Of course our blog is wearing green today, it would not like to be pinched!  But I am now on my fourth try to write a new post!  The first three failed because important memories or perfect descriptions have been crashing into my best intentions demanding to be added to the new book before I forgot them.  I will try my best to stay focused here!  This will help . . . MUSICA made in heaven.  First a little something to make your mouth water . . .

susan-branch-irish-stew Happy Saint Patricks Day Everyone!    How’s it going for you so far?  I don’t know if you have a special something you like to make in honor of the day, but this ↑ is our favorite recipe for stew.  It’s very different, it has raisins!  Irish BlessingAnd orange juice!  And cayenne!  And nutmeg of all things!  That’s because I got my hands on it, and thought, those creative Irish, they would forgive me for messing around with their stew.  Yummy, egg noodles, with butter.  Yes.

I know, it says Irish and the only potato is a sweet potato and there’s no Guinness but I would wager you (and that is Irish) that the flavor of this stew will make you jump up to do your own version of  Riverdance, from happiness.  

For more wonderful Irish things that don’t make total sense to us go HERE and laugh.  And HERE, for a wee taste o’ some things that make Ireland so wonderful.  And here’s to a day of love and blessed luck for you all! ♣

jack in the basket

Had to show you Jack this morning!  He is in a very feisty mood.  Jack is never in any danger of getting pinched on St. Patricks Day because . . .


. . . he brings his green with him wherever he goes, he is always Wearin’ the Green.

JackHe knows what the camera is now, because he makes me chase him around and he rarely holds still anymore . . .

JackI get the camera and he begins to jump about or roll around so it’s difficult to focus on him.  I have to take LOTS of pictures before I can get one that isn’t totally blurred into oblivion . . . It’s those green eyes I love so much.

IMG_3930He gets bored with me very quickly though . . . Get that thing out of my face, he yawns  . . . (and please, WOMAN, stop kissing me, I am BEGGING you.  You’re messing with my DIGNITY.)

Bye Bye

Or else I will just leave.  Very spoiled, very sure of himself.

Gladys TaberSo I say, OK, be that way, and go into the kitchen to get my newest Gladys Taber Newsletter to show you.  I wanted you to remember that third thing down, in case you’re interested, and remind you to make your plans because I would love to see you there.  

Jack 'n GladysI was trying to show you the article in the Newsletter about the Reunion where I will be speaking and signing copies of A Fine Romance, but of course the minute I don’t pay 100% attention to him, he is back.  Now he wants to play!  I take it any way I can get it.  Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets . . .Stillmeadow

And Lola wants to drape himself on just the parts I would like you to see . . .  

Friends of Gladys TaberI hope lots of you are already a member of the Friends of Gladys Taber?  She has been one of my favorite authors for a long time.  The quarterly newsletters are always delightful, interesting, informative, fun and evocative,  I save them … ↑ here are a few of them from years past.  If you’d like to read more about Gladys Taber, find out how to become a member of her fan club, or get better information about the Reunion in June (and tour her house Stillmeadow),  I did a post about her HERE and put the dates and times at the bottom.

Jack the display catI finally got the Newsletter out from under Lola and on top of him.  He took it rather well before he tore out of the room and up the back stairs.  Like a nut.

spring tea

Let’s see … oh yes, well!   I asked my little-old tea-leaves blender for something Cinnamony and Green for spring, and preferably Caffein Free and they sent me a few packets, some more cinnamony than the others, some more flowery, but I think they got it just right with this one . . . it has body and balanced flavor and smells wonderful . . .

spring tea

Only three more days until the first official day of spring.  Last night after dinner, I sat in front of the fire (because spring-schming around here is the real truth) with a cup of my new Spring Tea and read my Newsletter and I almost didn’t care that it was 28 degrees.  (Ridiculous.)


I also made us some “Celebrating Spring” cards (2nd row from top) that can be used as Greetings cards for spring or Earth Day, as postcards or Easter Dinner invitations,  or even recipe cards — they’re lined on both sides,  are 4″ x 6″ on nice, heavy, uncoated card stock and come in sets of 25.  Happy Spring!

spring bunny

but not least

Best of Stillmeadow

Even if there is no spring (yet) at your house, I can’t tell you how lovely it is to read about a New England Springtime through the eyes and heart of Gladys Taber.  I think this is my favorite of her books, probably because it was my first, but also because it takes you through every month and each season of the year.  Especially good if you can’t make it to the Friends Reunion for Gladys Taber, this is a little


because I am going to sign this lovely book to the lucky one of you whose name is drawn as the winner of this vintage copy (in almost brand new condition) of this out-of-print title published in 1976.  Oh yes!  I found it on a back shelf in a dark corner of a group antique mall on our trip across country and have saved it for today.  Just leave me a comment and you will be automatically entered.


One Last Thing, almost a PS:  There are always lots of fun ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s day, delicious recipes, lots of parades, prayers at church, and bagpipe music; they even dye the Chicago River green.  But for those of you that would like a more sober look at a piece of Irish history, this lovely MUSICA is practically an Irish National Anthem.  There was a story this Sunday in the New York Times  … my girlfriend Lowely (Finnerty) from two doors over, brought some of her famous (still warm!) Irish Soda Bread to help Joe and I celebrate this morning.  We smeared it with butter and ate it while we prayerread the article and listened to the words of this song together.  Then we cried.  I felt like I wanted to add something meaningful to the celebration, so here you go ~ it’s history we never want to forget.  (Spoiler alert: I must say I don’t agree with those that would politicize this subject as was done with this article, just so you know. There is nothing political about hunger and the story is important; as my mom used to say, there is a difference between right and wrong.  I try and think about it the way St. Patrick would wish for me to do and toss in a bit of common sense for luck . We can’t change the past but as Oprah put it so perfectly, “We did then what we knew how to do; now that we know better, we do better.”)  Blessings to us all dearest Girlfriends. XOXO  (Don’t forget to leave your comment for Best of Stillmeadow!)



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1,483 Responses to WEARIN’ O’ THE GREEN

  1. Carolyn Sands says:

    What a wonderful book! Would love to have it in my collection.

  2. Jan says:

    Somehow, I must have missed your post yesterday (my computer was acting up). It certainly added some happy to my birthday day, today, though. We had our traditional corned beef boiled dinner. I made Irish Soda Bread for the first time. I liked it – my husband not so much. The new lamb and chick recipe cards – how cute! Just may have to order some for my daughter as she loves lambs too. Best of luck answering all these comments. Oh, my!

  3. Caroline says:

    Thank you for linking me to the NY Times column about the famine. I just finished reading The Orphan Train, about a family who flees Ireland, so that period of history has been on my mind. I have enjoyed reading your Gladys Taber quotes over the years, and would love to own one of her books!

  4. Ruth from Pennsylvania says:

    Love, love, love old books. Thanks, Susan, for a chance to own this one.

  5. Beverly Brewer says:

    What a wonderful book for a lucky recipient! My Mom always enjoyed the Gladys Taber columns in Woman’s Day magazine so many years ago. Maybe that five leaf clover in your post will bring all of us some extra luck! Your tea sounds “scrumpie”—did you and Joe ever get a chance to try the Paris tea from the English Rose Tea Room? It’s fun to try all these flavorful blends!

  6. Thanks for referring to the New York Times article. I really believe it is time for many to learn the history of our ancestors and how hard they had to work to try to make it in our country and why they left what my grandmother called “the old country.” My grandmother’s parents left what is now Slovakia in the late 1800’s to get out from under the minority who owned the land and the poverty her family faced. My great grandfather worked a year for $1 a day in the West Virginia coal mines in order to send for his family. Norway and Denmark today are known for having the happiest people in the world because they take care of each other through government programs. I’m not sure why some of those in our government refuse to see the humanity of that.

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve always thought that the real argument is all just about the money. How to spend the kazillion dollars sent to the government in our taxes every year. Since it’s our money, I think it should be spent on us, good schools, bridges that don’t fall down, medical care, things like that. I think there’s enough money to make this world a little paradise if we wanted to.

      • Jack says:

        Not just money —there are those who seek power just because that is their nature … They form pacs , in power groups , legislate laws to benefit themselves financially and fight tooth and nail for CONTROL !

  7. Debi Hutchinson says:

    Ahhh, twas a real treat to enjoy your Saint Paddy’s Day blog….especially the link to the castles of Ireland! My husband and I have been fortunate to travel a bit, and Ireland was a favorite! The nicest people everywhere we went. Learning to understand their fabulous brogue took a wee bit of time, but ever so much fun!

  8. JanetLee says:

    I almost feel guilty adding another post that you will have to moderate. I don’t know how you keep up with it all! But the drawing for the beautiful book is just too hard to resist. So while I am plotting a way to get to CT in June I will be keeping my fingers crossed that I am the lucky winner of such a special book.
    Thank you for being a bright spot in my days.

    • sbranch says:

      Don’t feel guilty. I love hearing from you. I’m the one who feels guilty that I don’t get them done fast enough. So I’ll make a deal, you keep writing, and I’ll stop feeling guilty! 🙂

  9. Judy Wooley says:

    I love your posts every week. My brother’s birthday was yesterday . I have been on the lookout for Gladys Tabor books at the places I shop but no luck yet. Have a wonderful week ! Judy from Kentucky

  10. Debbie Mason says:

    I love Gladys Taber too! My Grandmother introduced me to her writing 45 years ago. It really doesn’t seem that long ago.

  11. Cathleen Lindell says:

    I read Gladys Taber every night before bed. Makes for sweet dreams. Thank you for sharing:)

  12. Joanne says:

    Enjoyed your lovely post. Thanks for the opportunity to win The Best of Stillmeadow by Gladys Taber!

  13. Cheryl Roblyer says:

    Going to try the stew. Looks great!

  14. Sandy from Kentucky says:

    We (my sister and I) are sending our reservation form today for the reunion. It will be a special trip as we both love Gladys’ books and you and your uplifting blog. Always makes my day! I must purchase some more of your books as I only have “A Fine Romance”. Would love to win the book you have of Ms. Taber’s, but if not, I know we will enjoy getting to see you at the reunion.

  15. Rebekah Lynch says:

    We all want the Gladys Taber’s book! Good Luck to us all, fingers crossed!

  16. Susan Ray says:

    Would love to win the book…..
    Please come back out to California ……I miss your signing in San Luis Obispo. Love your book….can’t wait to read your new one.

  17. Sharon in Morro Bay, CA says:

    Thinking of your changing seasons….as you well know….we do not have seasons here in SLO county. Every day is about the same. Looking forward to our permanent move to the East Coast on April 8th!! We will have seasons and weather is a bit milder in the Carolinas. Heading off to the Bob Jones Trail Avila this am as time is running out with my walking buddies. Will miss them so……

  18. Sandy Manning - Plano, TX says:

    That Jack is such a mess! That book you are giving away sounds like a treasure. I have always loved books and an old book is the best!

  19. Karen says:

    Love your new spring cards with the sweet lambs. We have 62 lambs already and haven’t reached the halfway point yet this year. Even though ours are black-faced Suffolk cross, I still have a soft place for the little white faces on your cards. I’m always inspired to take up the pencil and brush after stopping by your blog. PS. I have a copy of your Days from the Heart of the Home that I can’t bear to write in because it’s so lovely. Happy Pre-Spring to you!

  20. Patsy Gearheart says:

    Thank you for all the St Pat’s info. I made Irish stew and soda bread, but am eager to try your recipe with OJ.
    That’s so exciting about the Gladys Taber book giveaway. I have my fingers crossed.

  21. Mary says:

    Oh, Susan. I would looooovvvveeeee the Gladys Taber book. Her books are rather hard to find. It took me forever to get the one book that I do have (. . . from my mom’s hot little hands. You can’t imagine what I had to promise her. Suffice it to say that she won’t be put in the Little Old Ladies Baptist Women’s Home.) (Any time soon.)

    Love from Mary

  22. Laurel says:

    You have just introduced me to a new author. I would love to win this book!

  23. Sharon Anderson says:

    I am new to your blog but find reading it always makes me smile whether at the beginning of the day or at the end of a long day. Thanks.

  24. Joan S says:

    Irish Stew, Soda Bread, an Irish movie with that perfect screen team. Thank you! And a reminder of Gladys Tabor and her wonderful books. I enjoyed reading them after one of your earlier blogs and would love my own copy.

  25. lindamarie says:

    Your posts, your books, your art feed my soul. You get so many wonderful responses, and so I don’t post often, but I want you to know that you make this Arkansas girl’s life so very beautiful. Thank you!

  26. Linda g says:

    Celebrated the day with my 2 grown sons and their dad who makes a most delicious corn beef with a brown sugar maple glaze. They all said it was delicious as I just can’t eat corn beef even with the glaze! But I did enjoy the Brussels sprouts with slice apple glaze. Yum! I am so lucky to have a gourmet cook for a hubby! I would love to win the book!!? Maybe this time !

  27. Barb Kucera says:

    Perfect music choice Susan! That Maureen O’Hara was a beauty! And thanks for sharing Jack’s antics. He’s too much!!

  28. Kat says:

    Hi Susan,
    Me maiden name is Doolin–nuff said….Gotta try your version of Irish Stew, always good to add something different to the pot. That Gladys Taber book looks like a treasure. I work in a public library and our crazy new director throws out anything thats more than 10 years old. Needless to say, we no longer have anything by Gladys on our shelves. I must have been on vacation when she weeded out that section or I’d have those books in my home library…..Some people are clueless.

    • sbranch says:

      In a library? Does that mean there is no To Kill a Mockingbird or Anne of Green Gables? Clueless is right. Go get her. xoxo

  29. Julie C says:

    I could just kiss those cute, little, white feet! Love that Jack! I would also love to win the book. I love books, and do not have any Gladys Taber books. It would be a great addition to my collection. I also loved the drawing of the rabbit running thru the flowers above. Happy Spring to all, and Kisses to the Kitties!

  30. MaryAnn says:

    What a fun post yesterday, Susan! You are amazing–here you are writing another book for us and still find time to keep in touch through your blogs. Take time for you, too. Glad you and Joe walk down to the shore. What a wonderful chance to be out in nature, no matter what the season. We have crocus and forsythia blooming, robins and doves are around. My brother called from Oregon Saturday to say they had their first hummingbird arrive that day. So yesterday my husband brought our feeder in and I washed it up and made some syrup. We are ready when they start coming around here. Happy almost Spring!

  31. Marie Hill says:

    Hi susan

    Spring is all around now the primroses are fully out and giving us that wonderful lemon colour we can find nowhere else. A few sunny days here in somerset England and everybody is so happy. Hopefully it’s the same with you!

  32. Asha says:

    Hi Susan! St. Paddy’s Day greetings & recipes, Jack & Gladys Taber! What more could we ask for! Thank you! Blessings for Spring to finally appear. Love you! oxoxox

  33. Gail Rose says:

    Please enter my name for the Gladys Taber’s book. I have a couple of hers but not this one. Thank you so much. Gail in Yuma AZ.
    new email address…grose7807@gmail.com

  34. Rebecca says:

    Susan, Thank you, as usual, for caring and sharing. I have intended to subscribe to the newsletter; I’m glad you have brought it back to my attention. How nice to have a chance to win. I collect and love old books.

  35. Cindy A. says:

    Wonderful post! I would have loved to be at home watching “The Quiet Man” which his one of my favorite John Wayne movies, but we attended our daughter’s junior recital instead. It was a wonderful way to spend a cold evening, indoors, listening to harp music from various musical eras. She did great, and we’re very proud of her accomplishments.

  36. Dee Dee Osborne says:

    I used to take out from the library all of Gladys Taber’s books over and over again! She led me in moving out into the California country area. Would love to have a copy of one of her books! Thank you for the opportunity.

  37. Debbie in Connecticut says:

    In reading your Stew recipe, I noticed it says 375 degrees on the top and 325 degrees at the beginning of the recipe…did I miss something? By the way, love the Jack pictures!

  38. Sweet Sue says:

    Absolutely loved your “Wearin’ O’ the Green” blog!

    My husband and I had the day off and had a simply fun St Patrick’s Day together. We started with a delightful breakfast of: Scrambled Eggs with Spinach, British English Muffins with “green” light cream cheese and fresh fruit cup with green apples and green pears with a wonderful lemon/lime toppping. We then went out to the Coumadin Clinic for monthly INR blood check stopping along the way to shop at a fantastic pharmacy that in addition to meds has wonderful gifts of which we got some green ones for our pharmacist at the Clinic. We then had lunch out (a rarity for us on a weekday as we are both usually working) and had zuccinni appetizer with lemon pepper sauce, green mixed salad with basalmic vinagerette dressing and a yummy “Irish Stew” with melt in your mouth beef tenderloin, sauteed mushrooms and grilled onions over homemade very chunky mashed potatoes. We then stopped on our drive home to have “green” pistachio yogurt with pistachio nut topping. Dinner was leftovers from lunch and then to bed to start our work week today.
    How fun…another drawing …..please put my name in for “The Best of Still Meadow-A Treasury Country Living” by Gladys Taber! Just loved your musica today with theme from A Quiet Man (one of our favorite movies that we have on DVD), Riverdance with an appearance by the Queen no less 🙂 and festive Irish band music. Took my morning break as I watched them “dye the Chicago River green”. Also enjoyed Jack’s mischevious antics trying to get in the Gladys Taber article photos. Yet how can you not love him with those green, green eyes. 🙂 Copied your “Irish Stew” recipe to try later, your Irish blessing to send to others and have placed the Celebrate Spring cards on my online wish list :-).
    Oh, the life you and Joe share. To have sat together eating warm Irish Soda Bread while perusing Irish article and sharing in the compassion of what you read. My sweet Dusty and I are looking forward in not too many years from now retiring from our current jobs and having time together like you and Joe have. In the meantime I continue the good fight in my battle against cancer and we both work our jobs trying to encourage and uplift others in our respective workplaces as much as we can. Life is after all about people and a yielded life to Jesus that enables and empowers us to serve others.
    Blessings! 🙂

  39. Christine says:

    I have been LOOKING for this book! And you are giving it away???
    Oh… plezzzz be me!
    You are the best blogger!

  40. Gloria Howard says:

    Thanks for this post. I am so excited already for your new book. Thanks too for the reminder about the Stillmeadow tour and book signing in June.

  41. Debbie says:

    Hi Susan! Thanks for your wonderful blog! It always brightens my day 🙂

  42. Julie L says:

    Thank you for the wonderful blog – green, green everywhere.
    Cannot wait for spring!

  43. Emily B says:

    Looks like a lovely book! We spent St. Paddy’s day basking in the glow of our recent return from Ireland. Reading your Fine Romance was a kick in the pants to finally buy the tickets and go like we’ve always wanted to. Such a beautiful- and green! country.

  44. Kathie Ferko says:

    Good Morning ,

    Was so nice to have a St Patty”s Day blog from you! That sounds like a really unusual stew recipe….must try it sometime…just made regular beef stew with a side of steamed cabbage for St. Patty’s day dinner….crusty rye bread along side.
    I just can’t wait for spring…snowdrops have been blooming for quite a while, but, now I have crocus and small iris…and the daffodils are budded and ready to bloom…one of my early varieties.

    The book by Gladys Tabor sounds lovely…never read any of her books, just heard of them through the blog….would be a nice time to start…please enter me in the drawing.

    What are your new book signing dates ,if any, in the near future? I wait anxiously for any new books penned and painted by you. To me you seem to have a dream life…not to mention the man of your dreams…so lucky you are! I love all your paintings…they inspire me to do my own painting, even if just for my own pleasure!

    Happy first day of spring…when it gets here….ha, ha

    Kathie from Limerick, Pa

  45. Barbara says:

    For the last 32 years, my husband and I have watched The Quiet Man on St. Patrick’s Day. Of course his favorite line is “Woman of the house, fetch me my tea” and of course I have never fetched him his tea….. Great post today and I would love Vanna to pick me, pick me.

    • sbranch says:

      That’s the only thing I DO do, fetch Joe his tea, to his bedside every morning. That’s to make up for all the door openings, driving-me-about-ing, sweater bringing, camera carrying, wordsmithing, tree planting, and TLC I get from him on a daily basis.

  46. Joyce Giles says:

    Hi Susan–What a great book to win for the lucky person! Enjoyed very much reading your latest post! -Joyce

  47. Christine Norris says:

    I always enjoy reading your blogs. They make me wish I was sitting right next to you. Have a great day and here’s hoping the book comes my way!

  48. Amanda Peak says:

    I love love love these kitty pictures! And I found the famine link so sad but important to read and remember- thank you. I am so excited for your new book and so grateful for your wonderful blog 🙂

  49. Lisa Hay says:

    I don’t know how you keep up with all the comments!! You need some Irish Luck! We watch The Quiet Man every year! My husband’s Mom started him on this tradition when he was young and he has never missed. 🙂 Thanks for the give away! I hope I win!
    Love and Hugs,
    Lisa Hay
    The Woodlands, TX

  50. marisa grindstaff says:

    love your post as always , what a prize of a book it looks wonderful! can’t wait to try the stew.

  51. Deborah Norling says:

    Thank you for sharing the article from the Sunday New York Times…..and now regarding Jack….it is so hilarious how cats know e x a c t l y how best to be in your way when reading..writing..on the lap top..or..my fav..trying to wrap a present with a large sheet of wrapping paper…..you feel you must leave a note to the recipient to please pardon the cat fur !

  52. Candi, Long Beach, CA says:

    Hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!! I hope to make your Irish Stew sometime this week. So looking forward to your new book – it will be worth the wait!! Have you finished reading Outlander yet? The series will be on STARZ this summer and I think they’ve done a great job on casting all the characters – especially Jamie!!!

  53. Mary L. says:

    Have been a fan of Gladys Taber for years. Would love to own this book.

  54. Mary says:

    I have enjoyed reading your blog for several years now, but never commented until today. I am originally from the Northeast, and although I have lived in the midwest for many years, I am still homesick for it. Thank you for reprinting the New York Times article. Paul Ryan claims to be many things, unfortunately, being
    compassionate to the plight of the poor is not one of them. I am ashamed that he is my congressman. On a happier note, I am also a Gladys Taber fan and have always found her writing very sensible and comforting.

    • sbranch says:

      She had the kind of politics I understand, those of common sense and just solid thinking about a better world. So happy to meet you Mary!

  55. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! Happy St. Patrick’s Day (belated) to you!!!! Jack’s pictures are beautiful!!!! I can’t wait to share them with my son Steven later this evening when he returns from his college class. Jack’s face always makes us smile!!! It’s always entertaining to hear of the daily tales of Jack’s life!!! I’ve been very busy sewing,crocheting, cross-stitching gifts for my little baby nephew who will be Christened this coming Saturday. Trying to finish all of the little gifts on time, so I haven’t visited your site for a while. So happy I didn’t miss out on the Gladys Taber book give-a-way….I’ll keep my fingers crossed!!! So very generous of you Susan to share with us Girlfriends your percious treasures!!!! You are always thinking of others. Take care of yourself. Have a Happy Day!!!!!

  56. Martha Powell says:

    I knew you would come up with something special for St Patrick’s Day! I was not disappointed.

  57. Wendy says:

    Wonderful post. . . well they are all wonderful. Thanks for all the information on Gladys Taber. I knew that I had heard the name but could not remember anything about her. So glad to be enlightened and now I will be searching for her books. Such a very special lady.

  58. Laura says:

    I learned about Gladys Taber from you, Susan. Such a lovely lady in every way. Uplifting thoughts are with you as you write your new book! Longing for Spring here in Michigan…can’t be far off now!! xxxooo

  59. Brenda King says:

    Susan, loved this post. So many of us have Irish ancestry and I have been looking for more information on my great great grandfather Richard Butler. I have birth and death dates and I know he died here in Virginia but can’t get any information on when he came to America. I will keep looking. I guess the Irish in me keep me persistent. Love genealogy/family history. Thanks so much for the giveaway and putting all our names in for the drawing. Good luck to everyone. It surely is a wonderful gift. If I was lucky enough to win, it would be my first Gladys Taber book. Have a wonderful week and weekend. Love your kitties!

  60. Karen Cunningham says:

    So VERY excited about the coming of your new book!!!!! We fans of yours hope to keep you very busy!!! And gee, another giveaway..always so generous! Best of luck to everyone!!!

  61. N Jean says:

    I loved the green on this blog! I have been very busy lately and just looked at your blog today, Tuesday. It was so very nice to read and the soup recipes looks great. Thank you for updating your blog so quickly.

  62. Laura Ann in Vermont says:

    Susan, when you have a give-away and there are so very many responses, we understand completely that you might not have time to comment or maybe even read them all. Please don’t stress over it! You already do so much for us. Also, many of your fans are also reading the comments and using them as a way to feel connected.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh I read them all! 🙂 I love everyone’s comments! I went off island to Boston today, I’m on the boat going home right now and since I was in meetings all day, I couldn’t get on the blog. But here I am, and first thing in the morning, they will all be posted.

  63. Mary S. says:

    Thanks for the pics of cute Jack!! I adore him AND Girl!!
    I would LOVE to win the Gladys Tabor book! I have none by her yet, altho’ they are on my wishlist!!
    Do you and Joe watch “Sherlock”? We have just really got into it, from the beginning, and it is wonderful!! I LOVE British shows, and this one is one of the best!!
    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

  64. Wendy says:

    Hi Susan – what a lovely gift you found and saved for someone! I always feel so much more calm and relaxed after a visit to your blog. Thanks a lot for that!

  65. Dee says:

    I love your books and just discovered your blog in the last several months — I’ve been too “word challenged” to write before now, but it’s time that you know what a treat it is for me check to find new loveliness on the internet from you every few days in addition to your beautiful books. Thank you!

    Re St Paddy’s celebration, we introduced the kids to Disney’s Darby O’Gill when they were preschoolers. They’re now in their 20s but it’s still corned beef and Darby every March 17th. 🙂

  66. Sharon Lynch says:

    I enjoyed the post. Always look forward to each one. I loved your book A Fine
    Romance, and looking forward to your new one. I’m reading Gladys Tabor’s
    book Still Cove Journal. Would love to win your give away!!

  67. Zona in Oregon says:

    Delicious spring is alive and well here in southern Oregon!

  68. Joanna Lyn says:

    my favorite part of St. Patrick’s Day? The birth of my 5th child, 2nd daughter, who is 15 today. 🙂

  69. Lorri Matey says:

    Hello Susan… just getting ready to make my afternoon “Susan Branch” tea. It is one of my favorite rituals of the day 🙂 I have that same copy of The Best of Stillmeadown and I think it is my favorite too. I have been collecting her books since I was in my twenties when I found my first one at a library sale. (25 years ago) It is lovely to find someone who loves her books as much as I do. She has inspired me in many ways as have you!!

  70. Kay from Kansas now in London says:

    Susan, I’ve brought my well-read copy of your book from Kansas to London as my daughter and I hope to replicate some of your travels here in Britain! My daughter had Magner’s Pear Cider this afternoon, on your recommendation. Your blog is always a delight! I would enjoy the Gladys Taber book very much, please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      OH have fun Kay, tell your daughter hello for me. I’m sure it’s beautiful there right now!

  71. evangeline says:

    I was so happy to find your post today. I had looked yesterday before I went to work and nothing had come thru yet. Always so fun to see what you have t o share. The book is lovely…I want to get some of her books, after reading about her, I know I have another kindred spirit..Gray days these past few, but spring is on it’s way. My husband called me yesterday at work to let me know he saw my miniature daffodils were in bloom..such a sweet thing to see…..makes me smile even now thinking about them. I am picking some to bring to my little “sweetheart” pts at work. It just lifts your spirits when you see spring flowers…..Thank you for the wonderful post and the pictures make it so more real to experience ..hugs to the little “prince Jack” and “lady Girl kitty”…you make such a lovely blessing to so many of us….God bless you Susan Branch…and “all” those that are a part of your “heart of the Home”…Happy Belated St. Patrick’s Day………….Evangeline

  72. Roseann Davis-Yurasits says:

    Hi Susan,
    Fingers are crossed & the heart is hoping!
    Springtime Wishes to everyone!
    Roseann Davis-Yurasits

  73. Jeanne Hedin says:

    My Irish genes love your stew recipe.
    Jack is most adorable, as usual. 🙂
    LOVE the Gladys Taber giveaway!
    Green Tea with Wild Flowers – must try . . .
    “Celebrating Spring” recipe cards/note cards – be still my heart!!!
    All of the above surrounded by your charming art work. 🙂

  74. Priscilla from So. Ca. living in SD says:

    Jack is a beautiful cat!

  75. Laurie says:

    Hi Susan,

    Believe it or not, stew is one of my favorite foods and I can’t wait to try your Irish version! The raisins, sweet potato and nutmeg sound interesting, in a good way. 🙂 It is in the 80’s here in AZ. How I wish for just one 28 degree day. Enjoy writing your book, can’t wait to read it!

    Laurie <3

  76. Laurel in VA says:

    I would absolutely love to win this book! I had never heard of Gladys Taber until you mentioned her on your blog Susan. I’ve look high & low for her books but haven’t been able to find any. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  77. Helen Fite says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you for all of your posts! They are thoroughly enjoyed. We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Saturday. Late, but we wanted to wait for our son to be home from college for Spring Break. Family traditions are the best!

  78. Rosie says:

    My favourite part of st. Patrick’s day is the colour. I’m watching the yard green up, I love green tea and I have smatterings of green pottery throughout my kitchen. I love all things vintage and the book draw you’re offering would definitely be a welcome addition in our home. Thx

  79. PENNY BOND says:

    Thanks for a wonderful post. Would love to win the book. Happy Spring!

  80. Maureen Darr says:

    My Mom and I are huge fans of yours. I gave her your wonderful book for Christmas since she and my Dad enjoyed traveling to England. She loved it.

  81. kathleen says:

    What a lovely gift you choose to give! Thank your for being an encourager.


  82. carol brisco says:

    Gladys was such a sweetheart, so are you!! Have enjoyed both of you so much.

  83. Heather Carter Jackson says:

    Hi Susan,
    I am a avid reader and collector of all of your books and artwork! And just earlier this year I discovered your website and was so happy to find a kindred spirit- I kiss cats and find glee in homey things, too!
    Thanks for sharing all of your ideas and art with the world!

  84. Susan,
    Irish blessings to you~
    *My comment from yesterday did not post for some reason*


    Dear Susan, I send this message from Spain, my English is not good, but surely you understand me. I’d like to have all your books in Spanish, I hope someday as well. But I just wanted to tell you that every day, when I leave home to go to work, take my train and my metro here in Madrid, am reading another book yours which is this blog. I started in the first entry of 2011, and through this, I’m getting to know you. So I learned your love for the birds, your trips with Joe, your taste for the dishtowels, by admiring the recipes, by Tasha Tudor (which for me is the biggest thing), Gladys Taber, and many more others that did not know and thank you will discovering and at the same time. Through this blog will your Conference, your books firms, to take tea with tigo, make those wonderful candy, ultimately to learn from ti. Thank you for being there.A very strong hug.Mª Carmen Duque.

    • sbranch says:

      Hello Carmen, so lovely to hear from you. Your English is so much better than my Spanish! Thank you for saying Hola! xoxo

  86. Carol from Indy says:

    What a lovely lovely post! I would make the Irish Stew but I have a chicken roasting in the oven and making all sorts of wonderful smells in the house. Cold and a bit snowy and a fire on the hearth so all is cozy and homey. I was looking for something wonderful to read and your blog sent me scurrying to my guest room to choose a Gladys Tabor to read. Ah, Bliss. Is there anything better? She says exactly what I would say if I were a writer. She captures all that is good and wholesome and happy and uplifting and she lifts us right up with her. How I wish I could be there in June with you and get to see the home that I have daydreamed about for so many years.
    Better go check my chicken.

  87. Kathy McDonald says:

    What a lovely give-away! Your post gives me hope that one day in the not-too-distant future the sun WILL appear and spring will be upon us. It’s been a very wet and gray winter in Seattle, but compared with what other parts of the country have endured, we don’t have much to complain about!

  88. Marie Fluck says:

    Love St. Patrick’s Day. Watching “The Quiet Man”! And drinking tea and listening to the Irish music! The special things in life! Marie

  89. Danella on the West Coast says:

    Clapping my hands to have another blog to read today. The sun is shining and spring is around the corner. Has to be because the lilacs are budding in front of the house. Have a lovely day! Thanks for being lovely you!

  90. Carin from Central California says:

    What a lovely post and a lovely gift. I would love to start my Gladys Taber collection with this very book. I hope, I hope, I hope.

  91. Christine Perica says:

    Love Irish Soda Bread! So cheap and easy to make which is why it played a big part in getting our family of four through three years of seminary. Counted every penny and had the time of our lives! We now celebrate with Soda Bread!
    Thanks for always adding joy to my day.

  92. Eileen R in Pleasant Grove says:

    I am always so happy to find a new post from you! Am re-reading A Fine Romance, this time savoring each page as each one is a work of art. My favorite all time book! So excited you are working on a new book and as I have truly been grateful to have been introduced to Gladys Taber, I would love to be entered in your drawing.

  93. Happy Almost-Spring, Susan. Those little lamb greeting cards are pretty!
    I am relatively new to Gladys Tabor; Tasha Tudor as well. Trying to keep up with new interests can be complicated when there are already so many other things to captivate. This book would launch me happily into Miss Tabor’s world and that would be an enjoyable thing. Thanks for the chance!!! I think cats have something in their chromosones that make them immediately flop down on anything you are trying to read or write or wrap! Jack is a champion of that!! Hugs from Robin.

  94. viv says:

    How I wish I lived close enough to visit Stillmeadow with you. Since you first introduced me to Gladys Taber I have found five of her books. Two are on my bedside table now. I do not have the one you are graciously offering and would give it a loving home. Love the note cards and am already anticipating your new book. FINE ROMANCE is on the table by my favorite chair and I frequently re-read when I want to go to my happy place. Happy Spring.

  95. Carol C says:

    Hi Susan, I just found out that my friend Georgia and I will be at the FOGT event this summer. We signed up for the “I want it all” package! I’ve been reading and rereading GT for years and never dreamed I’d actually get to see Stillmeadow–what a thrill! Georgia is the friend who introduced you to me. She gave me your first book for Christmas when it came out and I haunted the bookstores each year for the next one. Think I have ’em all! In turn, I introduced her to GT so we’re even and will have two dreams come true. A few years ago we went to VT to a Pumpkin Moonshine event at a house on Tasha Tudor’ s property where among other things, we had tea with Tasha. We had also been Tasha groupies and had been to Tasha’s speaking engagements all over the Eastern Seaboard and to the Jenny Wren shop in IN. So–Yea!–here we go again! Meet you in CT!!!

  96. Joan B says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day Susan – love your post and those pictures of Jack, what a sweet boy. Come on spring……..we need you now!!
    Love, Joan (Murphy) Baker

  97. Kathy O says:

    Beautiful post that made me cry as well. Would your friend be willing to share her Irish soda bread recipe? I know it is supposed to be easy, but I lost the recipe that I had and I can’t say that I have found a good one yet.

  98. Mel from Guelph, Ontario, Canada says:

    First time writing to this blog; love it! Fingers crossed for the Gladys Taber book! 🙂

  99. Sherry in Carrollton, TX says:

    I would like to win the Gladys Taber book, as I haven’t found any of them to read!
    They sound like something I would like.
    Love pictures of Jack!
    Hope your St. Paddy’s Day was a good one, mine was!

  100. Gail Golden says:

    Happy St. Patricks Day (late) to you, dear Susan. I love seeing Jack’s pics. He is such a cutie cat. Oh, yes, yes, yes…please enter my name in the giveaway. I would love to have that book.

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