Snow Walk, and Garden Giveaway

Today we’re going to mix it up, a snow walk and a garden give-away all in the same post!  MUSICA for slow dancing, Girlfriends. . . 

Martha's Vineyard

go outside and play

birds in the snow

Yesterday, for the first time in weeks, maybe even months, we had My House in the Snowa sunshiny, lovely 42º.  We scrambled into our boots and RAN ourselves out the door, for the first walk in all of that time!!!  Our lawn is still covered in snow, but it’s quietly beginning to melt making a continuous little river down our driveway, joining the slightly bigger river on the street, and heading down hill to the harbor.  We weren’t sure what the dirt road that takes us out to the ocean would look like, but we were willing to try, especially when we saw what was going on in the maple tree outside the kitchen window:


The photo isn’t clear, but that’s OK, those orange spots are Robins! If this beautiful day is good enough for them, it’s good enough for us!


birds in the snow

 so here we go


. . . walking very gingerly . . . It was melting, like a slushy in some parts (the good parts) but there were long lumps of shiny wet ice, and some nice stretches of mud. . . We plot which direction we should fall in case we need to, realizing no one brought a phone, if he breaks his leg, he lays there while I “run” for help. It would be sad.  


The birds were singing, Joe’s trying to figure out where the sound is coming from . . .

Yellow Bird

See him? Way up top in the middle of the picture?  He looks white but he’s a goldfinch, he can’t clap his hands so he shows his happiness with song.

The pond

The goldfinch has a really nice view!  When we walked out of the canopy of the woods, we had our first view of the pond ~ we could see it was still partially frozen . . .


But I have to say, despite how cold it looks, the warm sun on our faces felt as much like spring as breathing into a bouquet of daffodils!  Off came my hat and gloves, unzipped goes the jacket.  THAT’S how nice it was out there!

Are you coming

I’m always behind him . . . he waits, as the ever-patient guy that he is, hands on hips . . . 

Fisherman's shack

Can’t just walk right by this little red fisherman’s shack and not stop for a photo . . . crazy man.

a garden

flower border

mud is better

See those broken square-looking things on the ground (talking mostly to the Californians and Floridians right now)?  They are giant ice chips.  When a car goes through a partly frozen puddle, the ice breaks up and scatters. That’s something you don’t see all the time. See how patient Joe is while I take pictures of them?  

the sound

We made it to the water, and I have to tell you, it wasn’t easy…. First we had to go through the deep snow in the yard of our friend’s house, then across their deck . . .


And down that very furthest set of stairs ~ see it back there?  After that, finding a high-ish tide, we had to climb over each rock-piled breakwater, maybe five of them . . . yes, you’re right, I know what you’re thinking, it was heaven out there.  (BTW, while we’re away from home, we had our bedroom windows wide open (for the first time this year); the ceiling fan was on full blast blowing out winter air and exchanging it for fresh spring air, and we knew we were going to sleep like babies after our walk to the sea!)

sea shore book

someone was here first

We discovered that others had been there first.


And then, beach booty!  Big piece of dark blue beach glass!  


ice chips

More ice chips.  I kind of love them.  Like to break them with my toe. Makes a good noise.  Two nature things happened out there that I didn’t take pictures of: A.) (Pat, you should probably skip this part.)  Because some rather large animal was dead.  I didn’t look because in my accidental half-second glance I could see it was all elbows, knees and feathers and other less identifiable furry parts, and despite my well-known interest in science, this was really not my cup of tea.  Joe looked, he decided it was a coyote AND a turkey, entwined together on the beach. Wow!  We skirt by it, my eyes covered with my hat, and we fall immediately into Morning Science discussion: First off “are there coyotes on the island?”  I didn’t think so. Otherwise I’ve been living in a fool’s paradise thinking we had no kitty-eaters on Martha’s Vineyard.  So, let’s say it was a deer. A deer and a turkey?  girlart“They don’t fight, they don’t eat each other.”  So then here’s what must have happened:  That thing (whatever it is, but it can’t be a coyote) killed the turkey, then, sadly, but deservedly, choked on a bone, fell over and died on top of it. (I just realized, this is kind of like talking about Downton Abbey.) 

iced leaves

Anyway, lovely leaves embalmed in ice.  The other nature thing we saw was a pair of birds mating on the road.  That was a first, I have never seen birds do that.  As a scientist, I had never thought about what those little devils did when we left them alone.  We thought they were dead at first, they weren’t moving at all, we didn’t even know there were two of them, till Joe looked closer to figure out which side was up, because this was one weird looking bird.  More Morning Science ensued when all of a sudden, the girl escaped!  OK, I did get a picture of the chase . . .



This is the little father, in hot pursuit! Ah, spring. Quite the adventure!

tire tracks

Tire tracks become puddles . . . Look around, where is the best place to put your foot?  Safest would probably be IN the water.



Time to go home . . . so far we have 100% not fallen down!


And we manage to keep it that way! Usually our walk is 45 minutes, yesterday it was an hour and a half.  That’s from making sure we didn’t break our necks.

Loving the Day

Front row seat to the melting of the snow. (OMG, is he not the most adorable thing in the world?)

hearts and flowers

winter garden

So we all know the snow will go . . .


And waiting for us, under all the ice are our little snow drops (these are from last year, this year’s crop is frozen stiff right now, but soon).  Because, it’s coming, only another week until official . . .


Kitchen gardens

And in honor of the moment, when we are all teetering on the verge of spring, I would love for one of you to enjoy my favorite garden book of all time . . .

flower border

Kitchen Gardens

It’s called Kitchen Gardens, an unassuming little book wonderfully written by Mary Mason Campbell with illustrations by Tasha Tudor.

Kitchen gardens

But it’s by far the most inspiring garden book I’ve ever read.  There are other books with much more detailed information, and definitely glossier pictures, but no book has ever moved me into the garden faster and happier than this one.

flower border

Tasha Tudor illustration

It was published in 1971 and I was lucky enough to happen upon it as my first garden book. “I love how Mary Campbell wrote about the “sunshine, fresh air, and privacy of our gardens. . .”

flower border

To plant a seed

Kitchen gardens

 I thought I would sign this book for you and also add a watercolor bookmark (I’ve been cutting up the bits of paper I use for testing my pen or watercolors and making bookmarks out of them).

flower border

Kitchen gardens

flower border

If you want to be entered for this giveaway, all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and look for the tiny word “comments” — and leave a comment. Your comment can be just one word if you like; that will be enough to enter you for the drawing. For those of you who get my blog via email, you will have to go to www. and scroll to the very bottom of this post and find that tiny word . . . “comments” ~ for some reason, they don’t seem to send a “comment” button in an emailed blog. 
October 2016Last but not least.  I told you I finished the new calendars for 2016? I thought I would give you a little preview . . . This is “October” for the wall-calendar, and don’t worry, there are pink from me to you with lovepumpkins on the bottom part.  For thee, from me. 

Something else for thee: click on “shopping” at the top of the blog, scroll to the bottom of the column on the left, click on FREE STUFF!  Spring-themed stationery, bookmarks, tags — and computer wallpaper! 

And just one more thing I wanted to tell you:  My (our, because I’m always thinking of you when I’m writing) new book is being edited even as we speak. That means the writing part is almost done, after that I’ll paint it and add the photos and hopefully we’ll have it in about six months, maybe by the time we make our first fires next autumn.  I know the title.  But I’m afraid to say it out loud yet.  So let me get used to it, maybe next time! You’ll be the first to know!


  Until we meet again . . . Love you, love us.  XOXO

P.S. Don’t forget . . . St. Patrick’s Day is coming!


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2,987 Responses to Snow Walk, and Garden Giveaway

  1. Wendy says:

    What a great giveaway! I love gardening, Tasha’s work, and would just love to get a present from you! It would be a real treasure to me. Thanks for the lovely, lovely Spring giveaway!

  2. Pat W. says:

    Susan…Thank You, Thank You … for the pictures of your walk & for the snowdrops, yet to come. Here in WPa, my crocus are blooming, when the sun shines…they are so beautiful. We are fortunate to live in area with all four seasons & we appreciate Spring most of all.

  3. Pam says:

    I find walking on ice challenging as I live where there is no snow … beautiful photos!

  4. Tricia says:

    Your blog is always such a delight. Thank you so much for sharing all these wonderful little tidbits of nature, and photos of your beautiful home and island and kitties, etc…Your sprinkling of quotes and unique artwork are icing on the cake. I hope you know how much we all appreciate the time you take to create these. It’s an honor to feel like your friend through your blog.

  5. Michele Gavaletz says:

    Love Martha’s Vineyard and wish I were there for the official melting of the snow! Kiss the cats for me!

  6. joyce price says:

    I enjoy your website so much. It really helps brighten my day. Please put me in the drawing for the Tasha Tudor book. Have a good day. joyce

  7. Sandy Vaillancourt says:

    Dear Susan,
    This post brightens my Sunday. Thank you.

  8. Linda Metcalf says:

    I love the Tasha Tudor simplicity. Our snow is gone and we are having upper 60’s here in SE Kansas. My bulbs are shooting up so hope the temps don’t drop too much ….don’t want to freeze them 🙂

  9. Mary/Indiana says:

    Your “walk” while somewhat treacherous, was rewarded with sunshine which I know the feeling living here in the Midwest. We hurriedly crave any form of warmth! LOL
    Can’t wait to see the new book although we all have a lot of living to do In-between.
    I would love to Win your Garden Book. Now that I’m retired, I have time to Garden and
    every year I plant a “mystery” Veggie. Last year was Peas and I now have a whole lot of respect for a CAN of Peas! This year I will plant Beets! So excited to see how they do!

  10. Thank you for the reminder that Spring WILL come! It is snowing here (again!!) this morning….I looked for snowdrops peeking up when I went to feed the birds this morning but, sigh, not yet. Ever hopeful! Winning this book would be a wonderful treat and could carry me forward til things begin to bloom!
    Thanks for the blog. I always look forward to it.

  11. Cathy Lilly says:

    Thanks for taking us on your walk with you!

  12. Beth Crumpler says:

    I tried for this last year. I love this book but insist on trying to win it or find it at a used book store! Happy Spring!

  13. Deborah says:

    I do love winter, and this one has been memorably generous! (Except for that brown Christmas . . . ) It’s a marvel how a few warmish windy days have reduced the enormous snow drifts and banks in my area. I know my herbs, bulbs, and violets are waiting to rise to greet spring soon–which will be especially luscious this year!
    I would love to add this book to my garden collection! Fingers crossed!

  14. Teri Byrne says:

    O Happy Day!

    Such a beautiful walk+talk from you.
    I needed it today —thank you!!!
    yes, THANK YOU for making our lives brighter + lovelier; just like Spring *

  15. Hello,
    Think Spring from beautiful St. Louis MO.

  16. Dianne Polinsky says:

    Thank you Susan for this kind draw. I would so love to win this give away.
    A great admirer of Tasha Tudor’s drawings.

  17. Pat D'Ambra says:

    Susan, you make me smile!! I love visiting with you & all the girlfriends.

  18. Deb says:

    Inspiration received. Thank you!

  19. Mary V. I. says:

    What a perfect way to start my beautiful day in California!!

  20. Barbara in So.Cal says:

    I enjoyed seeing the panes of ice-
    such a curiosity and a memory from my
    childhood almost forgotten.

  21. Karrie says:

    Happy Spring girlfriend 🙂

  22. Nicole says:

    Happy Spring! Thank you for your lovely blog, it always cheers me!

  23. Nancy McCaRTY says:

    Spring has sprung the grass has “riz” I wonder where the flowers is?! My mom taught me that when I was little, still says it this time of year!!! Enjoy!!

  24. Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

    Have you seen the Downton Abbey Christmas spoof starring the cast of DA and George Clooney?! It’s on YouTube, and it’s hilarious!! George Clooney is, of course, devastatingly gorgeous and glamorous. He fits right in! The entire cast is wonderful in this spoof!

  25. Arline in LA says:

    Looking forward to the title of the new book! Love Jack looking out of the window from a chair. My kitty is getting older and we have to build steps from various chairs and stools so she can see out the front window. She won’t give those pet steps you can buy a second look. Quite the decorating statement. We garden all year here in So. Cal. so would love the book — but I would frame the bookmark!

  26. Donna Cox says:

    I have enjoyed this week of melting snow! Walking outside is sooooo much better than walking at the mall. Happy Spring!

  27. Janet says:

    Spring in the north! What great memories.

  28. Linda P says:

    We skipped right over Spring and into Summer 90’s here today is CA……thanks so much for the wonderful blog!

  29. Patty says:

    I love your blog, it is an inspiration and a joy, thank you. Patty

  30. Gnomie says:

    This is so nice.

  31. Sharon Parker says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely book.

  32. Robin - Henderson, NV says:

    As I read the way you lovingly describe Mary Campbell’s garden book – it reminds me of the way I feel when I open one of your books. Sometimes to look for a recipe or it may be to look at the art work – it brightens my day!
    Weather is quite warm in the southwest – the trees and plants are so confused!
    There has been such an early bloom and allergies are in an uproar!
    Made an Irish Soda Bread yesterday – adds to a great Sunday brunch – no allergy to that!!!

  33. Jennifer says:

    I love good books about gardening!

  34. Paddee Neff says:

    That sounds like an amazing book, but I do have to say your books are very inspirational for the garden too. Your written word images are very enticing.

  35. Gail Helgeson says:

    I love your inspirational blog. Makes me so happy!

  36. kathryn raley says:

    I love a kitchen garden!!!

  37. Lynn says:

    Jack looks so adorable waiting there at the door for spring!

  38. Laurie Walt says:

    Oh Downton Abbey how I miss thee!

  39. Rita A says:

    Always a smile when I read your words!

  40. Tiah Foster says:

    You and the book are positively wonderful. You make me smile with your blog and your books. I look forward to the calendar!


  41. Mary says:

    ME! ME! PICK ME! (furiously jumping up & down) PICK ME!
    It is a rainy, wet, blustery day in the PNW (that’s Pacific NorthWest to the rest of the world) Or, in Oregon, a typical day. Not complaining – moved from Qingdao, China to Portland and loving it – the libraries! book shops! real mexican food! But miss the wonderful people of China and constant barrage of firecrackers for Spring Festival. Thanks for the post!

  42. ElFe says:

    Dearest Susan,
    It’s spring in Oregon. I know the calendar doesn’t agree; but it is. So: Happy Spring!

    Can’t wait to see the new book! Thank you for planting happiness in everyone’s lives.


  43. Mary Ellen says:

    Thanks Susan! This was a delicious post– robins, sea glass, lots of morning science, & many glimpses of Joe on your morning walk, bringing it to life.
    Hard to say which things are my favorites. It’s a tie among the snowy garden sign, (love the poem), the water scenes, and the Oct calendar page with Mark Twain’s cat quote, which I had never heard. I like the Sandburg one, too. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, Joe, Jack, and Girl.

  44. Judy from K.C. says:

    I too am ready for the change of seasons! Waiting for the forsynthia to bloom and the lilacs to bud. Would love to be in a garden blooming right now …. waiting increases the anticipation don’ t you think?

  45. Lynn Rue says:

    Dear Susan,

    Happy Spring to you from Healdsburg, Ca!



  46. Cathy Pernsteiner says:

    I so love the spring! Thank you for sharing your walk!

  47. Diane C says:

    It must be a sign of our age. I also try to take a phone with in case we’re injured. Thank goodness you both stayed on your feet! Jack looks adorable with his little band in his mouth and Girl Kitty looks like she was happy to pose. I would be thrilled with the book. Tasha Tudor’s artwork is so charming. Somehow our snow melts before yours, but your flowers come up sooner. Hmmm.

  48. Christine says:

    I would love to win a copy of that beautiful book! We’re well into spring in California so this book would be perfect to begin my garden! Your blog and books inspire me to find the beauty in the simplest things.

  49. Sandra Thimpson says:

    So look forward to your blogs!! We are in Fl, but be home in PA for Easter. Because of snow and cold we will have a delayed spring. Makes me happy as I hate to miss spring at home!!!

  50. Marianna says:

    What a lovely book!! Would love to win. Fingers crossed!

  51. christa says:

    I would love to win “Kitchen Gardens”. I especially enjoy
    Tasha Tudors illustrations. I love your blog, Thank you

  52. Cheryl says:

    Ahhh your walk…thanks for sharing your adventures. LOVE the blue glass! I’m a challenged gardener. Your book may be the answer. Thank you for your generosity and a chance to win! You never fail to touch my heart–and ALL your girlfriends who follow your blog.

  53. Faith Rose says:

    I am sitting right now with the window open, there is no snow on the ground and usually we have snow on Easter! Boy am I enjoying it! Love your comment about how the animal died and how it sounds like talking about Downton Abbey! Hilarious! The gardening book sounds like a treasure! I would love to see your library of books! Thank you for your generosity.

  54. Sharon says:

    Hi Susan,
    What a wonderful old book on gardening and I love Tasha Tudor! I have been collecting her books since my children were small. What a treasure! Thank you for offering such a lovely giveaway!

  55. terri christl says:

    So will get this as a give away or as the result of fun book hunts through my favorite used bookstores. Thanks for the tip and a chance at a free give away!

  56. jonnine ayling says:

    I used to follow Tasha tudor from Yankee magazine years ago always enjoy such simplicity Had I been brave enough might have tried her lifestyle. Would love to add this book to my little garden books collection

  57. Ellen Eastman says:

    SPRING IS COMING!!! My peach tree in Oregon is blooming – we had bushels of Suncrest Peaches last year. I am not so sure about this year because of the warmer winter we have had and the late frost. The Braeburn apple tree is pruned (by me) and is looking to burst any day now and the pear tree is sitting, being patient, for the right time.

  58. Laurie Seleski says:

    I so enjoyed your walk through the snow and ice chips with the spring birds. Would love to win the book as I look forward to spring myself 🙂

  59. Terry says:

    Winter’s done! Spring soon to come!
    Amen! Alleluia!
    Slainte! on St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t forget the wearin’ of the green!

  60. shannon Reich says:

    Another version of the “Spring has sprung” saying ends with “I wonder where all the birdies is?” from my husband’s dad. He also said things like “What are you made of….sugar?” when someone doesn’t want to go outside due to rain.
    It’s plenty rainy here in Washington. We are getting ready to plant sweet peas!

  61. Faith says:

    Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be on that beach right now! That blue sea glass is a wonderful find!

  62. kam says:

    Your art, your words and your photos always brighten my day!

  63. Kathleen Carini says:

    You always make a bleak day bright. I felt like I was walking with you.

  64. Jill Kadish says:

    I just ordered some oriental lilies to plant in our garden. I think they are my favorite flower. Hope to win the gardening book because I LOVE Tasha Tudor!

  65. Carolyn says:

    Spring! Spring is well on its way down south, with daffodils, forsythia and tulip trees in bloom! Enjoy the last few days of winter and thanks for sharing your slippery morning walk!

  66. Hosanna says:

    How fun! Thank you! 🙂

  67. Charlene says:

    I loved reading about your cold, cold snow because it was almost 100 here today on my back patio!! Your blogs are so beautiful and I keep them all and go back and read when I need a pick me up . Thanks a bunch. Charlene

  68. Susan Roquet says:

    I love your blogs, your books, your pictures, your art, your house, even your cats, and I’m a dog person! I always feel happier after reading anything you have written. I have several of your books, and so glad to blog, cause I love reading those, too. We like so many of the same things, lavender rose tea, anything English, antiques, tea pots, etc. This little garden book looks like something I would like very much. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  69. Terri says:

    I am so happy for the ice and snow to be melting, too! What a lovely little book! Thank you for the chance!

  70. Julie C says:

    Sweet Jack. Never takes a bad picture. Would love the book. Can’t wait for next years calendar! Kisses to the Kitties! Happy St Pattty’s Day.

  71. Bonnie says:

    Whenever I see your newsletter in my email, I can’t wait to open it! Your blog visualizes for me the peacefulness I strive for in my home. It is such a treat to scroll through your beautiful words and look through heartwarming artwork and pictures.
    Thank you for sharing!

  72. Elizabeth Z. says:

    Sweet springtime giveaway! Here’s hoping!

  73. Pat K says:

    L would so love to receive Tasha’s garden book and have a bookmark painted by you would be the cherry on the top!! Such a fan!

  74. mary kremer says:

    Snow has all melted here in sw Ohio. Warmer temps here too,windows open a little,never thought about using the ceiling fan to help clear the air,will have to do that.Tasha Tudor’s illustrations are wonderful,have been a long time fan.
    Woo Hop only days till Spring officially starts!

  75. Donna Lynn Kawano says:

    Happy Spring, Susan!! 🙂

  76. Elaine says:

    Oh what a sweet, sweet book. Such a nice giveaway. Love the photo of Jack too! Tuxedo cats are the best!!

  77. Raquel Holden says:

    I’m so excited about your new book coming out!

  78. Jeanie Bragin says:

    The October calendar page is gorgeous!

    Thanks for the walking tour.

  79. Mary Seidman says:

    Lovely pictures of snow and cold and ice! We here in California are suffering from a drought. 🙁

  80. Wst says:

    Yes Susan there are coyotes on Marthas.

  81. Pat Johnson says:

    It seems as though I have been absent for an eternity! You know that I think about you most all the time, but often when the kids come to visit I get stalled in time and feel like something dangling in the wind. My gosh, what a treat to get out and walk!! I often wonder how you both (or all 4) are doing in the snow. I cannot imagine! Lovely walk with that delightful man of yours……always an adventure along the way…..I had robins galore in the tree across the street one day about 2 weeks ago …… what a sight to behold! I had never had that many before – they were truly celebrating. The daughter, grandson (9) and granddaughter (2) have left – with the ceremonial “Sophie Goodbye” of kiss on the lips, rub noses and the butterfly kisses (fluttering eyelashes) – this must be done every time!! Love love love it!! Thanks for reminding me about Tasha Tudor – she is my favorite as well. Now that my kids have all found their place in life, I have so many books to read and enjoy – and she is one of them. So excited about the book and know you are proud – I agree not to say a word about the title until the time is right. We all can wait for the surprise. Side note: I cannot get excited about the new “Cinderella” movie because she is played by (I forget her name) on Downtown Abby – you know who I mean. I can’t even watch the commercials about it! Sending love your way – hugs to all and continue to stay warm – particularly if it is OUTDOORS!! XXOO

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, it’s Rose, on Downton . . . I heard yesterday that Cate Blanchett is in Cinderella too. I’ll be looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks about it. Pat, have the almond trees bloomed already in Templeton? Probably they have. Such a gorgeous sight to see!

  82. Julie Ann Coleman says:

    I love Tasha Tudor * )

  83. Marcie Downs says:

    The book with your signature would be treasured more than u would know.

  84. Theresa N says:

    I enjoyed your walk, everything looks so pretty.

  85. Karen Williams says:

    Fabulous pictures – inspiring as always…can’t wait to get out again as I’m in with my new BFF…the ‘flu…ugh!
    Hope you’re all keeping well- kitty looking adorabubble as ever!
    Karen x

  86. Deborah Baxter says:

    I love the October page. How very sweet to remember that pink pumpkins were requested. Love it that you were so thoughtful. Love the robins on the tree branch. Spring Always Comes……ps. that garden book is begging to be in my well loved collection….it would have friends and be petted often.

  87. Diana Moore says:

    I know that feeling of joy when you step outside with snow on the ground and the sun warming your face, exhilarating!

  88. Diane says:


  89. Kathleen from Philly says:

    Love anything illustrated by Tasha Tudor! Hope I win! Happy Spring to all!

  90. Susan L. says:


  91. Marty Cotton says:

    Loved this post!! Spring can”t come fast enough! VERY EXCITED about the book giveaway!!

  92. Patricia says:

    I love this time of year, the anticipation of spring is so exciting. Thanks for the garden book give away…just love Tasha Tudor’s illlustrations almost as much as yours!

  93. Diane says:

    I raised my 3 daughters on all the charming Tasha Tudor books. I bought her favorite tea on her website in a cute tin and it is now my favorite. I would love to win this giveaway. Your bookmark and signature is the cherry on top! You are very kind to offer it! Blessings, Diane

  94. Gail Alderman says:

    Out here in Nebraska, we have been enjoying a whole week of above average Spring weather well before the official day! I love Tasha Tudor illustrations! Blessings. Thanks for sharing your talents.

  95. Sabrina says:

    I would love to read that book. If I do not win the giveaway I will have to look and see if I can find another copy. I love all of you work. Can’t wait for another book to come out!!

  96. Kathleen E. Larkin says:

    Dear Susan,
    Tasha Tudor has been an inspiration to me through her unique outlook on life and living. Her artwork is very reflective of those ideas. Until you mentioned the cookbook, I had no idea she had done that particular one. Would love to add this treasure to my TT collection of her other books.
    Your books came in my direction years ago, getting me through a very difficult period. Their optimism and joy cheered me up and kept me believing.
    The rainbow jello is my son-in-law’s favorite. We, now, call it the rainbow jello birthday cake.
    He has it instead of cake every b-day which is New Year Eve!
    Best wishes and all good things for you.
    Take care,

  97. jamie hopkins says:

    I’m glad you and Joe made it out and about without falling! Enjoy the spring weather. Here in Bakersfield we went from a week in the 70’s to now its 90’s I WANT A SPRING! I’M NOT READY FOR SUMMER! My poor plants don’t know what to do. Give those cute kitties kisses from California.

  98. Sharleen says:

    Thank you so much Susan for taking the time to reach out to us all with inspiring quotes, positive thoughts, cute photographs, unique art work-the list goes on and on. I wonder if you realize how many lives are brightened by your blog? Just in my circle of friends there are so many who check in with you on a regular basis, multiply that by the thousands. You are a treasure!

  99. Debra Baker says:

    I have not seen this book before. What a treasure. Happy Spring

Comments are closed.