So, I thought maybe we should just wait another day before we do the drawing.  Maybe it’s more of a Friday’s Child?  Is that OK?  Oh, come on 🙂 you’re loving the anticipation . . . I know you are!  When I was reading through your comments yesterday, I saw how many birthdays we’re having this week, and thought what we should really do right now, is celebrate BIRTHDAYS!!!

And then I thought, naaaaah.  Well, OK, let’s do it!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLFRIENDS! I hope you Birthday Girls have a fabulous day and have all the cake you want — here’s your card!  I know there’s one Birthday Girl who is going to have a particularly wonderful day  . . .  

BECAUSE, SURPRISE! I lied! 🙂  Of COURSE we’re going to announce the winner today!  A promise is a promise! 

So, I was watching closely when Vanna dipped her lovely polished and bejeweled hand into the hat with those 3000+ slips of paper with all your names on them.  She went to the very bottom of the hat (a shiny, black top-hat), stirring it slowly and carefully, little papers skittering round and round in the vortex made by Vanna’s whirling arm; after a moment or two, she slowly withdrew her hand, and with it, the narrow slip of paper carrying the winning name; she shook it a little — it looked like six or seven other slips were stuck to it; they fluttered off in all directions, until she had just the one . . .  she handed it to me.  I took a deep breath, thinking, what a miracle this one little name is, rising to the top from so many–and every one of them equally deserving!  I clicked champagne glasses with Vanna (when Vanna’s around we have champagne for breakfast), toasting the good job she did, but I  had mixed feelings, only one winner is sad!  I had to get over it.  I had to move forward.  Joy replaced momentary sadness and flooded my emotions as I concocted an email to the lucky winner.  In the subject line of my congratulatory note I wrote: ARE YOU SITTING DOWN?

And here is what the winner wrote back to me . . . Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think this would happen!  My thought was that some lucky person would win this and I hoped they would treasure it for life.  It’s my birthday!  What a gift . . . . I am in tears.

It’s her birthday!!!   Oh, how wonderful!!  She wasn’t the only one in tears!  I went and put her name in the book; and now, with a little drum roll, Girlfriends, I am happy to annouce the name of the lucky lucky winner . . .

H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y  D E A R  B E T S Y !

We are so happy for you!!

Your one-of-a-kind, Special Numbered Edition copy of the book Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter, direct to you, from Hill Top Farm, via Martha’s Vineyard, is in the mail!  Congratulations! Happy Birthday Betsy!  And thank you for your sweet comment!  And really, Girlfriends, thank YOU all for such a fun week of excitement!  I wish we could do it everyday!  And don’t worry; there are more fun, special things to come; I’m always thinking about you!  A little music might be in order now, huh?

Cheer up (except for Betsy, because we know she is feeling very cheerful right now)! Don’t forget . . .

When we were kids and we were sad, my mom would take us downtown for ice cream cones–we cheered right up!  I’d love to take us all down to Main Street for Birthday ice cream cones (to Mad Martha’s here on the island, because it’s the best!); but obviously, under the restricted circumstances of actual limited reality, I can’t do that . . . however, “rising above,” here’s what I can do right now, in the way of a consolation prize — because I know lots of you might like to see a page-in-process from the Diary I’m writing of our England trip, here’s a little preview.  You might recognize the two characters on this half-done page near the front of the book where I’m writing about whether or not “now” was the right time to go away for two months . . .

Had to paint the kids in … right?   So this is how the book will look, only with more art and more photos . . . I work on it every day, a true joy to do!  I hope to have it finished for the printer in two or three months.  I wrote the diary every day while I was there, so the words reflect just what happened each day; I painted a little bit too, but I have more to add!

As further consolation to my sweet girlfriends, I’m thinking that today you might like to go for a walk through my cyber flower garden?  It’s been hot, it’s been steamy, some of our gardens look like something the cat dragged in, due to no fault of our own. . . ! Let’s “rise above” this reality . . .

Come on, bunny people, lets go look at flowers . . .

This photo of my California garden always cheers me up!  It was having a very perky year . . . everything in bloom at once — too gaudy? I was not in charge!  The Russian sage went berserk, sweet peas, gladiolus, butterfly bush, iceberg rose tree; with birds flipping around in the bird bath, hanging out in the bird house; bees and butterflies flitting through everything . . . in a cool breeze from the Pacific Ocean up the road . . . take a deep breath and tell me, don’t you feel better already?

And while you’re breathing in, smell the Philadelphus (mock orange); it looks like a wedding bouquet, so romantic!

I don’t know the name of this fragrant rose because it did not survive; a harsh winter did it in; but for this moment in time, it made my Martha’s Vineyard garden look and smell heavenly.

I planted tons of foxglove in the back of our California property under the Cottonwood trees.  The thing I love most about foxglove is that they reseed themselves and pop up later where they are least expected.  As if someone you LOVE just shows up at your door out of nowhere!  Thank You!

This tall flower grows wild here on the island (is it Dame’s Rocket?  I forget); we pull some of it out, but it always comes back.  I’ve heard it’s invasive, and I say, please, invade to your heart’s content . . . have your way with me. 

This is a color scheme I learned about and put into action in our California garden after our first trip to England; I still love this color combination of lime and purple.  The most important thing I learned while traipsing through gardens is that it’s not just flowers that count; it’s leaves, their shapes and colors: long and strappy, tiny and soft, thick and leathery, smooth and dark, yellow and stickery-looking … mixing them up, with attention to texture, is one way to make an interesting garden.

The English wildflower meadows were wonderful, natural, and they were everywhere,  through the whole beautiful countryside … don’t they cool you off just looking at them?  And the smell!  Like new mown hay!

I took the picture of this gorgeous flower in England, but I can’t remember the name of it . . . does anyone know?  I know you know, you are so smart!

Crazy wild California picket fence garden — this property is in an ancient river bed which is why the soil is so good there.

Ahhh, and now a cool breeze . . .

And a few drops of rain . . .

And here’s the reason for growing flowers . . . the table!  (Guess what, not to break the spell of the floral world, but my entire post just disappeared right here, so THAT’S why this is so late.  I was good, I only screamed about it once on Twitter.  Picking self up, dusting self off, and here we go again!)

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!  :-)) And flowers for our little vases too.

I better get this post up, I know you are wanting to see this.  I just have to tell you one more thing!  The sky just opened up here; rain is falling straight down out of the sky like long needles, soaking everything for the first time in weeks!  Joe is walking through the house, turning off air conditioners and opening the doors!!!  I’m sending some of this drenching your way!  (As Angie would say, “Poof!” there it goes!)  (Not you, my English friends, I’m NOT sending it to you!)  XOXO Have a wonderful day girls . . .

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473 Responses to ANTICIPATION ? ? ?

  1. Arlinda says:


  2. Rosanne in Oregon says:

    Happy Birthday to Betsy! How thrilling to celebrate with a most special gift! Thanks, SB, for giving us a peek of the England diary. You did a good job consoling us by offering something to look forward to.;) You also consoled me with two of my favorite things – blooming flowers and a beautiful table to swoon over. You know me so well.;)

  3. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Congratulations to Betsy–and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Oh Susan, you rascal–no one could stretch it out this far (except maybe your dad?) 🙂 I’ll be happy to go for a virtual ice cream cone with you at Mad Marthas–if it is virtual, there are no calories, right?! The diary looks great–I can tell you are having fun creating it. I’m looking forward to sitting down reading through it…Happy Thursday to all of the rest of us… 🙂

  4. Lynn McMahon says:

    Happy Birthday to Betsy and congrats!!!!!! I was born a day too late~ kidding!
    That’s okay because we can get a consolation prize when Susan’s new books come out so you see we are ALL still winners!!! It was such fun!! Thank you Susan!!!

  5. MaryAnn says:

    What a perfect gift for Betsy–it was meant to be! Happy Birthday! Susan, thanks for showing the page from your diary. I am getting so excited for it!

  6. Karen L. says:

    Oh Well! Happy for Betsy! Such a nice Birthday surprise.And your lovely about your book gives me something to look forward to. Send us a Jack story soon.

  7. I, too, collect little vases and have been doing so for years. The little spots of bright color are so cheerful!

  8. Priscilla in SD from SO CA says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday to the winner, Betsy Flannery!!
    And a big kiss and thank you to our girlfriend Susan Branch!

  9. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Betsy!!! What a fantastic birthday present — serrendipity!!!

  10. Georgie says:

    How wonderful! B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y!!! I’m crying too Betsy! Happy tears! What a wonderful Birthday surprise!!!! Yes! You will cherish it. Celebrate your life today Betsy! YOU are special!

    Susan! Thanks for the fun of the anticipation 🙂
    Georgie in NJ

  11. Bee Stevens says:

    Congratulations Betsy – what a great birthday gift. Love the flowers
    and am looking forward to the diary.

  12. Jan says:

    I can’t say I’m not disappointed that I didn’t win, BUT the peek you gave us of your upcoming book was a terrific consolation prize! It looks and sounds wonderful. I bet you’re having a great time reliving all those special moments as you work on it.

  13. Sherry Kennedy says:

    Good Morning, Susan and other girlfriends. I’m so happy for Betsy, although I really, really wanted that book! It makes a wonderful birthday present for her, and I am sure, just made her day more precious. Is there any chance the England diary will be out by Christmas season? I would love to give this book as C’mas gifts this year. It will be so perfect for my gf’s. Sherry xoxoxo

  14. zinnia patch says:

    Happy Birthday Betsy and I can only imagine how you must be feeling!!!! Leave it to Susan to give you a birthday you won’t forget, uh??????? Congratulations!!!!! And Susan, how wonderful the peek in the diary and please, please send me some of that rain!!!!! Mother nature just keeps teasing us with thunder, but no raindrops and my garden is very very sad!!!!!!!

  15. Terri Lovell says:

    Congratulations to the lucky winner. Here’s to Betsy Flannery and a Birthday she’ll never forget. I’m sure she is bursting with joy. And a BIG Thank You to you ,Susan! I’ve had a wonderful time through all this. And now we have another “Anticipation” thing going on. We have to wait…….for the new book to become available and I know we’re all going to love every minute of it. xoxo to Susan.

  16. Holly says:

    Happy Birthday & congratulations Betsy! Your name looks perfect painted in the book… just like it was meant to be.

    Susan, a wonderful attempt to give us all a consolation prize! It worked. Kitties, flowers, china, quilts, California, AND a piece of virtual birthday cake…. what more does one need? It works for me. Enjoyed it all!

  17. Karen K. says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Betsy!

  18. Congrats to Betsy. I love the fact that she was so excited to win as much as Susan was in giving the gift. Wishing all who read this a wonderful day.

  19. Linda Pintarell says:

    Sending congratulations and wonderful birthday wishes to Betsy from San Diego; I’m envious but so happy for her – what a wonderful birthday present. I LOVED the preview of your book; I can’t wait. You said a few months so maybe/hopefully it might be ready for Christmas…what a lovely Christmas present that would be for so many girlfriends and their friends and family.

  20. Karen V (Connecticut) says:

    Happy Birthday Betsy! and congratulations to you on that fantastic birthday gift! I think that all of us girlfriends can find consolation in the fact that you were meant to get that book for your special birthday surprise, it was fate! Susan, thanks for the pretty flower pics during this very dry and hot summer, can’t wait for your England journal, love the sneak peek!

  21. Susan ( an Ohio gal in SoCal ) says:

    Congratulations and Happy birthday to Betsy ! How exciting for her ! And Susan – LOVE the preview ! I simply can hardly wait to get one !

  22. Deb from Dixie says:

    Cheers to Betsy on your Birthday…..and what a present, and what a tale to tell for years to come….of such a very special Birthday! I bet you are jumping for JOY…..with a heart filled with happiness. Hope your special day continues to be filled with laughter, fun…..and some yummy Birthday cake!

    I imagine when you get the package from Susan it will be like a dream….unwrap it slowly and savor every minute….each page of that book is magic! What a wonderful gift to cherish forever!

    Susan, thanks for the glimpse into the journal…..and the photos of the beautiful flowers….most of all thanks again for a fabulous journey…..what memories we all have made, us girlfriends and Jack, we are so lucky! …… Thanks too, for your kindness, thinking of us all and sharing the fun, anticipation and love all along the way!

  23. Lori C. says:

    Thank you so much, Susan, for your incredible generosity!
    You are just the BEST!
    Happiest of Birthdays to Betsy! I’m sure you will remember this special one for years to come!
    My birthday was earlier this month, on the 2nd, and it was so wonderful to see the little note that you had written on “my square” for my special day (my friend had you sign my calendar when you were in California last year).
    Enjoy the rain, Sweet Sue!

  24. Diane Harris says:

    Betsy, I adore your name and all Betsy’s must be as sweet and wholesome as their name, so have an even more glorious birthday than you thought you would as you awoke this morning! and Congratulations!

    Susan, that garden in California! I’m green with envy over the peach glads and blue and purple what-evers! Who is tending that in your absence? The California bunnies?

    That phlox (to me) could be a Dame’s Rocket to you but I’ve got HOT pink ones that decided to pop up in my apple mint bed! Good for the phlox, show that pushy, bossy mint a thing or two.

    I’m mentally coming for dinner or brunch at that table, I see name tags so I’m guessing mine is out of view!

    Darling Susan, You’re an oasis in the desert of daily life! And that diary; you are hand writing each letter not once but twice each? Oh dear, you do have patience, so a little technology snaf-foo can’t get the best of you! You showed them!

    Loving losing and winning! XXOO,


  25. Kathy from Heafed to the Fell, Brevard, NC says:

    Happy Birthday and Congratulations Betsy!!!

    Loved the page from the diary, Susan—I am so looking forward to the book of our adventures!!! I love all the photos of your gardens and flowers, pickets and vases, and discussions with girlfriends regarding the advantages of this variety and the pros and cons of that climber.



  26. Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

    Happiest Birthday, Betsy!! We ALL have so much to celebrate today! Where else can you find such a special group of kindred spirits? We fill each others hearts with joy each time we gather here! Susan, you have created a beautiful friendship garden that stretches across the world! It’s one of your finest works of “heart!” Happy writing and painting!!
    Dawn xoxo

  27. Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Betsy! Somehow even your name looks perfect under the lamb and Susan’s words. To Susan, what a wonderful blog, full of gardens and flowers and a hint of what is to come. Can’t wait! Thank you.

  28. Carol from Connecticut says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday Betsy! Wow – the fairy dust fell right down on your head !
    Dear Susan, The yellow-orange flower in question is a primula (primrose). I also have a huge Philadelphus (mock orange) bush just under my dining room window. How does one describe this scent? It is pure heaven that goes on for days and days just dancing in through the windows and all over my kitchen and dining room. Scented heaven! I have continued the English ‘rose in question’ investigation. You mentioned that the English person said it was a cabbage rose. There is now a 3-DVD restoration of “Gardens of the World” as hosted by Audrey Hepburn. It’s glorious. In the Rose Garden program she says: “Rosa Centifolia descends from the damasks and the gallicas. ‘Rose of a Hundred Petals’ to the French, the ‘Cabbage Rose’ to the English was immortalized by 17th century Dutch and Flemish painters.” Hmmm…a reference to the cabbage rose. At this website,, I think you would LOVE any of these 3 on your new arbor: AMERICA, climber.  Large Flowered Climber. (1976) 10-12 feet. Repeat bloom. Zones 4-9.
    An award winning climber with well formed large coral pink buds and blooms that have a strong spicy fragrance. Climbing America’s parentage is the wonderful bright yet creamy orange “Fragrant Cloud” and “Tradition.” AARS rated 8.3 as it is a proven performer that blooms on new and old wood.
    FANTIN LATOUR. Centifolia. (About 1850) 4-5 feet. One annual flowering (fahTAN lah-toor)
    Enthusiastically admired by Raymond Houck of San Francisco, who wroe, “In the very center of the yard, as a kind of bull’s eye, we planted what I will nominate without hesitation as the greatest of all roses, Fantin-Latour. She is a garden all by herself. Every other rose in the world is only an inferior variation.” Elaborate praise, and, I believe, well deserved. Typical Centifolia blooms with hundreds of petals in pale to deep pink have an arresting fragrance.
    SOUVENIR DE LA MALMAISON, climbing.  Bourbon.  (1893)  10 feet. Pale Pink. Fragrant.  Flowers repeatedly. Zones 5-9. (duh lah mahl-may-ZAWHN)
    I find it difficult to select the right words, for this is not just another old-fashioned rose, or can you describe its many subtle qualities with the usual catalog superlatives. Factually it is very hardy…no freeze-back even in the coldest Pennsylvania;  a moderate grower, but a profuse all-season bloomer.  Flower is large, many-petalled – a pearly soft flesh-pink.   Full, tight buds open slowly to show many tightly curled petals full of fragrance.  A sunny protected position is best, as well as a garden with low rainfall, as wet weather can keep a bloom from realizing its glory.  This rose is well suited trained over an arbor, providing a lovely canopy for a bench. An old-world rose which speaks of history, romance and nineteenth century ‘Paris in Spring.’ ” ‘Souvenir…’ is a favorite of mine.

  29. melissa davis says:

    “ditto” your dad’s comment! tee hee 😉

  30. I’m with your dad! ha ha! Sorry that you had the Blog disappear on you like that! Things that make the old blood pressure go up! Anyway Susan, it was fun thinking about perhaps being the one to win such a Prize! Thanks for the fun!! I know Betsy is thrilled beyond words! I envy your rain today! I always Hope that when the weather person says there is a “chance of rain” he means here, but then, it usually goes around us.
    Am in between roses here and had to buy some carnations for my little vases! Funny thing, I was at Cost Co and looking through the meat section when I felt a bumping at my legs, I thought it was a person who had made a mistake, and didn’t look around. Then it happened a bit harder and I thought, Hum? Maybe a naughty child..Then a big bump! and I said, “Stop that!” as I turned around, only to find the Dear Husband had stopped on his way home from work, for oil, had seen me “because of my Flowers”, and decided to “annoy” me a bit. Gotta love him!

  31. I “won” today, too! A Tasha Tudor book on eBay I’d been wanting and at a very reasonable price. I knew then I’d not be winning the Beatrix Potter book, also. It must have been my consolation prize from the Granter of Wishes. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Betsy!

    Your consolation prize was lovely. How can you stand to be away from such a lovely garden? But it certainly must help you when you’re away from your MV garden.

    The Blog demons must be out in full force today! I saw your Tweet earlier and cried, “Oh, no!” I’ve been trying to write a post for my Blog and the photos keep bouncing up to the top instead of where I told them to be…and when I try to drag them to where they belong, they just won’t go! What’s up with that?! Ack!

  32. peg says:

    Hi, Sue! Those purple-y flowers I think are Agapanthas….my mother in law loved those flowers! Great post this morning. I love starting each day with your blog….it really keeps me thinking positive! So glad to hear the journal is coming along….everyone is going to just love it!

    We are supposed to have thunderstorms today…but, right now, we have gentle breezes and clear skies…and the promise of 90 degrees!!! Yikes!

    How wonderful to have over 3000 comments on the Beatrice book! And, what a perfect winner…a birthday girl!

    Enjoy the rain and I’ll be back to check the blog in the morning! ♥

  33. BJ says:

    What a terrific gift for Betsy on her special day. I’m thrilled for her!

    You are such a tease 😀 !

    We’ve had some really hot temps here, but have been so much more fortunate than so much of the country. We have irrigation water so the plants, flowers, lawn, crops are all getting plenty to drink.

    Just put a fresh cherry pie in the oven, come on over and I’ll put on the tea and we’ll have a party.

  34. maggie ann says:

    This is a wonderful post and I’m glad for Betsy…what a dear she must be.

  35. Beverly Brewer says:

    What a wonderful ending to the contest! Betsy’s sweet name looks so pretty on the page you painted for her—who doesn’t love a Betsy? The page you let us peek at is so precious with the kitties. Thank you!

  36. Gill says:

    Happy Birthday Betsy!

    What a dear little rhyme you finished up with Susan 🙂

  37. Susan in SC says:

    “Hoppy” Birthday, Betsy! Such a wonderful birthday surprise for you to treasure!

  38. Reneelynn says:

    Very much looking forward to the diary! We also got a little rain last night, and we need sooooo much more. Our well went dry 3 days ago and it has been a bit of Little House on the Prairie! Someone is coming out today to try and lower the pump . I loved the flower pictures today so cooling.

  39. Diane Byrum says:

    What a wonderful birthday gift for Betsy! This will probably be her most memorable birthday of birthdays. I am fascinated by your work in progress . . . do you write/draw in pencil then color/paint your work? and is every page on a separate sheet? not contained in a book? Do you think you could give us a peek about your process? maybe include it in your English Diary? Can’t wait for its debut! I love the Susan Branch community! Thank you. And, P.S., love your dad’s response 🙂

  40. Joan in TX says:

    (I smell cake…)
    Actually Betsy Flannery’s name looks perfect in such a book. Atta girl Bets!!
    (But otherwise…all I want to say is – waaaahhh!! Okay I feel much better now.)

  41. Debbie P Weedsport, NY (near Syracuse) says:

    Hi, Susan~
    Congratulations, Betsy! and Happy Birthday, too! What a fun memory this will be for you! So happy for you!
    You crack me up, Susan, with your writing….I was laughing out loud at the way you were torturing us!! So much fun!!
    I just came in from watering…my poor, thirsty gardens. They are holding up thanks to my TLC. But the lawn is actually crispy fried! I pray that rain will come soon! I just love the pictures of your flowers…and the quilts in the breeze…very refreshing!
    You got my mouth watering for an ice-cream cone, now….thanks alot….I guess I’ll have to get cleaned up and take a walk to get one. Enjoy this glorious summer day….

  42. Janet says:

    Mary Ann is exactly right! MEANT TO BE! Congratulations on getting one heck of a wonderful birthday present, Betsy ! You should change one of your “user names” somewhere to Lucky Lady!

    “… when Vanna’s around we have champagne for breakfast…”
    Just added this to my own Lines I Love book [quotes etc]. I mentioned in a comment the other day that the girls who follow your blog are just so darned word-clever. Well, is it any wonder when you – Our Leader – can rattle off lines like this one so regularly and frequently?? I can’t WAIT to read this journal, Sue. I know how memorable the text is going to be all on its own. The illustrations you’re working so carefully on now will definitely be gilding a lily!

    Happiest of Birthdays to All Fellow July Natives! And congrats again Betsy! This is certainly one birthday you’ll never forget!

  43. Sb says:

    Shucks-I didn’t win, but what a memorable birthday for Betsy! That was one heck of a contest, for a moment i thought “oh good one more extra day to think i have a chance”, lol. I will gladly have a calorie free waffle cone from Mad Martha’s to console myself (I’ll save the calories next month when I’m actually on Main st VH-woohoo! I feel better already). Your California garden is beautiful. Foxglove is one of my favorites. Looking forward to your English diary, those kitties are adorable! Cheers!

  44. Deborah says:

    Congratulations and many happy returns to Betsy!!! We are all smiling for you!

    Love the rose picture, and the very summery and full of color!!!

  45. Kim says:

    Ah, must be the luck of the Irish! “Betsy Flannery” – What a wonderful name! Reminds me of a feisty main character in a girl’s adventure story, or perhaps a Pete Hamill novel!

    What a treat to see a peek of the book-in-progress, Susan. Can’t wait!

    Love those foxgloves ~ Hollyhocks, floxgloves, peonies and roses ~ They’re all so nostalgic of older, gentler gardens.

  46. Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

    Ahhhh, birthdays, books with rabbit tales, (a birthday winner) bouquets, big beautiful blooms, blankets and birds. What a “divine” post! And where did you get those gorgeous bird flower holders on your table, speaking of birds… I love THEM!! And talk about anticipation!! That sneak peak of the book, now that is some serious anticipation! LOL!! And a book we all can get! LOL!! WhoooHOOOO!!

    • sbranch says:

      Makes me feel much better if there’s one for everyone!

      • Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

        yep, and we will feel all the love, joy, contentment and creativity in the “anticipation book” straight from your heart… just like Beatrix Potter… instead it is from Susan Branch. Maybe you could draw some cute bunnies in there for us! LOL! Or some birds or some roses or some old houses, sheep, wild flower fields, cups of tea, ivy, paths that lead anywhere but no where in particular… Ahhhh, I am day dreaming… BUT I know the book will be fabulous… it already is… love the pictures you did of the kids…

  47. Sara Finally in Georgia!!! says:

    Congrats and Happy Birthday Betsy!!!!! I am so happy for you! How exciting to win on your birthday!!!!!!!

  48. Love your flower gardens. We are finally having a lovely, rainy day in Michigan and my flowers are so happy 🙂

    • dottie (in the OC in SoCal) says:

      Michigan — and Ohio, too, I heard. Certainly is needed. We “heard” that there was a nice rain here the day before we got home from our travels.. It’s been increasingly hot since then and some humidity which is not normal but no rain.

  49. Sharon from Alberta, Canada says:

    What a perfect birthday present!!! Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Betsy. I am sure you will never forget this one.

    Thank you Susan, for the tour of your garden. So refreshing. Thanks also, for a peak at the diary. Looking forward to seeing the final product.

  50. Jacqui G says:

    Happy Birthday to Betsy! What a lucky gal 🙂 My birthday is Sunday, Susan so I am one of your birthday girls too. Hubby is taking me out for a nice Italian dinner and then next weekend I’m off to Sanibel Island here in Florida to do some good old-fashioned shelling on the beautiful beaches there.
    Have a wonderful day! xoxo Jacqui

  51. Chrissy says:

    Congratulations Besty and a Happy Birthday too! Oh well. Maybe I can make a lovely handwritten Peter Rabbit book of my own. My daughter loves him so much, maybe we can come up with new adventures together.

  52. Nellie says:

    Congratulations and happy birthday to Betsy! She is one “lucky duck!”

    No rain here today – yet. We’ve had some every day for the past several days.

    Your flowers in California are lovely. When do you plan a trip back there?

    Our tomatoes have begun ripening, and yesterday I made marinara sauce from many of them to put in the freezer. We are still picking thornless blackberries as well as blueberries. The corn did not do well – not enough rain at the right time.:-(

    I send along the best Thursday greetings to you! Remind me. When is the Festival of Lanterns (I think it’s called) in Oak Bluffs? Isn’t it coming up soon? One summer we will plan to be there for that!:-)

    xo Nellie

  53. Betsy in Ohio says:

    Hip Hip Hooray and Happy Birthday, Betsy! (You KNOW I enjoyed writing that since we share first names!!!) What a great gift for your birthday! Sending sunshine, smiles, laughter and giggles your way and may your year ahead be filled with happiness!

    The Birthday Child

    Everything’s been different
    All the day long,
    Lovely things have happened,
    Nothing has gone wrong.

    Nobody has scolded me,
    Everyone has smiled.
    Isn’t it delicious
    To be a birthday child?
    – Rose Fyleman

  54. Pam Woods says:

    Oh, YEAH for Betsy…. and on her BIRTHDAY!!! How providential!! So glad for you Betsy (although a teensy bit envious!!!!)… so glad to see the kitties again…. would love to see more of Mr. Jack, though, missing his antics! Lovely to see your work on the new book, what an absulute TREASURE! Thanks for all the wonderful florals… can’t wait for the book!!!!

  55. Donna Ray says:

    Gee willikers can you ever s-t-r-e-t-c-h things out. I was actually holding my breath….tempted to scroll down quickly so I could breathe, but I just love how you write, Susan, setting the scene, telling all the details… I had to read every word. Congratulations to Betsy! The very best Birthday gift that has given pleasure to THOUSANDS of us! When we were in high school we’d say a , person would be getting “the big head” if they were getting too much attention, but you, Sweet Susan, have gracious humility to the bone! Makes us love you even more! Loved our consulation prizes……, flowers and a delightful peek at your diary. Thanks! As always, DonnaRay

  56. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Hooray, Betsy!!! What a wonderful, wonderful birthday present. And Hooray, for the rest of us!!! Susan’s journal/diary will soon be heading for the publisher–what wonderful, wonderful Christmas presents to ourselves that will be! We’re all winners, any way you look at it 🙂

  57. mary spring says:

    What a sweet post..and ,yes, Happy Birthday, Betsy !!…you must be so happy right now !!!…congratulations !!…Susan, ‘ can hardly wait for your English diary to be available for all of us !!….thank you for the flowers today…I LOVE foxgloves !!!..the California garden photos make me miss home in California so much….my Dad is an incredible gardener !!…thanks again for all you do !!…now for a consolation prize, I think I will just go order another book from you !!…happy sweet summer day !!!!

  58. Rachel says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday Betsy! Isn’t THAT just wonderful timing?!

    Susan, this was a lovely post- I LOVED the peek at the diary… with Jack and his little moustache and girl kitty there!
    I need more wildflowers in my garden. And more cool breezes…

  59. Lady Jayne says:

    Happy Birthday Betsy!!
    I’m English, Susan…send some rain to Illinois! Please!

    • Rachel says:

      LOL Lady Jane- I thought the same thing! I’m English and I would love to have some rain down here in VA. Everything is getting brown!

  60. Julie says:

    Happy Birthday, Betsy Flannery
    and Sweet Grats on your very special birthday surprise !

    Love the garden walk, Susan-
    especially, your foxgloves.
    I think, possibly they are most magical & enchanting of all flowers
    Foxgloves always look so musical, like fairy bells & whistles-
    huddled together like a symphonic orchestra.

    The watercolor of the kids is adorable-
    love lil’ Jack’s two front teeth.
    He so reminds me of the “Artful Dodger” from Oliver-
    all he needs is a newscap.

    As always Girl Kitty looks so regal, classy and cool,
    just like Grace Kelly-
    hmm, just dawned on me, they have the SAME initials….
    another coincidinky……I don’t thinky ?

    Don’t ya’ think,
    the Girl so deserves her own strand of pearls ?
    She’s one high-class dame !

  61. Pamela Jewett says:

    What a great ending for a contest. A birthday girl with a fitting name. Sweet! The book in progress is building a huge anticipation. I can’t wait.
    xoxo Pam

  62. viv says:

    Happy Birthday, Betsy. This is one I’m sure you’ll always remember and treasure. Thanks for the sneak peek into the diary and the stroll through the garden.

  63. Annelies says:

    Happy Birthday lucky winner friend!!! I am sure THIS will be a birthday that you will NEVER forget. XXX

  64. Carol from Connecticut says:

    Dear Susan,
    I am doing the same exact kind of outdoor structure planning that you are doing right now. We had a short conversation about outdoor ceiling fans a couple of posts ago. I have some more information because I’m researching this right now. This is a quote I found on-line about outdoor ceiling fans:
    “Outdoor ceiling fans are designed specifically to endure the environmental stresses that come from being exposed to the great outdoors. Outdoor ceiling fans should have a UL Damp or Wet rating. UL Damp fans are ideal for covered outdoor areas. UL Wet fans can be directly exposed to all outdoor elements and are great for gazebos.” “How to Choose Outdoor Ceiling Fans: Wet vs. Damp”:
    The constant movement of air should keep you cool and also repel the uninvited guests (the buggies) away from your lovely candlelit garden parties. Maybe try putting glass hurricanes over your candles to keep them lighted? Where there’s a will, there’s a way! I sincerely hope this works out for you (and me, too). :o)
    I apologize to you and all girlfriends for writing about mundane construction information after such an exciting post what with a birthday winner and all. Affection, Carol

    • Karen D says:

      I never knew you could have a completely outdoor fan!
      I am glad you shared that! I thought Susan’s gazebo was totally marvelous and dreamy – but I wondered about the bugs… now I know what to do!

    • dottie (in the OC in SoCal) says:

      Texas houses have outdoor fans in many spots — sometimes on the big verandas both upstairs and down. Sometimes in outdoor rooms in the back of the house. They are also quite a popular indoor feature there. I love them and think there will be fans on my patio when I get it redone along with some lovely chandeliers dripping with crystals and holding candles rahter than elctrified. Inspired to dream — can’t hurt a bit!

  65. Nancy says:

    Thanks for all the fun! Congrats to Betsy and Happy Birthday! Can’t wait for your new book and the birthday fabric:) Planning to make a nice tablecloth and matching napkins to use for family birthday parties:) FUN!

  66. Judy from Oregon says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Betsy. A perfect name for the book very British sounding for a British book. It was meant to be. Although it did give me hope that you were going to give me another day of dreaming about winning the book when you started out. Sigh! Your book is going to be the one to own when it is published. It looks fabulous already. I can see a 100 years from now people visiting the Susan Branch House and gift shop to buy limited editions of your books.

  67. Pat T. says:

    Happy Birthday to Betsy!!! What a wonderful gift for her birthday and I know she will treasure it and the memories of how she received it!!! Sad it wasn’t to be for me, but very happy for Betsy!!!! Like the others,I am looking forward to your English Journal and something that will be available to all! Thank you for your sweet blog and the fun way you share your life with all of us across the country and the world! I always look forward to “visiting” with you. Loved the sneak peak of your book, the pictures of your garden, the flowers, and your delightful paintings and drawings! We will be moving soon and I will have a new home and yard to make my own! So much fun and so many ideas now floating in my head. Thanks for the inspiration and sharing of ideas you lovingly give us!

  68. I am one of the b’day girls you mentioned! Mine was yesterday. I am disappointed but it sounds like Betsy is very excited so the book is going to a good home and that is what matters. How fun that it is her b’day! I love having a July b’day. Thanks for the sneak peak of your new book! Can’t wait!

  69. Ann Y. (Adamstown, PA) says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Betsy ! What a wonderful gift to treasure ! Thanks Susan for the walk through your gardens…a nice treat because it is so hot and so dry here that even though I am watering and trying to keep up my garden looks sad and the newly planted shrubs look like they are dead…I am sure they will return !?!?!? Love the lime and purple combo…just had some of those lime green shrubs put it…I call them “Cousin It” shrubs because the grown up ones on my morning walk look just like Cousin It from The Adams Family ! Enjoy the rain, thanks for sharing your treasures from your trip with us, and enjoy your day ! OH – no birthdays here this month…except for my wonderful husband, who was born on Christmas Eve and because of his religious traditions did not have birthday cake when I met him because of it being a fast day ( that has changed…) so, I got in the habit of making him a Birthday in July…so I am trying to decide what cake and what gift to get for July 24th. As a cookbook I saw in my travels said…Celebrate EVERYTHING !

  70. Congratulations, Betsy… and Happy Birthday, too!
    What a day… what a gift!

  71. Ann Beirne says:

    What a wonderful birthday present for Betsy!
    I just want to add that I am on a pink kick and I love your table setting! I wish I could have my table look like that! Of course, now that I love pink I realize I have nothing in my house in that color except for a teacup and tea pot! That is all I need, right?

    • Selina says:

      Ann said just what I was thinking. Happy birthday, Betsy! I’m sooo glad for you! 🙂
      My birthday is tomorrow also. I must say that the fun on this blog, along with all of the “Anticipation” has been such a gift! 🙂 Thank you for that, Susan.
      Your gardens are so pretty…just lovely in every way. I also want to ditto what Ann said about your pink table setting. I love it! It is sweet and so elegant.
      Thank you for sharing glimpses with us of the beauty in your life.

  72. Suzanne says:

    Congratulations Betsy! Soooo happy for you. What a most wonderful gift for your birthday!
    Susan thankyou for all the lovely pictures of your flowers, they surely are God’s gift everyday!
    Can’t wait for the diary too, what lucky little kitties to be stars in your book as well, your drawings and paintings are so amazing. That will be a gift for all of us!

  73. Tami Gallogly says:

    Oh well – Happy Birthday, Betsy! Fun to see a peak at your new book – cant wait. My garden is growing but not nearly as far along as yours. We need that rain here in Colorado!

    • Cathy from Golden, CO says:

      Tami – I went to school with a Dee Dee and Mary Gallogly! If you are related – WOW! I’m sending best wishes and much happiness!

  74. Sincere and happy congrats to Betsy, how lucky. Of course the rest of us were sad and disappointed for a few seconds, but the gardens cheered us up. We will gladly take some of your rain here in central New York, please.

    And we do have the fabulous England Diary to look forward to. Be sure to print PLENTY of copies, now Susan!!

    • Kathy from Heafed to the Fell, Brevard, NC says:

      Yes indeed Robin! We all want a First Edition for sure, Susan!! And I think you wrote that you would be signing all of them too?? Now what better consolation prize could there be than that???!!!! You can be sure that “our” English Diary will be a PRICELESS TREASURE to all of us from our beloved kindred spirit and soul sister—yes, that would be you of course, darling Susan! xoxo

      • sbranch says:

        Yes, and the blog girlfriends get them FIRST! I like that!

        • Kathy from Heafed to the Fell, Brevard, NC says:

          Just like my sweet mother, Susan. She could divide any pies, cakes and the like precisely into either 3 portions for us children or 5 portions for the whole family and none of us could split hairs, and believe me, the kids tried!

  75. Kim DeMichele says:

    Thanks Susan for bringing smiles to our day with your beautiful words and art!!! I LOVE the big birthday cake in the beginning!!! Yesterday was my beautiful Mom’s 88th Birthday! She always made “our day” so special with presents on our bed in the morning and a yummy homemade cake, to celebrate us!!! I love how you celebrate the little things in life, it has truly opened my eyes to what is right in front of me, thankyou!!! Fondly, Kim D. from Dublin, OH

  76. Martha Ellen says:

    Congratulations to Betsy! Happy Birthday—you are going to love that beautiful book!
    Susan, you really know what we love! Please play this when you get a chance–cause baby you’re the best!—-Thank you for sharing your talent! xoxo ♥

  77. Andi M says:

    Please, continue to enjoy the work of making the diary but do you think we might see it by Christmas? No hurry, really. I will mention I don’t think you should give us anymore sneak peaks because I can’t stand it(just kidding) I wanted to reach through the computer and read it. I am still so excited from the trip. The photo of your table all decorated for Valentines or your anniversary, I can’t remember, gave me some good ideas for a “thank you” dinner I am planning the first week of August. Thanks to you for the ideas.
    Congratulations Becky, I agree with Kim about her name, very fiesty.
    Also enjoyed again some of your photos from nighttime Martha’s Vineyard. My daughter and I love the paper lanterns and lights.

  78. kare Banks says:

    What a wonderfull gift …Happy Birth-Day Betsy!
    i Love the Birthday cake.
    Since i will not have one this year (Yes, me Too…my 50th on Saterday:) i will enjoy this Virtual, No-calorie one.
    it looks so Yummy!!

    i have not yet finessed growing lovely things here in the desert..So it is nice to be able to enjoy your gardens…
    Oh, i wish i could grow Sweet peas here!
    My white Rose that traveled with us from Yreka Cal; To Eugene Or, to Clovis N.M. finally died in Arizona after it’s 2nd year here :[ it was 16 yrs old!

    This year We harvested pinky sized carrots…1 zucchini and a tennis ball sized Musk mellon =] It was Ripe!! Truelly! & Tastey too!
    We will plant native squash next…..i’m a determined gardener!
    Thank You Susan, for all the inspiration!

  79. Cindy West Chester Pa says:

    Congrats Betsy!!! Enjoy the book. When I was pregnant with my son, I did his room in Peter Rabbit. I remember buying one of the books from a second hand store. If I my memory is correct I think it had originally been bought by a father for his daughter. There was some kind of inscription written inside. I will have to go and find it know. Curiosity!!

    By the way Susan a wonderful teacher/principal once told me once when she needs to write an email, blog etc., she writes the using word processing and then cuts and pastes in what she wrote. That way if the email or blog took a “field trip” off into cyber space, she still had a copy and didn’t have to start over again. Sorry for the loooong post.
    Have a terrific day! (please send some rain our way)

  80. Nina says:

    Congratulations Betsy! What a wonderful birthday gift hope you are having a great day! And Susan your runners up prize is the best runners up prize ever…can’t wait! Will it be published in time for Christmas (I presume these things take time.) And one last thing thanks for not sending us any rain we have enough of our own here! However the forcast is looking better for the weekend & next week which is good because I start my six weeks summer break from work & the kids break up from school. Happy Summer everyone! xxxx

  81. Betty Marie (Pennsylvania) says:

    Congratulation Betsy! This will be a Birthday you will never forget…
    Thanks Susan this was alot of fun. Your flowers are beautiful and of course I am loving all your drawings. It is a beautiful Blog today. Now I am ready for a piece of that cake please. Hope it is lemon……

  82. Kathy Phenix says:

    Please make sure the publisher knows just how many “girlfriends” there are. None of us want to miss out on getting the new “Diary”. My favorite characters are right there on the page you shared with us. Kisses to the kitties!!
    Betsy, you are one very lucky birthday girl. Enjoy! What a delicious looking cake also! Lets all celebrate!

  83. Ann says:

    Happy Birthday and Congratulations to Betsy! I’m sad for me but happy for you. Thanks for the tease of the book, Susan. I cannot wait to sit down with a cup of tea and devour that book.

  84. Rettabug says:

    Well, Happy Birthday to Betsy!!!! What a delightful gift for her special day…I’m very happy for her!

    Susan, your gardens take my breath away. I just made the first shot of your CA garden with the birdhouse my desktop image…it is pure magic & I can only wish for such a lovely assortment to grow here.
    Thank you for sharing your world & talents with us!


  85. Kathy Fletcher says:

    Susan- i am so glad to get your blogs….they make my day- i look for them in my emails. I was wondering when we would be seeing another WILLARD?
    I love those too- so much…
    thank you so much for all you do……………………..
    big hugs-

    • sbranch says:

      Pretty soon, I’m just staying busy with the book right now, but soon! I know I should do one!

  86. JudyCnNC says:

    Ah, Shucks – here in the South we just let things happen … and this wasn’t my day. I will think about it tomorrow.

    Over-the-moon congratulations with a birthday that is now just as special as you are, Betsy – today’s your day to sing. Judy C

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, in the south, it’s best to think about it tomorrow, we do that in the north too! Scarlet taught us!

  87. Congratulations, Betsy!! And Happy Birthday!! I’m truly so happy you won the book! 🙂 I can hardly wait to see the finished diary, Susan! My daughter gave me a gift certificate to your web store, so I think I will save it and spend it on the diary when it comes out. It’s hard to wait, but the anticipation is worth it. ♥ I love the photos of your gardens – can’t get enough! I was not as naughty as Peter Rabbit when I saw your California garden in person a few weeks ago. I didn’t go into it and eat the flowers, but I did feel a bit sneaky taking a peek at it from behind the hedge. So thank you for more pictures that I can admire from cyberspace and not feel naughty about it in the least! 🙂

  88. michelle a says:

    Congratulations Betsy! and Happy Birthday!

  89. Lynn says:

    Congratulations Betsy! Susan, you are too funny! It’s just a blast being one of your virtual girlfriends!

  90. Pom Pom says:

    Hooray! I’m happy for birthday Betsy!
    Your table looks so lovely!
    Quilts, too!

  91. Sue says:

    Happy Birthday Betsy and congratulations! You lucky duck….I know that you will love the book as much as the rest of us….
    Susan, your gardens are heavenly..thank you for sharing them. I live in a very shaded area, lots of 100+ year old oaks…so not much sun for beautiful flowers…which means I love yours even more.
    Also…welcome home…isn’t it nice to sleep in your very own bed? We go away for 6 months every year and I love coming home…
    xoxoxo Sue M.

  92. Lucy says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday to Betsy! What a perfect surprise and gift! Thank you Susan for your thoughtfulness. AND WOW – the Diary is so exciting!!!! The preview made my day.The watercolors of the kitties are so wonderful! You capture them beautifully. Just can’t wait for all the great things coming!
    XO Lucy

  93. Okay, you had me going there for a sec. lol Congrats to Betsy! What a wonderful Birthday gift! I so sympathize with the vanishing post. I’ve had that happen and for about 5 minutes, you just want to cry. Then you start again. It’s usually doesn’t take as long the second time since you’ve had a trial run. HA! Still no fun. Can’t wait for your English Diary to come out. I’m getting one for me, one for my sister and buying them for friends…the previews are beautiful!
    Your garden is gorgeous! Love the romantic table setting with Rose Chintz! ♥

  94. Gumbo Lily says:

    Happy, happy Birthday, Betsy! And congratulations! I have a special place in my heart for people named Betsy. My granddaughter’s name is Betsy and I love her dearly.

    I enjoyed looking at your flowers, Susan. Mine are feeling rather puny, but I love them all the same.


  95. Mary S. says:

    Congratulations to Betsy Flannery!! What a pretty name she has, and how nice it looks in the book!! Happy Birthday, Betsy! The best birthday ever!!
    Thank you, Susan, for all the beautiful pictures to cheer us up! I love to see laundry blowing on a clothesline!! One of my favorite things in the world, and definitely my favorite smell!!!
    I can hardly wait for your book to come out!!!! Anticipation!!!
    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

  96. audrey Bell from LaBarque Creek, Missouri says:

    A trip to England, and now… a birthday party!
    What fun we girlfriends have!
    I think I will have to bake a cake.

  97. Pam - Mtn Home, Idaho says:

    A very Happy Birthday Betsy!! And congratulations on your present!! Enjoy them both.

  98. Ro from Rose Cottage, New Jersey says:

    I want to add my Congratulations To Betsy! Reading all the posts I bet she didn’t know she had so many girl friends sending her ‘Best Wishes’!
    I was at my sisters this morning and she showed me a Peter Rabbit book she had found in her put away childrens book collection. Her finding it was just like like getting a prize!
    Seeing your flower garden made me buy gladolia bulbs, I shared half with my sister, and they grew! who knew! S.B did! Seeing your garden makes me want to did up some more of my grass and plant flowers!
    Also, Thanks to Carol from Connecticut for the information on Roses.
    And a BIG Thanks to Susan Branch for bringing all the girlfriends together!

  99. jeanne hedin says:

    Happy Birthday, Betsy, and congrats on winning the book! Happy B-day to all the other girlfriends this week, too. Looking forward to the finished diary!

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