Only Five Minutes More . . .

For starters, you need some . . . Frank!  MUSICA  Only Five Minutes more . . . or maybe we’ll take the whole weekend!

Hello Everyone

How are you?  Everything is good here . . . this music makes me so happy!  I’m still chugging away on the new book.  The first one goes to the printer on June 15 ~ we’ll see if I make it!  I’m still painting and adding photos and art to the pages. I decided yesterday it’s a very good sign that when I find the perfect quote for the perfect spot, I get tears in my eyes (sort of like I do at the end of a really good movie).  I can’t wait to show it to you!  

frolicking cat bird

But in the meantime, I thought we’d let our drawing for the giveaway go for a few more days . . . we have lots of books to give away!  I just want to make sure everyone’s had a chance to sign up.  So, if you haven’t, be sure to leave a comment, we’re giving away 10 of my new book, coming in August called THE FAIRY TALE GIRL ~ you can read all about it in the post just below this one.  By the way, did you catch it ~ on the edge of the new cover?  That the flowers are all missing a petal?  “He loves me, he loves me not . . .”  It’s a little clue.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share somemore Vineyard spring.  Birds are frolicking in our birdbath.  So fun to watch.  Only one out of three of those is real ~ the one surrounding himself in water drops.

Lily of the Valley

 Joe’s favorite flower is in bloom, the Lily of the Valley . . . thank you again to Mrs. Bowditch, the woman who owned our house from 1949 to 1980 ~ she left such a treasure for us. Funny how you can get to know a person like I’ve gotten to know the Bowditches, from the things they’ve left behind.

bouquet Lily of the Valley

I always have to bring in a little bouquet for the kitchen table . . . so we can bury our noses in them every so often.

Vintage Vase with Lily of the Valley

Like little bells . . .


Yes, when I get a good subject, I take a zillion photos!

Oh to be at MV

Today is the official start of summer here on the Island, no matter what the calendar says.  It’s Memorial Day Weekend, and literally overnight our town turns from a quiet little country outback into Vacation Central . . . people come from everywhere . . .

The ferry in Vineyard Haven

Boat after boat arrives . . .

Tourists unloading from ferry in vineyard haven

We like it . . . it’s a wonderful change from the quiet winter.  Plus we know it isn’t a year-round thing, so it’s always fun to see them come, and it’s always nice to see them go!  The best of all worlds. We have a weekend guest of our own to welcome off the boat today! The guest room is ready with Lily of the Valley as a welcome greeting.

Memorial Day Martha's Vineyard

And this is the event that happens every year on the Friday before Memorial Day ~ today!  A wonderful old tradition called The Children’s Walk to the Sea ~ it’s been going on here since the 1870s.  The Vineyard Haven Grammar School is just up the street from our house, so we get a birds-eye view of the parade every year as it passes by our house.  Isn’t it adorable? First comes the kindergarteners, followed by the 1st grade, on up to the 8th graders, and all their teachers too.

Children's Walk to the Sea Martha's Vineyard

And it comes complete with a marching band and George M. Cohan musica!

Memorial Day Parade Vineyard Haven

And, adorable children, carrying flags and bouquets of flowers.  They march through town, down to the water, where they throw their flowers into the sea in memory of those who have fought and died for our country.

Girl Kitty

Girl Kitty keeps an eye out for the kids!

my garden

And here’s our kitchen garden . . . Joe’s been raking and getting it ready while I’m inside “directing”  from my studio window! We’ll have strawberries soon if the catbirds leave us some! Time to plant tomatoes and lettuce and lemon thyme . . .


Our garden, though small, always makes us happy ~ it’s just enough to give us that “thank goodness it’s spring” feeling.  You can read more about it HERE:   Here are the basic elements that made it happen:



And look at this perky little goldfinch outside our kitchen window.  Hmm, he says, I taut I taw a puddy cat.


Oh yeah. No doubt about it.


Jackie keeps a watch.


So a little reminder for the holiday weekend, be spontaneous and keep it simple and have a WONDERFUL time.  Here’s a delicious potato salad recipe made with roasted potatoes you might like to try . . .

Warm Potato Salad

I’m going back to work in Fairy Tale Land ~  and guess what’s coming on TCM in about 10 minutes?  Pride and Prejudice!  The old one with Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier!  Perfection!  So lucky!  Have a great day Girlfriends.  Don’t forget, if you haven’t signed up for the drawing, be sure to leave a comment . . . we’ll do it next week.  Let Vanna frolic for the weekend!  You too!  XOXO Bye for now!

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646 Responses to Only Five Minutes More . . .

  1. Lisa Nemirow says:

    I feel at home every time I read your newsletter! Your sweet pictures of the kitties, your flowers, and the children’s parade made me so happy. I look forward to your new book, your illustrations were inspiration for my own artwork, and I just have to say thank you!

  2. zooperson says:

    Winning a book would be super cool!

  3. Donna says:

    “The Fairy Tale Girl” is such a charming title for a book, and I just can’t wait to have one! Happy Memorial Day to all, and may our gardens be as lovely as yours, Susan.

  4. Kirsten French says:

    Dear Susan,
    Love the picture of Jack peeking from under the table. Lily of the Valley was my first ever perfume and hurtles me back to childhood, beautiful memories.

    Thank you for your blog.
    Happy days
    Kirsten in West Aus.

  5. Ordering your new book this evening. “A Fine Romance” was so wonderful that I can’t wait to fall into the new book! If I am lucky enough to win another I have many friends I would love to share it with. Who’s the lucky girl?

  6. Gail says:

    Love the flowers!

  7. Anita Brazinsky says:

    I just pre-ordered your latest book, The Fairytale Girl. Can’t wait until it is here!

  8. Marsha MacLean says:

    Wonderful! I love finding out about the petals!

  9. Dawn Jones says:

    Dear Susan,
    We can hardly wait for your new book. I know it will be wonderful! I hope you received the book on Sconset I sent to you in April. Thank you for all the sunshine you shed through your books, blog, etc. You are one of a kind! Blessings, Dawn Jones

  10. LINDA JUNE says:

    Thanks for another uplifting and inspiring post. You’re the best!

  11. Linda in Thornhurst says:

    My niece got me hooked on tea and you. I would love to win a copy of your new book. We live in the Pocono Mountains of PA and it has been a slow start this year. In fact, we have a freeze advisory tonight. Looking at your photos, reminds me that this too will pass!! Our Lily of the Valley is coming in great. I received a small patch from my boss when I worked. This was at least 16 years ago. Now, it is a very large patch! Every year when they come up, I think of her.

  12. Helen Edwards says:

    Lilies of the Valley are one of my favorites too and I love to put Bleeding Heart flowers, another favorite, with them in a vase. Mrs. Eslinger our neighbor when I was growing up planted the Lilies of the Valley in the small garden between our homes. I love when they bloomed and the smell evokes memories of childhood for me. I am happy there are still people out there who still love them because I have know people who tear them out.

  13. Mary Jo Mueller says:

    I gave my 91 yr old mother a bouquet of lilies of the valley just the other day. We also love them. I feel like we are kindred spirits- you and I. I am looking forward to the new book.

  14. Judy Young says:

    Great post, as always. Happy Memorial Day everyone! It has rained here in North Texas almost every day this May, but most of our lakes are full and the gardens are all as green as can be. My peonies have come and gone, but the knockout roses are going strong. I have to go to the webstore this weekend and order the new book, can’t wait! Two books, how lucky are we?

    • Chris Wells In Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Can you believe this weather? It is so green here. It has been a long time since it has been so green. We have had almost 6″ of rain this month. I know you have had more, but that is amazing for us out here! I have a green lawn! It has truly been spring!

  15. Ann C says:

    The Children’s Walk to the Sea…. such a beautiful tradition. To see those lovely young boys and girls carrying the American flag with pride is heartwarming- especially given the things we see in the news these days. They are being taught well… and they are our future.
    Can’t wait for your new book!!!!

  16. Elaine McGuire says:

    Thank you as always for the wonderful, beautiful posting! I love lily of the valley too! In high school I wore Muguet De Bois perfume by Coty. I should say I “over” wore it, so much so that my mother would threaten to turn the garden hose on me!! 😉 Now they fill my garden with their wonderful aroma and sweet nodding blooms. Susan you lift us all up with smiles, dreams and memories!

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Taking a moment of course to reflect on the brave sacrifices of those who have given their lives for this great nation. God bless us all!

  17. Marion Rose says:

    Blessed Memorial Day—–My Lily of the Valley are in bloom———-My Bluebirds have nested in my Bluebird house. The male sits on my planter
    keeping watch over his home. He brings those green worms to his mate.
    Wish we had many more birds to eat all those worms from the Winter Moths!!!!
    Yes—–all the snow birds have come back to our beautiful Cape Cod. It’s almost Summer——-Enjoy Your weekend Just heard that some
    low places will get a frost tonight——hope our yard is high enough not to be
    nipped at by old Jack Frost——-Good night

  18. Miss Spenser, my daughter, is finishing up A Fine Romance as I type..we are heading to England tomorrow to celebrate her graduation from college. She keeps interrupting my thoughts, ‘Look at her face here…so happy to see Beatrix’ home.’; ‘Joe just asked her if she was okay when she climbed into the car…’ Such a great book…can’t wait for the next one! Keep up the fairy tales…we like climbing in them!

  19. Shelley says:

    Hi Susan,
    Just love reading about your life, it just seems wonderful! I bet you don’t know how much joy you bring into so many lives, keep up the good work ! I was lucky enough to have met you last year at a book signing in Pasdena, ca. You were terrific ,
    Have a wonderful week-end and I can’t wait to read your new book!!!

  20. Dorothy says:

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to all. Thanks, Susan, for the lily-of-the-valley…haven’t seen a real one in a long time. Your island looks so beautiful now in the springtime. May you enjoy every moment.

  21. Gail Buss says:

    Hi Susan, Just thinking about those pretty little Lilly of the Valley flowers. When I worked at the school, one of the teachers would bring me a little bud vase of them each year and they were so sweet. We are still such good friends. Also, I know what you mean about you love to see the people come for summer and then like to see them go. We feel the same way too about snowbirds that come down to Florida for 6 months and then go back up North. Hope you have a lovely Memorial Day. Hugs, Gail xoxo

  22. Cindy Taylor says:

    Love love love the lily-of-the-valley! I have a few plants I put out 20 years ago last year was the first time they bloomed. This year I had so many blooms! I am so thrilled with my yard right now everything is bloomed out. And the problem is I haven’t been able to enjoy it for about a week. I’m onward to Alaska tomorrow. I can’t wait.

  23. Anne Rowe says:

    Third time a charm? Tried to post twice before…would not work…hmmmm. Love the flowers….kitties….news about the new book…glad to see you back…missed you alot. OK, Vanna…send one of those books west in New England to NH please?

  24. Janet C says:

    Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend! I hope to spend a good portion of mine reviving my “Susan Branch garden” which is in sad, sad shape. Your pictures motivate me! Love your blog.

  25. sharon says:

    So love following your blog. Enjoyed meeting you at Strawberry Patches in Bakersfield on your book tour, love A Fine Romance. Will be enjoying a short visit to Martha’s Vineyard with my tour group in August, counting the days. Look forward to your new book! Thanks for all the inspiration☺

  26. Deb says:

    What a wonderful tradition – those adorable children, carrying flags and bouquets of flowers that they throw into the sea in memory of those who have fought and died for our country.

    We had Lily of the Valley on our wedding invitations! What a wonderful memory.

    I’ve never seen the old  Pride and Prejudice with Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier. Have to see that!

    Have a wonderful weekend and keep working hard on that book! You’re a brilliant writer!

  27. Nancy West says:

    Dreaming a “Fairytale Girl” dream, wishing on a star, and blowing out the candles and making a wish on my birthday cake in September as I turn 65 years old that I will get to take a trip to Martha’s Vineyard THIS year! Wouldn’t that be THE BEST FAIRYTALE?
    Can’t wait for the book. I hope I win.
    Incidentally, I’ve been doing lots of cleaning, sorting, and organizing at my house. Yesterday I found a stack of your beautiful recipe pages, torn out of COUNTRY LIVING magazines, way back in 1987, 1988, and 1989. I treasure them. That is when I fell in love with your art.
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
    God Bless the USA!

  28. Laurie G says:

    Spring on your island is sooo beautiful. The children marching to the sea with their flowers is so sweet. Some day I hope to visit your island.

  29. Mo says:

    Winter almost here in NZ days are getting crisper and the nights are getting longer – missing summer already! New book sounds exciting!

    • sbranch says:

      Ooooh, you start something with talk like that . . . those crisp days ~ although we have them now, on the other end. A little softer than crisp, but still with the chill in the air and the wonderful sunshine. Enjoy Mo!

      • Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

        Love your perfect description of these chilly late spring days…..”a little softer than crisp.” Hugs!

  30. Linda Campuzano says:

    So glad to see your new book will be published soon. I already know what I am giving my sister for Christmas. Thank you for that. Also, I always enjoy seeing photos of your home, your town and all the goings on. What a wonderful place to live.

  31. Ivy Zabala says:

    Thank you for all the beautiful pictures. MV is on my bucket list. Someday!

  32. Happy Memorial Day Weekend, Susan. It’s a Bank Holiday Weekend here as well. Whitsun. Love, LOVE that picture of Jack peering at the edge of the table. He looks ready to pounce! I am waiting ever so patiently for your book. Reading A Fine Romance for the fourth time in anticipation. It just never gets old. Happy Days! xoxo

  33. Susan on Bainbridge Island, Washington state says:

    Dear Susan, I like you love the summers on the island (my island) because, like you and fills with tourists in the summer, and is a bustling community and then when labor day comes, it settles again…back to the quiet, normal way of life….I love it so. I loved seeing the lily of the valley….My Grandmother was from Norway and that flower was very special to her..She always had it growing in her garden..Oh, the smell was heaven and whenever I see it, she is in my mind and my heart immediately…thank you for that memory again….I already commented on the other blog …but would love to comment again about your up and coming book.I am so thrilled to see this coming to fruition…and I just CANNOT WAIT to read it….. I can only imagine how fun it will be….xo

  34. Cheryl says:

    I love Lily of the Valley, it smells heavenly. I’m looking forward to your new book. Please put my name in Vanna’s hat and thanks! Have a wonderful weekend!

  35. Vicki says:

    Priceless photo of Jack peering/lurking with wild eyes…

    The Lily of the Valley is beautiful; I haven’t seen any of that where I live on the West Coast. It looks so…perfect.

    I enjoyed the Children’s Walk To The Sea. What a unique thing, and the bright (patriotic) colors in your photo really popped. Thanks for sharing the wonderful tradition of the island. It seems like another world to me.

    I wish I was one of those tourists.

    Lovely artwork on the garden and food for the holiday. It makes for such a pretty and inviting post.

    I read here and wrote here just now, trying to calm my anxiety, while my husband was going over every inch of our house and property with a flashlight and something that looked like a stethoscope (I probably spelled that wrong)…after midnight, like 1:00 a.m.(!)…trying to find out why we’re hearing water in the pipes, fearing we have a leak in the walls…such a terrific thing to be thinking about after a long day and also at the start of a holiday weekend when plumbers are probably $200/hour. Anyway, I can go to bed now; he says it’s not us…there’s something going on at the street level, i.e. a City problem. I was beginning to feel REALLY sorry for myself because weekend plans DO NOT include a major plumbing issue!! SO glad I had a Susan Branch post for distraction!

    • sbranch says:

      Hooray for the outcome of the mystery! Fingers crossed it stays that way!

      • Vicki says:

        Yes, the City came out (on holiday weekend overtime pay!) and it’s the service to the main line, not the service to the house; they’re hoping we don’t spike a geyser of water coming out of the street asphalt before they can work on it but all I can think of is the sad loss of critical water in a critical drought. Just looked at your weather report and you’re in for some hot, steamy days…maybe not as hot as the mainland, fingers crossed for you, too!

  36. Pam says:

    The photo of Jack peeking over the edge of the table made me laugh, so cheeky. ‘What’s that up there, what am I missing?’ 🙂 Those lily of the valley are gorgeous. My mum used to have some in the garden and the smell was wonderful. We don’t have any here, maybe I should rectify that.

  37. Pam says:

    P.S. I hadn’t noticed the missing flower petals on the cover of the book, have just been back to have another look.

  38. Bebe says:

    What a lovely post! I enjoyed so much seeing all the wonderful pictures ~ your site is a delight!!! 🙂

  39. Stephanie says:

    Lily of the valley and a new book ~ lovely.

  40. carmen mays says:

    I love your blog. We have Lily of the valley in Ohio but it isn’t in bloom yet.
    The smell is just heavenly..

  41. Diana from Tennessee says:

    I so wish I was there to view the parade! Happy Memorial Day!

  42. Terri says:

    That parade! Those precious faces! The flags and little fists of flowers! It just made my red, white and blue heart overflow! Thanks for sharing the story and pictures and always so much more with all of us!

  43. CarolK from NJ says:

    Every time I see pictures of your garden it makes me wish I had the same but I have to be satisfied with pots and plants all over the deck because the deer would ravage then if they were in the year. Sometimes I count as much as 30 coming through the yard! Have a magical Memorial Day weekend. Oh, I attended an on-line auction yesterday and guess what! I won the bid on 4 Beswick Beatrix Potter Figures ~ the Taylor of Gloucester, Ribby, Johnny Town Mouse and Mrs. Tittle Mouse. What a thrill……Jersey hugs……

    • Elaine in Toronto says:

      Carol, you must have been so excited to win those Beatrix Potter figurines. I started my collection not too long ago and have 32 of them. I keep a list in my purse because you never know where one might turn up. It’s always fun to be on the lookout for them.

  44. Mary Lou says:

    Just returned from a dream – a long awaited trip to Scotland. You inspired me to travel at 71 – it was well worth the sore knees. lol Bless you , and much success with the new book (s). <3

  45. Elaine in Toronto says:

    When I was a child, oh so many years ago, we would pick Lily of the Valley and put food colouring in the water, red or blue. As the stems drank the water the little veins in the flowers would turn colour. So delicate and so pretty. I have a bouquet of them with bleeding hearts on my dining room table. They smell so wonderful.

  46. Sue says:

    Susan, I loved the picture of Jack peering out at the world’s excitement. Those eyes are priceless and really say it all.

    Lily of the Valley was my mother’s favorite flower as well. I still wear a Lily of the Valley cologne in summer that is such a light, wonderful fragrance for the hot days of Houston.

    It was nice to see the birds enjoying your flowers, garden, and bird bath. I had a wonderful surprise visitor to my front yard recently…a Pileated Woodpecker! He was the size of a B-52 and came zooming in with a brilliant flash of red. My bird book says they get up to 17″ long and this guy was every bit of it — he looked like a young chicken, he was so huge. I hope he hangs around. Oddly enough, at the same time I was seeing my somewhat unique visitor, a close friend called from Georgia to say he’d just seen a Great Horned Owl in his tree! How fun that we had our surprise guests at the same time.

    Keep up the hard work on your book. We girlfriends are chomping at the bit to get it in out hot little hands!

  47. Linda Bedson says:

    It is impossible for me to imagine all the work that goes into publishing one of your beautiful hand-written books. They are such a treat to read. My friend and I call “A Fine Romance”, the most wonderful book EVER! We both read it very slowly, trying to make it last . . . and last. But, it eventually came to an end. So, we are very excited for “The Fairy-Tale Girl”!

  48. Janet G says:

    Love your kitchen garden! It would be a dream come true to have a garden like that. Maybe some day…

  49. Laura Ann in Vermont says:

    I went for a walk in the woods the other day and saw a shady hillside covered in Lily of the Valley. So pretty! The friend I was walking with didn’t notice them at all and didn’t seem interested when I pointed them out. Funny how people are so different! (She doesn’t know the names of any of the birds either.)

  50. Lisa says:

    Oh so surprised to see another post so soon filled with so many goodies! Thanks for the extra time to try for the book! So excited to get my hands on one. You truly are a very special lady with a very special man.
    Happy Memorial Day weekend to all! And good luck to everyone concerning the drawing.

  51. Hi Susan, I want to thank for the movie suggestion:”The well diggers daughter”…I found it on Netflix and really enjoyed it. It is always good to share suggestions with friends. I certainly, would love to win a copy of your new book…
    so grateful for your blog and all the fun suggestions..
    Hope your weekend was great…

  52. Karen V from CT says:

    Thanks for the summery pictures, I’m always envious of your bird feeders up during this nice weather, we can’t keep them up here because we get the occasional visit by black bears. Unfortunately,they love the birdseed as much as the birds do!
    I put in a vegetable garden inspired by yours last year, and I’m wondering if you put down anything in between the raised beds to keep down the weeds. Mulch? In your photo, it looks like just bare ground for now. Any tips? We do get the grass and weeds growing in between so any advice will be appreciated. Thanks! I love having that kitchen garden, planting my veggies this weekend!

  53. Tricia says:

    Hi Susan! Can’t wait to read your new book!

  54. Deb K says:

    I enjoyed your post so much. The lily of the valley are delightful, I’m inspired to plant a corner of my garden with them so I can pick them en masse. You have opened my eyes and lifted my spirit, Girlfriend. Have a lovely weekend.

  55. Peggy H. says:

    Dear Susan, Just wanted to say that not only do your blogs make each day a more happy day, but lots of the comments from “Girlfriends” all over the world do the same! What happy memories you and they bring along with them. “Spring flowers for the Mary altar in May”…… and back come swirling happy memories of picking pansies with my father to take to school for the altar. Does the heart good. Thank you, thank you all; what a gift! Peggy

  56. Kathy says:

    Your posts are always like a breath of fresh air! As I read yours today, I thought what a wonderful way to start this glorious weekend. Thanks…I can’t wait to read your new book.

  57. Ann says:

    I just added “plant Lily of the Valley” to my garden to do list.

  58. Cathye says:

    Hey, Susan,

    Because you always share so much with the rest of us reading your blog, I’d like to share these quotes with you, knowing that you love the written word as much as I do. Perhaps they’ll find a way into one of your books or blog posts.
    ALso, we’re both artists.

    “I’ll never have enough time to paint all the pictures I’d like to.”
    Norman Rockwell
    “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”
    Henry Ford

  59. Janice Nelson says:

    We moved recently and I just unpacked all my Susan Branch books. Cannot wait to add another!

  60. Donna Ackermann says:

    Susan, I was greatly received to see your posts. It had been such a long time and was getting worried about you and Joe. Can’t wait to see the book! You make my day!

  61. Linzey Joy says:

    Just read about your new book – EXCITING !!!!!!!!! I don’t think I can wait till August!

  62. Tricia says:

    Ahhh Spring! I love the pictures! Can’t wait to see your new book!

  63. AngieTink says:

    Good~Morning ♥ Sweet Sue! This Blog~Post is Scrumptious! 🙂 I L♥ve Today’s Musica! “Frolicing~Vanna” I Can See Her Twirling in Your Garden…. Bothering Joe! lol 😉 Those Photos Of Jack & Girl~Kitty Sweet Purrrrfection…..Just A Quick Wish For You & Joe & The Kitties For a Safe Fun Relaxing Memorial~Day Weekend! Yay! Let The Summer Begin! OMG! 🙂 xoxo Poof! 🙂 🙂 🙂 (Red White & Blue Pixie~Dust Everywhere!) ♥ ♥ ♥ 😉 P.S. The Missing Petals On Your New Book! He L♥ves You! xoxo 🙂 P.P.S Herbster & I Are Stayin’ HOME We Shall Be Chillin’ & Grillin’ Lots of Yummy Things With Lots of Icy~Cold Drinks! Yay & Yum 🙂 ♥

    • sbranch says:

      Have a wonderful day Angie!

      • AngieTink says:

        🙂 Thank~You Sweet Sue! We Had a Blast! 🙂 Now For The After~Holiday Chores! Yikes! lol Wishing You A Delightful Week! I Know You Are a Very Busy~Bee (Buzzzzzzzzzz) Working On The Book! Yay! 🙂 Sending Love & Hugzzz & Always a Bit of Pixie~Dust! xoxo Poof! 😉

  64. Danella on the Canadian West Coast says:

    Summer is definitely here on the west coast. Being able to sit outside for our morning coffee on the weekends has been great. Sitting with our coffee and books and watching the hummingbirds is such a treat. Reading your book would be wonderful. Thanks for another lovely post.

  65. Andrea Vlahakis says:

    Ah, the Lily of the Valley… My grandfather loved flowers; his garden was such a festival for my young eyes. But his favorite were Lily of the Valley. They lined the side of his house, all along the walkway–beautiful in such mass. And the aroma? You could swoon from their fragrance. So, dear Susan, I need to thank you for those photos so very much! You’ve brought back such lovely memories!

  66. San says:

    What a wonderful idea for summertime reading on the porch! Thank you for sharing.

  67. sondra fox says:

    WOW Susan, you gave us a post to enjoy, very soon after last week’s post! Amazing how your energy flows. If I were writing a book, I’d totally block out all other activities, in order to meet my goal. Not you. You always think of us & how we miss your posts. Thank you Susan.
    Here in CA, I’m totally enjoying our misty days, which hopefully will continue through June. Cool. That’s what I love. When the heat of summer arrives, I’ll hibernate under a rock somewhere.
    I too love Lilies of the Valley. Had them all around my Gram’s house, in PA, when I was growing up. I agree with you, their smell is heavenly. I bought a bag of bulbs to plant, but here in CA I doubt if they do well. We’ll see. I’ll let you know the outcome.
    I have a Finch feeder exactly like yours. Love to see the Finch’s have a gathering. The Finch’s here aren’t as colorful as the ones who come to your feeder. The males do have a faint yellow to them though.
    I’ll soon be one of those tourists coming off the ferry, there on your island. We won’t bother you, but we will walk past your home to view what has become familiar to me from your posts. You are so blessed. I know you know that.
    The many birds in my yard are singing a symphony this morning. How I love hearing them sing.
    My flag has been up all week, flying to commemorate the brave men & women who have served our beautiful country. God bless us everyone. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

  68. Frances Fowler says:

    Susan, I am so excited about your new book! You are very correct — we are never too old for fairy tales. Or a sense of wonder at every full moon, or delight in Halloween, Santa Claus, or how flowers bloom every year, or how things we love in our home bring new happiness every day. My parents have a goldfinch feeder, and they are absolutely beautiful! And btw, that is one gorgeous stone bird bath. Happy Memorial Day to all; the official opening of summer, but also a time to remember the sacrifices made for our country by men, women, and the thousands of incredibly courageous military dogs who gave their all.

  69. barbara kirk says:

    Love seeing the children and teachers waving their flags,marching to the sea….what a wonderful tradition! I’m a pre-k teacher and seeing those kidos warms my heart!

  70. Jackie Zoellner says:

    Thanks for the reminder that spring is really arriving!! I’ve planted flowers this morning with the firm hope that there will be No More FROST here is Wisconsin!!!

  71. Judy Dow says:

    Happy Memorial Day weekend! So fun when we hear from you! We have been feeling a bit sorry for ourselves. My hubby had foot surgery yesterday and is couch bound for TWO weeks! We are missing parades, fireworks, and our towns 150th birthday party. But then today we realized how blessed we are to be in our home and yard and NOT have to go anywhere! I know I could easily spen two months at home if groceries weren’t an issue! I think I’m wearing off on my hubby.have a wonderful weekend, remember to take some time off to smell the roses…I mean Lily of the Valley! Love, lucy

  72. Barbara Fruehe says:

    Love, love, love…everything you share with us. Looking forward to your new book! Thank you for sharing.

  73. toni baumgard says:

    Lillies of the valley! Be still my heart! toni

  74. Lynn Cooper says:

    I wrote the potato salad recipe down since I could not get it to print and could not find it in all of your cookbooks. I can’t wait to make it.

    I love that the schoolchildren in Vineyard Haven toss the flowers into the sea. Your local parade seems a wonderful way to begin the upcoming summer season.

  75. Karen Lotito from Aquebogue, NY says:

    Hi Susan! Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you and Joe! I just cut some big iris for the little pottery vase that my cousin Susan made me on her pottery wheel. It’s a beautiful day in our Smallville world of Aquebogue on Long Island’s North Fork. We are looking forward to getting our boat in the water and catching some yummy fresh fish. It’s a beautiful thing to be patriotic and celebrate our freedom. Many thanks to those who gave some and those who gave all so that we can enjoy all those things we love like BBQs, a lawn chair on a porch watching the birds and flowers, gazing at the stars, sharing with family and friends. Enjoy!

  76. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Loved the photos of the Memorial Weekend kick-off on Friday! Such a fun tradition and makes one feel very festive indeed. I took full advantage of the pre-book order from you last blog post to make sure I secure my copy with no waiting, cause I can’t wait to read it all slowly to enjoy the art work and story details!

    Hope you are enjoying some fun activities outside this weekend with friends too. I agree it is officially Summer! Hey, do you remember that you could finally wear white clothing and shoes come Memorial Day weekend?? It just wasn’t considered proper to dress in white until the end of May. Of course it was followed by Labor Day which meant wearing no more white until the next year Memorial day. It seems weird to day but I still follow that tradition even though I live in Florida! LOL!!

  77. Bridget says:

    Hi Susan,

    In the midst of chaos, (creating my first ever blog and helping my husband renovate a foreclosure we were lucky enough to purchase) your blog is a breathe of fresh air! I always feel so rejuvenated when I read it. Also, I just stitched a sweet friend a pillow with some of your beautiful fabric! Thanks for doing what you do.

  78. Donna C says:

    Just had to say how happy this post made me feel and I laughed out loud at Jack’s big eyes looking over the table top….how cute he is!

  79. merry says:

    Happy Memorial weekend! Here’s to safe travel to the Vineyard and here at the Jersey shore and to this glorious weather.

  80. Heidi says:

    Lily of the Valley are Soooo beautiful! A lady on craigslist here was giving away boxes of them! I took all she had, and planted them under my roses. They do creep, so will eventually cover. It’s very much a cottage garden here, so will be perfect. Can’t wait until I can make bouquets with them like yours! Can’t wait for the book…. it will be PERFECTly wonderful I’m quite sure!! Thanks for the great post… but I can believe it’s almost JUNE!!

  81. dewena says:

    Susan, Glad to see new posts. Missed you. It just dawned on me. I think what makes you and all of us so happy about your blogs, pics of your glasswear, the garden, the island, your books, your calenders, your paints, flowers, etc. Is the beautiful colors!!! I just can’t imagine a world without color!!! Thank you, can’t wait for new books!!

  82. Julie H from Michigan says:

    Hi Sue, So looking forward to reading your new book! Love your photos of flowers, birds and your cats. Don’t you just love spring? It is my favorite season. Love to see different flowers blooming everyday…the earth is awakening from its sleepy winter.

  83. Cindy Duncan says:

    Hi Susan,

    I was thrilled when I read that you were writing another book. I bought your book about your trip to England for my mother and I. We both loved it. My mother grew up in Massachusetts and has family in England so your book brought out many memories and warm hearted discussions. I can’t wait for both of us to read your new books.

    Cindy Duncan

  84. Kathy H says:

    Susan – So excited about the new book. You always give me a lift when I read your work. Thanks!

  85. Elaine from MN says:

    If I can’t find my comments, how’s Vanna going to find me? Thought I’d try this again.
    I have given your books to my family and friends before, but I think this one would be a wonderful birthday present for myself!
    I love seeing Spring through your eyes … actually, I love seeing everything through your eyes. Thank you again for all the wonderful photos and recipes!

  86. heidi shorts says:

    love seeing you in my inbox, adding to the inspiration for this 3 day weekend:) note to self: MUST.PLANT.LILIES of the VALLEY! thank you, once again, for eye-candy, warm thoughts and a reminder that dreams can come true…xo

  87. Carolyn W says:

    I carried Lillies of the Valley at my wedding in 1971. Even though I live in a hot climate now and can’t grow them here, your photos took me back to the days when I loved seeing that first bloom of the year. Thank you for bringing back such a wonderful moment in my life.

  88. Amy in Texas says:

    Eagerly awaiting the new masterpiece!!!

  89. Carol Osborn says:

    Thanks for sharing your life – your writing and glimpses of life on Martha’s Vineyard. The children’s walk looks adorable. It is so much fun to watch children. I hope to visit Martha’s Vineyard some day – it looks incredibly beautiful!

  90. Debra Ann says:

    I love looking at Jack and Girl Kitty. It fills an empty space in my heart.

  91. Mary Valli says:

    Susan, thank you for all the thought and effort you put into these blog entries. It’s something I always look forward to receiving. The walk to the sea is very moving . . .
    I am SOOOOOOOooooo excited for your new book. I have two friends who will each receive a copy from me. Hang in there with your finishing touches!

  92. Leslie says:

    Love Lily of the valley. Smells so divine. Can’t wait for the new book – love the title!

  93. Am so anxious to see your new book! my mom used to do little sandwiches like that for us whenever we went on a picnic. She was forever the “hostess” and she loved it! I can still remember how fun it was to take a peek at what all the different sandwiches were! I loved good old tuna with celery and pickles in it… on nice soft squishy white bread…. Your recipes for the warm potato salad sounds so good.. and love those little white bells… I can almost smell them! Good luck getting your book ready in time!

  94. Susan Chicas says:

    I forgot to ask…is that your wedding picture on the cover of The Fairy Tale Girl? : ) To me, the girl’s hand looked like yours…

  95. Janeen says:

    Fairy Tale Girl. I like that title. I would like to live a fairy tale life.

  96. Carolyne says:

    O-o-o-ohhh~! How I’d love to win….even though I’ve just pre-ordered one. I know it will be another gift that my dear Mom and I will be giving to friends, just like “A Fine Romance”~! And how everyone does *love* it.♥
    Thank you for your fine writing and illustrating. And ‘Special Thanks’ to Joe for being a very Special Someone in your story.

  97. barbara lassiter says:

    I do think your new book is going to be wonderful. Since it’s coming out in August and that’s my birth month……I will treat myself to a copy for my present! I do think it’s okay to buy a birthday present for yourself, if it’s something you really want. And especially, if when you buy presents for others, you try to give them something they really want 🙂 Loved the pictures of the children’s parade….what a wonderful tradition! And last, but not least my favorite flower is Lily Of The Valley! They are such little bits of perfection and the fragrance is beyond compare. Happy Memorial Day.

  98. Susan Barnes says:

    I just love your blog Susan! Always a ray of sunshine and happiness!!

  99. Jolene says:

    Happy Memorial Day weekend; thanks for the chance to win a copy of your new book

  100. Christabelle says:

    Susan, what a lovely post! I’m sure you brought back memories to many “girls” of their high school years, when Muguet de Bois was all the rage. Your kitchen garden also reminds me of that scene in “It’s Complicated” where Meryl Streep is in her own wonderful kitchen garden where she holds a tomato close to her nose and closes her eyes. Her ex (Alec Baldwin) approaches and, with puppy dog eyes, asks, “Can I do anything … hold your basket?” Of course, it’s too late — life being what it is — as Steve Martin is the better choice for her now. But what a bittersweet moment. How wonderful that you not only have someone to “hold your basket,” but who is creating the very place to do that!

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