My dad says I should blame it all on Vanna. It’s her fault I’ve been away so long!  I love the way that sounds.  But first thing’s first . . . we need MUSICA to go with our Fairy Tale.

butterflies IMG_1043

 Don’t be mad at us ~ we come bearing gifts . . . I’m sorry I’ve been away so long.  I hope I didn’t worry you, I missed you just as much as you missed me!  Everyone is happy and healthy around here and keeping out of trouble the best we can.  You can see we are surrounded with mini-miracles, Girl and Jack in the same photo!!  Yesterday! (Look at his cute folded paws!)



‘Course the whole world is a miracle now that the lilacs are in bloom . . . this is my view out the window from my art table.

flower border


Here’s up close and personal, a bee’s-eye view.


IMG_1058  Here’s the sky view, lilacs are everywhere on the Island right now ~ it smells wonderful outside!

  So here’s more of what’s been happening around here. Besides the fact that we have two new baby squirrels coming to the feeders ~ who won’t hold still for six seconds so I can take their picture, but they are adorable! The tiniest ears in the world.


Our tulips and daffodils bloomed, so perky after that cold winter. You have to call that a miracle!


And then there’s this . . . our ornamental pear tree.  I’m very big on spring flowers, I like the shock of it!  This does it for me!



We still have a few of these Angelique tulips in bloom . . .


My birthday was perfection, thank you all so much for your well wishes!  My dad and his wife Jeanie sent me this darling birdhouse!

birthday party


And the dogwood did its part by blooming soon after . . .


Heres another photo of the dogwood . . .


When Joe was digging the hole to plant the dogwood, he found that little blue bottle in it.  I celebrate that little bottle all the time. Buried treasure! Kind of a fairy tale, don’t you think?


Here’s another picture of the pear . . . I can’t get enough of it. I could live there.


Here it is again, showing off with the weeping cherry and forsythia . . .

new england forsythia

And more forsythia, not to be outdone . . .


When we bought this house in 1989, there was a wonderful magnolia in the garden that bloomed every year and made the perfect spring picture for all passers by. In fact, long before I bought this house, I used to drive past it in the spring, just to see all the wonderful flowering trees in bloom.  The woman who owned the house before me, Mrs. Bowditch, was a garden lover.

magnolia tree

This was her tree, and the legacy she left for us.  But one day, this beautiful magnoliatree up and died, and I’ve mourned it ever since.  I know Mrs. Bowditch was looking down from heaven saying, “Susan, Put it back. It’s your job.”  It took three years to find the right kind here on the island to replace it with.  I wanted the exact same variety.  But they didn’t seem to carry it in our nurseries ~ only other varieties, with different flowers.  In addition, I find it hard to trust the name tags on the trees, I trust them more if there is a flower I can see.

planting a new Magnolia tree

There was exactly one flower on this one when we found it last year at Vineyard Gardens, but it looked like the right kind!!!  So excited, we took a chance and brought it home.


And prayed that it wasn’t some sort of trick. I waited for it to bloom this year, and we got lucky, because it was the right kind! It still has a way to go before it reaches the glory of the original tree, but I am so happy to have this view back! A pure pleasure. Happy Mother’s Day, Mrs. Bowditch.Thank you for the inspiration!

magnolia tree

And here we are in the way back . . . enjoying more . . .  



Oh yes, we’ve been celebrating by walking through the woods out to the pond and the ocean every day . . . 


The leaves are back!  We watch seagulls, terns, finches and osprey flit, dive and prey and we do “Morning Science” which always starts with the words, “I wonder why” . . .  Big breaths of this air soothes the winter soul. A blessing.


Speaking of blessings, here’s one of the things I missed ~ well, I missed sharing it with you ~ was Princess Charlotte’s Birth Day!  Weren’t you thrilled they had a girl?  How perfect! And isn’t Kate’s dress adorable?  

Princess Charlotte William and Kate must wake up and pinch themselves every day!   Now Kate can shop for baby dresses!  Of course we non-royalty types celebrate in our own way, by drinking tea from our new Emma mugs!  Not a bad way to go!  Too cute! I hope everyone got one . . . Kellee announced their arrival on Facebook . . . I know they’ll sell out from Emma soon, if not already.  They always have a limited supply of these special event mugs which is the good news and the bad news!  

Another thing I missed with you was . . .

Mother's Day

So, Happy Mother’s Day to all of my soul-nurturing Girlfriends.  The world wouldn’t be fit to live in handwithout you!  You are kind of IT.   I just saw a wonderful movie that I think would make the perfect Mother’s Day gift for you.  It’s not new, it came out in 2011, so it’s available on Netflix and all kinds of places, even on YouTube. I know you’ll love it.  It’s called The Well Digger’s Daughter.  It’s French, you have to read subtitles, but it’s easy to get used to and the cinematography is heaven with lovely views of the French countryside. I loved the musica too.  And the dad in this movie is wonderful too.  Also, the clothes on his five daughters!  It’s set just as WWI is beginning.  So happy Belated Mother’s Day dearest ones!   


So where have I been?  What is my pitiful excuse?  You aren’t buying the Vanna excuse?  I didn’t think so.


envelopeI’ve been doing this .  I’ve been writing our book. I made you a promise to try to have it before Christmas do I decided to put my shoulder into it and make it actually happen. The Musica for today was a hint.  I’ve been playing it for inspiration and strength.   I think anyone who must march to a finish line would be helped by playing this music.



And this is where I am now.  Deep into my watercolors, making new art for our new book, which finally has a name.  You’ll be the first to know . . . ready?  I’m scared . . . OK, here we go . . . 


Here’s the first time I wrote it . . . trying it on for size . . . to be or not to be, that is was the question.



And I liked it! So here’s where I got serious.


And here’s where I started to mean business.

butterflies Book Cover Mock-up3

 And here’s where there’s no turning back.  Yesterday, Kellee posted THE FAIRY TALE GIRL in the web store for presale (everytime I type presale, my auto fix changes it to “resale” and now it’s Donotdisturbchanging autofix to “outfox.”  Stop helping me outfox!)

Anyway, this is the book I’ve been trying to write since about 2006 and would not have been happy in life if I didn’t. I had to, even though it’s a completely new thing for me and I had to practice by writing A FINE ROMANCE first.  Which was not only fun, but very helpful as far as learning is concerned.

THE FAIRY TALE GIRL began as just one book, but when I added the art and photos and recipes, it was too big, so I had to make it two books ~ The Fairy Tale Girl comes complete with a cliff hanger ~ so very soon we’ll also have the sequel called MARTHA’S VINEYARD, ISLE of DREAMS. And guess what else?  They are novels! Based on my diaries.

my diariesYikesI know, but it’s true.  And this isn’t even all of them!  So, of course I’m scared to death!  But counting on the fact that

fairytalesI’m plowing forward despite trepidation.  I think you will like it, it’s sort of like the blog only more and longer. For the next month, before it goes to print, I will be digging through old 

img066photographs like this one, laying out my pages in the book with them so you can see what I’m writing about ~ and painting the art so you can go on a little virtual journey with me back to the 1900s.  What do you think? A novel with pictures!

For those of you interested in preordering The Fairy Tale Girl, yours will be signed copies and shipped to you first before anyone else ~  as soon after August 15th as possible, on a first-come first-serve basis (because we really never know how many to print of these things). The actual “Publication Date,” when you should be able to find it in stores, is October. That’s so we have time to send books to reviewers.

magicAnd now, because I’ve been away so long, and because that was bad, I want to make it up to you by GIVING AWAY the first ten copies of A Fairy Tale Girl by Susan BranchTHE FAIRY TALE GIRL to ten of YOU!  So leave a comment and we’ll have a drawing, and wear poor Vanna out with all the work to choose ten winners!  It’s good for her!  They’ll ship out the moment they arrive.  And BTW, if my Blog is delivered your email address, you need to come here to www. in order to leave a comment ~ at the very bottom of this post, where you see a row of tiny words, look for “comment,” click there, and voila, leave a comment, and you’ll be entered.

thankyoufor your support ~ love you Girls.  Everyday I’ve thought the same thing as I’ve been writing, “What would the Girlfriends like me to tell them about?”  This time it’s a fairy tale, complete with a Prince Charming, a bite of poison apple, and lessons learned!  We all have a bit of that fairy tale in us, right? ~ but I’m not telling anymore! Until maybe next time.  Previews are only fair. 

Have a wonderful day! XOXO 


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  1. Cindy Sal says:

    I am so excited for your new book! I hope I win! 🙂

  2. Lynn Cunningham says:

    Delighted to read your new post, and realize that your new book is almost here! The Fairy Tale Girl is a charming name, and I so agree ~ you’re never too old for fairy tales, especially if they have a happy ending!

    Thank you so much for all of the beautiful pictures of spring flowers. I loved reading about your special magnolia tree, and about Mrs. Bowditch ~ she must have been a kindred spirit!

    Getting a picture of Girl Kitty and Jack together is surely a sign of more wonderful things to come. It’s no doubt scary to launch a new book, but your writing and paintings always speak straight to the heart, and I know “Fairy Tale Girl” will be as loved and appreciated as “Falling in Love…..” (a copy of which is on my bedside table). Thank you for your sensitive insight into the world we all share!!

  3. Kathleen Kjerulff says:

    Love the title – everyone should believe it fairy tales – I know I do.

    Best regards,

  4. Nancy Snyder says:

    I would. Love to have your book. Love fairy tales

  5. Linda in Texas says:

    Generous you! again! 10 out of 2000+ not such bad odds. Please put my name in the hat. Love the name of your book–it’s perfect for you.

    And your photos of the spring flowers. Blessings, indeed! And I always love seeing your watercolors pallet. All the potential in those boxes.

    Thank you for all you do.

  6. Evie Tong says:

    Susan … so glad you’re well and writing … looking forward to “your” Fairy Tale Girl and as we all know, you’re living happily ever after … With Love and Aloha,
    Evie in San Diego, CA

  7. Kathryn B says:

    How exciting your book is coming out! And sooner than I would let myself expect it. I would love to win your book, but going to pre-order just in case Vanna doesn’t draw my name 🙂
    thanks, Susuan!

  8. Laurie says:

    Another wonderful adventure!! I cannot wait for this new book, and its sequel. I do believe in Fairy Tails:)

  9. Olivia Johnson says:

    OH! Spring is grand. Princess Charlotte is grand. I’m sure the new book will be as well! Looking forward to it! Hope I win! 🙂 Happy Wednesday!

  10. Beverly says:

    Beautiful flowers!!

  11. Gail says:

    Looking forward to the new book! Loved seeing all the wonderful flowers in your beautiful yard after the winter we had.

  12. Edie McAdoo says:

    So glad you’re back. The kitties are SO cute1

  13. Shirley Koch says:

    So very glad you’re back. Would love nothing better than to win a copy of your new book. I enjoy all your photos, they’re beautiful. Thank you.

  14. Charlene A (HI girl livin' in Southern OR) says:

    Been busy in Hawaii for the past 5 weeks, without regular access to a computer, so I haven’t read your blog since we left Oregon. (Boo Hoo!) I just read your most recent entry and am so excited to read the latest news: You’ve written two more books! I love the title of your first book because I have loved fairy tales since I was a keiki (child). I even married my Prince and continue to live happily with him after 43 years! Looking forward to reading your novels.

  15. Susan Roubal says:

    Such exciting news your new book is. We are getting a halting version of spring here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. There are many blossoms on the apple trees (even after such a hard winter!) but now we have been having a cold snap with snow, ice and temps dipping into the 20’s last night! Cross your fingers for the apple trees and for me! I’d love to win one of your books! –Sue

  16. Sharon says:

    Twirling with delight, and butterflies dancing with anticipation for this book.

    Love to you all,


  17. Lori says:

    Fairy tales keep us believing! Thank you for keeping them alive!

  18. Johanna says:

    Oh so exciting that you are writing a new book! I just discovered you and I soon after bought every book you published! I would love to add this one to my collection. 🙂

  19. gini dagostino says:

    Susan, Just love love love your writings, blogs and art work. But most of all I hear the ocean and smell the salty air of the sea through your pictures that you post.. I love Nantucket and would not mind having a house there. Never give up hope!! Stay well. Looking foward to reading your new books!

  20. Carrie Hilliger says:

    Happy to hear there are going to be 2 new books. Will be exciting reading I know. So glad you are enjoying springtime and thanks for the beautiful pictures of nature. Hope you enjoy the upcoming Memorial weekend-thanks to our heroes we still have freedoms!! May America return to being a strong nation.

  21. Sharon says:

    Susan – very excited about the new book which if it arrives at end of August will be right at my birthday ! BTW, do you expect to have any more of the Emma Bridgewater “kitchen dresser” mugs available ? I just saw it yesterday and when I went to order one last night, it was gone already 🙁
    On my way to pre-order my book now…
    Thanks for your great website,

  22. Donna Lynn Kawano says:

    Thank you, Susan, for writing another book! How wonderful and exciting! I can’t wait to read it! 🙂

  23. Bonnie S says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your lively, lovely perspective on life.

  24. Kim Harvey says:

    I would love to win your book! Congratulations.

  25. Jane Sudderth says:

    I just discovered you , your tiny stories, adventures , your great recipes and beautiful art… I love to escape look at it all and read your old blogs. Thanks for inviting us into your real tales.. Jane

  26. Jill says:

    Let’s see, what are the chances? Slim to none. I’ve already pre-ordered my copy. Well, it’s for a friend but I might read it very quickly before I send it to her. Thanks for the chance to dream a bit!

  27. Anita Colbeth says:

    I hope I am not too late to submit my thanks to you Susan for all the inspiration you have given this old, elderly lady. I am going to set up my paints out on my porch and my daughter and I are going to paint. I will paint my marine subjects, perhaps a full-rigged ship. We hope you will tell in your book how you learned perspective and how to foreshorten. We need the tutorial. Thanks, we can’t wait for the book(s). You rock, from an 82 year old (young) lady!

  28. Ann in Pasadena says:

    Missed you and your world! So excited for you — you are following your heart and dreams. Bravo!

  29. Candy Abel says:

    Happy Spring to you too! Can’t wait until I have your new books in my hands! I have followed you for years. Candy

  30. Sylvie from France says:

    Dear Susan,

    Here in France the winter hasn’t been as harsh as where you live on the East coast but we are happy now that the spring has sprung. The lilacs are in full bloom and it smells wonderful.

    I’ve been following your blog for several months and even if we discover a little something about you in each of your posts, I’ll love to know even more about your fairy tale.

    I’ve no doubt that your “partly biographical novel” will be a delight as were your previous books. Your art is enchanting and exhilarating … and a book signed by you would be a dream come true !.
    Please, never stop your lovely creations !.


  31. Oh my goodness. Over 2,000 comments already. Do you feel loved? You should!!
    Every week I so look forward to seeing your sweet and inspiring stories. Looking forward to the new book too. You are lucky to have such a talent and generous to share it with us all. Best, happy wishes always, Ruthie

  32. Barbara Kuzdzal says:

    I was just out for a bike ride enjoying all the lilacs. Good to see you’re enjoying the Spring beauties too. Keep up the good work on the book. I am so looking forward to reading it and gifting it to friends.

  33. Jan says:

    I’m excited for your new book! I read A Fine Romance and just loved it so know I’ll enjoy this new book as well. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  34. Kathi Hendee says:

    I’ve missed your blog writing–I checked it everyday. Happy to hear about your book and eagerly await my chance to read it.

  35. Kathie B. says:

    Susan, thank heaven you are OK. I was worried. Seems you are more than OK, busy as can be. Hooray, a new book. Wonderful news. The photo of kitty one and two is adorable. Thank you.

  36. Sheryl Pierson says:

    Hi Susan,

    Love the Spring pictures, and can’t wait for your new book. You’re never too old for Fairy Tales!!! Thank you for sharing with us.

  37. Bev Brewer says:

    I know you are swamped with comments, so I will keep this short but sweet—I love your new book already!

  38. Donna Kozak says:

    It’s good to have you back and with a new book – Yippppeee !

  39. Margie Terry says:

    This must have happened for a reason – I was searching for my Class Reunion Booklets for my best friend Sally and came across a postcard of yours that I picked up ???? where and when I do not know – one side has a yellow background with pinkish-red flowers on it and on the left side are measurements for Standard Mattress sizes from crib to cal king and on the right side it states Twitter with Susan or join us on Facebook also sign up for free newsletter Willard @ http://www. but it’s what’s on the other side that I am interested in – free pattern for a quilt that has a scalloped edge and four Dresden plates in the middle?! Is that pattern still available? If so, where?? Also, my husband and I are taking a cruise later on this year and the ship departs and returns to Harwich England so we’ll be spending a couple of days in London before departure – any suggestions as to what to do in such a short time there? One thing is for sure – I am taking along “A Fine Romance” for a re-read for the full affect!! Thank you!!

    • sbranch says:

      Hever Castle is positively amazing, truly, it’s the childhood home of Anne Boleyn . . . Go HERE to learn more. It’s a short ride from London, and will give you a view of the amazing countryside. There’s a lake and the garden, restaurant, tea room, and the castle is wonderful. You could spend a day there easily . . .

      • Lover of the motherland that is England says:

        Hi Margie and Susan,

        If I may be so bold to offer my two p? (p=pence…getting you in the mood.) I’m not sure if you are only getting x2 days in England or just London – if you will have experienced England prior to arriving in London for x2 days, may I also suggest some stellar things in London? After all, “Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”
        — Samuel Johnson

        I have just returned from my 11th trip to England, having spent quite a bit of time in both the gorgeous-out of this world countryside, as well as London, and both are worthy of visits. If you enjoy art/history/history and science there are world class FREE museums not to be missed such as The National Gallery at Trafalgar Square and just around the corner, The National Portrait Gallery, containing paintings of iconic British people from artists/actors/politicians/poets/royalty. The famous painting of Princess Diana in pants, sitting down with her legs crossed that was infamously slashed by a man and later restored is there. (If you go to Trafalgar Square, the equivalent to Times Square, directly across f/Nat’l Portrait Gallery is St. Martin in the Fields, the most divine of churches, named after their patron, St. Martin, who instinctively cut the cloak from his back to give to someone in need. Handel performed the “Messiah” there and this church has cont’d to be a pivotal place of worship, with free lunch-time concerts and incredible evening performances with talent comparable to that which plays at Carnegie Hall. Those in the musical industry consider it one of the highest honours to say they have played at St Martin in the Fields. Also, it remains a true and working church that actively works with the homeless as well as speaks to social, humanitarian and international issues.)

        Also, the V&A in South Kensington and nearby is Kensington Palace where Queen Victoria lived when she ascended the throne. More recently known for Princess Diana living there with her sons after the divorce and now Prince William and his family as well as Prince Harry and other extended mbrs of the Royal family. Absolutely stellar gardens and a restaurant, “The Orangery,” for breakfast or lunch, is set within the gardens of KP and is beautiful architecturally.

        If you enjoy gardens, I would highly recommend Kew Gardens at the end of the District (Green) line, any time of year it is fascinating. Also, Richmond is a lovely and rather “posh” borough of London and begs a gander. The many parks in London, particularly if there from Spring (masses, and I mean heaving masses of bulbs) to Fall.

        And if you are a lover of architecture of all periods, London is your oyster. The sheer wonder of Sir Christopher Wren’s St. Paul’s Cathedral (stay for choral evensong under the dome – free and absolutely exquisite) is worthy of a visit. Imagine Diana walking thru the Great West Doors (only opened for State Occasions, Her Majesty and Royal Weddings) the day of her wedding, tender age of 20 and walking down that very long aisle w/her father, unsteady due to recent strokes, and having already learned that Charles was still in love with Camilla but being told by her sister’s, sorry Duch’ it’s too late now, your face is already on the tea-towels. If you are up to a physical challenge, give the golden gallery a whirl and check out the 360 degree view from atop Wren’s masterpiece and take home the bragging rights.

        Markets abound in the city and are a wonderful way to experience the life of Londoners. You may consider the traditional Old Spitalfields, Camden, Portobello, Columbia Flower Market and Brick Lane to name just a few.

        And lest we forget the world class theatre on the West End – 1/2 price ticket booth at Leicester Square for same day performances.

        Windsor Castle with nearby Eton College where Princes William and Harry were educated. The town of Windsor oozes charm and it is a very short trip out of London.

        If in London during the summer, Buckingham Palace may be open and should not be missed for the interior is mind boggling and you exit into the gardens where the Queen hosts her annual garden parties.

        The British Library in Bloomsbury, a neighborhood famous for former residents of the Bloomsbugy group such as Virginia Woolf, contains such fascinating historical items as the small desk top Jane Austen’s father gave her(seemed like a portable desk-top to me compared to the one in her home in Chawton where she penned P&P), Vivaldi’s handwritten works, Beatles hand-written lyrics to “Yesterday,” “A Hard Day’s Night” and “Ticket to Ride,” as well as an audio recording of Florence Nightingale – all free!

        Or take a hop-on-hop-off red double decker bus tour, great way to see things and get the lay of the land and hop off where you want to further explore.

        Obvs., this does not begin to scratch the surface of all that London has to offer…and again, all this is dependent upon whether you’ve had time in the English Countryside before arriving London.

        As Susan well knows, my love of all of England is deep and abiding…you can’t go wrong in the motherland. ENJOY!

  40. I’ve been on vacation in New England visiting my daughter and her family. And going to Brimfield! So I’m late in leaving a comment but your new book sounds fabulous. It is hard to think of anything topping your “England Book”.

  41. LuAnn says:

    Susan, can’t wait to read your book. I’m on my way over to preorder your book now! Good luck!!

  42. Connie stark says:

    Can’t wait to read your book, thoroughly enjoyed the last one.

  43. Charlotte says:

    How exciting – your new book! A million to one – I think that is my chance of winning a copy but a girl has got to try.


  44. Sharon says:

    This should be a lovely book to read. Hope you enjoy writing and drawing these books as much as we enjoy reading them. Thank you, Susan!

  45. jeanne murray says:

    Dear Susan,

    Every day, in every way, you make the world a little bit bright. Here’s hoping Vanna picks my name – fingers crossed! I enjoy your blog & all of your charming books, and I dearly look forward to reading your latest copy …

    Jeanne Murray

  46. Judy says:

    And here all along I thought that I was the only “Fairy Tale Girl”! When I was little I used to pretend that I was a Princess, and someday for sure I would marry Prince Charming. Well, I met my Prince and we’ve been very happy together for almost 50 years. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out after we were married, that he was “Prince Charming” in the Toronto Santa Claus Parade! I adore your blog Susan.

  47. Tina Gasparett says:

    So excited to see and read your new book. And the next book to follow. Happy spring.

  48. Jean Stringfellow says:

    Congratulations on your new book. I always thought that you were a terrific writer now can’t wait to read this novel. Would love to win one for myself. Best wishes! Jean

  49. Kim M. says:

    Have missed you and your wonderful blog. Can’t wait for the new book.

  50. Kim from Canada says:

    So excited for your new book!

  51. Eileen Hart says:

    Oh, how I would love to win a copy of your new book, The Fairy Tale Girl. I love all of your books and your watercolor artistry. God really gave you a gift.

  52. Connie from Abilene says:

    Hey Susan, so glad you are back. Love all the pictures, how beautiful. Yes, please add me to the drawing. Don’t be gone sooo long. I miss your blog when you are missing in action!

  53. Genan says:

    I am so excited for your new book A Fairy Tale Girl! When I get my hands on it, I am going to take the day off and go to my sister’s lake house and not come up for air until I have devoured it.

  54. Deb Gage says:

    Oh so happy you have returned!
    I had to laugh out loud when you mentioned Girl and Jack in the same photo! I thought the very same thing – it’s a miracle! – when I first saw it! They are so precious!
    Happy to hear from you again.
    Can’t wait for the new book!
    Love to you and all!

  55. Heidi says:

    I can’t wait to read your new book! It sounds so dreamy and wonderful!!

  56. Alison Hamel says:

    Susan, it’s so nice to catch up with your blog…spring has been a very busy time. Looking forward to your new book. I truly enjoy your stories, pictures and drawings. I love seeing the lilac trees in bloom…remind me of my Michigan summers while growing up. Congrats on your new book.

  57. Saartje says:

    I’m sure the book is lovely. I just got “A Fine Romance” and can’t stop reading. I told myself I would only read about the crossing and then keep the rest for our trip to East Sussex this summer, but I’ve just been to Sissinghurst with you… I’ll still take the book, and try to get a picture at Bodiam and Hever, where we plan to go. Maybe Great Dixter again too. We were there in April last time, I wouldn’t mind seeing it in August, too. If I don’t win the book, I’ll be pre-ordering!

  58. Saartje says:

    PS I love that it (“A Fine Romance”) is hard cover, matte pages and has a red ribbon: perfect! I pass most books I read on to family and friends, even the really good ones. I figure once they are read they have changed me a little, maybe even taught me a little and they can go on to other people. I might lend this book to others, but I think I’ll put my name in it, and keep it, just to browse through it now and then. Thank you for your lovely work, you make the world more beautiful!

  59. Emily Merrill says:

    Everyone believes in Fairy-tales! OOh can’t wait.

  60. Judy from So.Cal says:

    Loved the pictures of the kitties,and so glad you hadn’t died and gone to heaven!!! Would love your new book,,,,Judy

  61. cecelia says:

    can’t wait for the new book! Love the tree you planted.

  62. Linda J. says:

    There is something exciting about opening crisp, new, pages in a crisp, new, book on a warm summer’s evening. Can’t wait for the new one!

  63. Beth from San Diego says:

    The book looks delightful – naturally. Can’t wait!

  64. Dorene schlecht says:

    Sure missed you and your “uplifts”…so glad you are ok and busy” can’t wait for your book!what could be better than a good book and a cuppa☕️? dorene

  65. Cindy says:

    I am so excited and cannot wait until your new book is available. I’m thinking shade tree, quilt, something cool to drink and your book will make for a wonderful day!!! As always you inspire me in so many ways. Cindy

  66. Jan from Northern CA says:

    Hello Susan and Girlfriends,
    I missed you all. My Dad had a stroke on Easter Sunday and it’s been an adventure of sorts ever since. He’s an adventurous 86 year old….and while trying to repain a wheel on an old table in the garage the weekend before Easter, lacerated his leg…..well A-fib & blood thinners don’t make clotting work….so he had to come off for a few days. We were starting him back on the Monday after Easter……and it hit Sunday morning. :). Two weeks in the hospital, three in Rehab hosp and now home. Bathcrashers on his bathroom…..and on and on and on. I’m pooped. I’ve missed this website! So, upon opening it up, here was all the cheer I’ve missed and then some! Thank you for that! I’m so excited about your book! I’ve been anxiously waiting as all of us have been. It looks great! Well, glad Spring finally sprung on the Island. The kitties look so cute. I’d love to have one of the first books…..but if Vanna doesn’t choose me, I’m going to get one anyway! lol. And the next time I see you, I’ll just have to say hello and get your to autograph it….so no worries there. I’ll just enjoy it to pieces…and the sequel.
    Jan from Northern CA

    • Jan from Northern CA says:

      Wow, really should have checked spelling before hitting submit………

    • sbranch says:

      It sounds (despite the help with spell-check — what is a bath crasher? 🙂 ) that your dad is better . . . I hope I’m hearing correctly. All my best with you Jan!

      • Jan from Northern CA says:

        Hello again Susan. Wow, finally a few min to check back in. Dad doing better. (Bath Crashers is a program on HGTV that finds a family and re-models their very much in need bathrm to new and wonderful in 3 days.) It took us longer….but not much, as we needed it to become wheelchair accessable asap! I helped tear it all apart, then the tile guy came and did his thing. I spent last week training BLM firefighters down in Bakersfield. Home to make sure all was well with Parents and now off to the Modoc NF for more training. I still dream of coming to the Island for a visit. I’d love to experience the Memorial Childrens Parade. How Patriotic! Other exciting news….we planted a “Straw Bale” Garden. 4 Tomatoes, 3 bell peppers, 3 squash, and 2 cucumbers. All growing well so far. It is so neat! Look it up online and you have a visual. the tomaotes and peppers are getting fruit and I saw a cucumber yesterday! Homegrown veggies are the best!
        Jan from Northern CA

        • sbranch says:

          They are ~ we managed to get some in yesterday . . . a new heirloom tomato called Mark Twain!

  67. Susan Chicas says:

    Dear Susan, I wondered if you were busy working or why you were so long incommunicado! Very forgiveable, and now that we see the book blooming along with the rest of spring, I am eager to read a first edition signed copy!!! I know, judging by all your other books and your blog, that I will want to immerse myself up to the eyebrows into your life…er NOVEL, and zoom straight through. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy (although I’ll probably pre-order and hedge my bets), and may your ongoing efforts be blessed!

  68. Juli says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you so much for all of the warm and loving stories that you write about. You are an inspiration to all of us. My favorite story of yours is in your Autumn book. The one about the smell of the brownies, hot cocoa, and the baloney sandwiches in the cloak room in grade school!! I remember that too! It’s kind of a joke with my family now…they finally understand that I’m not the only one who has those memories!!
    Looking forward to reading your new book. You are truly living the Fairy Tale life.

  69. Brooke Marie says:

    Susan, I have been enjoying your books and artwork since I was a little girl. You are a daily inspiration to me when I look at your calendar on my desk. I wish you much success with this new book and thank you for bringing such sweet beauty to us in so many ways!

  70. Deborah says:

    Your books are the BEST adventures … for you and for us! Thank you.

  71. Rebecca says:

    Thank you for sharing all of your spring flowers with us! Our lilacs started blooming in mid April this year and they smelled and looked so gorgeous. Your dogwood tree is beautiful. We have hot pink roses growing on fence and arbor now – so pretty. I’m very excited for your new book. I loved A Fine Romance, and I know that A Fairy Tale Girl will be just as lovely.

  72. sue says:

    I can’t wait for another HAPPY book…from you!

  73. Lynne says:

    Love the title of your new book!

  74. Wendy Rowland says:

    Looking forward to a wonderful read!

  75. Barbara says:

    It would be a Fairy Tale for me if I win!

  76. Molly says:

    Susan, after your Easter post, I was covering your yellow mixing bowl, as was my mom. I tracked down the maker of the bowl and was hoping to get one. Guess what arrived in the mail today for my birthday? A lovely mixing bowl, just like yours, only in a turquoise! I couldn’t be more thrilled and I love the bowl. Tomorrow morning, it will be huckleberry muffin bowl as I mix up muffins for our camping trip.
    Thanks for the picture – I will start my collection of bowls.

  77. Molly says:

    I was coveting your bowl, not covering your bowl. I just hate auto correct.

  78. Pamela says:

    Once upon a time, there was a fairy tale girl who picked my name, Pamela, to win a copy of her magical book. This caused fairy tale girl to be showered in star confetti*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  79. Sandy Barton says:

    May your new book be a blessing to many.

  80. Emma Cook says:

    I am looking forward to reading your novels and hope you will be able to get back to regular blogging soon. Nice, isn’t it, how we all feel like girlfriends because of your blog! So thanks…..

  81. Linda Wattier says:

    I’m so excited for your new books!

  82. I can’t wait for the new book. I am ordering four copies for Christmas gifts. I have always thought of you as the lucky girl to be living a type of fairy tale life, and you were just perfectly suited to live it on Martha’s Vineyard. So. Needless to say I think the title is just perfect. I have all of your books, stickers, stationary,,notepads & on & on. You are just the best. I hope you won’t mind if I can think of something cute to make you in cross stitch, but of course with you permission.

    Barbara S. In Plano. Tx.

    Write fast
    Barbara stewart

    • sbranch says:

      I was a Stewart too, originally! (Actually, once a Stewart, always a Stewart 🙂 ) xoxo Happy cross stitching dear Barbara!

  83. jane says:

    here’s hoping i win a copy of your new book. but if i don’t, there’s always pre-order 🙂

  84. Carol from PA says:

    So wonderful to hear from you! I’ve missed you terribly!!

  85. Donna McKeown says:

    So glad to see that you are back 🙂
    I love fairy tales!

  86. Martha says:

    What a lovely post…so glad you replaced Mrs. Bowditch’s magnolia.
    Can’t wait for your novel to publish!

  87. Sherry Morrison says:

    Love your blog and your art!
    Would love to win one of your awesome books!

  88. Lina says:

    I cannot wait to read your new book(s)!! PickmepickmePICKME!! (but if you don’t, I’m buying it anyways). Thanks for the beautiful Spring pictures on your blog.

  89. Jessie B says:

    Hi Susan!

    Thank you for the sunshine 🙂 Your new book sounds wonderful!

    ~Jessie B.

  90. Beth says:

    Oh Susan…. cannot wait to read your new book. I did notice that the flowers were missing a petal, but did not put it together with “he loves me, he loves me not”… that is brilliant. I really look forward to seeing what Jack and Girl Kitty are up to. It is always fun to see their antics. Have an awesome Memorial Day and thank you for sharing your life with the Girlfriends.

  91. Rebecca says:

    Another delightful post! Thank you for creating yet another bright sparkle in my day! I too have been away – even away from computers for a week, which enables me to chuckle about autofix/outfox. Thank you for sharing your appreciation for the beauties that each of the seasons bring to us and the wondrous comforts and charms of all things “home”. We’re all looking forward to your book and hope you, Joe and the kitties have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

  92. Barb S in Texas says:

    So loving your blog! Have your original cookbook, a piece of art as much as a cookbook!

  93. Kim Wilson says:

    I am so excited for your new book!!! Hope I win it!

  94. Judith says:

    I admire your hard work, but I am so glad to see you are back. I count on you to brighten my day! I loved the picture of your kitchen window sill with the Beatrix Potter characters all lined up. It looked very watercolory (is that a word?). Good luck with your book.

  95. Merle says:

    I can’t wait for the new book!

  96. Freddie says:

    I am a girl. Happy belated birthday!!!!! I have not posted in awhile. I am ready for a new book to add to the collection. Your pictures are beautiful, they always add to my day. Have a great holiday.

  97. Sherry Svoboda from Maryland says:

    “Happy Summer Susan” Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. My favorite flower is the Rose but the next in line is the Lily of the ValleyI love the bell shaped flowers and the scent is so enchanting. I would love to have your new book I anticipate its release. I have every book you have done and my original box of your Kitchen Garden Cards. I framed one years ago and proudly displayed it on my yellow wall in my kitchen. To look at it makes me happy & smile. I will keep my fingers & toes and wish real that my name is picked.

  98. Barbara Watkins says:

    Would love to win this! Please draw my name Vanna.

  99. Mollie Corcoran says:

    Your writings are an inspiration to me. I collect and read everything that you post. You are a talented and gifted writer. Looking forward to your new Book.

    Mollie C.

  100. Susan says:

    Fairy tale dreams to you!

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