Only Five Minutes More . . .

For starters, you need some . . . Frank!  MUSICA  Only Five Minutes more . . . or maybe we’ll take the whole weekend!

Hello Everyone

How are you?  Everything is good here . . . this music makes me so happy!  I’m still chugging away on the new book.  The first one goes to the printer on June 15 ~ we’ll see if I make it!  I’m still painting and adding photos and art to the pages. I decided yesterday it’s a very good sign that when I find the perfect quote for the perfect spot, I get tears in my eyes (sort of like I do at the end of a really good movie).  I can’t wait to show it to you!  

frolicking cat bird

But in the meantime, I thought we’d let our drawing for the giveaway go for a few more days . . . we have lots of books to give away!  I just want to make sure everyone’s had a chance to sign up.  So, if you haven’t, be sure to leave a comment, we’re giving away 10 of my new book, coming in August called THE FAIRY TALE GIRL ~ you can read all about it in the post just below this one.  By the way, did you catch it ~ on the edge of the new cover?  That the flowers are all missing a petal?  “He loves me, he loves me not . . .”  It’s a little clue.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share somemore Vineyard spring.  Birds are frolicking in our birdbath.  So fun to watch.  Only one out of three of those is real ~ the one surrounding himself in water drops.

Lily of the Valley

 Joe’s favorite flower is in bloom, the Lily of the Valley . . . thank you again to Mrs. Bowditch, the woman who owned our house from 1949 to 1980 ~ she left such a treasure for us. Funny how you can get to know a person like I’ve gotten to know the Bowditches, from the things they’ve left behind.

bouquet Lily of the Valley

I always have to bring in a little bouquet for the kitchen table . . . so we can bury our noses in them every so often.

Vintage Vase with Lily of the Valley

Like little bells . . .


Yes, when I get a good subject, I take a zillion photos!

Oh to be at MV

Today is the official start of summer here on the Island, no matter what the calendar says.  It’s Memorial Day Weekend, and literally overnight our town turns from a quiet little country outback into Vacation Central . . . people come from everywhere . . .

The ferry in Vineyard Haven

Boat after boat arrives . . .

Tourists unloading from ferry in vineyard haven

We like it . . . it’s a wonderful change from the quiet winter.  Plus we know it isn’t a year-round thing, so it’s always fun to see them come, and it’s always nice to see them go!  The best of all worlds. We have a weekend guest of our own to welcome off the boat today! The guest room is ready with Lily of the Valley as a welcome greeting.

Memorial Day Martha's Vineyard

And this is the event that happens every year on the Friday before Memorial Day ~ today!  A wonderful old tradition called The Children’s Walk to the Sea ~ it’s been going on here since the 1870s.  The Vineyard Haven Grammar School is just up the street from our house, so we get a birds-eye view of the parade every year as it passes by our house.  Isn’t it adorable? First comes the kindergarteners, followed by the 1st grade, on up to the 8th graders, and all their teachers too.

Children's Walk to the Sea Martha's Vineyard

And it comes complete with a marching band and George M. Cohan musica!

Memorial Day Parade Vineyard Haven

And, adorable children, carrying flags and bouquets of flowers.  They march through town, down to the water, where they throw their flowers into the sea in memory of those who have fought and died for our country.

Girl Kitty

Girl Kitty keeps an eye out for the kids!

my garden

And here’s our kitchen garden . . . Joe’s been raking and getting it ready while I’m inside “directing”  from my studio window! We’ll have strawberries soon if the catbirds leave us some! Time to plant tomatoes and lettuce and lemon thyme . . .


Our garden, though small, always makes us happy ~ it’s just enough to give us that “thank goodness it’s spring” feeling.  You can read more about it HERE:   Here are the basic elements that made it happen:



And look at this perky little goldfinch outside our kitchen window.  Hmm, he says, I taut I taw a puddy cat.


Oh yeah. No doubt about it.


Jackie keeps a watch.


So a little reminder for the holiday weekend, be spontaneous and keep it simple and have a WONDERFUL time.  Here’s a delicious potato salad recipe made with roasted potatoes you might like to try . . .

Warm Potato Salad

I’m going back to work in Fairy Tale Land ~  and guess what’s coming on TCM in about 10 minutes?  Pride and Prejudice!  The old one with Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier!  Perfection!  So lucky!  Have a great day Girlfriends.  Don’t forget, if you haven’t signed up for the drawing, be sure to leave a comment . . . we’ll do it next week.  Let Vanna frolic for the weekend!  You too!  XOXO Bye for now!

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646 Responses to Only Five Minutes More . . .

  1. Robin in New Jersey says:

    Lily of the Valley and Lilacs are right up there at the top of my list for the best smelling flowers~~Heavenly!!

    Have a lovely weekend, Susan and Joe!

  2. peg says:

    Is it Memorial Day already? Oh, wait….Monday Holiday Rule! I get it!

    Seeing the photos of the crowds arriving on Martha’s Vineyard reminds me of the scenes in “Jaws” on the 4th of July! I’m not ready for THAT just yet!

    The little hints you have given to us about your new book just adds to the excitement and anticipation! I can just tell in your latest post that you, too, are getting more excited by the moment!!! So, here I am, along with the rest of the Girlfriends, >patiently< (?!) waiting….have a great weekend, darling Sue! xoxoxo

  3. Nicki Anderson says:

    I dearly LOVE your garden. I may and try one just like it. Thanks for the idea
    and the layout ! Nice to have you in my inbox again. Keep writing !

  4. Ann Jane Koerber says:

    Oh I LOVE your kitties!!!! A short story about Lily of the Valley……I grew up in the city in an apartment. There wasn’t much grass where we lived…..just tarmac, sidewalks and dirt (great for playing marbles). In the fifth grade in April/May, we were given a project to find, press and describe wildflowers. I remember my Dad saying, we’ll have to take you to the park on the week-end, but that wasn’t necessary, because on our walk to school and home again, it seemed like each day there were different wildflowers to be picked. My favorites were Lily of the Valley, Queen Anne’s Lace, buttercups. I think it was the best Spring of my childhood. Got hooked on wildflowers! Now I have a wonderful, fantastic old house that has a carpet of Lily of the Valley on the West end. I’ve never made a bouquet for inside, though…………….going to do that right now! Again, Susan, thank you for stopping in and giving me a great, easy, idea! xoxo

  5. Cheryl Harrod says:

    Lily of the Valley are the very best gift from nature, They bring such joy and delight to anyone that come in contact with them.

  6. Diane G. says:

    It’s amazing how your island can go from being blanketed in that beautiful white snow to lush greenery and colorful flowers in just a couple of months! God is good!

  7. deby says:

    Looking forward to the new adventures in your new book!

  8. Carol McSeveney says:

    Susan, I so relate to your taking a jillion photos of a favorite subject. Every morning, when I take my walk, I photograph the two new houses being built in our neighborhood – just for posterity’s sake. I point my camera at the sky and take, again, Photographs of the row of REALLY tall palm trees bordering on Oak Ave. and Camino Real. Birds on wires, and the cactus, growing in the place of grass, on Emperor Avenue. Perfect! Then, my favorite subjects, our mountain range and the ever changing clouds. This morning my clouds were both gray and white. Love photography! Love your blog.
    Love you…..Carol.

  9. Cheryl A Roblyer says:

    Hi Susan. I had my DNA done last month and found out that I’m 99% European, with 63% of that bring British! I knew I loved all things English as much as you do! Can’t wait for your new book!

    Blessings, Cheryl

  10. Betty says:

    Your new book will be a lovely addition to my library! Fabulous cover, anxious to read.

  11. Deb from Dixie says:

    What an inspirational journey……I was thinking back to reading your books, when there was an address in Martha’s Vineyard to send you letters, then the website, the blog, the online store, a story / travel guide to England, you becoming a Publisher, and now a novelist. A path leading one step at a time to creating a Fairytale. You always hear it’s not the destination, it’s the journey… And I can only thank you for taking all of us girlfriends along on the journey with you, you inspire us every day. So excited to read about the life of The Fairy Tale Girl.

    • sbranch says:

      You have been paying attention Deb ! I forgot to remember all of that! 🙂

      • Linda says:

        I can remember you requesting us girlfriends to quit mailing you presents etc as the post office was getting a tad upset over the amount of mail and hubby was tired of hauling it all home!! Remember? Have a great Memorial Day! Linda from Idaho where the weather is sunny one minute and thunder and showers the next!!!

        • sbranch says:

          Yes, I do remember ~ and I do (and Joe does) appreciate all the withholding . . . I think my cup runneth over from just right here on the blog!

  12. Penny Harrison from Oceanside says:

    Mmmmmm – Lily of the Valley – doesn’t really grow well in our Mediterranean climate that I know of – has someone out here grown them successfully with special tips and techniques?

    Thank you for pointing out the missing petals on the book’s cover – very clever!! My eyes zoom in on that oh so pretty wedding dress every time! Was that your wedding dress?

    Thank you for taking a few minutes out to post all the wonderful pictures! Happy Memorial Day everyone!

    • sbranch says:

      You’ll have to wait and see 🙂 I think Lily of the Valley needs a freeze . . . it’s a bulb.

  13. Judy B says:

    Your blog’s just make me happy! Your joy is contagious and I just found your book “Girlfriends Forever” and am thoroughly enjoying each and every page. Such fun! Next one will be “A Fine Romance” that my friend thanked me for recommending even though I haven’t read it yet. Excited to hear that you have another one on the horizon. Now I must go find some Lily of the Valley!

  14. I love your blog and never miss a day reading and re-reading it. I hope I win one of your books so I can read and re-read it every day too.

  15. Shanna says:

    Can’t wait for your new book!

  16. Lori says:

    Happy Memorial Day!!!

  17. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    What a fun post. I love the pictures of the parade and the people coming off the boat, how fun is that. Love the bird at the feeder, how cute. I love lily of the valley too, my daughter just brought me in a handful for our kitchen. Ah Spring is so magical
    have a great day and weekend

  18. mary cunningham says:

    Happy Spring Susan !! I just love spring and my birthday is next weekend , so Lily of the Valley is my birth month flower…they are lovely to look at and they smell wonderful….fun activities this weekend with Memorial Day festivities…..enjoy the warm breezes !!Sparkling here in Indiana…Hugs…Mary…the Barefoot Sparkler…

  19. Christine says:

    Your little garden is lovely and inspirational!! What plants do you start from seed and which are purchased at the nursery?

  20. Deb in Michigan says:

    Lily of the Valley….so many memories….along with daffodils & lilacs they are the sign of hope, spring to summer, all is right with the world. Today I was garage sale~ing and found some tiny glass bottles to put the lily of the valley in. I only have a few flowers and I keep hoping every year that they will spread, but they don’t. I may have to find a better place for them.
    Enjoy your first summer weekend.
    Cheers! ~tink

  21. Carol says:

    Beautiful blog; loved the picture of Jack by the table – those cute eyes & ears!
    I used to have a black cat named Raisin & she was curious & fun like Jack. They sure add a lot to our lives.! Can’t wait for the new book to come out.

  22. Donna S Lee says:

    I saw that Colorado license plate, and didn’t think anything of it for a few seconds, then realized that the owner of the plate is a long way from home. Since the Colorado Front Range is my home, it’s fun to think about getting away to the coast. Thank you for reminding me that summer is just around the corner. I need that reminder, as we’re in the 50’s today, after having been in the 40’s for a few days, and rain every day. I’m working on a book of essays about my mother and me, along with memories of growing up. You’re an inspiration!

  23. Terri says:

    Does Joe hire out? Love the fence around the garden!! CANNOT wait to see the new book!!!! Happy Memorial Day!!

  24. Amanda says:

    Have you watched Death Comes to Pemberly yet? It’s a miniseries on Netflix. A mystery based on the book by PD James imagining what happens to the Darcys 5 years after they get married. It is lovely! And so suspenseful.

  25. Jacqueline A Walton says:

    I’m so in love with Jack — I have a black and white cat with a white mustache – Charlie Chaplin — and I’m looking forward to your new book too!

  26. Marianne Henderson says:

    I would love to receive your new book. I have bought 6 copies of A Fine Romance so far. It is part of what I call my RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS. I am a Cupcake Baker and when I reach my sales target for the week I order a book and give it away to a person whose name I draw out of jar. The names are written on a small paper doillie and folded into quarters. The names are of my friends, acquaintances and people I meet in everyday life, such as someone who complimented me, helped me, was endlessly patient (such as the lovely tutors at my computer course) or simply brightened up my day.

  27. Brenda says:

    Speaking of sandwiches, I’ve been living here or next door most of my 56 years. We have a winding creek just 30 feet from our back door. And just last year I discovered watercress in it. So I had my first cream cheese and watercress sandwich the other day with finely sliced cucumbers. It felt very British. My gardens are glorious right now and I just planted 5 new rosebushes. What a wonderful time of year. Can’t wait to read your book! I’m working on one of my own for someday.

  28. Melissa says:

    Just finished reading your book about your travels in England. Loved it! Can’t wait to go! Also I can’t wait for your new book.

  29. Just a quick dip in tonight. Haven’t been around lately, been busy riding buses every day, to and from the hospital, for over a fortnight now, not sure what day it is. Would love my name in Vanna’s swimming pool of chances though, please.

    Hope I will resume normal viewing soon! It is so great, though, having signed up to get your delightful doses of cheerfulness straight into my inbox without having to go to my blogger dashboard. Recommend it for anyone!

    ~~~Deb in Wales xoxo

  30. Ann Y in PA says:

    Hi Susan – Love lily of the valley! Reminds me of my childhood home and how we would pick them and take them to school ( St. Charles Elementary ) and put them in front of the statue of Mary for our May Altar. It was a BIG thing to bring flowers…we would stop on the way to school and ask people with lilac bushes if we could have some, but I always brought my mom’s lily of the valley in a cute little basket shaped vase. Memories ! Hope you enjoyed the movie…don’t you love when you JUST notice something good coming on ? Me…heading to our screen porch, even though it is terribly windy…to enjoy the flag whipping in the wind, a cuppa tea, and a good book. Let the Memorial Day Weekend BEGIN !!!

  31. Lynn says:

    We already have little zucchinis and we harvested the first of the bush green beans and ate those for dinner night before last! Nothing better than home-grown. We have lots of tomato plants, so I am looking forward to tomato sauce and tomatoes in our salads and tomatoes with fresh mozzarella and fresh basil! Yum, yum, yum!
    Happy Memorial Day!

  32. Debbie says:

    I just love those pictures of the children on their “walk to the sea”, what a nice way to honor those who fought for our country!

  33. Patricia Colthurst says:

    You have been a favorite for so long, but I had no idea you had a blog, and I just discovered your book about your England trip a couple of months ago. Where have I been?? Also I found out today that we share a love of Beatrix Potter! I am so very happy for all your success. You are an inspiration to love and enjoy life. Blessings!

  34. Martha Kormondy says:

    I think this post was perfect timing for me today! Lilly of the Valley is one of my favorite spring flowers. It reminds me of my grandmother. That is not my license plate, although I wish I was on MV, but I live in Colorado! Finally, I was looking through my box of snail mail note cards just prior to sitting down to read this post and just happened to choose the kitchen garden note card. Funny how things Like that happen. Your posts always brighten my day but today, even more so… Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend, it looks like a lot of fun!!

  35. Maureen Graham says:

    Hi Susan and Girlfriends! I love seeing what is happening on the Island. The parade is so lovely! Less than two months and my sister and I will be off to England! I can hardly believe it! Talk about a fairy tale!

  36. Susan Martin says:

    I never get tired of seeing your kitchen garden! I can’t wait for a bursting-with-warm-summer-flavor tomato!

  37. bobbie Calgaro says:

    Love your flowers wish I could have them in the house. Right now my peonies in my grandmothers milk can would be lovely but my two cats dessiminate all flowers brought into the house so we must enjoy them outside. Have a wonderful Memorial Day. Only 14 days til I retire!

  38. Cathy F says:

    I, too, sang White Coral Bells in Girl Scouts such a long time ago . . .

  39. lin rader says:

    This is a special day…a new post from sweet sue and the June newsletter from Friends of Gladys Taber! Wonderful to be reminded of the beauty of the earth as she awakens from her winter slumber. What is more beautiful than the myriad of flowers God gifts us with every spring. With such beauty to see, how could we be sad. The simple loveliness of lily of the valley…reminds me of my grandma. She always smelled of lilies. And the scent of roses….such romance. How wonderful to receive a rose from your beloved. Such simple treasures to see and smell and enjoy. Cant wait to read your new book…ordered Autumn and awaiting its arrival. I cherish “A Fine Romance”, it is delightful. Perhaps I shall be the lucky one to win one of your books. Now that would be a treasure! Blessings to you, Joe and the kitty kids. Love ya.

  40. barbara miller says:

    dear Susan [and Joe], love the post and I wonder if Joe could built me my kitchen garden….okay, i understand he is YOUR husband. my sweetie is not into building, gardening , working in the yard…..but he is the best at loving me. guess that is what it is all about. let the summer begin , b

  41. Carol says:

    Lilies of the valley are my favorite too! I even have a lily of the valley cologne spritzer for the times when they are not in season (I bet Joe doesn’t indulge in that way 🙂

  42. Judy says:

    Loved the pic of the bird in the birdbath with his ever so still friends! Made me smile!

  43. Terrie Trebilcock says:

    Oh, I’d love “2B” on Martha’s Vineyard, too! Another month of school awaits us in Maryland.

  44. Linda says:

    I hope this finally works for me! I see the way to go about leaving a comment has changed, so maybe I’ll have better luck this time. I’ve tried SO many times over the years!
    I am looking forward to reading your new book and the sequel. But right now I’m going outside to pick my own lily of the valley!

  45. Donna Wheeler says:

    I’d read and read, pages twice, pictures too, if I win your book. Then I’d mark it to go to my best friend when I’m gone.

  46. Mary Lawrence aka Mi Mi Elizabeth says:

    Happy summer. Cant wait to read your new book. Everything is green here in Gloucester. I knew a Mrs. Marian Bowditch she lived in Yorktown , Va. she may be related to your Mrs. Bowditch.We spent a week in Key West and had a wonderful time being conchs for a week. It was hot, they share the same weather as Egypt! Love reading your blog. Mary Elizabeth

  47. Barbara F. says:

    I can practically smell the lily of the valley through my iPad! Would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.

  48. Sharie says:

    I love a parade!!! Such cute kids – thanks for sharing. Nothing like a peeking kitty picture to make us smile. Can’t wait for the new book.

  49. Jane Franks says:

    Happy Memorial Day, Susan! Thank you for another glimpse of wonderful MV!! My grandmother grew lilies-of-the-valley around her large white Victorian house in Reading! I always get nostalgic when I see them. I wrote a poem about them and my connection to her as a child, when I was in my 20’s — my ‘poem writing period’! I can still smell their wonderful fragrance! Thank you for the memory! xo

  50. Happy start of a Holiday weekend!
    Love the post of the kiddoes and also of Jack looking out through the screen.

  51. Sheryl from Magalia CA says:

    Hello Susan and Friends,
    Now I am Sheryl from Magalia CA formerly from Chico and also Foresthill outside of Auburn, CA.

    My note for today is putting a damper on Lilies of the Valley. I also loved them since my Mom had them around the back door. However, I bought some bulbs this year and when I got home I read up on them and found them to be poisonous to mammals. I returned them because I have two dogs in the home. Just an FYI. Bye for now.

  52. Mary Cobain says:

    The picture of Jack’s ears and his wild eyes made me laugh out loud! Life without kitties is not a life I want to live. I love all the pictures and stories about wonderful Jack and sweet Girl Kitty. Can’t wait for the new book!

  53. Joy wisa says:

    Potato salad recipe looks good! Thank you!

  54. Jane Corbett says:

    Hello Susan, I will be visiting Boston, Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard for the first time at the end of June and am so excited to see the place you call home. I would love to win a copy of your new book. And lily-of-the-valley is one of my favourite flowers too.

  55. Joanne conte says:

    Your warm potato salad recipe sounds yummy! We are going to a baseball game tomorrow and relaxing the rest of the weekend! Enjoy! Actually, I pre-ordered a copy of your book, but I wouldn’t mind winning one too.


  56. Laurie Mitchell says:

    I just have to write and tell you Susan that I was shopping at a fabric store in Barnstabel called Tumbleweed Quilts. Guess what I found….some of your fabric. It has all kinds of diaper pins and has a pink background. My daughter, Courtney, who lives in CA. is expecting a baby girl in September. I have been sewing crib sheets and your fabric will be the used for the next one I sew. I was tickled pink to find your fabric. I live on the Cape.

  57. Susan, I just love the MV tradition of the Children’s Walk to the Sea. If I were there to see it in person, I just know it would bring tears to my eyes. Can’t wait for’The Fairy Tale Girl’ to arrive in my mailbox!! The cover is just gorgeous. I’m so glad that you pointed out the flowers with one petal missing. Hoping for more wonderful clues as we wait! Wishing you and Joe a wonderful weekend!
    Happy hugs,

  58. Sue Marshall says:

    Welcome to summer, Susan! Looking forward to the new book! Enjoy this wonderful time of year!


  59. Tracy P, Memphis, TN says:

    I just adore all of your books. I would be so excited to win one.

  60. Cheryl says:

    Oh, your lovely lilies of the valley brought back memories of my grandmother, who had zillions (it seemed as a child) of lilies in her backyard!!! I haven’t thought about those lilies for years. THANK You !!! I can smell yours all the way here in Michigan. Your post was beautiful as always! And ALWAYS uplifting!

  61. Gloria L. Nugent says:

    I am touched by the sight of the lily of the valley because when a good friend moved away she gifted me with her frangrant plot, which has thrived all 10 winters since she left. The parade of children was so very special as well. Aren’t we all so upbeat…what a smile of sunshine will do for a body, eh?? Happy holiday to all Girlfriends & to you, Susan !

  62. denni in MN says:

    Seeing the Lily of the Field brought back memories of the northside of my childhood home. It was a beautiful two-foot deep and thirty-foot wide view of
    little white bells in rich greenery leaves, all Lily of the Field. Only Dad was allowed to cut any out of the garden as a gift to Mom! He always seemed to know if my sister or I had ventured too close to that area of the garden for a cutting of our own. We’d just giggle and he’d eventually laugh, too! Thanks for another great recipe, Susan!

  63. Nancy says:

    I love the sight of small town parades. My favorite was on the San Juan Islands one 4th of July many years ago. They had pets in the parade as well!

  64. Linda K. says:

    Spending the weekend in Arroyo Grande! It’s beautiful here too. Enjoy your holiday.

  65. Julie says:

    We have rain in our long weekend forecast, but I don’t even mind, for my garden will benefit. I’ll get my sun eventually.

  66. Melinda Mull says:

    Thanks for reminding me to put out the flag, Susan. Yours looks glorious.

  67. Plum says:

    Your Lily of the Valleys are so pretty! They are a love of mine. <3 I recently helped to plant our garden, and it feels so nice to have it all done. Just in time for the rain! Your new book looks divine, and just as absolutely adorable as your last one. 😉 Even if I don't win the give-a-way, I will definitely be giving it a read!

  68. Stephanie says:

    How I miss the sweet aroma of lily of the valley and lilacs. They were a sure sign of spring on Aquidneck Island. I’d trade my hibiscus for them any day of the year!

  69. Carla Bergman says:

    Reading your blog is always like a breath of fresh air…enjoy the photos, the quotes, and your stories. Thank you for sharing with all of us!

  70. Colleen Baptista says:

    Oh, how I would love to be there! Love the charming parade. How lucky you all are

  71. Catherine Barr says:

    Oh my gosh!! I almost cried when I saw the pictures of the Lily of the Valley and the Lilacs! I grew up in Michigan and lived on a dead end street, which ended into “woods” and I would go pick the Lily of the Valley by the handful and rush home to give them to my Mom! Of course there were lilacs (in other people’s yard) that I would enviously go and smell. I have lived in California since 1981 and the ONLY thing(s) I regret about leaving Michigan is the Lily of the Valley, the Lilacs, and leaves in the fall.. sniff, sniff..

  72. ellen husel says:

    Every afternoon I read your blog. Some days when there’s nothing new I look at the archives and get totally consumed with recipes, the birds the gardens and the snow storms, to mention a few. I have most of your books and can’t wait for your new one to come out. If it was a giveaway gift how much better!
    Thank you for always being there when I need to get away to sweet times of books flowers hospitality and beauty. Ellen Husel

  73. Louise says:

    Susan, thanks for that tasty potato salad recipe. I make mine a little different, I come from Bavaria and my family makes it like this. Boiled potatoes, thinly sliced onions, very thin sliced cucumbers, mix this all together with rice wine vinegar and salad oil, while the potatoes are still warm. Salt and pepper to taste, we put in a lot of black pepper.

    Serve it at room temp. Great for picnics also.

    Have a fun and safe Holiday Weekend.

    Louise from Chicago.

  74. Beverly Taylor says:

    You are such a wonderful photo taker. Love the kids walking to the sea. Wish we could do something like that here in Gettysburg, PA. Park Service wouldn’t think too highly of a walk to the battlefields. Also loved the photo of the cat looking over the table edge. That’s so cool. I have always look forward to your blog updates, Have been following you since the start of winter last year. It must be fun to work from home and to have a job that you love and do so well. Thank you! Bev.

  75. Diana Moorr says:

    I never tire seeing your kitchen garden design and it’s story.
    It inspires me. Love all things garden.

  76. Ditto, ditto, ditto of all the above! Here in SE Michigan spring has really sprung! But that joy cannot be matched by your photos of birds, your kitchen garden, flowers, recipes and the children’s parade to the sea. Almost too much joy to be processed in merely two or three readings. You are the best example of this social media of email and blogging truly connecting so many in such a positive way and not at all part of the other stuff disconnecting so many. Hats off to you and Joe and your generous spirit of gratitude.

  77. Susan Kane says:

    I love the photos of The Children’s Walk to the Sea. What a wonderful island tradition! Those are memories those children will have for their lifetime. When my daughter was in grammar school they had a wonderful May tradition with a spring dance around the May pole. She still remembers the fun she had dancing and winding the May pole ribbons around and around.

  78. Brenda says:

    That dress is Bee-you-ta-full! I want one just like it!

  79. Lisa R (Arizona) says:

    We have the same garden story right now Susan! My husband is out readying our raised beds, in our fenced potager, and as he comes in for breaks to quench his thirst, I share my directions with him. 🙂

  80. Nancy says:

    We’ve been to Nantucket, very enjoyable visit… would you say it is different from Martha’s Vineyard……we are planning a visit next summer!
    ps. my Lily-of-the-valley were plentiful and oh, so fragrant this year.

    • sbranch says:

      One main thing, we are six towns, they are one-and-a-half. Nantucket is Perfect and Martha’s Vineyard is more real. All beautiful, but not as manicured. (I’m biased.)

  81. Florence Rozler says:

    So happy to read you blog today,recoup. from surgery and you made my day !!!!!This is a little short,hope you have a great weekend and HOLIDAY.!!!!!!!

  82. Sandra Hardee says:

    Oh my, Susan, this WILL be a great Memorial Day weekend: my BFF of 35 years will be visiting! Your post brought to mind the hand-made book I gave her for her wedding gift almost 25 years ago, a garden book with a photo of she and her husband on the cover. He has passed now, a bittersweet memory. There are many more memories to be made though. Happy Memorial Day!

  83. Lynda says:

    Can’t wait for the new book. Love all things Susan Branch. I have shared my Susan branch books with friends who have all become “friends ” as well. Have a wonderful weekend.

  84. Gail Rose says:

    I’m holding my breath…… can’t wait till your new book is here.

  85. Mary Nesbitt says:

    What a great tradition – I’d not heard of it before – and poignant remembrance of those who fought to keep us free. Love the thought of your new memory-maker too! Roll on Spring 🙂

  86. Eurika says:

    Wanting a Martha Vineyard’s Summer right now! Love your blog Susan.

  87. Mary Pacey says:

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers with us! We had Lily of the Valley growing at my home place also. I did bring to my house the deep purple iris and the peonies. It is so nice to have a bit of my childhood around my home now.
    I love your garden spot. This year I’m going to try and grow cantelope. I grew pumpkin 1 year and the vine went through the fence and my neighbor’s had a pumpkin growing in their tree- stayed until time to harvest.
    Your book will read like a book combining all the great love stories–Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and many others. Can’t wait to read it.

  88. marilyn ritter says:

    Am so looking forward to the new book! Give Me Five Minutes More was a favorite of my parents so I have a soft spot in my heart for that melody.

  89. Kathie B. says:

    Susan, thank you for the musica “five minutes more.” My older sister had the piano music for that when she took lessons 55 years ago! I used to sing it to myself, and sometimes still do. A trip down memory lane.

  90. Pattie says:

    Happy Memorial Day! What a cute tradition of a local children’s parade! Such nice memories.
    Your garden will be lovely & such a perfect size! A real cottage garden! Happy spring to you & everyone. BTW, we too have Lily of the Valley that blooms every year that my Mother had planted many years ago. As you know, they multiply too every year. So delicate, but hardy! A nice old-fashioned flower!

  91. jonnine ayling says:

    what a joy your life is giving me, your garden,cats writing and pleasant walks I ordered a copy of fairy tale girl cant wait for it . your blog is always my escape thank you. although I am retired in Arizona I came from England (surrey in fact) some 46 yrs ago but am always drawn to English things and the eastern part of usa is more English than Arizona both lovely in their own way thank you for a different outlook , we have had our spring now we are waiting for the heat of summer. hollyhocks coming out early thunderheads in the sky, windy, softball and visiting grandkids cant wait for my summer.

  92. Pam Betz says:

    My Grandmothers favorite flower was LILY of the Valley. (She was born on July 4, 1900). When her only daughter (she had 3 boys too) was married she had enough LotV imported from a Southern state to make a bridal bouquet. I have some lilies that I moved to my home 45 yrs. ago. I think of my Grandmother when I smell them. Pam

  93. nettie says:

    just picked a bouquet of lily of the valley before I came in tonight. My patch is from my friend Val’s garden, she loved the Vineyard and Nantucket. when she died a few years ago her husband invited me to dig up some of her Lily of the
    Valley so now I call them Val’s flowers and when I sniff them I have sweet memories of my good good soul sister friend.
    I adore your work and can hardly wait to open my e mail one day to find I am the winner of one of your new books.
    the best there is I wish for you and Joe……Nettie

  94. Maureen says:

    I too have Lily of the Valley from my garden in a small bouquet in my kitchen. It is a light pink variety and so fragrant. I had more this year than ever. Maybe all our snow had a positive side effect!

  95. Amy Swanson Haan says:

    Love the spring pictures! I haven’t seen goldfinches yet here in Iowa but my kitty is also loving to watch the birds.

  96. I am enjoying your blog so much. It is so good to see children and teens participating in the longstanding tradition of honoring our servicemen and women. Heartwarming!
    I haven’t figured out the missing petal mystery. Discovered that ‘He loves me, He loves me not..’ doesn’t always come out as ‘he loves me’…the mystery is not solved by me. I am curious. Thank you for the recipe…very similar to mine. Rather tha balsamic vinegar, I use my own Italian dressing, poured over just cooked potatoes and allowing them to marinate for at least one hour…longer if possible. I then proceed with other ingredients. Happy Memorial Day! Fingers crossed for your new book!

  97. Roseann Mitchell says:

    The apple trees and lilacs are finishing their blooms here in the upper Midwest and Sweet William will be making his very fragrant entrance soon. I can smell your little lily belles from here. Enjoy!

  98. Mary E Cafarelli says:

    Thank you so much for bringing sunshine and beauty and cheer with each of your blogs. As one who can no longer get about easily, I love visiting your part of the world through your photos and dreaming of flowers, the sea, and old-fashioned Memorial (Decoration) Day parades. Thank you! Mary Cafarelli

  99. Jane says:

    Oh thank you for the pictures of the lily of the valley. I grew them when I lived north and had a lovely patch of beautiful shell pink ones. Thank you for sharing the parade too!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  100. Richele Duffy says:

    I think that I have all of your books and many of your calendars, including several of the Book of Days! There have been times when your posts have been the brightest spot in my day and I always look forward to them. We have 3/4 of an acre here in Arcadia, CA and a 1,200 food veggie garden that I can’t keep watered or maintain, so……..on the side of the house my husband put a white picket fence enclosing a fiberglass clawfoot bath tub planted with tomatoes and peppers, pots of squash and a ladder arrangement from Pinterest with sage, basil and mini-eggplants. Also, a redone bench from my late Mama’s front porch for me to sit on. We call it Mama’s Garden, after my mother and have already picked tomatoes, basil, sage and squash! Please always keep writing!!!!

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