Just a little Valentine mood MUSICA for some of my very favorite people . . . ♥

Yesterday most of our snow had melted, the grass was green, and I was having little pangs of Spring Fever . . . and today, as the sun began to come up, I looked outside to one of the prettiest snowstorms I’ve seen in a long time.

Just a beautiful day on the island.  My girlfriend Margot called at 6am to say, “You have to go look at the sunrise!”  One look and I burrowed right back into winter . . .

And now, the wind is blowing clumps of snow off roofs and trees and making it look like it’s snowing, but it’s not.

It’s just adding to the romance of an already romantic day…

As does this . . .

It’s the feet I love the most.

I took Joe his breakfast a while ago.  His Valentine’s present.

I made it in a cookie cutter.

Happy Valentine’s Day Girlfriends! I hope you’ve all received your Valentine Willards! Just as you read, we’re having a drawing for a pre-publication copy of my new book A FINE ROMANCE! 

To be entered, just leave a comment (click on the tiny grey word “comments” just under this post). Sometime after the 20th, Vanna, our resident chooser-in-chief, will pick the winning name! When the book comes in, I’ll sign it and send it to the lucky winner. Until then, especially for today, I’m sending you virtual chocolate kisses and red roses and hope (sweetheart or no sweetheart, no one needs a sweetheart to celebrate Valentine’s Day) that your day includes something special just for you. xoxo Make all your Valentine dreams come true no matter what and be your own darling sweetheart!  Love you, THANK YOU!  I’m thrilled about the book, you just have to know … yesterday, I wrote the ending and I made myself cry!  Thank you for joining me on this book-writing adventure! xoxo P.S. Just in case you need it, you can view WILLARD here!

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2,234 Responses to HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!

  1. evangeline says:

    How wonderful to see your blog today…..it has been over a week without my computer and it feels like FOREVER………….So happy you finished your book. I must pre-order soon. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou………love your blog and the snow and the cuddly kitties and the fire in the fireplace…….the birds outside your windows…so many joys to add to my life….many blessings sent your way from the Blue Ridge Mountains here in North Carolina…evangeline

    • Felicia says:

      Hello! I just ordered 2 Fine Romances. One for me and one for a dear friend who has gotten me all your cookbooks for my birthday over the years. Her birthday is in September so I hope the book comes in by then. : ) I am so happy to repay her for all the joy your books and blogs have brought me. Thank you and God’s Richest Blessings to you for all you do! Lastly, I live in an amish community and your english toffee pudding is served at every wedding. It is sooo good!! I am looking forward to trying your recipe!

  2. Allison says:

    Susan I cant wait for your new book! I treasure all your books!

  3. Suzanne in Sydney, Australia says:

    Woohoo I’ve placed my pre-order also! So exciting.

    Who’d have thought last year when I headed off to Europe and then England around the same time as you and Joe that I’d be waiting to read YOUR trip diary. Something lovely to look forward to towards the end of the year.

  4. Lynn B says:

    I am so excited to see your newest book! The competition is fierce 🙂 but I’m so glad to see all the enthusiasm for your labor of love.

  5. Psalm says:

    I am so looking forward to reading your book! My twin sister & I always exchange our Susan Branch books & give each other your calendar. If I win the book, I will probably have to let her read it! I guess I should buy my own copy from your web store~LOL~Aloha~P.S. I hope you include Hawaii on your book-signing tour!

  6. judi says:

    Wonder how you are doing in your LATEST snow storm. Hope you keep the power.

    • sbranch says:

      It is white out there, blowing in all directions, big fat flakes. I hope we keep our power and internet connection — It’s very windy and supposed to be more so later on. Joe just forayed out to the supermarket, intrepid man!

  7. TJ in VA says:

    Hi Susan,

    Your blog is a wonderful treat reminding me daily…as I read all the comments…of my favorite quote from the novel, IN SEARCH OF SATISFACTION by J. California Cooper: “Our lives are intricately woven…”

    Profound on so many levels!

  8. Alicia says:

    I save your blogs in my inbox to read on Sundays, when I have more time & the leisure to slow down more & enjoy. Oh, I loooovvveee this one so much!! Please enter me in the drawing for your next book! Your trip sounds (or is it sounded? lol) so perfect to me & I cannot wait to take it!! Thanks.

  9. So enjoyed following you on your trip to the U.K. ! Now we will relive the happy memories forever in your new book! If you are signing books in or near Kansas City let me know Ill be there! I just returned from my first cruise although mine was to Jamaica. I did think of you and your blog as i too traveled overseas. Such an adventure on the ocean. The waves just breathe new life to our souls! Put my name in the drawing ! Maybe someday I will be fortunate to travel to England but if not you have put the love of that nation into my heart!
    Blessings !

  10. Susan Simon says:

    Good morning, Susan and everyone!
    I just wanted to say congratulations on finishing your book… if you made yourself cry, I can’t imagine what the ending will do for the rest of us! What a wonderful accomplishment, to write AND illustrate a beautiful book. So looking forward to seeing it.

    Your heart shaped egg for Joe was fabulous… I will remember that for next year.

    Hopefully you are able to relax a little now that your book is done, and enjoy winter on the island, and play fetch with Jack and enjoy your cozy home. All the best to you, Susan, and thank you again for sharing yourself with us. Sending a hug and a big hooray for your book completion!

  11. Patricia Griffiths says:

    The latest Willard was wonderful! Thank you! I’ve ordered copies of “A Fine Romance” for myself and my three daughters, who happen to be half English. (I confess, when they were little and would ask, “Which half of me is American? I would reply, “The top half.”) Did you know there was a television series in England which ran from 1981-84, called “A Fine Romance”? It starred Judi Dench and her real-life husband Michael Williams. Very sweet.
    Looking forward to sitting down in a comfy chair with your new book, while sipping a cup of tea – it will be pure heaven!

  12. Janice Wood says:

    I cannot wait to read about your trip and adventures. In 2008 I was able to go to Ireland, Wales, Scotland and London with a group of friends. It was the best trip ever. Wales was my favorite place. I cannot wait to go again thru your travels.

  13. Gale from Pocono Manor, Pa. says:

    I say to my friends….”Take two doses of Susan Branch Blog and call me in the morning”. The cure for everything. Finding beauty in the way things are….that’s what your writing and your art means to me. Thank you.

  14. D'Anne R. Paratore says:

    I had just read Willard to my Mother “Bonnie” – she was sooooooooo excited !! especially knowing you have a book coming. She is a collector of everything you have and even had me take her to Martha’s Vineyard to experience your writings! She has been married to my Dad over 60 years, I did a scrapbook with your pages titled “A Love Story” from when they met at 16 through their 50 years together and 5 children!!

    My Mom will have a birthday in June, and I would love to surprise her with your new book, prayfully signed – she will be over the moon!

    Thank you for all the joy you have given to our family – we love you!!

  15. Ranch life can be pretty lonely up here in Montana. A girl could use an up – lifting
    beautifully illistrated, adventure packed, love for land filled, fun, flowers, photos, landscape, history and all the spirit lifting thoughts you bring to life in all your wonderful books, surprise in the middle of winter. I’m ready! for A Fine Romance!
    Great Job, Ms. Branch, I’ve been suportive every step of the way! Can’t wait to see it!

  16. Patsy says:

    Doing a happy dance for a new book.

  17. Jacqueline Van Horn says:

    Hi Susan!
    I so enjoyed your blowguns while on your trip to England.
    Please include me in your drawing of “A Fine Romance”.
    I would be so thrilled to win a copy!

  18. BONNIE SHUCK says:

    I’m crossing my fingers and my toes!!!!!!!!! (which is hard because my toes are really stubby!!!!!!!!!)

  19. mary spring says:

    … “blowguns” and “stubby toes”…you guys never cease to amaze me !!..

  20. Cathy Hoyt says:

    Oh I would love to win your new book! I have so enjoyed following your trip to England looking at your beautiful photos!! Your blog is such an inspiration to me every day!

  21. Mary says:

    A blessing you are to all of us, dear Susan girlfriend. I ventured forth with you throughout England (after recovering my sea legs) and relished every
    moment on the old sod. You opened my mind and my heart to all there was to discover and I could not put my order in too early to have the memento that captures it all. (a Valentine from my “Beloved”)
    Please place my nametag into the Nantucket basket for the drawing… one copy to
    treasure in the archive and the other to wear out.
    Love from the Hall ~


    due to the snow storm we went to a elementary school talent show valentine’s evening. romantic not really,but full of love definately. After 30 acts we left smiling holding hands and humming some of the music that the children used in thier acts. We were the proud grandparents of a dancing 4th grader. It was afun way to spend Valentine’s Day. Will make your heart shaped eggs on my buddies birthday . thanks for sharing your day!

  23. HM says:

    LOVE the idea of the heart-shaped egg using a cookie cutter. I am going to have to try this technique. You are so creative!!! Can’t wait to read you new book!
    It’s very cold here in Pennsylvania. Stay warm!!!

  24. Bets Kirby says:

    Your blog and Willard are bright spots on a winter’s day! And my tabby Molly is stretched out in a sunny corner – she’ll move across the room with it as the day goes on. Am pre-ordering the book and looking forward to it. I do hope you’ll come through Kansas City. (Molly just moved now to the sunny table in the window – cats know how to lead the contented life!)

  25. Beth Laidlaw says:

    As a fellow Beatrix Potter lover I sure would love a copy of your latest book.

  26. Deirdre in California says:

    What a generous thing to do! I’d be beyond pleased to win a copy of it, not to mention a really early one! Very much looking forward to reading it. Now, listen up Vanna…! 😉

  27. Sheila says:

    I really enjoyed reading this post as well as your newsletter ,your illustrations are wonderful . Thanks so much for a chance to win your book , I’d be thrilled for sure !

  28. Sandy Craddock says:

    I’m soooo excited to preorder your book….it will be a wonderful surprise when it arrives. I am a spinner, knitter and a lover of sheep so I look forward to all the little lamb pictures and escapades. I’m wishing on a star to win a book to give to my girlfriend….or she just might get one for Christmas!

  29. Susan ( an Ohio gal in SoCal ) says:

    I log in at comment # 1, 730 ( maybe – depending on when I am approved! ). How did I miss this blog???!!!??? I hada wonderful Valentine’s Day with my sweet husband, and I hope all of the girlfriends celebrated the love in their lives, be it spouse, family, friend,or furry friends!

  30. Donna says:

    Please include me in your drawing……while you were traveling in England, I found a darling old tattered little cloth sailor boy doll who is justing sitting all alone waiting for your book to take him all the wonderful places he’s been dreaming of.

  31. Debbie '51 says:

    Beautiful, Susan!!
    And here you are with another wonderful give-a-way! And here are all the Girlfriends, all wishing and hoping and praying that Vanna finds their name.

    Well – Me, tooooo! 🙂

    I plan on seeing you in San Luis Obispo. It will be a great little short vacation from the (usually) rainy November in the Pacific Northwest. Can’t wait!

    Thank you for sharing your own beautiful and “fine romance”.
    (Love those Jackie-kitty feet!)

  32. Rhonda D. says:

    A very belated Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Joe. (Sorry, I’ve had a few very busy days). I get so excited when a new holiday comes around, and we get to see how you’ve decorated and what you’ve been up to. Love the hearts in the windows. I’ve always been curious…I wonder if your neighbors and the people living in your area get as excited about the seasons and what you’re up to next as we do. All this totally inspires me, but I think I’d creatively explode or implode if I lived next door. Aren’t animal paws the best? I believe they’re the cutest part of my little pom (and I tell her that). “A Fine Romance” is the perfect name for your book. I know that through the eyes of my heart. If you cry at the end, is there any hope for the rest of us? We’ll all be basket cases! Can’t wait to own it, and can’t wait to see what “we’re” going to be up to next. Sending very belated Valentine’s Day love!!

  33. Terry says:

    Hi Susan!

    I too woke up to that gorgeous snowfall on Valentine’s Day. Then I got to celebrate the day with my third, fourth and fifth graders. It is so fun to spend Valentine’s Day with kids. I ended Valentine’s Day seeing Barry Manilow on Broadway with my husband, sister and brother-in-law. It was an amazing day!

    I am going to pre-order your book, and if I am lucky enough to win a copy, I will bless someone I love with it.

    Thank you!

  34. Anne says:

    Looking forward to another wonderful book!

  35. peggy says:

    Thank you for the wonderful willard, I am just now reading it. This week has been a tough one. Wednesday I had a quick baby appointment, but they couldn’t find the heart beat, we lost the baby, so in a week meant for hearts, mine has been a bit broken. I do have six wonderful kids that give me lots of love and a wonderful husband that helps me so very much , that I love deeply.
    Looking forward to your new book . We are leaving England this summer and I really want to get a copy so that I can be reminded of the awesomeness of England! xox have a great day!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh, so very sorry Peggy. Oh so sad. Sending love to you and yours. xoxo

    • Marsha MacLean says:

      Dear Peggy,
      So very sorry about the baby…holding you in my heart. Marsha

    • Debbie P ~ Weedsport, NY says:

      Dear Peggy~
      I’m so sorry! I’ve come to realize what a fragile miracle, really, life is. It’s good you are surrounded by a loving family. Sending you a bit more love and prayers for peace and healing.

  36. Theresa says:

    Our trip to England isn’t going to happen this year for various reasons, but we’re planning ahead for 2015! In the meantime, it will be a pleasure to read your book. Thanks so much for all the inspiration and the lovely posts that come to us from Martha’s Vineyard!

  37. Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

    Heard on the weather prediction that MV may be having another round of winter weather! Stay warm and snug in your house!! Fingers crossed for no long power outages!
    Happy week ahead! 😉

    • sbranch says:

      It’s quite wild out there right now, only 20 degrees, strong winds, blowing snow. It’s good to be inside!

  38. anne-marie vogt says:

    I so very much enjoy reading your blog and peeking into your life as a writer and artist. You are so passionate in your work and you radiate through your pictures and posts. I “traveled” with you on your journey through England and I am so anxious to receive my book that I’ve pre- ordered it already! Thank you so much for being you!

  39. Risa says:

    The Book makes me so Excited about my all time dream visit to England! Thank you so much Susan!

  40. Theresa (So Lake Tahoe, CA) says:

    I love England … and am so looking forward to A Fine Romance, sounds like a great combination of travelogue and what I’m sure will be a sweet love story, based on what we know so far

  41. Debbie Faust says:

    Love your blog and your books. Would love to win your newest book! While chances are extremely slim that I will be able to visit England, I can always dream through your book. God.bless you.

  42. Beth says:

    Hi! I’m so looking forward to your book. The bookmark you did for it is so cute!

  43. Joan Watson says:

    For the first time I did not receive my Willard 🙁 – so I signed up again. I am in So. CA.
    Thanks for having someone check!

    • sbranch says:

      Terrible, so sorry. Please look in your spam file, sometimes computers grab the Willards and put them there unexpectedly. Also, fyi, I did a PS at the bottom of this post and put a link to WILLARD right there.

  44. ArlineLA says:

    Hi Susan! Just preordered “Romance” just to be sure to get one! (I really think it is going to be very popular once all of the girlfriends start their Christmas shopping.) Will you be signing both days at the Madonna Inn? Have to plan ahead and make reservations because rooms sell out in the area so fast and really want to get some personalized. It’s right around the corner!

    Arline in Burbank

    • sbranch says:

      So far, yes, I believe I am signing both days, but I’ll let everyone know in plenty of time. I’m so glad we are doing this pre-order … we’ve sold so many more books than I expected, which is thrilling, I’m so happy! Thank you!! (Although Kellee is in a bit of shock with so many orders coming in at once, at least she doesn’t have to actually ship books right now, but the paperwork is definitely keeping her hopping!) — we would have run out for sure if we hadn’t done this! I’m not sure who’s idea it was, I think it was one of the girlfriend’s who thought of it — who’s ever it was, thank you! You’re smart to make reservations now, it really is right around the corner!

  45. Karen K. says:

    Would LOVE to win a signed copy of “A Fine Romance”! I had never desired to go to England before until following your blog and just loved every detail and picture you sent to us – now I can’t wait to get the book! I plan to pre-order a copy too and will share with my girlfriend who has been there several times and loves it as much as you do!

  46. Linda says:

    Oh Goodness Susan,
    It is always a dreamy adventure to read about your sweet perspective, delightful art, pictures, videos… like taking a little trip to wonderland everytime. You are a kindred friend and I thank you for all that you share! I told my husband Doug that we must get to New England, as they have my two favorites…. Snow and the Ocean!!! Alas, for now, I will drive up to Mt. Hood tomorrow for a cross country ski date with my ski-girls. It is a heavenly journey everytime. Blessings on you and Joe ~ stay cozy & warm. Send snow! XOXO

  47. Siobhan from Santa Monica, CA says:

    So lovely are you, dear Sue. How could anyone ever unsubscribe? I shake my head at the implausibity. Bless them on their way I guess. I will never.

    I’m in for life. You’re da best. And I wish it was me you were writing about on the page from the book, but it’s a thrill all the same to even SEE my name in your familiar hand! So exciting.

    Happy Heart’s Day to us all.


  48. Thanks for the sentimental Valentine’s Day post, for the cute fried egg idea, and for having such an uplifting blog in general. The lamb bookmark is adorable, the recent Willard is as charming as ever, and glimpses of the book in advance have been fantastic!
    Lots of fun to get insight into the process and see a little of how it comes together. Glad you and your Valentine had a happy day together. Best wishes for your train trip west. Know that your posts really do help a lot of people, including some who really need that ray of sunshine in their day.

  49. laurie says:

    What a beautifully romantic post! You and Joe make such a cute couple, I love the heart shaped egg, thats a good idea! You know I love your blog, me and thousands others but I also love to read some of the comments, wonderful comments, we all have so much in common, I think we should all just band together and take over the world, ha ha, I;m sure we could do good job, there would always be time for tea in beautiful cups, lots of yummy scones, chit chat, lots of laughs, and fluffy cats, soft quilts, and it would be a lovely place, would it not?Everyone would get along, sighhhhhhh, take care Susan Branch, cannot wait to read your new book!

  50. Kristin Rhodes says:

    Loved the Valentine’s Willard and cute way to do the eggs… Congratulations on yet another beautiful book. What a blessed life you lead and grateful I’ve been on the journey since Heart of the Home.

  51. I can’t wait to take a look,
    If I’m the winner of this book! ♥

  52. EsSuzy (from South Carolina) says:

    Susan, we had a beautiful snow here in SC yesterday just as my daughter-in-law was hosting a lovely Beatrix Potter themed baby shower for my daughter who is expecting a little girl April 30th. This will be her first child and my 3rd grandchild! Such an exciting time and so lovely having the house full of guests this weekend! Now that all is quiet it’s time for me to pre-order A Fine Romance. If I win one, I’ll have a nice gift, if not I’m sure Vanna will make the right selection among the girlfriends! XO Susan L

  53. Carol Moon says:

    Hi Susan,

    I can always count on you to bring a tear to my eye and a smile to my heart. Since we all went on your trip to England with you, it will be like you created a scrap book of all of it for us. ( I have already pre-ordered two copies!) You probably took side trips we didn’t see, so I’m looking forward to some surprises! Thank you for letting us tag along, and thank you for all your “Gladness”; always so warm and comforting. You are a treasure:-))

    Carol, in Knoxville TN

  54. Sally Bennett says:

    Dear Susan,
    It is so exciting that your new book is almost finished. Love the previews you show us on the blog and Willard. I would very much like to win the book in the drawing. My maternal ancestors came from a tiny village called Thorner, near Leeds in Yorkshire. I have never been there, but have friends who have been, and they gave me a picture of the old stone house where my great-great grandparents lived.

  55. Jean W says:

    What a lovely blog!!! I love all you’re posts, pictures, video clips and especially your musica. What a dream to live on an island surrounded by my favorite thing, the ocean! And to have snow there too. You have a way of making everything look and sound beautiful. Thank you for sharing your life with those of us who cannot be there! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL, sigh.

  56. Kathy E. says:

    Dear Susan ~ I found your first book in a small kitchen store in Newport, RI in 1986 or 87. I love your watercolors and all the wonderful quotes that you sprinkle through your work. I was so happy to find your blog last year!
    ~ Kathy

  57. I pre-ordered my copy of your book and I’m so excited to see it! I think the anticipation of finally having it in my hands is almost the best part. The anticipation of wondering whether or not Vanna chooses my name is fun too! 🙂 I’ve been to England twice and my 23 year old daughter wants to take a trip with me there someday, just the two of us. I would LOVE to use your book as our tour guide! That’s something to anticipate too, although many years off I do believe as she is expecting baby #2 in April. ♥ It’s wonderful having so many good things to look forward to! Yay!

  58. Robin says:

    Oh I’m so hoping to be the lucky winner! Can’t tell you the excitement i felt when I read about your new book since we are just beginning to plan out trip to England to celebrate our 25th anniversary! And then the disappointment I felt when I saw the publication date. We hope to travel in late September or early October so our trip may precede the book coming out. But winning that precious prepublication issue would allow us to sip from your travel tea cup! So I’m tossing my hat in the ring with high hopes! But I know I’ll look forward to my copy arriving no matter when is arrives – July or November! Love your work and life you share with us!

  59. Barbara says:

    I didn’t get my WILLARD again, but I hope to enter anyway!

    • sbranch says:

      I almost hate to say it, I’m sure you checked your spam folder? That’s where it often goes. I also put a link to it in the PS of this post, you can click on it to read. But yes, you are entered in the drawing Barbara!

  60. Sharon says:

    Susan – can’t wait for the new book. Would love to attempt to make it to Madonna Inn for the signing. Haven’t been there since hy husband and I spent a night in the “Country Gentleman’s Suite”on our honeymoon back in 1974 !
    We recently became the proud owner of an English Pointer puppy and we travel with our pet so would have to see if the Inn has a “pet friendly” room :).
    Anyway, I also pre-ordered so can look forward to that in the fall.

  61. Tanya says:

    Hi Susan, I am so excited about your new book, I can’t wait! I fell in love with England when I was there, loved touring the castles, the homes and their gardens,Stonehenge was cool, took the train to Wales, the country side is beautiful. Went to Herrods. Loved London! Oh now I must go get out my pictures and my books from there. I’m going to pre-order my book now. Thank you for making me so happy : )

  62. Marianne Grosso says:

    Hi, i have loved all your work over many many yearsand just can’t have enough. The book looks beautiful and makes me wish i was younger so i could travel to England again (was there in 2000)and visited Bath (Austen ) and my husband surprised me with a dinner(Rules) and a ballet(Copellia) at Covent Gardens. We sat in the box next to the Royal box and just was so thrilled …from hy head to my toes no less! weel, I would love to win abut I definitly am signing up for one right now. please enter my name and email and now I am on the list. Thanks for all the years of happiness just viewing all these lovely art work and blogs!!!Marianne

  63. mary says:

    Dear Susan,
    I sooo look forward to reading your new book “a fine romance” and I would love to win a signed copy too!! I adore “peaking” into your world and can’t wait to get my hands on that book 🙂 Even thou I live in a sunny place I LOVE the pictures of snow and imagine being all snuggled up inside. Take good care of you and Joe, we look forward to many more adventures xoxo

  64. Marion Rose says:

    Good evening Susan, I just found Willard!!! I was looking for it to come in my Email, but to my surprise it was at the end of your Valentine blog. I missed it twice! You did a wonderful job, I so enjoyed reading it. I think I will be making the “Pudding” tomorrow. If I had the dates I would have made it today.
    Another day we stayed in, strong wind and snow again. I made sure I filled the bird feeders yesterday. They have been fun to watch today. This has been a great week for us, our Valentine party was so much fun! We finalized the date for our 50th Anniversary party in July. The party planning is so special for us.
    Friday night we went out with our Dinner Group, another night with laughter, and great conversation. Life is Good! I think you picked the perfect title for
    your new book ” A Fine Romance”. Everyone should have romance in their life.
    As I read your blog, I saw the Little Lamb book mark on your shelf and hoped
    you would have it for us to make a copy. Thank you Thank you for making it possible for all of us to have it for “our book” that is in print. Nice to have something to look forward to.

  65. bj says:

    I love this months Willard…as I always do.
    Thank you for the chance to win your new book.

  66. Penny says:

    Thank you for this giveaway! Your new book will make me feel like I’m in England–just like your blogs of your trip there.

    I enjoy your blog so much! The blogs about your cats, especially the “rubber band trick” are some of the most fun to read!

  67. Kate says:

    I too am torn between winter and spring. I love the coziness of a winter storm with a fire, good book, and my snowshoes, but am feeling pangs for spring flowers, green grass, and nights on my front porch. You can’t beat having four seasons to enjoy!
    🙂 Kate

  68. Carie says:

    HI Susan, So glad you are done with your book….. looks so wonderful,can’t wait to read. My Mom is planning a trip to Martha’s Vineyard, ( which she calls Martha Stewarts Vineyard, I have to correct her!!), I wish I could be a stowaway and go with her, and end up on your porch step!!! I could bring some yummy scones!!! Thank you for the Willard, I love to take my time and read it, and finally found time today!!! Hugs to you!!

  69. Terri says:

    I’m a bit late chiming in, but no less enthusiastic to see your darling book. Living vicariously through you is such fun!

  70. Rita May says:

    Thanks for the Valentine! Can’t wait to read your new book.

  71. Alex says:

    I enjoyed following your trip last year, so excited about my very short trip through, although we focused on Scotland! We only spent a week, but my Husband and I can’t wait to go back and see all the places you went! Please enter me in the drawing for “A Fine Romance”!

  72. Susan Hoffpauir says:

    God has so gifted you with talents and abilities and creativity that take my breath away! It is always such a joy to visually feast on your work! I am looking forward to seeing “A Fine Romance.” My niece is going to Farnham, England for 9 months to be a nanny; I hope to give her a copy so that she can enjoy your English experience, along with her own!

  73. Jan says:

    Such a sweet post. And A Fine Romance looks just charming. Thank you for making our world a happier place.

  74. Diane Rogers says:

    Can’t wait for “”A fne Romance”. Lookng forward to some new recipes. Hope there’s one for real Engllish scones. We have our own Winter Wonderland here in Ontario,but the fire is on and the candles are lit. Stay warm!

  75. Debra V. ~ Southern California says:

    Loved your blog, loved all the pictures of you and joe. So romantic. Speaking of that I’d love to win your “Fine Romance” book. I feel so privileged to have enjoyed your trip with you and then the updates on the book as you wrote, drew, and painted each day. Loved how you made us part of the process. It was such fun. Can’t wait to hold it and relish every drawing, every memory, every thought you enjoyed while you were there and while you were reliving each day.
    I really enjoyed it with you and many other readers I’m sure. Hope to win it. But if not I will pre Order it, then if I win I can give a copy to my daughter who is your newest fan. Love you much, Deb

  76. Cathy in Golden, CO says:

    I’m watching Downton Abbey and reading your blog and Willard! Pure contentment! Am so very excited to read your newest creation. xoxo

  77. Rinde Campbell-Maes says:

    Dearest Susan, You continually inspire & uplift me. All I have to do is look at your photos or drawings, read your heartfelt words & I am immediately transformed. Thank you for sharing your precious view of the world. And thank you for enriching my life since I first found you in the mid 80’s… We have shared so many of the same loves all these years… cooking, kitties, romance, (we’ve even been married the same length of time), birds, gardens, movies, music, photographs, journals, on & on… & now, beloved England. I lived in England in the Lake District during the early 70’s & have loved all things British ever since… including Downton Abbey now. I cannot wait to savor your precious new book, “A Fine Romance.” I’ve been humming & singing Swing Time’s, A Fine Romance tune ever since I got your loving Valentine’s Day email. Since I am an armchair traveler now due to chronic illnesses, your treasured book will be my touchstone for returning to the country I fell in love with so many years ago. Thank you for taking that trip for me, for all of us & for so lovingly, so creatively, & so thoughtfully sharing your incredible journey & adventure with us. I cannot wait to read “A Fine Romance.” With much love & gratitude, xoxo Rinde

    P.S. Do you by chance read cozy mysteries? If so, I’d love to see your reading list some day… I so enjoy & concur with your fabulous movie list…

    P.S.S. I was so touched by all the comments here from your loving community of girlfriends… how you enrich all of our lives… Bless you… (((((Susan)))))

    • sbranch says:

      Your wish is my command 🙂 It’s at the top of the blog under “About Me.” I am touched by these comments too, it is just fabulous to finally have a place where all these wonderful kindred spirits can meet with me there too …!

      • Rinde Campbell-Maes says:

        Wonderful…! Thank you for pointing out what I missed on your phenomenal blog! You have done such an amazing job… your blog is a storehouse of SO much valuable & cherished information to savor & treasure. Thank you… thank you… thank you… for giving us hours & hours of enjoyment & inspiration. (And I apologize for missing your book list… it’s me, not your fabulous blog… as I have a chronic inner ear injury which renders me dizzy, unbalanced, nauseous, etc. too much of the time… plus, (who knew? not me…) the inner ear drives the eyes, making it difficult to see & be on the computer or navigate around as well or as much as I’d like.) And yes… big sigh… what an incredible community of kindred spirits you have created… I am so blessed by you, as are so many others, & cannot thank you enough for the way you give so freely or how deeply you enrich our lives… providing us with that rare opportunity for heart & soul connections. xoxo

  78. Nancy E Rohr says:

    Thank you for sharing your glorious Valentine’s Day, and for the chance to be a winner of your latest book. Nancy E. Rohr in Indiana

  79. Eileen Nieli says:

    I can’t wait for your new book. I hope I win it.

  80. Susie says:

    SUCH A WONDERFUL POST???FULLOF LOVE……….. Thanks Susan…….. great Willard too!!!!!

  81. Janeen says:

    I am my own darling Valentine! Looking forward to the year that I can share it with someone else though. It makes me happy to get a glimpse inside your world. So cozy!

  82. Tracee Stewart says:

    Loved my FIRST WILLARD I got! It was very exciting! I am looking forward to your new book! (And wish I could be the winner!) 🙂 I am still envious of your snow,Susan! It snowed all day here on Sat. in NC, but where I live in the Piedmont, it did not stick at all! And today is bitterly cold. I so love your pictures that you post. They give a snug, warm feeling! Even the snow pictures! Thanks for all your postings! Stay warm and keep painting! The book sounds so wonderful!

  83. Linda Auwerda says:

    Need your book to complete my Susan Branch collection….can’t wait!!!

  84. Kathy says:

    OK Girlfriends,
    I think I’m done with Downton Abbey….I can’t stop crying!!!

    • sbranch says:

      LOL. But don’t tell me anymore. I think I already know too much and I haven’t seen it yet. Sounds kind of awful. Can’t wait to see it!

  85. Cheryl Danley says:

    Can I just give you a BIG cyber (((((HUG)))))? I just love everything you do! So, to make this short, ditto what everyone else has said above and I’ll just add that I cannot wait to make the Toffee Pudding! Yumminess indeed! 😀
    OH! And, I hope and pray that you will make a book signing stop here in Boise, ID!!!!!!

  86. Becky in the mountains of West Virginia says:

    Your new book and next season’s Downton Abbey to look forward to.

  87. Miss Pat in Indiana says:

    My cat, August, just jumped into my lap to see Girl Kitty and Jack and also for a bit of head butting. Few things make you feel more special than a cat wanting to sit in your lap and cuddle.

  88. Joanie says:

    Dear Susan, What a wonderful surprise to wake up on Valentines Day to the new Willard, and a lovely new Blog posting! Everything sounds so cozy in your world! What wonderful news to hear that A Fine Romance is now available for pre-order! I will be sure to sign up. Wouldn’t want to miss out! Thanks for all your caring and sharing! Many blessings to you, Joe and the kitties. Joanie

  89. Susan M says:

    Hi Susan
    Love everything, as usual. Jack’s little pink feet made me smile. I had an all black kitty, and her feet were also black and so soft. Keep well and warm.
    Susan M.

  90. I too love kitty toes! I can’t wait for your book to be released! It’s been too long since your last one. Thank you Susan for all the work you have put into this book for us. Hope I win!

  91. Mary Walter says:

    I would love to be chosen to be the lucky winner of a first edition book. Please choose me. Thanks.

  92. phyllis huseby says:

    I just got back to town after being computer-less for two weeks. I was thinking and wondering about you when the t.v. news in Florida kept reporting on the weather up your way–so glad you and Joe were safe and sound.I read all of your posts I missed as soon as I got home. I am excited about your new book. You bring such happiness to me when I read your blog. It is so positive and uplifting and often just makes my world a better place. Please enter me to win a copy of your book. Thanks so much!

  93. Laura says:

    Romance, song and dance….Feburary is a fun month! Love all of your animal and bird pictures. Beautiful living little creatures.
    The book is simply wonderful! Happiness everywhere in your work! We all love it very much! How could we not?
    Thank you for making interesting, cheerful beauty in your paintings and photos. The colors are so inviting. Also the vintage feel of your products for our homes, holds much appeal for comfort and joyful living!

  94. Moira says:

    Thank you for your uplifting blog Susan. I enjoyed reading about your UK trip, as I was there in both 2011 and 2012 and really loved it. My daughter studied for 2 terms at a university in the East Sussex area and then I joined her for some traveling over there. We both fell in love with “all things British” 🙂 I’m looking forward to seeing your new book ! Greetings from Vancouver BC.

  95. Jackie Roisler says:

    OMGosh, yes & please enter this chickette into your wonderful pre-release and Susan-signed “A Fine Romance” and yes I still see/hear Astaire/Rogers doing their magic within my noggin.

  96. Joan Kohler says:

    I’ve been a lover of all things Susan Branch for just about 20 years! No stopping me now.

  97. Pamela says:

    Hooray! You are done! Such a wonderful accomplishment, Susan!!
    I am so excited to have another book on the way from you. They are always my favorites on the shelf. Thank you for the giveaway.
    I send you a shower of rose petals*~*~*~*~*~*

  98. Deb says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day from a Southwest Missouri girlfriend!
    Your “Willard Valentine” is wonderful, so special. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    Thank you for sharing snippets of your new book, you are certainly “whipping” us into a frenzy Susan. I can’t wait. To know that you cried when you wrote the ending is so sweet. You are such a lovely person. I’m glad to know we can pre-order the book and I will order several this week so I will have gifts for my girlfriends.
    My mom, my sister and I enjoyed looking at all the lovely details of your February calendar page back on the 1st of the month, and we love it. We did notice the large “A Fine Romance” and wondered how it came about that your new book is named A Fine Romance. So now we know.
    Thank you for sharing your life, your life experiences, your happiness (which is soooo contagious), and your LOVE through your blog so that we may follow your work and be motivated AND inspired to DO more, to GIVE more, to LOVE more, to LIVE more, to LAUGH more. What a blessing you are to us! (Thank you God!)
    God’s Blessings to you and your family from one of your Missouri girlfriends.

  99. Lori M. says:

    I would love to win a copy of your new book. I enjoy your books so much. They make me happy.

  100. miss winnie says:

    The latest Willard was great! We are all so looking forward to the new book. Love the photos of kitty feet — we have five sets at our house and I love them all. Valentine’s Day is special for me and my honey, as our first date was on Valentine’s Day 44 years ago when we were in high school….a fine romance!

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