Hi Everyone! Here is your morning MUSICA! Thinking about Blessings, this cold frosty day on Martha’s Vineyard!
I was at the supermarket at 7 am Monday morning, buying my bread for the turkey stuffing, because the first “dry day” was Monday (in order to get my three solid days of bread drying in before Thanksgiving), and I also needed to be on the 10 am boat that day . . . before I went, I laid it all out on the ironing board…
And off I went … to meet Joe on the other side, better known as “The Mainland.” He went to see a Bob Dylan and Mark Knopfler concert in Boston with his friend on Sunday night, and then he met me (who stayed home and painted like a happy bunny) so we could go shopping on the Cape. It was so fun! Besides having lunch out, and meandering . . .
We stocked up at Trader Joe’s and visited a huge festive garden center (Mahoney’s) to see what Christmasy things they had. But mainly, I was looking for inspiration, something that would make me say, “Oh Wow, I have to git me some of that!” That’s what I had on my list, “Inspiration, please.” Looking for some ideas to decorate for a cute Christmas.
We did the only Black Friday we’re ever going to do, and stopped at JoAnn’s, The Christmas Tree Shop, and Michael’s Crafts on Meandering Monday — LOOK at all these wonderful little goodies we found! Do I know what I will do with them? No, I do not!! HOORAY!!!
Well, I do have a vague idea of what I’m going to make, I won’t know for sure until I get at it, but I definitely feel inspired! (Jack is going to LOVE this stuff!)
And then, as I’m unpacking and putting everything away, in comes Girl, just as the sun was coming up, elegant, calm, looking beautiful in the light, not interested in any colorful pom poms. Just a little light snack and some staring.
I think she’s secretly a saint! So much goodness and trust in her little face.♥
So nice of her to stick around and let me take pictures… she’s a very shy girl. But very cozy, lovely to sleep with.
Outside, Joe was hanging up bird feeder number FOUR, outside the kitchen windows.
This is our own kind of fish tank, prettiest view I can think of, right in front of my kitchen sink. Makes winter a joy.
Since Jack was having his morning nap, I thought NOW would be a good time to lay it all out on the dining table/craft table. When I got done playing with it and mulling it all over, I covered it with my coat, so maybe he won’t see it for another day.
I got lots of birds. I have no idea what I will do with them yet, but I’m a bird woman and I’m sure I will have fun with them! The cupcake bird was a gift from a girlfriend . . . she made it! Somehow I have to figure a way for it to take center stage.
Oh yes, I am going to have fun. I started cutting up the straws to string them for garland — I have this compulsion toward garlands, lots of garlands, and swags, and bunting, festooning, flounces and flourishes with fruity spangles, trims, and pom poms. That’s the direction I’m going!
While I was playing with scissors, ribbon and glue, this was my background music: Christmas in Connecticut. If this doesn’t put a person in a good mood, nothing can! I promise, as I get some of my decorations done, you will get the pictures first!
So then the phone rang, it was Kellee, calling from my studio in California. Guess what? We got the bird cups back in . . . which reminded me, I need tea!
She wanted me to tell everyone they’re BACK!
Here’s our yard today, Turkey’s tempting fate. These guys have it made, they are free wanderers and safe on Martha’s Vineyard, going from yard to yard, keeping things rather insect free. So nice of them to decorate the garden for the season. Thank you Turkeys, in more ways than one.
Early this morning we went on our walk . . . which I thought I’d show you. So, in the spirit of the busy-ness of the season, before you click on the arrow here, take just a moment, turn down any noise around you, take a deep breath of what you imagine to be cold, clean ocean air; pull your sweater around you, sink deep into your chair, breathe deeply and relax . . . OK, go.
This is my living prayer. Everyday, when we’re out there on our walk, I look up and say, Thank you God. It’s the best part of my day. We have walked here almost every day since 1991 and I could not love it more.
This is where we do our dreaming as we hunt for beach glass and listen to the seagulls . . . we’re often rewarded . . .
With a little bit of nature, made by nature, one of a kind…
We get to the water by walking down a mile and a half dirt-road through the woods . . . the quiet color-splashed woods filled with cardinals, deer, squirrels, drifting leaves, and wafting woodsmoke, which reminds me of this, from my Autumn book, I thought you might like to read …
And that’s how I feel, we are not alone. We have the most wonderful and simplest things to be grateful for . . . just being alive to enjoy walks, pompoms, the smell of turkey on Thanksgiving, and this . . .
At this very moment, I am sitting very far forward in my chair, because Jack has inserted himself between me and the back of the chair, warm against me, for a nap. Am I lucky? Yes, I am.
I can’t wait until Saturday! It’s “Small Business Saturday,” and we’ll shop around the island and do our part to keep our Main Streets alive and thriving and happy. It not us doing them a favor, it is them, doing it for us.♥
Our shop owners (read: friends and neighbors) do such an amazing job decorating their windows — look how cute this snow globe is! I owned a shop for a while, and now I know, and will never underestimate, how many hopes and dreams are tied up in a little store. What a charm and quality of life they give to our community, and how I never EVER want them to go away. ♥
My dad gave me a “Be an Elf” pin years ago, I love to wear it during the holidays, put on a holiday scarf, and go shopping. But elfing can also be a life plan. The world could truly use a few more elves. ♥ Opportunities abound.
OK, so here comes the first wonderful holiday weekend with our friends and families! There are so many new movies coming; I’m very excited to see Lincoln, and Anna Karenina — which I would go to for the costumes alone! I think Les Miserables (OMG the music!) is coming at Christmas — and there’s a new romantic comedy I’m hearing is good …. Silver Lining Playbook. Do you have any others we should know about? While you’re cooking or wrapping gifts, nothing is more wonderful as background “music” than an old movie . . . treat yourself to an early gift, add to your video library — there are so many to choose from, perfect for holiday viewing, and worth owning . . . two of my favorites . . . Midnight in Paris (with the delicious music) or the wonderful Falling for a Dancer. They also make lovely gifts, turn someone on to two hours of magical story-telling.
And from me to you, here’s a little holiday bookmark for you to print out …
Bless you all Dear Hearts, have a wonderful Thanksgiving; go for a walk if you can, and drink in some of God’s gifts. Be an Elf. ♥ XOXO
So beautiful, inspiring, and wonderful! I’m all ready to craft thanks to you!!!! Your entries always make me so happy! I am bouncing in my seat! Girl and Jack are so precious! I melt when I see them!!!! Have a blessed Thanksgiving and weekend ahead!
You too Jackie!
Thank you for all the JOY that abounds in this writing. I am so comforted — your way of giving thanks just makes us all feel soooooo gooooood! Have a blessed Thanksgiving . . . Ethel
You are so welcome Ethel ♥
Thank you for your beautiful words and your walk through the woods to the beach. You always have just the right thought for each occasion.
xoxo Joan
Thank you so much for sharing pictures of your home and island with us. I got to go up to Seattle for the weekend and take the ferry across Puget Sound and enjoyed every minute of it! Thank you for your support to small business’s, I so hope that I can hang on during the next year…. Happy Thanksgiving to your and your family!
I don’t think you’re alone Elizabeth! Good Luck!
Love and blessings to you too, Susan. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving from me and my family, here in the foggy midwest!
Thank you Susan for the corgi!! I have a mixed breed pup, well not so much a pup since Sisko is 12 now, but he’s a pup at heart. He is mixed between a corgi and an Australian shepherd so he’s short! I enjoy all the stories about your dear kitties, but I’m more a dog-lover so this bookmark is for me!! Thanks, it’s already printed out and ready for my book
Glad you like it! He was one of my most fun things I ever painted!
~ Good Morning~
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving everyone~ Be safe in your homes & travels
~Hi Again~
“The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” is an excellent movie~ if you are not quite ready for a holiday movie yet or are looking for a gift~ you will laugh & cry and just feel good!
…as always we love your heart-felt posts… such a gift and I’m grateful…’love the ocean…thanks for sharing, as I miss it so..dear Susan, ‘wishing you and Joe a very happy Thanksgiving !!
Hi Susan, thank you for the beautiful thoughts and inspirations, once again. I think I’m going to smile all day
The rest of my message never made it to you.
I want to smile all day :).
I want to be an elf too. Maybe we can have official tee shirts to wear.
I hope you and Joe have a beautiful Thanksgiving.
Janet xoxo
We should have those t-shirts, I will see what I can do!
Absolutely love that idea!! It could really be our year round motto. Sums everything we do here up perfectly. (Your Dad is a smart man). There’s always room to be an elf any time of year, but especially during the holidays.
The T shirt idea is wonderful!
Ditto on the T-shirt idea! or even a pin.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I think the T shirt idea is a really wonderful
Yeah!!!!!! good idea Jackie!!!!!!
What a wizard of an idea, Janet! I’ll take a half-dozen – to start!
I still have my SB t-shirt from years ago – says “Be an elf” on the back!! Love it! I agree that we need an updated version!
Oh my goodness, I forgot all about that one. I wrote it in such tiny letters too. It was supposed to be a secret!
Your blog is on my what I am thankful for list!!! Thanks for all of the beautiful pictures! Oh! and my mom makes her stuffing the same way, i remember when I was growing up having the pieces of bread all over the countertops in the kitchen Everyone loves my mother’s stuffing! Happy Thanksgiving!
Same to you Christine!
Happy Thanksgiving Susan and Joe!! I count your blog as one of my many simple things to be grateful for each day!! I promise to do my part to be an elf by making turkey soup on Friday, watching Christmas movies, decorating the house, and NOT shopping at big box stores at 4:00 in the morning! In the words of Uncle Felix, everything will be Hunky Dunky
Hunky Dunky Debby!
Susan, you are a sweet “elf” who inspires us so – the sound of the ocean was so comforting – how I miss it! I will let my grandsons watch it when they come over for Thanksgiving dinner. Can’t wait to see what you do with the goodies you have!! Blessings to you on Thanksgiving!
Good morning Susan, What a lovely gift you’ve given your readers this morning before Thanksgiving.. I am anticipating seeing all of your Christmas decor.. Can’t imagine what you’re going to do with all of the “cute stuff” you’ve shown. You’ve really peaked my interest.
. I loved my walk on the beach. I wish I had a woodland path to walk on the get to such beautiful, watery scenery. You are so blessed.
That Jack is just too much.. His little face is so expressive. He’s just a “doll” of a cat. I know you love him to pieces..
Have a marvelous, happy, warm and cozy Thanksgiving.
Charlotte in Virginia
You too Charlotte!
Oh my, such a “meaty” post for today!! I will go back and savor it later in the day as I just checked your blog before beginning work!…. gorgeous comes to mind.. and thank you for the ocean-spiration!!! This midwest landlocked girl needs all that she can get!! But, we do have the gorgeous trees and fields and I am just so filled with happiness and thankfulness right now… all my boys are here and Thanksgiving with my family is the best blessing of all. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe and kitties… and to all the Girlfriends/Boyfriends out there. Safe travels and may you have lots of hugs and happiness! Oh, and thankful for the small businesses. I don’t participate in “Black Friday” (horrible term!!), but do try to do my shopping local as much as possible.. probably get cracking on Monday!! Have a blessed holiday all!
Sounds like a wonderful holiday for you Diana! xoxo
Hi Susan!! I just loved reading “Blessings”,,,I am home after being in the hospital for a couple of days because I just leaned over and popped my new hip out,,,was an awful time,,,but luckily they fixed it,,but not able to fix all the food I wanted to for Thanksgiving!!! Loved seeing Girl Kitty, and Jack, I loved reading all you wrote, made me feel lucky too! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know you will, and we will too!!
Take care of yourself, rest time for you! Let someone spoon feed you the dressing and the gravy! xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving, sweet Susan!!! Your blog is an inspiration and a source of joy for us all!
Happy to have you here Sharon!
A blessed Thanksgiving to you and Joe and all your friends and family. We are so blessed, aren’t we? I sit here looking around my little corner of the world and see so many things I am thankful for. It about makes me bust with joy.
I did have to laugh at seeing Joe on the ladder. He is like my husband and gets up to the very last rung. Sometimes my husband even stands on the very top while I stand holding the ladder cringing. We are so blessed with helpful husbands.
Totally cringing. Awful to watch. I don’t know if I should be worrying more about him falling, or him falling on me. Yesterday I was telling him where to grab onto if he thought he was going to fall!
This ladder story sounds familiar–same scene around here…had to laugh. Thanks for the beach video! We got our photos developed last night from our time in Door County so it was timely. Reminds me of the beaches we walked there…and the sound of the water washing up on the rocks–I love it!!! I can tell from your post that you aren’t getting ready for company for Thanksgiving–LOL!
But, if you are going to friends, why are you doing the stuffing? Are you taking the turkey? I am waiting until the weekend to switch into “Christmas Mode”…The “Be An Elf” pin and then t-shirt idea reminded me of a funny story. I had a 10-speed Schwinn bicycle that had very few miles on it, hanging in the garage for years. I have arthritis in my thumb joints so using the hand brakes was becoming dangerous! A couple of years ago I had the thought to ask our minister if he could check around and if there was a family that had a child that would give the bike a good home, I’d love to donate it. He called me back and told me of a family that had had several serious health issues with both parents that had affected their finances big-time and they had a daughter who was a “special” child, how do I say it? a little “slow” (sorry, bu I can’t think of the proper term to use at the moment), and he had talked to the mother and they would just love to get the bicycle as their daughter needed one and that she would be calling me. Well, the mom called. I told her I wanted this to be annonymous to the child. She tearfully asked if I would mind if they said the bicycle was from Santa Claus as they couldn’t really afford a gift from him that year. I said that sounded great to me. Norm cleaned and polished the bike–it looked like new. The mother told us that she was telling the child that one of Santa’s helpers would be delivering the present a little early as it was too large to fit in Santa’s sleigh. So, Norm went to deliver the bike. A while afterward, the phone rang here and the mother was laughing. She told me that the child ran out when the car pulled in their driveway and she danced around, she was so excited about the “new” bike. But then, after Norm drove off, she turned to her mother and said she knew that the man that delivered the bike was one of Santa’s elves. The mother, puzzled, said, “How do you know that?” and she answered, “Because he had pointy ears!!!” We’ve laughed and laughed at that ever since. Especially since, when Norm came in the door, I went over to him and told him I needed to inspect his ears and then told him the story! (Guess I should clarify that my husband’s ears are really not “pointy”–Sandy From Attleboro and Susan can vouch for that fact!) LOL!!!
So, “Be An Elf” has special meaning at our house!
Happy Thanksgiving, girlfriends!
Sweet story, I would be proud of those pointy ears!
What a great story, Pat… and what a generous thing to do. That little girl will remember that particular Christmas FOR-EVER because of you both… Happiest of holidays! xoxo :>)
We are such worry worts aren’t we. I do the same thing to my husband…..and even though he grouches about it….he loves that I am there. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Love the garland idea with the striped straws!! Nice to see Girl Kittie too, she’s a dear.
Jan from Northern CA
Good morning Susan, What a beautiful gift you’ve given your readers this morning before Thanksgiving.
I enjoyed my walk through your woodland path to the beach. Such gorgeous scenery.
Jack and Girl are precious kitties.. Jack’s face is so expressive and I know you love both of your fur babies to pieces..
I’m anticipating seeing your Christmas decor. Can’t imagine what you’re going to do with all of the cute things that you’ve shown.
Have a marvelous, warm and cozy Thanksgiving.
Charlotte in Virginia
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘THANK YOU’, it will be enough.” Meister Eckhart
Happy Thanksgiving Susan and to all the girlfriends!
And don’t we say it every day? xoxo
Yes, we do!
Many times…
oh many many times!!!!!!
Beautiful post! I will be baking my pies tonight and making the cranberry sauce. We have so much to be thankful for! My Mom was declared cancer free (lung)!!!!!! My son got married as well as a couple nieces. We still have jobs. I am thankful for my Jerry and my smidge of a Midge cat. The world is a wonderous place. And I am thankful for you my dear Susan for always brightening my day and for reminding me of how much I have to be thankful for. I hope you, Joe and kitties have a blessed Thanksgiving!!
SO happy to hear about your mom Vicki! xoxo
Thank you!!
“…smidge of a Midge cat…” Cute! :>)
Good morning, Susan and everyone…
A foggy, grey morning here… perfect for baking, which I will be doing shortly. I am another reader who is SO thankful for your blog, your talents and your inspiration, Susan. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving, and I hope that both your day, and mine and everyone’s, is filled with moments that make us all stop and say “Thank you, God!” for we do all have much to be thankful for, don’t we? One of my favorite Bible verses is Psalm 106: ” Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.”
When I look into the eyes of my grandchildren, my heart just overflows. Faith, family and friends… and of course, our pets, who are part of our family, all give us such special reasons to pause and give thanks daily. Give Girl Kitty and Jack a pet from me… our dogs Charly (a lab) and Cooper (a Yorkie) send their wishes to them, too.
Can’t wait to see what you do with all those little bits and pieces you bought. I have Holiday Inn and White Christmas all set to watch tonight… a wonderful way to start the Christmas season. Hugs to everyone!
Enjoyed the “waters!” Water has a way of making us feel closer to our Maker and thankful too! Love it! Have you tried “Mint Medley”, a herb tea, a blend of spearmint & peppermint? Another little blessing. Happy Turkey Day you Easteners! [We’re having 60’s today & tomorrow…then drop to the 30’s on Fri. in MN.] It’s our lst holiday alone, just me & my man. So we are taking off to a Bed & Breakfast place, and of course will be thankful to go walking in the warm breezes! xoxo
Have a wonderful time Sherry!
Thank you dear Susan! And you and yours too!
oh wow! what a wonderful inspiration! and just mentioning some of the wonderful places…like Christmas Tree Shop! how i miss THAT place! and the little shops! Have a wonderful day!
Pat, my maiden name was “Pat Williams” and even though it has been 28 years, when I see your name, I think it is me!!! LOL!
LOL that’s a good one!
I think the same thing! Pat was Pat Williams when I met her (dare I say it, nearly 50 years ago!) and it catches me off guard every time I see it too.. How fortunate for me to have this enduring friendship..
Me, too, Sandy!!!
However can it be that many years ago??? LOL! So many good memories… 
Happy Thanksgiving to you Susan! Your words are beautiful and so inspiring! You gratitude and appreciation for life overflowing. I love it! I am so grateful, as well, for all the things around me…my family, friends, and many blessings…the simple beauty in everyday life! I love all the things you share with us in your blog! Can’t wait for you to share you holiday decorations. I am writing from West Chester, PA and today I am going to make your “Annie Hall’s” butter cut out cookies with my children..my son is 5 and my daughter is 8. We are making turkeys, pilgrims, pilgrim hats and leaves. Then I will make a caramel apple spice cake for tomorrow’s family dinner. It will make the whole house smell delicious!
All my best to you and Joe for a wonderful Thanksgiving!
How wonderful! What a fun memory to give your kids — and you!
I smiled when I saw the scene from Christmas in CT….it’s always been a favorite of mine. I usually wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start watching all those favorite Christmas movies but yesterday at sunset I put that one on and enjoyed it as much as ever…..rushing the season a bit but I loved it! seeing the quote from Tasha Tudor was special, too. I had a corgi that was a relative of Tasha’s Rebecca. Tasha was a personal friend and I still miss my visits with her…but oh those wonderful memories…like being in another world…think I may watch her Christmas video today in between pie making. Happy Thanksgiving dear lady to you and yours!
Vicki, Susan’s Corgi’s bookmark got me to thinking about Tasha Tudor and how much I miss her–and I’ve never even met her. Her Take Joy! attitude about life drew me to her very much like Susan’s attitude of seeing the excitement in what some might think mundane. I did get to visit Tasha’s house this past summer. It felt very sad, especially her garden, as though they missed her, too, but I was glad to have stood in her little kitchen and imagine her preparing tea for us. I just hope the family will find the resources to keep the house in good repair. They are working to revitalize her garden. It’s a shame someone couldn’t live there, but then it still probably would never be the same.
Maybe they will do what they did with Beatrix Potter’s House in England. It is beautifully cared for and watched over.
Seth told me they only have a permit to open the house to the public 15 times a year (I think that was the number). He said the roads to the house could not handle a tour bus, so that is why they’re looking for property elsewhere to build her museum: tashatudormuseum.org/
Oh how interesting, will have to check it out! Thanks Cathy!
Hi, Cathy – isn’t that the most wonderful book? I have Tasha’s “Take Joy” too – it was a gift from my Secret Santa at school my first year as a teacher. I’ve read it cover to cover every Christmas for 34 years and use it throughout the season – both at school and home. Wish I could still tell the person who gave it to me what a treasured part of the holidays it has become for me. Happy T-Day! :>)
Tasha Tudor’s book, Take Joy, was a gift to me from my boss many, many years ago. I get it out every Christmas and put it with other favorite Christmas books (like Susan’s!) on the coffee table…
Oh, the richness of your voice and heart, Susan! Especially love the Indian sentiments. I once found an arrowhead (on our farm in Southeast MO). The connection was like WOW…… Indians lived as I live right here on this same soil. I saw our farm differently from then on. Daddy had always talked to us about the importance of being stewards of the land. The arrowhead sent that message home.
You take me from deep thoughts and feelings to a string of pompoms and cut up drinking straws…..that little garland is ever so cute! For all the poignancy and just plan fun I thank you, Susan. So much to be thankful for………gotta get a roll of adding machine paper to write down my blessings, as my little brother once used to write his Christmas list! As always, DonnaRay
Oh Susan your Thanksgiving blessings post is just beautiful!… I am sitting here sipping coffee from my new Robin mug I ordered from you, and as I count my many blessings, I am counting you twice, as you bring me so much happiness, peace and joy… I love seeing all of your pom poms and special treasures to decorate your home with… I was sooo happy to see Girl Kitty!… kitty kisses sweet little Girl… and how cute she gets her little snack in a Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz bowl!… hello Jack kitty too!… I love them both so much!… now I want to watch the Barbara Stanwyck movie… love her!… your ocean video makes me long for the sea once more… I have not been to the ocean in a while and I miss it… sometimes I hold my favorite shell up to my ear to listen for it… your little heart~shaped find from Nature is so pretty!… wishing you, Joe, kitties and all of your family and friends a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving… much love, xoxo Julie Marie
This post is so beautiful. Thank you for your love of birds and other animals and your sharing of your talent in depicting them with all of us. And as you give thanks for their wonder, will you please consider some day you might not kill them to eat them? I know all of their preparations are steeped in tradition, but still, we might consider the fact that we are killing creatures for our convenience and romantic traditions. You could start new traditions. Plus there are excellent turkey substitutes out there that even now mimic the texture of turkeys. Personally, with some vegetarian gravy and lovely bread stuffing, I can’t tell the difference! Please consider saving one turkey from the awful fate of losing its life so we can feast on its body. Thank you. Your work is so beautiful!
I’m not making a turkey this year, we are going to friend’s house, so at least I won’t have that problem. Normally, I try to purchase the little meat we do eat from local farms.
Have a very busy day ahead of me – it’s my job this year to make the pumpkin pies and the stuffing and homemade applesauce for our big family gathering tomorrow. I was starting to feel kind of frantic so I made myself a good cup of coffee, sat down, opened my computer and how wonderful! A new blog entry from Susan! I now feel at peace and like I can handle anything! Thank you! And a very Happy Thanksgiving from this little island on the west coast to another little island on the east coast! ♥♥
Whoever the time god is, she always seems to leave just enough, barely, but enough, to get it all done! Enjoy!
…forgot to tell you how much I love the bird teacup you offer in your web store…hey girlfriends, this cup is so adorable..and what a good gift it would be….would be a great treat for yourself as well….p.s. love the “be an elf” t-shirt idea…..
I love when you take us on your daily walk. I needed a beach fix. And the ferry! Wish we could get to nantucket for this year’s Christmas Stroll. I am in Girl Kitty heaven today. Jack is adorable but she is elegant. Happy Thanksgiving to all Girlfriends!
Dear Susan,
May you receive, exponentially, the joy you give so many!! Wishing you an abundance of all that is good this Thanksgiving, Carrie.
dear susan….a beautiful heartfelt blog greated me this very very foogy morning..inspired me as usual… only you would have your own private flock of turkeys grazing in your yard one day before Thanksgiving….love that pix!!! and what a blessing for both you and them!!!! 12 for dinner tomorrow with son coming from Boston arriving early tomorrow morning….bringing a bit of that New England charm with him!!……table is set and today is “pie day”……we all decorate our gingerbread houses after Thanksgiving dinner..the grandkids each have their own and the adults have one per family…makes a little village..so I have been collecting little goodies too..candies and decorations to light up those precious little houses…..I have always loved your work and have been thrilled with this wonderful blog….thank you so much for your inspirations,your stories, your recipes but most of all, your wonderful outlook on life….I am thankful to be able to count you as “friend”……here’s hoping you have Thanksgiving filled with good smells, yummy things to eat and are surrounded by those you love and who love you…. xo love, cindy
I can feel that warm Thanksgiving joy filtered all through your comment Cindy!
Cindy, I agree. Only Susan would have her own private flock of turkeys grazing in her yard the day before Thanksgiving. It’s those elves again!
It’s really true!
Oh, Susan!!!! Another lovely post! Thank you. Wishing a cornucopia-filled abundance of blessings this Thanksgiving & always!
As a land-locked Mid-Westerner, who originally hails from the East Coast, the sound of the wind and waves with beautiful pale sapphire water was fabulous! Thank you again!
So much creativity is awaiting you on your table, it truly is a feast of color and inspiration for the eyes! Can’t wait to see what wonderfulness you create with everything.
Have a splendidly, enchanting Thanksgiving – I think my nose is twitching at this delightful aroma making its way west from your kitchen…mmmmm…
Comfy down hugs and love to you and your!!!
Oh wow! That’s almost another Willard you have posted for us this morning. This year I am so grateful for the existence of a wonderful artist and lovely human being called Susan Branch who dispenses so much joy and beauty through her work.
Susan and Joe, I wish you both a lovely Thanksgiving and may you both have many more lovely things to be thankful for next year this time!
What a nice way to say that!
What a lovely post on the day before Thanksgiving, Susan! I called my retired Navy sailor over to listen to the ocean! He loved it! We have all the traditional foods for Thanksgiving. After the meal we have a “turkey trot!” We all walk either down our country road or down our farmland lane to walk off the meal. Our dogs come too and they run and jump and just love it! Then we come back in ready for the pies! Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving full of delicious food, loved ones, and thankfulness.
God bless, Kathy in Illinois
Love that Turkey Trot!
Kathy, Love that Turkey Trot also. Great idea. I will see how many family members I can get to go with me. I know the dogs will go!
Girl Kitty looks positively regal! Such a lady!
Preparations are well underway here, too, for that Thanksgiving Day meal tomorrow.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Susan, and sending hopes for those “creative juices” that are flowing.
xo Nellie
Susan – thank you for the inspiration! Both nature and the crafts – a reminder to slow down and count our blessings during this holiday season!
Love the picture of the turkey flock – they are like are peacocks here on the peninsula – probably the same proportion of people who love them and who complain about them too!! LOL
The photos of Girl Kitty are so nice! She reminds me of our elegant calico Meghan! Meghan has to contend with 3 males who are quite the attention seekers! She’s just always quietly there – waiting for some attention of her own!
Have a wonderful holiday – to you, Joe, kitties and all the girlfriends too!
Awww…sweet Girl Kitty needs a tiara…she really is a princess. LOVE all your goodies–can’t wait to see what you do with them. You make every thing so exciting–and it is contagious!
If I could, I’d move to your corner of the world–I’ve always loved New England, but especially this time of the year. I’ve been to Plimouth Plantation, and Plymouth Rock and the Ocean Spray factory, to name a few places I’ve visited in the past. I’ve seen the cranberry bogs too. And while we were up ‘there’ we visited Vermont. It is all to die for!
Boy, would I love to shop your local stores on Saturday! Hog heaven for sure. For all that you give to us right here on your blog, I am so THANKFUL. You are a jewel Susan Branch, and we all love you. And yours–your Joe and your Jack are the best too! God bless you and yours, today and always…from the hills of TN.
It is rather a jewel, New England, isn’t it. I think we all have a bit of it in our hearts, being such a historical American place.
Dearest Susan,
Thank you for such a wonderful peek into your holiday preparations. You truly make each and everyone of us feel as if we are part of your family. I was so surprised, although I should know enough not to underestimate you, at your wonderful newsy post. I had just been checking your last post for the directions for your cranberry sauce, which I just made, and when I came back to the iPad and refreshed the page, there was today’s gift waiting. By the way, your cranberry sauce was everything you said it would be, and it was soooo easy. The color is beyond description. I’m going to take a portion of it and mix it with marmelaid, just as you suggested.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, and may all your preparations for the Yankee Magazine shoot go smoothly.
Loving you in CT- C
Oh, I’m so happy you liked it!
Thank you for the wonderful post. I just loved the video of the ocean on your walk. Love seeing the pictures of the island stores,homes and such. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Are you getting closer to the end of your English Diary? I am looking forward to seeing the finished book. A treasure indeed.
I think I’m more than half way done . . . I’m looking forward to it too, love doing it!
Oh, Susan – You are such an inspiration! I’m getting ready to shower and strap on my apron for a day in the kitchen. It’s storming here in Seattle and oh, so cozy. It was such a treat to pour myself a cuppa in my teeny Emma mug to take the time to read each and every word of your blog. God bless you and your dear ones during this season and always. You are such a friend to so many — I’ll reread your message later and savor it once again. I’ve added Christmas in Connecticut to my queue (never seen it!) and will shop on Saturday also. I feel such a connection to you and all of your faithful friends!
I love people who’ve never seen something, I get to live vicariously with excitement for your first time!
It truly is the little things in life that are so important. My life changes daily because that of those few words you remind us of constantly. So thankful for that, btw. I decorated the outside of our house a few days ago, while it was warm outside; and I put on a Christmas movie that I could hear as I came in and out of the house, and made tea when I finished. Beautiful! See, we’re learning. I can feel every bit of your excitement as you spread out your bread, shopped, loved kitties, walked by the ocean, listened to your Christmas movie, took your pictures, and checked out the spoils from your Christmas shopping trip. So much to be thankful for. My daughter is coming home this weekend with her new baby. She says baby likes lights, so I’m putting up the Christmas tree…my first attempt at really trying to be an elf! Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
You sound like you are doing a great job of it! xo
I used to be like this, but “life” (of all descriptions) gets in the way. I want it to be part of my heart, soul, and foundation again, like it used to be. Even when I don’t feel like it, I’m doing it anyway…my heart will catch up. You are helping to show me the way back (and even better than it was). Thank you! xo
“My heart will catch up” — beautifully said. Yes, I do believe it’s cumulative!
I’ll always remember what you just said, “it’s cumulative.” Now that will always be my ignition spark to keep pressing forward.
If you ever feel like you would like one more spark, may I suggest meditation? It’s a little hard to get started, but I can say it’s the best thing I ever learned in my life, the everyday focus and consciousness changed the way I thought about life — those moments of awareness, every day, of blessings, happiness, and goals makes a huge difference. xoxo
Yeah for pom poms! I love them also. I saw a cute gift wrapping idea where you glue individual Pom poms in rows or higgly piggly on top of a white wrapped box. Use red ones and then add a cute tie up of red and white baker’s twine. I love gift wrapping, it’s such an important part of the gift don’t you think?!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
It can definitely make something very special!
Forgot to add – I highly recommend Lincoln! We saw it last weekend! It is amazing! The theater erupted in applause after it was over! Even better when you remember that Lincoln established Thanksgiving!!
We went to the memorial and I cried all the way through it. He was a true hero. If we think politics has become terrible today, just go to that memorial and see what they put him through in the 1800’s. He did not even know how beloved he was when he died; his legacy had not yet formed. Makes me cry to think of it now.
The book it was based on – “Team of Rivals” by Doris Kearns Goodwin – is absolutely wonderful too! Cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone who likes reading history or biography. Highly recommend ALL of Doris’ [like I know her!] books. I’m kind of a WWII ‘groupie’ and if you were too young to have lived through it like me, “No Ordinary Time”[Pulitzer Prize winner] will make you feel like you were there in Homefront USA.
Thank you for brilliant suggestion Janet! I love history, will go check it out!
You’ll really enjoy them both, Sue. Try to get them on audio book – great to paint an English diary by! :>)
Thank you, Susan, for this Thanksgiving gift! Your photos are a feast for the eyes! Love your crafty finds, especially the vintage-looking package full of stripey straws!! The garland you’re putting together with the pompoms is so cute! Much love in your home with your sweet kitties and wonderful hubby….so much to be thankful for. I always swoon over your walk through the woods to the shore! I would spend all day there looking for heart shaped stones and sea glass! Thank you, too, for the Tasha Tudor bookmark! Hugs, blessings, and Thanksgiving joy to you!!! xoxo…Karen
Well I’m thankful for your blog and your cookbooks and lovely art work! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and first Christmasy weekend. My corgi, Bing and I thank you for the book mark. Tasha Tudor has always been an inspiration to me. My brother is bringing San Francisco sourdough bread today from….San Francisco, so I’m going to try that in the stuffing recipe. I told him to leave the bag open so it has been drying since Monday in the car! Ha. Time to go start making pies. Enjoy your day!
Simply wonderful. Thank you!
Happy, happy….i feel your joy….I love all the Christmas thingamabobs and doohickies and pom poms and glitter….I have a cat on my lap as we speak and I’m watching the squirrels out my window……happy, happy……:))….(my double chin smile)…..Happy Thanksgiving!!…:))
“…double-chin smile….” Very very cute! :>)
This corgo lover/owner is thrilled and grateful for the bookmark! Thank you!
You are so welcome!
Fanny and Betti want to know if you draw schnauzers? LOL!
Not yet!
“So we could go shopping on the Cape” stopped me in my tracks, oh my! And I’ve never seen a yard full of wild turkeys. And I need to get me down to the water here on our island. Happy Thanksgiving ~ have a wonderful day!
I just knew you would have a wonderful post today, and you didn’t disappoint. This is the first Thanksgivig in 3 years that all my children will be here, along with most of the grandchildren. I’m so excited to cook a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner for them all. Some will be staying for the weekend, and we’ll go shopping at the local shops on Saturday. We don’t do Black Friday – and wish it hadn’t become such a mess of greed and chaos. Instead we will play games, watch movies, and eat leftovers. I got a kick out of you mentioning the name of the garden shop. Mahoney is my maiden name. Wishing you and Joe and the kiddies the best Thanksgiving ever, and good luck on the decorating. I know it will be spectacular!
Peggy Mahoney, now that is a NAME! Love it!
Actually, it was Margaret Ann Elizabeth Mahoney, but I didn’t know my real name wasn’t Peggy until I started school, and I cried. My Irish grandfather didn’t know either until he came to pick me up from kindergarten one day, and the nuns didn’t know who Peggy was. At 63, I think I’ve finally grown into Margaret, but still only use it for legal documents.
There’s an old movie called An Apartment for Peggy which I saw in my teens and it made me forever in love with your name!
William Holden, Jeanne Crain, Edmund Gwenn! Oh, I LOVE that movie! Well, now I just have to get it… :>)
Isn’t it a wonderful movie? Peggy is so competent!
What a lovely blog post! I especially love the photos of your kitties (*melt!*)…Wishing you and yours a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
♥ Carolee
YOU are a blessing to all of us. Wishing you and Joe a very Happy Thanksgiving! (please pass the stuffing)
What an inspirational post, both creatively and spiritually. Thankyou. This morning has been SO hectic. Rushing here and there trying to get things done before work, trying to get it all ready! Deep breath…..breathe, listen to the ocean and say “thanks” for all the wonderful things in my life! I am calmer, because of you.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone…..breathe and be thankful!
P.S. Also wanted to add….please, please, please shop small businesses. You can find things actually made in the good old US of A and you help your local economy. Also I might add that I do not plan on shopping ANY retail store this holiday season that makes their employees come to work on Thanksgiving day. Shame on them! Sorry, just had to vent about that.
YAY!!!! i’ve been saying that for years, i never shop retail, i go to the local businesses over the holidays and just about everyday, i prefer them. and i agree shame on any retailer who makes their employees work on Thanksgiving instead of giving them the day off to be with family and friends. lets all boycott Black Friday and Gray Thursday!!!
Thanks for this, Chris! My college-student niece works part-time at Target and has to be at work at 2 am Friday morning! That is just – plain – nuts. This whole Black Friday thing is one of the times these days when I truly think “what in the world are we doing here?”
I do think we have the power to make that change. We just don’t show up.
Amen! It sounds too easy, but that is absolutely ALL it would take. :>)
It’s not like there aren’t plenty of other places to go!
I keep seeing Mr Potter’s face in the movie It’s A Wonderful Life” Greed Greed Greed! That’s what the big box stores have become. People have X amount of dollars they plan on spending for Christmas. They will spend it during regular business hours just the same as this insanity of Black Friday that the retailers have created.
Its funny because I think a lot of people think like we do. Don’t they? So why does this happen? But of course there is a mentality that will stand in line for 3 days to be first to get the new iPhone. It’s just not my nature. I think the internet is bringing more and more people together, to talk about it, and something tells me, their days are numbered. We do control our society. We just haven’t been able to bond before. Here’s to us! We’re the normal ones!
Good idea! Boycotting the stores for their crazy opening hours is the only way to protest,. though, I think if we all bothered to take the time to write a letter to the company headquarters, it might help for next year, too!
A letter is worth a hundred million words. xoxo
People can be just like sheep…they’d fall right off the cliff if the newest iPhone was down there somewhere. We just need to get the herd going in a better direction. That’s why I like this blog so much…we’re herded in a much better direction. I feel so much more like myself instead of part of the herd. Love it!! Life is sooo beautiful. But you have to start waking up and looking around in order to see it.
Yes, and look at all the possibilities now that we have the internet. Women being such wonderful communicators and all!
Letter writers… arm yourselves:
Walmart Corporate Office
702 SW 8th St
Bentonville, AK 72716-8611
Target Corporation
1000 Nicllet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55403
I do agree but on the other side of the coin….both my daughter and daughter in law are young with young families and they WANT to work…they get holiday pay and NEED the money to buy their families Christmas. They spend the day with their families and work the evening shift. One at Target and the other at Walmart.
For years we have made it our tradition to go to lunch and then a movie on “Black Friday”! Retail has gotten ridiculous! Like many of you we prefer to support small businesses as well! I do like the statement that Nordstom’s made – we prefer to celebrate one holiday at a time! They don’t put up Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving!
Even small business owners get pressured though – friends who are in small specialty centers get serious pressure to be open 7 days a week!!
I was proud of Nordstrom’s too. It’s rather brave of them! Joe was talking about how quiet Sunday’s used to be, when the stores would all be closed! I like to shop when I want to like everyone else, but I also like to eat 400 cookies in a row, not everything we want is good for us!
Yes, our saying around here is: “Just because something CAN be done, that doesn’t mean it SHOULD be done!”
I guess learning that is part of the challenge!
Ever since I picked up your Summer book back in my college days, I’ve been captivated by your kind, joyful, inspirational, beautiful ways. You lift the spirits in more ways than one. I am grateful to have discovered you and the family of Girlfriends. Thank you for blessing all of us Susan–we all love ya! ( and of course, Joe, Girl Kitty, and Jack too!) Happy Thanksgiving to the Branch/Hall family!
Same to you Gina, thank you so much!
This was such a calm, sweet post this morning when we are about to get caught up in the great whirlwind of Christmas. I have to look and look at your pictures and catch all the little details…the little bunches of carrots among your Christmas doodads! Your ironing board cover…quilt….so precious and dear…covered with bread! I put my tray of spread out bread on the tv in the kitchen so the kitty would not get into it! Your walk to the ocean…invigorating. And, the shop windows on Martha’s Vineyard! I have a very hard time trying not to envy you! Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving. Let’s stay away from BLACK FRIDAY! i would not do that for anything!
No, I’m with you. What a crazy idea, who wants STUFF, enough to put themselves through it? Just the looking for a parking place would be painful!
yes lets all stay away from BLACK FRIDAY and GRAY THURSDAY. sorry but i think Thanksgiving is a day, a holiday for giving thanks with family and friends and to celebrate the many blessings we have, not for shopping. time to start a movement to stop BLACK FRIDAY and GRAY THURSDAYS!!! shop local, give your holiday business to the local mom and pop stores instead. been doing that for years and i love finding the unique and wonderful items i give for christmas gifts.
I know, strange to make a day all about big business money and have everyone go for it.
Unfortunately look what they have tried to do with Christmas, too…
There needs to be a balance, we wouldn’t want to undermine the entire economy of the world! But Black Friday is going too far. I actually started to write about the Too Muchness in my little Christmas Joy … but then I just wrote about how nothing matters but time with family and friends, and of course, cookies, and left it at that.♥
Beautiful blog…thank you for a few minutes to reflect and appreciate. You covered lots of fun things and good thoughts. ~Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Your spirit is so awesome Susan!
You say things I am thinking about, and show us such wonderful inspiration, as you show us your life.
Living here, near San Juan Capistrano, So Cal, I so often feel the Native American Indian’s presence. I loved that part of this post especially. Well, I loved the whole thing! You have blessed us with your Blog, your books,…also, having the “girlfriends” remarks is an added bonus! Their thoughts are often mine.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Travel safe! Will meet here again soon…
Lovely post, as always. Thank you. Here is my favorite Thanksgiving blessing. I found it years ago on a card while waiting in an airport for a connecting flight (one of the best delays ever). If anyone knows the author, I would love to know…
Thanksgiving Blessing
Wishing you
Walls from the wind,
Roof for the rain,
And tea beside the fire.
Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire.
Author Unknown (unfortunately)
Wishing all of you a wonderful, peaceful, enjoyable Thanksgiving.
Love it, I know it as an Irish Blessing, it’s wonderful! Thank you Lorraine!
Hi Susan,
I am elbow deep in flour, smiling as I think about your post today. It is all inspiring but my favorite, favorite part is the ocean waves. I don’t get to the coast as much as I used to (too far away), so with eyes closed I drank in the sounds of the video. Thank you! I loved all of the crafty things you chose, especially the colors and patterns. What fun it will be for you to put things together……and for Jack too.
You are such a blessing to all of us. We are greatful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thank you so much for the corgi bookmarker. Two of my daughters own corgis, or should I say “corgis own them”. I am going to print the markers off and give it to them for Christmas. Two gifts checked off the old list.
P.S. I love the fake carrots you bought. My kind of decorating.
Gotta go. The Shoo-Fly pie is ready to come out of the oven.
Sincerely from Western PA.
Thinking carrots for Peter Rabbit room?
I was wondering (several times) what the carrots were doing in the midst of the Christmas decorations…the Peter Rabbit room, of course! Can’t believe I missed that one. Sitting here chuckling, shaking my head, duh.
Thank you Susan for your joy of living and spreading that joy so sincerely with all of us. The world really is a wonderous place and you help remind us of that with all of your art, music, words and love. I often spread my arms wide and say Thank You! I am spreading them wide now and saying Thank You for you! Happy Holidays to you and yours! Christine
Have a happy thanksgiving Susan. You are so inspiering, and we love the pictures of the cat;)
Best wishes from theminimice:)
Your blog is ALWAYS DELIGHTFUL and today’s was no different.
Thanks so much for brightening my day!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Hi Susan! I just had to pop on and tell you how much I also LOVE Christmas in Connecticut. It is my favorite movie (and I love it all the more for not being the “most” popular one!). I also collect heart-shaped rocks, now on the shores of Lake Superior. Glorious and happy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ~Natalie from Tasha Tudor and Family
Hi Natalie! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Dear Susan, I can’t tell you how excited I get when I turn on my computer in the morning and click on your post and see a new one!!! Oh joy oh happiness, I run and get a cup of coffee and hurry back and get lost in your wonderful, beautiful, help, I can’t think of all the good things to say, world. I absolutly love everything, your walks the movies, the musica, Joe on ladder, Jack and YES Girl Kitty, I was so happy to see her, thank you for everything you do and give to all..such a blessing. I think I can easily say WE ALL LOVE YOU..Happy Thanksgiving.
And I have to say, I love you all back! xoxo Thank you Sharon!
I am thankful for YOU, Susan…you are such an inspiration…you get me going on things that need to be done and things I want to do…have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving…xoxo…
Ah, your Zen-like video took me back to my childhood, when I lived on the island of Cuba. The benefits of living by the ocean were many. Unfortunately, I haven’t been to the island in years, so thank you, for coming to the rescue by sharing your paradise.
I’d like to toast a giant cup of Happy to you, Joe, Jack, and sweet Girl, for a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hi Susan! Love, love, love your post! You have such a gift for blogging. Your’s is the BEST one I frequent. I mean it! This is a quick comment, as my daughter is on her way to help me set everything up for tomorrow. My movie suggestion (not for everyone) but my guy and I think Hitchcock will be a fun one! Love Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren. The ones you mentioned are a definite on our list. Have a wonderful, beautiful Thanksgiving!
You are so nice Lisa, thank you! Is that the Hitchcock that’s been on TV? I saw that recently…. tough making of the movie “The Birds!!!”
No, this is brand new, opens Friday. Here’s a link~ movies.yahoo.com/movie/hitchcock/trailers/
I know what you mean about making The Birds! If it’s the same one we saw, it’s called The Girl. Happy Bird Day! LOL
Yes, that was it! But it was on TV, HBO or something; is it opening in theaters now? Happy Bird day to you too Lisa!
Oooh, that looks good. I guess it’s just called Hitchcock. He actually seems like he was quite the little maniac! Just saw one on TV recently called The Girl, and he was a maniac in that one too!
This is a meaty post, enlivening all the senses. I am partial to the ocean, there is nothing like it’s lullaby and scent. Being landlocked, every little reminder is like chocolate for the soul. Now, off to make rolls and noodles as my part for family gathering on Saturday. Us working girls have to divide our time wisely, don’t we?
We do we do, must know priorities!
What a wonderful, joy-filled post. Even though we celebrated Thanksgiving in October (Canada) we can be thankful everyday! Your video has inspired me to get my coat on and drive down to the ocean for a walk along the beach. But it will be the Pacific, not the Atlantic! Isn’t it wonderful that we can be joined together by the love of common things?
Have a wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving, Susan and Joe!
Thanks for being an “elf”. What a beautiful blog entry. On my long list of things to be thankful for is your blog and all the lovely things you provide us with, such as your beautiful books, calendars, etc. You are a true inspiration.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Every post ,your photos and art work are just so fantastic I get soo lost in this site and I love it always a pick me up and filled with wonder and beauty. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving !
It is always worth the wait for your next Blog!! Thank you for you inspirations and ideas for the holiday prep! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we must all remember to be very Thankfull!!!
Susan, have a fabulous Thanksgiving! You have inspired all of us with your blog today. All your blogs inspire us though
Looks as though you are going to be very busy with all those crafts that you got on the ‘mainland’. Looking forward to see your home all decked out for Christmas also.
Carol M
I just love the detail in your indian corn!
Thank you for all the “escapes” you give us.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Oooh, I love Christmas. The shops on your main street look so inviting! I started my present shopping today after a visit to the dentist. A definite pick-me-up especially as it was bucketing down with rain! I love your garland made with cut up straws, great idea, and many thanks for the book mark.
hello, and good morning susan, everyone. greetings from the soggy pacific northwest. we have had quite a storm here, but luckily made it through with no problems so far, the sun is poking out and the turkeys are out in the back yard enjoying the sun and strutting their stuff. the lil birds are on all the feeders, and the squirrels are busy stuffing their cheeks full of peanuts, sunflower seeds and corn and scurrying up the trees before the storm breaks again, getting in those winter supplies while the getting is good. i have my bread out and drying and will make stuffing tomorrow, i have the pies baked, and the bread and rolls already made for tomorrow. i love this time of year, the wonderful colors of the leaves, the chill in the air, the scent of chimney smoke on the air and the scent of all that cooking in my kitchen, makes me very thankful for all the blessings i have received. just peeked out the window and tom turkey is really strutting his stuff, he looks so good now, all nice and healthy and all his feathers, he is so happy with his 3 girlfriends. hope to see lil baby turkeys soon. he knows they are all safe here and no one is going to have them for turkey dinner. hehehehe he just hopped skipped about the yard, looks like he is courting the girls. he looks so silly!!! i love the turkeys in your yard susan, definitely heritage bronzes. wishing all the girlfirends and you and joe and the kitties a wonderful, blessed, and happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hugs….
I always feel a little bad for our turkeys, we have so many predators that like their eggs! We get babies every year, but you can tell when there has been a rout when you see a mom with only one baby. I had to run into the yard one day to throw things and yell at the horrible crows that were stalking a mom and her only baby in our yard!!! It was awful, but nature does have her ways. I like the way crows look, so black and graphic, but I hate what they do.
We call them the “Hoods” of the bird kingdom!!!
I love the bluejays we have here but they are just as mean…
Your video of the surf this morning really hit the spot with me! The calming rhythm of the sound of the waves, reminding me of the countless Wednesdays before Thanksgiving at the one tiny strip do beach, brought a feeling of peace. And I just cannot wait to see what you come up with using all of those craft goodies!! I am in love with the idea of garlands using the straws and Pom poms. And thank you for posting a reminder that Saturday November 24 is Small Business Saturday to shop and support our neighbors and friends!! I have been working to get the message out as well so we can help our small entrepreneurs have the best hopping weekend ever!!
Best Thanksgiving wishes to you and Joe! I bet your dressing will be fabulous in every way!!
Hi Susan, This is my first chance to check your blog today and I see I’m way behind! I’ve got a pumpkin pie in the oven and only took a lunch break in front of my computer to see if you’d posted before I start on the apple pie.
I see you bought those cute red cardinals! I have a bunch I put on my Christmas tree along with little wooden bird houses I found one year that had windchimes hanging from them. I decorated each by painting them red and gluing pinecone “leaves”, or whatever the pieces of a pinecone are called, to the roof. I think that’s the most creative idea I’ve ever come up (and why I’m so proud to share it
Your post is lovely–and inspirational–I’ll have to take more time with it later. I love seeing the shops decorated for Christmas. I wished we lived closer so we could visit for a day during each season, so really appreciate seeing the changes especially now that we’ve been there in person. Wonderful!
Susan …I discovered your wonderful books and calendars years ago and have collected them ever since. I am an art teacher so I love your illustrations and website. I too, collect all things Beatrix Potter and hope to one day make it to Hilltop Farm. I knew we might be kindred spirits when you posted awhile back the books of Gladys Taber…I discovered these when my grandmother passed away and we were going through her many books. Visiting Martha’s Vineyard is on my “bucket” list but for now I can enjoy your wonderful blog/postings and somewhat feel like I am there. The word “inspire” has been used in many of these comments and I couldn’t agree more that you are truly an inspiration to so many of us. Many blessings to you and your family throughout this holiday season~
Thank you Debra, happy Holidays to you too, love art teachers!!! xoxo We need you!
So glad the bird cups are back in Susan—I just placed my order for one last night!
Blessings to you and Joe this Thanksgiving!
Loving the music today. Your little island is so special. Trying to talk my hubby into taking me there next fall.
I love the turkeys in your yard!! A little bit of nature and magic passing right through your yard. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on Martha’s Vineyard.
Happy Thanksgiving Susan …… thank you so much for sharing the ocean with us and letting us peek again into your little world :o)
Sue Ziff
Susan, just had to say how delightfully surprised I was to read that Joe had gone to the Knopfler/Dylan concert! I gave my husband tickets to the same concert in Santa Barbara for his birthday! The outdoor Santa Barbara Bowl is a breathtaking venue and we had a lot of fun, but Bob Dylan was extremely disappointing. His voice has really gone and he has changed the arrangements to his old songs. What was Joe’s take on the event? I made your cranberry sauce recipe a few days ago and Love it! We, too, have wild turkeys here in Carmel Valley, CA. Lots of fun to see them. Thanks for sharing your wonderful life with us. Loved that you took the ferry to go to Trader Joe’s. They could use that in a commercial! I went to our local TJ’s yesterday and it was packed as usual. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love, Dee Dee
Joe felt the same way about Bob Dylan — I saw him at the Hollywood Bowl in the 60’s and wasn’t that wild about it then!
Joe said he would be three quarters through a song before Joe could recognize it because, as you say, he’d changed the arrangements. Joe liked Mark Knopfler though. Santa Barbara Bowl, with Jackson Browne, now that was nice!
I’m thankful for you, Susan!…for all the inspiration you give me all year long! ♥
xoxo Melissa!
I loved you before, but love you even more now…Falling for a Dancer, my most loved movie after Gone with the Wind! You are the only other person I have ever heard memtion that movie. I am on my second copy; that’s how much I have watched it. Before Colin Farrel was a big star, he was great as Daniel. Liam Cunningham was so dear as Mosey. He loved Elizabeth all those years. Oh,makes me want to pop it in right now. But, I digress; I am thankful for your blogs; they make me happy & smile. I followed you through your travels to England & enjoy very much your walks to the beach. Those of us on the East Coast who still have our homes & our belongings have so much to be thankful for this holiday. My best wishes to you, Joe, Girl, & Jack for a very blessed Thanksgiving. Do you have the book Falling for a Dancer/ Ashes of Roses? Be well
And you are the only other person I’ve heard mention it. We are club of two, and know the secret to a wonderful movie! I haven’t read the book, but I’ve been thinking about it! Thank you Barbara!
thank you,Susan, your blog today was like opening christmas presents!…..i have been make felt ‘twelve days of christmas’ ornaments and so i love crafting. i gave the first seven days to a friend and her 4 years old had to sleep with them! they were all snug in a box so my ‘flying’ calling bird and the swimming swan was safe. your beach sights and sounds took me home to new england ! that was a very special treat. your art always make my heart sing. thanksgiving this year will be at our eldest daughters with a special visit from our daughter who lives and works in DC., of grandchildren and the food. i have lost 30 lbs but i can love the smell,can’t i? by the by, i heard that the berumda triangle for those losing weight is halloween,thanksgiving and christmas. but maybe running after grandchildren will get me some bonus calaries. may you blessings be bountiful, your home toasty warm and your heart overflowing with love. God is so good. b.
Thirty Pounds! Good Girl! I think I would like to be you! Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh Susan! once again you fill me to the brim with happiness! Ahhhhhhh deep breath…… what an absolutely beautiful post – thank you!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe and those beautiful fur babies…..and Happy Thanksgiving to all of my “best friends” in this beautiful place you have created for us…..
thank you…xoxoxo
God Bless us One and All! xoxo
Susan, you are the head elf in my book indeed! Love all the places you take us and then back to the most important place of all-home. Love and Kisses and Happy Thanksgiving my friend! xoxo ♥
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love the pom poms!
Another wonderful post! I have too many blessings to count this year! Two of them were just sitting on my lap ( Boo and Bowie). My son and daughter in law are coming here for Thanksgiving.. I will be out Saturday, shopping small businesses too. I have a small bookstore, and a Swedish shop in mind for starters. Now Susan, I am afraid to put most of my Christmas decorations out this year, because Boo and Bowie are two wild and crazy kittens! Yikes.. Any tips for decorating when kittens are so young and run around the house at warp speed? It has been so long since I had any kittens. I wish for all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Be grateful for every day, and for your health!
Last year Jack was only 3 or 4 months old, this year he is a wild young man filled with curiosity. I will go forth bravely, but I don’t know how he will act. He always surprises me! I say, good luck to both of us! xoxo
Wonder what will happen with the Christmas tree this year??
I don’t know. Very scary thought. He really ignored it last year, but you never know — for sure it will be tied to the wall!
Hmmmm…I have one of those stuffed kitty doorstops like Susan has in her shop (looks like Girl Kitty). The funny thing is that when I had it on the top of the piano, sort of in a dark corner of the living room, several people looked at it and thought it was real!!! Funny thing, she doesn’t get into mischief at all!!! LOL!
p.s. I’m thankful this year that my BFF Sandy made it so well through her breast cancer surgery episode and that the Drs. think they got it all!!!! 
Taking a break from food prep for tomorrow, I decided to look at your latest blog – ah, so refreshing!
When I see the pictures of the woods, the ocean & your local merchant’s shops – I am there! More pictures of your shopping expedition on Saturday, please 
Have a wonderful & blessed Thanksgiving, Susan (by the way, that’s always been one of my favorite names!)
Happy Thanksgiving.
What wonderful ideas you have to spark our creativity. My mind is racing already.
We are planning to see all those movies also, esp. Les Miserable. Emily cannot wait to see it. The music..don’t forget the tissues.
We watched Christmas in Conn. last year and it is one of favorites too.
Emily says to give Jack and girl kitty a hug from her. She gets so excited when
she sees them. She is hinting for a kitty for Christmas…been thinking about it too.
Well, back to the pumpkin pies….
Tell Emily I will do it! Santa should bring her a kitty. What an amazing present!
In His grace, God has blessed you with the talent for blessing us with your lovely blog. Happy Thanksgiving, and keep blogging!
I love it Helene, so wonderful to finally connect with people I’ve “known” all my life!
Love the photos of the birds & beach–reminded me of a day this past spring, strolling our beach on Puget Sound, found a lemon lying in the sand at the waterline…few steps more….found a bunch of broccoli….few steps more…found a WHOLE RAW EGG, unbroken! We scratched our heads wondering how someone’s lunch went overboard & floated to our beach! LOL
Hahahaha, that’s cute!
Loved the post today! The beach was wonderful!, all the craft goodies were so fun to look through, and sweet little Jack at the end, you never disappoint! You and Joe have a wonderful thanksgiving Sue! And thank you for your wonderful, cheery blog!
Blessing to you this Thanksgiving. Thanks for your inspiration. We are looking forward to gathering with family tomorrow. I am polishing silver, and “Gone With The Wind” is on tv. AMC is showing it all day and night! My favorite movie. My husband took me to see it on our honeymoon 44 years ago. This afternoon we will make apple pies-his favorite kind of pie. He always adds the cinnamon until it is “just right”. The recipe reads, “Dot the apples with butter before putting on top crust.” One year I had asked him to do that while I was rolling out the crust. I turned and looked, and he had put about 30 tiny dots of butter on it! Such a funny, sweet memory. Now he puts larger globs on! Enjoy this weekend.
I just skipped ahead on the clicker to see movies on TMC tomorrow . . . Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm is on. That’s the one where she sings one of my favorite songs “Come and Get your Happiness!” Love this time of year! Your husband is a cutie!
Well, I wish MaryAnn’s husband had been at my house this morning when I was making my Thanksgiving apple pie! For some reason, I forgot to “dot with butter” and realized it after I had pinched on the top crust and cut the slits. So, it was hysterical as I gingerly stuck a knife in each slit, pushed in a little butter, then patted the dough back down — repeatedly! Fortunately, the dough apple cut out I put in the center covered up some of the mistakes!!! Won’t know til tomorrow how it tastes !?!
Been there, done that. xoxo
Thanks! I think he is, too!
Just wanted to wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. You always take the time out of your busy day to wish us all the best!!! Thank you for a wonderful year of trips around the world and back, for trips to the beach and everywhere else. It is so appreciated!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Same to you Judie!