Hello My Darling friends,
I’m sorry it’s been so long since I said HELLO! And just so you know it’s really me, you’ll need MUSICA! There it is, not Christmas music, but still dreamy and proof positive it’s me!
As of today we’ve been home here on Martha’s Vineyard for seventeen days. Our trip out to California was supposed to last three weeks, but we ended up staying six. It was wonderful, fun, lovely watching the world fly by outside our train windows, spending time with my darling family, making two Thanksgiving dinners, enjoying each other’s company under the blue skies of California with the swooping seagulls, driving across the desert to Arizona to be with Blog Daddy, but then we got home so late and hit the ground running, with just a little time-out for a week of the flu! I think I may be the only person in the world who likes getting sick. I don’t do it very often, which probably has something to do with it, but it is nice when you are suddenly “forced” to stay in bed and watch old movies and read your book
right smack in the busiest part of the year. You stretch your legs under the covers, wiggle your toes, moosh your poor head into the feather pillows and say ooh my throat, and you drink a cup of chicken soup, suck a cough drop and fall asleep and say, soon I will feel better, but I think not
today. Plus Joe and I did it together, so we kind of reveled in it. And now, here we are, back on our feet, counting our blessings, the suitcases unpacked, laundry done, cookies baked, twinkle lights hanging in the kitchen windows, gifts wrapped and sent, I even got a new computer in all of the pandemonium. And of course it’s been wall-to-wall snuggles with Jack and Girl Kitty. Now it’s Christmas Eve, and we are bringing the Bourbon Old Fashioned’s down to my girlfriend Lowely’s house (two doors over) for cocktails and Christmas Eve Dinner! I just wanted to send you a note to wish you all the very Merriest of Christmases, and let you know I’ll be back soon for “A Year in Review” so we can catch up and get ready for 2015. Missing you! Sending Love and blessings to you and yours ~ XOXO
Susan, was watching “White Christmas” this afternoon while checking email etc. and there you were . . . counting our blessings! Glad to hear you’re back on your feet. Enjoy this wonderful season of love and giving!
You too Nonnie!
A very merry and blessed Christmas to you and Joe, Susan! We already know it’s going to be a wonderful New Year! Sending love from here on the farm – a hearty “hee haw” from the donkeys, assorted clucks from the chickens, and a sweet woof from the dog.
Thank you for my first hearty Hee Haw of the day!
Merry Christmas Mary Ann!
Welcome home and Merry Christmas. We are still trying to get over the flu. It really hangs on.
Just making me tired now . . . requiring many naps and early to bed!
Merry Christmas, Susan! Good to hear that all is well and that you, Joe, and kitties have settled back into your home and routine! I agree that having a “forced” rest is good! I especially relate to “stretch your legs under the covers, wiggle your toes,…”. But it is sad today, Christmas Eve, as a carload of my family, gifts, and delicious food, just backed out of the driveway and drove off to our son’s family Christmas Eve celebration and church service an hour away…without sick ole me. Sigh. Double sigh.
Again, a very Merry Christmas to you, Joe, and kitties! So good to hear from you!
At least I can warm up some chicken soup! I will enjoy the Peace of this season from the comfort of my cozy bed.
There is something to be said for that Charlene . . . get well soon, stay cozy!
Thank you!
Merry Christmas to you, Susan, and to Joe! What a fun time of year. Glad you are well enough now to enjoy the festivities. It’s exciting for us this year – we have a new grandbaby! Baby girl was not due until February 1, but her family was at a Christmas party the evening before and she decided she wanted to be here for this Christmas! No fair that big brother and sister are getting to have all the fun! Here’s looking forward to another great year with the girlfriends – and I met a new one right here on your blog! And your blog is absolutely the best! <3
Congratulations on your new grandbaby! The perfect Christmas gift!
Merry Christmas to you, Joe, and the kitties! We enjoyed dinner last night with family by candlelight from the lovely candles you told us about from the Holy Nativity Convent. It added such a special, cozy, touch. Wishing you all the best and a bright new year!
I feel the same way about those candles, extra holy and peaceful, and they smell so good.
So sorry to hear you’ve been sick Susan, but glad to hear you are better now, and happy you made it home in time for Christmas. I know it was wonderful for you to see your family and friends, but there’s no place like home! Merry Christmas to you, Joe, and kitties! hugs from Sharon
Thank you Sharon. xoxo
I was getting worried until the girls on Friends of SB told me you had the flu. So happy you are both better! Merry, Merry Christmas!
Yes, I think Kellee mentioned it so people would know I’d be back soon.
Glad you and Joe are better and ready to go for Christmas. I enjoyed your twitter posts about your trip. And I’m happy you’re home to enjoy the season. I love your description of being sick. You always see the bright side of things, which is a wonderful way to be! Merry Christmas!
Same to you Margaret!
Merry Christmas to you and Joe. I’ve very much missed your blogs, and appreciate all the time that you devote to writing them. They enrich my life. I may be the second person in the world who doesn’t mind getting sick. Like you, I sometimes feel it’s the only time I’m forced to stop and relax. Looking forward to your year in review.
Yes I know, you forget to slow down until you have to! Merry Christmas Marian!
Thank you!
A very Merry Christmas to you, Susan & Joe, and many blessings in the New Year. So good to hear that you are home safe and sound…..hoping that your sweet dad is doing well also. Much love to you and all the girlfriends too, Miriam
Thanks so much Miriam!
Dear Susan and Joe….have the most blessed and holy Christmas ever! Ya know…
bed rest is good for ALL ailments. Too bad it has to be forced! You are our prize and are sooo glad that you are here to teach and advise, to encourage and help in all the different personalities of all your multi-faceted friends.
Enjoy each day of the most WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR:-)))
Toni from Sylvania OH xoxoxo
We are, so much to be grateful for ~ another lovely day in paradise. xoxo
Merry Christmas Susan! Raising a bourbon old fashioned with a toast to you and Joe for many blessings in the year ahead! Love, Karen
Thank you Karen, and to you!
Dear Susan and Joe,
With warmest wishes for a Very Merry Christmas! God’s blessings to you both! With love…………Gail and Joe Buss xo
Thank you Gail and Joe!
Hi Susan, Here from a little book of “Proverbs for Daily Living”, December 25, so simple and so true: “Cherish now your loved ones dear, for Christmas comes but once a year”…….. Merry Christmas Everyone and may the New Year bring you peace, joy and love beyond measure……from soggy NJ
Thank you Carol!
Susan, your people in California are wonderful. We are counting are blessings. Sherri got our order to us today, in time for Christmas. Thank you so much for all your great books and great people. Have a Merry Christmas.
They are the best. One of my many blessings, I can depend on them to try their hardest. Not everything is perfect all the time, but that’s not because people don’t try and who could ask for more? Merry Christmas to you too Kelly, thank you!
Hi Susan,
I keep meaning to write to you, but the season has had me so busy! I kept thinking if only I didn’t have to sleep, I could get it all done! I’ve been worried about you since you haven’t posted for so long. So sorry to hear that you and Joe have been sick. No fun at all, even if you make light of it! Hope all is well in CA and AZ. Wishing you and Joe a very Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful time with your friends tonight.
Thanks Carol . . . almost time for a long winter’s nap and something tells me we’ll need it!
Happy Holidays, Susan! I always enjoy reading your blog and I like the products on the online webshop, great customer service b.t.w. I was wondering if it would be a good idea for you to create a Guest Book. My friend just started to rent out a part of her house and I told her she needed a Guest Book and then the idea popped up. (Would also work for when you have people coming over and stay at your house). Happy X-mas for you and Joe and the Kitties!
I love guest books, so fun to read, that’s a great idea Eline!
Merry Christmas Susan, Joe, Jack and Girl… and everybody else too
And to you Rachel!
Merry Christmas Rachel!
Merry Christmas! It is 6PM here in Idaho and it has been snowing for an hour—wind is a blowin’ and snow is a snowin’!! We have had very warm temps for several weeks 50 or so and now we have snow for a White Christmas!! Mom turned 99 years young last Thursday so we will have our little Christmas (just the 2 of us) all warm and toasty ! Glad you are well and home safe. I bet the kitties were happy to see you after being gone so long..poor babes! Merry Christmas!!! Linda from Idaho
Stay cozy Linda, Merry Christmas to you both! xoxo
So sorry you had the flu, how miserable. The only good thing about it is that you got to be sick in your own bed and not the train or a hotel room. Have a wonderful Christmas both you.
Very good thinking Sharon, yes, you are so right!
So glad you are over the flu in time to fully enjoy all the love and fun of this season – a very Merry Christmas to you and Joe, Jack and Girl! May it be a time of many blessings for you!
Thank you Penny!
Dear Susan, Merry Christmas to you Joe and the kitties! Your pictures, drawings, recipes, and words have been a wonderful part of my year! Your 2015 calendar will be hung in a few day. I just love looking at it whenever I go into my kitchen. And a MAC…you’ll love it! So user friendly! Love, Linda
Happy 2015 Linda!
Thank you Susan, and I hope that you and Joe and the Kitty Cats have a Blessed Christmas with friends, family to if you are so fortunate, and yummy things to eat and drink, and memories and and love.
XOXO Paula!
Merry Christmas! As always, I’m so happy to read the life joys you share with us and I do look forward to each new installment. When it started seeming as if it had been “awhile”, I started picturing you in warm light, just in case whatever was keeping you was not entirely delightful. Hope you and Joe are thoroughly well again!!
I love your “picturing” — thank you Dee!
Was really nice to get your email! Wishing you a joyful Chrustmas. You bless my life,
Looks like you must also be a fan of the author Maud Hart Livelace, the illustrator Lois Lenski, and the Betsy-Tacy books. I think the illustration at the top if your posting, is one of the Betsy-Tacy books? I love that series. I was born in 1952, which may be about when you were born? I am an April birthday too. I think you are? Anyway, the Betsy-Tacy books are ones I love, and my daughter–now grown– loves too. I hooe to pass that love on to my granddaughter. I love the illustrations also. I also enjoy illustrator Lois Lenski’s books, which she wrote and illustrated. Are you familiar with the authir/illustrator Marguerit D’Angelo? Hope I spelled that correctly Look her up–I think you would enjoy her. Thee Hannah is one of her books–another way to look her up, in case I mispelled her name! I love children’s books!
I’m with you Gerry, love them too. That drawing was by Lois Lenski, you have a good eye! From a tiny book called Once a Christmas by Dorothy Thompson. Marguerite de Angeli … yes, lovely sweet illustrations. Merry Christmas Gerry!
Merry Christmas eve Susan. I checked this blog every day for weeks and knew something was up. Sorry to hear that you were sick and I was delighted to see the new blog posted today. Enjoy your Christmas Eve celebration with your friends and have a Blessed Holiday.
Thank you Dot!
I meant to write Maud Hart Lovelace. Also it’s Marguerite De Angeli.
I need to check better, before posting!
Merry Christmas to you & Joe, so good to hear from you again ! The flu has hit here also,our granddaughter, my husband & myself. Thank God, I was well enough to enjoy dinner with the family tonight. Nothing like being in you own home for the holidays. So glad you had a great trip. Fortunately we missed a few inches of snow,too.
Home for the Holidays . . . no wonder they write songs about it. xoxo
Holiday Greetings Susan!
Tears came to my eyes this morning when I found your new blog! It was evident to me that you were not well as we hadn’t heard from you for such a long time. Welcome back!! You made my day – afterall, girlfriends always are there for each other and you have to know that we all love you and feel so special to be part of your life.
All the best to you and Joe and your kitties!
Merry, Merry Christmas and have a lovely holiday season. We have missed you.
I knew you were there Michele! xoxo Are you getting snow up there?
We have had nothing but rain for three days – probably the same where you are. I do feel sorry for the ski areas. Are you getting excited about Downton Abbey starting on Jan. 4? Can’t wait to see what the new season will bring!
Warm Wishes again,
Can’t wait! Such a perfect time for it, right after Christmas when everything slows down and we have time to enjoy!
Hi Michele…my name is Cindy Maulin and I live in St. Louis, Missouri. I just wanted to tell you that my husband and I passed through your beautiful town a couple of years ago on our way home from Rangley, Maine. We didn’t stop for a long as we should have, but we realized real fast that it is a special place. It’s wonderful to hear from someone who lives there! Blessings for a wonderful New Year!! cindy
Merry Christmas to you, Joe and of course the kitties. I am glad you’re feeling better and enjoying the holidays. See you next year
I’ll be there!
Merry Christmas to you and Joe. Glad you are feeling better and hope you enjoy this most special time of the year. Cheers!
Thank you, I have it all to myself right now, just the Christmas lights, me and my tea — still dark out, looks like our part of the world is still asleep, and thought it was a good time to say Merry Christmas to my girlfriends,
So glad that you are well! We were genuinely concerned. You are important to so many people and have so many friends out here in blogland!
The whole of my family is home tonight – eight kids + one new son-in-law and a son’s girlfriend. A full house and a wonderful treat!
Have a wonderful day tomorrow and, of course, a fabulous 2015. And, as always, thank you for your inspiring posts in the last year! You are the epitome of creative coziness!
Please throw my good wishes into the happy pandemonium! Merry merry to all of you dear Jake!
Merry Christmas, Susan and Joe! So glad you are feeling better. I’m watching Christmas in Connecticut and thinking of you…tomorrow we go to our son’s home. I’m looking forward to being with the family. I forgot to tell you what Suzanne wore to the Downton Abbey event. She and all her employees wore darling bib aprons. It was fun to see some of the previews of the upcoming season. Can’t wait!
Have a wonderful new year!
Nancy (from Bakersfield)
I’m sure the store was magic. You’re lucky to live so near and be a part of it!
Dear Susan
, Wishing you and yours the happiest of holiday seasons.
Glad you are feeling better…I was worried about you…had not heard from you for so long.
I was also sick and out of work for a whole week! There is a type of flu not covered by the vaccine that is making a lot of people sick this year.
Hope all the girls are good and enjoying the holiday festivities.
So glad the days are getting longer now….thinking about planting for the spring already!
Have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing anything new from you
Kathie from Limerick
I’m glad you’re better too Kathie!
THERE you are! I was beginning to think something horrible happened to you! Thank heavens you’re all OK. MERRY CHRISTMAS. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
All’s well Sondra!
Welcome back, Susan!!! So glad to hear that you are well now and back in the saddle again. (And dear Joe,too!) You truly were MUCH missed!
I hope that during your “in bed” time that you were able to see
“Christmas in Connecticut” at least once!!
Wishing you and Joe, the kids, and all of your family a VERY happy Christmas…and only the BEST in the new year! (I have been following your blog now for nearly a year and have so enjoyed it…I very much look forward to it…and all of your adventures in the new year!!)
May God bless you…always…
Thank you so much for brightening my 2014!!
Thank you Judy . . . and yes, I can practically recite the script for Christmas in Connecticut by heart! xoxo
I figured something was wrong its not like you to be away from us so long. So very glad you recovered before the big day. Merry Christmas to you and Joe you were so missed by all us girlfriends. Hope tomorrow is special for everyone in the world
I second that emotion! xoxo
Merry Christmas !!!!!
Merry Christmas to you Susan, and to Joe and the kitties. You were missed!! I was really worried about you. So happy to hear you are both feeling better now.
Stay warm and well and enjoy the holidays. Happy New Year!
Thank you Lisa, we’re much better!
I have two wonderful Christmas gifts to enjoy this year…my 91-year-old Mom, who was VERY ill and not expected to live, is still here with me. And I bought myself a Susan Branch calendar, Merry Christmas to me! I know the coming year is going to bring some dramatic changes in my life (pretty sure I will no longer be married) but I am peaceful and know that whatever happens, God’s in charge. And He gave us the best present ever…His Son. Merry, Merry Christmas blessings to you Susan and to all the wonderful girlfriends.
Blessings on you and yours Elizabeth and strength and courage for what comes. xoxo
Elizabeth, I wish you peace for the unpeaceful days and joy to follow the changes ahead. You are loved and appreciated as part of the community of girlfriends.
Merry Christmas to you both! Still cherish the visit in Cayucos on that nice sunny day! And I like to think that your visit helped to bring RAIN to the area. We now have green hills in Paso Robles and that is terrific! Extremely grateful that you are both home, safe and sound. You are both special to all of us. And to the BBF’s out there in the world MERRY CHRISTMAS!! XXXXOOOO Pat from Paso
Hi Pat! Me too, cherish, it was just a wonderful day. Congratulations on the green hills! Merry Christmas to you! xoxo
Wishing you and Joe the happiest of Christmases Susan, glad you’re both over the flu and back on your feet. It’s a wet and windy Christmas here in England, but still so much fun to be had! We had the most wonderful time on The Vineyard in October and went to lots of places I’d earmarked from your blog over the years. Wishing you all (kitties included) a wonderful 2015!
Seona x
Hi Seona, we’re also having wet and windy here, although it’s still dark so I can’t see it, only hear it! Merry merry to you and yours! xoxo
So glad that you had an interesting and good trip, and that you’re back home safe and sound! You no doubt needed the “down” time that the flu provided, but I’m so glad that you’re feeling better now and can enjoy the Holidays. May you and Joe have a warm and wonderful Christmas, and may 2015 be kind to you and to everyone you love!
The same heartfelt wish for you Lynn, thank you xoxo
Merry, Merry Christmas to you and Joe…so glad to hear that you’re felling better and the twinkle lights are up and the kitties are getting lovin’. Love, Carole
Thank you Carole!
Dear Susan, It was so wonderful to hear from you! I was concerned that perhaps you were sick after your trip. Glad you are feeling better! Thank you for sharing so much love from the “heart of the home” with us. You touch so many of us with the beautiful and simple joys of life! Of course, one of my favorite gifts under the tree this morning was my 2015 Calendar…and I was thrilled to see that your photo on the back was from when my daughter, Sarah and I came to your book signing in Ohio. Wishing you and Joe a blessed 2015.
Oh! Isn’t that fun! xoxo Thank you Ruth!
Ho~Ho~Ho & Jingle~Bells! It’s Here! Merry Christmas Sweet~Elf~Sue & Elf~Joe & Elf~Girl~Kitty & Elf~Jack! I’m Happy
You Are All Better! Elf~Herbster & Elf~Me Are Sending You “Mistletoe~Kisses” Warm Hugzzz & Lots of Love For The Merriest Most Joyful Holly~Jolly Day! Yay! Be Merry & Bright & God Bless Us EVERYONE!
Merry Christmas To All & The Most Blessed New Year! Twirling into All The Wrapping Paper & Bows!
Pass The Egg~Nog Please! xoxo Poof! 
Hi sweetie pie!
I Love Christmas Sweet~Elf~Sue! xoxo Poof!
Me too AngieTink!
MERRY CHRISTMAS Susan, Joe and kitties! I am sorry you and Joe had the flu and at the same time, but I glad you are feeling better and ready for the New Year. I certainly hope that Amtrak does better in the coming year. I want to be able to travel by train one day just like you and Joe . . . it appears the perfect way to travel across our beautiful country. My last Susan Branch package for the year just arrived yesterday * Christmas Eve * in pouring rain here in South Carolina! Perfect! My Christmas Present to myself! Your California Crew are AMAZING because I just placed the order on the 18th! I cannot wait to open it this evening when we get home from spending Christmas Day with our family. I (along with all your other girlfriends) have missed you over the last several weeks, but I am so glad you took extra time to spend with your family. I know you will treasure the memories made forever. I just started reading A FINE ROMANCE for the THIRD time * I enjoy it so much * thank you for sharing it with us. Enjoy these last few days of 2014 back at home with the kitties. ~ I am so looking forward to your next book, Sharon
Thank you Sharon!
So happy to hear from you! I was worried that something terrible had happened! Not that the flu is not terrible, but you know what I mean. Wishing you and Joe all the quiet and happiness of a Christmas Day in your home with Jack and Girl Kitty!
Thanks Winnie!
Merry Christmas, Susan and Joe. Have a wonderful day!
Thanks Lynn!
Just want to add my voice to all the others, Merry Christmas Susan, Joe and kitties. So glad your doing well, I too was concerned because we had not heard from you for so long.. So happy your back ( I was reading older posts to get my Susan fix). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Same to you Kathleen!
Merry Christmas, Susan!
Happy New Year Jan!
Merry and Blessed Christmas! Thank you for all the beauty and happiness you have given to me, and all the world!
xoxo Kristi!
You have missed! I have been checking the blog often, too. Sorry to hear that you were sick. This Christmas we have one of our kids on the couch with that nasty flu. Not the best Christmas for her. Gave my other daughter your 2015 calendar. We’ve been looking at it this morning. So far she loves the month of March the best… I can’t decide! Merry Christmas to you and Joe. May your day be filled with joy and peace.
Thanks so much Patty! xoxo
Merry Christmas, Susan and Joe and kitties! Santa brought me Autumn from the Heart of the Home. Also Stillmeadow and Sugarbridge, and Christmas in Connecticut DVD which I’ve never seen. Just a little Susuan Branch influence on my gifts this year. =)
Oooo, Santa was berry berry good to you! You’re going to have a lovely winter!
Merry Christmas Susan and Joe and Jack and Girl Kitty.
Hearing from you is like hearing from family.
I’m so glad you and Joe are on the mend. Here is to a healthy rest of the winter.
Happy New Year, too!
Thank you Carolyn, you too!
Don’t you just love all these “get well” cards? Knowing how much you were missed must fill you with great happiness. Your 2015 wall calendar awaits the New Year. Welome back!
I missed everyone too! Yes, I love them all! xoxo
I’m so happy you and Joe are feeling better. However just because you are feeling better, doesn’t mean you don’t have to continue taking it easy. Do your best to stay in the slow lane for awhile so you get stronger and stronger. Wishing you, Joe, Girl, and Jack and very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2015! I can’t wait to open my 2015 desk blotter, I really missed it last year. With joy and love.
I’m trying. Gentle is my middle name. Walks, painting, naps. So glad you got your blotter — was surprised to run out so early!
Merry Christmas dear all! It’s a beautiful, cold, sunny Christmas day here in CA after yesterday’s fog, rain, clouds, & sun! Sue & Joe so happy the flu has fled, sorry it visited you, but at least it was a time for togetherness! Loved popping in to your blog, so beautiful, thank you! xoxo
Nice to see you Joan!
Merry Christmas, and thank you for the present of a new blog post. It’s what I was hoping for. Wishing you and yours much health and happiness this season and the coming new year.
Same to you Peggy!
I have also missed your blog post. So glad you and Joe are feeling much better. The same thing happened to me. I think I just had a really bad cold and my resistance was down so I couldn’t fight it off. Put me in bed for 3 days with the 4th one starting to feel better just a couple of days ago. It was quite nice not to have to do anything but read and watch TV and sleep. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – 2015. Can’t believe I just said that. I would love to visit Martha’s Vineyard someday. One of my granddaughters (she is almost 17) wants to come too. Maybe we can make it in 2015. Keep feeling better! Brenda
Thank you Brenda! Glad you are better too.
Merry Christmas to you and yours! So glad you are home and feeling better! Just delivered homemade dog treats from our three dogs to all of their four-legged friends. Thirty-five bags of goodies to more than 50 dogs that made all of the pups smile! Must start on the Valentine kitty catnip mice as soon as possible!
It is sunny and breezy here in California! Counting our blessings while watching all of the bird activity in the garden.
Happy New Year!
Angels at work!
Merry Christmas, Susan and Joe and everyone of you who bring joy and a sense of community of like-minded individuals to this blog! You have all kept me feeling less isolated this year when my ability to get out and about has been reduced. What a wonderful experience, to connect to hearts and ideas and laughter this way. Thank you and may your New Year be full of adventure, discovery and most of all, contentment.
From sunny Washington State on Christmas Day Afternoon.
A lovely wish Jennie Lou!
Festive greetings Susan and thank you for letting us know you are fit and well again. Christmas Day here in the UK is just drawing to a close but I hope you and Joe are still enjoying a wonderful holiday time together, have fun!
Love from,
Ann in Thame xx
Merry merry Ann!
Merry Christmas Susan! My children gifted me with a new white tea kettle just like one we saw in a photo of your stove. I’ll think about you when I make tea with my new kettle in the morning. Hugs! Laura
Hello mDear Ms. Susan,
I haven’t talked to you in so so long, and I’m sorry for that. Life has been hard and I just didn’t know what to say but we are coming up on a new year, with new beginnings so I thought I better get ready for my knew start. We are out east seeing the our guys dance in the, “Nutcracker.” My older one is the Snow King this year so I am very excited to see him perform and the younger one is doing, “Russian,” so that should also be exciting. Then we are all going up to D.C. to see the Winter Classic hockey game. Our beloved Chicago Blackhawks vs. the Washington Capitals. It was all part of their Christmas presents. We also drove our youngest son’s new car/Christmas present/surprise/he gets the payment book too/surprise /!!!! We are all healthy and the husband got a new job, woo hoo after leaving the old one. Well I have many blessings and I am sure I will start feeling better soon. Oh, I tell you about my culinary experience a little later. It was all good but it didn’t quite work out how I planned. Life has a way of getting in the middle of things, doesn’t it. Merry Christmas to you and Joe and so happy you are feeling better. <3
It all sounds wonderful Patti . . . hopefully the tough parts get better soon! xoxo
We saw the Nutcracker last night w/my Matthew as Snow King. I cried like a baby. I always feel the same way everytime I am in the audience watching our sons. How very lucky I am to do this year after year. We went back stage and I held them and just cried tears of happiness with them. Yes they cried too. They said it helped them through the show knowing me and their dad were out there watching them. This was the first time I have seen them with Richmond Ballet. I wish I could put into words what it feels like to see them on stage !!! Oh and fyi the husband kept ditching me b/c I was telling everyone (complete strangers) the my son is the Snow King. He was like so totally embarrassed, but you would think after 35 years of me he’d know what I do. I am coo coo about my kids and family and I want the whole world to know how great I think they are
Happy New Year, I’ll tell you how the game goes, weather looks good so yea <3
Merry Christmas Susan-so happy when I jumped on the computer tonight and saw your blog. I have been looking everyday and wondering if things were ok with you. Glad you are back and feeling so much better. I bet Jack and Girl were glad to see you both when you got home. I know they must have missed you both terribly! Have a Blessed Christmas and a Wonderful healthy New Year! Hugs your friend Kathy!
Thank you Kathy!
We had a very Merry Christmas today with our family and tons of delicious food and our 3 grandsons to help us with tons of Christmas spirit. The 12 year old was trying to be more grown up, but the 5 year old and the 3 year old were not. It was a fun and wonderful day and that is my wish for you and Joe that your day was MERRY and FUN and WONDERFUL!
It was! Thanks Barbara!
Merry Christmas, Susan…so glad you are over the flu and feeling better…It was a Susan Branch Christmas here in Wells with many items from your wonderful website, including a tea infuser, some of your exclusive gingerbread cake tea, an Emma Bridgewater mug (the gorgeous pheasant one), plus a new teapot and tea kettle. We’ll think of you when we brew our tea and toast you, too, with each tasty sip.
Happy New Year to you and a healthy one, too.
Nancye T., Wells, Maine
Happy teatime Nancye! xoxo
Hi Susan,
We are loving the tea, infuser and mug and plan to buy more tea and another mug or two for our collection….hubby is the real tea drinker (I am a coffee gal)…so I bought the items for him…he was skeptical at first, but after his first cup yesterday morning, you made a new convert…he wants me to buy more of your special blends…and I tasted the gingerbread tea and enjoyed its flavor…plus, the aroma is so enticing and I love making the tea with that cute little infuser…so adorable. Thanks, Susan and enjoy the rest of your holiday season!
Nancye T., Wells, Maine
Fun to have an adventurer for a husband! Thank you back Nancye!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I’m glad to see you back in my inbox. I’ve spent 2 with the flu at once time. Time itself took on a strange surreal quality…..or maybe it was just the cold medicine working! Peace to you and the world.
Thank you Diane!
Glad to know that you are recovering and hope you have enjoyed time with friends during this lovely season. May the year ahead bring many blessings your way. ox
Thanks Betty!
Hi Susan,
A very merry Christmas from the Netherlands! Here, we are celebrating the second Day of Christmas today. We are not having a white Christmas (we hardly ever have a white Christmas) but it is getting colder, so that’s a start! Wishing you and Joe a very happy Christmas time on your beautiful island! Love from Elisabeth
Same with us, not white yet, but moving in that direction! xoxo thank you Elisabeth!
I have been checking each day to see if there was a post and then got busy with Christmas and checked back today and here you are! Just like a belated Christmas Gift! Yay! I am so very sorry that you have been poorly. Very happy that you have recovered just enough in time to enjoy your Christmas together. Hoping and praying that each day you feel a little bit stronger and before too long you are back to your hale and hearty self! A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Wishing you both (and the kitties) great health and prosperity and more blessings than your cup can hold in 2015. Thank you so much for all that you gift us with throughout the year. xxoo
PS – My sister LOVES the book. I knew she would. It’s impossible o NOT love it! Looking forward to your next one!
Nice to hear that Marie! Happy New Year!
That should say, “to not love it” lol
So glad you’re feeling better and back in the swing of things in time for the Christmas rush. This year everything seemed to be done early with not much fuss and plenty of time to enjoy the true meaning helping to fill and distribute food and gift baskets to the needy from our church. On Christmas Eve, I took my Dad to the Dr. to get results of tests for what he thought was a fractured rib. We were told he has advanced lung cancer with mets to the ribs,spine and hip and we’ll have him with us only a few more months..too advanced for treatment. That night we had our family gathering of about 40 people at my house. It was oddly the best Eve our family could remember. All 3 babies born this year were here as well as my nephew that came home on leave from the Army to surprise my brother. There was joy everywhere!!! My Dad seemed very serene. Everyone who could possibly be here was. He WILL be 84 at the end of January. It’s just so odd that what logically should have been a difficult Christmas was one filled with spirit and gratitude .
Love is bigger than anything, and gratitude that you have each other, that was just lovely Cindy, thank you for sharing. Blessings on your dad and all of you. XOXOX
Wishing you and Joe a truly wonderful Christmas season. Thank you for sharing your life and art with us all, and please allow me to thank you particularly for setting up the ‘Penpal’ scheme on your blog. Through it I have made a lovely new friend, and letters fly backwards and forwards between Scotland and CT, USA. My penal and I found that we have so much in common and it has brought much joy. So thank you for that Susan, and for all the goodness you bring to the world XX
Isn’t that wonderful! Love hearing it Penny!
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas, Susan. Just had to tell you that I made your creamed onions and sweet potato casserole from your Christmas book with my Christmas dinner. First time I had tried either recipe, and they didn’t disappoint. In fact they were the most popular side dishes. I never had creamed onions before at all, but they will definitely become a regular addition to my menu. Happy New Year and hope you feel right as rain soon.
So nice to hear that Ellen, thank you!
Happy Boxing Day! Susan, I hope you, Joe, the kitties, family and friends all had a Happy Christmas. So sorry to see you both were ill, our bodies certainly have a way of making us stop when they need a good rest. Enjoy the rest of the holiday season and many blessings in the coming year.
~ Jamie
Same to you Jamie!
So glad to see your post this morning. And so glad you and Joe are on the mends. That flu is nasty stuff. I had it as well and rest and chicken soup were my go to mends. Plus my grandmothers Hot toddies as well to soothe the throat :). Anyway, Hope your holidays were magical. Here’s to looking forward to the New Year and 2015 and your amazing posts.
Thank you Debbie!
Soooo glad you are back! I was really getting worried about all of you. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas & I look forward to hearing from you again soon!
Good morning Jane!
Merry Christmas to you Susan and also to Joe. Lest we forget the kitties…. Merry Christmas to them as well.
I’m so sorry to hear that you guys came down with the flu! Although it sounds as though you are having fun being sick, I’m sure you’re not. It does give you a break from life though, doesn’t it? Take care and take it easy.
Had a great Christmas with the family!! It’s so quiet now. Will also have a quiet New Years Eve.
Until next year……. xoxox,
Carol M
We have a few people coming to sit in front of the fire on New Year’s Eve. And of course, eat.
Hi there again, I just had to tell you I made that beautiful Kale salad for our Christmas dinner and it was a big, big smashing hit ! It was so pretty on the table and I thought to my self, I was filling everyone up with really healthy food. So Thank-you for sharing wonderful, healthy, ideas, tried and true ! So many blessings everywhere. oxoxoxoxoxoxox
You are the bestest !
LOVE healthy food at the holidays! A little balance to the fudge and cookies is a very good thing! xoxo
Nice to have you back…and healthy…and enjoying this most beautiful season. Happy, healthy New Year to you and yours! Hugs, Vicki
Same to you Vicki!
Merry Christmas! though a few hours late! Good to hear from you and glad to hear you are all better. Gave quite a few Susan Branch products for Christmas! Thank you for all you do for us! Love you Girlfriend! <3
Thank you Vicki!
Leave it to you, Susan, to consider being sick a blessing to be enjoyed! I am glad you both are feeling better after your respite snuggled in bed. Merry Christmas and a glorious 2015. – Fawn
Thank you Fawn!
Dear Susan and Joe,
Glad you are feeling better and able to celebrate! and in the end it only matters that you are together and sharing these days with loved ones. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!!
Same to you Mary Ann!
So glad the flu has passed in time for Holiday fun!! Twinkle lights are the best to brighten the days.
Even with the flu they were cheerful! I think I’ll leave them up!
In Scandinavia, they leave Christmas trees and lights up far into January to brighten the night because it is the darkest time of the year. We leave our tree up at least until the middle of January here in Minnesota–really is nice to see the twinkling lights on in the darkness…
That is what happens when you do do do do do…then you just have to clasp…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…all the best to you and yours for 2015
Thank you Hillaire!
Merry Christmas, Susan,
My husband Rick and I are tucked inside sharing the flu, also. We will celebrate our “Christmas” New Year’s Day, hopefully. Our family has much to celebrate this Christmas with my grand niece being born two weeks ago – Harper Ellen – the sweetest of all angels. Beautiful, chubby and pink….the perfect Christmas gift.
Many blessing to you and Joe in the coming year. You are one of our special gifts all through the year.
XO Mary
Congratulations on Harper Ellen! And feel better soon Mary!
If I remember correctly, our favorite, Gladys Taber, felt the same as you do regarding getting sick and having to slow down. Glad you’re feeling better.
I didn’t know that! But we are both April 12th babies, we have lots in common!
Susan, I knew something was wrong,goodness! So relieved to hear you two are on the lee side of your illness. Keep the hot tea flowing and before you know it you will be back strong as ever.
We walked yesterday . . . gorgeous cold, blue-sky day, that’s proof we’re so much better.
Right back at you, Susan!
Hey there, Susan… so sorry you two have been under the weather, but it’s good to hear you are all better now. The flu, or crud as we call it, has been particularly bad here since Thanksgiving. I’ve escaped it so far.
We’ve not had any snow since early Nov, but that’s okay. The white stuff will be here soon enough, and I’ll be curled up by the woodstove reading James Herriot books (homework for my Yorkshire trip). I also need to get cracking on your recipe book for my two daughters who have Feb and March birthdays. It will take me all of that to get them both filled out! The girls will be SO surprised!
Speaking of books, how is yours coming? Any idea when we can expect it to be released? I hope we can pre-order it!
My best to you & Joe and the kids!
We both have our winter’s cut out for us! You are going to LOVE your James Herriot! I’ve been painting for three days now, so fun, up early to do it this morning. And then, back to work on the book!!! I haven’t been able to touch it since we went away last October, so I’m very much looking forward to it. Thank you Sara!
So happy your both on the mend! I, like so many others worried that you had something happen to keep you away so long. Glad you were home for Christmas and well enough to enjoy it. I love to be “forced” to rest….oh what a “calamity” it is ….ha ha…hee hee………………….so nice to snuggle down and just rest, sleep, read…..move my feet back and forth under the covers….yes…it’s terrible to be sick… Now of course the flu IS terrible and when your head hurts too much to rest then…well…. I’m glad your both better… Just wanted to say how very dear you are to my life and to say thank you….for seeing the world so “sweetly”.. always makes me want to better my little place in this great big world… You really have made this world a happier place…. thank you
Thank you back Evangeline!
Blessings to you and Joe! Being ill is no fun, but at least you could be ill in your own home/bed which is a happier place if you have to be ill. Take good care…….
Much better!
Susan, finally here I am. So glad you are feeling better and able to enjoy your CHRISTmas! But, so sorry to hear you guys were a victim of the flu;( We had a wonderful Christmas with family. Our Great Grands were so fun to watch as they opened their gifts! Glad to see you again on your blog!
Nice to see you too Gert!
Susan, I think I left my comment in the wrong spot! Don’t know how that happened.
Oh, it’s OK, I read them no matter where they go! Thanks Ruth!
Love your perspective on being sick. I agree; I was just thinking last week after not using any sick days this past year (and being completely exhausted from working in retail management) how “pleasant” it might be to be in bed for a day with a book and some tea. But I reminded myself what a blessing it is to be healthy, of course. Happy New Year to you!
Hmmmm, I see a vacation in order!
Good Morning Susan from snowbound UK ~ but not a flake of snow where I am so I shall pout and sulk a while ~ but not too long for it is a beautiful Winter’s day, minus the snow, and the most must be made!
Hope your cold is all gone now!
I’m going off line for January ~ my lovely Mum is not very well, and as I am her sole care provider I must devote my attention to her well being, and social media is far too distracting!
I took myself off for the two days over Christmas and I’m just having a little nose around today to see how everyone is, how they enjoyed Christmas, and to let everyone know I won’t be around. I’ve already deactivated Twitter and Instagram so I cannot be tempted to peek!
Starting my post Christmas detox today! Next time you ‘see’ me I will be a little thinner hopefully
~~~waving from Across The Pond~~~Debs in Wales xoxo
Busy time of “getting things done” for you Debs! We’ll be thinking about you . . . best to you in all the good endeavors!
Merry Christmas! This is our first Christmas without my parents. It has been a long, hard year but my family has been focusing on gratitude, memories and helping others. Our Christmas was different but one of love and sharing. Please, please, please create a new Christmas Memories Journal! I’m finishing up my fourth one and discovered I can’t get a new one :(. Help!
Yes, I’ve been hearing from lots of people about that book! I’ll try!
So glad to see a posting from you–a nice Christmas gift! I missed your posts, and went back to read some of your earlier holiday blog posts. Making the flu into a mini retreat is one of the many reasons why we love you! When you got a lemon week, you made it a lemonade week! I’m glad that you and Joe felt better in time to celebrate Christmas. My 2015 Susan Branch calendar is on my desk–ready to go up next Thursday! Happy Holiday Week!
It’s been so peaceful, I love this space between the old and new year. xoxo