Of course our blog is wearing green today, it would not like to be pinched!  But I am now on my fourth try to write a new post!  The first three failed because important memories or perfect descriptions have been crashing into my best intentions demanding to be added to the new book before I forgot them.  I will try my best to stay focused here!  This will help . . . MUSICA made in heaven.  First a little something to make your mouth water . . .

susan-branch-irish-stew Happy Saint Patricks Day Everyone!    How’s it going for you so far?  I don’t know if you have a special something you like to make in honor of the day, but this ↑ is our favorite recipe for stew.  It’s very different, it has raisins!  Irish BlessingAnd orange juice!  And cayenne!  And nutmeg of all things!  That’s because I got my hands on it, and thought, those creative Irish, they would forgive me for messing around with their stew.  Yummy, egg noodles, with butter.  Yes.

I know, it says Irish and the only potato is a sweet potato and there’s no Guinness but I would wager you (and that is Irish) that the flavor of this stew will make you jump up to do your own version of  Riverdance, from happiness.  

For more wonderful Irish things that don’t make total sense to us go HERE and laugh.  And HERE, for a wee taste o’ some things that make Ireland so wonderful.  And here’s to a day of love and blessed luck for you all! ♣

jack in the basket

Had to show you Jack this morning!  He is in a very feisty mood.  Jack is never in any danger of getting pinched on St. Patricks Day because . . .


. . . he brings his green with him wherever he goes, he is always Wearin’ the Green.

JackHe knows what the camera is now, because he makes me chase him around and he rarely holds still anymore . . .

JackI get the camera and he begins to jump about or roll around so it’s difficult to focus on him.  I have to take LOTS of pictures before I can get one that isn’t totally blurred into oblivion . . . It’s those green eyes I love so much.

IMG_3930He gets bored with me very quickly though . . . Get that thing out of my face, he yawns  . . . (and please, WOMAN, stop kissing me, I am BEGGING you.  You’re messing with my DIGNITY.)

Bye Bye

Or else I will just leave.  Very spoiled, very sure of himself.

Gladys TaberSo I say, OK, be that way, and go into the kitchen to get my newest Gladys Taber Newsletter to show you.  I wanted you to remember that third thing down, in case you’re interested, and remind you to make your plans because I would love to see you there.  

Jack 'n GladysI was trying to show you the article in the Newsletter about the Reunion where I will be speaking and signing copies of A Fine Romance, but of course the minute I don’t pay 100% attention to him, he is back.  Now he wants to play!  I take it any way I can get it.  Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets . . .Stillmeadow

And Lola wants to drape himself on just the parts I would like you to see . . .  

Friends of Gladys TaberI hope lots of you are already a member of the Friends of Gladys Taber?  She has been one of my favorite authors for a long time.  The quarterly newsletters are always delightful, interesting, informative, fun and evocative,  I save them … ↑ here are a few of them from years past.  If you’d like to read more about Gladys Taber, find out how to become a member of her fan club, or get better information about the Reunion in June (and tour her house Stillmeadow),  I did a post about her HERE and put the dates and times at the bottom.

Jack the display catI finally got the Newsletter out from under Lola and on top of him.  He took it rather well before he tore out of the room and up the back stairs.  Like a nut.

spring tea

Let’s see … oh yes, well!   I asked my little-old tea-leaves blender for something Cinnamony and Green for spring, and preferably Caffein Free and they sent me a few packets, some more cinnamony than the others, some more flowery, but I think they got it just right with this one . . . it has body and balanced flavor and smells wonderful . . .

spring tea

Only three more days until the first official day of spring.  Last night after dinner, I sat in front of the fire (because spring-schming around here is the real truth) with a cup of my new Spring Tea and read my Newsletter and I almost didn’t care that it was 28 degrees.  (Ridiculous.)


I also made us some “Celebrating Spring” cards (2nd row from top) that can be used as Greetings cards for spring or Earth Day, as postcards or Easter Dinner invitations,  or even recipe cards — they’re lined on both sides,  are 4″ x 6″ on nice, heavy, uncoated card stock and come in sets of 25.  Happy Spring!

spring bunny

but not least

Best of Stillmeadow

Even if there is no spring (yet) at your house, I can’t tell you how lovely it is to read about a New England Springtime through the eyes and heart of Gladys Taber.  I think this is my favorite of her books, probably because it was my first, but also because it takes you through every month and each season of the year.  Especially good if you can’t make it to the Friends Reunion for Gladys Taber, this is a little


because I am going to sign this lovely book to the lucky one of you whose name is drawn as the winner of this vintage copy (in almost brand new condition) of this out-of-print title published in 1976.  Oh yes!  I found it on a back shelf in a dark corner of a group antique mall on our trip across country and have saved it for today.  Just leave me a comment and you will be automatically entered.


One Last Thing, almost a PS:  There are always lots of fun ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s day, delicious recipes, lots of parades, prayers at church, and bagpipe music; they even dye the Chicago River green.  But for those of you that would like a more sober look at a piece of Irish history, this lovely MUSICA is practically an Irish National Anthem.  There was a story this Sunday in the New York Times  … my girlfriend Lowely (Finnerty) from two doors over, brought some of her famous (still warm!) Irish Soda Bread to help Joe and I celebrate this morning.  We smeared it with butter and ate it while we prayerread the article and listened to the words of this song together.  Then we cried.  I felt like I wanted to add something meaningful to the celebration, so here you go ~ it’s history we never want to forget.  (Spoiler alert: I must say I don’t agree with those that would politicize this subject as was done with this article, just so you know. There is nothing political about hunger and the story is important; as my mom used to say, there is a difference between right and wrong.  I try and think about it the way St. Patrick would wish for me to do and toss in a bit of common sense for luck . We can’t change the past but as Oprah put it so perfectly, “We did then what we knew how to do; now that we know better, we do better.”)  Blessings to us all dearest Girlfriends. XOXO  (Don’t forget to leave your comment for Best of Stillmeadow!)



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1,483 Responses to WEARIN’ O’ THE GREEN

  1. Sheena says:

    Happy St. Patty’s Day, Susan! I’ve never read any of Gladys Taber’s books, but your post really piqued my interest in reading her books. They seem like the perfect read to combat the hectic pace of today’s world. Thanks for the opportunity with this giveaway!

  2. Laura says:

    Hi from Chicagoland! We are finally above freezing and the melting snow revealed a Chicago Tribune dated December 11!!! That’s a long winter! Thanks for the Gladys Taber recommendation. Would love to win!

  3. Laura says:

    Oh, yes, I’m right there with all who want to “have a bit o that Irish Luck” and win the book…
    Today also brought back to mind watching “Darby O’Gill and the little People” when I was really young. It was about much of the legend around Leprechauns. It starred Sean Connery and he was probably 20 or so…where does time fly?
    So I’m with you…enjoying each simple holiday!

  4. Sandra says:

    I love your musings and your green eyed cat’s pictures and hearing about his antics. I’m not Irish, but I love any reason to celebrate traditions and feast days!

  5. Judi Weinkauf says:

    Love, Love, Love………

  6. Debby says:

    Thanks for the Jack fix! Today is our 35th anniversary! It was a lovely, cold spring type day here in the Pacific Northwest. Debby

  7. Kathy says:

    I didn’t realize that Jack had green eyes…wonderful and so appropriate for St. Patrick’s Day. I enjoy reading your blog and it always puts a smile on my face. Thanks for your uplifting words!

  8. Sharon in Fresno, CA says:

    And a happy St. Patrick’s Day to you. We are Irish and our ancestors came to America in the 1700’s. We celebrated tonight with our senior friends, who by the way are all over 60, and we had a blast.

  9. Peggy Cooper says:

    Thank you Susan for sharing the music (made me cry too) and the article. My maiden name was Mahoney (changed from O’Mahony at Ellis Island), and so I’m one of millions whose family came here to escape starvation, but I’m not going to get into the politics because that’s not what your wonderful blog is about, and there is enough media out there trying to make us all forget our manners and come out fighting against each other instead of working together for the greater good. Today to go to lunch at the Shamrock Pub here in Pueblo CO I wore a lovely plaid shawl that was my family’s tartan held with a lovely brooch that was my family crest, but was outshined by my husband in his kilt and appropriate accessories (sporran, etc.). Everyone wants to know what’s under the kilt, but I’ll never tell :o) We got quite the looks, especially from the ladies. Just makes this holiday more fun. Pueblo is 50% Mexican, and I’d say 50% of the customers at the pub were Mexican, all gussied up in green shamrocks and such. Isn’t that what’s so great about this country – we can share in all our different customs and traditions? Your stew, though non-traditional, sounds wonderful, and right up my alley. I love combining sweet with savory, and my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Oh, so much to comment on – Jack’s green eyes (gorgeous), Joe’s picture in the little frame on the windowsill (gorgeous), and the Gladys Taber book. You are a never ending inspiration to me Susan, and I know all us girlfriends appreciate you more than you will ever know.

    • sbranch says:

      How cute you must have been!! That IS what’s so great about us, our diversity and the fact that for the most part, we do a pretty good job of living together (when you compare). Could be better, and will be, I’m sure. xoxo

  10. Jo Hannan says:

    For the “Musica” and the Timothy Egan, I thank you. We should not forget history and should try to keep injustices from being repeated.
    May the blessings of Ireland be with you.

  11. Lynne L in Mount Hermon says:

    Vanna, pick me; pick me!

  12. Linda says:

    I am in the midst of reading a book called “The Guernesy Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society ” by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows. In the book it describes how the Germans occupied the island (Guernesy) and made prisoners of all the British. They were there for 5 years and England (Churchill) refused to send them food even though they were all starving to death because he didn’t want to give any food to the Germans–thought he could starve them out of there. Hummmmmm……sounds like a history of small minded men in a supposedly great country. The Times article was political but the point was made……….starving people should not be at the mercy of politicians especially those who have short memories. In this bounteous world that God created, no man, woman or child should ever have to die of hunger but continue to do so as a result of politics. Your tears were well justified…..the Republican vs Democrat comments are not justified..ignore them. Linda from Idaho who is lucky enough to have a full tummy at the end of each day.

    • sbranch says:

      You know if they keep us fighting that a. nothing will ever get done; and b. they make the “other” the evil one, just so they can get re-elected and have a huge salary, time off, and free health care. I think we are going to have to outsmart them. Which really should not be that difficult! 🙂

  13. Carol D. in Sierra Madre, CA says:

    Hi Susan, I made my traditional St. Paddy’s Day meal of corned beef and cabbage, along with potatoes, onions and carrots,of course. And I also made Ina Garten’s (the Barefoot Contessa) soda bread. We love it in the morning with coffee and fruit. Hope you had a “loavely” (as they say in Ireland) St. Patrick’s Day

  14. Holly says:

    Great blog! Loved Jack’s photos! He does look so kiss able! And, WOW!! I’d love to add your Still meadow to my Gladys Tabler collection. I haven’t found ant more of her books locally since finding three at one shop a few months ago .

  15. Beth T. says:

    Happy Paddy’s Day to you and yours. We had a good laugh over Jack’s innate ability to sprawl on exactly that part which you want to read. It’s a skill they’re born with, don’t you think? We have a fivesome who vie to be the very one blocking my view.

    Many thanks for the generous giveaway. What a treasure.

  16. Terri says:

    Because of all the wonderful things I’ve read about them on your blog, I’ve been on the look out for her books whenever I’ve been poking around the shelves in stores, so far without any luck. This weekend, I did however, find a copy of a book I’ve been wanting for over 30 years (at an affordable-for-me price) – The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady – woo-hoo! Gives me hope I’ll find a Gladys Tabor on a back shelf, yet. Or maybe win one?? (Hint, hint, Vanna!)

    Will have to try your Irish stew, one of these days, it does sound intriguing. But it will have to not be on the day we wear the green, or the family might revolt, if they don’t get their usual holiday fare. Hope you and yours’ had a magically delicious St. Patrick’s Day!
    p.s. I hope and pray that we (as a people) really Will do better, now that we know better. Fortunately for humanity, even in the hardest times, not everyone hardens their hearts… I read a short article, not too long ago, about the Choctaw tribe (at a time when they themselves were being persecuted), collecting and sending money for a relief fund for the Irish, during the potato famine. If I can find the link to it again, I’ll try to pass it on. It’s one of those stories of true charity, that deserves to be known…

  17. Mary Anne says:

    Sometimes there are times that I feel “down”. Usually no reason really. But then going over my emails, and I see SUSAN BRANCH. Things pick up after that cause they include Jack! What a gorgeous cat you have. I think I am needing a friend like that. :o). I really do enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with me. You are very blessed, and I am happy for you.

  18. Thank you once again for a lovely blog. I clicked the link about the potato famine and was appalled to find that the English had the opportunity to help and did nothing. My maiden name is HATFIELD, as in Hatfield in England, which was given to Anne Boleyn by Henry VIII. And my married name is DUFFY. Both Irish and English blood runs through my veins and I am sorry for both islands. No need for such cruelty to each other. If only nations would learn to work together for the good of the world instead of their own interests……….

    • sbranch says:

      I know, it was awful. Too bad there were no cameras in those days, I’m sure it would have helped if the world would have known. But we can know now and that will make a difference.

  19. Allison Williams says:

    Hi Sue! I do hope I can win the book, I never seem to be that lucky though 🙂 my kitty also has green eyes! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!


  20. C Darlene Jones says:

    What great memories I have of reading Gladys Tabor’s columns when I was 10 or 12 while spending a few weeks in summer staying with my favorite Aunt Elsie. She was actually my great aunt and was a Gladys Tabor kind of lady. Thanks for your writings and keeping happier and nostalgic times alive. God Bless.

  21. Joan says:

    Here I am hoping Vanna in all her glory will choose me~ 🙂

  22. Lynnie says:

    Love this blog!

    Just thought to ask if you know about the Victorian Trading Co. Downtown Abbey galore, from tablecloths to evening gowns to cookbooks. Plus they have a peter rabbit house, a lace fanny pack, andMexican Wedding Cookies for sale. They even have a bottle to collect your tears – and Victorian rubber gloves with roses round the top to give that elegant touch!

    Thanks for sharing your warm, friendly blog. I just got out of the hospital and there were TWO waiting for me in my email folder. Sigh. Just what you need when you’re feeling puny!

    Thanks so much. You made my day!

  23. Lisa Jorgensen says:

    Happy Spring Susan! I hope it arrives for you soon. Lots of hot weather here in L.A., but also jolted out of bed this morning with the earthquake. They called it the “Shamrock Shake”! Can never get used to those earthquakes. How exciting, another giveaway prize. Happy writing!

  24. Shelly says:

    Just wanted to let you know that I made your Irish stew and the noodles for our St. Paddies Day dinner. I didn’t add the raisins because my husband would have probably turned his nose up at it … he’s not very adventurous when it comes to food. Anyway, it was delicious (especially with a glass of Guinness) and my husband loved it. He had seconds. We watched “Leap Year” after dinner. Have you seen this movie? It’s charming and funny with lots of beautiful Irish scenery. Thanks for sharing your recipe. Aloha 🙂

  25. Our landlord is Irish and he lives in County Mayo, not far from where The Quiet Man was filmed. He is also a good friend, which is nice. I am bound and determined that I will be to Ireland before the year is out. I have been waiting 14 years and can wait no longer.

    We love the Quiet Man in our house. It’s been a long time favourite. My mother in law looked like Maureen 0’Hara except she was a blonde. A beautiful woman. We always loved to watch old films together. She would tape them and then when we went to visit, we would watch them all. Happy memories.

    I love Gladys Taber’s writings. I have that same book you are showing. It’s lovely. Whoever wins it is getting a real treat.

    There is an English Writer/Painter whom I am sure you would also love. Her name was Hope Bourne. She was a self sufficient eccentric who lived in an old caravan on Exmoor. She grew her own vegetables, had her chickens for eggs, fished, hunted for rabbits etc. An eccentric to be sure, but so very inspiring.

    I think people and things that inspire us to do/be better are just the greatest.

    • sbranch says:

      I’d read about her…how can you not love such an independent spirit.

      • I just wanted to add that another thing I enjoyed about Gladys Taber’s writings is when she writes about her Cocker Spaniels. We have a beautiful cocker ourselves and know first hand how very special they are.

        I think inside each of us is a free spirit just gagging to get out!

        Another positive note, I sold three of my cookbooklets this morning and so I am off to shop in your shop!

        PS – I signed up for the Willard a long time ago, and I got a few of them, which I saved, but I never seem to get one these days? I love the Willard Newsletters.

  26. ann says:

    Ah….a new book to love would be wonderful.

  27. Trace says:

    Love love books.
    Pure joy.. Gladys, Tasha and Beatrix 🙂
    Woolie O Blessings

  28. Anne says:

    Jack’s such a cutie! So dapper in his tuxedo with those gorgeous green eyes. And what cat “owner” can’t relate: sitting at the table reading the newspaper or a book and a cat comes along and has to sit right down on top of it. A house isn’t a home without one.

  29. Linda Fleming says:

    Off to the library this morning in Madison, Ct. to check out a Gladys Taber book. Thank you for a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day blog. You are so delightful to me and my daughters.

  30. Another Susan says:

    Ooh, so glad I checked in today. I’m hoping Vanna will pick me in the draw for the Gladys Taber book. I’d love to share it with my mom. Love your blog! Thanks for all of your cheerful posts that have helped get me through this seemingly interminable PA winter!

  31. Susan Cook says:

    What a delight it would be to have that book! I just discovered Gladys Tabor and simply love her. Thanks for the chance.

  32. Cindy Johnson says:

    Morning coffee and Susan Branch… a fun way to start the day. Love the bunny and sweet flowers on St. Patty’s Day writing.

  33. Rosarito says:

    Happy ST Patrick’s Day. Wish you the luck of the Irish to you

  34. JaneK says:

    As Jackson Brown says, “Oh, Lord, are people starving still?” Thank you for reminding us there is a sad side to Irish history that shoud be recalled in connection with the fun side if celebrating the day.

  35. Sue Rideout from Maine says:

    Good Morning Susan! I agree with you totally. My ancestors on one side of my father’s family came over from Ireland in the 1800’s and dad had many books about the hunger and struggles of the Irish people. Truly sad stories.
    We spent last Tuesday in Boston at the MFA enjoying the Impressionists exhibit. Monet and Degas are my favorites. The day was warm, paintings were beautiful and we had a wonderful time.

  36. Jamie Smith says:

    Your blog posts make my day!! A little “peace” in my crazy schedule…..thank you!!

  37. Raquel says:

    That Jack is such a HAM!!! Would love this book!! I only have one of her books, but love to read it again and again.

  38. Cindy Whitney says:

    Would love to win the Gladys Taber book. Your blogs are always so informative and happy, look forward to each one. We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday the 16th standing along Commercial Street in Portland in 24 degrees. Oh, it was cold!!! The step dancers were wonderful as well as the bagpipers. Our grandchildren love the parade and all the sweet treats that are dispensed. After the parade it was over to our daughter Aubrey’s home for a lunch. Tried a recipe of corned beef layered salad, it was great. It was a potluck so everyone brought something, Brendon brought Dublin cheese and crackers, green grapes and Bre made blts on pretzel bread, baked beans and macaroni and cheese for Phia, Quin, and Aiko. Sophia who is 9 loves to bake and made choc. chip cookies she decorated with irish flags, pots of gold and shamrocks. A fun time and lots of memories made. Our Jenn(Bren’s wife) even brought their dog Gus dressed in an irish tee shirt to the parade. Our Teddy(Bre’s husband) is always a gracious host and played irish music most of the day on the computer. We missed our son Ehren who was working. Another good Irish movie I love with Bing Cosby and Barry Fitzgerald, Top ‘o the Morning. Happy St. Patricks Day to you and yours. Take care, Cindy

  39. Karen C. says:

    Happy St Patrick’s Day to you. I’m looking for a little bit of green grass. It sure has been a brutal winter. So looking forward to Spring. I just bought a little lamb figurine for Easter decorating and thought of you. Your words and illustrations always lift my spirits. Thank you. Hope Petey is staying warm….

  40. Deb says:

    I also have read (and reread) Gladys Taber’s books. Have you ever read any by Jean Hersey? She reminds me of G.T.

  41. Janice says:

    I have not heard of Gladys Tabor until now…can’t wait to do more research on her! What a treat the book would be to read. Now I need to look for her books when I am antiquing/thrifting 🙂

  42. Christine D says:

    Love the pictures of Jack!what’s a cutie I do like the pictures of girl Kitty too she is so sweet looking and beautiful eyes you must pet more of her on. No Spring here yet! Where is it? ???? Tired of waiting! ! I want my flowers back lol

  43. Susanb says:

    Thank you for another fun give away.

  44. Jan Hutchison says:

    That Jack is so cute! He reminds me of my cat Rorschach, although Rorschach is missing that little mustache. I have just discovered your blog through a gift of your book ‘A Fine Romance’. I don’t know Gladys Taber’s books, but will be looking for them now.

  45. Cindy says:

    A new book to savor during this cold, never ending winter would be wonderful!

  46. Nadine says:

    I am making reservations and sending off the Reunion registrations this morning for my sister, my daughter-in-law and myself!!! Too excited, and would LOVE to have the Stillmeadow book to add to our collection. My sister and I have wanted to attend a Reunion for years, and it looks as though this may be our year!

    Even if I don’t win the book, I’ll be looking forward to seeing you in Danbury!

    • sbranch says:

      How great, will love to see you there Nadine! So exciting that there will be a tour of Stillmeadow this year. That hardly ever happens these days, very very special! Good timing for all of us!

  47. Milanya says:

    I met Gladys through you, Susan. Thank you for giving me information about her. Now I am a member of the Iowa Stillmeadow Society (SSI). As one of your pictures in the post shows, our Spring meeting will be in late April, and already I am excited for it, even though I must drive 2+ hours to get there. I would love to take the book signed by you to that meeting (not-so-subtle hint). Some of us are planning to attend the June meeting in Connecticut where we will hear you speak. I attended your book signing last fall in Iowa City and I’m ready to hear you speak. Will Joe be there?

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, he’s not letting me go to beautiful Connecticut in June without him!! Say hi to the Iowa FOGT for me please!

  48. Denise Wysong says:

    Hi Susan! It is beginning to turn green here and I am ready too! Can’t wait for the next book. Thanks for all you do for us. Love you!

  49. Susan A. says:

    So “cloverly” of you to give us such a wonderful recipe for Irish Stew…just in time for Irish friends visiting us this weekend. And the cookbook drawing is simply wonderful!

  50. katherine says:

    Thanks for a chance to win this book! I love your picture of the windowsill and book. So many wonderful little things to look at and enjoy! Take Care!

  51. Snap says:

    St. Patrick’s Day … I had corned beef and cabbage and next year I’m going to try your Stew! To the handsome, funny Jack (my Cassie acts like Jack when the camera comes out)… To the fabulous Gladys Tabor and a give-a-way. What fun! I sure miss you when you don’t post… !!!! Thanks for the chance.

  52. Joy says:

    I would love to add Galdys Tabors book to my collection of Books I Love to read! Thanks for posting again, it was good to see you haven’t succumbed to the remnants of winter!!

  53. SusanA says:

    What a beautiful boy Jack is! I love your stories about him, and Girl Kitty too.

    I was given my love of reading from my mom. Gladys Taber and Miss Read are two of her favorites. She reads them again and again. I don’t remember seeing her with this title though. I’m sure she would love it!


  54. Janet Schmoll says:

    If Gladys Taber, of whom I am ashamed to admit I have not heard before, writes as charmingly as Susan Branch, I would love to read her work. I plan to check our little local island library today (I live on an island in the Gulf of Mexico just off the coast of Florida) to see if her books are there.

  55. Arnette Webb says:

    Can’t wait for your new book!! Spring is in full bloom here in Fl. It is so beautiful. Love the pictures of Jack. He makes you want to squeeze him and kiss him. Hope you have a wonderful day

  56. Regina Johnson says:

    Hi Susan, Thanks for putting a smile on my face each time I read your blog. I get to travel Martha’s Vineyard quite often just by reading your blog. Jack is the cutest thing. I want to thank you for introducing me to Gladys Tabor. I have enjoyed several of her books now, thanks to you, and am always looking out for more to add to my collection. You are an inspiration Susan.

  57. Julie V says:

    We are looking foward to Spring here in Missouri. Thankfully (most) of the snow melted yesterday during St. Paddy’s Day.

  58. Suzanne says:

    Hope you had a lovely St. Patrick’s Day Susan! I so enjoyed the pictures of Jack, he sure is a character..so much personality. I made corned beef and cabbage on Sunday, it’s a ritual at my house but I must say your stew sound delicious! I think I am going to give it a try. Last year I signed up for the Gladys Taber newsletter twice, and I have never received even one copy. I used the link through your blog when you had posted about her. I thought maybe they don’t send anything out anymore. I’ll have to try again! I’m going to try to make it down to Danbury to meet you…I must one of these days! Have a wonderful day…almost spring!!! ~ East Longmeadow, MA.

    • sbranch says:

      I sent your comment to the FOGT and I think they’ll email you and see what they can do to help.

  59. Linda M says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!

  60. Mary C. Keenan says:

    Thank you for this wonderful post Susan. Jack is hilarious and so much like our tuxedo cat Bosco! Please add my name to the drawing for the Gladys Taber book. Thank you! Mary

  61. Minette says:

    Thanks so much for the lovely post for St. Paddy’s Day! I hope you and Joe really enjoyed the day! We are having left over soda bread this morning with our tea and still enjoying the celebration from yesterday while smiling at pictures of Jack! We never tire looking at pictures of him. Another favorite Irish movie that we can recommend is The Secret of Roan Innish. It is a beautiful and mystical film about how an Irish family rediscovers their roots that tie them back to an island that previous generations had inhabited. My sons also loved The War of the Buttons when they were younger and we love to watch that as well. I love your illustrations of lambs and the cards are absolutely charming. I am so excited about you new book and love reading about your creative process in working on it. Do you have a target date of whn it may be completed? It’s the fun of anticipation all over again!

    • sbranch says:

      No target date yet, it’s too soon. If you thought about it like a painting, I’m at the drawing-it-in-pencil stage. The drawing isn’t finished yet, and then I have to add the color and depth…as soon as I know, I’ll be sure to tell you. I still feel like we’re in this together! 🙂

  62. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~ Good Morning ~
    We had a wonderful family dinner on St. Patrick’s Day! ~ Bangers & Mash ~ Reuben Sandwiches ~ Guinness Cupcakes with Bailey’s Irish Cream Frosting ~ so today back to non~ holiday eating ~ I enjoyed reading about Gladys Tabor ~ I don’t own any of her books but have learned lots about her because of you ~ thanks ! ~ She was a dog lover and gardener just like me! ~ I’m off now for another cup of tea and a piece of Irish Soda bread with butter and honey~ Sláinte ! ~
    P.S. Hurry Spring!

  63. Jennifer S (from CT) says:

    So excited to see a new blog post-and one with a Giveaway?? JOY!!! Made my way through all your past posts and still lingering over A Fine Romance. So happy to be reminded of Gladys Taber and A Quiet Man. I haven’t seen that movie and so will go hunting for it. Have a lovely day!

  64. Deanah says:

    I love the early book of Glady’s childhood to marriage, and the one with photos of still meadow. I am sure I would enjoy this one as we’ll, maybe it will help me clean out the cobwebs for spring. HAPPY SPRING!~~~~~~

  65. JANE CRAVEN says:

    Happy St Patrick’s Day! Jack is so cute!

  66. lani nelson says:

    I have been playing house.
    A Fine Romance is now sitting on my coffee table as part of changing up the front room for Spring and Summer. I removed the dark throws and replaced them with newly purchased soft white ones. I washed the windows and all the glassware and china per your advise. It is so bright in there now!! Thanks for your fun post.

    • sbranch says:

      Pretty soon I will wash off all the winter dust left by snow storms on our windows, that’s when the sun really starts shining around here! Your house sounds wonderful!

  67. Martha says:

    Happy belated St. Patrick’s Day (also my daughter’s 18th birthday)! Hope you had a pleasant day. I’m so excited you’re coming to Connecticut!
    Martha from CT

  68. Nancy Shuey says:

    Susan, I just love your blog and check it every day. Your drawings have always touched me and make me wish I could draw. I had never heard of Gladys Tabor until today, but I am really interested now in her and will be looking into more of her books.

  69. Jackie Bienemann says:

    Hi Susan,

    I would love to win the book, but if not I may have to try to find it. It sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing Jack’s antics as usual he is so adorable. Have a great day and I am sure Spring will get to us eventually:)

  70. Deb says:

    Even tho I didn’t read this until Tuesday, I still felt the warmth of the Irish (and i am Danish). I will be making your Stew but I can’t add the raisins. My husband HATES raisins…..maybe I will save it a few weeks and make it for my girlfriends…..

  71. Angie V says:

    Hi Susan

    I enjoy your blog so much, it just makes my day! About a year ago I took your advice and read a book authored by Gladys Tabor. I just loved it!! I would love to start a collection of her books. I hear ebay calling!!! Hope I win this wonderful book to start my collection! Happy Spring!

    Angie V

  72. Barb a says:

    Love Gladys Tabor and would love to win. We spent st. Patrick ‘s day in the car traveling from arizona . No corned beef and cabbage this year.

  73. Susie kilgroe says:

    I have a small collection of Tasha Tudor books and would love to start a Gladys Tabor collection as well, if I win!

  74. nancy says:

    Spring has arrived in California, the bird of paradise seem to be everywhere, hope it catches up with you soon!

  75. Melissa Barber says:

    Hello Susan,

    I have only just discovered your lovely website, and I look forward to reading your posts. My daughter just finished four days of Celtic dancing, sharing the joy of music, heritage, and dance with the elderly population of our community. Hectic though it was, we can now slow down a wee bit and look forward to Spring! Please keep doing what you do; you bring joy to so many of us. Thank you!

  76. Marianne says:

    Thanks for sharing Susan! Would love to win!!!! Yipee! Spring is just “around the corner”!

  77. Mary Lou says:

    My neighbor makes the most delicious Irish Soda Bread and I knew if I happened to stop by her house yesterday she would probably share. I came home with three generous yummy slices and a copy of the recipe. So good.
    I am loving reading Gladys Taber’s books and I’m hoping with the luck of the Irish I will be the winner this time.

  78. Joy Pence from Ohio says:

    Happy St. Paddy’s day to you, (a day late). hmmm warm Irish soda bread…..I am ordering your spring tea. Sounds wonderful. Question: will you be bringing back the wonderful apple crisp tea this fall? It is my absolute favorite so far of all your teas. Wish I had ordered an extra bag when it was available. I am so glad you decided to bless us with these yummy teas. Thank you so much.

  79. Shellie L. says:

    Mr. Jack is such a little cutie!! Loved the post, as always!


  80. Mary Whiting says:

    Good Morning Susan,
    A belated Happy St. Pat”s. I am doing the third round of dishes from our family dinner last night and took a break to read your blog this morning. I hostess my family for a dinner dedicated to our dear Pop each year, as the 17th is the anniversary of the day he passed away. A morning mass, then a true Irish toast at dinner and he is honored for another year. Loved your blog, as usual, and look forward to meeting you at the reunion, so much! You are the best. Now, back to the pots and pans.

  81. Barb says:

    On St Patrick’s Day I made my own version of Irish stew. Used smoked sausage instead of lamb, no potatoes. Just cabbage, onion, celery and carrots. No beer or wine! Chicken brooth instead! Guess it was just a stew! May your day be blessed with all the things you love.

  82. Jennifer P says:

    Hope you had a wonderful St Patricks day!!

  83. Doreen Strain (Florida) says:

    If your happy and you know it then your smile will surely show it. If your happy and you know it clap your hands! I haven’t thought about this song in almost 30 years when my children will little. Thanks for the stirring of my memory. Funny how with just those few words you posted it invoked me to sing the entire song! With may I add…a big smile on my face!
    Isn’t it wonderful how our hearts become excited when we know the change of season is about to occur. We dream about warmer days, days filled with fun seasonal activities and our hopes of taking in the warm beautiful breezes that blow into our lives the smells of the past(memories) and the sweetness of the present. Thanks for this fun post Susan. I enjoyed it! I haven’t been here to visit in a while but when I started to read the post, I felt like I hadn’t missed a beat. Nice to see all the girlfriends again! FOSB 4~Ever! ~ Doreen ~

  84. Caren Willoughby says:

    A wonderful way to celebrate Spring by reading Gladys Taber’s found book! Spring has arrived on the Oregon Coast!

  85. Tawni urrutia says:

    Good morning Sweet Susan!
    We had a quiet St Patrick’s Day this year. For years we’d get See’s candy gold coins and leprechauns, then put them all over the screen door and front porch of our next door neighbor’s! They have two darling kids, 10 & 7…so fun. But they moved right before Christmas, soooo no chocolate “pranks” this year. WAAAAAHHHHH!!
    Thank you for another delightful, poignant entery!
    Tawni Urrutia in Lodi, Ca

  86. Jan Doss says:

    Oh, how I would love to win the Gladys Tabor book. And of course, enjoy reading about your interesting life through the blog…wish mine was more like yours in some ways.

  87. Linda Jordan says:

    I just recently discovered your blog, and it’s something I look forward to every day!

    • Doreen Strain (Florida) says:

      Hi Linda, your going to like it here. I’ve been coming for a few years now and have made so many new friends. Why, we even have become friends on Facebook and shared each other snail mail addresses. We send things back and forth to each other (mostly Susan Branch items). We so enjoy chatting with each other and seeing what everyone is up too. Meeting each other face to face isn’t really what friendship has to be when you’re kindred spirits….it all happens in your heart!!! Welcome…pour yourself a cup of tea, grab a quilt, cuddle up and read what the girlfriends have to say. I can promise you, you’ll love it!
      FOSB 4~Ever! ~ Doreen ~

  88. Michele says:

    Thanks, Susan!

    That little Jack-y boy…gets me every time. Heartstrings.


  89. Julie says:

    Your sweet kitty brings a smile to my face; those furry balls of love make a cozy home even sweeter. I have started to collect Gladys Taber books and enjoy each and every page of her writing, I am such a fan! When that game is played, who would you like to have dinner with from the past, she is number one, then Nora Ephron, and a few others, all writers; I’m a fan. I’m so looking forward to your new book, it will provide hope and inspiration to so many of us changing paths mid-life. It certainly worked for you!

  90. nanette from alabama says:

    I just saw on the internet news that a bottle…….”a message in the bottle” type bottle………. was found on Martha’s Vineyard at the Long Point Reservation by a man walking along the beach! The U.S. Coast and Geodetic survey recorded the drift records of all these bottles put out to study ocean currents and how exciting that the last one found was right there in West Tisbury! The last ones were put out sometime between 1958 and 1966! I wanted to send you the link since this is yet another “something special” that happened right there in your own back yard!
    I thought you and Joe would enjoy finding out more about it if you didn’t already know……….
    Loving the blog and looking forward to the new books!

  91. Ardi Butler says:

    Always a delight to read your posts and since it was about Gladys Taber, it was doubly sweet. Thank you.

  92. Roneta says:

    I would LOVE to win the Gladys Taber book! Thank you for your beautiful blog. I check it every morning and celebrate each new post. 🙂

  93. Judy C says:

    A wonderful St. Paddy’s day to all as we celebrate life and love. Corned beef, potatoes and cabbage were very good for sure, but I DO intend to try your stew which is more goodness you shared and sounds to my liking. Can’t believe you found that book, I have been looking forever in all the little back book rooms of the antique stores and have only found “Harvest of Yesterdays”, which is a delight in itself. Please, please throw my name in as many times as possible. Thank you for your wonderful generosity, Susan. Once again, the top of the day to you! Judy C in NC

  94. Joanie Woodard says:

    As always, loved your blog. What a great way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. It’s always been very special in my family. Thanks for brightening my day as you do each time I get to read your posts and see Jack. Warm regards, Joanie

  95. Shari Harniss says:

    Would love to win this lovely book! Thanks!

  96. Liz says:

    Thank you for your St. Patrick’s Day post. Been checking every day waiting for a post. Know you are busy writing your new book (can’t wait), but wish there were posts every day! Love Jack – what a kitty. My daughter is having to have her beloved cat, Zeke, put down this afternoon. He is eighteen and has had a stroke. He was a cat with catitude……and very beautiful, even at eighteen.

  97. Marty in New York says:

    Hello Susan:
    Your blog as usual made everyone who reads it a happier or more relaxed person-Just ask Jack and Girl Kitty if you aren’t catnip for the soul!

    I was born and raised in Massachusetts and although NYC is not so far away from New England geographically it is a completely different world. Your ties to the Vineyard and the ever changing seasons makes me homesick for all that I had when I was growing up–a grandmother who canned, autumn leaves to rake, the glorious spring and summer days. I would love to be the recipient of the Taber book and be able to enjoy each New England day again.

    Thank you for the very sobering and heartfelt article on the famine I am not one to believe that there is a superior sex any more than there is a superior race, but I cannot help but think that if more women had been more involved in the political process and been able to express so much of the caring and concern they have to a larger stage, and if some were less involved with pushing men to “show their strength” through wars and tyranny we would have had a very different world history. There is always hope for the future if we can learn and remember the past. You are a happy homemaker-but thank you for being so much more.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you for those lovely comments. xo

    • Carrie says:

      Well said Marty! Susan Branch is engaged in all aspects of humanity and is not afraid to speak up, which is one of many reasons I’m so drawn to her blog, or is it bog? 😉

      • sbranch says:

        Depends on how fast you get out of here! 🙂

        • Carrie says:

          Need to make sure you know I was referencing/joking about my ignorance about cranberry bogs a couple months back and then later when I inadvertently referred to the blog as a bog…oy.

          But if one were to be “bogged” this blog surely is the place to be bogged 😉

          *I’m removing myself from the contest as I have this book already. Many thanks*

          Aching to get on English soil

  98. Lynngweeny says:

    I’m trying to convince my sister/best friend that we need to make a road trip to Connecticut for the rare tour of Stillmeadow. It’s taking a little doing since we live in Southern California.
    If I win the book I’ll tell her it’s a sign that the universe wants us to go!!!!!

  99. Martha B says:

    Wore the green yesterday, but no special Irish food. Took down the few St. Pat’s decorations this morning–time for birds, with Easter being so late, along with Spring being so “far behind” this year….it WILL arrive, someday!

  100. Pam T. says:

    Just a quick “thank you,” for posting pics of Jack today. I am away from home and missing my own kitties so it was a delight to see him and enjoy his antics. I did get a little “kitty time” the other day with my husband’s Grandmother’s two darling kitties. They are as precious and precocious as your Jack and were a total treat. She has a six-toed cream color Siamese mix who is just a clown and a tease and I’m sure together with Jack could entertain the most discerning of audiences. Give darling Jack an ear rub from me. 🙂

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