HAPPY LAND ♥ ♥ ♥ Martha’s Vineyard USA

Welcome to Happy Land . . . with Musica . . .

You might be wondering where I’ve been . . . I’ve been right here . . .

And I just finished page sixty of our book, the English Diary!  Only two more gazillion pages to go, but we are getting there!


I’ve been focused like a laser, not letting myself get led down the primrose path; getting up really early, making tea, going through the house, flipping on lights, throwing the ball for Jack, and watching the sun come up, sometimes turning on a little French music to get me going  — smoothing out a clean piece of watercolor paper, and in my imagination and through my paintbrush, I stand at the ship’s rail looking out over the Atlantic Ocean, or wander through English cottage gardens.  Before I start work I draw my Angel Card and find out which wonderful word should guide my day.  I loved this morning’s word!

I try to put my very best on every page . . . I want it to be something I can be proud of and something you will love.  It is a little strange when you think that at one time these pages did not exist and now, here it is, slowly but surely, taking shape and becoming a book.  Making something out of nothing.  Kind of like cooking!


I thought you might like to see a little bit of it, although I hope you don’t mind if I don’t show it too close! I want it to be a surprise!  But I also think you deserve to see that it’s really happening!  You are so patient!

I’m handwriting it, like I’ve done with all my books, which is the thing that takes the longest. I actually kept the diary every day while we were in England, but I scribbled it quickly (and sloppily) so I could get it all down and not forget the details — I took my writing with me everywhere, always had it in the car, took it to pubs, even brought it along when we went on walks so I could write or sketch if we stopped for tea, and in the different gardens we visited; I painted too, especially in places like Beatrix Potter’s house where we weren’t allowed to take photos, so I would have it when we got home.  Now I’m copying the words over neatly, in my “good handwriting,” painting borders and illustrating the pages, adding souvenirs and photographs.  It’s pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.

My studio is filled with inspiration; especially books. I believe™ in the concept of “Book Osmosis,” where, if you surround yourself with the creativity and brilliantness of others, it will rub off on you; plus, I want to be sure I’m giving the correct name for the flowers we saw, the birds and the trees . . . And of course, wherever I go, so goeth Beatrix Potter. Because love is as love does. 

I’m having fun choosing and laying out the photos . . . more opportunity for the imagination to stay in England!

Lately the book is all I think about; I love it so much, I’m probably getting a little compulsive about it (this is where Joe would look up and say, “probably?”); I think about it all the time; that age-old question, “what do they want to know about, what can I give them that will bring them there?”  I wake up every morning, with my foot wiggling, by brain clicking; sometimes, it’s the “AHA” ideas of things to add to the book that gets me bounding down the stairs.  My life, in all other respects, has narrowed to the essentials.  Eat (we still have lobster on beach every so often; this is not a forced-labor camp), sleep, walk, knit, read, and create.  Notice what came first?  (Not necessarily in that order, I should add!) I watched Miss Potter again last night, and knit.  See, not all bad!

 My “true treasures of home” . . . here the children are this morning, a rare moment in  peaceable kingdom; and I did not order them into this position (like I even could) — But, this togetherness won’t last; already you notice Girl’s face is saying, “Take him back, I’m begging you; look at him . . . he’s looking at me again.  Make him stop.”  And he is repeating the same question over and over at a thousand words a minute, “What’d she say, what’d she say, what’s she saying? Tell me what she said!”

And while I’m consumed with my work,  and Jack is consumed with Girl, the world continues to turn; fall arrived yesterday, and was crowned with a sunset rainbow last night, right outside our front door!  I think I have never seen brighter colors on a rainbow!  It’s supposed to be cool and dry for at least a week; I’m wearing a sweater right now; we had to put a down comforter on the bed last night (windows open, crisp ocean breeze coming in, heaven)!  Joe and I just planned a leaf-peeping, four-day getaway for the end of this month for a surprise for us, since we have been working so hard.  Meanderment (meandering wonderment) in the van . . . no plan!  Back roads!  New England!!! Leaves!  Ponds!  Oh my.  Dreamy.

And, on the other side of the house from the rainbow,  this was the sky . . . everything so beautiful on Martha’s Vineyard in the fall, everything except our kitchen.

Which I won’t show you, it is too much of a nightmare.  Having an old house with lots of nooks and crannies, wainscoting, chair rails, window trim, scalloped aprons hanging from the ceiling and the like, are, 99.9% of the time, so wonderful I have no words.  That other .1% — is when you have to paint them.  Joe is doing a great job.  He has the patience of Job.

It will never be done.  But I don’t care . . . he does that; I paint; we plan our getaway; Girl plots revenge; Jack keeps us laughing; everyone is staying out of trouble. Life is good in the Heart of the Home.  Hope it’s the same for you!   Have a wonderful day!

P.S. Leave me a little message (be sure to mention where you’re from! Inquiring minds want to know, right Girlfriends?) and you’ll be entered into a contest for a FREE, signed copy of my (out of print) AUTUMN BOOK!  You may already have it, but wouldn’t it make a wonderful gift for someone you love?  ‘Cause it’s that time of year! 

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1,787 Responses to HAPPY LAND ♥ ♥ ♥ Martha’s Vineyard USA

  1. Jeanne Hedin says:

    Hello from Dassel, Minnesota! It’s a beautiful fall morning here. I loved seeing the “view from a distance” of your progress on the diary. It will be such a feast for the eyes as well as a delight for the heart.

    • Cathy McC. says:

      Hi Jeanne — Dassel, MN — when I was a youngster (back in the mid-50s) we always vacationed in Howard Lake and often would go to Dassel, Cokato, etc. Love the countryside there. Whenever I read Susan’s blog comments and see a note from a MN gal, it pulls at my heartsrings. Enjoy your beautiful weather!!!! 🙂 Cathy from South Bend, IN (formerly of Minnetonka, MN)

  2. Sally Baker says:

    Love all your posts Susan. Is there anything better than fall in New England? I don’t think so. We moved here 20 years ago(Halifax, Ma) from Temecula Calif and it was the best thing we could have done. After growing up in the Southwest I really couldn’t comprehend the whole “seasons” thing. Now I get it. Have a wonderful day Sally Baker

  3. Sherrie, from Pennsylvania says:

    Hi Susan! I absolutely love autumn and can’t wait until it’s cool enough for a sweater. I fell in love with your blog a couple months ago. Your posts have certainly brightened up my little corner of the world. And for that I thank you.

  4. Dee says:

    I can’t wait for the book! Greetings from Minnesota where it is dry, windy and 90 degrees!

  5. Cindy says:

    Thank you so much for my morning inspiration and all the beauty you bring to each one of us through your wonderful talents. You are my “go to” place to start my day on a lighter, calming note. So looking forward to the change of seasons here on the north side of Indianapolis, Indiana!

  6. Susan Riley says:

    Fall is my favorite time of year, crisp days, sun, full moons and color everywhere ( just the next season that comes along is NOT my fav); plus a birthday this week. Our old Victorian summer house in Hingham MA faces the bay & the beauty of the changing trees against the blue of the bay always makes me catch my breath.

  7. Carin says:

    A morning picture of wild flowers in mid September….more than beautiful !
    Thank you!

  8. Joan Lesmeister says:

    We live in a neighboring community of Sacramento CA, & we’re waaiitting for Fall because it is HOT here! Love this blog & comments! Great picture of the rainbow over the steeple, actually, it is amazing!!! I took a lot of wonderful pictures of a beautiful garden we went to on Saturday, with 5,000+ dahlias, & accidentally deleted all (very loud “oh no” followed)!!! My husband and I decided we’ll just have to go back next year!!! Susan you’re so sweet to give one of your signed, beautiful “Autumn” books to a lucky winner!!! We thank you! Have a great “leaf-peeping” trip! XOXOXO

  9. Jack says:

    As much as I like Bondo —for today I am picking “content ” as my secret word

  10. Jack says:

    Older comments– is pretty good too –lots and lots of them …..

  11. Tana Griffith says:

    Fall is my favorite season. Not too hot, not too cold. The Goldilocks season. I am so excited for the new book. Also your pancake book.
    I live in Renton, Washington. We are just south of Seattle. We share a border.

  12. Jack says:

    Oops I forgot …. I’m Jack from Arizona ……

  13. Laurie from Los Osos says:

    Sweet Susan I’m writing from your other Coastal home area! Love your stories, looking forward to your England book. We’ll be heading to Scotland next year ~ you will be/are my inspiration! When I grow up I want to be you! (too bad I’m just a year or few behind you in age!)XO

  14. Linda says:

    Can’t wait to see more of your future book!
    Linda in Austin

  15. Linda Petersen says:

    Good Mornin’ from Chino Valley, Arizona!! Love the post & so happy to see Petey monitoring the progress of the diary~~~he’s a hoot! Can’t wait to have the diary in my hot little hands~~~it’s looking so adorable :0) Fall is my favorite time of year too (then Christmas & Winter of course) & my Autumn book is always out where I can get to it easily for instant “happy”. Owning a signed copy would be as they say now~~~THE BOMB! This morning there is a chill & a little overcast of clouds. My first scarecrow of the season is sitting in a 100 year old chair in my living room. He’s so cute dressed in real little boy jeans & flannel shirt. I found him at the thrift shop for $5.00~~~homemade & very country. Have a lovely day~~~~XO, Linda

  16. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    I love this blog – don’t know what I did before I found you AND I love Jack! Course – he’s an IOWA guy – gotta love him for that! Thank you for your give-aways. GOOD ENERGY – lots of love and happiness……

  17. Sharon Smith says:

    I absorb all your energy to get my day started! Love your blog and can’t wait for the finished book. Topeka, Kansas

  18. Juliana - Jackson, NJ says:

    I am SO excited for your English Diary – I can’t stand it! I think I saw that you are going to tell us the story of how you and Joe came to be… I know no one’s life is perfect, but yours seems to have a story book quality and I’m such a sucker for a happy ending!!! My SB wish list just keeps getting longer, good thing Christmas is coming! Your posts always leave me feeling happy, and optimistic! I love the kitties, the inspirational creativity, and never fear – your kitchen will come back to you some day! On with my day – please everyone, pause, remember and pray. ♥

  19. Gwen says:

    I’m from northern Alberta, Canada and this morning the frost is on our pumpkins.. It is a moody sky and clouds are tumbling over each other to get to us but so far no rains.

  20. ChrisTea says:

    I just LOVE Autumn! I always have …. the leaves, the smells, the cool breezes. Those breezes are especially welcome after the summer here in Illinois (boy, was it HOT!) I’ve been to New England when the leaves were turning. It’s so dramatic and so wonderful to get lost in the season there. I went across New York and up through Vermont. A few times, I even parked the car and just stared at the beauty. How incredible Mother Nature can be! Enjoy your Autumn trip!

  21. Linda L. says:

    It is still hot, hot, hot here in Murrieta, Ca. I enjoy your posts and enjoy the photographs of Martha’s Vineyard and the two kitties.

  22. Nanc Nielsen says:

    Here in the Pacific NW, Bellevue, we are getting fall symptoms fast and furious, a bit of rain, a bit of wind and the fresh smell of the air. Love all of it but the shorter days of light.

  23. Jennifer Borchardt says:

    Susan, I live in Texas with my wonderful husband but I am FROM Wisconsin where the leaves should be changing soon. I miss it very much! However, I go by the Bible quote ” I have learned in whatever STATE I am there with to be content!” I lead a happy life. I have a cat named Smokey who is also plotting his revenge against a stray Weimaraner my husband took in. I will be going with you on your leaf trip in my mind and heart.

  24. melinda w says:

    I tell my 3 beauties (my daughters) don’t try–DO! You, Susan, are a wonderful example of that thought. So with all the work on your book, i’m sure it is DO, not try, just like your other books, blog, etcetera which all bring so much delight to me. Thank you for all that you DO.

    Thank you, also for the Fall updates. As of yet, only very early in the morning is there a glimmer of hope that Fall is coming here in Lincoln, CA. Someday, oh, someday the dream to be in a charming house in New England….

    • sbranch says:

      I try to DO, but I have to say that “try” is my very favorite word. Takes guts to try, but if you try, you often do. Happy day to you Melinda and to the Beauties!

  25. Tam says:

    wow! What a bright rainbow! awesome!!
    I can’t wait to see your next books. Was it next year? I guess *maybe* that doesn’t seem too far away.
    I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love fall. And pumpkins. Not so crazy about eating them, but I love to look at them. Yesterday I picked up 4 fall related paper punches at a great price (3 of them are pumpkins 😀 ). Thrilling moment! I have to try not to buy every pumpkin stamp I see.
    Your northern neighbor in NH. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Next year I’m afraid . . . I wish I had that magic wand, would go whoosh and it would all be done! But it’s the things you have to work for that end up mattering the most (I’m telling myself in a bla bla bla kind of way :-)).

  26. Joan Ramseyer says:

    Susan…Michigan is in the autumn mode. We live on the western side of the state close to Lake Michigan. The last few weeks have been spectacular with cool nights and warm sunny weather during the day. My husband and I (retired high school teachers) are headed to Austria and Slovakia next week. My maternal grandmother came at the age of five from what is now Slovakia in 1897 and we are taking a pilgrimage back to what she called “the old country.” She lived to be 103. Love your blog and wishing you and Joe a wonderful autumn tour in New England.

    • sbranch says:

      Wow, 1897 to 2000, she saw something! But not too much. Like my Grandma, she missed 9-11. I’ve always been happy she did. What a fabulous trip you have planned! So meaningful! I wonder if you will “feel” her and your ties when you are there. . .?

  27. Mary says:

    Good Morning from Victoria, MN, you always make me smile 🙂
    I come to your blog whenever I need a happy moment. Thanks so much for all your lovely art and inspiration!

  28. Bea lamont says:

    Love and look forward to your blog. How can one go about purchasing your books? When you click on “go shopping,” it doesn’t list your books. If you click on “books,” it states it “cannot be found.” Please advise. Thank you.

  29. Mary Bowes-Andrews says:

    Hi Susan,
    I am Mary from Braintree,Ma., I hope it is not too cool on the Island—I’m coming down to Edgartown in the morning. I miss the blog, but love the book so “carry on” with your important work. Planning a fall trip is fun ,but please google Christmas in Salem and Strawberrybanke candlelight strolls for December. Both are wonderful trips.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s actually a little bit cold! I have a sweater and a shawl on! Ridiculous. But you won’t be cold at all, the sun is shining, it’s warm in the sun, it’s PERFECT out there, I’m just sitting too still! Do bring a sweater though. I love Salem, haven’t been there at Christmas, but how could it help but be darling in that town!

  30. anna says:

    Hi Susan,
    Hello from New Philadelphia ohio, Amish country. Love your new book, cant wait till its out!! I love to start my day getting inspired by your blog. Keep up the good work.

  31. Jayne says:

    Greetings from my wonderful little town of Carpinteria, CA! We are located just a little south of Santa Barbara. It is still summer here and a wonderful one it has been! So look forward to your new book. Thanks!

  32. Deb Antram says:

    So enjoying reading about you creating your book of England. Looking forward to adding it to my “collection” of your books. What a joy it must be to go back there daily, even if it’s drawing it on paper. I would LOVE a signed AUTUMN book. I do have a signed “Girlfriends Forever” book of yours. You were signing books in California and my girlfriend and had our picture taken with you too! Lucky us.

    Fall is the best, isn’t it? Here in San Diego it’s been so hot this summer. Pumpkins are popping up in the stores and fall is on it’s way…

  33. Lucy de Leeuw ( Miss Lucie) says:

    I live on the west coast of British Columbia,Canada near Vancouver. I love “happy land”. I am very much a fall person. Love the warm sunny days, leaves are starting to fall, the nights gettting cool. I live in a farming community so, lots of corn stalks, pumpkins, etc. Definitely getting to be “sweater weather”. Thank you so much for the magical journey thru England. I can hardly wait for the book to be published. Rainbows put a smile on everyones face!
    Cheers (:

  34. auntie m says:

    It’s a chilly morning here in Oregon. The flip flops won’t go back into the closet until October (firm rule) so my toes are freezing.
    I renewed your AUTUMN book at the library so many times last year…I need to track down my own copy! I checked yard sales all summer, but of course, no one ever sells theirs.

    • Tawni urrutia says:

      Oooohhhh keep searching! I’ve only had the Autumn book for a year, it’s an absolute MUST HAVE!!!

  35. Frieda Pickering says:

    I have been so enjoying your blog since I found it just before your trip to England. Am anxiously awaiting your kitchen reveal and also your trip diary!

  36. Mona says:

    Here in Modesto CA we won’t see the colors of autumn for a couple of months, but they will be inside our home!

    Susan, your Autumn book was my first Susan Branch book. I found it in Utah when we were visiting our daughter. I love autumn, it is my favorite season, so I couldn’t resist buying it. And I fell in love. My family has been blessed to have visited New England three different times, and every time I read (yes, read cover to cover!) this book, it takes me there again. Autumn is beautiful everywhere, but in New England it is breathtaking and soul stirring. I followed you to England and enjoyed seeing the land of my ancestors, but my DREAM vacation would be another trip to New England in the fall.

    Of course, that one book has led to my having them all. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents (and Joe and Girl Kitty and Jack) with all your girlfriends around the world. We love you!!! =^..^=

  37. Judy Murrah says:

    Hi Susan. I’m from Houston, Texas where we have only a hint of fall. I was comforted reading your post today on 9-11. You brought me peace and calm for a few minutes in an otherwise fragmented day. Bless you.

  38. Bets Kirby says:

    At last, after a brutal summer, my most-loved autumn is in the air (in greater Kansas City MO). Cat Molly follows the morning sun across the room. Maybe I’ll come back as a cat – not a bad life. Would love to travel the back roads of home states CT and ME, but will be delighted to go instead to WI to soak up the incredible beauty. Writing nature notes in my journal is important.

  39. Gail from California says:

    Hi Susan,
    Fall, is my favorite season also. I’ve just started decorting the house and my front porch. I just love going though the tubs of stuff and finding all those goodies you forgot you had. Just like all the girls have said, I can’t wait for your diary to come out. You really do give us that warm and cozy feeling when you write Susan. Love your blog!!!!! I do have your Autumn book which I love, love, love!!! If I win I will share it with my sister. Thank you for sharing!!!

  40. Sandy from New Vineyard says:

    Hi Susan,
    Just reading about what you’re doing and looking at all of your photos makes me want to get going on my project ideas. And I agree about surrounding yourself with the creativity and brilliantness of others – that’s why I have some of your books and your calendar! So much inspiration and makes me appreciate things more. Would love to win the Autumn book to add to it all, with autumn being my favorite season as well! Thank you for offering that chance to us.

  41. Susan, just wanted to add my blessings to ALL AMERICANS on this sad day in our History, we all were touched by this horror; but, I want to send out thoughts and prayers to the families touched personally by the loss of a loved one/friend…it saddens me that we all have to share in the burden of having this date embedded (not so deep yet) into our minds because of someone so sick, deranged, and bitter and now so gone from this World that he TRIED to make dark, angry, and unbearable without success Thank God. The worst part is that his “followers” are still out there and want to pay tribute to their leader with more attacks so now we all must pray for the men/women who daily give their lives to prevent this from ever happening again in our lifetime. Blessings to All.

  42. Lori from Florida says:

    9/11 is always a sad day! You helped make it brighter.

  43. Julie H from Michigan says:

    Hi Susan, just caught up again with your blog. I (like 100’s of others) can’t wait to see your new book. You seem so genuinely joyful putting it together. I wish I had that enthusiasm. Ha! Your cats are so fun. I wrote on your blog when you first got Jack about my two kitties. Barbie had been queen of the house for 9 years and then Spike was rescued and brought into the family as a 6 week kitten. Barbie NEVER got along with Spike. I look at Girl’s expression and can see Barbie like it was yesterday. (Barbie passed away 11/11). We still have our beloved Spike and I do think he missed her. He pestered her so….non-stop.. Does Jack try to jump on Girl? Even though we had both kitties fixed, he was always chasing her and jumping on her….poor Barbie. Eventually we let Spike out to roam. He became our outdoor cat but always came home. He never got lost. Ha! This really gave Barbie time for herself and she was a happier cat because Spike would pester her less and less. Cats are so fun and funny. I enjoy your blog Susan. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

    Julie H from Michigan

  44. Lori from Florida says:

    Ops! You helped to make it brighter.

  45. Elly says:

    Autumn is beginning to show its face here in Grand Rapids, Michigan! Love, love, love when the colors start and one can drive down country roads and take in all the wonders of Nature! Unfortunately the early Spring and hot Summer took its toll on the fruit trees, and some apple orchards will remain closed for the season. 🙁
    The pumpkins in the fields are bright orange and ready to be picked! I wish my grandchildren lived nearby so I could share with them the joy of picking out one’s own pumpkin to take home and turn into a jack-o-lantern~ Someday ~ *sigh*
    Can’t wait to see your finished product that is your latest endeavor. I have an early edition of Beatrix Potter’s book, “Peter Rabbit”! It’s well-loved and falling apart; but it is probably one of my favorite books that I own. I believe that the “process” of a project is as much fun as the finished project! Perhaps even MORE so!! It gives such satisfaction to see something from “nothing” become “Something”! Thanks for doing what you do and sharing it with all of us!
    Happy Fall is wished to you and yours!

  46. Glad your kitchen is coming along–I know what it’s like to try to carry on without one! I live on a lake in Northern MN, so summers are crazy with vacationers and winters are noisy with snowmobiling going on until the wee hours. This is my favorite time of the year–the lake is quiet, the leaves are turning and the hummingbirds migrating from Canada are plentiful.

  47. Kelley says:

    Hello Susan,
    I have been reading “The White Garden-A Novel of Virginia Woolf”, by Stephanie Barron, and all the while I have been thinking of you wandering the gardens of England.

    Have a lovely day,
    Kelley (Eastern Tennessee)

  48. Carol from Connecticut says:

    Dear Susan,
    And I quote from this post, “Making something out of nothing. Kind of like cooking!”
 “… if you surround yourself with the creativity and brilliantness of others, it will rub off on you; …” One of the reasons you are loved so much is because of your humility. You don’t give yourself enough credit for what you do. Your ‘brilliantness’ and creativity come from within, Susan. The thought process is a collection of our own brain cells, personal history, individual skills, and so many things that bombard us every day. The aforementioned flip the figment switch inside your head. It’s obvious that your creative juices are flowing like mad because this post has everything in it that is you: humility, creativity, caring, humor, respect, high standards, and so much more. I am so happy that you are so happy! You’re in the perfect happy nest setting for writing the diary. With all my affection, a tickling giggle, and a tra la la, Carol P.S. I really like the way you organize the freshly drawn/written pages of the diary. Double P.S. Have you decided on the size of the book? I kind of wish that the diary would be the size of a diary or standard book size; easy to carry around; maybe with one of those rubber band bookmarks surrounding the outside? Oh…don’t listen to me. I don’t want to discomboobulate your thought process!

    • sbranch says:

      That was very sweet, but I do feel like I’ve had help from all the brilliance that came before me, to which I try like crazy to attach myself and learn from! Yes, the book is going to be the size of a normal diary, about 6 x 8. I think that size feels “intimate.” xoxo have a wonderful day Carol!

      • Carol from Connecticut says:

        Yes, you’re absolutely, positively right, Susan. A knowledge base is a cumulative collection of all of our life experiences and our choices. Sheesh! I thought I was retired from teaching! Bless you for taking the time to read your readers stuff. ♥ Love and stuff, Carol ♥

        • sbranch says:

          How can I not!? 🙂

          • Carol from Connecticut says:

            Oh boy. I apologize for being a pest but I don’t understand your reply (thick head here!). Thrilled about the size of your upcoming book. Love, Carol

          • sbranch says:

            Not your head that’s thick, it’s my typing fingers! I meant to say “How can I not” in reply to your comment about reading all these wonderful comments! Anyway, I fixed it! 🙂 Glad you like the book size!

  49. Carol Maurer from Eureka, California says:

    Hi Susan~~~~ Put in a comment yesterday, but looks as though it has been lost. Wanted to be sure to get my name into the batch to be drawn for your signed book “Autumn”.

    Carol M

  50. Kathy says:

    It’s still SUMMER here at Pawleys Island South Carolina…..and most of the tourists have left….the beach is left to the locals!!
    But y’all are still welcome to come sit a spell on the porch


  51. Lnda says:

    Did you hear my heart leap? I opened up your blog and low-and-behold there – right there – was our book!!! HAPPY-LAND Drawing and Painting Book!!! It was my father-in-law’s book as a child. When the family home was cleaned out, I salvaged the book and told my husband it was a lovely book to own – and it is. The book is numbered 348, copyright 1923. Grandpa was born in 1914 and if he got it in ’23 he would have been 9. He followed the instructions and did nearly every page. Is yours a family heirloom? What # is it? What sweetness…

    • sbranch says:

      Mine is the same, copyright 1923, all the pages have been neatly colored in. It was a gift from Joe quite a while ago…I believe he found it in a used book store. I love it too, funny that they are both numbered the same!

  52. Paula K., Arkansas says:

    Fall in Central Arkansas can’t come soon enough for me. It’s just starting to cool off a little bit yay! I’m so excited about the English Diary, but I will be patient. It’s nice seeing Jack and Girl Kitty getting along so well : ) and I hope you and Joe enjoy your little getaway!

  53. Lnda says:

    Ooops, I went back to your picture and saw that it is also numbered 348.

  54. Wendy says:

    I hope the new book has lots of English photos too — I can’t wait for it and would love the autumn book. I use the Summer book all the time here in VA. Love the West Chop Corn recipe!

  55. Cynthia says:

    We live outside a tiny village in n.w. Ohio….we are just starting to see a few trees begin to put on their fall splendor….and it is exciting! This is my favorite season of the year…and it just makes me happy! Glad to be able to share this time of year with you and all the girlfriends….looking forward to seeing what you and they are seeing during this time!


  56. pat addison says:

    good morning susan, everyone. just popped in to see how you all are doing this morning. finally get to tackle the front sliding glass doors with my window design, hope it works. i can see a beautiful picture of a lovely swirl of leaves in my mind and on the sketch i drew, now getting it on the glass doors and with window clings is another story, wish me luck. and lets not forget those who gave and lost their lives today in those twin towers, remember to say a prayer for them and lets never ever forget them. hugs everyone….. 🙂

  57. Jen says:

    Fall has arrived here in the mitten state and the leaves on my front maple are already starting to show that vibrant red I long to see at the end of each summer. Fall is my favorite time of year which is why I can’t believe I don’t have your Autumn book! I sure hope Vanna picks my name this time! 🙂

  58. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Your new book is going to be so wonderful!!! I cannot wait to order mine and then relive the trip in a way that only you can do in your beautiful books. Ahhh, fall arrived at the Vineyard? I wish that were so way down here in Florida. Enjoy those cool mornings!

    I already have the Atumn book which I have read so many times over the years! I just love it and whomever wins your signed copy will be thrilled too. I am located in Gainesville, Florida and if I were selected, I have the perfect friend to send it too. She and I both adore the fall season so the book would go to a great home. That Adorable Jack kitty has such a personality. Poor Girl Kitty will need some extra pats of love for putting up with the rascal!

  59. Joy says:

    Hello, from Hiram, GA! Your website is such a breath of fresh air!! I just love that you take so much time to fill your book with personal writing and painting and TLC. Those paints—how I wish I could paint!!! Instead, I quilt. Thanks for sharing with us!

  60. Maria says:

    Right this minute, here in Gilroy, CA we have Fall thanks to the morning overcast. But in a couple of hours it will be a hot summer day!

  61. MoeWest says:

    I live in Calgary, Alberta. Fall is definitely on its way here. The nights are cooler. Soon the leaves will be turning colour, although we don’t get the brilliant colour here as much as in the East. It must be because of different types of trees, I guess. My veggie garden is just about done. I think I should bring in some of the herb pots today. The rainbow photo is beautiful. I would put it in a little frame. It’s exciting to get a glimpse of your book in progress.

  62. Jan says:

    Thanks for the tantalizing peek of the new book. It looks like it will be wonderful! I completely understand your “obsession” with its development. We took a 2 week trip to Ireland this past June and I put together a scrapbook when we got home. It was a lengthy process, but such fun to capture it in “permanent form” and relive it all at the same time! Sadly, we don’t get much of an autumn here in Melbourne, Florida. The only way we can tell Fall is on its way is that evenings come a bit earlier now. A couple years ago we visited New Hampshire and Maine in October and were dazzled by the beautiful colors. I’m not sure we’d seen prettier trees anywhere–enjoy your getaway!

  63. Teresa Jensen, Valencia, CA says:

    It’s still hot, hot, hot here. No sign of Autumn yet. Looking forward to a trip East to see my family in NY. And looking forward to your new book!!
    I recently ordered the kitty door stop from SB Let’s Shop and set it in the corner of my loft. When my daughter went looking for a pen in my desk, I heard an “Oh my gosh!!” coming from upstairs. It was a little dark in the room and she thought it was our baby kitty, Molly, which is the reason I bought it. It reminds me of her. Love all SB and maybe a little obsessed. : )

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, I hope it didn’t scare her!

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        That kitty DOES look really real! I have one sitting up on the back of our piano and especially in the evening when it is darker in the corner, it is almost startling (especially to ME!!!) (I said that because if I didn’t, either Sandy or Deborah Heater will write it in–LOL!) We’ve had company comment on how real it looks! 🙂

  64. mary spring says:

    …dear Joanna… so sorry for your loss … i know just how you feel having suffered losses of my own …the world seems like it will never be the same…Susan’s posts have helped me considerably….she reminds us that Life is still to be cherished…and you are so right to receive her work as comforts and inspiration… with love…take care, Joanna ….

  65. Kate says:

    I can’t wait to see your new book! It looks wonderful! 🙂

  66. Senda Guertzgen says:

    Hello Susan! I always look forward to receiving your Blog and all the “happenings” at your home in the East. It has been a long, hot and dry summer in Missouri with some relief in the past few days. Have not mowed the yard since June! And now with the cool mornings and a little rain, the grass is once again green! I am looking forward to Fall however and hope it will be colorful here. Some day I hope to see New England in the Fall….I bet it is beautiful. Thanks for your beautiful books…looking forward to the Diary!

  67. Kate says:

    Hello from Denver CO where we are still having 90 degree days. SO ready for fall. Looking forward to your England book, what a wonderful thing to share. Wish I had lobster on a beach… lucky girl!

  68. Sept.11,2012
    Just cames back from our local volunteer Fire Dept. They have a wonderful tribute to 9/11. Every year I keep saying next year I’ll go. Well next year is here and it is a glorious day in Pennsylvania! The sky so blue, the clouds a gift from God. What a day to stop and remember and the flags flying at the fire station (hundreds!) take your breath away. The memories are so sad but we have so much to be thankful for. What a terrific job all the volunteer firemen did. The trucks were so shinny I could see the flags reflectefd in them.Thank you Hartsville Fire Co.#98 you have so much to be proud of. Job well done!!!!!!!!!!!

  69. Polly Kaczmarek says:

    There are signs of fall, here, too, with acorns starting to litter the street and squirrels being extra playful in the cooler weather. Unfortunately there have been wildfires in the area surrounding Spokane, Washington where we live, but the resulting sunsets have been amazing – all shades of pink and orange.
    Love your posts and drawings!!!

  70. Susan Stollard says:

    Fall is in the air in Bethany, Illinois! (but I’m quietly remembering another fall day when the air was filled with sorrow, pain and history-altering destruction….may we never, ever forget 9-11-01).

  71. Cindy Sollows says:

    Your books are lovely and I enjoy your blog so much, I go to it first thing in the morning before I start work and laugh to myself over Jack’s antics and your descriptions of life with the kitties. Thanks for sharing!

  72. Susan……loved the rainbow. It has been hot here in So. Cal, city of Orange. I love the fall. There are certain streets here that have been planted with liquid amber and maple trees. I make a point to drive on them when the leaves are changing. We do get some color here but not as much as I would like. I would love to win the book. It would be my first.

  73. Yaya Judi says:

    Love, love, LOVE your new book, this blog and all you do!!! So fun to travel with you!!! I am in Eugene, Oregon…..we are having a wonderful Indian Summer. A bit of rain yesterday to freshen everything and now back to glorious sunshine. Blessings!!!

  74. Debbie Snyder says:

    I love Autumn! Best time of year, in my book, and the season of my birth! I wonder if everyone is especially partial to that season they were born in (or is it just me)? Anyway, I’d love to win your Autumn Book. How special that would be! Thanks for the chance, Susan!

    • pat addison says:

      you’re not alone Debbie, i was born in the Fall and since i can remember and family can remember, the Autumn was my favorite time of the year. i literally glowed during the Fall, still do according to my husband who swears i come to life to in the Fall. well i do get into alot of mischief, bring up my pumpkins on the porch and just enjoy all the leaves and the colors so i think your theory is right on the button. hugs…… 🙂

  75. Doris Petersen from California says:

    I LOVE FALL in fact I have a Pinterest board to prove it! pinterest.com/doripetersen/i-love-fall/ How I would love to win your Autumn book Susan, but I know with so many other comments my chances are very slim… but a girl can dream right? I loved seeing your new book in progress, looking forward to reading it when it comes out.

    I have a request from the girlfriends… does anyone know of a way of doing a cute baby shower invitation to send as an email? All the templates I’ve seen are for printing and mailing, but I need to get them out asap as the event is in a month, so to me emailing would be so much easier and faster! Thanks for any help or suggestions from the creative girlfriends out there. XO ~ Doris

  76. Terri Brunner says:

    Hi Susan,
    I have loved your cookbooks since the early 1990’s, when my kids were just babies. They are now off to college and I still love your cookbooks and your website- it brings me cheer when my nest seems too empty. The only cookbook I don’t have is the Autumn cookbook- thanks for your inspiration and all of the warmth that comes from your blog and Willard newsletters! With love from Salt Lake City,

  77. Diana - Highland, IL says:

    Oh, we have been enjoying our cooler weather here in the midwest for the last couple of days!!! Just Beautiful!!! Makes me want to get busy with many projects.. that is what fall does, but also just watch the beauty too! Susan, your trip for fall-peeping sounds great!! My hubs and I are taking a trip in October down to the big T..Texas that is, to visit our “baby”… been too long since I have seen him.. Mr. Music Teacher, band director, percussion coordinator, working hard person that he is…Know he will be busy but we are taking our time and will meanderment down and back.. not in a rush… just enjoy our time off!! Not sure if we will see any beautiful leafage (?)…but will enjoy the trip!!!! An Autumn book would be SOOOO wonderful to have!!! Thanks for the glimpses of things to come too !!! So exciting!!!

  78. Sharon H says:

    Wow Susan, I can’t believe that stack of 60 pages you have done for us already for your English book! (did you notice how I said “For Us”) It is going to be fantastic I know and I just can’t wait. It’s going to be like Christmas when it’s finally finished and we get to see it. And what really amazes me is that you are doing it all in the middle of having your kitchen redone and everything turned upside down! I saw the stack of books on your desk and I noticed the two Beatrix Potter ones which I did not know of. I’m especially curious about the Beatrix Potter’s letters. I’ll have to check online and investigate. I’m a little north of you in Maine and it was pretty chilly here this morning but now it’s warmed up with a beautiful clear blue sky day. Your blog always brightens my day Susan! Hugs from Sharon in Maine.

  79. Julie says:

    Autumn is creeping its way onto our farm – the corn is drying, the leaves by the creek are beginning to change, and our apples are ripening well. Your book is looking lovely!

  80. Nancy Kloppenborg says:

    I’m from Davenport, Iowa. I am busy “cleaning out” my flower garden, getting it ready for, dare I say, winter?? There are still a few flowers which I am leaving until the first frost, but because of the awful drought we suffered, alas the weeds got away from me, and there is much cleanup ahead. I love your flowers, still fresh and awesome and I cannot wait for your book from England to come out. It will be my dream away from home book, for sure! Congratulations on your progress, on your book and your kitchen!

  81. Lizbee says:

    As always, your blog is a delight to read. I especially love your portmanteau of “meanderment.” The idea of “meandering wonderment” is perfect for this lovely time of year when the weather is brisk and the air is crisp. Hope you have a delightful fall weekend filled with meanderment!

  82. Judy Covell says:

    Hello from central Maryland! Even though time doesn’t change until Nov. 4, it surely seems like fall on this crisp, clear day. I will devour every page of your new book when it is at the book store. I love England so much!! Your artwork makes it so desirable. Thank you for your hard work. All my best wishes from Walkersville.

  83. Lori says:

    Hailing from San Clemente, CA, and loving this glimpse into the new book! Also, a request…can you post a picture of the cemetery with Fall leaves fallen some time this Fall? xoxo

    • pat addison says:

      i second that request, it would look so lovely with the Autumn leaves scattered amongst the headstones, all the pretty colors.

  84. Sandra Gillanders says:

    Sandy from Fort Washington, PA. aka Penn’s Woods Oh, I cannot wait to see your finished diary, the paintings look so cute. I just know it will be wonderful and I will lose myself in it for hours. I wore a sweater this morning too! Love this time of year when I can open the windows and get a cool breeze. I played with my new kitten and kept him from tormenting my two other kitties, Jasmine and Ollie. Tad is so full of mischief.
    What could be more fun, working on a new kitchen, fall in the air, kitties, planning a get-a-way, working on your book, knitting, movies and beautiful Martha’s Vineyard right out your front door. Life is Good!

  85. Lori from Maine says:

    Just last weekend I found (and saved!) some beautiful multicolored leaves at our camp. Fall is on its way!! Summer goes by so quickly, but Fall in New England is amazing. I’d love to win your book. I already have a copy, but have a wonderful friend that I’d send it to. I won’t say who, but her initials are D.A. and she lives on Cougar Mtn., WA!!!! 🙂

    • Dorothy Ann says:

      * Helloooooo Lori from Maine * September 12th…

      How so very nice to see your name and read your reply to Susan. I just logged on to read her “Happy Land” Post, sent her a reply, and then scanned down to read the girlfriends comments, as I always do.
      …and, serendipity, there you were!

      I was thinking about you too…today and you can imagine how surprised I was to see what you wrote…about what you would do, if you won the contest for Susan’s delightful Autumn Book. You are too sweet and too generous to say that! OMGosh! I am speechless, Lori!

      O.K. I know you’ve received my recent e-mail reply to your e-mails, so I look forward to hearing from you with a brand new one, all about your lovely weekend at your camp.

      Hugs from me to you.
      * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

  86. Ginger says:

    This is delightful. Thank you for sharing your work. I think kindred spirits understand what it is like to be totally immersed in a creative project.

    You must continue to lure me into cat-dom…It would be impossible with all our moving around, but their personalities are perfectly lovely.

    I did a search for Warne’s Happy Book for Children but alas could not find a copy. I absolutely love old children’s books. I have a mint, vintage set of the Book of Knowledge from 1940s. But…can we ever have too many books? I want to know.

    Well now…where am I from? It depends on where the wind blows…sometimes…I live in a tiny 3rd floor walk up in Auburn, Washington, where the sun rarely shines–we work here…sometimes…I live in an old brick house with a huge yard in Southern Utah, where the people are neighborly and the pace is calm…sometimes…I live in a Spanish-style house in Peoria, AZ, when the snow flies in Utah. The pace is harried, but my family is here, including my 95 year old mother.

  87. Debbie R says:

    Hi Susan, Greetings from North Carolina, can’t wait for your new book! Also enjoying watching your kitchen project. We just finished our living room and dining room; it is lots of work, but so worth it in the end!

  88. Melissa Quarles says:

    Susan, you have inspired me to tackle my living room which I have wanted to change since we moved in 6 years ago…..love reading your blog….I feel like we are sisters from different mothers….it is as if I have known you my whole life…so strange and nice! THank you for sharing so much of your life with us all out here…enjoy this magical time of year! Any photos of your autumn decorations?
    Melissa from New York

    • sbranch says:

      I’m sure there will be, but with the kitchen such a mess, I gave to wait…won’t be long now! Good girl for doing your living room — it will make you so happy when it’s done!

  89. Mary Beebe says:

    Hi Susan,

    Looking forward to seeing the “new” kitchen all fixed up and can’t wait till the English Diary book comes out! Thanks for working so hard! 🙂

    Mary from Louisiana (where we love french music too!) ha

  90. Cecilia from Florida says:

    Hello from Orlando,Fl! We are currently experiencing a cold front (at 86 degrees)-that’s what the weather man said,,but I am sooo waiting to make a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains to experience a true Autumn! I enjoy reading your blog and am looking forward to your “England” book. The Autumn book is one I do not have and that would be nice! Thank you for the opportunity.

  91. judy says:

    It’s warm and breezy today in Grand Rapids, MI. I’m listening to birds and wind chimes. My grand kids are already bring me red maple leaves, as they know how much I love them (the grand kids AND the leaves!). I already have your “Autumn” book on my coffee table, but would be happy to share a signed copy with my aunt who introduced you to me with your Christmas book.

  92. Charlene says:

    Preparing for fall too paint going on the outside of the house.the pellet stoved was cleaned today, and our little few days away planned.Fall is such a busy beautiful time to be home in Rehoboth , Ma. I have your summer book and just love it! Skip and go naked are the best. Would love to win Autumn,my favorite season.

  93. Jenny says:

    Wilmore, Kentucky!
    I dream of visiting New England 🙂

  94. I love to bring each season into our home and surround my dear family with all the colorful reminders! Now the baskets are filled with apples and pears, brilliant leaves and bouquets dress the tables and pumpkin pies will be served after supper! An Autumn book would be most welcome too!

  95. Andrea says:

    Hello from Stafford Springs, CT. When out “leaf-peeping” later this month, don’t forget the “quiet corner” of CT (Northeastern corner). We have a cute and getting-even-better downtown. Go east from Stafford and you’ll encounter amazingly pretty countryside that leaf-peepers don’t seem to know about yet.

    Thank you for your beautiful work and writing.

  96. Pat from Long Island says:

    Susan, thanks for a peek of your English diary, I’m eagerly waiting to see the finished Masterpiece! We have also been experiencing glorious weather here on Long Island, perfect, peaceful. I was inspired by your kitchen project and decided to freshen up my kitchen before winter, I’m painting the cabinets. It looks great, thanks for the idea. Also, thanks for the opportunity to have the The Autumn book. Autumn is my favorite season, October is my birthday so I always look forward to this time of year. Happy painting!!

  97. Victoria Robertson says:

    Greetings from Nashville, TN. It is not Autumn outside yet, but it certainly is inside my heart and home!

  98. Emily B says:

    Hi from Pittsburgh (where I just dumped my (tepid-don’t worry) tea down the front me in my distraction from looking at your beautiful pictures)! Fall at last here as well!

  99. Susan says:

    Hello from Susan in NE Atlanta GA.
    I think for a brief moment I FORGOT that this book is in the works… This post made me remember it is COMING… Oh I am SO HAPPY.. Something so wonderful to look forward to… Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  100. Carol in KS says:

    Happy Fall to everyone!! We are enjoying the State Fair in Kansas. Must try the root beer tomorrow, I’m told. Loved your “cat conversation” — sounded remarkably like that of my kids 😉 Best wishes as you continue your creativity!!

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