Did I not promise you some Charm? In the form of Bracelet? Yes, I think I did! So here you go! With MUSICA! You didn’t think I would go away and leave you with no charm did you???? No way.
Charm bracelets have gone in and out of fashion about seven times in my lifetime. I’ve never thought of them that way, because I just always needed to have one.
I think they’ll always be around because women? We love to collect little memories when we travel through life and make a scrapbook for our wrists!
This is the one sparked my imagination, and made me start collecting. My dad gave it to my mom, the little gate opens, it was on her charm bracelet when I was growing up . . . I don’t know where the rest of her bracelet went (eight children are hard on the personal belongings of moms!), but I don’t think I EVER let this out of my sight from the first day I laid eyes on it.
It has a cowboy and a cowgirl on it, my parents were married in Texas. As I was growing up, I started noticing all the little bits of things I had around, like dice, and heart necklaces, that I thought could be turned into charms.
I have several things on my bracelet that were never meant to be charms . . . the little boat started out as a pair of cuff links and was the very first gift I ever received . . .
. . . from Joe. I turned the cufflinks into earrings, then I lost one, and now, here we are, where it was always meant to be . . . the perfect place for this memory!
There’s my darling mommy, in the big locket — I love sitting next to someone wearing a charm bracelet because I get to hear all her stories! I always wanted an Eiffel Tower, waited forever for it, because I refused to get it anywhere but Paris!!!
This cross with the heart we bought at Santuario de Chimayo in New Mexico . . . at the time we were driving to Durango to spend the millinium New Year’s Eve in a cabin in the snow in the big mountains with my whole family. Needed the charm of celebration, hope, prayer, and remembrance.
I had it engraved later on . . . it also has JH and SB engraved on it, if you look close. I use gold and silver together, that way I’m not limited … if I see a charm I like in either metal, I can get it! See the little hammer? That’s so you can “break glass in case of emergency” and get that dollar out of there! Above it is the gold baby bracelet given to me by my Great Aunt Jose when I was born.
Charm bracelets are wonderful at tea parties, baby showers, girls lunch, quilting bee, anywhere the girls gather.
1. Large locket, was Joe’s, now mine. 2. Eiffel Tower, from Paris. 3. Nantucket basket, from my girlfriend Elaine, in Nantucket. 4. Pismo Beach palm tree, from Pismo Beach. 5. Lobster trap, from Joe. 6. Dice, for luck. 7. Two initials, a “J” and an “S” — I found somewhere. 8. My Queen Elizabeth cufflink from Joe. 9. Pair of champagne glasses, from Joe; he surprised me on one of our train trips. 10. Joe ran the Black Dog Restaurant here on the island for 23 years, this is the Dog he put on the T-shirt! 11. The Arc de Triomphe, Paris. 12. A little vintage bell that says “wedding bell” on it — found in antique store (you always have to ask, do you have any charms? They bring out a tray sometimes!) 13. A diamond heart my generous ex-husband gave me when I said I loved the one that Elizabeth Montgomery wore on Bewitched. 14. A dollar in a box … has the little hammer to break glass in case of emergency. I bet that’s a silver certificate in there, it’s old enough…found it in antique store. 15. The cross from the church in New Mexico. 16. My baby bracelet. 17. “SLO,” made for me by my girlfriend Bev, in San Luis Obispo, a place I love. 18. A BABY ring, found in antique store, says Baby on it. 19. “Fence me In” charm from my dad to my mom. 20. Tennis racquet with pearl, from my mom, who loves tennis (and me). 21. The big gold heart was from an old boy friend; he put it in a sandwich for me to find. He was a creature, but the heart was good! 22. An artist’s palette, from Joe. 23. A pendant in the shape of Martha’s Vineyard. 24. The WORLD, from an antique store. And 26, is the rose gold watch fob Joe gave me to put everything on — very easy, with that bar and ring, to get it on and off! That’s it! Whew!
Naaah . . . let’s just go with it . . .
Bye girlfriends, Joe and I are hitting the road. Leaf Peeping! We have the van, we have the cucumber sandwiches, and we have NO PLAN (must say tra-la!). Just going! Hill and Dale: Connecticut, New
Hampshire, Vermont, The Berkshires, White Mountains; a covered bridge, an apple farm, leafy woods, an antique store . . . somewhere around there! Kitties are well cared for; Kitty-Lover friends are staying here at the house with them, sleeping with them; throwing the ball for Jack, hugging Girl! If you get bored while we’re gone, go up to the top of the blog, there are lots of fall recipes up there; there are lots of other things too, like a really good list of Old Movies to watch, for you who are new, especially . . . it’s getting chilly in many parts of the country, so go play, as will I, and see you soon! We’ll have lots to catch up with when I get home. Be good, I’ll bring you a surprise! XOXO
~Good Morning~
I LOVE charm bracelets!~ I have been adding to mine for years!~ I even started one for each of my grand~daughters!~ I love to find them or charms at estate sales but not much luck~ ~Guess no one wants to part with theirs either!~
Happy Day!
I’m glad to see it …. they’re like recipe boxes!
Just want to pop in a quick note to say HAVE FUN on your Fall wandering. I love that you’re just getting on the ferry, then getting off – and going! Bonus – this time you get to drive on the correct side of the road – with lanes in both directions!!
HOPE you’ll discover something wonderful [actually I know you will – you’re Susan Branch!]. HOPE you get roll-down-the-windows weather because here in Apple Country East [Washington State is Apple Country West – isn’t it, Dorothy Ann?] we can actually smell “APPLE!” in the air as we pass the orchards! HOPE you get lots of wonderful photos! Can’t wait to see and ready about it when you get back.
PS – let Jack handle the blog for now… you need time to pack & you know what a loquacious fellow he is. He’ll be in his element! Maybe he can get Iris to come over and help too. :>)
* Hi Janet in Rochester *
Well, you’re so right, Janet. Washington is “Apple Country here in the Pacific Northwest – Home of the best Varieties of Apples in the West.
The tasty varieties include, the crunchy Red Delicious, the oh-so-sweet Golden Delicious, and the tart-just-perfect-for-pies Pink Granny Smith.
We have a fantastic Apple Visitor’s Center in the heart of our apple country, Wenatchee.
Now, where you are, in Rochester…Janet, your tasty apples from “Apple Country East” orchards are positively the best too…East Coast favorites…fresh and so delicious!
It’s wonderful to “chat” with you via Susan’s Posts.
Keep in touch….not sure if I mentioned it, but I was born and grew up in New York.
Have a happy day!
* Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *
Hey back, Dorothy-Ann! You are SO lucky to have my favorite apple – Granny Smith – out there in Washington where you can get ’em freshest [not to mention cheapest, I’m sure]. I think Grannies have everything. They’re great for “just eating,” they’re the very best for baking with their wonderful tartness, they make terrific applesauce. You name it, Grannies do it!
And our region’s Apple Fest is this weekend – can’t wait! Apples, pumpkins and leaves everywhere! And now I have a mission – to see if I can find an apple charm for my own charm bracelet! I have all the “typical” ones everyone else has been mentioning. I have some European city charms from places I visited – and I had the leftover foreign coins from my trips added to my bracelet as mementoes. Probably the only unique-ish one I have – though – is a little six-pack of beer, complete with 6 teeny glass bottles in the “pack” [and brown liquid “beer’ inside them]. A Christmas present from [drumroll…] my mom [!!!] I was told she bought it because her family is German and out of all her kids, I was the only one who really enjoyed beer – and that made her happy. Wasn’t she cute? Take care and enjoy your weekend! :>)
What a “charming” surprise! I loved seeing your bracelet. Have a great time leaf peeping… we’re just starting to get a smidgen of fall color here on the eastern shore of Maryland. Safe journey!
I LOVE THIS POST! It was so much fun seeing your charm bracelet, especially the little drawing you did for us. I started a charm bracelet for my daughter when she went off to college (she’s 36 years old now) but it’s a GOLD charm bracelet (I know, what WAS I thinking??) but you have just given me (and her) “permission” to mix gold and silver!! Hey, WHY NOT?! And now I want to start my OWN charm bracelet!! Thanks Susan. x P.S. Enjoy the leaves!
I love that you started a bracelet for your daughter! 🙂 I know what you mean about getting permission to mix metals! lol. I started mixing mine years ago because I was being given both and love both….but so many of us grew up with the understanding being passed down somehow that we are not to mix the metals!!! lol
Just loved the history and stories about your lovely charm bracelet, they do carry so many memories. I have one tucked away somewhere, I’m now inspired to go looking for it and start wearing it again. Hope you have a wonderful road trip…try to stop at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, NH. The most beautiful place I every stayed. Happy leaf peeping!!! ~ East Longmeadow, Ma.
Oh and Jack? The most handsome charm of all! ~ East Longmeadow, Ma.
Hey, that’s what your bracelet needs next, Sue. A kitty charm – or two! :>)
I started my charm bracelet in 2001 when I was 24. It is high time to find some updated charms for it, especially after getting married last year. ♥ It’s sweet to see someone else who loves them. 🙂
Jack is so dear. I show my husband every time you post a new photo of him, as he and our “Stuffed” look like they could be from the same litter. 🙂
Enjoy your leaf-peeping. 🙂
Now I want to go in my jewelry box and see what old charms I have and also those from my mom’s jewelry box. So much fun and lots of memories!
Have a good trip!
Hello, love charm braclets to, but mine does not have that many charms yet. Yours is really special, thanks for sharing, Blessings Francine.
Have fun on your trip.
You’ve made me want to dig my charm bracelet of my jewelry box. I know there is a particular bracelet popular these days, with specific charms created just for it, but I like the older idea of a bracelet with bits and pieces from everywhere.
Wonderful post! I too love charm bracelets! I have one in silver and one in gold. The silver one I started when I was really young, the gold one I started when I got older. It’s such a wonderful way to commemorate all the special occasions during a lifetime. Now you know I’ve got to go and get them out of my jewelry box and touch each and every charm and enjoy the trip down memory lane! Thank you! You and Joe have a safe and wonderful trip! Make lots of beautiful memories, perhaps a find a leaf charm to add to your charm bracelet. ♥
I love charm bracelets too, I received one with all different heart charms from my husband last valentines day. I think I should start charm bracelets for my girls. I think I need to find a black and white kitty charm like Jack for Emily.
Enjoy your trip, it is the most wonderful time of the year for exploring. I am
so jealous! Love New England!
Have a wonderful fall break Susan & Joe! You both have been working hard and deserve it!
Thank you for sharing your “charming” history with us! Love charm bracelets! Have a number of collections too! I love the idea of you putting both silver and gold together. Am seeing a lot of silver, copper and gold mixed this year! So eclectic and interesting!
Happy trails!
Good morning, Susan!!! What an enchanting post! I LoVe charm bracelet and the stories they tell. Thanks so much for sharing your with us. I’m going to get mine out and be certain it’s up-to-date. (wink, wink). I know you’ll takes lots of wonderful photos so we can have a vicarious trip with you. Safe travels. Savor every moment and happy peeping trails to you and Joe. Hugs ‘o Autumn to you. XooX, Jeanette
Happy Leaf Peeping Trip!!!! btw – hope you take a few pics to show us all later, when you’re back home. Just ENJOY! ! ! !
Hi Susan! What a beautiful charm bracelet. I have two charm bracelets tucked away. I guess I should get them out and start wearing them again! I also have my grandmother’s charm bracelet that has little silhouettes of heads of girls and boys, engraved with the names of all her grandchildren on them. That’s a treasure.
Wanted to let you know that I made your Iowa Corn Bread to take to a ladies lunch a couple days ago and it was a big hit! I’m enjoying reading your Autumn book, as I do every fall.
Your kitchen turned out just perfect! You and Joe worked so hard and have definitely earned a fun leaf-peeping trip! The leaves are turning here in Michigan, too. Have a safe trip!
My grandmother had a bracelet like that too, and I remember it making a lovey jingly sound when she moved her hands in church (she was fidgety, and I’m the same! :-)). When she passed away, one of my aunts took all the charms off and gave us each the one with our name on it. Now I’m definitely going to have to dig mine out and do something with it!
Hi Libby, I’ve been wondering if I should do what your aunt did and take it apart and send the charms to the other grandchildren. Maybe I will.
Susan, I Love, Love, Love charm bracelets too! I inherited a gold watch fob from my grandfather and it is sitting in a drawer with nothing to do; now I have the perfect use for it! I enjoy seeing all your charms and am inspired to do the same with my treasures. As a fellow “Bewitched” fan, I especially love the heart charm, and the “fence me in” charm is priceless! Thanks for another inspiring post!
Hi Susan, I love my charm bracelet too. I’ve had it since I was a girl. I started both of my daughters on their own charm bracelets too! Love them! I am glad you are going leaf peeping now. I wonder if you will go to my favorite place in the Berkshires…Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, MA? Can’t wait to see all the pix from your trip!!!
I love, love, love charm bracelets!!!! I have several. One is only for charms I find on vacations, one is for milestones (my boys, anniversaries, graduation), the other is for random charms I find. I really like how you turn various things into charms. I’m going to start looking at small things in a new way: could this be a charm? Have you ever seen a book called Charmed Bracelets by Tracey Zabar. Full of photos of the most wonderful charm bracelets. Have a wonderful trip!
…tra laaaaa…..! Have a wonderful trip! I’ll be quick about this, you’re packing! I ♥ your bracelet & the stories, a great trip around your wrist & thank you thank you! So sweet of you to share your kitties’ love with friends…..tra laaaaaa!!!!!
Love this post! I have to dig my bracelet out of the old jewelry box. My fav of your charms is the artist palette. I, too, have an Eiffel Tower from Paris. So jealous of your little trip. Just the type my husband and I enjoy. Have fun!
Have a wonderful escape! Inspiration calls!
Here is my favorite travel mantra…”Go Light, Go Cheap, Go Now!”
p.s. Loved your charm bracelet…such a treasure trove of memories.
I love this mantra – may I adopt it?
now, i know you have no time for
this now…getting all set to go
“leafing” as you are…but when you
have a sec, wander through this
post ❤❤ talesfromanoccottage.blogspot.com/2012/03/one-about-valentines-dayin-march.html ❤❤ to see a picture
of my friend’s charm bracelet & necklace…
ALL ANTIQUE SILVER HEARTS! she inherited them…
they don’t tell quite the story
that your charms do…but they are very
cool indeed! ;}
have a great trip!!!
m ^..^
I love your charm bracelet! I too have one and it includes an artist’s palette like yours. My mother had a beautiful charm bracelet. When she passed away my father let the 3 daughters and 3 granddaughters each choose 2 charms that we either added to our bracelets or hung on necklaces. My daughters now have their silhouettes that we had given my mother at their births.
Oh how I needed this! I lost my charm bracelet of 40 years in the May 2011 tornado, it broke my heart. My husband gave me a Pandora Bracelet for christmas to get me started again and I just haven’t been able to. My plan for today is to go ‘junking’ as I call it, the main purpose is for bits and pieces for creating for upcoming shows. However, after your wonderful sharing this morning, I am going to look for things to add to my new bracelet as well. Thank you, thank you and enjoy your road trip!
Hi Ester – how sad that you lost your bracelet. You cannot replace that one, but you can make a fabulous new one. I have found that some antique stores have charms hidden away because they don’t seem to be as popular as they once were. But if you ask you may find a gem. Happy looking!
How fun! I just recently starting wearing my charm braclet again, after all these years. Wish I would have thought to mix the gold and silver! Mine is all silver and started when I was a brides-maid in my sister’s wedding. The brides-maid gifts were a wedding bell on a bracelet. 50 years later it is jammed packed full! Also I never thought to check in antique stores for charms. You sure don’t see them anymore in gift shops like you used to. Charm bracelets are a trip down memory lane. Enjoy your trip through autumn’s beauty. Chris
Love the bracelet. I need to get mine fixed!
Hope you have a lovely time on your leaf peeping trip!
Oh I LOVE charm bracelets.. I will have to go digging for mine! No telling where I put it, for safekeeeping!!LOL…. haven’t seen it since the move almost 3 years ago now!! WOW!… Have a wonderful time leaf-peeping and adventuring! I LOVE not having a plan!!! Opens up all kinds of good things! Thanks for the post before you go and safe journey!!
Wonderful wanderlust days to you. Best part Susan, is that you can share it with your husband. My husband and kids love to explore—-sometimes with plans but often “off the grid”. OH THE SIGHTS YOU WILL SEE —Have fun!
You have jogged my memory I have put mine away…need to put it on my jewelry tray so I wear it. Doing gold and silver together is a brilliant idea! My favorite memory of it is using it to entertain my preschoolers during church or other formal occasions. They loved fingering it and opening the little diamond ring box to see the ring with the rhinestone. I too added some single earrings that had special meaning! Have a great roadtrip and bring back pictures!
I am a devoted scrapbooker, which now explains by obsession with charm bracelets! ( Or vice versa) Thanks for the insight. I never would have put the two together. I love the idea of wearing a “scrapbook on my wrist.
So far in my life I have file three bracelets. . . . to the max! One from my childhood and college years. One from my married and professional lives. And one Victorian-themed bracelet consisting of only hearts! I am now starting my “Grandmother Mia” bracelet which is all about the grandchildren. I wear them often and “visit” them often in their jewelry cases. Someday ( when I can no longer fiddle with the clasps), they will be permanently displayed in shadow boxes.
I loved this post!
I loved this post…I love charm bracelets…didn’t have one until I was 16 and couldn’t afford the charms for one anyway…I’m starting one for my granddaughter, actually did that several years ago, she’s outgrown the first one so for Christmas she must have another one and we’ll transfer the charms. I like the idea of adding things that aren’t charms…
Have fun on your trip, sounds like my kind of journey.
Mama Bear
Hi Susan–I must tell you this morning’s blog entry is one of the most endearing and dare I say “charming” postings you’ve written. What a delight to see even more of your creativity, this time in a very original bracelet. Love to you for sharing–Pam
Oh! I want to go!! Have a great time!!
I have not added to my charm bracelet for many years.:-( Perhaps this will be motivation for me to begin to think about it.
Sending wishes for happy days!
xo Nellie
I do like your charm bracelet , I had one years ago and lost it . Oh sounds like a wonderful leave looking trip bet you get some wonderful photos . Have a good trip . Will be looking forward to leaf photos hehe !
I do love charm bracelets! They are like a scrapbook for your wrist! Have fun!!! Sounds like a wonderful time!!!!!! Take lots of pictures for us!
Thanks for sharing your charms…they are wonderful ! You are right, they will always be in style because they show the things we LOVE. I can’t wear mine to school because it clinks so on the desk, but I have a new “modern” one where the charms don’t dangle…so I have a whole new world of charms to collect. And, I so agree…ya gotta get the Eiffel Tower in PARIS ! Have fun leaf peeping and wandering…it sounds so wonderful. Enjoy the Autumn magic !
Oh what memories when I started reading your blog today…Ive 2 charm braclets…one like yours (well …my life memories ) and one with several flower charms that I love !! Will have a ”touch them today” for some ”awe” moments.
Be safe on your leaf peepings…it will be so much fun for you and Joe. May the travelin’ Gods Shine Upon You Both …going and coming home !!
We, too, are planning to enjoy some Autumn color this weekend – “up north” as we in Michigan call it. It’s suppose to get down to 30 degrees at night so that means a fire in the fireplace! Enjoy your weekend and all the beautiful Fall color!
P.S. You’ve inspired me to get out my old charm bracelet I had growing up. Enjoyed seeing yours.
Love the charm bracelet AND the story. (It was like a two-for-one special.) Hope you and Joe have fun!
Susan – I love your charm bracelets, I wish I had thought to make charms out of other pieces of jewelry.
I did a post awhile ago about my bracelets… I don’t have as many as you do but I’m working on it.
Will be adding more MV this month
I have a charm bracelet that I wear almost everyday and I love it. It has charms that represent all of my favorite things on it: sunflowers, teapots, cups, crosses, tiny lockets, hearts, buttons. It was started for me by my late husband. He gave me the bracelet right after we were married, and the first charm he had made for it was an old fashioned luggage tag (large oval with my monogram). He kept buying me charms from a local jeweler because he knew I would love it. Today marks the four year anniversary of his death, but instead of mourning, I am going to celebrate his life today, and remember what a great man I was married too.
Enjoy your leaf-peeping and wishing you and Joe a safe journey. -Donna
Puddled up when I read this… and Donna, just have to tell you, what a wonderful outlook you have. Reminded me of friends I have who recently and unexpectedly lost their 18-year old son – who was one Wonderful Kid by the way. Instead of wondering “why us?” all we kept hearing at the wake and afterward was “Oh, weren’t we lucky to have had him as long as we did?” I was blown away by them then – and by you now. Your husband would be [is] so proud of you… Sending a warm virtual squeeze your way… God bless. :>)
Thank You for the hug. God’s blessings back to you Janet.
* Hi Donna in beautiful Jefferson, Arkansas *
I’m on Susan’s new “Charms” Post, which I found to be so “charming”.
I’ve been reading many of our girlfriends’ comments and I came upon yours (and Janet in Rochester too).
I felt I just had to reply to you, so I hope you’ll be checking back and forth on Susan’s pages and there you will find my little “hi” to you.
Your story of how your charm bracelet plays such an important part in your life was bittersweet and touching. What wonderful memories you have of your sweet husband. I think the special charm bracelet that he gave you, is truly a “love bracelet” of the storybook-romance you both shared.
I agree with Janet, you do have a positive outlook, and as you wrote, you are going to celebrate his life, your love for him and your love for each other. You are so brave and I just wanted to tell you that.
Hugs from my little corner of the world.
* Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *
Have a most wonderful time, Paul and I will be doing the same. If you find Route 7 on your journey say hello for me. I grew up in Connecticut right on Route 7 and every Autumn my grandma and I would pick the most beautiful weekend and go straight up Route 7 until we hit Rutland Vermont. We would stay the night and journey back finding treasures along the way. Pumpkins, cider, cheese, baskets, Carmel apples, we would Oooo and ahhhhh all the way looking at those lovely leaves. The stories she would tell me of her growing up were the best, she was born in 1895. Her name was Louise,that is who I was named after, I’m so proud, she was a school teacher for over 50 years, I learned so much ! Memories are so wonderful you hold them in your heart forever. Thank-you my most wonderful blog friend, I will hold you in my heart forever too. OOXX
Charm # 10
We ate at the Black Dog on MV trip years and years ago–I’m thinking at least 10. I still have a red sweatshirt from there. How cool that your Joe ran the place! As I recall the dog’s name was actually “Black Dog”..was she Joe’s?
Happy meandering these next few days!
How charming! (sorry, couldn’t resist) My elementary school girlfriend and I collected and traded those little plastic charms you got in the gum ball machines. Then I was given a real charm bracelet that I added a few charms to during my middle school years. It has lain in my jewelry box for 50 years now…..You’ve revived my interest in it. Now that I see I can make anything a “charm” as long as I can attach it to my bracelet, I’ve something new to collect! I love yours and all the memories attached to it. I wonder, do young girls have charm bracelets today?
I started a tiny Pandora charm bracelet for my granddaughter…she wanted one just like her Grammy’s:)) And she loves it. I still prefer the “old school” charm bracelets…and just discovered James Avery, specializing in sterling silver charms and bracelets…very nice…
I still have the charm bracelet I received in 5th grade…in the early 70’s…with the Tramp doggie charm from the Lady and the Tramp movie:)
As Sue says…I think they’ll always be in style…
Fun to read all about your charm bracelet! Thanks for sharing. Ah-h-h…..Vermont in the fall….wish I was going! Enjoy!
I’ll bring back lots of photos!
I don’t have a charm bracelet but I want to start one! Am I too old (52)? This post made me think though, that charm bracelets for my girls–two grown daughters, one precious daughter-in-law, and one adorable granddaughter–might be just perfect for Christmas this year!
NO you are NOT to old. You are a baby! 🙂 Never too old. Great Christmas presents!
Don’t wait start now! I know my husband loves an easy gift idea to fall back on if he can’t come up with something. In a pinch he has bought flower or heart charms. They are always appreciated.
Hi OML, I used to think of them as more for children too, but if you saw the price on the Clogau gold charms, you would only want them to be worn by an adult! Think of the fun you are going to have putting together what sounds like a wonderful gift; I would do the same if I had been blessed with children. Such a different heirloom or keepsake, and one that can be added to continuously.
If you’re old then I am old…and I am not old, therefore you are not old. Get that bracelet, Christmas is coming!!!
You’re NOT old because I am the same age as you Old Married Lady!
LOL!! ~Maybe just a little later in the start!~
P.S. I am married 33 years!
I meant in the start of starting a bracelet~
I have given charm bracelets with one “starter” charm as gifts many times. Gift yourself with one!
Love your gold and silver charm bracelet – that’s how mine is. My Mom started it for me in gold when I was 12, but I added silver charms, too. I’d lost a couple of charms through the years but found replacements on Ebay, and a few more. I don’t know anyone else, besides you and me, who wear the “vintage” charm bracelets. Maybe we should start a club. 🙂
Your Blogs really make my day. I have a charm bracelet that my mom gave me for college graduation. My dear husband has been filling it with charms from our travels together as well as symbols of my favorite things. It’s a treat to see other people enjoy these bracelets too.
I also was totally inspired by your autumn blog. Going to start decorating today.
I have my high school charm bracelet – I should start wearing it again. And, better yet, I should start a new one!
I didn’t know Joe ran The Black Dog!!! Wow!
Oh yeah, he’s brilliant!
P.S. Did I miss it? What’s #25? It looks sort of like a drill bit!
It’s the piece that holds the bracelet together, the toggle that fits through the ring… I was in such a hurry thing morning, I may have mixed up my numbers!
Oh, Susan, come up here to the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. The leaves are gorgeous right now. I drove the kids to school this morning (25 miles each way) and was mesmerized by the colors. In fact, the leaves have so inspired me that yesterday I made a huge batch of maple-leaf shaped sugar cookies and frosted them in different fall colors. The kids came home from school to cookie heaven. (They couldn’t believe I was making fancy cookies just for them and not for some fund raiser or church event. I need to remember to do special things more often just because I love them.)
They will never forget! xoxo
LOVE it! My bracelet (wherever it is amongst the yet-to-be-unpacked) is from school days as a teenager; at one time, I sewed it onto an embellished men’s blazer (!?) During our cruise to Alaska a while back, charms were ‘free for the asking’ by presenting coupons to certain merchants in each port-of-call; sweet reminders of a fun adventure. Thanks for the tip about asking at antique stores, and have a wonderful excursion into the great New England countryside!
Sharon in Alabama
This post warmed my heart. Always a lover of charm bracelets, I was saddened when our house was robbed and my jewelry box stolen. My prized possession was my charm bracelet filled with charms collected throughout my life … the whale from Sea World, the big white steamship from Catalina, the Statue of Liberty to name a few. But while I was sitting in my room realizing the jewelry box was taken, I was also on the phone talking to my dear friend who had just lost her 26 year old son to oral cancer (just a spot on the tongue of a non-smoking, non-drinking awesome kid who died 8 months after diagnosis). Needless to say, that made me put the loss of my beloved charm bracelet in perspective. My darling daughters have their charm bracelets that we have filled to commemorate every occasion in their lives and mine live on though theirs. But now after reading your inspiring blog, I think I need to start another for myself! Love the silver/gold thing .. and the vintage items you turned into charms! I’ll be sporting one at our next tea party 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration! Tally Ho … and Safe Journeys!
LoVe this post! Was fascinated with this part of the Girlfriends book as well. I have looked at that book so much it’s falling apart (and it’s signed!). Anyway, thank you for the information on all the charms. I totally agree, charms are such a great way (a charming way, really) to tell your story. Now I’m in the mood to pull mine out and wear it again. I think you need to go back to England to purchase a Big Ben charm, though <3. I love that you are not afraid to mix your metals, really makes it interesting.
Oh, how I loved reading this post♥
You and your sweet Joe have such sweet memories you’ve made for each other.
Thank you for the “charming” stories you share.
I too am thinking my four little grand~girlies need to begin a tradition with me~!
They’ll always remember you! As magic!
I hear everything you are saying about charm bracelets! I got my first and only one when I was about 12. The joy I have had filling that up, all the memories it contains, I can tell you the story behind every charm. It is a wearable piece of your life’s history. Enjoy your leaf watching, how romantic!
Jennifer x
P.S. Samantha did have a pretty diamond heart on Bewitched!
Susan, this post has really hit a chord with me! First of all, I love jewelry! (Just ask my BFF Pat Mofjeld) My Mom told me she could tell I loved jewelry before I could even say the word… Having said this, I do not have a charm bracelet! I think I need to start one right now! ( And I am older than Old Married Lady!) I love your charms and the stories behind them.
–Susan, I wonder if you have seen the Alex and Ani bracelets? They are bangles, with charms. A company out of RI, all made in the USA, from recycled metals, and some proceeds go to charities, and I have no affiliation with any of it, just like the product! —
So back to the post- I am going to start a charm bracelet like yours!
When I was young, and my family took long car trips, Don’t Fence Me In was one of the songs we sang along the way. “Oh give me land, lots of land under starry skies above. Don’t fence me in. Let me ride thru the wide open country that I love. Don’t fence me in….” Which beings me to your leaf peeping trip. You and Joe have a ball traveling this wide open country that we all love!!! Love the little Jack pics…
How are you feeling, Sandy?
Hi Charlene, I am feeling better with each passing week. I still spend a lot of time resting, because that really seems to help the healing. Thanks for asking! Sandy
Wonderful! I have a question though. How did you turn things that weren’t charms into charms? Did your local jewelery store do that for you? Is it very expensive to do?
Unfortunately all my jewelery, including my charm bracelet given to me when I graduated from 8th grade, were taken in a house robbery several years ago. So this gives me an idea for what my dear husband can give me for our 38th anniversary next month, and for all the following holidays. Will make it easy gift buying for him, and make me a happy camper.
For instance, a pendant that would go on a chain … the jewelry store can use the loop to attach it to your bracelet…my jewelry store also drilled a tiny hole in the dice … and put a loop on the “cuff link” — remember, where there’s a will, there’s a way! 🙂
You just WILL not BELIEVE this…oh, oh, oh!!! My mother had given me her charm bracelet years ago…the one my dad gave her maybe on their 10th anniversary…it’s full of things she had turned into charms from her teen years, plus the gold “baby heads” of me and my siblings…I then added my own charms to it…and just this past sunday (OH I can hardly believe it) she brought me a tiny heart shaped box with 2 charms in it…(You Are JUST going to DIE) …when I was 2 1/2, we sailed to Africa on the SS United States, to become missionaries. Mother began collecting charms, then, for her little sister, MY AUNT SUE!!! She purchased a sterling silver “ship” …later on, in Africa, an Elephant and another animal whose name escapes me, and at some point a little church with a window..look inside and there was the Lords Prayer. When we were returning to the states, 2 years later, we landed in London…saw all the sights, lunch at Harrod’s….which I could just whither up and collapse for being too young to remember…and she purchased a tiny “London Guard” with his tall black hat and red coat. My Aunt Sue, just last week, mailed the five charms back to my mother to divide between my sister and me. Can you guess which ones I chose???? The ship and the guard!!! And I was beside myself trying to decide….do I put them on my new sterling charm bracelet (because they are sterling) or do I do the unthinkable, and combine them with the gold charms of that same era…1964…. Mother and I had this conversation monday morning, and I was leaning more towards the gold charm bracelet. Well, my dear SUE! You have solved my dilemma, and now I am thinking of all the other tiny treasures that needed to be added as well!! I am thankful for a wonderful little jeweler in town that specializes in estate, antique, vintage jewelry…for that is where I am headed today!! YOU are a treasure, our dearest girlfriend!! You were surely reading THIS girlfriend’s mind….oh, thank you thank you thank you!! What a Charmed life we have:)) And, btw, I remember in third grade, trying to style my hair like Elizabeth Montgomery, and asking my mother…”How DOES she get it to stay back in place like that?” Oh, my goodness!
Love love love to you and your dear dear Joe,
I’ll bet she twitched her nose! LOL
So THAT’S how she did it:)))
Such a precious keepsake! I have to tell you that it’s been a month since we lost our beloved 17-year-old kitty, and seeing your darling Jack has helped me heal, and finally convinced me that tomorrow is the day to visit the Humane Society and bring home a new baby to love. Thank you Jack! Thank you SB! Happy travels! After driving those tiny lanes in Olde England, the backroads of New England should be a snap.
Rosanne, be sure to let us know when you find your new kitty! I always like to know when a rescue finds their forever home.
How very kind of you to care.
Rosanne, good luck with your new kitty and it will never replace your 17 yr. old kitty; but, it will soon grow inside your heart and hopefully help fill the void. I have 2 kitties a 7 yr. old MaineCoon (gray), & 8 yr. old Ragdoll (b&w) and they bring such joy and happiness to our lives. I am so happy for you and wish you much happiness.
Thank you so much, Deborah. We will always miss and remember our old kitty, but a kitten will certainly breathe new life into our home.
Hi, Deborah! A Maine Coon mommy – I can ask you! I heard something about them that intrigued me – that they’re the “dog of the cat world.” Very “company” cats – like to follow you around, like to please their humans, not aloofish like some cats can be etc. Do you think that’s true? I’d love a kitty myself but grew up with dogs and would really prefer a pet that liked to “hang around” with me – cuddle etc. I’d welcome your opinion. Thanks! :>)
Hello Janet, all of the things you have heard about Maine Coon kitties is absolutely true!!! Our Smokee is 16# of fluff and one of the most loving, sweetest boy you could imagine. He loves dogs, water, and lays on me always and kisses and hugs (my daughter taught him) when he hugs you he turns his head up which is adorable. There are people who visit us that have never liked cats until they meet Smokee…they all say he is a “man’s cat” mainly because of his size, and he’s very slow moving and very social he loves when company comes. I suggest a Maine Coon if you want a cat who never gets in a hurry and just knows that everyone loves them…one thing Smokee loves shoes?? if you take yours off he lays on them we have no idea the attraction…and also boxes no matter the size he tries to get inside of it and lay down…so precious. I’m sure there are exceptions; but, our boy is very special and wants to hang out with us always. Hope this helps!!!
Hi again Deb and thanks for writing back! That’s exactly what I heard someone else say about Maine coons – that she never particularly liked cats until she met a sweet little Maine coon. I think I am pretty much decided now – just need to get myself organized and then get to a shelter. I’m sure I’ll have lots of questions once I find my kitty… and I sure know where to go with them now – I have read 100s of useful Susan and Girlfriend comments about “petty-pets” [as Sue calls them]. :>) Thanks for your help!
Happy Trails………..and fun adventures on your leaf peeping journey! ♥ ♥ ♥
Charm braclets really do tell some of the stories of our lives….you have inspired me to go and find mine tucked somewhere in my jewelry drawer. Wearing so many memories of happy times around your wrist…..that’s fun!
Looking forward to looking at the beautiful fall leaves, and a glimpse of Vermont……..that has always been one of my dreams…..to travel through the backroads of Vermont during Autumn! Ah…….heavenly. Maybe you and Joe will even find a farm that gathers, cooks down and bottles Maple Syrup. ( Hot pancakes and fresh maple syrup….yum).
Have a wonderful time…..meandering!
Enjoy yourselves on you “leaf peeping” trip!! Wanted to share with you that I have that darling little dog pen also. I’ve always had it. Don’t know how old it is….. if it was just for me or first was my moms and she gave it to me. Um…
Again, have a great time!! We are having our ‘summer’. All this week I’ve woken up to sun and it has gotten up into the upper 60s low 70s. Only God knows just how long this lovely weather will last.
Carol M
I too started out with a gold only one…and it is sparsely populated I am afraid! Time to start filling it up with cheaper charms I believe!
BUT we did buy our baby daughter a silver bracelet for her Christening and have spent a happy 12 years filling it up for her with charms from her travels and birthdays. It still fits her, just, and is a lovely memory of her childhood days.
Happy leaf peeping journies!
What happened to the jogger/walker charm in the drawing? I don’t see it on the bracelet but I’m thinking it represents 9x around your California property equals 3 miles! For years I have charms to my niece as gifts to represent important things in her life. I’ve got to ask her about it when next we meet.
Oh, I think I made her up for the Girlfriend’s book! I should look for one!
“We love to collect little memories when we travel through life and make a scrapbook for our wrists!” ♡♡ I just love that!! Thanks, Susan, for sharing the stories of your charms with all of us! I hadn’t thought about my charm bracelet for so many years. Today (a rainy day) is the day to look for it, and see what memories it holds! Wishing you and Joe a fabulous time leaf peeping! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventure. Maybe you will find another charm (perhaps of a diary) along the way!
Happy travels!
Dawn ♡♡
I see that rascal “Petey” has joined the “leaf peeping” expedition! Yippie!
Have a great time! It sounds like you will quite the adventure. I look forward to seeing pictures soon.
good morning susan, everyone…hello and have fun leaf peeping. always wanted to do that in New England, some year maybe. loved the charm bracelet, what was number# 25???? you put down# 26 but left out# 25. love charm bracelets, never thought to ask at antique stores for charms, now i have to go to all our local antique stores and ask to see their charms. you have a wonderful trip, enjoy all the beauty and magic of Autumn and when you get back i promise to tell you all abou the squirrels’ latest plot of revenge, i somehow think they have been plotting this one for a long time. hehehehe!!!! have fun, and have a wonderful day. hugs…… 🙂
I have to go look when I’m settled somewhere! We’re in the car, driving through Rhode Island, I’m just getting all these fun comments up on the blog so you can read each other!
oh thats okay, you were no doubt in a hurry this morning and maybe mixed up the numbers. have fun on your leaf peeping trip, and i hope you get lots of beautiful photos of Autumn’s glory. we’re kind of slow here… but some color is showing up. and i will tell you all about the squirrel’s revenge when you come back, they must have spent all summer plotting this one. have fun. hugs…….. 🙂
Pat, I have had the same thing going on here all summer with my dog (a Pom) and the chipmunks. I think the chipmunks have figured out that the dog is harmless (and blind, and deaf etc.). Sooo funny, the antics and the goings on. One time the squirrels had a nest built in an old barbecue we had. I was horrified to look out the window one morning to see what looked like the suit (skin) of a squirrel hanging from the entrance to the nest. Called my husband home from work to rescue the squirrel, only to find it was a piece of birch. They have never let me live that one down yet. And it really did look like a squirrel. Can’t wait to hear your next squirrel saga.
Oh, Pat, must you wait?! You can tell us now and then tell Susan again when she’s home.
Hi Sue,
This was a really sweet post…….learning of each of your momentos on your charm bracelet. I enjoyed all your charms, but especially the one your parents had the don’t fence me in which is so very different, and the beautiful cross with the heart. I have a charm bracelet all pink and gold that was given to me by my parents when I was a little girl. Happy&Safe Travels for your Fall Excursion! Enjoy. Hugs&Smiles:):):) Barb…Ludlow, MA:)
So, I get on the phone with mother…to share your post:) and she says…”I’ve just found your Grandma’s charm bracelet.” Okay…I don’t know who else I could share this with, other than all the girlfriends, and our President of the Club…Sue! ‘Cause I am OVER the MOON!!
She’s bringing it to church on Sunday…I’ll give a follow-up report;))
Squealing Christie
How wonderful Christie!
What a lovely treasure for you!!
Just returned from the jeweler…along with the London guard and the ship, I’m having them add the heart locket my mother received from her cousin when she was 7…seventy years ago… I’ve also found other little treasures to add along the way…including the tiny little silver ring I received from my boyfriend in 2nd grade. I hung on to it, as there would not be another boyfriend until 10th grade!! Love how you get our wheels turning:))
Thank you again for this post!
Oh, it must seem like Sunday will never get here!!! That is such an awesome keepsake.. and one that will be gorgeous I am sure!!!
Aren’t charm bracelets interesting – like your own personal history on your wrist. When I see someone wearing one, I always ask them about their charms. I’m 58 and started mine in high school. My favorite charm is a silver baby shoe with my name and birthdate on it which came from my grandmother’s charm bracelet. It’s never too early or late to start one. Try to find a jeweler to solder(?) them on though so you won’t lose them. Susan-thanks for sharing your bracelet and have a fun fall trip!
Darling, darling blog! I adore charm bracelets. My two best friends growing up in the neighborhood had one but I didn’t…guess my parents couldn’t afford one. So, I bought one for myself as an adult! I love it! I am afraid of losing charms, though, so I rarely wear it….silly me! Have a wonderful trip…Fall in Vermont must be gorgeous! xoxo
You know, Karen, if you take your bracelet to a jeweler’s, they can solder the charms on for you—or fasten them on somehow, anyway. That’s what my sisters and I did with ours, years ago—-and then it’s “no worries!” 🙂
Love the post today I too have many charms they are a great conversation starter. Remember I had a story to tell about somethings I found at a wonderful store in Richmond Virginia, well here it is. My daughter and sister and I went to see my niece she could not wait to take us to this store. It was a huge warehouse filled with things from NYC, They had everything imaginable stuff used in department stores to decorate for every holiday, seasonal decorations and tons of decorative accents. My daughter who is 25 came running over to me yelling, look what I found, because she knows how much I love anything of yours, she had 4 5X7 prints with matting that makes them 8X 10 you painted. They are Love potion, Star light, Summer Afternoon and one with peaches and pink lemonade. Well I started to hiper ventilate. They were 2.75 each. She tried to find more but that was all they had. I came home went to Michaels and bought 4 blue barn wood frames they are hanging in my bathroom. I can’t tell you how wonderful they are. Talk about things meant to happen. Have a wonderful trip. Enjoy! Shelley (with an e)
Shelley, you lucky duck! Such a deal!! Also – be sure to write down this story – no kidding – and someday, someone in your family will have an excellent feature for ‘Antiques Roadshow.’ You know how the experts & collectors love it when the individuals know the personal histories behind their items – no matter what they happen to be. I think it can even increase the value!
Fun post:) Love that charm your Dad gave your Mom…how neat is that?! Thanks for explaining each one too….that’s the charm of it, hardy har.
Happy trails to you two on your color explosion! Wow, the NY harbor was fogged in this morning and looks like it still is. Hope you are bringing some woolies….sounds like it is cooling (heaven) down at night up there. xxooo’s
p.s. LOVE that artist pallet too, how sweet of Joexxxooo
I’ve got to get my own charm bracelet out as well. It had one shaped like the state of Michigan, where I grew up, and I remember a silver VW bug, which is what my then-boyfriend drove. They certainly are a treasure trove of memories, Susan. What a wonderful post. You and Joe have fun. My hubby Tom and I are heading on our own autumn sojourn down to the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, to Hocking Hills, in Logan, Ohio, where we rent the same romantic and wonderfully cozy cabin each year. Thanks for being you, Susan. Barbzie
Susan your charm bracelet is just beautiful. I love that you have gold and silver charms. My charm bracelet is silver and then as I filled that one up I got another one. Greedy me. Over the years instead of wearing the two bracelets , I had them made into a charm necklace. It is the story of my life on that necklace–I love that! Have a wonderful time rambling through beautiful New England and wave at my daughter as you ride through NH. xoxo ♥
…..”there is something in October sets the Gypsy blood astir … we must rise and follow Her…” and with such ” pathological enthusiasm” they journeyed …with love..
Charm bracelets are so wonderful! I had a silver one that was a Christmas present when I was 12. One of the charms it came with was a baby grand piano with a lid that lifted up and snapped shut. My daughter found it when she was 15 and I’ve never seen it again! I’m hoping she still has it somewhere.
It is the right time to go “leaf peeping”. Have a great time! I’m planning on some antique hunting this weekend too.
I love charm bracelets and still have the one my Grandparents gave me for Christmas when I was 13. It was sterling silver and every time I got a new charm I would take it to the jeweler to have the new charm soldered on the bracelet. I loved filling it up and how it would jingle when I wore it. I love to take it out and recall the story behind each charm. Maybe it’s time to wear it again!
I loved looking at all of the charms on your bracelet. Somewhere I have a necklace with some charms on it, I’ll have to find it. There was a spinning wheel, knitting needles stuck in a ball of yarn, etc. I always wanted to add a schnauzer. Maybe I should turn it into a bracelet… Good idea to mix the silver and gold–I think it makes it look “older”… I hope you and Joe have a wonderful leaf-looking jaunt. Sounds, from Sandy, like the leaves are gorgeous right now in New England. The leaves here in Minnesota are beautiful right now with the yellow ashes and birch, the brilliant maples, and the darker red oak leaves…
Love your treasured charm bracelet. You have some very special memories wrapped up in those charms. I have mine from when I was young…teen years.
Now, on to your leaf peeping! So happy for you to be able to take off and wander. Should be perfect timing. I am so excited to say that my husband and I are flying into Boston (from Texas) and driving to Mystic, CT to meet our three couple friends (from NY) for a week. Looking forward to crisp air, apples, fall decorations…and great fellowship with our dear, longtime friends. When we lived in upstate NY years ago, I always loved how people decorated outside with all the fall scarecrows, pumpkins, corn shocks, etc. Have safe travels! Maybe our paths will cross……………….❣
Speaking of Charms – A Halloween Charm (or Spell) Something wonderful to share with little ones: On Halloween night, catch a leaf as it falls from its branch toward the ground below, and you and your family will have a year of good fortune. Let is drop and the leaf’s magic will be lost forever.
I wear my grandmother’s charm bracelet every day and it draws the attention of even my sophomore and senior students. Who’da thunk? They always draw attention.
Our first grandson was born in Sept. 2010 and my husband gave me a charm bracelet with two charms on it, a small baby boy figure and an “I Luv Nana”. We have since added blue & silver beads, a rocking horse and baby bottle charms and a baby’s 1st Christmas charm. I call it my “Colton”(my grandson’s name) bracelet. So special and I have years and years to add onto it. Enjoy your leaf peeking. I’m headed to the Kennebunkport, ME area this long week-end for the same thing.
And on his wedding day, you could (if you were so disposed) give it to his bride!
That would be a wonderful idea. I hope by then I will be able to part with it.
I still wear my silver charm bracelet – I love it! What a wonderful post this is!!!
Have lots of fun on your trip and find the perfect pumpkins for your front door – it’s that time of year!!!! 🙂 ♥♥♥
p.s. I’m at work, so I will need to study this further at home tonight with a cup of tea 🙂 Every charm does tell a story!
I just inherited my mother’s charm bracelet and have coveted it my whole life. My father gave her every charm. There is a glasses case with a top on a chain and when you open it, a pair of specs are inside and can be removed. There is a sewing machine with a moving wheel. A wagon with wheels that turn. So amazing! So happy to have it for my own now!
Have a great trip! I hope you see lots of fall colors out there!
I can’t wear my charm bracelet, it is too small now as I had it when I was about 9 or 10 years of age. I think it would be a useful thing to craft one out of mis~matched earrings; I think everyone has plenty, or a lot, of those lying around.
You could always put it into an assemblage~ ( like a shadow box but way more artsy).
Thank you for sharing your charm bracelet. I have few little charms somewhere and perhaps I can find those and start a bracelet. Your blog is so inspiring!!! I homeschool my kids and just yesterday our history lesson was going over Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard and I thought of you and the beautiful place in which you live and share with us.
Enjoy your fall outing!!! Look forward to seeing the pictures.
Really enjoyed seeing your charm bracelet. Recently, I saw someone wearing 2 charm bracelets side-by-side. Why not? I wish I had thought of that years ago.
Thank you for all you share on your blog. Loved your trip to England, Carol
Loved the story of your bracelet!! Wonderful time for a trip. I tried to catch some of the morning light on the turning leaves, but the camera wouldn’t do it justice. Drink it all in with your senses! Safe, happy travels!!
Oh, I just posted and I decided to go and quickly look in a box in my bedroom to see if I could locate a charm. Right now we are renting a home in MO (just moved here in August) because we couldn’t sell our home in GA and to be honest, I haven’t wanted to unpack lot of things because we hope to only be in this home a year. Anyway, I opened the little chest and not only did I find a charm but there was my charm bracelet with 5 little charms on it. I had forgotten all about that. I’m going to wear it to church tonight. It will make me think of you!!!
my post keeps disappearing, so I’ll try yet again (yesterday’s also disappeared)
not able to remember exactly what I said, but there we go, I have Acute Colander Brain Syndrome . . my first charm bracelet no longer fits, but is a 9ct gold Thunderbirds (telly show) charms with all three birds, Lady P’s roller etc. Shame I can’t wear it. Never mind. I think charm bracelets are a great idea to fill out with old and mis match earrings, I have a lot of those lying around, maybe enough to make a charm necklace, now there’s a thought?
I still have my charm bracelet my mom helped me start when I was younger. I don’t wear it, because the noise bothers me, 🙂 but I do like to look at it and think about how each charm came to be.
Elizabeth Montgomery’s heart necklace!! My teenage daughter loves to watch all the old reruns of Bewitched, especially the early ones where Samantha had that cute little flip in her hair and wears those sheath dresses. And we LOVE that heart necklace. We always notice it when we watch the show. And you love it too. I KNEW you were good people! 🙂
Have fun leaf peeping!!! Thanks for sharing your charm bracelet with us. It is charming! One of the sisters is getting married this Saturday in Hotlanta, so the other three of us are on our way to sweat it out! ‘Tis a bit humid this weekend.
Hi Susan!
I love your charm bracelet! One of my best friends had one when I was growing up, and I wanted one, but knew my parents could never afford to get me one. I used to collect the small platic charms that came out with the gumball from a gum ball machine and make bracelets out of those!
When I got older other necessities came first, so I never bought a real one. By the time I had a daughter, bright colorful plastuc charms were “in” and she and I enjoyed collecting those, but she didn’t want the traditional silver or gold charm bracelet as it wasn’t in style while she grew up.
Now we both have the poluar silver Pandora bracelets and we buy special charms made for that. We love it!
Have fun on your trip! I went leaf peeping in Litchfield County in CT a couple years ago and LOVED it! Many covered bridges and charming towns and fabulous colorful foliage to see!
LOVE your bracelet! I have 2, one my mom started for me when I was 15 or 16, I never wear it. 🙁 The other one I started about 7-8 years ago and it has charms on it from trips we took. Seeing your post makes me want to get them both out and wear them again!
Say Hi to the Berkshires for me. I was born and raised in the Berkshires and lived there until I was 23. I miss it. 🙁 My mom is there, as are my brothers, but I rarely get up there to visit.
I love charm bracelets! Mine has mostly charms from places I love. When I was a student taking a summer course in France, I bought my Mom a charm of can-can dancers… what was I thinking… their legs kicked… very cute, but not exactly a momento of a studious daughter. I don’t know if she wore that bracelet too often, but when she died a year ago, I found that she had put it out for me to find… sweet memory…
That brings back memories, my mom had one that she took apart and gave charms to us girls. I remember sitting with her as a kid and her telling stories about each one.
Say hi to the White Mountains for me, and if you can head up Butterhill Rd outside of Franconia and say hi to my grandparents house. Only big old place on the road, you can google Butterhill Rd and see how to get there. A stones throw from Sugar Hill and Pollys Pancake Parlor, a must stop if you’ve never been. And Harmons Cheese store… to die for. Wish I was there.
Hi Susan
I love love love Charm Bracelets. Yours is fabulous!!! Do you wrap your charms yourself? I have never seen a charm bracelet with the charms wrapped like that. Seems it would be stronger than just a jumpring.
Have fun on your little holiday. We just purchased a really tiny 19 foot RV for weekends and day trips. Its way too small for big trips. We are headed out this weekend also to see the changing of the beautiful leaves.
have a great time