Good Morning Girlfriends . . . Thought I better write now, because there’s a storm coming!  MUSICA It just started snowing on the island, soft and light, but “an unprecedented blizzard is bearing down on the eastern seaboard,” the TV is saying, “heavy, blowing, drifting snow, even thunder snow; a catastrophic, crippling, potentially historic, rapidly-building, MONSTER of a storm, with hurricane-force winds, coastal flooding, and wide-spread power outages (for days if not weeks) that will leave millions stranded in their homes.” That’s what they’re saying. Yikes! 

Kiss boring goodbye

calm before storm

I took this photo out our dining room a few minutes ago just before the snow started; it’s so quiet, the sky is white and it’s 28°.

snow house

I thought I’d tell you what happens around here during a snowstorm so you don’t worry, even when the boats stop running, the planes stop flying, when the wind blows like a hurricane, the electricity goes off and we are stranded in our homes and can no longer communicate with the outside world, I don’t want you to worry.  Because I’m telling you we are fine. Actually more than fine.


our house

We’re lucky because we’ll be here at home and our house is very sturdy.  It was built in 1849 . . . this is it from the front around the turn of the century . . .


Here she is, from the back, in the lovely calm after a storm.  She was built by an arctic whaling captain, she’s like a strong ship in a white sea; Captain Smith gave her very thick walls; so far, she has seen 166 winters and through them all she’s kept everyone safe. We are confident that she will do it again. We love snowstorms. Especially here, it’s almost like a little party.



All magically decorated for the party . . . our world is hushed with a quiet grandeur.

Fascinated Jack

Fun to watch for the whole family.

Bon Appetit

We are ready.  First thing to think about: food.  We’ve been turning down corners on the pages of the January issue of Bon Appétit, the “healthy issue” ~ there were so many delicious-sounding recipes to try ~ right now we have enough food in the house to feed the whole neighborhood.

Old recipe boxes

we are ready

Jack in the woodpile

We’re set with lots of extra batteries, flashlights, dozens of candles, several oil lamps, a big stack of oak wood in the back hall . . .

cozy fire

How bad could it really be?


Joe brought in the snow shovel and put it in the pantry (so it doesn’t get buried) ~ he’s filling the bird feeders now ~ and most wonderfully perfect of all, we have a gas stove just when we need one. We can boil water for tea, and heat up slices of delicious Boston Brown Bread . . .

B & M Brown Bread

. . .(so good with butter for tea), and keep ourselves toasty in the kitchen (in case the furnace goes off).  Blog Daddy just called to talk “storm-talk.”  Yesterday, over the phone, I told him I’d read in Bon Appétit how to fry “juicy eggs” (which is what we called “over-easy” as kids) so the edges are really crispy. We made them for breakfast yesterday . . . they were gorgeous, edges so crisp, as Joe said, “you don’t need toast!”  My dad tried it this morning and gave it two big thumbs up; he said I should give you the recipe.

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SO, here you go, it’s really more method than recipe: for crispy-edged fried eggs:  over medium high flame, heat a heavy skillet until it’s almost smoking, add 1-2 Tbsp. olive oil to pan, gently break an egg into the pan, s & p, and cook until it’s done the way you like.  (I cover the pan with a lid ~ that way it cooks from the top too and I don’t have to turn the egg and chance breaking the yolk.)  For this, you get a perfectly cooked egg, a bubbly white, edged with well-browned crispy egg white.  Yum!


birds eye view

And while we cook and stay warm . . . just outside our kitchen windows, we are entertained . . .

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cardinals IMG_5614. . . by cardinals, chickadees, finches, nuthatches, and sparrows

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birds at the feeders

And woodpeckers . . .  we can watch the birds fluttering on the feeders while the snow whirls around them.

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squirrel jump

Between the birds, the wild turkeys and the squirrels there is lots to keep track of!  So you don’t have to worry about us!


wonderful world

We have sweaters, down blankets, books, and kitties . . .

Girl Kitty

Who could ask for anything more . . .

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. . . than warm cozy fuzziness in a winter storm . . .


I have lots of painting to do which I can easily do in candlelight.  I like it.

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no electricity!

It makes me feel like Beatrix Potter.  All quiet, suddenly it’s 1899, no machines can talk yet, just a lovely silence of crackling fire while the storm beats against the windows, me in candlelight, wrapped in blankets my grandma knit for me, drinking tea and eating crispy eggs. Really, how bad can it be.

domestic bliss

this morningThis was me early this morning . . .

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So don’t worry about us.  We’re excited.  It’s one of the reasons we love living here.  We are never bored.  If it lasts too long, we walk two doors over to Martha’s or Lowely’s and drink.  🙂



And play mahjong or Rummy-Q.  And if the snow lets us, we’ll do our favorite thing, bundle up and crunch down the middle of the street (no cars) into town and explore, maybe find something open, go in, see everyone from Smallville, out for an airing, pink-cheeked in big jackets and boots, hats with snow on them, clomp our feet to get the snow off. My prayer is that everyone is safe in their own versions of Smallville.

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Joe made us a fire

Joe just announced, he’s going to the market. “What for?” I said watching the fire flickering, knowing that we have more food than we need right now.  “I don’t know,” he says already wearing his beret, tying his shoes, leaning back in the chair, “just feel like browsing.  Any ideas?”  “No, well, yes, I said, “I have this feeling of . . . cinnamon rolls.”  He laughs and gets up to go.  We are in accord. We are storm-proof.

snowy house

Candles in the kitchen

So do not worry.  We are fine.  Even if the worst happens and I’m cut off from computer for a couple of days, unable to “moderate” comments.  Don’t worry. I jolly well shall return!

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Sarah BuntingNow, last thing, Downton?  Wasn’t it GREAT last night?  I mean, I can’t wait to eat cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning and watch it again! I don’t know, but the dresses just seem to get better and better . . . last night was just amazing.  And the lighting! And then, Granny! Edith! Poor Edith! (Granny was so mean to her ~ I would have cried at the dinner table.)  Isobel and romantic Lord Merton ~ Marry him Isobel, have a wedding, get a dress! . . . and Mary!  Mary!  Mary!  What’s wrong with Barrow? Big dark circles under his eyes, syringes in his room? I like Shrimpy, “who hasn’t got a bean.” But snow treenot the nightmare dinner guest, Miss Smug Bunting.  She is beyond the pale.  I gasp when she speaks.  Look at that expression (in the picture)!  I love her, in one way, she is a character that is fun to hate!  How could anyone be that rude in someone else’s house while eating their food?  Bring up Mrs. Patmore? During dinner?  Has she gone mad?  OK, must go get work done.  Hopefully, I’ll be back soon.  Until then, I hope you are safe at home (I’ll try not to worry about you either!), making the best of your day, eating cinnamon rolls and crispy eggs! Stay warm! XOXO

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581 Responses to BLIZZARD OF 2015, PART ONE, Prep.

  1. mary spring says:

    …enjoy this snow, as I already know you will !!.. thank you for the photos and stay well, happy, and warm !..with love, as always…

    • sbranch says:

      On TV news, Danbury Mayor said, stay home, this is good for family time, and he “just knows” spring is right around the corner!

      • Kelley S. says:

        He knows? That’s risky talk for eventual reelection. Love it!

        • sbranch says:

          Brave upbeat of a guy. I don’t know him, but I already like him.

          • Laura Boughton-Schechter says:

            I am lucky enough to live in Danbury! Mayor Mark is always witty and caring. Last night on an all call for the city he reminded us to check on neighbors during the storm . Thought that was great!

      • mary spring says:

        …when my “kids” were all young, we always looked forward to getting snow; we heated our home with wood heat, had plenty of firewood and candles and food …it always was an adventure !!…I still LOVE snow; it’s magical to me…

      • Kathy Phenix says:

        I was born in Danbury and my mother’s family still lives there. It was all about family in Danbury for me!

  2. Donna Szybowicz says:

    When I saw the weather and news this morning at 4:00am my first thought was (Oh No Susan and her family are in harms way!) It’s good to hear you guys are ok and ready. Be careful.
    Donna in Chicago

  3. Jen from Michigan says:

    LOVED Lady Mary’s comment at the dress show “Oh…Yummy!”. All the dresses were quite yummy and so fun to see! Glad to know you are braced and ready for the snow! I think all of us that live in snow secretly long for a good storm for an excuse to snuggle in, watch it from behind the windows, and eat comfort food! 🙂 Enjoy your cozy!

    • sbranch says:

      We are! Thank you Jen, you keep warm too. Yummy!

      • Cathy McCann says:

        Goodness, Lucy and I were chatting this aft, thinking about what your weather might be like, Susan, and we both commented that we are a bit jealous of the thought of hunkering down and staying indoors. Of course, we best bite our tongues, as we have a couple more months of winter here in northern Indiana. But, we wish you warmth and safety as Juno approaches.
        BTW, Susan, I dreamed of my 19 year old Cisco cat the other night (now in kitty heaven) and she was so loving and tender in my arms. The pic of Girl kitty made me think of her, as she would often sit like her, so tall and proud.
        I also wanted to ask you about the bread in a can — never heard of it or seen it before. Is it molasses flavor? And where is it found at your store? Intriguing to me!
        Ok — keep the home-fires burning and happy painting! Ethel

  4. Jan from Northern CA says:

    Well Susan and Joe. My Sis and I are checking in after hearing of the impending doom out your way! Lions and Tigers and Bears….OH MY! Well, from previous posts you’ve made…..we figured you were prepared and that this wasn’t your “First Rodeo”. I mean, you have to batton down the hatches every winter! We just love the photos of the bird feeder. I have a copy of one of the Cardinals as my desktop photo as I write. Well, it’s supposed to be close to 70′ here today….ugg. What happened to winter anyway? We hope for more rain soon. Stay safe out there and enjoy the quiet and firelight and hot coco etc. Hugs to the kitties.
    Jan from Northern CA

    • sbranch says:

      Not our first rodeo! 🙂 Just saw three birds in the white sky flying, heading for the Mainland!

      • Jan from Northern CA says:

        On no….is that a bad sign? I heard the Rodeo comment yesterday from my daughter…..just cracked up… thought you laugh. It’s not as if you two haven’t been through this before. The news media really gets excited about weather these days. Not to say that it isn’t good to have warnings….but sometimes I think they get a bit excited and all that….ha ha. Oh, that’s lol these days….
        Well, do stay safe and we do have you in our thoughts and prayers.

        • sbranch says:

          Not a bad sign, just inspired and off for an adventure! Thanks Jan!

          • Jan from Northern CA says:

            You know, regarding rodeo’s…..I have an old cowboy hat at our cabin. I have to admit, it’s great when it’s snowing or raining for keeping your head and the back of your neck dry. Maybe you should get one for Joe. I know that he love his beret’, but it might serve him better and keep the snow from falling down the back of his neck. Just a thought? Then post a photo for us….please. He’s just such a great guy keeping all the little things done around there. You are one lucky gal! But I’m sure it’s a team effort.
            Take care….I guess I should get back to work. …

          • sbranch says:

            We got him one in Durango CO, and some great boots . . . he wears them every so often, but he saves the hat for Colorado.

  5. LINDA JUNE says:

    Another wonderful blog. Thank you, thank you. I ALWAYS enjoy reading your piece of sunshine delivered right to my inbox. It made me feel sad that I was going to miss out on your monster storm. It’s sunny and 50 (at 10:30 a.m.) here in the Northwest. A rare, history-making weather event here too! Enjoyed hearing about your house and its builder. Helps knowing how it can withstand this upcoming storm.

  6. Kelley S. says:

    Despite your reassurances, I’ll say it anyway: Be Safe. We’ll worry anyway, you know. It’s nice to know you are safe and snug in your wonderful house. As a Southern girl, I’ve only experienced snow a handful of times, and it’s always struck me how quiet it gets. Downton Abbey did not disappoint! That Miss Bunting drives me crazy. Poor Shrimpy. Edith – what will we do with you? And just what was it that changed Mary’s mind about Tony Gillingham? I prefer Charles Blake, myself. He has a merry twinkle in his eye. Stay warm!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I like him too, but for Mary, I would like it to be Tom!

      • Mary Brehm says:

        yes yes yes! Please let it be Tom!

      • Mary S. says:

        Oh, yes! I have told my husband, “I wish Mary and Tom would fall in love!” That would be perfect!

        Mary S. in Fresno, CA

      • Buzz n Bea says:

        Me too!

      • Shirley Wells says:

        I love Tom, but I’m afraid Mary’s too much of a snob at heart to allow herself to choose him. Her loss!!

        • sbranch says:

          You’re probably right, but she is also a pragmatist. And they have so much in common, Downton Abbey and the children, they both care.

      • Shanna says:

        I like Charles Blake, too. He told Mary that he thought she would be bored with Tony, and she may have discovered that herself after a week with him. Charles and Mary seem well matched, but in the back of my mind, there is Tom, too. Wouldn’t that be an interesting twist ending? And what happened to Edith–she became strong and determined last season, and now is back to weepy. Ai yai yai.

        Hope your storm is less fearsome than the broadcasters predict.

      • Yes, Tom…perfect! Off with Miss Bunting’s rude head!
        Enjoy your cozy time in the storm. We sure could use a storm in Truckee, CA. This is the least amount of snow I have seen in 24 years.
        LOVE you blog, books, paintings so very much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. M

  7. Sharon in The Carolinas says:

    Knew you would have all “kinds of wonderful” stuff to say about this storm! I am almost jealous as our weather is so much calmer in North Carolina. My husband says “be careful what you wish for”! BUT..I love the birds on this East Coast line of ours. Spend so much of my day looking out the windows at them on the bird feeders. Enjoy the storm….know you will…

  8. Janet Conn says:

    Oh how wonderful and cozy a snowstorm can be. We are on the outer fringes here in Southwestern, PA. We are only getting 6 inches of snow. It is so beautiful, sticking to the trees and everything. Thanks for such a lovely post. Enjoy the coziness and keep safe.


  9. Lori says:

    Hello Susan! I think you are ready. In fact, all the Girlfriends are probably ready to join you. You make a snow storm sound so fun! We just got about four inches of snow yesterday – just enought to cover up the gray yuk that was left behind and make it all look fresh and white again. Be safe and enjoy … I know you will. <3

    • sbranch says:

      Well, I can say, it would be a lot more fun if you were all here! We would cook up a storm of our own!

  10. Barbara P says:

    Well, I must say, if one has to be housebound during a winter storm, what a wonderful place to be! You have everything one would need and now I can stop worrying about you and Joe (and, of course, the kitties!). I’ll be thinking of you and looking forward to the pictures I know you will be posting once the storm moves through. Stay warm and safe.

  11. Gill says:

    Isn’t it wonderful that the birds know to stock up too! We had quite a blizzard over the weekend and our bluetits were being blown backwards ( first time I ever saw birds actually “flying ” backwards!) but kept on struggling to the feeding stations before it got too bad to be out. Hope you all stay safe, up and down the east coast.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m most worried about the wild turkeys. They’re outside now . . . where will they go?

      • Gill says:

        I guess like penguins in Antarctica they will have to huddle up together and sit it out! Poor things.
        Have you got Dutch Blitz cards? That game is always fun!
        Your cinnamon buns are tempting me… I may have to make a batch for the children after school tomorrow!

      • Kathy says:

        I imagine the turkeys shelter in brush and other cover and fluff up their magnificent feathers and do just fine. I, too, CONSTANTLY worry about the wildlife (and feral cats and stray dogs) in this weather!

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        They will probably roost in trees, hanging on tightly with their little toes and tucking their heads under their wings for the duration of the storm. We see them roosting here and it is so odd to see them up in trees… 🙂

      • Cheyenne Renard says:

        Dear Sue, Is there any way Joe can build a sm open shed or dog house type structure ? I also am worried bout the turkeys my hubby had two as pets a boy n a girl. The boy lived and the girl went to heaven. But they are extremly smart. If you go to youtube a man spent a year with a group of turkeys . I cant recall who sponsored it maybe PBS I do think it was pbs. So go on their site and look up the turkey video excellent . You will never look at a Turkey like u did before, cuz they are amazing and so smart Love to you both Love Cheyenne in Henderson NV

        • Janet in Rochester says:

          OMG, that PBS program on the wild turkeys was absolutely fascinating. I think I saw it last Spring – it might have been a “Nature” program or maybe something independent but it was just incredible. Highly recommend it to everyone. Cheyenne is so right – you will just not think about turkeys in the same way ever again… :>)

          • Janet in Rochester says:

            Had to find a link for the turkey program and here it is – on YouTube. Highly recommend this, especially for birdwatchers and lovers. Program runs about 90 min.

          • Cheyenne Renard says:

            Thank You Janet in Rochester, I will never think of Turkeys the same that was amazing to say the least each SB Girlfriend should see it since we are all of the same trib or cloth. We love life and the animals and creatures God has loaned us. I dont know how to link like you did Janet. We have the best group of Girlfriends ever thanks in part to Sue love her . I want to grad to a birdwatcher got to get some good binoculars first but count me in . Thank you Janet would love to hear from you , My email is Love to you Cheyenne from Henderson Nv. I want to move to bainbridge isle near Seattle Wa. hope to move in summer when its like 110 in the shade ha ha

  12. Brenda Caldwell says:

    I am so glad to see this post…I was just telling my husband this morning that you were to be in the path of the blizzard, but not to worry, you actually love it 🙂 You will be on all of our minds, I’m sure!

  13. Margie Orr says:

    I love the snow too…..we are waiting for some lacey flakes to quiet the streets. ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Used to live on the cape and I couldn’t wait for a nor’easter storm. The best part is hot chocolate by the fire after making snow angels. Your pictures are stunning of the snow. ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Enjoy the quiet enchantment.

  14. AngieTink says:

    OMG! You Are Funny Sweet Sue! I Laughed The Entire Time Reading This Post! lol 🙂 Today’s Musica….Scrumptious! I See You & Joe Dancing in Front of The Fire…. 🙂 Sounds Like You 4 Will Be Just Fine! Sounds Like Fun To Me… 🙂 To Be All Snowed~In Safe & Sound Warm & Cozy & You Are Prepared….I Can Breathe…. 🙂 Whew! Just Enjoy All The Magic of Winter My Dear….Now Downton~Abbey! OMG! So Good! & Isobel Say YES! Oh My Goodness! I Had Goosebumps Watching That Scene! 🙂 & Mary!!!!! WHY????????? What????? Come On! 🙂 & “Miss Smug Bunting” 🙂 lol As Soon as She Opens Her Mouth Yikes! lol 😉 Sue She is Mad! lol 🙂 & Bates & Anna Oh No… What???? Did Anna Do Something?????? 🙁 I Hold My Breath Every Scene with Those Two It’s All Amazing…. I Sit at The Edge of My Seat! I Love Downton~Abbey! OMG! 🙂 Well I’m Sending You Lots of Warm Hugzzz & Love & Kitty~Kisses Sweet Sue & Joe & Girl & Jack! We’ll Await Your Up~Dates….. Let it Snow Let it Snow Let It Snow…. 🙂 xoxo Poof! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Have Fun! P.S. Yummy Eggzzzz & Cheers When You Have Drinks With Martha & Lowely! Byeeeeeeee Sweet Sue See Ya Later! 🙂 Stay Safe Everybody! Winter is in Full Force Everywhere! 🙂

  15. Helen says:

    Stay snug and safe!

  16. Your storm is making the news over here too! We all know it is coming, and we have a smaller storm of our own headed our way too ~~~ storms all around then! oh! boy! Only difference is, the rest of the UK will have snow and we, most probably won’t. Sighs. We can’t do much about the weather, except move and who’d want to do that?

    Being prepared is half the fun ~ making sure the hattens are batched ~ or is that batten the hatches 🙂 ; the pantry and woodpile are stocked and piled high; candles are placed ready to light; books, blankets, torches, games, and hot tea at the ready ~~~ Island Folk and Seafaring Folk are made of stern stuff! Hunker down and let the storm blow out it’s rage ~~~

    I’m having a fried egg for tea tonight too! That’s just how I like ’em too, crispy brown edges, soft, warm and runny yolk ~~~ to dip my home made chips in! {fries} and I’m having baked beans and pan sautéed mushrooms too. Hungry now!

    Stay safe, stay warm, will be thinking of you and sending hugs through the ether ~~~ Waving~~~From Across The Pond~~~Deb in Wales xoxo

    p.s. Please don’t ask me not to worry. I will be watching the news and fretting about you until we hear from you again.

    • p.p.s. Watching our news for information about your storm and blizzard.

      tried out your new way to cook a fried egg and it is the best bloomin’ fried egg I have ever eaten! Agree with Blog Daddy ~ two thumbs Waaaaaahy Up!

      • sbranch says:

        It really is! Best blooming’ fried egg we ever ate too. Never had a crisp edge as good as that one! Love from blustery, blowy, snowy, wild and windy coast!

  17. Diane Gasior says:

    My belief is that Thomas went to see a Dr. about hormone therapy. Remember it was illegal in England to be gay, at that time. I wonder if he isn’t giving himself hormone therapy, which unfortunately, they thought would help.

  18. Lorraine says:

    Thanks for a fun post. I too love being snowed in. This winter has been exceptionally mild – so far. I am enjoying the weather reprieve while it lasts. It’s all good. Stay safe, happy, snuggly, and content – and most importantly, enjoy those cinnamon rolls!

    I agree with you – Miss Bunting is the worst! Good grief! She has no manners at all. I think its very interesting that Lady Grantham has a “suitor.” The art historian (can’t remember his name) has taken quite a fancy to Cora. I can’t believe anything will come of it, but it sure brings out the worst in Lord Grantham… Speaking of bringing out the worst – Lord Gillingham didn’t handle Mary’s news very well – an unappealing characteristic, for certain. Hope she sticks to her guns on that. Yes to Isobel and Lord Merton – so sweet… And yes, what is wrong with Thomas? And how can they make us worry about him after he has been such a rat for so long – forever! But they succeeded – I worry for him and want him to get better. Baxter is so kind. I couldn’t tell what she saw in the magazine that he dropped. If you can freeze-frame when you’re re-watching it, please let me know.

    Happy blizzard to you and yours! Hope to hear from you soon.

  19. Mary Brehm says:

    Hi Sue! Glad you’re all tucked in and safe. You certainly know how to make lemons out of lemonade! Your joy for life is infectious! I am going to enjoy my own smallville as well. I just got home from work(I clean houses) put on my softie pants aka, Pj’s, heated up a bowl of leftover pot roast, and then I am going to plop, literally, myself into my chair and quilt the afternoon away. Hope I can find something good to watch on TV. Stay safe and warm and dry and enjoy. Love Mary<3

  20. Nancy says:

    I told my husband at lunch you on MV were in for it….we lived in South Dakota for five years so I am well versed in blizzards….as long as one is prepared and inside(!!!) there is a definite coziness, a pioneer spirit about it. Of course in SD when the wind stopped blowing it woke me up! Snuggle deep, each of you grab a Kitty, and enjoy!

  21. Monica D. says:

    The photos of your home always make me feel cozy – and painting by candlelight and firelight must be wonderful. I’m in the middle of “A Fine Romance” again and enjoying every single page – especially your lovely paintings. Be safe and enjoy the next few days!

  22. Francine Werlinger says:

    You make your snowstorm sound like such a delight, that I almost wish one like that was heading this way!! We’ve had very light snow amounts so far this year! It’s snowing now, but only a inch is expected. Stay safe and enjoy!

  23. RobinLynn says:

    So glad that you are safe and warm in “smallville”. Your pictures are lovely, especially the birds. I have never seen some of them here in Northern California. All of the “Petals” of my pen pal group loved their calendars and especially that Joe signed them too this year. And Janey in England LOVED the inscription about missing you in the Lake District. I have another pen pal now and I just bought her most of your books so I can’t wait for you to come back to California to sign them for her. You are a blessing to us all. Thank you for making us all feel like family. <3

  24. Pamela says:

    My mom used to make my eggs that way and she called them “lacey eggs”! They were my favorite. Be safe and enjoy! I love to be stuck in the house in a storm. When my five kids were little we’d have all sorts of fun and I’d make huge pots of spaghetti — and hot cocoa after sledding.

  25. Joanna Varga says:

    Oh Susan, I LOVE your excitement for this big first Storm of 2015. I too love being “stuck” inside, because I am surrounded by all the things that I love. My big golden retriever “Lancelot”, a cozy fire and my family. I love the charm of your beautiful colonial on the Vineyard. My family has been coming to your beautiful island, a week or two, every summer since 1988.
    stay safe and cozy,
    from Ct.

  26. jan says:

    Not your first or your last storm. Hunker down and report in when you’re able…

    Wonderful post, btw… Hugs from Evansville…

  27. Claudia says:

    We’re getting it, too, Susan. Unfortunately, we don’t have a fireplace, our stove is electric, as is our well pump, and we don’t have a generator! So, we’re just hoping that the power stays on. Thank goodness we bought a snowblower this year!

    Stay warm.


  28. susie says:

    Susan, Wishing you, Joe and the pets a safe passage through this up coming storm. Sounds like you know what to do . enjoy this snow in holiday. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  29. Susan ( an Ohio gal in SoCal ) says:

    Well if that’s not just the scariest description of an impending storm! Good grief, nothing like frightening folks out of their wits! You are so lucky to have such an old picture of your house. I used to live in an 1800’s farmhouse and would have loved such a treasure. The picture of Jack with the paints is adorable – he has decided he might like to give it a try himself! Art by Jack Branch…has a nice ring to it! You all tuck in and be safe! Enjoy your cozy.

  30. susie says:

    Susan, Wishing you, Joe and the pets a safe passage through this up coming storm. Sounds like you know what to do . Enjoy this snowed in holiday. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  31. 'Tricia says:

    Reading this almost makes me envious – I’m currently living in Las Vegas where it almost never snows (but I’m from winterier places…) So nice that you are prepared, safe and cozy. We’ll miss you for a few days though…
    Take care!

  32. Lorraine from White Plains, NY says:

    The turkeys will probably find a few branches sturdy enough and low enough to keep them above the rising snow. The males should be light enough at this time of the year to find a safe perch! Deep in the woods somewhere…

  33. Pam says:

    Transplanted to Southern California and reading your blog, makes me long for a good storm. As a child living in Chicago, my brother and I loved to go out late at night and shovel the snow. It was so silent and beautiful. Thanks for stirring up some wonderful memories, Susan!

  34. Debra says:

    I just love this post, Susan! We are hunkered down with plenty of food and firewood. My plan is to spend some quality time in my sewing room. Stay safe and warm!

  35. I have to admit, I was not worried one bit about you…no, I must be honest…I was jealous! I still am. Here I am, sitting smack in the middle of the country and we have not one bit of snow! We didn’t even have any for Christmas! (Can you hear me whining? I probably need some crackers and cheese with this whine! *Smile*)

    I know you will be fine, and you will enjoy the snow and the fire and the food and tea…Oh how I wish I was there with you! I would sit very quietly, on a couch, with your cats, and read some of your books! Too late now, they are saying no more flights out to the East Coast this evening.

    So I will stay here in Kansas…with the unseasonably warm weather, stupid sunshine…sorry, I didn’t really mean that. I do love the sun, most of the time. Have fun! Post when you can!


  36. Joanne Yeager says:

    Thank you Susan for another wonderful post.
    It is joyous that so many care about you. Count me in with all the rest.
    Joanne from Seattle

    previous post did not work

  37. Tana says:

    Still………I am a worrier. But worriers are always prepared! You and Joe sound prepared, and that’s all there is to do. And I am saying a prayer for all of you in the path of this storm. I hope everyone is as prepared as you are. Keep us informed!

  38. Bobbi says:

    How great that you are going to document this. One of the first things I thought of when I heard what was coming was how you two are going to handle this. Your photos and script are wonderful. Do keep us all posted.

    Keep warm and safe.

  39. Lynn McCormack says:

    Happy snow day Susan from snowy L I. I do not like Miss Bunting!! So rude!!

  40. patricia ayala says:

    What a great spirit!!
    thank you for assuring us that you,Joe and the kitties will be just fine.
    On my neck of the woods,waiting for a little rain not much but the anticipation is always fun and also making sure our home is as cozy as possible,a bit like yours:)XOXOXO

  41. Lorene says:

    I read all the alarming headlines for your area and and up eastern Canada and thought how ghastly it all sounds. I feel much better after reading your post. You two have it all under control and being snowed in is so cozy and romantic. I believe I am envying you! Take care.

  42. Amy says:

    SO JEALOUS! Here in Baltimore it’ll just be an inch or so.
    No matter! We’re retiring to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan next year where they get 300 inches per year!

  43. My daughter and son-in-law were to leave for England on Tuesday. They were able to get their flights and reservations changed, get her husband’s parents there two days ahead of time to watch the kids, and made a mad last minute dash to pack and get out of Dodge (Boston) before the storm.

    This morning I had a message on the iPad, a photo of a most beautiful building in Oxford. It is across from their hotel. With the words, “We made it!”. Then an invitation to meet at a tea room down the street. I told her I would indeed meet her wearing a pretty hat and my best jewelry. We can dream… 😉

    Enjoy the snow storm!

  44. Mary S. says:

    Susan, I love this blog (as always!)!! I have always loved “dramatic weather”! So where do I live? Fresno, where we have the most boring weather ever!! When my children were growing up and the electricity would go out, we loved it!! We would light our candles and kerosene lamps. Since it didn’t happen very often, sometimes we would have to pretend it was out!
    I have my own theory about Barrow! We just saw the movie, “The Imitation Game” – true story about Alan Turing. He was a homosexual in Britain back when it was illegal, and they gave him a drug called “chemical castration”. I think Barrow has got ahold of this drug and is taking it! And Miss Bunting! She is so infuriating!! The whole show was so very good, I really hated for it to end!!!
    While you’re holed up at home, this would be a great time for you to read, SONG OF YEARS! Yeah!! 😀

    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

  45. Susan from Bainbridge Island, Washington state says:

    Thank you for letting all of us know you two are warm and cozy and safe in your lovely home…Got the kitties to snuggle up with and fire in the fireplace…and oil lamps and candles to get you through the house…or maybe a generator to keep the fridge and freezer running!!! take care, enjoy this time of your lives, walks in the crunchy snow or just looking out the windows at the pristine … about a snowman? or a snow kitty!!!! Enjoy and be safe..we know you are safe….Again thank you for letting us in on the weather condition on MV…….We will all be in touch when you return!!!! WaaaaHoooooo!

    • Cheyenne Renard says:

      Hi Susan from Bainbridge Island, I would love to move there , i have fam from Seattle and areas close to Seattle,Wa. So for me it would be moving back home, A lady by the name of Barbara also said she lives on BB Isle, I would love to know more. What you like about BB and where you would move if you were to do it again. my email is , I have grown Children n its just the two of us. I love reading and sewing n Quilt making. I am a Mixed Media Artist , i love any thing Susan Branch and adore watercolors. I want to learn to paint on China with watercolors. would love to hear from you , I now live in Henderson Nv came from Huntington Beach Ca . Love to you have a great week Cheyenne from Henderson Nv

  46. Patti E. says:

    Thank you for the smile I get after reading your blog. Minnesota is looking pretty good right now! 🙂

  47. Kathy says:

    When I heard about the impending storm (I’m out of touch with the world because I spent the weekend watching Doc Martin on Netflix), my first thought was to check on Susan and Joe and the kitties!!!!!! So happy to see you are ready and are in the PERFECT situation to weather the storm! If we lose touch we’ll look forward to a full accounting of the events of this storm! With lovely (sigh) photos and (sigh) cozy illustrations. The “SIGHS” are because I want to be weathering the storm there too! Take good care!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Kathy, all is well here in Smallville! Storm has passed . . . when the sun comes up, we’ll go out and look around.

  48. Bev says:

    You all look snug as a bug in a rug! Or something like that. Michigan dodge the snow storm and after last winter that is okay….I had enough being snowed in for several winters!! I will watch to see how much snow you easterners get…hope it’s not as bad as they are predicting. Be careful shoveling……sending warm thoughts!

  49. Sue Rideout from Maine says:

    Whenever we had a snowstorm coming my boys would get out the scout camping gear and get ready! They loved when we lost power and had to us the lanterns, cook stoves, sleeping bags, etc. My oldest is married now and he just called to say he has the camping gear all ready!

  50. Peggy says:

    Are you watching Grantchester (Masterpiece Mystery), the series that comes on right after Downton Abbey? I find it rather wonderful too! Not as many pretty dresses though.

    Enjoy the good things of your snowstorm. I live in Texas and would love just a little snow for a change! It will be 70 degrees here this week.

  51. Elske Olijnsma says:

    Oh, Susan, Susan, Susan!

    I can just imagine you and Joe and the cats spending the day while it just snows, snows and snows! Must be wonderful and really truly Beatrix Potter-like! Last Saturday, we actually DID get our first snow in two years time! It looked very pretty, but it started to melt away as soon as it became light. Had to enjoy it pretty quickly, but I know now it’s still possible! And Thursday of Friday we may get some more. Though unfortunately I have to work then 😉 Just my luck! You might like to know that we have a traditional Dutch recipes for days like this: Dutch split pea soup! It’s best made one day ahead, so it gets real thick. The saying goes that it’s at its best when a spoon can stand straight up in it 😉 This is a recipe I got from the internet. You can also add a few potatoes to the soup. And there really is no need at all for weird meat like pig’s ears! This is the recipe, I hope you like it!
    Well, you keep calm and watch the snow! Love from the Netherlands, from Elske

  52. Lyndia from Corte Madera, CA says:

    My heater decided not to work and while waiting for the repair person I decided to check in. While it’s cold, nothing to compare to what’s out there. Yes, we’re hearing scarey reports of the possible upcoming weather on the Eastern shore. You and Joe are such pioneer spirits. It seems if anyone out there will be OK, it would be the two of you. I kept staring at the wonderful tiny watercolor you were doing in the posting. I think it’s your publishing logo. JUST WONDERFUL ! Also, I’ve always wanted to play mahjong. I have an old set from my dear departed auntie. That would be a wonderful New Year goal. . . .learn something new. Keep safe!

  53. Manette says:

    Hot Chocolate! Abuelita’s molded chocolate frothed in (for this BIG blizzard) WHOLE milk is a must! I long for a storm just to have the cozy cup in my hands with a book by the fire.

  54. Sue in Fl says:

    Thanks for letting us know how you manage during a winter storm because I do worry any time I see bad weather headed your way. Guess it has something to do with you living on an island. Sounds like you have everything under control and will be all cozy through the storm. Hope you also have a generator to keep your refrigerator going. Here in Florida we have hurricanes to deal with but luckily not in the last few years here on the Gulf Coast . I’m loving your post as always. They always make my day brighter. Thanks for sharing with us. Stay safe through this bad weather and God bless.
    She in Fl.

  55. Wow you really know how to hunker down in the best cozy way.
    Hope the storm is just enough to make you feel snuggled in with the kitties and the good food. <3
    Yes Miss Bunting ought to get a lesson from Miss Manners. How rude! 🙂

  56. Pat Mofjeld says:

    That egg looks so good!!! Think an egg sandwich for lunch is in order! Enjoy the storm–I’m a little envious. Between your gas stove and the fireplace, you’ll stay cozy. We have 40’s today in MN and are losing more and more of the little bit of snow we had. This has been the oddest winter here…these temperatures are extremely abnormal for January here… 🙂

  57. I pine, I perish for the costumes!
    And Isobel if you didn’t swoon at that proposal your heart has withered beyond hope. Say yes!!!

    PS: Sorry, half of my comment posted all on its own. I don’t know how these things happen. 😉

  58. Mary says:

    oh, I have been thinking of you every time I see something on the TV about the blizzard ! stay safe…it looks like you are well prepared. You have your love to keep you warm ~ perfect ! I just have to tell you, that I LOVE the pic of Jack reaching for the paintbrush, looking like he is just going to pick it up and start painting ! lol! he really does want to be right in the middle of whatever you are doing. He and Girl are both just adorable ! stay warm, girlfriend ! xoxo

  59. Betsy Brunette (and guess what....I am blonde!) says:

    All of us in your fan club hope that it turns out to be a wonderful blizzardly time for all there on Martha’s Vineyard. Since you are really good at choosing the right music, why not ask Joe to announce while he runs into “town” that you and he will host a dance during the days of everything being shut down?! Make it a BYOT (bring your own tea) and expect each guest to partake in the games you suggested. (and may I suggest that you learn the game of “Quiddler”?… is like Scrabble with cards) Anyway, have the best of times during one of the worst of times…..and don’t end up pregnant like hundreds of others will during the blizzard of ’15. Ha!!!

  60. Diane says:

    Really enjoyed this, Susan! Living in Florida, I miss the snow every so often. This allowed me to dream a little. We’ll be thinking of you all curled up and cozy in your safe little haven.

  61. Linda Pintarell says:

    Hunker down and be safe…I know you guys are “pros” at this. I can be a bit envious – never been in a horrendous storm…ever. It’s dark clouds in Southern California (San Diego) today and we pray for some rain which we need so very much. Not asking too much, is it? As to Downton, I’m with you and am cheering for Tom. AND, Miss Bunting…I like her spunk BUT do not like her rudeness. Adds a little excitement to the dinner table.

  62. Judy in CA says:

    Thank you for your post, Susan. I, too, was worrying for you, but now I feel much better. You will still be in all our thoughts and prayers for the next few days.

    p.s. Can’t wait to try “juicy” eggs! Might even make breakfast for dinner tonight!!

  63. Lisa (#1 volunteer) says:

    I echo what Donna said – as soon as I turned on TWC this afternoon, I thought of you and Joe and the kitties (and our family in MA and NH, of course).
    How great of you to reassure us. But, a lot of people will be hit with this; I hope that everyone will be ok.
    Downton Abbey thoughts – my husband thought it unlikely that the police would have the resources and wherewithal to follow Anna around. I just saw the movie “Imitation Game” and I fear that Mr. Barrow is trying to “change” his nature. Miss Bunting didn’t even try to be gracious – not sure why Tom bothers. And Mary and Tom? Wow, had never thought of that. I like Charles Blake better than Tony Gillingham, but Mary can run hot/cold. Matthew is such a hard act to follow. Best wishes!

  64. Jack says:

    Yes I had the crispy whites fried egg on the same plate with my pancake and maple syrup ,
    The white that got into the maple syrup was just twice as good .I had it again this A M and
    loved it..If I just have the egg alone I think i’ll put a dash of syrup on the plate .Tomorrow is my cold cereal day ….I use two different ones like granola and the other with pumpkin seed ,
    oats and blue berries ….

    That storm is a duzy …….what I like best is that it’s on the east coast — nice 3000 mile buffer between it, you rowdies and me ……the 50 to 70 mph blizzard winds will be coming out of the West , into the mainland , so Boston will have to withstand the storm surge from the ocean .
    Could wipe out some existing beaches and property.— so. Enjoy! ….go out and roll in it like a giant Panda …it should last you all winter .

    • sbranch says:

      Ha ha ha … I didn’t look at your name, I was thinking, yum, maple syrup on that crispy white, must be delicious! Weird though, so I looked at your name, and then of course, no wonder it’s weird. 🙂 Rowdies! Giant Panda, you are so cute dad. xoxo

  65. Delia says:

    I always make my eggs that way. Though my hubby loves juicy and I well done. Yum. Stay safe and keep warm.

  66. Pat Coomes says:

    Love it when we get snowed-in in Minnesota! We have an old wood burning furnace so we don’t worry about losing power. As long as family and friends are home safe and sound!

  67. Lynn Cunningham says:

    It sounds like you and Joe will be snug as bugs in rugs! In a way, being cut off from the world can be a good and peaceful thing. A woman who used to write for our local paper said being stranded at home during a snowstorm was one of her fantasies…..and then it happened. We had a huge snowstorm one year….and her boss, who had 4 wheel drive, came to get her for work! Bummer!! 🙂 She wrote a whole column on it, and made us all smile ruefully.

    I so agree with all of your Downton observations! All along, I’ve gone from being furious with Barrow to feeling sorry for him, and I really felt for him during the past episode……along with poor Edith ~ is her lover dead or imprisoned somewhere?? And Mary seems to be in a pickle! I cringe every time Miss Smug Bunting speaks (love your nick name for her ~ it’s perfect!). The times are changing for all of them ~ what’s coming next??

  68. Michele Gavaletz says:

    Just be safe and well – you’re in our thoughts as always – as is the whole eastern seaboard. We’re inland in upstate New York and we love the snow – just not too much at once, but we cozy up and read!

  69. Elaine Depo says:

    I know you and Joe will be more than fine, you’ve been through these storms so many times now! We’re dodging the bullet (again) here in central New York – so glad, because even with my driveway being plowed there’s still a ton of hand shoveling to do – ugh – this really is hard work for an old lady. I do love staring at the flakes drifting by, as they are right now. I have two kitty’s as well, the best company ever! Keep warm my friend!

  70. Barbara F. says:

    My favorite way to make an egg! Love it! Olive oil is what my mama used never butter. Love it! #Italianeggs

  71. beebarbs says:

    May you and Joe, kits and All be safe and snuggy bunny!

  72. Sharon at the Farm in South Carolina says:

    Thanks for reassuring us that you, Joe and the kitties will be okay. You’ve made us all envious now . . . enjoy every single minute of the quiet solitude, the bird watching, the exploring, and the juicy eggs! I checked the MV Webcams. It seems that the Chappy Line webcam is the only one working now.

  73. Asha says:

    Hi Susan! Thank you so much for letting us know you are totally prepared. I was concerned about you when I heard the Cape and Islands were going to bear the brunt of this storm! My Honey is outside right now filling bird feeders, putting up suet, gathering firewood here in central Mass. We just retired and this is our first winter not having to worry about whether or not we can get to our workplaces during a snow storm! 🙂 Stay safe, my dear, with your Honey by your side you can’t go wrong. BTW – our local grocery was out of broccoli this morning! LOL! oxoxox

  74. Lori Montgomery says:

    I’m reading your wonderful book, A Fine Romance, for the second time and enjoying it as much or more than the first time! Stay warm and cozy working on your next book. I can’t wait to read it!

  75. Kate from WA state says:

    I would have thought most of the people that live with severe winters would own a generator for just this kind of weather! Maybe we just like our conviences like heat too much! We only have a gas fireplace, which has a electric fan, and thus no ability to heat our 8 year old house! After just a few hours, it’s like a walk-in refrigerator. Our thoughts are with you during this exciting weather, and stay safe!

  76. Susan (Grayslake, IL) says:

    Glad to hear you and Joe and the kitties will be safe, warm, entertained, and well-fed. Please let us know when the coast is clear … of snowfall. 🙂

  77. Cinda says:

    Hi Susan,
    Some may think I’m crazy, but I’m so jealous of your snow storm! I love that cozy feeling of hunkering down inside while the weather is wild outside.
    We are only getting a few inches here in Buffalo.
    Have fun, stay warm and enjoy those cinnamon rolls and eggs.

  78. Sue Miller says:

    Great Blog! Wishing you a fun time in the storm…we here in the Buffalo area are missing all manner of storms. Cold but no real snow this time around. Thanks for the power of suggestion, I plan to make crispy eggs for my supper, wishing I had cinnamon rolls to go with them. This may call for a trip to the store. Snuggle up and let us know how the storm goes.

  79. Elizabeth says:

    Wish you could send some of that winter weather our way (northern Utah). We are desperate for snow. I love that I can watch Downton Abbey all week if I want to! Just when I get used to disliking Thomas, something happens and I feel sorry for him again. Enjoy the snow!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I know. And something tells me, something Rachel said, not giving anything away, just a wee hint, like that we might like him at the end of this season. I don’t want to like him. I like to NOT like him.

  80. Kim says:

    Be well, kindred spirit, all snug and safe and warm and cozy in your nest!

  81. Trisha K says:

    I’m a little jealous. Our “Winter” has consisted of freezing gloomy but dry days, interspersed with warm rainy periods. Its dreary muddy season here. I may be living in the wrong place. Perhaps I should plan a winter vacation somewhere snowy? I hope you have a wonderful time in your winter wonderland, stay cozy! Jack and Girl cannot take a bad photo, can they? Pets really do bring so much joy into our lives. Does Girl like to go out in the snow?

  82. Rae Ann R. says:

    I’ve been thinking about you and yours there on the island…watching the weather channel here…it is on “live” from now on…I’m actually kind of jealous…last year here in northern Michigan we had 180″ of snow…this year we’ve had just a drop in the bucket…there is a kind of excitement that takes place with an impending storm…I knew you and Joe would be more than prepared for Juno…if you can get into your bookstore, you might want to get a copy of “The Secret Wisdom of the Earth” by Christopher Scotton…I’m reading it and loveloveloving it…stay safe and cozy…xoxo…

    • sbranch says:

      Lots of people move away from here to get away from winter! I’ll look for that book! Thank you Rae Ann!

      • Rae Ann R. says:

        You’re welcome, Susan…I’m keeping track of your storm by watching Anderson Cooper~my favorite~on CNN…it looks like the weather prognosticators are going to be correct…xoxo…

  83. Sitting here in sunny California I yearn for an experience just like what you have described so beautifully!
    Love your way, and a big warm hug for Joe:)

  84. Sandra Mailey says:

    Thanks for the update. We are on the very edge of the weather excitement here in south central Pennsylvania. It IS snowy and windy, but nothing like the snowy, windy weather you are expecting.
    My poor kitty just doesn’t understand what’s going on. He likes to go out – and does most days. But so far today he has gone out the door and come right back in. He has tried every door in the house. You can almost see his mind at work – “Surely things will be normal if I go out THIS door”.
    It’s time for grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup at our house.
    Thanks again for taking the time to let us all know how you are. We are looking forward to the pictures of the developing storm. Stay warm – I know you will. XOXO

  85. Sherry says:

    Oh for the beauty of the earth! Happy “Snowstorm!” Sounds really cool. I love the feeling of being snuggled up in the house during a storm! We have 45 degrees here in MN. today! And so unusual for JANUARY! Crazy? Gotta get outside for a walk. Been too addicted to a jigsaw puzzle! Eeeeek…Miss Bunting! I think Mary will choose Mr. Blake….maybe! What will ever become of poor Edith and that sweet child of hers???? THANKS for your yummy juicy egg recipe! Happy painting and reading! [I just finished Pride and Prejudice for the 1st time and now reading Sense and Sensibility! Love it!] Love being retired too! [Just since June!] God bless you in your WHITE WORLD!

  86. So happy to hear from you today, Susan! (You know how we worry!!) Just this morning, I told my husband, “Susan and Joe are in the path of the blizzard.” You sound perfectly prepared… and ready to enjoy the quiet, charm of Smallville! Such a great idea to bring the snow shovel inside, Joe!

    What a wonderful photo of your home from the 1800s. There must be so many fascinating stories within your walls over the years! Do you know many of the stories? You are the perfect person to share them… with us, of course! ♡
    Stay warm and safe!
    Warm hugs,

    • sbranch says:

      I know a little bit. The lady who owned this place from 1949 to 1980, she came here and we met and I was able to walk through the house with her. It was very special.

      • What a treat for both of you! She had the chance to visit her beloved former home… and you were able to hear some of her favorite memories. I’m sure that she was delighted to know how much you love your home. Such a heartwarming visit! ♡♡

  87. Mary Ann says:

    In some ways I am almost envious, a few quiet days safe and snug with someone you love and the peace of a heavy snowfall. I know you are old hands at this so are so well prepared and ready. Yesterday I thought of you both, not preparing for the storm but sitting at the Crab Pot looking out at the Belmont Shore marina on the most sparkling of SoCal winter days.I had a yummy brunch, a Salmon BLT with Avocado to take it over the top which we shared a side salad with crab, oh yes please! Enjoy the days ahead and we’ll be waiting to hear all about them when you get back.

    • sbranch says:

      I know that view very well, lucky you!

      • Mary Ann says:

        I remember you talking about it when you stayed in Seal Beach so instead of our usual Walt’s Wharf or something in Belmont Shore we went to the Crab Pot on the loveliest of days!

  88. Donna Hrehor says:

    How fun Susan! You are totally prepared!!! Living in California I loved “gloomy” days. Now that I live in Idaho I’m learning to appreciate the sunshine! The streets here are dry, the sun is out, and my husband just went out to drive the Crossfire (sports car) to enjoy this sunshine. May Gos bless you, Joe, and the kitties during your blizzard!!! Donna (Idaho)

  89. I wrote a post and it disappeared! Glad to hear all is well in Smallville and that your preparations are underway. Me too. I’m making a pot of chicken soup with barley for tomorrow. Tonight’s meal is a Beef Noodle Cassarole. Everyone runs to the store for “milk and bread” for a storm. Not me. I run straight for the “noodles and throw in a few cookies too”. Comfort foods. Today I’m cooking up a storm (get it?) and tomorrow I’ll just have to heat up. I want to be in my creative space making cards (which is my kitchen counter).

    Now about Downton….getting juicy. I’m worried about Anna too, being watched by a detective. And Thomas? What the heck? And please do not invite Miss Terrible Guest Teacher back for dinner anymore. Tom you can do much better. I want Edith to tell all so badly. I’ll bet you they would love her little one too just to see Edith happy again. One hour is not long enough for this Downton lover.

    Stay warm and cozy.

  90. diana from ancaster says:

    Batten down the hatches………..
    we’re getting a small taste of the storm relative to what is predicted for the East Coast…
    stay warm and toasty……….
    hugs from here!

  91. Linda Kostecki says:

    Oh Susan you made me wish for snow-and I never do that! I almost wish I could get snowed in with you! You make it sound like a warm, cozy retreat. Stay safe though-those winds always worry me. I wonder if Barrow may have aids, since this is before it was known….hmm…dunno! Im hoping poor Mrs Patimore gets some reprieve so they can honor their nephew. Her plea was so heart warming. It brought a tear from me for her. I was a bit surprised at Carson! I agree with Mary-that dress was “yummy”!!!!!! Something seems like its going to explode either with Edith or Anna and Bates. The tension with these is delicious!!!! Ta ta for now my dear one!

  92. Mary Whiting says:

    If I couldn’t be home right now and had to choose a heavenly spot to be it would be your home……it all sounds so lovely. Cozy, toasty and blessed with love and appreciation for the simple things in life. You are a very special lady. And Joe is a gem. Downton was fabulous last night. The clothes had me drooling…they are more gorgeous every week. There are two You Tube videos you must see. I don’t know how to send a link so here goes….just Google “You Tube” and put in, “Downton Abbey Text Santa” parts one and two. Or maybe “Downton Abbey spoof” but make sure you see both parts. The cast spoofs the show and their characters and I thought of you when watching it….so much fun!! Stay warm and safe….how fun to have a snowstorm in smallville.
    xo Mary

  93. Karen Saunders says:

    It’s ALL about the water. We lived in Brookings on the California, Oregon border and we really got some storms and weeks without electricity. Biggest headache….flushing toilets. Who knew!!

  94. Rose Dwight says:

    I just woke up from an afternoon nap and thought to myself- wonder if Susan & Joe are going to be OK. Decided to suggest you let all your Girlfriends know how you are managing during this upcoming apocalypse of a storm. What a relief to know you are already prepared.

  95. Heartsdesire says:

    I’v been watching the New York harbor web cam and thinking about you. Then I saw your wonderful post and felt so much better knowing that you are safe and so well prepared. I loved the old photo of your house, what a treasure (both house and photo). When we get snow here on Vancouver Island, which is hardly ever, everything comes to a standstill, even if it’s only one inch. No one has snow tires so we mostly stay home. A small accident at the end of our street late Friday afternoon caused a three-and-a-half hour power outage. On went the candles and our headlamps, and out came our current reading material. As my husband sat down in his chair he remarked how lovely it was to be reading by candlelight. Everything was so quiet. Loved Downton last night. The fashion show was fabulous. All those smart-looking dresses, and the fabrics, oh my. Hopefully, the predicted storm won’t be too bad for you. Stay warm, and stay safe.

  96. salve says:

    I love the old picture of the house! Love the birds and the cats and the Food! Cozzzyy!!

  97. Catherine L. says:

    Hello Susan, I adore today’s Musica. Thank you! I am emailing your posting to my sister (also Susan!) in New York City. She is a doctor who goes nonstop and never checks her email, but I think tonight or tomorrow she may actually have time to read it since she will be housebound, hee hee! She will love your posting –and you!
    Here in Kansas City it is 60°.Yikes!
    Stay snug! Catherine

  98. shirley burt says:

    Susan, I had no doubt that Joe would make sure every prep would be done for you and the kitties. I also thought, well, Joe and Susan will venture out when they can, but will enjoy the snow, quiet and coziness of the snow storm. Alas, here in the Fort Worth area-we are 15 minutes from there, it is going to be warm. When we have a spurt of winter weather, it is usually in the form of ice, not pretty snow. So, yes, I have snow envy. Johnny and I are retired, do not have to drive, have a fireplace just in case, and I wait for winter to come. NOT 70 degree days, then 40 then back to 70. So frustrating.
    Happy nesting, happy painting, happy snuggling and happy watching and listening.
    Love and bunny hugs to you and yours,
    Shirley from Aledo.

  99. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    Some how you can make a blizzard coming sound so amazing. We are in CT and will be getting the same storm. We are all tucked in and ready also. Enjoy the storm and stay safe Susan
    oh and Enjoy those yummy rolls that Joe brings back

  100. Jane Franks says:

    I love getting snowed in! You look very cozy! Have fun! I have lots of theories about what’s going on in Downton! Have to wait, though. A bit of a trying challenge time for me. I have an abscessed tooth, and trying to keep the pain under control. Either an extraction or root canal is in my future! Never a dull moment. And my schedule has definitely been taken out of my hands for now! But thankfully, I’ll be able to get wherever I have to get this done on dry roads. Other than that, I’d love to be sharing the excitement of winter! In a heartbeat!! 🙂

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