HAPPY LAND ♥ ♥ ♥ Martha’s Vineyard USA

Welcome to Happy Land . . . with Musica . . .

You might be wondering where I’ve been . . . I’ve been right here . . .

And I just finished page sixty of our book, the English Diary!  Only two more gazillion pages to go, but we are getting there!


I’ve been focused like a laser, not letting myself get led down the primrose path; getting up really early, making tea, going through the house, flipping on lights, throwing the ball for Jack, and watching the sun come up, sometimes turning on a little French music to get me going  — smoothing out a clean piece of watercolor paper, and in my imagination and through my paintbrush, I stand at the ship’s rail looking out over the Atlantic Ocean, or wander through English cottage gardens.  Before I start work I draw my Angel Card and find out which wonderful word should guide my day.  I loved this morning’s word!

I try to put my very best on every page . . . I want it to be something I can be proud of and something you will love.  It is a little strange when you think that at one time these pages did not exist and now, here it is, slowly but surely, taking shape and becoming a book.  Making something out of nothing.  Kind of like cooking!


I thought you might like to see a little bit of it, although I hope you don’t mind if I don’t show it too close! I want it to be a surprise!  But I also think you deserve to see that it’s really happening!  You are so patient!

I’m handwriting it, like I’ve done with all my books, which is the thing that takes the longest. I actually kept the diary every day while we were in England, but I scribbled it quickly (and sloppily) so I could get it all down and not forget the details — I took my writing with me everywhere, always had it in the car, took it to pubs, even brought it along when we went on walks so I could write or sketch if we stopped for tea, and in the different gardens we visited; I painted too, especially in places like Beatrix Potter’s house where we weren’t allowed to take photos, so I would have it when we got home.  Now I’m copying the words over neatly, in my “good handwriting,” painting borders and illustrating the pages, adding souvenirs and photographs.  It’s pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.

My studio is filled with inspiration; especially books. I believe™ in the concept of “Book Osmosis,” where, if you surround yourself with the creativity and brilliantness of others, it will rub off on you; plus, I want to be sure I’m giving the correct name for the flowers we saw, the birds and the trees . . . And of course, wherever I go, so goeth Beatrix Potter. Because love is as love does. 

I’m having fun choosing and laying out the photos . . . more opportunity for the imagination to stay in England!

Lately the book is all I think about; I love it so much, I’m probably getting a little compulsive about it (this is where Joe would look up and say, “probably?”); I think about it all the time; that age-old question, “what do they want to know about, what can I give them that will bring them there?”  I wake up every morning, with my foot wiggling, by brain clicking; sometimes, it’s the “AHA” ideas of things to add to the book that gets me bounding down the stairs.  My life, in all other respects, has narrowed to the essentials.  Eat (we still have lobster on beach every so often; this is not a forced-labor camp), sleep, walk, knit, read, and create.  Notice what came first?  (Not necessarily in that order, I should add!) I watched Miss Potter again last night, and knit.  See, not all bad!

 My “true treasures of home” . . . here the children are this morning, a rare moment in  peaceable kingdom; and I did not order them into this position (like I even could) — But, this togetherness won’t last; already you notice Girl’s face is saying, “Take him back, I’m begging you; look at him . . . he’s looking at me again.  Make him stop.”  And he is repeating the same question over and over at a thousand words a minute, “What’d she say, what’d she say, what’s she saying? Tell me what she said!”

And while I’m consumed with my work,  and Jack is consumed with Girl, the world continues to turn; fall arrived yesterday, and was crowned with a sunset rainbow last night, right outside our front door!  I think I have never seen brighter colors on a rainbow!  It’s supposed to be cool and dry for at least a week; I’m wearing a sweater right now; we had to put a down comforter on the bed last night (windows open, crisp ocean breeze coming in, heaven)!  Joe and I just planned a leaf-peeping, four-day getaway for the end of this month for a surprise for us, since we have been working so hard.  Meanderment (meandering wonderment) in the van . . . no plan!  Back roads!  New England!!! Leaves!  Ponds!  Oh my.  Dreamy.

And, on the other side of the house from the rainbow,  this was the sky . . . everything so beautiful on Martha’s Vineyard in the fall, everything except our kitchen.

Which I won’t show you, it is too much of a nightmare.  Having an old house with lots of nooks and crannies, wainscoting, chair rails, window trim, scalloped aprons hanging from the ceiling and the like, are, 99.9% of the time, so wonderful I have no words.  That other .1% — is when you have to paint them.  Joe is doing a great job.  He has the patience of Job.

It will never be done.  But I don’t care . . . he does that; I paint; we plan our getaway; Girl plots revenge; Jack keeps us laughing; everyone is staying out of trouble. Life is good in the Heart of the Home.  Hope it’s the same for you!   Have a wonderful day!

P.S. Leave me a little message (be sure to mention where you’re from! Inquiring minds want to know, right Girlfriends?) and you’ll be entered into a contest for a FREE, signed copy of my (out of print) AUTUMN BOOK!  You may already have it, but wouldn’t it make a wonderful gift for someone you love?  ‘Cause it’s that time of year! 

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1,787 Responses to HAPPY LAND ♥ ♥ ♥ Martha’s Vineyard USA

  1. Pam Monroe says:

    Love your work, Susan. I have several of your books, look forward to your calendar each year and am so looking forward to your “English Diary”. And of course thank goodness for your blog and the picture perfect photos of New England! Writing from Ventura, CA where the weather this morning is about 70 and the Pacific Ocean is stunning as always. Thanks for sharing your abundant creativity – I too am a knitter – such a peaceful thing to do!

  2. Nola Wilson says:

    I love, love your Blog. Thank you for sharing all your special moments. I have my house all decorated for Fall. It is supossed to be 100 for the next few days so it is fun to dream of cooler weather, pumpkins, brightly colored leaves and all the other things that make this time of year a delight! Time to start cooking all my favorite Fall foods!

  3. Lorna W. says:

    Oh Susan, what fun to see that your girlfriends are from all over the U.S. and the globe!!!! Add me to your collection…….up up state, Lake George, New York.
    Many Angel Card Blessings

  4. Pattie says:

    From Valley of the Flowers Missouri, so looking forward to the diary. Such cute drawings and nice penmanship! Hello to sweet Kitty and of course Jack! They both must make you smile. Happy autumn days!

  5. Susan Roubal says:

    What a feeling of satisfaction it must be to see that stack of finished pages mounting up! the careful painting and lettering. I can feel the excitement. I’d love to be entered into the Autumn book drawing…Thank you so much for the wonderful escape you provide all of us. –Susan Roubal in Michigan’s U.P.

  6. Susan from the Cape Fear Coast of NC says:

    I am so looking forward to the new book and remembering our wonderful trip to England. Fall has arrived here in Southeastern NC, well, almost. We’re in the low 80’s during the day and 60’s at night. I love decorating for Autumn better than any other season and once I have the decorating done I start baking. I love baking pies, cakes, breads and rolls and anything with apples in it~makes the house smell wonderful. One of my favorites is a spice cake decorated with candy corn. Another fall tradition at our house is a big pot of your chili from the Autumn book. For years I searched for the perfect chili recipe and finally found it in your book. It is always our dinner on Halloween.
    Thanks so much for this beautiful blog and for sharing your wonderful talent with us.

  7. claresgabby says:

    Just saw in the newspaper this morning that the temperature will be back in triple digits by the end of the week here in Porterville, California. Today is “only” going to be about 94 degrees…no sweaters for us! I turn the air conditioning to a very cool temperature and read your Autumn book and think “cool” thoughts! Very excited you are painting and writing away……..

  8. willemien says:

    Hi Susan,
    I love autumn! It’s such a wonderful time of year, perhaps I like it so much cause it’s my birthday in September, I remember having my picture taken under the old chestnuttree at our house on my birthday as a little girl. I was always gathering many many chestnuts from that tree. I’ve been looking for your autumnbook , but couldn’t find it anywhere so it would be absolutely great to get one!
    Looks as if your kitchen is gonna be very nice, great to have such a “paint”-husband around.
    Lots of love from Holland!
    Greetings Willemien

  9. Kathy Diener says:

    WOW… I am so excited to have discovered your blog, Susan. I am a fan from way..way back. I have your cookbooks and use them frequently. I love your artwork and what you have to say, in the books. The recipes are pretty darn good too!
    I was on pinterest , just clicking away and all of a sudden, I am on your blog!
    So, now I am a follower and a fan!!!

  10. Kathy Diener says:

    I am in Fair Oaks, Ca.

  11. Barbara says:

    Hi Susan, It’s Barbara from beautiful downtown Wilton, CA! It’s just a wide spot in the road really 🙂
    I just got back from Texas last night and Im sitting at the kitchen table with tea, a couple of cookies and my kittie catching up on your blog. Don’t like to read the blog on my Iphone, can’t get whole glory of it on that small screen. Besides I like to take my time looking at the blog, sipping my tea…
    Glad to be back home, back in the routine of retired life.
    I love your blog, have a wonderful rest of your day.

  12. Carol Duffey says:

    Hi Susan,
    I so THOROUGHLY enjoy each and every post on your blog. I have been a true fan of your art for many years, and it’s such fun to see the parts of your life that you share with all of us girlfriends! I, too, have 2 sweet, sweet kitties and a wonderful husband to share my life with (2 sons, too, off to college). Like so many of your “girlfriends from the blog”, I feel like you could be one of my great friends, also! I’m keeping happily busy with life here in Sierra Madre, CA, but when you send a new post, it certainly takes precedence over any chores that might be waiting for me! Thanks again for sharing so much with us!

  13. Your kitchen WILL get done, don’t despair. Excited to see your Diary, can’t wait for it!!! Your kitties are beautiful and sweet, Jack has grown so much. I liked very much reading about your day, and how you go about working, painting, writing. The inspiration of books by your side! And envious of your leaf=peeping trip at the end of the month.
    Take care now! Robin Larkspur from Liverpool, NY

  14. Nellie says:

    Home improvements always seem to take us longer than we plan – especially since we are the “handy persons.”:-)

    That “Autumn” book would be a wonderful gift for someone!

    Our weather is just amazing! I hope you are enjoying it on this day!

    xo Nellie

  15. Maureen Flaherty says:

    I look forward to reading your posts so much. I’m excited about the book you are currently working on. Can’t wait to read it. As far as I’m concerned, Autumn can’t get here soon enough. I live in So. California and September and October can be the hottest months of the year.

  16. Debbie Young says:

    Debbie from the Ojai Valley

    I have all the same sets of paints ~ my therapy as I recovered from surgery this summer. I too had books, picture books, reading books, art books, sea shells and whatever else filled my creative brain. The summer of recovery was a summer of indulgence in paint~we did our kitchen last summer! I don’t have cats but I have a MollyWallyDoodle Poodle that we rescued off the highway-found the owner who gave her to us~she had seven SEVEN puppies and we kept three of the boys, Pavoratti, Bob and Bear, all are very different (Doxiepoohs) in looks and personality…..Molly looks at us like “Girl” I thought they were going to leave!!!!

  17. queenmum says:

    Happy Day Susan,
    Hello from the baby mountains of the Southern Tier of New York State(really the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains)! Sunny and dry here today…this morning was wonderfully cool! Our leaves are beginning to turn, and soon we’ll have lots of gorgeous colors dressing the hillsides. Can you tell I love autumn? Last week was my 51st First Day of School…and I still get so excited I cannot sleep the night before! This is when my new year begins, not in January.
    I would love, love , love to win your autumn book…I would selfishly keep the autographed copy and gift my own copy to a dear friend, who loves your books, style, and artwork nearly as much as I!

  18. Rita from MN says:

    Ooooo. Of course I have a copy–but signed? That would be the cat’s meow (pun intended). Hope I am not too late but life got in the way and I just read your post. Three parties (one welcome home, one 73rd birthday and one 1st birthday), a new job and starting a Monday night class. sigh Nice to pause and read about your life. Thanks for the break!

  19. Jacquelyn Wirthlin - Bainbridge Island, WA says:

    Thanks so much for the peek at the English Diary in progress and a peek into your workspace! So many wonderful colors. Fall is in the air here on the Island … 39 degrees this morning and leaves are beginning to change. Going to the Western Washington State Fair tomorrow in Puyallup, WA. Always a great time. Please don’t worry about the Diary. It will be wonderful and the Girlfriends will all love it. You spoil us, really.

  20. Sharon Cloyd says:

    Mornings are much cooler now, but by afternoon the weather ends up being perfect here on the East Side of Indianapolis, Indiana. Though I know fall is going to be beautiful…just love smelling the crisp air and falling leaves, I hate to see summer come to an end…we had such a hot and dry patch this summer, with many days hidden inside to escape the heat.

    Can’t wait to see your new book, love your drawings and quotes. I only wish I could be half as creative as you!!

  21. Deborah from Costa Mesa says:

    Thank you for your wonderful website. It let’s me escape the trials of life and enjoy a little whimsy peace and quite.

  22. Hope says:

    I love reading your blog. I live on a farm in central Indiana. We have around 200 head of beef cattle. We live in an old farmhouse (170 years old), I can feel your pain about the painting. In your previous post you should the cookbook “The Settlement Cookbook” I have that same cookbook!!! It was my husband’s grandma’s and she gave it to me. I would love to go to England someday, I don’t think we ever will make it though. I enjoyed keeping up with your journey. I love Beatrix Potter and her cast of loveable animals as well. I can’t wait until the dairy of England is done. Have a great day!

  23. Deborah from Costa Mesa says:

    Thank you for your wonderful website. It gives me a chance to escape the trials of life and enjoy a little whimsy comfort.
    Again, thank you!

  24. Karen K. says:

    Hello from southeast Georgia! I’m originally from Pennsylvania, and miss fall more than anything. Thankfully, my sweet family is very indulgent while I sprinkle the house with fall decor and bake lots of cinnamon-y, apple-y treats.Thank you for the peek into your English Diary!

  25. Heather Smith says:

    Greetings from Visalia, CA……central california…..you drove through to get to the Sequoias as a kid. It’s a HOT 90+ degrees and scheduled to get hotter…..watching football just to channel the “fall-like feelings”. I love your Autumn book and I have already been reading it……a girl can dream, right? 🙂

  26. Megan Hyatt says:

    I have to laugh over the cats. I had one cat and two dogs, the dogs passed on one by one and the cat was all alone, so we adopted a companion. Not happy Jan! He wanted to be an only and just tolerates his brother. It is funny though as i think they do actually have a relationship, sometimes there is a punch up, but mostly they like to ‘sort of’ hang out together. sleeping on the bed together but no touching. Absolutely hilarious. I must say as we head into a very very dry and warm spring I envy your autumn. Thanks for the great blog.

  27. Megan Hyatt says:

    Whoops… forgot to mention… We are on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia, at the feet of the Blue Mountains on the banks of the lovely Hawkesbury.

  28. Gill says:

    Hello from Yorkshire, England. We have had several wonderful holidays in New England in the Fall & that is my absolute favourite holiday destination. I shall soon be getting out my photos & reliving some wonderful times. Sadly I don’t think we will get there again as my husband has incurable cancer (though doing well at the moment) & we can’t get insurance for such a trip. However we have wonderful memories & look forward to enjoying your trip, Susan, vicariously. Thank you for all the pleasure I get from your blog.

    • sbranch says:

      Blessings to you and your husband Gill … we loved everything about England, but the Yorkshire Dales made us cry! xoxo

  29. Beth says:

    My mom has been buying your books/calendars and following your blog for many years. And, now I do, too. Thank you for sharing your trip to England with us. It was the next best thing to being there. I could hardly wait each day to read about it… and you visited many of the same places that are on my list to see. You are definitely a kindred spirit (like Anne of Green Gables) and I appreciate you sharing with us. You are so inspiring. Thank you Susan!

  30. Karen G says:

    I am in CT 🙂 would love to be entered into the drawing.

    Love the vineyard!-have been around 6x since childhood-last stay was in Vineyard Haven a while ago (ok years ago lol)

    Thanks for your work! love it!

  31. Karen G says:

    omg I used love too many times up there


  32. Carrie B says:

    Hi Susan, I am from Iowa and live in the country. I really enjoy your blog especially the photos and antics of Jack ( Girl too). Lucky cats!

  33. Carol C says:

    Hi from Knoxville, TN! The weather here is clear and a little on the warm side but there is that hint of fall in the air. We’re in the midst of outside clean-up–new roof, house painting and new gutters. While that’s going on outside I’m doing the fall decorating inside and, of course, have your Autumn book out! When this is all done we’re headed up through Ohio and Penn. to New York state in our motorhome.
    Hope the leaves will be changing! Any suggestions from fosbs up that way for “not to miss” sites would be appreciated!!

  34. Gentility Mary says:

    Meanderment….just love it ~ I shall tuck it into my noodle for future disclosure of
    your formidable creativity. Love the cat-diaglogue comments…chuckle. Your photos
    are breathtaking; such a rainbow, what a sky ~ I sit here patiently awaiting the
    English Journal publication…what discipline you have to journal while being mesmerized by Great Britain…Bless you for sharing the Vineyard these Summer
    months….. almost like being there….the lobster has been succulent……pass a bit
    more butter please…. Alas, Warne’s Happy Book is still not available, lucky Girlfriend you……just look at another hunt you have started….bless your heart from

  35. Miss Pat in Indiana says:

    Lovely to have your words and pictures on this day of rememberance. It was such a horrible time, that day in 2001. As always, you make me smile and remember all the good times. Thanks ever so.

  36. Sally says:

    I love autumn. Living in Southern California I have to “decorate” for autumn to make sure it doesn’t pass by unnoticed. I start the process right after Labor Day and keep it autumn until the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Then it’s time to prepare for Christmas. I have several of your books but not the Autumn Book.
    Would love to add it to my collection. I read and reread each of your books that I do have. I get them out at the beginning of whatever season it is celebrating and enjoy it like a visit with an old friend. Always a pleasure. I’m so looking forward to the English Diary.

  37. Kelly Billings from Salem Oregon says:

    You are making fall look so invitingly wonderful, I’m ready to let summer go. Love Jack and Girl kitty. Can’t wait for the English Diary, but all good things take time.
    Thank you for the Autumn Book opportunity. I would love to add it to my collection.
    Thank you, Thank you, Susan

  38. Elena Stahl says:

    Dear Susan,
    Once again you have put a smile on my face! How many ways and whys do I love thee? Well…you are a miracle worker with your watercolors and brushes (a given), but most of all you are an inspiration to us all! The air is crisp in Skaneateles, NY, and so are the apples! The temperature of the Fingerlakes is dropping and so are the leaves. Our summer season is short, and our winter is long, but your Autumn book would be a real pleasure to have, and it would warm my heart! God bless you!

  39. Millie Ray says:

    I certainly am looking forward to Fall this year more than ever, after our very hot and dry summer. We are told we won’t have much color this year due to the drought, but the cooler weather will be welcome enough. I love your blog, followed your trip to England, and am awaiting the English Diary, which will be a wonderful keepsake for all of us Girlfriends. I love your cats, especially Girl, she is so sweet. It makes me miss my “Dora” our calico, which hasn’t been with us for about five years now, she was nine when we had to have her put down, it still is sad. We are a cat loving family! That rainbow was simply georgeous. The colors were so vibrant. Keep up the wonderful work you do, and with Joe in the background, doing his thing. It reminds me of my husband and me. I paint, too, but with oils….it’s very rewarding. I am self taught, and enjoy it very much. I am an avid reader, and so keep busy with reading and painting. Would love to have your out of print book, Autumn. I live in Winchester, Kentucky.

  40. Janet [in Rochester] says:

    Rhonda – your daughter has got the right idea! My niece was born two weeks before Halloween and my mom/her grandmother was ready – standing by with orange flannel baby jammies [with feet] and an orange- and-green flannel cap [“stem”]. She was THE cutest two-week old baby pumpkin you ever saw! Except for yours, of course! Good luck and congratulations!

    • Rhonda D. says:

      Janet, you are so right. I know I laughed my butt off when I heard about the Halloween costume. But at the same time, I knew in that moment that my new grandchild was in good hands. This feeling came over me that this child was in for one amazing, fun ride through life. I got to see said costume on the weekend, and it looks just like the one you described. Sooo cute.

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        Please write back to let us know whether you have a grandson or granddaughter – it’s so refreshing these days to know that not everyone finds out beforehand! Of course, I’m old-fashioned but I think it’s SO much more fun for the families who find out in the delivery room! :>)

        • Rhonda D. says:

          Janet, there is a whole story behind my daughter not knowing the sex of her baby. This is her first, and they didn’t want to know (for the first one anyway). She said that after the delivery her husband’s job would be to come out to the waiting room and make the announcement whether they had a girl or boy. She told me that would make him feel like an important part of the whole picture. I loved what she was thinking. I didn’t know whether she was a boy or girl when I had my daughter, so there was a lot of yellow everywhere. Now she has claimed all that vintage yellow for her baby’s room etc. (such as her yellow hand embroidered crib quilt that is 31 years old now). So nice to see her doing this. I’ll let everyone know if we have a new grandson or granddaughter. So exciting!!

  41. Kristie says:

    Loved peaking at the new book! As usual, your post was like a mini-vacation… Thank you from St. Louis, MO!

  42. Jan from Michigan says:

    Hello everyone from Flat Rock! Susan, the book looks wonderful! I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning!!! Can’t wait! I love fall. I find myself humming September Morning every day. This weekend the fall decorations are coming out! Wish we could slow down time to really savour these beautiful days! May all the families that lost loved ones on 9-11 find peace today, they are in my thoughts and prayers.

  43. Zana Carter says:

    I am in Houston, TX where it is still hot and we could use some rain. We don’t get much autumn in my part of Texas, that is why you have to look at books and magazines.

  44. Kathy in AZ says:

    Merci Susan for another beautiful post and a peek at the English Diary…..excited, eager, anticipation!!! Should the signed Autumn Book arrive in my mailbox, I would find it a delight if Girl Kitty and Jack had also signed it….a paw print each in their color of choice!! And Joe too, perhaps a thumb print in the new blue color for the kitchen! Cheers!!

  45. Jeanete says:

    I just loved reading all your posts from England and I can not wait to be there, vicariously again, through your book.
    I am, and have been for most of my life, living in Ohio. This is home and I am absolutely most at home here amongst the fields and forests. During my married life we have lived in a few other places and traveled to many more but I always find myself most happy and content here in Ohio. You never know what the weather will be like from one season to the next but that keeps things interesting as far as I am concerned.

  46. Terry says:

    Hi, Susan! This is Terry from NJ. Your book looks fantastic! I can’t wait until it is available!

  47. Maureen MacKenzie says:

    Hi Susan,

    Loved your post….and that rainbow – beautiful! Here on Long Island we are experiencing a bit of autumn ourselves. We almost started a small fire in our new wood burning fireplace (that we had built this summer) tonight…but it was too hot in the house. It’s so hard to wait! The book looks great. I can’t wait to read it. I was wondering if you were going back to work on the other book when you are finished with this one? The one where you were going to write about you and Joe meeting and the chicken with the brick in the oven recipe, etc… 🙂

    Enjoy your autumn weather,

    • Maureen MacKenzie says:

      I just looked over your post again and read one of the pages….maybe the story is included in this book? 😉

  48. Beth K. says:

    Life is good here in our home in Upland, Indiana, too! Especially since my hubby is on a two week vacation! He’s doing home maintainance projects to keep our home beautiful. I’m glad he has these skills. He’s happy he has the tools! He enjoys using them. I’m busy too. But we take breaks to relax with each other and to enjoy our cat. I enjoy your pictures and stories of your two beauties. Yes, I would call Jack beautiful, too! Enjoy your wanderment adventure!

  49. Heather says:

    I never comment here but I do enjoy reading and getting glimpses into your Martha’s Vineyard life. You are so talented, it inspires me to keep trying to draw. I am originally from Pennsylvania but 10 years ago married a Canadian and we currently live in the capital of Canada with our three children. Thanks for all the fun and interest you provide in every post.

  50. Terri says:

    Loved reading this post…The rainbow, the crisp cool air, the smell of paint…Here in Georgia, we’re seeing Golden Rod blooming, feeling the first cool days for us, painting the master bath, planning an autumn visit to St. Augustine which you must visit if you haven’t. It is my soul’s home, even though this old farm of my grandparents is my heart’s home. Such a war goes on each time we travel. I go with joy, I leave with tears, I smile through them at my home here on top of the hill and long for the place left behind, sigh.

  51. Randi Bault says:

    Hi (from Reno, Nevada) Susan, my favorite blogger in the whole wide world….
    Please have lots of photos of your sparkly “new-old” kitchen. I love your home photos because it is so much like the house I grew up in- scallops over the kitchen window which was yellow and we had linoleum floors that didn’t quite reach the edge of the floor, a border of painted wood floor underneath surrounded the floor rectangle. (Should of had the wood show!) The doors had keyhole locks ala skeleton key style and you pushed the windows up and held them up with a ruler. My mom’s little stove had curved little legs, and you could burn wood on the side. To this day I love old houses best- so much character and history of who owned it before (?)…When I went off to college; of all things I found out a boyfriend was renting the house I grew up in and I got to see all his renovations.
    Alas, no more cute stove, or linoleum floor (carpet and tile), door closed up and disappeared into the wall, and different yard landscaping. It was still cute, but just updated a bit.
    Anyways I love your home!! and garden!! and I know you have lived on Martha’s Vineyard a long time. I was wondering what your home looked like before you moved in…
    I just got out your Autumn book and was gathering ideas…such a great book,
    I am on the lookout for any new ones coming; “Pancakes” and now your England Trip! Ohhhh, so exciting. I can hardly wait!
    <3 You!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s why we have to rescue old houses and save them before the stoves get removed! 🙂 It sounds like it was just adorable, love that strip of wood around the edge.

  52. Gini says:

    Hi Susan,

    Gini here from San Rafael, CA, north of S.F. Thought of you when I snagged The Complete Works of Beatrix Potter & Complete Stories & Poems of Winnie the Pooh. My friend was going to sell them at her garage sale! I quickly disabused her of that notion & carefully cradled them in my arms on the way home!

  53. Jill A. says:


    I just went to the library yesterday to checkout “Autumn”! I’m way down here in sunny Florida just begging for fall to make its way down! I’m getting married in March & my future hubby had the most wonderful idea to honeymoon in Martha’s vineyard! I am so thrilled I can barely wait- is there one place that we just must go?

  54. Patti E. says:

    My favorite season is also Fall… could it be because my birthday is Oct. 2nd? I’m a California native living in the San Francisco Bay Area in a valley town called Pleasanton. I married a Jersey boy and we’ll be heading East next month to once again visit his family and enjoy the vibrant Fall colors. Just like one of your previous commentors, I dream of living your life. I love the country home feel and the beautiful architecture found in the East. I love England and have savored every moment of your visit with you. Your blog is my absolute favorite & I look forward to reading it and seeing what wonderful ideas you’ve come up with and actually acted on. You’re an inspiration, Susan. God Bless You!

  55. Shannon says:

    Hello from Texas! I am anxious to read your English Diary!

  56. Ann in Pasadena says:

    Love your laser focus and marvelous creativity. La musique, c’est tres bon! The weather here is hot and muggy — I can hardly wait for the cool of autumn, my favorite time of year!

  57. Margo Morris says:

    Hi, Susan, I love reading your blog and I don’t have the Autumn book but would love to add it to my collection. I am in Albuquerque, NM, where there are two seasons: hot summer and cold winter. It seems like we get a week or two of transition in between! Right now is the best time of year here, weather wise.

  58. Susan says:

    Estes Park, CO. Were at 7,522 ft. The Aspens have just started turning, I LOVE LOVE the Aspens their my favorite tree, so pretty. The bears are still roaming around, the Elk have started their rutting, I’ve heard them bugling a few times. Most of the tourists have gone home and we finally have the town to ourselves again. It rained today and the mountain air this evening was to die for, so fresh and crisp 🙂

  59. Robin in SC says:

    Hi from Cayce, SC. Autumn is my favorite time of the year and this week it has actually been a little cooler. I am loving it!

  60. Eloise. from Little Elm, Texas says:

    Hello from Texas where we are still in the low 90’s. Hopefully fall will be here soon with cooler weather. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful talent with us. I enjoy your blog.

  61. Susan says:

    Thanks for the trip to Happyland! Always love seeing your creative process at work!!
    I have a freshly chewed copy of your Autumn book – my cocker spaniel pulled it off the bookshelf ~ probably enticed by the smells of various ingredients dropped on the pages! Can you tell it was well used?!! Would love a new copy. I promise to put it on the top shelf!:)

    Susan from Denton, Texas where it is STILL hot and muggy…

  62. Susan says:

    When,oh when, will Ihold a copy of your English “Mastering the Art of Traveling” book? It was a wonderfulpost. Joe seems to be working hardest of all;Good Job Joe! (He now gets a piece of his favorite “Good Job Candy” and he gets first pick!

  63. susan says:

    Greetings from Door County, Sister Bay. Actually we are visiting friends for a few days. I wish I lived here but it is four hours north of where I actually live … Grayslake, Illinois. I would love to win the Autumn book … it is one of the few I do not have. Waiting with wild anticipation for you travel diary!

  64. Hello Susan from Santa Rosa, CA.,

    Thank you for putting so much heart into your work and on every page. It is truly a special treat to visit you here, and to experience through your eyes and feelings the beauty and sheer pleasure of your life with the dear loves in your corner of the world.

    Peace, Love, Music & Gardening,

  65. Mary Pacey says:

    Fall is trying to come in after a dreadfully hot and dry summer here in Olathe, Kansas. I love reading all your posts-all of the stories while you were in England made me feel like I was there also. Loved your descriptions and the way your words senerade my soul. Can’t wait to add another Susan Branch book to my collection!!!

  66. Sharrieboberry says:

    I live in the north suburbs of Dallas, TX and fall is in the air. Although it was still in the 90’s today.

    But fall is a fabulous time to garden here. Time to plant! I want to put in some flowering trees and some roses. Gotta dig up the grass and weeds first and make some new flower beds. Planting is the fun part. Preparing the beds–not so much!

  67. Rosemary from Oregon says:

    Fall always makes me think of Bittersweet, the beautiful orange-yellow branches that grow in Maine and Vt. We are leaving in 2 wks for New England and hope to bring back a bunch for our mantel. Then we get a 2nd Fall because colors here last through October. When I moved to Oregon from Michigan in 1970, the trees turned mostly yellow, but gradually we are getting more reds and oranges. And then, there is Pear Gingerbread, homemade applesauce and cider and fireplace wood fires! Always have something to look forward to is my motto! Still haven’t found a copy of the Autumn book here. Happy Autumn!

  68. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    I just rcvd your Christmas From the Heart of the Home! I have wanted it for so long and now I have nearly all of your books – except Baby Love. It makes me so happy!

  69. Gail Marie says:


  70. Toni says:

    Susan thank you so much for your cheery blog and glimpses of your home and of course Jack and Kitty Girl. We are cooling off here in Lakeview Oregon – nights have dipped down into the 20’s but days are still sunny and warm. We (me) are hoping for a nice long fall before winter hits. Thank You Again, Toni

  71. Miriam says:

    Hi Susan!
    We are back from Scotland and what an incredible time we had….. with our granddaughter, her other grandmother and a cousin. The countryside really reminded me of your beautiful pictures of England…..lots of grazing sheep and green everywhere. I decided that you should make your next visit to Scotland where your pictures and comments of the incredible castles, as way back as the 1100’s, would make an awesome diary/guide. Our granddaughter loves and knows all things european history so was most helpful for all the drama in the castles, dungeons, palaces, battles (eg. Braveheart!) !! You would love it, I think…..very romantic and beautiful! BTW I really have even more admiration for your Joe………driving, even in a bus, was heart-stopping as we drove on the left side, especially at the “round” intersections!!!! Just seemed SO WRONG!!!!!!!!! 😉 So thankful that we could leave the driving to the local driver!!!!! It was so interesting to see a little glimpse into writing a book……you are AMAZING, Susan………wish I could have even a teeny weeny bit of your talent……..Oh my!!! I get such a kick out of your darling kitties too and especially love your comments for their thoughts!! Have always had kitties and your comments are “spot on”!!!! Receiving your “Autumn” book would be so lovely. I bought a couple for gifts when they first came out so it would be nice to have one for myself. Thanks so much for the JOY you share with all of us girlfriends……I’m from So. Cal……. retired in 95 to beautiful Coeur d’Alene, ID, and now winter in Austin, TX.

  72. You take me away from the mundane. Looking forward to this book. I bought 3 Beatrix Potter books last weekend, because of you. =)

  73. Brenda Bakker says:

    I so look forward to your inspiration of words and pictures. School has started again in eastern Wisconsin and with it come many pressures of the job (what job doesn’t have pressure of some sort?). I love to sit with a cup of tea and share your thoughts. It’s like a special sweet treat at the end of the busy day! I rise from the computer relaxed, ready for a little reading before heading off to the Land of Nod. Thank you so much! P.S. I can’t wait to see your kitchen!!!

  74. Stephanie says:

    Hello and thank you for the update! We are so looking forward to the Enland book! I’m from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where we reached 90 today but cool days are coming soon! The Martha’s Vineyard picture are so lovely I may need to strongly consider moving my whole family there! Thank you, Susan for the wonderful updates!

  75. Lyndia/Corte Madera, CA says:

    I just arrived home from a long week-end in Mendocino with my gal pals enjoying beautiful sunny beach weather. Sunny Northern California is usually foggy with a teasing of sun, but we enjoy glorious days in the Fall. Just beautiful! I’ve lived here all my life and I’m still amazed at how glorious our Pacific coast can be in the Fall. I’m also amazed at your ability to stay on task working at home. It’s a love for you and not really work! Lucky for you and actually lucky for all of us as well. Can’t wait to get your new book.

  76. Pom Pom says:

    Oh, I am so excited for the book to be finished. Thank you for sharing!

  77. Susan M says:

    Hi Susan
    I always love your cat commentary-I’m sure you are reading them exactly right.
    You are making amazing progress on your book. Thanks for the sneak peek.
    We are having a very blustery day here in northern Sask-extremely windy, a little wet and chilly. It is only about 10° C which I think is about 50°F.
    Thanks for all you do for us.
    Susan M

  78. Sandy Fox says:

    Hi Susan!

    We love your kitties! We live in Wichita, KS. with two darling kitties, Duke and Tabbie! My cousin says, “Who would name a cat the name of the breed?” We did!

  79. Cathy Shafer says:

    I just love reading about your soon to be released book “English Diary” and where you get your ispirations. You made me feel like I was right there with you. For example, that beautiful rainbow! Wow! I live in San Antonio TX so it’s still summer right now and we probably won’t get any cool weather until Christmas (we hope). Right now, my best friend, Irma, and I are planning a tea party for late October and we are getting a lot of our inspirations from your site. We will have 8 of our closest friends joining us and we will take pictures. I can hardly wait to let you know how it turned out.

  80. Cathy Shafer says:

    Just finished reading about your soon to be published book – English Diary and can hardly wait for it to be ready. I loved your pictures especially that rainbow – WOW! I live in San Antonio TX and we are still having Summer. In fact, we probably won’t have any cool weather until Nov or Dec, at least that’s what we are hoping for. Right now, my best friend Irma and I are planning a tea party for 8 of our closest friends and a lot of our inspirations are from your website.. Will let you know how it turned out.

  81. Joann says:

    Hello Wonderful Susan,

    I love that you’re ‘nose to the grindstone’ because that means more special wonderful things for ME…for all of us!!!

    I am in happy land, too right now!! I am on my annual ‘girls week’ to California. I’m from Colorado and my youngest daughter recently moved to northern California…..so my middle daughter and I flew to Sacramento and then drove down the coast to southern CA and here we are for a week in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, and surrounding areas. We’re going to the beach tomorrow and Paris in a Cup in Old Town Orange on Thursday….

    Today, middle daughter got her hair cut at Vidal Sassoon—it’s chic, I tell ya!! We bought groceries, cheese, crackers, chocolate….took it up to our room and gobbled it all up on the bed while watching ‘so you think you can dance.’ Yes, it’s the time of our lives!!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the sneak previews of your upcoming book and would LOVE an autographed copy of Autumn. I have 2 or 3 copies already, but none with your cute little signature….

    Well, I’ll be happy for anyone to win—we’re all winners just being here together, right girls? YES!!!
    OK, gotta draw straws for whose in the shower first in the morning!!

    Hugs from California,

    Joann xoxo

  82. Anne Marie says:

    Just working our way back to Cincinnati from Alaska. What a beautiful state!! Well, we love New England too. Enjoy your little break from the hard work you are putting in on the new book. I’d love to get a copy of your autumn book! Fingers are crossed.
    Thanks for being such a good girlfriend to all of us!
    Anne Marie

  83. Mercina O'Neil says:

    You sure do get my creative juices flowing, so inspiring; thank you. I look forward to your new book “English Diary” and the “Autumn Book” would be a delight to add to my collection, so here you go. I live in Payson, AZ, and have to tell you, if I can’t live by the sea, then this is the next best place to be.

  84. Lisa Jorgensen says:

    Happy Fall! In Woodland Hills CA it is still hot and in the 90’s. I can’t wait for the cooler weather, and your book to come out. You are working so hard on it, and I bet reliving all those wonderful memories of your trip. To see the New England autumn leaves has always been a dream of mine.
    The kitties are so adorable, and getting along?
    I also can’t wait to see your kitchen when it’s done.
    I have those same Angel cards!!
    You are living the dream Susan!! Enjoy every minute.

  85. April Hanchey says:

    Hello Susan or Peg,

    I bought your Summer and Autumn book I believe at Costo while I was living in Montana. I recall giving my Autumn book to a friend. I tend to do that a lot..give things away. I would like to enter the “Autumn” signed book give-away. “Pleeezse” pick me. By the way, I have been so busy raising a family that I have been away from buying and collecting other books and am amazed at your progress on other editions. Congratulations! Last time I read you were going to design fabric and I have been looking for it. Yay!!! I would like to buy your spring chicken collection.

    Thank you and love and prayers,


  86. Dorothy Ann says:

    * Good Morning…Susan * September 12th…

    Well, it’s a new week, actually it’s the middle of a new week, you have a new Post and you have surprises for us all…a “sneak peek” at “60 pages of work in progress” in “The English Diary”, plus a brand new contest for your “Autumn Book! I have your other book gems, but I don’t have that one. Yes, please enter my name in the drawing! Thank you!

    “Happy Land” is a wonderful posting, Susan. Love the intro-music, your desk
    set-up, the paint boxes with so many variations of the colors of the rainbow, the paint brushes (in an Emma Bridgewater polka-dot cup?), those sweet angel cards and who else, but Petey nearby! Wonder what Jack and Girl Kitty think about that little guy sitting right on your work desk? Most of all I want to say, all those “special things” on your desk, are exciting to see;they are all what you use to get to the wonderful CREATIVITY part of your talents.

    Can’t wait ’til we all hear from you that…”The English Diary Is Finished”.

    Hugs on a Wednesday from…
    * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

    • sbranch says:

      Good Morning Dorothy Ann! Shouldn’t you be in bed?

      • Dorothy Ann says:

        * Hi again…Sue…*
        September 12th @ 2:00 AM Pacific Time.

        OH…oh…I’m busted! Yes…I know, I know it’s late…but you know I am a late-night girlfriend. Many of my comments to you are written around this time…that’s why I write “Good Morning”, cause I know you, dear girlfriend, are an early-morning person!

        I’m not at my laptop every night this late, but I do love this quiet time, at night, to do my creative writing…I write sentiments and poems for greeting cards. And, when there is a new posting of yours to read, well I’m right there… reading it…enjoying it, and the girlfriend’s comments too.

        O.K. I’m off to bed…but rest assured…I don’t get up ’til about 8:30 or 9….or perhaps sooner if Ron has started the coffee brewing (for him) or tea (for me).
        * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain Time, Washington *

        • sbranch says:

          I have a dear friend on the opposite schedule from me, living in CA–makes it for very nice quiet emailing at strange hours for both of us!

          • Pat Mofjeld says:

            Dorothy–I have to tell you that I’m on the same schedule as you. I LOVE to sit up in the quiet when all (Norm and the schnauzers) have gone to bed! Sometimes I think the clock “spins” between 10:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. and then, after that, it keeps on spinning! Sometimes that is when I am the most productive, too. In my mind I wish I had Susan’s schedule as I feel kind of embarrasseed to sleep until 8 or 9 in the morning and even I feel I am “wasting the day”. But I know I need the sleep and a lot of the time I just can’t go to sleep earlier than 2 or even 3 a.m.–it is like the motors in my brain are running on high then. So it is nice to read about someone else who is on an “alternative” schedule. I tell myself it is because of the job I had for 18 years that kept that schedule but friends tell me I was like that when I had “normal” working hours, anyway, years ago… 🙂

          • Dorothy Ann says:

            * Hello Susan Branch*
            * Hello Pat Mofjeld *
            * Hello Linda from Lancaster *

            Good Morning!

            It’s Thursday @ 1: 28 AM – Pacific Coast Time
            Cougar Mountain Temperature: 60 Degrees.

            I am writing this reply to you all, once again, in the wee-small-hours-of-the-morning.

            I read your sweet notes that you all posted yesterday. OhMyGosh! you are so adorable…so
            caring and a bit worried about my late-night schedule. How sweet are you three? So sweet!

            I have always been a little “night owl” for as long as I can remember. I was born on a warm summer day in July @ 3 o’clock in the morning…perhaps that’s the reason why I love staying up so late!

            Yes, but I do get a very good (and very important) required amount of sleep-time. I’m up ’til about 1:30 or 2 AM . Wake up @ 8:30 or 9 and there you have it…7 hours sleep time.

            You three did make me smile though, with your cute postings.

            Susan…Are you up yet? It’s almost 4:30 AM in your lovely Vineyard Haven.
            Wake up! Joe and Jack and Girl Kitty want their breakfast. You all have a Happy Day!

            Pat, in St. Paul…nice to know you are on “my schedule”. Norm and your schnauzers are probably snoozing right now as I write this. I bet there are more girlfriends like us, don’t you think?

            And Linda, there in Lancaster…beautiful Amish Country…I know it well. My husband, Ron and I were born in New York, but because of his job transfers and promotions, we lived in a few other states. Hackettstown, New Jersey, was one of them and that is just about 2 hours from Lancaster. We spent many marvelous vacations in Pennsylvania.. Lancaster and Poconos in Stroudsburg.

            Well, all I can add, girls, is I feel very much a part of this amazing circle of friendship, because of this connection with you and all of our lovely Girlfriends out there, some who are most likely sleeping now and some, like us, who are starting to yawn and get ready for bedtime!
            Hugs from…
            * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, WA *

        • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

          Dear *Dorothy Ann*,
          I’m a little worried. Do you only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep each night? Is that enough? Yes, I am sounding like your mother, but I’m your GIRLFRIEND (I forget the cute initials you had for it.) And we need to take care of each other.

          But I think I am forgetting about the time differences. The time you posted said 4:14am, but was that Eastern time? So you weren’t really up that late??

          I love picturing you sitting, late at night, with the trees and forests whispering around you–maybe a late night owl, too? And hopefully the cougars are far, far away roaming the distant hills. But you are safe, comfy, and secure–creating and writing such delicious messages for your friends.

          I feel so blessed to know you through our dear friend Susan.
          Thank you,
          Your friend Linda (who, on a Sunday night, with the windows opened, falls asleep to the clop/clop of the Amish horses pulling their buggies homeward.)

          • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

            Dear *Dorothy Ann*,
            and, of course, our lovely Susan,
            I love reading both of your comments, Dorothy Ann and Pat, and how fun for all of us to “hang out” together for awhile, complimentary of Susan(!).
            Oh, Dorothy Ann, if I had only looked a little closer to your second message to Susan, I would have noted that you were writing at 2:00am. Late, but not quite as late as 4:00!!!

            So you are three hours “behind” east coast.
            And, Pat, what about you? Is there 1 or 2 hours difference between you and EST?

            I think it’s lovely to be up and feeling awake enough to be productive during the wee small hours of the night.

            I am in my pjs right now and soon will be padding up the stairs to my bedroom where I will read my Bible for a bit (I like to start and end the day that way.) and then I will pick up a happy, familiar book that I have already read. Just something to lull me into dreamland. I have learned my lesson the hard way not to read anything new at bedtime. I keep on reading because I HAVE to know what comes next! Not a very good thing when I have to wake up early the next day.

            I am a school teacher, but this year I only teach two days/week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is a dream come true. I still get to teach which I love, but now I can slow down a bit and “smell the roses” and enjoy my other life!

            Also, I am one of those people who needs at least 8 hours of sleep so I envy you gals who can live on a little bit less.

            And, Pat, do not feel embarrassed when you sleep til 8 or 9. You are not wasting the day. You are just being productive at the other end of the day!

            So I will say good night to both of you, knowing that Susan is probably already asleep. I will think of you if I wake up during the night–it’s nice to know that you will be up too!
            Hugs back to you both,

  87. Elizabeth says:

    Newfoundland, Canada…fall s definitely on its way. I do hope Hurricane Leslie left enough leaves on the trees for a beautiful show. We will be in New England and Ontario in a few weeks…love this time of the year!

  88. Jacquie says:

    Good Morning from Maine! I’ve had the “Summer” book on my kitchen counter for the last three months. The “Autumn” book would be a welcomed companion in my kitchen; after all, it is my favorite time of year! The English Diary looks impressive – I’m curious, do you do your own editing (for grammar,punctuation, mechanics etc.)?

  89. Vida Howard says:

    Well I knew that you must be busy. We hadn’t heard from you in awhile. Home renovation is not my cup of tea…ugh! You are a brave brave soul.

    How wonderful, though, to have your book project to fall into. Create Away! We will love it!

  90. Sharon says:

    The book looks so wonderful, can’t wait until it is finished! I am from Nova Scotia and would love to take a mini vacation to New England to see the leaves. We have beautiful falls here too, but I would love to visit your part of the world.

  91. rj chiodini says:

    greetings from michigan….the autumn book would be fun to add to my collection!!

  92. Donna Ray says:

    Oh, I’m so late to join in, but how wonderful it is to be here in Happy Land with you, Susan, and the girlfriends! The nip of Autumn is definitely here on the shore of Lake Ontario in Hamlin, NY. As the sun rose in ribbons of pink, purple and amber this morning I counted 32 geese in a V coming in from the lake to continue their journey south.
    The air is brisk here but I can feel the heat all the way from MV from you being so “fired up” about the book, Susan……love, love your intensity, ideas cooking in your brain, creativity oozing out from the tip of your brush. I must admit to being jealous of that state of being. Getting a peek at pages of the book was such a thrill. You get me all charged up, Susan!……maybe some sort of osmosis works via the internet!
    Having knitting friends for lunch today….just made fresh corn and tomato salad which is soaking up all that lemony, garlicy goodness now. Also picked basil leaves in my pjs to go in the lemonaide….did I learn that from you? When someone asks me how I knew to do something yummy or creative I just say, Susan Branch!
    Love the rainbow picture……see, even the heavens have gotten all charged up by your creative watercolors and showed itself off extra dazzling!
    Ironic that Joe is painting also, but won’t get to go on tour signing chunks of chair rail, or have his work in the library. He’s famous, nonetheless! ….. such a good man!
    As always, DonnaRay PS Thanks for the chance to win Autumn. My copy is dogeared, well loved and sitting in the living room with a little print of The Gleaners, one of my favorite harvest pictures, as it’s companion. I’m the daughter of farmers so Autumn is always rich with memories, smells and feelings. So blessed to have had that wonderful childhood. So that’s my “angel” word for today…….blessed! Btw, you’ve inspired me to make a set of angel cards for my soon-to-be 8 yr. old granddaughter who is in love with words, especially big ones!

  93. Lisa says:

    Hello to you! What a lovely post! Sharing all your personal stuff, eye candy for us to get a look into your creativity, thank you, love, love, love it! Always enjoy seeing the kitties, and the shots of rainbow and lovely sky just beautiful. Can’t wait to see your lovely freshly painted, clean kitchen! What a man you’ve got girl!! Your Autumn book is my favorite, I check it out of my library every fall, would love to have it, wishing, and hoping Vanna will find me among so many 😉 I truly look forward to your posts enjoy them all and of course Willard too. You have a wonderful day, I read you from a little rural spot in York County, Pa. Farm fields all around me, two cats, one rooster, Solomon, and his harem numbering 14 😉

  94. suzk says:

    I’m writing from my desk in Boston right now – left Manchester NH at 5:00 this morning. I love your desk – so many really wonderful things on it! Writing this new book must be like reliving your holiday all over again.

  95. Stevi says:

    Happy fall from Block Island RI. We are almost neighbors! Last night it was so clear I could see the faint glimmer of lights on Martha’s Vineyard from our second story window…I was pretty sure that cozy warm glow was from your home….I waved, did you see me? LOL.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh, how sweet! Waving now! I never thought about our lights shining out to the Mainland before, but of course, they must! If you get up at 4 am, you might see only one light, and that would be me! Happy Fall Stevi!

  96. sali says:

    I am having a lot of fun following your cheerful, creative blog. The pictures of the cats make me smile! Please put me in the drawing for the Autumn Book, I would love to share it with my girlfriends here in Overland park, Kansas!
    Thanks for a really bright spot!

  97. Tawni urrutia says:

    Good Morning Susan! What incredible progress on the dreamy England journal! It’s so cool that we got to be a part of the trip, and now we are watching the book come together and soon we will all be mouths open, eyes wide, page turning together with a tangable life time treasure! So exciting!!! I got your first three books when in I was a newly wed, in 1988. They’ve been anchors in our family meals and celebrations for nearly 25 years.I bought your gorgeous Autumn book last August, I was so excited. It is what led me to the blog, which as really been such a treasure. All of these wonderful, funny, kind women in one place! If not for the Autumn book, I would have missed so much travel, tips(as I’m drinking out of my emma bridewater mug) and fun. Thank you Susan, from the bottom of my heart!
    Tawni…in Lodi, Ca(It’s grape harvest time for us here…that means Fall for sure!)

  98. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Please Vana, don’t count me twice, but I just have to say I too think “our” diary is looking pretty darn cute! Book-peeping is really a treat for us, to see all the creativity happenings! Umm, I know all of us had to be a bit of a pain, crowding the car, on “our” last trip, but do you think you & Joe would mind us joining you for leaf-peeping? I’ve never been, I like leaves, & it’s such fun travelling with you! Certainly understandable if the van isn’t big enough, & you need a break from your brood! Actually, a few pics when you return would be a wonderful treat too! xoxoxo

    • Pat Mofjeld says:

      Susan has explained before that Vanna only counts everyone once, even if you write more than one comment…so you don’t have to feel guilty… 🙂

  99. Debbie P Weedsport, NY (near Syracuse) says:

    I’m so very sorry! ….sending you a hug and a prayer for peace in your heart.

  100. Sharon Scott says:

    Oh to experience fall in Marthas Vineyard. But wait, I do get to experience it through you! and your wonderful way of sharing. Thank you Susan. You live a very blessed life, and I love getting to experience a little bliss with every post.
    Here in the High Desert Mountains in the Kern River Valley the weather is still summer. 98-102 degrees. Dry windy and hot. But in the late evenings I do feel a small difference of a possibility of Autumn. I cant wait to see your new book. I feel as though I have already got to experience it with “our” trip to England with you!

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