Daffodil Sunday and Easter are both on Sunday this year.  How perfect that they’re together! MUSICA



Our snowdrops are finally up!  I know most of you are way past the snowdrop stage, but our spring is coming very slowly this year.

I thought, since it’s almost Easter, and it really is spring, I would give you my recipe for the easiest Bunny Cake in the world, in case you need something fast, but festive, kid-centric, and of course, delicious!




Bunny cake

A couple of our Girlfriends sent photos of their finished Bunny Cakes, I thought you’d like to see ~ So creative! Dried apricots for teeth!


Bunny Cake

Love the carrot!  Mini-marshmallow teeth!  You can tell they had fun decorating! If you make one, try to post it to my Facebook Page; we’ll love to see it!

flower border

bunny cake

The great thing is the Bunny Cake doesn’t require any special equipment, just two 8″ cake pans and some jelly beans!

lambcake mold

But if you would still like to have a Lamb Cake, we have some lamb molds left in our web store.  It’s such a special cake for a Spring Tea, Mother’s Day or a Baby Shower. (Lots of lovely tried-and-true Tea Party recipes in the “Spring Tea” link ~ choose the one you like on the teapot and click on it.)

flower border



I told you Spring is coming very slowly here, this was our first day of spring on Martha’s Vineyard.Welcome to my world.


Yes, but when?


And here they are, bless their hearts, demonstrating the thwarting of reality!



snowdrops They have risen above!  I have to tell you, that cold dirt smelled like heaven! Aren’t they wonderful!  Like clockwork!


in front of the fireWe have to rise above reality too, because it is definitely not time to put away the coats and jackets.

Jack in the kitchenDespite the lovely morning light and the adorable kitty, we still need to keep the house cozy, and keep ourselves warm . . .

Joe in the warm laundry

Clean clothes, warm from the dryer, is a most delicious way to keep warm! 


And then there’s this way ~ with a mixing bowl and a 375º oven  . . . for some

home cooking


I thought I’d show you my recipe for Rhubarb Crisp.  This is not a fancy dessert, but it’s perfect for a family dinner, wonderfully seasonal, old-fashioned and delicious. And so easy!


I’ll put the recipe at the end so you can print it out.  First you make the Topping ~ with oats,  brown sugar, flour, nutmeg, cinnamon, and softened butter.



Crumble it together with your fingers until it looks like this, then set it aside.  Wasn’t that fast?  See what I mean?



Then you make the Rhubarb Filling   I measured my rhubarb stalks to give you an idea of how much to buy, each stalk was 18″ ~ the recipe calls for 5½c. chopped rhubarb ~ and we used three stalks.



I chopped them into ¾” pieces . . .


measured them . . .


And put them in a mixing bowl, along with flour, sugar, cinnamon and the zest of one orange.  Mixed well . . .


and stirred in a quarter cup of fresh squeezed orange juice.


Beautiful!  The rhubarb exuded juices and made a wonderful orangey-cinnamon sauce.


Spread the rhubarb filling into a buttered 8″ square baking dish . . . sprinkle over the topping . . .


And pop it in the oven for thirty minutes until golden brown and bubbly.

Tufted Titmouse

While the Rhubarb Crisp was baking I looked out at the feeders and found we had a visitor I hardly ever see ~ a Tufted Titmouse!  Such a cutie, with those pale peach feathers under his beak and wing and those big round eyes, not to mention the hair-do!  He’s very shy and very quick, zipped in for a seed and right out, fast as a hummingbird. I was lucky to get this picture.

watercolor flowers

Girl Kitty

Since I had the camera, I thought, Hello Girl Kitty! She’s shy too, but not so fast.


The timer went off, I pulled the bubbling hot crisp from the oven. It made the kitchen smell wonderful and kept it warm for our “spring” day that’s so much like winter it’s really hard to tell the difference. But then, I didn’t really care anymore!

cooking is an art


You can serve it hot with vanilla ice cream, or cold with whipped cream.  I made it for a dinner party ~ for our friend Peggy’s birthday.


peggy's birthday

But we also had a gluten-free guest in our midst, so we tried something new and it worked.  We made a mini ice-box cake, the kind you make with whipped cream and the thin chocolate wafer cookies?

flowers (If you’ve never made one, the Ice Box Cake was what my mom always took to Baby Showers in the 1950’s and it’s DELICIOUS.  Just spread whipped cream between Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafer Cookies, stack together and cover with more cream and refrigerate for at least three hours before serving.)  In this case, we tried it with chocolate-chocolate-chip gluten-free cookies, and it really turned out good!


bunny boy somebunny


So there you go my Girlfriends. Some bunny does love you!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Happy Easter and Happy Daffodil Sunday!

Sammy and SashaI thought I’d let our Studio kitties say goodbye from California . . . on the left is Sammy, and on the right is Sasha. . . Kellee and Sheri dressed them up for St. Patrick’s Day! Aren’t they adorable?  Even better in person!

hatI also wanted to thank you for all the lovely comments for my friend Margot Datz, her darling elf, her precious gnome and the naked leprechaun ~ and her wonderful art!  There are so many talented hardworking people out there who we don’t get to hear enough about so XOXOXO to all of them too!  I especially wanted to thank you for taking the time to “like” Margot’s Facebook Page.  She has thanked me every single day, and so I have to thank YOU.  You have made the day of someone very wonderful. And mine too.  But what else is new? XOXO Love You!


8 servings                375º


  • ½ c. flour
  • ½ c. oats (regular oatmeal)
  • ¾ c. brown sugar (packed)
  • ¾ tsp. nutmeg
  • ¼ tsp. cinnamon
  • ⅓ c. butter, softened

Preheat oven to 375º.  Mix Topping ingredients together in a medium bowl.  Use fingers to make it crumbly.  Set aside and make the . . .


  • 5 ½ c. rhubarb, cut into ¾” cubes (3-5 stalks)
  • ¼ c. flour 
  • 1 c. sugar
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon
  • zest of one orange
  • ¼ c. fresh squeezed OJ

In a large bowl, mix rhubarb with the dry ingredients.  Add zest and OJ and stir well; pour into a buttered 8 x 8″ baking dish.  Sprinkle topping over rhubarb evenly.  Bake 30 minutes until bubbly and golden brown.  Serve hot with vanilla ice cream, or cold with whipped cream.

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 I hope you enjoy my first Guest-Requested MUSICA . . . for you, dear Girlfriends, from my darling friend Margot, the Magical Mother of Scarlet (the elf), the Grandmother of Georgette (the gnome), and dog mother of Yoda (the Naked Leprechaun). 

Scarlett and baby

Scarlet kindly granted me permission to show you her new baby! Thank you Scarlet! Those little baby pants are a very soft wool, and with the pointed white hat, there was no doubt that Scarlet had given birth to a gnome.



Totally worth waiting for, don’t you think? Didn’t Scarlet do a fabulous job?  This was our Baby Snuggle Tea, where Scarlet brought her three-week old baby girl Georgie to meet and greet Margot’s best girlfriends.

Let the Fun Begin


We each got to hold her . . . she made us feel like we must be really interesting looking.


scarlett and georgette

Scarlet’s already a wonderful Mom . . . Georgie went out like a light when Scarlet put her into this little wrap. (I’m thinking about getting one of these for Girl Kitty, she would LOVE it.)



We are going to enjoy watching this little gnome grow and thrive, she comes from a family of extremely creative people.

natural beauty

scarlett and wolfie

This is Scarlet and her adorable brother Wolfie at my house for an Easter Egg hunt many years ago ~ it’s been fun watching them grow up.

watercolor flowers

Margot art

This is the baby announcement Margot painted when Scarlet was born.  Is it not the most adorable thing you have ever seen???  Me, too!  I think it should go into the Smithsonian for best baby announcement ever.  Maybe I’m biased.

watercolor flowers


Margot loves to celebrate her July birthday at the beach.

watercolor flowers


This is Margot’s dog.  Its name is, of course, Yoda. 

Margot and Tom

To make Yoda feel better about “everything,” Margot and her fiancé-for-life, Tom, modeled themselves on Yoda for Halloween.  Look at the top of Tom’s head! Look how happy they are!  Don’t they know what they look like?

halloweenA scientific comparison of Yoda’s hand and Margot’s hand.

Tom and Margot

Just so you know, Tom and Margot don’t always dress like Yoda.  But they always do have fun, and . . .

fun is good


Last summer, Joe and I went sailing around Edgartown Harbor.  I took a picture of this little pointed beach. Later, we went to Margot’s art show . . .


And this was one of her new paintings! It looks like the same place! 

Creativity is Magic


If Margot seems familiar to you, I’ve mentioned her before, along with her wonderful book, the Survival Guide for Landlocked Mermaids.  If you haven’t seen it, I asked Kellee to put some up in our web store.


Besides everything else, Margot is a very famous local muralist on Martha’s Vineyard . . . not only Martha’s Vineyard ~ Margot’s done projects in many parts of the country.  Here she is doing a mural for the Oak Bluff’s Steamship (ferry boat) Authority. That’s not the real sky, that’s the sky Margot made.



This is a project Margot did at her art studio at home.  It’s for a private home. The home owners had an indoor balcony off their bedroom and asked Margot to paint some ambience for it.


But this has been Margot’s most ambitious project so far and one for which she will go down in Martha’s Vineyard history. You can see the “before” in the top photo, and the “after” down below, Margot painted the mural behind the musicians.

The Whaling Church

It was for this historical  building in Edgartown called The Whaling Church which was built in 1843. You can listen to a story about the renovation of this church and see Margot in action by clicking that link.


During the restoration, they found this old photo and discovered that in the 19th century there had been an amazing mural that had been painted over. 

IMG_5842Using the photograph as a guide, Margot made a working drawing so she could reconstruct the mural as close to the original as possible. I thought you’d like to see some of the photos I took while she was in the process of doing it. 


This was the space as it was before the new mural began.


And this is it while Margot was working on it.  Every so often we girlfriends would come over to see what she was up to. We knew it was big, but we had no idea!  I could not wrap my mind around the fact that what we were looking at was a flat wall.

on a flat wall

I had to get closer, and the closer I got, the harder it was to believe.

A complete flat wall . . . if you try to jump onto that checkered floor, you will body-slam yourself into a wall. 


Hard to believe, but it’s true.


Margot has worked two freezing winters on this project . . . the first year she did the front of the church, and this winter, she trudged through one snow storm after another to complete the sides and back.


I think you can see the passion in Margot’s eyes as she explains to Lowely and Barbara (and me) what she has been creating.  Note: no matter WHAT else Margot is wearing, no matter if she has been dipped in paint, she always has on a pretty scarf and cute earrings.


The patience, the sheer energy this took! (Margot is 61; she said I could tell you.)


tromp l'oeil

Here’s a close up of some of her detailed brushwork . . .


See the flat walls, that’s what it looked like before Margot got her brush onto it.  Not to mention the fact that she was up and down this scaffolding, carrying paint and brushes, twenty times a day.  If I got up there once, I would cling there, a ball of dripping adrenalin, until the fire department came to rescue me.

you make it look so easy


Yoda came to work, dressed for action, every day.  Margot says sleeping with Yoda is like sleeping with a naked leprechaun.


Whirling Yoda

Yoda does the happy dance.

oh happy day

Scarlett with gnome

Margot didn’t have to do the whole thing alone, besides Yoda, she had Scarlet and an incognito Georgie, as the perfect assistants.

it takes a village

IMG_5834And every so often we would all trek over to Edgartown to check out Margot’s progress, sit in awe as she explained how she was doing this impossible thing, and take her to lunch.


We did the right thing by giving her no advice.



So here is the “before” of the back of the church which Margot finished about two weeks ago.


It’s very subtle, but you can see the panels on both the bottom floor and the top, the gold leaf details below and around the clock. Tromp L’oeil  panels also go both sides of the church.


The panels look raised, but they are completely flat too, all the way from the edge of the window trim.


The eye, she is fooled! I have to say, the whole island is proud of what Margot has accomplished here; generations will applaud what it took to do this.  ♥ Thank you, also, to Chris Scott and all the supporters of the Preservation Trust, for bringing back to the island history that had been lost.



See what I mean?  Flat. Margot explains these stripes of color in this link.

And I bet now you’re saying to yourself, I’d LOVE to see what that girl’s house looks like inside . . . right? Mas Margot MUSICA  

Come with me to the Casbah. . . and . . .

cake love how to be happy

Margot Datz House

Oh, yeah.  Margot, along with Scarlet and Wolfie’s dad, Charlie Blair (the afore mentioned “fisherman”) who is now the  Harbormaster of Edgartown, built this log cabin.  And then Margot did things to it.  See that sofa?  Just an old run-of-the-mill brown sofa, but not after Margot got her hands on it, recovered  and fattened up those cushions, and voila! And the panels around the windows?  She made them. Wah ~ Wah.

If you do it with heart

Margot Datz House

     How about this magical “doll house” Margot made for above the fireplace?  She used to make lots of doll sculptures that she called “individuals” for obvious reasons.  She fashioned them from high-fired stoneware and fabric. The hair, she said, came from Poodle Parlors, and I’m told that if you had a dog with a very nice tail, you had better watch it when Margot was around.

Margot Datz House

It is the perfect creative surrounding for costume parties at Margot’s.  But, you say, I wonder if she has anything cute in her closet?  Is it all paint-spattered jeans, or what?

OK, you asked for it ~ because Margot puts Vanna to shame. (Don’t tell Vanna I said that.)


For starters, she wears diamonds on her feet.



Poor thing, she simply has no personality. Tsk Tsk.

november 2010 817

quote clothes

studio 709

As you can see, I keep my camera ready to see what cute thing she wears next. I try to talk her into doing a whole book of clothes.  Then make them, then sell them to me.  In normal sizes.


Darling Margot, Mother, Grandmother, Original, Artiste Extraordinaire, Hard-worker, Funny, Smart, Problem-Solver,  World-Class Survivor.  Great Cook, Excellent Bargain Finder, and All around Good Dresser. And Best Friend to Many and to Lucky Me.




I hope you enjoyed our Baby Snuggle and Grandma Snuggle, our elf, our gnome and our naked leprechaun . . . I know you will LOVE Margot’s paintings, you can see some of them and “Like” her on Facebook at  Margot Datz Designs or go to her website at www.margotdatz.com


With love from me to you Girlfriends.  Hope you enjoyed that!  I am working hard on our book, and making progress!  Thank you for all your wonderful supportive comments.  You’ll never know how much they mean to me.  HAPPY SPRING!  XOXO

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