Good Morning Girlfriends . . . Thought I better write now, because there’s a storm coming! MUSICA It just started snowing on the island, soft and light, but “an unprecedented blizzard is bearing down on the eastern seaboard,” the TV is saying, “heavy, blowing, drifting snow, even thunder snow; a catastrophic, crippling, potentially historic, rapidly-building, MONSTER of a storm, with hurricane-force winds, coastal flooding, and wide-spread power outages (for days if not weeks) that will leave millions stranded in their homes.” That’s what they’re saying. Yikes!
I took this photo out our dining room a few minutes ago just before the snow started; it’s so quiet, the sky is white and it’s 28°.
I thought I’d tell you what happens around here during a snowstorm so you don’t worry, even when the boats stop running, the planes stop flying, when the wind blows like a hurricane, the electricity goes off and we are stranded in our homes and can no longer communicate with the outside world, I don’t want you to worry. Because I’m telling you we are fine. Actually more than fine.
We’re lucky because we’ll be here at home and our house is very sturdy. It was built in 1849 . . . this is it from the front around the turn of the century . . .
Here she is, from the back, in the lovely calm after a storm. She was built by an arctic whaling captain, she’s like a strong ship in a white sea; Captain Smith gave her very thick walls; so far, she has seen 166 winters and through them all she’s kept everyone safe. We are confident that she will do it again. We love snowstorms. Especially here, it’s almost like a little party.
All magically decorated for the party . . . our world is hushed with a quiet grandeur.
Fun to watch for the whole family.
We are ready. First thing to think about: food. We’ve been turning down corners on the pages of the January issue of Bon Appétit, the “healthy issue” ~ there were so many delicious-sounding recipes to try ~ right now we have enough food in the house to feed the whole neighborhood.
we are ready
We’re set with lots of extra batteries, flashlights, dozens of candles, several oil lamps, a big stack of oak wood in the back hall . . .
How bad could it really be?
Joe brought in the snow shovel and put it in the pantry (so it doesn’t get buried) ~ he’s filling the bird feeders now ~ and most wonderfully perfect of all, we have a gas stove just when we need one. We can boil water for tea, and heat up slices of delicious Boston Brown Bread . . .
. . .(so good with butter for tea), and keep ourselves toasty in the kitchen (in case the furnace goes off). Blog Daddy just called to talk “storm-talk.” Yesterday, over the phone, I told him I’d read in Bon Appétit how to fry “juicy eggs” (which is what we called “over-easy” as kids) so the edges are really crispy. We made them for breakfast yesterday . . . they were gorgeous, edges so crisp, as Joe said, “you don’t need toast!” My dad tried it this morning and gave it two big thumbs up; he said I should give you the recipe.
SO, here you go, it’s really more method than recipe: for crispy-edged fried eggs: over medium high flame, heat a heavy skillet until it’s almost smoking, add 1-2 Tbsp. olive oil to pan, gently break an egg into the pan, s & p, and cook until it’s done the way you like. (I cover the pan with a lid ~ that way it cooks from the top too and I don’t have to turn the egg and chance breaking the yolk.) For this, you get a perfectly cooked egg, a bubbly white, edged with well-browned crispy egg white. Yum!
And while we cook and stay warm . . . just outside our kitchen windows, we are entertained . . .
. . . by cardinals, chickadees, finches, nuthatches, and sparrows
And woodpeckers . . . we can watch the birds fluttering on the feeders while the snow whirls around them.
Between the birds, the wild turkeys and the squirrels there is lots to keep track of! So you don’t have to worry about us!
We have sweaters, down blankets, books, and kitties . . .
Who could ask for anything more . . .
. . . than warm cozy fuzziness in a winter storm . . .
I have lots of painting to do which I can easily do in candlelight. I like it.
It makes me feel like Beatrix Potter. All quiet, suddenly it’s 1899, no machines can talk yet, just a lovely silence of crackling fire while the storm beats against the windows, me in candlelight, wrapped in blankets my grandma knit for me, drinking tea and eating crispy eggs. Really, how bad can it be.
This was me early this morning . . .
So don’t worry about us. We’re excited. It’s one of the reasons we love living here. We are never bored. If it lasts too long, we walk two doors over to Martha’s or Lowely’s and drink. 🙂
And play mahjong or Rummy-Q. And if the snow lets us, we’ll do our favorite thing, bundle up and crunch down the middle of the street (no cars) into town and explore, maybe find something open, go in, see everyone from Smallville, out for an airing, pink-cheeked in big jackets and boots, hats with snow on them, clomp our feet to get the snow off. My prayer is that everyone is safe in their own versions of Smallville.
Joe just announced, he’s going to the market. “What for?” I said watching the fire flickering, knowing that we have more food than we need right now. “I don’t know,” he says already wearing his beret, tying his shoes, leaning back in the chair, “just feel like browsing. Any ideas?” “No, well, yes, I said, “I have this feeling of . . . cinnamon rolls.” He laughs and gets up to go. We are in accord. We are storm-proof.
So do not worry. We are fine. Even if the worst happens and I’m cut off from computer for a couple of days, unable to “moderate” comments. Don’t worry. I jolly well shall return!
Now, last thing, Downton? Wasn’t it GREAT last night? I mean, I can’t wait to eat cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning and watch it again! I don’t know, but the dresses just seem to get better and better . . . last night was just amazing. And the lighting! And then, Granny! Edith! Poor Edith! (Granny was so mean to her ~ I would have cried at the dinner table.) Isobel and romantic Lord Merton ~ Marry him Isobel, have a wedding, get a dress! . . . and Mary! Mary! Mary! What’s wrong with Barrow? Big dark circles under his eyes, syringes in his room? I like Shrimpy, “who hasn’t got a bean.” But
not the nightmare dinner guest, Miss Smug Bunting. She is beyond the pale. I gasp when she speaks. Look at that expression (in the picture)! I love her, in one way, she is a character that is fun to hate! How could anyone be that rude in someone else’s house while eating their food? Bring up Mrs. Patmore? During dinner? Has she gone mad? OK, must go get work done. Hopefully, I’ll be back soon. Until then, I hope you are safe at home (I’ll try not to worry about you either!), making the best of your day, eating cinnamon rolls and crispy eggs! Stay warm! XOXO
Ha ha….what a great post….from one who knows….from the darkest blue/purple (depending upon which weather station you look at) bulls-eye on Long Island for this “historic” storm. We are loving it…the wind, the snow, the pajama wearing, the eating! I have a snow day and my students are loving it too. 🙂
Heard the forecast and I thought of you,Joe and the kitties.I know you will be safe and warm…just wanted you to know I am thinking of you.Take care in Smallville:))) xoxo Ruthie
Thank you for letting us know that you are safe and sound! I often peek at the harbor there, through the Mansion House cupola webcam, and at the moment it’s a blur! The flakes must be flying! I’m glad you’re snug and prepared. I, too, love a grand snowstorm. My first thought is always a wish for safety for those involved, but then such a sense of awe for the power (and beauty!) of the event. Thanks, also, for putting us onto B & M Brown Bread. A real treat with tea, and so fun to have on the shelf when “needed.”
Oh, Susan….you are all set for cozy times ! Enjoy the storm and all the cozy treats it brings ( like cinnamon rolls !) you. No school for me today, so after shoveling it was a pot of coffee, the headset and my phone for a three hour chat with my BFF ( for over 40 years!) while we both “putzed” and organized our homes. Then fried eggs for lunch – I can’t wait to try your recipe. Then in the tub with a good book – All The Light We Cannot See. Music. Candle. Reminded me of one of your illustrations. Bliss. Soup for supper…snow, hoping for another snow day tomorrow. Be safe, be cozy, enjoy !
That sounds like a red letter day to me!
May God bless you and your wonderful hubby and your kitties and your lovely strong house. Reading your blog makes my heart happy… hugs, Vicki
So good to know you and Joe are prepared!
We are in southern Ontario, an hour from Toronto on one side and Niagara Falls on the other side. We are currently having lots of flurries and blowing snow with lake effects bringing 10 cm, not much compared to the big storm coming your way. Great night to stay in with pot of tea and banana muffins, books, and what h the storm.out the window. Take care, Susan, look forward to your pics after the storm.
Ah ah, you think like I do about Tom. Vacationing in Newport Beach CA from the Great Northwest. Today we have rain but don’t mind it a bit. Playing Scrabble with husband with a view of the water. Snow is magical and a storm does get one stirred up as it is a good thing and can be exciting. We take the train also and love it! Enjoy your warm cozy home.
So fun to hear your take on Downtown! I am trying to win the pbs sweepstakes to go there for a visit! Even if I don’t win, I hope to/plan on going! Let’s all do it together! What fun! Do take care during the blizzard! Sounds like it is all under control! Enjoy!
Hi Susan, I hope you and Joe and the kitties remain safe and warm during this
“historic” storm. A thundersnow! We are all hunkered down in our Smallville area.
I have my lighted hearts in the windows, a crockpot full of chili bubbling
away, cozy throws, a fireplace, dogs and kitties, books and craft projects.
I’ll be working from home tomorrow and I’ll get to see all the birds from
our feeders. Have a lovely evening and be well and be happy!
Happy you checked in with us:) I love(d) a good snowstorm and I sounds like you are well prepared. Hoping there is no wind/wave damage.
Snow yes, beautiful, wind, eh:( Today gusts up to 35 mph and higher here in FL although temps are in the 70’s. Being from MN we looked forward to a good snowstorm. Of course we played in it 🙂 – had snowmobiles and cross country skis! I loved going out at dawn and making a clearing under the bird feeders with my feet for the cardinals who were the first to arrive:)) Take lots of pictures:))) xoxo judi
Hello Susan,
I love your site and it brings me so much enjoyment to look at you pictures and read your words! I have your book on your trip to and from England which I savor for days when I am under the weather…It is right there on the night stand with a Miss Read book and my bible :).
I love the pictures of your home in in the P.N.W. we are in the 50’s with no chance of snow in the future and the tulips are trying to peek out of the ground(silly billys!). So I fill my journal with winter images and dream…
I have not been reading long and so forgive me if you have answered this before but what type of camera do you use? I am so struggling with bifocals and trying to get my subject in focus!
Thank you for sharing your creativity with us all!
I’m buried under a blanket and a shawl, watching Jane Eyre, with Girl Kitty on my right side in my chair with me, my computer on my lap, and the camera is in the other room; getting up would be pure folly, but I’m sure it’s a Canon T2i, I just don’t know if it has a longer name . . .
So glad you posted today, Susan! I was hoping you would before the big snowstorm hits Smallville. My goodness, those newscasters like to scare people! My son and daughter both live in NYC, and, of course I had to give them all the details of the potential blizzard coming their way! As if they hadn’t heard. We used to live in a small town in western Ohio and the kids loved to be home from school during a winter storm. For once, Cleveland has been spared from this one. Sounds like you are well-stocked with plenty of food and supplies, so we needn’t worry about your cozy little family. Looking forward to Part II of The Blizzard of 2015! Be safe.
I am soooooo envious! Lived in Massachusetts for 23 years, last seven on the Cape. Was there during the Blizzard of ’78, which was difficult as I was nine months pregnant and all the roads were closed! My son was very thoughtful and waited until a week after the storm was over to make his arrival in Concord.
Through a variety of life changes, have ended up in Texas which has the most boring, hot, always sunny weather. I miss winter storms, so rely on you to remind me how wonderful they can be! Enjoy an extra slice of Boston Brown Bread for me!
I will Laurel, very happily. 🙂 So good of your son to wait!
Oh, Susan, I love you! You are so much fun. My hubby and I wish we were your neighbors. We would have a blast. Send some snow to NC! My kids want a snow day.
Ha ha, will do!
Thanks for sharing the beauty of the winter season. Too bad the press is so busy showing us the huge piles of salt ready to be spread across the New York & New England, we’ll miss out on the beauty of all that snow covering the grime of the cities. I’m looking forward to a follow-up once you get all that snow they’re predicting. We’ve had less snow than is typical here in NE Wisconsin. The recent storm systems left us with barely a dusting.
I always wonder if people who live in the snow enjoy seeing more pictures of snow?
Oh Sue, what town are you in?? We are planning to move to Sister Bay.
Ah, Outagamie County I see by your blog. That is where I lived from 1986-1989, the Winnebago County from 1989-1995.
Oh, that sounds so nice. It makes such a difference when you don’t have to be anywhere. Enjoy.
I kept checking your blog this morning hoping you would check in and am so glad you did. This should be quite an adventure for so many people. Baltimore was spared, but the kids did get a day off from school today and maybe tomorrow. I hope you have no unusual difficulties and weather the storm well.
I will be looking for your after the storm pictures, too.
I will admit I am a bit jealous of your storm I live on the other side of the continent in Canada and all we have is Fog which is quite boring.Maybe I will pull the curtains turn off the lights and pretend it is snowing outside 🙂 Take care and Enjoy!
Ohhhh…..Susan you are tough. We had an ice storm in ’97 in SE Texas. We were definitely not used to it. Power out. Me and children stayed at Dad’s. Luckily, we had a gas stove. We finally closed off the den with cathedral ceilings where there was a fireplace. The children and I slept together. I don’t ever remember being so cold in the house!!!
Hey there other Susan/Sue! I’m new to your blog but you are not new to me. Just got home from tea at my bestie’s house. Poor girl! She recently moved here to NC from New England and your post is making her nostalgic for the joys of being snowbound that you depict so well and vividly today. But we made do. Lovely tea in her new library, pretty Brambly Hedge china and cinnamon toast made from homemade bread. We “toasted” you while we sat and chatted over our tea. You are our inspiration! Warm hugs to you in the frosty north from some southern soul sisters.,
So nice Sue, thank you! Hello to the displaced bestie! xoxo
Hello back, Susan! I’m Sue’s “bestie” (I always want to type that as “beastie”–Freudian?) Hope you’re snug and cozy. Love everything you do. It’s magical to find so many soul mates, which includes your other blog “girlfriends.” Take a few crunchy steps through the snow for me, will you?
LOL, so do I! Have to watch myself! I will take those steps when the sun comes up this morning! Love it that Girlfriends meet on the blog! So fun!
Tina, I have Brambly Hedge Tea Set, my children grew up with the little child set and the big set for grown ups ! I just love it ! It is so nice to meet someone with the love of Brambly Hedge ! I just love the books, my children know all the characters and now I am sharing them all with my grandchildren ! So much fun ! Kindred spirits every where ! Wendy-Louise
Oh, I have “Brambly Hedge” too! Started collecting it years ago when I worked PT in bridal registry. It is SO adorable. I only have the four full-size seasonal teacups and saucers [Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter] but I still want the teapot, coffeepot, sugar bowl, creamer and the seasonal bread-and-butter plates [for tea sandwiches etc]. The prices are just crazy now because it’s not being made anymore – something like $70 for a first-quality cup and saucer – but still twould be so much fun to have. AND I could play tea party just like when I was little – only with REAL food now! LOL…
Glad you have enough food. Seems when we get snow I have to make sure I have a jumbo pack of toilet paper also. As if the 10 rolls I have in the linen closet won’t last. 🙂
When I was young we called that crispy part on the eggs ‘lace’. I have no idea why.
I didn’t read your Downton part because I haven’t watched that episode yet.
Well, keep safe and warm! pam
Oops, sorry about that, I always feel like I’m the last on my block to see it, but I forget, there are others!
no problem there. I just skipped on by. I’m not so hard core that it would have upset me even if I had read it.
Hope you are all ok. Seems it didn’t turn out as bad as predicted. Good thing!! pam
Thanks for letting us know that you are prepared. I have been spending a few days just watching movies. I just watched the new Little Women with Susan Saradon(sp)as the mother. OMGosh I loved the scenery. The sound of the horses wearing bells and being driven through the snow. It will be another movie I will keep to re-visit.
I know it’s kind of sacrilege, but that’s my favorite Little Women of all. For all the reasons you said.
Susan… I’m laughing at the eggs. My fried eggs have always been crispy ! I thought it was because I was always in a hurry. At least I’m in good company.
Enjoy being stowed away in the storm. It sounds like you’re ready and you even manage to make it sound fun. I become a wimp when the power goes out. Joe is so smart to bring the shovel inside ! Stay warm and snug ! I love the hush of snow.
I like the photo of you painting yourself painting. 🙂
Doesn’t all the technology produce a lot of drama??? Whatever happened to common sense passed down thru generations. I am glad we girlfriends have ours in tact. LOL
I’m so glad to know you are safe and ready for anything. I grew up in New England and love the snow. As a teacher, a snow day is the best gift! I live in Virginia now, and it looks like we’ll only get an inch or a dusting here. We might get a delayed opening for school which means I get a little extra sleep. I love all the pictures you post. I love Virginia, but my heart is still in New England and I so miss a real winter! The pictures you post are balm to my northern soul! Thank you, Susan, and I am loving reading “A Fine Romance…”
I know – I was amazed that she still sat there after the Earl stormed out of the room – his OWN dining room, and said he wished she’d never set foot in the place again. But she didn’t leave. As for Isobel, I kinda think she’s going to accept him. 🙂
I made apple crisp today, before the storm, to use up some fridge apples. I’m doing all the laundry, so there won’t be any, in case we lose power. Tomorrow I won’t have anything to do, except write a letter and knit!
I did our laundry too, we are set! If I was Miss Bunting, I would have slid off my chair under the table in shame!
I’m so glad you posted before the storm Susan, I was worried about you!!! Glad you have a fireplace and a gas stove…what is your water situation? you probably have a well…hmmm, I hope you have extra water! As for me, I am pretty cozy, right now, before the storm that is. I don’t know how I will feel when I see all that snow tomorrow. But, I am planning on making myself a delicious breakfast (this is dependent on if we still have power) before I start shoveling out tomorrow. I am going to watch Downton again tonight (and tomorrow) too. Loving it! Take care!!! So good to hear from you!
The town has a well, so we get water no matter what, although it’s definitely cold water, but if necessary, we can heat it on the stove. Stay warm Lisa! Sweet dreams!
Thanks Susan!!! Listen to the wind, all cozy in our beds!
Sounds like a lovely time at home to me, Susan. Wow, I’ve never heard of the brown bread you mention…and it’s in a can I see. It sounds yummy and the eggs do too. And cinnamon rolls! I had to smile when I read about wrapping up in the afghans…Kindred spirits we are. I wouldn’t trade the ones my mother and grandmother made for anything. I keep some on the foot of a bed or two year’round and the others I pull out as soon as the weather turns chilly and drape them over couches and chairs all over the house for easy access. I feel like I’m getting a warm hug from Mama and Nana when I use them. It was a slightly cool afternoon here in my neck of the woods but it was so sunny and pretty that I actually spent a while outside doing a few things. Could it be spring fever I have? Well, Spring’s not far away for me. Today I saw I have crocus and daffodils just starting to pop up! Y’all stay warm and safe.
Love ya,
~j~ Karen
Downton, wasn’t it fabulous last night? Loved the dresses in the “dress show”, even if Mary’s priorities weren’t in accord with Lord G’s! And Barrow…having just seen “The Immitation Game”, I’m wondering if Barrow is putting himself thru a self-imposed “gender preference” drug routine…….
Thanks for the update. We had a 72 degree “spring” day! Please send more pictures, that is probably as close as I’ll see snow this winter. Be safe!
I will, soon as I can see again (dark now, windy and wild).
The coldest winter storm has nothing on you…it will simply melt away around the warmth & love you share with the world.
Well, how sweet is that!? Too much Julie, thank you.xoxo
glad you and Joe and nice an snug in your home and sounds like you are prepared to hunker down should the weather dish out its worst. I love nothing more than a snow fall to make everything clean and white and to be curled up on the couch with my kitties watching the snow fall.
We get our fair share of winter weather in West Michigan and lake effect snow storms thanks to Lake Michigan can make getting around interesting. Having to get out in the weather to try to get to work or to get home from work sometimes isn’t as much fun, am always trilled to get home safe in sound.
I feel somewhat guilty what with our blue sky and sunshine and in the 50’s here in Oregon. Daffodils coming up and crocus blooming. We need snow. Our snow pack on Mt. Hood is pitiful. Love your blog. Keep safe.
So glad you are all set for the storm. Now that we are retired I feel the same way. We really have no place we have to be so usually sit and drink coffee or tea, read some magazines, finish a book,or watch Downton Abbey again. Sure glad to hear I’m not the only one that records it and then watches it again. Just wish Edith would tell everyone of her daughter and get her back! Don’t get me started on Miss Bunting!
Glad she is helping Daisy but boy does she have an attitude! Stay warm
I’ll be thinking of you, cozy as, just be careful if you go crunching down the Main Street! The weather here is Ben has almost completed my Susan Branch garden picket fence…it will never be covered in snow like your’s so I shall just have to revisit your pictures!
Oh you will have fun with that in the spring!
Hi Susan,
Thank you for reassuring us all that you, Joe, and kitties are all cozy, warm, and safe with food and books! I WISH I were in your part of the country!!! Oh how exciting an adventure, to hole up and hibernate in such peace with a raging storm outside. I’m in boring Albuquerque, where it might snow an inch if we are very lucky. I met you when you came to Bookworks, our locally owned book store! I’m dying to move somewhere in New England, and your posts give me a reminder, like a voice saying “soon!”
Stay cozy <3
PS Just what is thunder snow??? That's a real thing?
I think they just made it into a real thing… it’s just like a rain storm with thunder, only it’s snow. Sure love that drive up through Santa Fe, on to Taos, and then over the top to Durango . . . gorgeous views up there.
What a cozy scene at your house. Here in Kansas City , Mo we are having spring in January.
It’s going to be high 60’s wednesday. I hope the lilacs don’t get confused 🙂 won’ t last long though I’m sure. Enjoy the cinnamon rolls !
You make it sound so cozy that I’m getting jealous! Here it’s 60 degrees and sunny and I’m feeling cheated of winter!
Susan, Your eggs look very similar to ones that my Mom used to make. We called them “dirty eggs” because she cooked them in bacon drippings. So good! I love your blog…we recently moved to the Cape from Oregon. Love the east coast and New England.
We’ll be snug hoping for 30″ of snow, but only 8-10″ here in Pa. Please send some to us. House cleaning and making some valentine’s to hang up at home. Be safe everyone and enjoy natures grandest splendor. There will be sledding tomorrow and lots of hot chocolate. Cooking on the fire if need be will be fun.
Sitting here, listening to the wind rise and hoping we won’t lose power. But, yes, there is something exciting about a storm. Knowing that you just have to relax and let everyrhing in the outside world go for awhile. What bliss! Stay safe and snug. 🙂
I always feel I can learn so much from you — even just your attitude toward a snow storm. I just freak out. lol! I love your zest for life, for what life throws at you. You are wonderful! Stay warm and cosy in your nest.
I live in Ohio, so we received a BIT of snow from this storm, however, it must be so exciting to snuggle in and wait for a snow like you are about to see! Stay safe, warm, happy, and I shall think of you at breakfast in the morning, with my ~ crispy egg and mug of gren mint tea!!♡♡♡♡
I hope you stay safe and warm during the snow. I so enjoyed your comments on Downton Abbey. We discussed it just a bit on my blog this morning! Always something fun to talk about! Sweet hugs, Diane in Florida (wish you were here!)
Oh how I miss that excitement of getting ready for a winter storm! A born and raised east coast girl, and then 25 years of living in Alaska has made me winter hearty. Now living in Nevada I so miss those cozy times! Watching the news report tonight they were showing pictures of snowy east coast scenes. I was just thinking to myself how beautiful it looked when the newscaster started talking and said it looked like a scene from a horror movie! Huh?! Horror?? What pictures was she looking at? Maybe this Nevada sun has baked her head too much 😉 Stay safe, stay warm and most of all…have fun!
LOL, eye of the beholder!
I have so much to comment on, so I will attempt to be brief. First off, Downton….I actually was shocked at the dinner table rudeness…even by today’s relaxed standards that woman was RUDE! And I am at the point of laughing ( I know I am terrible!) at poor Edith every time she has a scene. Nothing, but nothing ever goes right for her! It is so ridiculous that I see humor in it now!
Okay, back to reality….I love how prepared you and Joe are! When you are that prepared, it has to be fun when it storms because everything has been organized to be pure coziness. I appreciate the eggs recipe and hints….so helpful. I have only cooked them that perfectly two or three times in all the years of my life, and I never knew what I did to get them that way!
One last comment, although I could go on and on…..the pic of the jumping squirrel was a hoot! I had to laugh it was so darned cute. It is the squirrel version of Jack! Haha. Have a great storm! Xoxoxo
I thought I was finished…I am sorry but I had to comment about the beautiful church that you can see from your window. I also loved the old pic you have of your gorgeous and very solid house from long ago….and I wondered if to the right of the old pic is that same church? I couldn’t tell for sure.
Oh, it sounds positively cuddly! I giggled when you talked about food. When we have a storm coming to Minnesota, I head for the the grocery store like everyone else, but I get all excited planning all the fun party food we can have while we’re snowed in, not milk, bread and eggs! Stay warm and cozy!
Thanks for an update on you & Joe and preparedness! Today’s post was your usual day-brightener. By the way, I tried your egg cooking method – GREAT!
I love my eggs sunny side up and these were perfect.
Good Katherine!
Good evening, dear Susan! I am so glad that you wrote here today!
I have been thinking about you and Joe and your furry family and feathered friends and all of the folks up there soooooo much since yesterday afternoon. You have gone to great lengths to assure us that you all are and will continue to be alright…and I am sure you will be…but I am sending positive thoughts…and a few prayers…your way…just as I am sure all of the girlfriends are doing today…and for the duration. I am sure all will go fine.
Good luck and God bless, dear friend…I think you are ready.
We will see you on the other side of all of this!!
Take care…
I smiled when I saw brown bread in the can. When we were children it was a great treat to have this with our baked beans dripping with my grandmothers hand churned butter.
I now must remember to buy some next time I am out. I am in central NH with the shadow of the beautiful white mountains a bit to the north. We are not in for all that you are but 10-18 inches of snow with high winds is plenty. We are tucked in with the woodstove happily humming in the basement and fireplaces to light if needed. I have been reading Julia Child’s cookbook deciding if I should attempt croissants in the morning. It would be a delicious way to pass a snow day.
keep safe
I sure wish you would have made more Desk Blotter calendars. I was unable to order one when they first came out. Now the only ones I can find are on eBay. One seller. He is asking 179.00. Wow. I have been a fan forever…and love your scrapbook stickers. I always use the calendar at work on my desk. I missed it so very much last year, and would love to have one this year. It’s a shame that someone can sell them for so much money after buying them for a certain amount. Still a fan. Just really wish I had a desk blotter.
It was the first year for this manufacturer and I think they played it a little too safe. I know there will be more next year. Sorry Candice!
Last I checked, Amazon still had some SB blotter calendars. I just love them. Gorgeous and practical! Good luck, I hope they’re still available.
I think they’re gone now, I just checked ~ they are also saying they have four wall calendars left and “more on the way” — More on the way isn’t going to happen! 🙂
It sure gives me a good feeling to know that you are snug as a bug in a rug in your beautiful old home. It just feels good to know your home has “good bones.” For some reason, you being secure makes us feel secure. We are expecting the storm to hit here in the maritimes by early morning. Our home isn’t nearly as old as yours, but was built by an excellent builder in the 1980’s. He used to go to the New England states and study the old homes there. I’ve seen how some of the homes are built these days and they can have so many problems with them. These well built homes sure give us peace of mind when the winds blow. Stay safe. Keeping you and all the girlfriends in my prayers. Looking forward to part 2 after the storm has passed.
Oh! Susan! how I wish I could be in one of the small beach houses and enjoy this “storm” too. I would quilt and read and read and quilt. Also try out your eggs, it looked great. Pam
So glad I am not the only former Northerner who loves a good winter snow storm.
I used to love going out into to ‘listen’ to it. Mmmmmm….nothing much better on a cold night….and then rush back in , stomp your boots, hang up the snow clothes and eat chili, hot cocoa, and cookies by the fire. Of course, with all the critters sprawled in front of the fireplace.
Hadn’t thought of Boston Brown Bread in years. Do you have a good recipe?
Stay toasty and safe.
I just use the canned stuff, it’s my childhood compressed!
I truly hope everyone in Smallville will be ok. I live in S.California so the only storms we have are rain storms and the occasional Santa Ana winds that were pretty bad a couple of days ago. Today we have rain, but a warm rain though I still can’t wait to get home from work and snuggle with the kitties ( a few of them feral) that I rescued from a dreadful parking lot and the newest baby of 3 mos old that appeared on the hill in my back yard. He is safe, warm and dry now in our house. We named him Davy Crockett and he is getting acquainted slowly to the other cats. I love your blog and look forward to Part 2.
Hi Susan – We are covered in snow but it is calm here near Ottawa, Ontario. We are thinking of you all in the path of the snow-storm and hope that you do stay safe, warm and cozy in your homes. Give Kitty and Jack a hug for me. Deb
Our paltry snow accumulations here in central NC make us do cRaZeee things
(ie close complete school systems with just a “prediction” when nary a flake falls!) but are always an excuse to CELEBRATE! Our neighbors have an Open Invitation to anyone who can make it to their house for a Pancake Breakfast whenever we wake up to a WHITE WORLD!!! Life s-l-o-w-s down and we LOVE it!
My favorite anticipation with serious snowfalls is watching for the S*N*O*W*G*L*O*B*E*S my neighbor makes lining his front walkway…shaping dome holes with molded walls out of the snow–then inserting a lighted votive candle in each one! Twinkling spotlights magically illuminate the quiet dark of the white evening under the trees and the shield of crystal light… so soooo BEAUTIFUL and MAGICAL!!!
AND that scrumptious Brown Bread was spread with a softened cream cheese by our mother for an after-school treat back in the day….waaaay back in the day! YUMMY! Ranking right up there with Cinnamon Buns….almost!
I wish it would snow here in Pine Mountain Club, Ca. They are hinting at a bit of rain tonight and tomorrow. We definitely need it. I went grocery shopping in Valencia, a town to the south of us, and it was nearly 80 degrees there, overcast and humid. Felt like summer thunderstorm weather.
I am glad that you are safe and cosy in your beautiful old home. It sounds so very tranquil and beautiful. You have the right attitude!
Hi Susan, looking forward to a snow day tomorrow. While I was doing bus day at the end of the day a little girl said to me,”You know how we can get even more snow? ” I said ” how?” She then told me, “Flush Two ice cubes down the toilet, put a teaspoon under your bed, and sleep with your pj’s inside out!” Ummmm ,wonder if that will work? Even if it doesn’t,this made my day.
About Downton, what about Anna? Am I the only one wondering about what she was doing in Pickadilly?
Stay safe and warm. Enjoy the snow. I know I will.
Dear Susan, your blog always works like a transporter for me (Star Trek style). Today I have visited your welcoming home, enjoyed the warmth of your fire and learned a new way to cook an egg. You also sent me on a lovely trip to a neighborhood I lived in years ago where I saw heard the unique silence of a snow-covered wood and looked up to watch the snow falling out of a winter sky. Thank you again!
I get so “wrapped up” in your telling of your moments now and the moments to come..It is as though I am escaping into your home..going on a retreat..and,It is like I can actually hear you talking..Thank you for sharing the “way” that you do..many blessings to you and Joe!
I’m glad you did post this- I do immediately think of you and Joe, and the kitties, when I hear the scary weather reports. Hunker down and stay warm- we are all sending our love to you to keep you safe in Smallville! :o)
It all looks wonderful. What troopers you all are. I know a little bit about snow and no water. The no power seems a bit daunting. ….but it looks like a grand adventure. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy. Nite.
I lived in the Oldest house in Stratford CT, built in 1777 by Captain James Clark, It was the best house I ever lived in. My younger brother and I had a lot of fun living there and Best fireplace ever!! stay warm!! Susan Cowles
I love waiting for storms too. It brings back childhood memories of anticipating a snow day, or better yet: multiple snow days. I live in an old Bucks County farmhouse in southeastern Pennsylvania and right now my husband and I along with our two youngest are sitting by the fire, ready for the nor’easter due to arrive within the next hour. It has been snowing (phase 1) since last night and our dogs are pacing, wanting to go out in the snow again. We are not expecting blizzard conditions, just high winds and 10 to 14 more inches of snow. Although there is nothing like a winter power outage for family togetherness, last February’s eight day stint with no power, heat, hot water or outside communication is still fresh in our minds. I hope that you and Joe and the rest of my neighbors to the northeast fare better than that. Good luck! I will keep you and everyone affected by this storm in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Susan,
Just checked the weather channel for your neck of the woods, and I see that it is snowing and “blizzardey” now. I love reading your storm blogs, they exude the coziness you’re feeling! I love those times also, feeling snug and contented inside while watching and listening to the stormy weather outside. I hope that MV doesn’t lose power, but glad that you and Joe will be ok either way. Keep us posted tomorrow if you can! (Glad that you have Plan B (drinking with neighbors) and Plan C (exploring the snow around town) if you two get bored!
Hello Susan, I love your blog and your beautiful drawings. I am sorry to report that we have been unseasonably warm here in southern Kansas. It has been in the 60’s here the past few days and tomorrow it is suppose to be around 70. I would love to get some snow here, but alas, I am in the minority. Stay warm and cozy with your hubby and precious kitties.
Stay snug as a bug in a rug!! We will be going to our water aerobics class thinking of the east coast here on the west coast!! Love California winters where the snow falls in the mountains!
I am just pea green with envy Miss Susan. Last night I was even tempted to fly out east just so I could experience the storm. Then I remembered, who would take care of the dogs and the husband. I am all down with the cinnamon rolls though and the crispy egg. I will be watching TWC nonstop to see how the storm is growing and growing. I will tell you though, seeing how it is only January I’m not that jealous. We still have a ways to go before Spring and this storm is going to get old really fast. Still I’m sure you will love it <3. I hope you can give us updates. Stay safe and warm with Joe and the kitty's 🙂
Oh Susan, you are so delightful, you just even make an egg seem special. So funny, I had not thought of the term “juicy eggs” for years and had forgotten that our family (5 kids, and Mom and Dad) called them that too! Lol. Have fun waiting out the storm with your comfort food and layers of cozy clothes. What does Joe bundle himself in? Just being nosy. =)
Writing from Kansas City, keeping all of you in our thoughts. We are to have a 60-degree day on Wednesday. We need your snow, have been watering the grass and rosebushes. It is so dry. My husband has a new snow-thrower and my sister new snowboots! Is that a guarantee of no snow or what!!!! Thinking of you.
Enjoyed reading your anticipating story about the storm. I mentally saw everything you described. It is wonderful. I’ve been through some snowstorms in Coeur d’Alene, ID and even in San Antonio, TX, Virginia Beach, VA even. I made a beautiful snow mermaid in my front yard and “colored” her with a spray bottle filled with food coloring.
I’m imagining the smell of the gas stove cooking breakfast. I love that smell…you know some good food is coming. The stove’s gas flames are cozy and mesmerizing, as are the flames from the logs. Again, the smell of the burning logs fills my senses. The crackling and glow. I see mattresses in the kitchen and everyone lying on the floor on them like we used to as kids make “pallets” on the floors with our Grandmother’s hand-seen quilts.
Furry cats curling around your feet propped up on the end of a cushy sofa with the softness of a fuzzy blanket around your shoulders…..a book in hand. Hot chocolate with melted marshmallows. Yes, indeed….it’s another planet.
I think I would want cinnamon rolls myself as I do keep a tin of them in my fridge. I keep wondering why Joe put on his coat and shoes and made a grocery run. What goes through a man’s mind…..a storm to beat all storms….extra batteries, some bandages, a radio that cranks, his favorite scotch, extra animal food….his favorite old movie? I can’t wait to hear Chapter 2 of this Smallville Abbey. They said the storm may not happen, but most likely it will. I think after reading your blog, I will be disappointed if it doesn’t blow through. Bless you all through the storm.
“What goes through a man’s mind?” It’s a mystery. I ask, he doesn’t tell. 🙂 You will not be disappointed with this storm, we have more snow than we ever remember before.
So happy to read your post….one of my first thoughts upon hearing the news of this storm was of you, Joe and the rest of Martha’s Vineyard! We are prepared here on Long Island- and if we have power tomorrow I will be making those eggs!
Susan – When I was watching Good Morning, America, the first thing I thought about was how the island does when the weather is so bad. I knew you would keep busy with all of your “loves of life”. When I cannot get out, I love to make handmade cards or straighten up or re-arrange decorations. Can stay busy but do miss seeing people. Stay safe and warm. Sharon P. S. Have two calendars – one a free one from a business and then at the end of month I will fill in what I actually did without any scribbles in your 2015 calendar. Of course, I love everything I have that you did.
dear Susan ~ I almost hope you get a blazing blizzard, just so you can enjoy the candles, fire, games, artwork, cats, sweaters, blankies, tea, brown bread and crispy eggs. I keep checking online for current weather conditions back there and all I get is what is expected….I’ll check in a few hours before bed to see how it is piling up, and pray you are not only stay safe and happy, but get all the enjoyment out of it you can. xox
Sounds like you are all set dear Susan! So hunker down, keep warm, and enjoy the peace and tranquil setting sometimes blizzards can bring! Here in Oklahoma we don’t get a lot of snow. But, January of ’06 we were hit with the biggest ice storm in 20 years. Living way out in country in a 100 y/o farmhouse we were prepared. 7 days with no electric , I brought out all my lovely candles, used our beautiful wood burning stove to cook, heat water , and heat our little home. I even would heat up mash for all our goats, and my sweet hubs kept the pond water broken up with our tractor for all our ducks, geese, and other furry friends who stopped to drink! It was quiet, reading by candlelite, looked like fairy tale outdoors.. Enjoyed every minute :0} be safe ~ Marge ~
We love to play Rummy Tile as we call Rummy-Q. We first played it Christmas of 1980 and have been playing every since. We got our families turned on to it also. What a great way to spend and evening or even a snowy afternoon. Also I tried the Brown Bread not too long ago and I love it! Of course I can’t find it here in my coastal NC town so I ordered it from Amazon!! Stay warm and let us know how you all get on for the rest of the storm. Hugs to all!
Dear Susan,
May I ask what the charming pattern & make of the china displayed behind your recipe box? Just love it and wonder whether it’s an Alfred or J.Meakin.
Thanks and enjoy the blow. We will not be receiving the snow this time around although we are cooling our heels in -35 degree C weather.
That’s one of my favorites, but it has nothing on it, no maker, or pattern, nothing. Terrible!
Not to knock the seriousness of this event, you made me WANT to be there in that house with all those cozies in this storm! Your house is so amazing and a crackling fire in an old house with kitties around, snow falling softly outside, birds dancing through the air outside the window and yummy food to eat just sounds like a little retreat from the world. I sorely need that right now!
Downton was something else! Yep, wanted to slap Miss Bunting, though she has been nice to dear Daisy. I am rewatching the first seasons with my teens – one every night, so I got to see Season 3, Episode 1 and then watch the new one on-line after the girls went to bed. One of my daughters, who is quite the tomboy, didn’t seem enthusiastic when her sister wanted us to watch them. She watches action movies, Flash, Grimm, etc. Well, now she is hooked! I think anyone could get caught up in Downton Abbey. Grantchester is not too bad, either. I’m enjoying it, but it doesn’t compare to Downton. Looking forward to Masterpiece showing Doc Martin’s Martin Clunes in “Arthur and George,” where he will be playing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Nestle in and be safe in your strong old house!
I’m just not sure which makes me more “green with envy”…snow, or cardinals!!! They’re both so beautiful.
Happy snowman making, dearest of dear Susans.
We just laughed out loud as I read the last bit of your post to my dearest best friend. She arrived last evening just in time to get settled in and watch it together. We’re watching it again, right now, as I type…in front of a roaring fire…and they’re at the dinner table…oh goodness….HERE they GO!! HAhahaha…..goodness!
Stay warm and safe and cozy dear ones!
Much love,
Your Christie Ray:)
Such a thing a snow storm I haven’t been in one since I was a young girl.. I remember getting caught and snowed in so many times Uncle had to dig his way out the front door.. It was up in Mt Shasta area Mc Cloud California.. I haven’t been there in years like 25 years it’s funny spent all the winters summers Spring days there.. only was home for school.. They are still alive and I keep thinking I’m going to go visit and haven’t yet.. Be safe and stay warm lovely post… My first season for Downton Abbey and I love it missed last night but going home for the re run of it my daughter thank goodness put the tv on record.. with love Janice O ps received my Large Calendar and I’m so pleased I was able to find one.. have both small and large and I adore them ty.. recipe card and Valentines cards are all wonderful plus the books I bought gonna look through them this evenning
LOVED your blog today! I am actually envious of your snow storm and getting all cozy. In MI, it is cold, but the sun was shinning brightly and tonight the moon and stars are crystal clear. . . .but would prefer to hunker down in front of fire with the storm blowing around me.
Also loved the old picture of your house!! They are so great to look at and wonder about the people who lived there and what their lives were like!! And lastly, you play Mahjong? I have looked for a group to play with in VH with no luck – perhaps you can direct me to the right people. Stay warm and enjoy yourB & B bread – delicious!!
What an evening of pure delight watching Downton last night. My heart goes out to Edith as I could not love my child by observing her thru a distance. It would be like twisting a knife in my heart every time I saw her and couldn’t hold her. I loved the dining room scene and how funny it was to watch everyone squirming in there seats to remain proper at the table. The writing of last nights episode was just brilliant….Enjoy the nestled in time as you dig out from the storm tomorrow. Keep an eye on Joe that he doesn’t overdue it to remove snow. Stay safe and warm
Oh how I love hearing about the prep for a snowstorm! I miss them so much! We moved from Chicago 14 1/2 years ago to Atlanta and even though we get ice here that shuts down the city, it isn’t quite the same. But I have fond memories of playing games by the fire and sledding with my children on those kind of days and yes…the smells of hearty roasts etc cooking. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow…and I clicked on to your blog tonight to see if I could get an idea of what to serve tomorrow for bridge at my home (still playing games by the fire!) and I thought I would have a tea party theme since it will be cold for us. The brown bread will be one great addition. Now…do you suppose Publix down here sells it??? And speaking of down here…I never see you swinging through the south on your book trips. Not do I see many southerns posting! You have a whole new frontier down here! So come on down!!!
Oh I would love to! We had plans last time, but when the book sold out, we had to change them. So maybe next time! If you can’t find the brown bread, check out the Orange Lavender Cake on pg 214 of A Fine Romance (if you have it) — perfect for a tea party bridge night!
I’m sitting here in the midst of the California drought So jealous. I lived in New York for 5 years and in Connecticut for a year and I so wish I was there. You and Joe enjoy enjoy yourselves in your cozy warm house.
Even though I am here on Bainbridge Island with record high January temperatures I’ve been looking at live traffic cameras in New England seeing the snow fall. I’ve been so concerned for y’all but I think being on the island near town is the best place to be for all the reasons you stated. And I LOVE the photo of your house way back way and I LOVE crispy-on-the-edges eggs. I always thought they were a mistake and one shouldn’t like them. May your storm being a blessing in disguise! Hugs!
Dearest Barbara, I want to move to Bainbridge so badly. I would love to hear from you , what do u love about Bainbridge? How long have you lived there ? Where would you recommend looking at? My family is from Wa and has been there for generations. Since as a baby i almost died of Pneumonia my parents moved to So Cal actually Huntington Beach to have warmer weather for me. So nice huh But i really love Wa and esp the islands. I would Love to know more. I live in Henderson Nv right now and my children are grown .I am a mixed Media artist and love to quilt n read and love anything Susan Branch . I love watercolor and want to learn to paint on China. I have three cats that look like Sue Jack cat.Have a great day Barbara and I look forward to hearing from you . My em is [email protected] so if you would like to email me thats it . Have a blessed week Love Cheyenne from Henderson NV
Said a prayer that you and yours will be kept safe, and of course kitties
I so love being transported to and dropped in the middle of the lovely haven you have made for yourselves in the “Haven” on “Martha’s” 🙂 I am happy for you and Joe that you are ready to cozy in and sublimely enjoy your winter wonderland confinement. Thank you for taking the time to warm our hearts first!
Hi Sue & Joe!
I would LOVE to spend a winter storm at your house! Your storm-prep readiness details much of what I do here in the SoCal mtns preparing for our yearly “stormageddon”!
Hi to your BlogDaddy! Last time I saw him was at your Mum’s 80th birthday celebration. The gals turn 85 this year! Woo!
Stay warm and cozy.
I just had to check to see how you will prepare for this storm because they keep talking about Nantucket on the news here in Texas but I am sure you will have some wild weather. When we lived in New York state years ago, I loved a good blizzard as long as everyone got home safely first. It was 73* here today, which I do not say to “brag”…I would like to be expecting some snow.
So, stay warm and safe with the kitties and Joe. I think you have it all covered. Hope you will be able to keep us posted. Thinking of you.
Dearest Susan, you make everything sound so much fun….even a scary winter storm, I almost wish I were there….haha. Thunder snow is quite unique, I have only experienced it once here in Kentucky. We had 22 inches of snow and ice with that one . Stay safe warm and God bless.
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy visiting your blog. Here on the East Coast of Australia we are in the middle of summer. All the children are heading back to school after their summer holidays this week. I have a Joe too and he has been waiting patiently for the holidays to finish so all will be quiet on our beautiful lake and he can quietly fish again. We gave each other a double Kayak for Christmas so there will be lots of gentle paddling this year. We also live in a very pretty area, now we are retired, with dairy cattle grazing right up to our fence and beautiful green hills in the distance across the valley. I do so love your drawing and that is one skill I really would have loved to be blessed with. Keep safe and I look forward to your next post.
Blessings Gail.
Thank for sharing your storm prep. I hope everyone is as prepared as you and Joe. Since you are the only one I “know” it will be interesting and fun to hear your experiences. Thank you for sharing, stay safe, and snug!
Hope to get out this morning and see what happened!
Does Joe have a chainsaw ready. In case he might need it if a tree limb breaks and needs cut up? We keep ours in the garages but usually bring one to a spot where we can get to it faster. It seems like our older trees keep us busy when strong winds are blustery. It comes in handy if our neighbors need a bit of help too. The best is tea and some freshly baked peanut butter cookies. Have you watched Great British Baking Show? Pies and Tarts last night. Absolutely amazing! Martha- how did she ever learn all those skills at the tender age of..(drum roll please) 17! Gasp! Good luck and enjoy the snow
We won’t see any tree limbs for quite a while yet! We’re buried! I know, Martha, she’s amazing!
I just love reading your blog so much. Your home and town they just seem so charming. Like a movie. Hey, that is a GREAT idea! Could someone please write a movie about Susan’s life thus far?! Enjoy your blizzard! Stay warm.
Christine L -. from the drought ridden Bay Area
This is the best blog in the world.
So glad you wrote, good to know that you are well prepared and safe together. Will be hoping to hear soon that “All’s well” call from your nest in Smallville.
Oh wow Susan, that was such a fun post! First of all, way to make us all wish for an “unprecedented storm”. You handle these things with such style and relish. The crispy eggs brought back wonderful memories of my grandparent’s farmhouse in upstate New York. Grandma Daisy fried eggs in a huge cast iron skillet on a wood cook stove and they always had super crispy edges. SO good! Now for D.A…..every time I see darling Tom and horrible Miss Bunting together, I want to yell at the T.V., “TOM ! RUUUUUUUN !” ….and, I think Cora’s last invite might have been to get back at Robert for his cruel words in London. Finally, Isobel should absolutely accept, because I think Violet would have to help with the plans and I could watch it over and over all summer long. Stay warm Susan, Joe, Girl and Jack. Thanks for a great read.
Yes, passive aggressive from Cora! Of course, why didn’t I think of that! 🙂
Good morning, Susan… from Europe… small, beautiful country called Slovenia. Stay safe, warm, happy…. in your beautiful home. Martina