Ok, so did I take your advise about the tissue..No! Now I have to go reapply my makeup ! So wonderful to see such happiness….so sorry to think of all those going to bed each night saying their prayers ask God to watch over all the wonderful men and women in their families who are fighting for OUR FREEDOM ! Thank you so much for sharing Susan! GOD BLESS AMERICA !
Cheers for the sailors that fought on the wave for it,
Cheers for the soldiers that always were brave for it,
Tears for the men that went down to the grave for it,
Here comes the flag!
~Arthur Macy, The Flag
Thanks, Susan, for posting such a wonderful and moving reminder. God bless our men and women in service to our USA.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man! I should own stock in Kleenex for the
stack I just went through!
Thx for this…AWESOME! And should be in our minds and hearts EVERY
single day!
Happy Birthday America, some pretty amazing people grace {and protect}
your shores!
Everytime I see those types of videos I lose it…so thankful for all the families who share their loved ones with us so that we can live in a country where we are free to do as we chose, believe as we chose, and have the opportunities many others do not have. I did the ugly cry as I know how much those families suffer for us! Thanks for sharing this Susan! Happy Fourth!
LOVED the Homecomings!!! I am now almost 60 but, I was that little girl standing at the pier 50 years ago waiting for my dad’s ship to come in after being gone for 9 months! It seems like yesterday!!!
LOVE MY SERVICE MEN/WOMEN!!! I own an RV Park near Fort Rucker and I have alot of military family here. I see the saccrafice these families have to make. Thank you to all of you! XO
Thank you Susan. I hope we all took some time today to think of and be grateful for, those who serve that the rest of us may continue to enjoy the freedoms we so often take for granted.
Dear Susan,
Thank you for sharing the military tribute on this 4th of July, as my son is a soldier. That same son and his little brother used to find heart shaped stones on the shores of Lake Michigan and seacoast New Hampshire for me. I wish they were here to swim with me today. They are living their own life in AZ now. No one ever believes me, that I have heart shaped stones. I treasure those stones…
It’s 3 a.m. and I’m sitting here crying. It shows so perfectly the huge sacrifice made by not only our men and women in uniform…and also of their families. But oh what sweet homecomings! Thanks so much for sharing this!
I feel like if these were played at peace talks, maybe just maybe there would be no need for the wars. One can only hope and pray. Thank you Susan for touch so many hearts.
So touching, and I have to agree with Pat — the little bitty, “I missed you Daddy!”, did me in too.
Loved seeing your collection of heart shaped treasures– we’re heart shaped rock (and anything else) collectors/hunters too. We’re not near a beach, but we love to go tubing in the crystal clear cold water of one of our nearby rivers in the summer, and we almost always find a heart shaped stone or two. We don’t have nearly as many as you, but we’re working on it ;).
Loving your new blog — so pretty and fun!
So, so excited, to read
my Willard today and see
that you have a.real.true.blog.
And….it’s over the top, gorgeous,
which isn’t surprising at all!
Off to watch this video with
tissue in hand. Hope you had
a wonderful Fourth!
xx Suzanne
PS: I live in the Twin Cities and
plan to attend the Creative Connection;
hope to meet you. Yay!
I still choke up everytime I see that.My daughter came home from Afghanastan to BWI airport and we greeted her along with 200 other strangers who come out to greet every plane returning.The most amazing moment of my life. She’s home!! Everyone of them a hero.
Susan, thanks for posting such an inspirational video! To our military men, women and their families, we celebrate you.
Ok, so did I take your advise about the tissue..No! Now I have to go reapply my makeup ! So wonderful to see such happiness….so sorry to think of all those going to bed each night saying their prayers ask God to watch over all the wonderful men and women in their families who are fighting for OUR FREEDOM ! Thank you so much for sharing Susan! GOD BLESS AMERICA !
cried throughout the whole thing. Reminds me of the real reason we celebrate today!
Doesn’t matter how many times I see that video; I cry like a baby! Thanks for sharing on such an important day.
I had to turn it off after three minutes! So sweet!
Cheers for the sailors that fought on the wave for it,
Cheers for the soldiers that always were brave for it,
Tears for the men that went down to the grave for it,
Here comes the flag!
~Arthur Macy, The Flag
Thanks, Susan, for posting such a wonderful and moving reminder. God bless our men and women in service to our USA.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man! I should own stock in Kleenex for the
stack I just went through!
Thx for this…AWESOME! And should be in our minds and hearts EVERY
single day!
Happy Birthday America, some pretty amazing people grace {and protect}
your shores!
m ^..^
oh, no…minimum of 3 tissues….made me proud…but, also sad for those who never made it back….thank you for the very American salute..xo
Everytime I see those types of videos I lose it…so thankful for all the families who share their loved ones with us so that we can live in a country where we are free to do as we chose, believe as we chose, and have the opportunities many others do not have. I did the ugly cry as I know how much those families suffer for us! Thanks for sharing this Susan! Happy Fourth!
Beautiful! I only made it through two minutes. The little girl on Santa’s lap finished me off!
LOVED the Homecomings!!! I am now almost 60 but, I was that little girl standing at the pier 50 years ago waiting for my dad’s ship to come in after being gone for 9 months! It seems like yesterday!!!
Susan, I am a huge fan of yours. So glad I found your blog today!! What a lovely, but tearful youtube post. Happy 4th to you!
I couldn’t watch the whole thing….too emotional….
Thanks for sharing this, what an incredible reminder of the sacrifices being made.
Happy 4th of July!!
xoxoxoxoxo Dawn
God Bless America & our freedom from our very brave men and women! Thank you!
Lovely post! That video made me cry the first time I saw it. Happy 4th of July
xo katie elizabeth
LOVE MY SERVICE MEN/WOMEN!!! I own an RV Park near Fort Rucker and I have alot of military family here. I see the saccrafice these families have to make. Thank you to all of you! XO
Thank you Susan. I hope we all took some time today to think of and be grateful for, those who serve that the rest of us may continue to enjoy the freedoms we so often take for granted.
Couldn’t watch the whole thing, the “Daddy, I missed you!” did me in…
Dear Susan,
Thank you for sharing the military tribute on this 4th of July, as my son is a soldier. That same son and his little brother used to find heart shaped stones on the shores of Lake Michigan and seacoast New Hampshire for me. I wish they were here to swim with me today. They are living their own life in AZ now. No one ever believes me, that I have heart shaped stones. I treasure those stones…
Picnic on!
It’s 3 a.m. and I’m sitting here crying. It shows so perfectly the huge sacrifice made by not only our men and women in uniform…and also of their families. But oh what sweet homecomings! Thanks so much for sharing this!
I feel like if these were played at peace talks, maybe just maybe there would be no need for the wars. One can only hope and pray. Thank you Susan for touch so many hearts.
Hi Susan
…re. hanging our american flag, the stars are always in the upper left corner when viewed by the public eye
So touching, and I have to agree with Pat — the little bitty, “I missed you Daddy!”, did me in too.
Loved seeing your collection of heart shaped treasures– we’re heart shaped rock (and anything else) collectors/hunters too. We’re not near a beach, but we love to go tubing in the crystal clear cold water of one of our nearby rivers in the summer, and we almost always find a heart shaped stone or two. We don’t have nearly as many as you, but we’re working on it ;).
Loving your new blog — so pretty and fun!
So, so excited, to read
my Willard today and see
that you have a.real.true.blog.
And….it’s over the top, gorgeous,
which isn’t surprising at all!
Off to watch this video with
tissue in hand. Hope you had
a wonderful Fourth!
xx Suzanne
PS: I live in the Twin Cities and
plan to attend the Creative Connection;
hope to meet you. Yay!
How wonderful! Will be fun to meet you, really looking forward to the event, have never been to one of these. See you there Suzanne!
God Bless America. Home of the free because of the brave. So touching. Thank you sweet lady for this wonderful film. Blessings to you also.
I still choke up everytime I see that.My daughter came home from Afghanastan to BWI airport and we greeted her along with 200 other strangers who come out to greet every plane returning.The most amazing moment of my life. She’s home!! Everyone of them a hero.
A hero! So happy she’s back!