Hi Everyone! Guess what I’m doing? Hint: Yankee Magazine. Musica del dia.
What I’ve really been doing is getting inspired! It’s that time of year! I turned our steel-cut oatmeal this morning into a ticker-tape parade by sprinkling over chopped apple and walnuts; minced dried cranberries, raisins, and apricots, with the zest of half an orange, cinnamon and milk. ♥ Such a good way to start the day!
And it’s a gorgeous day here, well kinda, not really, now that I look out there, actually a bit overcast and chilly, but the tree outside my bedroom window called my name when I got up and I had to take a picture of it to show you! We’re going out to kick up a few leaves as soon as I finish here!
Isn’t that gorgeous? While I ate my breakfast, I was looking at some old magazines — I love the paintings on these covers. . .I wonder why they don’t use art on magazines anymore? The other thing I love about old magazines are the serials, the stories they used to run in them . . .
And look at this . . . so sweet . . .
They were so simple and clean in style . . .
Charming and evocative . . . had a bit of the fairy tale about them . . .
Plain gorgeous . . . this one above probably glows in the dark!
From a time gone by — I was looking at them because I was thinking that next month, a crew from a very wonderful magazine is coming here to take pictures of my house! This one!
Yes! YANKEE MAGAZINE is coming here on December 11, when the house is all decorated, to do a Christmas feature, which they will publish in December 2013! I’m so excited! I love this magazine, it’s been around since 1935; it’s one of the few remaining family-owned magazine publishers in the United States; it also owns the Old Farmer’s Almanac! I’m honored to be in it.♥
I want the house to be wonderful; I could really use what this magazine has to offer!
… so I’m getting ready, getting inspired; I will bone up by watching the movie Christmas in Connecticut! — such a WONDERFUL time of year, I can’t help but be excited!
It has all my favorite things. . .
Cooking and baking; thinking about making a small gingerbread house…and I should get my paper whites started a little earlier this year . . .
. . . I’ve started making lists of what I have to do and gathering goodies: Thinking about how I’ll decorate, wondering about the tree, hoping we’ll be lucky enough to have snow. What to cook; I want the house to smell wonderful for them . . . so I’m thinking about recipes. I’m thinking about dishes! I want to make it the prettiest ever; I’m going to make all kinds of garlands and banners for my hutches, over the windows and the fireplace. Thinking about how to decorate the Peter Rabbit room! Also thinking we have to have a party the day after they leave because the house will be ready!
This is the first video I ever made, and still my favorite; and this is the way the morning usually goes as I roam around thinking on how to do things, with Dean or Frank to keep me company. And of course, Jack.
I’m looking at my red things . . .
Checking out last year’s photos, making sure I have enough lights . . . Thinking, maybe do it a little differently this year. I’ll be sure to take pictures as I go along!
Already getting started with the basics, freezing the votive candle holders so I can pop out the old candles and wash them.
The ironing I did the other day was “planning ahead” too.
Time to bring out my little house and set it up on top of the stove . . . . I found this a few years ago at the summer flea market here on the island . . . The “lights” were my own addition.
I like to use my same things that have been around for many Christmases, many, many! Out comes the star linen runner and the old books!
This is going to be fun . . . I love a little whimsy, even with food . . . the people at Yankee want a recipe or two for the article, so I’m thinking about giving them my Christmas Jam. The smart thing to do is to start it at Thanksgiving, which I have every intention of doing, but I thought I’d remind you, especially for you newbie kindred-spirit girlfriends who weren’t around last year, I thought I’d give you this easy quirky wonderful recipe so you can be ready.
You start with my basic Cranberry Sauce recipe, which is beyond easy, and soooooo good! It’s three parts cranberries to one part sugar; for a big Thanksgiving dinner, I usually use three cups of fresh cranberries and one cup granulated sugar.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. If you can, use organic cranberries; pick over and discard any that aren’t perfect; rinse and drain. btw, See that basket strainer hanging in my sink? It’s one of my all time handiest cooking utensils. It hangs on a hook over the sink, and I use it→ almost every day — to dry lettuce, wash and drain fruit and vegetables, to drain chicken stock too. You can get one here.
Then you pour the cranberries in a large ungreased baking dish. Sprinkle over the sugar, don’t stir, and pop into the oven for 30-35 min., until the first berries begin to pop. Stir twice during the cooking. That’s it, honestly, it’s to die for, delicious hot or cold, never a prettier color will you see.♥
Did I mention this cranberry sauce is delicious with Chocolate Cake? And if you are lucky enough to have any left over, you are in for a real treat.
You can do what I did a few years ago. Wanting to try something new — I mixed equal parts cranberry sauce with prepared orange marmalade! Flavor-burst heaven! It’s a wonderful Christmas present too if you want to put it in cute jars; everyone loves it!
Insane on hot biscuits with turkey leftovers! Or later on with a chicken dinner.

Hi Susan,
Just caught up with your latest post, and had to write because your “Hilsen fra Norge” tablecloth caught my eye, since I have some Norwegian ancestry! Of course you know that means “Greetings from Norway”–just wondering how you happened to acquire it? It looks quite adorable! Your entire post has started to get me in the mood for Christmas decorating, even though I like to wait until after Thanksgiving, but the time goes so fast, so I know we have to start preparing early. You’re lucky that you still have pretty leaves to enjoy seeing (and raking!), since in the Midwest, most are gone by now. I look forward to your upcoming Christmas decorating/preparation posts, and wish we didn’t have to wait another year for the Yankee magazine issue with your photos to come out! I must check the magazine out now anyway! Happy Thanksgiving next week!
Thanks Linda! I found it in an antique store … in a pile of linens — lucky day!
This was good fun! Good thoughts for all. Just wondering if you’d be making another Moon bookmark for 2013? I gave away some to friends and we talked about the moon at gatherings throughout the year. They all enjoyed the different names of moons each month and since we camp & kayak , it sparked a lot of good conversations. Just wondering. And thanks so much for giving us all that bookmark(s) to enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving!
Yes we will!
oooo I am a cranberry freak! I was at a friend’s house last night and she make cranberry cosmos. They were delish. I will be making your cranberry sauce tomorrow. Have you ever frozen it?? I have several bags of cranberries right now in the fridge and could make some to freeze if it works. Of course I need to make my mom’s famous cranberry bread recipe with a cup of them for my family. Isn’t it strange that we all have traditional recipes for each holiday and even though we could make them all year long, we don’t. They are just meant to be special. Happy Thanksgiving. Be sure to remind us to look for your house in the mag next Christmas.
I haven’t frozen it yet. If you try it, let me know how it goes!
ha ha What was I thinking?? It is delicious and there will not be any to freeze this time. I’m taking some over to Cathy (Ethel of Lucy and Ethel) She will love it too.
Oooh, I sure did love it! I’m still smacking my lips. Imagine those cranberries spread on cream cheese on a cracker! Might have to do that at my Christmas luncheon on the 1st — theme of cardinals and cranberries. Maybe Lucy will make it for me 🙂 Thanks for your great recipes, Susan.
I think that might be a possibility! 🙂
Hi Sue!
You know, you and “Yankee” are cut from the very same cloth; Homespun!
The folks at Yankee will peek into your frosted window panes and find a kitchen warm with vintage heartbeats, and the aroma of comforting foods!
I’m tickled pink I remembered to renew my subscription; can’t wait!
Blessings to you from another old-fashioned thankful heart!
Happy Thanksgiving! XO
Birds of a feather . . . ♥
…dear Deb ( from Dixie )…such a sweet, heart-felt post…thank you..thank you…with love….
Hi Mary……
I always look for you on the blog and your sweet comments….hope you are doing well….and wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with happiness.
I love old magazine covers. They give me a peaceful feeling….simpler times. I’m making the cranberry recipe combines with orange marmalade, whice I love.
I just love “Yankee Magazine” and have subscribed for many years. I have never been to New England but it is on my wish list. I was in upstate New York many years ago, sort of close, but not quite there. So, “Yankee Magazine” gives me such pleasure and recipes that become favorites to be repeated. I am delighted they will feature your home in next year’s December issue.
Hi Susan, Just had to tell you that I made your Sweet Potato Casserole yesterday for my Aunt & Uncle’s surprise 50th wedding anniversary party. The party and the casserole were both a huge hit! Thanks so much for such a tasty recipe 🙂
Kelly in northeastern PA
You are so welcome!
Oooh, love old covers, too, they are so beautiful and even frame-able. Nothing today compares to them for sheer art and heart.
I got out my Susan Branch Christmas book last week, just looking at the cover makes me cheery and Christmassy-feeling. Also proud to have scored a copy of “Girlfriends Forever” from the local Goodwill store last week, in perfect condition and only 99 cents, lol – couldn’t let it languish there, no way! Will be gifting it to someone as I now have two. 🙂
Big (((HUGS))) to you, Joe, the furbabies, and all the lovely girlfriends, happy holidays here we come! ♥
Thank you for the rescue Rosie!
Susan~you just make my day…every day you post. I, too, love the art on the old magazine covers. My Mom would proudly display them on table tops as they were pieces of art to her. The serials were a delightful read as well. Susan, you are the only one who could bring that back to us; with your beautiful art and story telling it would be a HIT! Please-please! I can see you carrying on Gladys Taber’s work. How does one start a campaign for this?
Susan, I’m almost there with you about Christmas planning. I usally start thinking about all the Christmas planning while I’m recovering from eating too much Thanksgiving Day. My husband always teases me about that.
I know all the Girlfriends will agree—you will be among our thankful blessings at the Thanksgiving table this year.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Joe, GK, Jack, and all the Girlfriends!
Marie xo
Thank you Marie! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too!
Oh my gosh….cranberry sauce and chocolate cake? I’m in! What a perfect idea. I’m looking forward to seeing your Christmas House!
HI Susan,
I love reading your posts and seeing pics of your sweet home. I’m planning to have my decorations up for Thanksgiving this year because I host that dinner and it’s the only time my family gets to see them. I have been making my own Xmas wreaths and garland every year for the last 10 years. It’s a futile attempt to keep the town forest at bay and control the seedlings that spring up on my land. I love making wreaths for my house and small ones for the garden shed and I like making them from native materials. I don’t have a lot of balsam fir available but white pine and hemlock make beautiful deep green feathery wreaths and I keep the decorations simple–just holly berries, pine cones and a big red velvet bow! Who needs more, lol 🙂
Can’t wait to see more of your decorations for Yankee–my favorite magazine!
I’m with you, I like simple too! But this year, can’t be too simple, or they’ll have nothing to take pictures of! 🙂
One of my favorite blog posts EVER! Let me count the ways.
December 2013…that’s a long time to wait, but it has such a hopeful ring to it when everywhere there are naysayers telling us that the world is coming to an end.
May, 1926…the 16th to be exact, is when my mother was born. Always a beautiful time of the year.
You collected owls before owls were “cool.” Actually, they were always cool. But, you knew that!
The magazine covers are beautiful.
My cranberry sauce on the stovetop never thickens. I can’t wait to try the baked version. Yes, some of my people may get sauce for Christmas.
Jack…wonderful Jack. So full of life. My niece had a baby named Jack who died recently at age 5 months. The magazine cover of the mother and baby reminded me of them. Thanks for including that one.
Susan, thank you for being the wonderful person that you are. I am grateful daily for your talent and that you share your life. Thank you for letting me make my comments as well.
Good luck with the photo shoot.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your.
Love hearing from you Janet. Very sorry about your little Jack, terrible to imagine how your niece is coping. Sending blessings to her.♥ And don’t worry about the oven roasted cranberry sauce, it does get nice and thick! Happy you are here, all my best to you!
I am going to try your cranberry sauce recipe! And thanks so much for the photo of Jack. A very unique cat indeed. You are getting me into the Christmas spirit!
Happy Thanksgiving Dear Susan & All Your (& Our) People! So thankful for folks like you! xoxo
which size strainer do you use–i went on the site to buy one–but there are many choices thanks,Nina
The basket part is about 10 1/2 inches diameter; the entire thing, including handle, is about 23 inches.
That little house could benefit from some window and front door frames — easy to make from something like tongue depressors ,or if you want to get fancy thou could split wooden pencils , to glue ……even strips of thin painted cardboard would work well – like from an old shoe box , colored to suit yourself ……….upstairs needs shutters , I think you could do cardboard here too using narrow strip across top and bottom and gluing three vertical strips
To these cross members , then glue each shutter into place
Replace old bulky lights with the minis and take that Chhristmas Wreath off the car and put it up on the front porch !
I could make these up for you if I had the ……exact measurements .
Come to think I really only need the shutter measurements — the frames can be long enough to cut to fit
You mean you will make them? They are very teeny!
What a good idea, I will tell him!
GREAT IDEA, Jack! You must see it in your mind’s eye like I do… 🙂
Oh Susan, just read your oatmeal recipe and then I made some. It was yummy and I added some toasted nuts too. I can hardly wait to mix the jam and cranberry together and slather it on my toast. Must go to the store and buy some cranberries today.
See dad, here’s someone who likes it! 🙂
We fix the steel-cut oatmeal, sprinkle granola with nuts over it and then fresh blueberries…yummm! 🙂
Blueberries, my other fave with oatmeal, so good for you!
Hi Susan,
I want to make your pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving. If I have to omit the nuts in the crust: a. will it be just as good? and b. do I need to add more gingersnaps?
It’ll be fine without the nuts, just add a bit more gingersnaps to take up the space…maybe another half cup.
I so enjoyed this post…lovelovelove all the old magazine covers and the old time drawings of children playing and skating…but I especially love the red heart on your sink drain thingie…have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving…xoxo…
hello susan, good morning.afternoon everyone. well susan you have inspired a new tradition at our home for Thanksgiving, my hubby saw mention of pumpkin cheesecake (his favorite food) and now we are having a dessert war here at our home for Thanksgiving, he is doing a pumpkin cheesecake, his recipe and i am doing a pumpkin cream icebox cake, care to be the judge???? you’re welcome to come on over and taste test the recipes. been busy getting alot of the side dishes done, and cleaning around the house, want it sparkle for the holidays. we’re having turkey, bbqed as i will need my oven for warming up the side dishes and the cooktop for some other preps. we are having roasted veggies ( butternut squash, sweet potatoes, onions, parsnips, carrots and broccoli), also having brussel sprouts, blanched first and sauteed’ with crisp bacon on top and apples, mashed potatoes, cornbread with cheddar cheese and green onions, cranberry relish and the cannned kind as well as pops won’t eat anything but the canned kind, home made rolls, green bean casserole and of course our desserts plu pumpkin pie, apple pie and mincemeat pie. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. hugs….. 🙂
Well, I am happy to see that no one will be going hungry! 🙂 Sounds wonderful Pat!
Susan, I’m not sure I’d like the cranberry sauce with chocolate cake but wouldn’t it be good with your hot milk cake?!!! 🙂 I’m making the sauce today. Have a list with what I need to accomplish each day this week. We moved furniture this weekend so it feels good to have a new arrangement. We will have 6 at our table for Thanksgiving. I love entertaining and having company though a little part of me envies you and Joe being invited out for Thanksgiving dinner. Hmmm…the idea of making a pie and going over the river and through the woods to someone else’s house at this point might be a LOT of fun! LOL! 🙂
It would be perfect! We usually have big Thanksgivings here, but I’m quite serious about that focus thing for the book! I still get to do lots of cooking … and it really will be fun to be with people we’ve never even had Thanksgiving with before!
I marked my Susan Branch calendar for the Yankee magazine feature next year. My friend and I purchased our calendars and we are going to meet and “read” them at a cozy tea shop over tea. So fun that you and the girlfriends all love the same things. I marvel at each and every blog and I could totally comment to each and every one with “I like that, too!” or “I have that/collect that, too!” or “I do that, too!” Kindred spirits we girlfriends are. Happy Thanksgiving, Susan, Joe, Jack, and Girl Kitty.
I love to be shoulder to shoulder with a girlfriend and a new magazine! Much more fun to do it together! xoxo
Susan – congratulations on the Yankee magazine feature!
Thank you so much for the Christmas & winter book mark download on FB!! What a treat! I printed them on ivory card stock then cut them out using the deckle edge scissors!! They look amazing! What a treat! My Halloween marker was looking a bit ragged!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! 😉
You are so welcome Kerry!
Love this post! I can’t find fresh cranberries in Brazil. Does it work to make your cranberry sauce with dried cranberries? Love,
No honey, it really doesn’t. See if you can get them sent online — I bet you can! You will LOVE them!!!
I’ll try! Thanks, Susan! I hope you had an extra special day with your friends and family. We all have lots to be thankful for! I am thankful for you, your positive outlook on life, your beautiful art and books, and for this blog, which always makes me smile. XX,
Thank you Marcia … Christmas here is another time for Cranberries, so don’t give up, I’m sure they can be sent to you … we have them both fresh and frozen, and they’re very light weight, in case you have someone in the US who could mail them to you.
Just wonderful and smiley and perfect! Your blog is so easy to love. 🙂
Love this post with all the old fashioned magazine covers! They are All works of art! Especially loved The Christmas Women’s Home Companion cover from Dec. 1916. My dear Momma was born in Nov. 1916, so that baby could have been her with her Momma! 🙂
Can hardly Wait to see the photos of your house all decked out for Christmas!! My thoughtful hubby surprised me last month by ordering your Christmas From the Heart of the Home book! Oh JOY!! I was Absolutely Delighted to say the least!!
I found out just last week that I’ll be hosting our own Thanksgiving Dinner this week, so out came your Autumn Book that I also recently got! Will be making your cranberry sauce recipe! Looks So easy and Yummy! (My kind of recipe!) Thank-YOU for all the wonderful inspirations!!
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
Laura C.
P.S. Do You make your cranberry sauce ahead and chill it or serve it hot?
It’s really good both ways … I usually make it ahead.
Have fun Laura!
Thanks for the memories!! Another lovely post. Thanks and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dear Susan, I love youre blog, you inspire me to try new things! I am 14 years old [yes i know!] but i have always loved cooking , crafting and bakeing . My Aunt loves you and she caught me on to you! When ever i am having a bad day i know what will chear me up! Youre music is awsome i love that kind of music! Keep posting it ! I was wondering when you usally post? I hope you can write back to me i will enjoy it! I thank you for your posts . I pray that God will continually bless you and youre husband! thank you! Faith
Fourteen, one of the “perfect” ages, love you here, and love your name! I post whenever I can, I would LIKE to do it every day, but I’m writing a new book and trying to stay focused so I can do a good job, so I’m sort of doing it every 5, 6 days! Say Hi to your aunt for me! Happy Thanksgiving, Faith!
Hi Susan. Imagine my delight when my lovely niece, Faith Rose, excitedly called me to tell me she was reading your blog just like me. And she wrote a message and you wrote back. She was as excited as I was (and still am) when you “talk” to us via this blog. Thank you for the delight you have given her and me. What a wonderful thing to tie together the generations with your art and beauty!
You have no idea how happy that makes me! It’s the woman thing, can know no bounds! xoxo to you both!
I will look forward to seeing you in Yankee! Thanks for the recipes. I have so many things to be thankful for this year, including you, this blog and all of the girlfriends. Count your blessings, girlfriends!
Love your blog so much…love to hear what musica you have playing! I always look forward to you letting all us girlfriends in on what is going on in your world! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
While this might not be the best authentic New England movie, it’s definitely a winner in my book: Funny Farm (with Chevy Chase). Lots of good laughs and classic moments and all about New England charm. Another tradition at our house involves using Mom’s antique cut glass bowl. Mom always pulled out the extremely heavy leaded cut glass bowl for her Seafoam Jello Salad at Thanksgiving (and Easter) and our Thanksgiving wouldn’t be complete with that pale green jello in her gorgeous bowl. yes of course, recipe follows 🙂
Sea Foam Salad
1 lg can pear halves
1 small pkg lime jello
2 3-oz pkg cream cheese softened
8 oz heavy (whipping) cream
Drain pears – SAVE the juice!
Press the pears through a strainer, or puree in blender.
Bring 1 cup of the juice to a boil. Pour over jello in mixing bowl. Stir til dissolved. Add softened cream cheese beating til well blended. Add pureed pears. In separate bowl….whip the cream til stiff, then fold into the jello/pears. Pour into bowl, or jello mold. Refrigerate til set.
This looks like the perfect holiday dish! I always think you need Jello at the holidays! So much brown on the plates!
The old magazine covers are wonderful–who could throw them away? Your whole post –as always– is so inspiring and uplifting. Makes me glad to be alive. I’m so excited for you being featured in Yankee magazine! Can’t wait to see your Christmas decor. Starting with a pallet of a wonderful vintage home on Martha’s Vineyard is a winner right there, the embellishing it–wow…it can’t help but be a masterpiece. New England + winter = wonderment. And then put Jack in the middle of it all–we can’t help but love it. His adorable self makes me smile. We love him and we love you–and yours–Susan Branch! …from the hills of TN.
blowing kisses Dinahsoar!
Ok, all I know right now, is I am HUNGRY….such DELISH ideas…..ohhhhh boy!!!
Ohhhhhhhh I ordered calendars and the order did not go through. Now there are none left, poor me , I don’t suppose there will be any more printed ???????? Oh I wanted one ,or two. Or three
I sent this to Kellee to see if she could help you Lynne … I know we’re getting low but hopefully it was just a number that needed to be changed! Let me know if you’re OK.
What a surprise!! I am thrilled to see your tablecloth from Norway!! My parents were born there and it’s my favorite of all places to visit and see all my relatives. You brought back many memories. I’m thrilled you will be in the magazine! Will be exciting to see it and wish you now, a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marie Fluck
Hi Susan
I love all those old illustrations it reminds me of a slower pace of life or maybe it is a sign of old age! Living in England I haven’t heard of Yankee Magazine but I found it very interesting reading your blog and I am looking forward to more photos for I love your home. Good luck for the 11th December and I know that the readers will just love all your homely ideas and recipes.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Susan! I loved reading your post and especially seeing the old magazine covers. Reminds of of the “Ideals” magazines that my mom always had!! And your little house with the lights that you added – just adorable! Thanks for sending us some “Susan Branch” holiday cheer!!!
And of course — Shingles — kits available — would do so much and a good project for Joe
During nasty weather !
I’ll show it to him.
Oh yes, shingles for the roof! And maybe little lace curtains for the windows? I’m a weaver, remember? Send me the size and I’ll weave a tiny rug for inside the front door! 🙂
OMG, this is the teeeeeeniest little house. I pointed it out to Joe. He offered a new railing for the porch! Which I truly thought was over and above the call of duty! 🙂
Have to share–we found and bought a smaller gate-leg table at an antique show/craft show last weekend! I’m elated–have always wanted one, actually for years! Will make a good end table with lamp on next to the sofa but can be pulled out and opened up for dinner in front of the fireplace or between two wing chairs for tea! Strange–I had almost forgotten about the sale, remembered the 2nd-to-the-last-day, and there it was, just waiting for us! 🙂 Also found a copy of your Christmas Memories book there! Love “saving” books from uncertain fate! 🙂
I just love gate-leg tables, they are so charming! Good for you Pat!
Hello Susan and Everyone….it has been a long time since I have signed in and I am coping and everyday is a challenge; BUT, I am thankful for everyday and hope everyone is well and looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving. I also want to thank all the girlfriends and you Susan for your well wishes and they are greatly appreciated. I want to say how beautiful your kitchen turned out I love the new color and Joe did an absolutely lovely job with the watchful eye of his helper Jack. Congrats with the Yankee Magazine coming to visit you deserve the coverage and I’m sure it will be lovely. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL. Blessings
Thank you sweetie, we are missing you and hope things are better every day!
Hello, darling Sue! Just popping in for the first time since Joe’s birthday party ~ what a delightful, summer-y evening that was! I have been a bit under the weather ever since our return from England . . . lots of posts to catch up on. 🙂 Do hope I haven’t missed anything important regarding the new book; have you given out any information to the girls who snuck along in trunks and suitcases? Waiting with baited breath ~ xoxo
Just that I will be letting our blog girls preorder so they get the book first! Will let you know — so happy to think you are feeling better!
Really enjoyed this blog. Just finished making this cranberry sauce and it is awesome! Love that you can make it in the oven too. The recipe will be used from here on..Thank you. We all have so many blessings don’t we? Have a wonderful and very Happy Thanksgiving!
I know, the oven just makes it all so much easier!
You really are a sweet , special holiday blessing yourself. You just make me want to spruce and fluff up the house, and go in the kitchen and cook, just to make the house smell cozy and good. Since I started enjoying your blog, I have added your pretty rugs to my kitchen, have added that darling toile birdie mug to my teatime, have collected some darling embroidered teatowels, bought a new lamp (after the lamps post) and find myself cooking more. I have always loved these things, but you are definately an inspiration. Oh yes, and I also discovered Gladys Taber here and now reading ‘Harvest of Yesterdays’, I have several of your books also, but they are even more fun to read and look at now that I can look at all the references you make to them in this blog. I’m having lots of fun with your many sweet ideas. Thanks a bunch- Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe and Kitties—-and to all the ladies who write such interesting comments, although goodness, there are so many now, I can’t keep up – But I’ll always keep up on your blog. TATA
How nice to hear that from you Anna! I look for inspiration everywhere I go, so it is very wonderful to think that someone finds it here!!! xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your household! So excited that your lovely home will be featured in the Yankee Magazine – I WILL get a copy next year. Hope you can show us-your girl friends : ) how it will look through your blog. Also, of all the magazine covers, the one by Jessie Willcox Smith is SO adorable!!! I just love her style and the way she expressed such sweet innocence in children’s faces. Thanks for the reminder about making the cranberry/marmalade sauce for gifting to friends. As we “Gather together to ask the Lord’s blessings”, just want you to know that you are one of those blessings. Thank you for sharing and creating gentle beauty – such a blessing! God bless !
Thank you Wanda!
* Hi Susan *
What a fun Post…delightful…charming…with a new recipe, “Christmas Jam”… gorgeous photos of vintage magazines…getting in the Christmas Spirit and sharing your Yankee Magazine surprise…a Christmas Feature on you and your home! Oh..the fabulousness of it all.
Susan, Jack is so adorable…there he is…relaxing in-between his playtimes with you. You’re right, we need to see Jack…hopping about, running around, poking in and peeking at everything you do and even just plain posing for a picture!
Happy Thanksgiving Sue…Joe…and all our Girlfriends.
I wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, full of good times, good tidings, good food and wonderful memories.
* Love from Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *
Susan, I don’t often post, but I always LOOK at your blog and love the photos of your darling life! I’m trying the cranberry sauce – and am making a lot! I’m a little unsure how long it lasts in jars without the canning process. Even if you answer in a few days, it would be great to know. There’s lots of sugar so I’m thinking at least a couple of weeks?
I, too, am lucky enough to be invited to my best friend’s house for dinner. I love this because I’ve already started with the Christmas decorating. Yay!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
That’s what I think too, sugar is quite protective; although it never lasts that long around here, so I haven’t had to find out! Happy Thanksgiving, and happy Decorating!
Thank you so much for the Corgi bookmark! I have a Welsh Corgi named Maggie, she’s 7 years old and just the sweetest, sweetest dog. I wish I could show you a picture of her, but she is the golden and white color and just so beautiful and the bookmark is sooooo true about her in the snow. Thanks for sharing!
She sounds beautiful. I think Corgi’s seem like little teatables.
Edie Clark who writes for Yankee Magazine also writes books with wonderfully interesting topics. Her first book that I knew about was The Place He Made. I cried because it was soooo beautifully written. I won’t spoil the surprise…just buy a copy and read it, then you’ll get hooked on her other books! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Dear Susan,
I so love reading your blog…..brings much happiness and warm memories.
hugs from here (ancaster, ontario)
Happy Thanksgiving Susan to you and Joe!
Just love seeing the ocean pictures when we can’t get to house on
the Cape this week!
Enjoy your weekend full of blessings,
I love, love, love the little black & white dog pictured. Where did you get it. I have the live version named Rascal. 🙂
I don’t know, little brush dog, somewhere along the line I ran into him, he was irresistible! Live version! Lucky!
Yankee Magazine?!?!?!? That’s wonderful, Sue! Congratulations!!!! What fun that will be! xoxox
Im so excited to finish decorating… LOVE THIS BLOG!
Thank you!!!
Ps…. My grandmother got our much anticipated calender from you…. we were so super excited!
There is so much I love about you Susan. But the thing I love most is how much you remind me of my mother. Just the mere mention of Yankee Magazine brings me back to my childhood. Although I grew up in Minnesota, I was a child of a New Englander, thus we had plenty of copies of Yankee Magazine floating around our house. I think I’ve read most of the issues dating from 1980 to 1999 from front to back several times. 🙂 Thank you for bringing these wonderful memories back. I can’t wait to see the article next year! And thank you for giving me the idea of giving my mother a subscription to Yankee for Christmas this year. She hasn’t had it for a few years now.
What a good surprise that will be, full of memories for her!
Thanks for your wonderful blog. You’ve inspired me in so many ways. First, I will make cranberry jam…finally, a good use for all the great jars I’ve saved. Also, need to buy bulbs to plant paper whites. I already have the moss and rocks saved for years! Hope its not too late too start them for Christmas gift giving! Also, I will start the hunt in my attic for the many wonderful old magazines I haven’t seen in ages, many of which belonged to my mother and also some I bought at a flea mkt. 15 yrs. ago in Ahmish Country, Pa. Always thought I would frame them to hang on my family room walls along with many framed vintage quilt pieces……I totaly relate to all you do, and say including your previous life in California which is where I’ve lived my entire life. I fanasize experiencing life on the Vineyard. I had the Jack and Girl. My cat “Baby Kitty” has gone on daily walks with me, and my dog, “Scootie” forever. She is amazing!