Welcome Willard People!

I knew you were coming so I got ready!  First off, click here for my new theme MUSICA (which you will understand if you’ve read the Willard ~ eeeek!). 🙂

And now, HELLO WILLARD PEOPLE! Welcome to the Blog! MusicaSince I wrote the Newsletter, guess what!? So excited and happy to tell you, that the Giveaway I mentioned has just been doubled ~ because look what showed up 

A Fine Romance by Susan Branch, Chinese version

Do you know what this is?  It’s

A Fine Romance by Susan Branch

in Chinese!

A Fine Romance

Here are my two children meeting for the first time.

Beatrix Potter Hilltop Farm in Chinese

Yes! It’s the just published (but only in China) Chinese version of our book A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English OneWorldCountryside. Now I have the extreme privilege, among other things, of taking the Chinese people up to Hilltop to see Beatrix Potter’s legacy! 



Who would have ever thought it possible!? I’ve been pouring over the book, looking at all the details. They did such a nice job. They even kept the watercolored first letters on every page because they thought they “looked pretty!” Even when I mentioned that it might not make sense in Chinese because those first letters have nothing to do with the text ~ they still wanted them which is one reason I really like this publisher!


It’s almost, page for page, exactly like the English version…and it’s a real book you can hold in your hands, because did you know, studies are showing that reading “real” books is healthier and increases intelligence? They are! 


See the little writing around the poppy? And the captions? They made sure all the movies were there and the music too! And where there are English words,they used a cute little handwriting font.miracles

Chinese version of A Fine Romance by Susan Branch

I’m trying to see it through their eyes. I wonder if they say the same stuff to each other in China? I bet they do.get-attachment.aspx


Now they know more about us than I ever imagined. They know that there are idiots all OVER the world. Isn’t that funny? I am happy to be an idiot in the quest for world peace. Chinese version Susan Branch A Fine Romance

Like this, now they know this! I signed the contract for this book over a year ago, but I didn’t realize how I girlartwould feel when it actually arrived. I’m honored, but not used to it yet. None of my other books have ever been in any language except English . . . But as the song goes, you are my lucky star . . .⭐️

Chinese version of A Fine Romance by Susan Branch

Here’s the recipe for Rachel’s Lemon Butter cookies! There Yikeswill be people in China eating Rachel’s cookies! I wonder if they changed the part about how Joe and I met and all of that ~ the one hotel room, the robe like armor, etc. Maybe one of you reads Chinese and can tell us!

IMG_4018I get to take them to Siobhan’s house too! I wonder if they have fairy lights and pink sofas in their kitchens the way Siobhan does? Probably they do! I hope some of them write me!Christmas lights


Notice the little bits and pieces, some of the English writing is still there, all the hearts, the captions, the watercolored underlines, the little arrows, are all still there. They took such good care! What a small world it is.

Chinese version A FINE ROMANCE by Susan Branch

Here we are about to discover King Richard’s childhood castle, remember?  And the arrows pointing to the castle ruins are still there! That Chinese lettering is so cute! If I would have been born in China I would have LOVED that handwriting. It’s like little pictures. They must all be artists over there!IMG_4001

Here’s the part in the book where I saw the Irish seagulls as the Queen Mary 2 passed under Ireland . . . in Chinese! I immediately sent a copy to the Thomas Crane Public Library because I was told they have a very large Chinese population in the Quincy (near Boston) area . . . it will be a surprise, I hope they like it!

And the rest of the books I kept. So far. I mean it’s only been a couple of days.

Fairy Tales do come true

Oops, there’s one right now!


Look at that watercolored title! So my thought is that we might have a little east meets west as our second my cup of teaGiveaway, and include, with a signed copy of our rare Chinese Romance book, a canister of that delicious Gingerbread Tea I mentioned in the Willard, perfect for the season! So even if you can’t read Chinese, you can have a cup of tea and look at the pictures! So now when you leave a comment, you’ll be entered for Two Giveaways, not just one . . . there will be Two Lucky Winners. We just doubled the odds!



All the books in both of these Giveaways can be  personalized just the way you’d like, including the out-of-print Christmas from the Heart of the Home. Which means you might have some pretty good little gifts here ~ a mug and some fairy tales are always appreciated at the holidays!


And you might be asking, will we be selling the Chinese book in our web store?  And the answer is, yes, kinda. We got a few of them, not very many, they are in our web store My favorite fairyright now . . . but they are expensive which probably has something to do with our dollar and their (what is it? Yen?). Plus, they cost a LOT to ship them over . . . so we don’t figure we’ll run out of what we have too soon. But IF we do run out, and IF you don’t get one and IF you still want one, the new plan is that we will then take preorders so we Fairy1know how many to get, and do a one-time purchase just for our Blog Girls. We’re not going to carry this book because of the cost, which is something around $40 each, but check it out if you think it’s something you might want to have. I don’t think there will be too many of them here in America, and they can always be an interesting conversation piece!

So now, let’s change the subject and do a littlehome cookingShall we? With Mas Musica? Oui! I’ve always just naturally gathered healthful winter fat to protect myself against wolves and starvation in the freezing cold, but already On a planethis year, from all the sitting, I’m afraid I could feed an entire wolf pack all by myself. So I’m looking to get a little healthier so that when I finish Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams (BTW, that’s a new little piece of art I did for the book yesterday ~ of me, on the plane, landing in Boston, singing my fear song ~ it’s dawn outside that window, on a very stormy day ~ but I digress big time), I can go out on the road and you will still recognize me!  So in the quest for that, I thought I’d give you Joe’s recipe for the most delicious, crunchy tender salmon steaks in the world!fat friendAnd just in case you’d like to make this, but good salmon is hard to come by in your neck of the woods, call Louie at the Net Result here on the Island (1-800-394-6071 and tell him Joey sent you) and he will overnight you the most delicious fresh fish imaginable, in a box also filled with Martha’s Vineyard sea air for which, believe it or not, he charges NOTHING ~ and they have everything, including oysters, clams, and Lobsters, fresh cod, and this delicious salmon.


The magic in well cooked salmon is in the crust! And no one does it better than Joe.cookingIMG_3636

If I was the one making this, I would ask Louie to cut off the skin for me. But Joe knows just what he’s doing . . . gets his sharp little knife under there and wastes not a shred. You definitely want the skin off so you can make it crusty on both sides.


Then he rinses it in cold water and pats it very dry with paper towels.Creativity is MagicIMG_3646

And cuts it into steaks


which he liberally peppers and sprinkles sea salt over . . 


He put the tiniest bit of olive oil in the pan — 2 tsp. — and heated it over high heat until, as he put it, the pan was “shimmering.” This is what a shimmering pan looks like.littlemagicIMG_3667

He added the fish to the shimmering pan, with the skin-side up, he then salted and peppered that side. The salmon cooked, uncovered, over medium high heat for about eight minutes until they were toasty brown. For good browning, none of the pieces should be touching each other. And if you have a thinner piece, like we did, make sure it cooks for a shorter amount of time.IMG_3669

When he turned them over, they looked like this. Already I want to pick off a piece of the crunchy crust, that little piece hanging off the left end of the piece in the front would be perfect thank you.cooking

salmon recipe

But I didn’t have long to wait. Another four minutes on that other side, and voila! Once again, Joe B. Hall shows dish towel art susan branchhis cooking genius, totally up to the magic. Tender in the middle, crisp on the outside, healthy all over! Serve it with a squeeze of lemon and a crisp green salad and you will go to bed laughing at how healthy you are.

Alrighty then! I’ve now managed to swallow up a large chunk of your busy day! I hope I’m satisfied. I COULD actually go on! I have tablescapes to show you, light and shadows, quilts! Oh yes, there will be more.Jane AustenOK, I hear you, but one more thing, please don’t worry if you haven’t gotten your Willard yet, they take four days letterto all go out, if you’ve signed up, but haven’t gotten yours by Saturday, let us know ~ be sure to check your spam folder first.) ~ And be SURE to leave a comment at the bottom of this post (click on those tiniest letters that say comment) so you’ll be entered in the drawing for the GiveAways! 

Oops, one more thing ~ I found this wonderful photograph I thought you might like to use as a screen saver for the season. Just click there. We’ll put it up in the web store under “Free Stuff” soon along with lots more festive things for the season ~ it’s that time of year!Susan Branch WinterOrchardHouseWinter Isn’t it gorgeous? We were just there a few months back ~ it’s Louisa May Alcott’s House, Orchard House, in the snow. So, romantic. Can’t you just see her and her sisters throwing snowballs in their long skirts? I’ll leave you (finally, whew!) with that lovely thought. Enjoy your day Girlfriends! God Bless our world, and especially beautiful Paris.  XOXOTime ...

And don’t think I did this all by myself . . .


it takes a village

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2,084 Responses to Welcome Willard People!

  1. Kathy Osborn says:

    Love all your books!

    • Pamela Knight says:

      Thanks for sharing your life….I just LOVE to live it all vicariously! My face hurts from smiling all the way through…but the pain is worth it!

  2. Donna G says:

    You are too funny! And fun! Your 2016 sounds like a whirlwind, whew! I am intrigued, and look forward to seeing those tablescapes mentioned . . . Thanks for the giveaways, bless your heart, and your Thanksgiving!

  3. Lee Gordon says:

    Wow, Susan and Joe…it sounds like a non-stop whirlwind of a year to come! I live in a household full of boys and men, so I appreciate your lovely and feminine books! You think like I do and find pleasure in books, music, nature and art like I do. I’ll be liking Vroman’s and hope to see you there!

  4. Lori in Texas says:

    How I’ve loved all of your books for YEARS! My favorite is Autumn because it helps me get through the Autumn-less Texas town I live in! Also, I do love all your pics of Autumn where you live! Helps me get through it down here with green trees and the A.C. running! ha
    I just last week finished reading Romance and will definitely pre-order the sequel! Thanks for all the light and love you send out to all your readers/friends!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe!

    P.S. Please enter me into the drawing!

  5. Monika says:

    That is so wonderful about your book. I have bought several copies of the English version to give as gifts and everyone has enjoyed the presents. You should feel very proud of your grand accomplishment. Enjoy the moments.

  6. Moon Lake says:

    Really enjoyed seeing the Chinese version of AFine Romance. Thanks for sharing photos. Just seeing the English pages made me think it’s time to reread your book. Great holiday reading. Wishing you and Joe a joyous holiday season!

  7. Patti Fitzgerald from southeast PA says:

    Susan, you’ve managed once again to calm my spirit and soothe my soul with your Willard and your Blog – – – and all of those beautiful paintings and photographs, oh my! With the current state of affairs in this world, believe me – – your words are a comforting balm to so many hurting hearts. I’ve created a folder in my e-mail which has your name on it, so that I can save your Willards and Blogs and go back to them each day for some refreshing and uplifting thoughts and musings. During this season of gratitude, I thank you, thank you, thank you for the gift of YOU, and all you give to so many of us who love your words and your pictures and your zest for life! May God abundantly bless you and your family for many years to come!

  8. Melissa King says:

    Writing “all the way” from little Truro, Nova Scotia 🙂 Love, love, love your books, blog, quotes etc. etc.! I just find something so cozy and quaint about it all; you have a real appreciation for life, the little things and what matters most. So Thank you for bringing a bit of calm,peacefulness and quiet. Cheers!

  9. Samantha L. says:

    I was so excited to come home and see a Willard waiting for me in my email! You have so much going on, how do you keep up with it all!!! I am so looking forward to seeing when your St. Louis and Nashville book signings will be! I live right smack dab in the middle of the two cities in Southern Illinois! Hopefully I can make it to one 🙂
    I cannot wait to see your adventure in Scotland!! Pack me in your suitcase!!

  10. Nancy J says:

    I so enjoy your blogs an Willards. They are charming. Loved the book about your trip to England. I bought more for my daughter and daughter in laws. Wouldn’t I be thrilled if my name got drawn to receive another one of your books!

  11. Melissa says:

    Have an amazing Holiday Season!

  12. sarita says:

    How exciting! I could never afford these. Thank you for the chance to win them and read your wonderful stories. I love LOVE and I love everything you do. You always brighten my day…:) xx

  13. Karen C (from NC) says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful Willard! It is such a sight for sore eyes after a long day at work. I enjoyed everything! Joe’s salmon recipe looks wonderful, and that’s saying a lot since I don’t like fish!
    I ordered your “I love Autumn charm”, and it came today in the mail! I was very pleasantly delighted! The pictures on the shopping site doesn’t do it justice! It will make a great gift for one of my stepdaughters.
    Have a wonderful rest of the week & of course of a very Happy Thanksgiving!
    Take care!

  14. Susan says:

    I can’t wait to go through the seasons with you, Susan B! You make everything so dear.

  15. Tracey says:

    Thanks for sharing your story. Your books, newsletter and blog are such a pleasure to read. I’m always looking forward to hearing what’s next.

  16. Cynthia Tench says:

    Each of your books bring joy to my heart and fills my senses. A Fine Romance is my favorite of all and stays by my bedside. I am hoping that you might do a similar book after you travel to Scotland. I know it will be pure magic if you do.

  17. Sarah from SLO says:

    Love that final picture of Orchard House in the snow. It really makes me miss winter living out here on the Central Coast of CA. I’m the girl who journeyed from east to west, but will probably journey back east in the not-to-distant future, or maybe even over the pond to England (sigh). Can’t wait for Island Dreams. I’ve just talked with my mom and added it to my Christmas List. Yay!

  18. Sarah from SLO says:

    Just realized I titled your book wrong in my comment. Sorry about that :/ I’m looking forward to reading Isle of Dreams!

  19. Marie says:

    How exciting is your world right next now, and the days ahead too! Thank you for taking us along!

  20. Carol says:

    You have your own personal sunshine that you share with all of us and it always brings a smile to my face no matter how stressful my day has been. Your words, your art, your kindnesses elevate all of us. Thank you!

  21. Pauline says:

    Enjoy your blog tremendously. Willard too!!!
    I’m looking forward to the movie. 🙂


  22. Chantal says:

    That salmon looks so yummy I can’t hardly stand it! Seriously, I’m a turkey lover, but I’m thinking salmon for Thanksgiving. Love your books, & I’ve tried many of your recipes over the years that I love.

  23. Linda says:

    I discovered The Fairy Tale Girl this summer. It has become one of the most memorable books ever and one that I have shared with all my friends. Looking forward to reading all the rest, too!

  24. Stephanie says:

    We are so grateful for your words of wisdom and glimpses into your days on Martha’s Vineyard. The Fairytale girl is so wonderful it can’t be put into words. Thank you for sharing these memories with us, even the ones it was difficult to right about. You teach us residence and that s something we’ll all need at one time or another. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe. We’ll send some of our Wisconsin snowflakes your way!

  25. Stephanie says:

    Oops! Resilience! I can’t even blame autocorrect for that. 😉

  26. Terri Mc from MO says:

    Wow are you ever going to have a busy 2016 ! I’ll be sitting at home filing my nails !! And reading about your adventures. Keep them coming.

  27. Robin says:

    Susan, thank you so much for your awesome Willard newsletters. I have always loved your work. And all you share in your letters to us all. I wish you the very best and all your dreams for 2016 come true.

  28. Val Linn says:

    Love your books and every entry you make on your blog makes me feel like I just had a visit with a dear friend..And a cup of tea…..

  29. Carol Carlson says:

    I’m a central Arizona girl and though I love our beautiful weather my Autumn and Winter are very different from yours so thanks for letting me enjoy yours through your blog.

  30. Barbara says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your creativity and your heart. You inspire and brighten my world.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  31. So excited about the Chinese edition! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and hopefully I will see you in Austin next year!

  32. Andrea McVety says:

    Just what I needed! So glad to receive your Willard. My husband and I were in Paris last week, a river cruise for our 35th Anniversary. Loved the intimacy of the smaller ship. Our ship was docked close to the Eiffel Tower. After dinner, we went to the top deck and toasted each other as it twinkled like a Giant Sparkler. So beautiful. We cruised down the Seine, each stop so wonderful. Everything in France seemed prettier, even their Cows! The countryside was gorgeous, the people so nice and forgiving of my awful French, and the food and wine never ended. The sky was like a Monet Painting. Paris was so romantic. We flew out and landed in Boston and heard the news of the attacks. We were heartbroken and also, very thankful to be home. Our families were frantic and my son and sister both asked us not to leave the Country again. (I could not promise that!) I send Love and Prayers to Paris. I so appreciate EVERYTHING at home on our return. Not just family and friends but cooking dinner, my kitties Lincoln and Hogan, Christmas shopping and your beautiful Willard. This Thanksgiving if the turkey is dry or the gravy is a little lumpy, I will not fret. We will bow our heads and be so very grateful for Life. Happy Thanksgiving Susan Branch.

  33. Diana Brito says:

    I own most everyone of your books. If I win I would share them with my friends. On a sidenote. YOUR COMING TO SAN FRANCISCO ! Waaaaahoooooo!

  34. Terry McM says:

    I love all your books, no matter what language they’re in! Thanks for your wonderful giveaway. Be safe in all your travels this next year!

  35. Shannon says:

    I love your work; your art, your writing! So beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  36. Darlene says:

    Oh, Susan, I love to hear from you via your blog! Your posts, photos, and thoughts always make me smile! In this season of thanksgiving, I am grateful for you.

  37. Marion Rose says:

    Oh that Salmon looks so Yummy——-So good for you. I agree with you, much
    harder to lose those pounds as you enter the best years of your life.
    Gee——more girl friends in China—–would you believe it!!!

  38. Deb says:

    Joy, joy, joy! Your new book! Available now for pre-sale!!! I will order one for my dear friend Pat and one for me. We devoured The Fairy Tale Girl! LOL oxo Deb

  39. ElFe says:

    TOO MUCH EXCITEMENT! Not really–First, congratulations on even being considered for the movies! (Not every author can say THAT!) Than, congratulations on the realization of the China book! And then, I truly hope you make it to Portland; I’ll do my part to make it happen; I love Powell’s). And last–the best part–I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEW BOOK TO C0ME OUT!!! I’ll be pre-ordering as soon as I say, “Good night.” Good night.

  40. Julie C says:

    Great Willard and Blog. I love your little helper. My Autumn and Fairy Tale Girl charms are on the way! I missed out on the Autumn charm the last time, so I made sure to get this time. Happy Thanksgiving and Kisses to the Kitties!

  41. Linda Kidd says:

    Susan, loved, loved the latest Willard and your blog!! I always look forward to both!! I have all your books, even the ones now out of print, and love them all. Have been buying them for years! Thanks for sharing all that’s going on with you and Joe. Can’t wait to see all your pictures! I will look forward to your book tour coming to the Atlanta area. I would love to meet you. I am giving two friends copies of “A Fine Romance” for birthday gifts. They are my travel buddies, so I think they will really enjoy it.

  42. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Anxiously awaiting the next book! Yes… 2016 looks exciting!

  43. Lois says:

    What an exciting, busy year you have coming up! I can’t wait to read your Fairy Tale books.

  44. Leigh A. says:

    I love getting a Willard! I love everything you do. Wish we had some cooler weather. Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway!

  45. I love Willard….and I love your books…thank you and keep them coming!

  46. Audrey. (by the sea) says:

    Now I know where you and Joe get all of your energy, it’s all that good food that you eat. Get ready for your 9000 mile journey!
    Someday I am going to meet you at a book signing. I just am! I don’t know how, but I just am! “If we dream it, we can make it so”…right?

  47. SusLee says:

    I so enjoy reading your blog, your books and Willard too!!!

  48. Beth says:

    I just love reading your posts…they ALWAYS make me feel good whatever the mood upon arrival at your site. It’s such a gift to be able to bring joy in such a gracious (and fun) way to others!
    At this time of giving thanks, I am grateful that I came across your books and Willard many years ago.

    Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to all,

  49. Deborah says:

    I adored your first 2 books and I can’t wait to read Isle of Dreams! And so excited about the possibility of a MOVIE! Happy Happy Day!!!! ❤️

  50. Donna says:

    I love all your books and hear your laughter and joy in your words. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe.

  51. Patti Ogden says:

    Yay, a Willard Day!!!! Love them, just like your wonderful books. Congratulations on the Chinese translation of A Fine Romance.

  52. Joanie from Portland says:

    Your Willard and Blog post are amazing. I so enjoyed reading them both! Thank you so much for giving so much of yourself to all of us. Your light shines bright in every corner of the world. God bless you and Joe this holiday season and I do hope you can take a little time for yourself!

  53. Marilyn S says:

    How fun to see your book in Chinese! Just goes to show that there are “girlfriends” the world over and we’re not all that different. Hope you have a wonderful cozy Thanksgiving!

  54. Janice Russell says:

    I have loved you since I read your first back in the late 80’s. I worked in a small bookstore, and when someone came in looking for a gift for a wife, mother, sister, friend, WHATever — I always recommened your book. In fact, you probably owe a lot of your early success to ME, don’t you think? 🙂
    My huks

    • sbranch says:

      I do owe it all to the word of mouth of my Girlfriends, this is a true thing. xoxo So thank you very much. I’ve enjoyed every moment of it.

  55. Suzanne says:

    I would love to be entered in the drawing. Lovely blog!

  56. Lucia Donahower says:

    Hello Susan,
    Congratulations on A Fine Romance being published in Chinese and on being approached by Hollywood! This is BIG!! You bring so much joy to your readers. You deserved all this good fortune.
    Best Wishes,
    Lucy in California

  57. Teje says:

    Hi Susan! I love your work! Super fantastic news to see your book in Chinese! They do have very cute letters. My sister lived for a while in Japan and some written presents from her are my favourites (now she lives in south England). I enjoy always so much reading your posts and your most beautiful photos! Can’t wait to see your new book! Finnish greetings from Greece! x Teje

  58. Susan (in VA) says:

    What a hoot to see your book in Chinese! One of the best parts of the English language versions of your books is, of course, the hand lettering but, from what I can tell, it looks like the captured some of the charm with the translation. (Not that I’d really know any different but the characters do seem to have a hand-made touch.)

    Thanks for sharing the picture of LMA’s house. It’s beautiful in the snow, isn’t it? I’ll bet it would be even more gorgeous with lights in the windows–so charming and welcoming.

  59. Chrissy says:

    I’m usually a little more “padded” as the weather approaches the colder side. As much as I love the beauty of the snow, I’m finding as I get older, I have less intention of getting out in it, or even getting inside chores done. It’s as though I should hibernate. I do love the tastes, sounds and visual beauty of the holidays. Thank you for the charming give-aways.

  60. Tina Gasparett says:

    Great blog. Please toss my name into the hat.

  61. Janie says:

    Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving as we reflect on our bounty and share with those who are in need. Thank-you!

  62. Emie says:

    I’m going to have to try Joe’s salmon recipe…. I usually make it on the grill so this will be perfect for the coming season when grilling time is (sadly) over.

  63. Diana from Tennessee says:

    What a year 2016 is going to be for you and Joe! Wow!! I so love your art and books! Thank you for sharing your life with us! XXOOXX

  64. Hello!! I love your books, your watercolours and your concept of home. Thank you for your giveaway. Kisses

  65. Susanb says:

    It’s has been fun reading all the new and exciting upcoming “stuff.” I am looking forward to the next book, pre-ordered last night along with other fun items. Scotland! That is super awesome! I am wondering about another travel book for all of us? Please, with sugar on top.☺️ I know it’s a lot to ask for, especially since you are working so hard on a book now. We just love your books so much! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I love that you love traditions and share yours. Traditions and homemaking are the heart of the home! I just had to use your words to say it, your words are the best. Thank you for spreading that feel good feeling we get inside.

  66. Mary Ann says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, but just got my first Willard. I’m in love! Thank you for adding me. And as much as I hate the thought of snow coming, your picture of Orchard House brought back so many memories. I grew up and raised my family in the next town, and spent countless hours in Concord or driving through. Am now a Cape wash ashore so will be anxiously awaiting your visit to the Brewster Ladies Library!

  67. Sandy says:

    Love your stories!! Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!!

  68. Judy from Maine says:

    As Thanksgiving approaches and we start to think out loud about what we are thankful for…I have to add Susan Branch, for everything you give us through your talent…through you, just being you.
    Thank you for all you’ve given to the world.

  69. Donna Bingham says:

    “She us too fond of books, and it has turned her brain”. Louisa May Alcott, of course! Thank you for your beautiful books in a world that sometimes seems upside down. I’m so grateful my brain has been ‘turned by books’ since childhood. Your work reminds me of all of that book love and the saving grace of Nature and Home.

  70. Chris H says:

    So looking forward to seeing and reading Isle of Dreams. Thanks so much for your blog and the Willards. Love love love them!

  71. Kathy H says:

    Thank you for offering another give-away and as always thank you for sharing your life in your blog writings. What an exciting year you have to look forward to. It’s difficult to decide which event will be the best. Enjoy the anticipation of it all as you celebrate this year’s holidays.

  72. Tatiana Oleksy says:

    I love all your books Susan. I would absolutely love to have a copy of your Christmas book!! Fingers crossed 🙂

  73. Bev Brewer says:

    Hi to Susan and Joe from the English Rose Tea Room in Carefree, AZ! Will keep this short and sweet, but congrats on all the wonderful events coming your way next year! So enjoyed the autumn and Willard posts and comments from GFs and especially the heartfelt “Grandma” memories. Also was nice to read about the husbands who cook—reminded me of some nice neighbors we had years ago where the hubby did all the cooking. His wife was a busy horse trainer and felt more at home in the corrals, but he did jokingly tell me she cooked a hot meal once and it was “peanut butter toast”! So funny!

  74. Tawni urrutia says:

    Dear sweet Susan,
    What a confetti year 2016 will be for you and Joe! I so hope, ok actually I’m begging you, that you will do a book signing in San Francisco!
    Super excited for Scotland! Traveling with you in England was so joyful and educational.
    Best wishes to you and Joe and Blog Daddy for a wonderful Thanks Giving. I am so thankful for you!
    Tawni Urrutia in Lodi, Ca

    • Jack says:

      Hi Tawney , seeing your post from Lodi reminded me that we had a fellow from Lodi in our flight crew in WW2. –short story — at Iwo Jima the ocean was always
      Turbulent ! In taking off , we ran into a huge swell that tore off one wing float
      (dangling) . As we were airborne , it was decided we would continue with our flight
      Searching for enemy submarines. So Jones from Lodi set up the 50 caliber machine gun and blew that dangling wing, float off the underside of the wing !
      On return — they had constructed a platform on a motorized raft for us to set that damaged wing float struts on , as we landed . As you can imagine we ( crew of 14)
      Were all happy to get back on our seaplane tender , anchored off – shore at Iwo.

  75. Laura says:

    Wow, where have I been to have just discovered you! I’m enchanted with your blog! Thank you for enriching my day, my brain, my senses.

  76. Kathy Wagner says:

    Hi Susan…Wish I had half your energy! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Joe and kitties. Thanks so much for sharing.

  77. Bonnie C. says:

    Lovely post as always- excited to see news about new books and ones from the past.Your giveaway sounds just wonderful!! Thanks for letting me inter for a chance to win!

  78. JAC says:

    Salmon looks delicious! Thank Joe for showing us how it’s done. Love your blog, I miss the Cape and Islands and it always brings me home.

  79. Lucy de Leeuw says:

    Susan, you touch the hearts and homes of the globe!!! Everyday is a new adventure with you. I can’t wait for tomorrow.
    Thanks again for your many inspirations, I am smiling as I type this. 🙂

  80. Claudia Litton says:

    Love your books & blog. Have all your Heart of Home books and would love to add
    More of your books to my collection. Claudia

  81. Kathleen from Philly says:

    How exciting that you are now bi-lingual! How did you ever learn in your spare time? 🙂 It will be interesting to see how it sells in China. I have all your books but occasionally I find one in a thrift or used books and buy it to give away to spread your joy & wonderfulness! More than ever, the world needs more of Susan!

  82. Mary Whiting says:

    Your blog is what I truly needed this morning. Over the last few days I have felt increasingly uncomfortable about our world. I said to my husband Rick the other night, “I wish we could just move to Martha’s Vineyard and live a quiet, life.” And here is your lovely blog with its quiet, cozy way of life. Thank you, Susan, for a little taste of what it should always be.

  83. Judy Ann Barrett says:

    Susan: I just pre-ordered your newest book “Isle of Dreams” and cannot wait to get it in March. Loved “Fairy Tale Girl”. Read it in one afternoon and wanted more! Thank you for the delicious salmon recipe. Cannot wait to try it. We usually grill ours outside, but now that the weather has turner colder, it will be perfect for indoors on the stove. I always enjoy your posts for the changing of the seasons. It always gets me fired up to re-decorate for the Holidays and get into the spirit and try new things. I was so happy about the movie/TV Rights for the books for you Susan. You should be able to have input in who plays the part of “You”! I think a perfect star would be “Rachel McAdams” who starred in “The Notebook”. I just love her and her acting. She would be a perfect young “Susan” just starting out! I am thrilled about maybe we will get to go to the movies and watch “Fairy Tale Girl” !!! Absolutely Love you and Your post! Can’t wait for each new one. They bring such joy to all our lives.
    Judy Ann

  84. Melanie in Texas says:

    I am so looking forward to your coming to Austin, TX in the Spring! My friend (Kat) and I are already planning the road trip! We have contacted Book People in Austin to request your presence! Love your art and state of mind!
    Can’t wait to read The Fairy Tale Girl (it’s supposed to arrive today). Loved A Fine Romance!

    • sbranch says:

      See you there Melanie, thank you!

      • Rachel Scott says:

        Melanie and Kat,
        I’m SO EXCITED that you will be coming to Austin. I live just north of there and have also contacted Book People requesting that they have Susan come. I’ve often wonder how many girlfriends there are in Texas and wished that we could all get together. Where do you and Kat live?

  85. Lynn B says:

    Hi Susan! I would love to add to my collection, which is very small still 🙂 One’s life could always use a little more charm and whimsy <3 Thanks for always offering such delightful giveaways!

  86. Kathleen says:

    I just adore getting my Willard fix! The Chinese book looks so fascinating I almost want to get on to put side by side to my copy and pour thru it, not that I can read Chinese, but what fun!
    Have a tea-rific Thanksgiving Holiday and I’m looking forward to meeting you on this next book tour 🙂

  87. Elizabeth G. says:

    Thank you for the giveaway, and thank you for the lovely snow picture! I’m keeping an eye daily on the forecast – hoping for the first snow of the season!

  88. Aggie says:

    Your books are all wonderful and beautifully done…..ever thought of a book for children starring Girl & Jack?

  89. Jeanette St. George says:

    I just emailed City of Lights Bookstore and asked if they would please have Susan Branch visit their shop for the many Northern California enthusiasts. If not I will just have to travel south to see you.

  90. Linda... Gardnerville, Nevada says:

    What pure joy and sweet sanity it is to read your blog, your books and of course, Willard in such a volitale time when this world is experiencing such insanity & violence. You draw us in with your thoughtful words, your charming art & your contagiously, delightful look-on-life!!! Our world should be colorful and more about: comfort, beauty, home, family & friends, peace and love! Thank you for bringing some of that into our ‘worlds’ !!! ~Linda

  91. Cindy in South Carolina says:

    I had already snagged your beautiful table top picture from the Willard as my new screensaver – because it has my name (Cynthia) painted on the leaf “placecard.” Please enter me in the giveaway.

  92. Hope says:

    How much does it cost to have Joe actually come and prepare the salmon for us? LOL!! I have never had salmon. Living in the Midwest on a cattle farm we have the other kind of steaks, but these look really good also. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

  93. cindy says:

    Susan, I just love opening my mail to find you there! What a great start to my day. The salmon looks so wonderful.

  94. Judy Covell says:

    Hi Susan, Enjoyed the new Willard so much. Your walk to the beach with your husband seems so enchanting. You get your exercise, chat and hunt for glass hearts all in privacy. Wishing you a great Thanksgiving!!

  95. Robyn Genau says:

    Yes! I think you are coming to sign your books in the greater Cincinnati area. I think it is as close to my hometown in No. Ky. as you’ve ever been. I am so excited and can’t wait to see you. This has made my day and truly given me something to look forward to.

  96. Karen Grabowski says:

    Please please please make a detour up through Pittsburgh on your way to Ohio!!!! I would dearly love to come to a signing! Thoroughly enjoy your website and pictures. Wish I was in every.single.one! Thank you!

  97. Pamela says:

    Sensational Susan,
    I just finished reading The Fairy Tale Girl and loved it! I grew up in your time period and so many memories came back as I read your story. I don’t know how I can wait until spring for the next part.
    Thank you for bravely sharing your life story with us in all its ups and downs and in between gloriousness, with a song in your heart as a constant and love for family, friends, hearth and home coming through in your words and images.
    Orchard House is on my travel list – Great photo and movie! Cry everytime at it.
    November Blessings to all of you and a sprinkle of sparkly fairy dust for good measure*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  98. Julie V. says:

    Thanks for the giveaways!

  99. Kathy B says:

    Willard was a breath of fresh air – – Always look forward to it.

  100. Pam says:

    Love your books – the cranberry sauce will make it’s annual appearance this week on my table!

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