something and finding I have all the ingredients at hand -or- I’ve been looking out into my back yard and watching the wrens and cardinals and jays at the feeder, or perhaps photographing the little wildflower bouquet sitting on my counter, I’ve said to my husband, “I’m having a happy moment.” It’s something that comes over me and is a physical as well as mental moment. It’s these happy moments that keep us going.
I’ve had many such moments while visiting with Susan and all of he followers on her blog.
Salad,Steamed -spiced shrimp,Soda-pop,and garlic bread. ? How down with tradition is that! Its ‘boo-whooie’ if ask me… But alas,it is so sympathetically sad
“Don’t you think”. It’s scandalous is what it is! Scandalous I tell you!!!
This year it’ll be tradition all the way……Have a blessed and happy thanksgiving
‘everyone’. Thanks Susan for giving me the opportunity to vent. Now,I think I’m over it. I’m certain,it’s all behind me.
Not so sure about that!
I enjoyed the “hitch-hiker” leaf videos. Your clips reminded me of one of my favorite words: anthropomorphism ! To anthropomorphise means to give human characteristics to an inanimate object… like your leafy friend! You might say, “Make friends with that chair!”. Anthro… is a great word to use when you play a game of Hang Man with a friend.
Your photography is funderful. Your writing lifts my spirits every time.
With affection….
P.S. Would you enjoy having a recipe from an old Boston landmark?
I have the recipe for the ‘Sweet Celery Seed Salad Dressing’ from
‘The Old English Tea Room’ that used to be on Newberry Street in Boston back in the 1970’s. Their big bowl of salad served family style was so yummy!
Would love it, and I’m sure I’m not alone! I love the “good word for Hang Man!”
I like antidisestablishmentarianism. 
While watching tv with the hubby tonight I cleaned around the woodstove – it wasn’t going at the time
– rearranging all of my “important” rocks, pieces of driftwood that look like different creatures, chasing the dust bunnies around, etc. Completely rearranged the mantel – put brown and white transferware platters and teapot on one side, candles (apple scented), oil lamps, pumpkin scented tea lights, pine cones….stood back and said “YES” that looks beautiful! I lit all the candles and the livingroom smells soooo nice now. Can’t wait until tomorrow – going to tackle the china closet!
I’m doing exactly the same thing!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and all in my house are trying to recover from the flu. (at the same time…ugh….we are all three trying to pitifully help one another.)
But alas, since it’s 3:45 am….I better not. I have a serious weakness for glassware and would love to fill the sink with warm sudsy water and make some sparkle.
So I didn’t get to eat all that wonderful food…nothing taste too good at the moment…except my hot tea. But reading all these comments has touched and warmed my heart, not to mentioned made me want to ‘nurk’ around my kitchen.
Just love all the ‘sisterhood’.
Oh dear, so sorry Jennifer. We’ve had our flu holidays too, there is a special kind of pathetic in that “helping one another” — it’s almost funny if it all didn’t hurt so much! Glad you are feeling better; I can tell you are if you’re starting to yearn to wash glasses! xoxo Love the sisterhood!
RE: Christmas Book giveaway
first of all, let me say “hello” and how much I love your blog. Due to my ill health and depressed finances, we will not be decorating for Christmas this year and it just about breaks my heart. My heart might be softened if I were to win that lovely book, printed in 1938, it would have a place of honor on my mantle, among my angels.
Cordially yours,
Jacqueline Van Horn
Pitt Meadows, BC CANADA
Come to my blog, and you will get lots and lots of Christmas — we can have virtual Christmas!! I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well!
giggle…i too wander around (to onlookers’, aka my hubby Fred it may seem aimlessly, lol) searching for the perfect “home” for a treausre that is just being added to the nest. Fred watches me, but has now learned not to ask questions, but to be quiet and patient, as i am in the “zone” yet again “illustrating” the storybook we and our children call “home”:) We live in an early 1950’s ranch house that has original wood floors and is filled with treasures from our families, flea markets, antique stores and now and again the “dump” of an old farm. ooooh, that is the BEST! I once found almost a complete set of strawberry dishes in one such dump! complete with sugar bowl and creamer!
Aimless it’s not!
so very true! Today we put away the last of the christmas decorations and the nest has resumed to somewhat normal. Now i’m wishing and waiting for a big snow storm to come our way and decorate the yard with it’s winter wonder:) I yearn for the first big snow that keeps us all home, safe and sound, watching movies, the smell of yummy soup on the stove, cookies in the oven and wet clothes strewn about. hot cocoa and bright red cheeks and noses…ahhh, the beauty of winter:)
Joe and I were just talking about it! No snow on the horizon for us. Chilly but clear.
I love to read what everyone as to say. I’m not waiting for any snow because I live in sunny California, but maybe I will make some cookies anyway. Happy New Year to everyone
Just finished sharing my lunch-at-my-desk-at-work with your blog and had to say I’ve been inspired by your stove displays. During all the stress of my husband’s emergency open-heart surgery the first week of December and a long and trying recovery that is still going on (but he is doing really well) I made frequent visits to the hospital gift shop. I found a sweet tiny blue bird that matched the slightly larger one I bought my daughter when we visited her at Thanksgiving. I looked at it several times and finally purchased it with the idea of sending it to her husband to tuck into her Christmas stocking. Then I saw a little black Scottie dog figurine and bought it for my own stocking. I went home and in the midst of chaos in my house – and turmoil in my soul – cleaned my stove and used some “Stick Um” to mount the scottie on my stove. I don’t have a wonderful vintage stove like yours and there’s not much of a ledge but the scottie dog is prancing there as if she’s thrilled to see me. I smile everytime I see it. In fact, I’m smiling now just writing about it.
I’ll have to return when I’m not at work to read all the comments here. Thank you and God bless to everyone for sharing.
Do you have a spam problem on this website; I also am a blogger, and I was curious about your situation; many of us have created some nice practices and we are looking to exchange methods with other folks, be sure to shoot me an e-mail if interested.
how can i order the heart coffee mug???? it said it would be available today???? LOVE IT! thanks for alllllllllllllll your inspiration!
I think they’re in, did you try to go to the web store and order one?
omgsh! I clicked on the music, it started, I came back and it is now playing!!! I love it!!! before, when I would click back, the music stopped!! and now it is playing!!! I did something right!!! wow!
Pink Hugs,
You are so smart!
I LOVED the plant coming up from the basement!! Just think of all the wonderful decorating you could do down there in MAN COUNTRY!! That is if you ever want to explore that unchartered territory..I bet your kitties would love to explore it also.
BTW–the BUTTERNUT SQUASH SOUP was delicious-
So happy to hear it!
Susan, A friend of mine give me one of your wonderful cookbooks, probably 15 years ago and I have been a fan since then, love your work! Enjoy following you on FB too. Janet
Susan, you don’t know what you have done for me. After being widowed for the third time in 2010, I have not wanted to get out and DO. I love my house, left to me by my beloved, and I spend most days puttering, as one of your writers calls it. My family wants me to be out and about but I like it here. I have treasures to dust, things to arrange, sewing to sew,Willards to read by my lovely lamp, and I can see from all the writing here that it is ok to do that. Like you, I can walk to the beach here in SC, and I see your moons right out my front window. So I guess I’m ok. What do you think? PS I’m the lady who had your cookbooks in my galley when I lived aboard my boat.
I think it sounds like you’re doing the perfect things … that when you are ready to go out, you will, and until then, you should make yourself as cozy as you possibly can; this comes with big love Barbara! xoxo
Querida Susan, hoy te escribo en español ya que es mi idioma y me siento mas confortable para escribirte. me siento halagada y feliz al recibir tus noticias, leer sobre tus dia a dia, y ver que aun existe gente grata y bella a nuestro alrededor, con entusiasmo y mucha creatividad. soy una mexicana que vive lejos de su pais, pero cada dia vivo con mucha alegria y gracias a dios puedo leer y compartir con ustedes. con cariño y que dios los bendiga matty.
Through the magic of Google Translate, here’s what Matty said (although Google isn’t perfect, but we will get the message!)
Dear Susan, today I write in Spanish because it is my language and I feel more comfortable to write. I’m flattered and happy to receive your stories, read about your day to day, and see that there is still pleasant and beautiful people around us, with enthusiasm and creativity. I am a Mexican who lives far from home, but live each day with joy and thank God I can read and share with you. with love and God bless matty.
Dear Matty, I think your English is great, I appreciate all of your comments. Thank you for being here. I spent much time in Mexico many years ago and fell in love with it and its wonderful people! So nice to see you here! Hasta Luego! Susan
p.s thanks for your willard letters,i enjoyed too much. matty
Dear Susan, as the news has come in I’ve been wondering if you are weathering this storm safely. It is spring here in New Zealand its hard to imagine the wild weather raging around you, with blossom bursting and tomatoes showing promise and birds singing. Thank you for your lovely enthusiasm for all things about home and hearth and for the nostalgic musica too.
It sounds beautiful there Noeleen! Yes, it’s been a terrible storm, and not over for millions of people. We were lucky and things seem fine on Martha’s Vineyard. Not light here yet, so we will see how it looks in a couple of hours! I almost feel bad that we are OK, while so many others are suffering. xo
dear Susan, so very happy to have found your site/blog… I love it!! Found stickers quite a few years ago and started to look for your art. I painted the saying “Food tastes better in small houses” above my kitchen cupboards, even wrote it curved like yours. I enjoy making “Home” my family’s REFUGE…. all the things I read on your blog seems like my heart is speaking in your words…how I love the beauty of clothes hanging on the many beautiful natural gifts from God…anyway I look forward to your blog each morning and miss when there isn’t a new one available..I was worried that the storm would destroy your home and property…so thankful u rode out storm safely…always looking for anything Susan Branch, maybe one day I will be able to meet you..much gratitude for your sharing of the heart………Evangeline
P.S. My mom picked out my name when she was 12..after reading the poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow…very special to me
What a wonderful way to get your name! The one thing we hang our hopes on is the fact that our house has withstood storms since 1849. Otherwise I would be a lot more worried when I hear a hurricane is on its way, although the kind of storms we’ve been getting the last couple of years are another thing. But thank you for your good wishes, and thank you for your sweet comment! Happy to meet a kindred spirit!
Hi Susan, every time I read your blog, I feel bless for all the beautiful things you write and do, and because there are many things that we aprecciate for the life like a good cup of tea, a cookie, be with people who loves us,love the song of the birds,smell the air,walks,cooks,paint,and go ons…. thanks for all the beautys and have a wonderful christmas an new year. matty
Love this blog, so sweet! And, the diary pages of your little house are wonderful, I felt like I was there with you (hope that’s not too creepy for you!) enjoying the beautiful rooms! xoxo
No Joanie, not creepy!
Susan –
I work outside the home each day in a downtown office building but am able to “check in” at lunch to see what you have been up to on your blog. I can’t tell you how much it brightens my day to read about what you have been up to and to see the seasonal projects that you are working on – along w/your capable assistants – Jack and Girl Kitty. It makes me long for the time I have at home on the weekends to “nest” to my heart’s content! My hubby Carl is the cook at our house so we we compliment each other nicely. Thanks for all the uplifting stories and pictures that you share. I can’t wait until your next book comes out!
I’m not sure where to leave you a message, so I’ll do it here. I love everything about your website! I wanted to tell you that in one of your blogs you had a picture of the cover of an old Good Housekeeping magazine. It listed a story by Mary Roberts Rinehart as part of the contents. If you haven’t discovered her, you should absolutely try to find one of her old books. They are stories written with you in mind, long before your birth! If you can’t find one, let me know and I will send you one of mine.
I’ll check her out Marcy, thank you!
Another year has gone by since that last time I was here. I do hope that everyone is happy
Hi Susan,
I was wondering. What was it that took you from California to Martha’s Vineyard so many years ago?
Your website and blog are so AWESOME! I get so much pleasure visiting you everyday, and I always find something new. Your artwork is so beautiful and charming. I am so thankful for finding your books so many years ago. You are a beautiful person and I just want to say Thank You for everything you share with us and for bringing us into your beautiful home! I cannot wait to see your new book!
That’s so nice Ivy, thank you very much! I’ve told bits and pieces of the story of what brought me here, in dribs and drabs, but I thought I might write it into one of my next books … about the little house I bought here, and how I came and lived for six years before I met Joe.
I found your site looking at Gladys Taber sites. I love gladys’s books and have read most of them. I also have most of them in my book collection. I read her everyday she’s so inspiring to me. You seem like a kindred spirit. I do not know many women us who truly love homemaking. Nothing gives me more pleasure than making a beautiful home and gardens for my family and friends and husband.I live in Connecticut and have a 1866 old farm house. It was the home of a rather poor farmer but it’s still standing thanks to my husband. He pours his heart and soul into making our home comfortable and beautiful. I love your wonderful pictures of your beautiful home. We honeymooned in 1994 in Edgertown and loved it. I especially love your fenced in garden. Gladys called her’s her quiet garden. Have a blessed wonderful summer.
The perfect way to start any day, almost a meditation, the good heart and common sense of Gladys Taber. Nice to hear from you Annie. I think I will be speaking at Stillmeadow next year at this time — watch “coming events” on my blog for updates.
I love the descriptions of you decorating styles, especially the “cat- lady crazy” style. My personal style is , well, you’ve heard of shabby-chic? Well my style is more like shabby-shabby. I think that is why I love your blog so much, I can dream of having an organized, beautiful home. Thank you so much, you always make my day.
LOL, shabby-shabby!!! hahaha! Too funny. xoxo
When things are difficult……Home is our soft place to land…..
Here’s to homemaking.! Love your positive, thankful attitude, Susan.
It has helped me on many a difficult day, and made me smile. . XXOO
I really love your Blog…it makes me smile and I feel like I know you. I visit the Vineyard every summer and I simply love it there. You are so blessed to be able to live in that glorious place. It is simply beautiful there and I love it. Thanks for putting a smile on my face when I read your blog. Hugs from Tennessee!!! God bless and Have a wonderful blessed day!!!<3
I am wanting to add pages to my daughters baby scrapbook “A Star is Born” Grande Album. I ran out of pages after 7 months and want to finish it through the first year. Could you provide me with information about pages and post extensions that will fit. Thanks for any help with this.
Write to Kellee — kellee@ and she can probably help you.
Susan~ I love everything about your blog. I have it saved to favorites so I can look at it every chance I get. I am in the process of redoing my kitchen and would love to paint it blue like yours, could you tell me what color and brand you used? Loved your post on Nantucket!
It’s Benjamin Moore, Woodlawn Blue — and we love it just as much now as when we painted it.
Thank you! You are my decorating hero!
Ha ha ha , that is very nice to hear MaryBeth!
I often tell my husband that he provided our houses and I made each of them our homes. We our now in our last home…have lived here now since 1991, which makes it 23 years, and I think it will be our last home. Having grown up in a military family (which meant moving every 2 years, across the globe, across the country) that is a huge feat! I absolutely LOVE making a house a HOME. Painting the walls, the trim, putting up curtains, putting down rugs, polishing door knobs, hanging pictures, placing carefully selected objects, planting flowers, turning on lights, lighting scented candles, the works! Making menus, having cotton napkins, ironing embroidered pillowcases and dishcloths. I enjoy knitting dishcloths even! It all combines to make a house a home. And this blog is all about that – talk about kindred spirits! Gladys Taber knew that. Susan knows that, and obviously Susan’s followers and fans know that. I agree with the posters early on who said that the early women’s lib movement seemed to miss the idea that some of us did not want it “all” because we knew we already had it “all”. I, for one, did not want a “career” in the business world. I had my “career” already – a wife and a mom. And now am a Neenah to a lovely little boy and a darling little girl. Am a grandma, a wife and a mom. A good cook, a good homemaker, feel loved and cared for. No, no career – didn’t need one to feel “whole” and “valued”. No thanks. Didn’t need to compete with the boys to feel “whole”. Don’t know what that is about. Don’t need a suit. Like my skirts just fine. Like a bit of lace now and then, don’t have to be all in pink if I don’t want to – don’t stereotype me. Not a politician, but could be if I wanted to. I just don’t want to. I wish they wouldn’t paint us all with one brush.
I love to dust and polish and water my plants and trim the rose bushes, bring in flowers, plant my herbs and harvest the results! Marry some rosemary with a bit of mayo and make good sandwiches with the resulting mixture. Yummy! Homemade bread is a regular in our home. Puttering is something I do. Yes, indeedy.
I had a reason for writing this evening – I was wondering if anyone had ever tried to use a tune from somewhere else on the internet as their “sound notifier” for incoming email on their email account? For instance, I just love the “hamster dance” – one of the first things I found when the internet got started WAY back! It is just so funny and cute and the images of those little hamsters just dancing and spinning away is so endearing and the song makes me happy! Anyway, I was thinking that maybe there was some way to somehow copy that song (is that even legal?) and use it instead of that annoying “boingy” sound that is there when an email arrives in my inbox. Does anyone know about this? I just like to find a way to have some joy everywhere I turn, if possible and that silly little song seems to make me happy every time I hear it. Let me know!
Thanks so much, and YAY! for domesticity!
Very excellent question. Of course, I have no idea, but hopefully someone else will know.
Loved the new book so very much…rekindled my love of B. Potter. I am planing to look and follow you and your adventures. Thank you for the lovely expressions and impressions.
Happy to meet you Hillaire!
Do you have snow…would love to see your Christmas and Holiday decorations…The outside of your home is lovely…I love the wreaths especially…
No snow for us yet . . . it’s going to be a rainy Christmas this year!
Dear Susan, I’m anxiously awaiting the delivery of two of your books I ordered on E-bay. In the meantime, I decided to take a break and read one of your many blogs……this one caught my eye. I have to mention your comment above in response to Hillaire dated December 24, 2014…… funny almost two months later your comment would be “………………………….”?
This particular blog refreshed me this morning……….thank you!
I’m not sure what that was!
I know this is an older post…but I finally found it, like a beacon of kinship…I have never heard anyone else describe this love of homemaking that I so relate to before. I’ve witnessed it…grew up with a stay-at-home mom who was always making, creating. We had a lovely home that was tidy and with good things to eat. Today, I am a stay-at-home mom, one of the few I know, and it sometimes baffles me how fast my day goes just “keeping home,” and taking care of my son. I call it “puttering and muttering.” Muttering isn’t really the right word, but it rhymes with puttering. But I happily tidy and clean, making that blank canvas as you say, humming along to myself or singing, which is unfortunate for my son and dog. There are seasonal decorations to rotate, flowers to arrange, my son’s artwork to hang. Throw in errands, laundry, creating, and cooking…and the day just GOES. I thank my husband every day that I get to live out my “dream job,” at least for a while. I get asked sometimes what I “do,” being stay-at-home…and this is it! And it’s wonderful! Or questioned about why I’m not using my master’s degree, like I did before my son was born. I will use it again, one day…but thank you for affirming what this gal has always felt was her real life’s purpose…making a happy home and warm memories for her family.
A beautiful thing Sara!
Yep that’s how I fill my day to also with a part time job and it always amazes me when I hear someone say they are bored at home .to much to do to be bored. I always firgure they have no hobbies such and gardening and crafting and decorating the house then. Maybe you would would be bored lol happy thats not me. enjoy I know I do.
I look forward to hearing from you and enjoy how you look at life with creativity and enthusiasm! Continue dear kindred spirit!
You’ve put so much work into making your house a home – and I think that’s wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!
Wow, you really are amazing. I was reading this entire page (after clicking on the music link) and wouldn’t you know that EXACTLY AS FRANK STARTING SINGING “now in a cottage built of lilacs and laughter….” that I was reading those exact words on the page. I love that a good friend of mine found you for me. It’s raining here and I’m listening to Frank. Good life.
Could you please keep including quotations from Gladys Taber. I’m a new F.O.G.T. member and love the fact that you appreciate and cherish Gladys.
I’m sure I will never stop! You might check into some of her books, because they are wonderful and FULL of quotes by Gladys Tabor!!
I guess after yesterday I realize this is where I belong. I am so sad. I went on twitter to tweet with you and my Olympic cousin. I was reading a long tweet some people were in about the Russian issue. When the conversation turned south directed toward the First Lady (and her son), so I spoke up. The guy who started the tweet got angry and then several women retweeted what he said to me. One more civil woman wrote to me the point of the original tweet and said the conversation wasn’t about women. Well that was my point exactly. They blocked me, but I wasn’t going to keep tweeting anyway. If we as Americans can’t be civil to each other outside of DC what will happen to our country? Meanwhile no one is watching out for our children. That boy who shot the other children needed mental healthcare. If a child is over 18 and not in school anymore the parents have no say so in his healthcare, and even if he was in higher education I think the parents couldn’t have. Some one had said we have physicals for some licensing and some states do for conceal carry if over a certain age, but that does not include a mental health check. So sad.
I will be kind to myself today and my girlfriends…
It’s awful Margot. I’ve been veering away from Twitter because of it. Deep breath and blue skies, that’s all that matters. Love you!
Love you too! My own personal sadness+mean people+children dying just put me over the edge. So thank you for being a friend!
Me too.
Someone in our community has a grandson who goes to that high school. Hits close to home. Hugs to you!
I just heard the only tweeting I need to hear. The birdies are up! I haven’t heard them in months…
The blog recently got some sort of update, and my bird came back!!! Yay!
Ok, and yay
! I say him last week
. Eagles are Magnificent! Imagine, Mr. Franklin wanted a
. Better for eating…
Oi? Gostaria de saber quando teremos os seus livros traduzidos para o português(Brasil)? Uma linda semana para você, beijos!
Translation: Hi? Would you like to know when we will have your books translated into Portuguese (Brazil)? A beautiful week for you, kisses!
Adoraria isso, mas precisaria de mais leitores no Brasil para fazer isso acontecer. Sinto muito! Obrigado por perguntar a Heloisa! Xoxo
Translation: Would love that, but I would need more readers in Brazil to make that happen. So sorry! Thank you for asking Heloisa!xoxo
We are kindred spirits. While my friends were worrying about their cars, I was dreaming of a little house with crisp white curtains. I feel like I should be from another generation. Home making has always been my passion.
Know the feeling! xoxo
Goodness, makes me want to get up and clean but the birds are making all sorts of noise as a storm front is working it’s way across eastern Iowa and I can’t help but listen to them and watch for rain.
I think tomorrow will be a good time to clean and possibly move furniture, (one of my favorite pastimes).
Ooooooo….I hear thunder.
Hi, Susan–
There are so many things that need doing. We’re in the process of cleaning out my Mom and Dad’s house. Dividing everything into keep, give away, throw away piles. All the “keeps” are now occupying our guestroom and my craft room. It is so overwhelming. Thank you for this article. It warms my heart in the midst of this chaos. It also gives me hope that things with time and patience will once again be orderly.
Yes, it is an overwhelming job! I’m happy you take little breaks! You’ll get there! xoxo
Susan, I love so many things that you create: Your puzzle is wonderful – Another day and will be finished. Your Christmas Book is so wonderful, I found myself living each moment with your family. Please write more – I love how you write and help the reader to join in. My favorite your stove – oh to have one. You help me escape what is so sad in our world. Thank you for giving of yourself and bring us with you. I have two of your calendars and I own the cross stitch of your stove. Lucy xoxo
Just adorable!
Lady you have a lot of energy, emotional and physical! I am 65 and can do maybe half of what is on your list! I appreciate that you write things down in diaries and share your talented gifts, observations and simple joys in life.
I have been down with a pinched nerve and sciatica for the last 6 weeks (gardening in the cold, lifting, carrying way too many heavy pots and bags of compost and potting soil. Where’s Joe I needed him!) Just as winter in Seattle was bursting all over into spring. I love the breezes, and the blooms and the light green leaves on the winter branches. You capture the simple pleasures and beauty in the world, a true sensualist.
Enjoy your May trip to the UK, hope everything is safe, open and rain free while you and Joe are out and about.
Take care Julie!! xoxoxo
Just reading this for the first time and came across the term “dresser scarf.”
I have a crocheted one my mother had made for my dresser for my 8th birthday. It is one of my treasures. Over the years any time when I’ve referred to my dresser scarf, no one knows what I’m talking about
(and now you do, yay!). I describe as a long, rectangle doily and then they understand. Thank you for today’s smile and using the term dresser scarf. 
Ha ha! See? We are the vault of things gone by, still alive, because of us!
Hello Susan! I’m from China and I would like to say that two years ago I accidentally bought the 8 books you created and I really, really liked them and have been displaying them on my bookcase. Until some time ago I started to share them on social media sites in China and found that a lot of people like your books! I now have 15 of your books in my collection, they are so beautiful and I’m going to try to follow your recipes to create a gourmet meal! Thank you so much for such wonderful creations!
Thank you so MUCH Sylvia! My book A Fine Romance was printed in Chinese … I’m not sure if it’s still available, but I think you might be able to find used copies. They did a wonderful job and all the photos and quotes are there, just like the original. Thank you for your sweet words and for saying hello! xoxo