On the Road . . .

Here we are, on the road, and finally I get to say Hello, so . . .

Here I am!  Verizon came through, I have much more access to the blog, from the road, than I did before.  I thought I’d do a quick update for the last week, it’s all a blur, better catch it while I still can!

Rabbit-Rabbit! September first came and went, but not before I managed to turn over my calendar page and hang up my Autumn Banner.  Because although we won’t be home, life does go on!

And by-the-way, yes, Janie has made us all new Autumn banners which should be in our web store any day now.  Like the others, it comes in its own little handmade envelope; the perfect way to celebrate the change of season.  Look for more of Janie’s darling creations coming throughout the holiday season.  And yes, we have Beatrix Potter Emma mugs coming very soon too, I know some of you are waiting for them!

About this time, we were doing our final packing . . . I made the most delicious thing to take along . . . I segmented oranges and pink grapefruit to put in a jar to keep ice cold for breakfast . . .

For our ice chest, to take on the road . . . Jack watched.  He was wondering . . . you could tell . . . “what is she up to . . . this doesn’t look good . . .”

Because I was running around decorating.  We want to feel at home when we get back.  The seasons will have changed, it will be the end of November already and I will want to jump right into late fall . . . get cozy, cook, be home . . .

 I’m already homesick for my house and cats.  I put up my little collection of metal stars and draped my fruit garland across the kitchen windows.

I put down all my winter rugs.  And by the way, if any of you like the English “Chocolate Box” rug I designed here, I think we may still have a few of them left.

I arranged my owl family on the window sill ~ I found them in an antique store years ago and they are a fall tradition for us.  The big one is a jam jar and the little ones are salt and pepper shakers.

I got out a pile of quilts for the living room . . .

And arranged my new salt and pepper (relatives of Petey’s) with my “new” little metal stove on my stove shelf…

Then our pal Iris from across the street came over to say good bye . . . we love her so much and hope she waits for us until we get home, she’s a little bit rickety these days … there were lots of dog bones and hugs for Iris before we left.

I went upstairs to put some laundry into the suitcases and Jack was ready for me . . . these two hair-bands were right in front of my dresser . . .

And these waited for me on the floor just outside the bedroom door, right where Jack arranged them, where he most loves me to shoot the bands to him . . . Such a smart kitty!

Who me?  You talkin’ about me?

But the clock kept ticking and pretty soon it was a face full of softest kitty neck in the whole wide world . . .

as we kissed them both goodbye . . . and out the door we went, with a tear in our eye, on the road again!

With the perfect MUSICA because you know, there is a kind of freedom when you turn up the music and hit the open road in your Fine Romance Van . . . you get skies full of beauty everywhere you go . . .

And sunsets over corn fields . . . (the corn fields are there, trust me! 🙂 )

And something new around every bend in the road . . .

Here we are, just clipping Vermont on our way to Ohio . . .

Crossing a bridge in New York with a wide lake on both sides . . .

Past old barns . . .

And wonderful stands of sunflowers front the road and topple over picket fences . . .

Charming views every where we look . . .

Cozy houses are everywhere . . . people here are building up their wood piles right now!

And lots of old barns, many of them painted red, dot the American countryside . . .

And here in Ohio, lots of Amish buggies and frisky horses, and every one of them we saw had a mom driving with a child next to her, going to do grocery shopping I would think.  I always wonder how slow life must be without a car, without any TV or radio to disturb the peace.  I don’t think they give them enough room on the road!

The first day, we stopped at the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, MA because we’d heard they had a wonderful display of Winslow Homer’s art . . .

In his own hand . . . we were able to see his early work, and then . . . these . . .

Watercolors, so delicate . . .

They take your breath away . . .

Filled with heart . . .

He made beauty and left it for all to see and enjoy. 

And today, we are here, in Wilmington, Ohio.  In a hotel room.  I just got back from the exercise room where I take this WONDERFUL book I’m reading (it took me a few pages to get into it, I’m so glad I gave it a chance) to ride the stationery bike.  Here’s my book waiting on my bedside table for nap time!

I just thought you’d like to see our hotel fridge.  We took everything from our ice chest and went shopping last night, so we can make new healthy stuff for the road.  I laugh every time I look at this!

And that gives you a small teeny taste of our road trip so far.  You know most of the time I work in my studio in what used to be called “the music room” of my old house.  Mostly my noises are kitty purr, maybe the heater humming, or the fire crackling, or lawn mowers mowing, or the grammar school down the street at recess, or church bells.  Very quiet. Scratch of pen. Clink of paintbrush against side of water bowl.

And then, our Fine Romance Van arrives at the Learned Owl Bookstore, with this as our reception party!  I almost can’t get out of the car!  I don’t know what to say.  Except to all of you, those who were there and to those who were there in spirit and support, thank you so much for everything you have done to make our book a success.  And I have news about it.  You know we went to second printing, which comes in at the end of October?  I think I told you . . . Well, in the meantime, guess what?  Due to demand (probably because of your relatives and girlfriends!) we have now gone to third printing!!!  And in plenty of time for Christmas!  I am verklempt, beside myself and overwhelmed about it all!  I just wrote this book for YOU, and never thought it was going to go further!  We have 130 reviews on Amazon right now, and they are all, all, five stars.  You did that too!

And for our British girlfriends, I have news for you too!  You can now pre-order a signed copy of the book much nearer to home (meaning much less cost for postage) from our friends at Much Ado Books in Alfriston in E. Sussex.  It will also be available at the gift shop at Jane Austen’s House in Chawton, Hampshire!  Plus, if all else fails, Amazon UK is carrying it too!  I’m just glad it’s there.  It was one of my little prayers, that my book about the wonderfulness of the English countryside would be available there.

The book still continues to travel without us . . .  Here it is in Washington DC, the photo taken by Victoria and David Smith who come up to be with us at the Learned Owl.  Toot toot!  Next stop Grand Rapids, Michigan!

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He Loves Us, Ya Ya Ya!

Hi Girls, remember when we first started our trip to England, how much trouble we had with the Internet in the beginning?  Sporadic communication?  Well, it’s the same thing here!  You will need some bop MUSICA while you’re waiting!  Even though, from the picture below (sent via Twitter by our Girlfriend Cathy), you can see how wildly successful we’ve become . . . no no no no no, it’s not real!  But who really cares, it looks real!

. . . I still can’t seem to tame the Internet gremlins that plague me.  This means another day of cell phone calls between me and Verizon so that I will have access to the blog while we drive from place to place.  But I promise to make up for it when all settles down!  I just wanted to let you know what’s been going on and why you haven’t heard from me and why I haven’t been able to “moderate” our comments!

I’ve been taking lots of pictures which I’ll have for you soon.  But I knew you’d want to see one of the main reasons it was so hard to leave home.  My dearest little boy playing with his new catnip pillow.  I would say, “Note wildness in eyes,” but you all know that wildness is always there!  We have to leave the hotel now if we’re going to make it to our next adventure in Hudson, Ohio!  So bye for now Girls.  I’ll be back! xoxo  P.S. People are loving the Fine Romance Van! 🙂

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