‘Tis the Season, for the memories, for the things that matter . . . and for the MUSICA! Happy Monday! Rabbit-Rabbit!Being my camera-loving Mother’s daughter (except and because of the fact that that we no longer have to buy film), I have over a hundred-thousand photographs in my iPhotos … so many they don’t fit on my computer, I have to keep them in a separate hard drive with a ton of memory. They’re filed by category, under headings like “Holly Oak,” “Family,” “Quilts and Sewing,” “Birds,” “England,” “Tablesettings,” “Children’s Letters,” “Tea and Dishes,” “Heroes,” “Decorating,” and “Tiny Vases” ~ 135 categories! There are innumerable subheadings too, like “Diet,” “Time,” “Courage,” “Happy,” and “Dreams.” They’re also filed by color. So if I type “GREEN,” into my Photo Search, over 100 photos come up, all green, from green fireworks to my green Girl Scout badges. The color headings include lots of photos you haven’t seen because they haven’t necessarily fit into a story. I can’t wait to show you BROWN! Brown sounds so boring but it’s NOT! But today, in honor of the season, we are going to do RED! It’s my biggest color category, almost 300 photos, and as you might guess, over half of them have to do with this wonderful time of year!  

This is one of the pictures Joe took for the back cover of my Christmas Book.

“I love bright red drinks, don’t you? They taste twice as good as any other color.”
Lucy Maud Montgomery

You can see, the silverware and flowers aren’t even on the table yet, but I didn’t care, I had to light the candles to see what they were going to look like on that tablecloth which is actually a bedspread! Just thinking about that bedspread this morning . . . where is it? Need it!

Right now our kitchen table is a gathering of little piles with addresses and cards . . . this to there, and this to there . . . spreading cheer where we can.

As you can tell, I love this radish. As a lover and collector of whimsy, here was never a more perfect photo to add to my RED pile than this one.

Food is Love

It’s not a very big book, and it’s almost full … not every dinner party gets in, but every so often, I write down the whole thing, what we ate, who was there, what we were thinking . . . For the memories.

See what I mean? RED is everywhere in the Christmas season!

Even the tiny bits of red stand out in these guest-room towels!

And this old guy. Years ago we had a person making dishtowels for us, but he retired and so that was that, but not before I got this one for my collection! Joe modeled for me, that’s how I drew Santa… “His eyes ~ how they twinkled! His dimples ~ How Merry!”

‘Cause, when I can’t make them, I draw them . . .

Making the cupboards shine . . .

with sparkly glasses . . .

Symphony in RED, my Mom, Me, and my Dad. I’m mashing, she’s thickening the gravy, he’s got the salt. The perfect number of cooks in the kitchen, if you ask me.❤️

Joe’s handiwork . . .

Reflections . . . I don’t know what it is about them, but they feel like magic . . .


Heaven and nature sings . . . “…and so many orchards circled the village that on some crisp October afternoons the whole world smelled like pie.”
Alice Hoffman

Need I say more?

Sometimes the RED is very subtle . . .

And sometimes you really don’t have to look for it!

I am not allowed to throw out a poinsettia. I have to hide them to throw them away, because Joe will even take them out of the trash if he sees them. So, see the little one on the left? That came limping in from the previous year.

Just good RED.

And embroidered RED for the bread basket.

And my boy with his Christmas feather!

Through the pantry window to the barn after fresh snowfall, I should play the song, Isn’t it Romantic . . .🎶

Cheese Blintzes and Cherry Sauce!

5. You make magic, like Santa Claus . . .

Spiced Pecans and best old stove, heartbeat of the house.❤️ MAS MUSICA!

My other boy at work in his village . . .

A heart-shaped strawberry. Nature does make the most whimsical REDS.

In my next life, I will paint my house cranberry red just like this! I think I should even aim for this very one!

“But Jo, I think I will be homesick for you, even in heaven.” ❤️ Beth, Little Women

This slipped into the RED category because of his cheeks!

The pear is actually a candle. I think this and the book was a Giveaway from a few years back.

A Valentine from Joe. I do wear it sometimes, like on Christmas morning, when I want to be festive, even though it goes up to my knuckle! Do not think it is a real, what? Cranberry diamond? Because it’s not. It’s just sweet as pie.

Making memories…

I mean, did someone say RED? Remember when we went to Vermont for a sleigh ride?

Then there’s this . . . it snowed on our first Thanksgiving in this house, which was exactly thirty years ago this last Thanksgiving! ❤️

Just a picture I never get to use, but I love it. That dishtowel is hanging on my stove right now!

There’s that cranberry cake! Tea party, cozy fire, sugared fruit, vintage tablecloth . . . 

One of the other Photo-Categories I love is “GLASS” ~ 132 photos of sparkling pitchers, lamps, candlesticks, sugar bowls, and etched champagne glasses. These Star Bobeche are perfect additions. AND they are our Giveaway for this very RED Letter Day.

For the Lucky Winner, a pair of Star Bobeche will soon be flying your way, from me to you, just in time for decorating! Vanna was downstairs earlier, she climbed into the barrel filled with all of your names in her flannel Santa Jammies and kitty-cat slippers. She stirred the little slips carefully, and for a very long time, but finally, she did come up with one name (one, is not enough, I wish I could do fishes and loaves and have them for EVERYONE💞)… BUT here is our grand and I do mean grand WINNER:

G  I  N  E  T  T  E     W  H  E  E  L  E  R

Congratulations Ginette … I’ll be emailing you, please write me back with your address and your Bobeche will be on the way!❤️ 

I’ve been listening to and watching Little Women while writing this post . . . tears and joy and the spirit of Christmas.“Jo, your hair will grow back and it will be as lovely as ever, but you will never be more beautiful than you are right now.”  ❤️ MarmeeLove you, dear ones . . . Deep Breath, do what it takes to make your hours turn into Red Letter Days.❤️ A little cup of tea here, a little pet-the-pet there, a little baked potato with lots of butter here. 💋 Use your powers for good . . . XOXO


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We’re talking Homemade Magic today.💖 Do come along, won’t you? MUSICA!

Thought I would talk about the magic of this season . . . We’re all going to be making some this next week (and month)!

We’re cooking up some magic at home and taking it to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving this year! I’m making my heavenly Pumpkin Cheesecake (you can make this gluten free by making one change in the recipe, use gluten-free ginger snaps for the crust, and voila!)I’m also making my Sweet Potato Casserole ⬆️ a wonderful recipe which I sometimes serve in mini pumpkins . . . 

But this time I’m just baking it in a casserole dish so it’s easier for travel. (Like my apron? Quite the garment! No mistaking the holiday!)🎃

I’m also providing the cranberry sauce which I almost force them to let me do because I love this simple recipe so much, to me it sparkles ~ plus I’ll make extra for my must-have-for-the-holidays, Christmas Jam. Both recipes are below:I get to jump over it this year, because they are making the turkey!
And we’ll taste someone else’s “idea” of stuffing 😱 but we’ll be brave, it’s good for us, makes us better people. But Joe has gathered the ingredients to add some extra gravy to the general good.

I’m not making Rainbow Jell-O this year because we’ll be all adults (and one new baby!) but if you’re having kids at your table, this is a wonderful recipe for them to put in their forever memory banks. It’s kid food, and they know it and I believe, feel grateful for it. But trust me, big kids like it too! 

This was our dinner last year, the leftovers looked almost as good as when we put the dinner on the table! We tried to make enough for every one to have leftovers to-go!

I thought you might like a few photos of Holidays-passed, of some of my decorated table ideas . . .

This was a casual dinner we had at the kitchen table using my old mix-and-match pottery collection, and the antique black-iron candlesticks I found somewhere along the way. (No marks on the bottom of these, I’m sorry to say, would love to tell you where they come from!)

Candlelight makes everything look better! More romantic, prettier colors, softer light, the food even tastes better in candlelight! And a little poem or a prayer written on a menu stand helps to set the tone. Because Thanksgiving is so wonderfully about gratitude and memory.

Cookbooks, wooden spoons, and recipe boxes (with mom and grandma’s handwriting on recipe cards) make evocative Thanksgiving table decorations. I love using stuff I have around the house. A table with lots of little framed photos works too. Makes for lots of happy conversation. Also, you can make placemats out of old photos (enlarge on copier), that’s fun too ~ you can even use them as place cards, “find your photo and that’s where you sit”. (I’ve forgotten to take pictures of my table settings in the past, I try not to let that happen anymore!)

Pile together a few of your favorite things, collections, or family memories, interesting things to look at that relate to you and yours . . . the little shoes, remember from my book? I wrote how I found them in the attic at Holly Oak, left behind by Agnes, my secret guardian angel. Now there she is, on our Thanksgiving table.

More found objects . . . Leaves and pinecones make perfect place cards!

Small low vases of flowers are good too, you can see over them! See the candlestick with the star bobeche? I found those bobeche years ago and LOVE them, I bring them out any time I need a starry night!🕯

I always use them for the holidays, but in the summer too, under the stars . . .

I looked for them for years to put in our web store, but never found them. Off and on, I’ve managed to get people to make them for us, but they’ve been very hard to get. See how you set the bobeche on top of the candle stick?⬆️

And then the candle slips through the hole and into the stick ~ 🕯 

Voila! Anyway, I finally found a new manufacturer! And this time I had them made from lightweight acrylic, just like the ones I found so many years ago. In case you need some starry light on your holiday tables!🕯

Bobeche! Here’s how they look without the candles. And, something special, to celebrate this wonderful season . . .For YOU! YES, leave a comment at the end of this post, and we’ll have a drawing, and see who is going to be the winner of this pair of starry bobeche!

I love it when they play Little Women on TV on Thanksgiving. It’s such perfect background “music.” Reminds me of simpler days and the things that really matter. The smell of dinner cooking is enough to set the entire mood of the day. And isn’t it wonderful, it’s not about gifts?! Only the little ones that really count. Like home. And P.S. Something special for PLU (people like us) . . . LOOK what’s coming this Christmas

Because magic can come in very small packages. It doesn’t have to be fancy. All this decorating is nice, if you have the time, and are in the mood, but there are no rules. Just one little pumpkin on a porch or a kitchen table is lovely and festive and says it all. That, a roasted chicken, a baked apple, a little candle, and a prayer is all we need.And the day after Thanksgiving, while filled to overflowing with gratitude and contentment and pumpkin pie, and blessed by everything we have, feed your soul in nature on Green Friday. I fear we are teaching our children greed by celebrating consumerism the day after Thanksgiving. Instead, teach magic, take your spirit and your kids to the sky . . .

Because God made the dirt roads, the woods, and the critters and gave them to us has His gift. And it’s our job to take care of them for Him. Honor them for Him.

Quiet places with wind and bird sounds fill your heart with thanks and wash the stress away. (Would you like to read my Love Letter to Martha’s Vineyard? In your spare time!)

A wonderful gift from the sea, free! And we didn’t have to stand in line under klieg lights to get it!

The pause that refreshes. The sound of snowfall is good for you!The gift that keeps on giving. Other things to do besides hugging trees that cause magic: have a turkey-sandwich, pumpkin-pie picnic outside, or surprise the lady down the street and have your whole family go to her house and plant bulbs. (I’ll give you my address!) Bring someone who’s stuck inside OUT, and take them to nature. Adopt a new petty pet! 💖 Or,

Cuddle in front of a fire . . .

Dreaming of a better tomorrow? Let it show in everything you do.💞 We are so lucky!

Here’s a Thanksgiving Prayer bookmark, for you to print out, just click there. I’ve memorialized the childhood prayer Joe “sang” to me when we first met. (Suzy, Nosey, Inky, and so on, were his family’s pets!❤️)

And don’t forget to leave a comment for the starry bobeches. Blessings on you and yours darling friends! Have the MOST wonderful Thanksgiving.🎃 

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