Counting our Blessings


Merry Christmas


Hello My Darling friends,

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I said HELLO!  And just so you know it’s really me, you’ll need MUSICA!  There it is, not Christmas music, but still dreamy and proof positive it’s me! 

As of today we’ve been home here on Martha’s Vineyard for seventeen days.  Our trip out to California was supposed to last three weeks, but we ended up staying six.  It was wonderful, fun, lovely watching the world fly by outside our train windows, spending time with my darling family, making santa hattwo Thanksgiving dinners, enjoying each other’s company under the blue skies of California with the swooping seagulls, driving across the desert to Arizona to be with Blog Daddy, but then we got home so late and hit the ground running, with just a little time-out for a week of the flu!  I think I may be the only person in the world who likes getting sick.  I don’t do it very often, which probably has something to do with it, but it is nice when you are suddenly “forced” to stay in bed and watch old movies and read your book Cookie Bowlright smack in the busiest part of the year.  You stretch your legs under the covers, wiggle your toes, moosh your poor head into the feather pillows and say ooh my throat, and you drink a cup of chicken soup, suck a cough drop and fall asleep and say, soon I will feel better, but I think not Santatoday.  Plus Joe and I did it together, so we kind of reveled in it.  And now, here we are, back on our feet, counting our blessings, the suitcases unpacked, laundry done, cookies baked, twinkle lights hanging in the kitchen windows, gifts wrapped and sent, I even got a new computer in all of the pandemonium. And of course it’s been wall-to-wall snuggles with Jack and Girl Kitty.  Now it’s Christmas Eve, and we are bringing the Bourbon Old Fashioned’s down to my girlfriend Lowely’s house (two doors over) for cocktails and Christmas Eve Dinner!  I just wanted to send you a note to wish you all the very Merriest of Christmases, and let you know I’ll be back soon for “A Year in Review” so we can catch up and get ready for 2015. Missing you! Sending Love and blessings to you and yours ~ XOXO  


Christmas angel


Bird and heart ... With love from Susan Branch

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514 Responses to Counting our Blessings

  1. Kellie Badger says:

    It’s good to hear from you again! So glad you had a good trip and family time. That flu is a bugger, we had it in our family, too, at Thanksgiving time. Merry Christmas to you Mr. Joe! 🙂

  2. Sandra Mailey says:

    It’s so good to know that you are well and busy having a happy holiday with family and friends – more friends than family, but then you saw your family so recently that the hugs are still fresh.
    Have a wonderful Christmas! XOXO

  3. Kathy in Illinois says:

    I am glad you’re back and feeling better. Hope you and Joe have a merry Christmas!! My daughter will be opening in your calendar tonight, which is a gift from our dog Annie!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. nina says:

    We are glad you are home safe and sound. Enjoy the Holidays.
    Happy and Healthy 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nina

  5. Terri Mc says:

    Merry Christmas to you and Joe ! Thanks for all the lovely blog-reading all year. Good health and happiness to you in the New Year !

  6. Patty in Redlands says:

    Glad that you’re home, well, celebrating this LOVEly time of year, and back with us, the GFs. You’ve been missed and worried about. Merry Christmas to you and Joe, Susan, and to all who come here for comfort and inspiration.

  7. mary spring says:

    …Yaaaay !!… you are back !!… and Merry Christmas to you and Joe and , well, to everyone !!… peace on earth, with love, as always….

  8. mari1017 says:

    Merry, Merry and Blessed Christmas, Susan and Joe and kitties ♥ Wonderful to see you healthy and back on your blog – we missed you!!! Enjoy every beautiful and bright moment of this blessed and full of light season – even in the torrential downpours that we are experiencing here in central Virginia, our lights and candles, music and love shine and warm us to our toes! Merry Christmas!!!

    • sbranch says:

      We have the same thing, lots of rain, and all the lights are reflecting in the raindrops making it twinkly-er than ever!

  9. Merry Christmas, Susan & Joe! Wishing you a lovely holiday with dear friends. So many of your recipes and inspiring ideas have become special parts of our family Christmas celebration over the years. You are such a blessing in our lives. Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas, filled with warm memories and thankful hearts! Warm hugs,

  10. Phoebe says:

    Hello! Glad you’re back and now feeling better! Missed hearing from you, figured something must be up. At least you’re over it before Christmas so you can get together with your pals and have fun! Well lots of cooking for us today – you’d be amazed how many of your recipes are on our “traditional” menu now! We bought 1st editions of your books!

  11. Julia says:

    Merry Christmas to All!
    I so enjoy this blog and the friends I’ve met here.
    Thank you SB and Joe. Also, for visiting with the
    fuzzy babies. So fun all year long. Been using and
    loving your cookbooks. Julia

  12. Jacquelyn - Las Vegas says:

    Merry Christmas!
    Do hope you and Joe are back on your feet better than ever. You folks have been missed! Enjoy everything the season has to offer and have an Old Fashion for me too! They’re my favorite!

  13. Candice OHIO says:

    Wishing you both, kitties included and all of your helper elves in CA. very Merry Christmas Blessings and Thank You for inspiring all of us Girlfriends with your wonderful blog, give-aways and your awesome creative talents that you share with the world! So glad that you are both feeling better and can enjoy your Christmas holidays!
    A joy that’s shared is a joy made double.
    English proverb
    Happy Christmas!!! Candice

  14. deezie says:

    Merry Christmas Susan and Joe and kitties ! What a pretty little angel in your tree. Sorry you and Joe were sick, but so glad you are all better and ready to celebrate Christmas. Its always so fun getting a new post from you
    I just love this rainy weather, especially with the lights twinkling on the tree. Makes it more cozy inside 🙂
    Have a wonderful time with your friends tonight Susan, can’t wait to read your year in review in 2015
    happy day!!!

  15. Shelia says:

    Dear Susan! Glad you’re home, well again and having fun. Merry Christmas to you and yours and I have so enjoyed visiting your blog this past year and looking forward to more in the new one.
    Shelia 😉

  16. Isabel says:

    So glad you are back on the blog. Sorry to hear about the flu, but as you say, it is a “forced” rest. Glad you and Joe are back and up and about.

    Thank you for all your uplifting posts all year long. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the new year.

    Hope you and Joe have a very Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year. Love to Jack and Girl also.

  17. Donna C says:

    So happy to see you back among us. We missed you. Sorry about the flu hitting you but it forced you to rest and that’s a good thing. Merry Christmas to you and Joe.

  18. susie says:

    Merry Christmas Susan and Joe…of course the cats too. SO glad you have the flu behind you now. Stay well and enjoy your Christmas parties . Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  19. Terry says:

    Merry Christmas Susan and all! It’s 1.30 am and I really should be in bed but I must savour your Christmas greetings! It’s good you are both well again so you can enjoy the festivities. Susan, google the Hallmark 2004 Christmas cookie miniature stove…I think you’ll like it! x

  20. Louise says:


    I was so happy to see you are back…That awful flu hit us around Thanksgiving. All I did was lay on the couch all day with my 2 dogs on top of me, keeping me warm. That was the best thing of the flu! Enjoy your friends tonight and make more wonderful Christmas memories.

    Blessings from Chicago, Louise

  21. Ann Y in PA says:

    Merry Christmas to you and Joe ! So glad to hear you are recovered from the flu in time for Christmas. Today is my wonderful husband’s birthday – best present Santa ever delivered, though he did not do the actual “delivering” ! Making home made Pirohy ( some call it pierogie, little pockets of dough stuffed with potatoes, then friend in butter and onions) for Holy Supper. Our Slovak/Ukrainian tradition…and thinking of all the generations before me who made this same recipe and shared in the wonder of Christmas. Enjoy your Christmas Eve with your friends…after our dinner we will go next door to visit with our two little neighbor boys who we are blessed to have in our life – cookies, and presents, and a Santa birthday cake for my husband and little voices to sing! BLISS !
    This verse from an Advent hymn we sang last week reminds me of you, your blog, and the “way we roll”….
    People, look east. The time is near
    Of the crowning of the year.
    Make your house fair as you are able,
    Trim the hearth and set the table.
    People, look east and sing today:
    Love, the guest, is on the way.

    God Bless – Merry Christmas !

  22. carmel says:

    Merry, blessed Christmas to you, Joe, kitties and all your families and friends. Merriest to all the girlfriends too! Wishing everyone peace of heart and the joy of knowing love in every ways it comes.

  23. chris consentino says:

    oh, Susan!! sooooo happpppy to have a fresh, new, happppy “visit” from you!! worry was done….hoping was done….praying was done……all in an effort to make sure all was “well” with you folks! even tho you weren’t “well”…flu is much better than what I was imagining. soooo, glad you’re up & at ’em again….do NOT over do. you want to now stay well. xo enjoy your Christmas (and, everyday) Blessings…. there is a program on our NPR right now…subject: Gratitude. that is a subject I truly treasure. I was grateful to re-read your entire Christmas book last evening. and, grateful for all our “visits” from you!! so, enjoy your cozy, friend-filled day. take care and keep well. and….don’t forget to leave a snack for Santa…he really does exist…if you believe.

  24. Wishing you a blessed Christmas celebration and a new year filled with your heart’s desire!

  25. LindaSonia says:

    Merriest Christmas to you and yours, Susan!! 🙂

  26. diana from ancaster says:

    sooooooooooooo good to hear you are back up on your feet.

    Sending you and Joe wishes for a wonderful Christmas and many happy things in the New Year!

  27. Melody says:

    Hello Susan, I missed you! Sorry that you had the flu bug, but glad to read that you are both well again. Yes, it sounds like you had a flurry of activity once you returned home!! It’s hard to believe it’s Christmas Eve today. I had to comment to send Christmas wishes to you and Joe. *and the kitties! Have a wonderful holiday!

  28. debbie says:

    Merry Christmas Susan and Joe and all the girlfriends!! It is lovely to “know” all of you! Be well. xoxo

  29. Kathie says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Odessa where it’s 40 degrees and raining. I think spring is just around the corner!

  30. sandy says:

    Hello Susan! I’ve been checking every day, knowing you would not let us down and let Christmas go by without a greeting from you–so thank you and bless you for this! xox with love, sandy 🙂

  31. Gloria L. Nugent says:

    Your blog was on my wish list this week…been checking patiently (sorta) everyday. Hope you are going to enjoy that party germ free. It has been so long since we have had the pleasure of your wors & artistic inspiration. Can’t wait to put out the new calendar next week!! Blessings of this holiday to you & yours!!!

  32. Barbara (WA) says:

    Happy Christmas to You! Counting my blessings right along with you. 🙂

  33. Susanb says:

    Merry Christmas, enjoy the season and traditions. It’s the most wonderful time of year.

  34. Fran says:

    Have a very merry Christmas, Susan and Joe. I have enjoyed your blogs this past year and am glad to hear that the flu has left you in time for Christmas. Can’t wait for the year in review blog and all the wonderful ones ahead in 2015! Give those sweet little kitties a big Christmas hug from all us girlfriends. Love all those pictures of them – so precious!

  35. Barbara Stillman says:

    Merry Christmas !!! Susan and Joe

  36. Chris Wells In Knickerbocker, W TX says:

    Merry Christmas Susan and Joe! Merry Christmas Girlfriends! Sorry to hear you had the flu, but you are right, you probably needed the down time. I am so excited about this Christmas. My mom (almost 92) is spending Christmas with us. She got here yesterday, we are having a blast!
    Take care and looking forward to the year in review and hearing about the new computer. A Mac?

  37. Lady Shawnee in Naples~ says:

    Merry Christmas Susan, Joe and Kitties! May you have a Blessed Holiday and Happy New Year!!

  38. Georgeann says:

    Oh gosh how I have missed you and your ability to brighten each day! I agree I enjoy a day when I am forced to rest but no thanks to the flu!!! Getting ready to make Gladys Tabers gingerbread. Thanks again for your tour through her home! You seem to know how to reach the longings in our hearts!! God bless you and Merry Christmas !

  39. PATICIA AYALA says:

    Dear Susan, you have been missed! glad you and Joe are better:)
    MERRY CHRISTMAS ! to both and hugs if I may for the kitties!!
    thank you for the love and inspiration that you share with all of us!!!

  40. Tasha says:

    So glad you’re back again and have recovered from the flu. Love and best wishes to you and yours this Christmas and for 2015, from Wonderful Warwickshire.

  41. Carolyn says:

    Hi Susan, So happy to hear that you had such a wonderful time in California and Arizona. And I am glad that you and Joe are flu-free and healthy again! I would like to wish you, Joe, and everyone a very, Merry Christmas filled with love!

  42. Lynne Weliver says:

    I held my breath every day I clicked on your Blog. The birdie sang and my husband would say, “Today?” Sadly, each time I shook my head ‘NO’. By the 13th I knew you were not well. I’m so glad you are better and on your feet again. Thank you for your Christmas message and all of the gifts you give us year round. I am on my way to Maine to see my precious grandchildren (4-year old Molly and 2-year old Elliot). I look forward to seeing you again soon. Love, Lynne

  43. Laura says:

    It’s almost embarrassing how many times I’ve checked to see if you were back. Not to mention how concerned I was. I’m so relieved to know everyone is okay. You were missed more than you could ever know. (Or maybe you do have an inkling!) Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you for bringing so much comfort and happiness into my life all year.

  44. Hi Susan and all the lovelies!
    Merry Christmas Eve to you all! So glad you are feeling better.
    If you are going to be sick it’s good to find all the comforts in it that you can.
    I know what you mean about it being better together though, Rick and I did that for one of our most memorable Thanksgivings ever. We stayed tucked up and warm and watched a marathon of movies and British telly. Then my mom dropped off a Turkey dinner on our doorstep. Pure Heaven for the sickly!!
    Have yourself a merry little Christmas- all of you! Sending enough love, light and laughter to carry us all into through the new year! <3

  45. Lori says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan and Joe!
    Thank you for blessing and enriching my life by sharing yours. May the Lord bless and keep you both this Christmas and for the coming New Year!!

  46. Jean Wakeman says:

    Dear Susan
    Thank you for the Christmas present. Your blog is the first thing I check when I turn the computer on and today YEA. Merry Christmas to you all. We lost our beloved dog this July so this is our 1st Christmas without her but we do have a kitty to spoil as you do yours. Jean

  47. Kathy Kip says:

    Susan ~ I was so happy to see your blog this morning – just in time for Christmas. I’m especially glad to hear you and Joe have recovered from the flu. I’m sure your kitties enjoyed snuggling in bed with you, flu and all, after you’d been gone for 6 weeks.
    Have a happy Christmas- “This holiday season, enjoy the gift of looking into the faces you love.”

  48. Mary Lawrence aka Mi Mi Elizabeth says:

    I was longing to read a post. This has been a very hard year for my darling husband, your post always bring me joy. Merry Christmas and looking forward to using your new blotter calendar and wall calendar. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  49. Betsy in Pennsylvania says:

    It wouldn’t be Christmas without a word from you! Glad you are feeling better and it is perfect timing. Yankee Magazine has posted the interview on their website so while you were gone I checked it out yet again. That was my favorite issue of all times. Enjoy your evening with your dear friends and a Happy Holiday to you and Joe. p.s.kittys too

  50. Laura says:

    Dear Susan,
    So happy to read your post. So glad to hear that you (and Joe) are feeling better.
    Thank you for a year of joy and warm fuzzies! Merry Christmas to you, Joe and the kitties. Now I’m off to google Bourbon Old Fashioned’s! 😉

    • sbranch says:

      Get ready for a treat! I’ll put Joe’s famous recipe for them here soon!

      • Lynn McMahon says:

        ~ in Wisconsin we drink mostly Brandy Old~ Fashioneds~ have you ever made one with Cherry Bounce?~ Lynn

        • sbranch says:

          No, I don’t know what cherry bounce is!

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            Cherry Bounce is made with whole cherries~ (Lucky us we can get Door County ones) sugar and liquor. You fill a mason ~type glass jar with the cherries & sugar and either brandy~ vodka or bourbon. Let it sit for at least 4 months. You then pour the liquior into a small cordial glass and add a cherry or two. They are potent but my niece swears they got her over “the crud”~ the longer it sits the better! ~ I got an early start to Christmas!!~Lynn

          • sbranch says:

            Sounds wonderful! And yes, you are so lucky to live near those delicious cherries!

  51. Merry Christmas from Florida! I hope you are both well for the holidays. Wishing you the very best! Merry Christmas, Diane

  52. laurie says:

    sory to hear you were sick ( I think 😉 )) lol, but Merry Christmas to you and your family!!! Best Wishes from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada!!!

  53. Gina P. from NY says:

    Dear Susan:

    Merry Christmas! So good to have you back and hear that you are feeling better and able to enjoy the holiday festivities! I hope you will give us a glimpse of your lovely home decorated for the holidays when you blog again. I always love to see your Xmas tree tucked into that perfect corner! Weather not so great here – rain/fog – not a “White Christmas” – but I guess better for the Christmas travelers not having to deal with snow covered roads and delayed airline flights!

    Best wishes to you, Joe and the kitties for a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  54. Barb from Ohio says:

    Good to hear from you, and sorry you both had the flu but glad you are better in time for Christmas. I’ll be looking forward to your “Year in Review” when you get it out after the Christmas bustle is over. I wish both you and Joe a very Merry Christmas with peace and love and the serenity that comes from being in your own comfortable home again, sleeping in your own bed, cooking in your own kitchen and eating your own good food. And Happy New Year too!

  55. Robyn Brown says:

    Merry Christmas!

  56. Sylvia in Seattle says:

    Sorry you were both down with the crud, but glad you enjoyed it :-). Probably you needed a good “lie down” after all that travel and visiting. Merry merry Christmas to you and Joe and the furry ones.

    • sbranch says:

      We did! Same to you Sylvia!

      • Elaine in Toronto says:

        Gosh Sylvia, my dad used to call the flu the crud and we didn’t know what it was as young children. It scared us because we knew for sure we didn’t want “the crud”, lol. Thanks for the memory and may we all be crud-free for the rest of the winter.

  57. nellie says:

    Dear, dear Susan! I’m so glad you are on the mend now! This is probably the busiest time of the year to be ill! I must say, though, that you definitely had the right attitude about it all! I’m reminded of the time, in my mid-twenties, when mononucleosis came calling on me at Christmas time.

    We have warm snow, aka rain, here for this Christmas Eve. Nonetheless, Santa has made his visit already, and we were blessed to be on that “nice” list.:-) Presents have been opened, and the grandchildren are now on their way back home. We celebrated the 40th birthday of our twin daughters on the 23rd, so it has been a very joyous occasion here! They both took portions of their birthday cakes home with them, thankfully. The “big sister” leaves on Christmas Day.

    I send very merry Christmas wishes to you and Joe!

    xo Nellie

  58. Pam says:

    Merry Christmas Susan and Joe, hope you have a lovely time. We’re looking forward to our daughter visiting tomorrow and she’s bringing her kitty with her. She’s only had her a few weeks and she’s very shy. We’ll all be glued to the tv tomorrow night for the Christmas Downton Abbey. Do you get the Christmas editions?

    • sbranch says:

      I think we do, but they don’t call them that . . . because of the time of year they come here. We are SO looking forward to Downton starting here next month . . . the perfect thing for January!

  59. Jean Burns says:

    You have been missed! Happy that you are feeling better and are able to enjoy
    Christmas. I am giving my only granddaughter an Autumn cookbook. She has loved
    mine and now she will have her own. A new Susan Branch fan. Wishing you a blessed and fun filled Christmas! Jean 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Same to you Jean, and hugs to that granddaughter of yours!

      • Erin Burns says:

        I have read your Autumn cookbook two or three times now since Christmas and I absolutely adore it! So happy my grandmother introduced me to your lovely books. Your blog posts, (which I have now just stumbled upon) will be a great topic of conversation for weekly phone calls with my grandmother!
        Happy New Year from your newest fan,

  60. Vickie in Olympia says:

    Merriest of Christmases to you! As I count my blessings I find you are near the top of my list for all the creativity, inspiration and comfort you have given me this year. May 2015 be as blessed for you!

  61. Mary Brehm says:

    Merry Christmas Dear Sue! I’m sorry you were sick, but glad you are on the mend. I have missed you so….Have a wonderful Christmas eve. My house is twinkly and I’m taking a break and having a cup of tea and then off to church with my husband and daughters and then home for standing rib roast and crab legs. ( I have been starving myself all day in preparation!). Once again, Thank you for being you. Give the kittys a kiss for me : )

  62. Laurie Walt says:

    Merry Christmas Susan! Glad to see you back, I missed you! Looking forward to the New Year. ttfn, Love

  63. Linda Wattier says:

    So good to hear from you.
    I was thinking you were very busy and probably sick. Glad your better. Merry Christmas from Spearfish, SD

  64. Susan P. says:


    So happy to hear from you again… and it was the flu that had you down….Husband and babies had it..I was lucky not to get it… but I can totally agree with you… being forced to rest and read and watch old movies and take naps aaahhhhh
    I count my blessings: I was able to walk 5 miles with my husband today…and the pies and cake will get done still…I am healthy and happy and I have a new grand baby coming in March…My children will all be here soon…Blessings from your blog…all the wonderful girlfriends I have read about on line and all the great ideas and recipes from you…Your blog…your thoughts and pictures and just your joy overspills into my world…and I got an Autumn Book signed by you in Cayucos… and I wasn’t even there..another BLESSING GREAT FRIENDS….Thank you again for all the happiness you have brought me. Love, Susan P.

  65. Kit says:

    Yay! You are back! (you had us all worried!) But this is the best gift, and on Christmas Eve. Glad you both are well again and ready to enjoy the holiday. 🙂 Merry Christmas! Kit

  66. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    just popping in to welcome home and to wish you and Joe and all the girlfriends a Very Merry Christmas. its pouring down buckets here, and the wind is howling… perfect excuse to hunker down by the fire and enjoy. plus we have a new member to the family, another adopted baby, a boy and his name is Boots. he is a shorthair, black with white stockings that look like boots, and a white chest he is our newest rescue baby. seemed only right to give him a home this time of the year, so he is happily settling in and getting used to us and we are adoring him. Merry Christmas everyone. hugs… 🙂

  67. Ann Jane Koerber says:

    Hi Susan, So glad you’re back, sorry you and Joe were sick, happy you’re better and a Merry Merry Christmas to you!!

  68. Patty Lucas says:

    Glad you are both feeling better. Make sure it is not a menthol cough drop you are sucking because they only make more mucus (I know disgusting) but my ENT doctor told me that and since I stopped using them I NEVER cough anymore. Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year!

    • sbranch says:

      I like the ones that are bad for you, Mr. Smith or something like that, the cherry ones. I’ll have to look and see if they have menthol! Thank you Patty!

  69. Sue Miller says:

    Merry Christmas to you, Joe and the kitty creatures. Glad you are once again well and ready to celebrate this most magical time of the year. Wishing you peace and joy, love and health in the new year.

  70. Debbie says:

    So glad you’re feeling better in time for Christmas! Thanks so much for all you give us through your blog and wonderful books! Wishing you & Joe a very Merry Christmas!!!

  71. Julie says:

    Hi Susan,
    Merry Christmas Eve!
    So happy hear from you again! I love your take on getting sick. I am a pediatrician and am being swallowed by illness left and right….I think you definitely have discovered the best medicine–slowing down, taking care and a positive attitude. Happy you are feeling better, can’t wait to hear more from you in 2015!

  72. ChrisTea says:

    Merry Christmas to Susan, Joe, Jack and Girl Kitty!! (Do your kitties open their own presents?)

  73. Pom Pom says:

    I was worried about you, dear Susan! I’m so sorry you had the flu!
    Merriest of Christmases to you, good ambassador of cheer!
    My neighbor gave me your new calendar this year! Yay! I hung it up and January is CUTE!

  74. Robin says:

    Dear Susan,
    On this busy day it was a treat to find your post, which gave me the perfect excuse to sit down for a moment (ahhh) and “connect”. Thank you for each and every post this year—each one I treasure! Crazy me, too, but I share your feelings about “sick vacations”. I had the flu over Christmas several years back and enjoyed books, movies, peace, and the view from my window—happy different Christmas memory! Merry merry to you & yours and all best wishes—including with your new computer!

  75. Terri says:

    Merry Christmas to you both!

  76. Christine says:

    SOOO good to hear from you!!

    We will have 4 generations this Christmas as we have our first Great- Grandchild! They all really are great but she has the official title! May you and all the girlfriends have a blessed New Year and a very Peace filled season!!

  77. Rebecca says:

    So glad you and Joe are home and that you weathered a bout of the flu with such a wonderful approach! My daughter and I got “something” and while folks encouraged us that it was probably the “24-hour variety”, we seemed determined to one up those folks and get something that just dragged and dragged! I did, however, take a page from your book apparently, and checked out a movie from our local library that the whole family enjoyed. It was “Holiday Inn” with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. I’d never seen it, but it was cute.

    Have a blessed Christmas and thank you once again for the untold gifts of your books, blog, snapshots, and art that you so generously share with us! Please know it is very much appreciated! Merry Christmas!

  78. LynnMarie says:

    Merry Christmas Susan and Joe! You have been missed but glad you have had a chance to rest and recoup both from vacationing AND that nasty flu bug. Very rainy and cold here in northern Indiana. Vanessa the corgi and her side-kick Frank the mutt and I are just about ready to bundle up and brave the elements to take a quick afternoon walk. Enjoy the holidays and HOME.

  79. doris minear says:

    Merriest of Christmases to you and your family. Just wanted to let you know missed your blog entries. So glad you are feeling better.
    Your wonderful stories about Martha’s Vineyard put me in the Christmas Spirit.
    Happy New Year.

  80. Thank you for all of your lovely posts throughout the year…I always look forward to sitting to read them while listening to MUSICA at the same time! And perhaps with a cup of hot tea. Merry Christmas Susan and a very Happy New Year to you and Joe…

  81. shirley burt says:

    . Did you have furry company in bed with you trying to tempt you with his rubber bands.???? I am glad you had a fabulous trip, have the flu behind you, and now can be merry. We missed you.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.
    Love and bunny hugs,

  82. Gina D. says:

    Missed you Susan! At our house, the cat zones in on whomever is feeling poorly. I’m sure yours did the same. Also, I gave your Christmas book to a close friend who runs a tea business out of her home. She will love it! Each year I read it all the way through, like a juicy novel, and savor the season. Actually, we have your enchiladas ready to bake for tomorrow! Very San Fernando Valley! Merriest Christmas to you always.
    Gina in Virginia

  83. Jane Franks says:

    Hi Susan: So good to hear from you! It must be something to do with travel. I got bronchitis after my trip — but I enjoyed snuggling in, too, and it was more than worth it!! So glad you are better and enjoying the season and friends. We wish you both a Very Merry Christmas and we’ll look forward to the New Year with great joy and anticipation!! Gene & Jane xo

  84. Becky says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan and all! I had a sneaking suspicion you might have come down with the flu bug, when you went “missing” for so long. They say “that which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” and in the case of viruses, it’s true! So glad it’s behind you both. I was in Los Angeles yesterday and it was 88 degrees, so enjoy your East Coast wintery rain and have a sip of your cocktail for me tonight! Blessings all around.

  85. Sharon Lee in So. Calif. says:

    Sooo happy to hear from you, I was beginning to worry. I kept saying I hope she is o.k., please dear Lord let her be alright. So now you are and I am so very happy. A very Merry Christmas to you and Joe and Jack and Girl. Will be looking forward to “catching up again”! Love from me xoxo P.S. Merry Christmas Girlfriends!!!

  86. Susan Roubal says:

    I’m so glad to see your Blog post, Susan! I actually went into my “junk” folder looking to see if I had mistakenly deleted a SusanBranch blog post the “wrong way”. Happily I didn’t find any and then came back to find the new entry! talk about coincidence!
    Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2015 (be sure to get a flu shot in 2015! We just can’t have you getting sick…) …Love from Winter Wonderland in the U.P. of Michigan, Sue R.

  87. Shanna says:

    So glad to hear you are better–we MISSED you! Sending you hugs and kisses this holiday season, and looking forward to 2015 adventures with you, Joe and the kitties.

  88. Kim from Canada says:

    Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year! Take care!

  89. Merry Christmas, Susan, Joe, Jack and Girl Kitty! I pray your holiday will be full of blessings and pure joy!

  90. Hosanna says:

    Thank you for the sweet Christmas post– beautiful, as always. I’m glad you’re well for Christmas. Could you tell me what book that is in the first photo? It reminds me of a Betsy-Tacy book. So sweet!

  91. Barbara Kuzdzal says:

    Merry Christmas my dear! I’m glad all is well. I have to admit, I was getting a bit worried. I just sat down to take a rest and saw your cheery post. Now I can rest easy and enjoy my tea and then fire up for the home stretch of Christmas pandemonium. I’m sure I’ll be ready it always works out doesn’t it? We just have to remember to focus on the important things and the rest seems to fall in place. Stay well !

  92. Kelly J. says:

    Merriest of Christmases to you & yours, Susan! 🙂

    Kelly in eastern PA

  93. Joanna Peterson says:

    Hi! Been thinking about you this week as I’m reading Stillmeadow Seasons, plus I bought my daughter a box full of vintage Fiesta Ware and gave it all a sudsy bath before wrapping it up to go under the tree. Dishes freshly washed have such a glow to them! Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us!

  94. Bev says:

    Wishing you a merriest of Christmas and a Joyous New Year Susan, Joe, Jack and Girl Kitty…it sounds of bliss there on Martha’s Vineyard and know you are happy happy to be back home…:)

    I have a very BIG question for you Susan…will there be a 2015 Full Moon Bookmark??? I LOVE the full moon and your bookmark keeps me on track for each and everyone of them…plus I am a voracious reader and the Full Moon bookmark is my constant companion for the whole of the year….Please tell me I have not missed the 2015 one!!! Thank you so very much!!!

  95. Carol says:

    So nice to hear from you Susan….I thought it was rather quiet and now I know why.
    So happy to hear you and Joe are feeling better in time to celebrate Christmas. Well you know what John Lennon says”Life is what happens when you are busy making others plans”. You are are a big part of my Christmas with your recipes, books, ornamements and ofcourse Elf.
    My wish for you and Joe is that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy 2015!

    Warm hugs to Girl Kitty and Jack meow meow❤️

  96. Ruth E. Rupp says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I’ve been so worried about you and thought I had lost you somewhere on the internet – – – but now all’s right with my world!! 🙂 So glad you had a great time in California – – so sorry you got sick – – so glad you’re better!! Have a wonderful holiday. My four children, their families, and I will be celebrating the reason for the season this evening and counting our many blessings. Lots of Merry Christmas Hugs to you, Joe, and the Kitties.

  97. Ali Honeyfield says:

    Wishing you a happy Christmas from New Zealand.

  98. Susan (in VA) says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan. I’m glad you’re back on your feet in time to enjoy the holidays. I hope you, Joe, your families and friends, and, of course, the kitties have a wonderful time.

    I also want to thank you for the lovely presents you’ve given me this year: your lovely artwork, your recipes, musica, this blog and all the shared companionship with you and the other GFs, and the most fabulous kitty pictures. It’s truly a blessing.

    Take care.

  99. Barbara in NC says:

    So glad all is well again and you can enjoy a wonderful Christmas with your friends!
    Happy New Year, too!

  100. Wendy Louise says:

    Dear Susan,
    Much Love and Blessings to you and yours ! Can’t wait to play catch-up, having a blessed holiday time, the spirit is definitely within.
    Love, Wendy-Louise

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