My dad says I should blame it all on Vanna. It’s her fault I’ve been away so long! I love the way that sounds. But first thing’s first . . . we need MUSICA to go with our Fairy Tale.
Don’t be mad at us ~ we come bearing gifts . . . I’m sorry I’ve been away so long. I hope I didn’t worry you, I missed you just as much as you missed me! Everyone is happy and healthy around here and keeping out of trouble the best we can. You can see we are surrounded with mini-miracles, Girl and Jack in the same photo!! Yesterday! (Look at his cute folded paws!)
‘Course the whole world is a miracle now that the lilacs are in bloom . . . this is my view out the window from my art table.
Here’s up close and personal, a bee’s-eye view.
Here’s the sky view, lilacs are everywhere on the Island right now ~ it smells wonderful outside!
So here’s more of what’s been happening around here. Besides the fact that we have two new baby squirrels coming to the feeders ~ who won’t hold still for six seconds so I can take their picture, but they are adorable! The tiniest ears in the world.
Our tulips and daffodils bloomed, so perky after that cold winter. You have to call that a miracle!
And then there’s this . . . our ornamental pear tree. I’m very big on spring flowers, I like the shock of it! This does it for me!
We still have a few of these Angelique tulips in bloom . . .
My birthday was perfection, thank you all so much for your well wishes! My dad and his wife Jeanie sent me this darling birdhouse!
And the dogwood did its part by blooming soon after . . .
Heres another photo of the dogwood . . .
When Joe was digging the hole to plant the dogwood, he found that little blue bottle in it. I celebrate that little bottle all the time. Buried treasure! Kind of a fairy tale, don’t you think?
Here’s another picture of the pear . . . I can’t get enough of it. I could live there.
Here it is again, showing off with the weeping cherry and forsythia . . .
And more forsythia, not to be outdone . . .
When we bought this house in 1989, there was a wonderful magnolia in the garden that bloomed every year and made the perfect spring picture for all passers by. In fact, long before I bought this house, I used to drive past it in the spring, just to see all the wonderful flowering trees in bloom. The woman who owned the house before me, Mrs. Bowditch, was a garden lover.
This was her tree, and the legacy she left for us. But one day, this beautiful tree up and died, and I’ve mourned it ever since. I know Mrs. Bowditch was looking down from heaven saying, “Susan, Put it back. It’s your job.” It took three years to find the right kind here on the island to replace it with. I wanted the exact same variety. But they didn’t seem to carry it in our nurseries ~ only other varieties, with different flowers. In addition, I find it hard to trust the name tags on the trees, I trust them more if there is a flower I can see.
There was exactly one flower on this one when we found it last year at Vineyard Gardens, but it looked like the right kind!!! So excited, we took a chance and brought it home.
And prayed that it wasn’t some sort of trick. I waited for it to bloom this year, and we got lucky, because it was the right kind! It still has a way to go before it reaches the glory of the original tree, but I am so happy to have this view back! A pure pleasure. Happy Mother’s Day, Mrs. Bowditch.♥ Thank you for the inspiration!
And here we are in the way back . . . enjoying more . . .
Oh yes, we’ve been celebrating by walking through the woods out to the pond and the ocean every day . . .
The leaves are back! We watch seagulls, terns, finches and osprey flit, dive and prey and we do “Morning Science” which always starts with the words, “I wonder why” . . . Big breaths of this air soothes the winter soul. A blessing.
Speaking of blessings, here’s one of the things I missed ~ well, I missed sharing it with you ~ was Princess Charlotte’s Birth Day! Weren’t you thrilled they had a girl? How perfect! And isn’t Kate’s dress adorable?
William and Kate must wake up and pinch themselves every day! Now Kate can shop for baby dresses! Of course we non-royalty types celebrate in our own way, by drinking tea from our new Emma mugs! Not a bad way to go! Too cute! I hope everyone got one . . . Kellee announced their arrival on Facebook . . . I know they’ll sell out from Emma soon, if not already. They always have a limited supply of these special event mugs which is the good news and the bad news!
Another thing I missed with you was . . .
So, Happy Mother’s Day to all of my soul-nurturing Girlfriends. The world wouldn’t be fit to live in without you! You are kind of IT. ♥ I just saw a wonderful movie that I think would make the perfect Mother’s Day gift for you. It’s not new, it came out in 2011, so it’s available on Netflix and all kinds of places, even on YouTube. I know you’ll love it. It’s called The Well Digger’s Daughter. It’s French, you have to read subtitles, but it’s easy to get used to and the cinematography is heaven with lovely views of the French countryside. I loved the musica too. And the dad in this movie is wonderful too. Also, the clothes on his five daughters! It’s set just as WWI is beginning. So happy Belated Mother’s Day dearest ones!♥
So where have I been? What is my pitiful excuse? You aren’t buying the Vanna excuse? I didn’t think so.
I’ve been doing this ↑. I’ve been writing our book. I made you a promise to try to have it before Christmas do I decided to put my shoulder into it and make it actually happen. The Musica for today was a hint. I’ve been playing it for inspiration and strength. I think anyone who must march to a finish line would be helped by playing this music.
And this is where I am now. Deep into my watercolors, making new art for our new book, which finally has a name. You’ll be the first to know . . . ready? I’m scared . . . OK, here we go . . .
Here’s the first time I wrote it . . . trying it on for size . . . to be or not to be, that is was the question.
And I liked it! So here’s where I got serious.
And here’s where I started to mean business.
And here’s where there’s no turning back. Yesterday, Kellee posted THE FAIRY TALE GIRL in the web store for presale (everytime I type presale, my auto fix changes it to “resale” and now it’s changing autofix to “outfox.” Stop helping me outfox!)
Anyway, this is the book I’ve been trying to write since about 2006 and would not have been happy in life if I didn’t. I had to, even though it’s a completely new thing for me and I had to practice by writing A FINE ROMANCE first. Which was not only fun, but very helpful as far as learning is concerned.
THE FAIRY TALE GIRL began as just one book, but when I added the art and photos and recipes, it was too big, so I had to make it two books ~ The Fairy Tale Girl comes complete with a cliff hanger ~ so very soon we’ll also have the sequel called MARTHA’S VINEYARD, ISLE of DREAMS. And guess what else? They are novels! Based on my diaries.
I know, but it’s true. And this isn’t even all of them! So, of course I’m scared to death! But counting on the fact that
I’m plowing forward despite trepidation. I think you will like it, it’s sort of like the blog only more and longer. For the next month, before it goes to print, I will be digging through old
photographs like this one, laying out my pages in the book with them so you can see what I’m writing about ~ and painting the art so you can go on a little virtual journey with me back to the 1900s. What do you think? A novel with pictures!
For those of you interested in preordering The Fairy Tale Girl, yours will be signed copies and shipped to you first before anyone else ~ as soon after August 15th as possible, on a first-come first-serve basis (because we really never know how many to print of these things). The actual “Publication Date,” when you should be able to find it in stores, is October. That’s so we have time to send books to reviewers.
And now, because I’ve been away so long, and because that was bad, I want to make it up to you by GIVING AWAY the first ten copies of
THE FAIRY TALE GIRL to ten of YOU! So leave a comment and we’ll have a drawing, and wear poor Vanna out with all the work to choose ten winners! It’s good for her! They’ll ship out the moment they arrive. And BTW, if my Blog is delivered your email address, you need to come here to www. in order to leave a comment ~ at the very bottom of this post, where you see a row of tiny words, look for “comment,” click there, and voila, leave a comment, and you’ll be entered.
for your support ~ love you Girls.♥ Everyday I’ve thought the same thing as I’ve been writing, “What would the Girlfriends like me to tell them about?” This time it’s a fairy tale, complete with a Prince Charming, a bite of poison apple, and lessons learned! We all have a bit of that fairy tale in us, right? ~ but I’m not telling anymore! Until maybe next time. Previews are only fair. ♥
Have a wonderful day! XOXO
So exciting! Good luck!
Oh my goodness! I am so excited to hear the new book is coming out soon. I love the title and I love the photo on the cover. You out do yourself with each and every shareable moment. Thank you, Susan, you are a treasure.
I am soooo excited about your new book coming out! Last year I ordered your book for my daughter for christmas and we both delighted in every page. Kudos to you for doing all the work that goes into another wonderful susan book!
*DreaminG* of winning this *Fairylicious* Book!
So happy you’re back and so glad your book is on it’s way! I’m looking forward to it as I know I will love it because it’s all part of the fairy tale of you and the magic you sprinkle us with, with all that you share. I’m so excited! Xoxo
Oh my goodness I can’t wait for this to come out! Fingers crossed I win one, lol, but either way I will certainly have one!
Thank you for the Charlotte pre-order option! I’ve been dying for that mug but hadn’t taken the plunge to order direct!
I am so excited about your new book. I loved your last book and I know this one will be just as good or better. I can”t wait. I enjoyed your last blog so much. Spring is such a magical time.
Wow! Totally awesome! I so enjoyed your “Fine Romance”; to think we will have a peek into your past and when you met your “Special Joe” will be great reading, sooooo looking forward to it!
Hello Susan,
What a thrill it was to find your new blog. We were getting worried about you and are so relieved that things are fine at your house. Your spring photos are so enticing to see and even here in Vt., we are finally getting our taste of not spring, but summer! Wow, from winter to summer almost overnight!
Fabulous news about your books – can’t wait until they are finished and ready to ship!!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and welcome back!!! We missed you!
Glad you are back — I was getting worried! Can’t wait for the new book(s)!
You are such an inspiration. Beautiful photogs, beautiful art, beautiful calligraphy.
Thank you Susan for giving us a glimpse of Spring in your area, so much beauty.
Wish I could smell the lilacs. Looking forward to reading your new book.
I’m glad you’re back! And I’m excited about the book…love your spring photos!
Well I wish I may and I wish I might …have a chance…but anyway I missed you Susan and I’m glad everything is ok. Lovely post. I was looking for that breathe of Spring experienced through your eyes. My Mom and Grandmother loved to surround their houses with flowers just like you…forsythia, lilac, tulips, poppies. Stuff I can’t grow in Florida. Good luck with your new book. It sounds like a lot of work!
So looking forward to “The Fairy Tale Girl”…Your art and creativity have inspired me to begin water coloring and writing memories.
OMG – Please let it be me!!!
Cant wait to read, Ive always thought you have a fairy tale life… how fun to read the details. Thanks for sharing it with us!
I’ve been missing your notes from the Vineyard! Looking forward to the new books.
Susan, I am soooo excited for you and your book. I can hardly wait. I too have been out of touch/busy so I have even missed you recent post. I just completed and graduated from a Master Gardener program available at the Missouri Botanical Garden. One of my bucket list items. It was more intense than I expected but I totally enjoyed it and thankful I did it! It makes you look at gardening and plants is a little bit different way. Looking sooo forward to your book. On top of everything you made it two! How wonderful! The kitties are darling together! Happy Spring!
Chris Morgan
Congratulations! What a wonderful thing to do!
Now that was a super long Blog – well worth waiting for. Have you seen baby Charlottes face ? she looks so pretty, and were you impressed with Katherine – hours after the birth, looking so good, and wearing high heels. (Though they quickly disappeared to their home in Norfolk, away from the press) Must say I totally ADORE Spring, all those pretty flowers, and birds singing. Looking forward to you new book.
A beautiful baby! Beautiful family. Love love love!
Can’t wait , looks wonderful and “I still believe in 398.2 !”
How cute! Me too.
I can not wait! I love to read a good book. I am still A big kid at heart, so the art in your books just puts them over the top for me. I send much love and congrats. I can only aspire.
Thank You
Congratulations on the new book! Can’t wait to learn all about “The Fairy Tale Girl”. Thanks for making life a little more fun every day!
p.s. glad you are back! I was a bit worried.
Oh, Vanna (and Susan!), pretty, pretty, pretty PLEASE pick me!!!!!! I would be sooo happy!!! Thank you!
I went through all the posts and checked them twice I might have missed it but just in case enter me for the book give away!
Thanks Denise
Novels from your diaries, sounds very interesting. I really enjoyed reading A Fine Romance.
Beautiful title and book illustrated cover. Really excited to get my hands on it. Thank you for bringing such magic into our world.
Hi Susan,
Can hardly wait for the new BOOKS!!! to be released! Perfect reading for when the cooler temps start to approach. Looking forward to it.
PS…I’ve missed your sweet words, wisdom & apprecitation for the wonderful world around us. …Don’t be such a ‘stranger’! ;}
Good luck! Excited to read your new book!
I can’t wait to read it!
I bought your 2015 calendar for my mom, she loves it so much, sits right next to her computer! She’s in her 80’s! We of all ages love your work! Thanks! Crystal
That’s my favorite thing! Say hello to your mom for me!
I love the beauty that you share with us!
Hi Susan!
My girlfriends and I started a book club with “A Fine Romance”. Each one of us brought a recipe from the book. We had such a great time!
Can’t wait till the new book, please enter me in the contest!!
Thank you Susan, you bring such joy to my life.
It looks wonderful! I love the dress on the front cover. ♥
I love all your photos! You capture the beauty around you!
I enjoyed all your flower pictures! Just beautiful! So exciting about the new book! Congratulations!
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you if…..
name that tune, Susan!
I’m so excited for your new book. Yes, it was a perfect reason to keep us waiting for you to come up for air. Happy spring! Marsha
We enjoyed “A Fine Romance” soooo much. If that was your practice book this was is going to be great! (I don’t say that to add any pressure to your life, which I can image writing a book would do, but to encourage you and to say you do such great work.) Thanks for the giveaway chance. Cheers!
Hi Susan,
I loved your spring pictures and you are such a talented person. When I read your blog I am transported to the sweetest places. Thank you.
Oh, Susan, How wonderful that your book is announced. Even better that you have TWO books on the horizon. *Swoon* I am excited to think about getting my hands on them for your early release to girlfriends date!! I’ve missed your blog posts, but you are forgiven, since you have been such a busy little bee. Oh, and please enter me in your drawing! Thank you!!
Dear Susan, HI!!! SO GLAD YOU ARE OK!!!! MISSED HEARING FROM YOU!!! THANK YOU FOR GIVING 10 BOOKS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a question for you. On a future BLOG would you take a picture or two of all your EMMA MUGS???? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE??????????????? I Know you have many!!!!!!!!!!!! We Girlfriends would love to see them altogether!!!!!!!!!! SORRY I KNOW YOU ARE VERY BUSY PAINTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe later when you need a break from sitting and painting????????????? CAN’T WAIT TO READ “The Fairy Tale Girl” books HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll be happy to do that. I am always wishing for more excuses to take pictures of dishes!!! You have no idea, I just try not to inundate everyone. 🙂 Thank you for asking!
Dear Susan, Thank you so much for your reply!!!!!!!!!! We just came back from a vacation to Cancun, Mexico and I met a few people who live about an hours drive to Stoke on Trent!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to visit the Emma Factory some day, but thats a BIG MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be thrilled to see your all of your Emma mugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Such exciting news!!! Would be thrilled to win.
It will be 21 years this week since I fell in love with all things Susan Branch. That’s when I opened my first store! Since then, I have laughed, cried and cooked with SB, turned all of my friends on to your inspirational, incredible art and wit and made a loyal fan out of my mother in law. Hope to share “The Fairy Tale Girl” with every one I know and especially MIL. Thank you, Susan, again!!
How wonderful we met all those years ago!
I am very excited to for your new book,and all the other ones coming.
Susan, I can’t wait for the new book! Thanks for the new post, I was starting to get worried! Now I need to pre order the book and Charlotte mug!
I will be so full of happiness for me if I win, or for whoever wins. Thank you for such a gift!
From one island girl to another, I can’t wait to read your new novel!
Well, this new book came out of the blue! I love your beautiful illustrations, recipes, stories found throughout my treasure trove of Susan Branch books and look forward to finding this one as well.
Welcome back! We missed you. Can’t wait to read the new books!
I’m so excited for you’re new novel! I can’t wait to read and see what’s in store for us Girlfriends. Also, aren’t you excited to see Princess Charlotte dressed as precious and classic as Prince George has been? So glad to have you back on the blog.
glad you’re back among us, Susan. Very exciting news about a novel…you inspire and entertain all at once!
This is very exciting. That pix looks like a wedding picture and no fairytale!
Welcome back and congratulations on your next two books! ~ Kari
I would love to win a copy of your new book, Susan! I so LOVED ‘A Fine Romance’. I find your writing magical and your illustrations only add to the enjoyment. Thank you for the chance!
Hi Susan, I missed your blog and I am glad you are back.I can’t wait until your new books are published I hope you get some time to relax soon. I really enjoy all your photo’s and art work and love reading about your beautiful part of the world.
Dear Susan, I am so excited for you to have finished your book and can hardly wait to read it! It’s going to be wonderful like all the others! Love the cover – colors and photo. Hope to win a copy but will be reading it either way. Bless you for all of your hard work and generosity!
Would love to win your book!
love all your books-can’t wait for this new one!
We are all so lucky to live in this time when we can experience all the magic you create. I’m so excited to read your latest book and share it with my friends. Thank you for it all.
I would love to have a copy of your new book! So exciting!
I look over at MV from the bike path sometimes and say hello to you out there. Happy day. Thanks for writing
What an absolutely wonderful title, cover, concept! The books sounds like it will be fabulous! Can’t wait to read it!
A novel! OMG, so exciting! I hope it is a roaring success for you. I’m off to pre-order.
Dear Susan, I am so looking forward to this new book. Your blog makes me long for New England where both of my parents were born and raised. You are an inspiration.
dearest Sue…
I read your beautiful post at bedtime, night before last. I woke up from the silliest dream….We were all at a gathering, the beautiful Duchess (carrying a gorgeous purple handbag;) and you were there, having a book signing for your new book! Yes! And I told you I needed you to sign a book for my girlfriend, Belinda!
How refreshing to know, that even in my dreams, I remember to get a book for my forever friend;)) ….and that all of us are truly girlfriends…even beautiful Kate…with her big purple handbag!
I am so excited for you…seeing this project come to a glorious end! You hear us all cheering, right??
Much love to you sweetheart!
Ahhh, love those dreams! 🙂
I read A Fine Romance very very slowly because I really didn’t want it to end. So, I hope you and Vanna pick me!
I have missed you and I am really excited about your new book.
Can’t wait to read your new book!!! Something to look forward to!!!
Such terrific news is worth waiting for. Can’t wait to see the finished product!
I am so excited about your new book!!!!!!!!!! Please pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great title! Cannot wait to see the new book!
oh, Susan!! just read thru some of the “comments”…and got just ever-soooo-happy…all over again. very sweet. as was your “visit” with us…like many, I was WORRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whew. I had “commented” earlier, but can’t seem to find mine…in “older”, or “newer”, or anywhere. also, had to fill in my name, etc, in the “leave-a-comment” block. don’t know what that’s all about. cleared out, for some reason??? anyway…here I am….saying “thank-you”…again…and, trying to win a copy of your most wonderful hard work…and blessings. do be having a very good day. here, in va., gorgeous!!!!!! wow. perfect. ah! what is soooo gorgeous as a day-in-may???? all thanks, and love to you and all. xo
I’m not sure, but here you are now! I’m sorry I worried you! xoxo
First of all I love The Fairy Tale Girl and font:)
Love the title so much..
I have that magnolia here Susan..and I only got 2 blooms at the base this year..too cold a winter for her.
The leaves are about to open..I hope..
May is lovely here in QC.makes up for November..and March..:)
We’ve missed you Susan! So glad you’re back 🙂
Hello Susan! Welcome back. I know we all assumed your absence was due to 2 PART NOVEL (!!!!) coming out. How exciting for you!! It will be WELL worth the wait. I have not read through all the comments, but can we assume the photo on the cover is you and Joe? Please enter me in the drawing and enjoy this beautiful spring time!!!
I am so exited for your new book. I’ve missed your posts, but I’m sure it will be worth it. Thank you so much.
Wow, 2200 comments! Can not wait for the wonderful story. And will there be a ribbon? Hoping you getting some time now to enjoy the flowers — can not wait for the new books. And then the breakfast book, right? Have not read all of the comments, yet, but did anyone ask who the couple is on the cover? Arline
Ribbon! Yes! Couple on the cover have heads inside the book xoxo
Love the opening picture of Girl Kitty and Jack !…she looking so wise and poised and beautiful and Jack…trying to be still and good…but you can see it in his eyes…..he’s thinking.. LET’S PLAY WITH OUR RUBBERBANDS..!!.
What a great surprise to get your new post and hear your news! I missed you! I love the pictures of the trees and the story of Mrs. Bowditch. I would love to win a copy of your new book!
I’m sure I am not the only one charmed by your title and cover! How wonderful to see you back, we missed you! We knew you were working, though, so we didn’t mind. Looking forward to this new book!
I am so excited. Congratulations on the new book. I am on my way to the website to preorder it!!!!!
How exciting, How delightful, How smashing!!! A new path is being forged ahead.
The journey is eventful and full of surprises. A toast to vivid and colorful times ahead for Susan, Joe, Girl Kitty and Jack and all the wonderful ladies and fellows that support and follow along the path.
I smelled your lilacs all the way here in PA – just luscious! I can hardly wait for your new book! Enjoy your Memorial Day this weekend – we bought a bright new flag to wave!
Wonderful news about the new book(s). LOVE the title! Pick me Vanna!!
I loved your first book! Now I can not wait to read your next one!
Thank you for all your hard work!
I’m so excited! I’m planning a New England trip for this summer. Never thought I’d get there again. Went on a motorhome trip with my husband (deceased) in 2012, all through New England, but didn’t get to Martha’s Vineyard. This next trip, I’m definitely getting over to Nantucket & Martha’s Vineyard. A friend will be with me. Could you tell me when that group sing happens Susan? The one where the community sings together? And, when is the festival where all the homes are lite with lights? (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
The community sing-alongs are every Wednesday night at 7pm. Illumination night is in August. Go here Sondra, and you can read more about it . . . this is just one town on the island and their summer schedule.
If I were a man, I’d be a ‘belt and suspenders’ type – I have already pre-ordered the new book and leaving a comment just in case Vanna should smile on me! So glad to have a post from you; like many others I was just a bit concerned because you don’t go this long between posts. I was telling my husband about your trip to Orchard House. I have a dream trip thru New England visiting Orchard house, Tasha Tudor home and Stillmeadow. I would be in tears at every one, I’m sure, but I’d love to do it.
Oh what lovely news! I cannot begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to another of your delightful books!
Thought you must be working hard on the new book 😉 – LOVE the title (I am a fan of fairy tales, will never out grow them) – excited that there will be a sequel + more!!! You are inspiring to me!!! I would also love to win one of the first copies 🙂 will keep my fingers crossed!
I was wondering if your snow had finally melted, there was so much of it! Awesome picture of the Angelique tulip (a favorite of mine!) and of the island’s spring flowers. Excited for you that you found that beautiful saucer (or some call it Chinese) magnolia. It’s first years blooms look abundant and happy – a good sign that it is happy where you planted it! It and the dogwood are my favorite spring flowering trees! In our area the southern magnolia is more commonly grown.
Going over to pre-order my copy of The Fairy Tale Girl! xoxo
What a great gift—sharing copies of your new book as a celebration! I so much enjoyed A Fine Romance, I’m looking forward to this one …. and the sequel. Thanks for sharing with us all. -r-
I’m so excited to hear more about the new book(s)! I’m sure The Fairy Tale Girl will be everything and more than we can imagine… I would love to win a copy! I was getting worried that maybe I was off of the email list for the blog since I haven’t received one in a while but now I know the reason and I am so happy to be patient for your writing! Thank you for updating us.
Can’t wait to enjoy your new books, you are always so creative and original. So happy to see your blog again, it makes my day. Take care, Cindy W.
It’s so exciting about your new book! I love the title!
Ooh, I love fairy tales! So nice to see all of the blooms in your yard rather than snow. Happy Spring!
Thanks for sharing the title of you new book(s)! I am so excited to read all the stories in them. The pictures you shared are beautiful, I think I am going to print them and put them all around the interior of my cubical so I can transport myself to paradise! Glad your back, we missed you!
I love all your posts, but as spring is my favorite season, I really love this one. Thanks for taking time to share your world with all of us.
What a joy to know fairy tales still happen and that so many of us still believe in them! Thank you for reminding us all.
So EXCITED about The Fairytale Girl!!!
I got my order in this past weekend.
Looking so forward to reading.
HApPy. 🙂
I am so excited for your new book to come out. I love your log and all of the illustrations that you do. I am hoping that I will receive one of your The Fairy Tale Girl books.
I can’t wait for this one!