Hello My Darling friends,
I’m sorry it’s been so long since I said HELLO! And just so you know it’s really me, you’ll need MUSICA! There it is, not Christmas music, but still dreamy and proof positive it’s me!
As of today we’ve been home here on Martha’s Vineyard for seventeen days. Our trip out to California was supposed to last three weeks, but we ended up staying six. It was wonderful, fun, lovely watching the world fly by outside our train windows, spending time with my darling family, making two Thanksgiving dinners, enjoying each other’s company under the blue skies of California with the swooping seagulls, driving across the desert to Arizona to be with Blog Daddy, but then we got home so late and hit the ground running, with just a little time-out for a week of the flu! I think I may be the only person in the world who likes getting sick. I don’t do it very often, which probably has something to do with it, but it is nice when you are suddenly “forced” to stay in bed and watch old movies and read your book
right smack in the busiest part of the year. You stretch your legs under the covers, wiggle your toes, moosh your poor head into the feather pillows and say ooh my throat, and you drink a cup of chicken soup, suck a cough drop and fall asleep and say, soon I will feel better, but I think not
today. Plus Joe and I did it together, so we kind of reveled in it. And now, here we are, back on our feet, counting our blessings, the suitcases unpacked, laundry done, cookies baked, twinkle lights hanging in the kitchen windows, gifts wrapped and sent, I even got a new computer in all of the pandemonium. And of course it’s been wall-to-wall snuggles with Jack and Girl Kitty. Now it’s Christmas Eve, and we are bringing the Bourbon Old Fashioned’s down to my girlfriend Lowely’s house (two doors over) for cocktails and Christmas Eve Dinner! I just wanted to send you a note to wish you all the very Merriest of Christmases, and let you know I’ll be back soon for “A Year in Review” so we can catch up and get ready for 2015. Missing you! Sending Love and blessings to you and yours ~ XOXO
Merry belated Christmas, Susan, Joe, and your entire family! HUGS!!!!
Thanks Sharon!
Hello Susan!
I wanted to be sure you saw the “Twelve Days of Christmas” post on Top Hill’s blog because it showcases all sorts of household objects, including the Coronation tea pot you mention in A Fine Romance! beatrixpotterspatch.blogspot.com/
(I was inspired to check out the website after watching Miss Potter for the first time!)
I did! Thank you Kathleen!
Oh Susan, sooo sorry you and Joe were sick! Glad you’re better now, our grands got sick, first our 6 yr old granddaughter, right after her kindergarten let out for Christmas break, then her brother last week! They postponed our Christmas celebration for this Sunday, now their parents are sick! This has been a bad year for the flu all over the country! I pray it will all be over soon! It has been beautiful and sunny here this week in WNC.
Merry Christmas (yes we can still say that after the 25th!) and have a Happy New Year!
I am late to commenting since it has been a whirlwind holiday season…but it is great to get the opportunity now! I hope your Christmas was merry and happy and filled with love this year, Susan (and Joe ….and GK and Jack). Xoxoxo
Merry Christmas two days later Susan and Joe and the fur babies. Gee, you even make getting sick fun. Susan you always have a way of making me feel so much better than usual. Kudos for that! I went away overnight on Christmas and I hated leaving Louie, my cat. One night. He got over it, but will I? I was so excited to receive a Susan Branch 2015 calendar for Christmas! Someone really knows me!!! I was elated. Have a good week winding down the year and look forward to a new one to come. xo
Glad you’re feeling better. Got your calendar for Christmas….as usual…..and I think it’s one of the best yet!! Great job!!
Thank you so much Leslie!
hi susan… so happy to see that you are all well and back on track..especially at this very special time of year. We too were blessed (?) with the crud and are finally out of the woods. I knew when I saw the Bourbon Old Fashioned’s making their way to the Christmas Eve celebration, all was well again! 🙂 I must admit though…we had a hot toddy or two trying to conquer the crud!! So happy you had such a wonderful fun family-filled trip out west. That is truly a blessing…. Happy New Year to you, Joe and the kitties….looking forward to all 2015 will bring!!! cheers!!!! love, cindy
ps…I am crazy about my new calendars and desk blotter that Santa brought… an everyday blessing…….thank you xo
Merry Christmas to you and your cozy household Susan. So sorry to hear that you have been under the weather, but glad that it was only the flu. We can handle you having the flu…you seem to know how to manage it the right way. When we don’t hear from you for awhile, we start to wonder and feel uneasy. We enjoyed Christmas in Nova Scotia with my daughter and family. We got a special, unexpected gift on Christmas Day. My daughter showed great delight in wanting to do dessert for Christmas dinner. (I should have known something was up). She wouldn’t let anyone in their cottage, even locked the doors. When time for dessert, we found a cottage full of pink and blue, and a cake on the table, also decorated in pink and blue. We were told that this was the night we were all going to find out what our new grandbaby was going to be. Only the Dr. and the baker of the cake knew. The filling inside the cake would tell the tale…9 said a girl and 5 said a boy. She cut the cake and I could tell by the look on her face (she didn’t know either) that the filling in the cake was pink (she wanted a girl). We are having another granddaughter. The best Christmas gift ever. Keeping all of the GF’s in my heart and prayers this Christmas…those experiencing the good and the not so good. Sending God’s blessings and love to all…Merry Christmas.xx
LOL, giggling actually, that was adorable! Congratulations Rhonda!
I have to admit that it was pretty special…the next best thing to actually being in the delivery room with her. We all got to share in the excitement with them as a family. Just knowing me, I’d enjoy the cake a whole lot more than the delivery room. So everyone wins!
PS I forgot to tell you that she is due around the 15th of April. Wouldn’t it be just like this little one to be born on your birthday. Now that would be a blessed child and more than a blessing to us. Fingers crossed and sending up prayers.
A spring Baby, new hope, new life, perfect. xoxo
Yes me too, count me in for the cake! 🙂
Glad you are on the mend, dear Susan – happy holidays to you and your household! And, I must say it is totally delicious to hear that you are home working on your new book once again. I hope you have many peaceful winter days of painting ahead.
p.s. Spotted an old Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle figurine in a local antiques shop and she came home to stay (picture on my blog).
p.p.s. Love the Lois Lenski illustration, made me sigh with happiness – loved her book “Strawberry Girl” when I was little.
Susan, Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year! I took your suggestion and sent a little Elf my wishlist from your website…I was delightfully surprised on Christmas morn’. There under the tree, your original Address Book as well as the beautiful HOME SWEET HOME pine scented draft stopper just beaming with Christmas joy! Yippee for me 🙂
So sorry to hear you and Joe had a run-in with the flu! Lots goin’ round this time of year. My one year old son and I are both battling a nasty head cold this week. I long for sick days as you describe them in your post above. I imagine by then my babes will be grown and I’ll be wondering where the time went! Glad to hear your both on the mend.
Enjoy these last quiet days of the year. God Bless!
I am a huge believer in Wishlists . . . just got my sister and her kids signed up on a few . . . I never like to ask, but I always wish to give my people something they really do want! Good for you JoLynn ~ so much better than having to be your own Santa in order to “get what you want!” Yes, you are so smart, these lovely days do pass much too quickly. xoxo
I’m so glad to hear you and Joe are well! Here’s hoping you had a wonderful Christmas. I just finished making “sliced oranges” from your Christmas from the Heart of the Home book. They’ll refrigerator overnight and we’ll eat them tomorrow morning with French toast. They look almost to beautiful to eat! Thank you, Susan, for so many years of comfort and joy.
My pleasure Linda, thank you right back!
Hi Susan, Your Santa favors Joe. Was he your model? I really enjoyed you sharing your train journey with us. It would be so nice to have passenger trains between major cities around here. Glad you are all feeling better. Lynda
Yes, he was my model, sat there ever so patiently while I turned him into Santa, which wasn’t as much of a stretch as people might think!
Pressing my “Like” button! 🙂
~ Good Morning and Merry Christmas ~ Happy New Year!~
This sure was a different holiday here for us~ colds~ flu~ sinus and ear infections ~yuck! ~ Sickness ran thru the family and spent from Thanksgiving to Christmas in various stages of ” The Crud” ~Maybe because it’s been in the 40’s here? It’s crazy!~ Really let me see how health is often taken for granted! ~ We had a Brown Christmas ~ the rain and warm temps made sure of that! ~ BUT THEN….. the Spirit of Christmas came through and things got done little by little OR not….and it was decided that “‘It is what it Is” and the important things ~ family~ friends~ health are the true gifts of Christmas ~ one mor stile we will do Christmas which is fine with me! It goes too fast for me anyways!!!~ Merry Everything & Happy Christmas ! ~ Lynn
Same to you, hope you’re all on the mend and ready for 2015!
~One more time I meant~
And I thought I was a bit crazy to “like” being sick sometimes. I am sick right now, it started Christmas evening, so I am snuggling under a big blanket and watching all the Christmas movies I can, drinking copious amounts of hot tea and Christmas cookies (have to keep up my strength! And there is healing in Christmas cookies!). Glad you and Joe are feeling better. Looking forward to a brand new year! We are all so blessed in many ways.
That was my own prescription to a “T”! Enjoy! It may not come again for ages!
~ I forgot to say we also watched a long lost (Christmas) movie ” The Shop Around the Corner” with James Stewart & Maureen Sullivan. L ast night we watched one I haven’t seen in forever ” The Black Stallion” what a beautiful film to watch!!!
Merry Christmas to you too! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for 2015! Are you still working on your Breakfast cookbook? I love the angel ornament!
I’ve kind of set it aside for another book I’m working on, but right now, I’m painting for the 2016 calendars.
Glad you’re both feeling better. The flu is no fun, but it sounds like you and your happy gene found a way to enjoy it! Loved the Perry Como musica! I haven’t heard “Wanted” in years and could still sing along. A Happy, Busy, Healthy New Year to you and Joe!
You too Barbara!
Am I posting things the wrong way that you are not getting them?
Or am I posting in the wrong place?
I think you’re doing them in the right place. . .
I was beginning to worry about you not writing a blog, but then figured you were as busy as the rest of us with wonderful Christmas preparations. Glad you are well and up and running. I gave the Girlfriend bead to two very special friends, and they just loved them. Thanks for sharing your creativity in so many ways. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Same to you Cora, nice to hear from you!
Hi Susan,
So happy to see your blog post. I totally understand…busy, busy, busy. Moving just prior to Thanksgiving has taken its toll on us. Somehow, we got a tree up and all the family gathered in a room without furniture around the tree…. we piled up quilts and pillows and everyone could help themselves to one. We played games, ate tons of food, and laughed til we cried. There is so much to tell you, but I have to carve out the time to do it!! I’m very happy your time in CA was fun…even though your time went to 6 weeks, I’m sure it was all meant to be….and now you’ve got your nose to the grindstone….or paint pots! Glad you’re both feeling better….all the best in the New Year!! Oh yes, that new grandbaby has been TONS of fun around here!! The house will certainly be empty when my youngest, her husband, and new baby and dog head back to CA. We’ve all certainly enjoyed our time with them!
Talk soon…. xoxo Joann in CO
Susan, Merry Christmas and a happy healthy new year to you, Joe, kitties and evryone here! Glad you’re both feeling better. Thanks for all the joy and inspiration you share <3
Hi Susan,
Belated merry Christmas wishes to you and Joe! I am so pleased you are back up to full strength and as busy as usual! Poor things having ‘flu…but glad you made the best of it! We have been fortunate to have a lovely Christmas time and a couple of nights away in The Cotswolds…sheer magicalness, bliss, peace and quiet all rolled into a fabulous old pub and hotel..an old mill!
I am so pleased you’re aboe to find time to write again…as you can see, we’ve all missed you!
Stay week now and Happy New Year to you and all your girlfriends everywhere!
Karen x x x
Yikes! Are you doing moon bookmarks this year? They are extremely popular in these parts.
Enjoy the new year and all that it brings.
Coming soon Liza . . .
Happy New Year! I was”under the weather” as Mom said to me and am glad you’re over it too. No fun in the holidays when time with loved ones is precious. I thought you were not posting because of Christmas prep time. I’ve also wondered if a “moon” bookmark for 2015 is coming? Love them as it makes me look at the moon during each month, talk with people about moon phases and names of each moon of the month. Just wondering…
Coming soon, watch the blog! xoxo
I’m so glad to hear you’re home and feeing better. I hope you and Joe had a wonderful Christmas and that you will have a happy and healthy New Year.
I love the little angel ornament on the picture you posted. Is she for sale or do you have directions to make her? I love, love, love angels and she is just the cutest!
No, I’m sorry, she’s just one of my oldies but goodies, a favorite through the years.
Dear Susan, I’ve been following you for a year and this is my first comment. I found your blog by searching articles for old quilts. I read all the prior blogs over two periods when my office was closed for two big snows we had here in Tennessee last winter. Like so many of your readers, love the simplicity of homemaking, baking, collecting “all things old,” sending Christmas cards, and having friends over for meals. I lived for two years in New Hampshire in the early 1980’s and immediately loved that state and New England in general.
Your writing is thoughtful, informative and inspiring. After practicing law for over 20 years, I moved to a judge position last year. I am hopeful that the reduced hours (and maybe stress) will enable me to sew, cook and garden more and share my “home goods” with others.
I’m happy that you are feeling better and I’m hopeful you have a wonderful New Year!
You’re a judge Robin! How wonderful, congratulations! Nice to meet you! Happy 2015!
So sorry to hear you were not well…and glad you are better! My online shopping experience with your site was lovely..my sister LOVED her owl salt and pepper shakers and my nieces the signed copy of your New Autumn book. Something I thought to start their hope chests! The blotter was all gone, but Sherri let me know that Amazon had a few left, so I now can enjoy your calendar all year!!!
You were kind enough to sign my copy of the original Autumn on the Secret Weapon page in SLO last year as this really has helped my Thanksgiving and Christmas preparations! All my very best to you this holiday season. I hope the new year will be filled with health, joy and good fortune for all of your family.
Thank you so much Dear Kristin!
Wow, glad to see you back on the Blog. Just getting back from Christmas myself. Must say I was honestly getting worried that something was seriously-up, even though I kept telling myself “Hey, Susan [a] is allowed to slow down a little if she wants, [b] could be wildly-busy settling into home after being away so long [c] is cranking like crazy to get ready for Christmas etc. Sorry the flu was the reason for your absence – for your sake I wish it had been one of my ideas instead. But very glad to hear you’re better. Joe too. Did you get a flu shot this year? I heard on the news it wasn’t a very good marker this year and more of us may end up getting it anyway, shot or not. Anyway, don’t do too much too soon. The human body can deal with an awful lot if properly rested. Maybe cats and dogs have it right after all- sleeping 18 hours a day. PS – yum, bourbon old-fashioneds! Now that sounds like a cure for the flu if ever I heard one. My grandmother’s drink – she loved them. Now, I’m off to order the “Autumn” book for my sister’s birthday. When I told her it was in print again she become – well let’s just say – excited. And I told her “my treat” even though we really don’t do birthday presents in our family anymore. This is her Senior Citizen birthday so I figure she deserves a treat… OK take care now and be good.
Thank you Janet! We are all better now . . . Hello to your Senior Citizen!
Hi Susan! You may have gotten a new computer, but I think I got the better gift!!! My new Susan Branch 2015 Heart of the Home Calendar!!! Ha! 🙂 I also got a new camera, but I too was so sick with the flu I could only get out of my bed for 40 minutes to watch presents being opened and then right back I went! No dinner for our family or anything – Mom was not cookin’ this time! (I have to admit that I enjoyed a little sleep for a change), but would rather do it without the achy body next time 🙂
Blessings for the Happiest New Year ever Susan! Glad you are safely home 🙂
Hope you’re feeling better Con!!
On the last day of the month, I always say, “Calendar flipping day!” and joyfully turn your calendar page to the next month. This time will be even better, as I have the blotter to turn, now, too. I try not to peek, but the blotter has all the months on the cover, so I already know, it’s going to be a great calendar year. As you can see, simple pleasures make my heart sing!
I do know the feeling Diane! 🙂
Soooo wonderful to hear from you again, dear Susan! I am so glad that you and Joe are feeling well now!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I was going to write to you before Christmas and tell you something, but I was so busy! EVERYONE was at our house this year, and it was wonderful!
This is what I was going to tell you – Now would be the perfect time for you to read, SONG OF YEARS. Aldrich’s description of the main character’s feelings about Christmas Eve are incredibly wonderful! When I read it for the first time, years ago, I was astonished that someone put into words exactly how I feel about Christmas! Anyway, don’t forget to read the book sometime! (remember, you told me to keep reminding you!)
Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA
P.S. A cute story: I bought your calendar for my daughter, as I do every year. Unbeknownst to me, my son and his girlfriend had also bought one for me (yay!). On Christmas Eve, when my daughter opened hers, my son told me later that his girlfriend (from the Czech Republic) whispered to him, “I think Rachel accidently opened your mom’s gift!”
Song of Years! I love that you remind me! I am in the middle of the Peabody Sisters right now, but I will DO this next!!! I should have done it ages ago!
Sorry I got to this so late but I was over come with things too! I’m sorry you and Joe were sick but happy to hear you are in the pink again. It has been a challenge for me this year as my husband has to have back surgery the 9th. But we enjoyed a super Christmas with our daughters, son in law and his mom! I hope you all had a super time too and wish everyone a wonderful 2015!! Hugs to all.
Blessings on you and your husband Cyndi . . . soon it will be over and he will be on the mend and make a wonderful 2015!
I hope it is not too late to wish you, Joe, the kitties and all the girlfriends (and boys!) a very Happy New Year. Wishing everyone special blessings and peace in 2015! Certainly one of my greatest blessings this past year was finding your blog, Susan. The joy it brings can’t be measured. Thank you for sharing yourself in such a very special way! God bless!
You know, I had a feeling you were sick. I kept checking in every day and found same ole same ole. So glad you are both feeling much better. I really have missed you, my dear.
Happy New Year Susan and Joe! I am so happy you made it back from your trip and are better from your flu in time to celebrate the holidays! I was hoping to order a new calandar for my purse (check book style) but alas, sold out. Please make more, pretty please? I wish you all a wonderful year in 2015!
We had a banner year for calendars and I think we’re almost sold out of everything — you might check Amazon though.
Susan, glad to hear you are on the mend. My Christmas was straight out of the pages of Job, but I have done a few things to ameliorate that — including ordering and receiving a first edition of Dorothy Thompson’s “Once on Christmas,” from Abe Books. I have an MFA in children’s lit, but find I always have something new to learn. Thank you so much for making this sweet little work known to me. And, of course, I now finally have my own “A Fine Romance” and “The Artist’s Way” starter kit. You are a wealth of knowledge. I truly believe in that quote “One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.” And you are one, but by no means small, continuous treat. All the best to you (and to all of these kindred spirits) in the new year. Mwah!
I think between those books you have a lot of inspiration coming your way! It’s a lovely way to think. Enjoy!
my goodness with 434 comments, you will need to be sick in bed again to have enough time to read them all….since i am 435, you may not get to it, but just in case you do, i must tell you a short tale. for christmas, i was gifted with your book-a fine romance. well apparently, unbeknownst to me, you are my twin and we were separated at birth…that’s right, you have a sister….a soul sister anyway. your’s is the best book i have read in FOREVER and since i may not get to england, i am having the best time reading all about it. and to THINK you have seen hill top….oh my GOSH. i am green. green with envy. i am caught between wanting to read as fast as possible to see what lovely locale you visited next and wanting to read s l o w to savor each page and make this little peach last as long as possible. i am in love. so many of the thoughts you’ve had and the things you enjoy are my loves too. thanks for making my holidays merry and bright with your beautiful pics and words and handwriting and kitty talk and the fact that we are close in age….i LOVE people my age…everyone is so young these days! write more books…a similar martha’s vineyard book would suit me very well….!
LOL, I know, going back to bed now! Thank you for all the nice words about A Fine Romance! It was a very fun book to do, I’m so glad you like it! xoxo
Sharon Stanley…welcome to the fold…you’ve caught Susan Branch Fever…it’s the only fever that’s wonderful to get !
Love that we all talk to each other!
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda I chi gyd! Happy New Year to you all!
Karen x
Happy New Year!
We all hope you are feeling better and will be back soon. I am praying for your Dads health and your peace in whatever the situation is.
God Bless.
Thank you Vida!
Rabbit Rabbit and happy new year to you and yours!
Oh, Susan! Belated Merry Chrustmas and now Happy New Year! I have to tell you that once again, as I change out my old Susan Branch calendar for the new one, I can’t bare to part with the old one! It’s too beautiful. I guess I’ll clip out all the pretty sayings and art work and add them to my diary. Just too precious to get rid of!
We had a busy Christmas with my husband having knee replacement surgery and now recovering, I’m playing nursemaid and realized what a saint my mom was as she took such good care of my stepdad for years! I joke and say I’m more like Annie Wilkes in Stephen King’s Misery…..but really, I’m joking here! We are feeling blessed that soon he’ll be taking walks with me again!
Merry Days, Dears!
Won’t be long Sarah, and then of course, he owes you one! 🙂
Rabbit, Rabbit and Happy New Year, Susan! Hope the first of January finds you feeling very well and truly happy. We’ve missed you on the blog, but everyone needs a little down time (even if it was flu-enforced). Here’s to a year of new wonders wherever you wander. Found this quote from Tennyson yesterday and posted it today … here’s hoping it’s a portent of what’s ahead for all of us: “Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.'”
Making it happier . . . thank you Vicki!
Happy New Year Susan, Joe, and Kitties! I hope it’s filled with continued love, joy, happiness, and good health.
I hung up my SB calendars today! Well ok, I did it last night. I couldn’t wait anymore. Already have found inspiration in the quotes & sayings for this month. God bless you and yours in 2015, Susan and Joe! Please give Jack and Girl Kitty kisses on the nose from all of us girlfriends out here. 🙂
Happy to do that for you! 🙂
I so hope that you are well and nothing is wrong…..miss reading your bog.
Life just got too busy and I had to deal with it, but nothing is wrong, all is well ~ I’ll always do the best I can!
Hi Susan,
Is it just my computer, or maybe your new one but the blog font is ordinary type, not your normal font? Just curious. The comments are in the normal font.
Happy New Year!
Diane Marie
Is that still true Diane? It may be my new computer . . .
It might be too late to wish you a Merry Christmas, but I’m still in time to say, “Happy New Year” and thank you for your wonderful blog. It’s a joy. You’re wonderful.
Happy New Year Jody!
Hi Susan
I am just catching up in blog land, hope you had a wonderful Christmas and great New Year, so looking forward to hearing of your adventures and posts in 2015.
So sorry you’ve been ill. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed your messages, recipes, photos and memories on your blog spot. I’ve gone to Twitter to see what has happened to you but it isn’t the same. Your blog has helped to cheer and comfort me during some very difficult times the past few years and I really love it. You’ve helped me see there is still joy and beauty in a world that has seemed impossibly bleak. Please don’t switch everything to Twitter.
Don’t worry, I won’t. Thank you dear Sherri. xoxo
I hope i am entering in the right place to be in the drawing for your valentine book, i would love to have the chance to win this.
Not sure what Valentine book . . . it might be an old drawing . . . but there’s going to be a new one soon, so keep watching here!
You are so blessed!
I feel it! xoxo
Thanks for a wonderful post. I am planning to reread the Best of Stillmeadow. I will read one chapter a month. January in January, February in February. I can think about Gladys’ month in Conn and look out my window and see my month in the South. Does this make sense? Happy New Year!
Perfect sense!
That was very nice. . . thank you. It made me remember our own year!! Loved the bikini clad oreo cookie!! A lot of us just might be feeling that way. 🙂
A blessed 2015 Susan and Joe and Jack and Girl Kitty! So nice to see your new post. I too have been battling bronchitis/sinusitis for 13 days now and I think I’m ready for this to be over. Tea with honey, a good book, homemade chicken soup and lots of snuggles from own kittys and hubby somehow is the very best medicine of all. God Bless Us All in 2015 XOXO
Hope you are better Janis!
Happy New Year Girlfriends!!!
We just got home from WI last night. I am so confused and never know what to wear. LOL My husband’s hometown of Merrill was -18 on Tuesday with lots of snow on the ground, my part of the state near Milwaukee was warmer and grayish-brown until we started out Saturday morning. Today, Sunday, we woke up to pouring rain in VB and it got up to 72 degrees!!! BTW even though Door County wasn’t white for Christmas or even New Year’s Eve the wind was bone chilling! WHOOSH!!!
Sending the happiest New Year greetings as we batten down the hatches embracing another Winter storm forecast of 1-3″ nothing in retrospect like WI is having this weekend, oh the winters there I wouldn’t be able to handle, I’m more of a warm bunny basking in anything above 100º. Have missed reading your blog but will catch up soon. ‘Tis wonderful hearing you’re on the mend. Happy January!! ♥