Starting with a Kitty Picture . . .

Hi Girlfriends!  I have a story for you today!   But to get your interest, I think I better start with a kitty picture. And your reward for wading through this will be a kitty movie at the end! 

Girl and Jack are “playing” except I think if she could get her paws on him she would box him up and send him into outer space. 🙂  He doesn’t know it.  He thinks she loves him and wants him to follow her everywhere.

OK, here’s that  story, it’s about why I’ve been answering all your wonderful comments, but we have to start at the beginning . . .

A long time ago (all stories are best told with musica!), when I was told that my first book was going to be published, I was beside myself with shock and happiness. I hadn’t met Joe yet, I didn’t have Martha or Lowely in my life; I knew very few people on the island, so I was alone, jumping up and down in my kitchen when it happened, getting on the phone, screaming for joy into the ears of my parents and friends in California!  But that event paled (slightly) to what happened a few months after the book came out.

It was a day I’ll never forget . . .  a freezing January afternoon. I’d gone to the post office to pick up my mail, parked my old green Volvo (which I still have!) in front of a gray snow bank and left the engine (and the heater) running.  I picked my way over dirty parking-lot ice, through the glass doors at the post office; it seemed like just a normal winter day; I was feeling a little isolated and alone on the island, freezing, dark, gray, wintry Martha’s Vineyard.  I was still a relatively new transplant, a stranger in a strange land.  When I got back to the car, I flipped through my mail and saw a pale blue envelope with a return address I didn’t recognize, written in unfamiliar handwriting. It made me curious, of course, so I opened it right away.  It was a letter from a woman I didn’t know telling me, in the most beautiful words imaginable, how much my book (Heart of the Home) meant to her.  I couldn’t believe it; I sat there in the snow and cried tears of gratitude.  Suddenly, my world had changed; I wasn’t isolated!  I wasn’t alone!  My heart overflowed with happiness; I clutched that letter to me, would have hugged it if it was bigger!  It had never occurred to me ever that someone might take the time to write and tell me they liked my book.  It changed my life.  From then on, every time I sat down to my art table, the first thing that came to my mind as I looked at the clean white paper in front of me was, “What shall I give the girlfriends today?  What would they like?” 

From page two of Heart of the Home . . . go little book.

The darling letters kept coming and for several years, I answered each of them individually. And I kept them, in shoeboxes; I couldn’t think of throwing them away.  I taped them on my studio door.  They were my inspiration.  But, and this is where it got to be unfair, pretty soon there were too many.  Although I read them all, I couldn’t answer them anymore, and then I felt guilty; such nice letters!  And my mother raised me to answer my mail!  Plus, I truly enjoyed the connection it was giving me with people from everywhere!  I had always been the Pen Pal type!  It put me in a terrible conundrum.

And so, as next-best alternative, Willard was born.  My first newsletter, via snail mail, handwritten like my books, named after my grandfather, with news from the Heart of the Home, went out for the first time in October 1995, and from then on, it was a yearly event.  As some of you know, I wrote Willard as a giant thank-you note (which is what it still is!), and so he came bearing gifts; tucked inside each letter were post-it notes, stickers, or a bookmark; maybe a little appointment book, or a gift enclosure.  Since I’d saved all the mail I’d received, I had all those return addresses, and that’s who the first snail-mail Willards went to, to about 2000 of the nicest people I’d could imagine.  It wasn’t as good as a handwritten personal note, but it did take away some of the guilt, and everyone seemed to like it.  I got more nice mail, thanking me for Willard! 

Each year, more girlfriends signed up for Willard; the last snail-mail Willard, sent in 2003, went to almost 25,000 people!  What started out as me, at the dining-room table, folding Willards and sticking on a couple thousand stamps, turned into me, and Joe, and three of my girlfriends, at the dining-room table folding Willards and sticking on 12,000 stamps!  And then, when it got too big for us and our table, Willard became a full on, hired-out, print job, with all the stuff that goes with it, including a bill for $26,000.

The miracle turned out to be that the last snail-mail Willard went out at almost the exact same time I got my first computer!  And a web site.  It was also at a time when the economy was changing, and not for the better.  It was a very difficult decision to stop sending the snail-mail Willard, but I just couldn’t afford it; I was SO grateful when I realized I could still send Willard, and for a LOT less money, if I sent him via email.  Much better, I thought, than nothing!  Plus, it would also allow me to do it more often, not just once a year, but once a month!

♥     ♥     ♥ 

These days Willard goes out to almost 45,000 girlfriends each month, we have more joining us all the time, and despite the fact that it’s no longer in an envelope, I still do my best to make sure there are thank you “gifts” enclosed. And it’s all happened the very best way, by word of mouth!  You made it happen, two by two, mom to daughter, sister to sister, girlfriend to girlfriend — and now, because of the BLOG, I can communicate, the way I love to, person-to-person, with everyone! 

The letters I received were always wonderful, filled with the breathings of hearts; it gave me such hope for the world to read the kindness in these letters, the stories of families, their joys, their sadnesses, their escapades; moms, daughters, grandmas, sisters, aunties, and best friends, plus the occasional wonderful man, talking about the things that matter to all of us.  I always thought how great it would be if everyone could meet each other.  We had so much in common, united in our love and dedication to home, family, and friends, connected through the same kind of energy, nurturing spirit, creativity, good heart, and a true belief in the world. I thought if everyone could meet each other, if we all could come together, we could give each other hope.

And now, here we are!  It’s all come true, here in kindred-spirit land.

I’m hoping this answers any questions you might have had about why I’ve been replying to all the wonderful comments left here!  I’m sure, with this story, you can see why, but it would still be a good question, because, as you know, I should be buckling down to write my book!  And I’m going to.

I knew, when I started answering almost every comment a few months ago, I wouldn’t be able to do it forever (my experience with the letter writing told me), but I SO wanted to start this blog off right, to welcome everyone, at least once, with a word just for them, even if it was only “thank you” because . . .

You’ve been so good to me, as Joe put it, I’ve been “wallowing in your lovelight!”  Thank you all, you bring me such inspiration! I still think, every day when I sit down at my art table, “What can I give the girlfriends today, what would they like?”  I think I know what you would like — you would like me to keep blogging and sending recipes, decorating ideas, kitty pictures, teapot photos, moon shots, island videos, and to finish this book. Right?  So that’s my focus for the next few months.

When I’m done writing the book, I will have a GREAT surprise for all of you.  A really great surprise!! In the meantime, I will read and adore every comment made here.  I hope you connect a bit with each other too, and when you don’t see me reply to your comments, you’ll know that I love you for being here and I’m painting and cooking new recipes as fast as I can, all the while thinking, “What shall I give the girlfriends today, what would they like?” 

And now, with no further adieu, I will set the Random Number Generator into motion to choose the winner of our drawing!  Soon, two of my signed Love books, one for our winner and one for her to give away to someone she loves, will be winging their way across country along with a special Valentine just for . . . .  Yoo hoo, RNG?  The name please?

♥ J O C E L Y N  

RNG only had a first name, but he also had her email address . . . so I wrote to Jocelyn and will probably hear from her soon.  One more hint, he says she’s a quilter!

And now because you’ve been so good, here comes a kitty movie.  This is four days after Jack had his surgery.  I know you’ve been wondering how he is . . .


Yes, and after today, I promise to keep my posts a little shorter too! 🙂  Don’t forget I’m taking you all to New York with me at the end of the month!  Have a wonderful day! 

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395 Responses to Starting with a Kitty Picture . . .

  1. Nicksgranma says:


  2. Carla says:

    Goodboy Jack! Those cupcakes look marvelous, Susan. Yay a Saturday post 🙂

  3. pat addison says:

    good morning susan and hello everyone. ooohhhhh jack looks like his old bundle of mischief and enrgy. bet he is happy to be home and with his family again. love the story behind the willard, its cute. it is funny how fast your life can change and for the better. well have some happy news myself, my friend judy has her hubby coming home today from the hospital. 2 weeks in a hospital and mostly in ICU and he’s coming home. what a relief. well off to go play with the kitties and do some housework. have a happy day susan, and hello to girl kitty and jack, they are sooooooo adorable and loveable. hi joe!!!! hugs…… 🙂

  4. Carla says:

    PS… just went over to Ebay and bought myself one of those darling Girl Scout Penpal badges. :heart:

    • Mia Sophia says:

      I bought a Pen Pal badge too! Too Cute! I am a sucker for anything postal…old letters, stamps, postcards, cancellations, etc. I even have two vintage charm bracelets devoted to “playing” post office with old mailboxes, envelopes, little pencil or pen, old stamps and more. Glad I am not the only one…

  5. joan says:

    I completely understand that you cannot keep up commenting on every comment. We don’t want to wear you out.

    I am so glad I got a few comments from you though. The first one made my day! I have been a huge fan for nearly 20 years and and when you “spoke” right to me, I told my husband “Susan Branch ‘talked’ to me, just to me!!!” LOL!!!

    I love your blog and books and sweet wonderful world you keep creating for us.

    Just remember, if he gets to be too much, just box Jack up and send him to me. 😉

    • Karen Kinlaw says:

      Joan, I felt the same way when Susan replied to my comment! Her post may inspire a few of us followers to become pen-pals who leave our comments on each other’s posts here.

      • Jacquelyn Wirthlin says:

        Joan and Karen!
        Count me in too. Sue wished me a Happy Birthday last week and it made my whole weekend! I don’t know how she does it as I believe we are near the same age and I come up way short on the energy scale … lol I’m just very happy she does it. Best of luck on your latest projects Sue.

        • Gert says:

          That is how I felt also…just couldn’t believe it when Susan wrote to me personally! smile… I think being pen pals would be fun also!

          • Hello Ladies, I think it would please Susan if we “girlfriends” chat amongst ourselves because she will be reading this blog she just can’t spend the time to answer us back. I think it will be fun to wish each other Congrats, Happy Birthdays/Anniversaries/ etc. I bet it is very difficult for Susan not to jump back on here with her wishes for each of us; I suggested duct tape to her once and maybe she needs to put a piece on her reply button?? haha Wishes for everyone to have a very good week ahead!!

  6. RoseB says:

    🙂 Lovely post! Just for personal perspective, being in England, I came across the lovely you when a US relative gave my parents your first Christmas book, and over the years I scoured it for magical ideas. As my parents became older, and I took over the christmas family duties, I ‘borrowed’ it permanently, and the book still remains on my shelf where it is looked through regularly – and not just at Yuletide! It has become something of a family heirloom! I was so thrilled to find that you had a website and lots of beautiful virtual goodies as well! x

  7. sbranch says:

    LOL, do you know how hard it is NOT to comment?

    • Pat Mofjeld says:

      Yes, several of us especially can understand how hard it is–because we can’t help our flying fingers from responding, either! (and the comments weren’t even addressed to US in the first place!) 🙂

  8. dottie says:

    Serendiptously — your musings on this very topic previous to this blog entry had inspired me to pick up my pen this very morning and write – front and back of a single sheet of my lovely striped background hydrangea printed paper to my longest-time friend. We started elementary school together and finished high school together and have remained friends for sixty-two years now even though we have lived a couple thousand miles apart for over forty years! Such fun to think of the envelope wending its way to her and her surprise when she finds it in the box. Another dear friend from high school used to come in from work and take my letters to read while standing over the heat register to warm up from the winter day — her son told that story on her when he was college age — and I loved the image! She and I are also still in contact. I love that I’ve kept several friends for the long-term — they are such a support in those blue times we all encounter.

    • dottie says:

      P.S. — I really, really LOVE P.S.’s, by the way!

      Jack looks marvelous and it is SO hard not to go get a kitty. One day down the road a ways, I will do that over all protests, but for now I will enjoy every moment you give us with Jack and Girl.. They look like they are adapting just fine.

    • Carol Maurer says:

      Good morning, Susan…. it’s always such a delight to open up your blog. The glummy day outside seems to brighten up a tad bit. Loved the video of Jack playing with his ball. I’m sure that Girl Kitty gets tired of Jack wanting to ‘play’ all the time. I really enjoyed reading about the starting of your letter writing to the “girlfriends”. All the pictures are a great addition to your blog as well. Makes one feel as though they were right there with you. So long for today. I need to get to finishing up the ‘gardening’ cards that I’ve started to make.
      Bye for now 🙂

    • Linda Pintarell says:

      Me too. Two of my best buddies are high school friends – we celebrated out 50th reunion this year with a get together at my house in San Diego. Forty three people showed up – and no one else lives in San Diego and we graduated high school in Los Angeles. Somehow a fairly large group has kept connected even though we live all over – and we all feel the importance of this connection – females and males alike. It was a special day!

  9. LindaSonia says:

    What a great story about how it all started and how it’s evolved to now. I really enjoyed reading that and wowie zowie have the girlfriend numbers grown!!! Amazing! but then again not tooo terribly amazing because when you have a kind heart such as yours, it’s inevitable that what goes around comes around.

    Thanks for your kind heart with us. Love it and everything you do.

  10. LindaSonia says:

    oopsie, that should have said “thanks for SHARING your kind heart with us…. oh well.

  11. Kimi says:


    I believe that we are all called too something in this life, and that we come together as a family of brothers & sisters with caring Thoughts, Ideas! Sharing with one and the other about the things in one’s life the ups the downs. Thank you for giving some of your sunshine to a friend! and you do!!! I’m happy for you Susan that all that you work for! hope for! and dreamed about! came true and filled the place I call the “Artiest of the Heart… “Thank you for the gifts you share and send to us! “Who yes, LOVE YOU… God Bless you always. Your Friend Kimi

    • Kimi says:


      I read here from another friend on this blog its your 25th Anniversary! Hey happy happy 25th may the life you share with Joe be filled with great adventures and loving moments & many more years of the hearts!

  12. Hwyl Susan! Well, old Volvos never die do they? They have to be the most robust and long lived vehicles on the road. Guess it is because they are built to withstand Scandinavian winters. Now we will have to re-write the old addage “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks . . but you can *try* to teach the new kitten old tricks” . . or something like that anyway!
    Llongyfarchiadau to Jocelyn (that is Congratulations in Welsh) Happy Days x

  13. Sara says:

    I love those little kitties!!! How cute they are!!

    We will keep each other company while you finish that book we are all soooo excited for 🙂

  14. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    What a great post. I love how you read that first letter from years ago and its still with you now. I love how you appreciate it all, everysingle thing and every one!!! You are precious Susan.
    That video of Jack is adorable. He is so darn cute. How can you get any work done.
    I am getting a new puppy on Friday. She is coming all the way from Arkansas. Then I will be playing all day long 🙂
    happy day Susan

  15. Sharon D. says:


    Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this story! What a blessing it was and made me smile and be excited too 🙂

    Thank you for hosting such a lovely giveaway and a BIG congratulations to Jocelyn!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Laura Croyle says:

    I Absolutely LOVE your Blog and have felt a special connection with you when you’ve commented after comments I’ve posted. I’ve wondered how you found the time to keep that up! So, I for one, will be content to read your wonderful blog and to receive your Willards in my e-mail box. Thanks SO Much for sharing so much with us all! It’s so nice to discover others who share the same interests, and feelings about home and life, and, Kitties! 🙂 (Always enjoy the photos and videos of Jack and Girl Kitty!) I already have a couple of your books. Now, I want them all!
    P.S. We’re getting our first snow of the season today (out here in Western Wash) Feeling cozy and looking forward to looking through the biography of Beatrix Potter I just got in the mail!

    • Betsy says:

      Hi Laura! I hope you enjoy your Beatrix Potter book. I read her life story and loved it. Her life wasn’t easy but with her art she kept on going. When I was dating my husband he gave it to me as a gift. When I was finished reading it I said to myself “That’s it, this man is a keeper”. Have a good weekend.

      • Laura Croyle says:

        Thanks Betsy! How Fun!! I got the Miss Potter DVD for Christmas and wanted to actually read her biography to see how close it was to the movie. I got the one by Judy Taylor. Is that the one you have? She was featured in the “extra features” on the DVD.
        P.S. Just curious, in what part of the country do you live?

        • Betsy says:

          Yes! I have the Judy Taylor Letters edition. The illustrations dusted through out the book are so charming. It’s a feast to read and view. I can’t wait for someone I know to have a baby enter their family so I can run to the bookstore and purchase their first book…..Peter Rabbit of course. My sister collects the figurines. I live in the Northeast part of Pennsylvania. Have a great day!

          • Laura says:

            I’m thinking of you Dee. Sending love and hugs……52 years…how beautiful

          • Laura says:

            oops…the above comment was for Dee. xoxo

          • Laura Croyle says:

            I have to confess, I bought a box set of all the Peter Rabbit stories – just for Me!! Actually, for, hopefully, future grandchildren! Tee-hee!! They are so darling and I love the illustrations!

  17. Lael Michele says:

    Oh Susan, you’ve gone and done it again- written a blog that just warms the heart and gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside that we all love! That picture is so great of you with your Volvo in the snow! And Jack is looking just wonderful- would never know he just had his surgery 4 days ago. One more thing, shorter blog posts are not necessary! ( unless you are getting tired 🙂 )I love settling down by my computer in the morning with my mug of steaming coffee and scrolling through your blog, soaking up every little thing you put on there; I don’t think you are boring anyone! Thank you for all your effort and inspiration. You are so wonderful. Have a great weekend!

    P.S. Would love to see a post about any decorating you do post Christmas! My house is feeling quite empty without the tree and all those cozy Christmas lights hanging about! 🙂

    • pat addison says:

      how about hanging hearts in the windows for valentine’s day??? i do that by swapping out my christmas cookies cutters for my heart cookie cutters and hang them on a red ribbon across my kitchen window. i put some cupids in the front window and i’m ready for valentine’s day. hope this helps. 🙂

      • Jacqui G says:

        I know what you mean! I just finally put the last bit of Christmas away today and my house feels so bare. I think I have some hearts around somewhere…

        • Lael Michele says:

          Sounds lovely! Yes, Valentines decor sounds like a great idea. All that red and pink will definitely warm up my house in this gloomy Seattle weather! Thanks!

          • Rosie says:

            Yes! Hearts are perfect followups to Christmas decorations, I agree. There’s a couple down a few blocks from us who, every year, take down all but their white and red lights and decorations after Christmas, add some hearts and redo their trees in the windows and their pretty porch display for Valentine’s Day, and then have a big party near the day. I secretly look forward every year to how they’ll adapt their decorations each time. 🙂

      • dottie says:

        I’m ALWAYS ready for Valentine’s Day — instead of a Peter Rabbit room as Susan has, I have a teddy bears and hearts room with many framed teddy bear cards and art and stuffed teddies. I also have some rose prints and a beautiful hydrangea print and even hydrangea print curtains! All this against wine red walls — it’s like walking into a big hug, which is appropriate since it also functions as guest space for dear friends when they come to visit.

        I do think I’m going to hang some of my heart-shaped cookie cutters in the kitchen though — I like that idea.

        Also — I might post some pics of my room on the FOSB Facebook page a bit later if you want to check it out. See you over there.

    • DonnaRay says:

      After Christmas I leave out all the red candles and bring out wooden glass or ceramic cardinals I’ve collected over the years. I even found a wooden sign with a beautiful cardinal and the words Winter at the Lake….perfect since we live on Lake Ontario. It’s on the mantle. Also, I plant red amarylis so they are ready to bloom around the end of January. I leave the solid red pillows out and am currently stitching a cardinal pillow pattern given to me by a friend. I’ll add hearts the first of February. Quite honestly the only time I really clean house is when I change decorations…..pretty things are my reward for dusting and scrubbing. Thanks for all the ideas, Girlfriends. As always, DonnaRay

      • dottie says:

        Nice transistions, DonnaRay — and I love the idea of the pretty decor being the reward for cleaning between transistions. I can use that motivation right about now — thanks for the inspiration.

      • Karen D says:

        I LOVE the cardinal idea! I wish I could find the “Winter on the Lake” sign – I live on a small lake – not an really big lake like Lake Ontario! Red things really help warm up a space when it is freezing and windy outside. Thanks DonnaRay!

    • Sandy Richmond says:

      Hi Lael,
      After I take my Christmas decorations down, I decorate for winter. (I live in MA)
      I put out artificial sprigs of evergreens that look like they have snow and ice on them. I have clear glass candleholders, some that look like balls of ice. I have some whimsical ice skater figurines, etc. Sometimes I wind a small string of white lights between my plants in my kitchen window. You get the picture. I like to savor this time of year, and decorate with the sparkle of winter….

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        I have the ice ball candleholders, too. Any other year we’d have “natural”, “real” ice and snow decorating the evergreens around here after Christmas but not this year! 🙂 I like to decorate with hearts and reds, too, after Christmas–anything to brighten up our surrounds on wintery days…

  18. Rosanne says:

    I have been along on your journey for many years, and the lucky recipient of a handwritten thank you note, which is tucked away in the Girlfriends Forever book, lots of snail-mail Willards, and now your wonderful, wonderful Blog. As all the girlfriends say, you are such an inspiration. Your art and writings are so life affirming, and encourage each of us live our lives with a greater sense of gratitude and joy.

    • DonnaRay says:

      Well said, Rosanne…….gratitude and joy! I’m late to this party having just discovered the blog this winter. I’m jealous of your handwritten note. I think we all wish….even as much as we’re enjoying all the many voices here……that we were the special friends of Susan’s.
      Now I’m talking to you, Susan……I love how you’ve helped us understand the “burdens and costs” of such a large group of friends and in the process encouraged us to rely on each other for encouragement and comment. I’ve been there (on a much smaller scale!) when I feel like I just can’t stay involved with friends on the level I want to……yet I value each new friend in my life. I actually said to my husband once, “I just don’t need another friend!” I was a best friend sort of gal and it was hard for me to learn how to be friends at a variety of different levels……sort of like the coincentric circles going out from a pebble dropped in a pool of water…. some very close, others less so, but all important! I’m 65 now and have figured it out, but when I’m planning a gathering I still start with way too big a list and have to whittle it down. It’s truly a blessing to have “way too big a list” of friends. There are so many wonderful women in the world! I’m glad to know the ones here. Gratitude and joy! As always, DonnaRay

  19. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Understand why you can’t reply to all of our comments every time or do postings every day on the blog but thanks for when you do. I love your blog and interacting with all. However, I’m sure I speak for everyone out there when I say, “Concentrate on getting that book done!” 🙂 I love this video of you playing with Jack–like I said before, that is the way I play catch with our schnauzers. I throw the toy and maybe they will fetch it back once but after that they seem to say, “You threw it, YOU go get it!” It looks like Jack is getting to that point…:-) Will watch for blog postings when you have time to send them…and have a wonderful trip to New York!

  20. Carolyne says:

    I was grinning through the whole kitty movie! Thanks for the smiles.
    And “Thank You” so much for knowing how all of us kindred spirits love your blog. You validate our everyday lives with the beauty you add to your recipes and the words you use to describe homey-ness.
    {{hugs}} ♡♡~Carolyne

  21. Kathy Phenix says:

    So, so glad to see Jack back at his best–retrieving yet!! What a smart kitty!
    And Miss Kitty is looking good, too. We know she secretly LOVES Jack very much. She just will keep it to herself for a little bit longer.
    Thanks for sharing your joy in your success. We all share vicariously in your joy! It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving “sister”. Love, Kathy

  22. Pat Mofjeld says:

    P.S. And I’m sure we all understand that you do have a life, too, though we appreciate your sharing yours with us on-line and in person as much as you do! (Hi, too, to Joe, from Norm and I!) 🙂

  23. Dear Susan, I am happy that Jack hasn’t lost a step and still enjoys playing ball…he will probably bring it back to you less and less; but, he will always enjoy playing with you. Now, I just had to say Thank You for finally taking out time for yourself/family like I suggested you do a few days back!!! We all understand that you do have a life and we are just an extension of your WORK…and will appreciate any little morsel you can give us while you are away writing your book. Enjoy your time and we will all check in to see what is happening in each others’ lives….and I just want to wish you and Joe a very Happy 25th Anniversary and have a magical trip to NYC!!! Wishing you creative magic and we will be here when you come to visit!!!!

  24. DebbieHallock says:

    Congrats Joselyn! Jack is doing great and as rambunctious as ever. Love seeing the older pictures when you first arrived on the island. I am so looking forward to your new book.


  25. Pamela Jo says:

    I really enjoyed hearing about your first “Fan Letter!” A very sweet post! You are loved much by all of us! Jack looks to be back in top form. I’m so glad, as I’ve been wondering how the surgery went. Your babies are so cute and the video of Jack was precious! Have a wonderful weekend! ~xoxo~

  26. Karen C says:

    Thank you for the cute video of Jack!!!!!! 🙂 Loved it! Congratulations to Jocelyn, what a lucky virtual girlfriend!! Hope everyone has a great weekend. Looking forward to the trip to NY too.

  27. Nancy J. says:

    Hi you cute cute lady you ….You made me cry today. I had wondered if you really read the comments and today my heart truly knew that you did. And it has touched me deeply. I am a mother of 8…one son and seven daughters and grandmother to 34 going on 35 soon. And over the years Susan I have just come to love you like you’re one of my best friends. I feel I know you and Joe and your little furries as well as I do some of my closest friends. And it is because you have made me feel that way through your books and writings and delightful art. You have inspired me. And I so relate to your mom, your grandmother and you. As I said before I have everyone of your books and tiny books etc. etc. and keep them special. If I were there in Marthas Vineyard I’d drop in for a cup of cocoa. And I know you always have something wonderful and delicious baking. It would be warm and cozy….well I’d feel right at home. Thats the way you make people feel. Like you’re their best friend. And you welcome us not only into your charming home but more importantly into your heart.And that is rare among people but Susan you have that amazing trait.

    Thankyou from my heart. I love you guys to bits.

    Nancy J.

    • PauliJ says:

      Nancy, we have a lot in common: I, also, have eight children (five sons and three daughters) and 33 grand children with numbers 34, 35, & 36 on the way in 2012. We have a newly married son with no children yet and a daughter who is expecting her second, so we expect more. I rarely meet others with so many grands, though I know there are some out there with more than 40 (perhaps 50 plus?) grands! God bless your family! Pauli

  28. Victoria Miller says:

    Susan, your generousity of spirit is wonderful and an inspiration. Over the years I’ve collected a book here and a book there, and treasured each of them. When I discovered you had a blog, and how amazing a blog it is, I was delighted, and have shared it with two dear friends who are likewise delighted. I was amazed to see how you interact with your readers, and consider ‘the girlfriends’. It is lovely of you to be so generous, and what a treasure it is in the age of Facebook and Tweets. Incidentally, I was looking at the cookbook bookcase in the kitchen today and wondering why there is a ‘Summer’ and ‘Autumn’ but not a ‘Winter’ and ‘Spring.’ I was thinking particularly, now, a ‘Winter’ cookbook, directed specifically at the months January and February, and maybe into March. Something to help sustain through those long white winter days. Lovely comfort foods — but also little hints to keep from turning into a couch potato and getting ‘fluffy’ (I loved that!) I love the comments, but I love the books, too. And the blog, of course! Glad to see the fact that Jack is a teeny bit lighter doesn’t seem to have phased him. Perhaps now Girl Kitty will become a bit friendlier!

  29. Margot says:

    You Go Girlfriend!!!
    You have been a true cure for my “empty nest syndrome” and my homesickness. Getting to email you and meet other women is great, so you have achieved your goal. I sat and read my sons’ children’s book of Robert Louis Stevenson’s poems yesterday AND found the one Gladys Taber book our library system owns AND THEN found a reprint of one of her Stillwater books.

    Kindest Regards,

  30. Tana says:

    With the internet you could have 3 million of us reading your blog before long. I would rather you keep writing the blog, Willard, and books than try to answer every note you get. I understand. I was a very beloved queen in my last life. All I could do was wave from the balcony.

  31. Nina says:

    O Susan Thank you so much for that story, the fact that you stll remember that very first letter says it all! You are one in a million and that’s why we love you! You have made my day many times when you have replied to my comments and I too tell the whole family when we have had a little virtual chat! And colleagues at work ….you have a nickname at my work because I am always quoteing something from your books, blog, sharing recipies with them etc. They call you “The Branchers!” Isn’t that cute!
    May you long continue to inspire all your girlfriends and may you never ever forget how much we love you! xxxx

  32. Martha Ellen says:

    Oh dear Susan, all of us understand you are busy with another one of your beautiful books! I can hardly wait for it to be published! It is truly quite amazing that you have been able to answer any of our posts. Like everyone else, I am thrilled whenever you do! My husband and I just finished the Walt Disney story by his family and thought of you and your journey as an artist.
    Love how Jack is doing–thanks for the video. Happy anniversary to you and Joe and have a wonderful time in NYC. ♥

  33. Ruthie P says:

    Do you have any idea how much you are LOVED-I always wondered how you commented to everyone.It takes a good part of my day just to leave one My very first Susan Branch book was LOVE..from the heart of the home.I didn’t find it in the big book stores,it was in a sweet little book shop in a darling town not far from where I live.My friend and I were having tea there,and after, we strolled down the street to check out the shops.That’s where I found the book shop and YOU! It was love at first sight.I never heard of you before,but I sure made up for lost time.Bought your books,teacups,teapots,bowls and any magazines featuring you.So who ever would have thought all these years later with all this technology,blogs,posts and such, that I would ever reply to your posts(who ever new of such a thing) and get a reply back!!! I was giddy.I told my husband.. who ever would have thought holding that little book in my hand years ago,that I would have heard from you!!! So thank you soooo much for that.Also,thank you for showing us Girl Kitty..missed her and of coarse precious little Jack…I think we all fell in love with him.Thank you for Willard,love,love,love it.Can’t wait for the new book!!! xoxo..Ruthie

  34. Kathleen Smith says:

    Thank you once again for making my day! Imagine–communicating to 45,000+ friends and making each of us feel as if you are writing to each and everyone of us personally! As I always say, you put into words what I feel in my heart. Good luck with your book –can we reserve one yet?!! And give many kisses to Jack and Boy Kitty (hope I got the right name!) What little treasures to have scampering around the house! 🙂

    • Girl Kitty……don’t make her angry she already has Jr. to deal with!! haha

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        Yikes, Susan!!! Don’t let Girl Kitty see that comment! Talk about adding insult to injury! Her nose will really be out of joint! Bad enough to have to share with the little newcomer but then to be confused with one of his kind, oh-oh! 🙂

        • zinnia patch says:

          Pat, i just can’t quite laughing over that one….Don’t let girl kitty see the commet…lol

          • Pat Mofjeld says:

            Zinnia, what is so funny? You don’t think those kitties peek and read comments on the screen over Susan’s shoulder? I’ll just bet they do–or even from her lap in front of the screen! Our schnauzers are always peeking their little eye-browed/bearded faces over MY shoulder to read what is on the screen! 🙂

  35. Leslie says:

    I so enjoy the blog and all your books. I can’t wait for your new book. I have almost all of your books so far – they are just so great. Love getting the Willards
    Your kitty is quite entertaining

  36. ChristineLeonard says:

    I love seeing your Blog notice come up in my email…..everything else must wait to be opened until after I read your new post. Just as exciting as getting a fun piece of snail mail!!!

    Thank you!!


  37. Mary S. says:

    Oh, Susan! Your blogs always make me laugh or cry, sometimes both! This one was “both”! Your story of receiving your first “Fan” letter was so touching!
    And thank you for the kitty pics and video!! Jack is so smooshy!!! I love him AND Girlkitty!!!
    Lots of LOVE!!!
    P.S. Don’t make your posts shorter for OUR sakes! We love them – the longer the better! 🙂

  38. Gala says:

    Happy Saturday, Susan! A couple of things this bright shiny day: first, you have many,many gifts, but one of my favorites is that you make us all feel like your dear friends. When I see the blog notification in my email, it feels like a note from a friend, not just one of the many blogs I subscribe to. Thank you for that. And also….poor Jack. He’s shadow of his former self, isn’t he? 🙂 I love my dogs, but there’s nothing quite like watching a kitten play.
    I’m going to have fun trying to think of what our great surprise might be. So far I’ve come up with a weekend party on the island…or maybe a kitten for each of us. Can’t wait…

  39. Claudia says:

    Hello Susan! I love that you still have your old Volvo. Those Volvos are solid as a rock, aren’t they? Your writing, art work, story-telling and the loads of love in everything you do have enriched my life. Thank you. Best wishes as you write your next book. I’ll be reading and cheering you on.


  40. Pamela Jewett says:

    Hi Susan,

    You must have infinate patience. We are greatful that you have taken the time to reply to our comments, but I’m sure everyone understands that you have to “get back at it”.
    It was fun watching Jack at play and am glad that he is as active as ever. Thank you for the kitty movie.
    I look forward to your next blog!
    xoxo Pam

  41. Jane S. says:

    Jack is certainly not any the worse for wear! I love when cats will fetch.

    This was such a nice post, it’s always a good feeling to be appreciated, isn’t it? 🙂

  42. Rae Ann Roche says:

    Thank you…love to know what you are doing…I use to have a green Volvo too!!!…

  43. Lezlee says:

    First off – Jack is a bonfide ‘wild child’! In other pictures – that look in his eye – he reminds me of a wound up clock spring . . . .
    I received your calendar a couple weeks ago . . . oh my! It inspires me – truly! That saying, “Light tomorrow with today” (Elizabeth Barrett Browning) just SO moved me . . . words to live by . . and I got a kick out of you telling all that you left out a ‘s’ in Reasons (oy! can I tell you? I had to look at it twice to notice:) – it makes it all the more special.
    It’s been nice you’ve answered some mail – but I wouldn’t expect you to do that very often – you’ve got Jack to raise! I delight in the blog and Willard – I’m good!
    And I have to say – you have the nicest voice! Kinda carmel-y – warm and pretty. My voice is nasal-y and a bit whiny – I don’t mean it to come out that way – it just does!
    Thanks for all that you do for us girls – you lighten up my day – what more could one ask for?

  44. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Dear Susan: Thank you for sharing your treasured memory of your first piece of fan mail! Made me teary, such a beautiful moment! And, saving those precious letters, so sweet! Kitty pics & videos are always a delight, as is hearing your voice & Frank’s too! I can hardly wait for your next book, and want you to keep your nose to the grindstone, or the watercolor paper! You’ll do beautiful work, & be, oh so creative – YAY! I just happen to have a “Love” book, & love it, so congratulations to Jocelyn, she gets to love one now too! Take good care Susan, & Joe, & kitties, with love & hugs, your blog pal, Joanie PS Looking forward to “our” NY trip!!!!

  45. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi susan…so happy to have gone to your blog this afternoon… after a morning of laundry and house-keeping chores… and found a new post…fresh pot of tea at hand…i read your sentimental heart-warming story…your appreciation of and realization that some moments are so special is contagious….you have the ability to capture those feelings…and through your art and writings….tell about them…bringing them to life to us…it’s inspiring, motivating and meaningful…just LOVE it all….good luck with the book writing and happy to know Jack is well !!! Thank you Susan!!! love, cindy
    p.s. the fact that you still have that Volvo says it all : )

  46. Laura says:

    Stop this nonsense about shorter posts! I love checking your blog (which is bookmarked on my toolbar) every day, and the excitement I feel when you’ve published something new! I always save it for dessert after dinner, or morning coffee, or some such treat that needs accompaniment. The longer, the better. 🙂

    • I agree Laura, now that Susan is “trying” to refrain from answering our comments which is really how we keep up with her day/day life she is going to have to update us when she does blog so it will just have to be LONGER!!

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        I agree! No talk about shorter blogs–loooonnnnggggeeerrr blogs, more photos, and more little videos! 🙂

  47. Jeanette says:

    Susan, We can certainly understand how difficult it would be for you to answer ALL our posts. We do know you read them all and that’s enough for me. I’m so grateful for all the beauty you bring to us through ALL you do! Thank you, thank you, thank you – i wish words could express how much you and your art means to me!!! From this girlfriend to you – xoxo!!!!!!!!! Hugs & Love, Jeanette

  48. Kris says:

    Susan — Thanks so much for your wonderful blog and especially sharing your story about your early days of writing. One of my “forever” friends (or at least I thought she was a forever friend) and I parted company recently and so I have so been longing for more girlfriends. Your blog entries brighten my day and the time you take to post online — with music and videos no less — and to write is so appreciated. It’s wonderful to realize that there really are others there with a heart. I look forward to more girlfriend time yet to come. All my best,


  49. Annette Tracy says:

    Love all pictures of Jack and Girl kitty. My little 3 legged wonder cat, also a tuxedo, is in love with our 8 yo female Baby. She wants NOTHING to do with him, so it’s a one-sided love affair sadly! Oh, the joy they bring to us. His favorite thing is when my daughter spins him around on the office chair like tea cups at Disneyland! On a really happy note, my daughter and I started a drawing class together yesterday and the teacher is fantastic! It’s wonderful to be able to share that with her and shopping for supplies was another fun treat. I have no idea how you can even believe that you need to keep up and respond to our emails. That seems humanly impossible. We just love and appreciate all that you do for us! Enjoy New York!

  50. Jan from Michigan says:

    My day is now complete! I love your blog so much and this one was so sweet. I must admit I did have to read it through tears. I just felt like I truly was there when you got the news about your first book! I have a bubbling pot of chicken soup on the stove, brownies just out of the oven, and my two new books from your store (Girlfriends Forever & Love) just arrived yesterday PLUS I have Feb. issue of Romantic Homes!!! I am a VERY happy girl! Loved the video of JACK! A great BIG hug to you & love!

  51. Kate says:

    Just like a cat to not let you get too used to a routine. Do you have any fuzzy balls for him? My 15 year olds still carry theirs around like they are bringing me prey now and then. Weren’t you smart to buy on Marthas Vinyard back in the 70’s. Having found you later in your publishing life, wonder how you came to go there? Is that story in one of your books? If you havent done a biography that might be on the list someday!
    Im sure you dont have time to answer all the emails but its neat to know you read them. Like any star the more popular you get the less ‘local’ you can be. Im glad the internet lets us still feel like girlfriends without being stalkers by your back gate! Whatever you send us we love! Keep warm, Kate

  52. Country Gal says:

    Your blog is the best ! I love the way you write , your photos and your set up with all the little things you put on your blog , hearts, flowers ect ! I dont know how you do it but it always looks so inviting and pretty ! I also get Willard vie e-mail and I love it as well ! Todays post was awesome . Thanks for doing what you do !

  53. Country Gal says:

    P. S Great to see Jack is as spunky as ever “smile “

  54. Jean says:

    I think you’re on to something: “I thought if everyone could meet each other, if we all could come together, we could give each other hope.” Profound beyond your wonderful blog and beyond your thousands of Girlfreinds (of which I am one, thank you), this would mean a step towards world peace! Please tell me it could be so!

  55. Kathleen Smith says:

    Oops. Just realized I did have the wrong name…should be Girl Kitty!

  56. miriam says:

    What a beautiful Blog today retelling the story of how it all began….I feel so blessed to have been a recipient of those early days. My daughter in law was one of the lucky ones to receive a lovely handwritten note from you when she was over-seas and since then we have both been your ardent admirers. You are truly an inspiration to the many things we value as women. Thank you for sharing your “gifts” and life with us but I’m glad that you are taking time for yourself…..I was beginning to think that you were “Wonder-woman”!! 😉 I’ll say it again…..YOU ARE AMAZING !! xoxo

  57. Lisa R says:

    There was a day not so long ago, I said to myself, “she is not going to be able to reply to all these comments she gets, how will she get anything done!” lol …but how very sweet of you to want to make every girlfriend feel welcome and loved, and you have! We thank you. ♥ Happy book writing…..can’t wait to go to New York with you!!

  58. Jean K. says:

    I think you’re on to something when you wish: I THOUGHT IF EVERYONE COULD MEET EACH OTHER, IF WE COULD ALL COME TOGETHER, WE COULD GIVE EACH OTHER HOPE. Profound beyond your wonderful blog and beyond your thousands of Girlfriends (of which I am one, thank you), this would mean a step towards world peace! Please tell me it could be so!

  59. Deb says:

    Thanks for sharing your journey…..isn’t it wonderful the unexpected blessings that wait around the next bend?
    Susan, for so many years you have been a blessing in the lives of so many of the girlfriends…….I can tell from reading all of your respones to our comments, how you have touched so many lives through your books, your website and now the blog. I know that others feel the same, that your spirit shared with us on happy days, sad days, lonely days, holidays and …….days we just needed an adventure. And we now are a “Heart of the Home”community filled with HEART….and we can talk to you and each other through the blog.
    Thanks for every blog post……I have enjoyed every one…..and look forward to each new post as your journey continues.
    This year, I am doing my best to keep my graditude journal current. Tonite, one of my entrys will be, I am grateful for Susan Branch….the insights, the fun, the glimpse for your life you share with the girlfriends….it means alot to many.
    So, while you work on the new book, new recipies, play with Jack and Girl Kitty, have fun with Joe…and more……know the girlfriends are sending GOOD MOJO your way….everyday!

  60. Jacqui G says:

    My world rocked when you started this blog…it’s my “go to” blog that I check first every day and have on my homepage so I don’t miss a new post. You are an old friend that I discovered ages ago and you have been a house guest for years:) No need to answer, we know you love us! xoxo Jacqui

  61. Heidi Rose says:

    Since your blog began, I’ve thought that is sooooo wonderful of you to comment on each and every one! I have been the very happy recipient of a few! 🙂 I completely understand though how hard it must to keep it up when there are literally thousands of comments coming in. It could be a full-time job answering them all, I’m sure! So, I’m glad that you are going to spend more time painting instead of being at the computer because you bless us all with your paintings, as well as your words. ♥ Happy Painting, Susan!!! ♥

  62. JoAnn says:

    Hello Susan!
    It made my day opening my email and seeing a “letter” from you to me! It always makes me smile. I love looking at Jack and Girl pictures and especially the video’s. I too love cats. Thanks and keep on writing and drawing and sending beautiful photos!

  63. Linda P says:

    Your posts, musings, and drawings brings such joy!! I can only imagine how hard it could be to try and answer each letter or comment. The computer is a wonderful thing, but time doesn’t permit us to “just be”. Enjoyed reading the story of your first letter – sort of like Sally Fields “Somebody likes me” moment – never fear of that, Susan. I have old pages torn from years ago from Country Living. I have a kit of your first (I believe) kit of the Hat quilt – I am getting ready to start. Wondering if you still design fabrics.
    Congratulations to Jocelyn for winning the Love book, I know she will treasure it!
    Glad Little Jack is doing so well!! Hugs!!

  64. Vivian says:

    My dear Susan…..I just live for all your wonderful blogs! I have a daughter, Susan, also (who is named after my first doll) who is a most wonderful girlfriend, so I tend to think that every Susan is equally wonderful, which I find is very true! I think I have all of your books…must check that carefully….and am so looking forward to the next one. Never enough !
    God bless and have a wonderful trip, we’ll be (im)patiently waiting for your return! So glad you found your Joe…I have my Ron and it’s wonderful ! Love you !

  65. Pam says:

    Have to agree with Deborah about taking the time for yourself, and I’m pretty sure that we would all agree that it’s really ok not to reply to every comment! 🙂
    With the number of girlfriends that visit here, it must take some amount of time to do so!! We know you read and appreciate every one of them. As we read and appreciate every one of your fabulous posts, sooooo much! Which btw, are just the right amount no matter how big they are! 😉
    Thank you for being the wonderful inspiration that you are. x

  66. Kathy says:

    Your kindness and thoughtfulness is so evident. Please don’t feel badly for not responding to comments. If you continued that, it could become your full-time job. Then where would we be? Like so many others, I will be very happy to be a part of all that you do via Willard, your books, and your blog!

  67. Marcia (in Brazil) says:

    Susan, you have a wonderful way with words. As I read your post, I felt like I was sitting in the living room chatting with one of my closest friends. I’m glad to see Jack is on the mend! Have a wonderful weekend!

  68. Karen Z says:

    Dear Susan, thank you for all that you do for all your girl-friends. Your blog always makes my life a little lighter. Congratulations to you and Joe for your Wedding Anniversary. I’m looking forward to a trip to New York! LOL Also looking forward to your new book. Karen Z. OXO

  69. Bonny ~* says:

    I know just how you felt…feel…every time someone you don’t know or have just met validates what you love to do! I’m a cross-stitch designer (with a blog) and it’s such a thrill to hear from people who have stitched my designs! I’ve only been doing this for a year and it’s so nice to hear that that feeling stays with you. I don’t want to lose that thrill and appreciation for my “girlfriends” who share my passion!!!! ~*

    p.s. LOVE you work and your kitties!

  70. Penny Kweder says:

    I just love all that kitty energy. Jack is getting so big!
    Another place to visit in New York………. Limelight Marketplace in the Flatiron District. google it. hope I go again, before our daughter comes home in June.


  71. Tamar Weaver says:

    Thanks. I have often wondred how in the world you are finding the time to write these blog posts and the responses. Also, it’s popularity is snowballing (of course), so that would make for a huge challenge to keep it up. Really nice how you explained it so everyone would understand. You have the only cat on the planet that I like. Thanks for sharing! I needed a pick up today – disheartened at all the scrutiny of our troops that are fighting and dying for us 24-7, while we critisize from our warm, comfy and fairly safe enviornments, as though we could possibly imagine what it is like for them, what war does to a person, or what we would do in their volunteered shoes. Thanks for the pick me up. heart goes here. 🙂

  72. Mary Ann says:

    Oh Susan, I just loved the fact you answered me and once while riding on a train cross country! But you give us your blog and Willard and soon a new book so we know you love us just as we love you. This week a classmate from my grammar school reached out …for my 50 th reunion from 8th grade! Oh my, I moved from the Chicago suburbs 47 yes ago and haven’t seen any of these girls in that long but we have been chatting on FB and reconnecting and I am loving it…at least in the heart you can go home again! just like you tell us over and over!

  73. Nellie says:

    I really wondered how long you would be able to keep it up and do anything else!:-) I feel truly blessed by the responses I have had from you.

    We had our first “snowfall” yesterday morning when we awoke. Nothing major, and it had all disappeared by afternoon.

    Loved the video of Jack! It’s hard to get anything done when kitty wants to play.


  74. Nana Diana says:

    Hi~ Thank you so much for your wonderful, inspirational posts. You do connect with each of us in a very special way. I have been purchasing your products for years and they always make me smile-xo Diana

  75. Mia Sophia says:

    Oh Susan…Do you ever have a way with words! You could deliver the worst news and still make us feel like we are deliciously covered in butter and maple syrup…all yummy and warm inside! We ALL love you any way we can get you. Thanks you so much for all your wonderful blogs…always! It makes me so very happy every time I hear from you, girlfriend! Looking forward to the big surprise in a few months. Until then, be your happy, healthy and joyous self. Big Hugs, Mia Sophia

  76. Carlie says:

    I love that little Jack with his “goo goo googley eyes”. (That phrase totally cracked me up when I first read it, actually, it still does!) Sometimes when you send us a close-up picture of him I keep the page open on my desk top. I take a peek at him throughout the day and he ALWAYS make me smile! And, I always make a point to share him with my Joe. I love Girl Kitty too but somehow when their little they tug at the heart a little harder.


  77. Jocelyn says:

    Wow, oh WOW!! I was so thrilled and surprised to receive your email! Thank you RNG 🙂 And yes I am a quilting lady. I have a blog and the first time someone left a comment I was so excited. Just like the letter you received. I don’t have near the readers you have, but if anyone would like to stop by and say hello, I’d love to hear from them. I’m the Happy Cottage Quilter 😉

  78. Priscilla Yarman says:

    Thanks for all that you have given of yourself and created for us. You have opened a wonderful world for the girlfriends. Loved the picture of GK and Jack and the video of Jack. Will be looking forward to that new book!

  79. Cheryl Danley says:

    HI! I’m going to “brag” and tell you that I’m one of those lucky people who have been around and followed Susan long enough to have received a hand written letter and the “snail mail” Willards. I love each and everyone of them. Cherish them. Have kept them tucked safely inside differnt books of Susans. I love her beautiful artwork. I love how she allows us a peek inside her home. I love the videos of Martha’s Vineyard, the moon, etc and the her train rides to and fro she creates. It’s fun to be able to hear her voice! Thank you, Susan, for opening up your heart and sharing your art work with us!

  80. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Well, I certainly had a conundrum when I came in from lumch with friends today. I opened email to see a new Susan blog at the same time my husband brought in the mail and I had a package of stuff I ordered from Susan. What do I do first???? I’m a sucker for packages so I opened the lovely wrapped “Love” books I ordered…one for my best friend who shares a birthday with me at the end of the month and one for me, plus two heart filled dishtowels….one for her and one for me. (Is it wrong that I buy two of everything so I can keep one?) Then I read the sweet blog. Susan, we love you and I’ve always loved when you’ve commented in return, (I have even printed those off to keep as a sort of provenance to put with my Susan books), but I also knew that as we shared our love for you with our friends and the comments from use grew, there would be a time that you needed to do the work that you do for us and not comment personally. That’s OK!!!! Our “comments” from you will come in the form of new blogs, new Willards, new books, and the items we get to “shop” for. So, continue knowing we love what you do, we love the ideas you share, and we wish for you to have time for Joe, Jack, Girl Kitty, and your friends. Love to you and all our new friends on here!

  81. Lillian says:

    I came across one of your Willards tucked away in one of your cookbooks just the other day. It’s dated October 28, 1998 in its original envelope with flowers all over it. Enclosed was a beautiful card about quilting and a bookmark. I’m sure the other Willards are also tucked away safely because I never threw one away.
    It was the most wonderful surprise when I got my first one in the mail. Thank you for so many years of joy.

  82. Ann Y. says:

    Like others commenting her, I am amazed at how you answer so many posts ! I am so thrilled to be someone you sent a note to when I wrote you to tell you how much I loved your books….and I keep it in my Heart of the Home book and treasure it. But technology has made it possible for you to reach SO many people, and you are right…it’s the friend to friend, sister to sister kind of sharing that is going to make this blog grow and be impossible to comment as often. That’s ok…your gift of giving and sharing is right there in the blog…it’s a state of mind, a way of life, a mindset ! THANK YOU for all you share, all the books, all the ideas, all the quotes, all the cats (glad to hear that Jack is well!), all the recipsed, and the joie de vive…and I don’t even know if I spelled that correctly. You give us all the momentum to stop and take a look at our wonderful lives and make them a little tastier, prettier, and cozy. And we meet new friends through the blog, too. How great is that ! So thank you again, enjoy the changes and the journey, can’t wait for the new book…So great that you and Joe have 25 years….what a gift that is ! Blessings to you !

  83. Tina says:

    Oh, what memories you brought back when you posted the picture of your girl scout pen pal badge! I had totally forgotten I had earned the exact same badge. Your Girl Scout Terri Lee doll was the image of my own – except mine had platinum blonde hair, and now the badge! I’m reliving wonderful old memories, thanks to you, Susan. Thanks so much!

  84. Ann says:

    I love “Heart of the Home”. It was my introduction to you, via my future sister-in-law, on a Martha’s Vineyard vacation. Her gift of YOU is one of the best ones I have ever received. I really mean that. I was wondering when you were going to start seriously working on the new book! We girlfriends will survive talking to each other for a while.

  85. JudyCinNC says:

    Your words – “united in our love and dedication to home, family, and friends, connected through the same kind of energy, nurturing spirit, creativity, good heart, and a true belief in the world.” – this is why I keep coming back – along with all the beauty of your blog. You is Kind, You is Smart and You is Important to me. Judy C celebrates 71 years next week and is so glad she found your blog – warm like sunshine.

  86. Randi Bault says:

    Hi. I know how times flies- there is not enough time in a day to do everything. So I thank you when you choose to blog us girls. I think Joe must be a very mellow, patient man. He loves you enough to let you be happy- in your sharing to the world of “you”. I understand it takes time to do your books, so I will be patient and wait. Then when it is in my favorite bookstore I will be first in line to buy it! In the meantime I will be content with my Susan Branch cross stitch kit. (it’s the teapot one) When you do find time to post, don’t forget the music as I love that. BTW I’m wondering, you’ve done Autumn, and Summer, will there eventually be a Spring and Winter Book? Looking forward to your next one-I have them all. Love you and feeling blessed to know you. —-<–@ Randi

  87. Pam says:

    Hi Susan, you really are a very special person. I’m so glad I found your blog because every time I read it, it brightens up my day. I have recently been searching around and have managed to find seven of your books which I have ordered. I can’t wait for them to arrive, they are winging their way to Leicestershire as we speak, it’s so exciting.

  88. Well, dear Susan … you’ve done it again. I cannot wait for your emails to come in! I know nothing about blogging, etc. But, I “stumbled” upon your site/blog about a month ago and I know I have a new “friend”!! Your site makes me happy! and smile! and wondering what you are up to! and you never disappoint me. I lost my hubby of 52 yrs three months ago. I am lonely, but now I have something to look forward to! You are one amazing woman! I thank you for the bookmarks, the little “movies”, the recipes … everything!! I hope you know just how many lives you touch with your pen! and I know you do! Thank you so much!
    Pink Hugs,

    • Joan Lesmeister says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss, Dee. Enjoy your special times with all of us, your blog girlfriends. God Bless!

    • Debbie P says:

      Dee~ I’m so sorry and I understand a little of your loneliness. My sister’s husband died just 3 mos. ago, too. Nothing can prepare any of us for such a loss. I hope that you continue to find comfort and companionship here….I’ll hold you in my prayers tonight.

  89. Rosie says:

    Yay, I got the books I ordered, am thrilled! I now have a library of 5 of your books, not bad for just finding out about you over the last summer and fall. Still gently rooting around for a few more to add to my shelf. Right near my complete collection of the 14 Oz books I’ve had since childhood, in positions of honor. (also very near the kitchen, of course, for easy recipe access!)

    Certainly take all the time you need to enjoy your wonderful homelife, and create new wonders for us, the girlfriends – but please, I agree, don’t shorten the blog posts too much, they are just too big a joy to us all! Big (((HUGS!))) from me to you and yours. ♥

  90. Anita says:

    Now see what you’ve done!!! 🙂 The love that you’ve shared from the heart of your home has brought all these girlfriends together (virtually). I, like everyone else love reading what you write to us in your blog and Willard, but the icing on the cake has been the replies you’ve found time to leave for us. I’ve wondered how on earth you’ve found time to do all you must do and work on that new book too. Just so you know, I also enjoy reading what all the girlfriends write in reply to your blogs. It makes this whole thing feel like “family” in a strange and wonderful way, realizing that though we’ve never met, and most of us probably never will. Loved the story of your first letter from a reader of your first book. Makes one feel that anything is possible!
    We’ll love you and all you do for us even if your replies are rare. You do so much for us all.

  91. Pat says:

    I really enjoyed your email today. How thoughtful of you to respond to all those letters all those years even when the numbers got out of hand. I look forward to hearing from you again. Keep up the wonderful emails and and keep on writing books. Thank you

  92. Christie Ray says:

    4 year old grandson and I are watching the Jack video over and over because, the only thing any sweeter than watching a cute kitty doing cute kitty tricks, is hearing the chuckling of a little boy while sitting in his grammy’s lap;)
    You are a dear one, Susan Branch! We will take whatever you post, loving every little teapot, recipe, piece of art, pretty “hyacinths” and being ever grateful for a bit of you, inspiration squared;)

    • Kathy K says:

      My three year old grandson just loves to watch Susan’s videos of the kitties. It can occupy him for hours.

  93. Harriet in Oregon... says:

    Susan…I discovered you years ago and was determined to buy one of your cookbooks with my first paycheck! Which I did! I LOVE it and use it to this day! In the last 20 years, my path has ebbed flowed with your books and artwork …recently a friend sent me a link to your website and I, once again, I am have been charmed into the delightful world of Susan Branch! Thank you, Susan, for the love, light and inspiration you bring into our world!

  94. Stephanie says:

    Ok – note to self: don’t read this blog after applying mascara – because I usually tear up for some reason! I just LOVE your blog and it always makes me teary (in the best possible way!).

    For the record – I don’t want shorter blogs – the longer the better. I’m in love with Jack. Love the whole blog – every bit of it! It brightens my life, reminds me what to focus on in life – and keeps me pointed in the direction of being happy. Your blog address is on my “favorites” list under the folder “Joy”.

    I think at some point it would be fun to have a forum here – because I do like reading other’s comments – but it would be easier in a forum way.

    Also – I work in NYC and live just outside – so if you have any questions just let me know!

  95. Kay says:

    What fun! Looks like Jack and Kitty Girl have you well trained.

    Congratulations to Jocelyn for winning your giveaway. You know you really give of yourself in more ways than you probably know. I look forward in visiting a place far from the prairies of North Texas. Martha’s Vineyard always looks so enchanting in your pictures. You enjoy 4 seasons and in Texas we have 2 – hot and cold. I love to try recipes you share, be it the zucchini bread, a yummy salad or hearty soup. Most of all you remind us how wonderful life can be.

    Thanks and I’ll look forward to your book publication.


  96. debbie says:

    Hi Susan!

    I have to admit that my bottom lip is sticking out just a little bit…I loved the connection you made with all of us by replying to so many of our comments, but I knew those days were numbered after seeing how many comments were left on your last post. But I entirely understand♥, and will be happy with your LONG blog posts, Willard, the new book and making friends with all of the girlfriends!!!

    • Dorothy Ann says:

      Good Evening Susan…well it’s early evening here on the west coast.
      From the “Kitties Picture” at the beginning of your January 14 Post to the Kitty Movie at the end and everything in-between…thank you. Speaking of the in-between, I just love your “long-time-ago-story”….and how connecting with your fans began, through letters, and then through Willard and finally through your computer and web site. It was all Serendipity! Sweet Serendipity!
      I wish you joy as you continue to write your book and I and all of your fans will be anticipating your news that you have indeed finished your book!
      Plus, how exciting, you are planning a “really great surprise” for us all.
      There it is again…Serendipity!

    • Gala says:

      Oh, I am so glad that someone else admits to pouting just a leeeeetle bit!

    • Karen D says:

      Your website is darling! The things you make are wonderful!

  97. Gail says:

    Looking forward to your new book. Thanks for the Jack video, that was fun to watch. Enjoy NYC.

  98. Miss holly says:

    Thank you lovely lady for opening yourself so much to us out here…you really have gone above and beyond…and it really does make us feel really special…I think the nicest thing is that you are exactly what I thought you would be like and it is all good..better than good…the world of this blog land has really changed my life….I have friends all over the world that I talk to is amazing…and all we all seem to want is the same thing….peaceful happy times with the ones we love…cooking…eating .playing with kitties….being creative…watching wonderful old movies… thank you so so much….and I can’t wait for the new book!!!!!
    Oh and I thought of a movie you might not have seen..well two is “Homecoming ” with Clark gable and Lana turner….rarely shown and one of the most wonderful ever…also.” The railway children “. Made twice…both are wonderful. Really see both versions it is worth it!!!

  99. Jan says:

    Simply put I love you!

    Hubby has had a terrible cold this week and I made him your wonderful Chicken and Barley soup ( with noodles instead of barley though) and when I told him it was a Susan Branch recipe, his reply was ….tell her I love her too! LOL!

    Been a girlfriend of yours for many years, thanks to my wonderful sister and now I am spreading the word all the time.

  100. Becky says:

    My daughter and I have been your fan for years and years. When my son-in-law came into her life he heard us talk about Susan so much he thought it was a family member. We have always loved all things “Susan” and still do. Thank you for all the fun!

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