Like this morning, I come down the kitchen stairs singing Que Sera Sera (or something, it’s always different, whatever the “guardian MUSICA angel” puts into my head when I first wake up, but today, Que Sera Sera) which brings back lots of memories, and gives me all these great ideas that run through my mind while I’m feeding the cats, emptying the dishwasher, singing, “ I asked my mother what will I be . . .” and making tea. I can barely get to the studio fast enough (before I forget) to add the new memories and ideas to the book I am writing, and then something happens to me. I disappear completely, I hear nothing, see nothing, only a sort of ticker-tape noise in my brain (which sounds just like when my brothers used to clothespin playing cards to the spokes of their bikes . . .very good for hypnosis) and when I wake up a. it’s 2 pm and b. I need a nap, and c. I have to do laundry, get the mail, and go to the market, on oh yes! My Girlfriends, I need to say hello! This is my problem in a nutshell. I knew you’d want to know.♥
Walking through town to the post office (after I spend the morning writing) is a good way to wake up from what sometimes feels like a dream . . . it’s August on Martha’s Vineyard, the weather has been beautiful (actually stunning: last night a HUGE lightening storm, pounding thunder, blinking electricity, sirens, lit candles, pulling Girl Kitty out from under couch) but today, another dry sunny coolish day, just heaven), and the gardens and trees along the way are in full leafy bloom. The hydrangea practically froths.
The soil here on the island is acidic (because of all those leaves that are contemplating September. On their to-do list: Change), so most of our hydrangeas are blue, purple or white.
I love walking on the quiet streets past the old fences, where there’s wicker furniture on porches and in gardens. It speaks to me . . .
I thought you’d like to see this wonderful illustrated letter that came in the mail yesterday. A real hand-written old-fashioned letter . . . a different kind of garden, but still, a garden … it made my day. ♥
(Her toe hurts bet-tee.♥) I love that a high school girl likes our book, don’t you? That she took the time to write with her review? I love her mother too ~ all that cooking, how great. They are good sunshine-spreaders. Wouldn’t you like to follow her around for the rest of her life and be with her when she goes to England herself someday? Stand right next to her as she looks out over the Dales for the first time, takes a deep breath and tears come in her eyes because of the beauty? See the little lambs she drew? I wrote her back to say thank you and told her to go to the Appendix for A FINE ROMANCE, for my little videos and more England and maybe a little Beatrix Potter . . . ♥
I have left Kitty Love out of both of my last two posts but I woke up this morning with Jack’s eyes about three inches from mine, staring into my face; he seemed to be trying to tell me something. Notice me. Not that I don’t, but it is his goal that I never forget for an instant. There cannot be enough noticing. You have to see what my house looks like. He hints constantly:
By leaving rubber bands all over the house . . .
They are strategically placed everywhere he knows I go . . . They are in every doorway . . . MAS MUSICA?
He puts them on his favorite window sills . . .
They are on the kitchen floor . . .
. . . on the back stairs . . .
. . . in the dining room . . .
. . . in the hall, and he waits.
I picked them all up . . . these are just the ones from the downstairs . . .
I hold one up so Mr. Green Eyes knows I’m getting his hints ~ finally!
I shoot it just above his head, he leaps off his scratching post, tries for it in mid air, misses (this time), runs to get it, brings it back up . . .
And points to it. Just in case I might miss it. So we can do it again.
and again and again . . .
Girl lounges. She is fine with it, as long as none of it gets on her. If the action comes too near, she daintily walks to the door and says, let me out please. Because, unlike Jack, she is a responsible adult and is allowed to go outside by herself (because she is part chicken and never gets further than two feet from the foundation of the house).
She lords this freedom over Jack. He follows her every move from the top of the ironing board or window sill or screen door. When she comes in, he sees her as a neighborhood cat, ie, the enemy. He lies in wait, he chases her up the stairs, but she is ready. He doesn’t stand a chance. A few growls and he is back downstairs . . . boom boom boom, his feet hit the stairs . . .
. . . and there he is, looking up at me with those eyes saying, Hey, remember me? Have you seen my rubber bands?
W I N D O W of O P P O R T U N I T Y
So, the window is still open, but barely, this is the fleeting moment, the five-minute opening in summer when the peaches are ripe and juicy, the plums are red and dripping, the cantaloupe is sweet and melts in your mouth . . . So I thought I would remind you to take advantage of the moment with two delicious recipes you really can’t make at any other time of year . . . First, healthy and ice cold . . .
When it’s really hot and the bees are drowsy, I add “ice cream croutons” to this cold soup. Little round melon-ballers of vanilla ice cream are a wonderful surprise to find in this beautiful peach-colored soup. Speaking of peaches . . . you could have soup for dinner, and this ↓ for dessert, commonly known in the biz as having your cake and eating it too . . . ♥
Peaches and plums baked in a crisp . . . Bake this one for 25 minutes, just heaven on a summer night. Make your weekend special with one of these recipes. Peaches, plums, and Cantaloupes . . . the taste of summer.♥
Artsy fartsy photography, just for you.♥ We’ve got it all, don’t we Girlfriends? With l♥ve from me . . . XOXO
F O R N O W . . .
Thank you for another delightful post, Susan. Summer has been luscious up here in New Hampshire, too- isn’t New England a dream? Thank you for the update on Jack and Girl. We just got 2 rescue kitties- Pippa and Gemma. We love the so much and cannot imagine life without them. Thank you again for this post and have a wonderful day!!
Lucky you Karen, such a treat, kitties! Good job on the rescue!
I had to smile, Karen. You are right! New England is a dream!! I grew up there and I keep asking myself: “How come you are not there?!!” I’m on a mission, but I soaked up lots of it and I’m still . . . and always will be . . . a New Englander!! Thanks for all the memories all you New England Girlfriends!! And following Susan is like a trip down Memory Lane for me. I’m motivated to get back to my own creating! I’m so proud so many love my dear New England!!
Thanks for your postings of peaches, hydrangeas and kitties. Beautiful morning thoughts.
You are welcome! Say hello to the mountains of West Virginia for me!
Good Morning to you! Happy Weekend!
Oh what a lovely stroll! I miss MV and will have to return for another summer. We’ve been having heavy rain or thunder storms at night and lovely summer days. I’m in the Washington, DC area and we’re all reveling in it. The trees in Virginia are just beautiful – green and making beautiful leaf sounds in the breeze. Thank you for bringing charm and peace to my morning. The world has gone mad but we can still bring light in our spaces. Those kitties of yours are a joy. At least you were able to get Girl kitty out from under the couch. Sending peace of heart to all.
Love your hydrangeas, fences, porches, and Jack, of course! Looks similar to “our island” during summer. Have 20 lbs. of gorgeous tomatoes to can this morning so better head toward the kitchen. Just wanted to say thanks for getting my day going with a happy, summer beginning!
Mmmmm you are going to love those this winter!
Oh, Susan! Such heavenly summer bliss! We are so happy that you are immersed in your studio happily writing and painting each morning! Walking to the post office, along the beautiful. historic fences past the gorgeous hydrangeas is the perfect way to enjoy the summertime beauty, stretch your legs, and discover treasures in the mail! There is nothing sweeter than an old-fashioned letter! Maeve’s letter couldn’t be lovelier! We enjoyed your Cantaloupe Soup last summer. It’s definitely time to make it again! We’ve been enjoying the juiciest plums all week long.
Wishing all of our Girlfriends a delightful summer weekend! Let’s meet under the Super Moon, feeling ever-so-grateful that Susan has gathered so many kindred spirits together for so many years! Susan, you are cherished by us all! ♡
Sunny hugs,
Heartfelt thanks for making my secret wish come true today, Susan! ♡♡
Good morning! How lovely to see you here this morning, dear! I knew you have been up to wonderful things when we hadn’t heard from you in awhile and that’s GREAT because we know it is something special for us to look forward to! xo Your hydrangeas are so beautiful! I have been trying to add acid to my soil to make mine turn that pretty purpley-blue color but haven’t had success. But, mine are a pretty hot pinkish so that’s good for now! Jack keeps you busy, for sure! Love seeing those kitties’ sweet faces! Sending warm hugs to you today. xo…Karen P.
It’s all paint right now . . . 2016 (yes “6”) Calendar covers are due the end of the month!!
Dear Susan,
How lovely to find your post of today! As always, its so nice to read your stories, and thank you for making me and soooo many others happy and cheerful!
We recently returned from Cornwall, where the sun was out most days and the countryside just beautiful! For the 1st time ever we saw seals in the ocean, just off the coast at Lizards Point.
I thought of you often, and I’m sure you and Joe would LOVE it there!
There’s a ” pick your own” orchard near here, and soon the plums will be ready. Last year I made jam, and just now you gave me a new recipe….Plum Crisp, cann’t wait to try it!
From cool and light grey Holland, sending you and Joe and the cats, warm wishes!
Hi Susan, didn’t you just love Maeve’s little lambkins and her cute Union Jack? She must have been absolutely thrilled to get a reply from you – something she will cherish forever. And Jack – what a sweetie. I’m continuing to recover from my hip surgery. Coming up six weeks now. Waiting for physio to start. So few spots available, so many people needing help. Because I am a little wounded bird right now, I treated myself to four Beatrix Potter figurines. Maybe time to stop now as these make 17! I do love them. I try to display each one with their book. Enjoy the rest of August. Summer is flying by.
Just love this!! Hydrangeas and Jack the cat!!
Martha from CT
What a wonderful pause in a hectic morning – your wonderful England letter, August on MV and kitties post ♥♥♥ I do miss New England soooo much – and a hop to MV was always only a short ride to the ferry away. I do love Virginia, though, and I agree with earlier girlfriends that the weather here this summer has been spectacular! 🙂
Thank you for sharing your beautiful island, morning & kitties with us! Have a simply wonderful summer weekend!!! ♥♥♥
p.s. both those recipes are simply delish! Happy cooking!
Good morning Susan! Great post today, as always. You solved a dilemma for me. My hubby has a new friend (aren’t new friends awesome) and we are inviting Matt and his wife Ava over next weekend so we can meet Ava and I can meet Matt. Well, Ava has been battling throat cancer and can only eat pureed food. I did not want her to feel uncomfortable, having never met before and wasn’t sure what to make. Well, the cantaloupe soup sounds perfect! Thank you! I’ll let you know how we all like it! I love hearing about your kitties. I think with your gift of watercolor and story telling you could write a lovely childrens book about Jack and Girl! Love.
Hi Susan, I am new to you. I live in Kansas and am enjoying a gorgeous summer morning. The birds are singing, windows open, peaches calling my name. They are picked off our trees and waiting to be cut up for the freezer. We have white “Annabelle” hydrangeas here, no blue…sigh…not the right kind of soil. Love the ones we have tho. Enjoy your blog. You inspire me to go to work in this ‘five minutes of time’. You have a great day with your paint brush!
P.S. I think you’ve already given us the dates for the supermoons for this year, but I just saw a NASA article that August 10th and September 9th are the next ones and wanted to ensure the girlfriends put it on their calendar to look out for it if they were interested. Please correct me if I have the wrong dates. I sure loved the supermoon in July. oxox
The biggest one was in July because that’s when the moon was closest to the earth, but still, the next ones will be fabulous too! I even love them when they aren’t “super.”
Thanks for the additional info. I will remember that next July.
Looking forward to the super moon on August 10th because we will be celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary that day. What a lovely gift! But then again I never tire of the moon shining in the windows or through the branches of the walnut tree in front of the house. And another wonderful post by you Susan. Thank you for reminding us to enjoy the little everyday things of life.
Very nice timing! Happy Anniversary Danella!
You, My Dear, are addictive! I so look forward to your posts. But, alas, I get the same pleasure from your words and artwork that I used to get from my own. I’ve become a painter who doesn’t paint, a writer who doesn’t write! It’s so much easier to let you do it for me.
Happy to be there, one of these days we’ll trade back!
I love Jack!
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Bently’s pretty sweet too! xo
Susan, Be glad you’re where you are, and not in parched Arroyo Grande. I feel guilty watering my flowers.
Thanks for the beautiful pictures though. Enjoy!!!
I’ll be out soon, I will try to pack so rain and bring it with me.
What a lovely post to read on a rainy day! Summer has been wonderful here in IL too. My garden has been lush & full, but I noticed earlier this week that the flowers are beginning to get a slightly “worn out” look, as if they have bloomed themselves to exhaustion. I don’t mind the change of seasons at all, each has its own beauty. I’m off to work on a fall quilt project.
Do you realize that in three weeks it will be September?!!!! 🙂
Oui! Yay!
Loved seeing Jack, he always looks like he’s ready for mischief…and Girl Kitty wants nothing to do with it. Maybe one day Jack will be a responsible cat and can venture outdoors.
That song, Que Sera, was one of my favorites back in the day. My daughter says she remembers me singing it. I think it relieves stress, whatever will be, will be. My late husband always said, “it either will or it won’t”. That applied to just about everything that he had no control over.
I so enjoyed the handwritten letter. It inspires me to try to make little drawings in the margin on cards, etc. I started a Gratitude Journal, only entering the good things that happened on that day, and always try to sketch a small detail of a happening of the day. You were my inspiration for the journal.
I enjoy your blog, and always happy to see a new post.
Good Morning Susan-a beautiful day here in Upstate NY. It is cool. I can almost feel Fall coming. I love the pictures of the hydrangea, and Girl Kitty sitting under the bush! Jack is adorable with all his rubber bands. My kitty Cheddar loves them too! Can’t wait for your next book to come out. I love all of them. I like to sit on our patio looking and re-reading them. Yesterday, I had your Summer book out! Hope you have a wonderful day. Give Jack and Girl a kiss from my kitties, Cheddar and Nipper. Look forward to the next post!
I’ll do it Kathleen!
Good Morning Susan!
Thank you for introducing so many wonderful things to us. I can’t wait to try these to new recipes. Cantaloupe, Peaches and Plums oh my! I didn’t think I could do it but I was determined to try making the lovely Crab Cakes in the past post. To my surprise…I did it! and they were so good I had to share them…so I quickly drove them over to my grandmothers house so we could enjoy them together. She told me they were good as well and my grandmother would let me know. 😉 I made your Coconut Cake with the lemon filing for the 4th of July for our family get together and my grandmother said now that recipe is a keeper. I love my grandmother so! So many great memories we have shared together. Your posts have been making me nostalgic here lately, can’t wait to read this book you are working on. Hugs and Kisses and Best Wishes to you!
Congratulations brilliant cooking girl! See, not so hard! You’re lucky to have such a close relationship with your grandmother (and vice versa!).
You are not going to believe this but I was just looking at the book that has the peach and plum dessert recipe in it last night!!! It sounded sooooo yummy. Now reading it here, makes me want to make it even more!! Yum!!! Thanks for another wonderful post!! I have hydrangeas on the entire side of my garage, somewhat shaded, maybe late afternoon sun, but I rarely get blooms on them. I only have 3!! My husband does cute them down to the ground every year and I believe the blossoms come from old wood. They grow sooooooo huge though and not sure how to prune them. Any suggestions?? Your are absultely GORGEOUS!!
There are ways to cut them back, but they are tricky and usually when we cut them back, we accidentally cut off next years flowers! Google “cutting back hydrangeas,” print it out and give it to your husband, because I’m sure that’s why you don’t have flowers. Or just let it go and don’t cut them back one year and see what happens.
Thank you so much for responding! I think we will just leave them be this year and see what happens next year. I wish mine looked as gorgeous as yours! They are stunning!
Yes, just leave them. If you live where temperatures go down to the teens and lower for long periods of time, mulch them for the winter with lots of leaves. Normal snow is fine for them. I think you’ll have flowers next year.
The Vinyard looks so much like my little village of Wickford 🙂 I can’t take my camera with me on morning walks because I can’t help myself from stopping to adore some beautiful flower gardens or boats in the harbor and I NEVER get home!!!! Love those kitties…Jack is something else…that mustache!!! But Girl kitty is my favorite. She looks like such a sweet soul and a cuddler. I agree about the fruit being just perfect at this time of year but I have to confess…I found candy corn in the grocery store the other day and couldn’t control my excitement! My mind was wisked away to cool weather and pumpkins and early evenings with candles and OMG I just LOVE Fall! Anyway it is a delicious day here in RI and I am busy getting ready for my Grandaughter’s 3rd birthday party tomorrow. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Pet both kitties for me and thanks for brightening up my day with your wonderful blog 🙂
Add my Birthday wishes to the pile!
Beautiful post as usual. The cantaloupe soup looks yummy! Definitely going to try it. I must say I marveled at the beautiful vase you have behind the chair where girl kitty was sitting. In my house with my little kitty Bodie, who is two, I’ve already lost a vintage vase. (Not his fault though. He wanted to see if there was anything wonderful inside it. A kitty never knows.) I tried the rubber band game with him as it looks so fun. He ate it when I turned my back! Mild hysteria on my part until my husband pointed out what goes in must come out. So we’re back to rolling balls for now. Have a wonderful summer day. Anne
Watch him, because rubber bands can cause troubles in kitties . . . What a little devil.
Rubber band update—I tried it with him again, NEVER turning my back on him. (Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought he’d eat the thing!!) Several times when he picked it up in his mouth I was on him in a second! He had so much fun. Being an only kitty I’m always looking for ways to entertain him. So, I think with VERY close monitoring we will continue with the rubber band game. He is indeed a very spoiled little devil who has us wrapped around his finger (or should I say paws).
You are speaking my language. We are also wrapped around both of our kitty’s paws.
Hi to Susan and Joe from the English Rose Tea Room! Loved the recent post with the frothy hydrangeas (what a perfect description), sweet kitties and the great song by Doris Day. I remember she sang that beautiful song in the movie “The Man Who Knew Too Much” with Jimmy Stewart—I think it was an Alfred Hitchcock thriller and I believe it was filmed in England, so it’s definitely a movie for all of us! I admired her from my childhood and even had a paper doll set with all her pretty movie clothes. I as grew up, I admired her for all the charity work she did on behalf of animals and I know she welcomed many dogs into her home—thanks so much for such a sweet memory of a special lady! I saw that she recently celebrated her 90th birthday—people who surround themselves with animals live longer!
Susan, What a sweet letter from the young girl. I’d love to come over and play with the cats for you.LOL Beautiful hydrangeas !! Hope all is well on the island , and at your house. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
What a lovely and inspirational post. I must single out the kitty love part, which I call kitty antics. Jack is quite the amazing cat with such rare talents. He continues to be a celebrity at our house. I love that he not only drops his hairband “hints” to you but makes them extra effective by color coordinating–such as the red one under the Emma heart jug and the pink next to the pink edged rug. How Susan Branchy can you get?!
Woops! Its the Emma heart teapot, not jug. Accuracy in media=very important!
Ha ha ha! That is cute Denise! Actually, Jack is so smart, I would not be a bit surprised!
Wheeeeee! Love turning on the computer after the company just left and I’m sneaking in another slice of cake {shhhhhhhh ~ don’t tell, our secret, just one more slice} and it’s a blog day from Susan!
Just can’t help it, check in and out a few times each day, just in case, just in case, just in case ~~~ and then Yes!
Love the walk to the Post Office ~ and next month our post office is moving so the walk will be a little longer, not as pretty going out but ever so pretty coming home, with views across the Shire and away to the ocean blue as I turn the corner on the home stretch ~~~
And, you know Susan, I couldn’t agree more ~~~ so glad I wasn’t born before tea!
Waving from Across The Pond ~ 🙂 Debs in Wales 🙂 xoxo
Thank you for a lovely post, Susan. Having seven cats myself (all rescues over the years), I love seeing yours. It has been a rather cool and beautiful summer here in northern NJ, as well. And I think there is a Peach &Plum Crisp in my very near future, served warm with vanilla ice cream…like tomorrow!
Oh Susan, wanning summer…first crisp colorful leaves still perched on high branches not sure if they want to be the first to fall….its still hot here in the high desert of Las Vegas we are happily waiting for the temperatures to lower….but I so miss August in the east where the dew is heavy on the lush green lawns in the mornings…..and the gardens make their final push before resting season returns. I must be homesick for Michigan…..thanks for a quick mental journey….
Your hydrangeas are just beautiful! Ours did not bloom this year and I am so sad. We had 3 new bushes planted and I think my lawn guy might have pruned the older ones a little. Next year! Good to see new pics of Jack at play. For 15 minutes every night after dinner our 8 year old male collie turns into a puppy and wants to play fetch. His sister is Girl Kitty-like and just lays around and watches. I have made that peach and plum crisp and it is delicious!
Mine didn’t bloom this year, either, Ann ~ the leaves look fine, but no flowers! And no idea why. But I sure enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful hydrangeas on Martha’s V. ~ they really do look frothy and lacy. Susan, you must have one of the most beautiful walks, whether you’re heading towards the sea or towards town! Loved Maeve’s letter ~ she sounds like a proper girlfriend-in-training.
Good morning Susan … thank you for sharing Maeve’s letter; she is darling to say exactly how I (we) feel about A Fine Romance; I traveled that same path with you and it magic how you included us! Maeve’s life will be charming because she still writes real letters and cooks .. I hope to find her on that English path as we walk your footsteps when we are in that countryside. I am finding those special pieces of Rose Chintz to add to my collection; just found Betty Crocker’s Garden Cookbook with illustrations by Tasha (on and such a deal!).
Thank you for being you … I am such a devoted fan! Aloha, Evie in San Diego, CA
Thank you for the reminder of peaches, this weekend I will stop at my local farm and by peaches to make into jam and even a nice pie with home made ice cream.
that Jack’s little face gets to me everytime, I just smile everytime I see him, it was so nice for the teen to write to you, I see a great future for her, her eyes are wide open, the photo of goodby written in sand surprised me, I wrote the very same thing in the sand here on our shore a few weeks ago for a post and my photo and yours were identical, same color sand our writing is even the same even with the heart!!! Great minds think a like, lol, have a great day!!
What a lovely post!! How touching it must be to know that you are inspiring a new generation of writers/artists/lovers of all things British!! Maeve’s letter is simply too wonderful! I love her “SB” style, with all the adorable illustrations and quotes!! What a lovely young lady…I am picturing her and her mom cooking up a storm together…what fun!! Loved the tales of your two kitties; your pictures of them are always so cute!! And…I was captivated by your post on your nephews! It would seem they share some of your giftedness, also. I can’t wait to show my grandson their pirate photos!! Wish I could send you a boatload of hearts to let you know how much joy you bring as you share your joie de vivre with all of your girls!! Keep singing your song!!!
I feel that boatload of hearts Evelyn, thank you!
Regarding your Peaches and plums crisp image…I seem to remember finding these pages in a magazine…I pulled every one out that I came to and framed some. Is this a real memory or have I just imagined it? I do not know what became of those pages…
The colorful recipe jogged something in my memory from when my girls were just wee tots….our kitchen was decorated really cute…with red and white checked curtains and everything matching in red and white and with strawberry accents…..ahhhh….sweet memories….
Love to read your blog post…I always smile when I open my email and see your post waiting to be read!! Thank you for this…..V
I used to do recipe pages for Country Living Magazine . . . although this doesn’t happen to be one of them, still it is in my style and so it might look familiar because of that.
Oh! I forgot to mention how adorable that letter is from Maeve! Isn’t it thrilling to know that your work will be loved and carried on and admired by yet another generation?! Its timeless appeal will be cherished from grandmother to mother to daughter and so on! I love that!! xo
Me too, a giant Girl Party, that’s us. xoxo
hi susan! Couldn’t love Maeve Bittle’s letter anymore!! How wonderfully enchanting was that??! I think you may have a protégé here! She captured her feelings just perfect through both her words and her art….like someone else I know <3….. not to mention the quotes. What a delight!! Heartwarming…….. I loved many things about MV, but seeing the hydrangeas in all their glory is at the top of my list. We walked almost everywhere in Vineyard Haven and each yard/porch was more spectacular than the next….in the most simplistic way..sheer beauty and charm. I took a memory card of photos and the hydrangeas stole the show….some of the most beautiful in color where out at Mink Meadows golf course where we played while on the Island. Your pictures are just perfect….memory for me..thank you!! My husband was thankful that an unhappy homeowner was offended that I was snapping pics of their beautiful gardens….. daughter's birthday party on sunday…she requested your pineapple upside-down cake and I am going to make it…but..i am adding the peach&plum crisp to the menu….can you really ever have too much dessert???! Speaking of food…I am anxious to see Helen Mirren's new movie "The Hundred-Foot Journey"…opens today here…. Happy Week-end Susan and Joe!! 🙂 🙂
meant…. “wasn’t offended”…… ( at least not that we were aware of!!) LOL!!!
You are going to be the most popular person at the Birthday party!
You have a beautiful heart Susan! I can just picture your contented smile, as you walk past the beautiful hydrangea’s, and wicker filled porches. I love the quote by Frances Hodgson Burnett. No matter where any of us live, there is beauty all around. You always remind us, so well, to appreciate the gift of life. It has been a glorious summer! We are so blessed. And, Yes, Yes, Yes, to handwritten letters! What a treasure from that sweet girl. I have a sneakin’ suspicion who her inspiration might be. : ) ……Ok, off the subject, I have been wanting to ask you if you’ve been to the picture show to see the new Rob Reiner film, And So it Goes. I took my mother to see it, as she loves Michael Douglas. I just love Diane Keaton! We both enjoyed it. Check it out, if you haven’t.
Will watch for it to come here!
~ Hi~ I saw it last night~ it was a cute movie! ~
What a sunny, happy, post! Thank you for the lovely addition to my summer day. I am loving this summer, and after last winter, isn’t it all a joy? I loved the letter you received from a young fan – and that she decorated it so prettily!
I loved reading about your writing experience – it sounds like heaven to me! (except for that part about getting up with the sun – that needs work, hahaha) However, I could put it on it’s end and start work after everyone else has gone to bed…
Lovely, lovely post!
Everyone has their own best time! I love it that my night-owl California girlfriends haven’t gone to bed yet when I get up and I can say hello!
I’m a dog person, or maybe I should say, a person who loves dogs, but every time I see your kitties I think I want one. I am getting a new puppy in a few weeks so I don’t think it would be a good idea to get a cat right now. Anyway, I love your post. The hydrangeas are absolutely beautiful. Visiting Martha’s Vineyard is on my bucket list. I feel like I have already visited it through you blog.
Puppies and kitties LOVE each other and stay friends for life when they start out together. I’m just saying. 🙂
I agree! Best friends!
Beautiful day in San Diego. Actually spent the day at the beach yesterday…I was fascinated with the very large array of colorful beach umbrellas! Friends are driving over from Arizona today to spend the weekend…wouldn’t you want to get out of the 110 degree+ temps and spend in a few days with the ocean breezes? They do…and they are my most welcome guests. Have a great day!
P.S. Spent a lovely afternoon in the most quaint tea shop in Escondido, CA the other day. The website is
Thank you for letting us know, Linda. Yes, my dad says the weather in Arizona has been ridiculous!
It’s been so hot here in Northern Cal that reading today’s post is like visual air conditioning. Thanks for another lovely day in Susanland.
A capital day, I’d say! What a joy your new friend Maeve is! No wonder you were in 7th heaven when you read her letter. I think she’s already got the girlfriend thing down pat. I just love all the cat pictures and your running commentary on Jack and Girl Kitty. You do know how to put a smile on our faces.
I’ll be making your soup recipe but will have to call it Muskmelon Soup or the fam will think it’s some kind of French cooking or something. I can just hear them going on and on with pinkies raised about Mother’s Cawn-tuh-lope Soup! They are a rowdy bunch at times!
By the way, that mean old winter shocked my two peach trees so much that I don’t even have ONE peach on them! Don’t think I’ll be canning any either. Michigan peaches got blasted too. Would you believe $64/bushel IF you can find them? It’s not so bad when you buy a few at a time for Peach & Plum Crisp. I’ve never put plums in it, but if you do, it must be scrumptious.
Happy writing, Susan! I can hardly wait!
Oh yes, do feel free to change the names, anything that works! 🙂
Hi Susan! I love this post and the letter! She is a special girl, for sure. I loved that they made all the recipes in the book. It reminded me of when I bought my very first SB cookbook back in the 80’s, and fell in love! I also wrote you a letter and you responded! I was so tickled pink. lol. When I saw the heading, I also chuckled. I did one of those Facebook tests to see which 60’s actress I was…..I got Doris Day. When I shared it, I put “que sera….sera.”. xo
I’m so glad I wrote back! I don’t always get to, but I always want to!
Loved the beautiful post, Susan! I think the cantelope soup (auto correct told me I wanted can’t elope!) sounds delicious. I’ll try that soon! The big copper boiling pot caught my eye in the background of Jack’s adventures. I have my mom’s! And then that beautiful shadow of the leaf….just brought a lovely one in that was unseasonably orange. It caught my eye on the ground as I was picking toadstools to keep them out of Annie Laurie, the dog’s mouth. She hunts them like truffles and could be harmful so my science walk in the yard includes toadstool inventory. The lovely leaf came in with me and I thought of you when I picked it up. :-). Have a lovely weekend. Thanks for brightening mine!
Auto correct makes the funniest things happen! I usually push “send” and then scream, “oh no, send it back!”
No wonder auto correct was trying to help…I spelled it wrong and just noticed! Send it back! Lol!
Ha ha ha! Always something!
I have gathered my MV sea glass bits into a tiny glass jar which resides upon my kitchen window sill. Next to it sits a slightly larger bottle filled with those glistening gold colored shells from the beach. Happy reminders of a lovely time spent on your magical island.
Thank you for the pictures of those glorious hydrangeas, don’t they make your walk so much happier?
We are experiencing some misty moist weather here in the Midwest. I doubt we will be seeing that old moon tonight or the meteor showers that typically fall this time of year.
Your quote from reminds me of what I say to my children when these days of summer are becoming shorter and we think about heading back to school, “if you squint slightly and look at the fields you can imagine the pumpkins are on their way.” I am always looking for pumpkins and their time of year…
But until then the beautiful blue hydrangeas will keep me smiling!
When I squint, I can see those pumpkins! Thanks Audrey!
Thanks for the Jack and Girl pictures, from someone who does not have one of those wonderful guys. The President is supposed to be on MV tomorrow, will that affect your little haven? Debby
Probably not us — I know he HAS to pass here to get to one of the golf courses, so he will likely go by . . . we have our big flag out to say Yay America. But otherwise, we won’t have a traffic problem because we can walk everywhere.
Happy World Cat day today — and thank you for the Calendars — have you ever thought about having a “ribbon ” for the purse calendar ? So you can flip to the right month when
hands are full of packages ….. Or do you not want to discuss it!
Georgeous work ….I notice July has 31 days …is it leap month ?
LOL, you are too funny. Yes, I don’t want to talk about it. Are you trying to drive me crazy? Stop mentioning the 31st! 🙂
Hello Susan, I’m on the west coast in the mountains. The weather is just beautiful here today, too. But what prompted my comment this afternoon is the fabric on your wing chair. I just love it, and wonder if you have any information on it. I love your blog and your lovely art work. Thanks!
I foolishly did not write down the name of the fabric . . . because I love it too and if I ever need more, it sure would be nice if I could get it! Sorry Marilyn, I’m better now, I write it all down!
I think the wing chair fabric could be Waverly Roseberry.
Does that sound familiar?
OMG I’m sure that’s IT! How did you ever know? Thank you! I wrote it down and it’s in my Paint colors file now!!!
Marilyn and Susan – – it looks as if there is a length of “Waverly Roseberry fabric” available now on Ebay.
Also, a small amount of the design in outdoor fabric has been listed.
Thank you Liz!
On the subject of fabric, I meant to tell you that earlier this summer I saw the most gorgeous fabric in a shop called Suttles and Seawinds in Nova Scotia. I thought about you so much Susan. They had Downton Abbey fabric and the owner of the shop had designed and made an apron with it. They had had a Downton Abbey tea earlier this year and it was a huge success. I guess they plan to do another one next year. A friend of ours who works at the shop was Mrs. Patmore and I know she would have been the perfect Mrs. Patmore. They also had fabrics with small black mustaches, the outline of men wearing a beret, English fabrics with Union Jacks, red phone booths…I can’t even remember everything that was there. You would have been in heaven. Your blue hydrangeas are absolutely beautiful. They are my favorite shrub.
how wonderful that a young person hand-wrote a letter and illustrated it! This has certainly been a wonderful summer in New England, made all the better after last year’s very long, cold winter. I love your hydrangeas. I remember reading something Mary Martin wrote in her Needlepoint book about having to treat the soil around her hydrangeas so they would be blues and purples (she also had beautiful needlepoint designs of them). That knowledge never left me even though I’ve never had a hydrangea bush.
We would have to treat ours to get pink ones!
Thank you for another post, dear Susan.
The picture of the hydrangea is heavenly. Most of Lancaster Co got a late cold spell and our hydrangea buds froze! Yes! So I just have these big leafy bushes (with no colorful blooms). Except my Annabelle–they are in bloom.
But it is hard to complain because, just like you, we have had luscious days with low humidity most of the time. Today two of my sons and wives and babies are coming for a picnic supper. With a green lawn, trim boxwoods encircling bright flowers, a slight breeze–perfect weather to eat outside.
I absolutely laugh hearing about and seeing Jack and his colorful rubber bands. He is a cutie. That is for sure. About a month ago, a sandy colored kitty with a bell wandered into our lawn. Baby Button was NOT interested even though the little one rolled on his back to say, “let’s be friends.” Well, I named him “Little Belle” (bell/belle–a little pun there) Come to find out today that he lives across the street and up two houses. The son named him “Doc”. Susan, this little kitty is not a “Doc”. So when he comes to see me he will be “Little Belle”. But I don’t feed him. No, Baby Button would not be amused at all. And The Button is my Number One Kitty!!
I love hearing what you are up to with your writing. It helps me feel connected and it makes me very excited! And the letter from Maeve–so sweet! Sounds like a Girlfriend to me!
Have a lovely weekend!
The Button would not be amused! 🙂
Dear Susan, I have to tell you how you have inspired me. I just finished reading your entire blog last week! It took me several weeks and I was happy every day I was reading it! I am a long-time fan of yours and a collector of all things SB but somehow didn’t realize how long you had blogged! After I read your blog, I read all the Willards. 🙂 I’ve been blogging since 2005 and after reading your blog, I found myself writing my own in a more authentic voice! I have worked in the scrapbook industry for 12 years but reading your blog made me want to draw, paint and be more artistic! I started practicing my hand lettering and I’ve become obsessed with learning how to draw and be better at hand lettering. I go to sleep dreaming of hand lettering and wake up excited about writing in my art journal. This week I’ve been educating myself online (mainly by Lori Vliegen, an incredible artist) and I’ve had major breakthroughs in my ability to hand letter. Thank you for sharing your wonderful life and gifts with us. We love so many of the same things it’s like we’re twins, even the same music! I have owned Rose Chintz china for 20 years and I can look through pics of your house and go, “I have that and that…” LOL. Just had to tell you how you’ve blessed me! Thank you so much! xxooo! -Tracie — PS: I bought “A Fine Romance” at Barnes and Noble this week and I could not put it down so I had to make myself stop reading at 3 am and wait because I don’t want it to be over. I cackle out loud at your humor…especially when the Captain said you had passed the spot of the Titanic sinking. Why would he say that??? LOL!
Very nice to meet you Tracie. And yes, I so agree, if I were the Captain I think I would take that part out of my little ship speech! Good luck with the lettering . . . it’s such an art!
Susan, you need to write a book about Jack and his hair bands and other escapades. Any plans for that kind of project ? Would be a best seller. Debby
I have definitely thought about it! He would be so fun to paint.
That darling girl Maeve, she is our kindred spirit, isn’t she? I hope you send her a signed copy of your book, “from one artist/dreamer to another”. And Jack? I think rubber bands are his talisman, his connection to the spots where he leaves them. Like the places where we all leave a little bit of our hearts….♥
One of our Girlfriends got there first and sent one through Kellee and wrote me to tell me . . . she sent it anonymously. Very sweet! Yes, I think you are right about Jack and his rubber bands.
I would have, but one of our other Girlfriends beat me to it, which I think is just wonderful! She is including us all in the anonymous gift! How fun, I would love to see the look on Maeve’s face.
What a wonderful gesture for someone to send “A Fine Romance” to that young woman. God love you! Can you imagine when she gets the package with Susan’s name on the outside? I think it is just wonderful that another generation is growing up with Susan Branch. I hope she inspires her friends.
Me too, with her enthusiasm and good heart, how could she not.
Hi!!!! And yes, was super excited to get the package!!! 😀
We were all hoping you would be! The book is from one of the “Girlfriends” here on the blog, she sent it to you anonymously from all of us!
Thanks for the visit. You always say what I’m thinking. I just learned to play que sera sera on my new ukulele. I want to go with that young lady and you and her mother to England; let’s get packing. Love the kitties.
Today’s deep end dive was researching my great-grandfather’s third wife’s family history. I actually knew her and loved her, since grandpa married her when I was nine. She lived until I was 27 and she 81. In our family, we marry young and live long. Grandpa was 20 years her senior; they were both widowed twice before they found each other. She had more energy at 63 than I did at 9. Come to think of it, grandpa had more energy at 83 than I did at 9.
You gave me the great idea to put some of these people in a new book. I write and write but am not published like you. That’s ok with me, since I only write to get all the noise out of my head.
I wrote like that for years, I understand, it works pretty well!
Hello Susan… what a happy Summery post!… love that you walk to the post office, I do that too… lingering all along the way to admire everyone’s gardens, just like you do… those hydrangeas are gorgeous!… does your new book have a name yet?… did I miss it somewhere?… I cannot WAIT for it!… so excited!… and Jack and Girl Kitty are as adorable as ever… I have missed them… we can already feel the subtle changes of the seasons here in Centerville… our Farmers Market is full of yummy produce, fruits and veggies, herbs and such… I have been making jams and putting up corn and beans… as for the precious letter you received, how excited you must have been to receive that!… these days, I feel like too many young men and women do not take the time to really experience the good things in life… simpler things… like your letter… I was so overwhelmed by her letter, I am feeling generous… I would love to purchase a copy of A Fine Romance from you, and have you send it to Maeve for me… is that possible?… would you email me about it please?… no young lady that sweet and down to earth should be without her own copy to read again and again!… much love, xoxo Julie Marie
It has four names right now, I haven’t quite decided, I think it will name itself as I go along. Someone beat you (and me!) to the draw and has already sent a signed copy off to Maeve anonymously in the name of the Girlfriends! Your thought was so generous Julie Marie. xoxo
How wonderful a book is on it’s way to that darling young lady!… girlfriends here are the BEST!… and you sweet Susan are the Queen of the Girlfriends!… xoxo Me PS I hope you will give some clues as to the name of the book when you decide!… xoxoxo
Oh I’ll definitely tell you . . . If it ends up not telling me its name, I’ll put it up to a vote!
Comfort food for the eyes is what you are.
Susan, you just made my day! Que Sera Sera was the last thing I remember my Mother singing to me …… she passed away in 1958, she was 34 years old, I was nine…..needless to say, it has stayed in my heart all of these years. I have sang/taught it to my grandchildren and its tops on my IPOD……it’s just so great to have you highlight it in your blog! It’s going to be my epitaph when I lay to rest next to my Mom…….”Que Sera Sera…what will be will be”…….. Love, love, love Girl Kitty and Jack……and that letter from your teenage “girlfriend”, just awesome! BTW, I have accumulated six Gladys Taber books since June and have read three already………’s almost like she’s sitting beside me talking to just me. I just love her thoughts! Thank you! Toot-a-loo!
My pleasure Ann Jane, so happy you’ve found her! Love your mom singing that song to you . . .
I for one would love to follow Maeve in her travels! She is already a special artist, and will gather inspiration from you. I love your work. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! I need to reread my Fine Romance. Have a fabulous weekend! It’s going to be nice here in Northern Michigan too. Can’t wait for the new book to come out!
Dear Susan:
“Que Sera, Sera”… I remember my mother singing this when I was a little girl… My mom loved to sing – and I always remember her puttering around the house and kitchen singing in both English and in Italian (she was born there and came to this country when she was 19). The Hydrangeas are beautiful, especially love the blue ones! The whole island looks lush and lovely. We have had nice summer here also. It has been unusually cool this summer, and except for a few humid days here and there, it has not gotten very much over 85 degrees all summer. Love it – and the AC has gotten a rest this summer too! All that’s needed at night is a fan and my light comforter… bliss…
Aren’t hand written letters and notes the best? I still send friends and family hand written thank you’s and cards with notes included in them. I love receiving them myself. The letter from that lovely young lady was very special, and you can see that she has some talent not only with writing, but with drawing too! A promising future ahead of her, I think!
Jack is an adorable character. Looks like he’s up to something all the time. Girl looks so dainty and mellow. What a little lady she is! Animals ask so little of us, yet give us back so much love in return.
Can’t wait to read that new book Susan! Sounds like you are on a roll and are enjoying the ride!
It’s true Gina, thank you!
I cannot believe it that you put “Que Sera Sera” as your musica today! Not more than 2 hrs ago, I was sitting in the backyard listening to my Pandora station play that song and imagining a whole scenerio of a mother telling her children what will be,will be. Yikes! Did you know that there is a new book, The Bloomsbury Cookbook ? I saw an article about it in the Fall issue of Victorian Homes magazine and thought of you. It’s recipes that the group shared together and royalties from the sales go to the Charleston Trust. Glad that you took a break today to keep in touch and shared those kitties and hydrangeas. You are going to go through such book writing withdrawal when you finish this one!
I think you’re right Cindy!
No way ! You still have that “breakfast with Pancakes ” waiting in the
Wings …..then there will be your diary from this next trip back to the Scottish country side plus you have several suggestions from girlfriends ……I don’t see you putting the pen down for the next 20
Years …. It’s called , Que Sera Sera….
You are keeping me busy Dad! But you’re so right (as usual) 🙂
What blessings you have dear Susan. Many people in this world wander around without interests, wondering how to fill their days (no, not me). You have soooooo many interests, things you want to write about, that you’ll never, ever have a problem thinking about what to write about. No writers block for you, lucky girl. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
Sometimes I can be a little boring. That’s my kind of writer’s block, when I read something I wrote and want to shake cayenne over it.
LOVE Miss Maeve’s letter….and what a wonderful mother she has…
the turning of the leaves signals the beginning of my favourite season……
Wow, that song Que Sera Que Sera took me back to about the age of 10, swinging on old fashioned swings with the board seat. I was with my cousins in a park along the Mississippi river in Wisconsin (just over the bridge from Minnesota) sing Que Sera!! Isn’t it funny how a certain song can take you back, WOOSH, to a time and place in your memory. Thanks for bringing back much simpler summer days as a child. Wishing you happy memories…..
Gloria — I have one of those swings on our back deck — you and Linny Sue should come visit and we could yak the day away. My mom, too, sang that song — it sure is a generation thing, isn’t it? And so very soothing. Sending love “up north” — Cathy
The whole of your post is wonderful but Maeve’s letter delights, as it makes it clear that there will be people to follow in your steps, bringing joy to all around them. Bless you and her mom.
Summer has been a “JOY” here in northern Indiana. Have only used the AC a few times and have been enjoying the open windows and summer breezes because we all know what is coming……..can you hear my sobs of dread?! I like winter until Jan. 1 and then I am done with it. 🙂 But I probably wouldn’t love my summer months if I had them all year. Thanks for the beauty of your posts.
What a wonderful post–as always! Jack is just too cute for words!
After Grandmother’s funeral, I was given a hydrangea bush which I brought home and planted. It blooms the deepest velvet purple I’ve ever seen. The recipes look delicious…now that the kitchen table is cleaned off, time to cook!
Purple, wonderful.
What a lovely post! My garden is flourishing as well. Beautiful baby tomatoes herbs all over and lettuce growing like crazy! I just went cherry picking,(my first time) and the cherries are so delectable! It all just makes me praise God for what He has created! It think it’s so cool that that girl wrote you! I am a high schooler as well, I thought it might make you happy to hear that you have another teenage follower! What I love about your blog is that when I read about you are doing it makes me think about what is going on in my life, it teaches me to be greatful and reminds me of what I am blessed with. Thank you for that reminder.
Love that you’re here Faith Rose!
Faith Rose, I “always” read your words Faith. I also am amazed at how God has created our earth with wondrous things, all organized to help us humans live good lives. It’s just up to us to do good works with what He’s provided. Love your name & have faithfully followed your words on this blog Faith. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
Thank you for your sweet words!
The generations that this blog touches, is truly amazing. And such a good thing!
Makes me happy, feel like the Ed Sullivan show. xoxo
A little break in the 90 degree heat today. The whole town is sighing over the cooler air and the cloudy sky…..a faint hint of smoke from a fire a hundred miles up-wind from us. Zucchini is clogging the kitchen. Don’t you just love it? Well, of course, you already told us you love it. What am I saying? It is lovely, August. Sigh, again. Thanks, sister…..a breath of August……..sigh.
Thank you sister, too xoxo
Thanks again for the wonderful message. I see Bittle as an artist, writer in training. Such a special gift! Sweet Girl!
I must try the recipes. I love cooking with fruit because I love fruit!!! I feel so spoiled in CA as we have fruit year round, but never as special as in summer.
Thanks so much again!! Love looking forward to these posts! 🙂
Oh, how I miss my JacK-O-Lantern! Your Jack reminds me so much of our Jack. Even our girl kitty did not like him. I really love seeing posts with your Jack. Thanks!
We are coming to the end of a month or so of remodeling our kitchen & bathroom. I thought of you often as I shopped second hand shops and lawn sales looking for that thing that was just itching to come home with me. So many, many treasures I found to go with my 1962 GE range. The cabinets are new Kraftmaid, (I’ve lived for 35 years with inferior cabinets and husband said, you deserve something better). So I guess my house is basic eclectic, but I love it. It’s my home and it’s me and your ideas were a big part of it. Thank you so much.
How wonderful, a new kitchen with all old things! Congratulations Brenda, and thank you for including me . . . xoxo
I loved the “artsy fartsy” photo – just beautiful! Reminds me that – although in NO WAY do I want Summer ending until absolutely the last minute [ie, Sept 21] – there is glorious Fall coming up behind it. Really enjoyed seeing & hearing about the kitties too. Your weather now sounds just like ours [aka Perfect]. We had a gorgeous moon in a blue velvet sky last night – full moon coming on Sunday I think. You & Joe get out there and enjoy it too!
We have lots to look forward to! Weatherwise and otherwise!
Hello, so good to see the kitty’s. My best friend and I just got back from our dream trip to the English countryside and it was amazing. We walked right in to Hilltop and almost had the cottage to ourselves. We shopped at the gift shop too. The dales truly bring tears they are so beautiful. We visited James Herriot’s surgery/clinic and his books came alive to me. We had tea everyday at a different tea room..oh those scones with jam and cream. Now I am reading A Fine Romance again. We took the ferry across Lake Windemere and wandered thru Ambleside….oh I could go on and on. It was fantastic. Thank you for your book and introducing so much to us girlfriends.
How wonderful Norma!! I want to do it all again. Didn’t you love the street the surgery/clinic was on . . . the church at the end was where he and his wife were married. All so beautiful and connected. Welcome home!
Awesome ! Great job have a great weekend 🙂
Oh, those hydrangeas! I’m so jealous! Mine suffered from our very hot summer last and very cold winter, but there is always next year and I can enjoy other peoples’ good fortune! Thanks for the Susan Branch update. Always a special day when that happens! The hubs and I just went for fresh Midwest peaches last weekend and a cobbler was made and eaten very quickly. Never thought if combining with plums! Must try! Enjoy the rest of your summertime and I will be anticipating fall! Have a great weekend Girlfriends!
A young girl after my own heart, thank you Maeve for the wonderful hand written letter that most people your age would not attempt. What a GREAT Mom you have that would spend the day trying out the recipes from the book. with you. Yes, the milkcake is my favorite.
Susan, I’m happy that your book is available at the library, it gives more people a chance to enjoy your writing and art.
I’ll be trying the cantalope soup – a good way to end the summer.
Loved you post today, especially the wonderful pictures of the hydrangeas. They have been beautiful this summer! Also getting such a kick out of Jack and his rubber bands! Our cat, Grace, loves the plastic ring around milk bottles. I can usually count on finding at least a dozen under furniture, behind doors and even under pillows! What would we do without these entertaining kitties?
I wouldn’t want to know!
Your Heaven on Earth looks beautiful this time of year! I love summer, it has to be my favorite time of year. I have been putting tomatoes up to freeze and making pickles and my favorite “Cowboy Candy,” which are jalapenos pickled with vinegar, garlic and LOTS of sugar. Our garden has been great! Thanks for the “Jack” time, I just love him 🙂
Hi Susan,
I loved the letter from Maeve Bittle~ what a wonderful name she owns! She was destined to be lovely and talented.
My grand news is…..we had leaf guards installed on ALL of our gutters!! No more lifting the hubby up in the loader to walk around on the roof! We’re both very happy about this. Thanks for the kitty update! Carol
A red letter day Carol! 🙂
Yes! I forgot to ask, when you’re in your writing “zone”, do you skip your morning walk? I’m just curious.
Joe had surgery on his knee about three days ago. Very easy nice surgery, but he has to take a couple weeks off from walking long distances. So I’ve been riding my stationary bike.
ohhh my – sending get wells, prayers, best wishes & healing vibes to Joe! xoxoxo
Thank you. He is healing so quick, it’s almost magic, we went on our usual 3 mile walk yesterday!
Hi Susan ~~~
Ok, I wrote down the recipe for the Cantaloupe Soup. Sounds really good, especially with the “ice-cream croutons” in it. At first, I tried to see if it would let me print it out but it wouldn’t. Same with the Peach & Plum Crisp. Do you have it anywhere where they can be printed out?
Loved all the pictures of Jack! He is sooooo funny! And those round eyes of his….
I’m wondering if he doesn’t have some human in him <3
Don't say it's time to count down the summer days and go into autumn. Not yet! I've enjoyed our summer this year EXCEPT those days (almost 2 weeks straight) of 100+ temps. I just can't take the high heat any longer. But, I'm not complaining, mind you, as the last 16 summers have been foggy and cool (Northern CA remember).
Gearing up for my 50th high school class reunion in a couple weeks. Really looking forward to seeing everyone again! I'm glad that we have it every 5 years instead of 10 like most class reunions are.
Enjoy Jack and Girl Kitty and the remaining days of summer.
Carol M
They are both in my Summer Book, I hope you have it, would make it much easier! Have a wonderful time at the reunion!
Awwwwww, a story about your wonderful kitties. That Jack is such an intelligent cat, placing his hair do dads where you can find them. So adorable! My new kitty, Sheba would love an outdoor adventure as well. I think she’s like Girl Kitty, in that she wants to go out, “maybe,” then when she’s out, she wants inside real fast. I’d rather she not go out. Too many things to “get her,” outside, coyotes, feral cats, dogs, cars, etc. I’d just as soon she wander around the canyons of our inside rooms. She’s a long haired cat who could get lots of chiggers in her fur, which would be rather difficult to brush out.
I made a Birthday Brunch for a good friend of mine today. She loved it. After eating up all the food I cooked, we all sat around, with our tummies sticking out, & talked the afternoon away, just like we didn’t have anything else in the world to do. A lazy, summer afternoon. I made this four layer strawberry cake that everyone loved. I wasn’t certain if it would be good or not. When I finished making it, it didn’t look as pretty as the magazine picture, but it tasted OK. Seems like anything that can hold some candles is good for a Birthday Cake. My friends are like sisters to me. Always on my side, no matter what mean thing I tell them I did. How can they like me that much? And, they’re so sincere & true. How lucky I am to have them in my life. I feel the same about YOU Susan, & the GF’s you’ve allowed me to know. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
I think I’ve put the fear of the outdoors in Jack. Sometimes I walk outside with him, I can feel his little heart beating like crazy while his eyes move around the yard at top speed, but he never tries to get away from me like he does inside the house. The fear is what I was hoping for, I feel I am a successful cat mommy.
Girlfriends Forever! xoxo
Susan, thanks again for helping us count our blessings everyday and opening our eyes to our wonderful world. The comment from the girlfriend that mentioned her red and white kitchen when her kiddies were little reminded me of my kitchen in the 70’s. A tiny thing all dolled up in red and white with strawberry accents everywhere I could put them. My 5 year old niece came to visit, looked around and said with a sigh, “Aunt Deanna, you live in a strawberry world”. Loved it and have never forgotten it! Have a great rest of the summer and store up memories in your hearts, girlfriends.
I’m sure she’ll never forget it either, probably all happy kitchens for her will have strawberries in them!
Good mornin, good mornin, da da da da da da, good mornin, good mornin to you! well it is here! And I love Maeve’s letter…a treasure.
Thank you for sharing a picture perfect summer in New England. Those hydrangeas are fabulous and I’m just so jealous…
Jack is a scamp as usual. How fun!
Thanks, Susan, for sharing the wonderful “fan” letter. Sounds like a very special young woman, one we’d all enjoy knowing, wrote it. I bet even an accomplished writer/artist such as yourself, was delighted with her response to your book! And, thanks for reminding us of the glories of the season that can be enjoyed right outside our windows. I, too, think I am lucky to live in New England – fall may be right around the corner in all its splendor, but I will hold fast and enjoy the glories of August!
Especially this August!
What a delightful free spirit Jack is! And Girl is such a lady and I laughed when I read that she puts Jack in his place. As a teacher, I loved the letter you received. It is special to mentor a young lady. She is well on her way to finding pleasure in all the feminine aspects of life. Your towns’ gardens look lovely. Here in California, we are hoping to get our share of rain this winter so that next summer’s gardens don’t have that golden twinge about them. With September comes the new school year and all it’s promises. Alas, it will be my last one.
How bittersweet that must be, back-to-school was always my favorite time of year. Fingers crossed for the rain xxxxx
I was so happy to see your post this evening. It’s lovely weather here in San Luis Obispo but so dry with little hope of rain in sight. Laguna Lake is dry and the poor ducks stand in the middle like they’re expecting a miracle. The letter from your teenage fan restored my faith in our youth. So nice to hear from a much younger generation that she not only reads – – – but thinks too. Good for her and thanks to you for providing us all with inspiration and hope for tomorrow.
Laguna Lake is dry? Oh that is just sad. I have never seen that before. That’s a place where we need hope. And probably a little bit more than that!
As the lake goes down, down, down… they are finding a lot of things. A car last week – stolen in 2006 and under water all this time, a pistol and lots more. The ducks haven’t given up and neither will the residents. Please let it rain!!!
Wow. Yes, rain!
I loved today’s blog – just what I needed to get back to sea level. Tonight I did get to go out and we saw The Hundred Foot Journey – major foodie movie – loved it. Now I feel like cooking – and voila! your recipe! Merci! xo p.s. that letter was just the sweetest
Can’t wait to see that!
Hi Susan,
Get back to writing! I am so looking forward to your new book. Thanks for taking the little break and lighting up my day with your wonderful post!
You and my dad! 🙂
☆✷✼Good~Morning Sweet Sue…Welcome Back! (I Have Missed You!!! I Saw Your “Tweet” This Morning & Flew Right Here!) 🙂 1st Hugzzzzz…. 🙂 2nd A Little “Healing” Pixie~Dust for Joe’s Knee 🙂 ☆✷✼*✫✮*✩★ 3rd Kitty~Kisses to Girl & Jack I LOVE Them! 🙂 & 4th Welcome Maeve Bittle We Love You & Your Letter Oh My Goodness! 🙂 ☆✷✼ Sue I Already Feel Maeve’s Excitement When She Receives Your Book I Can Hear Her “Squeals” Of Delight (I Hope She Does Not Pass Out) & I Know Maeve Will Cherish This Magical~Treasure Forever! 🙂 Let’s See… My Summer Has Been Hot Rainy Steamy & Very Tropical…..Florida! 🙂 & I’ve Savored Every Minute of It & I’ve Soaked Up Lots Of Sunshine too… My Brother Christopher Took Me To Lunch Yesterday We Are 1 Year Apart I Love Hanging Out with Him & After Lunch We Did A Bit Of Shopping & What did I See? The Shop Keepers Were Beginning To Set Up All The Magic Of AUTUMN & My Heart Skipped A Beat….Wings All A Flutter….My Brother Looked At Me & Smiled 🙂 He Picked up One Of Those Cute Little Scarecrows & Said “Let Me Be Buy You Your 1st New Scarecrow of The Season” 🙂 (I Twirled in The Shop) & When I Got Home I Put Him Right in My Garden! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Joy! The Simple Things Sweet Sue….. ☆✷✼*✫✮*✩★ This Blog~Post is Heavenly….I Thank Thee! I’ve Read it Twice….so Far & I’ve Read Each Special Post From All The Girlfriends…We Truly Are All Kindred~Spirits…I Get Goosebumps From Each Post…..We Are Truly Blessed Sweet Sue…..Amen! 🙂 Oh & I sing Doris Day’s Song All The Time Not Kidding….When I Was Just A Little Girl I Asked My Mother What Will I Be…… 🙂 Happy Weekend Everybody! I’ll Meet You Under The Green Corn Moon! Twirling! xoxo Poof! End Of Summertime Pixie~Dust….Everywhere! xoxo Poof! ☆✷✼*✫✮*✩★ 🙂 P.S. on The 7th it Was My Jonathan’s 32nd Birthday! (I’m The Mom Of A 32 Year Old Man???? ) isn’t That Amazing? 🙂 & Your Joe’s Birthday is Coming Up & Isn’t Your Dad’s Birthday Too? All Our Leos…..They Are Brilliant! Happy Birthday To All Our August Loves! 🙂 ☆✷✼*✫✮*✩★ okay Time for Me To Fly….Happy Writing Sweet Sue….. 🙂 One More Huge Hug…From One Pixie To Another! 🙂 ☆✷✼*✫✮*✩★
What a good brother. So sweet! I get goosebumps from everyone’s posts too Angie, you are not alone. I love your twirling Tinkerbelle Magic. Dad had his birthday on the 5th, Joe is on the 14th. Happy B’day to Jonathan! Yay for the cutie patootie Leos in our lives!
☆✷✼*✫✮*✩★ 🙂 Happy Birthday To “Our” Blog~Daddy Jack! 🙂 I Hope You Made Some Wonderful~Wishes! 🙂 Jonathan’s Birthday Was Fabulous! 🙂 ☆ & Now We Countdown to Your Joe’s Birthday! 🙂 (Happy “Early” Birthday Joe!) 🙂 & Don’t Forget To Make A Wish! xoxo Poof! ☆✷✼*✫✮*✩★ Enjoy The Moon Tonight Sweetest Sue! Yay! xoxo 🙂
Susan, I just got my copy of A Fine Romance and I am reading it slowly, and savouring every page. I am completely charmed by it and enjoying it for its own sake as well as for the memories it is stirring in me. I visited England for two months shortly after graduating from high school in 1977 but I haven’t thought about it much in years. Your book has me looking back-in a good way. Thanks for the memories. Hey, isn’t that a song?!
It just might be! 🙂 I’m glad you’re enjoying it Leslie-Anne!
Good Morning , Susan ! Loved the wonderful blog as usual & wishing Summer would last longer this year . It’s been an unusually comfortable Summer here in R.I. ; the best in a long time & I would love if Autumn took another month off . 🙂 Last night I was thinking of making a peach crisp/ cobbler with too many peaches in the kitchen & voila ! You gave us a recipe ! You’re a mind-reader ! 🙂 BTW , what’s Martha V.’s secret to blooming Hydrangeas this year ? None have bloomed here all Summer . 🙁 Perhaps the salt air & cool breezes ? Have a great weekend & thanks again for a great read . 🙂 Goodbye for now !
Best here too . . . I don’t know what we did to deserve these 72 degree, sunny, soft breezy, dry days . . . it’s heaven! Our hydrangeas really got hurt last winter, but they’re all coming back strong now. I think the secret is acid soil, and maybe salt air, and cooler temps.
Thank-you Susan for writing to all of us in the midst of your very busy summer writing your new book. It is a great privilege to be on the “inside” of an artist’s life and hear how these wonderful projects actually happen. We see the finished product all beautiful and new. All of the hours of work and re-work are never visible. However, through your posts, we get to really know what the inside scoop begins to look like. I think it makes me appreciate even more what you create.
Your sweet letter from Miss Maeve was just so cute. She must embody everything you hope your books will give the reader! I love her enthusiasm and her ability to suspend life and truly live the trip you tell to the fullest! Thanks for sharing her letter with us. She is an inspiration!
She does, exactly. And so do you Winnie. xoxo
Thank-you Susan, for such a sweet and kind reply! Have a wonderful weekend!!
“I disappear completely, I hear nothing, see nothing…” What happens to you when you start working on your book is EXACTLY what will happens to me when I start reading your new book!
That is so NICE to hear! 🙂
Wow!!!!! Susan that Pixie girl sure got me going…I almost forgot what I wanted to say to you.. So darn cute. I was so impressed that another up coming heart loving gal like yourself wrote such a beautiful letter to you .So sweet. Love the art and so glad that she took the time to write to you. I think what would be really fun is to see how many of us could write a letter to you, just to see how many beautiful lovely letters you recieve. Are we all game girls out there? Let’s all Write to Susan and fill her heart with tons of Love from all of Us. Not on the computor but hand written for Susan to have as a keep sake from all of us. LET’S DO IT!!! Susan, you do all the writing and we enjoy it so much. Just think if you could sit down with this huge box of letters from all of us this winter and enjoy reading our thoughts to you. Wouldn’t that be fun? So glad Maeve wrote that lovely letter to you. Wish more people did this these days. I loved getting the letters back in the day from you. So pretty and I looked forward to them offen. Those were the days. Can’t wait till the next book comes out. It is such a lovely morning here in Maine. Just got back from a walk on Popham Beach here in Maine. The saltly sea air kissing my face,fresh as a morning dew on my Stargazer Lilys. They are in full bloom and just as pretty pink right now. I just love the wooden stamp you made a long time ago. I have used it so much I am going to have to buy another one soon. Thank you for the Lovely post today. Keep smiling. You and Joe have a Lovely weekend. Write soon. HUGS!!….LT.
Since I wrote the first book I have received so many wonderful letters — that’s why I started the blog, because there were so many I couldn’t write back to everyone, now here we are! Gathered. Thank you Linda — Sounds beautiful up there!
Susan, just finished reading “A Fine Romance” for the 3rd time. Just have to tell you the Texas version of that bird song.
Recently while sitting on our porch shelling Purple Hull Peas my husband asked me “Did you change your underwear?” “What?” He replied, “That Dove is saying ‘Your underwear’s dirty”.
You are such a bright spot for so many. Thank you!
LOL, I said it in the same sing-song voice as My-toe-huts-Bet-tee, and it worked perfectly! Your husband is too funny!
Hi Susan — my Saturday has officially begun now that I’ve read your blog. It’s hot and getting hotter in Houston, so I’m trying very hard to live vicariously through you.
I made your Gazpacho the day you had it on your blog (a few weeks ago) and it was so fabulous I’ve already made a second batch. I added both tiny shrimp and a can of crab meat to make it more hearty (more of a true MEAL), and had to toss in some diced jalapenos to give it a bit more “attitude” and I’m just wallowing in it. The crisp recipe sounds as though I may need to try it next.
This weekend is the Texas sales tax holiday, so I’m off to do a little shopping and will try to pick up some bright hair elastics to try with my two Tuxedos…Jet-Boy and Ollie. They both have a rather “portly” look to them these days, so that might be just the exercise tool they need. (And, maybe bending and picking them up will do ME some good as well! LOL)
Thanks again for another grand start to my weekend!
I made another batch this morning myself! Don’t want to waste these delicious summer veggies! Yes, bending and picking them up does keep a person busy!