Hi Girls!  Happy Monday!  Guess what?  A New Willard starts going out tomorrow morning!  If you haven’t signed up, Hurry!  WILLARD will be showing up in your mailboxes all day Tuesday and Wednesday. 

It’s been such a busy weekend (really, week)!  Five girlfriends sleeping in the house Saturday night, and so much fun on either side of Saturday.  I’ll tell you about it soon, my last two guests leave today and believe me, I don’t want them to!  This is last night’s dinner . . . I wanted to give you the recipe.  This is my dad’s favorite dinner, and I would have to say it’s mine too.  You would love it, and it’s so easy!

The last couple of times I’ve made this, I’ve added two or three big handfuls of arugula to the finished dish, and now I wouldn’t have it any other way — the arugula adds lightness to the pasta and a delicious flavor, SO GOOD!  I also add an extra can of clams. I make my crunchy, garlicky, buttery garlic bread like my dad taught me (what he would call the right way and I would have to agree!): melt a stick of butter;

thinly slice two or three cloves of garlic and put them in with the butter.  Cut a long loaf of French bread into 1/2″ slices.  With a pastry brush, slather the butter/garlic on one side of the bread, be sure to leave two or three garlic bits on each slice.  Broil it until toasty brown, put it in a basket wrapped in a cloth to keep warm.  Our salad was cut-up cherry tomatoes, drizzled with a little olive oil, chopped fresh basil, and lots of salt and pepper. It went perfectly with the pasta, was wonderful!  So here is the recipe girlfriends!  It comes from page 100 of Heart of the Home.

See you tomorrow with something new!  Have a wonderful day! xoxo

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209 Responses to NEW WILLARD TOMORROW!

  1. Treese says:

    I agree Susan. What I regret most about having friends visit the ranch is when they have to leave. It seems like my ranch house comes alive and is happy with the laughing and talking then all is quiet again.

    I can’t wait for Willard in the next day or so! Have a good week and the food looks yummy. Someday I really have to learn to cook.
    Treese/Colorado Cowgirl

    • sbranch says:

      One of our girlfriends moms said the most perfect thing I have ever heard about cooking, “If you can read, you can cook!” Isn’t that just brilliant? So basic and true!

      • Deborah says:

        I say the exact thing whenever someone says they can’t cook!

        • Treese says:

          I have a better one. When I was studying at a University I had four years of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. I had the same professor teaching. I studied hard and always did well in the courses. One day before I graduated he said, “You must be a wonderful cook because chemistry is simply measuring and cooking compounds”. I was too embarrassed to tell him I don’t boil water. LOL

      • Martha Ellen of VA says:

        That’s exactly what I told my sister when she got married. I had forgotten I had told her that all those years ago until she mentioned it to her friends. She credits me with her wonderful cooking abilities—imagine that! She is one of the best cooks I know!
        I just finished reading your last two weeks of blogs and I just love them –what’s new? We’ve been gone for the last two weeks on a cruise celebrating our 45 anniversary. I’m married to the sweetest man in the whole wide world! xoxo ♥

        • sbranch says:

          What a wonderful thing to say after 45 years! Congratulations!

        • Diane from Poulsbo, WA says:

          Happy Anniversary Martha Ellen of VA! Congratulations! Your cruise must have been so much fun since it sounds like you have a wonderful , sweet husband! 🙂

          • Martha Ellen of VA says:

            Diane from Poulsbo,WA–Our cruise was wonderful! We went through the Panama Canal and enjoyed it so much–Thank you for the congratulations Diane and Susan!

  2. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~Good Morning~
    I have a delirious kitchen~ I will have to remember that one.
    Six o’ clock in the morning and garlic bread sounds good for breakfast to me now!
    Finished making hubby’s lunch, send him off , a few moments of quiet time before the day really begins.
    ~Have a great Monday~

  3. Pam says:

    Hooray, another Willard arriving soon 🙂 and glad you had such a lovely weekend.
    The garlic bread sounds delicious, will have to give it a go. I love pasta dishes but unfortunately hate cheese.:( Wish I didn’t, there are so many recipes that I miss out on because of that.

    • sbranch says:

      Not even Parmesan? I know, stupid question! 🙂

      • Pam says:

        ‘Fraid not. I didn’t used to eat any but now I don’t mind mozzarella, (not sure if that’s how you spell it?), that doesn’t really taste of anything does it, and there’s a recent one I think it’s Wensleydale which has stem ginger in. It’s very mild so you can’t taste cheese, just ginger.

    • Gail from Manchester, N.H. says:

      I wish I hated cheese, I would (maybe) weigh alot less!!! Maybe, although I would probably substitute with something even more fattening..LOL!

    • Diane from Poulsbo, WA says:

      Pam…I cannot believe that I have “met” another person besides my husband who hates cheese! It has been interesting trying to fix all of our meals for 19 years without ANY at all. I love the stuff, so I sneak a bit in here and there, but he cannot stand the smell or the taste… I am pleased to meet you!! lol 🙂

      • Betty Marie, Pennsylvania says:

        Good Morning Everyone, it is Wednesday Morning…….My son had to be tested for allergies. All the foods he didn’t like, he was allergic to them. He was just little when he was tested so he couldn’t have excuses. When you are allergic the taste & smell of cheese or any other food lets you know this. I never knew this & I am sure most don’t. One day I did the mother thing saying he had to eat his mushroom soup. From the kitchen to the bathroom there was mushsroom soup for me to clean up….Right after that he was tested. Allergies are serious and not to be taken lightly. One can go into shock and if help isn’t near by, oh my the out come could be life threating. Hope this information helps.

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    We had a friend stay the weekend and it was cooler outside and less humid so we had lots of conversation while eating outside. I love your expression about a delirious kitchen!! Your clam pasta recipe does look so delicious and the addition of arugula is perfect. How I love that peppery spicey green. I keep forgetting about clam pasta and your recipe looks very easy to make so I must do this soon for another dinner on the porch this fall.

    I cannot wait for my Willard to arrive!! This will be my second one and I just love, love, love these letters! Thank-you Susan! What a gift you give to us girlfriends!

  5. Chris Wells from West Texas says:

    What a beautiful dinner. So glad you think to take pictures and share with us. I don’t know why I don’t think of it. When Jim finishes making a hugh pot of Green Chili Stew, I always say it should be in Bon Appetit….so why have I never taken a picture of it? Next time. Our kitchen should get “delirious” next weekend. Jim’s youngest turns 50. Now that’s a marker in your life. We are making a big dinner and his daughter, Becca and our granddaughter will be coming. Great food and family! And I WILL TAKE PICTURES, darn it.
    Kitchen spotless right now. Mom and I had the best time cleaning. My breakfast room windows are so clean I was afraid a bird would fly right into them, so I made two little Sweet Annie wreaths and hung in the windows.
    It’s so wonderful to have company and I know you had a great time and still took time out to share with us. Really Susan, I don’t know how you do it all. Tell us your secret! Love to you and your friends and safe travels as they return home. Must go to work now. Chris

    • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

      Dear Chris,
      I am so glad you had fun with your mom this past weekend. I wish she lived close enough to clean MY windows!! And I love sweet annie–they make great wreaths! I can picture them in your windows. I’ve been busy cleaning out my flower gardens–getting them ready for a winter of rest.

      • Chris Wells from West Texas says:

        Hi Linda, I have been having such a hard time with the web site lately don’t know if you will read this, but we will catch up in another blog if not. Any friend of Sweet Annie is a friend of mine. I loved it when I lived in Ohio and guess what? It loves it here also. Well maybe not “loves it”, but it will grow. My rule is, if it comes up (even in the yard) mow around it!!!!!! Last year, due to our extreme drought, no Sweet Annie. I thought, this is the end of it. (I brought it from Ohio on one of my visits back). Then one year later, the rains came at the right time and VIOLA…Sweet Annie!!!
        My mother and I had a great time. My sister and I trying to plan a big 90th for Mom in April 2013. It is not easy. My sister lives in New Mexico, I’m in West Texas and my mom is with my brother 4 hours away in Irving, Texas. But we are laying the ground work now and should be pulling something off by next year. Hope you are enjoying the weather and Fall . Catch up to you soon in a new blog……Chris

  6. Maureen Waring says:

    So wonderful that you had lots of fun with your girlfriends…we also had a weekend guest – our granddog Penny – mini-doxie – so sweet – she is a city dog but loved being in the ‘burbs with us to smell and walk in all the beautiful leaves here in Ohio. No garlic bread for her – just lots of walks!

  7. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Hi Susan, your dinner looks delicious. I will try this recipe for sure. Sad to see friends go but you still have the after-glow, you know, that feeling you get when you look back on the visit and remember how much fun you had and how everything went just right. I went to a church sale and found some wonderful honey-comb creations by Hallmark still in their original packages and in really good condition – a St. Patrick’s Day hat, Miss Kitty Kat with pink feather ears, a sherrif with a tin star and a gun and holster, and the best, a fruit bowl complete with six pieces of fruit. The colours are still bright and they were 25¢ each. Even their original prices were only $1.00, $1.50, and $1.75. Its amazing that they are still in good condition considering how fragile they are. Have a good week. Looking forward to Willa

  8. Julie Marie says:

    Hello Susan, I am a new follower to your blog and just signed up for your “Willard”… I loved seeing the old photos, and the cute little doggie Jack (my hubby’s name is Jack)… I have loved your books and art forever, and recently was able to acquire your “Autumn” book which I have wanted for so long!… your food looks delish and there is nothing better than good food, family and friends… looking forward to your newsletter… wishing you a beautiful Autumn day, xoxo Julie Marie

  9. Darlene(NYC) says:

    Good morning Susan! A special gift it is to share time with your girlfriends!! Thank you for the recipe…it really looks delicious!! I look forward to reading Willard as I’m always left uplifted and inspired. xoxo

  10. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Looks delicious, even at 5:26am!! I’ll be adding notes of your extras to my cookbook! It’s so nice to know there’s a “right way” to make garlic bread, thanks to Jack. I’m so happy for you that you’ve had this time with your girlfriends, safe travels ladies. Happy wonderful Monday right back at ya & to all! Looking forward to Willard’s visit! Thank you for today’s blog, ALWAYS love entering and there you are! xoxo

  11. Janet OC says:

    It sounds like you had a delicious visit with your friends, Sue. I love Linguini and White Clam Sauce. I can’t wait to try it with arugula and your recipe. The Garlic bread would be a perfect addition. I know what we’re having one night this week 🙂
    I can’t wait to read your new issue of Willard. You are a very busy lady. Enjoy your week.
    Janet xoxo

  12. Audrianne says:

    I think taking pictures of a meal shared with friends is a great way to bring others there, only we miss out on the conversation. My nieghbor does this quite often as well. Last Friday we made ravolli with a sage butter sauce with walnuts and fresh greens prior to watching reruns of The West Wing (to keep us in the political focus until November.)

    I used to get Willard and have resigned up twice but still fail to get it sent to me?! I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong.

    Off to mow a lawn! Maybe the last time for the season. Ah, the silence that will insue!

  13. Rae Ann from northern Michigan... says:

    Good morning Susan and Susan’s friends~I know you all have had a wonderfully delectable time together…lots of giggles…maybe some tears~from laughing too hard…or not…time with friends are the best times…making and re-living memories…thanks in advance for Willard…can’t wait…xoxo…

  14. Francine says:

    Lucky girls to sit at your lovely table, eat your delicious meals, stay in your cozy home, and share in your company!!!! Can’t wait for Willard!

  15. nancy jo says:

    hI SUSAN,
    Is Joe alright? Looking forward to more info and the willard.
    Nancy Jo

  16. Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

    Good morning!! Does the “deliriousnous” extend to the entire house??? 😉
    So glad that you’ve had a wonderful visit with your friends! Company is the best – it does light up the house!
    Looking forward to the fall edition of Willard! You have been a busy, busy bee!
    Have a terrific week! 😉

  17. Gert~Iowa says:

    Oh Susan…your post was on my 3 favorite things…girlfriends, Linguini and “Willard”!! You are so organized, I just love all you do…and are an inspiration to me!


  18. YUM! Now I feel bad that I ordered pizza yesterday!! But we did carve pumpkins…and added cinnamon to the lids!! Looking forward to Willard!!!!
    xoxo Debbie

    • sbranch says:

      The cinnamon is the thing!

      • Rhonda D. says:

        Why do you add cinnamon to the pumpkin lid? Maybe it’s a dumb question, but I’ve never heard of doing that. I’ll take a wild guess, and say it’s for the scent, because pumpkins don’t smell all that great. Anything would be an improvement there. Am I somewhere near close?

  19. Susan Simon says:

    Good morning, Susan and everyone!
    I had to comment about you using your dad’s recipes… you are blessed to have them. My dad didn’t cook much; he did grill, and did that brilliantly, but the only other real dish I remember him cooking was oatmeal for breakfast for the four of us kids. Whenever I make oatmeal, I think of him. Love the addition of arugula to that dish… I love the spicy, peppery bite of it, and use it in pasta as well… and that garlic bread has me drooling.

    Your weekend with a house full of friends sounds wonderful… laughter, reminiscing and non-stop conversation, I am sure! We will have a houseful this weekend… my mom, our kids and our grandkids… will be wonderful. I think we’ll have that garlic bread with our steaks on the grill for Saturday evening!

    Enjoy your day, everyone, and have a wonderful time with your friends, Susan. How do Jack and Girl Kitty handle a houseful of guests? Our cat used to hide until everyone left… she wasn’t a people person… but I know Jack must be!

  20. Nellie says:

    Oh, that sounds wonderful! I’d love some right now, and it isn’t even time for a meal.:-)

    Your week-end sounds terrific! It is great to connect with friends, especially those you do not see regularly.

    It was a special week-end here. We went to my alma mater for my college class 50th reunion, and I saw some classmates who had never been back since graduation! We return at least twice during the year, sometimes more often, as it is also the college where our three daughters graduated, and our ties with the school have been strong through the years. We had a marvelous time visiting with one another.

    Today, it is the usual “washday Monday,” so back to the regular routine.:-)

    I send along wishes to you for a great day!

    xo Nellie

  21. Betty Marie, Pennsylvania says:

    Good Morning Susan,
    Now I have a handle on what my kitchen is all about Happy & Delirious YEA!! Hubby says I am creating in the kitchen..Hummm good thought. But my kitchen drives me batty. Always dishes or pot & pans waiting to go into the dishwasher. I can never have that “June Cleaver” look. Now it has been a few months since I have had your “Linguini In White Clam Sauce”. Just last week I was thinking I would want to make this again in the next week or two. I really like arugula in my salads. I think spinach would also go really well. I will try them both ways and see which I like the best.. The tomato salad would go really well and of course the garlic bread is a must. It is just 9:47 here and I think I will be looking for lunch by 11 am, as this has my taste buds activated. Tuna will have to do for now. This week-end I will be in Port Norris, New Jersey, at the fire company, for their oyster dinner. We drive 120 some miles to attend this twice a year, Spring & Fall just for the day.
    Looking in my E-mail tomorrow & Wednesday for Willard….:)

  22. Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

    Oh susan, I can’t wait for another Willard! And the Linguine with Clam’s is right up our alley!!! Now I will have to go out and dig a bucket of clams to have for dinner!!!! Living on an island is so wonderful!…My mouth is salivating! and it is only 7:15 am here on the west coast!!!! Have a simply marvelous day today..It is a gift and today it is wrapped in beautiful fall leaves in the grandest of colors!!!! Breathe deep and enjoy……..♥

    • sbranch says:

      It’s a stunner here today, bright sunny and cold and leafy … perfection! Thanks Susan!

    • Diane from Poulsbo, WA says:

      Hi Susan Erickson…..I live a bit down the road and over the bridge from you in Poulsbo! We are “girlfriends” and neighbors too! Have a wonderful week!!! 🙂

      • susan ericksen says:

        Hi Diane! This is amazing..neighbors and we meet on Martha’s Vineyard at Susan Branch’s home!!! ha ha……Love Poulsbo! The greatest little Norwegian community and being Norwegian, it is like being at home there!!!! I lived there for 6 years, many years ago…My son and his family live in Poulsbo too!…off of Lincoln! But I am an Islander, and have been most all of my life. My family has over a hundred year history there. Don’t you just love everything that Susan Branch does. I adore her art work, most of all….I too am an artist….and love to paint…
        Please keep in touch, neighbor and will see you again on this website!!!! Sue

  23. nanette from Alabama says:

    After moving here, I worked for several years to get my house “just right”………that is, cozy, warm, inviting with all the lamps, dishes, comfy, overstuffed chairs, warm rugs, etc. Most of it coming from thrift stores, consignment shoppes or antique barns. The house seemed right but something major was missing! I lived so far from all my family and friends that I had not had company very often and then friends came and stayed several days…….all of a sudden, all was “right” in my world! My house simply needed FRIENDS to cheer it and complete it! They are the perfect adornment to any setting! Friends turn a HOUSE into a HOME!

  24. Julia says:

    Going to Italy for 2 weeks. Don’t post anything until I get back.
    JUST KIDDING !!!!!! I made the Clam recipe for my supper club
    2 weeks ago. It was delish. Went over really big. Thanks a bunch,

  25. Celtic Heart says:

    I don’t like the day my guests leave, and they don’t like to leave either (a lot of my Girlfriends are too busy to cook and love being spoiled)

    I feel like I am being spoiled too, in my Birthday Week . . Saturday’s mail brought the gift (from an American Girlfriend) of the Susan Branch desk calendar for 2013 (don’t ask me how many times I just re~typed to get 2-0-1-3 !!!) and now a Willard to look out for also! Yay! This morning’s postal delivery brought yet more goodies from other American Girlfriends in the way of a hamper of ingredients that I cannot get in the UK and would not be without!

    Must agree, garlic bread without little pieces of garlic just doesn’t cut the mustard for me either . . and after my morning of baking for the freezer, my kitchen, too, must be delirious!

  26. sondra fox says:

    Mornin’ Susan & Girlfriends!
    The secret to having company that you don’t want to leave is to make easy recipes so that you aren’t so tired that you can’t enjoy your company. The linguine recipe qualifies. My mother always cooked simple foods, & set the table as though the meals were made for a king/queen. The beautiful table gave respect to the simple food. Sandy from “Chihuahua Flats”

  27. Peggy Cooper says:

    I can’t eat seafood, so the clams are out for me. But the rest of the pasta sounds scrumtious and easy, as does the garlic bread. I do trust your dad to know “the right way” to make it :o) And Parmesan Reggiano is the only way to go! Yes it’s expensive, but some things are just worth it.

    Thought I’d give you an update on the kitten I found in the alley a few weeks ago. The vet says she seems very healthy, and I can tell you she is hell on wheels when she wakes up from her naps. I’ve weaned her from the formula, and she now eats both canned and dry food. Our dog is still jealous, but has started to play with her some, and so things are settling down just in time for some cozy evenings by the fire with a kitty in my lap and a doggy at my feet.

  28. Victoria Miller says:

    Wonderful to hear you are having such a great weekend with the girlfriends. Great friends and great food is a combination that can’t be beat! I’ve never tried Linguini with Clam Sauce. When I was young I went on a first date with a guy who had an amazing car, and I asked him what it was and he proudly replied, “It’s a Lamborghini,” and I said, “I thought that was something you had with clam sauce.” First and last date. I thought if a man had a car like that, he should have a sense of humor to go with it. Oh, well. Live and learn. Heard song by Sting that is wonderful, “Until”. In fact, it’s on Utube on a delightful Tribute to Gene Kelly with the song I Didn’t Know What Time It Was, and then suddenly this Until appears — just a delight. I love that you can keep these ingredients in the cupboard and have something lovely to put together as the occasion arises. Thanks so much, and have a lovely brand new day, Everyone!

  29. Teresa G., Lafayette, CA. says:

    I’m looking out my window and watching the rain falling down and hearing the sound of car tires slicing through puddles. My cup is full of that first, perfect cup of morning coffee and there is SB with a new post. I’m beyond content right now. Sounds like a wonderful weekend, Susan. As always, thanks for letting us in your front door to share it all with you.

  30. Donna Ray from Hamlin, NY says:

    Oh, dear Susan, I’m starving now for clams, pasta, garlic and the laughter of friends around the table! Gotta make some phone calls, go grocery shopping and remedy that! Honey just came home with a jinormous butternut squash…we’ll need the ax…..thinking about making butternut lasagna to go alongside. I can’t help it, grew up in Southeast Missouri and must have several dishes on the table.
    The leave taking hugs are sad, but I really like going back in the house, pulling sheets off the beds, moving things back in place, dealing with the leftovers and mulling over the conversations, laughing again, remembering, savoring the joys. I’m bi-polar… my home filled up with people and goings on, but also love it when it’s just us, quiet, daily routines.
    As always, DonnaRay

    • Janet [in Rochester] says:

      “We’ll need the axe…” Hahaha! Cute, Donna – very cute. Also yum- mo! Butternut lasagna! I love butternut anything – ravioli, stuffed shells etc etc etc. Seems like anything traditional Italian dish can Go Butternut! Thanks and have a great day from a Girlfriend just down the road a stretch in Rochester!

      PS – I used to teach in Brockport and had many lil pudders from Hamlin! :>)

  31. Donna Ray from Hamlin, NY says:

    Oh, dear Susan, I’m starving now for clams, pasta, garlic and the laughter of friends around the table! Gotta make some phone calls, go grocery shopping and remedy that! Honey just came home with a jinormous butternut squash…we’ll need the ax…..thinking about making butternut lasagna to go alongside. I can’t help it, grew up in Southeast Missouri and must have several dishes on the table.
    The leave taking hugs are sad, but I really like going back in the house, pulling sheets off the beds, moving things back in place, dealing with the leftovers and mulling over the conversations, laughing again, remembering, savoring the joys. I’m of two minds… my home filled up with people and goings on, but also love it when it’s just us, quiet, daily routines.
    As always, DonnaRay

  32. Donna Ray from Hamlin, NY says:

    I pulled out my Heart of the Home and wrote (in my best script) your suggestions about the arugula, garlic bread and cherry tomato salad.

    • sbranch says:

      I had written in my book, “ARUGULA” with an arrow pointing at the picture of the noodle bowl, and then the word “YUM.”

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        I write in my cookbooks all the time too! Just about everything I try gets a comment – sometimes a suggestion. “Oatmeal cookies – very good – try with dried cherries…” I also have vintage cookbooks in my collection with handwritten comments, some of which I suspect were written over 100 years ago: “Use butter instead of lard…” That kind of thing. Isn’t that the best? Love it.

  33. Theresa says:

    Yumola!! I’m in! This dish sounds Devine! From the pastures of Texas, blessings to you and your guest!….. Looking forward to Willard!

    • Chris Wells from West Texas says:

      Theresa, Where are you in Texas? I’m in Knickerbocker, SW of San Angelo. HI! Chris

  34. Angie(Tink!) says:

    Good Morning Sweet Sue! Your Table is Gorgeous & The Food Truly~Scrumptious! I Can Feel Your Joy & Happiness with Your California~Girlies! My Heart Skips A Beat Knowing That *Willard* will Be Arriving This Week! “You Got Mail”….*Willard*…. Yay! 🙂 Wishing You a Merry Monday My Dear! Hugzzzz & Love to All! Girl~Kitty & Jack an Extra Meow & a Few Kitty~Kisses too! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! 😉 Autumn~Pixie~Dust Everywhere! xoxo Poof! ♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥* P.S. Joe Must Love All The Girl~Power in The House! 😉 Yay!

    • sbranch says:

      There was LOTS of Girl Power around here!!! But Joe loved it! He was the belle of the ball! 🙂

      • Angie(Tink!) says:

        Hello Sweet Sue….Exactly…Joe Being “The Belle of The Ball” He’s a Very Lucky Guy…To Have You & All Your California Girlies….The Laughter The Joy The Stories….The Fun….& You Have The Perfect House to Entertain…On Your Island…& it’s Autumn…& it’s YOU! 🙂 I Meant to Tell You Over The Weekend I Made Your Scones…from Your Autumn Book,,,But Instead of Using a Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter I Used A Pumpkin & Ghost Shaped Cookie Cutters…They Were So Cute & Oh My Goodness They Came Out so Yummy…Herbster Could Not Believe That I Actually Made Them…lol…they were That Good! 🙂 so Thank You for Teaching Me! Yay & Yum! okay it’s Bedtime for Me…Herbster watched The Debate & He’s all Tucked In…I’m Cleaning Up & Thought I’d take a Peek online….Sweet Slumber to All & Good Morning Sweet Sue When You Wake! The Countdown Begins to Halloween…Yikes I am Savoring Each Day & Night Now….& I Await…*Willard* Yay! Love & Hugzzz! xoxo Poof! ;-)♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*

        • Barbara from North Grafton, MA says:

          Angie, I love your way with words. Do you have your own website we girlfriends could enjoy or maybe a blog?

  35. Marie (Long Beach, CA) says:

    Good Morning! There’s nothing like time spent with girlfriends. Your dinner table looks so cozy and inviting, and the food looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipes. Can’t wait for the new Willard and your post tomorrow! You are such an inspiration to me, to remember, to enjoy each moment of my life. Thank you Susan. ♥

  36. Doreen Strain (from Florida) says:

    Good Morning Sunshine!
    I have to agree with Lynn McMahon!!! Garlic bread for breakfast sounds wonderful…garlic bread for any meal (or snack) sounds wonderful to me, I love it! I can just invision the conversation had during dinner and all the giggling and laughing that went along with your entire weekend. It’s so nice to have friends you can do those type of things with. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself and hope your heart isn’t too saddened when your girlfriends leave…but remember…you always have us,your online girlfriends to keep you company! All you have to do is click on your computer and HERE WE ARE! FOSB 4~Ever! ~ Doreen ~ xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      We just took them to the ferry and waved them goodbye, but I know they will come back soon, at least that is what I am telling myself right now!

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      Hi Doreen~
      I decided we are having garlic bread with dinner! I had an English muffin with lingonberry jam instead~ decided we should all have garlic breath together!!!

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        Lingonberry jam…be still my heart.

        • Lynn McMahon says:

          Hi Margot~
          I am guessing you don’t have lingonberries in your neck of the woods~ we Midwesterners are spoiled aren’t we?
          Maybe on your next trip here you can stock up!

        • Doreen Strain (from Florida) says:

          Never tried Lingonberry jam….I’ll have to give it a try! If you ladies like it, I probably will too if it’s that good! Thanks for mentioning it! ~ Doreen ~

  37. Ann says:

    I have looked at that recipe so many times flipping through your cookbook. But seeing it in color photo on your blog makes me want to make it!

  38. Rosinda says:

    Happy Monday, dear Susan! I’ll be looking for Willard in my inbox soon! Thanks for the recipe!! I will have to try it soon and let you know! Have a wonderful week! xoxo

  39. Deb from Dixie says:

    ~ Happy Monday ~
    A home filled with friends, laughter, food and fun……ingredients for a wonderful weekend to be sure… ♥ ♥ ♥
    Do you think that shrimp would work in the pasta recipe, instead of clams?
    It looks yummy…..but we are not clam or mussel or scallop fans……but all love shrimp.

    Looking forward to the Willard…..thanks for sending us girlfriends another bit of SB joy and Fall fun!

    • sbranch says:

      You could probably do it, using the olive oil and butter with the garlic, and then maybe instead of clam juice you could use chicken stock . . .

      • Deb from Dixie says:

        I have just never been able to eat clams since I was a teenager. Some friends of my Mom and Dad’s took us all out on their boat…..jumped into the ocean with a clam rake…..pulled up some clams, and then………to everyones delight, opened them, added a bit of sauce and down the hatch they went………omg! alive! Everyone loved them, I was horrified, but brave enough to try one…….and it was cold and tough to bite into…….and ever since that day, I have not been a clam fan.

        I read what you wrote back to Karen Saunders comment, and she isn’t a clam fan either, Susan you make this dish sound so delicious……maybe I will muster up the stuff and try it…………………………or maybe just try it with shrimp! LOL.
        Thanks again!

        • sbranch says:

          Much different, clams from a can, and clams from the bottom of the sea. The bottom of the sea, the aliveness, and any slime is long gone, it’s a much different thing! When I first came to New England, I had to taste the local fare — clams I could take, but oysters were the tough ones for me. Especially the reeeeeely big ones that the locals call Gaggers, for good reason. Yuk. But now, I’ve tasted the ice cold small ones, that are so sweet and delicious, like silvery ice chips, it’s hard to believe how wonderful they are.

          • Deb from Dixie says:

            Oyster Gaggers…….LOL….too funny!
            Sometimes a named says it all!

          • judi says:

            I’m with Deb…clams not my favorite (oysters, smoked in a can only). How do you thicken the sauce? It sounds delicious and would love to take a try at it, ha, if someone else made it:)…but I would probably substitue shrimp:)) Garlic bread has my mouth watering! Glad you had “happy days” with your buddies.

          • sbranch says:

            Sauce is not thickened, but adheres to pasta with olive oil and butter — then Parmesan.

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            They are all gaggers to me~ I think it’s a texture thing!

          • sbranch says:

            LOL hahaha Lynn!

  40. pat addison cave junction,OR says:

    hello, good morning susan, everyone!!! yummm love the recipe, that just might be tonight’s dinner, haven’t made that in awhile. love good garlic bread, but not for breakfast. cats are up to their usual mayhem and mischief..the usual organized confusion going on. the turkeys and the rest of the birds are out and about, worm hunting since its been raining really good here. well the rain gets me out of raking the leaves today…time for another cup of tea to warm me up and check out the pantry for the ingredients for dinner tonight. you all have a great day today, enjoy this beautiful Fall weather. Happy Fall everyone. hugs…. 🙂

  41. Meg Cooper says:

    Where can I find clam sauce in the grocery store? Is it by the clams? I have this cookbook (I have pretty much all your cookbooks- I have been a fan since I was in high school) but I have never made this because I have never cooked with clams or their sauce. Thanks. Dinner looks delish!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s near the cans of tuna. You are in for a treat!

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        look by the soups as well, i found linguini sauce near the soups by progresso. when one is in a hurry, it helps. hugs…. 🙂

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        look by the soups as well, i found clam linguini sauce near the soups by progresso. when one is in a hurry, it helps. hugs…. 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          I’m a short-cut person from way back, have nothing against canned things, only this particular canned thing. The scratch recipe takes almost as much time to make as getting a can of progresso! It’s very quick. Melt butter, add garlic, heat through with clam juice and you’re done!

          • Meg Cooper says:

            I found the clam juice by the tuna. We had this for dinner along with the toasted French bread and I chopped up lots the last of our garden tomatoes and basil. We even had arugula in the garden to garnish the pasta. We raved the whole meal. All we lacked was an ocean view.

            Pat- thanks for your advice, you are thinking of Alfredo sauce which is not what you need for this particular dish. So beware! It would totally change your meal. I am not sure what the jar kind has in it, but when made fresh it is mostly heavy cream. (yum). And this recipe’s “white sauce” is not a cream sauce. I hope you enjoy a clam dinner soon, it was like a vacation to the beach!

  42. Karen Saunders says:

    i love your recipe but not a clam person…..are they really a strong flavor??? (Wish I liked things that swim more.) We have fresh salmon here, I like that, and I love the lighter fish that don’t taste fishy. (imagine, wanting fish that doesn’t taste like fish…..). I’m trying to expand my pallet….clams are scary to me tho! So are they a strong flavor?????

  43. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    YUM!!!—Linguini in Clam Sauce, one of my favorites, too! I make mine according to a recipe from one of the first Gilroy Garlic Festival cookbooks my Mom bought for me when she and my Dad volunteered at Garlic Alley. The sauce is a garlic aioli base and comes out smooth and creamy – and rich! I’ve made yours, too, Susan and love it equally! You can’t go wrong with garlic, butter, olive oil, Parmesan and clams. Fall finally arrived here in San Diego county – we’re having a cool, damp day and I’m wishing I had called the chimney sweep last week — the fireplace is whispering for a nice warm flame. Fortunately, the house was built when wood-burning fireplaces were still allowed. I’m told all new homes here are allowed gas fireplaces only. Sad to think children will grow up not knowing the smell of oak (and eucalyptus here in CA) filling the house and making it cozy. I’ll be driving up the coast with my Girlfriend/cousin Diane this week to visit family in and around Gilroy – Garlic Capital of the World. I’ll wave hello to Arroyo Grande and SLO for you as I drive by. Wishing safe travels back home to your girlfriends — I’m betting the visit was much too short for all of you. I agree with Treese, a house seems especially quiet when good company leaves. But we’re left with such good memories to fall back on! Have a wonderful, happy week Girlfriends!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you for the waving!

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        Have fun, Marianne! That’s one on my Bucket List for sure – the famous Gilroy Garlic Festival! Nothing more delicious than sweet roasted garlic cloves spread on the freshest bread! You never even miss the butter! Have something garlic for me! :>)

  44. Pattie says:

    Hello Susan, have made your linguini many times and think it is just deelish! Have never tried the arugula tho, but will next time. Seafood is the best, never heavy. Will look forward to your new Willard. Fun to be with friends. Take care.

  45. julie borg says:

    I always love it when one of your posts hits my mailbox! My favorite sound is your birdies singing! When is your next book coming?!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m working on page 82 this moment, there are about 250 pages, so it will be in 2013, but I’m going as fast as I can, and loving every moment of it!

  46. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    OH MY!!! I am covering my Swiss Wisconsinite ears!! People who don’t like cheese! Love the dinner you prepared Susan. May I add to your tomato, basil salad some tiny mozzarella balls~from Bel Gioioso. My version of insalata caprese. Manga!!!

    • sbranch says:


      • Barbara T, Wolverine Lake MI says:

        and now that we’ve had a few “good” frosts my basil is done for the year…..we have Caprese salad as a delicacy of summer! with expensive balsamic drizzled over the top….such a treat. I haven’t made your recipe for the linguine in a while either, I’ve simply forgotten it. Don’t you just think that with good friends, a beautifully set table, a bottle of wine, a few candles flickering, no matter what you serve would be simply perfect?! I’ve had friends over and served roasted red pepper/tomato soup (Trader Joes) and grilled cheese sandwiches and everyone raves. It’s all in atmosphere you set, the ambience, that makes everything perfect!! I tell my daughter you can buy a pan of brownies from the store, serve it on a pretty china plate, nested on top of a paper lace doily, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, and everyone will ask for the recipe. of course that is done only in rare circumstances!! I do everything homemade, but on that one time when you are in a pinch, you can dress up most anything!!

  47. Mama Bear says:

    Thanks for the recipe…..looks like a good one to have on hand with simple ingredients and easy to make.
    Mama Bear

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I’ve always got the ingredients in the fridge, all except the new “must have” of the arugula!

  48. Queenie from Pennsylvania says:

    Buona Sera Susan,
    I wrote earlier telling you that… with your trip to England, you inspired my husband and myself (in our eighties) to travel to Italy to the village of my roots. We left all of the “what ifs’ behind like you suggested. We returned two weeks ago!! It was unbelievably, super fantastic…a once in a lifetime trip. We even met my two cousins for the first time!!! I would love to send you a single photo of this mountain top village simply because it looks like an artist’s painting but I don’t know if it’s possible to send it. Let me know. The altitude was so high, we were soaring with the eagles! Thank you, my friend! Indeed, you are a very special person, Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so proud of you! What a fantastic trip! You could probably send the photo to my studio website at [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ – – I will let people know I’m looking for it! So happy for you and your husband! xoxo

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      I would love to see the photo too Bella Queenie. Nothing like family!!! I am finally going to make it to the Med. (Crete) to see my hubby. I hate to not see my cousins this time, but the distance between the Germanic countries and the Med. is too much running around and not enough time to do it.

    • Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

      Queenie, how wonderful to hear about your once-in-a-lifetime adventure!! Treasure all of the amazing memories. Each time you look at your photos, you will instantly be transported back to all of the magic!

  49. Carol C says:

    Was just finished making out my weekly menu and checked your blog site. I’ll be erasing split pea soup from Wed. and inserting linguini! Haven’t made it in ages. I’ve been going through the recipes I’ve clipped from the newspaper and mags and trying 5 new ones each week–flinging the not so hot ones and refiling the rest. Dinners have been more interesting lately and I’m paring down the cluttered files.
    Our day here in East Tn is perfectly beautiful!! I’m headed out into it!!!!

  50. Cyndi in NC says:

    Must say I’ve never voiced my kitchen as delirious but it does seem to apply at times. But I love to cook for friends and family so I really don’t mind. It’s usually only the last few minutes when it gets crazy. *L* It’s funny but I have recently printed out this recipe and can’t wait to make it. Any meal with pasta included is a good one!! As always this looks yummy.

  51. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    Hi Susan — seems the computer gremlins are at it again and my comment didn’t post. When submitted I got a “Website not available” message. Should I try again or just wait and see if it shows up? I wouldn’t normally bother you with this, but thought maybe others might have had the same problem.



  52. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    Wouldn’t you know it???? Just when I submitted the last post, the original one showed up! All’s well in cyberland….


  53. Susan, this looks so yummy! Have fun with your friends!

  54. Anna Marie says:

    I adore recipes that begin “melt a stick of butter….”. Good food is sure to follow.

  55. Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

    Hi Susan~~~
    So glad that you and the girlfriends had such a good time. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to good friends. Hard to say good bye to anyone. My grandkids are coming down from Washington the first part of November for a week. My grand daughter has been coming down since she was 4 years old, but my grand son has never been here in California to see us. It’s a surprise for his 13th birthday from his sister and me. My grand daughter wants to be the offical tour guide, showing him all the places that shes been each summer. It will be hard to say good bye!!

    Our ‘summer’ is over I believe…. has been raining since last night.

    Carol M

  56. Lori from Maine says:

    Hooray! I love Willard ~ can’t wait. Glad you had fun with your girlfriends.

  57. Joann says:

    Oh Susan—yes, I have a messy kitchen at least 5 times a week. Good to see it’s ‘a Good thing’!! ha-ha-ha

    You’re amazing—I want to grow up and be just like you. Oh wait; I am a grown-up! Yikes, I better hurry!!!

    Love and Hugs from just another girlfriend,

    Joann in CO

  58. Marilyn says:

    How fun to have girl time. The meal looks delicious!
    And I just signed up for Willard. Interesting name for sure.
    Did you know that was the first name of one of the presidential candidates? Of course, I am sure you know this. It was also my uncles name that served in WWII.

  59. Pam says:

    Hi Susan. I haven’t commented since your trip to England. What fun that was!! Anyway, your place is my favorite stop over in Blogland. If I need color inspiration, smiles, seasonal deco reminders, musica, recipe for something tasty, old movie reminders, fabrics for cute sewing projects, new appreciation for cats…thanks to your cuties, story telling, quotes for the day, need for girl chat, art, whatever the order for the day is, you fill the bill. My first introduction to my love for all things Susan Branch was a set of alphabet stickers years ago. I have looked for your art ever since. You brighten my corner of the world. THANKS

  60. Maryann says:

    Your table looks so inviting!! I love lighting candles to eat:)

  61. Charlene H. from So. Calif. (S.F.Valley) says:

    Hello Susan! I am sitting in Boston Logan airport, waiting for a 4 hour-delayed flight to Baltimore. I am still smiling… I have had a simply marvelous 9 days in New England with my sister. She is flying back to California and I am continuing onto more adventure in Maryland with cousins. I am still smiling… The weather was fabulous while in the Cape Cod area, Berkshires, and Litchfield Hills. The fall colors were unbelievable. I am still smiling as I recall each special moment. I know that your California girlfriends returned home with warm memories, too. Yes, I did come to MV and visited many of the special places mentioned in your blog. Bought a gift at Rainy Day but had no ice cream at Mad Martha’s. I am still smiling. :). See? :). As always, thank you for the entertainment of this blog and the Girlfriend comments to while away the hours. I am still smiling…really! :). Sending a big smile to you, Joe, Jack, and Girl Kitty!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, they took off from Logan around 4 today! Your paths almost crossed! I’m so happy about that smile of yours!

  62. Susan, you had me at “melt a stick of butter…” haha. Any recipe that starts out like that is going to be GREAT!
    Yay! I’ve been wondering when the next Willard was coming out; you read my mind.

  63. Paulij says:

    I didn’t know whether to hope for a post today, Susan, but how fun to find one! We got our first mini-snowfall this morning, here in Bend, Oregon, and now the sun is shining brightly. Thank you for sharing your recipes and menus from your fun weekend–and your lovely table setting. You know just what we want to see and hear. I recently told a friend, who was suffering from a cold, about your blog and she went to your website and it brightened her day. 🙂 Thank you for spreading beauty and good will! Blessings and hello to all you girlfriends; I really enjoy the camaraderie of your comments–and the tips and humor!

  64. Paulij says:

    Oops! P. S. I am eagerly awaiting Willard!

  65. Brenda Caldwell says:

    Your table looks so lovely that I would imagine anything you put on it would be enjoyable…But the clam recipe sounds really good! I’m so glad you you had a good weekend with your girlfriends. Thanks for sharing~

  66. Arlinda says:

    WILLARD is coming! Yay! I’m looking forward to finding it in my inbox tomorrow. My daughter and I love reading it. We print everyone of them and put them the Susan Branch binder to share with our 2 year old, lil Mary. It was my 8-year old’s idea. She thought Mary will love reading them with her someday.

    I’m looking forward to treating my family to your receipe this Friday. I’m looking forward to it. Your pictures make it hard to wait for Friday.

    Thank you Susan. XO

  67. Yea for delirious kitchens! I will never worry again! I will just say we had a delirious time! I will have to get your cookbook out and pencil in your changes! Can’t wait to try it, and your dad’s garlic bread! Wow! Love garlic bread anytime of the day or night! yoo hoo! ~~~~~:)
    FOSB forever!
    Tweet! Tweet!

  68. Georgie says:

    A Girlfriend adventure. How WONDERFUL they flew cross country. That makes it extra special. Did they love your fresh air dried towels? Did they rub Jack’s tummy? Did you all stay up late, past your curfew laughing and telling stories? Did the years melt away and the bonding get even stronger as you laughed til you cried?

    The memories must be glorious. Just think of the tales your walls could tell now 🙂

    xoxo Georgie
    Yardville, NJ

    P.S. Can’t wait til WILLARD!!!

  69. kit says:

    I love, love the photo of the cookbook propped up near the sink and those happy dirty dishes telling the whole story of a well enjoyed meal. Wonderful! Kit

  70. Lynn Hamilton says:

    dear Susan, even when you have been oh, so busy with: your wonderful posts from and after trip to England (I loved each and every one, especially seeing the little sailor guy lurking around nearly every corner) (we’re sailing to Europe next April with stops in Ireland and England); accomplishing the beautiful kitchen re-do, sharing photos of the spectacular fall colours in your neck of the woods, darling photos of the two kitties that share their home with you and Joe, you still manage to entertain houseguests, a/k/a bff, share your table decorations and yummy recipes, hang laundry on the line, take leaf-peeping roadtrips AND write to all of us….are you sure there is not more than one of you??? Thanks ever so much for your enthusiasm, energy, and for reaching out across cyberspace to stay in touch xoxox p.s. I already have my 2013 wall and desk calendars…love them 🙂 Lynn Hamilton from Greece, New York (run-on sentence, poorly punctuated but imparts my feelings to a T or as you would say ‘tea’ 🙂

    • Donna Ray from Hamlin, NY says:

      Hi Neighbor Lynne! I live west of you on the lake. Have you been to the Bean & Bin in Churchville? Found one of Susan’s books there. As always, DonnaRay

  71. Wendy Louise says:

    Good Morning Susan,
    Will definitely be making this wonderful recipe this week, my parsley in the garden is just beautiful for this recipe. I was out gardening yesterday in this wonderful, breezy, raining leaves, hanging sheets kinda day, cleaning out the garden, eating that parsley. I want to savor all my herbs before a big frost. Do you dry or freeze your herbs? Do you have any special ideas for this herb saving?
    I am so excited for Willard, you really know how to make your girlfriends here in cyber land dance ! There is so much to look forward too, it’s like Christmas every week! Thank-you “Sweet Sue” for everything you do ! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Wendy Louise! I do try to keep them warm with lots of leaves; we can usually keep chives and parsley well after the first freeze, we keep them as long as possible, but I really don’t try to dry them. We bring in a large pot of rosemary because it seems to do well inside. Have a wonderful day! Merry Christmas!

  72. Ellen says:

    My kitchen is definitely delirious!! I’m going to remember that one – in fact I think I should have that quote hanging in my kitchen. Your blog is my new favorite. Definitely takes me to a happy, nostalgic place.

  73. Cyndi in NC says:

    I just looked at Willard and I LOVE the music! Askokan Farwell is one of my absolute favorite pieces. I love that style of music. It made my morning to hear it. As usual Willard was a great read with great ideas. Cinnamon sugar on toast with a cup of tea, curled up on the couch with a book or watching a movie is a comfort snack on a cold windy day. Fall is my favorite time of the year. As you said it’s time for the Earth to start to rest and repair. Plus I feel like being in the kitchen even more than normal. Stews and soups and chili!!! Cookies and baked apples. Yum! My mouth is watering just thinking about it. *L*

    • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

      yummm sounds delicious!! and don’t forget pumpkin bread, and cookies. hugs…. 🙂

  74. Pam Fortune says:

    Hi Susan
    I’m not sure what Willard is so I am going to sign up and find out. I like the sound of your recipe, not sure if I can get clams in England so must do my research and try the recipe.
    What a busy time you are having, I wish I had your energy. Your house looks so cosy and your weather looks good for at the moment I am in the Forest of Dean, where my youngest daughter and eldest granddaughter live and we are living in the clouds, it is really awful weather and cold. Love your delirious kitchen I shall remember that, thank you.

  75. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    good morning susan, hello everyone!!! its a cold morning here, almost like winter and its snowing right now, well a combo rain/snow with some big snowflakes. the cats are all curled and napping around the woodstove, enjoying the heat. they love that stove. i let the birds out earlier, when i could finally see clear to the back (never know what is prowling out there) and the chickens decided it was too cold to go out and stayed in their nice warm fluffy nests, the turkeys also decided to stay in their warm straw beds. and the ducks went out and went swimming BBBRRRRRRR!!!!!! its about 35 degrees outside right now. and for now i plan to get me another cup of hot coffee, enjoy some breakfast and watch the crazy weather and the crazy people out on the road. don’t worry the barn has a woodstove as well and i lit it to warm up the barn for the birds….yes they are spoiled. well you all have wonderful day today, stay warm and comfy. hugs…. 🙂

  76. Karen Saunders says:

    Just curious….is that a real picture of the french bread? If it’s not you are a fantastic artist!!!!! I’m so excited to get your next book. You’ve worked so hard Susan, you deserve all your success and happiness. Your biggest fan.

  77. Donna Ray from Hamlin, NY says:

    Hello Susan,
    Had to return for another comment when I saw an ad for dishtowels that are embroidered “My kitchen is for dancing!”…….of course I thought of you! As always, DonnaRay

  78. Lori from MN says:

    Hi Susan! Just finished reading Willard~ thanks so much for sharing what you love about Fall and what you are up to. I came over to the blog and was happy to see you had posted your linguini recipe. I had to let you know that this is my son Ethan’s, 12, and daughter Olivia’s, 8, most favorite dish and has been for several years. I often add an extra can of clams, as well, since they complain about the other taking too many clams. Well, I need to head outside on this mild Minnesota day and take care of some final yard work before the weather turns. Hope you are having a lovely day!

  79. Debbie P Weedsport, NY (near Syracuse) says:

    Hi, Susan~
    Just wanted to pop in to say Hi and to tell you that I made the Autumn Leaves Pear Salad tonight and Wow! It is soooo delicious! ….and pretty….and fresh tasting! I served it with a pork tenderloin, bread stuffing and green beans. It was just George and I but I can’t wait to serve this to company!
    Hey, girls….if you haven’t tried it…don’t wait any longer!
    Looking forward to Willard….
    Love you!

  80. Pamela Jo says:

    Hello to everyone on this wonderful blog!
    I was just looking through the TV listings and noticed that “Practical Magic” is scheduled to air on the ABC Family Channel on Friday (Oct. 26) at 7:00 p.m.! A great way to spend the Friday evening before Halloween. I plan to make some popcorn and watch the movie, and I thought I’d share the broadcast info so that others here can enjoy the film, too! Happy Haunting!
    Pamela Jo

  81. JolieAnne says:

    Hi Susan!

    I just love your Autumn book-I love the recipes and your art that graces every page! I love to put a votive or an LED tea light in a piece of milk glass-it looks
    so beautiful and works well at halloween and in the Fall. And several milk glass pieces all lit up looks so amazing in my house!

  82. California Girl says:

    Hi Susan,

    I’m going incognito with my name today because I have a surprise and the person it is going to follows your blog. I found your book, “Christmas Joy,” this past weekend at a library sale-I squealed just like a pink porker with the corkscrew tail!!! That book will be going to a new follower of your blog and I know she’s going to hoover up every word when she opens it! By the way, you look absolutely radiant in the picture on the back of that book!

  83. JuLee says:

    LOVE the new WIllard! I think you and I are soul sisters. I feel exactly as you do about Halloween except I adore witches – the fairy tale kind that spread good magic. Be proud of your ancestress who met such an unkind fate in Salem. Women had it tough but we made it all the way into 2012 with more rights than ever before and some very good men helped us get here. I have 13 black cats and a few black and white ones and yellow stripes and tabbies too. And, Yes! I can tell all the black ones apart. People always ask this. They have lovey names likes Arabella and Sabrina and Tallulah. I watched Practical Magic (again and for the umpteenth time) last night.Have you seen The Good Witch movies? A new one premiers on October 27th (my birthday!) I have creamy chicken going in the crockpot while I work today and my garland is perfect entwined with amber lights as it dances across the front porch windows. For my lunch today, I have packed my favorite sandwich of pimento cheese on raisin bread plus a big juicy Honeycrisp apple. I can’t wait to make Marigold dust because it sounds like something created by garden fairies. I am so inspired by you and re-read all your blog posts all the time. Love the photos of Martha’s Vineyard and dream of moving there. For now, your charming ideas bring magic to everyday life. Last year I carved the star pumpkin and everyone loved it. I kept it through Thanksgiving. Thank you for all you bring to us!

  84. patti says:

    Susan I just need to tell you I’ve started my, “5 – Year Plan.” It asked me to name 5 people who are going to help you to reach where you want to be in 5 years. Besides the hus Michael and my daughter Lizzie, you were on my list because you are such an inspiration for me. Thank you, for being here w/your wonderful life. <3

  85. patti says:

    I’m sorry, I’m trying to figure out how to make those cute little smily faces. It doesn’t seem to work for me 🙂

  86. patti says:

    omg it did <3

  87. Sheryl from Chico CA says:

    I just love it when you refresh my memory about one of your old standby recipes. I think I just need the clam juice and I’m on my way to a great entree. Thanks.

  88. lois says:

    stumbled across this blog and have registered for this and willard. Love the energy and neighborly love each person has. thanks for a wonderful blog to keep me going and in good spirits.

  89. Debra Austin says:

    Susan, I’ve been looking/waiting for the newest Willard to appear. I hope I didn’t miss it? Anyway, looking forward to it with much anticipation as we go into the Christmas holidays!
    I loved the Halloween bookmark! Thank you so much. Enjoy and love everything that you do:)
    Debra from Nashville

    • sbranch says:

      I just finished writing a Willard; it will start going out next Tuesday morning, and finish late Wednesday. Watch for it in your email box! Thank you Debra!

Comments are closed.