Finding Beatrix Potter

Trying so hard to update the blog today!  You are all being so patient, we want to know who won that cup, and PS By the way, where is Beatrix Potter???

But here I am, just before entering the door at Hill Top.  I’d been to the gift shop, have my guide book ready, walked through her garden, and so ready to get inside!

 But, we moved yesterday, all 12 bags into the car, and drove, hill and dale through some of the prettiest countryside I’ve ever seen, the Yorkshire Dales, which I can’t wait to show you … but I promise, as soon as we get settled, it’s Beatrix Potter first. We stayed here in the walled city of York overnight, and we have another long trip today, all the way down to Bibury in the Cotswolds; the internet connection here in our hotel is slow as molasses.  I tried to do it, but it’s just not working  So I have to wait until I get to the Cotswolds, but I just wanted you to know, I’m thinking about you!!! xoxo  Have a wonderful day!

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230 Responses to Finding Beatrix Potter

  1. Mary Spring says:

    Good Morning, dear Susan and Joe !…thank you for your update… this is all definetly worth waiting for….we’re having such a memorable time…can’t ever thank you both enough…safe and blissful journey….with love…

  2. Mary Spring says:

    P.S… You look sooo happy and ready !!!!!!

  3. Leslie Freeman says:

    Patience is a virtue, so don’t fret. We know it will all be revealed! I fear your have “made a rod for your back” as they say here. This plan to keep up the travel reports has been a large assignment especially with spotty internet connections. You have done beautifully under the trying circumstances and every post has been a delight! Thank you so much, Susan.

  4. Rhoda says:

    I’m having the best time ever traveling along with you….thanks oh so much for all your fabulous posting!

  5. Barb says:

    Goodmorning Sue,

    What a lovely picture of you. Love your “kitty scarf” too! It seems as though the lady behind you is a guide just waiting for you to began your tour. How exciting!
    Safe travels to you and Joe today and looking forward to seeing and hearing about everything when you get settled at your next destination. Hugs & Smiles
    Barb, Ludlow…MA

  6. judi says:

    Thanks for checking in – you look adorable! See you are wearing a sweater so it still must be a bit cool? We’ll wait:)

  7. Sweet Pea says:

    YAY!!! ….sounds divine…can’t wait!!

  8. Annelies says:

    Oh my….I am all in a tither ( does that sound English enough)!!!!! I will be patient, but it is VERY VERY HARD!!!! XXX Annelies

  9. Pam says:

    Hope you enjoyed Hill Top 🙂 The Yorkshire Dales are beautiful and I think you will really like the Cotswolds too. The houses are built with the local stone, very pretty.

  10. Ann says:

    Hi Susan and Joe,
    So glad to know you are still thoroughly enjoying your visit to the UK and not letting the awful weather we are experiencing cramp your style. I’m green with envy that you have been visiting all my favourite places. Do hope you find some sunshine in the Cotswolds today, enjoy!
    Love from
    Ann in Thame

  11. Lynn McMahon says:

    You have a great day too!!

  12. Kathy B says:

    Oh my!! It is so fun to see the joy in your face. I can see that you are soaking it all up. It will be wonderful to see the effects of this trip in your work, I see lambs, bunnies, gardens, fences, boats, cottages, winding roads, sweet curtained windows coming from the tip of your colored pens. And, – – don’t forget sensible English shoes, they have the right idea with shoes. Enjoy every single minute – – no worries – – just breathe.

  13. Barbara T, Wolverine Lake MI says:

    been to York, LOVED IT, bought 2 teapots! 🙂 You are starting to look so British! Have you picked up the accent yet? (it’s soooo easy to do)

    • Judy Young says:

      I lived for a time in a village named Dore and Totley, on the outskirts of Sheffield, England and York was a place my parents and I visited quite often. It is the cutest, town, so quaint, tiny lanes with some of the half-timbered houses leaning over the walkways and lanes. You have to see it to believe it!

  14. Gert~Iowa says:

    Oh Susan, you look so sweet! Love your hair! I could take lessons from you on dressing…you look lovely!! I can’t wait to see everywhere you two have been…over ‘hill & dale’ had to be so exciting! Enjoy your day..hoe you will be ble to settle soon…


  15. Karen says:

    Cute picture!

  16. Hi Sue!
    The anticipation on your face (& your guide’s) reminded me of this quote:
    “When I think something nice is going to happen I seem to fly right up on the wings of anticipation; and then the first thing I realize I drop down to earth with a thud. But really, Marilla, the flying part is glorious as long as it lasts…it’s like soaring through a sunset. I think it almost pays for the thud.”
    ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

    Can’t wait to hear about that “Thud”!
    Bunny XO

  17. Georgeann from Texas says:

    Waiting patiently and a wonderful picture to always remember your answer to
    a longtime dream! This must be the area where the James Herriot books were
    written? Will there be new cups to order in the future?

    • Barbara T, Wolverine Lake MI says:

      yes! I love all the James Herriot books! have read them all. did you ever watch the television series? (not the same as the books, but you can see all the scenery) the setting was up in the very hilly parts of Yorkshire 🙂

  18. Frances Fowler says:

    This just seems like heaven on earth. I would LOVE to go to England, then meander up to Scotland for a good hike. I fell in love with Yorkshire from afar many years ago when I read my first James Herriot book. Fortunately, I was raised in an family of Anglophiles — we were the only children in my town during the early 70’s who had to watch Masterpiece Theater every week (!!!) — where A.A. Milne, Beatrix Potter, and Kenneth Grahame had top billing for children. I love my collection of children’s literature, both mine and my grown daughter’s, and still love to go back and read about my favorite characters. I kept two Victoria magazines from twenty years ago because they were all about England, and one had an article on Beatrix’s life and beautiful acreage that she wanted people to enjoy. Thank you so much for sharing your dream trip with all of us — I have loved every post. I hope you will be taking (or shipping) LOTS of wonderful mementos (read: books, pottery, tea sets, etc) home — post pictures in all their just unwrapped glory!

    • Sharon (Ashland, OR) says:

      I have all of the Victoria’s back to the late ’80’s. Which month/year was the BP article in? Thanks for checking.l Thanks you for this wonderful trip, Susan. ♥

  19. Paulie says:

    Thanks for the quick post. I’m still tagging along and with you…..just a bit slower though. Must be all the moving or maybe the desserts have something to do with it too. Can’t wait to lookee inside the Hill Top. Have her books so making the tour with you. That’s me far off in the distance -way behind you and Joe still trucking !…….. xx oo

  20. carmel says:

    Susan, so good of you to share your most beautiful and enriching trip. No worries about posting. Enjoy everything with Joe and Petey. We will always catch up with you later.

  21. Julie says:

    Very sweet & exciting-
    you have that childlike look of wonder on your beautiful face.

    Another photo charmer-
    your purple sweater leads to the purple blooms behind you
    and your blue neckerchief picks up the greeters blue tips on her footwear.
    Oh, that Joe…he’s got such a great eye !

    You’ve been waiting for this moment forever
    but somehow, more so,
    Beatrix has been waiting for you !

    I’m sure the two of you made HER day !

  22. Jeanette says:

    Susan, Know we are thinking of you too!!! Wondering what delight is upon you and waiting patiently with a cuppa tea for your updates. I’m grateful you’ve taken us along!!
    Hope your Sunday is splendidly enchanting, can’t imagine it wouldn’t be!!!
    Safe travels. Hugs and love to yooouuuu! xoox, Jeanette

  23. Sandy Richmond says:

    I can’t wait to see all of it! You look great! It’s a beautiful sunny morning here in MA. Thanks for taking time to share with all of us..

  24. Donna Ray says:

    Can feel the excitement all the way across the pond. Can’t wait to get in that door! You’re looking mighty cute! Hope it’s all you’ve dream it would be. As always, DonnaRay

  25. sondra fox says:

    Good Morning to you Susan! I’ve been looking for you for several days. Love the picture of you this morning. You certainly look prepared. Not to worry about a daily blog. I “knew” that wouldn’t happen, with so much for you to do & see. I’ll just keep checking in. I do appreciate each word & each picture you send. Safe journey, Sondra

  26. Francine says:

    I am so enjoying our trip, and you will never, ever know how much this means to me! You are a true saint to take the time to share this trip with us….and so is Joe! Blessings to you Susan!

  27. Maryellen says:

    Susan, I am just breathless with all our packing and traveling! I can’t wait to see the Beatrix photos and the ride and the new place and all the sights along the way.

    I am so enjoying our trip, what a wonderful way to start our summer vacation.

  28. nanette from Alabama says:

    And WE we are thinking of YOU (and Joe and Petey!) too, darling Susan!

    You look so adorable in your photo in front of Hilltop Cottage! Thank you for all the photos! It’s been so much fun to see what you are seeing!

    I have been anxiously awaiting hearing about the Beatrix Potter visit! My best friend, Claudia, and I went to see “Miss Potter” together when it first came out and have watched the movie with our grand daughters, over and over again. We love it! Can hardly wait to see the REAL thing!

    You are going to love the sweet villages in the Cotswolds! And it’s time for the roses and flowers to be blooming everywhere! And little sheep crossing the roads from one pasture to another………it’s so lovely! Take lots of photos, okay? Looking forward to hearing ALL the news! Have fun! Cheerio! (Good-bye.) Nanette

    • nanette from Alabama says:

      I meant to tell you about the Hedgehog Hospitals in England in case you want to visit one……..
      There are several scattered over England but there is one called TiggyWinkles in Staffordshire and another one in Devon…….Just google it and you will find the addresses and phone numbers and the cutest photos ever! When I lived in New Zealand as a young girl, we use to find hedgehogs in our shrubbery and would feed the darling little creatures. They are such sweet little things! I forgot to find out addresses before going to England and missed my chance to go to the Hedgehog Hospitals!

  29. Kim from Canada says:

    Dear Susan: I can’t wait for you to get settled. I’m so looking forward to seeing and hearing all about Beatrix Potter. By the smile on your face I can only imagine it was magical!! Take care of yourselves, and I’ll look forward to your next post!

  30. Carol in KS says:

    … and thinking about you! The suspense is all part of the fun! Thank you for the update. Have a wonderful time and travel safely!

  31. Karen P. -Wisconsin says:

    Yay!!!! We’ll be here….no worries. Take your time! xoxo…kp

  32. Kathie Ferko says:


    I agree that the dales were beautiful…I remember the sticky toffee ice cream from there….yum! Awaiting each day’s blog with anticipation of something exciting and new. You and Joe are having an experience of a lifetime.

    Kathie from Limerick, Pa

  33. Lisa R (northern Arizona) says:

    You’re a peach Susan! So sweet, always thinking of us. Thanks for the update. Have a marvelous time!! We’re all fine and dandy here. 🙂

  34. I’m one of your newest followers. I’m enjoying your trip so much! One of the places I would love to see is Yorkshire…I was gifted a box of their tea long ago and loved it.
    Have a wonderful day!

  35. nanette from Alabama says:

    Just in case you want the info……….

    The phone number for the Hedgehog center in Devon:

    Hospital and Visitor Centre:
    01626 362319

    and TiggyWinkles Wildlife Center is:

    Tiggywinkles, Aston Road, Haddenham, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP17 8AF UK
    Tel: 01844 292292 Fax: 01844 292640. Email: [email protected]

    (I think I said Staffordshire earlier but I meant to say Aylesbury!)

    I’m “ringing off” now. (as we use to say in N.Z. ) Have fun! Nanette

    • Karen P. -Wisconsin says:

      Nanette! There’s a HEDGEHOG Center!!?? I didn’t know that!! What’s there?

  36. Teresa G., Lafayette, CA. says:

    When you get home, Susan, will you give us all (okay, maybe it’s just me) a lesson in time management?! I don’t know how you get so much done in a day! Yet another reason to be in awe of you. This trip has been over the top fabulous so if we have to wait for an internet connection that is not slower than molasses, we’ll all sit back and make another spot of tea and wait. It’s most definitely worth it. Cheerio!

  37. Karen C (from the heart of the peidmont, Greensboro NC) says:

    As usual, you are looking great! Love the kitty cat scarf!

  38. Belinda battaglini says:

    We are patiently waiting with …baited breath! Travel safely!

  39. Cheryl says:

    Yay, Beatrix Potter!!!!! I can’t wait! I was thinking of you last night (all the way from Michigan) when I watched the Queen’s Concert on the “Telly!” …and YES, I’m still in love with Sir Paul McCartney! Safe travels Susan.

  40. Nancy says:

    I just watched the movie about Beatrix Potter, so now I’m looking forward to your impressions. I hope you are having the lovliest time every single minute. Such a treat seeing things through your eyes. Talley-ho!

  41. Pom Pom says:

    How fun! It sounds super wonderful, Susan!

  42. natasha says:

    hi susan,

    we will be here when your internet cooperates. just have fun! no worries,
    the posts of your adventure is like a wonderful gift for us, so the anticipation just builds the excitement, kinda like christmas, or hmm waiting for those serial stories that people used to write, when you could hardly wait for the next part and then when it arrived, it was enjoyed so much more for the wait. ok im not good with words like you are, but you get the picture. have a great time and safe travels.


  43. Nancy Brown says:

    Your journey has been so wonderful and beautiful so far. Thank you for sharing. Now as you journey on I am even more envious because I think you are entering Herriott (as in James) country. Loved his books, love the show.
    Enjoy these days.

  44. Rebecca L. says:

    “Anticipation, or being enthusiastic, is an emotion involving pleasure, excitement, and sometimes anxiety in considering some expected or longed-for good event.”

    12 bags! 🙂

    Rebecca (Riverside, Ca)

  45. Deb from Dixie says:

    Thanks for the Sunday update………………….Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the anticipation!! Beatrix Potter’s House here we come…………..Ya-Hoo!

    Susan you look “smashing”and so happy……and the purple sweater is a great color ……………………and I just Love ♥ the kitty scarf!
    Happy travels to Bibury!

  46. DebbieHallock says:

    Great Picture of you! Can’t wait for the update 🙂

  47. Ann says:

    Love your scarf! And I’m not even as crazy about cats as you are. Looking forward to Beatrix Potter.

  48. Dawn from Minnesota says:

    oH the “kitty scarf” and the cutest little I am so excited and happy this is
    really happening what’s on the other side of that door expression on your face!
    EnJoy all the beauty that’s coming round the corner….and please don’t worry
    about us…..we will wait…for-as-long-as-it-takes! Our priority is…that YOU
    have the time of your Life and not “worry” about us! This trip has been especially special…and to see that smile on your face makes it….PERFECT!
    “ThankYOU!” XoXDawn

    • Dawn from Minnesota says:

      Ya know what Susan…when I looked at your cutie-pie face again and
      wished a wish for you …………I looked into your eyes and felt….aHaaaa!!!
      YOU are So Excited…and…you are So Excited for…US !!!

  49. Lorraine says:

    Oh my – I think I might be the first comment. How exciting!!! Don’t know if you have time, but Thirsk is just a short distance from York. Thirsk is where the real James Herriot, DVM lived and worked. Its a lovely little town and the James Herriot Museum is worth a visit. I’m a huge James Herriot fan and had a wonderful time.

    We enjoyed York – especially the York Minster – but it was very crowded when we were there.

    Looking forward to hearing about Beatrix.

  50. Heartsdesire says:

    Not to worry, Sue. When we do get to see the photos, they will be that much more enjoyable. I’m sure the wait will be worth it. Have a safe trip to the Cotswolds.

  51. Marcia in Brazil says:

    How exciting! Can’t wait to see more…

  52. zinnia patch says:

    Hi Susan! so good to hear u are there!!!!!!!! and can’t wait to hear more! Enjoy your long drive, i can only imagine the beauty you will see! xoxoxoxo

  53. judy dow says:

    you are a kindred spirit with beatrix i am sure she will share something special with you thanks for sharing with us love lucy

  54. Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

    Susan & Joe, enjoy every moment of your adventure! Soak up all of the inspiration you can! Please don’t worry about us… It’s your vacation!

  55. Sandi Skeels says:

    Susan, Joe and Petey ~~You have been soooooooo generous in taking time to “share” “everything” with us …it’s sooooooooo worth the wait !!! Know that we are thrilled that you share WHEN you can ….Smiles and Sparkles …

  56. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Sounds like you are having a good time and covering a lot of ground. What a very nice picture of you! Look forward to the next installation… 🙂

  57. Gloria Dotzler says:

    Can’t wait to hear all about Beatrix Potter’s house and that I won the mug : ) You are going to absolutely love the Cotswolds. We did a day trip through there, Bibury. Burton, oh and Chipping Camden was the most picturesque village of all! You will have dreams to dream for many nights after this trip and thank you for giving us dreams, too. Joe should get a gold medal for toting all those bags, he’s one in a million.

  58. Jack says:

    Will the real Susan Branch please stand up — something you’re doing really agrees with you ! ….Hair,teeth and eyeballs looking fantastic and you look so clean , must be that weather is good for you …….

    • sbranch says:


      • Dawn from Minnesota says:

        oH Mr. Jack !!!! “…eyeballs?” She does look SO Happy
        doesn’t she ??? I get so Excited when everyone else gets
        so Excited and sometimes I’m not even sure what it is that I am getting so excited about! I am Excited for the Cotswolds
        whatever they are…or whoever they are… or whatever It is !!!!! Have a “GREAT DAY” silly boy !!!! And remember
        keep those eyeballs clean !!!

  59. Susan Havey says:

    Dear Susan:

    Please don’t worry about the wait time for us getting your posts. The anticipation is delightful as we ponder what you’ll show us next. I’m in awe that you are able to travel from town to town with all your luggage and still find time to post pictures and so eloquently describe what you see. You must not sleep at at!! And we all know the testiness of internet connections depending where you are. Relax, enjoy your own time and we will rejoice when the next post comes. In the meantime, I am enjoying the blooming flowers in my own garden awaiting the next glorius post from the Cotswolds which I’ve always dreamed of visiting.

    Susan in Spokane, WA

  60. Kelly J. says:

    Thinking about you too! You look like a kid in a candy shop! Enjoy!
    Kelly from Eastern PA

  61. Oh…on the edge of my chair with apprehension! Beatrix Potter AND the Cotswolds to come…be still my heart!
    xoxo, Chris

  62. Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

    Hi Susan (and friends) –
    You look FAB in purple! Love that sweater!
    Here’s the link to short article in today’s LA Times on the Chelsea Fringe garden show – companion to it’s larger sister show in London. I thought might be of interest to many who followed the larger show.,0,4539335.story
    Can’t wait to catch up with all your news and travels!!

  63. Betsy says:

    You know what they say Susan “All good things come to those who wait”. Seeing Beatrix Potters homestead is worth it all! xo

  64. maryb says:

    waiting patiently! i’m sure it will be worth it! thanks for taking me with(and all the others too) i’ve never been across the pond and don’t see it in my near future so this was a lucky break!! can’t wait for beatrix potter!! and i’m holding on for the cup!! mb

  65. Gill Smith says:

    So Glad you are enjoying our “little island” I LOVE the Yorkshire Dales too!! We’ve had many holidays there. I’ve loved keeping up with you on your journey….enjoy.
    I LOVE your blog too….only ” found ” you a few months ago!
    I live in North Devon…are you coming here?????
    Best wishes Gill x

  66. Tiina says:

    Can’t wait to see the pics. I’ve been to her house in 2001, so awesome you’re gonna love it! Have a good day! Those rodes are a bit dodgy!
    xo Tiina

  67. Judy Ann from Georgia says:

    I have to leave a comment! What a sweet lady you are to take so much time on your vacation to think of all of us!! There you are in your pretty little purple sweater that looks so smashing with your little scarf with “kitties” on it, still thinking of us out here just waiting for a word from our “Susan”…You are so giving and unselfish to always put us first on your trip. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for always thinking of your readers of your blog who wait for the pictures and wait for the words from our beloved “Susan” who we sometimes live our lives through. We love you and thank you from our hearts! Thank you for sharing your most precious moments that mean so much to you and Joe.
    Judy Ann From Georgia

  68. Victoria Miller says:

    Thank you ever so much for sharing your trip and working so diligently to keep the girlfriends up-to-date. It’s pure joy! A great-great grandfather on my father’s side of the family was from Yorkshire. And a wonderful way to see it armchair traveling is to watch All Creatures Great and Small, a lovely filmed version of James Herriott’s books. I’ve watched the entire series twice. Something to do while we eagerly await the next post in your delightful journey. I’m on pins and needles waiting for the Beatrix Potter experience! I may watch that one again this evening.

  69. Angela says:

    Really looking forward to the Beatrix Potter photos! After seeing the movie “Miss Potter”, I admired her for her courage and fearlessness. She’s an inspiration to me. This is such a great adventure you are bringing to us!

  70. Patricia says:

    So lucky you. I have been on a trip through the Yorkshire Dales, when we were so fortunate to have James Herriot as a TV program. How we loved it. Also been to Bibury, is that the town where they have a stream running through with trout in it? We were on holiday and friends took us about.
    Waiting for Beatrix Potter update. I shall keep checking in. Today and yesterday we have the S_U_N in Massachusetts.
    Have fun!

  71. Sandra Gillanders says:

    Waiting to see Beatrice’s house. I’ve only seen a couple of pictures from Rachel when she visited. You will stand in her bedroom-goosebumps. Love her paintings and stories. Cotswold too with it’s quaint cottages. Know you will be overjoyed. :o)

    • sbranch says:

      Painted her bed Sandra! I brought paper and pencil with me!

      • Karen P. -Wisconsin says:

        Brilliant of you!!!!! Didn’t you just marvel at the embroidery??!! I know you’ll have pics.

        • sbranch says:

          No pictures allowed in the house!!! That’s why I brought pencil and paper, and painted the embroidery … for the book!

          • Karen P. -Wisconsin says:

            Oh, yes…that’s right! Forgot about that! Nice that they let you sketch! I hope they didn’t rush you through. When we were there, I think we rushed through too fast. Can’t wait to see your BP blog!

      • TerrieInAtlanta says:

        Ohhhh!!! You took your pencils and paints into “Miss Potter’s” bedroom?!? What a wonderful idea ~ maybe you’ll come home with a new treat or two for your Peter Rabbit Room! Perhaps one of your maps, or sketches (even a jarful of the pencils you used would be fun!), or an item of clothing you wore while traipsing ’round ‘Merry Olde’?

  72. Kathy Phenix says:

    Susan, what a temptress you are! I was all ready to see the farm through your talented eyes and then….nothing! I know you are having problems but why the tease?? Somehow we’ll wait with baited breath. But you know how anxious we are.
    Can you feel us all collectively breathing down your neck?? Have fun. Kathy

  73. Silvia Niomi says:

    Awwhhh, the suspense is geeettting to me; the cup, Beatrix Potter, the Cotswolds!!!??? What a delightful vacation…. to see all of these enchanted places in one vacation….. crikey! I’d be a puddle of melty excitement goo if I were experiencing that first hand.

    LOL, I do have to smile at the thought of you and Joe transferring twelve pieces of luggage from place to place. I picture this small European car driven by two fun loving people – full to the brim with luggage. To locals its probably a dead giveaway when someone is visiting them from a distant land. I tend to bring lots of things too when I travel…. ya just never know. Does that include empty luggage or are you going to have to add more luggage for all those pretty things that are making there way back to the states?

    Can’t wait to see your pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us.


    • Silvia Niomi says:

      ps, i miss my EOS Rebel Cannon….. I used it so much over a fifteen year span that it finally went ka-puts. It takes lovely pictures. I did replace it with a digital version of the Cannon (different brand), but now I have to get use to more bells and whistles.

  74. Marie (Long Beach, CA) says:

    No worries, you’re on holiday and taking it all in, so I certainly don’t mind waiting for your posts. As long as you and Joe are safe and having the time of your lives, I’m certainly happy! How exciting to hear you’ve been to Hill Top and seen everything Beatrix Potter! Can’t wait to hear all about it! Safe travels!

  75. Janey from NW England says:

    Dearest Susan you look so pretty and so at home at Hill Top. I’m do so happy for you to have visited the beautiful farm. Did you see a little piece of my heart in Mr MacGregors vegetable patch? I hope you treated yourself to a new piece of potterwear in the shop. It’s the year if Mr Tod this time. Although I fancied an ornament of the rabbits under the lettuce this time but forgot to go back for one.

    I was at Ambleside at the same time as you. Was you staying near the Apple pie shop and the Glass House?

    I’m so excited to hear of the rest of your HillTop adventures and trip to York. They are Places close to my heart.

    I think my lovely penfriend Patricia Heaton from America is close to your heals. Like me she went to The same places in Lakes at similar times but once againour paths didn’t cross sadly.

    Excitement is brimming to hear the next instalment of your English adventures. Much love xx

  76. kare Banks says:

    You ARE TOO CUTE!!
    i Think i’m standing right there With You!
    Say… Did you take enough luggage?? 😉 )
    i hope that little ol’ Petey is carrying HIS share…Not Just lolling around all over jolly old England!
    i was thinking… i Bet The Queen has one of Petey’s ‘Brothers’ lolling around in Her castle somewhere!! Some companies send such gifts to Her Majesty…You ought to send Petey ‘To call’.
    THAT might be your ticket In :> heyhey:]
    LUV that Royal Cardy..

  77. Kate garfield says:

    What a job it can be to move, ay? But also, what a joy! You make a great photo and look like you’re having a blast. Enjoy each day and then a little extra for the rest of us!
    Patiently waiting for the next post……….. 😉

  78. Joann says:

    Hello Susan!!

    I can’t wait to see all of the pictures—-this is absolutely one of my MUST SEE places on earth….

    I’d like to use this venue to ask for prayers for all of those suffering from fires in NM and CO—a new one in CO started yesterday. We were out looking at land just west of Fort Collins when we saw smoke and then an explosion—today it has grown to 15,000 acres and people are missing. I have friends and colleagues who live in this area and I know people are just terrified of what’s to come as this is only the beginning of this fire.

    If any of you SB fans see this, I just ask for your prayers for all of those in need in the days ahead.



    • sbranch says:

      SO sorry to hear this Joann, I didn’t know! Praying for you and yours from way over here xoxo

    • Dawn from Minnesota says:

      Dear Joann…”You” already were in my prayers when I first heard of
      the fires! We have been thinking and praying for Everyone & Everything!
      It’s such a beautiful part of our country…a part I know and Love well.
      Take Care Joann !!! XoXDawn

    • Susan Bryza says:

      So sad! 🙁
      I am so sorry you and others are having to go through this. I saw in the Denver Post today that the fire is larger than the town of Boulder! My prayers for a quick containment and assistance to those affected by the fire.

      Susan (now in Woodland Park)

  79. Jan says:

    I’ve been to Bibury! Can’t wait to see it again with you!

  80. Dale Worness says:

    Love that picture of you! I’m so glad you guys still have all of your 12 bags and didn’t lose any along the way. Or gain any, for that matter! Can’t wait to see Beatrix’s house. Sounds like the internet connection over there needs some vitamins! 😉

  81. Karen P. -Wisconsin says:

    How cute is that kitty scarf!!?? That’s not a new Cath Kidston print, is it?? Will you be staying in that fancy hotel in Bibury??!!

  82. mari1017 says:

    Oh Susan! How wonderful that you are there!!!! ♥♥♥ Thank you for thinking of us who wait for our next destination with you and Joe 🙂 Have a wonderful visit – oh, to be in the Yorkshire Dales!

  83. Janis says:

    We are thinking of you, too! Can’t wait to see latest beautiful pictures of England. ♥

  84. Martha Ellen says:

    We’re all thinking of you too Susan. I’m trying to be patient…Hope to hear about Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top soon. Thanks for all the anticipation building. LOL Enjoy your time with Joe! xoxo♥

    • Dawn from Minnesota says:

      We keep telling Susan that “We Are Patient”…but it is getting A LOT
      harder isn’t it ?!! Tonight I am going to rewatch the Beatrix Potter
      movie and try to squelch some of my ever-growing Anticipation and Excitement!!! I keep thinking of a car Full of kids….”Are we there yet?”
      “Are we there now?” “How much longer?” “Will it be soon?”
      I am laughing right along with you Marthan Ellen !!!! The journey so far
      has been FABulous, don’t you think? 🙂

  85. Mia Sophia says:

    It’s all good! Enjoy your trip through the countryside. Looking forward to our next adventure alond the way! Cheers and have a lovely day…

  86. Janie Phillips says:

    I it was everything you dreamed it would be (and I bet it was)! xoxo

  87. Hala says:

    Glad you loved the Dales. Can’t wait for the updates.
    Hala x
    PS – LOVE your scarf x

  88. CarolK (central NJ) says:

    You are so thoughtful thinking of all of us while trying to have a vacation. Twelve bags! You need a little trailer to pull behind the car for all those bags. LOL Can’t wait to see what you see in the Cotswold. Hope it’s a bit warmer down there for you. Hugs from NJ

  89. What a trip…a dream come true! We’ll all wait anxiously to hear about Beatrix Potter! And then on to the Yorkshire Dales…one of my favorite authors, James Herriot, wrote so many wonderful tales about his life there as a country vet. Always a dream of mine to visit his hometown of “Darrowby”,which was based on the town of Thirsk. Have a grand time!

  90. Bonnie says:

    What marvelous adventures you’re sharing with us, Susan! Will you also be placing your bid to purchase (or at least visit) A.A. Milne’s Cotchford Lane home during this trip? I keep seeing the listing pop up on various blogs, and am sure we’d be delighted to come visit you there~~I can already see you in your studio overlooking Christopher Robin’s paths through “The Wood”. Happy travels!!

    • Dawn from Minnesota says:

      …Winnie the Pooh is there too ?!!!! oH my oH my oH my!!! We need
      another month!!!!

  91. Nanci says:

    Oh my gosh…Bibury…we stayed there at the Swan Hotel in 2007. Be sure to go down Arlington Row…which of course you will. Also the Bibury Court Hotel is a neat place to go see. Very old and an excellent cream tea on the patio next to an old church. I love the Cotswolds. Can’t wait to hear of your B. Potter visit. Isn’t the countryside gorgeous and lambs are at every turn. Love hearing the baby lambs calling for their mamas!

  92. Debbie in So,Ca. says:

    Don’t worry Susan, we are patiently awaiting! Just so thankful that you take such precious time away from your vacation to share so generously with us!

  93. Nancy B says:

    I can hardly wait!

  94. Gill says:

    Love your Tom Kitten neckerchief!

  95. Elena Stahl says:

    Have you already emailed the winner of the mug???

  96. PatsyAnne says:

    Which cup? Belmont, French Open???? Well they had to pull the main contender out and he will never run a race again…. The Belmont went to Union Rag – an incredible finish! The French Open was rained out for awhile this morning and then I lost track of it. Have fun in the Cotswolds – its an incredible place – a bit magical.

  97. April Jordan says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. You have been visiting some of my favorite authors homes and I so appreciate your pictures and the stories of your travels.

    Most Sincerely,
    April 🙂

    • Kathy from Brevard, NC says:

      I love the name April!

      • Victoria Miller says:

        April is my middle name. My mother wanted to name me April, but I had two much older sisters who talked her out of it — because of how I might be teased at school. I wound up being named Victoria, since I was a celebration of winning WWII baby, with April as a middle name. I, too, love the name April and it is a delight to encounter someone who is named after that lovely, lovely month.

        • sbranch says:

          It’s my birth month (putting in 2 cents here) and I saw a cottage here (they all have names) called April Cottage. Isn’t that pretty? I took a picture of it of course! Such a beautiful word, name!

  98. Missy says:

    Thanks for the update – I was starting to get worried, lol.

  99. You look adorable in your kitty scarf and it makes me wonder how Jack is faring! Love your travelogue. Thank you so much for it!

  100. Gwen Barath says:

    It is raining today so it reminded me of England and I read through my old Beatrix Potter little books that I read to my children, grandchildren and soon a great grandchild who will be born in December. Looking forward to hearing about your visit.

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