Hi Everyone!  Between WILLARD (which starts going out this morning and finishes Wednesday night) and this post, I think I’m going to wear you out!  But in the Willard I promised you a recipe, I promised “make-up gifts.” (Too long since last Willard, should call them welcome-back gifts).  But first, we need MUSICA . . . and I need to show you what my dad, better known as “Blog Daddy” and his darling wife Jeannie sent us for Easter.

a picture


Is that cute or what?  I get the bunny with the bow and I’m seven again.  It’s got green peeps, it’s filled with those dad and melittle chocolate eggs with the thin crispy crust and my favorite dark chocolate-covered coconut bars.  Thanks Dad, thanks Jeannie! There’s me and Blog Daddy  . . . Such a cute surprise! (We were so young!)   

I hope Easter weekend was as beautiful where you are as it was here!  We’ve been getting amazing doses (as in medicine) of spring, drinking it in, making it almost impossible to stay inside, stay home, stay down.  We want OUT! We pop this music into the player and off we go… 


The island

The island is coming alive and it’s fun to drive around and look at it.  You can see we are still waiting for leaves on the trees, but the air is filled with the sweet smell of thawing earth, the light is new, and the sailboats are coming back.  It’s perfect timing . . . Happy Earth Day!  It’s today!  Pretty smart of the powers-that-be to tuck Earth Day into this beautiful time of year!  For extra enjoyment, for frosting on the spring cake . . . Check out the Washington DC Cherry Trees in bloom!  They will put a song in your heart.

earth day

And now, here’s the recipe for the cake I wrote about in Willard, an old-fashioned lemon-filled sponge cake, soft as a baby’s hiney, perfect for spring birthdays, and gorgeous as a Mother’s Day Tea Cake.


Mother's Day Tea Cake

And since I made this cake for Easter, I thought I’d show you just how easy it is to put together.  Making this roll is much easier than you might think if you haven’t done it before.

set the temperature

So set your oven for 375° and here we go . . .

butter the pan

Butter a 10″ x 15″ cookie sheet that has a rim (jelly roll pan), then lay down a piece of waxed paper (allowing it to go over edge), smooth it into the corners and into the butter, and then butter the paper too.


separate the eggs

Put the yolks of three eggs in one bowl and the whites in another.
add sugar

Beat egg yolks a little bit then add a cup of sugar and . . .

thick and lemon colored

Beat them until they’re thick and lemon colored . . .


Sift a cup of flour together with salt and baking powder . . . (don’t worry I’ll give measurements at the end)…

add flour mixture

And stir it in to your batter along with six tablespoons of hot water . . .

beat the egg whites

Beat the egg whites until stiff and glossy.

Happy spring

While you’re doing that take a peek outside . . . oh, my, what a DAY!

look out the window

And LOOK!!!  I begin calling for Joe . . . we have robins by the herds, we have gaggles of cardinals, whole families ~ (not that I will ever take them for granted), but see that bird on the right?  We never see that bird.  ever.  Got out the bird book where we find out it usually likes woods and thickets.  This is our driveway . . . he is a “rose-breasted grosbeak.”


spring birdies in the driveway

We ooh and aaah over him for a few minutes . . . He must have spring fever, coming over for some dessert seeds.

fold in whitesOK, that was nice, but back to “work” ~ folding in the egg whites . . .

add zestAnd then the zest of one lemon . . . Now spread the batter evenly on your well-buttered cookie sheet and put into oven for 12 to 15 minutes.

sugar a dishtowel

While it’s baking, lay out a clean dishtowel and sift over a sprinkling of powdered sugar.

pull cake out of pan

When the cake is done, and wafting fresh cake fragrance to the neighborhood, bring it out of the oven and use the edges of the waxed paper to turn it out onto your powdered-sugar covered cloth . . .

remove waxed paper

Voila!  While still hot, carefully peel off the paper.  Then take a pair of sharp scissors and cut off the crispy edges of the cake all the way around . . .

cut off crisp edges

You can eat those crispy edges immediately, but from experience, if you eat them all now, you’ll have nothing to dip in the lemon filling you’re about to make. Just sayin’ . . .

rolling up the cakeNow, using the dishtowel begin to roll up the cake.  It’s fairly malleable while it’s hot so you can make a nice roll, just pull out the towel as you go . . .

roll it up

Once it’s all rolled, just leave it there and let it cool while you make the filling.  Essentially it’s in training now to be a roll.

make lemon filling

LEMON FILLING:  In the top part of a double boiler, put two whole eggs, a cup of sugar, the grated rind of two lemons . . .

juice of two lemons

The fresh juice of two lemons and two tablespoons of melted butter.

fresh lemon juice

Pour the juice into the double boiler through a fine sieve if your lemons are like mine and filled with seeds.  Stir over simmering water for fifteen minutes until the filling is thick. Cool slightly. (Más MUSICA Girlfriends?)


Then it’s time to unroll your cake; carefully peel it open until it’s flat ~ it goes very easily . . .

spread filling

Pour over the lemon filling and spread it almost to the edges, but leave it thick in the middle. (Don’t forget to save a little bit of filling to dip your cake clippings in if you have any left.)

too much of a good thing

roll it back up

Roll the cake back up, not TOO tightly, because you want the lemon filling to stay inside.  I roll and lift the cake a bit as I go so as to keep the lemon from squeezing out the sides. Move the cake to an oval serving plate.


Sift over a little more powdered sugar ~ the cake is beautiful, but I decide it needs a little Easter decoration . . . so I run outside to pick some of my pretty yellow (non-toxic) forsythia flowers . . . any excuse to go outside is a good thing.

pink flowers

grab some flowersAnd voila!  Like little butterflies.  Your cake would be just as pretty with wild violets, pansies, johnny jump-ups, or roses . . 


peek outsideNow, soak the dishes, while you’re at it, notice the guy in the garden . . . that really good guy in the garden?  Doing the aphrodisiac-thing women love?

isn't it romantic

garden in the springMulching and getting everything ready . . .

daffodilsGo ask him if he would like a piece of Lemon Cake . . . Tell him you will bring it and he can eat it in the garden.


for JoeHe deserves this . . . tender soft sugary cake with the most lemony of lemon fillings . . .

hang up birdhouseAnd while you’re out there, find reasons to stay . . . Hang up your bird houses . . . because you LOVE the serenade of birds in love . . .


bunny crossingGo take a picture of your old bunny crossing sign … take note of good mulchy dirt . . .

on the walk

Give up looking for more to do and go on a walk!  Such an amazingly gorgeous weekend.



Remember these Jingle Shells I found on the beach . . .?

yellow shells

. . . and then arranged on my window sill?



Well, one of our Girlfriends mentioned how much she would like to have some of these genuine Martha’s Vineyard jingle shells . . . so yesterday, out on our walk, I collected these . . .

boxed up

And I put them in this Emma Bridgewater tin as a surprise . . . because I thought they might be a fun giveaway for spring, to celebrate the change of season, a box from the sea.


Jack agreed.  I tied the box up in a little bag.  Then I thought maybe not everyone wants shells, but I bet everyone would love an original 1900 copy of the wonderful “Elizabeth and Her German Garden,” the first book written by one of my favorite authors, Elizabeth von Arnim (she also wrote “Enchanted April” which you would love if you haven’t already read it).  So I added that . . . Look at the beautiful raggedy edges on the pages of this old book . . . (Of course, If I’m doing anything different at all, Jack is immediately involved.  He has an inquiring mind that wants to KNOW.)

shells and Elizabeth

So I put them together and thought, that looks nice, but something is missing . . .

a gift

A Fine Romance!  Yes, must have that in the package. I hope you like it! I’ll sign my book and the Elizabeth book to whomever wins the drawing . . . All you have to do to be entered is leave a comment; right here at the bottom of this post you’ll see the tiny letters “comment” ~ click there and say anything sweet and you’ll be entered.

another giftBut is that enough when it’s been almost a year since your last Willard?  Don’t you owe the Girlfriends something else?  Maybe not “owe” but “wish to give?”  Oui!  I think so!  So Vanna will choose TWO names this time, and the second name drawn will get these two Keepsake books (guided “life story” journals with lined paper, places for photos, sewn-in ribbon bookmarks ~ and lots of fun questions to be answered in their own handwriting by mom’s, grandma’s, aunts, sisters), more Mother’s Day festivities! xoxo  We are starting early because we know that the best way to remember Mother’s Day is to forget it once, but we never want that to happen!

Mother's Day Cake

Here’s the recipe Girlfriends!


  • 3 eggs, separated in two lg. bowls
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 6 Tbsp. hot water
  • 1 c. sifted unbleached flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • grated rind of one lemon (zest)
  • sifted powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 375°.  Butter a 10″ x 15″ cookie sheet or jelly roll pan, one with a rim.  Line it with waxed paper leaving some to hang over edges (an inch is fine). Set pan aside.  Separate eggs into two large bowls.  Beat egg yolks, add sugar and beat until thick and lemon-colored.  Stir in hot water and dry ingredients.  Beat egg whites with electric beater until stiff; gently fold into egg batter.  Fold in grated rind.  Pour batter into prepared pan, spreading evenly.  Bake 12-15 min.

Immediately turn finished cake onto clean dishtowel lightly covered with sifted powdered get-attachment.aspxsugar. Carefully peel off waxed paper.  With sharp scissors, cut off the crisp edges of the cake.  Using the cloth, roll up cake pulling out cloth as you go.  Leave it covered and rolled, set it aside to cool while you make the filling.


  • 2 whole eggs
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, melted
  • zest and juice of 2 lemons (strained if necessary, no seeds please)

Put all ingredients into top part of double boiler.  Beat well and stir til thick, approx. 15-20 min.  Cool slightly.


Unroll the cake, spread on the filling, and roll back up.  Cool completely.  Transfer to serving dish.  Sift over a tiny bit more powdered sugar.  Add flowers if you like, edible and unsprayed, violets, pansies, roses, johnny jump ups. Here’s a list of edible flowers.

Now something everyone needs the week after Easter, a delicious recipe for:

stuffed eggs

These make the most delicious just-home-from-work treat, on the porch while you watch the green things growing. Which is what I hope you’re all doing these days, just as crazy with spring fever as we are. ♥  Deep breaths of the gorgeous outdoors, that’s the only “cure.”


Happy Spring, Girlfriends . . . I’m off to work on my book, my new addiction, a few hours every morning, trying to figure out what our heroine is going to do next (she seems to have a mind blessingsof her own) . . . housekeeping, gardening, normal life in the afternoon.  Don’t forget to leave a comment for the seashells and books.  Also, if you have any trouble with WILLARD, be sure to let me know.  He goes to lots of addresses now, it takes a couple of days for them all to go out, but if you haven’t received him by Thursday morning, check your spam box (because I’ve heard he can take a detour) and then let me know . . . you can write either here, or on Twitter, or on FOSB (Facebook), and we will be paying attention!


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2,815 Responses to WELCOMING WILLARD ♥

  1. Eileen R in Pleasant Grove says:

    I love those little Jingle Shells. My parents had a small bowl of them in the entrance way of their home. They had collected them on the beach at Nags Head, N.C. So delicate and fragile and lovely.

    I am glad spring has made its way to Martha’s Vineyard. Entering your world through your blogs and books is always a wonderful, wonderful thing! Thank you for all you share. Love.

  2. deborah Thomas says:

    I commented on this blog on GoodReads, but not sure if it is counted to the giveaway!! I had to read it several times anyhow!!

    • sbranch says:

      I saw you there Deborah, but you’re right, the comment gets into the drawing by being here on the blog.

  3. Carrie (In Medina) says:

    Wow! The lemon sponge cake looks amazing! I have never tried a rolled cake, but your instructions with step by step photos has given me the courage to give it a try. Thank you SO much for the detailed instructions!!

  4. Joyce Remley says:

    Wonderful Willard update! The shells are beautiful to me (a landlocked girl ). Thanks for all the delicious reminders for living a full life. Love to you from me.

  5. Andi M says:

    I hope this comment gets to you on time. I have been so busy lately and not getting to the computer as often as I would like. I love the give away! Especially, the jingle shells and the books, all of it! Crossing my fingers!

  6. Joy Pence from Ohio says:

    Thank you so much Susan….for the Willard, for the cake recipe, and for the beautiful spring pictures. What are the sweet little chartreuse plants that Joe is getting ready to plant? and your new bird!!!! how exciting to get to see a new bird. We had toehees this winter, 5 total!!!!! We never get to see these little guys because like your little visitor, they love woodlands. But this winter was so harsh they came to our house to eat! We must take care of our little feathered friends 🙂

  7. Debbie Lynn says:

    Will make the lemon cake right away, my Mom loves lemon.

  8. Becki Barker says:

    Those shells are beautiful! I’ve never seen anything like them. Have to say I’m so jealous of your Cardinals! We don’t have them where I live in Oregon, but I did take some great pictures of a Robin splashing away between rain showers in my bird bath the other day. Thanks for the chance to win these lovely prizes!

  9. Marimé says:

    Oh My!! How I would love to get a bunch of these shells along with those marvellous books.You are so generous! Thank you for being you!!

  10. Karen Davidson says:

    I can’t wait to try the lemon cake; my mother loves lemon anything. I think it will be perfect for Mother’s Day!

  11. susan margetts says:

    Just lovely as usual….thanks for sharing

  12. Regina Knapp says:

    Your lovely blog brightens my days and makes my heart soar – wanting to make the world just a little kinder and more beautiful. I love you, Susan Branch!

  13. Keri Houts says:

    You inspire me, Susan! I’m personally still searching for “the secrets of life”. Somehow, I feel as if you’re helping me. Thank you. I finished a book recently that I think you would adore. Have you heard of “The Wednesday Daughters” by Meg Waite Clayton? It’s set in your beloved England, and….Beatrix Potter is one of the characters in the book. I could not put it down. So wonderful when you find an enthralling book to help you through the winter!

  14. Suzanne De Voe says:

    Yeah for Spring! Thanks for reminding me of all the wonderful things that occur in it.

  15. Mo Churchill says:

    Your blog is such a beautiful inspiration! I keep thinking, “I want to be like her when I ‘grow up,'” but now that it’s Spring in New England I think I’ll start right now! My Momma and I can’t wait to make your quinoa salad from last week, and now I know just what to make for Mother’s day!

  16. Kay Johnson says:

    I am on the boat leaving Vineyard Haven as I read your blog. I also walked the beach and collected beautiful shells. Spring is definitely popping out.
    Over the weekend I went to a yard sale in Chilmark and found one of your signed Christmas books. Thoroughly enjoyed it. My last trip to VH in Jan. I stopped by
    the Bunch of Grapes bookstore to purchase A Fine Romance…..love it!
    My next trip to Vineyard Haven is in June. Your blog keeps me up to date on the island between my visits.
    Keep writing…..

  17. Roxanne says:

    A beautiful post! We have a pair of rose-breasted grosbeaks that visit our feeder. They are beautiful birds and love sunflower seeds.

  18. Geri M. says:

    What can I say, Susan? I love your work! Thank you for giving us a peak into Spring on Martha’s Vineyard…a place I hope to visit some day. Thank you for brightening our days!

  19. Rhonda Ferguson says:

    Thank you so much Susan for allowing me to live vicariously through you. I always look forward to see what you are up to and where you have been. I live in Fort Worth, TX where I live with and take care of my 87 year old father, who recently became partially blind. We are both widowed so we just kinda take care of one another. I have been planting flowers here as well and have taken my daddy on drives describing the beauty all around us. Around here we have beautiful fields of native blue bonnets right now! I love walking around outside experiencing the beauty of God’s creation all around me! There’s nothing like seeing flowers all around you to make you smile! Thank you Susan, for sharing your world with us!

  20. Marianne from Peoria IL says:

    Beautiful shells! What a color for springtime! We are all looking forward to sun and warmth on our cheeks! I’m so ready to sweep out winter!!

  21. Arline in LA says:

    You made that lemon cake look so simple! When I was growing up in Glendale, CA a neighbor lady would always bring a chocolate roll to our neighborhood events and to the summer Bible school party. It was magic — we would ooohh and awww that someone could actually make such a fancy dessert. Gonna try it this week. Hoping for luck this time for either prize. Funny about copies of “A Fine Romance”. I’ve loaned out 3 copies that turned into forever presents, so now I “need” another copy.

  22. Dana Flagg says:

    Love reading your Willards and your blog post.

  23. Laurie Kubiak says:

    Collecting seashells is one of my favorite things to do – we even have beautiful little shells here in Cleveland, on the shores of Lake Erie! Thank you for sharing your lovely beaches with us, and your yummy cake recipe. So thankful that spring has finally arrived – enjoy!!!

  24. Lisa Nelson-Jones says:

    The cake is making my mouth water!! Yuuummm-eee!!! I think we all would adore anything from MV!! So, so happy Spring is here, even though it’s a chilly Spring here in the mountains of Tn. Thank you for this opportunity!

  25. Carol Winn says:

    Loved the post….thank you.

  26. Darla B says:

    Oh I hope I’m not too late to get my name in the drawing. What a lovely prize!

  27. Michele says:

    oh. my. goodness~ you and Elizabeth together in a drawing!? my bookshelf would sigh with bliss!… My girlfriend, Celeste, gifted me with a lamb tin, and I made a Darling Lamby Cake for Easter, for the neighbor’s lovely children. Thanks to your carefully written instructions and your no-way-you-can-fail pictures with captions, my Lamb Cake turned out perfectly. I can’t believe I did that. Thank you so much, Susan, for guiding me to a rare Baking Success! 🙂

  28. MaryBeth Gibson says:

    Shell collecting is one of my favorite hobbies. I have jars of ocean treasures from my childhood, I’ve never seen thejingle shells, I love your blog I check it daily just in case you have come for another visit. God bless you.

  29. Vicki in Cincy says:

    Hi Susan, thanks for touching base with us. Thank goodness spring is here. I’m excited about the new book and the giveaways! Take care!

  30. Lovely Willard, and beautiful pictures of Martha’s Vineyard in spring.

  31. Joy F. says:

    Dear Susan,

    I am a new fan and fell in love with “A Fine Romance”. Sitting having a cup of tea and missing my friends in Florida today. Listening to the birds chirp and the bee’s buzz while reading your blog. My mom loved the spring time and I remember our many outings on the beach. My parents dates were at the beach! I am in Georgia now and miss the ocean so. Hoping to retire near an ocean someday. I love the little details of art in your books, quotes, recipe’s, recommending reading. I look forward to my times of being swept away to another time or country. Your blog and letter from Willard arrived and made my day and lifted my spirits. Sunshine is good for the soul. Thank you for your delightful books. I look forward to reading the next one. Hugs. Joy F.

  32. Karen P. says:

    Thank you for showing us “Spring” on Martha’s Vineyard. It just makes me want to be there too!

  33. Pamela says:

    This whole post gives me spring fever! Thank you Susan for all your generosity and sharing. Your life is magical*~*~*~*~*~*and filled with wonders*~*~*~*~*
    Love and Unexpected blessings to you and Joe!

  34. Julie Francis says:

    Hello Susan!
    I first ‘met’ you nearly 21 years ago when I was given a copy of ‘Baby Love’ to celebrate my daughter’s birth. I loved it so much that, as each one of my children were born, I made sure I got another copy of that book to fill in as a keepsake for them. I now have six ‘Baby Love’ books filled and ready to pass on. Who knew how fast the years would fly?! Alas… that time has come. My two eldest children will be getting married this year. Those little books filled with beautiful memories from their childhood will be a treasure they will take into their married life and one day share with my grandchildren and beyond… Thank you. I am blessed to be able to venture into your world via your blog; I savor every little post (and especially love the musica)! Thanks so much for taking your beautiful God-given talents and sharing them with all of us.

  35. connie pruitt says:

    Loved the Willard, thanks so much. Love the Dream Beads. They are similar to the Camilla beads I have.

  36. Marie W. says:

    Your cake recipe looks so tempting. Thank you!

  37. Sharon in So. Calif. says:

    Oh Susan, what a wonderful surprise/gifts for us. JINGLE SHELLS and The BOOKS! It doesn’t get much better than that. I really love those shells, I do not think we have them here on the west coast. I do have lots of sand dollars though. If the wonderful and beautiful Vanna does not pick me maybe we can do a trade??? Just a thought. I am so glad your spring has finally sprung! I love all the pictures of the beautiful new growth, I always feel each one is such a miracle. Joe is such a darn good guy, out there working so hard. But he is probably in heaven too, just to be outside in the dirt again. And Jack is handsome as ever, although I need my Girl picture fix, maybe if she goes out to roll in the new spring dirt! Thank you for all the yummy sounding recipes. I will be busy trying them. Last note, Your Dad and Jeannie are great bunnies. Have a great week. Love to you, Joe, Jack and Girl.

  38. Marcia says:

    So many lovely things! The lemony cake is definitely on my to-do list.

  39. Grace says:

    Thank you for the lovely celebration of Spring blog; it was delightful! Both the book and film versions of “Enchanted April” are wonderful. “Elizabeth and Her German Garden” is now on my must read list. After reading your blog, I am off for a walk in the woods to enjoy this beautiful Spring day.

  40. Betsy Cronin says:

    Your work always brings me back- to a simpler way of life, to my childhood, to what’s really important- and gives me a sense of comfort. I have just about everything you’ve ever written and your calendars grace my kitchen every year. Thanks for providing us with such joy!
    We’ve got an amazing cardinal couple in our yard this year. They are so sweet. My beau and I just moved in together this year, and just as we did, they showed up to greet us! We consider them the bird versions of ourselves ☺️

    • sbranch says:

      They mate for life xoxo That’s one of my favorite things about them.

      • mary spring says:

        ..omG…they do “mate for Life”..?!?..my 5 year old friend and I have been watching a momma and daddy cardinal w/ reoccurring babies for awhile now…last year and this year…we saw them feeding (or kissing) each other yesterday….and now I know..that they “mate for life”…’love that…thank you..golly, I learn so many important things here at your site..’love you and all that you do !!

  41. Susan says:

    Lovely, lovely spring post. Did you purposely make this a “yellow” post? the delicate and perfect shells, the gorgeous yellow lemon filling. Even the eggs if made would have a delicious yellow. Yellow just about sums it up for spring, now doesn’t it?

  42. Juli says:

    Happy Spring again! Oh Susan, you are just simply amazing! All the loving and kind details you share and give to us! I’m sure there are so many SB wanta be’s out here! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the smiles you have put on my face and in my heart!! From your stories, to photos, and what I refer to as ‘ take me away’ time spent pouring over and getting lost in your beautiful beautiful books! Maybe you have a collection of sea/beach glass we might see someday 🙂


  43. Barbara Weaver says:

    I love shells—especially the ones that my grandsons collect for me at the beach.

  44. nita plumb says:

    It’s spring time in texas. Indeed one of many blessing.

  45. Susan Williams says:

    Your website is so charming! It makes me feel so happy just reading it. Thank you!

  46. Janet Conn says:

    Thanks for the chance at two such wonderful give-a-ways! I can’t wait to read my Willard. Happy Spring!

  47. Linda Holmes says:

    Oh Susan, I love your blog. Your artwork touches my heart, your recipes are yummy, and I enjoy your sense of friendship and humor. Keep up the good work!

  48. Jenny Ranz says:

    After reading your blog, I am always inspired to create a more welcoming and warm home! Your house always looks “homey” and the food you make always sounds yummy. That lemon cake is a must make for me! Lemons and cake, a perfect combo 🙂

  49. Candice says:

    Dear Susan,
    I have been inspired by you since your first cookbook came out. You help me believe in magic.

  50. Roselin says:

    happy to see spring there for you and here for me.
    have a wonderful day

  51. Nancy Jane says:

    I love a jelly roll. I think they call them Roly Poly in England. I did sit down with a cup of tea, read Willard and came here to your blog. Now back to reality. But my afternoon is brighter now. Spending time with you always does that for me. May your inspiration be boundless.

  52. Louise says:

    I love to read, especially on my front porch, when the weather is nice, here in the Chicago area, we are still having cold days. The book that I am reading now is My Berlin Kitchen by Luisa Weiss…I hope you finish your new book soon, can’t wait to read it.

  53. Joyce Collins says:

    What a lovely gift to give away or to receive.!!

  54. Shannon Parnall says:

    This was my first Willard and it was such a delightful read. I love to collect shells and these ones look especially pretty. Still waiting for spring in my corner of the world (Rocky Mountains, BC Canada), but the snow is almost all gone so it should be here soon. Thank you for a little touch of spring today!

  55. Joanie says:

    Thank you so much Susan for sharing all of the fun springtime stories, pictures, quotes, etc. Love them all! Love the jingle shells in the adorable tin! I collected those on the beach in Florida when I was little. I would love to live as close to the beach as you do. I would be there everyday. Take care and enjoy all of your favorite activities. Can’t wait for glimpses of the new book. Happy writing!

  56. Grammy says:

    So enjoyed the Willard – it was worth waiting for! Would love to win those shells! I’ll trade some Pismo shells with you! :~)

  57. Kimberley says:

    A lovely way to welcome Spring! Thank you for the Willard- I enjoyed it very much.

  58. Suzanne says:

    A new blog post and Willard all in one afternoon! Thank you. It has been a lovely Easter week in Georgia. The only thing missing in north Georgia is a walk to the sea. Your beach picture did the trick. Enjoy each moment of this wonderful season.

  59. Debi Hutchinson says:

    I know what you’re talking about. I have spring fever so bad that I’m constantly battling with myself to do the things I need to do before going out to “play” in the yard!

  60. Lisa R. says:

    Thank you for sharing such fun recipes and give-aways…you are such an inspiration, Susan!

  61. Cindy Zuch says:

    I would love to give the shells and books a new home. Martha’s Vineyard shells next to my Florida shells on the window sill! Thanks Susan!

  62. Allyson Billingsley says:

    This is the most relaxed I have been in a long time, drinking my coffee and reading Willard! Thanks Susan!!

  63. Sharon in Fresno, Ca says:

    Loved reading the newest Willard and loved the lemon cake pictures. I am going to make it this weekend. Thank you so much. Just finished reading Elizabeth Von Arnim’s book, “The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rugen”, written in 1904. What a good story it was. She was quite a writer. Also started reading your last book again, “A Fine Romance” because I enjoyed it so much the first time–can’t get enough of it. Two days ago, I went to Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena to a book signing for Frances Mayes, who wrote “Under the Tuscan Sun” and other books. So enjoyed the evening. She is promoting her new book, “Under Magnolia” which is a memoir of her life growing up in a small town in Geogia. She read excerpts from it and it was so delightful. Can’t wait to read it. Just found out my youngest daughter is having twins toward the end of the year—busy, busy, busy!

  64. Susan Coshin says:

    Spring has actually arrived in PA!

  65. Elizabeth Moore says:

    Susan, I love that you interrupted your cooking demo with photos of the spring birds. We should never be too busy for a glimpse of nature! The “Willard” never disappoints with news and illustrations. Thank you for practical, yet poetic, approach to life!
    Elizabeth from SW Ohio

  66. Dawna Chapman (Edmond, OK) says:

    Oh, Susan…I especially loved this blog! I smiled and oohed and aawed (is that how you spell it??) all the way to the end and wished it would have gone on and one! I loved seeing the rose-breasted grosbeak–how awesome is that? We have a bluebird house hanging on our fence right outside our dining room window where we can watch them go in and out with food for the babies. My husband actually set up our telescope at the window so we could get a good, close look. It’s been up for about two weeks now.

    We also have baby bunnies coming in and out of our yard through the fence , and a field mouse as well. I know…mouse…most people would say, “yuck!” but I love watching all of God’s creatures; they never cease to amaze me.

    Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures. Thanks also for the yummy recipes. I shall try them all.

    Blessings to you, girlfriend,
    Dawna (Edmond, OK)

  67. Ellen Ayers says:

    My heart sings every time I read one of your blog entries, or Willard. Thank you for brightening up my afternoon. And I treasure my signed copy of A Fine Romance. You are a gem.

  68. Judy says:

    Oh my! I was so busy trying to catch up with all the newest, wonderful blogs and Willard, I almost forgot to comment. Thanks for hours of happiness (and that’s just today). Dying to try some of these recipes.
    Love you.

  69. CATHY says:

    Hello, I just finished reading Elizabeth-her-German-Garden-wow, what a wonderful book. I just purchased a couple other of her books. Thanks for the recommendations. the pictures of MV are beautiful. I still experiencing winter — Brrr…

  70. Carrie B says:

    Happy Spring Susan!

  71. CATHY says:

    I forgot thanks for Willard, enjoyed immensely. I am looking forward to your new book. Thanks.

  72. Linda Jaeckel says:

    Susan, you put the zing into spring! Your book, A Fine Romance, has strengthened my resolve to explore England in like fashion. I, too, am a romantic and long to visit the land of my ancestors. Keep gracing us with your recipes and comments on the joy of life.

  73. What a beautiful give-away! Thank you!

  74. Sue in AZ says:

    So much fun spending some time with you from far, far away.

  75. Eileen Sullivan says:

    I’m 69 and when I grow up I want to be just like you! Lol!
    I have loved all that you do for years so thought it was time add my name to your awesome fan club! I am slowly reading A Fine Romance . . . slowly because
    I don’t want it to be over. Wonderful to read that you are working on your next one!

    Your giveaway is too awesome for words!

  76. Shelley Nanney says:

    I love this spring post. You’re right we are all ready for spring. I enjoy so much the music you share with your posts.

  77. Gwen Hagerman says:

    We just had Canada geese fly overhead. Yeah spring is here. Would love to win your package but enjoy your blog always

  78. Margaret Davis says:

    I have missed your “Willard”. Thrilled to find it in my box
    this morning. Love the jingle shells and the rose-breasted grosbeak.
    I have a bunny crossing sign just like yours. It was the last gift
    I received from my Mother, so you know I cherish it.

  79. Jean Monroe says:

    Thanks so much for the new Willard. Always love reading it and also loved your book, A Fine Romance. Would love to win the package you have prepared and wish you good luck with your new book. Keep us posted. Thanks again for all your beautiful writings and other treasures.

  80. Samara Gromer says:

    I have some lovely shells just like yours from my trip to the Vineyard with my boys——-I love those happy yellow shells!! They make me smile every time I look at them—-Happy Spring!

  81. Amanda says:

    I absolutely love the photo with you and your father. What a special keepsake. I’ve never made a roll-cake, but I think I’ll try this one! 😀

  82. Laura Putnat says:

    I could look at your artwork for hours, enjoying the beautiful details. Happy spring!

  83. Joanne Silva says:

    I love everything you do and am anxiously awaiting your new book!

  84. Sharan says:

    I made your delicious carrot cake cupcakes for Easter this year. My son even likes them without the icing for breakfast! Have to try the lemon cake next.
    Happy Spring!

  85. Dorothy Stevens says:

    I love seeing the photos you take and post of the seasons. Spring pictures give me spring fever so I’ve been busy planting flowers. You always have such neat give-a-ways. Hope I’m the lucky one this time.

  86. Evie Tong says:

    I have been a girlfriend since March … I would love to win!
    I think you’re such an inspiring dear heart!
    Aloha, Evie from San Diego

  87. Leathea Drello says:

    Thanks for some lovely pictures and cheery text. I needed this as we have been suffering from a terrible intestinal virus. Ugh. Even missed church on Sunday, so some down-home uplifting really made me feel better. I love the shells and the older books. It has made me want to pull out my few older books and to reuse them as decorator pieces. By the way, I am enjoying using my Days book this year. It cheers me every day, too.

  88. Nancy says:

    What a lovely post! I love the pictures, recipes and your new Willard!! I felt like I was having tea with you!

  89. CathyAnn says:

    What a lovely giveaway! Oh how lucky the winner will be! I adore reading all your posts–they’re like reading a long, anticipated letter.

  90. Robin Elliott says:

    Hi Susan… Happy Spring! You’re such an inspiration… I’ve enjoyed your books, other writings, humor, artwork and your all-around creativity for many years. It would be awesome to own a keepsake from your personal collection!
    Robin in NJ

  91. Samantha says:

    Hi Susan!
    I am over the moon this evening! After much uncertainty this winter, I believe there is a good chance that things might all work out and I will be able to attend the Gladys Taber Reunion in June and hear you speak!!! I have been in touch with Susan and Linda at FOGT (and I have to say… what kind, dear Girlfriends they are…it has truly been a pleasure corresponding with them to work this out… and they have been so wonderfully helpful!). What a dream-come-true this will be if everything works out! Such hope and anticipation fill my heart… no words to express… simply counting the days! Thank you for all of the beauty, hope, and joy you inspire! Many blessings, Samantha

  92. Faith says:

    I grew up in Mass. and I remember how wonderful it was when spring arrived after the cold of winter. Thank you for your wonderful reminder of those springs.

  93. jeanie m says:

    ♥Loved coming home and finding the “Willard”. Happy spring to you, yours and all the girlfriends!

  94. Patty says:

    Happy Spring!
    What a lovely giveaway! Oh, my goodness!

  95. charissa Stover says:

    I just received your apricot jam tea and ran (literally ran:)) to immediately make a cup. It is so delicious and delicately flavored! I am so happy it is caffeine free. I love tea and am always concerned about my intake. Most caffeine free teas don’t taste as good as the fully loaded ones, but this one is perfect. Anyone on the fence about ordering it should go for it. It’s wonderful.

    • charissa Stover says:

      Forgot to mention that due to your suggestion I ran right over to the British Emporium in Grapevine, tx and saw all the English specialties that they had. Lots of food, teas, jams, and of course, your book. I told them you sent me:)

    • sbranch says:

      I thought so too Charissa … it has a little bit of ooomph to it!

  96. Care Kester says:

    Wow! What a lovely Springy blog you thrill us with, Susan. Adorable and yummy…..the lemon cake, birdies feeding, and a list of edible flowers…how could we wish for anything else? And then you tempt us with a Giveaway prize like that GLORIOUS BOOK AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT MORE GLORIOUS BOOKS BY YOU….AND JINGLE SHELLS. Be still my heart. That is all I can say, “Be still my heart”.

  97. Pamala Dunbar says:

    It would be such a thrill to win your books. I know the chances look slim with so many people commenting but I can always be wishful and maybe lucky enough one of these times. Thank you for your blog, if we were ever to meet I know you and I would have a great time, you are the girlfriend we all know would be GRAND! Thank you for making us a part of your every day life. And, I always look forward to your next book. It would be a dream come true to finally visit Martha’s Vineyard and meet you that is for sure!!!!!!

  98. Barbara White says:

    Thank you thank you thank you Susan for your constant giving and beautiful spirit! Thank you for sharing yourself so freely…your talent, art, joy! You are a daily source of smiles and happiness. Thank you for being you 🙂

  99. katie says:

    I really like this blog! I learned about your blog from my grandma. I also think your blog is awesome. I enjoy your blog. I think this is a really nice blog.

  100. Debra Salem-Drake says:

    Just loved that little red breasted bird! The sea shells are wonderful. My two favorite things. Hunting for shells and watching nature.

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